--- /dev/null
+Protocol between the server and the clients
+Messages are sent through a UNIX-domain sequential packet socket
+and authenticated by automatic passing of user credentials.
+For every request, a reply is sent through the same connection.
+Pipelining of requests is currently not supported.
+All requests and replies are serialized as JSON objects. Requests
+have always the "cmd" attribute set to the name of the command.
+Replies always have the "error" attribute set; it contains an error
+message or an empty string to indicate success.
+Some operations require root privileges. Other operations are
+unprivileged if no login name present, or if it matches the UID
+of the requesting user.
+# No operation (unprivileged)
+ "cmd": "nop"
+# Create an account (privileged)
+ "cmd": "create-acct",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone"
+# Delete an account (privileged)
+ "cmd": "delete-acct",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone" # "*" to delete accounts in all zones
+# Create an authentication token
+ "cmd": "create-token",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone",
+ "comment": "optional comment"
+ "error": "",
+ "token": "new token",
+ "ident": "token id"
+# Delete an authentication token
+ "cmd": "delete-token",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone",
+ "ident": "token id" # "*" for all tokens for the login+zone
+# Change parameters of a token
+ "cmd": "change-token"
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone",
+ "ident": "token id",
+ "comment": "new comment" # optional
+# Set password for an account
+ "cmd": "set-passwd",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone",
+ "passwd": "new password"
+# Delete password for an account
+ "cmd": "delete-passwd",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone"
+# Create a temporary token
+ "cmd": "create-temp",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone",
+ "validity": seconds # Requested token validity
+ "error": "",
+ "token": "new token"
+# Authenticate a user
+ "cmd": "login",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "zone": "auth zone",
+ "passwd": "password or token"
+# List user's accounts and tokens
+ "cmd": "list-accts",
+ "login": "login name",
+ "error": "",
+ "login: "login name",
+ "accounts": [
+ {
+ "zone": "auth zone",
+ "tokens": [
+ {
+ "type": "token type", # passwd/token
+ "ident": "token id",
+ "lastmod": timestamp # UNIX timestamp of last modification
+ }
+ ...
+ ]
+ }
+ ...
+ ]
+# List known authentication zones
+ "cmd": "list-zones"
+ "error": "",
+ "zones": [
+ {
+ "name": "auth zone",
+ "desc": "human-readable description",
+ "allow-passwd": boolean, # Does the zone support passwords?
+ "allow-tokens": boolean, # Does the zone support auth tokens?
+ "max-temp-validity": seconds # Maximum validity of temp tokens
+ # (if no temp tokens supported)
+ }
+ ...
+ ]