\n{$D(m,n)$}{Decision tree complexity of MSF \[decdef]}
\n{$A(x,y)$}{The Ackermann's function \[ackerdef]}
\n{$A(x)$}{The diagonal Ackermann's function \[ackerdef]}
-\n{$a(x,n)$}{The inverse of the $x$-th row of the Ackermann's function \[ackerinv]}
-\n{$a(n)$}{The diagonal inverse of the Ackermann's function \[ackerinv]}
+\n{$\lambda_i(n)$}{The inverse of the $i$-th row of the Ackermann's function \[ackerinv]}
+\n{$\alpha(n)$}{The diagonal inverse of the Ackermann's function \[ackerinv]}
\n{$\alpha(m,n)$}{$\alpha(m,n) := \min\{ x\ge 1 \mid A(x,4\lceil m/n\rceil) > \log n \}$ \[ackerinv]}
Various sources differ in the exact definition of both the Ackermann's
function and its inverse, but most of the differences are in factors that
-are negligible in the light of the giant asymptotic growth of the function.
+are negligible in the light of the giant asymptotic growth of the function.\foot{%
+To quote Pettie \cite{pettie:onlineverify}: ``In the field of algorithms \& complexity,
+Ackermann's function is rarely defined the same way twice. We would not presume to buck
+such a~well-established precedent. Here is a~slight variant.''}
We will use the definition by double recursion given by Tarjan \cite{tarjan:setunion},
which is predominant in the literature on graph algorithms:
Three functions related to the inverse of the function~$A$ are usually considered:
-The \df{row inverse} $a(x,y)$ of the Ackermann's function is defined by:
+The \df{$i$-th row inverse} $\lambda_i(n)$ of the Ackermann's function is defined by:
-a(x,n) := \min\{ y \mid A(x,y) > \log n \}.
+\lambda_i(n) := \min\{ y \mid A(i,y) > \log n \}.
-The \df{diagonal inverse} $a(n)$ is defined by:
+The \df{diagonal inverse} $\alpha(n)$ is defined by:
-a(n) := \min\{ x \mid A(x) > \log n \}.
+\alpha(n) := \min\{ x \mid A(x) > \log n \}.
-The \df{alpha function} $\alpha(m,n)$ is defined for $m\ge n$ by:
+The two-parameter \df{alpha function} $\alpha(m,n)$ is defined for $m\ge n$ by:
\alpha(m,n) := \min\{ x\ge 1 \mid A(x,4\lceil m/n\rceil) > \log n \}.
-$a(1,n) = \O(\log\log n)$, $a(2,n) = \O(\log^* n)$, $a(3,n)$ grows even slower
-and $a(n)$ is asymptotically smaller than $a(x,n)$ for any fixed~$x$.
+$\lambda_1(n) = \O(\log\log n)$, $\lambda_2(n) = \O(\log^* n)$, $\lambda_3(n)$ grows even slower
+and $\alpha(n)$ is asymptotically smaller than $\lambda_i(n)$ for any fixed~$i$.
It is easy to verify that all the rows are strictly increasing and so are all
which covers all values of~$m$ that are likely to occur in practice.
-$\alpha(m,n) \le a(n)+1$.
+$\alpha(m,n) \le \alpha(n)+1$.
$A(x,4\lceil m/n\rceil) \ge A(x,4) = A(x-1,A(x,3)) \ge A(x-1,x-1)$, so $A(x,4\lceil m/n\rceil)$
-When $k$~is a~fixed constant and $m\ge n\cdot a(k,n)$, then $\alpha(m,n) \le k$.
+When $i$~is a~fixed constant and $m\ge n\cdot \lambda_i(n)$, then $\alpha(m,n) \le i$.
-The choice of~$m$ guarantees that $A(x,4\lceil m/n\rceil) \ge A(x,a(k,n))$, which
-is greater than $\log n$ for all $x \ge k$.
+The choice of~$m$ guarantees that $A(x,4\lceil m/n\rceil) \ge A(x,\lambda_i(n))$, which
+is greater than $\log n$ for all $x \ge i$.