jsou tentokrát popsané øetìzci místo jednotlivými písmeny, pøièem¾ popisky v¹ech hran vycházejících z~jednoho vrcholu se li¹í v~prvním
znaku. Vrcholùm \uv{uvnitø hran} (které padly za obì» kompresi) budeme øíkat {\I skryté vrcholy.}
-\tabskip=0pt plus 1fil
-\halign to\hsize{
-Trie pro $\{\hbox{AULA, AUTO, AUTOBUS, BUS}\}$ & \dots komprimovaná & \dots odolarovaná\cr
\s{Definice:} {\I Suffixový strom (ST)} pro slovo $\sigma\in\Sigma^*$ je komprimovaná trie pro $X=\{\alpha: \hbox{$\alpha$ je suffixem $\sigma$}\}$.
\s{Pozorování:} Vrcholy suffixového stromu (vèetnì skrytých) odpovídají prefixùm suffixù slova~$\sigma$,
jinde nevyskytuje. Neprázdné suffixy slova $\sigma\$$ odpovídají suffixùm slova~$\sigma$
a ¾ádný z~nich nemù¾e být vnoøený. Takový suffixový strom budeme znaèit ST\$.
-\figure{st-barbara.eps}{Suffixový strom pro slovo BARBARA}{0pt}
+\figure{baraba.eps}{Suffixy slova \uv{baraba}: trie, suffixový strom, ST s~dolarem}{\epsfxsize}
-Nyní jak je to s~konstrukcí suffixových stromù:
+\>Nyní jak je to s~konstrukcí suffixových stromù:
\s{Lemma:} Suffixový strom pro slovo $\sigma$ délky $n$ je reprezentovatelný v~prostoru $\O(n)$.
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+41.000000 5.000000 mt 41.000000 5.384900 40.833332 5.673575 40.500000 5.866025 ct
+40.166668 6.058475 39.833332 6.058475 39.500000 5.866025 ct
+39.166668 5.673575 39.000000 5.384900 39.000000 5.000000 ct
+39.000000 4.615100 39.166668 4.326425 39.500000 4.133975 ct
+39.833332 3.941525 40.166668 3.941525 40.500000 4.133975 ct
+40.833332 4.326425 41.000000 4.615100 41.000000 5.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 sclr
+41.000000 0.000000 mt 41.000000 0.384900 40.833332 0.673575 40.500000 0.866025 ct
+40.166668 1.058475 39.833332 1.058475 39.500000 0.866025 ct
+39.166668 0.673575 39.000000 0.384900 39.000000 -0.000000 ct
+39.000000 -0.384900 39.166668 -0.673575 39.500000 -0.866025 ct
+39.833332 -1.058475 40.166668 -1.058475 40.500000 -0.866025 ct
+40.833332 -0.673575 41.000000 -0.384900 41.000000 0.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+41.000000 0.000000 mt 41.000000 0.384900 40.833332 0.673575 40.500000 0.866025 ct
+40.166668 1.058475 39.833332 1.058475 39.500000 0.866025 ct
+39.166668 0.673575 39.000000 0.384900 39.000000 -0.000000 ct
+39.000000 -0.384900 39.166668 -0.673575 39.500000 -0.866025 ct
+39.833332 -1.058475 40.166668 -1.058475 40.500000 -0.866025 ct
+40.833332 -0.673575 41.000000 -0.384900 41.000000 0.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+41.000000 -5.000000 mt 41.000000 -4.615100 40.833332 -4.326425 40.500000 -4.133975 ct
+40.166668 -3.941525 39.833332 -3.941525 39.500000 -4.133975 ct
+39.166668 -4.326425 39.000000 -4.615100 39.000000 -5.000000 ct
+39.000000 -5.384900 39.166668 -5.673575 39.500000 -5.866025 ct
+39.833332 -6.058475 40.166668 -6.058475 40.500000 -5.866025 ct
+40.833332 -5.673575 41.000000 -5.384900 41.000000 -5.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+41.000000 -5.000000 mt 41.000000 -4.615100 40.833332 -4.326425 40.500000 -4.133975 ct
+40.166668 -3.941525 39.833332 -3.941525 39.500000 -4.133975 ct
+39.166668 -4.326425 39.000000 -4.615100 39.000000 -5.000000 ct
+39.000000 -5.384900 39.166668 -5.673575 39.500000 -5.866025 ct
+39.833332 -6.058475 40.166668 -6.058475 40.500000 -5.866025 ct
+40.833332 -5.673575 41.000000 -5.384900 41.000000 -5.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+51.000000 5.000000 mt 51.000000 5.384900 50.833332 5.673575 50.500000 5.866025 ct
+50.166668 6.058475 49.833332 6.058475 49.500000 5.866025 ct
+49.166668 5.673575 49.000000 5.384900 49.000000 5.000000 ct
+49.000000 4.615100 49.166668 4.326425 49.500000 4.133975 ct
+49.833332 3.941525 50.166668 3.941525 50.500000 4.133975 ct
+50.833332 4.326425 51.000000 4.615100 51.000000 5.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+51.000000 5.000000 mt 51.000000 5.384900 50.833332 5.673575 50.500000 5.866025 ct
+50.166668 6.058475 49.833332 6.058475 49.500000 5.866025 ct
+49.166668 5.673575 49.000000 5.384900 49.000000 5.000000 ct
+49.000000 4.615100 49.166668 4.326425 49.500000 4.133975 ct
+49.833332 3.941525 50.166668 3.941525 50.500000 4.133975 ct
+50.833332 4.326425 51.000000 4.615100 51.000000 5.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 sclr
+51.000000 10.000000 mt 51.000000 10.384900 50.833332 10.673575 50.500000 10.866026 ct
+50.166668 11.058475 49.833332 11.058475 49.500000 10.866025 ct
+49.166668 10.673574 49.000000 10.384900 49.000000 10.000000 ct
+49.000000 9.615100 49.166668 9.326425 49.500000 9.133974 ct
+49.833332 8.941524 50.166668 8.941524 50.500000 9.133974 ct
+50.833332 9.326425 51.000000 9.615100 51.000000 10.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+51.000000 10.000000 mt 51.000000 10.384900 50.833332 10.673575 50.500000 10.866026 ct
+50.166668 11.058475 49.833332 11.058475 49.500000 10.866025 ct
+49.166668 10.673574 49.000000 10.384900 49.000000 10.000000 ct
+49.000000 9.615100 49.166668 9.326425 49.500000 9.133974 ct
+49.833332 8.941524 50.166668 8.941524 50.500000 9.133974 ct
+50.833332 9.326425 51.000000 9.615100 51.000000 10.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 sclr
+51.000000 15.000000 mt 51.000000 15.384900 50.833332 15.673575 50.500000 15.866026 ct
+50.166668 16.058475 49.833332 16.058475 49.500000 15.866025 ct
+49.166668 15.673574 49.000000 15.384900 49.000000 15.000000 ct
+49.000000 14.615100 49.166668 14.326425 49.500000 14.133974 ct
+49.833332 13.941524 50.166668 13.941524 50.500000 14.133974 ct
+50.833332 14.326425 51.000000 14.615100 51.000000 15.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+51.000000 15.000000 mt 51.000000 15.384900 50.833332 15.673575 50.500000 15.866026 ct
+50.166668 16.058475 49.833332 16.058475 49.500000 15.866025 ct
+49.166668 15.673574 49.000000 15.384900 49.000000 15.000000 ct
+49.000000 14.615100 49.166668 14.326425 49.500000 14.133974 ct
+49.833332 13.941524 50.166668 13.941524 50.500000 14.133974 ct
+50.833332 14.326425 51.000000 14.615100 51.000000 15.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 sclr
+51.000000 20.000000 mt 51.000000 20.384901 50.833332 20.673576 50.500000 20.866026 ct
+50.166668 21.058475 49.833332 21.058475 49.500000 20.866026 ct
+49.166668 20.673576 49.000000 20.384901 49.000000 20.000000 ct
+49.000000 19.615099 49.166668 19.326424 49.500000 19.133974 ct
+49.833332 18.941525 50.166668 18.941525 50.500000 19.133974 ct
+50.833332 19.326424 51.000000 19.615099 51.000000 20.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+51.000000 20.000000 mt 51.000000 20.384901 50.833332 20.673576 50.500000 20.866026 ct
+50.166668 21.058475 49.833332 21.058475 49.500000 20.866026 ct
+49.166668 20.673576 49.000000 20.384901 49.000000 20.000000 ct
+49.000000 19.615099 49.166668 19.326424 49.500000 19.133974 ct
+49.833332 18.941525 50.166668 18.941525 50.500000 19.133974 ct
+50.833332 19.326424 51.000000 19.615099 51.000000 20.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 32.421875 22.500000] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+np 27.500000 15.000000 mt 27.500000 10.000000 lt st
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+28.500000 10.000000 mt 28.500000 10.384900 28.333334 10.673575 28.000000 10.866026 ct
+27.666666 11.058475 27.333334 11.058475 27.000000 10.866025 ct
+26.666666 10.673574 26.500000 10.384900 26.500000 10.000000 ct
+26.500000 9.615100 26.666666 9.326425 27.000000 9.133974 ct
+27.333334 8.941524 27.666666 8.941524 28.000000 9.133974 ct
+28.333334 9.326425 28.500000 9.615100 28.500000 10.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+28.500000 10.000000 mt 28.500000 10.384900 28.333334 10.673575 28.000000 10.866026 ct
+27.666666 11.058475 27.333334 11.058475 27.000000 10.866025 ct
+26.666666 10.673574 26.500000 10.384900 26.500000 10.000000 ct
+26.500000 9.615100 26.666666 9.326425 27.000000 9.133974 ct
+27.333334 8.941524 27.666666 8.941524 28.000000 9.133974 ct
+28.333334 9.326425 28.500000 9.615100 28.500000 10.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 30.236996 17.709072] concat
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 26.015625 17.000000] concat
+<62> -0.093750 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 24.921875 11.695312] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 32.250000 17.000000] concat
+<72> -0.093750 0.000000 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 29.921875 11.695312] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 29.765625 6.265625] concat
+<62> -0.093750 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 29.921875 1.695312] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 37.265625 20.765625] concat
+<62> -0.093750 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 46.000000 22.500000] concat
+<72> -0.093750 0.000000 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 47.421875 16.695312] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 47.265625 11.265625] concat
+<62> -0.093750 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 47.421875 6.695312] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 37.421875 16.695312] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 37.828125 11.718750] concat
+<72> -0.093750 0.000000 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 37.421875 6.695312] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 37.265625 1.265625] concat
+<62> -0.093750 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 37.421875 -3.304688] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+np 80.000000 25.000000 mt 70.000000 20.000000 lt st
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+np 70.000000 20.000000 mt 67.500000 10.000000 lt st
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+np 70.104866 20.052433 mt 72.500000 0.000000 lt st
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+np 80.000000 25.000000 mt 80.000000 -5.000000 lt st
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+np 80.000000 25.000000 mt 90.000000 5.000000 lt st
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+80.938774 24.969387 mt 80.938774 25.354288 80.772110 25.642963 80.438774 25.835413 ct
+80.105438 26.027863 79.772110 26.027863 79.438774 25.835413 ct
+79.105438 25.642963 78.938774 25.354288 78.938774 24.969387 ct
+78.938774 24.584486 79.105438 24.295811 79.438774 24.103361 ct
+79.772110 23.910912 80.105438 23.910912 80.438774 24.103361 ct
+80.772110 24.295811 80.938774 24.584486 80.938774 24.969387 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+80.938774 24.969387 mt 80.938774 25.354288 80.772110 25.642963 80.438774 25.835413 ct
+80.105438 26.027863 79.772110 26.027863 79.438774 25.835413 ct
+79.105438 25.642963 78.938774 25.354288 78.938774 24.969387 ct
+78.938774 24.584486 79.105438 24.295811 79.438774 24.103361 ct
+79.772110 23.910912 80.105438 23.910912 80.438774 24.103361 ct
+80.772110 24.295811 80.938774 24.584486 80.938774 24.969387 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+71.000000 20.000000 mt 71.000000 20.384901 70.833336 20.673576 70.500000 20.866026 ct
+70.166664 21.058475 69.833336 21.058475 69.500000 20.866026 ct
+69.166664 20.673576 69.000000 20.384901 69.000000 20.000000 ct
+69.000000 19.615099 69.166664 19.326424 69.500000 19.133974 ct
+69.833336 18.941525 70.166664 18.941525 70.500000 19.133974 ct
+70.833336 19.326424 71.000000 19.615099 71.000000 20.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+71.000000 20.000000 mt 71.000000 20.384901 70.833336 20.673576 70.500000 20.866026 ct
+70.166664 21.058475 69.833336 21.058475 69.500000 20.866026 ct
+69.166664 20.673576 69.000000 20.384901 69.000000 20.000000 ct
+69.000000 19.615099 69.166664 19.326424 69.500000 19.133974 ct
+69.833336 18.941525 70.166664 18.941525 70.500000 19.133974 ct
+70.833336 19.326424 71.000000 19.615099 71.000000 20.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+68.500000 10.000000 mt 68.500000 10.384900 68.333336 10.673575 68.000000 10.866026 ct
+67.666664 11.058475 67.333336 11.058475 67.000000 10.866025 ct
+66.666664 10.673574 66.500000 10.384900 66.500000 10.000000 ct
+66.500000 9.615100 66.666664 9.326425 67.000000 9.133974 ct
+67.333336 8.941524 67.666664 8.941524 68.000000 9.133974 ct
+68.333336 9.326425 68.500000 9.615100 68.500000 10.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+68.500000 10.000000 mt 68.500000 10.384900 68.333336 10.673575 68.000000 10.866026 ct
+67.666664 11.058475 67.333336 11.058475 67.000000 10.866025 ct
+66.666664 10.673574 66.500000 10.384900 66.500000 10.000000 ct
+66.500000 9.615100 66.666664 9.326425 67.000000 9.133974 ct
+67.333336 8.941524 67.666664 8.941524 68.000000 9.133974 ct
+68.333336 9.326425 68.500000 9.615100 68.500000 10.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+73.500000 0.000000 mt 73.500000 0.384900 73.333336 0.673575 73.000000 0.866025 ct
+72.666664 1.058475 72.333336 1.058475 72.000000 0.866025 ct
+71.666664 0.673575 71.500000 0.384900 71.500000 -0.000000 ct
+71.500000 -0.384900 71.666664 -0.673575 72.000000 -0.866025 ct
+72.333336 -1.058475 72.666664 -1.058475 73.000000 -0.866025 ct
+73.333336 -0.673575 73.500000 -0.384900 73.500000 0.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+73.500000 0.000000 mt 73.500000 0.384900 73.333336 0.673575 73.000000 0.866025 ct
+72.666664 1.058475 72.333336 1.058475 72.000000 0.866025 ct
+71.666664 0.673575 71.500000 0.384900 71.500000 -0.000000 ct
+71.500000 -0.384900 71.666664 -0.673575 72.000000 -0.866025 ct
+72.333336 -1.058475 72.666664 -1.058475 73.000000 -0.866025 ct
+73.333336 -0.673575 73.500000 -0.384900 73.500000 0.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+81.000000 -5.000000 mt 81.000000 -4.615100 80.833336 -4.326425 80.500000 -4.133975 ct
+80.166664 -3.941525 79.833336 -3.941525 79.500000 -4.133975 ct
+79.166664 -4.326425 79.000000 -4.615100 79.000000 -5.000000 ct
+79.000000 -5.384900 79.166664 -5.673575 79.500000 -5.866025 ct
+79.833336 -6.058475 80.166664 -6.058475 80.500000 -5.866025 ct
+80.833336 -5.673575 81.000000 -5.384900 81.000000 -5.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+81.000000 -5.000000 mt 81.000000 -4.615100 80.833336 -4.326425 80.500000 -4.133975 ct
+80.166664 -3.941525 79.833336 -3.941525 79.500000 -4.133975 ct
+79.166664 -4.326425 79.000000 -4.615100 79.000000 -5.000000 ct
+79.000000 -5.384900 79.166664 -5.673575 79.500000 -5.866025 ct
+79.833336 -6.058475 80.166664 -6.058475 80.500000 -5.866025 ct
+80.833336 -5.673575 81.000000 -5.384900 81.000000 -5.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+91.000000 5.000000 mt 91.000000 5.384900 90.833336 5.673575 90.500000 5.866025 ct
+90.166664 6.058475 89.833336 6.058475 89.500000 5.866025 ct
+89.166664 5.673575 89.000000 5.384900 89.000000 5.000000 ct
+89.000000 4.615100 89.166664 4.326425 89.500000 4.133975 ct
+89.833336 3.941525 90.166664 3.941525 90.500000 4.133975 ct
+90.833336 4.326425 91.000000 4.615100 91.000000 5.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+91.000000 5.000000 mt 91.000000 5.384900 90.833336 5.673575 90.500000 5.866025 ct
+90.166664 6.058475 89.833336 6.058475 89.500000 5.866025 ct
+89.166664 5.673575 89.000000 5.384900 89.000000 5.000000 ct
+89.000000 4.615100 89.166664 4.326425 89.500000 4.133975 ct
+89.833336 3.941525 90.166664 3.941525 90.500000 4.133975 ct
+90.833336 4.326425 91.000000 4.615100 91.000000 5.000000 ct
+np 80.000000 15.000000 0 0 360 a fi
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+80.500000 15.000000 mt 80.500000 15.192451 80.416664 15.336788 80.250000 15.433013 ct
+80.083336 15.529238 79.916664 15.529238 79.750000 15.433013 ct
+79.583336 15.336788 79.500000 15.192451 79.500000 15.000000 ct
+79.500000 14.807549 79.583336 14.663212 79.750000 14.566987 ct
+79.916664 14.470762 80.083336 14.470762 80.250000 14.566987 ct
+80.416664 14.663212 80.500000 14.807549 80.500000 15.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+80.500000 15.000000 mt 80.500000 15.192451 80.416664 15.336788 80.250000 15.433013 ct
+80.083336 15.529238 79.916664 15.529238 79.750000 15.433013 ct
+79.583336 15.336788 79.500000 15.192451 79.500000 15.000000 ct
+79.500000 14.807549 79.583336 14.663212 79.750000 14.566987 ct
+79.916664 14.470762 80.083336 14.470762 80.250000 14.566987 ct
+80.416664 14.663212 80.500000 14.807549 80.500000 15.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 72.676949 22.800877] concat
+<61> -0.156250 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 63.877052 14.783792] concat
+<62> -0.093750 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+<61> 1.858810 0.031250 3.514598 F1 fsd sms
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+[1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 64.608185 2.210393] concat
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+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
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+[] sdh
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+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+np 122.500000 25.000000 mt 122.500000 -5.000000 lt st
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
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+0 slj
+[] sdh
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+0.100000 slw
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+110.833336 9.326425 111.000000 9.615100 111.000000 10.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+111.000000 10.000000 mt 111.000000 10.384900 110.833336 10.673575 110.500000 10.866026 ct
+110.166664 11.058475 109.833336 11.058475 109.500000 10.866025 ct
+109.166664 10.673574 109.000000 10.384900 109.000000 10.000000 ct
+109.000000 9.615100 109.166664 9.326425 109.500000 9.133974 ct
+109.833336 8.941524 110.166664 8.941524 110.500000 9.133974 ct
+110.833336 9.326425 111.000000 9.615100 111.000000 10.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+114.166664 0.673575 114.000000 0.384900 114.000000 -0.000000 ct
+114.000000 -0.384900 114.166664 -0.673575 114.500000 -0.866025 ct
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+115.833336 -0.673575 116.000000 -0.384900 116.000000 0.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+115.166664 1.058475 114.833336 1.058475 114.500000 0.866025 ct
+114.166664 0.673575 114.000000 0.384900 114.000000 -0.000000 ct
+114.000000 -0.384900 114.166664 -0.673575 114.500000 -0.866025 ct
+114.833336 -1.058475 115.166664 -1.058475 115.500000 -0.866025 ct
+115.833336 -0.673575 116.000000 -0.384900 116.000000 0.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+123.500000 -5.000000 mt 123.500000 -4.615100 123.333336 -4.326425 123.000000 -4.133975 ct
+122.666664 -3.941525 122.333336 -3.941525 122.000000 -4.133975 ct
+121.666664 -4.326425 121.500000 -4.615100 121.500000 -5.000000 ct
+121.500000 -5.384900 121.666664 -5.673575 122.000000 -5.866025 ct
+122.333336 -6.058475 122.666664 -6.058475 123.000000 -5.866025 ct
+123.333336 -5.673575 123.500000 -5.384900 123.500000 -5.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+123.500000 -5.000000 mt 123.500000 -4.615100 123.333336 -4.326425 123.000000 -4.133975 ct
+122.666664 -3.941525 122.333336 -3.941525 122.000000 -4.133975 ct
+121.666664 -4.326425 121.500000 -4.615100 121.500000 -5.000000 ct
+121.500000 -5.384900 121.666664 -5.673575 122.000000 -5.866025 ct
+122.333336 -6.058475 122.666664 -6.058475 123.000000 -5.866025 ct
+123.333336 -5.673575 123.500000 -5.384900 123.500000 -5.000000 ct
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+132.666672 6.058475 132.333328 6.058475 132.000000 5.866025 ct
+131.666672 5.673575 131.500000 5.384900 131.500000 5.000000 ct
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+132.333328 3.941525 132.666672 3.941525 133.000000 4.133975 ct
+133.333328 4.326425 133.500000 4.615100 133.500000 5.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+132.666672 6.058475 132.333328 6.058475 132.000000 5.866025 ct
+131.666672 5.673575 131.500000 5.384900 131.500000 5.000000 ct
+131.500000 4.615100 131.666672 4.326425 132.000000 4.133975 ct
+132.333328 3.941525 132.666672 3.941525 133.000000 4.133975 ct
+133.333328 4.326425 133.500000 4.615100 133.500000 5.000000 ct
+np 122.500000 15.000000 0 0 360 a fi
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+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+np 122.500000 15.000000 mt 120.000000 10.000000 lt st
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+121.000000 10.000000 mt 121.000000 10.384900 120.833336 10.673575 120.500000 10.866026 ct
+120.166664 11.058475 119.833336 11.058475 119.500000 10.866025 ct
+119.166664 10.673574 119.000000 10.384900 119.000000 10.000000 ct
+119.000000 9.615100 119.166664 9.326425 119.500000 9.133974 ct
+119.833336 8.941524 120.166664 8.941524 120.500000 9.133974 ct
+120.833336 9.326425 121.000000 9.615100 121.000000 10.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+121.000000 10.000000 mt 121.000000 10.384900 120.833336 10.673575 120.500000 10.866026 ct
+120.166664 11.058475 119.833336 11.058475 119.500000 10.866025 ct
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+0.100000 slw
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+131.666672 20.673576 131.500000 20.384901 131.500000 20.000000 ct
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+133.333328 19.326424 133.500000 19.615099 133.500000 20.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+132.666672 21.058475 132.333328 21.058475 132.000000 20.866026 ct
+131.666672 20.673576 131.500000 20.384901 131.500000 20.000000 ct
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+132.333328 18.941525 132.666672 18.941525 133.000000 19.133974 ct
+133.333328 19.326424 133.500000 19.615099 133.500000 20.000000 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 sclr
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+121.666664 15.673574 121.500000 15.384900 121.500000 15.000000 ct
+121.500000 14.615100 121.666664 14.326425 122.000000 14.133974 ct
+122.333336 13.941524 122.666664 13.941524 123.000000 14.133974 ct
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+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+122.666664 16.058475 122.333336 16.058475 122.000000 15.866025 ct
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+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 sclr
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+121.605438 25.642963 121.438774 25.354288 121.438774 24.969387 ct
+121.438774 24.584486 121.605438 24.295811 121.938774 24.103361 ct
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+123.272110 24.295811 123.438774 24.584486 123.438774 24.969387 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+122.605438 26.027863 122.272110 26.027863 121.938774 25.835413 ct
+121.605438 25.642963 121.438774 25.354288 121.438774 24.969387 ct
+121.438774 24.584486 121.605438 24.295811 121.938774 24.103361 ct
+122.272110 23.910912 122.605438 23.910912 122.938774 24.103361 ct
+123.272110 24.295811 123.438774 24.584486 123.438774 24.969387 ct
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
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+[] sdh
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+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
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+114.000000 14.615100 114.166664 14.326425 114.500000 14.133974 ct
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+0.100000 slw
+0 slc
+0 slj
+[] sdh
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 sclr
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+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+0 slc
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+26.666666 15.673574 26.500000 15.384900 26.500000 15.000000 ct
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+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sclr
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+27.666666 16.058475 27.333334 16.058475 27.000000 15.866025 ct
+26.666666 15.673574 26.500000 15.384900 26.500000 15.000000 ct
+26.500000 14.615100 26.666666 14.326425 27.000000 14.133974 ct
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--88.529716 133.07616 lineto
--88.529716 126.57616 lineto
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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--82.029716 126.57616 lineto
--82.029716 133.07616 lineto
--88.529716 133.07616 lineto
--88.529716 126.57616 lineto
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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--82.029716 126.57616 lineto
--82.029716 133.07616 lineto
--88.529716 133.07616 lineto
--88.529716 126.57616 lineto
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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--82.029716 133.07616 lineto
--88.529716 133.07616 lineto
--88.529716 126.57616 lineto
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-70.79388 10.300952 69.801133 11.293699 68.577927 11.293699 curveto
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-69.801133 6.8617921 70.79388 7.8545392 70.79388 9.0777454 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
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-12 scalefont
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-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
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-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-($) show
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-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
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-12 scalefont
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-0 0 moveto
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-12 scalefont
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-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
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-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
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-12 scalefont
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-0 0 moveto
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-12 scalefont
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-12 scalefont
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-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
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-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-( $) show
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-70.79388 9.0777454 moveto
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
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-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-($) show
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-13.210032 109.76203 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 13.641984 25.994835] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-( A) show
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 13.641984 40.994835] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-( U) show
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 13.641984 55.994835] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-( L) show
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 13.641984 70.994835] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-(A) show
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 41.721359 56.029743] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-(T) show
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 41.721359 71.029743] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-( O) show
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 41.721359 86.029743] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-( B) show
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 41.721359 101.02974] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-( U) show
-gsave [1 0 0 -1 41.721359 116.02974] concat
-/BitstreamVeraSans-Roman-ISOLatin1 findfont
-12 scalefont
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-( S) show