> Remark on 2.5.1: polynomial time could be replaced by sub-exponential time.
-- For 1.5.6, you should probably quote D. Cheriton and R.E. Tarjan.
- Finding Minimum Spanning Trees. SIAM J. on Comp. 5(4) (1976) pp.
- 724-742. who gave a linear time algorithm for planar graphs, extended by
- Tarjan in 1983 to proper minor closed classes (both quoted by Gustedt).
- [XXX: The paper should be in the library at MS.]
> In 3.1.12 and 3.1.16, you should make explicit the dependence of the
running time with respect, for instance, to the Hadwiger number of the
graph or to the maximal density nabla(G) of a minor of the graph, as
Let us return to the analysis of our algorithm.
-\thmn{MST on minor-closed classes, Mare\v{s} \cite{mm:mst}}\id{mstmcc}%
+\thmn{MST on minor-closed classes, Tarjan \cite{tarjan:dsna}}\id{mstmcc}%
For any fixed non-trivial minor-closed class~$\cal C$ of graphs, the Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's
algorithm (\ref{contbor}) finds the MST of any graph of this class in time
$\O(n)$. (The constant hidden in the~$\O$ depends on the class.)
\figure{hexangle.eps}{\epsfxsize}{The construction from Remark~\ref{hexa}}
-The observation in~Theorem~\ref{mstmcc} was also independently made by Gustedt \cite{gustedt:parallel},
-who studied a~parallel version of the Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm applied
+The observation in~Theorem~\ref{mstmcc} was also used by Gustedt \cite{gustedt:parallel},
+to construct parallel version of the Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm applied
to minor-closed classes.
series={{Lecture Notes in Math}},
+@article{ cheriton:mst,
+ title={{Finding Minimum Spanning Trees}},
+ author={Cheriton, D. and Tarjan, R.E.},
+ journal={SIAM Journal on Computing},
+ volume={5},
+ number={4},
+ pages={724--742},
+ year={1976},
On planar graphs, the algorithm runs much faster:
-\thmn{Contractive Bor\o{u}vka on planar graphs}\id{planarbor}%
+\thmn{Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm on planar graphs, Cheriton and Tarjan \cite{cheriton:mst}}\id{planarbor}%
When the input graph is planar, the Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm runs in
time $\O(n)$.
\:The lower bound in Section \ref{contalg}. Not published yet.
\:The tree isomorphism algorithm in Section \ref{bucketsort}. Not published yet.
-\:Both algorithms for minor-closed graph classes in Section \ref{minorclosed}. Published in \cite{mm:mst}.
+\:One of the algorithms for minor-closed graph classes in Section \ref{minorclosed}. Published in \cite{mm:mst}.
\:The linear-time verification algorithm in Section \ref{verifysect} is a~simplification
of the algorithm of King \cite{king:verifytwo} and it corrects many omissions
in the original paper. Not published yet.