return mp_printf(tbl->pool, "Invalid column format option: '%s' for column %d.", col_opt, col_inst_idx);
+ * the input is a null-terminated string that contains: "<col-name>'['<param1>','<param2>\0
+ * i.e., the ']' is missing and is replaced by \0.
+ * the function replace the '[' by \0 and then parses the rest of the string.
+ **/
static char **table_parse_col_arg2(char *col_def)
char * left_br = strchr(col_def, '[');
char *next = strpbrk(name_start, "[,");
if(next && *next == '[') {
next = strchr(next, ']');
+ if(!next) return mp_printf(tbl->pool, "Invalid column definition, missing ']'.");
*next++ = 0;
- next = *next == 0 ? NULL : next + 1;
+ next = *next == 0 ? NULL : next + 1; // if next points to the last \0 => end the computation
} else if(next) {
*next++ = 0;