all queues in the heap, walks the trees and the item lists of all vertices. It records
all items seen, the corrupted ones are those that different from their \<ckey>.
-\paran{Analysis of accuracy}
+\paran{Analysis of accuracy}%
The description of the operations is now complete, so let us analyse their behavior
and verify that we have delivered what we promised --- first the accuracy of
the structure, then the time complexity of operations. In the whole analysis,
this makes less than $n_k/2^{r-2}$ corrupted items as we asserted.
-\paran{Analysis of time complexity}
+\paran{Analysis of time complexity}%
Now we will examine the amortized time complexity of the individual operations.
We will show that if we charge $\O(r)$ time against every element inserted, it is enough
to cover the cost of all other operations.
$\O(2^{k^2} \cdot 2^{2^{3k^2}} \cdot 2^{k^3} \cdot \poly(k)) = \O(2^{2^{4k^2}})$.
-\paran{Basic properties of decision trees}
+\paran{Basic properties of decision trees}%
The following properties will be useful for analysis of algorithms based
on precomputed decision trees. We will omit some technical details, referring
the reader to section 5.1 of the Pettie's paper \cite{pettie:optimal}.
or in case of the contractions by the bucket-sorting techniques of Section \ref{bucketsort}.
The properties of decision tree complexity, which we have proven in the previous
section, will help us show that the time complexity recurrence is satisfied by the
decision tree complexity $D(m,n)$ itself. This way, we prove the following theorem:
the time complexity of every comparison-based algorithm.
-\paran{Complexity of MST}
+\paran{Complexity of MST}%
As we have already noted, the exact decision tree complexity $D(m,n)$ of the MST problem
is still open and so is therefore the time complexity of the optimal algorithm. However,
every time we come up with another comparison-based algorithm, we can use its complexity
set of all graphs with~$n$ vertices and $m$~edges), it runs in linear time with high probability,
regardless of the edge weights.
-\paran{Models of computation}
+\paran{Models of computation}%
Another important consequence of the optimal algorithm is that when we aim for a~linear-time
MST algorithm (or for proving that it does not exist), we do not need to care about computational
models at all. The elaborate RAM data structures of Chapter \ref{ramchap}, which have helped us