$VERSION = 1.0;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT = qw(&Init &Log &Fail &IsSet &Set &UnSet &Override &Get &Test &Include);
+ @EXPORT = qw(&Init &Log &Fail &IsSet &Set &UnSet &Override &Get &Test &Include &Finish &FindFile &TryFindFile);
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
require $f;
+sub Finish() {
+ print "\n";
+ if (Get("SRCDIR") ne ".") {
+ Log "Preparing for compilation from directory " . Get("SRCDIR") . " to obj/ ... ";
+ -l "src" and unlink "src";
+ symlink Get("SRCDIR"), "src" or Fail "Cannot link source directory to src: $!";
+ Override("SRCDIR" => "src");
+ -l "Makefile" and unlink "Makefile";
+ -f "Makefile" and Fail "Makefile already exists";
+ symlink "src/Makefile", "Makefile" or Fail "Cannot link Makefile: $!";
+ } else {
+ Log "Preparing for compilation from current directory to obj/ ... ";
+ }
+ `rm -rf obj` if -d "obj"; Fail "Cannot delete old obj directory" if $?;
+ -d "obj" or mkdir("obj", 0777) or Fail "Cannot create obj directory: $!";
+ -d "obj/lib" or mkdir("obj/lib", 0777) or Fail "Cannot create obj/lib directory: $!";
+ Log "done\n";
+ Log "Generating autoconf.h... ";
+ open X, ">obj/lib/autoconf.h" or Fail $!;
+ print X "/* Generated automatically by $0, please don't touch manually. */\n";
+ foreach my $x (sort keys %vars) {
+ # Don't export variables which contain no underscores
+ next unless $x =~ /_/;
+ my $v = $vars{$x};
+ # Try to add quotes if necessary
+ $v = '"' . $v . '"' unless ($v =~ /^"/ || $v =~ /^\d*$/);
+ print X "#define $x $v\n";
+ }
+ close X;
+ Log "done\n";
+ Log "Generating config.mk... ";
+ open X, ">obj/config.mk" or Fail $!;
+ print X "# Generated automatically by $0, please don't touch manually.\n";
+ foreach my $x (sort keys %vars) {
+ print X "$x=$vars{$x}\n";
+ }
+ close X;
+ Log "done\n";
1; # OK