To analyze the time complexity of this algorithm, we will use the standard
theorem on~complexity of the Fibonacci heap:
-\thmn{Fibonacci heaps} The~Fibonacci heap performs the following operations
+\thmn{Fibonacci heaps, Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci}} The~Fibonacci heap performs the following operations
with the indicated amortized time complexities:
\:\<Insert> (insertion of a~new element) in $\O(1)$,
As soon as~$t_i\ge n$, the $i$-th phase must be final, because at that time
there is enough space in the heap to process the whole graph. So~there are
-at most~$\beta(m,n)$ phases and we already know (Lemma~\ref{ijphase}) that each
-phase runs in linear time.
+at most~$\beta(m,n)$ phases and we already know that each phase runs in linear
+time (Lemma~\ref{ijphase}).