No changes have been made except for excluding genhash.c and its Makefile.
--- /dev/null
+# Bottom part of Makefile for the UCW Libraries
+# (c) 1997--2007 Martin Mares <>
+# The run tree
+runtree: run/.tree-stamp $(addsuffix /.dir-stamp,$(addprefix $(o)/,$(DIRS)))
+run/.tree-stamp: $(o)/
+ $(M)Creating runtree
+ $(Q)mkdir -p run $(addprefix run/, cf $(EXTRA_RUNDIRS) $(INSTALL_RUNDIRS))
+ $(Q)touch run/.tree-stamp
+# Miscellaneous targets
+programs: $(PROGS)
+datafiles: $(DATAFILES)
+tests: $(TESTS)
+configs: $(addprefix run/cf/,$(CONFIGS))
+ etags `find . -name "*.[ch]"`
+# Black magic with dependencies. It would be more correct to make ""
+# a prerequisite for "depend", but "" often has the same timestamp
+# as "depend" which would confuse make a lot and either force remaking anyway
+# or (as in current versions of GNU make) erroneously skipping the remaking.
+-include $(o)/depend
+$(o)/depend: force
+ $(Q)if [ -s $(o)/ ] ; then $(s)/build/mergedeps $(o)/depend $(o)/ ; >$(o)/ ; fi
+# Rules for directories
+ $(Q)mkdir -p $(@D) && touch $@
+# Rules for configuration files
+run/cf/%: custom/cf/% $(o)/ $(s)/build/genconf
+ $(M)CF $<
+ $(Q)$(s)/build/genconf $< $@ $(o)/
+run/cf/%: $(s)/cf/% $(o)/ $(s)/build/genconf
+ $(M)CF $<
+ $(Q)$(s)/build/genconf $< $@ $(o)/
+# Rules for libraries
+ $(M)AR $@
+ $(Q)rm -f $@
+ $(Q)ar rcs $@ $^
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/lib)
+ $(M)LD $@
+ $(Q)$(CC) $(LSHARED) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/lib)
+$(o)/%.pc: $(s)/%.pc $(o)/%.$(LS)
+ $(M)PC $<
+ $(Q)DEPS="$(shell $(s)/build/lib-deps $^)" LIBDIR=$(@D) $(s)/build/genconf $< $@ $(o)/
+ $(Q)mkdir -p $(o)/pkgconfig
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,$(o)/pkgconfig)
+# Rules for public API
+API_ROOT:=$(shell pwd)/run
+INSTALL_RUNDIRS+=include lib/pkgconfig
+api: $(API_INCLUDES) $(addprefix run/lib/pkgconfig/,$(addsuffix .pc,$(API_LIBS)))
+ $(Q)$(s)/build/install-includes $(<D) run/include/$(IDST) $(?F)
+ $(Q)touch $@
+run/lib/pkgconfig/%.pc: # RHS supplied in the sub-makefile
+ $(M)PC-API $@
+ $(Q)sed <$< >$@ "s@^libdir=.*@libdir=$(API_ROOT)/lib@;s@^incdir=.*@incdir=$(API_ROOT)/include@"
+# Rules for compiling C
+$(o)/%.o: $(s)/%.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/ $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+$(o)/%.o: %.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/ $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+%.o: %.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/ $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+$(o)/%.oo: $(s)/%.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC-SO $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/ $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CSHARED) -c -o $@ $<
+$(o)/%.oo: %.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC-SO $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/ $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CSHARED) -c -o $@ $<
+%.oo: %.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC-SO $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/ $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CSHARED) -c -o $@ $<
+$(o)/%-tt.o: $(s)/%.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC-TEST $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/ $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTEST -c -o $@ $<
+# Rules for testing
+$(o)/%-t: $(o)/%-tt.o $(TESTING_DEPS)
+ $(M)LD-TEST $@
+ $(Q)$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(shell $(s)/build/lib-flags $^) $(LIBS)
+$(o)/%.test: $(s)/%.t $(s)/build/tester
+ $(M)TEST $@
+ $(Q)$(s)/build/tester --rundir=run $(TESTERFLAGS) $< && touch $@
+# Rules for binaries
+$(o)/%: $(o)/%.o
+ $(M)LD $@
+ $(Q)$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(shell $(s)/build/lib-flags $^) $(LIBS)
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%: $(s)/ $(o)/ $(s)/build/genconf
+ $(M)PP $<
+ $(Q)$(s)/build/genconf $< $@ $(o)/
+ $(Q)chmod +x $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%: $(o)/ $(s)/build/genconf
+ $(M)PP $<
+ $(Q)$(s)/build/genconf $< $@ $(o)/
+ $(Q)chmod +x $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%: $(s)/ $(o)/ $(s)/build/genconf
+ $(M)PP $<
+ $(Q)$(s)/build/genconf $< $@ $(o)/
+ $(Q)chmod +x $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%: $(o)/ $(s)/build/genconf
+ $(M)PP $<
+ $(Q)$(s)/build/genconf $< $@ $(o)/
+ $(Q)chmod +x $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/ $(s)/
+ $(M)"PM $< -> run/lib/perl5/$(PERL_MODULE_DIR)/$(@F)"
+ $(Q)cp $^ $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/lib/perl5/$(PERL_MODULE_DIR))
+ $(M)"PM $< -> run/lib/perl/$(PERL_MODULE_DIR)/$(@F)"
+ $(Q)cp $^ $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/lib/perl5/$(PERL_MODULE_DIR))
+# Rules for data files
+$(DATAFILES): $(o)/%: $(s)/%
+ $(M)DATA $<
+ $(Q)cp $^ $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(DATADIR))
+# Default installation target
+# Don't delete intermediate targets. There shouldn't be any, but due to bugs
+# in GNU Make rules with targets in not-yet-existing directories are ignored
+# when searching for implicit rules and thence targets considered intermediate.
+.PHONY: all clean distclean runtree programs api datafiles force tags configs dust install default-install
--- /dev/null
+# Top part of Makefile for the UCW Libraries
+# (c) 1997--2007 Martin Mares <>
+# Set to 1 if you want verbose output
+# Set to 'y' (or 'n') if you want to auto-confirm (auto-reject) all questions in build/installer
+# Disable all built-in rules and variables. Speeds up make and simplifies debugging.
+CFLAGS=$(CLANG) $(COPT) $(CDEBUG) $(CWARNS) $(CEXTRA) -I. -I$(o) -I$(s)
+# Various files whose type does not fit into PROGS
+# Whenever "make -s" (silent) is run, turn on verbose mode (paradoxical, but gives the right result)
+ifneq ($(findstring s,$(MAKEFLAGS)),)
+# Define M (message) and Q (quiet command prefix) macros and also MAKESILENT passed to sub-makes
+ifeq ($(V),1)
+M=@echo #
+# Clean needs to be a double-colon rule since we want sub-makefiles to be able
+# to define their own cleanup actions.
+ rm -f `find . -path "*~" -or -name "\#*\#" -or -name core`
+ rm -f allocs.tmp cscope.out TAGS
+clean:: dust
+ rm -rf `find obj -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not \( -name -o -name autoconf.h \)`
+ rm -rf tests run/{bin,lib,include,.tree-stamp}
+distclean:: clean
+ rm -rf obj run
+ rm -f `find obj -name "*.test"`
+# Extra default rules (appended to by submakefiles)
+# Relative symlinks and other pathname manipulation macros
+space:=$(empty) $(empty)
+backref=$(subst $(space),/,$(patsubst %,..,$(subst /,$(space),$(1))))
+tack-on=$(if $(patsubst /%,,$(2)),$(1)/$(2),$(2))
+symlink=ln -sf $(call tack-on,$(call backref,$(2)),$(1)) $(2)/
--- /dev/null
+# Configuration file and script preprocessor
+# (c) 2004--2007 Martin Mares <>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+@ARGV == 3 or die "Usage: genconf <src> <dest> <>";
+open CF, $ARGV[2] or die "Unable to open $ARGV[2]";
+my %options = ();
+my %vars = ();
+sub opt {
+ my ($k,$v) = @_;
+ $vars{$k} = $v;
+ $options{$k} = 1 if ($k =~ /^CONFIG_/);
+foreach my $k (keys %ENV) {
+ opt($k, $ENV{$k});
+while (<CF>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (my ($k,$v) = /^(\w+)=(.*)/) {
+ $v =~ s/\s+$//;
+ opt($k, $v);
+ }
+close CF;
+sub eval_expr {
+ $_ = shift @_;
+ s/\b(CONFIG_\w+)\b/defined($options{$1}) ? 1 : 0/ge;
+ return eval $_;
+open IN, $ARGV[0] or die "Unable to open $ARGV[0]";
+open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]" or die "Unable to create $ARGV[1]";
+my @ifs = (); # stack of conditions, 1=satisfied, -1=unsatisfied, 0=shadowed
+my $empty = 0; # last line was empty
+while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^#ifdef\s+(\w+)/) {
+ push @ifs, (@ifs && $ifs[$#ifs] <= 0) ? 0 : (defined $options{$1}) ? 1 : -1;
+ } elsif (/^#ifndef\s+(\w+)/) {
+ push @ifs, (@ifs && $ifs[$#ifs] <= 0) ? 0 : (defined $options{$1}) ? -1 : 1;
+ } elsif (/^#if\s(.*)$/) {
+ push @ifs, (@ifs && $ifs[$#ifs] <= 0) ? 0 : (eval_expr $1) ? 1 : -1;
+ } elsif (/^#endif/) {
+ defined pop @ifs || die "Improper nesting of conditionals";
+ } elsif (/^#else/) {
+ my $x = pop @ifs;
+ defined $x || die "Improper nesting of conditionals";
+ push @ifs, $x >= 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ } elsif (/^#elsif\s(.*)$/) {
+ my $x = pop @ifs;
+ defined $x || die "Improper nesting of conditionals";
+ push @ifs, $x >= 0 ? 0 : (eval_expr $1) ? 1 : -1;
+ } else {
+ @ifs && $ifs[$#ifs] <= 0 && next;
+ if (/^$/) {
+ $empty && next;
+ $empty = 1;
+ } else { $empty = 0; }
+ if (/^#pipe\s+(.+)/) {
+ my $cmd = $1;
+ my $val = `$cmd`;
+ die "Piped command '$cmd' failed" if $?;
+ print OUT `$1`;
+ } else {
+ sub repl ($) {
+ my $v = shift @_;
+ exists $vars{$v} or die "Cannot substitute $v: variable not set";
+ return $vars{$v};
+ }
+ s/@(\w+)@/repl($1)/ge;
+ print OUT;
+ }
+ }
+@ifs && die "Unterminated #ifdef";
+close IN;
+close OUT;
--- /dev/null
+# A tool which builds a list of dependent libraries from the list
+# of pkg-config files.
+# (c) 2007 Martin Mares <>, placed under GNU LGPL
+set -e
+while [ -n "$1" ] ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ *.pc) if [ -n "$SEEN" ] ; then echo -n ", " ; fi
+ echo -n "`basename $1 .pc`"
+ SEEN=1
+ ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ shift
--- /dev/null
+# A preprocessor for linker arguments, which replaces references to .pc
+# files by results of the proper calls to pkg-config.
+# (c) 2007 Martin Mares <>, placed under GNU LGPL
+set -e
+while [ -n "$1" ] ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ *.pc) PC="$PC `basename $1 .pc`"
+ ;;
+ *) echo -n " $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [ -n "$PC" ] ; then
+ echo -n " "
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:obj/pkgconfig" pkg-config --libs $PC
--- /dev/null
+@ARGV == 2 or die "Usage: mergedeps <base> <update>";
+foreach $a (@ARGV) {
+ open F, "$a" or next;
+ $t = "";
+ while (<F>) {
+ $t .= $_;
+ if (! /\\$/) {
+ ($t =~ /^(.*):/) || die "Parse error at $t";
+ $rules{$1} = $t;
+ $t = "";
+ }
+ }
+ close F;
+open(F,">" . $ARGV[0]) || die "Unable to write output file";
+foreach $a (sort keys %rules) {
+ print F $rules{$a};
+close F;
--- /dev/null
+# A simple unit testing script
+# (c) 2004--2007 Martin Mares <>
+# (c) 2007 Pavel Charvat <>
+# Tests in the test file have a syntax similar to mail headers,
+# individual test case are separated by blank lines and they can contain
+# the following fields:
+# Name: name of the case (default: sequence number since start of file)
+# Run: command to run (default: command from the previous test case)
+# This can be an arbitrary shell pipeline, sequences $0 to $9 are
+# replaced by file names of In<N> or Out<N> files (see below).
+# In: lines to pass to the program as standard input
+# Out: lines to expect at the program's standard output
+# In<N>: lines to pass to the program as input file <N>
+# Out<N>: lines to expect from the program in output file <N>
+# Both In<N> and Out<N> can be specified simultaneously if we
+# are testing a program which modifies some of its input files.
+# Exit: expected exit code of the program (default: 0)
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $rundir = ".";
+GetOptions("verbose!" => \$verbose,
+ "rundir=s" => \$rundir)
+ or die "Usage: tester [--verbose] [--rundir=<dir>] <tests>\n";
+my @tests = ();
+my $tt;
+my $append_to;
+while (<>) {
+ /^#/ && next;
+ if (/^\s*$/) {
+ $tt = undef;
+ $append_to = undef;
+ } elsif (defined($append_to) && /^\s+(.*)$/) {
+ $$append_to .= "\n$1";
+ } elsif (my ($n,$v) = /^(\w+):\s+(.*)$/) {
+ if (!$tt) {
+ $tt = {};
+ push @tests, $tt;
+ }
+ ($tt->{$n}) && die "$n already defined";
+ $tt->{$n} = $v;
+ $append_to = \($tt->{$n});
+ } else {
+ die "Test script syntax error";
+ }
+if (! -d "$rundir/tmp") {
+ mkdir "$rundir/tmp" or die "Unable to create $rundir/tmp: $!";
+my $i = 0;
+my $errors = 0;
+my $prev_run = undef;
+TEST: foreach $tt (@tests) {
+ $i++;
+ my $name = $tt->{'Name'} || $i;
+ print "Test $name: ";
+ $run = ($tt->{'Run'} || $prev_run) or die "Don't know what to run";
+ $prev_run = $run;
+ my @out_files = ();
+ my @out_checks = ();
+ my $redirs = "";
+ if (defined $tt->{'In'}) {
+ my $ifi = "tmp/test$";
+ open X, ">$rundir/$ifi" or die "Unable to create $ifi";
+ print X $tt->{'In'}, "\n";
+ close X;
+ $redirs .= " <$ifi";
+ } else {
+ $redirs .= " </dev/null";
+ }
+ if (defined $tt->{'Out'}) {
+ my $ofi = "tmp/test$i.out";
+ unlink "$rundir/$ofi";
+ $redirs .= " >$ofi";
+ push @out_files, $ofi;
+ push @out_checks, $tt->{'Out'};
+ } else {
+ $redirs .= " >/dev/null";
+ }
+ foreach my $arg (0..9) {
+ my $f = "tmp/test$i.$arg";
+ if (defined $tt->{"Out$arg"}) {
+ unlink "$rundir/$f";
+ push @out_files, $f;
+ push @out_checks, $tt->{"Out$arg"};
+ }
+ if (defined $tt->{"In$arg"}) {
+ open X, ">$rundir/$f" or die "Unable to create $f";
+ print X $tt->{"In$arg"}, "\n";
+ close X;
+ }
+ }
+ $run =~ s/\$(\d)/tmp\/test$i.$1/g;
+ print "(running $run) " if $verbose;
+ system "cd $rundir && ( $run ) $redirs";
+ if ($? % 256) {
+ print "FAILED with status code $?\n";
+ $errors++;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $ec = $? / 256;
+ my $expect_ec = $tt->{'Exit'} || 0;
+ if ($ec != $expect_ec) {
+ print "FAILED: unexpected exit code $ec\n";
+ $errors++;
+ next;
+ }
+ for (my $i=0; $i<=$#out_files; $i++) {
+ my $ofi = $out_files[$i];
+ open X, "<$rundir/$ofi" or die "Unable to read $ofi";
+ my $out;
+ {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ $out = <X>;
+ }
+ close X;
+ if ($out ne $out_checks[$i] . "\n") {
+ print "FAILED (see $ofi)\n";
+ $errors++;
+ next TEST;
+ }
+ }
+ system "rm -f $rundir/tmp/test$i.*";
+ print "OK\n";
+exit !!$errors;