information to application. More details about particular access method and
caveats are described in the pcilib(8) manual page.
+The default access method for config is is win32-kldbg. It uses Microsoft's
+Kernel Local Debugging Driver kldbgdrv.sys. This driver is not part of the
+Windows system but is part of the Microsoft WinDbg tool. It is required to
+have kldbgdrv.sys driver installed in the system32 directory or to have
+windbg.exe or kd.exe binary in PATH. kldbgdrv.sys driver has some restrictions.
+Process needs to have Debug privilege and Windows system has to be booted with
+Debugging option. Debugging option can be enabled by calling (takes effect
+after next boot): bcdedit /debug on
+Download links for WinDbg standalone installer from Microsoft:
To access config space via intel-conf1 access method on NT-based systems via
NT ProcessUserModeIOPL system call, it is required to have SeTcbPrivilege
(Act as part of the operating system privilege), which can be enabled in User