#Do the deletes and approves
foreach my $del ( keys %deleted ) {
$tables->deleteHistory( $del );
- #TODO notify
tulog( $authid, "Discussion deleted $del" );
foreach my $appr ( keys %approved ) {
$tables->markChecked( $appr );
- #TODO notify
tulog( $authid, "Discussion checked $appr" );
#Handle the items
my $del = getFormValue( "loc-$i-del", '' );
if( defined $del && $del eq 'del' && ( hasRight( $auth->{'accrights'}, 'prune' ) || ( !$tables->hasChildren( $addr->get() ) && !$tables->hasMain( $addr->get() ) ) ) ) {
$tables->deleteItem( $addr->get() );
- #TODO notify
tulog( $authid, "Item deleted (recursive) ".$addr->get() );
$select = $histId if defined $name || $delete;
tulog( $authid, "Discussion submited (admin) $histId ".$addr->get()." ".logEscape( $name )." ".logEscape( $note )." ".logEscape( $discussion ) );
$action = 1;
- #TODO notify
+ notify( $tables, $addr->get(), $histId, defined $name ? 1 : 0, 1 );
if( defined $select && select ne '' ) {
$tables->setMainHistory( $addr->get(), $select );
tulog( $authid, "Item main history changed ".$addr->get()." $select" );
$action = 1;
- #TODO Notify
+ notify( $tables, $addr->get(), $select, 2, 2 );
if( $action && $defaultSeen ) {#Approve anything in this item
my $subcnt = getFormValue( "loc-$i-subcnt", 0 );