use strict;
use warnings;
-use Cwd;
-system "gal", "mj-init";
-die if $?;
+use UCW::Gallery;
+use File::Spec;
my $photos_root = $ENV{HOME} . '/photos';
-my $album = $ARGV[0];
-if (!defined $album) {
- my $cwd = getcwd;
- $cwd =~ m{/photos/(.*)} or die "Cannot identify album from current directory, need to specify maunally.\n";
- $album = $1;
+my $album = $ARGV[0] // die "Usage: gal mj-upgrade <album>\n";
+print "### $album ###\n";
+### Scan ###
+my $year = $album;
+$year =~ s{/.*}{};
+if ($album eq '2009/Fireworks') { $year = 2008; }
+print "Loading map for $year\n";
+open M, "$photos_root/" or die "No map file found\n";
+my %map = ();
+while (<M>) {
+ chomp;
+ m{^$year} or next;
+ my ($path, $hash) = split /\t/;
+ my $name = $path;
+ $name =~ s{.*/}{};
+ if (defined $map{$name}) {
+ my $prev = $map{$name};
+ if ($prev->{hash} ne $hash) {
+ print STDERR "Collision for $name: ", $prev->{path}, " vs. ", $path, "\n";
+ } else {
+ # print STDERR "Harmless collision for $name: ", $prev->{path}, " vs. ", $path, "\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $map{$name} = { path => $path, hash => $hash };
+ }
+close M;
+### Scan static list (if any) ###
+my @src = ();
+if (open S, "../static/photos/$album/x") {
+ print "Found static list\n";
+ while (<S>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @fields = split /\t/;
+ if (@fields == 4) {
+ push @src, { name => $fields[0], rotate => $fields[2], xform => $fields[3] };
+ } elsif (@fields == 2) {
+ push @src, { name => $fields[0], rotate => $fields[1], xform => '.' };
+ } else {
+ die "Error parsing gallery list: $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close S;
-open I, "index.cgi" or die;
-open S, "|-", "gal scan" or die;
+### Parse index.cgi and produce ###
+open I, "$album/index.cgi" or die "Cannot find $album/index.cgi\n";
+open W, ">$album/" or die "Cannot create $album/\n";
+my %opt = ();
+my %found_dirs = ();
+my @items = ();
while (<I>) {
- /^img\(/ or next;
- /# .*(IMG_.*\.JPG) / or die;
- print S "$photos_root/$album/$1\n";
+ chomp;
+ if (/^\s+"(\w+)" => "(.*)",?$/) {
+ $opt{$1} = $2;
+ print "Option: $1 = $2\n";
+ } elsif (/^img\("([^"]+)\.jpe?g", "([^"]*)"\);\s*# (\S+)/) {
+ my $nr = $1;
+ my $title = $2;
+ my $file = $3;
+ $file =~ s{^.*/}{}g;
+ my $map = $map{$file};
+ if (!$map) {
+ print STDERR "$album: No match for $file\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $path = $map->{path};
+ my ($vv, $dd, $ff) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
+ $found_dirs{$dd} = 1;
+ print "Image: $nr $path [$title]\n";
+ my $src;
+ if (@src) {
+ if ($nr =~ m{^\d+$} && $nr <= @src) {
+ $src = $src[$nr-1];
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$album: Crooked refs ($nr)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print W join("\t",
+ "$photos_root/$path",
+ $map->{hash},
+ ($src ? $src->{rotate} : '-'),
+ ($src ? $src->{xform} : '.'),
+ ($title ne "" ? $title : '-'),
+ ), "\n";
+ } elsif (/^($|#|require|SetOptions|\)|Start|Finish)/) {
+ # Nothing important
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$album/index.cgi: Parse error at line $.: $_\n";
+ }
-close S or die;
+close W;
close I;
+if (scalar keys %found_dirs != 1) {
+ print STDERR "$album: Photos in multiple directories\n";
+### Create ###
+open CF, ">$album/" or die "Cannot create $album/";
+print CF <<'AMEN' ;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+my $gal = require '../../';
+for my $cf (reverse sort keys %opt) {
+ print CF "\t$cf => \"", $opt{$cf}, "\",\n";
+print CF <<'AMEN' ;
+return $gal;
+close CF;