* (c) 2002--2005 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
* (c) 2006 Robert Spalek <robert@ucw.cz>
+ * (c) 2006 Pavel Charvat <pchar@ucw.cz>
* Once we were using this beautiful Shell version, but it turned out
* that it doesn't work with nested config files:
#include "lib/lib.h"
#include "lib/conf.h"
#include "lib/getopt.h"
+#include "lib/clists.h"
+#include "lib/mempool.h"
+#include "lib/chartype.h"
+#include "lib/bbuf.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <alloca.h>
-enum flag {
- F_STRING = 0,
- F_INT = 1,
- F_DOUBLE = 2,
- F_INT64 = 3,
- F_TYPE_MASK = 7,
- F_ARRAY = 0x80,
static void
-Usage: config [-C<configfile>] [-S<section>.<option>=<value>] <section> [@]<item><type>[=<default>] <item2> ... [*]\n\
+Usage: config [-C<configfile>] [-S<section>.<option>=<value>] <sections>\n\
+<item>\t\t<static> | @<list>\n\
$\t\tFloating point number\n\
-@\t\tMultiple occurences of the item are passed as an array (otherwise the last one wins)\n\
-*\t\tIgnore unknown items instead of reporting them as errors\n\
+*\t\tReport unknown items as errors\n\
+-\t\tDo not dump item's value\n\
", stderr);
-static byte *
-report(uns num, byte **pars, struct cf_item *item)
+union value {
+ void *v_ptr;
+ int v_int;
+ u64 v_u64;
+ double v_double;
+ clist list;
+#define FLAG_HIDE 0x1
+#define FLAG_NO_UNKNOWN 0x2
+struct item {
+ cnode node;
+ uns flags;
+ struct cf_item cf;
+ union value value;
+struct section {
+ struct item item;
+ clist list;
+ uns count;
+ uns size;
+static struct mempool *pool;
+static clist sections;
+static byte *pos;
+static void
- uns f = item->type;
- for (uns i=0; i<num; i++)
- {
- byte buf[128];
- byte *err, *value = buf;
- switch (f & F_TYPE_MASK) {
- case F_STRING:
- value = pars[i];
- break;
- case F_INT:
- ; uns val;
- if (err = cf_parse_int(pars[i], &val))
- return err;
- sprintf(buf, "%d", val);
- break;
- case F_INT64:
- ; u64 val64;
- if (err = cf_parse_u64(pars[i], &val64))
- return err;
- sprintf(buf, "%Lu", val64);
- break;
- case F_DOUBLE:
- ; double valf;
- if (err = cf_parse_double(pars[i], &valf))
- return err;
- sprintf(buf, "%g", valf);
- break;
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- }
+ while (Cspace(*pos))
+ pos++;
- if (f & F_ARRAY)
- printf("CF_%s[${#CF_%s[*]}]='", item->name, item->name);
- else
- printf("CF_%s='", item->name);
- while (*value) {
- if (*value == '\'')
- die("Apostrophes are not supported in config of scripts");
- putchar(*value++);
- }
- puts("'");
- }
- return NULL;
+static void
+parse_char(byte c)
+ if (*pos++ != c)
+ die("Missing '%c'", c);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
+static byte *
- int i = 1;
- int start;
+ byte *name = pos;
+ while (Cword(*pos))
+ pos++;
+ uns len = pos - name;
+ if (!len)
+ die("Expected item/section name");
+ byte *buf = mp_alloc(pool, len + 1);
+ memcpy(buf, name, len);
+ buf[len] = 0;
+ return buf;
- log_init("config");
- while (i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-')
- i++;
- if (i + 1 >= argc)
- help();
- start = i;
+static void
+parse_section(struct section *section)
+ for (uns sep = 0; ; sep = 1)
+ {
+ parse_white();
+ if (!*pos || *pos == '}')
+ break;
+ if (sep)
+ parse_char(',');
+ parse_white();
- byte *sec_name = argv[i++];
- uns allow_unknown = 0;
- struct cf_section *sec = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(struct cf_section));
- struct cf_item *c = sec->cfg = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(struct cf_item) * (argc-i+1));
+ struct item *item;
- for (; i<argc; i++)
- {
- byte *arg = xstrdup(argv[i]);
- if (!strcmp(arg, "*"))
- allow_unknown = 1;
+ if (*pos == '@')
+ {
+ pos++;
+ struct section *sec = mp_alloc_zero(pool, sizeof(*sec));
+ sec->size = sizeof(cnode);
+ clist_init(&sec->list);
+ item = &sec->item;
+ item->cf.name = parse_name();
+ item->cf.cls = CC_LIST;
+ item->cf.number = 1;
+ parse_white();
+ parse_char('{');
+ parse_section(sec);
+ parse_char('}');
+ }
- {
- byte *e = strchr(arg, '=');
- if (e)
- *e++ = 0;
- byte *t = arg + strlen(arg) - 1;
- if (t > arg)
+ {
+ item = mp_alloc_zero(pool, sizeof(*item));
+ if (*pos == '-')
- if (*t == '#')
- {
- *t-- = 0;
- if (t > arg && *t == '#')
- {
- *t-- = 0;
- c->type |= F_INT64;
- }
- else
- c->type |= F_INT;
- }
- else if (*t == '$')
- {
- *t-- = 0;
- c->type |= F_DOUBLE;
- }
+ item->flags |= FLAG_HIDE;
+ pos++;
- if (*arg == '@')
+ item->cf.cls = CC_STATIC;
+ item->cf.number = 1;
+ switch (*pos)
- arg++;
- printf("declare -a CF_%s ; CF_%s=()\n", arg, arg);
- c->type |= F_ARRAY;
+ case '#':
+ if (*++pos == '#')
+ {
+ pos++;
+ item->cf.type = CT_U64;
+ }
+ else
+ item->cf.type = CT_INT;
+ break;
+ case '$':
+ pos++;
+ item->cf.type = CT_DOUBLE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!Cword(*pos))
+ die("Invalid type syntax");
+ item->cf.type = CT_STRING;
+ break;
+ item->cf.name = parse_name();
+ }
+ if (section->item.cf.cls == CC_LIST)
+ {
+ item->cf.ptr = (void *)section->size;
+ section->size += sizeof(union value);
+ }
+ else
+ item->cf.ptr = &item->value;
+ clist_add_tail(§ion->list, &item->node);
+ section->count++;
+ }
- c->cls = CC_PARSER;
- c->name = arg;
- c->number = (c->type & F_ARRAY) ? CF_ANY_NUM : 1;
- c->ptr = c;
- c->u.par = (cf_parser*) report;
- if (e) {
- byte *err = report(1, &e, c);
- if (err)
- die("Cannot parse the default value #%d: %s", c-sec->cfg, err);
- }
- c++;
+static void
+ for (uns sep = 0; ; sep = 1)
+ {
+ parse_white();
+ if (!*pos)
+ break;
+ if (sep)
+ parse_char(',');
+ parse_white();
+ struct section *sec = mp_alloc_zero(pool, sizeof(*sec));
+ if (*pos == '*')
+ {
+ pos++;
+ sec->item.flags |= FLAG_NO_UNKNOWN;
+ sec->item.cf.name = parse_name();
+ parse_white();
+ parse_char('{');
+ clist_add_tail(§ions, &sec->item.node);
+ clist_init(&sec->list);
+ parse_section(sec);
+ parse_char('}');
+ }
+static struct cf_section *
+generate_section(struct section *section)
+ struct cf_section *sec = mp_alloc_zero(pool, sizeof(*sec));
+ if (section->item.cf.cls == CC_LIST)
+ sec->size = section->size;
+ struct cf_item *c = sec->cfg = mp_alloc_zero(pool, sizeof(struct cf_item) * (section->count + 1));
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct item *, item, section->list)
+ {
+ *c = item->cf;
+ if (c->cls == CC_LIST)
+ c->u.sec = generate_section((struct section *)item);
+ c++;
c->cls = CC_END;
- cf_declare_section(sec_name, sec, allow_unknown);
- if (cf_getopt(start, argv, CF_SHORT_OPTS, CF_NO_LONG_OPTS, NULL) != -1)
+ return sec;
+static bb_t path;
+static void
+dump_item(struct item *item, void *ptr, uns path_len)
+ if (item->flags & FLAG_HIDE)
+ return;
+ union value *val = (union value *)((addr_int_t)ptr + (addr_int_t)item->cf.ptr);
+ if (item->cf.cls == CC_LIST)
+ {
+ uns len = strlen(item->cf.name);
+ bb_grow(&path, path_len + len + 1);
+ path.ptr[path_len] = '_';
+ memcpy(path.ptr + path_len + 1, item->cf.name, len);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(cnode *, ptr2, val->list)
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct item *, item2, ((struct section *)item)->list)
+ dump_item(item2, ptr2, path_len + len + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ byte *name = item->cf.name;
+ byte buf[128], *value = buf;
+ bb_grow(&path, path_len + 1)[path_len] = 0;
+ if (!ptr)
+ printf("CF_%s_%s='", path.ptr, name);
+ else
+ printf("CF_%s_%s[${#CF_%s_%s[*]}]='", path.ptr, name, path.ptr, name);
+ switch (item->cf.type)
+ {
+ case CT_INT:
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", val->v_int);
+ break;
+ case CT_U64:
+ sprintf(buf, "%Lu", val->v_u64);
+ break;
+ case CT_DOUBLE:
+ sprintf(buf, "%g", val->v_double);
+ break;
+ case CT_STRING:
+ if (val->v_ptr)
+ value = val->v_ptr;
+ else
+ *value = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ while (*value) {
+#if 0
+ if (*value == '\'')
+ die("Apostrophes are not supported in config of scripts");
+ if (*value == '\'')
+ printf("'\\''");
+ else
+ putchar(*value);
+ value++;
+ }
+ printf("'\n");
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ log_init("config");
+ if (argc < 2)
+ pos = argv[argc - 1];
+ argv[argc - 1] = NULL;
+ pool = mp_new(0x1000);
+ clist_init(§ions);
+ parse_outer();
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct section *, sec, sections)
+ cf_declare_section(sec->item.cf.name, generate_section(sec), !(sec->item.flags & FLAG_NO_UNKNOWN));
+ if (cf_getopt(argc - 1, argv, CF_SHORT_OPTS, CF_NO_LONG_OPTS, NULL) != -1)
+ help();
+ bb_init(&path);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct section *, section, sections)
+ {
+ uns len = strlen(section->item.cf.name);
+ memcpy(bb_grow(&path, len), section->item.cf.name, len);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct item *, item, section->list)
+ dump_item(item, NULL, len);
+ }
+ bb_done(&path);
return 0;