o Switching between direct and normal I/O. Should use normal I/O if the input is small enough.
o How does the speed of radix splitting decrease with increasing number of hash bits?
Does it help to use more bits than we need, so that we sort less data in memory?
-o Add automatic joining to the custom presorter interface?
Users of lib/sorter/array.h which might use radix-sorting:
if (in->flags & SBF_CUSTOM_PRESORT)
+ /*
+ * The trick with automatic joining, which we use for the normal presorter,
+ * is not necessary with the custom presorter, because the custom presorter
+ * is never called in the middle of the sorted data.
+ */
struct fastbuf *f = sbuck_write(out);
return ctx->custom_presort(f, ctx->big_buf, ctx->big_buf_size);