use PciIds::Notifications;
use PciIds::Address;
use PciIds::Log;
+use PciIds::Startup;
use Apache2::Const qw(:common :http);
sub safeEncode( $ ) {
print "<td class='deletes'><input type='checkbox' name='$delname' value='$delvalue'>\n" if defined $delname
-sub genNewForm( $ ) {
- my( $num ) = @_;
- print "<tr class='newhistory'><td>TODO combo";
+sub genNewForm( $$ ) {
+ my( $num, $values ) = @_;
+ print "<tr class='newhistory'><td>";
+ if( @{$values} ) {
+ print "<select id='ans-$num' name='ans-$num' onchange='answer( \"$num\" );'><option value='0'>Stock answers</option>";
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach( @{$values} ) {
+ $i ++;
+ my( $name ) = @{$_};
+ print "<option value='$i'>$name</option>";
+ }
+ print "</select>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "No stock answers";
+ }
print "<td><span class='newname'>Name: <input type='text' name='name-$num'></span><span class='newnote'>Note: <input type='text' name='note-$num'></span><br>\n";
- print "<textarea name='disc-$num'></textarea>\n";
+ print "<textarea id='disc-$num' name='disc-$num'></textarea>\n";
print "<td><td class='deletes'><input type='checkbox' name='loc-$num-softdel' value='del'>\n";
+sub loadStock() {
+ my @stock;
+ if( open ANS, "$directory/answers" ) {
+ my( $name, $text, $lines );
+ while( defined( $name = <ANS> ) ) {
+ $lines = '';
+ while( defined( $text = <ANS> ) ) {
+ chomp $text;
+ last if $text eq '';
+ $lines .= '<br>' if $lines ne '';
+ $lines .= encode( $text );
+ }
+ push @stock, [ encode( $name ), $lines ];
+ }
+ close ANS;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Could not find stock answers.\n";
+ }
+ return \@stock;
sub genNewAdminForm( $$$$$ ) {
my( $req, $args, $tables, $error, $auth ) = @_;
my $address = PciIds::Address::new( $req->uri() );
my $cnt = 0;
my $hiscnt = 0;
my $subcnt;
+ my $stock = loadStock();
+ print "<input type='hidden' name='jscript-active' id='jscript-active' value='0'>";#Trick to find out if user has JScript
+ print "<script type='text/javascript'><!--\n document.getElementById(\"jscript-active\").value = \"1\"; \n";
+ if( @{$stock} ) {
+ print "function answers() {\nreturn new Array( \"\" ";
+ foreach( @{$stock} ) {
+ my( $x, $text ) = @{$_};
+ print ', "'.$text.'"';
+ }
+ print ");\n}\n";
+ }
+ print '
+function answer( id ) {
+ var ans, index;
+ ans = answers();
+ index = document.getElementById( "ans-" + id ).value;
+ document.getElementById( "disc-" + id ).value = ans[index];
+ print "// --></script>";
foreach( @{$tables->adminDump( $prefix, $limit )} ) {
my( $locId, $actName, $actNote, $actHist, $actEmail, $actLogin, $actDisc, $actTime,
$hist, $disc, $name, $note, $email, $login, $time ) = @{$_};
last if( $hiscnt > ( defined $limit ? $limit : 80 ) );
$lastId = $locId;
if( $started ) {
- genNewForm( $cnt );
+ genNewForm( $cnt, $stock );
print "</table>\n";
} else {
$started = 1;
print "<input type='hidden' name='subcnt-$cnt' value='$subcnt'>\n" if( defined( $subcnt ) );
if( $started ) {
- genNewForm( $cnt );
+ genNewForm( $cnt, $stock );
print "</table>\n";
print "<p><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'>\n";
print "<input type='hidden' name='loc-$cnt-subcnt' value='$subcnt'>" if( $subcnt );
my $authid = $auth->{'authid'};
if( defined( $authid ) && hasRight( $auth->{'accrights'}, 'validate' ) ) {
my( %deleted, %approved );
+ my $hasJscript = getFormValue( 'jscript-active', '0' );
+ my $ans;
+ $ans = loadStock() unless $hasJscript;#If there is jscript, no need to translate
my $maxcnt = getFormValue( 'max-cnt', 0 );
my $maxhiscnt = getFormValue( 'max-hiscnt', 0 );
$errors = '';
my $note = getFormValue( "note-$i", undef );
$note = undef if defined $note && $note eq '';
my $discussion = getFormValue( "disc-$i", '' );
+ unless( $hasJscript ) {#Modified by the stock answers, is no jscript at user
+ my $index = getFormValue( "ans-$i", '0' );
+ $discussion = $ans->[$index-1]->[1] if $index;
+ }
$discussion = undef if defined $discussion && $discussion eq '';
my $delete = 0;
if( getFormValue( "loc-$i-softdel", '' ) =~ /^del$/ ) {