"-c\t\tCompress (default)\n\
-t\t\tCompress, decompress, and compare (in memory only)\n\
--x, -xx, -xxx\tMake the test crash by underestimating the output buffer\n\
+-x, -xx\t\tLet the test crash by shrinking the output buffer\n\
static void NONRET
- struct lizard_buffer *buf = lizard_alloc(li);
- uns exp_len = li;
- if (crash==1)
- {
- if (exp_len >= PAGE_SIZE)
- exp_len -= PAGE_SIZE;
- else
- exp_len = 0;
- printf("Setting shorter output buffer to %d: ", exp_len);
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- int lv = lizard_decompress_safe(mo, buf, exp_len);
+ int smaller_li;
+ if (li >= (int) PAGE_SIZE)
+ smaller_li = li - PAGE_SIZE;
+ else
+ smaller_li = 0;
+ struct lizard_buffer *buf = lizard_alloc(crash==1 ? smaller_li : li);
+ int lv = lizard_decompress_safe(mo, buf, crash==2 ? smaller_li : li);
printf("-> %d ", lv);
- if (crash >= 2)
- {
- uns guarded_pos = (lv + PAGE_SIZE-1)/PAGE_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE;
- printf("Reading from guarded memory: %d\n", ((byte *) (buf->ptr)) [guarded_pos]);
- if (crash == 2)
- {
- printf("Writing to guarded memory: ");
- fflush(stdout);
- ((byte *) (buf->ptr)) [guarded_pos] = 0;
- printf("succeeded\n");
- }
- if (crash == 3)
- {
- printf("Reading behind guarded memory: ");
- fflush(stdout);
- printf("%d\n", ((byte *) (buf->ptr)) [guarded_pos + PAGE_SIZE] = 0);
- }
- }
- if (lv != li || memcmp(mi, buf->ptr, li))
+ if (lv < 0)
+ printf("err:%m ");
+ else if (lv != li || memcmp(mi, buf->ptr, li))