can be done in constant time, but we have to be careful to avoid division instructions.
-We will use boldface letters for vectors. The components of a~vector~${\bf x}$
-will be denoted as $x_0,\ldots,x_{d-1}$.
\notan{Bit strings}\id{bitnota}%
We will work with binary representations of natural numbers by strings over the
alphabet $\{\0,\1\}$: we will use $\(x)$ for the number~$x$ written in binary,
is an~integer~$x$ such that $\(x)=\0\(x_{d-1})_b\0\(x_{d-2})_b\0\ldots\0\(x_0)_b = \sum_i 2^{(b+1)i}\cdot x_i$.
(We have interspersed the elements with \df{separator bits.})
+We will use boldface letters for vectors and the same letters in normal type
+for their encodings. The elements of a~vector~${\bf x}$ will be denoted as
If we wish for the whole vector to fit in a~single word, we need $(b+1)d\le W$.
By using multiple-precision arithmetics, we can encode all vectors satisfying $bd=\O(W)$.
$s_k=\sum_{i=0}^{k-1}x_i$, $r_k=\sum_{i=k}^{d-1}x_i$.
\>$\<Cmp>(x,y)$ --- element-wise comparison of~vectors ${\bf x}$ and~${\bf y}$,
-i.e., a~vector ${\bf z}$ such that $z_i=1$ iff $x_i<y_i$:
+i.e., a~vector ${\bf z}$ such that $z_i=1$ iff $x_i<y_i$.
+We replace the separator zeroes in~$x$ by ones and subtract~$y$. These ones
+change back to zeroes exactly at the positions where $x_i<y_i$ and they stop
+carries from propagating, so the fields do not interact with each other:
+\def\9{\rack{\0}{\hss ?\hss}}
\1 \[x_{d-1}] \1 \[x_{d-2}] \[\cdots] \1 \[x_1] \1 \[x_0] \cr
-~ \0 \[y_{d-1}] \0 \[y_{d-2}] \[\cdots] \0 \[y_1] \0 \[y_0] \cr
+ \9 \[\ldots] \9 \[\ldots] \[\cdots] \9 \[\ldots] \9 \[\ldots] \cr
-We replace the separator zeroes in~$x$ by ones and subtract~$y$. These ones change back to zeroes exactly at
-the positions where $x_i<y_i$ and they stop carries from propagating, so the
-fields do not interact with each other. It only remains to shift the separator
-bits to the right positions, negate them and zero out all other bits.
+It only remains to shift the separator bits to the right positions, negate them
+and zero out all other bits.
\>$\<Rank>(x,\alpha)$ --- return the number of elements of~${\bf x}$ which are less than~$\alpha$,
assuming that the result fits in~$b$ bits:
-\<Sum>(\<Cmp>(x,\<Replicate>(\alpha))) \cr
+\<Rank>(x,\alpha) = \<Sum>(\<Cmp>(x,\<Replicate>(\alpha))). \cr
\>$\<Insert>(x,\alpha)$ --- insert~$\alpha$ into a~sorted vector $\bf x$:
Calculate $k = \<Rank>(x,\alpha)$ first, then insert~$\alpha$ as the $k$-th
field of~$\bf x$ using masking operations.
-\>$\<Unpack>(\alpha)$ --- create a~vector whose components are the bits of~$\(\alpha)_b$.
-In other words, it inserts $\0^b$ between every two bits of~$\alpha$.
+\>$\<Unpack>(\alpha)$ --- create a~vector whose elements are the bits of~$\(\alpha)_d$.
+In other words, we insert blocks~$\0^b$ between the bits of~$\alpha$. Assuming that $b\ge d$,
+we can do it as follows:
This enables us to make use of intermediate vectors with $b$~elements
of $b$~bits each.
-\algn{Integer operations in quadratic workspace}
+\algn{Integer operations in quadratic workspace}\id{lsbmsb}
\>$\<Weight>(\alpha)$ --- compute the Hamming weight of~$\alpha$, i.e., the number of ones in~$\(\alpha)$.
As noted by Brodnik~\cite{brodnik:lsb} and others, the space requirements of
-the \<LSB> operation can be reduced to linear. We split the input to roughly
-$\sqrt{b}$ blocks of roughly $\sqrt{b}$ bits each. Then we find which blocks are
-non-zero and identify the lowest non-zero block (this is \<LSB> of a~number
-whose bits correspond to the blocks). Finally we calculate the \<LSB> of this
-block. The same trick of course works for the \<MSB> as well.
+the \<LSB> operation can be reduced to linear. We split the input to $\sqrt{b}$
+blocks of $\sqrt{b}$ bits each. Then we determine which blocks are non-zero and
+identify the lowest such block (this is a~\<LSB> of a~number whose bits
+correspond to the blocks). Finally we calculate the \<LSB> of this block. In
+both calls to \<LSB,> we have a $\sqrt{b}$-bit number in a~$b$-bit word, so we
+can use the previous algorithm. The same trick of course works for finding the
+\<MSB> as well.
The following algorithm shows the details.
\algn{LSB in linear workspace}
\algin A~$w$-bit number~$\alpha$.
\:$b\=\lceil\sqrt{w}\rceil$. \cmt{size of a~block}
-\:$x\=(\alpha \band (\0\1^b)^b) \bor (\alpha \band (\1\0^b)^b)$.
+\:$\ell\=b$. \cmt{the number of blocks is the same}
+\:$x\=(\alpha \band (\0\1^b)^\ell) \bor (\alpha \band (\1\0^b)^\ell)$.
\cmt{$x_i\ne 0$ iff the $i$-th block is non-zero}%
\foot{Why is this so complicated? It is tempting to take $\alpha$ itself as a~code of this vector,