-LIBUCW:=$(shell cd /home/mj/src/libucw/run && pwd)
-UCWCF:=$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(LIBUCW)/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --cflags libucw libucw-charset libucw-xml)
-UCWLF:=$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(LIBUCW)/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --libs libucw libucw-charset libucw-xml)
-FTCF:=$(shell freetype-config --cflags)
-FTLF:=$(shell freetype-config --libs)
-PANGOCF:=$(shell pkg-config pangoft2 --cflags)
-PANGOLF:=$(shell pkg-config pangoft2 --libs)
-CFLAGS=$(COPT) -Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wundef -Wredundant-decls -Wno-missing-field-initializers -std=gnu99 $(UCWCF) -ggdb -DDEBUG_ASSERTS
-all: leo
-leo: leo.o xml.o osm.o svg.o svg-icon.o css-parse.o css-lex.o style.o css.o dict.o sym.o sym-point.o sym-line.o sym-text.o map.o shp.o
-INC=leo.h dict-keys.h dict-values.h dict-props.h osm.h svg.h style.h css.h dict.h map.h sym.h
-leo.o: leo.c $(INC)
-xml.o: xml.c $(INC)
-osm.o: osm.c $(INC)
-svg.o: svg.c $(INC)
-svg-icon.o: svg-icon.c $(INC)
-style.o: style.c $(INC)
-css.o: css.c $(INC)
-dict.o: dict.c $(INC)
-sym.o: sym.c $(INC)
-sym-point.o: sym-point.c $(INC)
-sym-line.o: sym-line.c $(INC)
-sym-text.o: sym-text.c $(INC)
-css-parse.o: css-parse.c $(INC)
-css-lex.o: css-lex.c $(INC) css-parse.c
-map.o: map.c $(INC)
-shp.o: shp.c $(INC)
-sym-text.o: CFLAGS+=$(FTCF) $(PANGOCF)
-css-parse.c: css-parse.y
- bison --name-prefix=css_ --token-table --verbose --defines -o $@ $^
+# Makefile for Hic Est Leo
+all: runtree programs extras configs
+# Include configuration
+-include obj/config.mk
+ @echo "You need to run configure first." && false
+# We will use the libucw build system
+include $(BUILDSYS)/Maketop
-dict-%.h: dict-%.t gen-dict
- ./gen-dict <$< >$@
- rm -f leo *.o css-parse.c css-parse.h css-parse.output tags
- rm -f dict-keys.h dict-values.h dict-props.h
+LEO_MODULES=leo xml osm svg svg-icon css-parse css-lex style css dict sym sym-point sym-line sym-text map shp
+LEO_OBJECTS=$(addprefix $(o)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(LEO_MODULES)))
+$(o)/leo: $(LEO_OBJECTS)
- ctags *.[chy]
+$(o)/svg-icon.o: CFLAGS+=$(LIBUCW_XML_CFLAGS)
+$(LEO_OBJECTS): $(o)/dict-keys.h $(o)/dict-props.h $(o)/dict-values.h
+$(o)/css-parse.c: css-parse.y
+ bison --name-prefix=css_ --token-table --verbose --defines -o $@ $^
- rs output.pdf ps:poskole-beta/www/tmp/2014/mapa.pdf
+$(o)/dict-%.h: dict-%.t $(BUILDSYS)/gen-dict
+ build/gen-dict <$< >$@
- rs . camelot:a/priv/poskole/map/new/$$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')/
+install: all $(INSTALL_TARGETS)
+ @echo "Nothing to install, this is a local build." && false
+.PHONY: install
-output.svg: leo dump.osm poskole.css
- ./leo
+#output.svg: leo dump.osm poskole.css
+# ./leo
+#output.pdf: output.svg
+# inkscape --export-pdf=output.pdf output.svg
-output.pdf: output.svg
- inkscape --export-pdf=output.pdf output.svg
+include $(BUILDSYS)/Makebottom
--- /dev/null
+# Bottom part of Makefile for the UCW Libraries
+# (c) 1997--2008 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+# The run tree
+runtree: run/.tree-stamp $(addsuffix /.dir-stamp,$(addprefix $(o)/,$(DIRS)) $(addprefix run/$(DOCDIR)/,$(DOC_MODULES)))
+run/.tree-stamp: $(o)/config.mk
+ $(M)Creating runtree
+ $(Q)mkdir -p run $(addprefix run/, $(CONFIG_DIR) $(EXTRA_RUNDIRS) $(INSTALL_RUNDIRS))
+ $(Q)touch run/.tree-stamp
+# Miscellaneous targets
+programs: $(PROGS)
+datafiles: $(DATAFILES)
+tests: $(TESTS)
+configs: $(addprefix run/$(CONFIG_DIR)/,$(CONFIGS))
+docs: runtree $(DOCS) $(DOC_INDICES)
+ etags `find . -name "*.[ch]"`
+# Black magic with dependencies. It would be more correct to make "depend.new"
+# a prerequisite for "depend", but "depend.new" often has the same timestamp
+# as "depend" which would confuse make a lot and either force remaking anyway
+# or (as in current versions of GNU make) erroneously skipping the remaking.
+-include $(o)/depend
+$(o)/depend: force
+ $(Q)if [ -s $(o)/depend.new ] ; then $(BUILDSYS)/mergedeps $(o)/depend $(o)/depend.new ; >$(o)/depend.new ; fi
+# Rules for directories
+ $(Q)mkdir -p $(@D) && touch $@
+# Rules for configuration files
+run/$(CONFIG_DIR)/%: $(s)/$(CONFIG_SRC_DIR)/% $(o)/config.mk $(BUILDSYS)/genconf
+ $(M)CF $<
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/genconf $< $@ $(o)/config.mk
+$(o)/%.cf: $(s)/%.cf $(o)/config.mk $(BUILDSYS)/genconf
+ $(M)CF $<
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/genconf $< $@ $(o)/config.mk
+ $(Q)cp $@ run/$(CONFIG_DIR)/$(basename $(@F))
+# Rules for libraries
+ $(M)AR $@
+ $(Q)rm -f $@
+ $(Q)ar rcs $@ $^
+ $(Q)$(call symlink-alias,$@,run/lib,$(*F)$(LIBNAME_INFIX).a)
+ $(M)LD $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink-alias,$@,run/$(SO_RUNDIR),$(*F)$(SONAME_INFIX).so$(SONAME_SUFFIX))
+ $(Q)ln -fs $(*F)$(SONAME_INFIX).so$(SONAME_SUFFIX) run/$(SO_RUNDIR)/$(*F)$(SONAME_INFIX).so
+# On Darwin, gcc expects shared libraries in *.dylib instead of *.so.
+# Surprisingly, when a program is run, it suffices to have *.so files.
+# We don't want to mess up the whole build system with configurable
+# suffices and we also don't want to incur an overhead on Linux, so we
+# just create symbolic links on Darwin, if requested.
+%.dylib: %.so
+ cd $(dir $<) && ln -fs $(notdir $<) $(notdir $@)
+$(o)/%.pc: $(s)/%.pc $(o)/%$(LV).$(LS)
+ $(M)PC $<
+ $(Q)DEPS="$(shell $(BUILDSYS)/lib-deps $^)" LIBDIR=$(@D) $(BUILDSYS)/genconf $< $@ $(o)/config.mk
+ $(Q)mkdir -p $(o)/pkgconfig
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,$(o)/pkgconfig)
+# Rules for public API
+# Need an absolute path
+API_ROOT:=$(shell pwd)/run
+INSTALL_RUNDIRS+=include lib/pkgconfig
+api: $(API_INCLUDES) $(addprefix run/lib/pkgconfig/,$(addsuffix .pc,$(API_LIBS)))
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/install-includes $(<D) run/include/$(IDST) $(?F)
+ $(Q)touch $@
+run/lib/pkgconfig/%.pc: # RHS supplied in the sub-makefile
+ $(M)PC-API $@
+ $(Q)sed <$< >$@ "s@^libdir=.*@libdir=$(API_LIBDIR)@;s@^incdir=.*@incdir=$(API_INCDIR)@"
+# Rules for compiling C
+$(o)/%.o: $(s)/%.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+$(o)/%.o: %.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+%.o: %.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+$(o)/%.oo: $(s)/%.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC-SO $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CSHARED) -c -o $@ $<
+$(o)/%.oo: %.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC-SO $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CSHARED) -c -o $@ $<
+%.oo: %.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC-SO $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CSHARED) -c -o $@ $<
+$(o)/%-tt.o: $(s)/%.c $(o)/autoconf.h
+ $(M)CC-TEST $<
+ $(Q)DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="$(o)/depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTEST -c -o $@ $<
+# Rules for testing
+$(o)/%-t: $(o)/%-tt.o $(TESTING_DEPS)
+ $(M)LD-TEST $@
+$(o)/%.test: $(s)/%.t $(BUILDSYS)/tester
+ $(M)TEST $@
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/tester --rundir=run $(TESTERFLAGS) $< && touch $@
+# Rules for binaries
+$(o)/%: $(o)/%.o
+ $(M)LD $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%: $(s)/%.sh $(o)/config.mk $(BUILDSYS)/genconf
+ $(M)PP $<
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/genconf $< $@ $(o)/config.mk
+ $(Q)chmod +x $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%: %.sh $(o)/config.mk $(BUILDSYS)/genconf
+ $(M)PP $<
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/genconf $< $@ $(o)/config.mk
+ $(Q)chmod +x $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%: $(s)/%.pl $(o)/config.mk $(BUILDSYS)/genconf
+ $(M)PP $<
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/genconf $< $@ $(o)/config.mk
+ $(Q)chmod +x $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%: %.pl $(o)/config.mk $(BUILDSYS)/genconf
+ $(M)PP $<
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/genconf $< $@ $(o)/config.mk
+ $(Q)chmod +x $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(BINDIR))
+$(o)/%.pm: $(s)/%.pm
+ $(M)"PM $< -> run/lib/perl5/$(PERL_MODULE_DIR)/$(@F)"
+ $(Q)cp $^ $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/lib/perl5/$(PERL_MODULE_DIR))
+$(o)/%.pm: %.pm
+ $(M)"PM $< -> run/lib/perl/$(PERL_MODULE_DIR)/$(@F)"
+ $(Q)cp $^ $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/lib/perl5/$(PERL_MODULE_DIR))
+# Rules for data files
+$(DATAFILES): $(o)/%: $(s)/%
+ $(M)DATA $<
+ $(Q)cp $^ $@
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(DATADIR))
+# Rules for documentation
+$(o)/%.html: $(o)/%.txt $(BUILDSYS)/asciidoc.conf $(BUILDSYS)/asciidoc-xhtml.conf run/$(DOCDIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/.dir-stamp
+ $(M)"DOC-HTML $<"
+ $(Q)asciidoc -e -f $(BUILDSYS)/asciidoc.conf -f $(BUILDSYS)/asciidoc-xhtml.conf -f $(HOST_PREFIX)/etc/asciidoc/asciidoc.conf -f $(HOST_PREFIX)/etc/asciidoc/xhtml11.conf $<
+ $(Q)$(call symlink,$@,run/$(DOCDIR)/$(DOC_MODULE))
+# In reality, we do not depend on the .txt files, but on the corresponding .deflist's.
+# However, the Makefile language cannot express that doc-extract generates both .txt
+# and .deflist, so we always use the .txt's in dependencies.
+$(patsubst %.html,%.txt,$(DOC_INDICES)): $(o)/%.txt: $(patsubst %.html,%.txt,$(DOCS)) $(BUILDSYS)/doc-defs
+ $(M)"DOC-DEFS $@"
+ $(Q)echo $@: $(DOC_HEAD) $(DOC_LIST) >> $(o)/depend.new
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/doc-defs $(DOC_HEAD) $@ $(DOC_LIST)
+$(patsubst %.html,%.txt,$(DOCS)): $(o)/%.txt: $(s)/%.txt $(BUILDSYS)/doc-extract
+ $(M)"DOC-EXT $<"
+ $(Q)$(BUILDSYS)/doc-extract $< $@ $(o)/depend.new $(s) $(patsubst %.txt,%.deflist,$@)
+# Don't delete intermediate targets. There shouldn't be any, but due to bugs
+# in GNU Make rules with targets in not-yet-existing directories are ignored
+# when searching for implicit rules and thence targets considered intermediate.
+.PHONY: all clean distclean runtree programs api datafiles force tags configs dust install docs tests
--- /dev/null
+# Top part of Makefile for the UCW Libraries
+# (c) 1997--2008 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+# Set to 1 if you want verbose output
+# Set to 'y' (or 'n') if you want to auto-confirm (auto-reject) all questions in build/installer
+# Disable all built-in rules and variables. Speeds up make and simplifies debugging.
+CFLAGS=$(CLANG) $(COPT) $(CDEBUG) $(CWARNS) $(CEXTRA) -I. -I$(o) -I$(s)
+# Various files whose type does not fit into PROGS
+# Whenever "make -s" (silent) is run, turn on verbose mode (paradoxical, but gives the right result)
+ifneq ($(findstring s,$(MAKEFLAGS)),)
+# Define M (message) and Q (quiet command prefix) macros and also MAKESILENT passed to sub-makes
+ifeq ($(V),1)
+M=@echo #
+# Clean needs to be a double-colon rule since we want sub-makefiles to be able
+# to define their own cleanup actions.
+ rm -f `find . -path "*~" -or -name "\#*\#"`
+ rm -f allocs.tmp cscope.out TAGS
+clean:: dust
+ rm -rf `find obj/ucw -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name autoconf.h`
+ rm -rf `find obj -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not \( -name config.mk -o -name autoconf.h -o -name ucw \)`
+ rm -rf tests run/{bin,lib,include,.tree-stamp,doc}
+distclean:: clean
+ rm -rf obj run debian-tmp
+ rm -f `find obj -name "*.test"`
+ rm -f $(DOCS) $(patsubst %.html,%.txt,$(DOCS))
+# Extra default rules (appended to by submakefiles)
+# Relative symlinks and other pathname manipulation macros
+space:=$(empty) $(empty)
+backref=$(subst $(space),/,$(patsubst %,..,$(subst /,$(space),$(1))))
+tack-on=$(if $(patsubst /%,,$(2)),$(1)/$(2),$(2))
+symlink=ln -sf $(call tack-on,$(call backref,$(2)),$(1)) $(2)/
+symlink-alias=ln -sf $(call tack-on,$(call backref,$(2)),$(1)) $(2)/$(3)
--- /dev/null
+# Generate dict-*.h from dict-*.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+print "// Auto-generated by gen-dict\n";
+while (<STDIN>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if /^$/ or /^#/;
+ my $prop = $_;
+ my $sym = $_;
+ $sym =~ s{[^A-Za-z0-9_]}{_}g;
+ $sym =~ tr{a-z}{A-Z};
+ print "P($sym, \"$prop\")\n";
--- /dev/null
+# A preprocessor for linker arguments, which replaces references to .pc
+# files by results of the proper calls to pkg-config.
+# (c) 2007 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>, placed under GNU LGPL
+set -e
+while [ -n "$1" ] ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ *.pc) PC="$PC `basename $1 .pc`"
+ ;;
+ *) echo -n " $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [ -n "$PC" ] ; then
+ echo -n " "
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:obj/pkgconfig" pkg-config $PKG_CONFIG_OPTS --libs $PC
--- /dev/null
+@ARGV == 2 or die "Usage: mergedeps <base> <update>";
+foreach $a (@ARGV) {
+ open F, "$a" or next;
+ $t = "";
+ while (<F>) {
+ $t .= $_;
+ if (! /\\$/) {
+ ($t =~ /^(.*):/) || die "Parse error at $t";
+ $rules{$1} = $t;
+ $t = "";
+ }
+ }
+ close F;
+open(F,">" . $ARGV[0]) || die "Unable to write output file";
+foreach $a (sort keys %rules) {
+ print F $rules{$a};
+close F;
--- /dev/null
+# Configure Script for Hic Est Leo
+# (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+our $srcdir;
+ my $pkgfile = "sym-line.c";
+ if (!defined ($srcdir = $ENV{"SRCDIR"})) {
+ if (-f $pkgfile) {
+ $srcdir=".";
+ } elsif ($0 =~ m@^(.*)/configure$@ && -f "$1/$pkgfile") {
+ $srcdir=$1;
+ } else {
+ die "Don't know how to find myself. Please set SRCDIR manually.\n";
+ }
+ }
+use lib "$srcdir/perl/";
+use UCW::Configure;
+Init($srcdir, "default.cfg");
+Log "### Configuring Hic Est Leo with configuration " . Get("CONFIG") . "\n";
+Include Get("CONFIG");
+require UCW::Configure::Paths;
+require UCW::Configure::C;
+require UCW::Configure::Pkg;
+UCW::Configure::Pkg::PkgConfig("libucw") or Fail("libucw is required");
+UCW::Configure::Pkg::PkgConfig("libucw-charset") or Fail("libucw-charset is required");
+UCW::Configure::Pkg::PkgConfig("libucw-xml") or Fail("libucw-xml is required");
+UCW::Configure::Pkg::PkgConfig("pangoft2") or Fail("pangoft2 is required");
+UCW::Configure::Pkg::TrivConfig("freetype", script => "freetype-config") or Fail("freetype2 is required");
+Log "\nConfigured, run `make' to build everything.\n";
--- /dev/null
+# Default configuration of Hic Est Leo
+# By default, compile everything for local use without installation
+# Include debugging code
+# Return success
+++ /dev/null
-# Generate dict-*.h from dict-*.t
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-print "// Auto-generated by gen-dict\n";
-while (<STDIN>) {
- chomp;
- next if /^$/ or /^#/;
- my $prop = $_;
- my $sym = $_;
- $sym =~ s{[^A-Za-z0-9_]}{_}g;
- $sym =~ tr{a-z}{A-Z};
- print "P($sym, \"$prop\")\n";
--- /dev/null
+# Perl module for UCW Configure Scripts
+# (c) 2005--2010 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+# This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+# of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+package UCW::Configure;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ # The somewhat hairy Perl export mechanism
+ use Exporter();
+ $VERSION = 1.0;
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(&Init &Log &Notice &Warn &Fail &IsSet &IsGiven &Set &UnSet &Append &Override &Get &Test &TestBool &Include &Finish &FindFile &TryFindFile &DebugDump &PostConfig &AtWrite);
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw();
+ %EXPORT_TAGS = ();
+our %vars;
+our %overriden;
+our @postconfigs;
+our @atwrites;
+sub DebugDump() {
+ print "VARS:\n";
+ print "$_: $vars{$_}\n" foreach( keys %vars );
+sub Log($) {
+ print @_;
+sub Notice($) {
+ print @_ if $vars{"VERBOSE"};
+sub Warn($) {
+ print "WARNING: ", @_;
+sub Fail($) {
+ Log("ERROR: " . (shift @_) . "\n");
+ exit 1;
+sub IsSet($) {
+ my ($x) = @_;
+ return exists $vars{$x};
+sub IsGiven($) {
+ my ($x) = @_;
+ return exists $overriden{$x};
+sub Get($) {
+ my ($x) = @_;
+ return $vars{$x};
+sub Set($;$) {
+ my ($x,$y) = @_;
+ $y=1 unless defined $y;
+ $vars{$x}=$y unless $overriden{$x};
+sub UnSet($) {
+ my ($x) = @_;
+ delete $vars{$x} unless $overriden{$x};
+sub Append($$) {
+ my ($x,$y) = @_;
+ Set($x, (IsSet($x) ? (Get($x) . " $y") : $y));
+sub Override($;$) {
+ my ($x,$y) = @_;
+ $y=1 unless defined $y;
+ $vars{$x}=$y;
+ $overriden{$x} = 1;
+sub Test($$$) {
+ my ($var,$msg,$sub) = @_;
+ Log "$msg ... ";
+ if (IsSet($var)) {
+ Log Get($var) . " (preset)\n";
+ } else {
+ my $val = &$sub();
+ Set($var, $val);
+ Log "$val\n";
+ }
+sub TestBool($$$) {
+ my ($var,$msg,$sub) = @_;
+ Log "$msg ... ";
+ if (IsSet($var) || IsGiven($var)) {
+ Log ((Get($var) ? "yes" : "no") . " (set)\n");
+ } else {
+ my ($val, $comment) = &$sub();
+ Set($var, $val);
+ Log (($val ? "yes" : "no") . "\n");
+ }
+sub TryFindFile($) {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ if (-f $f) {
+ return $f;
+ } elsif ($f !~ /^\// && -f (Get("SRCDIR")."/$f")) {
+ return Get("SRCDIR")."/$f";
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub FindFile($) {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ my $F;
+ defined ($F = TryFindFile($f)) or Fail "Cannot find file $f";
+ return $F;
+sub Init($$) {
+ my ($srcdir,$defconfig) = @_;
+ sub usage($) {
+ my ($dc) = @_;
+ print STDERR "Usage: [<srcdir>/]configure " . (defined $dc ? "[" : "") . "<config-name>" . (defined $dc ? "]" : "") .
+ " [<option>[=<value>] | -<option>] ...\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ Set('CONFIG' => $defconfig) if defined $defconfig;
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ usage($defconfig) if $ARGV[0] eq "--help";
+ if (!defined($defconfig) || $ARGV[0] !~ /^-?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*(=|$)/) {
+ # This does not look like an option, so read it as a file name
+ Set('CONFIG' => shift @ARGV);
+ }
+ }
+ Set("SRCDIR", $srcdir);
+ foreach my $x (@ARGV) {
+ if ($x =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)/) {
+ Override($1 => $2);
+ } elsif ($x =~ /^-(\w+)$/) {
+ Override($1 => 0);
+ delete $vars{$1};
+ } elsif ($x =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
+ Override($1 => 1);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Invalid option $x\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ defined Get("CONFIG") or usage($defconfig);
+ if (!TryFindFile(Get("CONFIG"))) {
+ TryFindFile(Get("CONFIG")."/config") or Fail "Cannot find configuration " . Get("CONFIG");
+ Override("CONFIG" => Get("CONFIG")."/config");
+ }
+sub Include($) {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ $f = FindFile($f);
+ Notice "Loading configuration $f\n";
+ require $f;
+sub PostConfig(&) {
+ unshift @postconfigs, $_[0];
+sub AtWrite(&) {
+ unshift @atwrites, $_[0];
+sub Finish() {
+ for my $post (@postconfigs) {
+ &$post();
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ if (Get("SRCDIR") ne ".") {
+ Log "Preparing for compilation from directory " . Get("SRCDIR") . " to obj/ ... ";
+ -l "src" and unlink "src";
+ symlink Get("SRCDIR"), "src" or Fail "Cannot link source directory to src: $!";
+ Override("SRCDIR" => "src");
+ -l "Makefile" and unlink "Makefile";
+ -f "Makefile" and Fail "Makefile already exists";
+ symlink "src/Makefile", "Makefile" or Fail "Cannot link Makefile: $!";
+ } else {
+ Log "Preparing for compilation from current directory to obj/ ... ";
+ }
+ if (-d "obj") {
+ `rm -rf obj`; Fail "Cannot delete old obj directory" if $?;
+ }
+ -d "obj" or mkdir("obj", 0777) or Fail "Cannot create obj directory: $!";
+ -d "obj/ucw" or mkdir("obj/ucw", 0777) or Fail "Cannot create obj/ucw directory: $!";
+ Log "done\n";
+ Log "Generating config.mk ... ";
+ open X, ">obj/config.mk" or Fail $!;
+ print X "# Generated automatically by $0, please don't touch manually.\n";
+ foreach my $x (sort keys %vars) {
+ print X "$x=$vars{$x}\n";
+ }
+ print X "s=\${SRCDIR}\n";
+ print X "o=obj\n";
+ close X;
+ Log "done\n";
+ for my $wr (@atwrites) {
+ &$wr();
+ }
+1; # OK
--- /dev/null
+# UCW Library configuration system: find UCW build system
+# (c) 2008 Michal Vaner <vorner@ucw.cz>
+# This module asks pkg-config for a path to UCW build system
+# and sets propper variables for it (or fails, as it is expected
+# the build system is crucial).
+package UCW::Configure::Build;
+use UCW::Configure;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+if (!IsGiven("BUILDSYS")) {
+ Test("BUILDSYS", "Looking for UCW build system", sub {
+ my $path=`pkg-config libucw --variable=build_system`;
+ if($? || not defined $path) {
+ Fail("Not found (is libUCW installed and PKG_CONFIG_PATH set?)");
+ }
+ chomp $path;
+ return $path;
+ });
+# We succeeded
--- /dev/null
+# UCW Library configuration system: OS and C compiler
+# (c) 2005--2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+# (c) 2006 Robert Spalek <robert@ucw.cz>
+# (c) 2008 Michal Vaner <vorner@ucw.cz>
+### OS ###
+package UCW::Configure::C;
+use UCW::Configure;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+Test("OS", "Checking on which OS we run", sub {
+ my $os = `uname`;
+ chomp $os;
+ Fail "Unable to determine OS type" if $? || $os eq "";
+ return $os;
+if (Get("OS") eq "Linux") {
+} elsif (Get("OS") eq "Darwin") {
+} else {
+ Fail "Don't know how to run on this operating system.";
+### Compiler ###
+# Default compiler
+Test("CC", "Checking for C compiler", sub { return "gcc"; });
+# GCC version
+Test("GCCVER", "Checking for GCC version", sub {
+ my $gcc = Get("CC");
+ my $ver = `$gcc --version | sed '2,\$d; s/^\\(.* \\)*\\([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\).*/\\2/'`;
+ chomp $ver;
+ Fail "Unable to determine GCC version" if $? || $ver eq "";
+ return $ver;
+my ($gccmaj, $gccmin) = split(/\./, Get("GCCVER"));
+my $gccver = 1000*$gccmaj + $gccmin;
+$gccver >= 3000 or Fail "GCC older than 3.0 doesn't support C99 well enough.";
+### CPU ###
+Test("ARCH", "Checking for machine architecture", sub {
+ #
+ # We have to ask GCC for the target architecture, because it may
+ # differ from what uname tells us. This can happen even if we are
+ # not cross-compiling, for example on Linux with amd64 kernel, but
+ # i386 userspace.
+ #
+ my $gcc = Get("CC");
+ my $mach = `$gcc -dumpmachine 2>/dev/null`;
+ if (!$? && $mach ne "") {
+ $mach =~ s/-.*//;
+ } else {
+ $mach = `uname -m`;
+ Fail "Unable to determine machine type" if $? || $mach eq "";
+ }
+ chomp $mach;
+ if ($mach =~ /^i[0-9]86$/) {
+ return "i386";
+ } elsif ($mach =~ /^(x86[_-]|amd)64$/) {
+ return "amd64";
+ } else {
+ return "unknown ($mach)";
+ }
+my $arch = Get("ARCH");
+if ($arch eq 'i386') {
+ Set("CPU_I386");
+ Set("CPU_STRUCT_ALIGN" => 4);
+} elsif ($arch eq "amd64") {
+ Set("CPU_AMD64");
+ Set("CPU_STRUCT_ALIGN" => 8);
+} elsif (!Get("CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN") && !Get("CPU_BIG_ENDIAN")) {
+ Fail "Architecture not recognized, please set CPU_xxx variables manually.";
+### Compiler and its Options ###
+# C flags: tell the compiler we're speaking C99, and disable common symbols
+Set("CLANG" => "-std=gnu99 -fno-common");
+# C optimizations
+Set("COPT" => '-O2');
+if ($arch =~ /^(i386|amd64)$/ && Get("CONFIG_EXACT_CPU")) {
+ if ($gccver >= 4002) {
+ Append('COPT', '-march=native');
+ } else {
+ Warn "CONFIG_EXACT_CPU not supported with old GCC, ignoring.\n";
+ }
+# C optimizations for highly exposed code
+Set("COPT2" => '-O3');
+# Warnings
+Set("CWARNS" => '-Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes');
+Set("CWARNS_OFF" => '');
+# Linker flags
+Set("LOPT" => "");
+# Extra libraries
+Set("LIBS" => "");
+# Extra flags for compiling and linking shared libraries
+Set("CSHARED" => '-fPIC');
+Append("LOPT" => "-Wl,--rpath-link,run/lib");
+if (Get("INSTALL_LIB_DIR") eq "/usr/lib") {
+ Set("SO_LINK_PATH" => '');
+else {
+ Set("SO_LINK_PATH" => "-Wl,--rpath," . Get("INSTALL_LIB_DIR"));
+ AtWrite {
+ # FIXME: This is a hack. GCC would otherwise fail to link binaries.
+ my $libdir = Get("INSTALL_LIB_DIR");
+ if (IsSet("CONFIG_SHARED") && !(-d $libdir)) {
+ `install -d -m 755 $libdir`; Fail("Cannot create $libdir") if $?;
+ }
+ };
+if (IsSet("CONFIG_DARWIN")) {
+ Set("LSHARED" => '-dynamiclib -install_name $(@F)$(SONAME_SUFFIX) -undefined dynamic_lookup');
+} else {
+ Set("LSHARED" => '-shared -Wl,-soname,$(@F)$(SONAME_SUFFIX)');
+# Extra switches depending on GCC version:
+if ($gccver == 3000) {
+ Append("COPT" => "-fstrict-aliasing");
+} elsif ($gccver == 3003) {
+ Append("CWARNS" => "-Wundef -Wredundant-decls");
+ Append("COPT" => "-finline-limit=20000 --param max-inline-insns-auto=1000");
+} elsif ($gccver == 3004) {
+ Append("CWARNS" => "-Wundef -Wredundant-decls");
+ Append("COPT" => "-finline-limit=2000 --param large-function-insns=5000 --param inline-unit-growth=200 --param large-function-growth=400");
+} elsif ($gccver >= 4000) {
+ Append("CWARNS" => "-Wundef -Wredundant-decls -Wno-pointer-sign -Wdisabled-optimization -Wno-missing-field-initializers");
+ Append("CWARNS_OFF" => "-Wno-pointer-sign");
+ Append("COPT" => "-finline-limit=5000 --param large-function-insns=5000 --param inline-unit-growth=200 --param large-function-growth=400");
+} else {
+ Warn "Don't know anything about this GCC version, using default switches.\n";
+if (IsSet("CONFIG_DEBUG")) {
+ # If debugging:
+ Set("CDEBUG" => "-ggdb");
+} else {
+ # If building a release version:
+ Append("COPT" => "-fomit-frame-pointer");
+ Append("LOPT" => "-s");
+if (IsSet("CONFIG_DARWIN")) {
+ # gcc-4.0 on Darwin doesn't set this in the gnu99 mode
+ Append("CLANG" => "-fnested-functions");
+ # Directory hierarchy of the fink project
+ Append("LIBS" => "-L/sw/lib");
+ Append("COPT" => "-I/sw/include");
+### Compiling test programs ###
+sub TestCompile($$) {
+ my ($testname, $source) = @_;
+ my $dir = "conftest-$testname";
+ `rm -rf $dir && mkdir $dir`; $? and Fail "Cannot initialize $dir";
+ open SRC, ">$dir/conftest.c";
+ print SRC $source;
+ close SRC;
+ my $cmd = join(" ",
+ map { defined($_) ? $_ : "" }
+ "cd $dir &&",
+ Get("CC"), Get("CLANG"), Get("COPT"), Get("CEXTRA"), Get("LIBS"),
+ "conftest.c", "-o", "conftest",
+ ">conftest.log", "2>&1"
+ );
+ `$cmd`;
+ my $result = !$?;
+ `rm -rf $dir` unless Get("KEEP_CONFTEST");
+ return $result;
+### Writing C headers with configuration ###
+sub ConfigHeader($$) {
+ my ($hdr, $rules) = @_;
+ Log "Generating $hdr ... ";
+ open X, ">obj/$hdr" or Fail $!;
+ print X "/* Generated automatically by $0, please don't touch manually. */\n";
+ sub match_rules($$) {
+ my ($rules, $name) = @_;
+ for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @$rules; $i++) {
+ my ($r, $v) = ($rules->[$i], $rules->[$i+1]);
+ return $v if $name =~ $r;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ foreach my $x (sort keys %UCW::Configure::vars) {
+ next unless match_rules($rules, $x);
+ my $v = $UCW::Configure::vars{$x};
+ # Try to add quotes if necessary
+ $v = '"' . $v . '"' unless ($v =~ /^"/ || $v =~ /^\d*$/);
+ print X "#define $x $v\n";
+ }
+ close X;
+ Log "done\n";
+AtWrite {
+ ConfigHeader("autoconf.h", [
+ # Symbols with "_" anywhere in their name are exported
+ "_" => 1
+ ]);
+# Return success
--- /dev/null
+# UCW Library configuration system: installation paths
+# (c) 2005--2009 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+# (c) 2006 Robert Spalek <robert@ucw.cz>
+# (c) 2008 Michal Vaner <vorner@ucw.cz>
+package UCW::Configure::Paths;
+use UCW::Configure;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+Log "Determining installation prefix ... ";
+if (IsSet("CONFIG_LOCAL")) {
+ Log("local build with relative paths\n");
+ Set("INSTALL_PREFIX", "");
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("local build with absolute paths\n");
+ my $cwd = `pwd`; Fail("Cannot get current working directory") if $?;
+ chomp $cwd;
+ Set("INSTALL_PREFIX", "$cwd/run/");
+ }
+} else {
+ Set("PREFIX", "/usr/local") unless IsSet("PREFIX");
+ my $ipx = Get("PREFIX");
+ $ipx =~ s{/$}{};
+ Set("INSTALL_PREFIX", "$ipx/");
+ my $upx = ($ipx eq "" ? "/usr/" : "$ipx/");
+ Set("INSTALL_USR_PREFIX", $upx);
+ $upx =~ s{^/usr\b}{/var};
+ Set("INSTALL_VAR_PREFIX", $upx);
+ Log(Get("PREFIX") . "\n");
+Set('CONFIG_DIR', 'etc') unless IsSet('CONFIG_DIR');
+Set('INSTALL_PKGCONFIG_DIR', Get('INSTALL_USR_PREFIX') . 'lib/pkgconfig');
+Set('INSTALL_MAN_DIR', Get('INSTALL_USR_PREFIX') . 'share/man');
+Set('INSTALL_DOC_DIR', Get('INSTALL_USR_PREFIX') . 'share/doc');
+Set('INSTALL_PERL_DIR', Get('INSTALL_LIB_DIR') . '/perl5');
+# Remember PKG_CONFIG_PATH used for building, so that it will be propagated to
+# pkg-config's run locally in the makefiles.
+# We succeeded
--- /dev/null
+# UCW Library configuration system: pkg-config and friends
+# (c) 2008 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+package UCW::Configure::Pkg;
+use UCW::Configure;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(&TryCmd &PkgConfig &TrivConfig);
+sub TryCmd($) {
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ my $res = `$cmd`;
+ defined $res or return;
+ chomp $res;
+ return $res unless $?;
+ return;
+sub maybe_manually($) {
+ my ($n) = @_;
+ if (IsGiven($n)) {
+ if (Get("$n")) { Log "YES (set manually)\n"; }
+ else { Log "NO (set manually)\n"; }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub PkgConfigTool() {
+ Log "Checking for pkg-config ... ";
+ if (!maybe_manually("CONFIG_HAVE_PKGCONFIG")) {
+ my $ver = TryCmd("pkg-config --version 2>/dev/null");
+ if (!defined $ver) {
+ Log("NONE\n");
+ } else {
+ Log("YES: version $ver\n");
+ }
+ }
+sub PkgConfig($@) {
+ my $pkg = shift @_;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $upper = $pkg; $upper =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $upper =~ s/[^0-9A-Z]+/_/g;
+ PkgConfigTool() unless IsSet("CONFIG_HAVE_PKGCONFIG");
+ Log "Checking for package $pkg ... ";
+ maybe_manually("CONFIG_HAVE_$upper") and return Get("CONFIG_HAVE_$upper");
+ Log("NONE: pkg-config missing\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $ver = TryCmd("pkg-config --modversion $pkg 2>/dev/null");
+ if (!defined $ver) {
+ Log("NONE\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (defined($opts{minversion})) {
+ my $min = $opts{minversion};
+ if (!defined TryCmd("pkg-config --atleast-version=$min $pkg")) {
+ Log("NO: version $ver is too old (need >= $min)\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ Log("YES: version $ver\n");
+ Set("CONFIG_HAVE_$upper" => 1);
+ Set("CONFIG_VER_$upper" => $ver);
+ my $cf = TryCmd("pkg-config --cflags $pkg");
+ Set("${upper}_CFLAGS" => $cf) if defined $cf;
+ my $lf = TryCmd("pkg-config --libs $pkg");
+ Set("${upper}_LIBS" => $lf) if defined $lf;
+ return 1;
+sub ver_norm($) {
+ my ($v) = @_;
+ return join(".", map { sprintf("%05s", $_) } split(/\./, $v));
+sub TrivConfig($@) {
+ my $pkg = shift @_;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $upper = $pkg; $upper =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $upper =~ s/[^0-9A-Z]+/_/g;
+ Log "Checking for package $pkg ... ";
+ maybe_manually("CONFIG_HAVE_$upper") and return Get("CONFIG_HAVE_$upper");
+ my $pc = $opts{script};
+ my $ver = TryCmd("$pc --version 2>/dev/null");
+ if (!defined $ver) {
+ Log("NONE\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (defined($opts{minversion})) {
+ my $min = $opts{minversion};
+ if (ver_norm($ver) lt ver_norm($min)) {
+ Log("NO: version $ver is too old (need >= $min)\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ Log("YES: version $ver\n");
+ Set("CONFIG_HAVE_$upper" => 1);
+ Set("CONFIG_VER_$upper" => $ver);
+ my $want = $opts{want};
+ defined $want or $want = ["cflags", "libs"];
+ for my $w (@$want) {
+ my $uw = $w; $uw =~ tr/a-z-/A-Z_/;
+ my $cf = TryCmd("$pc --$w");
+ Set("${upper}_${uw}" => $cf) if defined $cf;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# We succeeded