#include "autoconf.h"
+/*** Arguments ***/
static char *socket_path = INSTALL_RUN_DIR "/subauthd.socket";
-static const struct opt_section options = {
- OPT_HELP("A client to the sub-authentication daemon."),
- OPT_HELP("Usage: subauth [options]"),
- OPT_HELP(""),
- OPT_HELP("Options:"),
- }
+static char *arg_login;
+static char *arg_zone;
+static char *arg_ident;
+static int debug;
-int main(int argc UNUSED, char **argv)
+/*** Communication with the daemon ***/
+static struct json_context *js;
+static struct json_node *rq;
+static struct json_node *rp;
+static void set_string(struct json_node *n, const char *key, const char *val)
- opt_parse(&options, argv+1);
+ json_object_set(n, key, json_new_string(js, val));
+static struct json_node *get_child(struct json_node *obj, const char *key, bool mandatory, uint type)
+ struct json_node *n = json_object_get(obj, key);
+ if (!n)
+ {
+ if (mandatory)
+ die("Malformed reply: missing %s", key);
+ }
+ else if (n->type != type)
+ die("Malformed reply: %s has wrong type", key);
+ return n;
+static void op_new(const char *op)
+ js = json_new();
+ rq = json_new_object(js);
+ set_string(rq, "cmd", op);
+static void op_debug(const char *msg, struct json_node *n)
+ if (!debug)
+ return;
+ struct fastbuf *out = bfdopen_shared(1, 4096);
+ bprintf(out, ">>> %s\n", msg);
+ js->format_options = JSON_FORMAT_INDENT;
+ json_write(js, out, n);
+ js->format_options = 0;
+ bclose(out);
+static void op_run(void)
int sk = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
if (sk < 0)
die("socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET): %m");
if (connect(sk, (struct sockaddr *) &sun, sizeof(sun)) < 0)
die("Cannot connect to %s: %m", socket_path);
- struct fastbuf *out = bfdopen(1, 4096);
- struct json_context *js = json_new();
-#if 0
- struct json_node *rq = json_new_object(js);
- json_object_set(rq, "cmd", json_new_string(js, "create-acct"));
- json_object_set(rq, "login", json_new_string(js, "mj"));
- json_object_set(rq, "zone", json_new_string(js, "mail"));
- struct fastbuf *in = bfdopen(0, 4096);
- struct json_node *rq = json_parse(js, in);
- bprintf(out, ">>> Request:\n");
- json_write(js, out, rq);
- bflush(out);
+ op_debug("Request", rq);
struct fastbuf *rq_fb = fbgrow_create(4096);
json_write(js, rq_fb, rq);
if (rp_len < 0)
die("Cannot receive reply: %m");
- puts("Parsing reply");
struct fastbuf rp_fb;
fbbuf_init_read(&rp_fb, rp_buf, rp_len, 0);
- struct json_node *rp = json_parse(js, &rp_fb);
- bprintf(out, "<<< Reply:\n");
- json_write(js, out, rp);
- bflush(out);
+ rp = json_parse(js, &rp_fb);
+ op_debug("Reply", rp);
+ close(sk);
+ if (rp->type != JSON_OBJECT)
+ die("Malformed reply: Top-level node is not an object");
+ struct json_node *err = get_child(rp, "error", 1, JSON_STRING);
+ if (strcmp(err->string, ""))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", err->string);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+/*** Commands ***/
+static void cmd_set_passwd(void)
+static void cmd_list(void)
+ op_new("list");
+ op_run();
+static void cmd_raw(void)
+ op_new("");
+ struct fastbuf *in = bfdopen_shared(0, 4096);
+ rq = json_parse(js, in);
+ bclose(in);
+ op_run();
+enum command {
+void (* const command_handlers[CMD_MAX])(void) = {
+ [CMD_SET_PASSWD] = cmd_set_passwd,
+ [CMD_LIST] = cmd_list,
+ [CMD_RAW] = cmd_raw,
+static int command = -1;
+/*** Main ***/
+static const struct opt_section options = {
+ OPT_HELP("A client to the sub-authentication daemon."),
+ OPT_HELP("Usage: subauth [general options] <command> [options]"),
+ OPT_HELP(""),
+ OPT_HELP("General options:"),
+ OPT_STRING('s', "socket", socket_path, OPT_REQUIRED_VALUE, "path\tPath to daemon control socket"),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "debug", debug, 0, "\tDump raw communication with the daemon"),
+ OPT_HELP(""),
+ OPT_HELP("Commands:"),
+ OPT_SWITCH(0, "passwd", command, CMD_SET_PASSWD, OPT_SINGLE, "\tSet password"),
+ OPT_SWITCH(0, "list", command, CMD_LIST, OPT_SINGLE, "\tList tokens for all zones"),
+ OPT_SWITCH(0, "raw", command, CMD_RAW, OPT_SINGLE, "\tSend raw JSON command to the daemon"),
+ OPT_HELP(""),
+ OPT_HELP("Command options:"),
+ OPT_STRING('u', "user", arg_login, OPT_REQUIRED_VALUE, "login\tUser to act on (default: whoever calls it)"),
+ OPT_STRING('z', "zone", arg_zone, OPT_REQUIRED_VALUE, "zone\tAuthentication zone"),
+ OPT_STRING('i', "ident", arg_ident, OPT_REQUIRED_VALUE, "id\tToken ID"),
+ }
+int main(int argc UNUSED, char **argv)
+ opt_parse(&options, argv+1);
+ if (command < 0)
+ opt_failure("No command given");
+ if (!command_handlers[command])
+ opt_failure("Command not implemented");
+ command_handlers[command]();
return 0;