Let us consider a~non-trivial minor-closed class~${\cal C} = \Forb({\cal H})$
and a~graph $X\in{\cal H}$ with the minimum number of vertices.
Obviously, $\Forb({\cal H}) \subseteq \Forb(X)$, because excluding additional
-minors cannot make the class richer. Also, if we denote the number of vertices
+minors can only reduce the class. Also, if we denote the number of vertices
of~$X$ by~$k$, we have $X\minorof K_k$ and hence $\Forb(X) \subseteq \Forb(K_k)$.
When we put these two inclusions together, we get ${\cal C} \subseteq \Forb(K_k)$ and
so $\varrho({\cal C}) \le \varrho(\Forb(K_k))$. It is therefore sufficient to
-bound the density of classes that exclude a~single complete graph.
+bound the density for classes that exclude a~single complete graph only.
Moreover, our parameter~$k$ is equal to the well-known Hadwiger number:
We already know that it is sufficient to prove the theorem for the case when
-${\cal C}$ excludes on the complete graph~$K_k$.
+${\cal C}$ excludes just the complete graph~$K_k$.
We will prove the contrapositive. If $\varrho({\cal C}) > 2h(k)$, then there is some graph
$G\in{\cal C}$ such that $\varrho(G) > 2h(k)$. This implies that the average degree
of~$K_k$ and hence also~$K_k$ as a~minor.
-The Mader's original proof of Theorem \ref{maderthm} yields $h(k) \approx 2^{n^2}$, which is
-very coarse. It was however vastly improved later: Kostochka
-\cite{kostochka:lbh} and independently Thomason \cite{thomason:efc} have proven
-that an~average degree $\Omega(k\sqrt{\log k})$ is sufficient to enforce~$K_k$
-as a~minor and that this is the best what we can get. Their result implies:
+\paran{A~better bound}%
+The Mader's original proof of Theorem \ref{maderthm} yields $h(k) \approx 2^{n^2}$,
+but it is possible to obtain a~closer bound. Kostochka \cite{kostochka:lbh} and
+independently Thomason \cite{thomason:efc} have proven that an~average degree
+$\Omega(k\sqrt{\log k})$ is sufficient to enforce~$K_k$ as a~minor and that
+this is the best what we can get. Their result implies:
$\varrho({\cal C}) = \O(k\sqrt{\log k})$ whenever ${\cal C}$ is a~minor-closed