-sub scan_branches($$) {
+sub get_source($$) {
my ($ref, $new) = @_;
- # Is there any branch pointing to $new (other than $ref)?
- for (`git branch -v --no-abbrev`) {
+ # Get branch (different from $ref) whose tip is $new
+ my @branches = ();
+ for (`git for-each-ref refs/heads`) {
- my ($name, $sha) = /^..(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ or die;
- if ((!defined($ref) || $name ne $ref) && $sha eq $new) {
- return $name;
+ my ($sha, $type, $name) = m{^(\S+) (\S+)\trefs/heads/(\S+)$} or die;
+ if ((!defined($ref) || $name ne $ref) && $sha eq $new && $type eq 'commit') {
+ push @branches, $name;
- return;
+ if (@branches == 1) {
+ return $branches[0];
+ } elsif (@branches) {
+ return sprintf("%s [and %d other]", $branches[0], @branches-1);
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
sub scan_commits($$) {
if ($old =~ /^0+$/) {
# Creation of a branch
$subj .= ' Created branch';
- my $copy_of = scan_branches($branch, $new);
+ my $copy_of = get_source($branch, $new);
if (defined $copy_of) {
$subj .= " as a copy of $copy_of";
print $out "Created branch $branch as a copy of $copy_of ($new).\n";
$subj .= " Deleted tag $tag";
print $out "Deleted tag $tag ($old).\n";
} else {
- my $copy_of = scan_branches(undef, $new);
+ my $copy_of = get_source(undef, $new);
my $cp = defined($copy_of) ? " to branch $copy_of" : "";
if ($old =~ /^0+/) {
$subj .= " Created tag $tag$cp";