$hasdump = 1;
+# Function to guess type of stytement
sub detect( $ ) {
( $_ ) = @_;
+ # typedef struct|enum { something } name;
return( $1, 1, $2, "typedef $1 { ... } $2;" ) if /^\s*typedef\s+(struct|enum)\s*{.*}\s*(\w+)\s*;\s*$/s;
+ # struct|enum name { something };
return( $1, 1, $2, $_ ) if /^\s*(struct|enum)\s+(\w+)\s*;\s*$/s;
my $l = length;
+ # struct|enum name {
+ # something
+ # };
return( $1, 0, $2, $_ ) if /(struct|enum)\s+(\w+)\s+{/;
return( 'def', 0, $1, $_ ) if /#define\s+(\w+)/;
if( $l > length ) {
warn( "Unknown multiline statement $_\n" );
return( '', 0, $_, $_ );
+ # typedef type (*function_type)(params);
return( 'type', 1, $2, $_ ) if /^\s*typedef[^()]+?(\(\s*?\*\s*?)?(\w+)(\s*\))?\s*\(.*\)/;
+ # type function(name);
return( 'fun', 1, $2, $1 ) if /^(.*?(\w+)\([^{]*\)[^{]*)/;
+ # typedef something name;
return( 'type', 1, $1, $_ ) if /^\s*typedef.*?(\w+);/;
+ # type name;
return( 'var', 1, $1, $_ ) if /\s\**(\w+);/;
warn( "Unknown statement $_\n" );
return( '', 0, $_, $_ );