static struct request_line *requests_line;
static struct request_area *requests_area;
-static struct graph_edge *bfs_queue;
+static struct graph_edge **bfs_queue;
static struct longline *longlines; int num_longlines;
static struct buffer_line *buffer_line;
static struct buffer_linelabel *buffer_linelabel;
struct individual **population1;
struct individual **population2;
+int num_edges_dbg;
+int num_nodes;
+int num_edges = 0;
+int dbg_num_hits = 0;
int conf_pop_size = 50;
int conf_penalty_bound = 0;
r->object = object;
r->zindex = zindex;
- struct osm_node *n = (struct osm_node *) object;
- r->x = n->x;
- r->y = n->y;
r->offset_x = 0;
r->offset_y = 0;
make_bitmap_icon(v, (struct sym_icon *) sym);
+ r->x = ((struct sym_icon *)sym)->sir.x;
+ r->y = ((struct sym_icon *)sym)->sir.y;
make_bitmap_point(v, (struct sym_point *) sym);
+ struct osm_node *n = (struct osm_node *) object;
+ r->x = n->x;
+ r->y = n->y;
// Oops :)
+ printf("Inited point to [%.2f; %.2f]\n", r->x, r->y);
void labeller_add_line(struct symbol *sym, z_index_t zindex)
g_node = hash_new(ref->o->id);
GARY_INIT(g_node->edges, 0);
g_node->o = o_node;
+ g_node->id = ref->o->id;
+ g_node->num = num_nodes++;
if (! g_prev)
- struct graph_edge *e = mp_alloc(mp_edges, sizeof(struct graph_edge));
+ struct graph_edge *e = mp_alloc(mp_edges, sizeof(struct graph_edge)); num_edges_dbg++;
+ e->num = num_edges++;
e->id = buffer_line[i].line->s.o->id;
e->color = buffer_line[i].line->color;
e->length = hypot(abs(o_prev->x - o_node->x), abs(o_prev->y - o_node->y));
e->longline = (uns) -1;
e->text = NULL;
e->sym = buffer_line[i].line;
+ e->dir = 0;
struct graph_edge **edge = GARY_PUSH(g_prev->edges);
*edge = e;
edge = GARY_PUSH(g_node->edges);
*edge = e;
+ g_prev = g_node;
+ o_prev = o_node;
+void dump_graph(void)
+ HASH_FOR_ALL(hash, node)
+ {
+ printf("* Node: (%d) #%ju [%.2f; %.2f]\n", node->num, node->id, node->o->x, node->o->y);
+ for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(node->edges); i++)
+ {
+ struct graph_edge *e = node->edges[i];
+ printf("\t edge (%d) #%ju to ", e->num, e->id);
+ if (node->edges[i]->n1->id == node->id)
+ printf("(%d) #%ju [%.2f; %.2f]\n", e->n2->num, e->n2->id, e->n2->o->x, e->n2->o->y);
+ else if (node->edges[i]->n2->id == node->id)
+ printf("(%d) #%ju [%.2f; %.2f]\n", e->n1->num, e->n1->id, e->n1->o->x, e->n1->o->y);
+ else
+ printf("BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE!\n");
+ printf("\t\t");
+ if (node->edges[i]->text) printf(" labelled %s;", osm_val_decode(node->edges[i]->text->text));
+ printf(" colored %d;", node->edges[i]->color);
+ printf(" length %.2f", node->edges[i]->length);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
void label_graph(void)
+printf("There are %u line labels requested\n", GARY_SIZE(buffer_linelabel));
for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(buffer_linelabel); i++)
+ printf("Labelling nodes of way %s\n", osm_val_decode(buffer_linelabel[i].text->text));
CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_ref *, ref, buffer_linelabel[i].way->nodes)
+ printf("Looking for node %ju\n", ref->o->id);
struct graph_node *n = hash_find(ref->o->id);
if (n == NULL)
+ printf("Searching among %u edges\n", GARY_SIZE(n->edges));
for (uns j=0; j<GARY_SIZE(n->edges); j++)
if (n->edges[j]->id == buffer_linelabel[i].way->
+ printf("Labelling node %ju\n", n->id);
n->edges[j]->text = buffer_linelabel[i].text;
n->edges[j]->zindex = buffer_linelabel[i].zindex;
-void bfs(void)
+void bfs2(void)
GARY_INIT(bfs_queue, 0);
GARY_INIT(longlines, 0);
+ printf("Making longlines from %u causal lines, using %d graph edges\n", GARY_SIZE(buffer_line), num_edges_dbg);
HASH_FOR_ALL(hash, node)
for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(node->edges); i++)
+void bfs_edge(struct graph_edge *e, struct graph_node *node, struct graph_node *anode, int dir)
+ ASSERT(dir < 3);
+ struct graph_edge *candidate = NULL;
+ if ((e->num > 31) && (e->num < 48)) printf("Searching for neighbours of %d, in longline %u, BFS dir is %d, edge's dir is %d\n", e->num, e->longline, dir, e->dir);
+ for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(node->edges); i++)
+ {
+ struct graph_edge *other = node->edges[i];
+printf("Touching %d\n", other->num);
+if (other->num == 44) printf("Longline of 44 is %u\n", other->longline);
+ if ((other->longline != (uns) -1) && (other->longline != e->longline)) continue;
+ if (! other->visited) {
+ struct graph_edge **e_ptr = GARY_PUSH(bfs_queue);
+ *e_ptr = other;
+ other->visited = 1;
+ }
+ if (((other->n1->id == node->id) && (other->n2->id == anode->id)) ||
+ ((other->n2->id == node->id) && (other->n1->id == anode->id)))
+ continue;
+ if (((other->n1->id == node->id) || (other->n2->id == node->id)) &&
+ (e->text) && (other->text) && (e->text->text == other->text->text))
+ {
+ if (! candidate || (other->length > candidate->length))
+ candidate = other;
+ }
+ }
+ if (candidate)
+ {
+ struct graph_edge *other = candidate;
+ other->longline = e->longline;
+ other->dir = dir;
+ other->anode = (other->n1->id == node->id ? other->n2 : other->n1);
+ other->bnode = (other->n1->id == node->id ? other->n1 : other->n2);
+ switch (dir)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ e->prev = other;
+ other->next = e;
+ longlines[other->longline].first = other;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ e->next = other;
+ other->prev = e;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("Oops\n");
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ }
+void bfs(void)
+ for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(bfs_queue); i++)
+ {
+ struct graph_edge *cur = bfs_queue[i];
+ printf("Exploring new edge, %d\n", cur->num);
+ //ASSERT(! cur->visited);
+ cur->visited = 1;
+ if (cur->longline == (uns) -1)
+ {
+ GARY_PUSH(longlines);
+ cur->longline = num_longlines++;
+ longlines[cur->longline].first = cur;
+ }
+ if (!cur->anode)
+ {
+ bfs_edge(cur, cur->n1, cur->n2, 1);
+ bfs_edge(cur, cur->n2, cur->n1, 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bfs_edge(cur, cur->anode, cur->bnode, cur->dir);
+ }
+ }
+void bfs_wrapper(void)
+ GARY_INIT(bfs_queue, 0);
+ GARY_INIT(longlines, 0);
+ HASH_FOR_ALL(hash, node)
+ {
+ for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(node->edges); i++)
+ {
+ if (! node->edges[i]->visited)
+ {
+ printf("Running new BFS\n");
+ GARY_RESIZE(bfs_queue, 0);
+ struct graph_edge **e = GARY_PUSH(bfs_queue);
+ *e = node->edges[i];
+ bfs();
+ //dump_longlines();
+ printf("Joined %d edges\n", dbg_num_hits); dbg_num_hits = 0;
+ printf("Planned %u edges\n", GARY_SIZE(bfs_queue));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ GARY_FREE(bfs_queue);
+void oldbfs(void)
+ printf("Starting outer BFS\n");
+ printf("There are %u buffered lines and %d eges\n", GARY_SIZE(buffer_line), num_edges_dbg);
+ GARY_INIT(bfs_queue, 0);
+ GARY_INIT(longlines, 0);
+ int dbg_bfs_continues = 0;
+ HASH_FOR_ALL(hash, node)
+ {
+ // FIXME: Skip if visited node
+ for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(node->edges); i++)
+ {
+ struct graph_edge *e = node->edges[i];
+ if (e->visited) continue;
+ // BFS itself
+ for (uns i1=0; i1<GARY_SIZE(e->n1->edges); i1++)
+ {
+ struct graph_edge *other = e->n1->edges[i1];
+ if (other->visited) { dbg_bfs_continues++; continue; }
+ if (((other->n1->id == e->n1->id) || (other->n2->id == e->n1->id)) &&
+ (e->text) && (other->text) && (e->text->text == other->text->text))
+ {
+// printf("Hit\n");
+ other->visited = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ for (uns i2=0; i2<GARY_SIZE(e->n2->edges); i2++)
+ {
+ struct graph_edge *other = e->n2->edges[i2];
+ if (other->visited) {dbg_bfs_continues++; continue; }
+ if (((other->n1->id == e->n2->id) || (other->n2->id == e->n2->id)) &&
+ (e->text) && (other->text) && (e->text->text == other->text->text))
+ {
+// printf("Hit\n");
+ other->visited = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Total: %d hits, %d visited edges skipped\n", dbg_num_hits, dbg_bfs_continues);
+ GARY_FREE(bfs_queue);
+void dump_longlines(void)
+ for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(longlines); i++)
+ {
+ struct graph_edge *e = longlines[i].first;
+ printf("> Longline %u;", i);
+ if (longlines[i].first->text) printf(" labelled %s", osm_val_decode(longlines[i].first->text->text));
+ printf("\n");
+ while (e)
+ {
+ printf("\t#%ju (%d)", e->id, e->num);
+ switch (e->dir)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ printf("[%.2f; %.2f] -- #%u [%.2f; %.2f] (dir %d)\n", e->anode->o->x, e->anode->o->y, e->bnode->o->, e->bnode->o->x, e->bnode->o->y, e->dir);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ printf("[%.2f; %.2f] -- #%u [%.2f; %.2f] (dir %d)\n", e->bnode->o->x, e->bnode->o->y, e->anode->o->, e->anode->o->x, e->anode->o->y, e->dir);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ printf("[%.2f; %.2f] -- #%u [%.2f; %.2f] (dir %d)\n", e->n1->o->x, e->n1->o->y, e->n2->o->, e->n2->o->x, e->n2->o->y, e->dir);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("%d\n", e->dir);
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ }
void make_segments(void)
+printf("Analysing %u longlines\n", GARY_SIZE(longlines));
for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(longlines); i++)
if (! longlines[i].first->text) continue;
r->y2 = n->y;
r->k = abs(r->x2 - r->x1) / (abs(r->y2 - r->y1) + 0.001); // FIXME: Hack to prevent floating point exception when y2 = y1
-printf("Segment [%.2f; %.2f] -- [%.2f; %.2f]\n", r->x1, r->y1, r->x2, r->y2);
+//printf("Segment [%.2f; %.2f] -- [%.2f; %.2f]\n", r->x1, r->y1, r->x2, r->y2);
r->sym = e->sym;
r->zindex = e->zindex;
+void dump_linelabel_requests(void)
+ for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(requests_line); i++)
+ {
+ printf("Longline of %d segments, labelled %s\n", requests_line[i].num_segments, osm_val_decode(requests_line[i].segments[0].text->text));
+ }
+void dump_individual(struct individual *individual)
+ for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(individual->placements); i++)
+ {
+ struct placement *p = &(individual->placements[i]);
+ switch (p->request->type)
+ {
+ printf("Point at [%.2f; %.2f]\n", p->x, p->y);
+ break;
+ struct request_line *rl = (struct request_line *) p->request;
+ printf("%d-segment longline %s\n", rl->num_segments, osm_val_decode(rl->segments[0].text->text));
+ break;
+ struct request_area *ra = (struct request_area *) p->request;
+ printf("Area label %s at [%.2f; %.2f]\n", osm_val_decode(ra->sym->text), p->x, p->y);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\nTotal penalty: %d\n", individual->penalty);
void labeller_label(void)
- bfs();
+ bfs_wrapper();
printf("Having %u point requests, %u line requests and %u area requests\n", GARY_SIZE(requests_point), GARY_SIZE(requests_line), GARY_SIZE(requests_area));
printf("Dealing with %d requests\n", num_requests);
while (! shall_terminate())
population2 = swp;
pop2_ind = 0;
+ dump_individual(population1[0]);
for (uns i=0; i<GARY_SIZE(population1[0]->placements); i++)
switch (rp->sym->type)
+// printf("Moving point to final destination\n");
struct sym_point *sp = (struct sym_point *) rp->sym;
- sp->x = i*10;
- sp->y = i*10;
+ sp->x = population1[0]->placements[i].x;
+ sp->y = population1[0]->placements[i].y;
sym_plan((struct symbol *) sp, rp->zindex);
+// printf("Moving icon to final destination\n");
struct sym_icon *si = (struct sym_icon *) rp->sym;
si->sir.x = population1[0]->placements[i].x;
si->sir.y = population1[0]->placements[i].y;
struct request_line *rl = (struct request_line *) population1[0]->placements[i].request;
for (uns j=0; j<GARY_SIZE(rl->segments); j++)
- printf("Planning text %s to [%.2f; %.2f]\n", osm_val_decode(rl->segments[j].text->text), rl->segments[j].text->x, rl->segments[j].text->y);
+// printf("Planning text %s to [%.2f; %.2f]\n", osm_val_decode(rl->segments[j].text->text), rl->segments[j].text->x, rl->segments[j].text->y);
rl->segments[j].text->next_duplicate = NULL;
rl->segments[j].text->next_in_tile = NULL;
+ rl->segments[j].text->x = population1[0]->placements[i].x;
+ rl->segments[j].text->y = population1[0]->placements[i].y;
sym_plan((struct symbol *) rl->segments[j].text, rl->segments[j].zindex); // FIXME: z-index
+ break;
+ struct request_segment *rs = (struct request_segment *) population1[0]->placements[i].request;
+ printf("Segment!\n");
p->request = r;
p->processed = 0;
+ switch (r->type)
+ {
+ struct request_point *rp = (struct request_point *) r;
+ p->x = rp->x;
+ p->y = rp->y;
+ break;
+ struct request_segment *rs = (struct request_segment *) r;
+ p->x = rs->x2;
+ p->y = rs->y2;
+ break;
+ struct request_area *ra = (struct request_area *) r;
+ struct sym_text *st = ra->sym;
+ p->x = st->x;
+ p->y = st->y;
+ }
void init_individual(struct individual *i)