-An~$\Omega(\log n/\log\log n)$ lower bound for amortized complexity of the dynamic connectivity
+An~$\Omega(\log n/\log\log n)$ lower bound for the amortized complexity of the dynamic connectivity
problem has been proven by Henzinger and Fredman \cite{henzinger:lowerbounds} in the cell
probe model with $\O(\log n)$-bit words. Thorup has answered by a~faster algorithm
\cite{thorup:nearopt} that achieves $\O(\log n\log^3\log n)$ time per update and
$\O(\log n/\log^{(3)} n)$ per query on a~RAM with $\O(\log n)$-bit words. (He claims
that the algorithm runs on a~Pointer Machine, but it uses arithmetic operations,
so it does not fit the definition of the PM we use. The algorithm only does not
-need indexing of arrays.) So far, it is not known how to extend this algorithm
+need direct indexing of arrays.) So far, it is not known how to extend this algorithm
to fit our needs, so we omit the details.
candidate first. Such edges therefore have been already moved a~level up.
The case of edges of~$C$ that do not touch~$T_1$ is easy to handle: Such edges do not exist.
-If they did, at least two edges of~$C$ would have to connect~$T_1$ with the other trees of level~$\ell$,
-so one of them that is lighter than~$e$ would be selected as the replacement edge before~$e$ could be considered.
+If they did, at least one more edge of~$C$ besides~$e$ would have to connect~$T_1$ with the other
+trees of level~$\ell$. We already know that this could not be a~tree edge. If it were a~non-tree
+edge, it could not have level greater than~$\ell$ by~I1 nor smaller than~$\ell$ by~I3. Therefore
+it would be a~level~$\ell$ edge lighter than~$e$, and as such it would have been selected as the
+replacement edge before $e$~was.
-\FIXME{The previous paragraph is incomplete, it does not take tree edges into account.}
We can conclude:
\thmn{Decremental MSF, Holm et al.~\cite{holm:polylog}}
When we start with a~graph on $n$~vertices with~$m$ edges and we perform a~sequence of
edge deletions, the MSF can be initialized in time $\O((m+n)\cdot\log^2 n)$ and then
-updated in time $\O(log^2 n)$ amortized per operation.
+updated in time $\O(\log^2 n)$ amortized per operation.
\paran{Fully dynamic MSF}%
The decremental MSF algorithm can be turned to a~fully dynamic one by a~blackbox