--- /dev/null
+\input ../lecnotes.tex
+\prednaska{0}{Ukázka pou¾ití maker}{(zapsal Martin Mare¹)}
+% Takhle vypadá nadpis
+\h{Pøedposlední kapitola}
+% \> zaøídí, aby se odstavec neodsadil. Pomocí \I se sází kurzíva, \foot vyrobí poznámku pod èarou.
+\>Je svaèveèer. {\I Lysperní jezeleni} se vírnì vrtáèejí v~mokøavì.\foot{Viz Lewis Caroll: Jabberwocky.}
+\h{Druhá kapitola}
+\s{Vìta:} Paøez není strom.
+Strom je speciálním pøípadem lesa. Les je (podle definice) graf bez kru¾nic.
+Paøez obsahuje alespoò jednu kru¾nici. Proto paøez nemù¾e být les, a~tedy ani
+\s{Algoritmus:} (tøídìní posloupnosti $a_1,\ldots,a_n$ pomocí {\sc Stupidsort}u)
+\:$\pi \leftarrow \hbox{identická permutace na~mno¾inì $\{1,\ldots,n\}$}$.
+\::Ovìø, zda je posloupnost $a_{\pi(1)},a_{\pi(2)},\ldots,a_{\pi(n)}$ uspoøádána vzestupnì.
+ Pokud je, vra» ji jako výsledek.
+\::Nahraï $\pi$ jejím lexikografickým následníkem.
--- /dev/null
+include ../Makerules
+++ /dev/null
-\input ../lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{0}{Ukázka pou¾ití maker}{(zapsal Martin Mare¹)}
-% Takhle vypadá nadpis
-\h{Pøedposlední kapitola}
-% \> zaøídí, aby se odstavec neodsadil. Pomocí \I se sází kurzíva, \foot vyrobí poznámku pod èarou.
-\>Je svaèveèer. {\I Lysperní jezeleni} se vírnì vrtáèejí v~mokøavì.\foot{Viz Lewis Caroll: Jabberwocky.}
-\h{Druhá kapitola}
-\s{Vìta:} Paøez není strom.
-Strom je speciálním pøípadem lesa. Les je (podle definice) graf bez kru¾nic.
-Paøez obsahuje alespoò jednu kru¾nici. Proto paøez nemù¾e být les, a~tedy ani
-\s{Algoritmus:} (tøídìní posloupnosti $a_1,\ldots,a_n$ pomocí {\sc Stupidsort}u)
-\:$\pi \leftarrow \hbox{identická permutace na~mno¾inì $\{1,\ldots,n\}$}$.
-\::Ovìø, zda je posloupnost $a_{\pi(1)},a_{\pi(2)},\ldots,a_{\pi(n)}$ uspoøádána vzestupnì.
- Pokud je, vra» ji jako výsledek.
-\::Nahraï $\pi$ jejím lexikografickým následníkem.
+++ /dev/null
-include ../Makerules
+++ /dev/null
-\input ../lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{1}{Hradlové sítì}{(zapsali Jirka Fajfr a Ján Èerný)}
-Na této pøedná¹ce se budeme zabývat jednoduchým modelem paralelního poèítaèe,
-toti¾ hradlovou sítí, a uká¾eme si alespoò jeden efektivní paralelní algoritmus,
-konkrétnì sèítání dvojkových èísel v~logaritmickém èase vzhledem k~jejich délce.
-\h{Hradlové sítì}
-\s{Definice:} {\I Hradlo} je zaøízení, které poèítá nìjakou pevnì danou funkci
-s~$k$ vstupy a jedním výstupem.
-\s{Pøíklad:} Obvykle pracujeme s~booleovskými hradly, ta pak odpovídají funkcím
-$f: \{0,1\}^{k} \rightarrow \{0,1\} $. Z~nich nejèastìji potkáme:
-\:0-vstupové: to jsou konstanty {\sc true} a {\sc false},
-\:1-vstupové: identita (ta je vcelku k~nièemu) a negace (znaèíme~$\lnot$),
-\:2-vstupové: logický souèin ({\sc and},~$\land$) a souèet ({\sc or},~$\lor$).
-\>Hradla kreslíme tøeba následovnì:
-\figure{1_1_hradlo.eps}{Hradlo provádìjící logickou operaci {\sc and} se dvìma vstupy}{4cm}
-Z~jednotlivých hradel pak vytváøíme hradlové sítì. Pokud pou¾íváme pouze booleovská
-hradla, øíkáme takovým sítím {\I booleovské obvody,} pokud operace nad nìjakou obecnìj¹í
-(ale koneènou) mno¾inou symbolù (abecedou), nazývají se {\I kombinaèní obvody.}
-Ka¾dý vstup hradla je pøipojen buïto na~nìkterý ze~vstupù sítì nebo na~výstup nìjakého
-jiného hradla. Výstupy hradel mohou být propojeny na výstupy sítì nebo pøivedeny
-na~vstupy dal¹ích hradel, pøièem¾ je zakázáno vytváøet cykly. Ne¾ si øekneme
-formální definici, podívejme se na obrázek.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Hradlová sí»} je urèena:
-\:{\I abecedou} $\Sigma$ (to je nìjaká koneèná mno¾ina symbolù, obvykle $\Sigma=\{0,1\}$);
-\:mno¾inou {\I hradel} $H$, {\I vstupních portù} $I$ a {\I výstupních portù} $O$;
-\:acyklickým orientovaným grafem~$(V,E)$, kde~$V = H \cup I \cup O$;
-\:zobrazením~$F$, které ka¾dému hradlu $h\in H$ pøiøadí nìjakou funkci~$F(h):
- \Sigma^{a(h)} \rightarrow \Sigma$. To je funkce, kterou toto hradlo vykonává,
- a~èíslu $a(h)$ øíkáme {\I arita} hradla~$h$;
-\:zobrazením~$z: E \rightarrow {\bb N}$, které ka¾dé hranì vedoucí do~nìjakého
- hradla pøiøazuje nìkterý ze vstupù tohoto hradla.
-\>Pøitom jsou splnìny následující podmínky:
-\:$\forall i \in I: \deg^{+}(i)=0$ (do~vstupù nic nevede);
-\:$\forall o \in O: \deg^{+}(o)=1 \land \deg^{-}(o)=0$ (z~výstupù nic nevede a do~ka¾dého vede právì jedna hrana);
-\:$\forall h \in H: \deg^{+}(v)=a(v)$ (do~ka¾dého hradla vede tolik hran, kolik je jeho arita);
-\:$\forall h \in H, 1\le j\le a(h)$ existuje právì jeden vrchol~$v$ takový, ¾e $z(vh)=j$
- (v¹echny vstupy hradel jsou zapojeny).
-\s{Pozorování:} Kdybychom pøipustili hradla s~libovolnì vysokým poètem vstupù, mohli bychom
-libovolný problém se vstupem délky~$n$ vyøe¹it jedním hradlem o~$n$~vstupech, co¾ není
-ani realistické, ani pìkné. Proto pøijmìme omezení, ¾e v¹echna hradla budou mít maximálnì
-$k$ vstupù, kde~$k$ je nìjaká pevná konstanta, obvykle dvojka. Následující obrázky
-ukazují, jak hradla o~více vstupech nahradit dvouvstupovými:
-\twofigures{1_2_vice_vstupove_hradlo.eps}{Trojvstupové hradlo \sc and}{3cm}{1_3_vice_vstupove_hradlo.eps}{Jeho nahrazení 2-vstupovými hradly}{3cm}
-\s{Definice:} {\I Výpoèet sítì} probíhá v~{\I taktech.} V nultém taktu jsou definovány právì hodnoty
-vstupních portù. V~$i$-tém taktu vydají výsledek hradla, která jsou pøipojena
-na~porty nebo na~výstupy hradel, jejich¾ hodnota byla definována v~$(i-1)$-ním
-taktu. A¾ po~nìjakém koneèném poètu taktù budou definované i hodnoty výstupních
-portù, sí» se zastaví a vydá výsledek.
-\figure{1_7_vypocet_site.eps}{Výpoèet hradlové sítì}{6cm}
-\>Podle toho, jak sí» poèítá, si ji mù¾eme rozdìlit na~vrstvy:
-\s{Definice:} {\I $i$-tá vrstva} obsahuje v¹echny vrcholy~$v$ takové, ¾e
-nejdel¹í z~cest z~portù sítì do~$v$ má délku právì~$i$. To jsou
-pøesnì vrcholy, které vydají výsledek poprvé v~$i$-tém taktu výpoètu.
-Dává tedy smysl prohlásit za~{\I èasovou slo¾itost} sítì poèet jejích
-vrstev. Podobnì {\I prostorovou slo¾itost} definujeme jako poèet hradel
-\s{Pøíklad:} Sestrojte sí», která zjistí, zda se mezi jejími~$n$ vstupy
-vyskytuje alespoò jedna jednièka.
-\>{\I První øe¹ení:} zapojíme hradla za~sebe (sériovì). Èasová a prostorová
-slo¾itost jsou~$n$. Zde vùbec nevyu¾íváme toho, ¾e by mohlo poèítat více
-hradel souèasnì.
-\figure{1_5_hloupy_or.eps}{Hradlová sí», která zjistí zda-li je na vstupu alespoò jedna jednièka}{7cm}
-\>{\I Druhé øe¹ení:} Budeme vrcholy spojovat do~dvojic, pak výsledky z~tìchto
-dvojic opìt do~dvojic a tak dále. Tak dosáhneme èasové slo¾itosti $\Theta(\log n)$,
-prostorová slo¾itost zùstane lineární.
-\figure{1_4_chytry_or.eps}{Chytøej¹í øe¹ení stejného problému}{8cm}
-\h{Sèítání binárních èísel}
-Pojïme se podívat na~zajímavìj¹í problém: Mìjme dvì èísla zapsané ve~dvojkové
-soustavì jako $x_{n-1}\ldots x_1x_0$ a $y_{n-1}\ldots y_1y_0$. Budeme chtít
-spoèítat jejich souèet $z_nz_{n-1}\ldots z_1z_0$.
-Samozøejmì mù¾eme pou¾ít algoritmus \uv{sèítání pod sebou}, který nás
-uèili na~základní ¹kole. Formálnì by se dal zapsat tøeba takto:
-z_i=x_i \oplus y_i \oplus c_{i-1},
-kde $\oplus$ znaèí operaci {\sc xor} (souèet modulo~2) a $c_{i-1}$ je {\I pøenos} z~$(i-1)$-ního
-øádu do~$i$-tého. Pøenos pøitom nastane tehdy, kdy¾ ze~tøí xorovaných èíslic
-jsou alespoò dvì jednièky:
-c_{-1} &= 0 \cr
-c_i &= (x_i \land y_i)\lor((x_i \lor y_i) \land c_{i-1}).\cr
-\figure{1_6_hloupe_scitani.eps}{Sèítání ze~základní ¹koly}{8cm}
-Bohu¾el na to, abychom spoèítali $c_i$ (a~tedy~$z_i$), musíme znát hodnotu $c_{i-1}$, tedy mít
-spoèítané hodnoty pro v¹echny èísla men¹í ne¾ $i$. To dává lineární èasovou
-slo¾itost. Zamysleme se nad tím, jak by se proces sèítání mohl zrychlit.
-\h{Pøenosy v~blocích}
-Jediné, co nás pøi sèítání brzdí, jsou pøenosy. Kdybychom je dokázali spoèítat rychle
-(øeknìme v~logaritmické hloubce), souèet u¾ zvládneme dopoèítat v~konstantním èase.
-Podívejme se na~libovolný {\I blok} v~na¹em souètu. Tak budeme øíkat èíslùm
-$x_a\ldots x_b$ a $y_a\ldots y_b$ v~nìjakém intervalu indexù $\left<a,b\right>$.
-Pøenos $c_b$ vystupující z~tohoto bloku závisí mimo hodnot sèítancù u¾ pouze
-na~pøenosu $c_{a-1}$, který do bloku vstupuje. Záviset mù¾e pouze tøemi
-mo¾nými zpùsoby:
-\:generuje pøenos: $c_a=1$,
-\:pohlcuje pøenos: $c_a=0$,
-\:kopíruje pøenos: $c_a=c_{b-1}$.
-\figure{1_7_blok_scitani.eps}{Blok souètu}{8cm}
-\s{Cvièení:} Rozmyslete si, jak pøesnì vypadají bloky s~jednotlivými typy chování.
-Jednobitové bloky se chovají velice jednodu¹e:
-\figure{1_11_tabulka_kodovani.eps}{Tabulka triviálních bitù}{3cm}
-Pokud máme nìjaký vìt¹í blok~$B$ slo¾ený z~men¹ích blokù $p$ a~$q$, jejich¾
-chování u¾ známe, mù¾eme z~toho odvodit, jak se chová velký blok:
-\figure{1_10_konvence_deleni_bloku.eps}{Skládání chování blokù}{3cm}
-V¹imòìme si, ¾e skládání chování blokù je asociativní operace (je to vlastnì
-úplnì obyèejné skládání funkcí), tak¾e pro libovolný blok mù¾eme jeho
-chování spoèítat v~èase $\O(\log n)$ postupným skládáním (\uv{stromeèkovým}
-To nám dá nìjaký kombinaèní obvod nad trojprvkovou abecedou, ale samozøejmì
-mù¾eme chování blokù kódovat i binárnì dvojicí bitù:
-\:$(1,*) = <$,
-\:$(0,0) = 0$,
-\:$(0,1) = 1$
-\>Operaci skládání $(a,x) \odot (b,y) = (c,z)$ pak definujeme takto:
-c &= a \land b,\cr
-z &= (\neg a \land x) \lor (a \land y).\cr
-\h{Paralelní sèítání}
-\>Paralelní algoritmus na~sèítání u¾ zkonstruujeme pomìrnì snadno. Bez
-újmy na~obecnosti budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e poèet bitù vstupních èísel~$n$
-je mocnina dvojky, jinak si vstup doplníme nulami.
-\:Spoèteme chování blokù velikosti~1. ($\O(1)$ hladin)
-\:Postupnì poèítáme chování blokù velikosti $2^k$ na~pozicích dìlitelných $2^k$.
- ($\O(\log n)$ hladin, na~nich¾ se skládají bloky)
-\:$c_{-1} \leftarrow 0$
-\:Urèíme $c_n$ podle $c_{-1}$ a chování (jediného) bloku velikosti~$n$.
-\:Postupnì poèítáme pøenosy na~hranicích dìlitelných $2^k$ \uv{zahu¹»ováním}:
- jakmile víme $c_{2^k-1}$, mù¾eme dopoèítat $c_{2^k+2^{k-1}-1}$ podle
- chování bloku $\left< 2^k+2^{k-1}-1,2^k\right>$. ($\O(\log n)$ hladin,
- na~nich¾ se dosazuje)
-\:$\forall i: z_i = x_i \oplus y_i \oplus c_{i-1}$.
-\figure{1_9_deleni_bloku.eps}{Výpoèet pøenosu}{8cm}
-Algoritmus pracuje v~èase $\O(\log n)$. Hradel je dokonce lineárnì:
-na~jednotlivých hladinách kroku~2 poèet hradel exponenciálnì klesá
-od~$n$ k~1, na~hladinách kroku~5 exponenciálnì stoupá od~1 k~$n$, tak¾e se
-seète na~$\O(n)$.
+++ /dev/null
-%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\r
-%%Creator: Mayura Draw, Version 4.3\r
-%%Title: 1_10_ konvence_deleni_bloku.ai\r
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-%%Version: 4.3\r
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- arrowtype\r
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- closepath fill\r
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- -1.4142 -1.4142 rlineto 4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto\r
- -4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto closepath fill\r
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- closepath fill\r
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- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
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- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
-74 14 moveto 74 157 lineto 213 157 lineto 213 14 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-203.5 119.162 m\r
-84 119.162 L\r
-84 147.662 L\r
-203.5 147.662 L\r
-203.5 119.162 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-139.595 124.579 m\r
-88.5713 124.579 L\r
-88.5713 143.079 L\r
-139.595 143.079 L\r
-139.595 124.579 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-198.678 124.579 m\r
-147.654 124.579 L\r
-147.654 143.079 L\r
-198.678 143.079 L\r
-198.678 124.579 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-108.373 128.946 m\r
-108.373 128.946 108.373 137.556 108.373 137.556 c\r
-108.373 137.556 109.335 137.556 109.335 137.556 c\r
-109.335 137.556 109.335 136.745 109.335 136.745 c\r
-109.561 137.062 109.817 137.3 110.103 137.458 c\r
-110.388 137.617 110.734 137.696 111.141 137.696 c\r
-111.672 137.696 112.142 137.56 112.548 137.286 c\r
-112.955 137.012 113.262 136.626 113.469 136.128 c\r
-113.676 135.63 113.78 135.083 113.78 134.489 c\r
-113.78 133.852 113.665 133.278 113.437 132.769 c\r
-113.208 132.258 112.876 131.868 112.44 131.596 c\r
-112.003 131.324 111.545 131.189 111.064 131.189 c\r
-110.712 131.189 110.397 131.263 110.117 131.411 c\r
-109.838 131.56 109.608 131.747 109.428 131.974 c\r
-109.428 131.974 109.428 128.946 109.428 128.946 c\r
-109.428 128.946 108.373 128.946 108.373 128.946 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-109.327 134.406 m\r
-109.327 133.605 109.489 133.013 109.813 132.63 c\r
-110.137 132.247 110.529 132.056 110.99 132.056 c\r
-111.459 132.056 111.859 132.254 112.193 132.65 c\r
-112.527 133.047 112.694 133.662 112.694 134.494 c\r
-112.694 135.287 112.531 135.881 112.205 136.276 c\r
-111.879 136.671 111.49 136.868 111.037 136.868 c\r
-110.587 136.868 110.19 136.658 109.845 136.238 c\r
-109.499 135.818 109.327 135.207 109.327 134.406 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-175.014 128.946 m\r
-175.014 128.946 175.014 131.991 175.014 131.991 c\r
-174.85 131.761 174.621 131.569 174.326 131.417 c\r
-174.031 131.265 173.717 131.189 173.385 131.189 c\r
-172.646 131.189 172.012 131.483 171.479 132.074 c\r
-170.945 132.664 170.678 133.473 170.678 134.501 c\r
-170.678 135.126 170.787 135.688 171.004 136.184 c\r
-171.221 136.68 171.535 137.056 171.947 137.313 c\r
-172.36 137.568 172.813 137.696 173.306 137.696 c\r
-174.076 137.696 174.682 137.371 175.123 136.72 c\r
-175.123 136.72 175.123 137.556 175.123 137.556 c\r
-175.123 137.556 176.068 137.556 176.068 137.556 c\r
-176.068 137.556 176.068 128.946 176.068 128.946 c\r
-176.068 128.946 175.014 128.946 175.014 128.946 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-171.764 134.458 m\r
-171.764 133.657 171.932 133.057 172.268 132.656 c\r
-172.605 132.256 173.008 132.056 173.477 132.056 c\r
-173.926 132.056 174.313 132.246 174.637 132.627 c\r
-174.961 133.008 175.123 133.587 175.123 134.364 c\r
-175.123 135.192 174.953 135.815 174.61 136.233 c\r
-174.269 136.651 173.867 136.86 173.406 136.86 c\r
-172.949 136.86 172.561 136.666 172.242 136.277 c\r
-171.924 135.889 171.764 135.282 171.764 134.458 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.9165 94.5762 m\r
-189.916 94.5762 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-162.916 108.579 m\r
-162.916 26.5791 L\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-98.2056 96.1963 m\r
-98.2056 96.1963 98.2056 104.806 98.2056 104.806 c\r
-98.2056 104.806 99.1665 104.806 99.1665 104.806 c\r
-99.1665 104.806 99.1665 103.995 99.1665 103.995 c\r
-99.3931 104.312 99.6494 104.55 99.9346 104.709 c\r
-100.22 104.867 100.566 104.946 100.973 104.946 c\r
-101.504 104.946 101.974 104.81 102.38 104.536 c\r
-102.787 104.262 103.094 103.876 103.301 103.378 c\r
-103.508 102.88 103.612 102.334 103.612 101.739 c\r
-103.612 101.102 103.498 100.528 103.269 100.019 c\r
-103.04 99.5083 102.707 99.1177 102.272 98.8457 c\r
-101.835 98.5742 101.377 98.4385 100.896 98.4385 c\r
-100.544 98.4385 100.229 98.5127 99.9492 98.6611 c\r
-99.6699 98.8096 99.4399 98.9971 99.2603 99.2236 c\r
-99.2603 99.2236 99.2603 96.1963 99.2603 96.1963 c\r
-99.2603 96.1963 98.2056 96.1963 98.2056 96.1963 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-99.1587 101.656 m\r
-99.1587 100.855 99.3208 100.263 99.6445 99.8799 c\r
-99.9688 99.4971 100.361 99.3057 100.822 99.3057 c\r
-101.29 99.3057 101.691 99.5039 102.025 99.9004 c\r
-102.359 100.297 102.526 100.912 102.526 101.744 c\r
-102.526 102.537 102.363 103.131 102.037 103.526 c\r
-101.711 103.921 101.322 104.118 100.869 104.118 c\r
-100.419 104.118 100.022 103.908 99.6768 103.488 c\r
-99.3315 103.068 99.1587 102.457 99.1587 101.656 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.174 96.1963 m\r
-138.174 96.1963 138.174 99.2412 138.174 99.2412 c\r
-138.01 99.0107 137.781 98.8193 137.486 98.667 c\r
-137.191 98.5146 136.877 98.4385 136.545 98.4385 c\r
-135.807 98.4385 135.171 98.7334 134.638 99.3237 c\r
-134.105 99.9141 133.838 100.723 133.838 101.751 c\r
-133.838 102.377 133.947 102.938 134.164 103.434 c\r
-134.381 103.93 134.696 104.306 135.108 104.563 c\r
-135.52 104.818 135.973 104.946 136.466 104.946 c\r
-137.236 104.946 137.842 104.621 138.284 103.97 c\r
-138.284 103.97 138.284 104.806 138.284 104.806 c\r
-138.284 104.806 139.229 104.806 139.229 104.806 c\r
-139.229 104.806 139.229 96.1963 139.229 96.1963 c\r
-139.229 96.1963 138.174 96.1963 138.174 96.1963 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-134.924 101.708 m\r
-134.924 100.907 135.092 100.307 135.428 99.9063 c\r
-135.765 99.5059 136.167 99.3057 136.636 99.3057 c\r
-137.085 99.3057 137.473 99.4961 137.797 99.877 c\r
-138.122 100.258 138.284 100.837 138.284 101.614 c\r
-138.284 102.442 138.113 103.065 137.77 103.483 c\r
-137.429 103.901 137.027 104.11 136.566 104.11 c\r
-136.109 104.11 135.721 103.916 135.402 103.527 c\r
-135.083 103.139 134.924 102.532 134.924 101.708 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-170.299 98.5791 m\r
-170.299 98.5791 170.299 107.173 170.299 107.173 c\r
-170.299 107.173 173.521 107.173 173.521 107.173 c\r
-174.178 107.173 174.705 107.086 175.102 106.912 c\r
-175.498 106.738 175.809 106.47 176.033 106.108 c\r
-176.258 105.747 176.369 105.368 176.369 104.974 c\r
-176.369 104.606 176.27 104.26 176.071 103.936 c\r
-175.873 103.611 175.572 103.349 175.17 103.149 c\r
-175.689 102.997 176.088 102.737 176.365 102.37 c\r
-176.645 102.003 176.783 101.569 176.783 101.069 c\r
-176.783 100.667 176.699 100.293 176.529 99.9473 c\r
-176.359 99.6016 176.148 99.335 175.898 99.1475 c\r
-175.648 98.96 175.336 98.8184 174.959 98.7227 c\r
-174.582 98.627 174.121 98.5791 173.574 98.5791 c\r
-173.574 98.5791 170.299 98.5791 170.299 98.5791 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-171.439 103.563 m\r
-171.439 103.563 173.297 103.563 173.297 103.563 c\r
-173.801 103.563 174.161 103.597 174.38 103.663 c\r
-174.668 103.749 174.887 103.892 175.033 104.09 c\r
-175.18 104.29 175.252 104.539 175.252 104.84 c\r
-175.252 105.125 175.184 105.376 175.047 105.592 c\r
-174.91 105.809 174.715 105.957 174.462 106.037 c\r
-174.208 106.117 173.773 106.157 173.156 106.157 c\r
-173.156 106.157 171.439 106.157 171.439 106.157 c\r
-171.439 106.157 171.439 103.563 171.439 103.563 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-171.439 99.5947 m\r
-171.439 99.5947 173.578 99.5947 173.578 99.5947 c\r
-173.945 99.5947 174.203 99.6084 174.352 99.6357 c\r
-174.613 99.6826 174.832 99.7607 175.008 99.8701 c\r
-175.184 99.9795 175.328 100.139 175.441 100.348 c\r
-175.555 100.557 175.611 100.798 175.611 101.071 c\r
-175.611 101.392 175.529 101.67 175.365 101.906 c\r
-175.2 102.143 174.973 102.309 174.682 102.404 c\r
-174.391 102.5 173.973 102.548 173.426 102.548 c\r
-173.426 102.548 171.439 102.548 171.439 102.548 c\r
-171.439 102.548 171.439 99.5947 171.439 99.5947 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-97.9165 88.4185 m\r
-97.9165 89.4351 98.021 90.2539 98.2295 90.875 c\r
-98.438 91.4961 98.7485 91.9746 99.1597 92.3096 c\r
-99.5713 92.6445 100.089 92.812 100.713 92.812 c\r
-101.173 92.812 101.578 92.7192 101.926 92.5332 c\r
-102.275 92.3477 102.562 92.0796 102.787 91.7295 c\r
-103.011 91.3799 103.188 90.9531 103.317 90.4512 c\r
-103.446 89.9482 103.51 89.271 103.51 88.4185 c\r
-103.51 87.4092 103.407 86.5942 103.2 85.9731 c\r
-102.993 85.3521 102.684 84.873 102.273 84.5361 c\r
-101.861 84.1992 101.341 84.0303 100.713 84.0303 c\r
-99.8862 84.0303 99.2368 84.3267 98.7651 84.9185 c\r
-98.1992 85.6367 97.9165 86.8032 97.9165 88.4185 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-99.0024 88.4175 m\r
-99.0024 87.0029 99.167 86.063 99.4956 85.5967 c\r
-99.8247 85.1309 100.23 84.8979 100.713 84.8979 c\r
-101.196 84.8979 101.602 85.1318 101.931 85.5996 c\r
-102.26 86.0679 102.424 87.0068 102.424 88.4175 c\r
-102.424 89.833 102.26 90.7734 101.932 91.2388 c\r
-101.604 91.7041 101.193 91.937 100.702 91.937 c\r
-100.219 91.937 99.833 91.7314 99.5435 91.3213 c\r
-99.1826 90.7969 99.0024 89.8291 99.0024 88.4175 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-133.792 91.1948 m\r
-133.792 91.1948 134.061 92.0249 134.061 92.0249 c\r
-134.683 91.8066 135.135 91.6177 135.417 91.458 c\r
-135.342 92.1631 135.303 92.6484 135.299 92.9136 c\r
-135.299 92.9136 136.151 92.9136 136.151 92.9136 c\r
-136.139 92.5278 136.094 92.0444 136.016 91.4639 c\r
-136.418 91.6665 136.878 91.8535 137.398 92.0249 c\r
-137.398 92.0249 137.667 91.1948 137.667 91.1948 c\r
-137.171 91.0313 136.686 90.9219 136.21 90.8672 c\r
-136.447 90.6606 136.783 90.292 137.216 89.7622 c\r
-137.216 89.7622 136.514 89.2651 136.514 89.2651 c\r
-136.288 89.5732 136.02 89.9922 135.71 90.5225 c\r
-135.42 89.9727 135.167 89.5537 134.947 89.2651 c\r
-134.947 89.2651 134.255 89.7622 134.255 89.7622 c\r
-134.708 90.3193 135.033 90.688 135.229 90.8672 c\r
-134.724 90.9648 134.245 91.0742 133.792 91.1948 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.916 88.4185 m\r
-169.916 89.4351 170.021 90.2539 170.23 90.875 c\r
-170.438 91.4961 170.748 91.9746 171.16 92.3096 c\r
-171.571 92.6445 172.09 92.812 172.713 92.812 c\r
-173.174 92.812 173.578 92.7192 173.926 92.5332 c\r
-174.275 92.3477 174.561 92.0796 174.787 91.7295 c\r
-175.012 91.3799 175.189 90.9531 175.316 90.4512 c\r
-175.445 89.9482 175.51 89.271 175.51 88.4185 c\r
-175.51 87.4092 175.406 86.5942 175.2 85.9731 c\r
-174.993 85.3521 174.684 84.873 174.273 84.5361 c\r
-173.861 84.1992 173.342 84.0303 172.713 84.0303 c\r
-171.887 84.0303 171.236 84.3267 170.766 84.9185 c\r
-170.199 85.6367 169.916 86.8032 169.916 88.4185 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-171.002 88.4175 m\r
-171.002 87.0029 171.167 86.063 171.496 85.5967 c\r
-171.824 85.1309 172.23 84.8979 172.713 84.8979 c\r
-173.195 84.8979 173.602 85.1318 173.932 85.5996 c\r
-174.26 86.0679 174.424 87.0068 174.424 88.4175 c\r
-174.424 89.833 174.26 90.7734 173.932 91.2388 c\r
-173.604 91.7041 173.193 91.937 172.701 91.937 c\r
-172.219 91.937 171.833 91.7314 171.543 91.3213 c\r
-171.183 90.7969 171.002 89.8291 171.002 88.4175 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-101.885 69.7793 m\r
-101.885 69.7793 100.831 69.7793 100.831 69.7793 c\r
-100.831 69.7793 100.831 76.5059 100.831 76.5059 c\r
-100.577 76.2637 100.244 76.0215 99.8315 75.7783 c\r
-99.4194 75.5361 99.0493 75.3545 98.7212 75.2334 c\r
-98.7212 75.2334 98.7212 76.2539 98.7212 76.2539 c\r
-99.311 76.5313 99.8267 76.8682 100.268 77.2627 c\r
-100.71 77.6572 101.022 78.04 101.206 78.4121 c\r
-101.206 78.4121 101.885 78.4121 101.885 78.4121 c\r
-101.885 78.4121 101.885 69.7793 101.885 69.7793 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-133.792 76.7949 m\r
-133.792 76.7949 134.061 77.625 134.061 77.625 c\r
-134.683 77.4072 135.135 77.2178 135.417 77.0576 c\r
-135.342 77.7627 135.303 78.249 135.299 78.5137 c\r
-135.299 78.5137 136.151 78.5137 136.151 78.5137 c\r
-136.139 78.1279 136.094 77.6445 136.016 77.0635 c\r
-136.418 77.2666 136.878 77.4541 137.398 77.625 c\r
-137.398 77.625 137.667 76.7949 137.667 76.7949 c\r
-137.171 76.6309 136.686 76.5225 136.21 76.4678 c\r
-136.447 76.2607 136.783 75.8926 137.216 75.3623 c\r
-137.216 75.3623 136.514 74.8652 136.514 74.8652 c\r
-136.288 75.1729 136.02 75.5928 135.71 76.1221 c\r
-135.42 75.5732 135.167 75.1533 134.947 74.8652 c\r
-134.947 74.8652 134.255 75.3623 134.255 75.3623 c\r
-134.708 75.9199 135.033 76.2881 135.229 76.4678 c\r
-134.724 76.5654 134.245 76.6738 133.792 76.7949 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-173.885 69.7793 m\r
-173.885 69.7793 172.83 69.7793 172.83 69.7793 c\r
-172.83 69.7793 172.83 76.5059 172.83 76.5059 c\r
-172.576 76.2637 172.244 76.0215 171.832 75.7783 c\r
-171.42 75.5361 171.049 75.3545 170.721 75.2334 c\r
-170.721 75.2334 170.721 76.2539 170.721 76.2539 c\r
-171.311 76.5313 171.826 76.8682 172.268 77.2627 c\r
-172.709 77.6572 173.021 78.04 173.205 78.4121 c\r
-173.205 78.4121 173.885 78.4121 173.885 78.4121 c\r
-173.885 78.4121 173.885 69.7793 173.885 69.7793 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-102.268 57.6602 m\r
-102.268 57.6602 103.307 57.5195 103.307 57.5195 c\r
-103.194 56.8057 102.904 56.2471 102.437 55.8438 c\r
-101.97 55.4404 101.396 55.2383 100.716 55.2383 c\r
-99.8647 55.2383 99.1797 55.5166 98.6616 56.0732 c\r
-98.144 56.6309 97.8853 57.4287 97.8853 58.4688 c\r
-97.8853 59.1406 97.9966 59.7295 98.2192 60.2334 c\r
-98.4419 60.7373 98.7808 61.1162 99.2358 61.3682 c\r
-99.6909 61.6201 100.186 61.7461 100.721 61.7461 c\r
-101.397 61.7461 101.95 61.5752 102.379 61.2334 c\r
-102.809 60.8916 103.085 60.4063 103.206 59.7773 c\r
-103.206 59.7773 102.182 59.6211 102.182 59.6211 c\r
-102.085 60.0381 101.912 60.3525 101.664 60.5635 c\r
-101.415 60.7734 101.116 60.8789 100.764 60.8789 c\r
-100.233 60.8789 99.8013 60.6885 99.4692 60.3076 c\r
-99.1372 59.9258 98.9712 59.3232 98.9712 58.498 c\r
-98.9712 57.6611 99.1313 57.0537 99.4512 56.6748 c\r
-99.7715 56.2949 100.189 56.1055 100.705 56.1055 c\r
-101.119 56.1055 101.464 56.2324 101.741 56.4873 c\r
-102.018 56.7412 102.194 57.1318 102.268 57.6602 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-103.815 58.4922 m\r
-103.815 59.6455 104.135 60.499 104.775 61.0547 c\r
-105.311 61.5156 105.962 61.7461 106.732 61.7461 c\r
-107.587 61.7461 108.286 61.4658 108.829 60.9053 c\r
-109.372 60.3438 109.643 59.5693 109.643 58.5801 c\r
-109.643 57.7783 109.523 57.1484 109.283 56.6895 c\r
-109.043 56.2305 108.693 55.873 108.234 55.6191 c\r
-107.775 55.3652 107.275 55.2383 106.732 55.2383 c\r
-105.861 55.2383 105.157 55.5176 104.621 56.0771 c\r
-104.084 56.6357 103.815 57.4404 103.815 58.4922 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-104.901 58.4912 m\r
-104.901 57.6943 105.074 57.0967 105.421 56.7002 c\r
-105.769 56.3037 106.206 56.1055 106.732 56.1055 c\r
-107.254 56.1055 107.689 56.3047 108.037 56.7031 c\r
-108.383 57.1016 108.557 57.71 108.557 58.5264 c\r
-108.557 59.2959 108.382 59.8799 108.034 60.2764 c\r
-107.685 60.6729 107.251 60.8711 106.732 60.8711 c\r
-106.206 60.8711 105.769 60.6738 105.421 60.2793 c\r
-105.074 59.8838 104.901 59.2881 104.901 58.4912 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-110.879 52.9961 m\r
-110.879 52.9961 110.879 61.6055 110.879 61.6055 c\r
-110.879 61.6055 111.84 61.6055 111.84 61.6055 c\r
-111.84 61.6055 111.84 60.7949 111.84 60.7949 c\r
-112.067 61.1123 112.323 61.3496 112.608 61.5088 c\r
-112.894 61.667 113.24 61.7461 113.646 61.7461 c\r
-114.178 61.7461 114.647 61.6094 115.054 61.3359 c\r
-115.46 61.0615 115.768 60.6758 115.975 60.1777 c\r
-116.182 59.6797 116.286 59.1328 116.286 58.5391 c\r
-116.286 57.9023 116.171 57.3281 115.942 56.8184 c\r
-115.714 56.3086 115.381 55.917 114.946 55.6455 c\r
-114.509 55.374 114.051 55.2383 113.57 55.2383 c\r
-113.218 55.2383 112.903 55.3125 112.623 55.4609 c\r
-112.344 55.6094 112.114 55.7969 111.934 56.0234 c\r
-111.934 56.0234 111.934 52.9961 111.934 52.9961 c\r
-111.934 52.9961 110.879 52.9961 110.879 52.9961 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.832 58.4561 m\r
-111.832 57.6553 111.995 57.0625 112.318 56.6797 c\r
-112.643 56.2969 113.035 56.1055 113.496 56.1055 c\r
-113.964 56.1055 114.365 56.3037 114.699 56.7002 c\r
-115.033 57.0967 115.2 57.7119 115.2 58.5439 c\r
-115.2 59.3369 115.037 59.9307 114.71 60.3262 c\r
-114.385 60.7207 113.996 60.918 113.543 60.918 c\r
-113.093 60.918 112.696 60.708 112.351 60.2881 c\r
-112.005 59.8682 111.832 59.2568 111.832 58.4561 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-117.506 52.9844 m\r
-117.506 52.9844 117.389 53.9727 117.389 53.9727 c\r
-117.62 53.9102 117.821 53.8789 117.993 53.8789 c\r
-118.228 53.8789 118.415 53.918 118.556 53.9961 c\r
-118.697 54.0742 118.813 54.1836 118.902 54.3242 c\r
-118.969 54.4297 119.076 54.6924 119.225 55.1104 c\r
-119.245 55.1689 119.276 55.2549 119.319 55.3682 c\r
-119.319 55.3682 116.952 61.6055 116.952 61.6055 c\r
-116.952 61.6055 118.079 61.6055 118.079 61.6055 c\r
-118.079 61.6055 119.379 58.0068 119.379 58.0068 c\r
-119.548 57.5508 119.699 57.0703 119.832 56.5674 c\r
-119.957 57.0449 120.104 57.5146 120.272 57.9756 c\r
-120.272 57.9756 121.6 61.6055 121.6 61.6055 c\r
-121.6 61.6055 122.655 61.6055 122.655 61.6055 c\r
-122.655 61.6055 120.296 55.2705 120.296 55.2705 c\r
-120.041 54.5879 119.844 54.1182 119.703 53.8613 c\r
-119.515 53.5146 119.299 53.2598 119.057 53.0986 c\r
-118.814 52.9365 118.524 52.8555 118.188 52.8555 c\r
-117.984 52.8555 117.757 52.8984 117.506 52.9844 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-133.917 59.6182 m\r
-133.917 60.6348 134.021 61.4541 134.23 62.0752 c\r
-134.438 62.6963 134.749 63.1738 135.16 63.5088 c\r
-135.571 63.8438 136.089 64.0117 136.713 64.0117 c\r
-137.173 64.0117 137.578 63.9189 137.926 63.7334 c\r
-138.275 63.5469 138.561 63.2793 138.787 62.9297 c\r
-139.011 62.5791 139.189 62.1533 139.317 61.6504 c\r
-139.446 61.1484 139.51 60.4707 139.51 59.6182 c\r
-139.51 58.6094 139.407 57.7939 139.2 57.1729 c\r
-138.993 56.5518 138.684 56.0732 138.273 55.7354 c\r
-137.861 55.3994 137.341 55.2305 136.713 55.2305 c\r
-135.886 55.2305 135.237 55.5264 134.765 56.1182 c\r
-134.199 56.8369 133.917 58.0029 133.917 59.6182 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-135.002 59.6172 m\r
-135.002 58.2031 135.167 57.2627 135.496 56.7969 c\r
-135.825 56.3311 136.23 56.0977 136.713 56.0977 c\r
-137.196 56.0977 137.602 56.3311 137.931 56.7998 c\r
-138.26 57.2676 138.424 58.207 138.424 59.6172 c\r
-138.424 61.0322 138.26 61.9736 137.932 62.4385 c\r
-137.604 62.9043 137.193 63.1367 136.702 63.1367 c\r
-136.219 63.1367 135.833 62.9316 135.544 62.5205 c\r
-135.183 61.9971 135.002 61.0283 135.002 59.6172 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.916 59.6182 m\r
-169.916 60.6348 170.021 61.4541 170.23 62.0752 c\r
-170.438 62.6963 170.748 63.1738 171.16 63.5088 c\r
-171.571 63.8438 172.09 64.0117 172.713 64.0117 c\r
-173.174 64.0117 173.578 63.9189 173.926 63.7334 c\r
-174.275 63.5469 174.561 63.2793 174.787 62.9297 c\r
-175.012 62.5791 175.189 62.1533 175.316 61.6504 c\r
-175.445 61.1484 175.51 60.4707 175.51 59.6182 c\r
-175.51 58.6094 175.406 57.7939 175.2 57.1729 c\r
-174.993 56.5518 174.684 56.0732 174.273 55.7354 c\r
-173.861 55.3994 173.342 55.2305 172.713 55.2305 c\r
-171.887 55.2305 171.236 55.5264 170.766 56.1182 c\r
-170.199 56.8369 169.916 58.0029 169.916 59.6182 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-171.002 59.6172 m\r
-171.002 58.2031 171.167 57.2627 171.496 56.7969 c\r
-171.824 56.3311 172.23 56.0977 172.713 56.0977 c\r
-173.195 56.0977 173.602 56.3311 173.932 56.7998 c\r
-174.26 57.2676 174.424 58.207 174.424 59.6172 c\r
-174.424 61.0322 174.26 61.9736 173.932 62.4385 c\r
-173.604 62.9043 173.193 63.1367 172.701 63.1367 c\r
-172.219 63.1367 171.833 62.9316 171.543 62.5205 c\r
-171.183 61.9971 171.002 61.0283 171.002 59.6172 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-102.268 43.2607 m\r
-102.268 43.2607 103.307 43.1201 103.307 43.1201 c\r
-103.194 42.4063 102.904 41.8477 102.437 41.4443 c\r
-101.97 41.041 101.396 40.8389 100.716 40.8389 c\r
-99.8647 40.8389 99.1797 41.1172 98.6616 41.6748 c\r
-98.144 42.2314 97.8853 43.0293 97.8853 44.0693 c\r
-97.8853 44.7412 97.9966 45.3301 98.2192 45.834 c\r
-98.4419 46.3379 98.7808 46.7158 99.2358 46.9688 c\r
-99.6909 47.2207 100.186 47.3467 100.721 47.3467 c\r
-101.397 47.3467 101.95 47.1758 102.379 46.834 c\r
-102.809 46.4922 103.085 46.0068 103.206 45.3779 c\r
-103.206 45.3779 102.182 45.2217 102.182 45.2217 c\r
-102.085 45.6387 101.912 45.9531 101.664 46.1631 c\r
-101.415 46.374 101.116 46.4795 100.764 46.4795 c\r
-100.233 46.4795 99.8013 46.2891 99.4692 45.9072 c\r
-99.1372 45.5264 98.9712 44.9238 98.9712 44.0986 c\r
-98.9712 43.2617 99.1313 42.6543 99.4512 42.2744 c\r
-99.7715 41.8955 100.189 41.7061 100.705 41.7061 c\r
-101.119 41.7061 101.464 41.833 101.741 42.0869 c\r
-102.018 42.3418 102.194 42.7324 102.268 43.2607 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-103.815 44.0928 m\r
-103.815 45.2461 104.135 46.0996 104.775 46.6553 c\r
-105.311 47.1162 105.962 47.3467 106.732 47.3467 c\r
-107.587 47.3467 108.286 47.0664 108.829 46.5049 c\r
-109.372 45.9443 109.643 45.1699 109.643 44.1807 c\r
-109.643 43.3799 109.523 42.749 109.283 42.29 c\r
-109.043 41.8311 108.693 41.4736 108.234 41.2197 c\r
-107.775 40.9658 107.275 40.8389 106.732 40.8389 c\r
-105.861 40.8389 105.157 41.1182 104.621 41.6768 c\r
-104.084 42.2363 103.815 43.041 103.815 44.0928 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-104.901 44.0918 m\r
-104.901 43.2949 105.074 42.6973 105.421 42.3008 c\r
-105.769 41.9043 106.206 41.7061 106.732 41.7061 c\r
-107.254 41.7061 107.689 41.9053 108.037 42.3037 c\r
-108.383 42.7021 108.557 43.3105 108.557 44.127 c\r
-108.557 44.8965 108.382 45.4795 108.034 45.877 c\r
-107.685 46.2734 107.251 46.4717 106.732 46.4717 c\r
-106.206 46.4717 105.769 46.2744 105.421 45.8799 c\r
-105.074 45.4854 104.901 44.8887 104.901 44.0918 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-110.879 38.5967 m\r
-110.879 38.5967 110.879 47.2061 110.879 47.2061 c\r
-110.879 47.2061 111.84 47.2061 111.84 47.2061 c\r
-111.84 47.2061 111.84 46.3955 111.84 46.3955 c\r
-112.067 46.7129 112.323 46.9502 112.608 47.1084 c\r
-112.894 47.2676 113.24 47.3467 113.646 47.3467 c\r
-114.178 47.3467 114.647 47.21 115.054 46.9365 c\r
-115.46 46.6631 115.768 46.2764 115.975 45.7783 c\r
-116.182 45.2803 116.286 44.7334 116.286 44.1396 c\r
-116.286 43.5029 116.171 42.9287 115.942 42.4189 c\r
-115.714 41.9092 115.381 41.5176 114.946 41.2461 c\r
-114.509 40.9746 114.051 40.8389 113.57 40.8389 c\r
-113.218 40.8389 112.903 40.9131 112.623 41.0615 c\r
-112.344 41.21 112.114 41.3975 111.934 41.624 c\r
-111.934 41.624 111.934 38.5967 111.934 38.5967 c\r
-111.934 38.5967 110.879 38.5967 110.879 38.5967 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.832 44.0566 m\r
-111.832 43.2559 111.995 42.6631 112.318 42.2803 c\r
-112.643 41.8975 113.035 41.7061 113.496 41.7061 c\r
-113.964 41.7061 114.365 41.9043 114.699 42.3008 c\r
-115.033 42.6973 115.2 43.3125 115.2 44.1445 c\r
-115.2 44.9375 115.037 45.5322 114.71 45.9268 c\r
-114.385 46.3213 113.996 46.5186 113.543 46.5186 c\r
-113.093 46.5186 112.696 46.3086 112.351 45.8887 c\r
-112.005 45.4678 111.832 44.8574 111.832 44.0566 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-117.506 38.585 m\r
-117.506 38.585 117.389 39.5732 117.389 39.5732 c\r
-117.62 39.5107 117.821 39.4795 117.993 39.4795 c\r
-118.228 39.4795 118.415 39.5186 118.556 39.5967 c\r
-118.697 39.6748 118.813 39.7842 118.902 39.9248 c\r
-118.969 40.0303 119.076 40.292 119.225 40.7109 c\r
-119.245 40.7695 119.276 40.8555 119.319 40.9688 c\r
-119.319 40.9688 116.952 47.2061 116.952 47.2061 c\r
-116.952 47.2061 118.079 47.2061 118.079 47.2061 c\r
-118.079 47.2061 119.379 43.6074 119.379 43.6074 c\r
-119.548 43.1514 119.699 42.6709 119.832 42.168 c\r
-119.957 42.6455 120.104 43.1152 120.272 43.5752 c\r
-120.272 43.5752 121.6 47.2061 121.6 47.2061 c\r
-121.6 47.2061 122.655 47.2061 122.655 47.2061 c\r
-122.655 47.2061 120.296 40.8711 120.296 40.8711 c\r
-120.041 40.1885 119.844 39.7188 119.703 39.4619 c\r
-119.515 39.1152 119.299 38.8604 119.057 38.6982 c\r
-118.814 38.5371 118.524 38.4561 118.188 38.4561 c\r
-117.984 38.4561 117.757 38.499 117.506 38.585 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-137.885 40.9795 m\r
-137.885 40.9795 136.831 40.9795 136.831 40.9795 c\r
-136.831 40.9795 136.831 47.7061 136.831 47.7061 c\r
-136.577 47.4639 136.244 47.2217 135.831 46.9795 c\r
-135.419 46.7363 135.049 46.5547 134.721 46.4336 c\r
-134.721 46.4336 134.721 47.4541 134.721 47.4541 c\r
-135.311 47.7314 135.827 48.0674 136.268 48.4629 c\r
-136.71 48.8574 137.022 49.2412 137.206 49.6123 c\r
-137.206 49.6123 137.885 49.6123 137.885 49.6123 c\r
-137.885 49.6123 137.885 40.9795 137.885 40.9795 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-173.885 40.9795 m\r
-173.885 40.9795 172.83 40.9795 172.83 40.9795 c\r
-172.83 40.9795 172.83 47.7061 172.83 47.7061 c\r
-172.576 47.4639 172.244 47.2217 171.832 46.9795 c\r
-171.42 46.7363 171.049 46.5547 170.721 46.4336 c\r
-170.721 46.4336 170.721 47.4541 170.721 47.4541 c\r
-171.311 47.7314 171.826 48.0674 172.268 48.4629 c\r
-172.709 48.8574 173.021 49.2412 173.205 49.6123 c\r
-173.205 49.6123 173.885 49.6123 173.885 49.6123 c\r
-173.885 49.6123 173.885 40.9795 173.885 40.9795 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-102.268 28.8604 m\r
-102.268 28.8604 103.307 28.7197 103.307 28.7197 c\r
-103.194 28.0059 102.904 27.4473 102.437 27.0439 c\r
-101.97 26.6406 101.396 26.4385 100.716 26.4385 c\r
-99.8647 26.4385 99.1797 26.7168 98.6616 27.2744 c\r
-98.144 27.8311 97.8853 28.6289 97.8853 29.6689 c\r
-97.8853 30.3408 97.9966 30.9297 98.2192 31.4336 c\r
-98.4419 31.9375 98.7808 32.3154 99.2358 32.5684 c\r
-99.6909 32.8203 100.186 32.9463 100.721 32.9463 c\r
-101.397 32.9463 101.95 32.7754 102.379 32.4336 c\r
-102.809 32.0918 103.085 31.6064 103.206 30.9775 c\r
-103.206 30.9775 102.182 30.8213 102.182 30.8213 c\r
-102.085 31.2383 101.912 31.5527 101.664 31.7627 c\r
-101.415 31.9736 101.116 32.0791 100.764 32.0791 c\r
-100.233 32.0791 99.8013 31.8887 99.4692 31.5068 c\r
-99.1372 31.126 98.9712 30.5234 98.9712 29.6982 c\r
-98.9712 28.8613 99.1313 28.2539 99.4512 27.874 c\r
-99.7715 27.4951 100.189 27.3057 100.705 27.3057 c\r
-101.119 27.3057 101.464 27.4326 101.741 27.6865 c\r
-102.018 27.9414 102.194 28.332 102.268 28.8604 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-103.815 29.6924 m\r
-103.815 30.8457 104.135 31.6992 104.775 32.2549 c\r
-105.311 32.7158 105.962 32.9463 106.732 32.9463 c\r
-107.587 32.9463 108.286 32.666 108.829 32.1045 c\r
-109.372 31.5439 109.643 30.7695 109.643 29.7803 c\r
-109.643 28.9795 109.523 28.3486 109.283 27.8896 c\r
-109.043 27.4307 108.693 27.0732 108.234 26.8193 c\r
-107.775 26.5654 107.275 26.4385 106.732 26.4385 c\r
-105.861 26.4385 105.157 26.7178 104.621 27.2764 c\r
-104.084 27.8359 103.815 28.6406 103.815 29.6924 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-104.901 29.6914 m\r
-104.901 28.8945 105.074 28.2969 105.421 27.9004 c\r
-105.769 27.5039 106.206 27.3057 106.732 27.3057 c\r
-107.254 27.3057 107.689 27.5049 108.037 27.9033 c\r
-108.383 28.3018 108.557 28.9102 108.557 29.7266 c\r
-108.557 30.4961 108.382 31.0791 108.034 31.4766 c\r
-107.685 31.873 107.251 32.0713 106.732 32.0713 c\r
-106.206 32.0713 105.769 31.874 105.421 31.4795 c\r
-105.074 31.085 104.901 30.4883 104.901 29.6914 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-110.879 24.1963 m\r
-110.879 24.1963 110.879 32.8057 110.879 32.8057 c\r
-110.879 32.8057 111.84 32.8057 111.84 32.8057 c\r
-111.84 32.8057 111.84 31.9951 111.84 31.9951 c\r
-112.067 32.3125 112.323 32.5498 112.608 32.708 c\r
-112.894 32.8672 113.24 32.9463 113.646 32.9463 c\r
-114.178 32.9463 114.647 32.8096 115.054 32.5361 c\r
-115.46 32.2627 115.768 31.876 115.975 31.3779 c\r
-116.182 30.8799 116.286 30.333 116.286 29.7393 c\r
-116.286 29.1025 116.171 28.5283 115.942 28.0186 c\r
-115.714 27.5088 115.381 27.1172 114.946 26.8457 c\r
-114.509 26.5742 114.051 26.4385 113.57 26.4385 c\r
-113.218 26.4385 112.903 26.5127 112.623 26.6611 c\r
-112.344 26.8096 112.114 26.9971 111.934 27.2236 c\r
-111.934 27.2236 111.934 24.1963 111.934 24.1963 c\r
-111.934 24.1963 110.879 24.1963 110.879 24.1963 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.832 29.6563 m\r
-111.832 28.8555 111.995 28.2627 112.318 27.8799 c\r
-112.643 27.4971 113.035 27.3057 113.496 27.3057 c\r
-113.964 27.3057 114.365 27.5039 114.699 27.9004 c\r
-115.033 28.2969 115.2 28.9121 115.2 29.7441 c\r
-115.2 30.5371 115.037 31.1318 114.71 31.5264 c\r
-114.385 31.9209 113.996 32.1182 113.543 32.1182 c\r
-113.093 32.1182 112.696 31.9082 112.351 31.4883 c\r
-112.005 31.0674 111.832 30.457 111.832 29.6563 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-117.506 24.1846 m\r
-117.506 24.1846 117.389 25.1729 117.389 25.1729 c\r
-117.62 25.1104 117.821 25.0791 117.993 25.0791 c\r
-118.228 25.0791 118.415 25.1182 118.556 25.1963 c\r
-118.697 25.2744 118.813 25.3838 118.902 25.5244 c\r
-118.969 25.6299 119.076 25.8916 119.225 26.3105 c\r
-119.245 26.3691 119.276 26.4551 119.319 26.5684 c\r
-119.319 26.5684 116.952 32.8057 116.952 32.8057 c\r
-116.952 32.8057 118.079 32.8057 118.079 32.8057 c\r
-118.079 32.8057 119.379 29.207 119.379 29.207 c\r
-119.548 28.751 119.699 28.2705 119.832 27.7676 c\r
-119.957 28.2451 120.104 28.7148 120.272 29.1748 c\r
-120.272 29.1748 121.6 32.8057 121.6 32.8057 c\r
-121.6 32.8057 122.655 32.8057 122.655 32.8057 c\r
-122.655 32.8057 120.296 26.4707 120.296 26.4707 c\r
-120.041 25.7881 119.844 25.3184 119.703 25.0615 c\r
-119.515 24.7148 119.299 24.46 119.057 24.2979 c\r
-118.814 24.1367 118.524 24.0557 118.188 24.0557 c\r
-117.984 24.0557 117.757 24.0986 117.506 24.1846 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.268 28.8604 m\r
-138.268 28.8604 139.307 28.7197 139.307 28.7197 c\r
-139.194 28.0059 138.904 27.4473 138.436 27.0439 c\r
-137.97 26.6406 137.396 26.4385 136.716 26.4385 c\r
-135.865 26.4385 135.18 26.7168 134.662 27.2744 c\r
-134.144 27.8311 133.885 28.6289 133.885 29.6689 c\r
-133.885 30.3408 133.997 30.9297 134.219 31.4336 c\r
-134.442 31.9375 134.781 32.3154 135.236 32.5684 c\r
-135.691 32.8203 136.186 32.9463 136.721 32.9463 c\r
-137.397 32.9463 137.95 32.7754 138.379 32.4336 c\r
-138.809 32.0918 139.085 31.6064 139.206 30.9775 c\r
-139.206 30.9775 138.182 30.8213 138.182 30.8213 c\r
-138.085 31.2383 137.912 31.5527 137.664 31.7627 c\r
-137.415 31.9736 137.116 32.0791 136.764 32.0791 c\r
-136.233 32.0791 135.801 31.8887 135.469 31.5068 c\r
-135.137 31.126 134.971 30.5234 134.971 29.6982 c\r
-134.971 28.8613 135.131 28.2539 135.451 27.874 c\r
-135.771 27.4951 136.189 27.3057 136.705 27.3057 c\r
-137.119 27.3057 137.464 27.4326 137.741 27.6865 c\r
-138.018 27.9414 138.194 28.332 138.268 28.8604 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-139.815 29.6924 m\r
-139.815 30.8457 140.135 31.6992 140.775 32.2549 c\r
-141.311 32.7158 141.962 32.9463 142.732 32.9463 c\r
-143.587 32.9463 144.286 32.666 144.828 32.1045 c\r
-145.371 31.5439 145.643 30.7695 145.643 29.7803 c\r
-145.643 28.9795 145.523 28.3486 145.283 27.8896 c\r
-145.043 27.4307 144.693 27.0732 144.234 26.8193 c\r
-143.775 26.5654 143.275 26.4385 142.732 26.4385 c\r
-141.861 26.4385 141.157 26.7178 140.621 27.2764 c\r
-140.083 27.8359 139.815 28.6406 139.815 29.6924 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.901 29.6914 m\r
-140.901 28.8945 141.074 28.2969 141.421 27.9004 c\r
-141.769 27.5039 142.206 27.3057 142.732 27.3057 c\r
-143.254 27.3057 143.689 27.5049 144.037 27.9033 c\r
-144.383 28.3018 144.557 28.9102 144.557 29.7266 c\r
-144.557 30.4961 144.383 31.0791 144.033 31.4766 c\r
-143.685 31.873 143.25 32.0713 142.732 32.0713 c\r
-142.206 32.0713 141.769 31.874 141.421 31.4795 c\r
-141.074 31.085 140.901 30.4883 140.901 29.6914 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-146.879 24.1963 m\r
-146.879 24.1963 146.879 32.8057 146.879 32.8057 c\r
-146.879 32.8057 147.84 32.8057 147.84 32.8057 c\r
-147.84 32.8057 147.84 31.9951 147.84 31.9951 c\r
-148.066 32.3125 148.323 32.5498 148.608 32.708 c\r
-148.895 32.8672 149.24 32.9463 149.646 32.9463 c\r
-150.178 32.9463 150.648 32.8096 151.055 32.5361 c\r
-151.461 32.2627 151.768 31.876 151.975 31.3779 c\r
-152.182 30.8799 152.285 30.333 152.285 29.7393 c\r
-152.285 29.1025 152.172 28.5283 151.942 28.0186 c\r
-151.714 27.5088 151.381 27.1172 150.945 26.8457 c\r
-150.51 26.5742 150.051 26.4385 149.57 26.4385 c\r
-149.219 26.4385 148.902 26.5127 148.623 26.6611 c\r
-148.344 26.8096 148.113 26.9971 147.934 27.2236 c\r
-147.934 27.2236 147.934 24.1963 147.934 24.1963 c\r
-147.934 24.1963 146.879 24.1963 146.879 24.1963 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-147.832 29.6563 m\r
-147.832 28.8555 147.994 28.2627 148.318 27.8799 c\r
-148.643 27.4971 149.035 27.3057 149.496 27.3057 c\r
-149.965 27.3057 150.365 27.5039 150.699 27.9004 c\r
-151.033 28.2969 151.199 28.9121 151.199 29.7441 c\r
-151.199 30.5371 151.037 31.1318 150.711 31.5264 c\r
-150.385 31.9209 149.996 32.1182 149.543 32.1182 c\r
-149.094 32.1182 148.696 31.9082 148.351 31.4883 c\r
-148.006 31.0674 147.832 30.457 147.832 29.6563 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-153.506 24.1846 m\r
-153.506 24.1846 153.389 25.1729 153.389 25.1729 c\r
-153.619 25.1104 153.821 25.0791 153.993 25.0791 c\r
-154.229 25.0791 154.416 25.1182 154.557 25.1963 c\r
-154.697 25.2744 154.813 25.3838 154.902 25.5244 c\r
-154.969 25.6299 155.076 25.8916 155.225 26.3105 c\r
-155.244 26.3691 155.275 26.4551 155.318 26.5684 c\r
-155.318 26.5684 152.951 32.8057 152.951 32.8057 c\r
-152.951 32.8057 154.079 32.8057 154.079 32.8057 c\r
-154.079 32.8057 155.379 29.207 155.379 29.207 c\r
-155.549 28.751 155.699 28.2705 155.832 27.7676 c\r
-155.957 28.2451 156.104 28.7148 156.273 29.1748 c\r
-156.273 29.1748 157.6 32.8057 157.6 32.8057 c\r
-157.6 32.8057 158.654 32.8057 158.654 32.8057 c\r
-158.654 32.8057 156.297 26.4707 156.297 26.4707 c\r
-156.041 25.7881 155.844 25.3184 155.703 25.0615 c\r
-155.516 24.7148 155.299 24.46 155.057 24.2979 c\r
-154.814 24.1367 154.524 24.0557 154.188 24.0557 c\r
-153.984 24.0557 153.757 24.0986 153.506 24.1846 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-174.268 28.8604 m\r
-174.268 28.8604 175.307 28.7197 175.307 28.7197 c\r
-175.193 28.0059 174.904 27.4473 174.436 27.0439 c\r
-173.97 26.6406 173.396 26.4385 172.717 26.4385 c\r
-171.865 26.4385 171.18 26.7168 170.662 27.2744 c\r
-170.145 27.8311 169.885 28.6289 169.885 29.6689 c\r
-169.885 30.3408 169.996 30.9297 170.219 31.4336 c\r
-170.441 31.9375 170.781 32.3154 171.236 32.5684 c\r
-171.691 32.8203 172.186 32.9463 172.721 32.9463 c\r
-173.396 32.9463 173.949 32.7754 174.379 32.4336 c\r
-174.809 32.0918 175.084 31.6064 175.205 30.9775 c\r
-175.205 30.9775 174.182 30.8213 174.182 30.8213 c\r
-174.084 31.2383 173.912 31.5527 173.664 31.7627 c\r
-173.416 31.9736 173.115 32.0791 172.764 32.0791 c\r
-172.232 32.0791 171.801 31.8887 171.469 31.5068 c\r
-171.137 31.126 170.971 30.5234 170.971 29.6982 c\r
-170.971 28.8613 171.131 28.2539 171.451 27.874 c\r
-171.771 27.4951 172.189 27.3057 172.705 27.3057 c\r
-173.119 27.3057 173.464 27.4326 173.741 27.6865 c\r
-174.018 27.9414 174.193 28.332 174.268 28.8604 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-175.814 29.6924 m\r
-175.814 30.8457 176.135 31.6992 176.775 32.2549 c\r
-177.311 32.7158 177.963 32.9463 178.732 32.9463 c\r
-179.587 32.9463 180.286 32.666 180.828 32.1045 c\r
-181.371 31.5439 181.643 30.7695 181.643 29.7803 c\r
-181.643 28.9795 181.523 28.3486 181.283 27.8896 c\r
-181.043 27.4307 180.693 27.0732 180.234 26.8193 c\r
-179.775 26.5654 179.275 26.4385 178.732 26.4385 c\r
-177.861 26.4385 177.157 26.7178 176.621 27.2764 c\r
-176.084 27.8359 175.814 28.6406 175.814 29.6924 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-176.9 29.6914 m\r
-176.9 28.8945 177.074 28.2969 177.422 27.9004 c\r
-177.769 27.5039 178.205 27.3057 178.732 27.3057 c\r
-179.254 27.3057 179.689 27.5049 180.037 27.9033 c\r
-180.383 28.3018 180.557 28.9102 180.557 29.7266 c\r
-180.557 30.4961 180.383 31.0791 180.033 31.4766 c\r
-179.685 31.873 179.25 32.0713 178.732 32.0713 c\r
-178.205 32.0713 177.769 31.874 177.422 31.4795 c\r
-177.074 31.085 176.9 30.4883 176.9 29.6914 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-182.879 24.1963 m\r
-182.879 24.1963 182.879 32.8057 182.879 32.8057 c\r
-182.879 32.8057 183.84 32.8057 183.84 32.8057 c\r
-183.84 32.8057 183.84 31.9951 183.84 31.9951 c\r
-184.066 32.3125 184.323 32.5498 184.608 32.708 c\r
-184.895 32.8672 185.24 32.9463 185.646 32.9463 c\r
-186.178 32.9463 186.648 32.8096 187.055 32.5361 c\r
-187.461 32.2627 187.768 31.876 187.975 31.3779 c\r
-188.182 30.8799 188.285 30.333 188.285 29.7393 c\r
-188.285 29.1025 188.172 28.5283 187.942 28.0186 c\r
-187.714 27.5088 187.381 27.1172 186.945 26.8457 c\r
-186.51 26.5742 186.051 26.4385 185.57 26.4385 c\r
-185.219 26.4385 184.902 26.5127 184.623 26.6611 c\r
-184.344 26.8096 184.113 26.9971 183.934 27.2236 c\r
-183.934 27.2236 183.934 24.1963 183.934 24.1963 c\r
-183.934 24.1963 182.879 24.1963 182.879 24.1963 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-183.832 29.6563 m\r
-183.832 28.8555 183.994 28.2627 184.318 27.8799 c\r
-184.643 27.4971 185.035 27.3057 185.496 27.3057 c\r
-185.965 27.3057 186.365 27.5039 186.699 27.9004 c\r
-187.033 28.2969 187.199 28.9121 187.199 29.7441 c\r
-187.199 30.5371 187.037 31.1318 186.711 31.5264 c\r
-186.385 31.9209 185.996 32.1182 185.543 32.1182 c\r
-185.094 32.1182 184.696 31.9082 184.351 31.4883 c\r
-184.006 31.0674 183.832 30.457 183.832 29.6563 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-189.506 24.1846 m\r
-189.506 24.1846 189.389 25.1729 189.389 25.1729 c\r
-189.619 25.1104 189.821 25.0791 189.993 25.0791 c\r
-190.229 25.0791 190.416 25.1182 190.557 25.1963 c\r
-190.697 25.2744 190.813 25.3838 190.902 25.5244 c\r
-190.969 25.6299 191.076 25.8916 191.225 26.3105 c\r
-191.244 26.3691 191.275 26.4551 191.318 26.5684 c\r
-191.318 26.5684 188.951 32.8057 188.951 32.8057 c\r
-188.951 32.8057 190.079 32.8057 190.079 32.8057 c\r
-190.079 32.8057 191.379 29.207 191.379 29.207 c\r
-191.549 28.751 191.699 28.2705 191.832 27.7676 c\r
-191.957 28.2451 192.104 28.7148 192.273 29.1748 c\r
-192.273 29.1748 193.6 32.8057 193.6 32.8057 c\r
-193.6 32.8057 194.654 32.8057 194.654 32.8057 c\r
-194.654 32.8057 192.297 26.4707 192.297 26.4707 c\r
-192.041 25.7881 191.844 25.3184 191.703 25.0615 c\r
-191.516 24.7148 191.299 24.46 191.057 24.2979 c\r
-190.814 24.1367 190.524 24.0557 190.188 24.0557 c\r
-189.984 24.0557 189.757 24.0986 189.506 24.1846 c\r
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- colorstr 2 index 3 mul 1 add get 59 mul\r
- colorstr 3 index 3 mul 2 add get 11 mul\r
- add add 100 idiv\r
- put\r
- } for\r
- graystr 0 3 -1 roll getinterval\r
- } image\r
- } ifelse\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/arrowhead {\r
- gsave\r
- [] 0 setdash\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor\r
- 2 copy moveto\r
- 4 2 roll exch 4 -1 roll exch\r
- sub 3 1 roll sub\r
- exch atan rotate dup scale\r
- arrowtype\r
- dup 0 eq {\r
- -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 1 eq {\r
- 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 2 eq {\r
- -6 -6 rmoveto 6 6 rlineto -6 6 rlineto\r
- -1.4142 -1.4142 rlineto 4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto\r
- -4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 3 eq {\r
- -6 0 rmoveto -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 4 eq {\r
- -9 0 rmoveto 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 5 eq {\r
- currentpoint newpath 3 0 360 arc\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 6 eq {\r
- 2.5 2.5 rmoveto 0 -5 rlineto -5 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- pop\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/setcmykcolor where { %ifelse\r
- pop\r
-}{ %else\r
- /setcmykcolor {\r
- /black exch def /yellow exch def\r
- /magenta exch def /cyan exch def\r
- cyan black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- magenta black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- yellow black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- setrgbcolor\r
- } bind def\r
-} ifelse\r
-/RE { %def\r
- findfont begin\r
- currentdict dup length dict begin\r
- { %forall\r
- 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne { %if\r
- /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def\r
- 0 exch { %forall\r
- dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse\r
- Encoding 2 index 2 index put\r
- pop 1 add\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch pop\r
- } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- } if pop\r
- currentdict dup end end\r
- /FontName get exch definefont pop\r
-} bind def\r
-/spacecount { %def\r
- 0 exch\r
- ( ) { %loop\r
- search { %ifelse\r
- pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll\r
- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
- } loop\r
-} bind def\r
-/WinAnsiEncoding [\r
- 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase\r
- /ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand\r
- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
- /tilde/trademark/scaron/guilsinglright/oe/dotlessi\r
- 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis/copyright\r
- /ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered/macron/ring\r
- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--14 -155 moveto -14 -31 lineto 121 -31 lineto 121 -155 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
--1.1665 -47.7607 m\r
--1.1665 -46.7441 -1.06201 -45.9248 -0.853516 -45.3037 c\r
--0.64502 -44.6826 -0.334473 -44.2046 0.07666 -43.8696 c\r
-0.488281 -43.5347 1.00635 -43.3672 1.63037 -43.3672 c\r
-2.09033 -43.3672 2.49512 -43.46 2.84326 -43.646 c\r
-3.19189 -43.8315 3.47852 -44.0996 3.70361 -44.4492 c\r
-3.92822 -44.7998 4.10547 -45.2256 4.23389 -45.7285 c\r
-4.36279 -46.2305 4.42725 -46.9082 4.42725 -47.7607 c\r
-4.42725 -48.7695 4.32373 -49.585 4.11719 -50.2061 c\r
-3.91016 -50.8271 3.60107 -51.3062 3.18994 -51.6431 c\r
-2.77783 -51.98 2.2583 -52.1484 1.63037 -52.1484 c\r
-0.803223 -52.1484 0.153809 -51.8525 -0.317871 -51.2607 c\r
--0.883789 -50.5425 -1.1665 -49.376 -1.1665 -47.7607 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
--0.080566 -47.7617 m\r
--0.080566 -49.1758 0.083984 -50.1162 0.412598 -50.582 c\r
-0.741699 -51.0483 1.14746 -51.2813 1.63037 -51.2813 c\r
-2.11279 -51.2813 2.51904 -51.0474 2.84814 -50.5791 c\r
-3.17676 -50.1113 3.34131 -49.1719 3.34131 -47.7617 c\r
-3.34131 -46.3462 3.17725 -45.4058 2.84912 -44.9404 c\r
-2.52051 -44.4751 2.11035 -44.2422 1.61865 -44.2422 c\r
-1.13623 -44.2422 0.75 -44.4473 0.460449 -44.8584 c\r
-0.099609 -45.3823 -0.080566 -46.3501 -0.080566 -47.7617 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
--1.1665 -62.1606 m\r
--1.1665 -61.144 -1.06201 -60.3252 -0.853516 -59.7041 c\r
--0.64502 -59.083 -0.334473 -58.6045 0.07666 -58.2695 c\r
-0.488281 -57.9346 1.00635 -57.7671 1.63037 -57.7671 c\r
-2.09033 -57.7671 2.49512 -57.8599 2.84326 -58.0459 c\r
-3.19189 -58.2314 3.47852 -58.4995 3.70361 -58.8496 c\r
-3.92822 -59.1992 4.10547 -59.626 4.23389 -60.1279 c\r
-4.36279 -60.6309 4.42725 -61.3081 4.42725 -62.1606 c\r
-4.42725 -63.1699 4.32373 -63.9849 4.11719 -64.606 c\r
-3.91016 -65.2271 3.60107 -65.7061 3.18994 -66.043 c\r
-2.77783 -66.3799 2.2583 -66.5483 1.63037 -66.5483 c\r
-0.803223 -66.5483 0.153809 -66.2524 -0.317871 -65.6606 c\r
--0.883789 -64.9424 -1.1665 -63.7759 -1.1665 -62.1606 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
--0.080566 -62.1616 m\r
--0.080566 -63.5762 0.083984 -64.5161 0.412598 -64.9824 c\r
-0.741699 -65.4482 1.14746 -65.6812 1.63037 -65.6812 c\r
-2.11279 -65.6812 2.51904 -65.4473 2.84814 -64.9795 c\r
-3.17676 -64.5112 3.34131 -63.5723 3.34131 -62.1616 c\r
-3.34131 -60.7461 3.17725 -59.8057 2.84912 -59.3403 c\r
-2.52051 -58.875 2.11035 -58.6421 1.61865 -58.6421 c\r
-1.13623 -58.6421 0.75 -58.8477 0.460449 -59.2578 c\r
-0.099609 -59.7822 -0.080566 -60.75 -0.080566 -62.1616 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-2.13574 -91 m\r
-2.13574 -91 1.08105 -91 1.08105 -91 c\r
-1.08105 -91 1.08105 -84.2734 1.08105 -84.2734 c\r
-0.827148 -84.5156 0.494141 -84.7578 0.082031 -85.0005 c\r
--0.330078 -85.2432 -0.700195 -85.4248 -1.02832 -85.5459 c\r
--1.02832 -85.5459 -1.02832 -84.5254 -1.02832 -84.5254 c\r
--0.438477 -84.248 0.077148 -83.9116 0.518555 -83.5166 c\r
-0.959961 -83.1221 1.27246 -82.7388 1.45605 -82.3672 c\r
-1.45605 -82.3672 2.13574 -82.3672 2.13574 -82.3672 c\r
-2.13574 -82.3672 2.13574 -91 2.13574 -91 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-2.13574 -105.401 m\r
-2.13574 -105.401 1.08105 -105.401 1.08105 -105.401 c\r
-1.08105 -105.401 1.08105 -98.6738 1.08105 -98.6738 c\r
-0.827148 -98.916 0.494141 -99.1582 0.082031 -99.4004 c\r
--0.330078 -99.6436 -0.700195 -99.8252 -1.02832 -99.9463 c\r
--1.02832 -99.9463 -1.02832 -98.9258 -1.02832 -98.9258 c\r
--0.438477 -98.6484 0.077148 -98.3125 0.518555 -97.917 c\r
-0.959961 -97.5225 1.27246 -97.1387 1.45605 -96.7676 c\r
-1.45605 -96.7676 2.13574 -96.7676 2.13574 -96.7676 c\r
-2.13574 -96.7676 2.13574 -105.401 2.13574 -105.401 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
--2.33252 -124.594 m\r
--2.33252 -123.579 -2.22803 -122.758 -2.01953 -122.137 c\r
--1.81104 -121.516 -1.50049 -121.04 -1.08936 -120.704 c\r
--0.677734 -120.37 -0.159668 -120.202 0.464355 -120.202 c\r
-0.924316 -120.202 1.3291 -120.294 1.67725 -120.479 c\r
-2.02588 -120.666 2.3125 -120.934 2.5376 -121.284 c\r
-2.76221 -121.633 2.93945 -122.059 3.06787 -122.563 c\r
-3.19678 -123.065 3.26123 -123.743 3.26123 -124.594 c\r
-3.26123 -125.604 3.15771 -126.419 2.95117 -127.04 c\r
-2.74414 -127.661 2.43506 -128.141 2.02393 -128.477 c\r
-1.61182 -128.815 1.09229 -128.983 0.464355 -128.983 c\r
--0.362793 -128.983 -1.01221 -128.686 -1.48389 -128.094 c\r
--2.0498 -127.377 -2.33252 -126.21 -2.33252 -124.594 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
--1.24658 -124.596 m\r
--1.24658 -126.01 -1.08203 -126.95 -0.753418 -127.416 c\r
--0.424316 -127.883 -0.018555 -128.116 0.464355 -128.116 c\r
-0.946777 -128.116 1.35303 -127.881 1.68213 -127.413 c\r
-2.01074 -126.946 2.17529 -126.006 2.17529 -124.596 c\r
-2.17529 -123.18 2.01123 -122.239 1.68311 -121.774 c\r
-1.35449 -121.309 0.944336 -121.077 0.452637 -121.077 c\r
--0.029785 -121.077 -0.416016 -121.282 -0.705566 -121.692 c\r
--1.06641 -122.215 -1.24658 -123.184 -1.24658 -124.596 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-37.6362 -128.835 m\r
-37.6362 -128.835 36.5815 -128.835 36.5815 -128.835 c\r
-36.5815 -128.835 36.5815 -122.108 36.5815 -122.108 c\r
-36.3276 -122.35 35.9946 -122.592 35.5825 -122.835 c\r
-35.1704 -123.077 34.8003 -123.258 34.4722 -123.379 c\r
-34.4722 -123.379 34.4722 -122.36 34.4722 -122.36 c\r
-35.062 -122.082 35.5776 -121.747 36.019 -121.35 c\r
-36.4604 -120.956 36.7729 -120.573 36.9565 -120.202 c\r
-36.9565 -120.202 37.6362 -120.202 37.6362 -120.202 c\r
-37.6362 -120.202 37.6362 -128.835 37.6362 -128.835 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-1.63623 -143.235 m\r
-1.63623 -143.235 0.581543 -143.235 0.581543 -143.235 c\r
-0.581543 -143.235 0.581543 -136.508 0.581543 -136.508 c\r
-0.327637 -136.751 -0.005371 -136.993 -0.41748 -137.235 c\r
--0.82959 -137.477 -1.19971 -137.659 -1.52783 -137.78 c\r
--1.52783 -137.78 -1.52783 -136.76 -1.52783 -136.76 c\r
--0.937988 -136.483 -0.422363 -136.147 0.019043 -135.751 c\r
-0.460449 -135.356 0.772949 -134.973 0.956543 -134.602 c\r
-0.956543 -134.602 1.63623 -134.602 1.63623 -134.602 c\r
-1.63623 -134.602 1.63623 -143.235 1.63623 -143.235 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-33.6675 -138.995 m\r
-33.6675 -137.979 33.772 -137.159 33.9805 -136.538 c\r
-34.189 -135.917 34.4995 -135.44 34.9106 -135.104 c\r
-35.3223 -134.77 35.8403 -134.602 36.4644 -134.602 c\r
-36.9243 -134.602 37.3291 -134.694 37.6772 -134.879 c\r
-38.0259 -135.067 38.3125 -135.335 38.5376 -135.684 c\r
-38.7622 -136.034 38.9395 -136.46 39.0679 -136.963 c\r
-39.1968 -137.465 39.2612 -138.143 39.2612 -138.995 c\r
-39.2612 -140.004 39.1577 -140.819 38.9512 -141.44 c\r
-38.7441 -142.061 38.4351 -142.542 38.0239 -142.877 c\r
-37.6118 -143.215 37.0923 -143.383 36.4644 -143.383 c\r
-35.6372 -143.383 34.9878 -143.086 34.5161 -142.495 c\r
-33.9502 -141.778 33.6675 -140.61 33.6675 -138.995 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-34.7534 -138.997 m\r
-34.7534 -140.411 34.918 -141.35 35.2466 -141.817 c\r
-35.5757 -142.284 35.9814 -142.516 36.4644 -142.516 c\r
-36.9468 -142.516 37.353 -142.282 37.6821 -141.813 c\r
-38.0107 -141.346 38.1753 -140.407 38.1753 -138.997 c\r
-38.1753 -137.581 38.0112 -136.639 37.6831 -136.174 c\r
-37.3545 -135.71 36.9443 -135.477 36.4526 -135.477 c\r
-35.9702 -135.477 35.584 -135.682 35.2944 -136.092 c\r
-34.9336 -136.616 34.7534 -137.585 34.7534 -138.997 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-7 -68.3335 m\r
--4.6665 -68.3335 L\r
--4.6665 -41.667 L\r
-7 -41.667 L\r
-7 -68.3335 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-7 -107.001 m\r
--4.6665 -107.001 L\r
--4.6665 -80.3335 L\r
-7 -80.3335 L\r
-7 -107.001 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-6.6665 -145.335 m\r
--5 -145.335 L\r
--5 -118.666 L\r
-6.6665 -118.666 L\r
-6.6665 -145.335 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-42.6665 -145.669 m\r
-31 -145.669 L\r
-31 -119.001 L\r
-42.6665 -119.001 L\r
-42.6665 -145.669 L\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.3848 -97 m\r
-69.3848 -97 67.7363 -97 67.7363 -97 c\r
-67.7363 -97 67.7363 -90.7925 67.7363 -90.7925 c\r
-67.1357 -91.3545 66.4277 -91.77 65.6113 -92.0391 c\r
-65.6113 -92.0391 65.6113 -90.5469 65.6113 -90.5469 c\r
-66.041 -90.4063 66.5078 -90.1401 67.0117 -89.748 c\r
-67.5156 -89.3555 67.8613 -88.8979 68.0488 -88.375 c\r
-68.0488 -88.375 69.3848 -88.375 69.3848 -88.375 c\r
-69.3848 -88.375 69.3848 -97 69.3848 -97 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-72.1123 -135.024 m\r
-66.2217 -132.461 L\r
-66.2217 -131.044 L\r
-72.1123 -128.493 L\r
-72.1123 -130.165 L\r
-68.0068 -131.737 L\r
-72.1123 -133.368 L\r
-72.1123 -135.024 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-79.6025 -138.524 m\r
-79.6025 -138.524 78.4697 -138.524 78.4697 -138.524 c\r
-77.8711 -137.622 77.416 -136.684 77.1035 -135.711 c\r
-76.79 -134.739 76.6338 -133.799 76.6338 -132.889 c\r
-76.6338 -131.76 76.8271 -130.692 77.2148 -129.684 c\r
-77.5508 -128.811 77.9766 -128.004 78.4932 -127.266 c\r
-78.4932 -127.266 79.6182 -127.266 79.6182 -127.266 c\r
-79.083 -128.45 78.7148 -129.456 78.5137 -130.286 c\r
-78.3125 -131.116 78.2119 -131.995 78.2119 -132.924 c\r
-78.2119 -133.565 78.2715 -134.221 78.3906 -134.891 c\r
-78.5098 -135.563 78.6738 -136.202 78.8809 -136.807 c\r
-79.0176 -137.206 79.2578 -137.778 79.6025 -138.524 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-86.2861 -131.61 m\r
-86.2861 -131.61 84.6611 -131.907 84.6611 -131.907 c\r
-84.6064 -131.583 84.4824 -131.338 84.2891 -131.176 c\r
-84.0967 -131.012 83.8457 -130.93 83.5381 -130.93 c\r
-83.1289 -130.93 82.8018 -131.071 82.5586 -131.354 c\r
-82.3145 -131.637 82.1924 -132.112 82.1924 -132.776 c\r
-82.1924 -133.514 82.3164 -134.036 82.5645 -134.34 c\r
-82.8125 -134.645 83.1465 -134.797 83.5645 -134.797 c\r
-83.877 -134.797 84.1328 -134.708 84.332 -134.53 c\r
-84.5313 -134.352 84.6729 -134.045 84.7549 -133.61 c\r
-84.7549 -133.61 86.3721 -133.883 86.3721 -133.883 c\r
-86.2041 -134.627 85.8828 -135.19 85.4063 -135.571 c\r
-84.9297 -135.95 84.291 -136.141 83.4912 -136.141 c\r
-82.582 -136.141 81.8564 -135.854 81.3164 -135.28 c\r
-80.7754 -134.704 80.5049 -133.909 80.5049 -132.893 c\r
-80.5049 -131.864 80.7754 -131.065 81.3184 -130.493 c\r
-81.8604 -129.919 82.5938 -129.633 83.5186 -129.633 c\r
-84.2754 -129.633 84.877 -129.795 85.3242 -130.122 c\r
-85.7695 -130.446 86.0918 -130.942 86.2861 -131.61 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-87.1631 -132.799 m\r
-87.1631 -132.252 87.2969 -131.721 87.5664 -131.21 c\r
-87.8359 -130.698 88.2168 -130.307 88.7109 -130.038 c\r
-89.2051 -129.768 89.7559 -129.633 90.3643 -129.633 c\r
-91.3047 -129.633 92.0752 -129.938 92.6758 -130.551 c\r
-93.2773 -131.163 93.5771 -131.936 93.5771 -132.87 c\r
-93.5771 -133.811 93.2734 -134.592 92.667 -135.211 c\r
-92.0605 -135.831 91.2969 -136.141 90.376 -136.141 c\r
-89.8066 -136.141 89.2637 -136.012 88.7461 -135.754 c\r
-88.2285 -135.497 87.8359 -135.118 87.5664 -134.62 c\r
-87.2969 -134.122 87.1631 -133.514 87.1631 -132.799 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-88.8506 -132.887 m\r
-88.8506 -133.504 88.9961 -133.977 89.2891 -134.305 c\r
-89.5801 -134.633 89.9414 -134.797 90.3691 -134.797 c\r
-90.7969 -134.797 91.1563 -134.633 91.4473 -134.305 c\r
-91.7363 -133.977 91.8818 -133.501 91.8818 -132.876 c\r
-91.8818 -132.266 91.7363 -131.797 91.4473 -131.469 c\r
-91.1563 -131.141 90.7969 -130.977 90.3691 -130.977 c\r
-89.9414 -130.977 89.5801 -131.141 89.2891 -131.469 c\r
-88.9961 -131.797 88.8506 -132.27 88.8506 -132.887 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.8213 -129.774 m\r
-94.8213 -129.774 96.3604 -129.774 96.3604 -129.774 c\r
-96.3604 -129.774 96.3604 -130.688 96.3604 -130.688 c\r
-96.5586 -130.376 96.8281 -130.122 97.168 -129.926 c\r
-97.5078 -129.731 97.8848 -129.633 98.2988 -129.633 c\r
-99.0195 -129.633 99.6328 -129.917 100.137 -130.483 c\r
-100.64 -131.049 100.892 -131.838 100.892 -132.852 c\r
-100.892 -133.891 100.638 -134.7 100.131 -135.276 c\r
-99.623 -135.852 99.0078 -136.141 98.2852 -136.141 c\r
-97.9414 -136.141 97.6309 -136.073 97.3516 -135.936 c\r
-97.0723 -135.799 96.7773 -135.565 96.4697 -135.233 c\r
-96.4697 -135.233 96.4697 -138.368 96.4697 -138.368 c\r
-96.4697 -138.368 94.8213 -138.368 94.8213 -138.368 c\r
-94.8213 -138.368 94.8213 -129.774 94.8213 -129.774 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-96.4463 -132.784 m\r
-96.4463 -133.483 96.585 -134.001 96.8623 -134.335 c\r
-97.1396 -134.669 97.4775 -134.836 97.876 -134.836 c\r
-98.2588 -134.836 98.5771 -134.682 98.8311 -134.376 c\r
-99.085 -134.069 99.2119 -133.565 99.2119 -132.866 c\r
-99.2119 -132.213 99.0811 -131.729 98.8193 -131.413 c\r
-98.5576 -131.096 98.2334 -130.938 97.8467 -130.938 c\r
-97.4443 -130.938 97.1104 -131.092 96.8447 -131.403 c\r
-96.5791 -131.715 96.4463 -132.174 96.4463 -132.784 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-101.425 -129.774 m\r
-101.425 -129.774 103.175 -129.774 103.175 -129.774 c\r
-103.175 -129.774 104.663 -134.192 104.663 -134.192 c\r
-104.663 -134.192 106.12 -129.774 106.12 -129.774 c\r
-106.12 -129.774 107.823 -129.774 107.823 -129.774 c\r
-107.823 -129.774 105.627 -135.768 105.627 -135.768 c\r
-105.627 -135.768 105.232 -136.848 105.232 -136.848 c\r
-105.088 -137.211 104.949 -137.489 104.818 -137.68 c\r
-104.688 -137.872 104.538 -138.026 104.369 -138.145 c\r
-104.199 -138.264 103.99 -138.358 103.742 -138.424 c\r
-103.494 -138.491 103.215 -138.524 102.902 -138.524 c\r
-102.586 -138.524 102.275 -138.491 101.972 -138.424 c\r
-101.972 -138.424 101.823 -137.135 101.823 -137.135 c\r
-102.08 -137.186 102.313 -137.211 102.52 -137.211 c\r
-102.902 -137.211 103.186 -137.098 103.369 -136.874 c\r
-103.553 -136.649 103.693 -136.364 103.791 -136.016 c\r
-103.791 -136.016 101.425 -129.774 101.425 -129.774 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-108.419 -138.524 m\r
-108.742 -137.829 108.969 -137.295 109.102 -136.924 c\r
-109.234 -136.553 109.356 -136.126 109.469 -135.641 c\r
-109.582 -135.157 109.666 -134.698 109.721 -134.262 c\r
-109.774 -133.827 109.802 -133.381 109.802 -132.924 c\r
-109.802 -131.995 109.702 -131.116 109.504 -130.286 c\r
-109.305 -129.456 108.938 -128.45 108.403 -127.266 c\r
-108.403 -127.266 109.521 -127.266 109.521 -127.266 c\r
-110.111 -128.106 110.57 -128.995 110.897 -129.936 c\r
-111.225 -130.877 111.388 -131.833 111.388 -132.801 c\r
-111.388 -133.618 111.26 -134.493 111.002 -135.424 c\r
-110.711 -136.471 110.229 -137.504 109.56 -138.524 c\r
-109.56 -138.524 108.419 -138.524 108.419 -138.524 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.293 -50.042 m\r
-70.123 -50.042 70.7734 -50.3389 71.2422 -50.9326 c\r
-71.7988 -51.6362 72.0781 -52.8027 72.0781 -54.4316 c\r
-72.0781 -56.0571 71.7969 -57.2251 71.2363 -57.9365 c\r
-70.7715 -58.5225 70.123 -58.8154 69.293 -58.8154 c\r
-68.458 -58.8154 67.7852 -58.4941 67.2744 -57.8516 c\r
-66.7637 -57.2085 66.5078 -56.063 66.5078 -54.4141 c\r
-66.5078 -52.7969 66.7891 -51.6323 67.3496 -50.9209 c\r
-67.8145 -50.335 68.4619 -50.042 69.293 -50.042 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.293 -51.4092 m\r
-69.0957 -51.4092 68.918 -51.4727 68.7637 -51.5996 c\r
-68.6084 -51.7266 68.4883 -51.9541 68.4023 -52.2822 c\r
-68.291 -52.7075 68.2344 -53.4243 68.2344 -54.4316 c\r
-68.2344 -55.4395 68.2852 -56.1313 68.3857 -56.5083 c\r
-68.4863 -56.8848 68.6133 -57.1357 68.7666 -57.2607 c\r
-68.9199 -57.3857 69.0957 -57.4482 69.293 -57.4482 c\r
-69.4902 -57.4482 69.667 -57.3848 69.8223 -57.2578 c\r
-69.9766 -57.1309 70.0977 -56.9033 70.1836 -56.5752 c\r
-70.2949 -56.1538 70.3516 -55.4395 70.3516 -54.4316 c\r
-70.3516 -53.4243 70.3008 -52.7319 70.2002 -52.3555 c\r
-70.0996 -51.9785 69.9727 -51.7266 69.8193 -51.5996 c\r
-69.666 -51.4727 69.4902 -51.4092 69.293 -51.4092 c\r
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- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 116 lineto 170 116 lineto 170 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59 42 m\r
-59 6 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-50 69 m\r
-48.2544 83.6357 25.2612 106.462 14 104.927 C\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-68 69 m\r
-69.749 83.6621 92.7422 106.535 104 105 C\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-77 60 m\r
-77 50.0596 68.9409 42 59 42 c\r
-49.0591 42 41 50.0596 41 60 c\r
-41 69.9409 49.0591 78 59 78 c\r
-68.9409 78 77 69.9409 77 60 c\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-39.8281 76.4717 m\r
-51.5488 83.1704 L\r
-49.0376 73.9604 L\r
-39.8281 76.4717 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-65.0435 83.5654 m\r
-77.541 78.46 L\r
-68.7397 74.7642 L\r
-65.0435 83.5654 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-52.834 11.7861 m\r
-66.333 11.6113 L\r
-59.4966 4.94922 L\r
-52.834 11.7861 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.036 86.8896 m\r
-121.036 86.8896 117.716 95.4834 117.716 95.4834 c\r
-117.716 95.4834 118.947 95.4834 118.947 95.4834 c\r
-118.947 95.4834 121.18 89.2383 121.18 89.2383 c\r
-121.359 88.7378 121.51 88.2686 121.631 87.8311 c\r
-121.764 88.2998 121.918 88.769 122.094 89.2383 c\r
-122.094 89.2383 124.416 95.4834 124.416 95.4834 c\r
-124.416 95.4834 125.578 95.4834 125.578 95.4834 c\r
-125.578 95.4834 122.216 86.8896 122.216 86.8896 c\r
-122.216 86.8896 121.036 86.8896 121.036 86.8896 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-126.037 88.749 m\r
-126.037 88.749 127.084 88.9131 127.084 88.9131 c\r
-127.143 88.4941 127.306 88.1738 127.573 87.9507 c\r
-127.84 87.7275 128.214 87.6162 128.694 87.6162 c\r
-129.179 87.6162 129.537 87.7148 129.771 87.9121 c\r
-130.006 88.1099 130.123 88.3418 130.123 88.6074 c\r
-130.123 88.8457 130.02 89.0337 129.814 89.1704 c\r
-129.67 89.2642 129.311 89.3838 128.738 89.5283 c\r
-127.966 89.7236 127.43 89.8926 127.13 90.0352 c\r
-126.831 90.1777 126.604 90.3755 126.449 90.6274 c\r
-126.294 90.8794 126.217 91.1582 126.217 91.4629 c\r
-126.217 91.7402 126.28 91.9971 126.407 92.2339 c\r
-126.534 92.4702 126.707 92.6665 126.926 92.8232 c\r
-127.09 92.9443 127.313 93.0469 127.597 93.1309 c\r
-127.88 93.2148 128.184 93.2568 128.508 93.2568 c\r
-128.996 93.2568 129.425 93.1865 129.794 93.0454 c\r
-130.163 92.9043 130.436 92.7134 130.611 92.4727 c\r
-130.787 92.2319 130.908 91.9102 130.975 91.5068 c\r
-130.975 91.5068 129.943 91.3662 129.943 91.3662 c\r
-129.896 91.6875 129.761 91.9385 129.537 92.1191 c\r
-129.313 92.2993 128.995 92.3896 128.586 92.3896 c\r
-128.102 92.3896 127.757 92.3096 127.55 92.1494 c\r
-127.344 91.9888 127.24 91.8013 127.24 91.5859 c\r
-127.24 91.4492 127.283 91.3262 127.369 91.2168 c\r
-127.455 91.103 127.589 91.0093 127.772 90.9351 c\r
-127.878 90.896 128.189 90.8057 128.703 90.665 c\r
-129.448 90.4658 129.968 90.3027 130.263 90.1758 c\r
-130.558 90.0488 130.789 89.8638 130.957 89.6216 c\r
-131.125 89.3794 131.209 89.0781 131.209 88.7188 c\r
-131.209 88.3672 131.106 88.0356 130.901 87.7251 c\r
-130.696 87.4141 130.399 87.1738 130.013 87.0039 c\r
-129.626 86.834 129.188 86.749 128.699 86.749 c\r
-127.89 86.749 127.273 86.917 126.85 87.2534 c\r
-126.425 87.5898 126.154 88.0879 126.037 88.749 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-134.764 87.8291 m\r
-134.764 87.8291 134.92 86.8975 134.92 86.8975 c\r
-134.622 86.835 134.356 86.8037 134.122 86.8037 c\r
-133.738 86.8037 133.44 86.8643 133.23 86.9854 c\r
-133.019 87.1069 132.869 87.2661 132.783 87.4639 c\r
-132.697 87.6611 132.654 88.0771 132.654 88.7109 c\r
-132.654 88.7109 132.654 92.2959 132.654 92.2959 c\r
-132.654 92.2959 131.873 92.2959 131.873 92.2959 c\r
-131.873 92.2959 131.873 93.1162 131.873 93.1162 c\r
-131.873 93.1162 132.654 93.1162 132.654 93.1162 c\r
-132.654 93.1162 132.654 94.6572 132.654 94.6572 c\r
-132.654 94.6572 133.709 95.29 133.709 95.29 c\r
-133.709 95.29 133.709 93.1162 133.709 93.1162 c\r
-133.709 93.1162 134.764 93.1162 134.764 93.1162 c\r
-134.764 93.1162 134.764 92.2959 134.764 92.2959 c\r
-134.764 92.2959 133.709 92.2959 133.709 92.2959 c\r
-133.709 92.2959 133.709 88.6509 133.709 88.6509 c\r
-133.709 88.3496 133.727 88.1558 133.765 88.0698 c\r
-133.801 87.9834 133.861 87.915 133.945 87.8643 c\r
-134.028 87.8135 134.148 87.7881 134.304 87.7881 c\r
-134.42 87.7881 134.573 87.8018 134.764 87.8291 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-139.871 86.8896 m\r
-139.871 86.8896 139.871 87.8018 139.871 87.8018 c\r
-139.387 87.1001 138.729 86.749 137.896 86.749 c\r
-137.529 86.749 137.186 86.8193 136.868 86.96 c\r
-136.55 87.1006 136.314 87.2773 136.159 87.4907 c\r
-136.005 87.7036 135.896 87.9648 135.834 88.2734 c\r
-135.791 88.4805 135.77 88.8086 135.77 89.2583 c\r
-135.77 89.2583 135.77 93.1162 135.77 93.1162 c\r
-135.77 93.1162 136.824 93.1162 136.824 93.1162 c\r
-136.824 93.1162 136.824 89.6611 136.824 89.6611 c\r
-136.824 89.1099 136.846 88.7383 136.889 88.5469 c\r
-136.955 88.269 137.096 88.0513 137.311 87.8926 c\r
-137.525 87.7344 137.792 87.6553 138.108 87.6553 c\r
-138.425 87.6553 138.722 87.7363 138.999 87.8984 c\r
-139.277 88.061 139.474 88.2817 139.589 88.5615 c\r
-139.704 88.8408 139.762 89.2466 139.762 89.7783 c\r
-139.762 89.7783 139.762 93.1162 139.762 93.1162 c\r
-139.762 93.1162 140.816 93.1162 140.816 93.1162 c\r
-140.816 93.1162 140.816 86.8896 140.816 86.8896 c\r
-140.816 86.8896 139.871 86.8896 139.871 86.8896 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-142.467 84.5068 m\r
-142.467 84.5068 142.467 93.1162 142.467 93.1162 c\r
-142.467 93.1162 143.428 93.1162 143.428 93.1162 c\r
-143.428 93.1162 143.428 92.3057 143.428 92.3057 c\r
-143.654 92.6226 143.91 92.8604 144.196 93.019 c\r
-144.481 93.1777 144.827 93.2568 145.234 93.2568 c\r
-145.766 93.2568 146.235 93.1201 146.642 92.8467 c\r
-147.048 92.5728 147.355 92.1865 147.563 91.6885 c\r
-147.77 91.1904 147.873 90.644 147.873 90.0498 c\r
-147.873 89.4126 147.759 88.8389 147.53 88.3291 c\r
-147.301 87.8188 146.969 87.4282 146.533 87.1563 c\r
-146.097 86.8848 145.639 86.749 145.157 86.749 c\r
-144.806 86.749 144.49 86.8232 144.211 86.9717 c\r
-143.931 87.1201 143.701 87.3076 143.521 87.5342 c\r
-143.521 87.5342 143.521 84.5068 143.521 84.5068 c\r
-143.521 84.5068 142.467 84.5068 142.467 84.5068 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-143.42 89.9668 m\r
-143.42 89.1655 143.582 88.5737 143.906 88.1904 c\r
-144.23 87.8076 144.622 87.6162 145.083 87.6162 c\r
-145.552 87.6162 145.952 87.8145 146.286 88.2109 c\r
-146.62 88.6079 146.787 89.2222 146.787 90.0547 c\r
-146.787 90.8477 146.624 91.4419 146.298 91.8369 c\r
-145.972 92.2314 145.583 92.4287 145.13 92.4287 c\r
-144.681 92.4287 144.283 92.2188 143.939 91.7988 c\r
-143.593 91.3784 143.42 90.7676 143.42 89.9668 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-149.094 84.4951 m\r
-149.094 84.4951 148.977 85.4834 148.977 85.4834 c\r
-149.207 85.4209 149.408 85.3896 149.581 85.3896 c\r
-149.815 85.3896 150.003 85.4287 150.144 85.5068 c\r
-150.284 85.585 150.399 85.6943 150.49 85.835 c\r
-150.557 85.9409 150.664 86.2026 150.813 86.6206 c\r
-150.832 86.6792 150.863 86.7656 150.906 86.8789 c\r
-150.906 86.8789 148.539 93.1162 148.539 93.1162 c\r
-148.539 93.1162 149.667 93.1162 149.667 93.1162 c\r
-149.667 93.1162 150.967 89.5176 150.967 89.5176 c\r
-151.136 89.061 151.286 88.5811 151.42 88.0781 c\r
-151.545 88.5557 151.691 89.0254 151.86 89.4858 c\r
-151.86 89.4858 153.188 93.1162 153.188 93.1162 c\r
-153.188 93.1162 154.242 93.1162 154.242 93.1162 c\r
-154.242 93.1162 151.884 86.7813 151.884 86.7813 c\r
-151.629 86.0986 151.432 85.6294 151.29 85.3721 c\r
-151.102 85.0249 150.887 84.7705 150.645 84.6089 c\r
-150.401 84.4473 150.111 84.3662 149.775 84.3662 c\r
-149.571 84.3662 149.345 84.4092 149.094 84.4951 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.037 25.5566 m\r
-121.037 25.5566 117.717 34.1504 117.717 34.1504 c\r
-117.717 34.1504 118.948 34.1504 118.948 34.1504 c\r
-118.948 34.1504 121.181 27.9053 121.181 27.9053 c\r
-121.36 27.4053 121.511 26.9355 121.632 26.498 c\r
-121.765 26.9668 121.919 27.4365 122.095 27.9053 c\r
-122.095 27.9053 124.417 34.1504 124.417 34.1504 c\r
-124.417 34.1504 125.579 34.1504 125.579 34.1504 c\r
-125.579 34.1504 122.217 25.5566 122.217 25.5566 c\r
-122.217 25.5566 121.037 25.5566 121.037 25.5566 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-126.413 23.1621 m\r
-126.413 23.1621 126.296 24.1504 126.296 24.1504 c\r
-126.526 24.0879 126.728 24.0566 126.9 24.0566 c\r
-127.135 24.0566 127.322 24.0957 127.463 24.1738 c\r
-127.604 24.252 127.719 24.3613 127.81 24.502 c\r
-127.876 24.6084 127.983 24.8701 128.132 25.2881 c\r
-128.151 25.3467 128.183 25.4326 128.226 25.5459 c\r
-128.226 25.5459 125.858 31.7832 125.858 31.7832 c\r
-125.858 31.7832 126.986 31.7832 126.986 31.7832 c\r
-126.986 31.7832 128.286 28.1846 128.286 28.1846 c\r
-128.455 27.7275 128.605 27.248 128.739 26.7451 c\r
-128.864 27.2227 129.011 27.6924 129.18 28.1533 c\r
-129.18 28.1533 130.507 31.7832 130.507 31.7832 c\r
-130.507 31.7832 131.561 31.7832 131.561 31.7832 c\r
-131.561 31.7832 129.203 25.4482 129.203 25.4482 c\r
-128.948 24.7656 128.751 24.2959 128.609 24.0391 c\r
-128.422 23.6924 128.206 23.4375 127.964 23.2764 c\r
-127.721 23.1143 127.431 23.0332 127.095 23.0332 c\r
-126.891 23.0332 126.664 23.0762 126.413 23.1621 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-128.061 32.5566 m\r
-128.835 34.1973 L\r
-130.226 34.1973 L\r
-128.936 32.5566 L\r
-128.061 32.5566 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-132.038 27.416 m\r
-132.038 27.416 133.085 27.5801 133.085 27.5801 c\r
-133.144 27.1611 133.307 26.8408 133.574 26.6182 c\r
-133.841 26.3945 134.215 26.2832 134.695 26.2832 c\r
-135.18 26.2832 135.538 26.3818 135.773 26.5791 c\r
-136.007 26.7764 136.124 27.0088 136.124 27.2744 c\r
-136.124 27.5127 136.021 27.7002 135.814 27.8369 c\r
-135.671 27.9307 135.313 28.0508 134.739 28.1953 c\r
-133.967 28.3906 133.431 28.5596 133.131 28.7021 c\r
-132.832 28.8447 132.605 29.042 132.45 29.2939 c\r
-132.295 29.5459 132.218 29.8252 132.218 30.1299 c\r
-132.218 30.4072 132.281 30.6641 132.408 30.9014 c\r
-132.535 31.1377 132.708 31.333 132.927 31.4902 c\r
-133.091 31.6113 133.314 31.7139 133.598 31.7979 c\r
-133.881 31.8818 134.185 31.9238 134.509 31.9238 c\r
-134.997 31.9238 135.426 31.8535 135.795 31.7119 c\r
-136.164 31.5713 136.436 31.3799 136.612 31.1396 c\r
-136.788 30.8994 136.909 30.5771 136.976 30.1738 c\r
-136.976 30.1738 135.944 30.0332 135.944 30.0332 c\r
-135.898 30.3545 135.762 30.6055 135.538 30.7861 c\r
-135.314 30.9658 134.996 31.0566 134.587 31.0566 c\r
-134.104 31.0566 133.758 30.9766 133.551 30.8164 c\r
-133.345 30.6553 133.241 30.4678 133.241 30.2529 c\r
-133.241 30.1162 133.284 29.9932 133.37 29.8838 c\r
-133.456 29.7705 133.59 29.6768 133.773 29.6025 c\r
-133.879 29.5635 134.189 29.4727 134.704 29.332 c\r
-135.449 29.1328 135.969 28.9697 136.264 28.8428 c\r
-136.559 28.7158 136.79 28.5303 136.958 28.2881 c\r
-137.126 28.0459 137.21 27.7451 137.21 27.3857 c\r
-137.21 27.0342 137.107 26.7021 136.902 26.3916 c\r
-136.697 26.0811 136.4 25.8408 136.014 25.6709 c\r
-135.627 25.501 135.189 25.416 134.7 25.416 c\r
-133.891 25.416 133.274 25.584 132.851 25.9209 c\r
-132.426 26.2568 132.155 26.7549 132.038 27.416 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.765 26.4961 m\r
-140.765 26.4961 140.921 25.5645 140.921 25.5645 c\r
-140.623 25.502 140.357 25.4707 140.123 25.4707 c\r
-139.739 25.4707 139.441 25.5313 139.23 25.6523 c\r
-139.02 25.7744 138.87 25.9326 138.784 26.1309 c\r
-138.698 26.3281 138.655 26.7441 138.655 27.3779 c\r
-138.655 27.3779 138.655 30.9629 138.655 30.9629 c\r
-138.655 30.9629 137.874 30.9629 137.874 30.9629 c\r
-137.874 30.9629 137.874 31.7832 137.874 31.7832 c\r
-137.874 31.7832 138.655 31.7832 138.655 31.7832 c\r
-138.655 31.7832 138.655 33.3242 138.655 33.3242 c\r
-138.655 33.3242 139.71 33.957 139.71 33.957 c\r
-139.71 33.957 139.71 31.7832 139.71 31.7832 c\r
-139.71 31.7832 140.765 31.7832 140.765 31.7832 c\r
-140.765 31.7832 140.765 30.9629 140.765 30.9629 c\r
-140.765 30.9629 139.71 30.9629 139.71 30.9629 c\r
-139.71 30.9629 139.71 27.3174 139.71 27.3174 c\r
-139.71 27.0166 139.729 26.8232 139.766 26.7373 c\r
-139.802 26.6504 139.862 26.582 139.946 26.5313 c\r
-140.029 26.4805 140.148 26.4551 140.305 26.4551 c\r
-140.421 26.4551 140.574 26.4688 140.765 26.4961 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-145.872 25.5566 m\r
-145.872 25.5566 145.872 26.4688 145.872 26.4688 c\r
-145.388 25.7666 144.73 25.416 143.898 25.416 c\r
-143.53 25.416 143.188 25.4863 142.869 25.627 c\r
-142.551 25.7676 142.314 25.9443 142.16 26.1572 c\r
-142.006 26.3701 141.898 26.6318 141.835 26.9404 c\r
-141.792 27.1475 141.77 27.4756 141.77 27.9248 c\r
-141.77 27.9248 141.77 31.7832 141.77 31.7832 c\r
-141.77 31.7832 142.825 31.7832 142.825 31.7832 c\r
-142.825 31.7832 142.825 28.3281 142.825 28.3281 c\r
-142.825 27.7764 142.847 27.4053 142.89 27.2139 c\r
-142.956 26.9365 143.097 26.7178 143.311 26.5596 c\r
-143.526 26.4014 143.793 26.3223 144.109 26.3223 c\r
-144.426 26.3223 144.723 26.4033 145 26.5654 c\r
-145.278 26.7275 145.475 26.9482 145.59 27.2285 c\r
-145.705 27.5078 145.763 27.9131 145.763 28.4453 c\r
-145.763 28.4453 145.763 31.7832 145.763 31.7832 c\r
-145.763 31.7832 146.817 31.7832 146.817 31.7832 c\r
-146.817 31.7832 146.817 25.5566 146.817 25.5566 c\r
-146.817 25.5566 145.872 25.5566 145.872 25.5566 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-148.468 23.1738 m\r
-148.468 23.1738 148.468 31.7832 148.468 31.7832 c\r
-148.468 31.7832 149.429 31.7832 149.429 31.7832 c\r
-149.429 31.7832 149.429 30.9727 149.429 30.9727 c\r
-149.655 31.29 149.911 31.5273 150.197 31.6865 c\r
-150.482 31.8447 150.828 31.9238 151.235 31.9238 c\r
-151.767 31.9238 152.236 31.7871 152.643 31.5137 c\r
-153.049 31.2393 153.355 30.8535 153.564 30.3555 c\r
-153.77 29.8574 153.874 29.3115 153.874 28.7168 c\r
-153.874 28.0791 153.76 27.5059 153.531 26.9961 c\r
-153.302 26.4854 152.97 26.0947 152.534 25.8232 c\r
-152.098 25.5518 151.64 25.416 151.158 25.416 c\r
-150.807 25.416 150.491 25.4902 150.212 25.6387 c\r
-149.932 25.7871 149.702 25.9746 149.523 26.2012 c\r
-149.523 26.2012 149.523 23.1738 149.523 23.1738 c\r
-149.523 23.1738 148.468 23.1738 148.468 23.1738 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-149.421 28.6338 m\r
-149.421 27.833 149.583 27.2412 149.907 26.8574 c\r
-150.23 26.4746 150.623 26.2832 151.084 26.2832 c\r
-151.553 26.2832 151.953 26.4814 152.287 26.8779 c\r
-152.621 27.2744 152.788 27.8896 152.788 28.7217 c\r
-152.788 29.5146 152.625 30.1084 152.299 30.5039 c\r
-151.973 30.8984 151.584 31.0957 151.131 31.0957 c\r
-150.682 31.0957 150.284 30.8857 149.939 30.4658 c\r
-149.594 30.0459 149.421 29.4346 149.421 28.6338 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-155.095 23.1621 m\r
-155.095 23.1621 154.977 24.1504 154.977 24.1504 c\r
-155.208 24.0879 155.409 24.0566 155.582 24.0566 c\r
-155.816 24.0566 156.004 24.0957 156.145 24.1738 c\r
-156.285 24.252 156.4 24.3613 156.491 24.502 c\r
-156.558 24.6084 156.665 24.8701 156.814 25.2881 c\r
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-156.907 25.5459 154.54 31.7832 154.54 31.7832 c\r
-154.54 31.7832 155.668 31.7832 155.668 31.7832 c\r
-155.668 31.7832 156.968 28.1846 156.968 28.1846 c\r
-157.137 27.7275 157.287 27.248 157.421 26.7451 c\r
-157.546 27.2227 157.692 27.6924 157.861 28.1533 c\r
-157.861 28.1533 159.189 31.7832 159.189 31.7832 c\r
-159.189 31.7832 160.243 31.7832 160.243 31.7832 c\r
-160.243 31.7832 157.885 25.4482 157.885 25.4482 c\r
-157.63 24.7656 157.433 24.2959 157.291 24.0391 c\r
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-156.402 23.1143 156.112 23.0332 155.776 23.0332 c\r
-155.572 23.0332 155.346 23.0762 155.095 23.1621 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-117.386 55.8896 m\r
-117.386 64.4834 L\r
-118.526 64.4834 L\r
-118.526 60.9521 L\r
-122.972 60.9521 L\r
-122.972 64.4834 L\r
-124.112 64.4834 L\r
-124.112 55.8896 L\r
-122.972 55.8896 L\r
-122.972 59.9365 L\r
-118.526 59.9365 L\r
-118.526 55.8896 L\r
-117.386 55.8896 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-125.864 55.8896 m\r
-125.864 55.8896 125.864 62.1162 125.864 62.1162 c\r
-125.864 62.1162 126.81 62.1162 126.81 62.1162 c\r
-126.81 62.1162 126.81 61.1689 126.81 61.1689 c\r
-127.053 61.6118 127.276 61.9043 127.482 62.0449 c\r
-127.688 62.1865 127.914 62.2568 128.16 62.2568 c\r
-128.517 62.2568 128.879 62.1431 129.247 61.916 c\r
-129.247 61.916 128.878 60.9395 128.878 60.9395 c\r
-128.621 61.0889 128.363 61.1631 128.106 61.1631 c\r
-127.877 61.1631 127.67 61.0938 127.486 60.9551 c\r
-127.304 60.8164 127.173 60.624 127.095 60.3779 c\r
-126.978 60.0029 126.919 59.5928 126.919 59.1475 c\r
-126.919 59.1475 126.919 55.8896 126.919 55.8896 c\r
-126.919 55.8896 125.864 55.8896 125.864 55.8896 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-133.931 56.6553 m\r
-133.538 56.3242 133.162 56.0898 132.801 55.9536 c\r
-132.44 55.8174 132.053 55.749 131.64 55.749 c\r
-130.957 55.749 130.433 55.916 130.066 56.2505 c\r
-129.7 56.585 129.517 57.0117 129.517 57.5322 c\r
-129.517 57.8369 129.586 58.1152 129.725 58.3677 c\r
-129.862 58.6201 130.044 58.8223 130.269 58.9746 c\r
-130.492 59.127 130.745 59.2427 131.025 59.3208 c\r
-131.232 59.3755 131.544 59.4282 131.961 59.479 c\r
-132.811 59.5806 133.438 59.7021 133.839 59.8428 c\r
-133.843 59.9873 133.845 60.0786 133.845 60.1177 c\r
-133.845 60.5469 133.745 60.8491 133.547 61.0249 c\r
-133.277 61.2627 132.878 61.3818 132.348 61.3818 c\r
-131.852 61.3818 131.486 61.2949 131.251 61.1221 c\r
-131.015 60.9487 130.841 60.6421 130.727 60.2021 c\r
-130.727 60.2021 129.696 60.3428 129.696 60.3428 c\r
-129.79 60.7837 129.944 61.1396 130.159 61.4111 c\r
-130.373 61.6821 130.684 61.8911 131.09 62.0371 c\r
-131.496 62.1836 131.966 62.2568 132.501 62.2568 c\r
-133.031 62.2568 133.463 62.1943 133.795 62.0693 c\r
-134.127 61.9443 134.37 61.7871 134.526 61.5981 c\r
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-134.89 60.7012 134.907 60.377 134.907 59.9077 c\r
-134.907 59.9077 134.907 58.5005 134.907 58.5005 c\r
-134.907 57.5195 134.93 56.8984 134.975 56.6382 c\r
-135.02 56.3779 135.109 56.1284 135.243 55.8896 c\r
-135.243 55.8896 134.142 55.8896 134.142 55.8896 c\r
-134.032 56.1079 133.962 56.3633 133.931 56.6553 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-133.845 59.0146 m\r
-133.462 58.8584 132.889 58.7256 132.123 58.6162 c\r
-131.689 58.5537 131.383 58.4834 131.204 58.4053 c\r
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-130.69 57.9121 130.642 57.7451 130.642 57.5615 c\r
-130.642 57.2803 130.748 57.0459 130.96 56.8584 c\r
-131.173 56.6709 131.483 56.5771 131.893 56.5771 c\r
-132.298 56.5771 132.658 56.666 132.974 56.8438 c\r
-133.289 57.022 133.521 57.2651 133.669 57.5737 c\r
-133.782 57.812 133.839 58.1631 133.839 58.6279 c\r
-133.839 58.6279 133.845 59.0146 133.845 59.0146 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.581 55.8896 m\r
-140.581 55.8896 140.581 56.6748 140.581 56.6748 c\r
-140.186 56.0576 139.605 55.749 138.839 55.749 c\r
-138.343 55.749 137.887 55.8857 137.47 56.1592 c\r
-137.054 56.4331 136.73 56.8149 136.502 57.3057 c\r
-136.273 57.7959 136.159 58.3599 136.159 58.9971 c\r
-136.159 59.6187 136.263 60.1826 136.47 60.6885 c\r
-136.676 61.1943 136.986 61.5825 137.4 61.8525 c\r
-137.814 62.1221 138.276 62.2568 138.788 62.2568 c\r
-139.162 62.2568 139.496 62.1777 139.789 62.019 c\r
-140.081 61.8604 140.319 61.6538 140.503 61.3994 c\r
-140.503 61.3994 140.503 64.4834 140.503 64.4834 c\r
-140.503 64.4834 141.558 64.4834 141.558 64.4834 c\r
-141.558 64.4834 141.558 55.8896 141.558 55.8896 c\r
-141.558 55.8896 140.581 55.8896 140.581 55.8896 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
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-137.245 58.1987 137.413 57.603 137.749 57.208 c\r
-138.085 56.8135 138.481 56.6162 138.939 56.6162 c\r
-139.399 56.6162 139.791 56.8047 140.113 57.1816 c\r
-140.436 57.5591 140.597 58.1343 140.597 58.9082 c\r
-140.597 59.7598 140.433 60.3853 140.105 60.7842 c\r
-139.776 61.1826 139.372 61.3818 138.892 61.3818 c\r
-138.423 61.3818 138.031 61.1904 137.717 60.8076 c\r
-137.402 60.4243 137.245 59.8203 137.245 58.9961 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-143.192 55.8896 m\r
-143.192 64.4834 L\r
-144.247 64.4834 L\r
-144.247 55.8896 L\r
-143.192 55.8896 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-145.491 59.0029 m\r
-145.491 60.1563 145.811 61.0098 146.452 61.5649 c\r
-146.986 62.0264 147.639 62.2568 148.408 62.2568 c\r
-149.264 62.2568 149.962 61.9766 150.505 61.4155 c\r
-151.048 60.8545 151.319 60.0796 151.319 59.0908 c\r
-151.319 58.2896 151.199 57.6592 150.959 57.2002 c\r
-150.719 56.7407 150.369 56.3843 149.91 56.1299 c\r
-149.452 55.876 148.951 55.749 148.408 55.749 c\r
-147.537 55.749 146.834 56.0283 146.297 56.5874 c\r
-145.76 57.1465 145.491 57.9512 145.491 59.0029 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
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-148.931 56.6162 149.365 56.8154 149.713 57.2139 c\r
-150.06 57.6128 150.233 58.2202 150.233 59.0371 c\r
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-149.36 61.1836 148.927 61.3818 148.408 61.3818 c\r
-147.882 61.3818 147.445 61.1846 147.098 60.79 c\r
-146.751 60.395 146.577 59.7988 146.577 59.002 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-62.3018 56.2705 m\r
-61.7813 55.6963 61.2129 55.2646 60.5986 54.9775 c\r
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-57.2881 54.5469 56.2432 54.9912 55.4707 55.8799 c\r
-54.8442 56.6045 54.5313 57.4146 54.5313 58.3091 c\r
-54.5313 59.1045 54.7871 59.8223 55.2983 60.4619 c\r
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-57.0044 62.8188 56.6133 63.3613 56.418 63.7778 c\r
-56.2227 64.1943 56.125 64.5957 56.125 64.9829 c\r
-56.125 65.7568 56.4292 66.4297 57.0381 67.002 c\r
-57.6465 67.5732 58.4126 67.8594 59.3359 67.8594 c\r
-60.2178 67.8594 60.9395 67.5889 61.501 67.0479 c\r
-62.0625 66.5068 62.3438 65.8569 62.3438 65.0981 c\r
-62.3438 63.8691 61.5225 62.8193 59.8809 61.9492 c\r
-59.8809 61.9492 62.2061 59.0151 62.2061 59.0151 c\r
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-62.8281 60.8081 64.4688 60.4565 64.4688 60.4565 c\r
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-63.6421 54.875 62.9824 55.4756 62.3018 56.2705 c\r
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-57.2725 56.2188 57.8604 55.9375 58.6201 55.9375 c\r
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-60.5957 56.6709 61 57.0503 61.3047 57.5151 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.0693 62.9727 m\r
-59.7607 63.3799 60.209 63.7363 60.4131 64.043 c\r
-60.6167 64.3491 60.7188 64.688 60.7188 65.0596 c\r
-60.7188 65.5015 60.5791 65.8623 60.2988 66.1426 c\r
-60.0195 66.4224 59.6699 66.5625 59.252 66.5625 c\r
-58.8218 66.5625 58.4639 66.4238 58.1787 66.147 c\r
-57.8926 65.8701 57.75 65.5313 57.75 65.1299 c\r
-57.75 64.9297 57.8013 64.7188 57.9038 64.498 c\r
-58.0063 64.2769 58.1602 64.043 58.3657 63.7949 c\r
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- /cache exch def\r
- /key exch def\r
- /proc exch cvx def\r
- /mtx exch matrix invertmatrix def\r
- /height exch def\r
- /width exch def\r
- /ctm matrix currentmatrix def\r
- /ptm matrix identmatrix def\r
- /str\r
- (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)\r
- def\r
- end\r
- /FontBBox [ %def\r
- 0 0 FontDict /width get\r
- FontDict /height get\r
- ] def\r
- /FontMatrix FontDict /mtx get def\r
- /Encoding StandardEncoding def\r
- /FontType 3 def\r
- /BuildChar { %def\r
- pop begin\r
- FontDict begin\r
- width 0 cache { %ifelse\r
- 0 0 width height setcachedevice\r
- }{ %else\r
- setcharwidth\r
- } ifelse\r
- 0 0 moveto width 0 lineto\r
- width height lineto 0 height lineto\r
- closepath clip newpath\r
- gsave proc grestore\r
- end end\r
- } def\r
- FontDict /key get currentdict definefont\r
- end\r
-} bind def\r
-% dict patternpath -\r
-% dict matrix patternpath -\r
-/patternpath { %def\r
- dup type /dicttype eq { %ifelse\r
- begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix\r
- concat\r
- } ifelse\r
- currentdict setfont\r
- FontDict begin\r
- FontMatrix concat\r
- width 0 dtransform\r
- round width div exch round width div exch\r
- 0 height dtransform\r
- round height div exch\r
- round height div exch\r
- 0 0 transform round exch round exch\r
- ptm astore setmatrix\r
- pathbbox\r
- height div ceiling height mul 4 1 roll\r
- width div ceiling width mul 4 1 roll\r
- height div floor height mul 4 1 roll\r
- width div floor width mul 4 1 roll\r
- 2 index sub height div ceiling cvi exch\r
- 3 index sub width div ceiling cvi exch\r
- 4 2 roll moveto\r
- FontMatrix ptm invertmatrix pop\r
- { %repeat\r
- gsave\r
- ptm concat\r
- dup str length idiv { %repeat\r
- str show\r
- } repeat\r
- dup str length mod str exch\r
- 0 exch getinterval show\r
- grestore\r
- 0 height rmoveto\r
- } repeat\r
- pop\r
- end end\r
-} bind def\r
-% dict patternfill -\r
-% dict matrix patternfill -\r
-/patternfill { %def\r
- gsave\r
- eoclip patternpath\r
- grestore\r
- newpath\r
-} bind def\r
-/img { %def\r
- gsave\r
- /imgh exch def\r
- /imgw exch def\r
- concat\r
- imgw imgh 8\r
- [imgw 0 0 imgh neg 0 imgh]\r
- /colorstr 768 string def\r
- /colorimage where {\r
- pop\r
- { currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop }\r
- false 3 colorimage\r
- }{\r
- /graystr 256 string def\r
- {\r
- currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop\r
- length 3 idiv\r
- dup 1 sub 0 1 3 -1 roll\r
- {\r
- graystr exch\r
- colorstr 1 index 3 mul get 30 mul\r
- colorstr 2 index 3 mul 1 add get 59 mul\r
- colorstr 3 index 3 mul 2 add get 11 mul\r
- add add 100 idiv\r
- put\r
- } for\r
- graystr 0 3 -1 roll getinterval\r
- } image\r
- } ifelse\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/arrowhead {\r
- gsave\r
- [] 0 setdash\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor\r
- 2 copy moveto\r
- 4 2 roll exch 4 -1 roll exch\r
- sub 3 1 roll sub\r
- exch atan rotate dup scale\r
- arrowtype\r
- dup 0 eq {\r
- -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 1 eq {\r
- 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 2 eq {\r
- -6 -6 rmoveto 6 6 rlineto -6 6 rlineto\r
- -1.4142 -1.4142 rlineto 4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto\r
- -4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 3 eq {\r
- -6 0 rmoveto -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 4 eq {\r
- -9 0 rmoveto 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 5 eq {\r
- currentpoint newpath 3 0 360 arc\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 6 eq {\r
- 2.5 2.5 rmoveto 0 -5 rlineto -5 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- pop\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/setcmykcolor where { %ifelse\r
- pop\r
-}{ %else\r
- /setcmykcolor {\r
- /black exch def /yellow exch def\r
- /magenta exch def /cyan exch def\r
- cyan black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- magenta black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- yellow black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- setrgbcolor\r
- } bind def\r
-} ifelse\r
-/RE { %def\r
- findfont begin\r
- currentdict dup length dict begin\r
- { %forall\r
- 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne { %if\r
- /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def\r
- 0 exch { %forall\r
- dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse\r
- Encoding 2 index 2 index put\r
- pop 1 add\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch pop\r
- } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- } if pop\r
- currentdict dup end end\r
- /FontName get exch definefont pop\r
-} bind def\r
-/spacecount { %def\r
- 0 exch\r
- ( ) { %loop\r
- search { %ifelse\r
- pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll\r
- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
- } loop\r
-} bind def\r
-/WinAnsiEncoding [\r
- 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase\r
- /ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand\r
- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
- /tilde/trademark/scaron/guilsinglright/oe/dotlessi\r
- 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis/copyright\r
- /ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered/macron/ring\r
- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 165 lineto 138 165 lineto 138 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-72.9287 61 m\r
-72.9287 25 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-90.8057 79.2109 m\r
-90.8057 69.2705 82.7471 61.2109 72.8057 61.2109 c\r
-62.8643 61.2109 54.8057 69.2705 54.8057 79.2109 c\r
-54.8057 89.1519 62.8643 97.2109 72.8057 97.2109 c\r
-82.7471 97.2109 90.8057 89.1519 90.8057 79.2109 c\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-49.5981 84.9658 m\r
-53.5854 97.8638 L\r
-58.0405 89.4209 L\r
-49.5981 84.9658 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-91.2783 97.7671 m\r
-98.8955 86.6221 L\r
-89.5205 88.3901 L\r
-91.2783 97.7671 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-66.7549 29.7871 m\r
-80.2607 29.6123 L\r
-73.417 22.9502 L\r
-66.7549 29.7871 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-75.2305 75.2705 m\r
-74.71 74.6963 74.1416 74.2646 73.5273 73.9775 c\r
-72.9121 73.6904 72.248 73.5469 71.5342 73.5469 c\r
-70.2168 73.5469 69.1719 73.9912 68.3994 74.8799 c\r
-67.7729 75.6045 67.46 76.415 67.46 77.3096 c\r
-67.46 78.1045 67.7158 78.8223 68.2271 79.4619 c\r
-68.7383 80.1025 69.5024 80.665 70.5195 81.1504 c\r
-69.9331 81.8193 69.542 82.3613 69.3467 82.7783 c\r
-69.1514 83.1943 69.0537 83.5957 69.0537 83.9834 c\r
-69.0537 84.7568 69.3579 85.4297 69.9668 86.002 c\r
-70.5752 86.5732 71.3413 86.8594 72.2646 86.8594 c\r
-73.1465 86.8594 73.8682 86.5889 74.4297 86.0479 c\r
-74.9912 85.5068 75.2725 84.8569 75.2725 84.0981 c\r
-75.2725 82.8691 74.4512 81.8193 72.8096 80.9492 c\r
-72.8096 80.9492 75.1348 78.0146 75.1348 78.0146 c\r
-75.4014 78.5303 75.6084 79.1279 75.7568 79.8076 c\r
-75.7568 79.8076 77.3975 79.4561 77.3975 79.4561 c\r
-77.1162 78.334 76.7354 77.4141 76.2549 76.6982 c\r
-76.8477 75.9141 77.5205 75.2559 78.2725 74.7236 c\r
-78.2725 74.7236 77.21 73.4688 77.21 73.4688 c\r
-76.5703 73.875 75.9111 74.4756 75.2305 75.2705 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-74.2334 76.5146 m\r
-74.2334 76.5146 71.3452 80.1201 71.3452 80.1201 c\r
-70.4888 79.6104 69.9111 79.1377 69.6118 78.7012 c\r
-69.3125 78.2646 69.1631 77.833 69.1631 77.4053 c\r
-69.1631 76.8848 69.3706 76.3428 69.7861 75.7803 c\r
-70.2012 75.2188 70.7891 74.9375 71.5488 74.9375 c\r
-72.0225 74.9375 72.5127 75.084 73.0186 75.3779 c\r
-73.5244 75.6709 73.9287 76.0498 74.2334 76.5146 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-71.998 81.9727 m\r
-72.6895 82.3799 73.1377 82.7363 73.3418 83.043 c\r
-73.5449 83.3486 73.6475 83.6885 73.6475 84.0596 c\r
-73.6475 84.5015 73.5078 84.8623 73.2275 85.1426 c\r
-72.9482 85.4224 72.5986 85.5625 72.1807 85.5625 c\r
-71.7505 85.5625 71.3926 85.4238 71.1074 85.147 c\r
-70.8213 84.8701 70.6787 84.5313 70.6787 84.1299 c\r
-70.6787 83.9297 70.73 83.7188 70.8325 83.498 c\r
-70.9351 83.2764 71.0889 83.043 71.2944 82.7949 c\r
-71.2944 82.7949 71.998 81.9727 71.998 81.9727 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-72.7188 141.556 m\r
-72.7188 96.9434 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-66.0903 104.118 m\r
-79.5967 103.943 L\r
-72.7529 97.2813 L\r
-66.0903 104.118 L\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-23.1357 142.39 m\r
-45.3857 120.14 17.7939 100.481 52.2568 91.2607 C\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-123.339 143.135 m\r
-101.089 120.885 128.681 101.227 94.2178 92.0059 C\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-20.5029 146.89 m\r
-20.5029 155.483 L\r
-21.6436 155.483 L\r
-21.6436 146.89 L\r
-20.5029 146.89 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-27.1885 146.89 m\r
-27.1885 146.89 26.1338 146.89 26.1338 146.89 c\r
-26.1338 146.89 26.1338 153.616 26.1338 153.616 c\r
-25.8799 153.374 25.5469 153.132 25.1348 152.889 c\r
-24.7227 152.646 24.3525 152.465 24.0244 152.344 c\r
-24.0244 152.344 24.0244 153.364 24.0244 153.364 c\r
-24.6143 153.642 25.1299 153.978 25.5713 154.373 c\r
-26.0127 154.768 26.3252 155.151 26.5088 155.523 c\r
-26.5088 155.523 27.1885 155.523 27.1885 155.523 c\r
-27.1885 155.523 27.1885 146.89 27.1885 146.89 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-68.6191 146.89 m\r
-68.6191 155.483 L\r
-69.8691 155.483 L\r
-69.8691 146.89 L\r
-68.6191 146.89 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-77.6924 147.905 m\r
-77.6924 147.905 77.6924 146.89 77.6924 146.89 c\r
-77.6924 146.89 71.4502 146.89 71.4502 146.89 c\r
-71.4414 147.144 71.4863 147.388 71.585 147.623 c\r
-71.7441 148.01 71.999 148.391 72.3486 148.765 c\r
-72.6982 149.14 73.2041 149.573 73.8652 150.065 c\r
-74.8906 150.834 75.583 151.442 75.9424 151.889 c\r
-76.3018 152.336 76.4814 152.76 76.4814 153.159 c\r
-76.4814 153.577 76.3174 153.93 75.9902 154.217 c\r
-75.6621 154.504 75.2354 154.648 74.708 154.648 c\r
-74.1514 154.648 73.7061 154.495 73.3721 154.191 c\r
-73.0381 153.888 72.8682 153.467 72.8643 152.929 c\r
-72.8643 152.929 71.6689 153.038 71.6689 153.038 c\r
-71.751 153.847 72.0576 154.463 72.5898 154.887 c\r
-73.1221 155.311 73.8369 155.523 74.7344 155.523 c\r
-75.6396 155.523 76.3564 155.294 76.8848 154.836 c\r
-77.4131 154.379 77.6768 153.812 77.6768 153.136 c\r
-77.6768 152.792 77.5996 152.453 77.4453 152.121 c\r
-77.291 151.789 77.0342 151.439 76.6768 151.071 c\r
-76.3193 150.704 75.7236 150.199 74.8916 149.559 c\r
-74.1963 149.027 73.75 148.667 73.5537 148.477 c\r
-73.3564 148.287 73.1934 148.097 73.0654 147.905 c\r
-73.0654 147.905 77.6924 147.905 77.6924 147.905 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.619 146.89 m\r
-118.619 155.483 L\r
-119.869 155.483 L\r
-119.869 146.89 L\r
-118.619 146.89 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.606 149.163 m\r
-121.606 149.163 122.763 149.304 122.763 149.304 c\r
-122.896 148.706 123.121 148.275 123.439 148.012 c\r
-123.758 147.748 124.147 147.616 124.609 147.616 c\r
-125.156 147.616 125.617 147.788 125.991 148.131 c\r
-126.364 148.475 126.552 148.9 126.552 149.408 c\r
-126.552 149.892 126.378 150.292 126.03 150.605 c\r
-125.684 150.92 125.241 151.077 124.706 151.077 c\r
-124.487 151.077 124.214 151.038 123.889 150.96 c\r
-123.889 150.96 124.017 151.89 124.017 151.89 c\r
-124.095 151.882 124.156 151.878 124.204 151.878 c\r
-124.697 151.878 125.142 151.995 125.537 152.23 c\r
-125.933 152.464 126.13 152.825 126.13 153.314 c\r
-126.13 153.7 125.986 154.02 125.698 154.274 c\r
-125.411 154.528 125.04 154.655 124.585 154.655 c\r
-124.135 154.655 123.759 154.526 123.459 154.269 c\r
-123.159 154.011 122.966 153.624 122.88 153.108 c\r
-122.88 153.108 121.724 153.296 121.724 153.296 c\r
-121.865 154.003 122.188 154.551 122.689 154.939 c\r
-123.191 155.328 123.816 155.523 124.563 155.523 c\r
-125.078 155.523 125.553 155.422 125.986 155.221 c\r
-126.419 155.02 126.751 154.745 126.98 154.397 c\r
-127.21 154.049 127.325 153.68 127.325 153.289 c\r
-127.325 152.918 127.216 152.58 126.997 152.275 c\r
-126.777 151.97 126.453 151.728 126.023 151.548 c\r
-126.582 151.431 127.016 151.188 127.323 150.818 c\r
-127.632 150.449 127.786 149.987 127.786 149.432 c\r
-127.786 148.682 127.485 148.045 126.885 147.524 c\r
-126.284 147.002 125.524 146.741 124.606 146.741 c\r
-123.778 146.741 123.09 146.966 122.543 147.415 c\r
-121.996 147.865 121.684 148.448 121.606 149.163 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.1016 11.3896 m\r
-69.1016 11.3896 65.4443 19.9834 65.4443 19.9834 c\r
-65.4443 19.9834 66.7988 19.9834 66.7988 19.9834 c\r
-66.7988 19.9834 69.252 13.7383 69.252 13.7383 c\r
-69.4502 13.2373 69.6152 12.7686 69.748 12.3311 c\r
-69.8936 12.7998 70.0635 13.2686 70.2568 13.7383 c\r
-70.2568 13.7383 72.8066 19.9834 72.8066 19.9834 c\r
-72.8066 19.9834 74.084 19.9834 74.084 19.9834 c\r
-74.084 19.9834 70.3945 11.3896 70.3945 11.3896 c\r
-70.3945 11.3896 69.1016 11.3896 69.1016 11.3896 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-79.1025 11.3896 m\r
-79.1025 11.3896 77.9463 11.3896 77.9463 11.3896 c\r
-77.9463 11.3896 77.9463 18.1162 77.9463 18.1162 c\r
-77.667 17.874 77.3008 17.6318 76.8477 17.3896 c\r
-76.3936 17.1465 75.9873 16.9648 75.626 16.8438 c\r
-75.626 16.8438 75.626 17.8643 75.626 17.8643 c\r
-76.2744 18.1416 76.8408 18.4775 77.3271 18.873 c\r
-77.8115 19.2676 78.1553 19.6514 78.3574 20.0225 c\r
-78.3574 20.0225 79.1025 20.0225 79.1025 20.0225 c\r
-79.1025 20.0225 79.1025 11.3896 79.1025 11.3896 c\r
-_PDX_savepage restore\r
-% showpage\r
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-%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\r
-%%Creator: Mayura Draw, Version 4.3\r
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-%%CreationDate: Mon Oct 29 19:04:59 2007\r
-%%BoundingBox: -9 -9 157 221\r
-%%BeginResource: procset MayuraDraw_ops\r
-%%Version: 4.3\r
-%%Copyright: (c) 1993-2003 Mayura Software\r
-/PDXDict 100 dict def\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-% width height matrix proc key cache\r
-% definepattern -\> font\r
-/definepattern { %def\r
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- FontDict begin\r
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-/patternpath { %def\r
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- begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix\r
- }{ %else\r
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- concat\r
- } ifelse\r
- currentdict setfont\r
- FontDict begin\r
- FontMatrix concat\r
- width 0 dtransform\r
- round width div exch round width div exch\r
- 0 height dtransform\r
- round height div exch\r
- round height div exch\r
- 0 0 transform round exch round exch\r
- ptm astore setmatrix\r
- pathbbox\r
- height div ceiling height mul 4 1 roll\r
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- 4 2 roll moveto\r
- FontMatrix ptm invertmatrix pop\r
- { %repeat\r
- gsave\r
- ptm concat\r
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- str show\r
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- 0 exch getinterval show\r
- grestore\r
- 0 height rmoveto\r
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-% dict patternfill -\r
-% dict matrix patternfill -\r
-/patternfill { %def\r
- gsave\r
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- grestore\r
- newpath\r
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-/img { %def\r
- gsave\r
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- imgw imgh 8\r
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- pop\r
- { currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop }\r
- false 3 colorimage\r
- }{\r
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- {\r
- currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop\r
- length 3 idiv\r
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- {\r
- graystr exch\r
- colorstr 1 index 3 mul get 30 mul\r
- colorstr 2 index 3 mul 1 add get 59 mul\r
- colorstr 3 index 3 mul 2 add get 11 mul\r
- add add 100 idiv\r
- put\r
- } for\r
- graystr 0 3 -1 roll getinterval\r
- } image\r
- } ifelse\r
- grestore\r
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-/arrowhead {\r
- gsave\r
- [] 0 setdash\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor\r
- 2 copy moveto\r
- 4 2 roll exch 4 -1 roll exch\r
- sub 3 1 roll sub\r
- exch atan rotate dup scale\r
- arrowtype\r
- dup 0 eq {\r
- -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 1 eq {\r
- 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 2 eq {\r
- -6 -6 rmoveto 6 6 rlineto -6 6 rlineto\r
- -1.4142 -1.4142 rlineto 4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto\r
- -4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 3 eq {\r
- -6 0 rmoveto -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 4 eq {\r
- -9 0 rmoveto 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 5 eq {\r
- currentpoint newpath 3 0 360 arc\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 6 eq {\r
- 2.5 2.5 rmoveto 0 -5 rlineto -5 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- pop\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/setcmykcolor where { %ifelse\r
- pop\r
-}{ %else\r
- /setcmykcolor {\r
- /black exch def /yellow exch def\r
- /magenta exch def /cyan exch def\r
- cyan black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- magenta black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- yellow black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- setrgbcolor\r
- } bind def\r
-} ifelse\r
-/RE { %def\r
- findfont begin\r
- currentdict dup length dict begin\r
- { %forall\r
- 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne { %if\r
- /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def\r
- 0 exch { %forall\r
- dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse\r
- Encoding 2 index 2 index put\r
- pop 1 add\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch pop\r
- } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- } if pop\r
- currentdict dup end end\r
- /FontName get exch definefont pop\r
-} bind def\r
-/spacecount { %def\r
- 0 exch\r
- ( ) { %loop\r
- search { %ifelse\r
- pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll\r
- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
- } loop\r
-} bind def\r
-/WinAnsiEncoding [\r
- 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase\r
- /ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand\r
- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
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- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
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- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
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- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 221 lineto 157 221 lineto 157 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-117 66.1816 m\r
-117 30.1816 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.7393 143.689 m\r
-94.7393 133.748 86.6807 125.688 76.7393 125.688 c\r
-66.7979 125.688 58.7393 133.748 58.7393 143.689 c\r
-58.7393 153.629 66.7979 161.689 76.7393 161.689 c\r
-86.6807 161.689 94.7393 153.629 94.7393 143.689 c\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-53.3604 149.54 m\r
-57.2876 162.464 L\r
-61.7837 154.044 L\r
-53.3604 149.54 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-119.588 108.795 m\r
-120.105 109.27 L\r
-133.37 106.763 L\r
-126.063 101.785 L\r
-126.034 101.829 L\r
-119.588 108.795 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-109.83 33.9668 m\r
-123.337 33.793 L\r
-116.493 27.1309 L\r
-109.83 33.9668 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-78.1641 139.748 m\r
-77.6436 139.174 77.0752 138.743 76.4609 138.455 c\r
-75.8457 138.168 75.1816 138.024 74.4678 138.024 c\r
-73.1504 138.024 72.1055 138.469 71.333 139.357 c\r
-70.7065 140.082 70.3936 140.892 70.3936 141.787 c\r
-70.3936 142.582 70.6494 143.3 71.1606 143.939 c\r
-71.6719 144.58 72.436 145.143 73.4531 145.628 c\r
-72.8667 146.296 72.4756 146.839 72.2803 147.255 c\r
-72.085 147.672 71.9873 148.073 71.9873 148.46 c\r
-71.9873 149.234 72.2915 149.907 72.9004 150.48 c\r
-73.5088 151.051 74.2749 151.337 75.1982 151.337 c\r
-76.0801 151.337 76.8018 151.066 77.3633 150.525 c\r
-77.9248 149.984 78.2061 149.335 78.2061 148.576 c\r
-78.2061 147.347 77.3848 146.297 75.7432 145.427 c\r
-75.7432 145.427 78.0684 142.493 78.0684 142.493 c\r
-78.335 143.008 78.542 143.606 78.6904 144.286 c\r
-78.6904 144.286 80.3311 143.934 80.3311 143.934 c\r
-80.0498 142.811 79.6689 141.892 79.1885 141.176 c\r
-79.7813 140.392 80.4541 139.733 81.2061 139.201 c\r
-81.2061 139.201 80.1436 137.946 80.1436 137.946 c\r
-79.5044 138.352 78.8447 138.953 78.1641 139.748 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-77.167 140.993 m\r
-77.167 140.993 74.2788 144.598 74.2788 144.598 c\r
-73.4224 144.088 72.8447 143.615 72.5454 143.179 c\r
-72.2461 142.742 72.0967 142.311 72.0967 141.883 c\r
-72.0967 141.362 72.3042 140.82 72.7197 140.258 c\r
-73.1348 139.696 73.7227 139.415 74.4824 139.415 c\r
-74.9561 139.415 75.4463 139.561 75.9521 139.855 c\r
-76.458 140.148 76.8623 140.528 77.167 140.993 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-74.9316 146.45 m\r
-75.623 146.857 76.0713 147.214 76.2754 147.52 c\r
-76.479 147.827 76.5811 148.165 76.5811 148.537 c\r
-76.5811 148.979 76.4414 149.34 76.1611 149.62 c\r
-75.8818 149.9 75.5322 150.04 75.1143 150.04 c\r
-74.6841 150.04 74.3262 149.901 74.041 149.624 c\r
-73.7549 149.348 73.6123 149.009 73.6123 148.607 c\r
-73.6123 148.407 73.6636 148.196 73.7661 147.976 c\r
-73.8687 147.754 74.0225 147.52 74.228 147.273 c\r
-74.228 147.273 74.9316 146.45 74.9316 146.45 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-76.5293 195.819 m\r
-76.5293 166.556 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.9048 168.432 m\r
-83.4116 168.257 L\r
-76.5674 161.595 L\r
-69.9048 168.432 L\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-26.9463 196.652 m\r
-45.5801 185.16 26.5088 161.007 55.3711 156.245 C\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-143.117 198.816 m\r
-140.373 115.517 126.276 149.89 126.276 105.942 C\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-24.3135 201.152 m\r
-24.3135 209.746 L\r
-25.4541 209.746 L\r
-25.4541 201.152 L\r
-24.3135 201.152 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-30.999 201.152 m\r
-30.999 201.152 29.9443 201.152 29.9443 201.152 c\r
-29.9443 201.152 29.9443 207.879 29.9443 207.879 c\r
-29.6904 207.637 29.3574 207.395 28.9453 207.152 c\r
-28.5332 206.909 28.1631 206.727 27.835 206.606 c\r
-27.835 206.606 27.835 207.627 27.835 207.627 c\r
-28.4248 207.904 28.9404 208.241 29.3818 208.636 c\r
-29.8232 209.03 30.1357 209.414 30.3193 209.785 c\r
-30.3193 209.785 30.999 209.785 30.999 209.785 c\r
-30.999 209.785 30.999 201.152 30.999 201.152 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-72.4297 201.152 m\r
-72.4297 209.746 L\r
-73.6797 209.746 L\r
-73.6797 201.152 L\r
-72.4297 201.152 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-81.5029 202.168 m\r
-81.5029 202.168 81.5029 201.152 81.5029 201.152 c\r
-81.5029 201.152 75.2607 201.152 75.2607 201.152 c\r
-75.252 201.406 75.2969 201.651 75.3955 201.885 c\r
-75.5547 202.273 75.8096 202.653 76.1592 203.028 c\r
-76.5088 203.403 77.0146 203.836 77.6758 204.328 c\r
-78.7012 205.097 79.3936 205.705 79.7529 206.152 c\r
-80.1123 206.599 80.292 207.023 80.292 207.422 c\r
-80.292 207.84 80.1279 208.192 79.8008 208.48 c\r
-79.4727 208.767 79.0459 208.91 78.5186 208.91 c\r
-77.9619 208.91 77.5166 208.758 77.1826 208.454 c\r
-76.8486 208.15 76.6787 207.73 76.6748 207.191 c\r
-76.6748 207.191 75.4795 207.301 75.4795 207.301 c\r
-75.5615 208.109 75.8682 208.726 76.4004 209.149 c\r
-76.9326 209.573 77.6475 209.785 78.5449 209.785 c\r
-79.4502 209.785 80.167 209.557 80.6953 209.099 c\r
-81.2236 208.642 81.4873 208.075 81.4873 207.398 c\r
-81.4873 207.054 81.4102 206.716 81.2559 206.384 c\r
-81.1016 206.051 80.8447 205.701 80.4873 205.334 c\r
-80.1299 204.966 79.5342 204.462 78.7021 203.821 c\r
-78.0068 203.29 77.5605 202.929 77.3643 202.739 c\r
-77.167 202.55 77.0039 202.359 76.876 202.168 c\r
-76.876 202.168 81.5029 202.168 81.5029 202.168 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.645 202.571 m\r
-138.645 211.165 L\r
-139.895 211.165 L\r
-139.895 202.571 L\r
-138.645 202.571 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-141.633 204.845 m\r
-141.633 204.845 142.789 204.985 142.789 204.985 c\r
-142.922 204.388 143.148 203.957 143.466 203.693 c\r
-143.784 203.43 144.174 203.298 144.636 203.298 c\r
-145.183 203.298 145.644 203.47 146.018 203.813 c\r
-146.391 204.157 146.578 204.582 146.578 205.09 c\r
-146.578 205.574 146.404 205.973 146.057 206.287 c\r
-145.71 206.602 145.268 206.759 144.732 206.759 c\r
-144.514 206.759 144.24 206.72 143.915 206.642 c\r
-143.915 206.642 144.043 207.571 144.043 207.571 c\r
-144.121 207.564 144.183 207.56 144.23 207.56 c\r
-144.724 207.56 145.168 207.677 145.564 207.911 c\r
-145.959 208.145 146.156 208.507 146.156 208.995 c\r
-146.156 209.382 146.013 209.702 145.725 209.956 c\r
-145.438 210.21 145.066 210.337 144.611 210.337 c\r
-144.161 210.337 143.785 210.208 143.485 209.95 c\r
-143.186 209.692 142.992 209.306 142.906 208.79 c\r
-142.906 208.79 141.75 208.977 141.75 208.977 c\r
-141.892 209.685 142.214 210.232 142.716 210.621 c\r
-143.218 211.01 143.843 211.204 144.59 211.204 c\r
-145.105 211.204 145.579 211.104 146.013 210.902 c\r
-146.445 210.701 146.777 210.426 147.007 210.079 c\r
-147.236 209.731 147.352 209.361 147.352 208.971 c\r
-147.352 208.6 147.242 208.262 147.023 207.957 c\r
-146.804 207.652 146.48 207.41 146.05 207.23 c\r
-146.608 207.113 147.042 206.869 147.35 206.5 c\r
-147.658 206.131 147.813 205.669 147.813 205.114 c\r
-147.813 204.363 147.512 203.727 146.911 203.206 c\r
-146.311 202.684 145.551 202.423 144.633 202.423 c\r
-143.805 202.423 143.116 202.648 142.569 203.097 c\r
-142.023 203.547 141.71 204.129 141.633 204.845 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-112.173 15.5713 m\r
-112.173 15.5713 108.516 24.165 108.516 24.165 c\r
-108.516 24.165 109.87 24.165 109.87 24.165 c\r
-109.87 24.165 112.323 17.9199 112.323 17.9199 c\r
-112.521 17.4199 112.687 16.9502 112.819 16.5127 c\r
-112.965 16.9814 113.135 17.4512 113.328 17.9199 c\r
-113.328 17.9199 115.878 24.165 115.878 24.165 c\r
-115.878 24.165 117.155 24.165 117.155 24.165 c\r
-117.155 24.165 113.466 15.5713 113.466 15.5713 c\r
-113.466 15.5713 112.173 15.5713 112.173 15.5713 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-122.174 15.5713 m\r
-122.174 15.5713 121.018 15.5713 121.018 15.5713 c\r
-121.018 15.5713 121.018 22.2979 121.018 22.2979 c\r
-120.738 22.0557 120.372 21.8135 119.919 21.5703 c\r
-119.465 21.3281 119.059 21.1465 118.697 21.0254 c\r
-118.697 21.0254 118.697 22.0459 118.697 22.0459 c\r
-119.346 22.3232 119.912 22.6602 120.398 23.0547 c\r
-120.883 23.4492 121.227 23.832 121.429 24.2041 c\r
-121.429 24.2041 122.174 24.2041 122.174 24.2041 c\r
-122.174 24.2041 122.174 15.5713 122.174 15.5713 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-135.269 84.8184 m\r
-135.269 74.8789 127.21 66.8184 117.269 66.8184 c\r
-107.327 66.8184 99.2686 74.8789 99.2686 84.8184 c\r
-99.2686 94.7598 107.327 102.818 117.269 102.818 c\r
-127.21 102.818 135.269 94.7598 135.269 84.8184 c\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.693 80.8779 m\r
-118.173 80.3037 117.604 79.873 116.99 79.585 c\r
-116.375 79.2979 115.711 79.1543 114.997 79.1543 c\r
-113.68 79.1543 112.635 79.5986 111.862 80.4873 c\r
-111.236 81.2119 110.923 82.0215 110.923 82.916 c\r
-110.923 83.7119 111.179 84.4297 111.689 85.0693 c\r
-112.201 85.71 112.965 86.2725 113.982 86.7578 c\r
-113.396 87.4258 113.005 87.9688 112.81 88.3848 c\r
-112.614 88.8018 112.517 89.2031 112.517 89.5898 c\r
-112.517 90.3643 112.82 91.0371 113.43 91.6094 c\r
-114.038 92.1807 114.805 92.4668 115.728 92.4668 c\r
-116.609 92.4668 117.331 92.1963 117.893 91.6553 c\r
-118.454 91.1143 118.735 90.4648 118.735 89.7051 c\r
-118.735 88.4766 117.914 87.4268 116.272 86.5566 c\r
-116.272 86.5566 118.598 83.623 118.598 83.623 c\r
-118.864 84.1387 119.071 84.7363 119.22 85.416 c\r
-119.22 85.416 120.86 85.0645 120.86 85.0645 c\r
-120.579 83.9414 120.198 83.0215 119.718 82.3057 c\r
-120.311 81.5215 120.983 80.8633 121.735 80.3311 c\r
-121.735 80.3311 120.673 79.0762 120.673 79.0762 c\r
-120.033 79.4824 119.374 80.083 118.693 80.8779 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-117.696 82.123 m\r
-117.696 82.123 114.809 85.7275 114.809 85.7275 c\r
-113.951 85.2178 113.374 84.7451 113.074 84.3086 c\r
-112.775 83.8721 112.626 83.4404 112.626 83.0137 c\r
-112.626 82.4922 112.834 81.9502 113.249 81.3887 c\r
-113.664 80.8262 114.252 80.5449 115.012 80.5449 c\r
-115.485 80.5449 115.976 80.6914 116.481 80.9854 c\r
-116.987 81.2783 117.392 81.6582 117.696 82.123 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-115.461 87.5801 m\r
-116.152 87.9873 116.601 88.3438 116.805 88.6504 c\r
-117.008 88.957 117.11 89.2949 117.11 89.667 c\r
-117.11 90.1094 116.971 90.4697 116.69 90.75 c\r
-116.411 91.0293 116.062 91.1699 115.644 91.1699 c\r
-115.213 91.1699 114.855 91.0313 114.57 90.7539 c\r
-114.284 90.4775 114.142 90.1387 114.142 89.7373 c\r
-114.142 89.5371 114.193 89.3262 114.295 89.1055 c\r
-114.398 88.8848 114.552 88.6504 114.758 88.4023 c\r
-114.758 88.4023 115.461 87.5801 115.461 87.5801 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-76.7393 125.688 m\r
-76.7393 110.226 79.4316 113.697 104.715 97.7129 C\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-95.002 96.1885 m\r
-103.195 106.928 L\r
-104.463 97.4609 L\r
-95.002 96.1885 L\r
-_PDX_savepage restore\r
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- closepath fill\r
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- -6 -6 rmoveto 6 6 rlineto -6 6 rlineto\r
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- -4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto closepath fill\r
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- -6 0 rmoveto -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
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- closepath fill\r
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- currentpoint newpath 3 0 360 arc\r
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- closepath fill\r
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-}{ %else\r
- /setcmykcolor {\r
- /black exch def /yellow exch def\r
- /magenta exch def /cyan exch def\r
- cyan black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- magenta black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- yellow black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- setrgbcolor\r
- } bind def\r
-} ifelse\r
-/RE { %def\r
- findfont begin\r
- currentdict dup length dict begin\r
- { %forall\r
- 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne { %if\r
- /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def\r
- 0 exch { %forall\r
- dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse\r
- Encoding 2 index 2 index put\r
- pop 1 add\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch pop\r
- } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- } if pop\r
- currentdict dup end end\r
- /FontName get exch definefont pop\r
-} bind def\r
-/spacecount { %def\r
- 0 exch\r
- ( ) { %loop\r
- search { %ifelse\r
- pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll\r
- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
- } loop\r
-} bind def\r
-/WinAnsiEncoding [\r
- 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase\r
- /ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand\r
- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
- /tilde/trademark/scaron/guilsinglright/oe/dotlessi\r
- 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis/copyright\r
- /ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered/macron/ring\r
- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 223 lineto 330 223 lineto 330 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-22.8003 206.908 m\r
-22.8003 206.908 25.0815 210.131 25.0815 210.131 c\r
-25.0815 210.131 22.9722 213.135 22.9722 213.135 c\r
-22.9722 213.135 24.2749 213.135 24.2749 213.135 c\r
-24.2749 213.135 25.2485 211.674 25.2485 211.674 c\r
-25.4292 211.398 25.5742 211.167 25.6841 210.983 c\r
-25.8589 211.23 26.0176 211.455 26.1602 211.656 c\r
-26.1602 211.656 27.2065 213.135 27.2065 213.135 c\r
-27.2065 213.135 28.4868 213.135 28.4868 213.135 c\r
-28.4868 213.135 26.3706 210.137 26.3706 210.137 c\r
-26.3706 210.137 28.6284 206.908 28.6284 206.908 c\r
-28.6284 206.908 27.3452 206.908 27.3452 206.908 c\r
-27.3452 206.908 26.0542 208.842 26.0542 208.842 c\r
-26.0542 208.842 25.7559 209.307 25.7559 209.307 c\r
-25.7559 209.307 24.0903 206.908 24.0903 206.908 c\r
-24.0903 206.908 22.8003 206.908 22.8003 206.908 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-31.3198 202.912 m\r
-31.3198 202.912 30.7065 202.912 30.7065 202.912 c\r
-30.7065 202.912 30.7065 206.83 30.7065 206.83 c\r
-30.5586 206.689 30.3643 206.547 30.1235 206.406 c\r
-29.8833 206.265 29.6675 206.159 29.4761 206.088 c\r
-29.4761 206.088 29.4761 206.683 29.4761 206.683 c\r
-29.8198 206.844 30.1206 207.04 30.3779 207.27 c\r
-30.6353 207.5 30.8174 207.723 30.9248 207.939 c\r
-30.9248 207.939 31.3198 207.939 31.3198 207.939 c\r
-31.3198 207.939 31.3198 202.912 31.3198 202.912 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.8003 206.908 m\r
-94.8003 206.908 97.0815 210.131 97.0815 210.131 c\r
-97.0815 210.131 94.9722 213.135 94.9722 213.135 c\r
-94.9722 213.135 96.2749 213.135 96.2749 213.135 c\r
-96.2749 213.135 97.2485 211.674 97.2485 211.674 c\r
-97.4292 211.398 97.5742 211.167 97.6841 210.983 c\r
-97.8589 211.23 98.0176 211.455 98.1602 211.656 c\r
-98.1602 211.656 99.2065 213.135 99.2065 213.135 c\r
-99.2065 213.135 100.487 213.135 100.487 213.135 c\r
-100.487 213.135 98.3706 210.137 98.3706 210.137 c\r
-98.3706 210.137 100.628 206.908 100.628 206.908 c\r
-100.628 206.908 99.3452 206.908 99.3452 206.908 c\r
-99.3452 206.908 98.0542 208.842 98.0542 208.842 c\r
-98.0542 208.842 97.7559 209.307 97.7559 209.307 c\r
-97.7559 209.307 96.0903 206.908 96.0903 206.908 c\r
-96.0903 206.908 94.8003 206.908 94.8003 206.908 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-104.238 203.502 m\r
-104.238 203.502 104.238 202.912 104.238 202.912 c\r
-104.238 202.912 100.925 202.912 100.925 202.912 c\r
-100.921 203.06 100.945 203.202 100.997 203.339 c\r
-101.081 203.564 101.217 203.786 101.403 204.004 c\r
-101.588 204.223 101.857 204.475 102.207 204.761 c\r
-102.752 205.208 103.12 205.562 103.311 205.823 c\r
-103.502 206.084 103.597 206.331 103.597 206.564 c\r
-103.597 206.808 103.51 207.013 103.336 207.181 c\r
-103.162 207.348 102.935 207.432 102.655 207.432 c\r
-102.359 207.432 102.123 207.342 101.945 207.164 c\r
-101.768 206.986 101.678 206.739 101.675 206.424 c\r
-101.675 206.424 101.043 206.49 101.043 206.49 c\r
-101.086 206.962 101.248 207.321 101.531 207.568 c\r
-101.813 207.816 102.193 207.939 102.669 207.939 c\r
-103.149 207.939 103.53 207.806 103.81 207.54 c\r
-104.09 207.273 104.23 206.943 104.23 206.549 c\r
-104.23 206.349 104.189 206.152 104.107 205.958 c\r
-104.025 205.765 103.889 205.561 103.699 205.347 c\r
-103.509 205.133 103.193 204.839 102.752 204.466 c\r
-102.382 204.156 102.146 203.945 102.041 203.835 c\r
-101.937 203.725 101.85 203.613 101.782 203.502 c\r
-101.782 203.502 104.238 203.502 104.238 203.502 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-166.8 206.908 m\r
-166.8 206.908 169.081 210.131 169.081 210.131 c\r
-169.081 210.131 166.972 213.135 166.972 213.135 c\r
-166.972 213.135 168.275 213.135 168.275 213.135 c\r
-168.275 213.135 169.249 211.674 169.249 211.674 c\r
-169.429 211.398 169.574 211.167 169.684 210.983 c\r
-169.859 211.23 170.018 211.455 170.16 211.656 c\r
-170.16 211.656 171.207 213.135 171.207 213.135 c\r
-171.207 213.135 172.486 213.135 172.486 213.135 c\r
-172.486 213.135 170.371 210.137 170.371 210.137 c\r
-170.371 210.137 172.629 206.908 172.629 206.908 c\r
-172.629 206.908 171.346 206.908 171.346 206.908 c\r
-171.346 206.908 170.054 208.842 170.054 208.842 c\r
-170.054 208.842 169.756 209.307 169.756 209.307 c\r
-169.756 209.307 168.09 206.908 168.09 206.908 c\r
-168.09 206.908 166.8 206.908 166.8 206.908 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-173.008 204.236 m\r
-173.008 204.236 173.621 204.318 173.621 204.318 c\r
-173.691 203.97 173.811 203.719 173.98 203.564 c\r
-174.15 203.411 174.357 203.334 174.602 203.334 c\r
-174.894 203.334 175.139 203.434 175.338 203.634 c\r
-175.537 203.835 175.637 204.083 175.637 204.378 c\r
-175.637 204.661 175.544 204.894 175.359 205.077 c\r
-175.174 205.26 174.939 205.352 174.654 205.352 c\r
-174.537 205.352 174.393 205.329 174.219 205.283 c\r
-174.219 205.283 174.288 205.822 174.288 205.822 c\r
-174.329 205.818 174.361 205.815 174.387 205.815 c\r
-174.649 205.815 174.885 205.884 175.096 206.02 c\r
-175.305 206.157 175.41 206.368 175.41 206.653 c\r
-175.41 206.878 175.334 207.065 175.181 207.213 c\r
-175.027 207.361 174.83 207.436 174.59 207.436 c\r
-174.35 207.436 174.15 207.36 173.99 207.21 c\r
-173.831 207.06 173.729 206.834 173.684 206.533 c\r
-173.684 206.533 173.07 206.643 173.07 206.643 c\r
-173.145 207.054 173.316 207.374 173.582 207.6 c\r
-173.849 207.826 174.18 207.939 174.576 207.939 c\r
-174.85 207.939 175.102 207.881 175.332 207.764 c\r
-175.563 207.646 175.738 207.486 175.859 207.284 c\r
-175.981 207.081 176.043 206.866 176.043 206.639 c\r
-176.043 206.422 175.984 206.226 175.868 206.048 c\r
-175.752 205.87 175.58 205.729 175.352 205.624 c\r
-175.648 205.556 175.879 205.415 176.043 205.2 c\r
-176.207 204.984 176.289 204.715 176.289 204.393 c\r
-176.289 203.956 176.129 203.585 175.811 203.282 c\r
-175.491 202.978 175.088 202.826 174.6 202.826 c\r
-174.16 202.826 173.795 202.957 173.504 203.219 c\r
-173.215 203.48 173.049 203.82 173.008 204.236 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.809 206.908 m\r
-239.809 208.111 L\r
-241.012 208.111 L\r
-241.012 206.908 L\r
-239.809 206.908 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.477 206.908 m\r
-246.477 208.111 L\r
-247.68 208.111 L\r
-247.68 206.908 L\r
-246.477 206.908 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-253.145 206.908 m\r
-253.145 208.111 L\r
-254.348 208.111 L\r
-254.348 206.908 L\r
-253.145 206.908 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-310.801 206.908 m\r
-310.801 206.908 313.082 210.131 313.082 210.131 c\r
-313.082 210.131 310.973 213.135 310.973 213.135 c\r
-310.973 213.135 312.275 213.135 312.275 213.135 c\r
-312.275 213.135 313.248 211.674 313.248 211.674 c\r
-313.43 211.398 313.574 211.167 313.684 210.983 c\r
-313.859 211.23 314.018 211.455 314.16 211.656 c\r
-314.16 211.656 315.207 213.135 315.207 213.135 c\r
-315.207 213.135 316.486 213.135 316.486 213.135 c\r
-316.486 213.135 314.371 210.137 314.371 210.137 c\r
-314.371 210.137 316.629 206.908 316.629 206.908 c\r
-316.629 206.908 315.346 206.908 315.346 206.908 c\r
-315.346 206.908 314.055 208.842 314.055 208.842 c\r
-314.055 208.842 313.756 209.307 313.756 209.307 c\r
-313.756 209.307 312.09 206.908 312.09 206.908 c\r
-312.09 206.908 310.801 206.908 310.801 206.908 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-317.176 202.912 m\r
-317.176 202.912 317.176 206.541 317.176 206.541 c\r
-317.176 206.541 317.727 206.541 317.727 206.541 c\r
-317.727 206.541 317.727 206.025 317.727 206.025 c\r
-317.992 206.424 318.379 206.623 318.883 206.623 c\r
-319.102 206.623 319.303 206.584 319.486 206.505 c\r
-319.67 206.427 319.807 206.323 319.898 206.196 c\r
-319.99 206.068 320.055 205.917 320.09 205.741 c\r
-320.113 205.627 320.125 205.428 320.125 205.144 c\r
-320.125 205.144 320.125 202.912 320.125 202.912 c\r
-320.125 202.912 319.512 202.912 319.512 202.912 c\r
-319.512 202.912 319.512 205.121 319.512 205.121 c\r
-319.512 205.372 319.486 205.559 319.44 205.683 c\r
-319.391 205.808 319.307 205.907 319.184 205.98 c\r
-319.063 206.055 318.918 206.092 318.754 206.092 c\r
-318.492 206.092 318.266 206.009 318.074 205.842 c\r
-317.885 205.676 317.789 205.36 317.789 204.895 c\r
-317.789 204.895 317.789 202.912 317.789 202.912 c\r
-317.789 202.912 317.176 202.912 317.176 202.912 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.6572 158.427 m\r
-69.6572 152.126 64.5171 147.019 58.1763 147.019 c\r
-51.8359 147.019 46.6958 152.126 46.6958 158.427 c\r
-46.6958 164.727 51.8359 169.835 58.1763 169.835 c\r
-64.5171 169.835 69.6572 164.727 69.6572 158.427 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-146.618 158.427 m\r
-146.618 152.126 141.479 147.019 135.138 147.019 c\r
-128.797 147.019 123.657 152.126 123.657 158.427 c\r
-123.657 164.727 128.797 169.835 135.138 169.835 c\r
-141.479 169.835 146.618 164.727 146.618 158.427 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-285.657 158.427 m\r
-285.657 152.126 280.518 147.019 274.177 147.019 c\r
-267.837 147.019 262.696 152.126 262.696 158.427 c\r
-262.696 164.727 267.837 169.835 274.177 169.835 c\r
-280.518 169.835 285.657 164.727 285.657 158.427 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-105.657 108.61 m\r
-105.657 102.31 100.517 97.2021 94.1763 97.2021 c\r
-87.8359 97.2021 82.6958 102.31 82.6958 108.61 c\r
-82.6958 114.911 87.8359 120.019 94.1763 120.019 c\r
-100.517 120.019 105.657 114.911 105.657 108.61 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-245.618 108.61 m\r
-245.618 102.31 240.479 97.2021 234.138 97.2021 c\r
-227.798 97.2021 222.657 102.31 222.657 108.61 c\r
-222.657 114.911 227.798 120.019 234.138 120.019 c\r
-240.479 120.019 245.618 114.911 245.618 108.61 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-31.6572 197.575 m\r
-51.7031 167.846 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-108.022 197.472 m\r
-128.068 167.744 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-311.157 196.183 m\r
-282.237 166.455 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-58.1763 147.019 m\r
-86.7197 117.274 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-135.138 147.019 m\r
-103.444 115.324 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-274.177 147.019 m\r
-243.009 115.851 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.1572 197.472 m\r
-64.625 167.865 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-266.292 166.705 m\r
-241.657 197.908 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-222.157 148.408 m\r
-180.657 148.408 L\r
-180.657 160.408 L\r
-222.157 160.408 L\r
-222.157 148.408 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-176.751 160.408 m\r
-176.751 161.611 L\r
-177.954 161.611 L\r
-177.954 160.408 L\r
-176.751 160.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-186.753 160.408 m\r
-186.753 161.611 L\r
-187.956 161.611 L\r
-187.956 160.408 L\r
-186.753 160.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-196.755 160.408 m\r
-196.755 161.611 L\r
-197.958 161.611 L\r
-197.958 160.408 L\r
-196.755 160.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-206.757 160.408 m\r
-206.757 161.611 L\r
-207.96 161.611 L\r
-207.96 160.408 L\r
-206.757 160.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-216.759 160.408 m\r
-216.759 161.611 L\r
-217.962 161.611 L\r
-217.962 160.408 L\r
-216.759 160.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-226.761 160.408 m\r
-226.761 161.611 L\r
-227.964 161.611 L\r
-227.964 160.408 L\r
-226.761 160.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.751 112.408 m\r
-138.751 113.611 L\r
-139.954 113.611 L\r
-139.954 112.408 L\r
-138.751 112.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-148.753 112.408 m\r
-148.753 113.611 L\r
-149.956 113.611 L\r
-149.956 112.408 L\r
-148.753 112.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-158.755 112.408 m\r
-158.755 113.611 L\r
-159.958 113.611 L\r
-159.958 112.408 L\r
-158.755 112.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-168.757 112.408 m\r
-168.757 113.611 L\r
-169.96 113.611 L\r
-169.96 112.408 L\r
-168.757 112.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-178.759 112.408 m\r
-178.759 113.611 L\r
-179.962 113.611 L\r
-179.962 112.408 L\r
-178.759 112.408 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-188.761 112.408 m\r
-188.761 113.611 L\r
-189.964 113.611 L\r
-189.964 112.408 L\r
-188.761 112.408 L\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.138 65.9082 m\r
-138.138 59.6074 132.997 54.5 126.657 54.5 c\r
-120.316 54.5 115.176 59.6074 115.176 65.9082 c\r
-115.176 72.209 120.316 77.3164 126.657 77.3164 c\r
-132.997 77.3164 138.138 72.209 138.138 65.9082 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-142.339 167.306 m\r
-168.657 197.908 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-220.638 65.9082 m\r
-220.638 59.6074 215.497 54.5 209.156 54.5 c\r
-202.815 54.5 197.676 59.6074 197.676 65.9082 c\r
-197.676 72.209 202.815 77.3164 209.156 77.3164 c\r
-215.497 77.3164 220.638 72.209 220.638 65.9082 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-227.722 118.05 m\r
-203.087 149.252 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-201.007 75.333 m\r
-176.372 106.536 L\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-230.657 97.2021 m\r
-216.097 74.9805 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-180.138 21.4082 m\r
-180.138 15.1074 174.997 10 168.657 10 c\r
-162.316 10 157.177 15.1074 157.177 21.4082 c\r
-157.177 27.709 162.316 32.8164 168.657 32.8164 c\r
-174.997 32.8164 180.138 27.709 180.138 21.4082 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.1763 97.2021 m\r
-117.997 73.3818 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-126.657 54.5 m\r
-160.374 29.2949 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-206.398 54.8457 m\r
-179.157 29.2949 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-132.82 75.5225 m\r
-150.59 105.976 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-50.2549 159.109 m\r
-50.2549 160.535 50.6377 161.652 51.4038 162.459 c\r
-52.1699 163.266 53.1587 163.669 54.3701 163.669 c\r
-55.1636 163.669 55.8789 163.48 56.5156 163.101 c\r
-57.1523 162.722 57.6382 162.193 57.9727 161.515 c\r
-58.3066 160.837 58.4736 160.068 58.4736 159.209 c\r
-58.4736 158.338 58.2979 157.558 57.9463 156.871 c\r
-57.5942 156.183 57.0957 155.662 56.4512 155.309 c\r
-55.8062 154.955 55.1104 154.778 54.3643 154.778 c\r
-53.5552 154.778 52.832 154.974 52.1953 155.364 c\r
-51.5581 155.755 51.0757 156.288 50.7471 156.964 c\r
-50.4189 157.64 50.2549 158.355 50.2549 159.109 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-51.4268 159.095 m\r
-51.4268 158.06 51.7051 157.244 52.2622 156.648 c\r
-52.8193 156.053 53.5181 155.755 54.3584 155.755 c\r
-55.2144 155.755 55.9189 156.056 56.4722 156.657 c\r
-57.0254 157.259 57.3018 158.112 57.3018 159.218 c\r
-57.3018 159.917 57.1836 160.527 56.9473 161.049 c\r
-56.7104 161.57 56.3643 161.975 55.9092 162.262 c\r
-55.4541 162.549 54.9429 162.692 54.376 162.692 c\r
-53.5708 162.692 52.8779 162.416 52.2974 161.863 c\r
-51.7168 161.311 51.4268 160.388 51.4268 159.095 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.9561 154.927 m\r
-59.9561 154.927 59.9561 163.52 59.9561 163.52 c\r
-59.9561 163.52 63.7632 163.52 63.7632 163.52 c\r
-64.5273 163.52 65.1079 163.443 65.5059 163.289 c\r
-65.9033 163.134 66.2207 162.861 66.459 162.47 c\r
-66.6963 162.079 66.8154 161.647 66.8154 161.174 c\r
-66.8154 160.564 66.6187 160.049 66.2246 159.631 c\r
-65.8311 159.212 65.2231 158.946 64.4004 158.833 c\r
-64.7012 158.689 64.9297 158.546 65.0859 158.406 c\r
-65.4175 158.102 65.731 157.721 66.0259 157.264 c\r
-66.0259 157.264 67.5103 154.927 67.5103 154.927 c\r
-67.5103 154.927 66.0903 154.927 66.0903 154.927 c\r
-66.0903 154.927 64.9561 156.713 64.9561 156.713 c\r
-64.6245 157.229 64.3516 157.623 64.1372 157.896 c\r
-63.9229 158.169 63.731 158.36 63.5615 158.47 c\r
-63.3916 158.579 63.2192 158.655 63.0439 158.698 c\r
-62.915 158.726 62.7046 158.739 62.4121 158.739 c\r
-62.4121 158.739 61.0967 158.739 61.0967 158.739 c\r
-61.0967 158.739 61.0967 154.927 61.0967 154.927 c\r
-61.0967 154.927 59.9561 154.927 59.9561 154.927 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-61.0967 159.724 m\r
-61.0967 159.724 63.5352 159.724 63.5352 159.724 c\r
-64.0537 159.724 64.4585 159.777 64.7505 159.885 c\r
-65.042 159.992 65.2642 160.164 65.416 160.401 c\r
-65.5674 160.637 65.6436 160.895 65.6436 161.172 c\r
-65.6436 161.578 65.4966 161.913 65.2026 162.175 c\r
-64.9087 162.436 64.4443 162.567 63.8096 162.567 c\r
-63.8096 162.567 61.0967 162.567 61.0967 162.567 c\r
-61.0967 162.567 61.0967 159.724 61.0967 159.724 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-126.755 159.128 m\r
-126.755 160.554 127.138 161.67 127.904 162.477 c\r
-128.67 163.284 129.659 163.688 130.87 163.688 c\r
-131.664 163.688 132.379 163.498 133.016 163.119 c\r
-133.652 162.74 134.138 162.211 134.473 161.534 c\r
-134.807 160.855 134.974 160.087 134.974 159.227 c\r
-134.974 158.356 134.798 157.577 134.446 156.889 c\r
-134.094 156.201 133.596 155.681 132.951 155.327 c\r
-132.306 154.974 131.61 154.797 130.864 154.797 c\r
-130.055 154.797 129.332 154.992 128.695 155.383 c\r
-128.058 155.773 127.576 156.307 127.247 156.983 c\r
-126.919 157.659 126.755 158.374 126.755 159.128 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-127.927 159.113 m\r
-127.927 158.078 128.205 157.263 128.762 156.667 c\r
-129.319 156.071 130.018 155.773 130.858 155.773 c\r
-131.714 155.773 132.419 156.074 132.972 156.676 c\r
-133.525 157.277 133.802 158.131 133.802 159.236 c\r
-133.802 159.936 133.684 160.546 133.447 161.067 c\r
-133.21 161.589 132.864 161.993 132.409 162.28 c\r
-131.954 162.567 131.443 162.711 130.876 162.711 c\r
-130.071 162.711 129.378 162.435 128.797 161.882 c\r
-128.217 161.329 127.927 160.406 127.927 159.113 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-136.456 154.945 m\r
-136.456 154.945 136.456 163.539 136.456 163.539 c\r
-136.456 163.539 140.263 163.539 140.263 163.539 c\r
-141.027 163.539 141.608 163.462 142.006 163.307 c\r
-142.403 163.153 142.721 162.88 142.959 162.489 c\r
-143.196 162.098 143.315 161.665 143.315 161.192 c\r
-143.315 160.582 143.119 160.068 142.725 159.649 c\r
-142.331 159.231 141.723 158.965 140.9 158.852 c\r
-141.201 158.707 141.43 158.565 141.586 158.425 c\r
-141.917 158.12 142.231 157.739 142.526 157.282 c\r
-142.526 157.282 144.01 154.945 144.01 154.945 c\r
-144.01 154.945 142.59 154.945 142.59 154.945 c\r
-142.59 154.945 141.456 156.731 141.456 156.731 c\r
-141.124 157.247 140.852 157.641 140.637 157.915 c\r
-140.423 158.188 140.231 158.379 140.061 158.488 c\r
-139.892 158.598 139.719 158.674 139.544 158.717 c\r
-139.415 158.744 139.205 158.758 138.912 158.758 c\r
-138.912 158.758 137.597 158.758 137.597 158.758 c\r
-137.597 158.758 137.597 154.945 137.597 154.945 c\r
-137.597 154.945 136.456 154.945 136.456 154.945 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-137.597 159.742 m\r
-137.597 159.742 140.035 159.742 140.035 159.742 c\r
-140.554 159.742 140.958 159.796 141.251 159.903 c\r
-141.542 160.011 141.764 160.183 141.916 160.419 c\r
-142.067 160.656 142.144 160.913 142.144 161.19 c\r
-142.144 161.597 141.997 161.931 141.703 162.193 c\r
-141.409 162.455 140.944 162.586 140.31 162.586 c\r
-140.31 162.586 137.597 162.586 137.597 162.586 c\r
-137.597 162.586 137.597 159.742 137.597 159.742 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-266.255 159.128 m\r
-266.255 160.554 266.638 161.67 267.404 162.477 c\r
-268.17 163.284 269.158 163.688 270.37 163.688 c\r
-271.164 163.688 271.879 163.498 272.516 163.119 c\r
-273.152 162.74 273.639 162.211 273.973 161.534 c\r
-274.307 160.855 274.474 160.087 274.474 159.227 c\r
-274.474 158.356 274.298 157.577 273.946 156.889 c\r
-273.594 156.201 273.096 155.681 272.451 155.327 c\r
-271.807 154.974 271.11 154.797 270.364 154.797 c\r
-269.555 154.797 268.832 154.992 268.195 155.383 c\r
-267.559 155.773 267.076 156.307 266.747 156.983 c\r
-266.419 157.659 266.255 158.374 266.255 159.128 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-267.427 159.113 m\r
-267.427 158.078 267.705 157.263 268.262 156.667 c\r
-268.819 156.071 269.518 155.773 270.358 155.773 c\r
-271.215 155.773 271.919 156.074 272.473 156.676 c\r
-273.025 157.277 273.302 158.131 273.302 159.236 c\r
-273.302 159.936 273.184 160.546 272.947 161.067 c\r
-272.711 161.589 272.364 161.993 271.909 162.28 c\r
-271.454 162.567 270.943 162.711 270.376 162.711 c\r
-269.57 162.711 268.878 162.435 268.297 161.882 c\r
-267.717 161.329 267.427 160.406 267.427 159.113 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-275.956 154.945 m\r
-275.956 154.945 275.956 163.539 275.956 163.539 c\r
-275.956 163.539 279.764 163.539 279.764 163.539 c\r
-280.527 163.539 281.107 163.462 281.506 163.307 c\r
-281.903 163.153 282.221 162.88 282.459 162.489 c\r
-282.696 162.098 282.815 161.665 282.815 161.192 c\r
-282.815 160.582 282.619 160.068 282.225 159.649 c\r
-281.831 159.231 281.223 158.965 280.4 158.852 c\r
-280.701 158.707 280.93 158.565 281.086 158.425 c\r
-281.418 158.12 281.73 157.739 282.025 157.282 c\r
-282.025 157.282 283.51 154.945 283.51 154.945 c\r
-283.51 154.945 282.09 154.945 282.09 154.945 c\r
-282.09 154.945 280.956 156.731 280.956 156.731 c\r
-280.625 157.247 280.352 157.641 280.137 157.915 c\r
-279.923 158.188 279.73 158.379 279.561 158.488 c\r
-279.392 158.598 279.219 158.674 279.044 158.717 c\r
-278.915 158.744 278.705 158.758 278.412 158.758 c\r
-278.412 158.758 277.097 158.758 277.097 158.758 c\r
-277.097 158.758 277.097 154.945 277.097 154.945 c\r
-277.097 154.945 275.956 154.945 275.956 154.945 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-277.097 159.742 m\r
-277.097 159.742 279.535 159.742 279.535 159.742 c\r
-280.054 159.742 280.459 159.796 280.75 159.903 c\r
-281.042 160.011 281.264 160.183 281.416 160.419 c\r
-281.567 160.656 281.644 160.913 281.644 161.19 c\r
-281.644 161.597 281.496 161.931 281.203 162.193 c\r
-280.908 162.455 280.444 162.586 279.81 162.586 c\r
-279.81 162.586 277.097 162.586 277.097 162.586 c\r
-277.097 162.586 277.097 159.742 277.097 159.742 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-226.235 109.33 m\r
-226.235 110.756 226.618 111.873 227.385 112.68 c\r
-228.15 113.486 229.139 113.89 230.351 113.89 c\r
-231.145 113.89 231.859 113.7 232.496 113.321 c\r
-233.133 112.942 233.619 112.414 233.953 111.736 c\r
-234.287 111.058 234.454 110.289 234.454 109.43 c\r
-234.454 108.559 234.278 107.779 233.927 107.092 c\r
-233.574 106.403 233.076 105.883 232.432 105.529 c\r
-231.787 105.176 231.091 104.999 230.345 104.999 c\r
-229.535 104.999 228.813 105.194 228.176 105.585 c\r
-227.539 105.976 227.057 106.509 226.727 107.186 c\r
-226.399 107.861 226.235 108.576 226.235 109.33 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-227.407 109.315 m\r
-227.407 108.28 227.686 107.465 228.242 106.869 c\r
-228.8 106.273 229.498 105.976 230.339 105.976 c\r
-231.195 105.976 231.899 106.276 232.453 106.878 c\r
-233.006 107.479 233.282 108.333 233.282 109.438 c\r
-233.282 110.138 233.164 110.748 232.928 111.27 c\r
-232.691 111.791 232.345 112.195 231.89 112.482 c\r
-231.435 112.77 230.924 112.913 230.356 112.913 c\r
-229.551 112.913 228.858 112.637 228.277 112.084 c\r
-227.697 111.531 227.407 110.608 227.407 109.315 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-235.936 105.147 m\r
-235.936 105.147 235.936 113.741 235.936 113.741 c\r
-235.936 113.741 239.744 113.741 239.744 113.741 c\r
-240.508 113.741 241.088 113.664 241.486 113.509 c\r
-241.884 113.355 242.201 113.082 242.439 112.691 c\r
-242.677 112.3 242.796 111.867 242.796 111.395 c\r
-242.796 110.784 242.6 110.27 242.205 109.852 c\r
-241.811 109.434 241.203 109.167 240.381 109.054 c\r
-240.682 108.909 240.91 108.768 241.066 108.627 c\r
-241.398 108.322 241.711 107.941 242.006 107.484 c\r
-242.006 107.484 243.49 105.147 243.49 105.147 c\r
-243.49 105.147 242.07 105.147 242.07 105.147 c\r
-242.07 105.147 240.936 106.934 240.936 106.934 c\r
-240.605 107.449 240.332 107.844 240.117 108.117 c\r
-239.903 108.39 239.711 108.581 239.542 108.69 c\r
-239.372 108.8 239.199 108.876 239.024 108.919 c\r
-238.895 108.946 238.686 108.96 238.393 108.96 c\r
-238.393 108.96 237.077 108.96 237.077 108.96 c\r
-237.077 108.96 237.077 105.147 237.077 105.147 c\r
-237.077 105.147 235.936 105.147 235.936 105.147 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.077 109.944 m\r
-237.077 109.944 239.516 109.944 239.516 109.944 c\r
-240.034 109.944 240.439 109.998 240.73 110.105 c\r
-241.023 110.213 241.244 110.385 241.396 110.621 c\r
-241.548 110.857 241.624 111.115 241.624 111.393 c\r
-241.624 111.799 241.477 112.133 241.184 112.396 c\r
-240.889 112.657 240.425 112.788 239.79 112.788 c\r
-239.79 112.788 237.077 112.788 237.077 112.788 c\r
-237.077 112.788 237.077 109.944 237.077 109.944 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-117.755 66.1279 m\r
-117.755 67.5537 118.138 68.6699 118.904 69.4775 c\r
-119.67 70.2842 120.659 70.6875 121.87 70.6875 c\r
-122.664 70.6875 123.379 70.498 124.016 70.1191 c\r
-124.652 69.7402 125.138 69.2109 125.473 68.5332 c\r
-125.807 67.8555 125.974 67.0869 125.974 66.2275 c\r
-125.974 65.3564 125.798 64.5762 125.446 63.8887 c\r
-125.094 63.2012 124.596 62.6807 123.951 62.3271 c\r
-123.306 61.9736 122.61 61.7969 121.864 61.7969 c\r
-121.055 61.7969 120.332 61.9922 119.695 62.3828 c\r
-119.058 62.7734 118.576 63.3066 118.247 63.9824 c\r
-117.919 64.6582 117.755 65.374 117.755 66.1279 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.927 66.1133 m\r
-118.927 65.0781 119.205 64.2627 119.762 63.667 c\r
-120.319 63.0713 121.018 62.7734 121.858 62.7734 c\r
-122.714 62.7734 123.419 63.0742 123.972 63.6758 c\r
-124.525 64.2773 124.802 65.1309 124.802 66.2363 c\r
-124.802 66.9355 124.684 67.5459 124.447 68.0674 c\r
-124.21 68.5889 123.864 68.9932 123.409 69.2803 c\r
-122.954 69.5674 122.443 69.7109 121.876 69.7109 c\r
-121.071 69.7109 120.378 69.4346 119.797 68.8818 c\r
-119.217 68.3291 118.927 67.4063 118.927 66.1133 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-127.456 61.9453 m\r
-127.456 61.9453 127.456 70.5391 127.456 70.5391 c\r
-127.456 70.5391 131.263 70.5391 131.263 70.5391 c\r
-132.027 70.5391 132.608 70.4619 133.006 70.3066 c\r
-133.403 70.1523 133.721 69.8799 133.959 69.4883 c\r
-134.196 69.0977 134.315 68.666 134.315 68.1924 c\r
-134.315 67.582 134.119 67.0684 133.725 66.6494 c\r
-133.331 66.2305 132.723 65.9648 131.9 65.8516 c\r
-132.201 65.707 132.43 65.5645 132.586 65.4248 c\r
-132.917 65.1201 133.231 64.7393 133.526 64.2822 c\r
-133.526 64.2822 135.01 61.9453 135.01 61.9453 c\r
-135.01 61.9453 133.59 61.9453 133.59 61.9453 c\r
-133.59 61.9453 132.456 63.7314 132.456 63.7314 c\r
-132.124 64.2471 131.852 64.6406 131.637 64.9141 c\r
-131.423 65.1875 131.231 65.3789 131.061 65.4883 c\r
-130.892 65.5977 130.719 65.6738 130.544 65.7168 c\r
-130.415 65.7441 130.205 65.7578 129.912 65.7578 c\r
-129.912 65.7578 128.597 65.7578 128.597 65.7578 c\r
-128.597 65.7578 128.597 61.9453 128.597 61.9453 c\r
-128.597 61.9453 127.456 61.9453 127.456 61.9453 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-128.597 66.7422 m\r
-128.597 66.7422 131.035 66.7422 131.035 66.7422 c\r
-131.554 66.7422 131.958 66.7959 132.251 66.9033 c\r
-132.542 67.0107 132.764 67.1826 132.916 67.4199 c\r
-133.067 67.6563 133.144 67.9131 133.144 68.1904 c\r
-133.144 68.5967 132.997 68.9316 132.703 69.1934 c\r
-132.409 69.4551 131.944 69.5859 131.31 69.5859 c\r
-131.31 69.5859 128.597 69.5859 128.597 69.5859 c\r
-128.597 69.5859 128.597 66.7422 128.597 66.7422 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-85.7549 109.33 m\r
-85.7549 110.756 86.1377 111.873 86.9038 112.68 c\r
-87.6699 113.486 88.6587 113.89 89.8701 113.89 c\r
-90.6636 113.89 91.3789 113.7 92.0156 113.321 c\r
-92.6523 112.942 93.1382 112.414 93.4727 111.736 c\r
-93.8066 111.058 93.9736 110.289 93.9736 109.43 c\r
-93.9736 108.559 93.7979 107.779 93.4463 107.092 c\r
-93.0942 106.403 92.5957 105.883 91.9512 105.529 c\r
-91.3062 105.176 90.6104 104.999 89.8643 104.999 c\r
-89.0552 104.999 88.332 105.194 87.6953 105.585 c\r
-87.0581 105.976 86.5757 106.509 86.2471 107.186 c\r
-85.9189 107.861 85.7549 108.576 85.7549 109.33 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-86.9268 109.315 m\r
-86.9268 108.28 87.2051 107.465 87.7622 106.869 c\r
-88.3193 106.273 89.0181 105.976 89.8584 105.976 c\r
-90.7144 105.976 91.4189 106.276 91.9722 106.878 c\r
-92.5254 107.479 92.8018 108.333 92.8018 109.438 c\r
-92.8018 110.138 92.6836 110.748 92.4473 111.27 c\r
-92.2104 111.791 91.8643 112.195 91.4092 112.482 c\r
-90.9541 112.77 90.4429 112.913 89.876 112.913 c\r
-89.0708 112.913 88.3779 112.637 87.7974 112.084 c\r
-87.2168 111.531 86.9268 110.608 86.9268 109.315 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-95.4561 105.147 m\r
-95.4561 105.147 95.4561 113.741 95.4561 113.741 c\r
-95.4561 113.741 99.2632 113.741 99.2632 113.741 c\r
-100.027 113.741 100.608 113.664 101.006 113.509 c\r
-101.403 113.355 101.721 113.082 101.959 112.691 c\r
-102.196 112.3 102.315 111.867 102.315 111.395 c\r
-102.315 110.784 102.119 110.27 101.725 109.852 c\r
-101.331 109.434 100.723 109.167 99.9004 109.054 c\r
-100.201 108.909 100.43 108.768 100.586 108.627 c\r
-100.918 108.322 101.231 107.941 101.526 107.484 c\r
-101.526 107.484 103.01 105.147 103.01 105.147 c\r
-103.01 105.147 101.59 105.147 101.59 105.147 c\r
-101.59 105.147 100.456 106.934 100.456 106.934 c\r
-100.124 107.449 99.8516 107.844 99.6372 108.117 c\r
-99.4229 108.39 99.231 108.581 99.0615 108.69 c\r
-98.8916 108.8 98.7192 108.876 98.5439 108.919 c\r
-98.415 108.946 98.2046 108.96 97.9121 108.96 c\r
-97.9121 108.96 96.5967 108.96 96.5967 108.96 c\r
-96.5967 108.96 96.5967 105.147 96.5967 105.147 c\r
-96.5967 105.147 95.4561 105.147 95.4561 105.147 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-96.5967 109.944 m\r
-96.5967 109.944 99.0352 109.944 99.0352 109.944 c\r
-99.5537 109.944 99.9585 109.998 100.251 110.105 c\r
-100.542 110.213 100.764 110.385 100.916 110.621 c\r
-101.067 110.857 101.144 111.115 101.144 111.393 c\r
-101.144 111.799 100.997 112.133 100.703 112.396 c\r
-100.409 112.657 99.9443 112.788 99.3096 112.788 c\r
-99.3096 112.788 96.5967 112.788 96.5967 112.788 c\r
-96.5967 112.788 96.5967 109.944 96.5967 109.944 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-200.255 66.1279 m\r
-200.255 67.5537 200.638 68.6699 201.404 69.4775 c\r
-202.17 70.2842 203.158 70.6875 204.37 70.6875 c\r
-205.164 70.6875 205.879 70.498 206.516 70.1191 c\r
-207.152 69.7402 207.639 69.2109 207.973 68.5332 c\r
-208.307 67.8555 208.474 67.0869 208.474 66.2275 c\r
-208.474 65.3564 208.298 64.5762 207.946 63.8887 c\r
-207.594 63.2012 207.096 62.6807 206.451 62.3271 c\r
-205.807 61.9736 205.11 61.7969 204.364 61.7969 c\r
-203.555 61.7969 202.832 61.9922 202.195 62.3828 c\r
-201.559 62.7734 201.076 63.3066 200.747 63.9824 c\r
-200.419 64.6582 200.255 65.374 200.255 66.1279 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-201.427 66.1133 m\r
-201.427 65.0781 201.705 64.2627 202.262 63.667 c\r
-202.819 63.0713 203.518 62.7734 204.358 62.7734 c\r
-205.215 62.7734 205.919 63.0742 206.473 63.6758 c\r
-207.025 64.2773 207.302 65.1309 207.302 66.2363 c\r
-207.302 66.9355 207.184 67.5459 206.947 68.0674 c\r
-206.711 68.5889 206.364 68.9932 205.909 69.2803 c\r
-205.454 69.5674 204.943 69.7109 204.376 69.7109 c\r
-203.57 69.7109 202.878 69.4346 202.297 68.8818 c\r
-201.717 68.3291 201.427 67.4063 201.427 66.1133 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-209.956 61.9453 m\r
-209.956 61.9453 209.956 70.5391 209.956 70.5391 c\r
-209.956 70.5391 213.764 70.5391 213.764 70.5391 c\r
-214.527 70.5391 215.107 70.4619 215.506 70.3066 c\r
-215.903 70.1523 216.221 69.8799 216.459 69.4883 c\r
-216.696 69.0977 216.815 68.666 216.815 68.1924 c\r
-216.815 67.582 216.619 67.0684 216.225 66.6494 c\r
-215.831 66.2305 215.223 65.9648 214.4 65.8516 c\r
-214.701 65.707 214.93 65.5645 215.086 65.4248 c\r
-215.418 65.1201 215.73 64.7393 216.025 64.2822 c\r
-216.025 64.2822 217.51 61.9453 217.51 61.9453 c\r
-217.51 61.9453 216.09 61.9453 216.09 61.9453 c\r
-216.09 61.9453 214.956 63.7314 214.956 63.7314 c\r
-214.625 64.2471 214.352 64.6406 214.137 64.9141 c\r
-213.923 65.1875 213.73 65.3789 213.561 65.4883 c\r
-213.392 65.5977 213.219 65.6738 213.044 65.7168 c\r
-212.915 65.7441 212.705 65.7578 212.412 65.7578 c\r
-212.412 65.7578 211.097 65.7578 211.097 65.7578 c\r
-211.097 65.7578 211.097 61.9453 211.097 61.9453 c\r
-211.097 61.9453 209.956 61.9453 209.956 61.9453 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-211.097 66.7422 m\r
-211.097 66.7422 213.535 66.7422 213.535 66.7422 c\r
-214.054 66.7422 214.459 66.7959 214.75 66.9033 c\r
-215.042 67.0107 215.264 67.1826 215.416 67.4199 c\r
-215.567 67.6563 215.644 67.9131 215.644 68.1904 c\r
-215.644 68.5967 215.496 68.9316 215.203 69.1934 c\r
-214.908 69.4551 214.444 69.5859 213.81 69.5859 c\r
-213.81 69.5859 211.097 69.5859 211.097 69.5859 c\r
-211.097 69.5859 211.097 66.7422 211.097 66.7422 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-160.755 21.6279 m\r
-160.755 23.0537 161.138 24.1699 161.904 24.9775 c\r
-162.67 25.7842 163.659 26.1875 164.87 26.1875 c\r
-165.664 26.1875 166.379 25.998 167.016 25.6191 c\r
-167.652 25.2402 168.138 24.7109 168.473 24.0332 c\r
-168.807 23.3555 168.974 22.5869 168.974 21.7275 c\r
-168.974 20.8564 168.798 20.0762 168.446 19.3887 c\r
-168.094 18.7012 167.596 18.1807 166.951 17.8271 c\r
-166.306 17.4736 165.61 17.2969 164.864 17.2969 c\r
-164.055 17.2969 163.332 17.4922 162.695 17.8828 c\r
-162.058 18.2734 161.576 18.8066 161.247 19.4824 c\r
-160.919 20.1582 160.755 20.874 160.755 21.6279 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-161.927 21.6133 m\r
-161.927 20.5781 162.205 19.7627 162.762 19.167 c\r
-163.319 18.5713 164.018 18.2734 164.858 18.2734 c\r
-165.714 18.2734 166.419 18.5742 166.972 19.1758 c\r
-167.525 19.7773 167.802 20.6309 167.802 21.7363 c\r
-167.802 22.4355 167.684 23.0459 167.447 23.5674 c\r
-167.21 24.0889 166.864 24.4932 166.409 24.7803 c\r
-165.954 25.0674 165.443 25.2109 164.876 25.2109 c\r
-164.071 25.2109 163.378 24.9346 162.797 24.3818 c\r
-162.217 23.8291 161.927 22.9063 161.927 21.6133 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-170.456 17.4453 m\r
-170.456 17.4453 170.456 26.0391 170.456 26.0391 c\r
-170.456 26.0391 174.264 26.0391 174.264 26.0391 c\r
-175.027 26.0391 175.607 25.9619 176.006 25.8066 c\r
-176.403 25.6523 176.721 25.3799 176.959 24.9883 c\r
-177.196 24.5977 177.315 24.166 177.315 23.6924 c\r
-177.315 23.082 177.119 22.5684 176.725 22.1494 c\r
-176.331 21.7305 175.723 21.4648 174.9 21.3516 c\r
-175.201 21.207 175.43 21.0645 175.586 20.9248 c\r
-175.918 20.6201 176.23 20.2393 176.525 19.7822 c\r
-176.525 19.7822 178.01 17.4453 178.01 17.4453 c\r
-178.01 17.4453 176.59 17.4453 176.59 17.4453 c\r
-176.59 17.4453 175.456 19.2314 175.456 19.2314 c\r
-175.125 19.7471 174.852 20.1406 174.637 20.4141 c\r
-174.423 20.6875 174.23 20.8789 174.061 20.9883 c\r
-173.892 21.0977 173.719 21.1738 173.544 21.2168 c\r
-173.415 21.2441 173.205 21.2578 172.912 21.2578 c\r
-172.912 21.2578 171.597 21.2578 171.597 21.2578 c\r
-171.597 21.2578 171.597 17.4453 171.597 17.4453 c\r
-171.597 17.4453 170.456 17.4453 170.456 17.4453 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-171.597 22.2422 m\r
-171.597 22.2422 174.035 22.2422 174.035 22.2422 c\r
-174.554 22.2422 174.959 22.2959 175.25 22.4033 c\r
-175.542 22.5107 175.764 22.6826 175.916 22.9199 c\r
-176.067 23.1563 176.144 23.4131 176.144 23.6904 c\r
-176.144 24.0967 175.996 24.4316 175.703 24.6934 c\r
-175.408 24.9551 174.944 25.0859 174.31 25.0859 c\r
-174.31 25.0859 171.597 25.0859 171.597 25.0859 c\r
-171.597 25.0859 171.597 22.2422 171.597 22.2422 c\r
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- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
- /tilde/trademark/scaron/guilsinglright/oe/dotlessi\r
- 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis/copyright\r
- /ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered/macron/ring\r
- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
-16 11 moveto 16 187 lineto 332 187 lineto 332 11 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-155.045 33.0205 m\r
-155.045 34.4463 155.428 35.5635 156.194 36.3701 c\r
-156.96 37.1768 157.949 37.5801 159.161 37.5801 c\r
-159.954 37.5801 160.669 37.3906 161.306 37.0117 c\r
-161.943 36.6328 162.429 36.1045 162.763 35.4268 c\r
-163.097 34.748 163.264 33.9795 163.264 33.1201 c\r
-163.264 32.249 163.088 31.4697 162.737 30.7822 c\r
-162.385 30.0938 161.886 29.5732 161.242 29.2197 c\r
-160.597 28.8662 159.901 28.6895 159.155 28.6895 c\r
-158.346 28.6895 157.623 28.8848 156.986 29.2754 c\r
-156.349 29.666 155.866 30.1992 155.538 30.876 c\r
-155.21 31.5518 155.045 32.2666 155.045 33.0205 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-156.217 33.0059 m\r
-156.217 31.9707 156.496 31.1553 157.053 30.5596 c\r
-157.61 29.9639 158.309 29.666 159.149 29.666 c\r
-160.005 29.666 160.71 29.9668 161.263 30.5684 c\r
-161.816 31.1699 162.092 32.0234 162.092 33.1289 c\r
-162.092 33.8281 161.974 34.4385 161.738 34.96 c\r
-161.501 35.4814 161.155 35.8857 160.7 36.1729 c\r
-160.245 36.46 159.733 36.6035 159.167 36.6035 c\r
-158.361 36.6035 157.669 36.3271 157.088 35.7744 c\r
-156.507 35.2217 156.217 34.2988 156.217 33.0059 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-164.747 28.8379 m\r
-164.747 28.8379 164.747 37.4316 164.747 37.4316 c\r
-164.747 37.4316 168.554 37.4316 168.554 37.4316 c\r
-169.318 37.4316 169.898 37.3545 170.296 37.2002 c\r
-170.694 37.0459 171.012 36.7725 171.25 36.3818 c\r
-171.486 35.9902 171.605 35.5576 171.605 35.085 c\r
-171.605 34.4746 171.409 33.96 171.016 33.542 c\r
-170.622 33.124 170.014 32.8574 169.191 32.7441 c\r
-169.492 32.5996 169.72 32.458 169.876 32.3174 c\r
-170.208 32.0127 170.521 31.6318 170.816 31.1748 c\r
-170.816 31.1748 172.301 28.8379 172.301 28.8379 c\r
-172.301 28.8379 170.881 28.8379 170.881 28.8379 c\r
-170.881 28.8379 169.747 30.624 169.747 30.624 c\r
-169.415 31.1396 169.142 31.5342 168.928 31.8076 c\r
-168.713 32.0801 168.521 32.2715 168.352 32.3809 c\r
-168.182 32.4902 168.01 32.5664 167.835 32.6094 c\r
-167.706 32.6367 167.495 32.6504 167.203 32.6504 c\r
-167.203 32.6504 165.887 32.6504 165.887 32.6504 c\r
-165.887 32.6504 165.887 28.8379 165.887 28.8379 c\r
-165.887 28.8379 164.747 28.8379 164.747 28.8379 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-165.887 33.6348 m\r
-165.887 33.6348 168.326 33.6348 168.326 33.6348 c\r
-168.844 33.6348 169.249 33.6885 169.541 33.7959 c\r
-169.833 33.9033 170.055 34.0752 170.206 34.3115 c\r
-170.358 34.5479 170.434 34.8057 170.434 35.083 c\r
-170.434 35.4893 170.287 35.8232 169.993 36.0859 c\r
-169.699 36.3477 169.235 36.4785 168.6 36.4785 c\r
-168.6 36.4785 165.887 36.4785 165.887 36.4785 c\r
-165.887 36.4785 165.887 33.6348 165.887 33.6348 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-25.5908 171.301 m\r
-25.5908 171.301 27.8721 174.524 27.8721 174.524 c\r
-27.8721 174.524 25.7627 177.527 25.7627 177.527 c\r
-25.7627 177.527 27.0654 177.527 27.0654 177.527 c\r
-27.0654 177.527 28.0391 176.066 28.0391 176.066 c\r
-28.2197 175.79 28.3647 175.56 28.4746 175.376 c\r
-28.6494 175.623 28.8081 175.848 28.9507 176.048 c\r
-28.9507 176.048 29.9971 177.527 29.9971 177.527 c\r
-29.9971 177.527 31.2773 177.527 31.2773 177.527 c\r
-31.2773 177.527 29.1611 174.53 29.1611 174.53 c\r
-29.1611 174.53 31.4189 171.301 31.4189 171.301 c\r
-31.4189 171.301 30.1357 171.301 30.1357 171.301 c\r
-30.1357 171.301 28.8447 173.234 28.8447 173.234 c\r
-28.8447 173.234 28.5464 173.7 28.5464 173.7 c\r
-28.5464 173.7 26.8809 171.301 26.8809 171.301 c\r
-26.8809 171.301 25.5908 171.301 25.5908 171.301 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-34.1104 167.305 m\r
-34.1104 167.305 33.4971 167.305 33.4971 167.305 c\r
-33.4971 167.305 33.4971 171.222 33.4971 171.222 c\r
-33.3491 171.081 33.1548 170.939 32.9141 170.799 c\r
-32.6738 170.657 32.458 170.552 32.2666 170.481 c\r
-32.2666 170.481 32.2666 171.075 32.2666 171.075 c\r
-32.6104 171.237 32.9111 171.433 33.1685 171.663 c\r
-33.4258 171.893 33.6079 172.116 33.7153 172.332 c\r
-33.7153 172.332 34.1104 172.332 34.1104 172.332 c\r
-34.1104 172.332 34.1104 167.305 34.1104 167.305 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-97.5908 171.301 m\r
-97.5908 171.301 99.8721 174.524 99.8721 174.524 c\r
-99.8721 174.524 97.7627 177.527 97.7627 177.527 c\r
-97.7627 177.527 99.0654 177.527 99.0654 177.527 c\r
-99.0654 177.527 100.039 176.066 100.039 176.066 c\r
-100.22 175.79 100.365 175.56 100.475 175.376 c\r
-100.649 175.623 100.808 175.848 100.951 176.048 c\r
-100.951 176.048 101.997 177.527 101.997 177.527 c\r
-101.997 177.527 103.277 177.527 103.277 177.527 c\r
-103.277 177.527 101.161 174.53 101.161 174.53 c\r
-101.161 174.53 103.419 171.301 103.419 171.301 c\r
-103.419 171.301 102.136 171.301 102.136 171.301 c\r
-102.136 171.301 100.845 173.234 100.845 173.234 c\r
-100.845 173.234 100.546 173.7 100.546 173.7 c\r
-100.546 173.7 98.8809 171.301 98.8809 171.301 c\r
-98.8809 171.301 97.5908 171.301 97.5908 171.301 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-107.028 167.895 m\r
-107.028 167.895 107.028 167.305 107.028 167.305 c\r
-107.028 167.305 103.716 167.305 103.716 167.305 c\r
-103.711 167.453 103.735 167.595 103.788 167.731 c\r
-103.872 167.957 104.007 168.179 104.193 168.397 c\r
-104.379 168.615 104.647 168.867 104.998 169.154 c\r
-105.543 169.601 105.91 169.955 106.101 170.216 c\r
-106.292 170.477 106.388 170.723 106.388 170.956 c\r
-106.388 171.2 106.301 171.406 106.127 171.573 c\r
-105.953 171.74 105.726 171.824 105.445 171.824 c\r
-105.149 171.824 104.913 171.735 104.735 171.557 c\r
-104.558 171.378 104.468 171.132 104.466 170.816 c\r
-104.466 170.816 103.833 170.883 103.833 170.883 c\r
-103.877 171.355 104.039 171.714 104.321 171.961 c\r
-104.604 172.208 104.983 172.332 105.459 172.332 c\r
-105.94 172.332 106.32 172.199 106.6 171.933 c\r
-106.88 171.666 107.021 171.336 107.021 170.942 c\r
-107.021 170.742 106.979 170.544 106.897 170.351 c\r
-106.815 170.157 106.68 169.954 106.49 169.74 c\r
-106.299 169.525 105.984 169.232 105.542 168.858 c\r
-105.173 168.548 104.936 168.338 104.831 168.227 c\r
-104.727 168.117 104.641 168.006 104.573 167.895 c\r
-104.573 167.895 107.028 167.895 107.028 167.895 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.591 171.301 m\r
-169.591 171.301 171.872 174.524 171.872 174.524 c\r
-171.872 174.524 169.763 177.527 169.763 177.527 c\r
-169.763 177.527 171.065 177.527 171.065 177.527 c\r
-171.065 177.527 172.039 176.066 172.039 176.066 c\r
-172.22 175.79 172.365 175.56 172.475 175.376 c\r
-172.649 175.623 172.809 175.848 172.951 176.048 c\r
-172.951 176.048 173.997 177.527 173.997 177.527 c\r
-173.997 177.527 175.277 177.527 175.277 177.527 c\r
-175.277 177.527 173.161 174.53 173.161 174.53 c\r
-173.161 174.53 175.419 171.301 175.419 171.301 c\r
-175.419 171.301 174.136 171.301 174.136 171.301 c\r
-174.136 171.301 172.845 173.234 172.845 173.234 c\r
-172.845 173.234 172.547 173.7 172.547 173.7 c\r
-172.547 173.7 170.881 171.301 170.881 171.301 c\r
-170.881 171.301 169.591 171.301 169.591 171.301 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-175.798 168.629 m\r
-175.798 168.629 176.411 168.711 176.411 168.711 c\r
-176.482 168.362 176.602 168.111 176.771 167.957 c\r
-176.94 167.804 177.148 167.727 177.393 167.727 c\r
-177.684 167.727 177.93 167.827 178.129 168.027 c\r
-178.327 168.227 178.427 168.475 178.427 168.771 c\r
-178.427 169.053 178.334 169.286 178.149 169.469 c\r
-177.965 169.652 177.73 169.744 177.444 169.744 c\r
-177.328 169.744 177.184 169.721 177.01 169.676 c\r
-177.01 169.676 177.078 170.215 177.078 170.215 c\r
-177.119 170.21 177.152 170.208 177.178 170.208 c\r
-177.439 170.208 177.676 170.276 177.886 170.413 c\r
-178.096 170.55 178.2 170.761 178.2 171.045 c\r
-178.2 171.271 178.124 171.458 177.971 171.606 c\r
-177.818 171.754 177.621 171.828 177.38 171.828 c\r
-177.141 171.828 176.941 171.753 176.781 171.602 c\r
-176.621 171.452 176.52 171.227 176.474 170.926 c\r
-176.474 170.926 175.86 171.035 175.86 171.035 c\r
-175.936 171.447 176.106 171.766 176.373 171.992 c\r
-176.639 172.219 176.971 172.332 177.367 172.332 c\r
-177.641 172.332 177.893 172.273 178.122 172.156 c\r
-178.352 172.039 178.528 171.879 178.65 171.676 c\r
-178.771 171.474 178.833 171.259 178.833 171.031 c\r
-178.833 170.815 178.775 170.618 178.658 170.44 c\r
-178.543 170.263 178.371 170.122 178.143 170.017 c\r
-178.439 169.949 178.669 169.807 178.833 169.592 c\r
-178.997 169.377 179.079 169.108 179.079 168.785 c\r
-179.079 168.348 178.92 167.978 178.601 167.674 c\r
-178.281 167.371 177.879 167.219 177.391 167.219 c\r
-176.951 167.219 176.586 167.35 176.295 167.611 c\r
-176.005 167.873 175.839 168.212 175.798 168.629 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-242.599 171.301 m\r
-242.599 172.504 L\r
-243.802 172.504 L\r
-243.802 171.301 L\r
-242.599 171.301 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-249.267 171.301 m\r
-249.267 172.504 L\r
-250.47 172.504 L\r
-250.47 171.301 L\r
-249.267 171.301 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.935 171.301 m\r
-255.935 172.504 L\r
-257.138 172.504 L\r
-257.138 171.301 L\r
-255.935 171.301 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-313.591 171.301 m\r
-313.591 171.301 315.872 174.524 315.872 174.524 c\r
-315.872 174.524 313.763 177.527 313.763 177.527 c\r
-313.763 177.527 315.065 177.527 315.065 177.527 c\r
-315.065 177.527 316.039 176.066 316.039 176.066 c\r
-316.22 175.79 316.365 175.56 316.475 175.376 c\r
-316.649 175.623 316.809 175.848 316.95 176.048 c\r
-316.95 176.048 317.997 177.527 317.997 177.527 c\r
-317.997 177.527 319.277 177.527 319.277 177.527 c\r
-319.277 177.527 317.161 174.53 317.161 174.53 c\r
-317.161 174.53 319.419 171.301 319.419 171.301 c\r
-319.419 171.301 318.136 171.301 318.136 171.301 c\r
-318.136 171.301 316.845 173.234 316.845 173.234 c\r
-316.845 173.234 316.546 173.7 316.546 173.7 c\r
-316.546 173.7 314.881 171.301 314.881 171.301 c\r
-314.881 171.301 313.591 171.301 313.591 171.301 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-319.966 167.305 m\r
-319.966 167.305 319.966 170.934 319.966 170.934 c\r
-319.966 170.934 320.517 170.934 320.517 170.934 c\r
-320.517 170.934 320.517 170.418 320.517 170.418 c\r
-320.783 170.816 321.169 171.016 321.673 171.016 c\r
-321.892 171.016 322.094 170.977 322.277 170.898 c\r
-322.461 170.819 322.598 170.716 322.69 170.588 c\r
-322.78 170.461 322.845 170.31 322.881 170.134 c\r
-322.903 170.02 322.915 169.821 322.915 169.536 c\r
-322.915 169.536 322.915 167.305 322.915 167.305 c\r
-322.915 167.305 322.302 167.305 322.302 167.305 c\r
-322.302 167.305 322.302 169.513 322.302 169.513 c\r
-322.302 169.764 322.277 169.952 322.229 170.076 c\r
-322.182 170.2 322.097 170.299 321.975 170.373 c\r
-321.853 170.447 321.709 170.484 321.545 170.484 c\r
-321.282 170.484 321.056 170.401 320.865 170.235 c\r
-320.675 170.068 320.579 169.753 320.579 169.288 c\r
-320.579 169.288 320.579 167.305 320.579 167.305 c\r
-320.579 167.305 319.966 167.305 319.966 167.305 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-78.9478 117.819 m\r
-78.9478 111.519 73.8076 106.411 67.4668 106.411 c\r
-61.1265 106.411 55.9863 111.519 55.9863 117.819 c\r
-55.9863 124.12 61.1265 129.227 67.4668 129.227 c\r
-73.8076 129.227 78.9478 124.12 78.9478 117.819 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-124.948 75.8193 m\r
-124.948 69.5186 119.808 64.4111 113.467 64.4111 c\r
-107.127 64.4111 101.986 69.5186 101.986 75.8193 c\r
-101.986 82.1201 107.127 87.2275 113.467 87.2275 c\r
-119.808 87.2275 124.948 82.1201 124.948 75.8193 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-173.447 32.8193 m\r
-173.447 26.5186 168.307 21.4111 161.967 21.4111 c\r
-155.626 21.4111 150.486 26.5186 150.486 32.8193 c\r
-150.486 39.1201 155.626 44.2275 161.967 44.2275 c\r
-168.307 44.2275 173.447 39.1201 173.447 32.8193 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-61.9946 127.851 m\r
-33.4478 162.301 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-74.5596 126.778 m\r
-97.9478 162.301 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-67.4668 106.411 m\r
-104.237 82.583 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-113.467 64.4111 m\r
-153.849 40.8867 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.948 165.801 m\r
-120.477 84.8398 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-312.447 162.301 m\r
-171.926 38.4814 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-153.565 33.0391 m\r
-153.565 34.4648 153.948 35.5811 154.714 36.3887 c\r
-155.48 37.1953 156.469 37.5986 157.68 37.5986 c\r
-158.474 37.5986 159.189 37.4092 159.826 37.0303 c\r
-160.462 36.6514 160.948 36.1221 161.283 35.4443 c\r
-161.617 34.7666 161.784 33.998 161.784 33.1387 c\r
-161.784 32.2676 161.608 31.4873 161.256 30.7998 c\r
-160.904 30.1123 160.406 29.5918 159.761 29.2383 c\r
-159.116 28.8848 158.42 28.708 157.674 28.708 c\r
-156.865 28.708 156.142 28.9033 155.505 29.2939 c\r
-154.868 29.6846 154.386 30.2178 154.057 30.8936 c\r
-153.729 31.5693 153.565 32.2852 153.565 33.0391 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-154.737 33.0244 m\r
-154.737 31.9893 155.015 31.1738 155.572 30.5781 c\r
-156.129 29.9824 156.828 29.6846 157.669 29.6846 c\r
-158.524 29.6846 159.229 29.9854 159.782 30.5869 c\r
-160.335 31.1885 160.612 32.042 160.612 33.1475 c\r
-160.612 33.8467 160.494 34.457 160.257 34.9785 c\r
-160.02 35.5 159.674 35.9043 159.219 36.1914 c\r
-158.764 36.4785 158.253 36.6221 157.686 36.6221 c\r
-156.881 36.6221 156.188 36.3457 155.607 35.793 c\r
-155.027 35.2402 154.737 34.3174 154.737 33.0244 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-163.266 28.8564 m\r
-163.266 28.8564 163.266 37.4502 163.266 37.4502 c\r
-163.266 37.4502 167.073 37.4502 167.073 37.4502 c\r
-167.837 37.4502 168.418 37.373 168.816 37.2178 c\r
-169.213 37.0635 169.531 36.791 169.769 36.3994 c\r
-170.006 36.0088 170.126 35.5771 170.126 35.1035 c\r
-170.126 34.4932 169.929 33.9795 169.535 33.5605 c\r
-169.141 33.1416 168.533 32.876 167.71 32.7627 c\r
-168.011 32.6182 168.24 32.4756 168.396 32.3359 c\r
-168.727 32.0313 169.041 31.6504 169.336 31.1934 c\r
-169.336 31.1934 170.82 28.8564 170.82 28.8564 c\r
-170.82 28.8564 169.4 28.8564 169.4 28.8564 c\r
-169.4 28.8564 168.266 30.6426 168.266 30.6426 c\r
-167.935 31.1582 167.662 31.5518 167.447 31.8252 c\r
-167.233 32.0986 167.041 32.29 166.872 32.3994 c\r
-166.702 32.5088 166.529 32.585 166.354 32.6279 c\r
-166.225 32.6553 166.015 32.6689 165.722 32.6689 c\r
-165.722 32.6689 164.407 32.6689 164.407 32.6689 c\r
-164.407 32.6689 164.407 28.8564 164.407 28.8564 c\r
-164.407 28.8564 163.266 28.8564 163.266 28.8564 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-164.407 33.6533 m\r
-164.407 33.6533 166.845 33.6533 166.845 33.6533 c\r
-167.364 33.6533 167.769 33.707 168.061 33.8145 c\r
-168.352 33.9219 168.574 34.0938 168.726 34.3311 c\r
-168.877 34.5674 168.954 34.8242 168.954 35.1016 c\r
-168.954 35.5078 168.807 35.8428 168.513 36.1045 c\r
-168.219 36.3662 167.754 36.4971 167.12 36.4971 c\r
-167.12 36.4971 164.407 36.4971 164.407 36.4971 c\r
-164.407 36.4971 164.407 33.6533 164.407 33.6533 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-105.545 76.0205 m\r
-105.545 77.4463 105.928 78.5635 106.694 79.3701 c\r
-107.46 80.1768 108.449 80.5801 109.661 80.5801 c\r
-110.454 80.5801 111.169 80.3906 111.806 80.0117 c\r
-112.443 79.6328 112.929 79.1045 113.263 78.4268 c\r
-113.597 77.748 113.764 76.9795 113.764 76.1201 c\r
-113.764 75.249 113.588 74.4697 113.237 73.7822 c\r
-112.885 73.0938 112.386 72.5732 111.742 72.2197 c\r
-111.097 71.8662 110.401 71.6895 109.655 71.6895 c\r
-108.846 71.6895 108.123 71.8848 107.486 72.2754 c\r
-106.849 72.666 106.366 73.1992 106.038 73.876 c\r
-105.71 74.5518 105.545 75.2666 105.545 76.0205 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-106.717 76.0059 m\r
-106.717 74.9707 106.996 74.1553 107.553 73.5596 c\r
-108.11 72.9639 108.809 72.666 109.649 72.666 c\r
-110.505 72.666 111.21 72.9668 111.763 73.5684 c\r
-112.316 74.1699 112.592 75.0234 112.592 76.1289 c\r
-112.592 76.8281 112.474 77.4385 112.238 77.96 c\r
-112.001 78.4814 111.655 78.8857 111.2 79.1729 c\r
-110.745 79.46 110.233 79.6035 109.666 79.6035 c\r
-108.861 79.6035 108.169 79.3271 107.588 78.7744 c\r
-107.007 78.2217 106.717 77.2988 106.717 76.0059 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-115.247 71.8379 m\r
-115.247 71.8379 115.247 80.4316 115.247 80.4316 c\r
-115.247 80.4316 119.054 80.4316 119.054 80.4316 c\r
-119.818 80.4316 120.398 80.3545 120.796 80.2002 c\r
-121.194 80.0459 121.511 79.7725 121.749 79.3818 c\r
-121.987 78.9902 122.106 78.5576 122.106 78.085 c\r
-122.106 77.4746 121.909 76.96 121.515 76.542 c\r
-121.122 76.124 120.514 75.8574 119.691 75.7441 c\r
-119.992 75.5996 120.22 75.458 120.377 75.3174 c\r
-120.708 75.0127 121.021 74.6318 121.316 74.1748 c\r
-121.316 74.1748 122.801 71.8379 122.801 71.8379 c\r
-122.801 71.8379 121.381 71.8379 121.381 71.8379 c\r
-121.381 71.8379 120.247 73.624 120.247 73.624 c\r
-119.915 74.1396 119.642 74.5342 119.428 74.8076 c\r
-119.213 75.0801 119.021 75.2715 118.852 75.3809 c\r
-118.682 75.4902 118.51 75.5664 118.335 75.6094 c\r
-118.206 75.6367 117.995 75.6504 117.703 75.6504 c\r
-117.703 75.6504 116.387 75.6504 116.387 75.6504 c\r
-116.387 75.6504 116.387 71.8379 116.387 71.8379 c\r
-116.387 71.8379 115.247 71.8379 115.247 71.8379 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-116.387 76.6348 m\r
-116.387 76.6348 118.826 76.6348 118.826 76.6348 c\r
-119.344 76.6348 119.749 76.6885 120.041 76.7959 c\r
-120.332 76.9033 120.555 77.0752 120.706 77.3115 c\r
-120.858 77.5479 120.934 77.8057 120.934 78.083 c\r
-120.934 78.4893 120.787 78.8232 120.493 79.0859 c\r
-120.199 79.3477 119.735 79.4785 119.1 79.4785 c\r
-119.1 79.4785 116.387 79.4785 116.387 79.4785 c\r
-116.387 79.4785 116.387 76.6348 116.387 76.6348 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-58.5454 118.539 m\r
-58.5454 119.965 58.9282 121.081 59.6943 121.889 c\r
-60.4604 122.695 61.4492 123.099 62.6606 123.099 c\r
-63.4541 123.099 64.1694 122.909 64.8062 122.53 c\r
-65.4429 122.151 65.9287 121.623 66.2632 120.945 c\r
-66.5972 120.267 66.7642 119.498 66.7642 118.639 c\r
-66.7642 117.768 66.5884 116.988 66.2368 116.3 c\r
-65.8848 115.612 65.3862 115.092 64.7417 114.738 c\r
-64.0967 114.385 63.4009 114.208 62.6548 114.208 c\r
-61.8457 114.208 61.1226 114.403 60.4858 114.794 c\r
-59.8486 115.185 59.3662 115.718 59.0376 116.394 c\r
-58.7095 117.07 58.5454 117.785 58.5454 118.539 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.7173 118.524 m\r
-59.7173 117.489 59.9956 116.674 60.5527 116.078 c\r
-61.1099 115.482 61.8086 115.185 62.6489 115.185 c\r
-63.5049 115.185 64.2095 115.485 64.7627 116.087 c\r
-65.3159 116.688 65.5923 117.542 65.5923 118.647 c\r
-65.5923 119.347 65.4741 119.957 65.2378 120.479 c\r
-65.001 121 64.6548 121.404 64.1997 121.691 c\r
-63.7446 121.979 63.2334 122.122 62.6665 122.122 c\r
-61.8613 122.122 61.1685 121.846 60.5879 121.293 c\r
-60.0073 120.74 59.7173 119.817 59.7173 118.524 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-68.2466 114.356 m\r
-68.2466 114.356 68.2466 122.95 68.2466 122.95 c\r
-68.2466 122.95 72.0537 122.95 72.0537 122.95 c\r
-72.8179 122.95 73.3984 122.873 73.7964 122.718 c\r
-74.1938 122.564 74.5112 122.291 74.7495 121.9 c\r
-74.9868 121.509 75.106 121.077 75.106 120.604 c\r
-75.106 119.993 74.9092 119.479 74.5151 119.061 c\r
-74.1216 118.642 73.5137 118.376 72.6909 118.263 c\r
-72.9917 118.118 73.2202 117.976 73.3765 117.836 c\r
-73.708 117.531 74.0215 117.15 74.3164 116.693 c\r
-74.3164 116.693 75.8008 114.356 75.8008 114.356 c\r
-75.8008 114.356 74.3809 114.356 74.3809 114.356 c\r
-74.3809 114.356 73.2466 116.143 73.2466 116.143 c\r
-72.915 116.658 72.6421 117.052 72.4277 117.326 c\r
-72.2134 117.599 72.0215 117.79 71.8521 117.899 c\r
-71.6821 118.009 71.5098 118.085 71.3345 118.128 c\r
-71.2056 118.155 70.9951 118.169 70.7026 118.169 c\r
-70.7026 118.169 69.3872 118.169 69.3872 118.169 c\r
-69.3872 118.169 69.3872 114.356 69.3872 114.356 c\r
-69.3872 114.356 68.2466 114.356 68.2466 114.356 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.3872 119.153 m\r
-69.3872 119.153 71.8257 119.153 71.8257 119.153 c\r
-72.3442 119.153 72.749 119.207 73.041 119.314 c\r
-73.3325 119.422 73.5547 119.594 73.7065 119.831 c\r
-73.8579 120.067 73.9341 120.324 73.9341 120.602 c\r
-73.9341 121.008 73.7871 121.342 73.4932 121.604 c\r
-73.1992 121.866 72.7349 121.997 72.1001 121.997 c\r
-72.1001 121.997 69.3872 121.997 69.3872 121.997 c\r
-69.3872 121.997 69.3872 119.153 69.3872 119.153 c\r
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- } bind def\r
-} ifelse\r
-/RE { %def\r
- findfont begin\r
- currentdict dup length dict begin\r
- { %forall\r
- 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne { %if\r
- /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def\r
- 0 exch { %forall\r
- dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse\r
- Encoding 2 index 2 index put\r
- pop 1 add\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch pop\r
- } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- } if pop\r
- currentdict dup end end\r
- /FontName get exch definefont pop\r
-} bind def\r
-/spacecount { %def\r
- 0 exch\r
- ( ) { %loop\r
- search { %ifelse\r
- pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll\r
- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
- } loop\r
-} bind def\r
-/WinAnsiEncoding [\r
- 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase\r
- /ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand\r
- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
- /tilde/trademark/scaron/guilsinglright/oe/dotlessi\r
- 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis/copyright\r
- /ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered/macron/ring\r
- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 168 lineto 319 168 lineto 319 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-34.4199 152.079 m\r
-34.4199 152.079 36.7012 155.303 36.7012 155.303 c\r
-36.7012 155.303 34.5918 158.306 34.5918 158.306 c\r
-34.5918 158.306 35.8945 158.306 35.8945 158.306 c\r
-35.8945 158.306 36.8682 156.845 36.8682 156.845 c\r
-37.0488 156.568 37.1943 156.338 37.3037 156.154 c\r
-37.4785 156.401 37.6377 156.626 37.7793 156.827 c\r
-37.7793 156.827 38.8262 158.306 38.8262 158.306 c\r
-38.8262 158.306 40.1064 158.306 40.1064 158.306 c\r
-40.1064 158.306 37.9902 155.309 37.9902 155.309 c\r
-37.9902 155.309 40.248 152.079 40.248 152.079 c\r
-40.248 152.079 38.9648 152.079 38.9648 152.079 c\r
-38.9648 152.079 37.6738 154.013 37.6738 154.013 c\r
-37.6738 154.013 37.375 154.477 37.375 154.477 c\r
-37.375 154.477 35.71 152.079 35.71 152.079 c\r
-35.71 152.079 34.4199 152.079 34.4199 152.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-40.7949 148.083 m\r
-40.7949 148.083 40.7949 151.712 40.7949 151.712 c\r
-40.7949 151.712 41.3457 151.712 41.3457 151.712 c\r
-41.3457 151.712 41.3457 151.196 41.3457 151.196 c\r
-41.6123 151.595 41.998 151.794 42.502 151.794 c\r
-42.7207 151.794 42.9229 151.755 43.1064 151.676 c\r
-43.29 151.598 43.4268 151.494 43.5186 151.367 c\r
-43.6094 151.239 43.6738 151.088 43.71 150.912 c\r
-43.7324 150.799 43.7441 150.599 43.7441 150.314 c\r
-43.7441 150.314 43.7441 148.083 43.7441 148.083 c\r
-43.7441 148.083 43.1309 148.083 43.1309 148.083 c\r
-43.1309 148.083 43.1309 150.292 43.1309 150.292 c\r
-43.1309 150.542 43.1064 150.73 43.0586 150.855 c\r
-43.0107 150.979 42.9258 151.077 42.8037 151.151 c\r
-42.6816 151.226 42.5381 151.263 42.374 151.263 c\r
-42.1113 151.263 41.8848 151.18 41.6943 151.013 c\r
-41.5039 150.847 41.4082 150.531 41.4082 150.066 c\r
-41.4082 150.066 41.4082 148.083 41.4082 148.083 c\r
-41.4082 148.083 40.7949 148.083 40.7949 148.083 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-44.4434 149.587 m\r
-44.4434 150.204 L\r
-46.334 150.204 L\r
-46.334 149.587 L\r
-44.4434 149.587 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-49.1602 148.083 m\r
-49.1602 148.083 48.5469 148.083 48.5469 148.083 c\r
-48.5469 148.083 48.5469 152 48.5469 152 c\r
-48.3984 151.859 48.2041 151.718 47.9639 151.577 c\r
-47.7236 151.436 47.5078 151.33 47.3164 151.259 c\r
-47.3164 151.259 47.3164 151.854 47.3164 151.854 c\r
-47.6602 152.015 47.9609 152.211 48.2188 152.44 c\r
-48.4756 152.671 48.6582 152.894 48.7646 153.11 c\r
-48.7646 153.11 49.1602 153.11 49.1602 153.11 c\r
-49.1602 153.11 49.1602 148.083 49.1602 148.083 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-107.428 152.079 m\r
-107.428 153.282 L\r
-108.631 153.282 L\r
-108.631 152.079 L\r
-107.428 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-114.096 152.079 m\r
-114.096 153.282 L\r
-115.299 153.282 L\r
-115.299 152.079 L\r
-114.096 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-120.764 152.079 m\r
-120.764 153.282 L\r
-121.967 153.282 L\r
-121.967 152.079 L\r
-120.764 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-127.432 152.079 m\r
-127.432 153.282 L\r
-128.635 153.282 L\r
-128.635 152.079 L\r
-127.432 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-134.1 152.079 m\r
-134.1 153.282 L\r
-135.303 153.282 L\r
-135.303 152.079 L\r
-134.1 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.768 152.079 m\r
-140.768 153.282 L\r
-141.971 153.282 L\r
-141.971 152.079 L\r
-140.768 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-147.436 152.079 m\r
-147.436 153.282 L\r
-148.639 153.282 L\r
-148.639 152.079 L\r
-147.436 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-154.104 152.079 m\r
-154.104 153.282 L\r
-155.307 153.282 L\r
-155.307 152.079 L\r
-154.104 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-160.771 152.079 m\r
-160.771 153.282 L\r
-161.975 153.282 L\r
-161.975 152.079 L\r
-160.771 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-167.439 152.079 m\r
-167.439 153.282 L\r
-168.643 153.282 L\r
-168.643 152.079 L\r
-167.439 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-174.107 152.079 m\r
-174.107 153.282 L\r
-175.311 153.282 L\r
-175.311 152.079 L\r
-174.107 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-214.42 152.079 m\r
-214.42 152.079 216.701 155.303 216.701 155.303 c\r
-216.701 155.303 214.592 158.306 214.592 158.306 c\r
-214.592 158.306 215.895 158.306 215.895 158.306 c\r
-215.895 158.306 216.868 156.845 216.868 156.845 c\r
-217.049 156.568 217.194 156.338 217.304 156.154 c\r
-217.479 156.401 217.638 156.626 217.779 156.827 c\r
-217.779 156.827 218.826 158.306 218.826 158.306 c\r
-218.826 158.306 220.106 158.306 220.106 158.306 c\r
-220.106 158.306 217.99 155.309 217.99 155.309 c\r
-217.99 155.309 220.248 152.079 220.248 152.079 c\r
-220.248 152.079 218.965 152.079 218.965 152.079 c\r
-218.965 152.079 217.674 154.013 217.674 154.013 c\r
-217.674 154.013 217.375 154.477 217.375 154.477 c\r
-217.375 154.477 215.71 152.079 215.71 152.079 c\r
-215.71 152.079 214.42 152.079 214.42 152.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-222.939 148.083 m\r
-222.939 148.083 222.326 148.083 222.326 148.083 c\r
-222.326 148.083 222.326 152 222.326 152 c\r
-222.178 151.859 221.983 151.718 221.743 151.577 c\r
-221.503 151.436 221.287 151.33 221.096 151.259 c\r
-221.096 151.259 221.096 151.854 221.096 151.854 c\r
-221.439 152.015 221.74 152.211 221.998 152.44 c\r
-222.255 152.671 222.438 152.894 222.544 153.11 c\r
-222.544 153.11 222.939 153.11 222.939 153.11 c\r
-222.939 153.11 222.939 148.083 222.939 148.083 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-250.42 152.079 m\r
-250.42 152.079 252.701 155.303 252.701 155.303 c\r
-252.701 155.303 250.592 158.306 250.592 158.306 c\r
-250.592 158.306 251.895 158.306 251.895 158.306 c\r
-251.895 158.306 252.868 156.845 252.868 156.845 c\r
-253.049 156.568 253.194 156.338 253.304 156.154 c\r
-253.479 156.401 253.638 156.626 253.779 156.827 c\r
-253.779 156.827 254.826 158.306 254.826 158.306 c\r
-254.826 158.306 256.106 158.306 256.106 158.306 c\r
-256.106 158.306 253.99 155.309 253.99 155.309 c\r
-253.99 155.309 256.248 152.079 256.248 152.079 c\r
-256.248 152.079 254.965 152.079 254.965 152.079 c\r
-254.965 152.079 253.674 154.013 253.674 154.013 c\r
-253.674 154.013 253.375 154.477 253.375 154.477 c\r
-253.375 154.477 251.71 152.079 251.71 152.079 c\r
-251.71 152.079 250.42 152.079 250.42 152.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-256.623 150.552 m\r
-256.623 151.144 256.684 151.621 256.806 151.982 c\r
-256.928 152.344 257.108 152.622 257.349 152.817 c\r
-257.589 153.013 257.892 153.11 258.256 153.11 c\r
-258.524 153.11 258.761 153.057 258.964 152.948 c\r
-259.167 152.84 259.335 152.684 259.466 152.48 c\r
-259.598 152.276 259.701 152.028 259.776 151.735 c\r
-259.852 151.443 259.889 151.049 259.889 150.552 c\r
-259.889 149.965 259.828 149.49 259.708 149.128 c\r
-259.587 148.767 259.406 148.488 259.166 148.292 c\r
-258.926 148.095 258.622 147.997 258.256 147.997 c\r
-257.773 147.997 257.394 148.169 257.118 148.515 c\r
-256.788 148.933 256.623 149.611 256.623 150.552 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-257.256 150.552 m\r
-257.256 149.727 257.352 149.18 257.544 148.908 c\r
-257.736 148.637 257.974 148.501 258.256 148.501 c\r
-258.538 148.501 258.775 148.638 258.968 148.91 c\r
-259.16 149.183 259.256 149.73 259.256 150.552 c\r
-259.256 151.377 259.16 151.925 258.968 152.196 c\r
-258.776 152.467 258.536 152.602 258.249 152.602 c\r
-257.967 152.602 257.741 152.483 257.572 152.243 c\r
-257.361 151.939 257.256 151.374 257.256 150.552 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-35.7432 126.352 m\r
-35.7432 126.352 35.626 127.34 35.626 127.34 c\r
-35.8564 127.277 36.0576 127.246 36.2305 127.246 c\r
-36.4648 127.246 36.6523 127.285 36.793 127.363 c\r
-36.9336 127.441 37.0488 127.551 37.1396 127.691 c\r
-37.2061 127.797 37.3135 128.059 37.4619 128.477 c\r
-37.4814 128.536 37.5127 128.622 37.5557 128.735 c\r
-37.5557 128.735 35.1885 134.973 35.1885 134.973 c\r
-35.1885 134.973 36.3154 134.973 36.3154 134.973 c\r
-36.3154 134.973 37.6162 131.374 37.6162 131.374 c\r
-37.7852 130.918 37.9365 130.438 38.0693 129.935 c\r
-38.1943 130.412 38.3408 130.882 38.5098 131.342 c\r
-38.5098 131.342 39.8369 134.973 39.8369 134.973 c\r
-39.8369 134.973 40.8916 134.973 40.8916 134.973 c\r
-40.8916 134.973 38.5332 128.638 38.5332 128.638 c\r
-38.2783 127.955 38.0811 127.485 37.9395 127.229 c\r
-37.752 126.882 37.5361 126.627 37.2939 126.465 c\r
-37.0508 126.304 36.7607 126.223 36.4248 126.223 c\r
-36.2207 126.223 35.9932 126.266 35.7432 126.352 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-41.4619 124.75 m\r
-41.4619 124.75 41.4619 128.379 41.4619 128.379 c\r
-41.4619 128.379 42.0127 128.379 42.0127 128.379 c\r
-42.0127 128.379 42.0127 127.863 42.0127 127.863 c\r
-42.2793 128.262 42.665 128.461 43.1689 128.461 c\r
-43.3877 128.461 43.5898 128.422 43.7734 128.343 c\r
-43.957 128.265 44.0938 128.161 44.1855 128.034 c\r
-44.2764 127.906 44.3408 127.755 44.377 127.579 c\r
-44.3994 127.466 44.4111 127.266 44.4111 126.981 c\r
-44.4111 126.981 44.4111 124.75 44.4111 124.75 c\r
-44.4111 124.75 43.7979 124.75 43.7979 124.75 c\r
-43.7979 124.75 43.7979 126.959 43.7979 126.959 c\r
-43.7979 127.209 43.7734 127.396 43.7256 127.521 c\r
-43.6777 127.646 43.5928 127.744 43.4707 127.818 c\r
-43.3486 127.893 43.2051 127.93 43.041 127.93 c\r
-42.7783 127.93 42.5518 127.847 42.3613 127.68 c\r
-42.1709 127.514 42.0752 127.198 42.0752 126.733 c\r
-42.0752 126.733 42.0752 124.75 42.0752 124.75 c\r
-42.0752 124.75 41.4619 124.75 41.4619 124.75 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-45.1104 126.254 m\r
-45.1104 126.871 L\r
-47.001 126.871 L\r
-47.001 126.254 L\r
-45.1104 126.254 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-49.8271 124.75 m\r
-49.8271 124.75 49.2139 124.75 49.2139 124.75 c\r
-49.2139 124.75 49.2139 128.667 49.2139 128.667 c\r
-49.0654 128.526 48.8711 128.385 48.6309 128.244 c\r
-48.3906 128.102 48.1748 127.997 47.9834 127.926 c\r
-47.9834 127.926 47.9834 128.52 47.9834 128.52 c\r
-48.3271 128.682 48.6279 128.878 48.8857 129.107 c\r
-49.1426 129.338 49.3252 129.561 49.4316 129.777 c\r
-49.4316 129.777 49.8271 129.777 49.8271 129.777 c\r
-49.8271 129.777 49.8271 124.75 49.8271 124.75 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-108.095 128.746 m\r
-108.095 129.949 L\r
-109.298 129.949 L\r
-109.298 128.746 L\r
-108.095 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-114.763 128.746 m\r
-114.763 129.949 L\r
-115.966 129.949 L\r
-115.966 128.746 L\r
-114.763 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.431 128.746 m\r
-121.431 129.949 L\r
-122.634 129.949 L\r
-122.634 128.746 L\r
-121.431 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-128.099 128.746 m\r
-128.099 129.949 L\r
-129.302 129.949 L\r
-129.302 128.746 L\r
-128.099 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-134.767 128.746 m\r
-134.767 129.949 L\r
-135.97 129.949 L\r
-135.97 128.746 L\r
-134.767 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-141.435 128.746 m\r
-141.435 129.949 L\r
-142.638 129.949 L\r
-142.638 128.746 L\r
-141.435 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-148.102 128.746 m\r
-148.102 129.949 L\r
-149.306 129.949 L\r
-149.306 128.746 L\r
-148.102 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-154.77 128.746 m\r
-154.77 129.949 L\r
-155.974 129.949 L\r
-155.974 128.746 L\r
-154.77 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-161.439 128.746 m\r
-161.439 129.949 L\r
-162.642 129.949 L\r
-162.642 128.746 L\r
-161.439 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-168.106 128.746 m\r
-168.106 129.949 L\r
-169.31 129.949 L\r
-169.31 128.746 L\r
-168.106 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-174.774 128.746 m\r
-174.774 129.949 L\r
-175.977 129.949 L\r
-175.977 128.746 L\r
-174.774 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-215.743 126.352 m\r
-215.743 126.352 215.626 127.34 215.626 127.34 c\r
-215.856 127.277 216.058 127.246 216.23 127.246 c\r
-216.465 127.246 216.652 127.285 216.793 127.363 c\r
-216.934 127.441 217.049 127.551 217.14 127.691 c\r
-217.206 127.797 217.314 128.059 217.462 128.477 c\r
-217.481 128.536 217.513 128.622 217.556 128.735 c\r
-217.556 128.735 215.189 134.973 215.189 134.973 c\r
-215.189 134.973 216.315 134.973 216.315 134.973 c\r
-216.315 134.973 217.616 131.374 217.616 131.374 c\r
-217.785 130.918 217.936 130.438 218.069 129.935 c\r
-218.194 130.412 218.341 130.882 218.51 131.342 c\r
-218.51 131.342 219.837 134.973 219.837 134.973 c\r
-219.837 134.973 220.892 134.973 220.892 134.973 c\r
-220.892 134.973 218.533 128.638 218.533 128.638 c\r
-218.278 127.955 218.081 127.485 217.939 127.229 c\r
-217.752 126.882 217.536 126.627 217.294 126.465 c\r
-217.051 126.304 216.761 126.223 216.425 126.223 c\r
-216.221 126.223 215.993 126.266 215.743 126.352 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-223.606 124.75 m\r
-223.606 124.75 222.993 124.75 222.993 124.75 c\r
-222.993 124.75 222.993 128.667 222.993 128.667 c\r
-222.845 128.526 222.65 128.385 222.41 128.244 c\r
-222.17 128.102 221.954 127.997 221.763 127.926 c\r
-221.763 127.926 221.763 128.52 221.763 128.52 c\r
-222.106 128.682 222.407 128.878 222.665 129.107 c\r
-222.922 129.338 223.105 129.561 223.211 129.777 c\r
-223.211 129.777 223.606 129.777 223.606 129.777 c\r
-223.606 129.777 223.606 124.75 223.606 124.75 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.743 126.352 m\r
-251.743 126.352 251.626 127.34 251.626 127.34 c\r
-251.856 127.277 252.058 127.246 252.23 127.246 c\r
-252.465 127.246 252.652 127.285 252.793 127.363 c\r
-252.934 127.441 253.049 127.551 253.14 127.691 c\r
-253.206 127.797 253.314 128.059 253.462 128.477 c\r
-253.481 128.536 253.513 128.622 253.556 128.735 c\r
-253.556 128.735 251.189 134.973 251.189 134.973 c\r
-251.189 134.973 252.315 134.973 252.315 134.973 c\r
-252.315 134.973 253.616 131.374 253.616 131.374 c\r
-253.785 130.918 253.936 130.438 254.069 129.935 c\r
-254.194 130.412 254.341 130.882 254.51 131.342 c\r
-254.51 131.342 255.837 134.973 255.837 134.973 c\r
-255.837 134.973 256.892 134.973 256.892 134.973 c\r
-256.892 134.973 254.533 128.638 254.533 128.638 c\r
-254.278 127.955 254.081 127.485 253.939 127.229 c\r
-253.752 126.882 253.536 126.627 253.294 126.465 c\r
-253.051 126.304 252.761 126.223 252.425 126.223 c\r
-252.221 126.223 251.993 126.266 251.743 126.352 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-257.29 127.219 m\r
-257.29 127.811 257.351 128.288 257.473 128.649 c\r
-257.595 129.011 257.775 129.289 258.016 129.484 c\r
-258.256 129.68 258.559 129.777 258.923 129.777 c\r
-259.191 129.777 259.428 129.724 259.631 129.615 c\r
-259.834 129.507 260.002 129.351 260.133 129.148 c\r
-260.265 128.943 260.368 128.695 260.443 128.402 c\r
-260.519 128.11 260.556 127.716 260.556 127.219 c\r
-260.556 126.632 260.495 126.157 260.375 125.795 c\r
-260.254 125.434 260.073 125.155 259.833 124.959 c\r
-259.593 124.762 259.289 124.664 258.923 124.664 c\r
-258.44 124.664 258.06 124.836 257.785 125.182 c\r
-257.455 125.6 257.29 126.278 257.29 127.219 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-257.923 127.219 m\r
-257.923 126.395 258.019 125.847 258.211 125.575 c\r
-258.403 125.304 258.641 125.168 258.923 125.168 c\r
-259.205 125.168 259.442 125.305 259.635 125.577 c\r
-259.827 125.85 259.923 126.397 259.923 127.219 c\r
-259.923 128.044 259.827 128.592 259.635 128.863 c\r
-259.443 129.134 259.203 129.27 258.916 129.27 c\r
-258.634 129.27 258.408 129.15 258.239 128.91 c\r
-258.028 128.605 257.923 128.041 257.923 127.219 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-34.2354 17.0801 m\r
-34.2354 17.0801 34.2354 17.9336 34.2354 17.9336 c\r
-34.2354 17.9336 38.1914 22.4863 38.1914 22.4863 c\r
-37.7422 22.46 37.3467 22.4473 37.0029 22.4473 c\r
-37.0029 22.4473 34.4697 22.4473 34.4697 22.4473 c\r
-34.4697 22.4473 34.4697 23.3066 34.4697 23.3066 c\r
-34.4697 23.3066 39.5557 23.3066 39.5557 23.3066 c\r
-39.5557 23.3066 39.5557 22.6094 39.5557 22.6094 c\r
-39.5557 22.6094 36.1875 18.6563 36.1875 18.6563 c\r
-36.1875 18.6563 35.5332 17.9316 35.5332 17.9316 c\r
-36.0068 17.9678 36.4502 17.9863 36.8643 17.9863 c\r
-36.8643 17.9863 39.7432 17.9863 39.7432 17.9863 c\r
-39.7432 17.9863 39.7432 17.0801 39.7432 17.0801 c\r
-39.7432 17.0801 34.2354 17.0801 34.2354 17.0801 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-40.4619 13.084 m\r
-40.4619 13.084 40.4619 16.7129 40.4619 16.7129 c\r
-40.4619 16.7129 41.0127 16.7129 41.0127 16.7129 c\r
-41.0127 16.7129 41.0127 16.1973 41.0127 16.1973 c\r
-41.2793 16.5957 41.665 16.7949 42.1689 16.7949 c\r
-42.3877 16.7949 42.5898 16.7559 42.7734 16.6768 c\r
-42.957 16.5986 43.0938 16.4951 43.1855 16.3682 c\r
-43.2764 16.2402 43.3408 16.0889 43.377 15.9131 c\r
-43.3994 15.7998 43.4111 15.5996 43.4111 15.3154 c\r
-43.4111 15.3154 43.4111 13.084 43.4111 13.084 c\r
-43.4111 13.084 42.7979 13.084 42.7979 13.084 c\r
-42.7979 13.084 42.7979 15.293 42.7979 15.293 c\r
-42.7979 15.543 42.7734 15.7305 42.7256 15.8555 c\r
-42.6777 15.9795 42.5928 16.0781 42.4707 16.1523 c\r
-42.3486 16.2266 42.2051 16.2637 42.041 16.2637 c\r
-41.7783 16.2637 41.5518 16.1807 41.3613 16.0137 c\r
-41.1709 15.8477 41.0752 15.5322 41.0752 15.0674 c\r
-41.0752 15.0674 41.0752 13.084 41.0752 13.084 c\r
-41.0752 13.084 40.4619 13.084 40.4619 13.084 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-44.1104 14.5879 m\r
-44.1104 15.2051 L\r
-46.001 15.2051 L\r
-46.001 14.5879 L\r
-44.1104 14.5879 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-48.8271 13.084 m\r
-48.8271 13.084 48.2139 13.084 48.2139 13.084 c\r
-48.2139 13.084 48.2139 17.001 48.2139 17.001 c\r
-48.0654 16.8604 47.8711 16.7188 47.6309 16.5781 c\r
-47.3906 16.4365 47.1748 16.3311 46.9834 16.2598 c\r
-46.9834 16.2598 46.9834 16.8545 46.9834 16.8545 c\r
-47.3271 17.0156 47.6279 17.2119 47.8857 17.4414 c\r
-48.1426 17.6719 48.3252 17.8945 48.4316 18.1113 c\r
-48.4316 18.1113 48.8271 18.1113 48.8271 18.1113 c\r
-48.8271 18.1113 48.8271 13.084 48.8271 13.084 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-107.095 17.0801 m\r
-107.095 18.2832 L\r
-108.298 18.2832 L\r
-108.298 17.0801 L\r
-107.095 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-113.763 17.0801 m\r
-113.763 18.2832 L\r
-114.966 18.2832 L\r
-114.966 17.0801 L\r
-113.763 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-120.431 17.0801 m\r
-120.431 18.2832 L\r
-121.634 18.2832 L\r
-121.634 17.0801 L\r
-120.431 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-127.099 17.0801 m\r
-127.099 18.2832 L\r
-128.302 18.2832 L\r
-128.302 17.0801 L\r
-127.099 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-133.767 17.0801 m\r
-133.767 18.2832 L\r
-134.97 18.2832 L\r
-134.97 17.0801 L\r
-133.767 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.435 17.0801 m\r
-140.435 18.2832 L\r
-141.638 18.2832 L\r
-141.638 17.0801 L\r
-140.435 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-147.102 17.0801 m\r
-147.102 18.2832 L\r
-148.306 18.2832 L\r
-148.306 17.0801 L\r
-147.102 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-153.77 17.0801 m\r
-153.77 18.2832 L\r
-154.974 18.2832 L\r
-154.974 17.0801 L\r
-153.77 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-160.439 17.0801 m\r
-160.439 18.2832 L\r
-161.642 18.2832 L\r
-161.642 17.0801 L\r
-160.439 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-167.106 17.0801 m\r
-167.106 18.2832 L\r
-168.31 18.2832 L\r
-168.31 17.0801 L\r
-167.106 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-173.774 17.0801 m\r
-173.774 18.2832 L\r
-174.977 18.2832 L\r
-174.977 17.0801 L\r
-173.774 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-214.235 17.0801 m\r
-214.235 17.0801 214.235 17.9336 214.235 17.9336 c\r
-214.235 17.9336 218.191 22.4863 218.191 22.4863 c\r
-217.742 22.46 217.347 22.4473 217.003 22.4473 c\r
-217.003 22.4473 214.47 22.4473 214.47 22.4473 c\r
-214.47 22.4473 214.47 23.3066 214.47 23.3066 c\r
-214.47 23.3066 219.556 23.3066 219.556 23.3066 c\r
-219.556 23.3066 219.556 22.6094 219.556 22.6094 c\r
-219.556 22.6094 216.188 18.6563 216.188 18.6563 c\r
-216.188 18.6563 215.533 17.9316 215.533 17.9316 c\r
-216.007 17.9678 216.45 17.9863 216.864 17.9863 c\r
-216.864 17.9863 219.743 17.9863 219.743 17.9863 c\r
-219.743 17.9863 219.743 17.0801 219.743 17.0801 c\r
-219.743 17.0801 214.235 17.0801 214.235 17.0801 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-222.606 13.084 m\r
-222.606 13.084 221.993 13.084 221.993 13.084 c\r
-221.993 13.084 221.993 17.001 221.993 17.001 c\r
-221.845 16.8604 221.65 16.7188 221.41 16.5781 c\r
-221.17 16.4365 220.954 16.3311 220.763 16.2598 c\r
-220.763 16.2598 220.763 16.8545 220.763 16.8545 c\r
-221.106 17.0156 221.407 17.2119 221.665 17.4414 c\r
-221.922 17.6719 222.105 17.8945 222.211 18.1113 c\r
-222.211 18.1113 222.606 18.1113 222.606 18.1113 c\r
-222.606 18.1113 222.606 13.084 222.606 13.084 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-250.235 17.0801 m\r
-250.235 17.0801 250.235 17.9336 250.235 17.9336 c\r
-250.235 17.9336 254.191 22.4863 254.191 22.4863 c\r
-253.742 22.46 253.347 22.4473 253.003 22.4473 c\r
-253.003 22.4473 250.47 22.4473 250.47 22.4473 c\r
-250.47 22.4473 250.47 23.3066 250.47 23.3066 c\r
-250.47 23.3066 255.556 23.3066 255.556 23.3066 c\r
-255.556 23.3066 255.556 22.6094 255.556 22.6094 c\r
-255.556 22.6094 252.188 18.6563 252.188 18.6563 c\r
-252.188 18.6563 251.533 17.9316 251.533 17.9316 c\r
-252.007 17.9678 252.45 17.9863 252.864 17.9863 c\r
-252.864 17.9863 255.743 17.9863 255.743 17.9863 c\r
-255.743 17.9863 255.743 17.0801 255.743 17.0801 c\r
-255.743 17.0801 250.235 17.0801 250.235 17.0801 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-256.29 15.5527 m\r
-256.29 16.1445 256.351 16.6221 256.473 16.9834 c\r
-256.595 17.3447 256.775 17.623 257.016 17.8184 c\r
-257.256 18.0137 257.559 18.1113 257.923 18.1113 c\r
-258.191 18.1113 258.428 18.0576 258.631 17.9492 c\r
-258.834 17.8408 259.002 17.6846 259.133 17.4814 c\r
-259.265 17.2773 259.368 17.0293 259.443 16.7363 c\r
-259.519 16.4443 259.556 16.0498 259.556 15.5527 c\r
-259.556 14.9658 259.495 14.4912 259.375 14.1289 c\r
-259.254 13.7676 259.073 13.4893 258.833 13.293 c\r
-258.593 13.0957 258.289 12.998 257.923 12.998 c\r
-257.44 12.998 257.06 13.1699 256.785 13.5156 c\r
-256.455 13.9336 256.29 14.6123 256.29 15.5527 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-256.923 15.5527 m\r
-256.923 14.7285 257.019 14.1807 257.211 13.9092 c\r
-257.403 13.6377 257.641 13.502 257.923 13.502 c\r
-258.205 13.502 258.442 13.6387 258.635 13.9111 c\r
-258.827 14.1836 258.923 14.7314 258.923 15.5527 c\r
-258.923 16.3779 258.827 16.9258 258.635 17.1973 c\r
-258.443 17.4678 258.203 17.6035 257.916 17.6035 c\r
-257.634 17.6035 257.408 17.4844 257.239 17.2441 c\r
-257.028 16.9395 256.923 16.375 256.923 15.5527 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.901 119.412 m\r
-255.901 119.044 240.003 88.0791 220.355 120.079 C\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-224.241 120.703 m\r
-219.005 116.329 L\r
-217.695 123.222 L\r
-224.241 120.703 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-298.402 117.412 m\r
-298.402 117.044 282.504 86.0791 262.856 118.079 C\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-266.741 118.706 m\r
-261.505 114.332 L\r
-260.199 121.22 L\r
-266.741 118.706 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-214.901 119.412 m\r
-214.901 119.044 199.003 88.0791 179.355 120.079 C\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-183.24 120.706 m\r
-178.004 116.332 L\r
-176.698 123.22 L\r
-183.24 120.706 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-43.9014 118.412 m\r
-43.9014 118.044 28.0029 87.0791 8.35547 119.079 C\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-12.2402 119.706 m\r
-7.00391 115.332 L\r
-5.69824 122.22 L\r
-12.2402 119.706 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-26.5195 91.6953 m\r
-26.5195 91.6953 27.5586 91.5547 27.5586 91.5547 c\r
-27.4453 90.8408 27.1553 90.2822 26.6885 89.8789 c\r
-26.2207 89.4756 25.6475 89.2734 24.9678 89.2734 c\r
-24.1162 89.2734 23.4316 89.5518 22.9131 90.1094 c\r
-22.3955 90.666 22.1367 91.4639 22.1367 92.5039 c\r
-22.1367 93.1758 22.248 93.7646 22.4707 94.2686 c\r
-22.6934 94.7725 23.0322 95.1504 23.4873 95.4033 c\r
-23.9424 95.6553 24.4375 95.7813 24.9727 95.7813 c\r
-25.6484 95.7813 26.2012 95.6104 26.6309 95.2686 c\r
-27.0605 94.9268 27.3359 94.4414 27.457 93.8125 c\r
-27.457 93.8125 26.4336 93.6563 26.4336 93.6563 c\r
-26.3359 94.0732 26.1631 94.3877 25.915 94.5977 c\r
-25.667 94.8086 25.3672 94.9141 25.0156 94.9141 c\r
-24.4844 94.9141 24.0527 94.7236 23.7207 94.3418 c\r
-23.3887 93.9609 23.2227 93.3584 23.2227 92.5332 c\r
-23.2227 91.6963 23.3828 91.0889 23.7031 90.709 c\r
-24.0225 90.3301 24.4404 90.1406 24.9561 90.1406 c\r
-25.3701 90.1406 25.7148 90.2676 25.9922 90.5215 c\r
-26.2695 90.7764 26.4453 91.167 26.5195 91.6953 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-28.1289 85.418 m\r
-28.1289 85.418 28.1289 89.0469 28.1289 89.0469 c\r
-28.1289 89.0469 28.6797 89.0469 28.6797 89.0469 c\r
-28.6797 89.0469 28.6797 88.5313 28.6797 88.5313 c\r
-28.9463 88.9297 29.332 89.1289 29.8359 89.1289 c\r
-30.0547 89.1289 30.2568 89.0898 30.4404 89.0107 c\r
-30.624 88.9326 30.7607 88.8291 30.8525 88.7021 c\r
-30.9434 88.5742 31.0078 88.4229 31.0439 88.2471 c\r
-31.0664 88.1338 31.0781 87.9336 31.0781 87.6494 c\r
-31.0781 87.6494 31.0781 85.418 31.0781 85.418 c\r
-31.0781 85.418 30.4648 85.418 30.4648 85.418 c\r
-30.4648 85.418 30.4648 87.627 30.4648 87.627 c\r
-30.4648 87.877 30.4404 88.0645 30.3926 88.1895 c\r
-30.3447 88.3135 30.2598 88.4121 30.1377 88.4863 c\r
-30.0156 88.5605 29.8721 88.5977 29.708 88.5977 c\r
-29.4453 88.5977 29.2188 88.5146 29.0283 88.3477 c\r
-28.8379 88.1816 28.7422 87.8662 28.7422 87.4014 c\r
-28.7422 87.4014 28.7422 85.418 28.7422 85.418 c\r
-28.7422 85.418 28.1289 85.418 28.1289 85.418 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-31.7773 86.9219 m\r
-31.7773 87.5391 L\r
-33.668 87.5391 L\r
-33.668 86.9219 L\r
-31.7773 86.9219 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-36.4941 85.418 m\r
-36.4941 85.418 35.8809 85.418 35.8809 85.418 c\r
-35.8809 85.418 35.8809 89.335 35.8809 89.335 c\r
-35.7324 89.1943 35.5381 89.0527 35.2979 88.9121 c\r
-35.0576 88.7705 34.8418 88.665 34.6504 88.5938 c\r
-34.6504 88.5938 34.6504 89.1885 34.6504 89.1885 c\r
-34.9941 89.3496 35.2949 89.5459 35.5527 89.7754 c\r
-35.8096 90.0059 35.9922 90.2285 36.0986 90.4453 c\r
-36.0986 90.4453 36.4941 90.4453 36.4941 90.4453 c\r
-36.4941 90.4453 36.4941 85.418 36.4941 85.418 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-200.525 91.6953 m\r
-200.525 91.6953 201.564 91.5547 201.564 91.5547 c\r
-201.451 90.8408 201.161 90.2822 200.694 89.8789 c\r
-200.227 89.4756 199.653 89.2734 198.974 89.2734 c\r
-198.122 89.2734 197.438 89.5518 196.919 90.1094 c\r
-196.401 90.666 196.143 91.4639 196.143 92.5039 c\r
-196.143 93.1758 196.254 93.7646 196.477 94.2686 c\r
-196.699 94.7725 197.038 95.1504 197.493 95.4033 c\r
-197.948 95.6553 198.443 95.7813 198.979 95.7813 c\r
-199.654 95.7813 200.207 95.6104 200.637 95.2686 c\r
-201.066 94.9268 201.342 94.4414 201.463 93.8125 c\r
-201.463 93.8125 200.439 93.6563 200.439 93.6563 c\r
-200.342 94.0732 200.169 94.3877 199.921 94.5977 c\r
-199.673 94.8086 199.373 94.9141 199.021 94.9141 c\r
-198.49 94.9141 198.059 94.7236 197.727 94.3418 c\r
-197.395 93.9609 197.229 93.3584 197.229 92.5332 c\r
-197.229 91.6963 197.389 91.0889 197.709 90.709 c\r
-198.028 90.3301 198.446 90.1406 198.962 90.1406 c\r
-199.376 90.1406 199.721 90.2676 199.998 90.5215 c\r
-200.275 90.7764 200.451 91.167 200.525 91.6953 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-204.279 85.418 m\r
-204.279 85.418 203.666 85.418 203.666 85.418 c\r
-203.666 85.418 203.666 89.335 203.666 89.335 c\r
-203.518 89.1943 203.323 89.0527 203.083 88.9121 c\r
-202.843 88.7705 202.627 88.665 202.436 88.5938 c\r
-202.436 88.5938 202.436 89.1885 202.436 89.1885 c\r
-202.779 89.3496 203.08 89.5459 203.338 89.7754 c\r
-203.595 90.0059 203.777 90.2285 203.884 90.4453 c\r
-203.884 90.4453 204.279 90.4453 204.279 90.4453 c\r
-204.279 90.4453 204.279 85.418 204.279 85.418 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-240.422 91.6953 m\r
-240.422 91.6953 241.461 91.5547 241.461 91.5547 c\r
-241.348 90.8408 241.058 90.2822 240.591 89.8789 c\r
-240.123 89.4756 239.55 89.2734 238.87 89.2734 c\r
-238.019 89.2734 237.334 89.5518 236.815 90.1094 c\r
-236.298 90.666 236.039 91.4639 236.039 92.5039 c\r
-236.039 93.1758 236.15 93.7646 236.373 94.2686 c\r
-236.596 94.7725 236.935 95.1504 237.39 95.4033 c\r
-237.845 95.6553 238.34 95.7813 238.875 95.7813 c\r
-239.551 95.7813 240.104 95.6104 240.533 95.2686 c\r
-240.963 94.9268 241.238 94.4414 241.359 93.8125 c\r
-241.359 93.8125 240.336 93.6563 240.336 93.6563 c\r
-240.238 94.0732 240.065 94.3877 239.817 94.5977 c\r
-239.569 94.8086 239.27 94.9141 238.918 94.9141 c\r
-238.387 94.9141 237.955 94.7236 237.623 94.3418 c\r
-237.291 93.9609 237.125 93.3584 237.125 92.5332 c\r
-237.125 91.6963 237.285 91.0889 237.605 90.709 c\r
-237.925 90.3301 238.343 90.1406 238.858 90.1406 c\r
-239.273 90.1406 239.617 90.2676 239.895 90.5215 c\r
-240.172 90.7764 240.348 91.167 240.422 91.6953 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-241.859 87.8867 m\r
-241.859 88.4785 241.92 88.9561 242.042 89.3174 c\r
-242.164 89.6787 242.345 89.957 242.585 90.1523 c\r
-242.825 90.3477 243.128 90.4453 243.492 90.4453 c\r
-243.761 90.4453 243.997 90.3916 244.2 90.2832 c\r
-244.403 90.1748 244.571 90.0186 244.702 89.8154 c\r
-244.834 89.6113 244.938 89.3633 245.013 89.0703 c\r
-245.088 88.7783 245.125 88.3838 245.125 87.8867 c\r
-245.125 87.2998 245.064 86.8252 244.944 86.4629 c\r
-244.823 86.1016 244.643 85.8232 244.402 85.627 c\r
-244.162 85.4297 243.858 85.332 243.492 85.332 c\r
-243.01 85.332 242.63 85.5039 242.355 85.8496 c\r
-242.024 86.2676 241.859 86.9463 241.859 87.8867 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-242.492 87.8867 m\r
-242.492 87.0625 242.588 86.5146 242.78 86.2432 c\r
-242.973 85.9717 243.21 85.8359 243.492 85.8359 c\r
-243.774 85.8359 244.012 85.9727 244.204 86.2451 c\r
-244.396 86.5176 244.492 87.0654 244.492 87.8867 c\r
-244.492 88.7119 244.396 89.2598 244.204 89.5313 c\r
-244.013 89.8018 243.773 89.9375 243.485 89.9375 c\r
-243.203 89.9375 242.977 89.8184 242.809 89.5781 c\r
-242.598 89.2734 242.492 88.709 242.492 87.8867 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-282.406 91.6953 m\r
-282.406 91.6953 283.445 91.5547 283.445 91.5547 c\r
-283.332 90.8408 283.042 90.2822 282.575 89.8789 c\r
-282.107 89.4756 281.534 89.2734 280.854 89.2734 c\r
-280.003 89.2734 279.318 89.5518 278.8 90.1094 c\r
-278.282 90.666 278.023 91.4639 278.023 92.5039 c\r
-278.023 93.1758 278.135 93.7646 278.357 94.2686 c\r
-278.58 94.7725 278.919 95.1504 279.374 95.4033 c\r
-279.829 95.6553 280.324 95.7813 280.859 95.7813 c\r
-281.535 95.7813 282.088 95.6104 282.518 95.2686 c\r
-282.947 94.9268 283.223 94.4414 283.344 93.8125 c\r
-283.344 93.8125 282.32 93.6563 282.32 93.6563 c\r
-282.223 94.0732 282.05 94.3877 281.802 94.5977 c\r
-281.554 94.8086 281.254 94.9141 280.902 94.9141 c\r
-280.371 94.9141 279.94 94.7236 279.607 94.3418 c\r
-279.275 93.9609 279.109 93.3584 279.109 92.5332 c\r
-279.109 91.6963 279.27 91.0889 279.59 90.709 c\r
-279.909 90.3301 280.327 90.1406 280.843 90.1406 c\r
-281.257 90.1406 281.602 90.2676 281.879 90.5215 c\r
-282.156 90.7764 282.332 91.167 282.406 91.6953 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-283.773 86.9219 m\r
-283.773 87.5391 L\r
-285.664 87.5391 L\r
-285.664 86.9219 L\r
-283.773 86.9219 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-288.49 85.418 m\r
-288.49 85.418 287.877 85.418 287.877 85.418 c\r
-287.877 85.418 287.877 89.335 287.877 89.335 c\r
-287.728 89.1943 287.534 89.0527 287.294 88.9121 c\r
-287.054 88.7705 286.838 88.665 286.647 88.5938 c\r
-286.647 88.5938 286.647 89.1885 286.647 89.1885 c\r
-286.99 89.3496 287.291 89.5459 287.549 89.7754 c\r
-287.806 90.0059 287.988 90.2285 288.095 90.4453 c\r
-288.095 90.4453 288.49 90.4453 288.49 90.4453 c\r
-288.49 90.4453 288.49 85.418 288.49 85.418 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-299.445 94.4688 m\r
-293.781 94.4688 L\r
-293.781 95.4531 L\r
-299.445 95.4531 L\r
-299.445 94.4688 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-299.445 91.8594 m\r
-293.781 91.8594 L\r
-293.781 92.8438 L\r
-299.445 92.8438 L\r
-299.445 91.8594 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-303.951 93.6533 m\r
-303.951 94.6699 304.056 95.4893 304.264 96.1104 c\r
-304.473 96.7314 304.783 97.209 305.194 97.5439 c\r
-305.606 97.8789 306.124 98.0469 306.748 98.0469 c\r
-307.208 98.0469 307.612 97.9541 307.961 97.7686 c\r
-308.31 97.582 308.597 97.3145 308.821 96.9648 c\r
-309.046 96.6143 309.223 96.1885 309.352 95.6855 c\r
-309.48 95.1836 309.545 94.5059 309.545 93.6533 c\r
-309.545 92.6445 309.441 91.8291 309.234 91.208 c\r
-309.028 90.5869 308.719 90.1074 308.308 89.7715 c\r
-307.896 89.4336 307.376 89.2656 306.748 89.2656 c\r
-305.921 89.2656 305.272 89.5615 304.8 90.1533 c\r
-304.234 90.8711 303.951 92.0381 303.951 93.6533 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-305.037 93.6523 m\r
-305.037 92.2383 305.201 91.2979 305.53 90.832 c\r
-305.859 90.3652 306.266 90.1328 306.748 90.1328 c\r
-307.23 90.1328 307.637 90.3672 307.966 90.835 c\r
-308.295 91.3027 308.459 92.2422 308.459 93.6523 c\r
-308.459 95.0684 308.295 96.0088 307.967 96.4736 c\r
-307.639 96.9395 307.228 97.1719 306.736 97.1719 c\r
-306.254 97.1719 305.867 96.9668 305.578 96.5557 c\r
-305.218 96.0322 305.037 95.0645 305.037 93.6523 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-254.2 89.0791 m\r
-254.2 35.7451 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-247.692 35.4238 m\r
-261.199 35.25 L\r
-254.355 28.5879 L\r
-247.692 35.4238 L\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-218.433 88.8467 m\r
-218.433 35.5127 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-211.923 35.1895 m\r
-225.43 35.0156 L\r
-218.586 28.3535 L\r
-211.923 35.1895 L\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-42.999 90.4121 m\r
-42.999 37.0781 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-36.4897 36.7549 m\r
-49.9961 36.5811 L\r
-43.1523 29.9189 L\r
-36.4897 36.7549 L\r
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- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
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- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--4 -1 moveto -4 108 lineto 277 108 lineto 277 -1 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-34.4199 152.079 m\r
-34.4199 152.079 36.7012 155.302 36.7012 155.302 c\r
-36.7012 155.302 34.5918 158.306 34.5918 158.306 c\r
-34.5918 158.306 35.8945 158.306 35.8945 158.306 c\r
-35.8945 158.306 36.8682 156.845 36.8682 156.845 c\r
-37.0488 156.568 37.1943 156.338 37.3037 156.154 c\r
-37.4785 156.401 37.6377 156.626 37.7793 156.827 c\r
-37.7793 156.827 38.8262 158.306 38.8262 158.306 c\r
-38.8262 158.306 40.1064 158.306 40.1064 158.306 c\r
-40.1064 158.306 37.9902 155.308 37.9902 155.308 c\r
-37.9902 155.308 40.248 152.079 40.248 152.079 c\r
-40.248 152.079 38.9648 152.079 38.9648 152.079 c\r
-38.9648 152.079 37.6738 154.013 37.6738 154.013 c\r
-37.6738 154.013 37.375 154.478 37.375 154.478 c\r
-37.375 154.478 35.71 152.079 35.71 152.079 c\r
-35.71 152.079 34.4199 152.079 34.4199 152.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-40.7949 148.083 m\r
-40.7949 148.083 40.7949 151.712 40.7949 151.712 c\r
-40.7949 151.712 41.3457 151.712 41.3457 151.712 c\r
-41.3457 151.712 41.3457 151.196 41.3457 151.196 c\r
-41.6123 151.595 41.998 151.794 42.502 151.794 c\r
-42.7207 151.794 42.9229 151.755 43.1064 151.676 c\r
-43.29 151.598 43.4268 151.494 43.5186 151.367 c\r
-43.6094 151.239 43.6738 151.088 43.71 150.912 c\r
-43.7324 150.798 43.7441 150.599 43.7441 150.314 c\r
-43.7441 150.314 43.7441 148.083 43.7441 148.083 c\r
-43.7441 148.083 43.1309 148.083 43.1309 148.083 c\r
-43.1309 148.083 43.1309 150.292 43.1309 150.292 c\r
-43.1309 150.542 43.1064 150.73 43.0586 150.854 c\r
-43.0107 150.979 42.9258 151.078 42.8037 151.151 c\r
-42.6816 151.226 42.5381 151.263 42.374 151.263 c\r
-42.1113 151.263 41.8848 151.18 41.6943 151.013 c\r
-41.5039 150.847 41.4082 150.531 41.4082 150.066 c\r
-41.4082 150.066 41.4082 148.083 41.4082 148.083 c\r
-41.4082 148.083 40.7949 148.083 40.7949 148.083 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-44.4434 149.587 m\r
-44.4434 150.204 L\r
-46.334 150.204 L\r
-46.334 149.587 L\r
-44.4434 149.587 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-49.1602 148.083 m\r
-49.1602 148.083 48.5469 148.083 48.5469 148.083 c\r
-48.5469 148.083 48.5469 152.001 48.5469 152.001 c\r
-48.3984 151.859 48.2041 151.718 47.9639 151.577 c\r
-47.7236 151.436 47.5078 151.33 47.3164 151.259 c\r
-47.3164 151.259 47.3164 151.854 47.3164 151.854 c\r
-47.6602 152.015 47.9609 152.211 48.2188 152.441 c\r
-48.4756 152.671 48.6582 152.894 48.7646 153.11 c\r
-48.7646 153.11 49.1602 153.11 49.1602 153.11 c\r
-49.1602 153.11 49.1602 148.083 49.1602 148.083 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-71.4209 152.079 m\r
-71.4209 153.282 L\r
-72.624 153.282 L\r
-72.624 152.079 L\r
-71.4209 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-78.0889 152.079 m\r
-78.0889 153.282 L\r
-79.292 153.282 L\r
-79.292 152.079 L\r
-78.0889 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-84.7568 152.079 m\r
-84.7568 153.282 L\r
-85.96 153.282 L\r
-85.96 152.079 L\r
-84.7568 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-109.747 152.079 m\r
-109.747 152.079 112.028 155.302 112.028 155.302 c\r
-112.028 155.302 109.919 158.306 109.919 158.306 c\r
-109.919 158.306 111.222 158.306 111.222 158.306 c\r
-111.222 158.306 112.195 156.845 112.195 156.845 c\r
-112.376 156.568 112.521 156.338 112.631 156.154 c\r
-112.806 156.401 112.965 156.626 113.106 156.827 c\r
-113.106 156.827 114.153 158.306 114.153 158.306 c\r
-114.153 158.306 115.434 158.306 115.434 158.306 c\r
-115.434 158.306 113.317 155.308 113.317 155.308 c\r
-113.317 155.308 115.575 152.079 115.575 152.079 c\r
-115.575 152.079 114.292 152.079 114.292 152.079 c\r
-114.292 152.079 113.001 154.013 113.001 154.013 c\r
-113.001 154.013 112.702 154.478 112.702 154.478 c\r
-112.702 154.478 111.037 152.079 111.037 152.079 c\r
-111.037 152.079 109.747 152.079 109.747 152.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-115.957 149.392 m\r
-115.957 149.392 116.602 149.446 116.602 149.446 c\r
-116.649 149.132 116.761 148.896 116.935 148.738 c\r
-117.108 148.58 117.319 148.501 117.567 148.501 c\r
-117.866 148.501 118.117 148.613 118.322 148.836 c\r
-118.526 149.06 118.629 149.356 118.629 149.725 c\r
-118.629 150.076 118.53 150.353 118.334 150.556 c\r
-118.138 150.759 117.879 150.86 117.558 150.86 c\r
-117.358 150.86 117.179 150.815 117.02 150.726 c\r
-116.861 150.636 116.735 150.519 116.645 150.376 c\r
-116.645 150.376 116.066 150.45 116.066 150.45 c\r
-116.066 150.45 116.551 153.024 116.551 153.024 c\r
-116.551 153.024 119.047 153.024 119.047 153.024 c\r
-119.047 153.024 119.047 152.435 119.047 152.435 c\r
-119.047 152.435 117.043 152.435 117.043 152.435 c\r
-117.043 152.435 116.772 151.089 116.772 151.089 c\r
-117.074 151.299 117.39 151.403 117.721 151.403 c\r
-118.159 151.403 118.528 151.251 118.829 150.948 c\r
-119.131 150.645 119.281 150.255 119.281 149.779 c\r
-119.281 149.325 119.149 148.933 118.885 148.602 c\r
-118.563 148.196 118.124 147.993 117.568 147.993 c\r
-117.111 147.993 116.739 148.121 116.451 148.376 c\r
-116.163 148.631 115.998 148.97 115.957 149.392 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-143.416 152.079 m\r
-143.416 153.282 L\r
-144.619 153.282 L\r
-144.619 152.079 L\r
-143.416 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-150.084 152.079 m\r
-150.084 153.282 L\r
-151.287 153.282 L\r
-151.287 152.079 L\r
-150.084 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-156.752 152.079 m\r
-156.752 153.282 L\r
-157.955 153.282 L\r
-157.955 152.079 L\r
-156.752 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-178.406 152.079 m\r
-178.406 152.079 180.688 155.302 180.688 155.302 c\r
-180.688 155.302 178.578 158.306 178.578 158.306 c\r
-178.578 158.306 179.881 158.306 179.881 158.306 c\r
-179.881 158.306 180.855 156.845 180.855 156.845 c\r
-181.035 156.568 181.18 156.338 181.289 156.154 c\r
-181.465 156.401 181.623 156.626 181.766 156.827 c\r
-181.766 156.827 182.813 158.306 182.813 158.306 c\r
-182.813 158.306 184.094 158.306 184.094 158.306 c\r
-184.094 158.306 181.977 155.308 181.977 155.308 c\r
-181.977 155.308 184.234 152.079 184.234 152.079 c\r
-184.234 152.079 182.951 152.079 182.951 152.079 c\r
-182.951 152.079 181.66 154.013 181.66 154.013 c\r
-181.66 154.013 181.361 154.478 181.361 154.478 c\r
-181.361 154.478 179.697 152.079 179.697 152.079 c\r
-179.697 152.079 178.406 152.079 178.406 152.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-186.939 148.083 m\r
-186.939 148.083 186.326 148.083 186.326 148.083 c\r
-186.326 148.083 186.326 152.001 186.326 152.001 c\r
-186.178 151.859 185.984 151.718 185.744 151.577 c\r
-185.504 151.436 185.287 151.33 185.096 151.259 c\r
-185.096 151.259 185.096 151.854 185.096 151.854 c\r
-185.439 152.015 185.74 152.211 185.998 152.441 c\r
-186.256 152.671 186.438 152.894 186.545 153.11 c\r
-186.545 153.11 186.939 153.11 186.939 153.11 c\r
-186.939 153.11 186.939 148.083 186.939 148.083 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-214.408 152.079 m\r
-214.408 152.079 216.689 155.302 216.689 155.302 c\r
-216.689 155.302 214.58 158.306 214.58 158.306 c\r
-214.58 158.306 215.883 158.306 215.883 158.306 c\r
-215.883 158.306 216.855 156.845 216.855 156.845 c\r
-217.037 156.568 217.182 156.338 217.291 156.154 c\r
-217.467 156.401 217.625 156.626 217.768 156.827 c\r
-217.768 156.827 218.814 158.306 218.814 158.306 c\r
-218.814 158.306 220.096 158.306 220.096 158.306 c\r
-220.096 158.306 217.979 155.308 217.979 155.308 c\r
-217.979 155.308 220.236 152.079 220.236 152.079 c\r
-220.236 152.079 218.953 152.079 218.953 152.079 c\r
-218.953 152.079 217.662 154.013 217.662 154.013 c\r
-217.662 154.013 217.363 154.478 217.363 154.478 c\r
-217.363 154.478 215.699 152.079 215.699 152.079 c\r
-215.699 152.079 214.408 152.079 214.408 152.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-220.623 150.552 m\r
-220.623 151.144 220.684 151.621 220.807 151.982 c\r
-220.928 152.344 221.109 152.623 221.35 152.817 c\r
-221.59 153.013 221.891 153.11 222.256 153.11 c\r
-222.525 153.11 222.76 153.056 222.965 152.948 c\r
-223.168 152.84 223.334 152.684 223.467 152.48 c\r
-223.598 152.276 223.701 152.028 223.775 151.735 c\r
-223.852 151.443 223.889 151.048 223.889 150.552 c\r
-223.889 149.964 223.828 149.49 223.707 149.128 c\r
-223.586 148.767 223.406 148.488 223.166 148.292 c\r
-222.926 148.095 222.623 147.997 222.256 147.997 c\r
-221.773 147.997 221.395 148.169 221.119 148.514 c\r
-220.789 148.932 220.623 149.611 220.623 150.552 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-221.256 150.552 m\r
-221.256 149.728 221.352 149.18 221.545 148.908 c\r
-221.736 148.637 221.975 148.501 222.256 148.501 c\r
-222.537 148.501 222.775 148.637 222.967 148.91 c\r
-223.16 149.183 223.256 149.73 223.256 150.552 c\r
-223.256 151.376 223.16 151.925 222.969 152.196 c\r
-222.775 152.467 222.537 152.602 222.25 152.602 c\r
-221.967 152.602 221.742 152.483 221.572 152.244 c\r
-221.361 151.939 221.256 151.374 221.256 150.552 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-35.7432 126.352 m\r
-35.7432 126.352 35.626 127.34 35.626 127.34 c\r
-35.8564 127.277 36.0576 127.246 36.2305 127.246 c\r
-36.4648 127.246 36.6523 127.285 36.793 127.363 c\r
-36.9336 127.441 37.0488 127.551 37.1396 127.691 c\r
-37.2061 127.797 37.3135 128.059 37.4619 128.477 c\r
-37.4814 128.536 37.5127 128.622 37.5557 128.735 c\r
-37.5557 128.735 35.1885 134.973 35.1885 134.973 c\r
-35.1885 134.973 36.3154 134.973 36.3154 134.973 c\r
-36.3154 134.973 37.6162 131.374 37.6162 131.374 c\r
-37.7852 130.917 37.9365 130.438 38.0693 129.935 c\r
-38.1943 130.412 38.3408 130.882 38.5098 131.342 c\r
-38.5098 131.342 39.8369 134.973 39.8369 134.973 c\r
-39.8369 134.973 40.8916 134.973 40.8916 134.973 c\r
-40.8916 134.973 38.5332 128.638 38.5332 128.638 c\r
-38.2783 127.955 38.0811 127.486 37.9395 127.229 c\r
-37.752 126.881 37.5361 126.627 37.2939 126.465 c\r
-37.0508 126.304 36.7607 126.223 36.4248 126.223 c\r
-36.2207 126.223 35.9932 126.266 35.7432 126.352 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-41.4619 124.75 m\r
-41.4619 124.75 41.4619 128.379 41.4619 128.379 c\r
-41.4619 128.379 42.0127 128.379 42.0127 128.379 c\r
-42.0127 128.379 42.0127 127.863 42.0127 127.863 c\r
-42.2793 128.262 42.665 128.461 43.1689 128.461 c\r
-43.3877 128.461 43.5898 128.422 43.7734 128.343 c\r
-43.957 128.265 44.0938 128.161 44.1855 128.034 c\r
-44.2764 127.906 44.3408 127.755 44.377 127.579 c\r
-44.3994 127.465 44.4111 127.266 44.4111 126.981 c\r
-44.4111 126.981 44.4111 124.75 44.4111 124.75 c\r
-44.4111 124.75 43.7979 124.75 43.7979 124.75 c\r
-43.7979 124.75 43.7979 126.959 43.7979 126.959 c\r
-43.7979 127.21 43.7734 127.397 43.7256 127.521 c\r
-43.6777 127.646 43.5928 127.745 43.4707 127.818 c\r
-43.3486 127.893 43.2051 127.93 43.041 127.93 c\r
-42.7783 127.93 42.5518 127.847 42.3613 127.68 c\r
-42.1709 127.514 42.0752 127.198 42.0752 126.733 c\r
-42.0752 126.733 42.0752 124.75 42.0752 124.75 c\r
-42.0752 124.75 41.4619 124.75 41.4619 124.75 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-45.1104 126.254 m\r
-45.1104 126.871 L\r
-47.001 126.871 L\r
-47.001 126.254 L\r
-45.1104 126.254 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-49.8271 124.75 m\r
-49.8271 124.75 49.2139 124.75 49.2139 124.75 c\r
-49.2139 124.75 49.2139 128.667 49.2139 128.667 c\r
-49.0654 128.526 48.8711 128.385 48.6309 128.244 c\r
-48.3906 128.102 48.1748 127.997 47.9834 127.926 c\r
-47.9834 127.926 47.9834 128.52 47.9834 128.52 c\r
-48.3271 128.682 48.6279 128.878 48.8857 129.108 c\r
-49.1426 129.338 49.3252 129.561 49.4316 129.777 c\r
-49.4316 129.777 49.8271 129.777 49.8271 129.777 c\r
-49.8271 129.777 49.8271 124.75 49.8271 124.75 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-72.0879 128.746 m\r
-72.0879 129.949 L\r
-73.291 129.949 L\r
-73.291 128.746 L\r
-72.0879 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-78.7559 128.746 m\r
-78.7559 129.949 L\r
-79.959 129.949 L\r
-79.959 128.746 L\r
-78.7559 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-85.4238 128.746 m\r
-85.4238 129.949 L\r
-86.627 129.949 L\r
-86.627 128.746 L\r
-85.4238 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-111.07 126.352 m\r
-111.07 126.352 110.953 127.34 110.953 127.34 c\r
-111.184 127.277 111.385 127.246 111.558 127.246 c\r
-111.792 127.246 111.979 127.285 112.12 127.363 c\r
-112.261 127.441 112.376 127.551 112.467 127.691 c\r
-112.533 127.797 112.641 128.059 112.789 128.477 c\r
-112.809 128.536 112.84 128.622 112.883 128.735 c\r
-112.883 128.735 110.516 134.973 110.516 134.973 c\r
-110.516 134.973 111.644 134.973 111.644 134.973 c\r
-111.644 134.973 112.943 131.374 112.943 131.374 c\r
-113.112 130.917 113.263 130.438 113.396 129.935 c\r
-113.521 130.412 113.668 130.882 113.837 131.342 c\r
-113.837 131.342 115.164 134.973 115.164 134.973 c\r
-115.164 134.973 116.219 134.973 116.219 134.973 c\r
-116.219 134.973 113.86 128.638 113.86 128.638 c\r
-113.605 127.955 113.408 127.486 113.267 127.229 c\r
-113.079 126.881 112.863 126.627 112.621 126.465 c\r
-112.378 126.304 112.088 126.223 111.752 126.223 c\r
-111.548 126.223 111.321 126.266 111.07 126.352 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-116.624 126.059 m\r
-116.624 126.059 117.269 126.113 117.269 126.113 c\r
-117.316 125.799 117.428 125.563 117.602 125.405 c\r
-117.775 125.247 117.986 125.168 118.234 125.168 c\r
-118.533 125.168 118.784 125.28 118.989 125.503 c\r
-119.193 125.727 119.296 126.023 119.296 126.392 c\r
-119.296 126.743 119.197 127.02 119.001 127.223 c\r
-118.805 127.426 118.546 127.527 118.225 127.527 c\r
-118.025 127.527 117.846 127.482 117.687 127.393 c\r
-117.528 127.303 117.402 127.186 117.312 127.043 c\r
-117.312 127.043 116.733 127.117 116.733 127.117 c\r
-116.733 127.117 117.218 129.691 117.218 129.691 c\r
-117.218 129.691 119.714 129.691 119.714 129.691 c\r
-119.714 129.691 119.714 129.102 119.714 129.102 c\r
-119.714 129.102 117.71 129.102 117.71 129.102 c\r
-117.71 129.102 117.439 127.756 117.439 127.756 c\r
-117.741 127.966 118.057 128.07 118.388 128.07 c\r
-118.826 128.07 119.195 127.919 119.496 127.615 c\r
-119.798 127.312 119.948 126.922 119.948 126.446 c\r
-119.948 125.992 119.816 125.6 119.552 125.269 c\r
-119.23 124.863 118.791 124.66 118.235 124.66 c\r
-117.778 124.66 117.406 124.788 117.118 125.043 c\r
-116.83 125.298 116.665 125.637 116.624 126.059 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-144.083 128.746 m\r
-144.083 129.949 L\r
-145.286 129.949 L\r
-145.286 128.746 L\r
-144.083 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-150.751 128.746 m\r
-150.751 129.949 L\r
-151.954 129.949 L\r
-151.954 128.746 L\r
-150.751 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-157.419 128.746 m\r
-157.419 129.949 L\r
-158.622 129.949 L\r
-158.622 128.746 L\r
-157.419 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-179.73 126.352 m\r
-179.73 126.352 179.612 127.34 179.612 127.34 c\r
-179.843 127.277 180.044 127.246 180.216 127.246 c\r
-180.45 127.246 180.64 127.285 180.78 127.363 c\r
-180.921 127.441 181.036 127.551 181.126 127.691 c\r
-181.192 127.797 181.3 128.059 181.448 128.477 c\r
-181.468 128.536 181.499 128.622 181.542 128.735 c\r
-181.542 128.735 179.175 134.973 179.175 134.973 c\r
-179.175 134.973 180.302 134.973 180.302 134.973 c\r
-180.302 134.973 181.602 131.374 181.602 131.374 c\r
-181.77 130.917 181.923 130.438 182.056 129.935 c\r
-182.181 130.412 182.327 130.882 182.495 131.342 c\r
-182.495 131.342 183.823 134.973 183.823 134.973 c\r
-183.823 134.973 184.878 134.973 184.878 134.973 c\r
-184.878 134.973 182.519 128.638 182.519 128.638 c\r
-182.265 127.955 182.067 127.486 181.927 127.229 c\r
-181.737 126.881 181.523 126.627 181.28 126.465 c\r
-181.038 126.304 180.747 126.223 180.411 126.223 c\r
-180.208 126.223 179.98 126.266 179.73 126.352 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-187.606 124.75 m\r
-187.606 124.75 186.993 124.75 186.993 124.75 c\r
-186.993 124.75 186.993 128.667 186.993 128.667 c\r
-186.845 128.526 186.651 128.385 186.411 128.244 c\r
-186.171 128.102 185.954 127.997 185.763 127.926 c\r
-185.763 127.926 185.763 128.52 185.763 128.52 c\r
-186.106 128.682 186.407 128.878 186.665 129.108 c\r
-186.923 129.338 187.105 129.561 187.212 129.777 c\r
-187.212 129.777 187.606 129.777 187.606 129.777 c\r
-187.606 129.777 187.606 124.75 187.606 124.75 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-215.731 126.352 m\r
-215.731 126.352 215.614 127.34 215.614 127.34 c\r
-215.845 127.277 216.046 127.246 216.218 127.246 c\r
-216.452 127.246 216.64 127.285 216.782 127.363 c\r
-216.923 127.441 217.038 127.551 217.128 127.691 c\r
-217.194 127.797 217.302 128.059 217.45 128.477 c\r
-217.47 128.536 217.501 128.622 217.544 128.735 c\r
-217.544 128.735 215.177 134.973 215.177 134.973 c\r
-215.177 134.973 216.304 134.973 216.304 134.973 c\r
-216.304 134.973 217.605 131.374 217.605 131.374 c\r
-217.773 130.917 217.925 130.438 218.058 129.935 c\r
-218.183 130.412 218.329 130.882 218.497 131.342 c\r
-218.497 131.342 219.825 134.973 219.825 134.973 c\r
-219.825 134.973 220.88 134.973 220.88 134.973 c\r
-220.88 134.973 218.52 128.638 218.52 128.638 c\r
-218.267 127.955 218.069 127.486 217.929 127.229 c\r
-217.739 126.881 217.524 126.627 217.282 126.465 c\r
-217.04 126.304 216.749 126.223 216.413 126.223 c\r
-216.21 126.223 215.981 126.266 215.731 126.352 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-221.29 127.219 m\r
-221.29 127.811 221.351 128.288 221.474 128.649 c\r
-221.595 129.011 221.776 129.29 222.017 129.484 c\r
-222.257 129.68 222.558 129.777 222.923 129.777 c\r
-223.192 129.777 223.427 129.723 223.632 129.615 c\r
-223.835 129.507 224.001 129.351 224.134 129.147 c\r
-224.265 128.943 224.368 128.695 224.442 128.402 c\r
-224.519 128.11 224.556 127.715 224.556 127.219 c\r
-224.556 126.631 224.495 126.157 224.374 125.795 c\r
-224.253 125.434 224.073 125.155 223.833 124.959 c\r
-223.593 124.762 223.29 124.664 222.923 124.664 c\r
-222.44 124.664 222.061 124.836 221.786 125.181 c\r
-221.456 125.599 221.29 126.278 221.29 127.219 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-221.923 127.219 m\r
-221.923 126.395 222.019 125.847 222.212 125.575 c\r
-222.403 125.304 222.642 125.168 222.923 125.168 c\r
-223.204 125.168 223.442 125.304 223.634 125.577 c\r
-223.827 125.85 223.923 126.397 223.923 127.219 c\r
-223.923 128.044 223.827 128.592 223.636 128.863 c\r
-223.442 129.134 223.204 129.27 222.917 129.27 c\r
-222.634 129.27 222.409 129.15 222.239 128.911 c\r
-222.028 128.605 221.923 128.042 221.923 127.219 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-258.046 111.412 m\r
-258.046 111.412 258.477 111.412 258.477 111.412 c\r
-258.477 111.412 258.066 111.548 258.066 111.548 c\r
-258.065 111.532 258.053 111.54 258.046 111.412 C\r
-258.046 111.412 258.477 111.412 258.477 111.412 c\r
-258.477 111.412 258.066 111.548 258.066 111.548 c\r
-258.066 111.548 258.201 111.503 258.201 111.503 c\r
-258.201 111.503 258.067 111.551 258.067 111.551 c\r
-258.067 111.551 258.066 111.548 258.066 111.548 c\r
-258.066 111.548 258.201 111.503 258.201 111.503 c\r
-258.201 111.503 258.067 111.551 258.067 111.551 c\r
-258.067 111.549 258.026 111.453 257.964 111.328 c\r
-257.483 110.352 255.589 106.998 252.668 103.932 c\r
-249.742 100.855 245.811 98.0918 241.263 98.0981 c\r
-238.709 98.0996 235.928 98.9531 232.932 101.161 c\r
-229.939 103.369 226.742 106.938 223.426 112.341 C\r
-223.426 112.341 222.574 111.817 222.574 111.817 c\r
-225.938 106.34 229.205 102.669 232.339 100.356 c\r
-235.47 98.0435 238.48 97.0962 241.263 97.0981 c\r
-243.963 97.0977 246.429 97.9834 248.592 99.2944 c\r
-251.838 101.264 254.424 104.187 256.213 106.64 c\r
-257.106 107.867 257.8 108.978 258.272 109.797 c\r
-258.508 110.207 258.689 110.544 258.813 110.789 c\r
-258.874 110.912 258.922 111.01 258.957 111.088 C\r
-258.957 111.088 259.002 111.196 259.002 111.196 c\r
-259.002 111.196 259.022 111.257 259.022 111.257 c\r
-259.029 111.288 259.042 111.306 259.046 111.412 C\r
-259.046 111.412 258.046 111.412 258.046 111.412 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-226.886 112.703 m\r
-221.649 108.329 L\r
-220.34 115.222 L\r
-226.886 112.703 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-217.046 111.412 m\r
-217.046 111.412 217.477 111.412 217.477 111.412 c\r
-217.477 111.412 217.066 111.548 217.066 111.548 c\r
-217.065 111.532 217.053 111.54 217.046 111.412 C\r
-217.046 111.412 217.477 111.412 217.477 111.412 c\r
-217.477 111.412 217.066 111.548 217.066 111.548 c\r
-217.066 111.548 217.201 111.503 217.201 111.503 c\r
-217.201 111.503 217.067 111.551 217.067 111.551 c\r
-217.067 111.551 217.066 111.548 217.066 111.548 c\r
-217.066 111.548 217.201 111.503 217.201 111.503 c\r
-217.201 111.503 217.067 111.551 217.067 111.551 c\r
-217.067 111.549 217.026 111.453 216.964 111.328 c\r
-216.483 110.352 214.589 106.998 211.668 103.932 c\r
-208.742 100.855 204.811 98.0918 200.263 98.0981 c\r
-197.709 98.0996 194.928 98.9531 191.932 101.161 c\r
-188.939 103.369 185.742 106.938 182.426 112.341 C\r
-182.426 112.341 181.574 111.817 181.574 111.817 c\r
-184.938 106.34 188.205 102.669 191.339 100.356 c\r
-194.47 98.0435 197.48 97.0962 200.263 97.0981 c\r
-202.963 97.0977 205.429 97.9834 207.592 99.2944 c\r
-210.838 101.264 213.424 104.187 215.213 106.64 c\r
-216.106 107.867 216.8 108.978 217.271 109.797 c\r
-217.508 110.207 217.689 110.544 217.813 110.789 c\r
-217.874 110.912 217.922 111.01 217.957 111.088 C\r
-217.957 111.088 218.002 111.196 218.002 111.196 c\r
-218.002 111.196 218.023 111.257 218.023 111.257 c\r
-218.029 111.288 218.042 111.306 218.046 111.412 C\r
-218.046 111.412 217.046 111.412 217.046 111.412 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-185.885 112.706 m\r
-180.648 108.332 L\r
-179.343 115.22 L\r
-185.885 112.706 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-27.1641 82.6953 m\r
-27.1641 82.6953 28.2031 82.5547 28.2031 82.5547 c\r
-28.0898 81.8408 27.7998 81.2822 27.333 80.8789 c\r
-26.8652 80.4756 26.292 80.2734 25.6123 80.2734 c\r
-24.7607 80.2734 24.0762 80.5518 23.5576 81.1084 c\r
-23.04 81.666 22.7813 82.4639 22.7813 83.5039 c\r
-22.7813 84.1763 22.8926 84.7646 23.1152 85.2686 c\r
-23.3379 85.7725 23.6768 86.1509 24.1318 86.4033 c\r
-24.5869 86.6553 25.082 86.7813 25.6172 86.7813 c\r
-26.293 86.7813 26.8457 86.6104 27.2754 86.2686 c\r
-27.7051 85.9268 27.9805 85.4414 28.1016 84.8125 c\r
-28.1016 84.8125 27.0781 84.6563 27.0781 84.6563 c\r
-26.9805 85.0732 26.8076 85.3877 26.5596 85.5981 c\r
-26.3115 85.8086 26.0117 85.9141 25.6602 85.9141 c\r
-25.1289 85.9141 24.6973 85.7236 24.3652 85.3423 c\r
-24.0332 84.9609 23.8672 84.3579 23.8672 83.5332 c\r
-23.8672 82.6963 24.0273 82.0889 24.3477 81.71 c\r
-24.667 81.3301 25.085 81.1406 25.6006 81.1406 c\r
-26.0146 81.1406 26.3594 81.2676 26.6367 81.5225 c\r
-26.9141 81.7764 27.0898 82.167 27.1641 82.6953 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-28.7734 76.418 m\r
-28.7734 76.418 28.7734 80.0469 28.7734 80.0469 c\r
-28.7734 80.0469 29.3242 80.0469 29.3242 80.0469 c\r
-29.3242 80.0469 29.3242 79.5313 29.3242 79.5313 c\r
-29.5908 79.9297 29.9766 80.1289 30.4805 80.1289 c\r
-30.6992 80.1289 30.9014 80.0898 31.085 80.0107 c\r
-31.2686 79.9326 31.4053 79.8291 31.4971 79.7021 c\r
-31.5879 79.5742 31.6523 79.4229 31.6885 79.2471 c\r
-31.7109 79.1338 31.7227 78.9346 31.7227 78.6494 c\r
-31.7227 78.6494 31.7227 76.418 31.7227 76.418 c\r
-31.7227 76.418 31.1094 76.418 31.1094 76.418 c\r
-31.1094 76.418 31.1094 78.627 31.1094 78.627 c\r
-31.1094 78.877 31.085 79.0645 31.0371 79.1895 c\r
-30.9893 79.3135 30.9043 79.4121 30.7822 79.4863 c\r
-30.6602 79.5605 30.5166 79.5977 30.3525 79.5977 c\r
-30.0898 79.5977 29.8633 79.5146 29.6729 79.3477 c\r
-29.4824 79.1816 29.3867 78.8662 29.3867 78.4014 c\r
-29.3867 78.4014 29.3867 76.418 29.3867 76.418 c\r
-29.3867 76.418 28.7734 76.418 28.7734 76.418 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-32.4219 77.9219 m\r
-32.4219 78.5391 L\r
-34.3125 78.5391 L\r
-34.3125 77.9219 L\r
-32.4219 77.9219 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-37.1387 76.418 m\r
-37.1387 76.418 36.5254 76.418 36.5254 76.418 c\r
-36.5254 76.418 36.5254 80.335 36.5254 80.335 c\r
-36.377 80.1943 36.1826 80.0527 35.9424 79.9121 c\r
-35.7021 79.7705 35.4863 79.665 35.2949 79.5947 c\r
-35.2949 79.5947 35.2949 80.1885 35.2949 80.1885 c\r
-35.6387 80.3506 35.9395 80.5459 36.1973 80.7764 c\r
-36.4541 81.0059 36.6367 81.2295 36.7432 81.4453 c\r
-36.7432 81.4453 37.1387 81.4453 37.1387 81.4453 c\r
-37.1387 81.4453 37.1387 76.418 37.1387 76.418 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-99.1553 82.6953 m\r
-99.1553 82.6953 100.194 82.5547 100.194 82.5547 c\r
-100.081 81.8408 99.791 81.2822 99.3242 80.8789 c\r
-98.8564 80.4756 98.2832 80.2734 97.6035 80.2734 c\r
-96.752 80.2734 96.0664 80.5518 95.5488 81.1084 c\r
-95.0313 81.666 94.7725 82.4639 94.7725 83.5039 c\r
-94.7725 84.1763 94.8838 84.7646 95.1064 85.2686 c\r
-95.3291 85.7725 95.668 86.1509 96.123 86.4033 c\r
-96.5781 86.6553 97.0732 86.7813 97.6084 86.7813 c\r
-98.2842 86.7813 98.8369 86.6104 99.2666 86.2686 c\r
-99.6963 85.9268 99.9717 85.4414 100.093 84.8125 c\r
-100.093 84.8125 99.0693 84.6563 99.0693 84.6563 c\r
-98.9717 85.0732 98.7988 85.3877 98.5508 85.5981 c\r
-98.3027 85.8086 98.0029 85.9141 97.6514 85.9141 c\r
-97.1201 85.9141 96.6885 85.7236 96.3564 85.3423 c\r
-96.0244 84.9609 95.8584 84.3579 95.8584 83.5332 c\r
-95.8584 82.6963 96.0186 82.0889 96.3389 81.71 c\r
-96.6582 81.3301 97.0762 81.1406 97.5918 81.1406 c\r
-98.0059 81.1406 98.3516 81.2676 98.6279 81.5225 c\r
-98.9053 81.7764 99.0811 82.167 99.1553 82.6953 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-100.602 77.7266 m\r
-100.602 77.7266 101.246 77.7813 101.246 77.7813 c\r
-101.294 77.4678 101.405 77.2314 101.579 77.0732 c\r
-101.753 76.915 101.964 76.8359 102.212 76.8359 c\r
-102.511 76.8359 102.762 76.9473 102.967 77.1709 c\r
-103.171 77.3945 103.273 77.6904 103.273 78.0596 c\r
-103.273 78.4111 103.175 78.6885 102.979 78.8906 c\r
-102.782 79.0938 102.523 79.1953 102.202 79.1953 c\r
-102.003 79.1953 101.823 79.1504 101.664 79.0605 c\r
-101.506 78.9707 101.38 78.8545 101.289 78.7109 c\r
-101.289 78.7109 100.711 78.7852 100.711 78.7852 c\r
-100.711 78.7852 101.195 81.3594 101.195 81.3594 c\r
-101.195 81.3594 103.691 81.3594 103.691 81.3594 c\r
-103.691 81.3594 103.691 80.7695 103.691 80.7695 c\r
-103.691 80.7695 101.688 80.7695 101.688 80.7695 c\r
-101.688 80.7695 101.417 79.4238 101.417 79.4238 c\r
-101.719 79.6338 102.034 79.7383 102.365 79.7383 c\r
-102.804 79.7383 103.173 79.5869 103.474 79.2832 c\r
-103.775 78.9805 103.926 78.5898 103.926 78.1133 c\r
-103.926 77.6602 103.794 77.2676 103.529 76.9365 c\r
-103.208 76.5313 102.769 76.3281 102.213 76.3281 c\r
-101.756 76.3281 101.384 76.4561 101.096 76.7109 c\r
-100.808 76.9658 100.643 77.3047 100.602 77.7266 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-201.158 82.6953 m\r
-201.158 82.6953 202.197 82.5547 202.197 82.5547 c\r
-202.084 81.8408 201.793 81.2822 201.326 80.8789 c\r
-200.859 80.4756 200.287 80.2734 199.607 80.2734 c\r
-198.754 80.2734 198.07 80.5518 197.553 81.1084 c\r
-197.033 81.666 196.775 82.4639 196.775 83.5039 c\r
-196.775 84.1763 196.887 84.7646 197.109 85.2686 c\r
-197.332 85.7725 197.67 86.1509 198.127 86.4033 c\r
-198.58 86.6553 199.076 86.7813 199.611 86.7813 c\r
-200.287 86.7813 200.84 86.6104 201.27 86.2686 c\r
-201.699 85.9268 201.975 85.4414 202.096 84.8125 c\r
-202.096 84.8125 201.072 84.6563 201.072 84.6563 c\r
-200.975 85.0732 200.803 85.3877 200.553 85.5981 c\r
-200.307 85.8086 200.006 85.9141 199.654 85.9141 c\r
-199.123 85.9141 198.691 85.7236 198.359 85.3423 c\r
-198.027 84.9609 197.861 84.3579 197.861 83.5332 c\r
-197.861 82.6963 198.021 82.0889 198.342 81.71 c\r
-198.662 81.3301 199.08 81.1406 199.596 81.1406 c\r
-200.008 81.1406 200.354 81.2676 200.631 81.5225 c\r
-200.908 81.7764 201.084 82.167 201.158 82.6953 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-202.607 78.8867 m\r
-202.607 79.4795 202.668 79.9561 202.791 80.3174 c\r
-202.912 80.6787 203.094 80.957 203.334 81.1523 c\r
-203.574 81.3477 203.875 81.4453 204.24 81.4453 c\r
-204.51 81.4453 204.744 81.3916 204.949 81.2832 c\r
-205.152 81.1748 205.318 81.0186 205.451 80.8154 c\r
-205.582 80.6113 205.686 80.3633 205.76 80.0703 c\r
-205.836 79.7783 205.873 79.3838 205.873 78.8867 c\r
-205.873 78.2998 205.813 77.8252 205.691 77.4639 c\r
-205.572 77.1016 205.391 76.8232 205.15 76.627 c\r
-204.91 76.4307 204.607 76.332 204.24 76.332 c\r
-203.758 76.332 203.379 76.5049 203.104 76.8496 c\r
-202.773 77.2676 202.607 77.9463 202.607 78.8867 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-203.24 78.8867 m\r
-203.24 78.0625 203.336 77.5146 203.529 77.2432 c\r
-203.721 76.9717 203.959 76.8359 204.24 76.8359 c\r
-204.521 76.8359 204.76 76.9727 204.951 77.2451 c\r
-205.145 77.5176 205.24 78.0654 205.24 78.8867 c\r
-205.24 79.7119 205.145 80.2598 204.953 80.5303 c\r
-204.76 80.8018 204.521 80.9375 204.232 80.9375 c\r
-203.951 80.9375 203.727 80.8174 203.557 80.5791 c\r
-203.346 80.2734 203.24 79.709 203.24 78.8867 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-247.051 82.6953 m\r
-247.051 82.6953 248.09 82.5547 248.09 82.5547 c\r
-247.977 81.8408 247.686 81.2822 247.219 80.8789 c\r
-246.752 80.4756 246.18 80.2734 245.498 80.2734 c\r
-244.646 80.2734 243.963 80.5518 243.445 81.1084 c\r
-242.928 81.666 242.668 82.4639 242.668 83.5039 c\r
-242.668 84.1763 242.779 84.7646 243.002 85.2686 c\r
-243.225 85.7725 243.564 86.1509 244.018 86.4033 c\r
-244.475 86.6553 244.969 86.7813 245.504 86.7813 c\r
-246.18 86.7813 246.732 86.6104 247.162 86.2686 c\r
-247.592 85.9268 247.867 85.4414 247.988 84.8125 c\r
-247.988 84.8125 246.965 84.6563 246.965 84.6563 c\r
-246.867 85.0732 246.693 85.3877 246.447 85.5981 c\r
-246.197 85.8086 245.898 85.9141 245.547 85.9141 c\r
-245.016 85.9141 244.584 85.7236 244.252 85.3423 c\r
-243.92 84.9609 243.754 84.3579 243.754 83.5332 c\r
-243.754 82.6963 243.914 82.0889 244.234 81.71 c\r
-244.555 81.3301 244.973 81.1406 245.486 81.1406 c\r
-245.9 81.1406 246.246 81.2676 246.523 81.5225 c\r
-246.801 81.7764 246.977 82.167 247.051 82.6953 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-248.418 77.9219 m\r
-248.418 78.5391 L\r
-250.309 78.5391 L\r
-250.309 77.9219 L\r
-248.418 77.9219 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-253.135 76.418 m\r
-253.135 76.418 252.521 76.418 252.521 76.418 c\r
-252.521 76.418 252.521 80.335 252.521 80.335 c\r
-252.373 80.1943 252.18 80.0527 251.939 79.9121 c\r
-251.699 79.7705 251.482 79.665 251.291 79.5947 c\r
-251.291 79.5947 251.291 80.1885 251.291 80.1885 c\r
-251.635 80.3506 251.936 80.5459 252.193 80.7764 c\r
-252.451 81.0059 252.633 81.2295 252.74 81.4453 c\r
-252.74 81.4453 253.135 81.4453 253.135 81.4453 c\r
-253.135 81.4453 253.135 76.418 253.135 76.418 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-264.09 85.4688 m\r
-258.426 85.4688 L\r
-258.426 86.4531 L\r
-264.09 86.4531 L\r
-264.09 85.4688 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-264.09 82.8594 m\r
-258.426 82.8594 L\r
-258.426 83.8438 L\r
-264.09 83.8438 L\r
-264.09 82.8594 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-268.596 84.6533 m\r
-268.596 85.6699 268.699 86.4893 268.908 87.1104 c\r
-269.117 87.7314 269.428 88.2095 269.84 88.5444 c\r
-270.25 88.8794 270.768 89.0469 271.393 89.0469 c\r
-271.853 89.0469 272.258 88.9541 272.605 88.7681 c\r
-272.955 88.5825 273.24 88.3145 273.467 87.9648 c\r
-273.691 87.6143 273.867 87.1885 273.996 86.6855 c\r
-274.125 86.1836 274.19 85.5059 274.19 84.6533 c\r
-274.19 83.6445 274.086 82.8291 273.879 82.208 c\r
-273.672 81.5869 273.363 81.1084 272.951 80.7705 c\r
-272.541 80.4346 272.022 80.2656 271.393 80.2656 c\r
-270.566 80.2656 269.916 80.5615 269.443 81.1533 c\r
-268.879 81.8721 268.596 83.0381 268.596 84.6533 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-269.682 84.6523 m\r
-269.682 83.2383 269.846 82.2979 270.176 81.832 c\r
-270.504 81.3662 270.91 81.1328 271.393 81.1328 c\r
-271.875 81.1328 272.281 81.3662 272.609 81.835 c\r
-272.94 82.3027 273.103 83.2422 273.103 84.6523 c\r
-273.103 86.0679 272.94 87.0083 272.611 87.4736 c\r
-272.283 87.939 271.873 88.1719 271.381 88.1719 c\r
-270.898 88.1719 270.512 87.9668 270.223 87.5557 c\r
-269.861 87.0317 269.682 86.064 269.682 84.6523 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-116.631 124.659 m\r
-116.631 129.69 L\r
-119.943 129.69 L\r
-119.943 124.659 L\r
-116.631 124.659 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-185.76 124.749 m\r
-185.76 129.78 L\r
-187.605 129.78 L\r
-187.605 124.749 L\r
-185.76 124.749 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-120.231 126.225 m\r
-120.231 134.973 L\r
-184.896 134.973 L\r
-184.896 126.225 L\r
-120.231 126.225 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-115.965 147.996 m\r
-115.965 153.027 L\r
-119.277 153.027 L\r
-119.277 147.996 L\r
-115.965 147.996 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-185.094 148.086 m\r
-185.094 153.117 L\r
-186.939 153.117 L\r
-186.939 148.086 L\r
-185.094 148.086 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-119.565 152.082 m\r
-119.565 158.31 L\r
-184.23 158.31 L\r
-184.23 152.082 L\r
-119.565 152.082 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-198.504 166.077 m\r
-99.5039 166.077 L\r
-99.5039 158.31 L\r
-115.56 158.31 L\r
-115.56 152.082 L\r
-99.5039 152.082 L\r
-99.5039 134.973 L\r
-116.226 134.973 L\r
-116.226 126.225 L\r
-99.5039 126.225 L\r
-99.5039 118.575 L\r
-198.504 118.575 L\r
-198.504 126.225 L\r
-188.892 126.225 L\r
-188.892 134.973 L\r
-198.504 134.973 L\r
-198.504 152.082 L\r
-188.226 152.082 L\r
-188.226 158.31 L\r
-198.504 158.31 L\r
-198.504 166.077 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-99.5039 152.082 m\r
-115.56 152.082 L\r
-115.56 158.31 L\r
-99.5039 158.31 L\r
-99.5039 152.082 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-71.4209 152.079 m\r
-71.4209 153.282 L\r
-72.624 153.282 L\r
-72.624 152.079 L\r
-71.4209 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-78.0889 152.079 m\r
-78.0889 153.282 L\r
-79.292 153.282 L\r
-79.292 152.079 L\r
-78.0889 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-84.7568 152.079 m\r
-84.7568 153.282 L\r
-85.96 153.282 L\r
-85.96 152.079 L\r
-84.7568 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-109.747 152.079 m\r
-109.747 152.079 112.028 155.302 112.028 155.302 c\r
-112.028 155.302 109.919 158.306 109.919 158.306 c\r
-109.919 158.306 111.222 158.306 111.222 158.306 c\r
-111.222 158.306 112.195 156.845 112.195 156.845 c\r
-112.376 156.568 112.521 156.338 112.631 156.154 c\r
-112.806 156.401 112.965 156.626 113.106 156.827 c\r
-113.106 156.827 114.153 158.306 114.153 158.306 c\r
-114.153 158.306 115.434 158.306 115.434 158.306 c\r
-115.434 158.306 113.317 155.308 113.317 155.308 c\r
-113.317 155.308 115.575 152.079 115.575 152.079 c\r
-115.575 152.079 114.292 152.079 114.292 152.079 c\r
-114.292 152.079 113.001 154.013 113.001 154.013 c\r
-113.001 154.013 112.702 154.478 112.702 154.478 c\r
-112.702 154.478 111.037 152.079 111.037 152.079 c\r
-111.037 152.079 109.747 152.079 109.747 152.079 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-115.965 147.996 m\r
-119.277 147.996 L\r
-119.277 153.027 L\r
-115.965 153.027 L\r
-115.965 147.996 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-115.957 149.392 m\r
-115.957 149.392 116.602 149.446 116.602 149.446 c\r
-116.649 149.132 116.761 148.896 116.935 148.738 c\r
-117.108 148.58 117.319 148.501 117.567 148.501 c\r
-117.866 148.501 118.117 148.613 118.322 148.836 c\r
-118.526 149.06 118.629 149.356 118.629 149.725 c\r
-118.629 150.076 118.53 150.353 118.334 150.556 c\r
-118.138 150.759 117.879 150.86 117.558 150.86 c\r
-117.358 150.86 117.179 150.815 117.02 150.726 c\r
-116.861 150.636 116.735 150.519 116.645 150.376 c\r
-116.645 150.376 116.066 150.45 116.066 150.45 c\r
-116.066 150.45 116.551 153.024 116.551 153.024 c\r
-116.551 153.024 119.047 153.024 119.047 153.024 c\r
-119.047 153.024 119.047 152.435 119.047 152.435 c\r
-119.047 152.435 117.043 152.435 117.043 152.435 c\r
-117.043 152.435 116.772 151.089 116.772 151.089 c\r
-117.074 151.299 117.39 151.403 117.721 151.403 c\r
-118.159 151.403 118.528 151.251 118.829 150.948 c\r
-119.131 150.645 119.281 150.255 119.281 149.779 c\r
-119.281 149.325 119.149 148.933 118.885 148.602 c\r
-118.563 148.196 118.124 147.993 117.568 147.993 c\r
-117.111 147.993 116.739 148.121 116.451 148.376 c\r
-116.163 148.631 115.998 148.97 115.957 149.392 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-119.565 152.082 m\r
-184.23 152.082 L\r
-184.23 158.31 L\r
-119.565 158.31 L\r
-119.565 152.082 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-143.416 152.079 m\r
-143.416 153.282 L\r
-144.619 153.282 L\r
-144.619 152.079 L\r
-143.416 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-150.084 152.079 m\r
-150.084 153.282 L\r
-151.287 153.282 L\r
-151.287 152.079 L\r
-150.084 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-156.752 152.079 m\r
-156.752 153.282 L\r
-157.955 153.282 L\r
-157.955 152.079 L\r
-156.752 152.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-178.406 152.079 m\r
-178.406 152.079 180.688 155.302 180.688 155.302 c\r
-180.688 155.302 178.578 158.306 178.578 158.306 c\r
-178.578 158.306 179.881 158.306 179.881 158.306 c\r
-179.881 158.306 180.855 156.845 180.855 156.845 c\r
-181.035 156.568 181.18 156.338 181.289 156.154 c\r
-181.465 156.401 181.623 156.626 181.766 156.827 c\r
-181.766 156.827 182.813 158.306 182.813 158.306 c\r
-182.813 158.306 184.094 158.306 184.094 158.306 c\r
-184.094 158.306 181.977 155.308 181.977 155.308 c\r
-181.977 155.308 184.234 152.079 184.234 152.079 c\r
-184.234 152.079 182.951 152.079 182.951 152.079 c\r
-182.951 152.079 181.66 154.013 181.66 154.013 c\r
-181.66 154.013 181.361 154.478 181.361 154.478 c\r
-181.361 154.478 179.697 152.079 179.697 152.079 c\r
-179.697 152.079 178.406 152.079 178.406 152.079 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-185.094 148.086 m\r
-186.939 148.086 L\r
-186.939 153.117 L\r
-185.094 153.117 L\r
-185.094 148.086 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-186.939 148.083 m\r
-186.939 148.083 186.326 148.083 186.326 148.083 c\r
-186.326 148.083 186.326 152.001 186.326 152.001 c\r
-186.178 151.859 185.984 151.718 185.744 151.577 c\r
-185.504 151.436 185.287 151.33 185.096 151.259 c\r
-185.096 151.259 185.096 151.854 185.096 151.854 c\r
-185.439 152.015 185.74 152.211 185.998 152.441 c\r
-186.256 152.671 186.438 152.894 186.545 153.11 c\r
-186.545 153.11 186.939 153.11 186.939 153.11 c\r
-186.939 153.11 186.939 148.083 186.939 148.083 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-188.226 152.082 m\r
-198.504 152.082 L\r
-198.504 158.31 L\r
-188.226 158.31 L\r
-188.226 152.082 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-214.408 152.079 m\r
-214.408 152.079 216.689 155.302 216.689 155.302 c\r
-216.689 155.302 214.58 158.306 214.58 158.306 c\r
-214.58 158.306 215.883 158.306 215.883 158.306 c\r
-215.883 158.306 216.855 156.845 216.855 156.845 c\r
-217.037 156.568 217.182 156.338 217.291 156.154 c\r
-217.467 156.401 217.625 156.626 217.768 156.827 c\r
-217.768 156.827 218.814 158.306 218.814 158.306 c\r
-218.814 158.306 220.096 158.306 220.096 158.306 c\r
-220.096 158.306 217.979 155.308 217.979 155.308 c\r
-217.979 155.308 220.236 152.079 220.236 152.079 c\r
-220.236 152.079 218.953 152.079 218.953 152.079 c\r
-218.953 152.079 217.662 154.013 217.662 154.013 c\r
-217.662 154.013 217.363 154.478 217.363 154.478 c\r
-217.363 154.478 215.699 152.079 215.699 152.079 c\r
-215.699 152.079 214.408 152.079 214.408 152.079 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-99.5039 126.225 m\r
-116.226 126.225 L\r
-116.226 134.973 L\r
-99.5039 134.973 L\r
-99.5039 126.225 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-72.0879 128.746 m\r
-72.0879 129.949 L\r
-73.291 129.949 L\r
-73.291 128.746 L\r
-72.0879 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-78.7559 128.746 m\r
-78.7559 129.949 L\r
-79.959 129.949 L\r
-79.959 128.746 L\r
-78.7559 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-85.4238 128.746 m\r
-85.4238 129.949 L\r
-86.627 129.949 L\r
-86.627 128.746 L\r
-85.4238 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-111.07 126.352 m\r
-111.07 126.352 110.953 127.34 110.953 127.34 c\r
-111.184 127.277 111.385 127.246 111.558 127.246 c\r
-111.792 127.246 111.979 127.285 112.12 127.363 c\r
-112.261 127.441 112.376 127.551 112.467 127.691 c\r
-112.533 127.797 112.641 128.059 112.789 128.477 c\r
-112.809 128.536 112.84 128.622 112.883 128.735 c\r
-112.883 128.735 110.516 134.973 110.516 134.973 c\r
-110.516 134.973 111.644 134.973 111.644 134.973 c\r
-111.644 134.973 112.943 131.374 112.943 131.374 c\r
-113.112 130.917 113.263 130.438 113.396 129.935 c\r
-113.521 130.412 113.668 130.882 113.837 131.342 c\r
-113.837 131.342 115.164 134.973 115.164 134.973 c\r
-115.164 134.973 116.219 134.973 116.219 134.973 c\r
-116.219 134.973 113.86 128.638 113.86 128.638 c\r
-113.605 127.955 113.408 127.486 113.267 127.229 c\r
-113.079 126.881 112.863 126.627 112.621 126.465 c\r
-112.378 126.304 112.088 126.223 111.752 126.223 c\r
-111.548 126.223 111.321 126.266 111.07 126.352 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-116.631 124.659 m\r
-119.943 124.659 L\r
-119.943 129.69 L\r
-116.631 129.69 L\r
-116.631 124.659 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-116.624 126.059 m\r
-116.624 126.059 117.269 126.113 117.269 126.113 c\r
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-118.533 125.168 118.784 125.28 118.989 125.503 c\r
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-119.296 126.743 119.197 127.02 119.001 127.223 c\r
-118.805 127.426 118.546 127.527 118.225 127.527 c\r
-118.025 127.527 117.846 127.482 117.687 127.393 c\r
-117.528 127.303 117.402 127.186 117.312 127.043 c\r
-117.312 127.043 116.733 127.117 116.733 127.117 c\r
-116.733 127.117 117.218 129.691 117.218 129.691 c\r
-117.218 129.691 119.714 129.691 119.714 129.691 c\r
-119.714 129.691 119.714 129.102 119.714 129.102 c\r
-119.714 129.102 117.71 129.102 117.71 129.102 c\r
-117.71 129.102 117.439 127.756 117.439 127.756 c\r
-117.741 127.966 118.057 128.07 118.388 128.07 c\r
-118.826 128.07 119.195 127.919 119.496 127.615 c\r
-119.798 127.312 119.948 126.922 119.948 126.446 c\r
-119.948 125.992 119.816 125.6 119.552 125.269 c\r
-119.23 124.863 118.791 124.66 118.235 124.66 c\r
-117.778 124.66 117.406 124.788 117.118 125.043 c\r
-116.83 125.298 116.665 125.637 116.624 126.059 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-120.231 126.225 m\r
-184.896 126.225 L\r
-184.896 134.973 L\r
-120.231 134.973 L\r
-120.231 126.225 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-144.083 128.746 m\r
-144.083 129.949 L\r
-145.286 129.949 L\r
-145.286 128.746 L\r
-144.083 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-150.751 128.746 m\r
-150.751 129.949 L\r
-151.954 129.949 L\r
-151.954 128.746 L\r
-150.751 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-157.419 128.746 m\r
-157.419 129.949 L\r
-158.622 129.949 L\r
-158.622 128.746 L\r
-157.419 128.746 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-179.73 126.352 m\r
-179.73 126.352 179.612 127.34 179.612 127.34 c\r
-179.843 127.277 180.044 127.246 180.216 127.246 c\r
-180.45 127.246 180.64 127.285 180.78 127.363 c\r
-180.921 127.441 181.036 127.551 181.126 127.691 c\r
-181.192 127.797 181.3 128.059 181.448 128.477 c\r
-181.468 128.536 181.499 128.622 181.542 128.735 c\r
-181.542 128.735 179.175 134.973 179.175 134.973 c\r
-179.175 134.973 180.302 134.973 180.302 134.973 c\r
-180.302 134.973 181.602 131.374 181.602 131.374 c\r
-181.77 130.917 181.923 130.438 182.056 129.935 c\r
-182.181 130.412 182.327 130.882 182.495 131.342 c\r
-182.495 131.342 183.823 134.973 183.823 134.973 c\r
-183.823 134.973 184.878 134.973 184.878 134.973 c\r
-184.878 134.973 182.519 128.638 182.519 128.638 c\r
-182.265 127.955 182.067 127.486 181.927 127.229 c\r
-181.737 126.881 181.523 126.627 181.28 126.465 c\r
-181.038 126.304 180.747 126.223 180.411 126.223 c\r
-180.208 126.223 179.98 126.266 179.73 126.352 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-185.76 124.749 m\r
-187.605 124.749 L\r
-187.605 129.78 L\r
-185.76 129.78 L\r
-185.76 124.749 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-187.606 124.75 m\r
-187.606 124.75 186.993 124.75 186.993 124.75 c\r
-186.993 124.75 186.993 128.667 186.993 128.667 c\r
-186.845 128.526 186.651 128.385 186.411 128.244 c\r
-186.171 128.102 185.954 127.997 185.763 127.926 c\r
-185.763 127.926 185.763 128.52 185.763 128.52 c\r
-186.106 128.682 186.407 128.878 186.665 129.108 c\r
-186.923 129.338 187.105 129.561 187.212 129.777 c\r
-187.212 129.777 187.606 129.777 187.606 129.777 c\r
-187.606 129.777 187.606 124.75 187.606 124.75 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-188.892 126.225 m\r
-198.504 126.225 L\r
-198.504 134.973 L\r
-188.892 134.973 L\r
-188.892 126.225 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-215.731 126.352 m\r
-215.731 126.352 215.614 127.34 215.614 127.34 c\r
-215.845 127.277 216.046 127.246 216.218 127.246 c\r
-216.452 127.246 216.64 127.285 216.782 127.363 c\r
-216.923 127.441 217.038 127.551 217.128 127.691 c\r
-217.194 127.797 217.302 128.059 217.45 128.477 c\r
-217.47 128.536 217.501 128.622 217.544 128.735 c\r
-217.544 128.735 215.177 134.973 215.177 134.973 c\r
-215.177 134.973 216.304 134.973 216.304 134.973 c\r
-216.304 134.973 217.605 131.374 217.605 131.374 c\r
-217.773 130.917 217.925 130.438 218.058 129.935 c\r
-218.183 130.412 218.329 130.882 218.497 131.342 c\r
-218.497 131.342 219.825 134.973 219.825 134.973 c\r
-219.825 134.973 220.88 134.973 220.88 134.973 c\r
-220.88 134.973 218.52 128.638 218.52 128.638 c\r
-218.267 127.955 218.069 127.486 217.929 127.229 c\r
-217.739 126.881 217.524 126.627 217.282 126.465 c\r
-217.04 126.304 216.749 126.223 216.413 126.223 c\r
-216.21 126.223 215.981 126.266 215.731 126.352 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-198.5 118.579 m\r
-198.5 119.079 L\r
-100 119.079 L\r
-100 165.579 L\r
-198 165.579 L\r
-198 118.579 L\r
-198.5 118.579 L\r
-198.5 119.079 L\r
-198.5 118.579 L\r
-199 118.579 L\r
-199 166.579 L\r
-99 166.579 L\r
-99 118.079 L\r
-199 118.079 L\r
-199 118.579 L\r
-198.5 118.579 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-115.546 109.412 m\r
-115.546 109.412 115.977 109.412 115.977 109.412 c\r
-115.977 109.412 115.566 109.548 115.566 109.548 c\r
-115.565 109.532 115.552 109.54 115.546 109.412 C\r
-115.546 109.412 115.977 109.412 115.977 109.412 c\r
-115.977 109.412 115.566 109.548 115.566 109.548 c\r
-115.566 109.548 115.701 109.503 115.701 109.503 c\r
-115.701 109.503 115.567 109.551 115.567 109.551 c\r
-115.567 109.551 115.566 109.548 115.566 109.548 c\r
-115.566 109.548 115.701 109.503 115.701 109.503 c\r
-115.701 109.503 115.567 109.551 115.567 109.551 c\r
-115.567 109.549 115.526 109.453 115.464 109.328 c\r
-114.983 108.352 113.089 104.998 110.168 101.932 c\r
-107.243 98.8555 103.311 96.0918 98.7622 96.0981 c\r
-96.209 96.0996 93.4282 96.9531 90.4321 99.1611 c\r
-87.4385 101.369 84.2422 104.938 80.9263 110.341 C\r
-80.9263 110.341 80.0737 109.817 80.0737 109.817 c\r
-83.4375 104.34 86.7046 100.669 89.8384 98.3564 c\r
-92.9697 96.0435 95.98 95.0962 98.7622 95.0981 c\r
-101.463 95.0977 103.929 95.9834 106.092 97.2944 c\r
-109.337 99.2637 111.924 102.187 113.712 104.64 c\r
-114.606 105.867 115.3 106.978 115.772 107.797 c\r
-116.008 108.207 116.188 108.544 116.313 108.789 c\r
-116.374 108.912 116.422 109.01 116.457 109.088 C\r
-116.457 109.088 116.502 109.196 116.502 109.196 c\r
-116.502 109.196 116.523 109.257 116.523 109.257 c\r
-116.529 109.288 116.543 109.306 116.546 109.412 C\r
-116.546 109.412 115.546 109.412 115.546 109.412 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-84.3828 110.707 m\r
-79.1465 106.334 L\r
-77.8413 113.221 L\r
-84.3828 110.707 L\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-49.0459 109.412 m\r
-49.0459 109.412 49.4771 109.412 49.4771 109.412 c\r
-49.4771 109.412 49.0659 109.548 49.0659 109.548 c\r
-49.0654 109.532 49.0522 109.54 49.0459 109.412 C\r
-49.0459 109.412 49.4771 109.412 49.4771 109.412 c\r
-49.4771 109.412 49.0659 109.548 49.0659 109.548 c\r
-49.0659 109.548 49.2007 109.503 49.2007 109.503 c\r
-49.2007 109.503 49.0674 109.551 49.0674 109.551 c\r
-49.0674 109.551 49.0659 109.548 49.0659 109.548 c\r
-49.0659 109.548 49.2007 109.503 49.2007 109.503 c\r
-49.2007 109.503 49.0674 109.551 49.0674 109.551 c\r
-49.0674 109.549 49.0264 109.453 48.9639 109.328 c\r
-48.4834 108.352 46.5889 104.998 43.668 101.932 c\r
-40.7427 98.8555 36.8105 96.0918 32.2622 96.0981 c\r
-29.709 96.0996 26.9282 96.9531 23.9321 99.1611 c\r
-20.9385 101.369 17.7427 104.938 14.4263 110.341 C\r
-14.4263 110.341 13.5737 109.817 13.5737 109.817 c\r
-16.9375 104.34 20.2046 100.669 23.3384 98.3564 c\r
-26.4697 96.0435 29.48 95.0962 32.2622 95.0981 c\r
-34.9629 95.0977 37.4292 95.9834 39.5918 97.2944 c\r
-42.8374 99.2637 45.4238 102.187 47.2124 104.64 c\r
-48.1064 105.867 48.7998 106.978 49.272 107.797 c\r
-49.5078 108.207 49.6885 108.544 49.8125 108.789 c\r
-49.8745 108.912 49.9219 109.01 49.957 109.088 C\r
-49.957 109.088 50.002 109.196 50.002 109.196 c\r
-50.002 109.196 50.0229 109.257 50.0229 109.257 c\r
-50.0293 109.288 50.0425 109.306 50.0459 109.412 C\r
-50.0459 109.412 49.0459 109.412 49.0459 109.412 c\r
-1 0 0 1 -6.778 -67.97 cm\r
-17.8828 110.707 m\r
-12.6465 106.334 L\r
-11.3413 113.221 L\r
-17.8828 110.707 L\r
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- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 170 lineto 273 170 lineto 273 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-234.699 156.123 m\r
-234.699 157.14 234.804 157.959 235.013 158.58 c\r
-235.221 159.201 235.531 159.679 235.942 160.014 c\r
-236.355 160.349 236.872 160.517 237.496 160.517 c\r
-237.956 160.517 238.36 160.424 238.709 160.238 c\r
-239.058 160.052 239.345 159.784 239.569 159.435 c\r
-239.794 159.084 239.971 158.658 240.1 158.155 c\r
-240.229 157.653 240.293 156.976 240.293 156.123 c\r
-240.293 155.114 240.189 154.299 239.982 153.678 c\r
-239.776 153.057 239.467 152.577 239.056 152.241 c\r
-238.644 151.903 238.124 151.735 237.496 151.735 c\r
-236.669 151.735 236.02 152.031 235.548 152.623 c\r
-234.981 153.341 234.699 154.508 234.699 156.123 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-235.785 156.122 m\r
-235.785 154.708 235.949 153.768 236.278 153.302 c\r
-236.607 152.835 237.014 152.602 237.496 152.602 c\r
-237.979 152.602 238.385 152.837 238.714 153.305 c\r
-239.042 153.773 239.207 154.712 239.207 156.122 c\r
-239.207 157.538 239.043 158.479 238.715 158.943 c\r
-238.386 159.409 237.977 159.642 237.484 159.642 c\r
-237.002 159.642 236.615 159.436 236.326 159.025 c\r
-235.966 158.502 235.785 157.534 235.785 156.122 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-247.301 152.823 m\r
-247.301 152.823 247.457 151.892 247.457 151.892 c\r
-247.159 151.829 246.894 151.798 246.659 151.798 c\r
-246.275 151.798 245.977 151.858 245.767 151.98 c\r
-245.556 152.101 245.406 152.261 245.32 152.458 c\r
-245.234 152.655 245.191 153.071 245.191 153.705 c\r
-245.191 153.705 245.191 157.29 245.191 157.29 c\r
-245.191 157.29 244.41 157.29 244.41 157.29 c\r
-244.41 157.29 244.41 158.11 244.41 158.11 c\r
-244.41 158.11 245.191 158.11 245.191 158.11 c\r
-245.191 158.11 245.191 159.651 245.191 159.651 c\r
-245.191 159.651 246.246 160.284 246.246 160.284 c\r
-246.246 160.284 246.246 158.11 246.246 158.11 c\r
-246.246 158.11 247.301 158.11 247.301 158.11 c\r
-247.301 158.11 247.301 157.29 247.301 157.29 c\r
-247.301 157.29 246.246 157.29 246.246 157.29 c\r
-246.246 157.29 246.246 153.645 246.246 153.645 c\r
-246.246 153.344 246.265 153.15 246.302 153.064 c\r
-246.338 152.977 246.398 152.909 246.482 152.858 c\r
-246.565 152.808 246.685 152.782 246.841 152.782 c\r
-246.957 152.782 247.11 152.796 247.301 152.823 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-252.393 152.649 m\r
-252 152.318 251.624 152.084 251.263 151.948 c\r
-250.902 151.811 250.515 151.743 250.102 151.743 c\r
-249.419 151.743 248.895 151.91 248.528 152.245 c\r
-248.162 152.579 247.979 153.006 247.979 153.526 c\r
-247.979 153.831 248.048 154.109 248.186 154.362 c\r
-248.324 154.614 248.506 154.816 248.73 154.969 c\r
-248.954 155.121 249.207 155.236 249.487 155.315 c\r
-249.694 155.37 250.006 155.423 250.423 155.474 c\r
-251.273 155.575 251.899 155.696 252.301 155.837 c\r
-252.305 155.981 252.307 156.073 252.307 156.112 c\r
-252.307 156.541 252.207 156.844 252.009 157.019 c\r
-251.739 157.257 251.34 157.376 250.81 157.376 c\r
-250.314 157.376 249.948 157.289 249.713 157.116 c\r
-249.477 156.942 249.303 156.636 249.189 156.196 c\r
-249.189 156.196 248.158 156.337 248.158 156.337 c\r
-248.252 156.778 248.406 157.134 248.621 157.405 c\r
-248.835 157.677 249.145 157.885 249.552 158.031 c\r
-249.958 158.178 250.428 158.251 250.963 158.251 c\r
-251.493 158.251 251.925 158.189 252.257 158.064 c\r
-252.589 157.939 252.832 157.781 252.988 157.592 c\r
-253.145 157.403 253.254 157.164 253.316 156.875 c\r
-253.352 156.695 253.369 156.371 253.369 155.901 c\r
-253.369 155.901 253.369 154.495 253.369 154.495 c\r
-253.369 153.514 253.392 152.893 253.436 152.633 c\r
-253.482 152.372 253.571 152.122 253.705 151.884 c\r
-253.705 151.884 252.604 151.884 252.604 151.884 c\r
-252.494 152.102 252.424 152.357 252.393 152.649 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-252.307 155.009 m\r
-251.924 154.852 251.351 154.72 250.585 154.61 c\r
-250.151 154.548 249.845 154.477 249.666 154.399 c\r
-249.486 154.321 249.348 154.207 249.25 154.057 c\r
-249.152 153.906 249.104 153.739 249.104 153.556 c\r
-249.104 153.274 249.21 153.04 249.422 152.852 c\r
-249.635 152.665 249.945 152.571 250.355 152.571 c\r
-250.76 152.571 251.12 152.66 251.436 152.838 c\r
-251.751 153.017 251.983 153.259 252.131 153.567 c\r
-252.244 153.806 252.301 154.157 252.301 154.622 c\r
-252.301 154.622 252.307 155.009 252.307 155.009 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.012 151.884 m\r
-255.012 160.477 L\r
-256.066 160.477 L\r
-256.066 155.583 L\r
-258.561 158.11 L\r
-259.926 158.11 L\r
-257.551 155.798 L\r
-260.168 151.884 L\r
-258.867 151.884 L\r
-256.803 155.069 L\r
-256.066 154.352 L\r
-256.066 151.884 L\r
-255.012 151.884 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-263.309 152.823 m\r
-263.309 152.823 263.465 151.892 263.465 151.892 c\r
-263.167 151.829 262.901 151.798 262.667 151.798 c\r
-262.283 151.798 261.985 151.858 261.774 151.98 c\r
-261.564 152.101 261.414 152.261 261.328 152.458 c\r
-261.242 152.655 261.199 153.071 261.199 153.705 c\r
-261.199 153.705 261.199 157.29 261.199 157.29 c\r
-261.199 157.29 260.418 157.29 260.418 157.29 c\r
-260.418 157.29 260.418 158.11 260.418 158.11 c\r
-260.418 158.11 261.199 158.11 261.199 158.11 c\r
-261.199 158.11 261.199 159.651 261.199 159.651 c\r
-261.199 159.651 262.254 160.284 262.254 160.284 c\r
-262.254 160.284 262.254 158.11 262.254 158.11 c\r
-262.254 158.11 263.309 158.11 263.309 158.11 c\r
-263.309 158.11 263.309 157.29 263.309 157.29 c\r
-263.309 157.29 262.254 157.29 262.254 157.29 c\r
-262.254 157.29 262.254 153.645 262.254 153.645 c\r
-262.254 153.344 262.272 153.15 262.31 153.064 c\r
-262.346 152.977 262.406 152.909 262.49 152.858 c\r
-262.573 152.808 262.692 152.782 262.849 152.782 c\r
-262.965 152.782 263.118 152.796 263.309 152.823 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.801 117.883 m\r
-237.801 117.883 236.746 117.883 236.746 117.883 c\r
-236.746 117.883 236.746 124.609 236.746 124.609 c\r
-236.492 124.367 236.159 124.125 235.747 123.883 c\r
-235.335 123.64 234.965 123.458 234.637 123.337 c\r
-234.637 123.337 234.637 124.357 234.637 124.357 c\r
-235.227 124.635 235.742 124.971 236.184 125.366 c\r
-236.625 125.761 236.938 126.145 237.121 126.516 c\r
-237.121 126.516 237.801 126.516 237.801 126.516 c\r
-237.801 126.516 237.801 117.883 237.801 117.883 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.434 118.822 m\r
-246.434 118.822 246.59 117.891 246.59 117.891 c\r
-246.292 117.828 246.026 117.797 245.792 117.797 c\r
-245.408 117.797 245.11 117.857 244.899 117.979 c\r
-244.689 118.1 244.539 118.26 244.453 118.457 c\r
-244.367 118.654 244.324 119.07 244.324 119.704 c\r
-244.324 119.704 244.324 123.289 244.324 123.289 c\r
-244.324 123.289 243.543 123.289 243.543 123.289 c\r
-243.543 123.289 243.543 124.109 243.543 124.109 c\r
-243.543 124.109 244.324 124.109 244.324 124.109 c\r
-244.324 124.109 244.324 125.65 244.324 125.65 c\r
-244.324 125.65 245.379 126.283 245.379 126.283 c\r
-245.379 126.283 245.379 124.109 245.379 124.109 c\r
-245.379 124.109 246.434 124.109 246.434 124.109 c\r
-246.434 124.109 246.434 123.289 246.434 123.289 c\r
-246.434 123.289 245.379 123.289 245.379 123.289 c\r
-245.379 123.289 245.379 119.645 245.379 119.645 c\r
-245.379 119.343 245.398 119.149 245.435 119.063 c\r
-245.471 118.977 245.531 118.908 245.615 118.857 c\r
-245.698 118.807 245.817 118.781 245.974 118.781 c\r
-246.09 118.781 246.243 118.795 246.434 118.822 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.525 118.648 m\r
-251.133 118.317 250.757 118.083 250.395 117.947 c\r
-250.035 117.811 249.648 117.742 249.234 117.742 c\r
-248.552 117.742 248.027 117.909 247.661 118.244 c\r
-247.295 118.578 247.111 119.005 247.111 119.525 c\r
-247.111 119.83 247.181 120.108 247.319 120.361 c\r
-247.457 120.613 247.639 120.815 247.863 120.968 c\r
-248.087 121.12 248.34 121.235 248.62 121.314 c\r
-248.827 121.369 249.139 121.422 249.556 121.473 c\r
-250.406 121.574 251.032 121.695 251.434 121.836 c\r
-251.438 121.98 251.439 122.072 251.439 122.111 c\r
-251.439 122.54 251.34 122.843 251.142 123.018 c\r
-250.872 123.256 250.473 123.375 249.942 123.375 c\r
-249.447 123.375 249.081 123.288 248.846 123.115 c\r
-248.609 122.941 248.436 122.635 248.322 122.195 c\r
-248.322 122.195 247.291 122.336 247.291 122.336 c\r
-247.385 122.777 247.539 123.133 247.754 123.404 c\r
-247.968 123.676 248.278 123.884 248.685 124.03 c\r
-249.091 124.177 249.561 124.25 250.096 124.25 c\r
-250.626 124.25 251.058 124.188 251.39 124.063 c\r
-251.722 123.938 251.965 123.78 252.121 123.591 c\r
-252.277 123.402 252.387 123.163 252.449 122.874 c\r
-252.484 122.694 252.502 122.37 252.502 121.9 c\r
-252.502 121.9 252.502 120.494 252.502 120.494 c\r
-252.502 119.513 252.524 118.892 252.569 118.632 c\r
-252.615 118.371 252.704 118.121 252.838 117.883 c\r
-252.838 117.883 251.736 117.883 251.736 117.883 c\r
-251.627 118.101 251.557 118.356 251.525 118.648 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.439 121.008 m\r
-251.057 120.852 250.483 120.719 249.718 120.609 c\r
-249.284 120.547 248.977 120.477 248.799 120.398 c\r
-248.619 120.32 248.48 120.206 248.383 120.056 c\r
-248.285 119.905 248.236 119.738 248.236 119.555 c\r
-248.236 119.273 248.343 119.039 248.555 118.852 c\r
-248.768 118.664 249.078 118.57 249.487 118.57 c\r
-249.893 118.57 250.253 118.659 250.568 118.837 c\r
-250.884 119.016 251.116 119.258 251.264 119.566 c\r
-251.377 119.805 251.434 120.156 251.434 120.621 c\r
-251.434 120.621 251.439 121.008 251.439 121.008 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-254.145 117.883 m\r
-254.145 126.477 L\r
-255.199 126.477 L\r
-255.199 121.582 L\r
-257.694 124.109 L\r
-259.059 124.109 L\r
-256.684 121.797 L\r
-259.301 117.883 L\r
-258 117.883 L\r
-255.936 121.068 L\r
-255.199 120.352 L\r
-255.199 117.883 L\r
-254.145 117.883 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-262.441 118.822 m\r
-262.441 118.822 262.598 117.891 262.598 117.891 c\r
-262.3 117.828 262.034 117.797 261.8 117.797 c\r
-261.416 117.797 261.118 117.857 260.907 117.979 c\r
-260.696 118.1 260.547 118.26 260.461 118.457 c\r
-260.375 118.654 260.332 119.07 260.332 119.704 c\r
-260.332 119.704 260.332 123.289 260.332 123.289 c\r
-260.332 123.289 259.551 123.289 259.551 123.289 c\r
-259.551 123.289 259.551 124.109 259.551 124.109 c\r
-259.551 124.109 260.332 124.109 260.332 124.109 c\r
-260.332 124.109 260.332 125.65 260.332 125.65 c\r
-260.332 125.65 261.387 126.283 261.387 126.283 c\r
-261.387 126.283 261.387 124.109 261.387 124.109 c\r
-261.387 124.109 262.441 124.109 262.441 124.109 c\r
-262.441 124.109 262.441 123.289 262.441 123.289 c\r
-262.441 123.289 261.387 123.289 261.387 123.289 c\r
-261.387 123.289 261.387 119.645 261.387 119.645 c\r
-261.387 119.343 261.405 119.149 261.442 119.063 c\r
-261.478 118.977 261.539 118.908 261.623 118.857 c\r
-261.706 118.807 261.825 118.781 261.981 118.781 c\r
-262.098 118.781 262.251 118.795 262.441 118.822 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.371 79.5664 m\r
-239.371 79.5664 239.371 78.5508 239.371 78.5508 c\r
-239.371 78.5508 233.699 78.5508 233.699 78.5508 c\r
-233.691 78.8047 233.732 79.0488 233.822 79.2832 c\r
-233.966 79.6699 234.196 80.0508 234.514 80.4248 c\r
-234.831 80.7998 235.29 81.2324 235.892 81.7246 c\r
-236.825 82.4941 237.455 83.1025 237.78 83.5498 c\r
-238.106 83.9971 238.27 84.4199 238.27 84.8203 c\r
-238.27 85.2383 238.121 85.5908 237.823 85.8779 c\r
-237.526 86.165 237.139 86.3086 236.661 86.3086 c\r
-236.156 86.3086 235.752 86.1563 235.448 85.8525 c\r
-235.145 85.5488 234.992 85.1279 234.988 84.5898 c\r
-234.988 84.5898 233.902 84.6992 233.902 84.6992 c\r
-233.977 85.5078 234.255 86.124 234.738 86.5479 c\r
-235.222 86.9717 235.87 87.1836 236.685 87.1836 c\r
-237.507 87.1836 238.157 86.9551 238.637 86.4971 c\r
-239.116 86.04 239.355 85.4727 239.355 84.7969 c\r
-239.355 84.4531 239.285 84.1143 239.145 83.7822 c\r
-239.005 83.4502 238.773 83.0996 238.448 82.7324 c\r
-238.123 82.3652 237.583 81.8604 236.827 81.2197 c\r
-236.194 80.6885 235.79 80.3271 235.612 80.1377 c\r
-235.434 79.9482 235.287 79.7578 235.171 79.5664 c\r
-235.171 79.5664 239.371 79.5664 239.371 79.5664 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.434 79.4902 m\r
-246.434 79.4902 246.59 78.5586 246.59 78.5586 c\r
-246.292 78.4961 246.026 78.4648 245.792 78.4648 c\r
-245.408 78.4648 245.11 78.5254 244.899 78.6465 c\r
-244.689 78.7676 244.539 78.9277 244.453 79.125 c\r
-244.367 79.3223 244.324 79.7383 244.324 80.3721 c\r
-244.324 80.3721 244.324 83.957 244.324 83.957 c\r
-244.324 83.957 243.543 83.957 243.543 83.957 c\r
-243.543 83.957 243.543 84.7773 243.543 84.7773 c\r
-243.543 84.7773 244.324 84.7773 244.324 84.7773 c\r
-244.324 84.7773 244.324 86.3184 244.324 86.3184 c\r
-244.324 86.3184 245.379 86.9512 245.379 86.9512 c\r
-245.379 86.9512 245.379 84.7773 245.379 84.7773 c\r
-245.379 84.7773 246.434 84.7773 246.434 84.7773 c\r
-246.434 84.7773 246.434 83.957 246.434 83.957 c\r
-246.434 83.957 245.379 83.957 245.379 83.957 c\r
-245.379 83.957 245.379 80.3125 245.379 80.3125 c\r
-245.379 80.0107 245.398 79.8174 245.435 79.7305 c\r
-245.471 79.6445 245.531 79.5762 245.615 79.5254 c\r
-245.698 79.4746 245.817 79.4492 245.974 79.4492 c\r
-246.09 79.4492 246.243 79.4629 246.434 79.4902 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.525 79.3164 m\r
-251.133 78.9854 250.757 78.751 250.395 78.6152 c\r
-250.035 78.4785 249.648 78.4102 249.234 78.4102 c\r
-248.552 78.4102 248.027 78.5771 247.661 78.9121 c\r
-247.295 79.2461 247.111 79.6729 247.111 80.1934 c\r
-247.111 80.498 247.181 80.7764 247.319 81.0293 c\r
-247.457 81.2813 247.639 81.4834 247.863 81.6357 c\r
-248.087 81.7881 248.34 81.9033 248.62 81.9824 c\r
-248.827 82.0371 249.139 82.0898 249.556 82.1406 c\r
-250.406 82.2422 251.032 82.3633 251.434 82.5039 c\r
-251.438 82.6484 251.439 82.7402 251.439 82.7793 c\r
-251.439 83.208 251.34 83.5107 251.142 83.6855 c\r
-250.872 83.9238 250.473 84.043 249.942 84.043 c\r
-249.447 84.043 249.081 83.9561 248.846 83.7832 c\r
-248.609 83.6094 248.436 83.3027 248.322 82.8633 c\r
-248.322 82.8633 247.291 83.0039 247.291 83.0039 c\r
-247.385 83.4453 247.539 83.8008 247.754 84.0723 c\r
-247.968 84.3438 248.278 84.5518 248.685 84.6982 c\r
-249.091 84.8447 249.561 84.918 250.096 84.918 c\r
-250.626 84.918 251.058 84.8555 251.39 84.7305 c\r
-251.722 84.6055 251.965 84.4482 252.121 84.2588 c\r
-252.277 84.0703 252.387 83.8311 252.449 83.542 c\r
-252.484 83.3623 252.502 83.0381 252.502 82.5684 c\r
-252.502 82.5684 252.502 81.1621 252.502 81.1621 c\r
-252.502 80.1807 252.524 79.5596 252.569 79.2998 c\r
-252.615 79.0391 252.704 78.7891 252.838 78.5508 c\r
-252.838 78.5508 251.736 78.5508 251.736 78.5508 c\r
-251.627 78.7686 251.557 79.0244 251.525 79.3164 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.439 81.6758 m\r
-251.057 81.5195 250.483 81.3867 249.718 81.2773 c\r
-249.284 81.2148 248.977 81.1445 248.799 81.0664 c\r
-248.619 80.9883 248.48 80.874 248.383 80.7236 c\r
-248.285 80.5732 248.236 80.4063 248.236 80.2227 c\r
-248.236 79.9414 248.343 79.707 248.555 79.5195 c\r
-248.768 79.332 249.078 79.2383 249.487 79.2383 c\r
-249.893 79.2383 250.253 79.3271 250.568 79.5049 c\r
-250.884 79.6836 251.116 79.9258 251.264 80.2344 c\r
-251.377 80.4727 251.434 80.8242 251.434 81.2891 c\r
-251.434 81.2891 251.439 81.6758 251.439 81.6758 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-254.145 78.5508 m\r
-254.145 87.1445 L\r
-255.199 87.1445 L\r
-255.199 82.25 L\r
-257.694 84.7773 L\r
-259.059 84.7773 L\r
-256.684 82.4648 L\r
-259.301 78.5508 L\r
-258 78.5508 L\r
-255.936 81.7363 L\r
-255.199 81.0195 L\r
-255.199 78.5508 L\r
-254.145 78.5508 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-262.441 79.4902 m\r
-262.441 79.4902 262.598 78.5586 262.598 78.5586 c\r
-262.3 78.4961 262.034 78.4648 261.8 78.4648 c\r
-261.416 78.4648 261.118 78.5254 260.907 78.6465 c\r
-260.696 78.7676 260.547 78.9277 260.461 79.125 c\r
-260.375 79.3223 260.332 79.7383 260.332 80.3721 c\r
-260.332 80.3721 260.332 83.957 260.332 83.957 c\r
-260.332 83.957 259.551 83.957 259.551 83.957 c\r
-259.551 83.957 259.551 84.7773 259.551 84.7773 c\r
-259.551 84.7773 260.332 84.7773 260.332 84.7773 c\r
-260.332 84.7773 260.332 86.3184 260.332 86.3184 c\r
-260.332 86.3184 261.387 86.9512 261.387 86.9512 c\r
-261.387 86.9512 261.387 84.7773 261.387 84.7773 c\r
-261.387 84.7773 262.441 84.7773 262.441 84.7773 c\r
-262.441 84.7773 262.441 83.957 262.441 83.957 c\r
-262.441 83.957 261.387 83.957 261.387 83.957 c\r
-261.387 83.957 261.387 80.3125 261.387 80.3125 c\r
-261.387 80.0107 261.405 79.8174 261.442 79.7305 c\r
-261.478 79.6445 261.539 79.5762 261.623 79.5254 c\r
-261.706 79.4746 261.825 79.4492 261.981 79.4492 c\r
-262.098 79.4492 262.251 79.4629 262.441 79.4902 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-234.707 47.4912 m\r
-234.707 47.4912 235.762 47.6318 235.762 47.6318 c\r
-235.883 47.0342 236.088 46.6035 236.377 46.3398 c\r
-236.666 46.0762 237.02 45.9443 237.44 45.9443 c\r
-237.939 45.9443 238.357 46.1162 238.697 46.46 c\r
-239.037 46.8027 239.207 47.2285 239.207 47.7363 c\r
-239.207 48.2207 239.049 48.6191 238.733 48.9336 c\r
-238.417 49.248 238.016 49.4053 237.528 49.4053 c\r
-237.329 49.4053 237.082 49.3662 236.785 49.2881 c\r
-236.785 49.2881 236.902 50.2178 236.902 50.2178 c\r
-236.973 50.21 237.029 50.2061 237.072 50.2061 c\r
-237.52 50.2061 237.922 50.3232 238.279 50.5576 c\r
-238.638 50.792 238.816 51.1533 238.816 51.6416 c\r
-238.816 52.0283 238.686 52.3486 238.426 52.6025 c\r
-238.165 52.8564 237.829 52.9834 237.417 52.9834 c\r
-237.009 52.9834 236.668 52.8545 236.395 52.5967 c\r
-236.124 52.3389 235.949 51.9521 235.871 51.4365 c\r
-235.871 51.4365 234.816 51.624 234.816 51.624 c\r
-234.945 52.3311 235.237 52.8789 235.693 53.2676 c\r
-236.149 53.6563 236.716 53.8506 237.395 53.8506 c\r
-237.862 53.8506 238.293 53.75 238.686 53.5488 c\r
-239.08 53.3477 239.381 53.0732 239.59 52.7256 c\r
-239.798 52.377 239.902 52.0078 239.902 51.6172 c\r
-239.902 51.2461 239.803 50.9082 239.604 50.6035 c\r
-239.404 50.2988 239.109 50.0557 238.719 49.876 c\r
-239.227 49.7588 239.621 49.5156 239.902 49.1465 c\r
-240.184 48.7773 240.324 48.3154 240.324 47.7598 c\r
-240.324 47.0098 240.051 46.374 239.505 45.8516 c\r
-238.959 45.3301 238.269 45.0693 237.434 45.0693 c\r
-236.681 45.0693 236.056 45.2939 235.559 45.7432 c\r
-235.061 46.1934 234.777 46.7754 234.707 47.4912 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-247.301 46.1572 m\r
-247.301 46.1572 247.457 45.2256 247.457 45.2256 c\r
-247.159 45.1631 246.894 45.1318 246.659 45.1318 c\r
-246.275 45.1318 245.977 45.1924 245.767 45.3135 c\r
-245.556 45.4346 245.406 45.5947 245.32 45.792 c\r
-245.234 45.9893 245.191 46.4053 245.191 47.0391 c\r
-245.191 47.0391 245.191 50.624 245.191 50.624 c\r
-245.191 50.624 244.41 50.624 244.41 50.624 c\r
-244.41 50.624 244.41 51.4443 244.41 51.4443 c\r
-244.41 51.4443 245.191 51.4443 245.191 51.4443 c\r
-245.191 51.4443 245.191 52.9854 245.191 52.9854 c\r
-245.191 52.9854 246.246 53.6182 246.246 53.6182 c\r
-246.246 53.6182 246.246 51.4443 246.246 51.4443 c\r
-246.246 51.4443 247.301 51.4443 247.301 51.4443 c\r
-247.301 51.4443 247.301 50.624 247.301 50.624 c\r
-247.301 50.624 246.246 50.624 246.246 50.624 c\r
-246.246 50.624 246.246 46.9795 246.246 46.9795 c\r
-246.246 46.6777 246.265 46.4844 246.302 46.3975 c\r
-246.338 46.3115 246.398 46.2432 246.482 46.1924 c\r
-246.565 46.1416 246.685 46.1162 246.841 46.1162 c\r
-246.957 46.1162 247.11 46.1299 247.301 46.1572 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-252.393 45.9834 m\r
-252 45.6523 251.624 45.418 251.263 45.2822 c\r
-250.902 45.1455 250.515 45.0771 250.102 45.0771 c\r
-249.419 45.0771 248.895 45.2441 248.528 45.5791 c\r
-248.162 45.9131 247.979 46.3398 247.979 46.8604 c\r
-247.979 47.165 248.048 47.4434 248.186 47.6963 c\r
-248.324 47.9482 248.506 48.1504 248.73 48.3027 c\r
-248.954 48.4551 249.207 48.5703 249.487 48.6494 c\r
-249.694 48.7041 250.006 48.7568 250.423 48.8076 c\r
-251.273 48.9092 251.899 49.0303 252.301 49.1709 c\r
-252.305 49.3154 252.307 49.4072 252.307 49.4463 c\r
-252.307 49.875 252.207 50.1777 252.009 50.3525 c\r
-251.739 50.5908 251.34 50.71 250.81 50.71 c\r
-250.314 50.71 249.948 50.623 249.713 50.4502 c\r
-249.477 50.2764 249.303 49.9697 249.189 49.5303 c\r
-249.189 49.5303 248.158 49.6709 248.158 49.6709 c\r
-248.252 50.1123 248.406 50.4678 248.621 50.7393 c\r
-248.835 51.0107 249.145 51.2188 249.552 51.3652 c\r
-249.958 51.5117 250.428 51.585 250.963 51.585 c\r
-251.493 51.585 251.925 51.5225 252.257 51.3975 c\r
-252.589 51.2725 252.832 51.1152 252.988 50.9258 c\r
-253.145 50.7373 253.254 50.498 253.316 50.209 c\r
-253.352 50.0293 253.369 49.7051 253.369 49.2354 c\r
-253.369 49.2354 253.369 47.8291 253.369 47.8291 c\r
-253.369 46.8477 253.392 46.2266 253.436 45.9668 c\r
-253.482 45.7061 253.571 45.4561 253.705 45.2178 c\r
-253.705 45.2178 252.604 45.2178 252.604 45.2178 c\r
-252.494 45.4355 252.424 45.6914 252.393 45.9834 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-252.307 48.3428 m\r
-251.924 48.1865 251.351 48.0537 250.585 47.9443 c\r
-250.151 47.8818 249.845 47.8115 249.666 47.7334 c\r
-249.486 47.6553 249.348 47.541 249.25 47.3906 c\r
-249.152 47.2402 249.104 47.0732 249.104 46.8896 c\r
-249.104 46.6084 249.21 46.374 249.422 46.1865 c\r
-249.635 45.999 249.945 45.9053 250.355 45.9053 c\r
-250.76 45.9053 251.12 45.9941 251.436 46.1719 c\r
-251.751 46.3506 251.983 46.5928 252.131 46.9014 c\r
-252.244 47.1396 252.301 47.4912 252.301 47.9561 c\r
-252.301 47.9561 252.307 48.3428 252.307 48.3428 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.012 45.2178 m\r
-255.012 53.8115 L\r
-256.066 53.8115 L\r
-256.066 48.917 L\r
-258.561 51.4443 L\r
-259.926 51.4443 L\r
-257.551 49.1318 L\r
-260.168 45.2178 L\r
-258.867 45.2178 L\r
-256.803 48.4033 L\r
-256.066 47.6865 L\r
-256.066 45.2178 L\r
-255.012 45.2178 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-263.309 46.1572 m\r
-263.309 46.1572 263.465 45.2256 263.465 45.2256 c\r
-263.167 45.1631 262.901 45.1318 262.667 45.1318 c\r
-262.283 45.1318 261.985 45.1924 261.774 45.3135 c\r
-261.564 45.4346 261.414 45.5947 261.328 45.792 c\r
-261.242 45.9893 261.199 46.4053 261.199 47.0391 c\r
-261.199 47.0391 261.199 50.624 261.199 50.624 c\r
-261.199 50.624 260.418 50.624 260.418 50.624 c\r
-260.418 50.624 260.418 51.4443 260.418 51.4443 c\r
-260.418 51.4443 261.199 51.4443 261.199 51.4443 c\r
-261.199 51.4443 261.199 52.9854 261.199 52.9854 c\r
-261.199 52.9854 262.254 53.6182 262.254 53.6182 c\r
-262.254 53.6182 262.254 51.4443 262.254 51.4443 c\r
-262.254 51.4443 263.309 51.4443 263.309 51.4443 c\r
-263.309 51.4443 263.309 50.624 263.309 50.624 c\r
-263.309 50.624 262.254 50.624 262.254 50.624 c\r
-262.254 50.624 262.254 46.9795 262.254 46.9795 c\r
-262.254 46.6777 262.272 46.4844 262.31 46.3975 c\r
-262.346 46.3115 262.406 46.2432 262.49 46.1924 c\r
-262.573 46.1416 262.692 46.1162 262.849 46.1162 c\r
-262.965 46.1162 263.118 46.1299 263.309 46.1572 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.407 11.8838 m\r
-237.407 13.9385 L\r
-233.689 13.9385 L\r
-233.689 14.9072 L\r
-237.602 20.4775 L\r
-238.462 20.4775 L\r
-238.462 14.9072 L\r
-239.626 14.9072 L\r
-239.626 13.9385 L\r
-238.462 13.9385 L\r
-238.462 11.8838 L\r
-237.407 11.8838 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.407 14.9072 m\r
-237.407 18.7783 L\r
-234.725 14.9072 L\r
-237.407 14.9072 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.634 12.8232 m\r
-246.634 12.8232 246.79 11.8916 246.79 11.8916 c\r
-246.492 11.8291 246.227 11.7979 245.992 11.7979 c\r
-245.608 11.7979 245.311 11.8584 245.1 11.9795 c\r
-244.889 12.1006 244.739 12.2607 244.653 12.458 c\r
-244.567 12.6553 244.524 13.0713 244.524 13.7051 c\r
-244.524 13.7051 244.524 17.29 244.524 17.29 c\r
-244.524 17.29 243.743 17.29 243.743 17.29 c\r
-243.743 17.29 243.743 18.1104 243.743 18.1104 c\r
-243.743 18.1104 244.524 18.1104 244.524 18.1104 c\r
-244.524 18.1104 244.524 19.6514 244.524 19.6514 c\r
-244.524 19.6514 245.579 20.2842 245.579 20.2842 c\r
-245.579 20.2842 245.579 18.1104 245.579 18.1104 c\r
-245.579 18.1104 246.634 18.1104 246.634 18.1104 c\r
-246.634 18.1104 246.634 17.29 246.634 17.29 c\r
-246.634 17.29 245.579 17.29 245.579 17.29 c\r
-245.579 17.29 245.579 13.6455 245.579 13.6455 c\r
-245.579 13.3438 245.598 13.1504 245.635 13.0635 c\r
-245.671 12.9775 245.731 12.9092 245.815 12.8584 c\r
-245.898 12.8076 246.018 12.7822 246.174 12.7822 c\r
-246.29 12.7822 246.443 12.7959 246.634 12.8232 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.726 12.6494 m\r
-251.333 12.3184 250.957 12.084 250.596 11.9482 c\r
-250.235 11.8115 249.848 11.7432 249.435 11.7432 c\r
-248.752 11.7432 248.227 11.9102 247.861 12.2451 c\r
-247.495 12.5791 247.311 13.0059 247.311 13.5264 c\r
-247.311 13.8311 247.381 14.1094 247.52 14.3623 c\r
-247.657 14.6143 247.839 14.8164 248.064 14.9688 c\r
-248.287 15.1211 248.54 15.2363 248.82 15.3154 c\r
-249.027 15.3701 249.339 15.4229 249.756 15.4736 c\r
-250.606 15.5752 251.232 15.6963 251.634 15.8369 c\r
-251.638 15.9814 251.64 16.0732 251.64 16.1123 c\r
-251.64 16.541 251.54 16.8438 251.342 17.0186 c\r
-251.072 17.2568 250.673 17.376 250.143 17.376 c\r
-249.648 17.376 249.281 17.2891 249.046 17.1162 c\r
-248.81 16.9424 248.636 16.6357 248.523 16.1963 c\r
-248.523 16.1963 247.491 16.3369 247.491 16.3369 c\r
-247.585 16.7783 247.739 17.1338 247.954 17.4053 c\r
-248.168 17.6768 248.479 17.8848 248.885 18.0313 c\r
-249.291 18.1777 249.761 18.251 250.296 18.251 c\r
-250.826 18.251 251.258 18.1885 251.59 18.0635 c\r
-251.922 17.9385 252.165 17.7813 252.321 17.5918 c\r
-252.477 17.4033 252.587 17.1641 252.649 16.875 c\r
-252.685 16.6953 252.702 16.3711 252.702 15.9014 c\r
-252.702 15.9014 252.702 14.4951 252.702 14.4951 c\r
-252.702 13.5137 252.725 12.8926 252.77 12.6328 c\r
-252.815 12.3721 252.904 12.1221 253.038 11.8838 c\r
-253.038 11.8838 251.936 11.8838 251.936 11.8838 c\r
-251.827 12.1016 251.757 12.3574 251.726 12.6494 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.64 15.0088 m\r
-251.257 14.8525 250.684 14.7197 249.918 14.6104 c\r
-249.484 14.5479 249.178 14.4775 248.999 14.3994 c\r
-248.819 14.3213 248.681 14.207 248.583 14.0566 c\r
-248.485 13.9063 248.436 13.7393 248.436 13.5557 c\r
-248.436 13.2744 248.543 13.04 248.755 12.8525 c\r
-248.968 12.665 249.278 12.5713 249.688 12.5713 c\r
-250.093 12.5713 250.453 12.6602 250.769 12.8379 c\r
-251.084 13.0166 251.316 13.2588 251.464 13.5674 c\r
-251.577 13.8057 251.634 14.1572 251.634 14.6221 c\r
-251.634 14.6221 251.64 15.0088 251.64 15.0088 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-254.345 11.8838 m\r
-254.345 20.4775 L\r
-255.399 20.4775 L\r
-255.399 15.583 L\r
-257.895 18.1104 L\r
-259.259 18.1104 L\r
-256.884 15.7979 L\r
-259.501 11.8838 L\r
-258.2 11.8838 L\r
-256.136 15.0693 L\r
-255.399 14.3525 L\r
-255.399 11.8838 L\r
-254.345 11.8838 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-262.642 12.8232 m\r
-262.642 12.8232 262.798 11.8916 262.798 11.8916 c\r
-262.5 11.8291 262.234 11.7979 262 11.7979 c\r
-261.616 11.7979 261.318 11.8584 261.107 11.9795 c\r
-260.897 12.1006 260.747 12.2607 260.661 12.458 c\r
-260.575 12.6553 260.532 13.0713 260.532 13.7051 c\r
-260.532 13.7051 260.532 17.29 260.532 17.29 c\r
-260.532 17.29 259.751 17.29 259.751 17.29 c\r
-259.751 17.29 259.751 18.1104 259.751 18.1104 c\r
-259.751 18.1104 260.532 18.1104 260.532 18.1104 c\r
-260.532 18.1104 260.532 19.6514 260.532 19.6514 c\r
-260.532 19.6514 261.587 20.2842 261.587 20.2842 c\r
-261.587 20.2842 261.587 18.1104 261.587 18.1104 c\r
-261.587 18.1104 262.642 18.1104 262.642 18.1104 c\r
-262.642 18.1104 262.642 17.29 262.642 17.29 c\r
-262.642 17.29 261.587 17.29 261.587 17.29 c\r
-261.587 17.29 261.587 13.6455 261.587 13.6455 c\r
-261.587 13.3438 261.605 13.1504 261.643 13.0635 c\r
-261.679 12.9775 261.739 12.9092 261.823 12.8584 c\r
-261.906 12.8076 262.025 12.7822 262.182 12.7822 c\r
-262.298 12.7822 262.451 12.7959 262.642 12.8232 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.3662 121.851 m\r
-59.3662 115.55 54.2256 110.442 47.8857 110.442 c\r
-41.5449 110.442 36.4053 115.55 36.4053 121.851 c\r
-36.4053 128.151 41.5449 133.259 47.8857 133.259 c\r
-54.2256 133.259 59.3662 128.151 59.3662 121.851 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.086 121.417 m\r
-111.086 115.116 105.945 110.009 99.6055 110.009 c\r
-93.2646 110.009 88.125 115.116 88.125 121.417 c\r
-88.125 127.718 93.2646 132.825 99.6055 132.825 c\r
-105.945 132.825 111.086 127.718 111.086 121.417 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-161.366 121.184 m\r
-161.366 114.883 156.226 109.775 149.886 109.775 c\r
-143.545 109.775 138.405 114.883 138.405 121.184 c\r
-138.405 127.484 143.545 132.592 149.886 132.592 c\r
-156.226 132.592 161.366 127.484 161.366 121.184 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-83.1777 80.04 m\r
-83.1777 73.7393 78.0371 68.6318 71.6973 68.6318 c\r
-65.3564 68.6318 60.2168 73.7393 60.2168 80.04 c\r
-60.2168 86.3408 65.3564 91.4482 71.6973 91.4482 c\r
-78.0371 91.4482 83.1777 86.3408 83.1777 80.04 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-189.761 81.9678 m\r
-189.761 75.667 184.62 70.5596 178.28 70.5596 c\r
-171.939 70.5596 166.8 75.667 166.8 81.9678 c\r
-166.8 88.2686 171.939 93.376 178.28 93.376 c\r
-184.62 93.376 189.761 88.2686 189.761 81.9678 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-141.317 49.3857 m\r
-141.317 43.085 136.177 37.9775 129.837 37.9775 c\r
-123.496 37.9775 118.356 43.085 118.356 49.3857 c\r
-118.356 55.6865 123.496 60.7939 129.837 60.7939 c\r
-136.177 60.7939 141.317 55.6865 141.317 49.3857 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-36.1982 148.218 m\r
-36.1982 146.377 34.7061 144.885 32.8652 144.885 c\r
-31.0234 144.885 29.5313 146.377 29.5313 148.218 c\r
-29.5313 150.06 31.0234 151.552 32.8652 151.552 c\r
-34.7061 151.552 36.1982 150.06 36.1982 148.218 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-58.8652 148.551 m\r
-58.8652 146.71 57.373 145.218 55.5322 145.218 c\r
-53.6904 145.218 52.1982 146.71 52.1982 148.551 c\r
-52.1982 150.393 53.6904 151.885 55.5322 151.885 c\r
-57.373 151.885 58.8652 150.393 58.8652 148.551 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-88.1982 148.551 m\r
-88.1982 146.71 86.7061 145.218 84.8652 145.218 c\r
-83.0234 145.218 81.5313 146.71 81.5313 148.551 c\r
-81.5313 150.393 83.0234 151.885 84.8652 151.885 c\r
-86.7061 151.885 88.1982 150.393 88.1982 148.551 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-114.198 148.551 m\r
-114.198 146.71 112.706 145.218 110.865 145.218 c\r
-109.023 145.218 107.531 146.71 107.531 148.551 c\r
-107.531 150.393 109.023 151.885 110.865 151.885 c\r
-112.706 151.885 114.198 150.393 114.198 148.551 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-142.198 148.55 m\r
-142.198 146.709 140.706 145.217 138.865 145.217 c\r
-137.023 145.217 135.531 146.709 135.531 148.55 c\r
-135.531 150.392 137.023 151.884 138.865 151.884 c\r
-140.706 151.884 142.198 150.392 142.198 148.55 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-165.867 148.217 m\r
-165.867 146.376 164.375 144.884 162.534 144.884 c\r
-160.692 144.884 159.2 146.376 159.2 148.217 c\r
-159.2 150.059 160.692 151.551 162.534 151.551 c\r
-164.375 151.551 165.867 150.059 165.867 148.217 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-32.8652 144.885 m\r
-40.2393 133.259 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-55.5322 145.218 m\r
-52.1982 132.419 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-84.8652 145.218 m\r
-93.5322 132.419 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-110.865 145.218 m\r
-102.602 132.419 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-162.534 144.884 m\r
-153.781 131.903 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.865 145.217 m\r
-145.579 131.754 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-50.9551 110.867 m\r
-67.6299 90.6982 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-99.6055 110.009 m\r
-78.6787 89.082 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-217.033 121.85 m\r
-217.033 115.549 211.893 110.441 205.553 110.441 c\r
-199.212 110.441 194.072 115.549 194.072 121.85 c\r
-194.072 128.15 199.212 133.258 205.553 133.258 c\r
-211.893 133.258 217.033 128.15 217.033 121.85 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-197.865 149.216 m\r
-197.865 147.375 196.373 145.883 194.532 145.883 c\r
-192.69 145.883 191.198 147.375 191.198 149.216 c\r
-191.198 151.058 192.69 152.55 194.532 152.55 c\r
-196.373 152.55 197.865 151.058 197.865 149.216 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-221.534 148.883 m\r
-221.534 147.042 220.042 145.55 218.201 145.55 c\r
-216.359 145.55 214.867 147.042 214.867 148.883 c\r
-214.867 150.725 216.359 152.217 218.201 152.217 c\r
-220.042 152.217 221.534 150.725 221.534 148.883 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-218.201 145.55 m\r
-209.448 132.569 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-194.532 145.883 m\r
-201.246 132.42 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-149.886 109.775 m\r
-169.906 89.7549 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-205.553 110.441 m\r
-185.74 90.6289 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-71.6973 68.6318 m\r
-121.517 57.2314 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-174.069 71.3623 m\r
-137.543 57.8242 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-133.171 17.2168 m\r
-133.171 15.376 131.679 13.8838 129.838 13.8838 c\r
-127.996 13.8838 126.504 15.376 126.504 17.2168 c\r
-126.504 19.0586 127.996 20.5508 129.838 20.5508 c\r
-131.679 20.5508 133.171 19.0586 133.171 17.2168 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-129.837 37.9775 m\r
-129.838 20.5508 L\r
-_PDX_savepage restore\r
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-/PDXDict 100 dict def\r
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- 0 exch getinterval show\r
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- }{\r
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- {\r
- currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop\r
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- {\r
- graystr exch\r
- colorstr 1 index 3 mul get 30 mul\r
- colorstr 2 index 3 mul 1 add get 59 mul\r
- colorstr 3 index 3 mul 2 add get 11 mul\r
- add add 100 idiv\r
- put\r
- } for\r
- graystr 0 3 -1 roll getinterval\r
- } image\r
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- grestore\r
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-/arrowhead {\r
- gsave\r
- [] 0 setdash\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor\r
- 2 copy moveto\r
- 4 2 roll exch 4 -1 roll exch\r
- sub 3 1 roll sub\r
- exch atan rotate dup scale\r
- arrowtype\r
- dup 0 eq {\r
- -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 1 eq {\r
- 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 2 eq {\r
- -6 -6 rmoveto 6 6 rlineto -6 6 rlineto\r
- -1.4142 -1.4142 rlineto 4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto\r
- -4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 3 eq {\r
- -6 0 rmoveto -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 4 eq {\r
- -9 0 rmoveto 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 5 eq {\r
- currentpoint newpath 3 0 360 arc\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 6 eq {\r
- 2.5 2.5 rmoveto 0 -5 rlineto -5 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- pop\r
- grestore\r
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-/setcmykcolor where { %ifelse\r
- pop\r
-}{ %else\r
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- magenta black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- yellow black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- setrgbcolor\r
- } bind def\r
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-/RE { %def\r
- findfont begin\r
- currentdict dup length dict begin\r
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- } forall\r
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- /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def\r
- 0 exch { %forall\r
- dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse\r
- Encoding 2 index 2 index put\r
- pop 1 add\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch pop\r
- } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
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- currentdict dup end end\r
- /FontName get exch definefont pop\r
-} bind def\r
-/spacecount { %def\r
- 0 exch\r
- ( ) { %loop\r
- search { %ifelse\r
- pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll\r
- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
- } loop\r
-} bind def\r
-/WinAnsiEncoding [\r
- 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase\r
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- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
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- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
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- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
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- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
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- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
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- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
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- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 170 lineto 273 170 lineto 273 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-234.699 156.123 m\r
-234.699 157.14 234.804 157.959 235.013 158.58 c\r
-235.221 159.201 235.531 159.679 235.942 160.014 c\r
-236.355 160.349 236.872 160.517 237.496 160.517 c\r
-237.956 160.517 238.36 160.424 238.709 160.238 c\r
-239.058 160.052 239.345 159.784 239.569 159.435 c\r
-239.794 159.084 239.971 158.658 240.1 158.155 c\r
-240.229 157.653 240.293 156.976 240.293 156.123 c\r
-240.293 155.114 240.189 154.299 239.982 153.678 c\r
-239.776 153.057 239.467 152.577 239.056 152.241 c\r
-238.644 151.903 238.124 151.735 237.496 151.735 c\r
-236.669 151.735 236.02 152.031 235.548 152.623 c\r
-234.981 153.341 234.699 154.508 234.699 156.123 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-235.785 156.122 m\r
-235.785 154.708 235.949 153.768 236.278 153.302 c\r
-236.607 152.835 237.014 152.602 237.496 152.602 c\r
-237.979 152.602 238.385 152.837 238.714 153.305 c\r
-239.042 153.773 239.207 154.712 239.207 156.122 c\r
-239.207 157.538 239.043 158.479 238.715 158.943 c\r
-238.386 159.409 237.977 159.642 237.484 159.642 c\r
-237.002 159.642 236.615 159.436 236.326 159.025 c\r
-235.966 158.502 235.785 157.534 235.785 156.122 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-247.301 152.823 m\r
-247.301 152.823 247.457 151.892 247.457 151.892 c\r
-247.159 151.829 246.894 151.798 246.659 151.798 c\r
-246.275 151.798 245.977 151.858 245.767 151.98 c\r
-245.556 152.101 245.406 152.261 245.32 152.458 c\r
-245.234 152.655 245.191 153.071 245.191 153.705 c\r
-245.191 153.705 245.191 157.29 245.191 157.29 c\r
-245.191 157.29 244.41 157.29 244.41 157.29 c\r
-244.41 157.29 244.41 158.11 244.41 158.11 c\r
-244.41 158.11 245.191 158.11 245.191 158.11 c\r
-245.191 158.11 245.191 159.651 245.191 159.651 c\r
-245.191 159.651 246.246 160.284 246.246 160.284 c\r
-246.246 160.284 246.246 158.11 246.246 158.11 c\r
-246.246 158.11 247.301 158.11 247.301 158.11 c\r
-247.301 158.11 247.301 157.29 247.301 157.29 c\r
-247.301 157.29 246.246 157.29 246.246 157.29 c\r
-246.246 157.29 246.246 153.645 246.246 153.645 c\r
-246.246 153.344 246.265 153.15 246.302 153.064 c\r
-246.338 152.977 246.398 152.909 246.482 152.858 c\r
-246.565 152.808 246.685 152.782 246.841 152.782 c\r
-246.957 152.782 247.11 152.796 247.301 152.823 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-252.393 152.649 m\r
-252 152.318 251.624 152.084 251.263 151.948 c\r
-250.902 151.811 250.515 151.743 250.102 151.743 c\r
-249.419 151.743 248.895 151.91 248.528 152.245 c\r
-248.162 152.579 247.979 153.006 247.979 153.526 c\r
-247.979 153.831 248.048 154.109 248.186 154.362 c\r
-248.324 154.614 248.506 154.816 248.73 154.969 c\r
-248.954 155.121 249.207 155.236 249.487 155.315 c\r
-249.694 155.37 250.006 155.423 250.423 155.474 c\r
-251.273 155.575 251.899 155.696 252.301 155.837 c\r
-252.305 155.981 252.307 156.073 252.307 156.112 c\r
-252.307 156.541 252.207 156.844 252.009 157.019 c\r
-251.739 157.257 251.34 157.376 250.81 157.376 c\r
-250.314 157.376 249.948 157.289 249.713 157.116 c\r
-249.477 156.942 249.303 156.636 249.189 156.196 c\r
-249.189 156.196 248.158 156.337 248.158 156.337 c\r
-248.252 156.778 248.406 157.134 248.621 157.405 c\r
-248.835 157.677 249.145 157.885 249.552 158.031 c\r
-249.958 158.178 250.428 158.251 250.963 158.251 c\r
-251.493 158.251 251.925 158.189 252.257 158.064 c\r
-252.589 157.939 252.832 157.781 252.988 157.592 c\r
-253.145 157.403 253.254 157.164 253.316 156.875 c\r
-253.352 156.695 253.369 156.371 253.369 155.901 c\r
-253.369 155.901 253.369 154.495 253.369 154.495 c\r
-253.369 153.514 253.392 152.893 253.436 152.633 c\r
-253.482 152.372 253.571 152.122 253.705 151.884 c\r
-253.705 151.884 252.604 151.884 252.604 151.884 c\r
-252.494 152.102 252.424 152.357 252.393 152.649 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-252.307 155.009 m\r
-251.924 154.852 251.351 154.72 250.585 154.61 c\r
-250.151 154.548 249.845 154.477 249.666 154.399 c\r
-249.486 154.321 249.348 154.207 249.25 154.057 c\r
-249.152 153.906 249.104 153.739 249.104 153.556 c\r
-249.104 153.274 249.21 153.04 249.422 152.852 c\r
-249.635 152.665 249.945 152.571 250.355 152.571 c\r
-250.76 152.571 251.12 152.66 251.436 152.838 c\r
-251.751 153.017 251.983 153.259 252.131 153.567 c\r
-252.244 153.806 252.301 154.157 252.301 154.622 c\r
-252.301 154.622 252.307 155.009 252.307 155.009 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.012 151.884 m\r
-255.012 160.477 L\r
-256.066 160.477 L\r
-256.066 155.583 L\r
-258.561 158.11 L\r
-259.926 158.11 L\r
-257.551 155.798 L\r
-260.168 151.884 L\r
-258.867 151.884 L\r
-256.803 155.069 L\r
-256.066 154.352 L\r
-256.066 151.884 L\r
-255.012 151.884 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-263.309 152.823 m\r
-263.309 152.823 263.465 151.892 263.465 151.892 c\r
-263.167 151.829 262.901 151.798 262.667 151.798 c\r
-262.283 151.798 261.985 151.858 261.774 151.98 c\r
-261.564 152.101 261.414 152.261 261.328 152.458 c\r
-261.242 152.655 261.199 153.071 261.199 153.705 c\r
-261.199 153.705 261.199 157.29 261.199 157.29 c\r
-261.199 157.29 260.418 157.29 260.418 157.29 c\r
-260.418 157.29 260.418 158.11 260.418 158.11 c\r
-260.418 158.11 261.199 158.11 261.199 158.11 c\r
-261.199 158.11 261.199 159.651 261.199 159.651 c\r
-261.199 159.651 262.254 160.284 262.254 160.284 c\r
-262.254 160.284 262.254 158.11 262.254 158.11 c\r
-262.254 158.11 263.309 158.11 263.309 158.11 c\r
-263.309 158.11 263.309 157.29 263.309 157.29 c\r
-263.309 157.29 262.254 157.29 262.254 157.29 c\r
-262.254 157.29 262.254 153.645 262.254 153.645 c\r
-262.254 153.344 262.272 153.15 262.31 153.064 c\r
-262.346 152.977 262.406 152.909 262.49 152.858 c\r
-262.573 152.808 262.692 152.782 262.849 152.782 c\r
-262.965 152.782 263.118 152.796 263.309 152.823 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.801 117.883 m\r
-237.801 117.883 236.746 117.883 236.746 117.883 c\r
-236.746 117.883 236.746 124.609 236.746 124.609 c\r
-236.492 124.367 236.159 124.125 235.747 123.883 c\r
-235.335 123.64 234.965 123.458 234.637 123.337 c\r
-234.637 123.337 234.637 124.357 234.637 124.357 c\r
-235.227 124.635 235.742 124.971 236.184 125.366 c\r
-236.625 125.761 236.938 126.145 237.121 126.516 c\r
-237.121 126.516 237.801 126.516 237.801 126.516 c\r
-237.801 126.516 237.801 117.883 237.801 117.883 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.434 118.822 m\r
-246.434 118.822 246.59 117.891 246.59 117.891 c\r
-246.292 117.828 246.026 117.797 245.792 117.797 c\r
-245.408 117.797 245.11 117.857 244.899 117.979 c\r
-244.689 118.1 244.539 118.26 244.453 118.457 c\r
-244.367 118.654 244.324 119.07 244.324 119.704 c\r
-244.324 119.704 244.324 123.289 244.324 123.289 c\r
-244.324 123.289 243.543 123.289 243.543 123.289 c\r
-243.543 123.289 243.543 124.109 243.543 124.109 c\r
-243.543 124.109 244.324 124.109 244.324 124.109 c\r
-244.324 124.109 244.324 125.65 244.324 125.65 c\r
-244.324 125.65 245.379 126.283 245.379 126.283 c\r
-245.379 126.283 245.379 124.109 245.379 124.109 c\r
-245.379 124.109 246.434 124.109 246.434 124.109 c\r
-246.434 124.109 246.434 123.289 246.434 123.289 c\r
-246.434 123.289 245.379 123.289 245.379 123.289 c\r
-245.379 123.289 245.379 119.645 245.379 119.645 c\r
-245.379 119.343 245.398 119.149 245.435 119.063 c\r
-245.471 118.977 245.531 118.908 245.615 118.857 c\r
-245.698 118.807 245.817 118.781 245.974 118.781 c\r
-246.09 118.781 246.243 118.795 246.434 118.822 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.525 118.648 m\r
-251.133 118.317 250.757 118.083 250.395 117.947 c\r
-250.035 117.811 249.648 117.742 249.234 117.742 c\r
-248.552 117.742 248.027 117.909 247.661 118.244 c\r
-247.295 118.578 247.111 119.005 247.111 119.525 c\r
-247.111 119.83 247.181 120.108 247.319 120.361 c\r
-247.457 120.613 247.639 120.815 247.863 120.968 c\r
-248.087 121.12 248.34 121.235 248.62 121.314 c\r
-248.827 121.369 249.139 121.422 249.556 121.473 c\r
-250.406 121.574 251.032 121.695 251.434 121.836 c\r
-251.438 121.98 251.439 122.072 251.439 122.111 c\r
-251.439 122.54 251.34 122.843 251.142 123.018 c\r
-250.872 123.256 250.473 123.375 249.942 123.375 c\r
-249.447 123.375 249.081 123.288 248.846 123.115 c\r
-248.609 122.941 248.436 122.635 248.322 122.195 c\r
-248.322 122.195 247.291 122.336 247.291 122.336 c\r
-247.385 122.777 247.539 123.133 247.754 123.404 c\r
-247.968 123.676 248.278 123.884 248.685 124.03 c\r
-249.091 124.177 249.561 124.25 250.096 124.25 c\r
-250.626 124.25 251.058 124.188 251.39 124.063 c\r
-251.722 123.938 251.965 123.78 252.121 123.591 c\r
-252.277 123.402 252.387 123.163 252.449 122.874 c\r
-252.484 122.694 252.502 122.37 252.502 121.9 c\r
-252.502 121.9 252.502 120.494 252.502 120.494 c\r
-252.502 119.513 252.524 118.892 252.569 118.632 c\r
-252.615 118.371 252.704 118.121 252.838 117.883 c\r
-252.838 117.883 251.736 117.883 251.736 117.883 c\r
-251.627 118.101 251.557 118.356 251.525 118.648 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.439 121.008 m\r
-251.057 120.852 250.483 120.719 249.718 120.609 c\r
-249.284 120.547 248.977 120.477 248.799 120.398 c\r
-248.619 120.32 248.48 120.206 248.383 120.056 c\r
-248.285 119.905 248.236 119.738 248.236 119.555 c\r
-248.236 119.273 248.343 119.039 248.555 118.852 c\r
-248.768 118.664 249.078 118.57 249.487 118.57 c\r
-249.893 118.57 250.253 118.659 250.568 118.837 c\r
-250.884 119.016 251.116 119.258 251.264 119.566 c\r
-251.377 119.805 251.434 120.156 251.434 120.621 c\r
-251.434 120.621 251.439 121.008 251.439 121.008 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-254.145 117.883 m\r
-254.145 126.477 L\r
-255.199 126.477 L\r
-255.199 121.582 L\r
-257.694 124.109 L\r
-259.059 124.109 L\r
-256.684 121.797 L\r
-259.301 117.883 L\r
-258 117.883 L\r
-255.936 121.068 L\r
-255.199 120.352 L\r
-255.199 117.883 L\r
-254.145 117.883 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-262.441 118.822 m\r
-262.441 118.822 262.598 117.891 262.598 117.891 c\r
-262.3 117.828 262.034 117.797 261.8 117.797 c\r
-261.416 117.797 261.118 117.857 260.907 117.979 c\r
-260.696 118.1 260.547 118.26 260.461 118.457 c\r
-260.375 118.654 260.332 119.07 260.332 119.704 c\r
-260.332 119.704 260.332 123.289 260.332 123.289 c\r
-260.332 123.289 259.551 123.289 259.551 123.289 c\r
-259.551 123.289 259.551 124.109 259.551 124.109 c\r
-259.551 124.109 260.332 124.109 260.332 124.109 c\r
-260.332 124.109 260.332 125.65 260.332 125.65 c\r
-260.332 125.65 261.387 126.283 261.387 126.283 c\r
-261.387 126.283 261.387 124.109 261.387 124.109 c\r
-261.387 124.109 262.441 124.109 262.441 124.109 c\r
-262.441 124.109 262.441 123.289 262.441 123.289 c\r
-262.441 123.289 261.387 123.289 261.387 123.289 c\r
-261.387 123.289 261.387 119.645 261.387 119.645 c\r
-261.387 119.343 261.405 119.149 261.442 119.063 c\r
-261.478 118.977 261.539 118.908 261.623 118.857 c\r
-261.706 118.807 261.825 118.781 261.981 118.781 c\r
-262.098 118.781 262.251 118.795 262.441 118.822 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.371 79.5664 m\r
-239.371 79.5664 239.371 78.5508 239.371 78.5508 c\r
-239.371 78.5508 233.699 78.5508 233.699 78.5508 c\r
-233.691 78.8047 233.732 79.0488 233.822 79.2832 c\r
-233.966 79.6699 234.196 80.0508 234.514 80.4248 c\r
-234.831 80.7998 235.29 81.2324 235.892 81.7246 c\r
-236.825 82.4941 237.455 83.1025 237.78 83.5498 c\r
-238.106 83.9971 238.27 84.4199 238.27 84.8203 c\r
-238.27 85.2383 238.121 85.5908 237.823 85.8779 c\r
-237.526 86.165 237.139 86.3086 236.661 86.3086 c\r
-236.156 86.3086 235.752 86.1563 235.448 85.8525 c\r
-235.145 85.5488 234.992 85.1279 234.988 84.5898 c\r
-234.988 84.5898 233.902 84.6992 233.902 84.6992 c\r
-233.977 85.5078 234.255 86.124 234.738 86.5479 c\r
-235.222 86.9717 235.87 87.1836 236.685 87.1836 c\r
-237.507 87.1836 238.157 86.9551 238.637 86.4971 c\r
-239.116 86.04 239.355 85.4727 239.355 84.7969 c\r
-239.355 84.4531 239.285 84.1143 239.145 83.7822 c\r
-239.005 83.4502 238.773 83.0996 238.448 82.7324 c\r
-238.123 82.3652 237.583 81.8604 236.827 81.2197 c\r
-236.194 80.6885 235.79 80.3271 235.612 80.1377 c\r
-235.434 79.9482 235.287 79.7578 235.171 79.5664 c\r
-235.171 79.5664 239.371 79.5664 239.371 79.5664 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.434 79.4902 m\r
-246.434 79.4902 246.59 78.5586 246.59 78.5586 c\r
-246.292 78.4961 246.026 78.4648 245.792 78.4648 c\r
-245.408 78.4648 245.11 78.5254 244.899 78.6465 c\r
-244.689 78.7676 244.539 78.9277 244.453 79.125 c\r
-244.367 79.3223 244.324 79.7383 244.324 80.3721 c\r
-244.324 80.3721 244.324 83.957 244.324 83.957 c\r
-244.324 83.957 243.543 83.957 243.543 83.957 c\r
-243.543 83.957 243.543 84.7773 243.543 84.7773 c\r
-243.543 84.7773 244.324 84.7773 244.324 84.7773 c\r
-244.324 84.7773 244.324 86.3184 244.324 86.3184 c\r
-244.324 86.3184 245.379 86.9512 245.379 86.9512 c\r
-245.379 86.9512 245.379 84.7773 245.379 84.7773 c\r
-245.379 84.7773 246.434 84.7773 246.434 84.7773 c\r
-246.434 84.7773 246.434 83.957 246.434 83.957 c\r
-246.434 83.957 245.379 83.957 245.379 83.957 c\r
-245.379 83.957 245.379 80.3125 245.379 80.3125 c\r
-245.379 80.0107 245.398 79.8174 245.435 79.7305 c\r
-245.471 79.6445 245.531 79.5762 245.615 79.5254 c\r
-245.698 79.4746 245.817 79.4492 245.974 79.4492 c\r
-246.09 79.4492 246.243 79.4629 246.434 79.4902 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.525 79.3164 m\r
-251.133 78.9854 250.757 78.751 250.395 78.6152 c\r
-250.035 78.4785 249.648 78.4102 249.234 78.4102 c\r
-248.552 78.4102 248.027 78.5771 247.661 78.9121 c\r
-247.295 79.2461 247.111 79.6729 247.111 80.1934 c\r
-247.111 80.498 247.181 80.7764 247.319 81.0293 c\r
-247.457 81.2813 247.639 81.4834 247.863 81.6357 c\r
-248.087 81.7881 248.34 81.9033 248.62 81.9824 c\r
-248.827 82.0371 249.139 82.0898 249.556 82.1406 c\r
-250.406 82.2422 251.032 82.3633 251.434 82.5039 c\r
-251.438 82.6484 251.439 82.7402 251.439 82.7793 c\r
-251.439 83.208 251.34 83.5107 251.142 83.6855 c\r
-250.872 83.9238 250.473 84.043 249.942 84.043 c\r
-249.447 84.043 249.081 83.9561 248.846 83.7832 c\r
-248.609 83.6094 248.436 83.3027 248.322 82.8633 c\r
-248.322 82.8633 247.291 83.0039 247.291 83.0039 c\r
-247.385 83.4453 247.539 83.8008 247.754 84.0723 c\r
-247.968 84.3438 248.278 84.5518 248.685 84.6982 c\r
-249.091 84.8447 249.561 84.918 250.096 84.918 c\r
-250.626 84.918 251.058 84.8555 251.39 84.7305 c\r
-251.722 84.6055 251.965 84.4482 252.121 84.2588 c\r
-252.277 84.0703 252.387 83.8311 252.449 83.542 c\r
-252.484 83.3623 252.502 83.0381 252.502 82.5684 c\r
-252.502 82.5684 252.502 81.1621 252.502 81.1621 c\r
-252.502 80.1807 252.524 79.5596 252.569 79.2998 c\r
-252.615 79.0391 252.704 78.7891 252.838 78.5508 c\r
-252.838 78.5508 251.736 78.5508 251.736 78.5508 c\r
-251.627 78.7686 251.557 79.0244 251.525 79.3164 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.439 81.6758 m\r
-251.057 81.5195 250.483 81.3867 249.718 81.2773 c\r
-249.284 81.2148 248.977 81.1445 248.799 81.0664 c\r
-248.619 80.9883 248.48 80.874 248.383 80.7236 c\r
-248.285 80.5732 248.236 80.4063 248.236 80.2227 c\r
-248.236 79.9414 248.343 79.707 248.555 79.5195 c\r
-248.768 79.332 249.078 79.2383 249.487 79.2383 c\r
-249.893 79.2383 250.253 79.3271 250.568 79.5049 c\r
-250.884 79.6836 251.116 79.9258 251.264 80.2344 c\r
-251.377 80.4727 251.434 80.8242 251.434 81.2891 c\r
-251.434 81.2891 251.439 81.6758 251.439 81.6758 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-254.145 78.5508 m\r
-254.145 87.1445 L\r
-255.199 87.1445 L\r
-255.199 82.25 L\r
-257.694 84.7773 L\r
-259.059 84.7773 L\r
-256.684 82.4648 L\r
-259.301 78.5508 L\r
-258 78.5508 L\r
-255.936 81.7363 L\r
-255.199 81.0195 L\r
-255.199 78.5508 L\r
-254.145 78.5508 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-262.441 79.4902 m\r
-262.441 79.4902 262.598 78.5586 262.598 78.5586 c\r
-262.3 78.4961 262.034 78.4648 261.8 78.4648 c\r
-261.416 78.4648 261.118 78.5254 260.907 78.6465 c\r
-260.696 78.7676 260.547 78.9277 260.461 79.125 c\r
-260.375 79.3223 260.332 79.7383 260.332 80.3721 c\r
-260.332 80.3721 260.332 83.957 260.332 83.957 c\r
-260.332 83.957 259.551 83.957 259.551 83.957 c\r
-259.551 83.957 259.551 84.7773 259.551 84.7773 c\r
-259.551 84.7773 260.332 84.7773 260.332 84.7773 c\r
-260.332 84.7773 260.332 86.3184 260.332 86.3184 c\r
-260.332 86.3184 261.387 86.9512 261.387 86.9512 c\r
-261.387 86.9512 261.387 84.7773 261.387 84.7773 c\r
-261.387 84.7773 262.441 84.7773 262.441 84.7773 c\r
-262.441 84.7773 262.441 83.957 262.441 83.957 c\r
-262.441 83.957 261.387 83.957 261.387 83.957 c\r
-261.387 83.957 261.387 80.3125 261.387 80.3125 c\r
-261.387 80.0107 261.405 79.8174 261.442 79.7305 c\r
-261.478 79.6445 261.539 79.5762 261.623 79.5254 c\r
-261.706 79.4746 261.825 79.4492 261.981 79.4492 c\r
-262.098 79.4492 262.251 79.4629 262.441 79.4902 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-234.707 47.4912 m\r
-234.707 47.4912 235.762 47.6318 235.762 47.6318 c\r
-235.883 47.0342 236.088 46.6035 236.377 46.3398 c\r
-236.666 46.0762 237.02 45.9443 237.44 45.9443 c\r
-237.939 45.9443 238.357 46.1162 238.697 46.46 c\r
-239.037 46.8027 239.207 47.2285 239.207 47.7363 c\r
-239.207 48.2207 239.049 48.6191 238.733 48.9336 c\r
-238.417 49.248 238.016 49.4053 237.528 49.4053 c\r
-237.329 49.4053 237.082 49.3662 236.785 49.2881 c\r
-236.785 49.2881 236.902 50.2178 236.902 50.2178 c\r
-236.973 50.21 237.029 50.2061 237.072 50.2061 c\r
-237.52 50.2061 237.922 50.3232 238.279 50.5576 c\r
-238.638 50.792 238.816 51.1533 238.816 51.6416 c\r
-238.816 52.0283 238.686 52.3486 238.426 52.6025 c\r
-238.165 52.8564 237.829 52.9834 237.417 52.9834 c\r
-237.009 52.9834 236.668 52.8545 236.395 52.5967 c\r
-236.124 52.3389 235.949 51.9521 235.871 51.4365 c\r
-235.871 51.4365 234.816 51.624 234.816 51.624 c\r
-234.945 52.3311 235.237 52.8789 235.693 53.2676 c\r
-236.149 53.6563 236.716 53.8506 237.395 53.8506 c\r
-237.862 53.8506 238.293 53.75 238.686 53.5488 c\r
-239.08 53.3477 239.381 53.0732 239.59 52.7256 c\r
-239.798 52.377 239.902 52.0078 239.902 51.6172 c\r
-239.902 51.2461 239.803 50.9082 239.604 50.6035 c\r
-239.404 50.2988 239.109 50.0557 238.719 49.876 c\r
-239.227 49.7588 239.621 49.5156 239.902 49.1465 c\r
-240.184 48.7773 240.324 48.3154 240.324 47.7598 c\r
-240.324 47.0098 240.051 46.374 239.505 45.8516 c\r
-238.959 45.3301 238.269 45.0693 237.434 45.0693 c\r
-236.681 45.0693 236.056 45.2939 235.559 45.7432 c\r
-235.061 46.1934 234.777 46.7754 234.707 47.4912 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-247.301 46.1572 m\r
-247.301 46.1572 247.457 45.2256 247.457 45.2256 c\r
-247.159 45.1631 246.894 45.1318 246.659 45.1318 c\r
-246.275 45.1318 245.977 45.1924 245.767 45.3135 c\r
-245.556 45.4346 245.406 45.5947 245.32 45.792 c\r
-245.234 45.9893 245.191 46.4053 245.191 47.0391 c\r
-245.191 47.0391 245.191 50.624 245.191 50.624 c\r
-245.191 50.624 244.41 50.624 244.41 50.624 c\r
-244.41 50.624 244.41 51.4443 244.41 51.4443 c\r
-244.41 51.4443 245.191 51.4443 245.191 51.4443 c\r
-245.191 51.4443 245.191 52.9854 245.191 52.9854 c\r
-245.191 52.9854 246.246 53.6182 246.246 53.6182 c\r
-246.246 53.6182 246.246 51.4443 246.246 51.4443 c\r
-246.246 51.4443 247.301 51.4443 247.301 51.4443 c\r
-247.301 51.4443 247.301 50.624 247.301 50.624 c\r
-247.301 50.624 246.246 50.624 246.246 50.624 c\r
-246.246 50.624 246.246 46.9795 246.246 46.9795 c\r
-246.246 46.6777 246.265 46.4844 246.302 46.3975 c\r
-246.338 46.3115 246.398 46.2432 246.482 46.1924 c\r
-246.565 46.1416 246.685 46.1162 246.841 46.1162 c\r
-246.957 46.1162 247.11 46.1299 247.301 46.1572 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-252.393 45.9834 m\r
-252 45.6523 251.624 45.418 251.263 45.2822 c\r
-250.902 45.1455 250.515 45.0771 250.102 45.0771 c\r
-249.419 45.0771 248.895 45.2441 248.528 45.5791 c\r
-248.162 45.9131 247.979 46.3398 247.979 46.8604 c\r
-247.979 47.165 248.048 47.4434 248.186 47.6963 c\r
-248.324 47.9482 248.506 48.1504 248.73 48.3027 c\r
-248.954 48.4551 249.207 48.5703 249.487 48.6494 c\r
-249.694 48.7041 250.006 48.7568 250.423 48.8076 c\r
-251.273 48.9092 251.899 49.0303 252.301 49.1709 c\r
-252.305 49.3154 252.307 49.4072 252.307 49.4463 c\r
-252.307 49.875 252.207 50.1777 252.009 50.3525 c\r
-251.739 50.5908 251.34 50.71 250.81 50.71 c\r
-250.314 50.71 249.948 50.623 249.713 50.4502 c\r
-249.477 50.2764 249.303 49.9697 249.189 49.5303 c\r
-249.189 49.5303 248.158 49.6709 248.158 49.6709 c\r
-248.252 50.1123 248.406 50.4678 248.621 50.7393 c\r
-248.835 51.0107 249.145 51.2188 249.552 51.3652 c\r
-249.958 51.5117 250.428 51.585 250.963 51.585 c\r
-251.493 51.585 251.925 51.5225 252.257 51.3975 c\r
-252.589 51.2725 252.832 51.1152 252.988 50.9258 c\r
-253.145 50.7373 253.254 50.498 253.316 50.209 c\r
-253.352 50.0293 253.369 49.7051 253.369 49.2354 c\r
-253.369 49.2354 253.369 47.8291 253.369 47.8291 c\r
-253.369 46.8477 253.392 46.2266 253.436 45.9668 c\r
-253.482 45.7061 253.571 45.4561 253.705 45.2178 c\r
-253.705 45.2178 252.604 45.2178 252.604 45.2178 c\r
-252.494 45.4355 252.424 45.6914 252.393 45.9834 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-252.307 48.3428 m\r
-251.924 48.1865 251.351 48.0537 250.585 47.9443 c\r
-250.151 47.8818 249.845 47.8115 249.666 47.7334 c\r
-249.486 47.6553 249.348 47.541 249.25 47.3906 c\r
-249.152 47.2402 249.104 47.0732 249.104 46.8896 c\r
-249.104 46.6084 249.21 46.374 249.422 46.1865 c\r
-249.635 45.999 249.945 45.9053 250.355 45.9053 c\r
-250.76 45.9053 251.12 45.9941 251.436 46.1719 c\r
-251.751 46.3506 251.983 46.5928 252.131 46.9014 c\r
-252.244 47.1396 252.301 47.4912 252.301 47.9561 c\r
-252.301 47.9561 252.307 48.3428 252.307 48.3428 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.012 45.2178 m\r
-255.012 53.8115 L\r
-256.066 53.8115 L\r
-256.066 48.917 L\r
-258.561 51.4443 L\r
-259.926 51.4443 L\r
-257.551 49.1318 L\r
-260.168 45.2178 L\r
-258.867 45.2178 L\r
-256.803 48.4033 L\r
-256.066 47.6865 L\r
-256.066 45.2178 L\r
-255.012 45.2178 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-263.309 46.1572 m\r
-263.309 46.1572 263.465 45.2256 263.465 45.2256 c\r
-263.167 45.1631 262.901 45.1318 262.667 45.1318 c\r
-262.283 45.1318 261.985 45.1924 261.774 45.3135 c\r
-261.564 45.4346 261.414 45.5947 261.328 45.792 c\r
-261.242 45.9893 261.199 46.4053 261.199 47.0391 c\r
-261.199 47.0391 261.199 50.624 261.199 50.624 c\r
-261.199 50.624 260.418 50.624 260.418 50.624 c\r
-260.418 50.624 260.418 51.4443 260.418 51.4443 c\r
-260.418 51.4443 261.199 51.4443 261.199 51.4443 c\r
-261.199 51.4443 261.199 52.9854 261.199 52.9854 c\r
-261.199 52.9854 262.254 53.6182 262.254 53.6182 c\r
-262.254 53.6182 262.254 51.4443 262.254 51.4443 c\r
-262.254 51.4443 263.309 51.4443 263.309 51.4443 c\r
-263.309 51.4443 263.309 50.624 263.309 50.624 c\r
-263.309 50.624 262.254 50.624 262.254 50.624 c\r
-262.254 50.624 262.254 46.9795 262.254 46.9795 c\r
-262.254 46.6777 262.272 46.4844 262.31 46.3975 c\r
-262.346 46.3115 262.406 46.2432 262.49 46.1924 c\r
-262.573 46.1416 262.692 46.1162 262.849 46.1162 c\r
-262.965 46.1162 263.118 46.1299 263.309 46.1572 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.407 11.8838 m\r
-237.407 13.9385 L\r
-233.689 13.9385 L\r
-233.689 14.9072 L\r
-237.602 20.4775 L\r
-238.462 20.4775 L\r
-238.462 14.9072 L\r
-239.626 14.9072 L\r
-239.626 13.9385 L\r
-238.462 13.9385 L\r
-238.462 11.8838 L\r
-237.407 11.8838 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.407 14.9072 m\r
-237.407 18.7783 L\r
-234.725 14.9072 L\r
-237.407 14.9072 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.634 12.8232 m\r
-246.634 12.8232 246.79 11.8916 246.79 11.8916 c\r
-246.492 11.8291 246.227 11.7979 245.992 11.7979 c\r
-245.608 11.7979 245.311 11.8584 245.1 11.9795 c\r
-244.889 12.1006 244.739 12.2607 244.653 12.458 c\r
-244.567 12.6553 244.524 13.0713 244.524 13.7051 c\r
-244.524 13.7051 244.524 17.29 244.524 17.29 c\r
-244.524 17.29 243.743 17.29 243.743 17.29 c\r
-243.743 17.29 243.743 18.1104 243.743 18.1104 c\r
-243.743 18.1104 244.524 18.1104 244.524 18.1104 c\r
-244.524 18.1104 244.524 19.6514 244.524 19.6514 c\r
-244.524 19.6514 245.579 20.2842 245.579 20.2842 c\r
-245.579 20.2842 245.579 18.1104 245.579 18.1104 c\r
-245.579 18.1104 246.634 18.1104 246.634 18.1104 c\r
-246.634 18.1104 246.634 17.29 246.634 17.29 c\r
-246.634 17.29 245.579 17.29 245.579 17.29 c\r
-245.579 17.29 245.579 13.6455 245.579 13.6455 c\r
-245.579 13.3438 245.598 13.1504 245.635 13.0635 c\r
-245.671 12.9775 245.731 12.9092 245.815 12.8584 c\r
-245.898 12.8076 246.018 12.7822 246.174 12.7822 c\r
-246.29 12.7822 246.443 12.7959 246.634 12.8232 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.726 12.6494 m\r
-251.333 12.3184 250.957 12.084 250.596 11.9482 c\r
-250.235 11.8115 249.848 11.7432 249.435 11.7432 c\r
-248.752 11.7432 248.227 11.9102 247.861 12.2451 c\r
-247.495 12.5791 247.311 13.0059 247.311 13.5264 c\r
-247.311 13.8311 247.381 14.1094 247.52 14.3623 c\r
-247.657 14.6143 247.839 14.8164 248.064 14.9688 c\r
-248.287 15.1211 248.54 15.2363 248.82 15.3154 c\r
-249.027 15.3701 249.339 15.4229 249.756 15.4736 c\r
-250.606 15.5752 251.232 15.6963 251.634 15.8369 c\r
-251.638 15.9814 251.64 16.0732 251.64 16.1123 c\r
-251.64 16.541 251.54 16.8438 251.342 17.0186 c\r
-251.072 17.2568 250.673 17.376 250.143 17.376 c\r
-249.648 17.376 249.281 17.2891 249.046 17.1162 c\r
-248.81 16.9424 248.636 16.6357 248.523 16.1963 c\r
-248.523 16.1963 247.491 16.3369 247.491 16.3369 c\r
-247.585 16.7783 247.739 17.1338 247.954 17.4053 c\r
-248.168 17.6768 248.479 17.8848 248.885 18.0313 c\r
-249.291 18.1777 249.761 18.251 250.296 18.251 c\r
-250.826 18.251 251.258 18.1885 251.59 18.0635 c\r
-251.922 17.9385 252.165 17.7813 252.321 17.5918 c\r
-252.477 17.4033 252.587 17.1641 252.649 16.875 c\r
-252.685 16.6953 252.702 16.3711 252.702 15.9014 c\r
-252.702 15.9014 252.702 14.4951 252.702 14.4951 c\r
-252.702 13.5137 252.725 12.8926 252.77 12.6328 c\r
-252.815 12.3721 252.904 12.1221 253.038 11.8838 c\r
-253.038 11.8838 251.936 11.8838 251.936 11.8838 c\r
-251.827 12.1016 251.757 12.3574 251.726 12.6494 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-251.64 15.0088 m\r
-251.257 14.8525 250.684 14.7197 249.918 14.6104 c\r
-249.484 14.5479 249.178 14.4775 248.999 14.3994 c\r
-248.819 14.3213 248.681 14.207 248.583 14.0566 c\r
-248.485 13.9063 248.436 13.7393 248.436 13.5557 c\r
-248.436 13.2744 248.543 13.04 248.755 12.8525 c\r
-248.968 12.665 249.278 12.5713 249.688 12.5713 c\r
-250.093 12.5713 250.453 12.6602 250.769 12.8379 c\r
-251.084 13.0166 251.316 13.2588 251.464 13.5674 c\r
-251.577 13.8057 251.634 14.1572 251.634 14.6221 c\r
-251.634 14.6221 251.64 15.0088 251.64 15.0088 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-254.345 11.8838 m\r
-254.345 20.4775 L\r
-255.399 20.4775 L\r
-255.399 15.583 L\r
-257.895 18.1104 L\r
-259.259 18.1104 L\r
-256.884 15.7979 L\r
-259.501 11.8838 L\r
-258.2 11.8838 L\r
-256.136 15.0693 L\r
-255.399 14.3525 L\r
-255.399 11.8838 L\r
-254.345 11.8838 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-262.642 12.8232 m\r
-262.642 12.8232 262.798 11.8916 262.798 11.8916 c\r
-262.5 11.8291 262.234 11.7979 262 11.7979 c\r
-261.616 11.7979 261.318 11.8584 261.107 11.9795 c\r
-260.897 12.1006 260.747 12.2607 260.661 12.458 c\r
-260.575 12.6553 260.532 13.0713 260.532 13.7051 c\r
-260.532 13.7051 260.532 17.29 260.532 17.29 c\r
-260.532 17.29 259.751 17.29 259.751 17.29 c\r
-259.751 17.29 259.751 18.1104 259.751 18.1104 c\r
-259.751 18.1104 260.532 18.1104 260.532 18.1104 c\r
-260.532 18.1104 260.532 19.6514 260.532 19.6514 c\r
-260.532 19.6514 261.587 20.2842 261.587 20.2842 c\r
-261.587 20.2842 261.587 18.1104 261.587 18.1104 c\r
-261.587 18.1104 262.642 18.1104 262.642 18.1104 c\r
-262.642 18.1104 262.642 17.29 262.642 17.29 c\r
-262.642 17.29 261.587 17.29 261.587 17.29 c\r
-261.587 17.29 261.587 13.6455 261.587 13.6455 c\r
-261.587 13.3438 261.605 13.1504 261.643 13.0635 c\r
-261.679 12.9775 261.739 12.9092 261.823 12.8584 c\r
-261.906 12.8076 262.025 12.7822 262.182 12.7822 c\r
-262.298 12.7822 262.451 12.7959 262.642 12.8232 c\r
--1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 -1.42109e-016 0 k\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.3662 121.851 m\r
-59.3662 115.55 54.2256 110.442 47.8857 110.442 c\r
-41.5449 110.442 36.4053 115.55 36.4053 121.851 c\r
-36.4053 128.151 41.5449 133.259 47.8857 133.259 c\r
-54.2256 133.259 59.3662 128.151 59.3662 121.851 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.086 121.417 m\r
-111.086 115.116 105.945 110.009 99.6055 110.009 c\r
-93.2646 110.009 88.125 115.116 88.125 121.417 c\r
-88.125 127.718 93.2646 132.825 99.6055 132.825 c\r
-105.945 132.825 111.086 127.718 111.086 121.417 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-161.366 121.184 m\r
-161.366 114.883 156.226 109.775 149.886 109.775 c\r
-143.545 109.775 138.405 114.883 138.405 121.184 c\r
-138.405 127.484 143.545 132.592 149.886 132.592 c\r
-156.226 132.592 161.366 127.484 161.366 121.184 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-83.1777 80.04 m\r
-83.1777 73.7393 78.0371 68.6318 71.6973 68.6318 c\r
-65.3564 68.6318 60.2168 73.7393 60.2168 80.04 c\r
-60.2168 86.3408 65.3564 91.4482 71.6973 91.4482 c\r
-78.0371 91.4482 83.1777 86.3408 83.1777 80.04 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-189.761 81.9678 m\r
-189.761 75.667 184.62 70.5596 178.28 70.5596 c\r
-171.939 70.5596 166.8 75.667 166.8 81.9678 c\r
-166.8 88.2686 171.939 93.376 178.28 93.376 c\r
-184.62 93.376 189.761 88.2686 189.761 81.9678 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-141.317 49.3857 m\r
-141.317 43.085 136.177 37.9775 129.837 37.9775 c\r
-123.496 37.9775 118.356 43.085 118.356 49.3857 c\r
-118.356 55.6865 123.496 60.7939 129.837 60.7939 c\r
-136.177 60.7939 141.317 55.6865 141.317 49.3857 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-36.1982 148.218 m\r
-36.1982 146.377 34.7061 144.885 32.8652 144.885 c\r
-31.0234 144.885 29.5313 146.377 29.5313 148.218 c\r
-29.5313 150.06 31.0234 151.552 32.8652 151.552 c\r
-34.7061 151.552 36.1982 150.06 36.1982 148.218 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-58.8652 148.551 m\r
-58.8652 146.71 57.373 145.218 55.5322 145.218 c\r
-53.6904 145.218 52.1982 146.71 52.1982 148.551 c\r
-52.1982 150.393 53.6904 151.885 55.5322 151.885 c\r
-57.373 151.885 58.8652 150.393 58.8652 148.551 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-88.1982 148.551 m\r
-88.1982 146.71 86.7061 145.218 84.8652 145.218 c\r
-83.0234 145.218 81.5313 146.71 81.5313 148.551 c\r
-81.5313 150.393 83.0234 151.885 84.8652 151.885 c\r
-86.7061 151.885 88.1982 150.393 88.1982 148.551 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-114.198 148.551 m\r
-114.198 146.71 112.706 145.218 110.865 145.218 c\r
-109.023 145.218 107.531 146.71 107.531 148.551 c\r
-107.531 150.393 109.023 151.885 110.865 151.885 c\r
-112.706 151.885 114.198 150.393 114.198 148.551 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-142.198 148.55 m\r
-142.198 146.709 140.706 145.217 138.865 145.217 c\r
-137.023 145.217 135.531 146.709 135.531 148.55 c\r
-135.531 150.392 137.023 151.884 138.865 151.884 c\r
-140.706 151.884 142.198 150.392 142.198 148.55 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-165.867 148.217 m\r
-165.867 146.376 164.375 144.884 162.534 144.884 c\r
-160.692 144.884 159.2 146.376 159.2 148.217 c\r
-159.2 150.059 160.692 151.551 162.534 151.551 c\r
-164.375 151.551 165.867 150.059 165.867 148.217 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-32.8652 144.885 m\r
-40.2393 133.259 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-55.5322 145.218 m\r
-52.1982 132.419 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-84.8652 145.218 m\r
-93.5322 132.419 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-110.865 145.218 m\r
-102.602 132.419 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-162.534 144.884 m\r
-153.781 131.903 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.865 145.217 m\r
-145.579 131.754 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-50.9551 110.867 m\r
-67.6299 90.6982 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-99.6055 110.009 m\r
-78.6787 89.082 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-217.033 121.85 m\r
-217.033 115.549 211.893 110.441 205.553 110.441 c\r
-199.212 110.441 194.072 115.549 194.072 121.85 c\r
-194.072 128.15 199.212 133.258 205.553 133.258 c\r
-211.893 133.258 217.033 128.15 217.033 121.85 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-197.865 149.216 m\r
-197.865 147.375 196.373 145.883 194.532 145.883 c\r
-192.69 145.883 191.198 147.375 191.198 149.216 c\r
-191.198 151.058 192.69 152.55 194.532 152.55 c\r
-196.373 152.55 197.865 151.058 197.865 149.216 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-221.534 148.883 m\r
-221.534 147.042 220.042 145.55 218.201 145.55 c\r
-216.359 145.55 214.867 147.042 214.867 148.883 c\r
-214.867 150.725 216.359 152.217 218.201 152.217 c\r
-220.042 152.217 221.534 150.725 221.534 148.883 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-218.201 145.55 m\r
-209.448 132.569 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-194.532 145.883 m\r
-201.246 132.42 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-149.886 109.775 m\r
-169.906 89.7549 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-205.553 110.441 m\r
-185.74 90.6289 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-71.6973 68.6318 m\r
-121.517 57.2314 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-174.069 71.3623 m\r
-137.543 57.8242 L\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-133.171 17.2168 m\r
-133.171 15.376 131.679 13.8838 129.838 13.8838 c\r
-127.996 13.8838 126.504 15.376 126.504 17.2168 c\r
-126.504 19.0586 127.996 20.5508 129.838 20.5508 c\r
-131.679 20.5508 133.171 19.0586 133.171 17.2168 c\r
-2 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-129.837 37.9775 m\r
-129.838 20.5508 L\r
-_PDX_savepage restore\r
-% showpage\r
+++ /dev/null
-%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\r
-%%Creator: Mayura Draw, Version 4.3\r
-%%Title: 1_9_deleni_bloku.ai\r
-%%CreationDate: Mon Oct 29 23:24:27 2007\r
-%%BoundingBox: -9 -9 276 157\r
-%%BeginResource: procset MayuraDraw_ops\r
-%%Version: 4.3\r
-%%Copyright: (c) 1993-2003 Mayura Software\r
-/PDXDict 100 dict def\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-% width height matrix proc key cache\r
-% definepattern -\> font\r
-/definepattern { %def\r
- 7 dict begin\r
- /FontDict 9 dict def\r
- FontDict begin\r
- /cache exch def\r
- /key exch def\r
- /proc exch cvx def\r
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- /ctm matrix currentmatrix def\r
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- /str\r
- (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)\r
- def\r
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- 0 0 FontDict /width get\r
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- FontDict begin\r
- width 0 cache { %ifelse\r
- 0 0 width height setcachedevice\r
- }{ %else\r
- setcharwidth\r
- } ifelse\r
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- width height lineto 0 height lineto\r
- closepath clip newpath\r
- gsave proc grestore\r
- end end\r
- } def\r
- FontDict /key get currentdict definefont\r
- end\r
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-% dict patternpath -\r
-% dict matrix patternpath -\r
-/patternpath { %def\r
- dup type /dicttype eq { %ifelse\r
- begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix\r
- concat\r
- } ifelse\r
- currentdict setfont\r
- FontDict begin\r
- FontMatrix concat\r
- width 0 dtransform\r
- round width div exch round width div exch\r
- 0 height dtransform\r
- round height div exch\r
- round height div exch\r
- 0 0 transform round exch round exch\r
- ptm astore setmatrix\r
- pathbbox\r
- height div ceiling height mul 4 1 roll\r
- width div ceiling width mul 4 1 roll\r
- height div floor height mul 4 1 roll\r
- width div floor width mul 4 1 roll\r
- 2 index sub height div ceiling cvi exch\r
- 3 index sub width div ceiling cvi exch\r
- 4 2 roll moveto\r
- FontMatrix ptm invertmatrix pop\r
- { %repeat\r
- gsave\r
- ptm concat\r
- dup str length idiv { %repeat\r
- str show\r
- } repeat\r
- dup str length mod str exch\r
- 0 exch getinterval show\r
- grestore\r
- 0 height rmoveto\r
- } repeat\r
- pop\r
- end end\r
-} bind def\r
-% dict patternfill -\r
-% dict matrix patternfill -\r
-/patternfill { %def\r
- gsave\r
- eoclip patternpath\r
- grestore\r
- newpath\r
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-/img { %def\r
- gsave\r
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- /imgw exch def\r
- concat\r
- imgw imgh 8\r
- [imgw 0 0 imgh neg 0 imgh]\r
- /colorstr 768 string def\r
- /colorimage where {\r
- pop\r
- { currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop }\r
- false 3 colorimage\r
- }{\r
- /graystr 256 string def\r
- {\r
- currentfile colorstr readhexstring pop\r
- length 3 idiv\r
- dup 1 sub 0 1 3 -1 roll\r
- {\r
- graystr exch\r
- colorstr 1 index 3 mul get 30 mul\r
- colorstr 2 index 3 mul 1 add get 59 mul\r
- colorstr 3 index 3 mul 2 add get 11 mul\r
- add add 100 idiv\r
- put\r
- } for\r
- graystr 0 3 -1 roll getinterval\r
- } image\r
- } ifelse\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/arrowhead {\r
- gsave\r
- [] 0 setdash\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor\r
- 2 copy moveto\r
- 4 2 roll exch 4 -1 roll exch\r
- sub 3 1 roll sub\r
- exch atan rotate dup scale\r
- arrowtype\r
- dup 0 eq {\r
- -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 1 eq {\r
- 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 2 eq {\r
- -6 -6 rmoveto 6 6 rlineto -6 6 rlineto\r
- -1.4142 -1.4142 rlineto 4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto\r
- -4.5858 -4.5858 rlineto closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 3 eq {\r
- -6 0 rmoveto -1 2 rlineto 7 -2 rlineto -7 -2 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 4 eq {\r
- -9 0 rmoveto 0 3 rlineto 9 -3 rlineto -9 -3 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 5 eq {\r
- currentpoint newpath 3 0 360 arc\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- dup 6 eq {\r
- 2.5 2.5 rmoveto 0 -5 rlineto -5 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto\r
- closepath fill\r
- } if\r
- pop\r
- grestore\r
-} bind def\r
-/setcmykcolor where { %ifelse\r
- pop\r
-}{ %else\r
- /setcmykcolor {\r
- /black exch def /yellow exch def\r
- /magenta exch def /cyan exch def\r
- cyan black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- magenta black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- yellow black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub\r
- setrgbcolor\r
- } bind def\r
-} ifelse\r
-/RE { %def\r
- findfont begin\r
- currentdict dup length dict begin\r
- { %forall\r
- 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne { %if\r
- /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def\r
- 0 exch { %forall\r
- dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse\r
- Encoding 2 index 2 index put\r
- pop 1 add\r
- }{ %else\r
- exch pop\r
- } ifelse\r
- } forall\r
- } if pop\r
- currentdict dup end end\r
- /FontName get exch definefont pop\r
-} bind def\r
-/spacecount { %def\r
- 0 exch\r
- ( ) { %loop\r
- search { %ifelse\r
- pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll\r
- }{ pop exit } ifelse\r
- } loop\r
-} bind def\r
-/WinAnsiEncoding [\r
- 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase\r
- /ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand\r
- /Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft/quoteright\r
- /quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash\r
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- 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis/copyright\r
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- 177/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu\r
- 183/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine\r
- 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave/Aacute\r
- /Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla\r
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute\r
- /Icircumflex/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute\r
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash\r
- /Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn\r
- /germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis\r
- /aring/ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex\r
- /edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis\r
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde\r
- /odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex\r
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis\r
-] def\r
-/SymbolEncoding [\r
- 32/space/exclam/universal/numbersign/existential/percent\r
- /ampersand/suchthat/parenleft/parenright/asteriskmath/plus\r
- /comma/minus/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six\r
- /seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question\r
- /congruent/Alpha/Beta/Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Phi/Gamma/Eta/Iota\r
- /theta1/Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Nu/Omicron/Pi/Theta/Rho/Sigma/Tau\r
- /Upsilon/sigma1/Omega/Xi/Psi/Zeta/bracketleft/therefore\r
- /bracketright/perpendicular/underscore/radicalex/alpha\r
- /beta/chi/delta/epsilon/phi/gamma/eta/iota/phi1/kappa/lambda\r
- /mu/nu/omicron/pi/theta/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/omega1/omega\r
- /xi/psi/zeta/braceleft/bar/braceright/similar\r
- 161/Upsilon1/minute/lessequal/fraction/infinity/florin/club\r
- /diamond/heart/spade/arrowboth/arrowleft/arrowup/arrowright\r
- /arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply\r
- /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence\r
- /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn\r
- /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply\r
- /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset\r
- /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element\r
- /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif\r
- /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland\r
- /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright\r
- /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans\r
- /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt\r
- /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp\r
- /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex\r
- 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt\r
- /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp\r
- /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid\r
- /bracerightbt\r
-] def\r
-/patarray [\r
-/leftdiagonal /rightdiagonal /crossdiagonal /horizontal\r
-/vertical /crosshatch /fishscale /wave /brick\r
-] def\r
-/arrowtype 0 def\r
-/fillC 0 def /fillM 0 def /fillY 0 def /fillK 0 def\r
-/strokeC 0 def /strokeM 0 def /strokeY 0 def /strokeK 1 def\r
-/pattern -1 def\r
-/mat matrix def\r
-/mat2 matrix def\r
-/nesting 0 def\r
-/deferred /N def\r
-/c /curveto load def\r
-/c2 { pop pop c } bind def\r
-/C /curveto load def\r
-/C2 { pop pop C } bind def\r
-/e { gsave concat 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/F {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pattern -1 eq { %ifelse\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill\r
- }{ %else\r
- gsave fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor eofill grestore\r
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor\r
- patarray pattern get findfont patternfill\r
- } ifelse\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /F def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/f { closepath F } bind def\r
-/K { /strokeK exch def /strokeY exch def\r
- /strokeM exch def /strokeC exch def } bind def\r
-/k { /fillK exch def /fillY exch def\r
- /fillM exch def /fillC exch def } bind def\r
-/opc { pop } bind def\r
-/Opc { pop } bind def\r
-/L /lineto load def\r
-/L2 { pop pop L } bind def\r
-/m /moveto load def\r
-/m2 { pop pop m } bind def\r
-/n /newpath load def\r
-/N {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- newpath\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /N def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} def\r
-/S {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- strokeC strokeM strokeY strokeK setcmykcolor stroke\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /S def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/s { closepath S } bind def\r
-/Tx { fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor show\r
- 0 leading neg translate 0 0 moveto } bind def\r
-/T { grestore } bind def\r
-/TX { pop } bind def\r
-/Ts { pop } bind def\r
-/tal { pop } bind def\r
-/tld { pop } bind def\r
-/tbx { pop exch pop sub /jwidth exch def } def\r
-/tpt { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto show\r
-} bind def\r
-/tpj { %def\r
- fillC fillM fillY fillK setcmykcolor\r
- moveto\r
- dup stringwidth pop\r
- 3 -1 roll\r
- exch sub\r
- 1 index spacecount\r
- dup 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- pop pop show\r
- }{ %else\r
- div 0 8#040 4 -1 roll widthshow\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/u {} def\r
-/U {} def\r
-/*u { /nesting nesting 1 add def } def\r
-/*U {\r
- /nesting nesting 1 sub def\r
- nesting 0 eq {\r
- deferred cvx exec\r
- } if\r
-} def\r
-/w /setlinewidth load def\r
-/d /setdash load def\r
-/B {\r
- nesting 0 eq { %ifelse\r
- gsave F grestore S\r
- }{ %else\r
- /deferred /B def\r
- } ifelse\r
-} bind def\r
-/b { closepath B } bind def\r
-/z { /align exch def pop /leading exch def exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/tfn { exch findfont\r
- exch scalefont setfont } bind def\r
-/Pat { /pattern exch def } bind def\r
-/cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def\r
-/q { mat2 currentmatrix pop } bind def\r
-/Q { mat2 setmatrix } bind def\r
-/Ah {\r
- pop /arrowtype exch def\r
- currentlinewidth 5 1 roll arrowhead\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Arc2 { pop pop Arc } bind def\r
-/Bx {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def\r
- x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Rr {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat /yrad exch def /xrad exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /x2 exch def /x1 exch def\r
- 2 copy gt { exch } if /y2 exch def /y1 exch def\r
- x1 xrad add y2 moveto\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 90 -180 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x1 xrad add y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 180 270 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y1 yrad add translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 270 0 arc setmatrix\r
- matrix currentmatrix x2 xrad sub y2 yrad sub translate xrad yrad scale\r
- 0 0 1 0 90 arc setmatrix\r
- closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-/Ov {\r
- mat currentmatrix pop\r
- concat translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath\r
- mat setmatrix\r
-} bind def\r
-%PDX g 3 3 0 0\r
-PDXDict begin\r
-%%Page: 1 1\r
-/_PDX_savepage save def\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/rightdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/leftdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/horizontal true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/vertical true definepattern pop\r
-15 15 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 2 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crosshatch true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 30 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 22.5 moveto 30 22.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 7.5 7.5 lineto\r
- 7.5 22.5 moveto 7.5 30 lineto\r
- 22.5 7.5 moveto 22.5 22.5 lineto\r
- 1 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/brick true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 2 setlinecap\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 15 7.5 lineto\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 7.5 0 moveto 0 7.5 lineto\r
- 15 7.5 moveto 7.5 15 lineto\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/crossdiagonal true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 2 2 scale\r
- 1 setlinecap\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 0 15 7.5 270 360 arc\r
- 7.5 15 moveto 15 15 7.5 180 270 arc\r
- 0 7.5 moveto 7.5 7.5 7.5 180 360 arc\r
- 0.5 setlinewidth stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/fishscale true definepattern pop\r
-30 30 [300 72 div 0 0 300 72 div 0 0]\r
-{ %definepattern\r
- 1 setlinecap 0.5 setlinewidth\r
- 7.5 0 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 15 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
- 7.5 15 10.6 135 45 arcn\r
- 22.5 30 10.6 225 315 arc\r
- stroke\r
-} bind\r
-/wave true definepattern pop\r
-newpath 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 2 setmiterlimit\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
--9 -9 moveto -9 157 lineto 276 157 lineto 276 -9 lineto closepath clip\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 46.7549 m\r
-111.096 147.412 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-266.179 147.412 m\r
-266.179 46.7549 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 46.7549 m\r
-266.179 46.7549 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 61.1611 m\r
-266.179 61.1611 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 75.5049 m\r
-266.179 75.5049 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 89.915 m\r
-266.179 89.915 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 104.257 m\r
-266.179 104.257 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-111.096 133.005 m\r
-266.179 133.005 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.793 147.412 m\r
-246.793 89.915 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-227.408 147.412 m\r
-227.408 75.5049 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-208.023 147.412 m\r
-208.023 89.915 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-188.638 147.412 m\r
-188.638 61.1611 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.252 147.412 m\r
-169.252 89.915 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-149.866 147.412 m\r
-149.866 75.5049 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-130.48 147.412 m\r
-130.48 89.915 L\r
-1 1 1 0 k\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-119.922 136.578 m\r
-120.016 137.156 120.215 137.852 120.519 138.664 c\r
-120.882 139.645 121.358 140.618 121.948 141.585 c\r
-122.537 142.552 123.193 143.383 123.915 144.078 c\r
-123.915 144.078 119.634 144.078 119.634 144.078 c\r
-119.634 144.078 119.84 145.055 119.84 145.055 c\r
-119.84 145.055 125.32 145.055 125.32 145.055 c\r
-125.32 145.055 125.121 144.078 125.121 144.078 c\r
-124.192 143.262 123.381 142.209 122.687 140.92 c\r
-121.88 139.432 121.328 137.984 121.031 136.578 c\r
-121.031 136.578 119.922 136.578 119.922 136.578 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.605 141.557 m\r
-140.901 141.804 141.197 141.988 141.491 142.112 c\r
-141.786 142.235 142.078 142.297 142.366 142.297 c\r
-143.018 142.297 143.557 142.074 143.981 141.629 c\r
-144.406 141.183 144.619 140.583 144.619 139.829 c\r
-144.619 138.856 144.303 138.022 143.67 137.326 c\r
-143.123 136.729 142.46 136.43 141.679 136.43 c\r
-140.968 136.43 140.376 136.69 139.901 137.212 c\r
-139.427 137.733 139.189 138.477 139.189 139.442 c\r
-139.189 140.306 139.342 141.198 139.646 142.12 c\r
-139.881 142.828 140.171 143.411 140.517 143.87 c\r
-140.862 144.329 141.23 144.666 141.618 144.881 c\r
-142.007 145.096 142.445 145.203 142.934 145.203 c\r
-143.52 145.203 143.998 145.02 144.369 144.655 c\r
-144.74 144.289 144.951 143.766 145.002 143.086 c\r
-145.002 143.086 144.018 142.992 144.018 142.992 c\r
-143.963 143.458 143.831 143.794 143.623 144.001 c\r
-143.414 144.209 143.159 144.313 142.858 144.313 c\r
-142.542 144.313 142.225 144.189 141.904 143.943 c\r
-141.585 143.697 141.309 143.332 141.079 142.85 c\r
-140.849 142.367 140.69 141.936 140.605 141.557 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.236 138.99 m\r
-140.236 138.506 140.386 138.099 140.686 137.769 c\r
-140.987 137.439 141.326 137.273 141.705 137.273 c\r
-141.97 137.273 142.251 137.374 142.547 137.575 c\r
-142.843 137.776 143.095 138.082 143.301 138.492 c\r
-143.508 138.902 143.611 139.311 143.611 139.717 c\r
-143.611 140.24 143.468 140.659 143.182 140.974 c\r
-142.895 141.288 142.549 141.445 142.143 141.445 c\r
-141.675 141.445 141.24 141.216 140.839 140.757 c\r
-140.437 140.298 140.236 139.709 140.236 138.99 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-159.033 139.031 m\r
-159.033 139.031 160.109 139.141 160.109 139.141 c\r
-160.102 138.988 160.098 138.896 160.098 138.865 c\r
-160.098 138.606 160.163 138.346 160.295 138.084 c\r
-160.426 137.821 160.604 137.621 160.828 137.482 c\r
-161.054 137.343 161.291 137.273 161.542 137.273 c\r
-161.871 137.273 162.206 137.387 162.547 137.613 c\r
-162.887 137.84 163.163 138.171 163.374 138.605 c\r
-163.586 139.039 163.691 139.469 163.691 139.895 c\r
-163.691 140.376 163.549 140.761 163.266 141.05 c\r
-162.982 141.34 162.609 141.484 162.146 141.484 c\r
-161.838 141.484 161.545 141.41 161.27 141.261 c\r
-160.993 141.112 160.738 140.89 160.504 140.594 c\r
-160.504 140.594 159.574 140.656 159.574 140.656 c\r
-159.574 140.656 160.871 145.055 160.871 145.055 c\r
-160.871 145.055 165.064 145.055 165.064 145.055 c\r
-165.064 145.055 164.859 144.078 164.859 144.078 c\r
-164.859 144.078 161.596 144.078 161.596 144.078 c\r
-161.596 144.078 160.953 141.895 160.953 141.895 c\r
-161.195 142.07 161.443 142.202 161.699 142.29 c\r
-161.955 142.378 162.219 142.422 162.488 142.422 c\r
-163.145 142.422 163.684 142.205 164.105 141.771 c\r
-164.527 141.337 164.738 140.743 164.738 139.989 c\r
-164.738 139.328 164.594 138.719 164.305 138.162 c\r
-164.016 137.605 163.617 137.177 163.111 136.878 c\r
-162.605 136.579 162.059 136.43 161.473 136.43 c\r
-160.98 136.43 160.544 136.541 160.165 136.764 c\r
-159.785 136.986 159.501 137.293 159.311 137.684 c\r
-159.122 138.074 159.027 138.465 159.027 138.855 c\r
-159.027 138.895 159.029 138.953 159.033 139.031 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-181.795 136.578 m\r
-182.261 138.773 L\r
-178.756 138.773 L\r
-178.982 139.822 L\r
-183.811 145.172 L\r
-184.679 145.172 L\r
-183.52 139.711 L\r
-184.748 139.711 L\r
-184.553 138.773 L\r
-183.322 138.773 L\r
-182.856 136.578 L\r
-181.795 136.578 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-182.459 139.711 m\r
-183.22 143.296 L\r
-180.006 139.711 L\r
-182.459 139.711 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-195.541 138.828 m\r
-195.541 138.828 196.572 138.961 196.572 138.961 c\r
-196.65 138.357 196.823 137.925 197.091 137.665 c\r
-197.359 137.404 197.709 137.273 198.144 137.273 c\r
-198.667 137.273 199.119 137.461 199.5 137.836 c\r
-199.882 138.211 200.072 138.642 200.072 139.126 c\r
-200.072 139.548 199.93 139.897 199.645 140.173 c\r
-199.359 140.448 198.977 140.586 198.496 140.586 c\r
-198.441 140.586 198.328 140.578 198.156 140.563 c\r
-198.156 140.563 198.338 141.445 198.338 141.445 c\r
-198.439 141.43 198.537 141.422 198.631 141.422 c\r
-199.236 141.422 199.702 141.569 200.028 141.864 c\r
-200.355 142.159 200.518 142.521 200.518 142.951 c\r
-200.518 143.346 200.384 143.678 200.117 143.947 c\r
-199.85 144.217 199.523 144.352 199.137 144.352 c\r
-198.758 144.352 198.418 144.214 198.115 143.939 c\r
-197.813 143.663 197.619 143.273 197.533 142.77 c\r
-197.533 142.77 196.486 142.98 196.486 142.98 c\r
-196.658 143.688 196.988 144.235 197.477 144.623 c\r
-197.965 145.01 198.543 145.203 199.211 145.203 c\r
-199.914 145.203 200.483 144.99 200.919 144.564 c\r
-201.355 144.139 201.572 143.615 201.572 142.994 c\r
-201.572 142.54 201.454 142.145 201.219 141.807 c\r
-200.982 141.469 200.629 141.189 200.156 140.966 c\r
-200.492 140.767 200.743 140.526 200.909 140.245 c\r
-201.075 139.964 201.158 139.642 201.158 139.278 c\r
-201.158 138.508 200.87 137.841 200.293 137.276 c\r
-199.717 136.712 199.027 136.43 198.227 136.43 c\r
-197.449 136.43 196.82 136.648 196.342 137.083 c\r
-195.862 137.52 195.596 138.101 195.541 138.828 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-215.598 136.578 m\r
-215.707 137.09 215.858 137.52 216.052 137.865 c\r
-216.245 138.211 216.502 138.54 216.822 138.851 c\r
-217.143 139.161 217.759 139.682 218.673 140.412 c\r
-219.227 140.852 219.605 141.179 219.809 141.389 c\r
-220.102 141.694 220.314 141.992 220.447 142.285 c\r
-220.537 142.484 220.582 142.701 220.582 142.935 c\r
-220.582 143.329 220.442 143.664 220.164 143.939 c\r
-219.885 144.214 219.543 144.352 219.138 144.352 c\r
-218.736 144.352 218.385 144.212 218.085 143.933 c\r
-217.784 143.654 217.57 143.206 217.441 142.589 c\r
-217.441 142.589 216.402 142.742 216.402 142.742 c\r
-216.504 143.503 216.799 144.104 217.289 144.544 c\r
-217.779 144.983 218.389 145.203 219.119 145.203 c\r
-219.607 145.203 220.049 145.102 220.445 144.898 c\r
-220.842 144.695 221.139 144.41 221.338 144.043 c\r
-221.537 143.676 221.637 143.297 221.637 142.907 c\r
-221.637 142.336 221.434 141.788 221.027 141.261 c\r
-220.777 140.933 220.043 140.287 218.824 139.323 c\r
-218.301 138.909 217.911 138.569 217.655 138.304 c\r
-217.399 138.039 217.207 137.789 217.078 137.555 c\r
-217.078 137.555 220.918 137.555 220.918 137.555 c\r
-220.918 137.555 220.713 136.578 220.713 136.578 c\r
-220.713 136.578 215.598 136.578 215.598 136.578 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-237.795 136.578 m\r
-237.795 136.578 239.154 143.068 239.154 143.068 c\r
-238.568 142.607 237.744 142.238 236.682 141.961 c\r
-236.682 141.961 236.881 142.922 236.881 142.922 c\r
-237.408 143.132 237.929 143.407 238.442 143.747 c\r
-238.956 144.086 239.342 144.382 239.599 144.636 c\r
-239.754 144.792 239.902 144.981 240.043 145.203 c\r
-240.043 145.203 240.656 145.203 240.656 145.203 c\r
-240.656 145.203 238.856 136.578 238.856 136.578 c\r
-238.856 136.578 237.795 136.578 237.795 136.578 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.766 139.395 m\r
-255.766 140.122 255.874 140.86 256.091 141.61 c\r
-256.307 142.36 256.548 142.96 256.814 143.41 c\r
-257.079 143.859 257.353 144.211 257.639 144.465 c\r
-257.924 144.719 258.203 144.905 258.478 145.024 c\r
-258.754 145.144 259.06 145.203 259.395 145.203 c\r
-260.051 145.203 260.598 144.959 261.037 144.471 c\r
-261.476 143.982 261.695 143.277 261.695 142.355 c\r
-261.695 141.405 261.543 140.466 261.238 139.536 c\r
-260.88 138.434 260.38 137.607 259.74 137.057 c\r
-259.248 136.639 258.689 136.43 258.06 136.43 c\r
-257.416 136.43 256.873 136.683 256.43 137.189 c\r
-255.987 137.694 255.766 138.43 255.766 139.395 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-256.789 139.125 m\r
-256.789 138.598 256.877 138.186 257.053 137.889 c\r
-257.291 137.479 257.644 137.273 258.112 137.273 c\r
-258.522 137.273 258.895 137.459 259.23 137.83 c\r
-259.714 138.354 260.078 139.12 260.321 140.13 c\r
-260.565 141.14 260.688 141.965 260.688 142.605 c\r
-260.688 143.223 260.569 143.668 260.333 143.941 c\r
-260.098 144.215 259.786 144.352 259.399 144.352 c\r
-259.119 144.352 258.856 144.279 258.612 144.135 c\r
-258.368 143.99 258.136 143.742 257.913 143.391 c\r
-257.597 142.895 257.322 142.152 257.088 141.164 c\r
-256.889 140.32 256.789 139.641 256.789 139.125 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.473 130.803 m\r
-122.304 130.803 122.953 130.506 123.421 129.912 c\r
-123.979 129.209 124.258 128.043 124.258 126.414 c\r
-124.258 124.788 123.977 123.62 123.415 122.909 c\r
-122.951 122.323 122.304 122.03 121.473 122.03 c\r
-120.638 122.03 119.965 122.351 119.454 122.994 c\r
-118.943 123.637 118.688 124.782 118.688 126.431 c\r
-118.688 128.049 118.968 129.213 119.53 129.924 c\r
-119.994 130.51 120.642 130.803 121.473 130.803 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.473 129.436 m\r
-121.275 129.436 121.099 129.373 120.943 129.246 c\r
-120.788 129.119 120.668 128.891 120.583 128.564 c\r
-120.47 128.138 120.414 127.421 120.414 126.414 c\r
-120.414 125.406 120.464 124.714 120.565 124.337 c\r
-120.666 123.96 120.793 123.71 120.946 123.585 c\r
-121.1 123.46 121.275 123.397 121.473 123.397 c\r
-121.67 123.397 121.847 123.46 122.002 123.587 c\r
-122.157 123.714 122.277 123.941 122.362 124.27 c\r
-122.475 124.691 122.531 125.406 122.531 126.414 c\r
-122.531 127.421 122.481 128.113 122.38 128.49 c\r
-122.279 128.867 122.152 129.119 121.999 129.246 c\r
-121.846 129.373 121.67 129.436 121.473 129.436 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-142.908 122.178 m\r
-142.908 122.178 141.26 122.178 141.26 122.178 c\r
-141.26 122.178 141.26 128.386 141.26 128.386 c\r
-140.659 127.824 139.95 127.408 139.135 127.139 c\r
-139.135 127.139 139.135 128.631 139.135 128.631 c\r
-139.564 128.771 140.031 129.038 140.535 129.431 c\r
-141.039 129.823 141.385 130.28 141.572 130.803 c\r
-141.572 130.803 142.908 130.803 142.908 130.803 c\r
-142.908 130.803 142.908 122.178 142.908 122.178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-162.918 122.178 m\r
-162.918 122.178 161.27 122.178 161.27 122.178 c\r
-161.27 122.178 161.27 128.386 161.27 128.386 c\r
-160.668 127.824 159.96 127.408 159.145 127.139 c\r
-159.145 127.139 159.145 128.631 159.145 128.631 c\r
-159.574 128.771 160.041 129.038 160.545 129.431 c\r
-161.049 129.823 161.395 130.28 161.582 130.803 c\r
-161.582 130.803 162.918 130.803 162.918 130.803 c\r
-162.918 130.803 162.918 122.178 162.918 122.178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-182.928 122.178 m\r
-182.928 122.178 181.279 122.178 181.279 122.178 c\r
-181.279 122.178 181.279 128.386 181.279 128.386 c\r
-180.678 127.824 179.97 127.408 179.154 127.139 c\r
-179.154 127.139 179.154 128.631 179.154 128.631 c\r
-179.584 128.771 180.051 129.038 180.555 129.431 c\r
-181.059 129.823 181.404 130.28 181.592 130.803 c\r
-181.592 130.803 182.928 130.803 182.928 130.803 c\r
-182.928 130.803 182.928 122.178 182.928 122.178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-198.178 130.803 m\r
-199.009 130.803 199.658 130.506 200.126 129.912 c\r
-200.684 129.209 200.963 128.043 200.963 126.414 c\r
-200.963 124.788 200.682 123.62 200.12 122.909 c\r
-199.656 122.323 199.009 122.03 198.178 122.03 c\r
-197.343 122.03 196.67 122.351 196.159 122.994 c\r
-195.648 123.637 195.393 124.782 195.393 126.431 c\r
-195.393 128.049 195.674 129.213 196.235 129.924 c\r
-196.699 130.51 197.347 130.803 198.178 130.803 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-198.178 129.436 m\r
-197.98 129.436 197.804 129.373 197.648 129.246 c\r
-197.493 129.119 197.373 128.891 197.288 128.564 c\r
-197.176 128.138 197.119 127.421 197.119 126.414 c\r
-197.119 125.406 197.17 124.714 197.27 124.337 c\r
-197.371 123.96 197.498 123.71 197.651 123.585 c\r
-197.805 123.46 197.98 123.397 198.178 123.397 c\r
-198.375 123.397 198.552 123.46 198.707 123.587 c\r
-198.862 123.714 198.982 123.941 199.067 124.27 c\r
-199.18 124.691 199.236 125.406 199.236 126.414 c\r
-199.236 127.421 199.186 128.113 199.085 128.49 c\r
-198.984 128.867 198.857 129.119 198.704 129.246 c\r
-198.551 129.373 198.375 129.436 198.178 129.436 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-219.613 122.178 m\r
-219.613 122.178 217.965 122.178 217.965 122.178 c\r
-217.965 122.178 217.965 128.386 217.965 128.386 c\r
-217.363 127.824 216.655 127.408 215.84 127.139 c\r
-215.84 127.139 215.84 128.631 215.84 128.631 c\r
-216.27 128.771 216.736 129.038 217.24 129.431 c\r
-217.744 129.823 218.09 130.28 218.277 130.803 c\r
-218.277 130.803 219.613 130.803 219.613 130.803 c\r
-219.613 130.803 219.613 122.178 219.613 122.178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-238.197 130.803 m\r
-239.028 130.803 239.678 130.506 240.145 129.912 c\r
-240.703 129.209 240.982 128.043 240.982 126.414 c\r
-240.982 124.788 240.701 123.62 240.14 122.909 c\r
-239.676 122.323 239.028 122.03 238.197 122.03 c\r
-237.362 122.03 236.689 122.351 236.179 122.994 c\r
-235.668 123.637 235.412 124.782 235.412 126.431 c\r
-235.412 128.049 235.693 129.213 236.255 129.924 c\r
-236.719 130.51 237.366 130.803 238.197 130.803 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-238.197 129.436 m\r
-238 129.436 237.823 129.373 237.668 129.246 c\r
-237.513 129.119 237.393 128.891 237.308 128.564 c\r
-237.195 128.138 237.139 127.421 237.139 126.414 c\r
-237.139 125.406 237.189 124.714 237.29 124.337 c\r
-237.391 123.96 237.518 123.71 237.671 123.585 c\r
-237.824 123.46 238 123.397 238.197 123.397 c\r
-238.395 123.397 238.571 123.46 238.727 123.587 c\r
-238.882 123.714 239.002 123.941 239.087 124.27 c\r
-239.199 124.691 239.256 125.406 239.256 126.414 c\r
-239.256 127.421 239.205 128.113 239.105 128.49 c\r
-239.004 128.867 238.877 129.119 238.724 129.246 c\r
-238.57 129.373 238.395 129.436 238.197 129.436 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-258.207 130.803 m\r
-259.038 130.803 259.688 130.506 260.155 129.912 c\r
-260.713 129.209 260.992 128.043 260.992 126.414 c\r
-260.992 124.788 260.711 123.62 260.149 122.909 c\r
-259.685 122.323 259.038 122.03 258.207 122.03 c\r
-257.372 122.03 256.699 122.351 256.189 122.994 c\r
-255.678 123.637 255.422 124.782 255.422 126.431 c\r
-255.422 128.049 255.703 129.213 256.265 129.924 c\r
-256.728 130.51 257.376 130.803 258.207 130.803 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-258.207 129.436 m\r
-258.01 129.436 257.833 129.373 257.678 129.246 c\r
-257.522 129.119 257.402 128.891 257.317 128.564 c\r
-257.205 128.138 257.148 127.421 257.148 126.414 c\r
-257.148 125.406 257.199 124.714 257.3 124.337 c\r
-257.4 123.96 257.527 123.71 257.681 123.585 c\r
-257.834 123.46 258.01 123.397 258.207 123.397 c\r
-258.404 123.397 258.581 123.46 258.736 123.587 c\r
-258.892 123.714 259.012 123.941 259.097 124.27 c\r
-259.209 124.691 259.266 125.406 259.266 126.414 c\r
-259.266 127.421 259.215 128.113 259.114 128.49 c\r
-259.014 128.867 258.887 129.119 258.733 129.246 c\r
-258.58 129.373 258.404 129.436 258.207 129.436 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.473 116.403 m\r
-122.304 116.403 122.953 116.106 123.421 115.513 c\r
-123.979 114.809 124.258 113.643 124.258 112.014 c\r
-124.258 110.388 123.977 109.22 123.415 108.509 c\r
-122.951 107.923 122.304 107.63 121.473 107.63 c\r
-120.638 107.63 119.965 107.951 119.454 108.594 c\r
-118.943 109.237 118.688 110.382 118.688 112.031 c\r
-118.688 113.648 118.968 114.813 119.53 115.524 c\r
-119.994 116.11 120.642 116.403 121.473 116.403 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-121.473 115.036 m\r
-121.275 115.036 121.099 114.973 120.943 114.846 c\r
-120.788 114.719 120.668 114.491 120.583 114.163 c\r
-120.47 113.738 120.414 113.021 120.414 112.014 c\r
-120.414 111.006 120.464 110.314 120.565 109.937 c\r
-120.666 109.561 120.793 109.31 120.946 109.185 c\r
-121.1 109.06 121.275 108.997 121.473 108.997 c\r
-121.67 108.997 121.847 109.061 122.002 109.188 c\r
-122.157 109.314 122.277 109.542 122.362 109.87 c\r
-122.475 110.291 122.531 111.006 122.531 112.014 c\r
-122.531 113.021 122.481 113.713 122.38 114.09 c\r
-122.279 114.467 122.152 114.719 121.999 114.846 c\r
-121.846 114.973 121.67 115.036 121.473 115.036 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-141.482 116.403 m\r
-142.314 116.403 142.963 116.106 143.431 115.513 c\r
-143.988 114.809 144.268 113.643 144.268 112.014 c\r
-144.268 110.388 143.986 109.22 143.425 108.509 c\r
-142.961 107.923 142.314 107.63 141.482 107.63 c\r
-140.648 107.63 139.975 107.951 139.464 108.594 c\r
-138.953 109.237 138.697 110.382 138.697 112.031 c\r
-138.697 113.648 138.978 114.813 139.54 115.524 c\r
-140.004 116.11 140.651 116.403 141.482 116.403 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-141.482 115.036 m\r
-141.285 115.036 141.108 114.973 140.953 114.846 c\r
-140.798 114.719 140.678 114.491 140.593 114.163 c\r
-140.48 113.738 140.424 113.021 140.424 112.014 c\r
-140.424 111.006 140.474 110.314 140.575 109.937 c\r
-140.676 109.561 140.803 109.31 140.956 109.185 c\r
-141.109 109.06 141.285 108.997 141.482 108.997 c\r
-141.68 108.997 141.856 109.061 142.012 109.188 c\r
-142.167 109.314 142.287 109.542 142.372 109.87 c\r
-142.485 110.291 142.541 111.006 142.541 112.014 c\r
-142.541 113.021 142.491 113.713 142.39 114.09 c\r
-142.289 114.467 142.162 114.719 142.009 114.846 c\r
-141.855 114.973 141.68 115.036 141.482 115.036 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-162.918 107.778 m\r
-162.918 107.778 161.27 107.778 161.27 107.778 c\r
-161.27 107.778 161.27 113.986 161.27 113.986 c\r
-160.668 113.424 159.96 113.008 159.145 112.739 c\r
-159.145 112.739 159.145 114.231 159.145 114.231 c\r
-159.574 114.372 160.041 114.638 160.545 115.03 c\r
-161.049 115.423 161.395 115.88 161.582 116.403 c\r
-161.582 116.403 162.918 116.403 162.918 116.403 c\r
-162.918 116.403 162.918 107.778 162.918 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-182.928 107.778 m\r
-182.928 107.778 181.279 107.778 181.279 107.778 c\r
-181.279 107.778 181.279 113.986 181.279 113.986 c\r
-180.678 113.424 179.97 113.008 179.154 112.739 c\r
-179.154 112.739 179.154 114.231 179.154 114.231 c\r
-179.584 114.372 180.051 114.638 180.555 115.03 c\r
-181.059 115.423 181.404 115.88 181.592 116.403 c\r
-181.592 116.403 182.928 116.403 182.928 116.403 c\r
-182.928 116.403 182.928 107.778 182.928 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-199.604 107.778 m\r
-199.604 107.778 197.955 107.778 197.955 107.778 c\r
-197.955 107.778 197.955 113.986 197.955 113.986 c\r
-197.354 113.424 196.645 113.008 195.83 112.739 c\r
-195.83 112.739 195.83 114.231 195.83 114.231 c\r
-196.26 114.372 196.727 114.638 197.23 115.03 c\r
-197.734 115.423 198.08 115.88 198.268 116.403 c\r
-198.268 116.403 199.604 116.403 199.604 116.403 c\r
-199.604 116.403 199.604 107.778 199.604 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-218.188 116.403 m\r
-219.019 116.403 219.668 116.106 220.136 115.513 c\r
-220.693 114.809 220.973 113.643 220.973 112.014 c\r
-220.973 110.388 220.691 109.22 220.13 108.509 c\r
-219.666 107.923 219.019 107.63 218.188 107.63 c\r
-217.352 107.63 216.68 107.951 216.169 108.594 c\r
-215.658 109.237 215.402 110.382 215.402 112.031 c\r
-215.402 113.648 215.684 114.813 216.245 115.524 c\r
-216.709 116.11 217.356 116.403 218.188 116.403 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-218.188 115.036 m\r
-217.99 115.036 217.814 114.973 217.658 114.846 c\r
-217.503 114.719 217.383 114.491 217.298 114.163 c\r
-217.186 113.738 217.129 113.021 217.129 112.014 c\r
-217.129 111.006 217.18 110.314 217.28 109.937 c\r
-217.381 109.561 217.508 109.31 217.661 109.185 c\r
-217.814 109.06 217.99 108.997 218.188 108.997 c\r
-218.385 108.997 218.561 109.061 218.717 109.188 c\r
-218.872 109.314 218.992 109.542 219.077 109.87 c\r
-219.189 110.291 219.246 111.006 219.246 112.014 c\r
-219.246 113.021 219.195 113.713 219.095 114.09 c\r
-218.994 114.467 218.867 114.719 218.714 114.846 c\r
-218.561 114.973 218.385 115.036 218.188 115.036 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.623 107.778 m\r
-239.623 107.778 237.975 107.778 237.975 107.778 c\r
-237.975 107.778 237.975 113.986 237.975 113.986 c\r
-237.373 113.424 236.665 113.008 235.85 112.739 c\r
-235.85 112.739 235.85 114.231 235.85 114.231 c\r
-236.279 114.372 236.746 114.638 237.25 115.03 c\r
-237.754 115.423 238.1 115.88 238.287 116.403 c\r
-238.287 116.403 239.623 116.403 239.623 116.403 c\r
-239.623 116.403 239.623 107.778 239.623 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-259.633 107.778 m\r
-259.633 107.778 257.984 107.778 257.984 107.778 c\r
-257.984 107.778 257.984 113.986 257.984 113.986 c\r
-257.383 113.424 256.675 113.008 255.859 112.739 c\r
-255.859 112.739 255.859 114.231 255.859 114.231 c\r
-256.289 114.372 256.756 114.638 257.26 115.03 c\r
-257.764 115.423 258.109 115.88 258.297 116.403 c\r
-258.297 116.403 259.633 116.403 259.633 116.403 c\r
-259.633 116.403 259.633 107.778 259.633 107.778 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.68 97.6172 m\r
-118.68 98.6338 118.784 99.4531 118.993 100.074 c\r
-119.201 100.695 119.512 101.173 119.923 101.508 c\r
-120.335 101.843 120.853 102.011 121.477 102.011 c\r
-121.937 102.011 122.341 101.918 122.689 101.732 c\r
-123.038 101.546 123.325 101.278 123.55 100.929 c\r
-123.774 100.578 123.952 100.152 124.08 99.6494 c\r
-124.209 99.1475 124.273 98.4697 124.273 97.6172 c\r
-124.273 96.6084 124.17 95.793 123.963 95.1719 c\r
-123.756 94.5508 123.447 94.0718 123.036 93.7349 c\r
-122.624 93.3979 122.104 93.2295 121.477 93.2295 c\r
-120.649 93.2295 120 93.5254 119.528 94.1172 c\r
-118.962 94.8354 118.68 96.002 118.68 97.6172 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-119.766 97.6162 m\r
-119.766 96.2021 119.93 95.2617 120.259 94.7959 c\r
-120.588 94.3296 120.994 94.0967 121.477 94.0967 c\r
-121.959 94.0967 122.365 94.3306 122.694 94.7988 c\r
-123.023 95.2666 123.188 96.2061 123.188 97.6162 c\r
-123.188 99.0317 123.023 99.9722 122.695 100.438 c\r
-122.367 100.903 121.956 101.136 121.465 101.136 c\r
-120.982 101.136 120.596 100.931 120.307 100.52 c\r
-119.946 99.9956 119.766 99.0278 119.766 97.6162 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-138.846 97.1357 m\r
-138.846 98.1201 L\r
-144.525 100.526 L\r
-144.525 99.4717 L\r
-140.025 97.624 L\r
-144.525 95.7607 L\r
-144.525 94.7061 L\r
-138.846 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-163.002 93.3779 m\r
-163.002 93.3779 161.947 93.3779 161.947 93.3779 c\r
-161.947 93.3779 161.947 100.104 161.947 100.104 c\r
-161.693 99.8623 161.36 99.6201 160.948 99.3774 c\r
-160.536 99.1348 160.166 98.9531 159.838 98.832 c\r
-159.838 98.832 159.838 99.8525 159.838 99.8525 c\r
-160.428 100.13 160.943 100.466 161.385 100.861 c\r
-161.826 101.256 162.139 101.639 162.322 102.011 c\r
-162.322 102.011 163.002 102.011 163.002 102.011 c\r
-163.002 102.011 163.002 93.3779 163.002 93.3779 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-183.012 93.3779 m\r
-183.012 93.3779 181.957 93.3779 181.957 93.3779 c\r
-181.957 93.3779 181.957 100.104 181.957 100.104 c\r
-181.703 99.8623 181.37 99.6201 180.958 99.3774 c\r
-180.546 99.1348 180.176 98.9531 179.848 98.832 c\r
-179.848 98.832 179.848 99.8525 179.848 99.8525 c\r
-180.438 100.13 180.953 100.466 181.395 100.861 c\r
-181.836 101.256 182.148 101.639 182.332 102.011 c\r
-182.332 102.011 183.012 102.011 183.012 102.011 c\r
-183.012 102.011 183.012 93.3779 183.012 93.3779 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-195.875 97.1357 m\r
-195.875 98.1201 L\r
-201.555 100.526 L\r
-201.555 99.4717 L\r
-197.055 97.624 L\r
-201.555 95.7607 L\r
-201.555 94.7061 L\r
-195.875 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-216.219 97.1357 m\r
-216.219 98.1201 L\r
-221.898 100.526 L\r
-221.898 99.4717 L\r
-217.398 97.624 L\r
-221.898 95.7607 L\r
-221.898 94.7061 L\r
-216.219 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-236.563 97.1357 m\r
-236.563 98.1201 L\r
-242.242 100.526 L\r
-242.242 99.4717 L\r
-237.742 97.624 L\r
-242.242 95.7607 L\r
-242.242 94.7061 L\r
-236.563 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-253.572 97.1357 m\r
-253.572 98.1201 L\r
-259.252 100.526 L\r
-259.252 99.4717 L\r
-254.752 97.624 L\r
-259.252 95.7607 L\r
-259.252 94.7061 L\r
-253.572 97.1357 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-128.682 83.2178 m\r
-128.682 84.2344 128.786 85.0537 128.995 85.6748 c\r
-129.203 86.2959 129.514 86.7739 129.925 87.1089 c\r
-130.336 87.4438 130.855 87.6113 131.479 87.6113 c\r
-131.939 87.6113 132.343 87.5186 132.691 87.3325 c\r
-133.04 87.147 133.327 86.8789 133.552 86.5293 c\r
-133.776 86.1787 133.954 85.7529 134.082 85.25 c\r
-134.211 84.748 134.275 84.0703 134.275 83.2178 c\r
-134.275 82.209 134.172 81.3936 133.965 80.7725 c\r
-133.758 80.1514 133.449 79.6719 133.038 79.3359 c\r
-132.626 78.998 132.106 78.8301 131.479 78.8301 c\r
-130.651 78.8301 130.002 79.126 129.53 79.7178 c\r
-128.964 80.4355 128.682 81.6025 128.682 83.2178 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-129.768 83.2168 m\r
-129.768 81.8027 129.932 80.8623 130.261 80.3965 c\r
-130.59 79.9297 130.996 79.6973 131.479 79.6973 c\r
-131.961 79.6973 132.367 79.9316 132.696 80.3994 c\r
-133.025 80.8672 133.189 81.8066 133.189 83.2168 c\r
-133.189 84.6323 133.025 85.5728 132.697 86.0381 c\r
-132.369 86.5034 131.958 86.7363 131.467 86.7363 c\r
-130.984 86.7363 130.598 86.5313 130.309 86.1201 c\r
-129.948 85.5962 129.768 84.6284 129.768 83.2168 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.33 78.9785 m\r
-169.33 78.9785 168.275 78.9785 168.275 78.9785 c\r
-168.275 78.9785 168.275 85.7051 168.275 85.7051 c\r
-168.021 85.4629 167.689 85.2207 167.276 84.978 c\r
-166.864 84.7354 166.494 84.5537 166.166 84.4326 c\r
-166.166 84.4326 166.166 85.4531 166.166 85.4531 c\r
-166.756 85.7305 167.271 86.0669 167.713 86.4619 c\r
-168.154 86.8564 168.467 87.2397 168.65 87.6113 c\r
-168.65 87.6113 169.33 87.6113 169.33 87.6113 c\r
-169.33 87.6113 169.33 78.9785 169.33 78.9785 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-205.531 82.7363 m\r
-205.531 83.7207 L\r
-211.211 86.127 L\r
-211.211 85.0723 L\r
-206.711 83.2246 L\r
-211.211 81.3613 L\r
-211.211 80.3066 L\r
-205.531 82.7363 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-242.545 82.7363 m\r
-242.545 83.7207 L\r
-248.225 86.127 L\r
-248.225 85.0723 L\r
-243.725 83.2246 L\r
-248.225 81.3613 L\r
-248.225 80.3066 L\r
-242.545 82.7363 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-145.352 68.8174 m\r
-145.352 69.834 145.456 70.6533 145.664 71.2744 c\r
-145.873 71.8955 146.184 72.373 146.595 72.708 c\r
-147.006 73.043 147.524 73.2109 148.148 73.2109 c\r
-148.608 73.2109 149.014 73.1182 149.361 72.9326 c\r
-149.71 72.7461 149.996 72.4785 150.222 72.1289 c\r
-150.446 71.7783 150.623 71.3525 150.752 70.8496 c\r
-150.881 70.3477 150.945 69.6699 150.945 68.8174 c\r
-150.945 67.8086 150.842 66.9932 150.635 66.3721 c\r
-150.428 65.751 150.119 65.2715 149.708 64.9355 c\r
-149.296 64.5977 148.776 64.4297 148.148 64.4297 c\r
-147.321 64.4297 146.672 64.7256 146.2 65.3174 c\r
-145.635 66.0352 145.352 67.2021 145.352 68.8174 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-146.438 68.8164 m\r
-146.438 67.4023 146.602 66.4619 146.931 65.9961 c\r
-147.26 65.5293 147.666 65.2969 148.148 65.2969 c\r
-148.631 65.2969 149.037 65.5313 149.366 65.999 c\r
-149.695 66.4668 149.859 67.4063 149.859 68.8164 c\r
-149.859 70.2324 149.695 71.1729 149.367 71.6377 c\r
-149.039 72.1035 148.629 72.3359 148.137 72.3359 c\r
-147.654 72.3359 147.268 72.1309 146.979 71.7197 c\r
-146.617 71.1963 146.438 70.2285 146.438 68.8164 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-225.529 68.3359 m\r
-225.529 69.3203 L\r
-231.209 71.7266 L\r
-231.209 70.6719 L\r
-226.709 68.8242 L\r
-231.209 66.9609 L\r
-231.209 65.9063 L\r
-225.529 68.3359 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-188.693 54.417 m\r
-188.693 55.4336 188.798 56.2529 189.006 56.874 c\r
-189.215 57.4951 189.525 57.9727 189.936 58.3076 c\r
-190.348 58.6426 190.866 58.8105 191.49 58.8105 c\r
-191.95 58.8105 192.355 58.7178 192.703 58.5322 c\r
-193.052 58.3457 193.338 58.0781 193.564 57.7285 c\r
-193.788 57.3779 193.965 56.9521 194.094 56.4492 c\r
-194.223 55.9473 194.287 55.2695 194.287 54.417 c\r
-194.287 53.4082 194.184 52.5928 193.977 51.9717 c\r
-193.77 51.3506 193.461 50.8711 193.05 50.5352 c\r
-192.638 50.1973 192.118 50.0293 191.49 50.0293 c\r
-190.663 50.0293 190.014 50.3252 189.542 50.917 c\r
-188.977 51.6348 188.693 52.8018 188.693 54.417 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-189.779 54.416 m\r
-189.779 53.002 189.943 52.0615 190.273 51.5957 c\r
-190.602 51.1289 191.008 50.8965 191.49 50.8965 c\r
-191.973 50.8965 192.379 51.1309 192.708 51.5986 c\r
-193.037 52.0664 193.201 53.0059 193.201 54.416 c\r
-193.201 55.832 193.037 56.7725 192.709 57.2373 c\r
-192.381 57.7031 191.971 57.9355 191.479 57.9355 c\r
-190.996 57.9355 190.609 57.7305 190.32 57.3193 c\r
-189.959 56.7959 189.779 55.8281 189.779 54.416 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-42.9297 135.599 m\r
-42.9297 135.599 42.9297 144.193 42.9297 144.193 c\r
-42.9297 144.193 46.1689 144.193 46.1689 144.193 c\r
-46.7393 144.193 47.1743 144.165 47.4751 144.111 c\r
-47.897 144.04 48.25 143.906 48.5352 143.709 c\r
-48.8203 143.512 49.0498 143.235 49.2236 142.879 c\r
-49.3975 142.523 49.4844 142.133 49.4844 141.706 c\r
-49.4844 140.976 49.252 140.357 48.7881 139.851 c\r
-48.3232 139.344 47.4844 139.091 46.271 139.091 c\r
-46.271 139.091 44.0703 139.091 44.0703 139.091 c\r
-44.0703 139.091 44.0703 135.599 44.0703 135.599 c\r
-44.0703 135.599 42.9297 135.599 42.9297 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-44.0703 140.107 m\r
-44.0703 140.107 46.2881 140.107 46.2881 140.107 c\r
-47.0215 140.107 47.542 140.244 47.8501 140.517 c\r
-48.1582 140.79 48.3125 141.175 48.3125 141.671 c\r
-48.3125 142.031 48.2217 142.338 48.0405 142.594 c\r
-47.8589 142.85 47.6201 143.019 47.3237 143.101 c\r
-47.1323 143.152 46.7793 143.177 46.2646 143.177 c\r
-46.2646 143.177 44.0703 143.177 44.0703 143.177 c\r
-44.0703 143.177 44.0703 140.107 44.0703 140.107 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-50.4023 138.712 m\r
-50.4023 139.865 50.7227 140.72 51.3628 141.274 c\r
-51.8979 141.736 52.5498 141.966 53.3193 141.966 c\r
-54.1743 141.966 54.8735 141.686 55.416 141.125 c\r
-55.959 140.564 56.2305 139.789 56.2305 138.8 c\r
-56.2305 137.999 56.1104 137.369 55.8701 136.91 c\r
-55.6299 136.45 55.2803 136.094 54.8218 135.84 c\r
-54.3628 135.585 53.8623 135.458 53.3193 135.458 c\r
-52.4482 135.458 51.7446 135.738 51.208 136.297 c\r
-50.6709 136.855 50.4023 137.661 50.4023 138.712 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-51.4883 138.711 m\r
-51.4883 137.914 51.6616 137.317 52.0088 136.921 c\r
-52.356 136.524 52.793 136.326 53.3193 136.326 c\r
-53.8418 136.326 54.2769 136.525 54.624 136.924 c\r
-54.9707 137.322 55.1445 137.93 55.1445 138.747 c\r
-55.1445 139.517 54.9697 140.1 54.6211 140.496 c\r
-54.272 140.893 53.8379 141.091 53.3193 141.091 c\r
-52.793 141.091 52.356 140.894 52.0088 140.499 c\r
-51.6616 140.105 51.4883 139.509 51.4883 138.711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.1309 143.248 m\r
-59.7754 144.24 L\r
-60.9785 144.24 L\r
-59.6543 142.599 L\r
-58.5293 142.599 L\r
-57.2676 144.24 L\r
-58.4707 144.24 L\r
-59.1309 143.248 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-57.459 135.599 m\r
-57.459 135.599 57.459 141.826 57.459 141.826 c\r
-57.459 141.826 58.4043 141.826 58.4043 141.826 c\r
-58.4043 141.826 58.4043 140.878 58.4043 140.878 c\r
-58.647 141.321 58.8711 141.613 59.0767 141.755 c\r
-59.2822 141.895 59.5083 141.966 59.7554 141.966 c\r
-60.1113 141.966 60.4736 141.852 60.8418 141.626 c\r
-60.8418 141.626 60.4727 140.649 60.4727 140.649 c\r
-60.2158 140.798 59.9585 140.873 59.7012 140.873 c\r
-59.4712 140.873 59.2646 140.803 59.0815 140.665 c\r
-58.8984 140.526 58.7676 140.333 58.6895 140.087 c\r
-58.5723 139.712 58.5137 139.302 58.5137 138.857 c\r
-58.5137 138.857 58.5137 135.599 58.5137 135.599 c\r
-58.5137 135.599 57.459 135.599 57.459 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-65.5254 136.365 m\r
-65.1328 136.033 64.7563 135.8 64.3955 135.663 c\r
-64.0352 135.527 63.6479 135.458 63.2344 135.458 c\r
-62.5522 135.458 62.0273 135.626 61.6611 135.96 c\r
-61.2944 136.294 61.1113 136.722 61.1113 137.241 c\r
-61.1113 137.546 61.1807 137.825 61.3188 138.077 c\r
-61.4575 138.329 61.6387 138.532 61.8628 138.684 c\r
-62.0869 138.837 62.3398 138.952 62.6201 139.03 c\r
-62.8271 139.085 63.1387 139.138 63.5562 139.189 c\r
-64.4063 139.29 65.0322 139.411 65.4336 139.552 c\r
-65.4375 139.696 65.4395 139.788 65.4395 139.827 c\r
-65.4395 140.256 65.3398 140.559 65.1411 140.734 c\r
-64.8721 140.972 64.4727 141.091 63.9424 141.091 c\r
-63.4473 141.091 63.0815 141.005 62.8457 140.831 c\r
-62.6099 140.658 62.4355 140.352 62.3223 139.912 c\r
-62.3223 139.912 61.291 140.052 61.291 140.052 c\r
-61.3848 140.493 61.5391 140.849 61.7534 141.121 c\r
-61.9683 141.392 62.2783 141.601 62.6846 141.747 c\r
-63.0903 141.893 63.5605 141.966 64.0957 141.966 c\r
-64.6265 141.966 65.0576 141.904 65.3896 141.779 c\r
-65.7212 141.654 65.9653 141.497 66.1211 141.308 c\r
-66.2773 141.118 66.3867 140.879 66.4492 140.59 c\r
-66.4844 140.411 66.502 140.086 66.502 139.617 c\r
-66.502 139.617 66.502 138.21 66.502 138.21 c\r
-66.502 137.229 66.5244 136.608 66.5698 136.348 c\r
-66.6147 136.087 66.7041 135.838 66.8379 135.599 c\r
-66.8379 135.599 65.7363 135.599 65.7363 135.599 c\r
-65.627 135.817 65.5566 136.072 65.5254 136.365 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-65.4395 138.724 m\r
-65.0566 138.568 64.4829 138.435 63.7178 138.326 c\r
-63.2847 138.263 62.978 138.193 62.7983 138.115 c\r
-62.6191 138.037 62.4805 137.922 62.3828 137.772 c\r
-62.2852 137.622 62.2363 137.455 62.2363 137.271 c\r
-62.2363 136.99 62.3423 136.755 62.5547 136.568 c\r
-62.7671 136.38 63.0781 136.287 63.4873 136.287 c\r
-63.8926 136.287 64.2529 136.376 64.5684 136.554 c\r
-64.8843 136.731 65.1162 136.975 65.2642 137.283 c\r
-65.377 137.521 65.4336 137.873 65.4336 138.337 c\r
-65.4336 138.337 65.4395 138.724 65.4395 138.724 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-72.1758 135.599 m\r
-72.1758 135.599 72.1758 136.384 72.1758 136.384 c\r
-71.7808 135.767 71.2002 135.458 70.4341 135.458 c\r
-69.9375 135.458 69.481 135.595 69.0645 135.869 c\r
-68.6484 136.143 68.3257 136.524 68.0967 137.015 c\r
-67.8682 137.505 67.7539 138.069 67.7539 138.706 c\r
-67.7539 139.328 67.8574 139.892 68.064 140.398 c\r
-68.271 140.904 68.5811 141.292 68.9951 141.561 c\r
-69.4087 141.831 69.8711 141.966 70.3823 141.966 c\r
-70.7568 141.966 71.0908 141.887 71.3833 141.729 c\r
-71.6763 141.57 71.9141 141.363 72.0977 141.109 c\r
-72.0977 141.109 72.0977 144.193 72.0977 144.193 c\r
-72.0977 144.193 73.1523 144.193 73.1523 144.193 c\r
-73.1523 144.193 73.1523 135.599 73.1523 135.599 c\r
-73.1523 135.599 72.1758 135.599 72.1758 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-68.8398 138.706 m\r
-68.8398 137.908 69.0078 137.313 69.3438 136.918 c\r
-69.6797 136.523 70.0762 136.326 70.5332 136.326 c\r
-70.9941 136.326 71.3857 136.514 71.708 136.892 c\r
-72.0303 137.269 72.1914 137.844 72.1914 138.618 c\r
-72.1914 139.47 72.0273 140.095 71.6992 140.493 c\r
-71.3711 140.892 70.9668 141.091 70.4863 141.091 c\r
-70.0176 141.091 69.626 140.9 69.3115 140.517 c\r
-68.9971 140.134 68.8398 139.53 68.8398 138.706 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-74.8418 142.599 m\r
-75.6152 144.24 L\r
-77.0059 144.24 L\r
-75.7168 142.599 L\r
-74.8418 142.599 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-75.1855 135.599 m\r
-75.1855 141.826 L\r
-76.2402 141.826 L\r
-76.2402 135.599 L\r
-75.1855 135.599 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.4551 135.599 m\r
-82.4551 135.599 81.4785 135.599 81.4785 135.599 c\r
-81.4785 135.599 81.4785 144.193 81.4785 144.193 c\r
-81.4785 144.193 82.5332 144.193 82.5332 144.193 c\r
-82.5332 144.193 82.5332 141.128 82.5332 141.128 c\r
-82.9785 141.687 83.5474 141.966 84.2393 141.966 c\r
-84.6221 141.966 84.9844 141.889 85.3262 141.735 c\r
-85.6685 141.58 85.9497 141.363 86.1704 141.084 c\r
-86.3916 140.805 86.5645 140.467 86.6895 140.073 c\r
-86.8145 139.678 86.877 139.256 86.877 138.806 c\r
-86.877 137.739 86.6133 136.915 86.085 136.332 c\r
-85.5576 135.749 84.9238 135.458 84.1851 135.458 c\r
-83.4502 135.458 82.8735 135.765 82.4551 136.378 c\r
-82.4551 136.378 82.4551 135.599 82.4551 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.4395 138.759 m\r
-82.4395 138.013 82.541 137.473 82.7441 137.141 c\r
-83.0762 136.597 83.5254 136.326 84.0918 136.326 c\r
-84.5527 136.326 84.9512 136.526 85.2871 136.927 c\r
-85.623 137.327 85.791 137.925 85.791 138.718 c\r
-85.791 139.531 85.6299 140.131 85.3076 140.519 c\r
-84.9854 140.905 84.5957 141.099 84.1387 141.099 c\r
-83.6777 141.099 83.2793 140.898 82.9434 140.498 c\r
-82.6074 140.097 82.4395 139.518 82.4395 138.759 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-88.1602 142.982 m\r
-88.1602 144.193 L\r
-89.2148 144.193 L\r
-89.2148 142.982 L\r
-88.1602 142.982 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-88.1602 135.599 m\r
-88.1602 141.826 L\r
-89.2148 141.826 L\r
-89.2148 135.599 L\r
-88.1602 135.599 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.123 136.539 m\r
-93.123 136.539 93.2793 135.607 93.2793 135.607 c\r
-92.9819 135.544 92.7158 135.513 92.481 135.513 c\r
-92.0977 135.513 91.8003 135.574 91.5889 135.695 c\r
-91.3774 135.816 91.229 135.976 91.1426 136.173 c\r
-91.0566 136.371 91.0137 136.786 91.0137 137.42 c\r
-91.0137 137.42 91.0137 141.005 91.0137 141.005 c\r
-91.0137 141.005 90.2324 141.005 90.2324 141.005 c\r
-90.2324 141.005 90.2324 141.826 90.2324 141.826 c\r
-90.2324 141.826 91.0137 141.826 91.0137 141.826 c\r
-91.0137 141.826 91.0137 143.367 91.0137 143.367 c\r
-91.0137 143.367 92.0684 143.999 92.0684 143.999 c\r
-92.0684 143.999 92.0684 141.826 92.0684 141.826 c\r
-92.0684 141.826 93.123 141.826 93.123 141.826 c\r
-93.123 141.826 93.123 141.005 93.123 141.005 c\r
-93.123 141.005 92.0684 141.005 92.0684 141.005 c\r
-92.0684 141.005 92.0684 137.36 92.0684 137.36 c\r
-92.0684 137.059 92.0869 136.865 92.1235 136.779 c\r
-92.1606 136.693 92.2207 136.624 92.3042 136.574 c\r
-92.3877 136.523 92.5073 136.498 92.6626 136.498 c\r
-92.7793 136.498 92.9326 136.511 93.123 136.539 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-98.2305 135.599 m\r
-98.2305 135.599 98.2305 136.511 98.2305 136.511 c\r
-97.7461 135.81 97.0879 135.458 96.2559 135.458 c\r
-95.8887 135.458 95.5459 135.529 95.2275 135.669 c\r
-94.9092 135.81 94.6729 135.987 94.5186 136.2 c\r
-94.3643 136.413 94.2559 136.674 94.1934 136.983 c\r
-94.1504 137.19 94.1289 137.519 94.1289 137.968 c\r
-94.1289 137.968 94.1289 141.826 94.1289 141.826 c\r
-94.1289 141.826 95.1836 141.826 95.1836 141.826 c\r
-95.1836 141.826 95.1836 138.371 95.1836 138.371 c\r
-95.1836 137.819 95.2051 137.448 95.248 137.256 c\r
-95.3145 136.979 95.4551 136.761 95.6699 136.602 c\r
-95.8853 136.444 96.1509 136.365 96.4678 136.365 c\r
-96.7842 136.365 97.0811 136.446 97.3589 136.608 c\r
-97.6362 136.77 97.833 136.991 97.9482 137.271 c\r
-98.0635 137.55 98.1211 137.956 98.1211 138.488 c\r
-98.1211 138.488 98.1211 141.826 98.1211 141.826 c\r
-98.1211 141.826 99.1758 141.826 99.1758 141.826 c\r
-99.1758 141.826 99.1758 135.599 99.1758 135.599 c\r
-99.1758 135.599 98.2305 135.599 98.2305 135.599 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-44.9297 120.079 m\r
-44.9297 120.079 44.9297 128.673 44.9297 128.673 c\r
-44.9297 128.673 48.1689 128.673 48.1689 128.673 c\r
-48.7393 128.673 49.1743 128.645 49.4751 128.591 c\r
-49.897 128.52 50.25 128.387 50.5352 128.189 c\r
-50.8203 127.992 51.0498 127.715 51.2236 127.359 c\r
-51.3975 127.003 51.4844 126.612 51.4844 126.187 c\r
-51.4844 125.456 51.252 124.837 50.7881 124.331 c\r
-50.3232 123.824 49.4844 123.571 48.271 123.571 c\r
-48.271 123.571 46.0703 123.571 46.0703 123.571 c\r
-46.0703 123.571 46.0703 120.079 46.0703 120.079 c\r
-46.0703 120.079 44.9297 120.079 44.9297 120.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-46.0703 124.587 m\r
-46.0703 124.587 48.2881 124.587 48.2881 124.587 c\r
-49.0215 124.587 49.542 124.724 49.8501 124.997 c\r
-50.1582 125.271 50.3125 125.655 50.3125 126.151 c\r
-50.3125 126.511 50.2217 126.818 50.0405 127.074 c\r
-49.8589 127.33 49.6201 127.499 49.3237 127.581 c\r
-49.1323 127.632 48.7793 127.657 48.2646 127.657 c\r
-48.2646 127.657 46.0703 127.657 46.0703 127.657 c\r
-46.0703 127.657 46.0703 124.587 46.0703 124.587 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-52.7852 120.079 m\r
-52.7852 120.079 52.7852 126.306 52.7852 126.306 c\r
-52.7852 126.306 53.7305 126.306 53.7305 126.306 c\r
-53.7305 126.306 53.7305 125.358 53.7305 125.358 c\r
-53.9731 125.801 54.1973 126.094 54.4028 126.234 c\r
-54.6084 126.376 54.8345 126.446 55.0815 126.446 c\r
-55.4375 126.446 55.7998 126.332 56.168 126.105 c\r
-56.168 126.105 55.7988 125.129 55.7988 125.129 c\r
-55.542 125.278 55.2847 125.353 55.0273 125.353 c\r
-54.7974 125.353 54.5908 125.283 54.4077 125.145 c\r
-54.2246 125.006 54.0938 124.813 54.0156 124.567 c\r
-53.8984 124.192 53.8398 123.782 53.8398 123.337 c\r
-53.8398 123.337 53.8398 120.079 53.8398 120.079 c\r
-53.8398 120.079 52.7852 120.079 52.7852 120.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-58.519 120.079 m\r
-58.519 120.079 56.1563 126.306 56.1563 126.306 c\r
-56.1563 126.306 57.2695 126.306 57.2695 126.306 c\r
-57.2695 126.306 58.6055 122.577 58.6055 122.577 c\r
-58.75 122.174 58.8828 121.756 59.0039 121.322 c\r
-59.0977 121.65 59.2285 122.045 59.397 122.506 c\r
-59.397 122.506 60.7832 126.306 60.7832 126.306 c\r
-60.7832 126.306 61.8672 126.306 61.8672 126.306 c\r
-61.8672 126.306 59.5049 120.079 59.5049 120.079 c\r
-59.5049 120.079 58.519 120.079 58.519 120.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-62.7891 120.079 m\r
-62.7891 120.079 62.7891 126.306 62.7891 126.306 c\r
-62.7891 126.306 63.7344 126.306 63.7344 126.306 c\r
-63.7344 126.306 63.7344 125.421 63.7344 125.421 c\r
-64.1914 126.104 64.8521 126.446 65.7158 126.446 c\r
-66.0908 126.446 66.4355 126.379 66.7505 126.244 c\r
-67.0649 126.109 67.3008 125.932 67.457 125.713 c\r
-67.6133 125.495 67.7227 125.234 67.7852 124.934 c\r
-67.8242 124.738 67.8438 124.396 67.8438 123.908 c\r
-67.8438 123.908 67.8438 120.079 67.8438 120.079 c\r
-67.8438 120.079 66.7891 120.079 66.7891 120.079 c\r
-66.7891 120.079 66.7891 123.867 66.7891 123.867 c\r
-66.7891 124.297 66.748 124.618 66.666 124.831 c\r
-66.584 125.044 66.4385 125.215 66.23 125.342 c\r
-66.021 125.469 65.7759 125.532 65.4951 125.532 c\r
-65.0459 125.532 64.6587 125.39 64.3325 125.104 c\r
-64.0068 124.819 63.8438 124.277 63.8438 123.48 c\r
-63.8438 123.48 63.8438 120.079 63.8438 120.079 c\r
-63.8438 120.079 62.7891 120.079 62.7891 120.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.4941 127.079 m\r
-70.2676 128.72 L\r
-71.6582 128.72 L\r
-70.3691 127.079 L\r
-69.4941 127.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.8379 120.079 m\r
-69.8379 126.306 L\r
-70.8926 126.306 L\r
-70.8926 120.079 L\r
-69.8379 120.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-80.1934 122.36 m\r
-80.1934 122.36 81.2324 122.22 81.2324 122.22 c\r
-81.1191 121.506 80.8291 120.947 80.3618 120.544 c\r
-79.895 120.14 79.3213 119.938 78.6416 119.938 c\r
-77.79 119.938 77.105 120.217 76.5869 120.774 c\r
-76.0693 121.331 75.8105 122.129 75.8105 123.169 c\r
-75.8105 123.841 75.9219 124.43 76.1445 124.934 c\r
-76.3672 125.438 76.7061 125.816 77.1611 126.068 c\r
-77.6162 126.32 78.1113 126.446 78.6465 126.446 c\r
-79.3223 126.446 79.875 126.275 80.3047 125.934 c\r
-80.7344 125.592 81.0098 125.106 81.1309 124.478 c\r
-81.1309 124.478 80.1074 124.321 80.1074 124.321 c\r
-80.0098 124.738 79.8369 125.053 79.5889 125.263 c\r
-79.3408 125.474 79.041 125.579 78.6895 125.579 c\r
-78.1582 125.579 77.7266 125.389 77.3945 125.007 c\r
-77.0625 124.626 76.8965 124.023 76.8965 123.198 c\r
-76.8965 122.361 77.0566 121.754 77.3765 121.374 c\r
-77.6968 120.995 78.1143 120.806 78.6299 120.806 c\r
-79.0439 120.806 79.3892 120.933 79.6665 121.187 c\r
-79.9434 121.441 80.1191 121.832 80.1934 122.36 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-78.623 127.728 m\r
-79.2676 128.72 L\r
-80.4707 128.72 L\r
-79.1465 127.079 L\r
-78.0215 127.079 L\r
-76.7598 128.72 L\r
-77.9629 128.72 L\r
-78.623 127.728 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.1621 127.079 m\r
-82.9355 128.72 L\r
-84.3262 128.72 L\r
-83.0371 127.079 L\r
-82.1621 127.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.5059 120.079 m\r
-82.5059 126.306 L\r
-83.5605 126.306 L\r
-83.5605 120.079 L\r
-82.5059 120.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-85.043 121.938 m\r
-85.043 121.938 86.0898 122.103 86.0898 122.103 c\r
-86.1484 121.684 86.3115 121.363 86.5786 121.14 c\r
-86.8462 120.917 87.2197 120.806 87.7002 120.806 c\r
-88.1841 120.806 88.5435 120.904 88.7773 121.102 c\r
-89.0117 121.299 89.1289 121.531 89.1289 121.797 c\r
-89.1289 122.035 89.0259 122.223 88.8198 122.36 c\r
-88.6758 122.454 88.3174 122.573 87.7441 122.718 c\r
-86.9717 122.913 86.4355 123.082 86.1362 123.225 c\r
-85.8364 123.367 85.6094 123.565 85.4546 123.817 c\r
-85.2998 124.069 85.2227 124.348 85.2227 124.652 c\r
-85.2227 124.93 85.2861 125.187 85.4131 125.423 c\r
-85.54 125.66 85.7129 125.856 85.9316 126.013 c\r
-86.0957 126.134 86.3193 126.236 86.6025 126.32 c\r
-86.8857 126.404 87.1895 126.446 87.5137 126.446 c\r
-88.002 126.446 88.4307 126.376 88.7998 126.235 c\r
-89.1689 126.094 89.4414 125.903 89.6172 125.662 c\r
-89.793 125.421 89.9141 125.1 89.9805 124.696 c\r
-89.9805 124.696 88.9492 124.556 88.9492 124.556 c\r
-88.9023 124.877 88.7666 125.128 88.5425 125.309 c\r
-88.3184 125.489 88.0015 125.579 87.5918 125.579 c\r
-87.1084 125.579 86.7627 125.499 86.5562 125.339 c\r
-86.3496 125.178 86.2461 124.991 86.2461 124.775 c\r
-86.2461 124.639 86.2891 124.516 86.375 124.406 c\r
-86.4604 124.293 86.5952 124.199 86.7783 124.124 c\r
-86.8838 124.085 87.1938 123.995 87.709 123.854 c\r
-88.4536 123.655 88.9736 123.492 89.2686 123.365 c\r
-89.5635 123.238 89.7949 123.053 89.9629 122.811 c\r
-90.1309 122.569 90.2148 122.268 90.2148 121.908 c\r
-90.2148 121.557 90.1123 121.225 89.9072 120.915 c\r
-89.7017 120.604 89.4053 120.363 89.0186 120.193 c\r
-88.6318 120.023 88.1938 119.938 87.7051 119.938 c\r
-86.896 119.938 86.2793 120.106 85.855 120.443 c\r
-85.4307 120.779 85.1602 121.277 85.043 121.938 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-91.4414 120.079 m\r
-91.4414 128.673 L\r
-92.4961 128.673 L\r
-92.4961 120.079 L\r
-91.4414 120.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.7402 123.192 m\r
-93.7402 124.346 94.0605 125.199 94.7007 125.754 c\r
-95.2358 126.216 95.8877 126.446 96.6572 126.446 c\r
-97.5122 126.446 98.2114 126.166 98.7539 125.605 c\r
-99.2969 125.044 99.5684 124.269 99.5684 123.28 c\r
-99.5684 122.479 99.4482 121.849 99.208 121.39 c\r
-98.9678 120.93 98.6182 120.574 98.1597 120.319 c\r
-97.7007 120.065 97.2002 119.938 96.6572 119.938 c\r
-95.7861 119.938 95.0825 120.218 94.5459 120.777 c\r
-94.0088 121.336 93.7402 122.141 93.7402 123.192 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.8262 123.191 m\r
-94.8262 122.394 94.9995 121.797 95.3467 121.4 c\r
-95.6938 121.004 96.1309 120.806 96.6572 120.806 c\r
-97.1797 120.806 97.6147 121.005 97.9619 121.403 c\r
-98.3086 121.802 98.4824 122.41 98.4824 123.227 c\r
-98.4824 123.996 98.3076 124.58 97.959 124.977 c\r
-97.6099 125.373 97.1758 125.571 96.6572 125.571 c\r
-96.1309 125.571 95.6938 125.374 95.3467 124.979 c\r
-94.9995 124.585 94.8262 123.988 94.8262 123.191 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-39.9297 105.079 m\r
-39.9297 105.079 39.9297 113.673 39.9297 113.673 c\r
-39.9297 113.673 42.8853 113.673 42.8853 113.673 c\r
-43.5527 113.673 44.0615 113.632 44.4131 113.55 c\r
-44.9048 113.437 45.3242 113.231 45.6714 112.934 c\r
-46.124 112.551 46.4624 112.062 46.687 111.466 c\r
-46.9111 110.87 47.0234 110.188 47.0234 109.423 c\r
-47.0234 108.771 46.9473 108.192 46.7949 107.688 c\r
-46.6431 107.184 46.4478 106.767 46.21 106.436 c\r
-45.9717 106.106 45.7114 105.846 45.4287 105.656 c\r
-45.1455 105.467 44.8042 105.323 44.4043 105.226 c\r
-44.0044 105.128 43.5449 105.079 43.0259 105.079 c\r
-43.0259 105.079 39.9297 105.079 39.9297 105.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-41.0703 106.095 m\r
-41.0703 106.095 42.8999 106.095 42.8999 106.095 c\r
-43.4648 106.095 43.9082 106.147 44.2295 106.253 c\r
-44.5508 106.358 44.8071 106.507 44.998 106.698 c\r
-45.2671 106.968 45.4766 107.33 45.6265 107.785 c\r
-45.7764 108.24 45.8516 108.792 45.8516 109.44 c\r
-45.8516 110.339 45.7046 111.029 45.4102 111.512 c\r
-45.1162 111.994 44.7588 112.317 44.3379 112.481 c\r
-44.0337 112.599 43.5449 112.657 42.8706 112.657 c\r
-42.8706 112.657 41.0703 112.657 41.0703 112.657 c\r
-41.0703 112.657 41.0703 106.095 41.0703 106.095 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-48.4473 105.079 m\r
-48.4473 105.079 48.4473 111.306 48.4473 111.306 c\r
-48.4473 111.306 49.3926 111.306 49.3926 111.306 c\r
-49.3926 111.306 49.3926 110.358 49.3926 110.358 c\r
-49.6353 110.801 49.8594 111.094 50.0649 111.234 c\r
-50.2705 111.376 50.4966 111.446 50.7437 111.446 c\r
-51.0996 111.446 51.4619 111.332 51.8301 111.105 c\r
-51.8301 111.105 51.4609 110.129 51.4609 110.129 c\r
-51.2041 110.278 50.9468 110.353 50.6895 110.353 c\r
-50.4595 110.353 50.2529 110.283 50.0698 110.145 c\r
-49.8867 110.006 49.7559 109.813 49.6777 109.567 c\r
-49.5605 109.192 49.502 108.782 49.502 108.337 c\r
-49.502 108.337 49.502 105.079 49.502 105.079 c\r
-49.502 105.079 48.4473 105.079 48.4473 105.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-56.5293 105.079 m\r
-56.5293 105.079 56.5293 105.991 56.5293 105.991 c\r
-56.0449 105.29 55.3867 104.938 54.5547 104.938 c\r
-54.1875 104.938 53.8447 105.009 53.5264 105.149 c\r
-53.208 105.29 52.9717 105.467 52.8174 105.68 c\r
-52.6631 105.893 52.5547 106.154 52.4922 106.463 c\r
-52.4492 106.67 52.4277 106.998 52.4277 107.448 c\r
-52.4277 107.448 52.4277 111.306 52.4277 111.306 c\r
-52.4277 111.306 53.4824 111.306 53.4824 111.306 c\r
-53.4824 111.306 53.4824 107.851 53.4824 107.851 c\r
-53.4824 107.299 53.5039 106.928 53.5469 106.736 c\r
-53.6133 106.459 53.7539 106.241 53.9688 106.082 c\r
-54.1841 105.924 54.4497 105.845 54.7666 105.845 c\r
-55.083 105.845 55.3799 105.926 55.6577 106.088 c\r
-55.9351 106.251 56.1318 106.471 56.2471 106.751 c\r
-56.3623 107.03 56.4199 107.436 56.4199 107.968 c\r
-56.4199 107.968 56.4199 111.306 56.4199 111.306 c\r
-56.4199 111.306 57.4746 111.306 57.4746 111.306 c\r
-57.4746 111.306 57.4746 105.079 57.4746 105.079 c\r
-57.4746 105.079 56.5293 105.079 56.5293 105.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-59.125 105.079 m\r
-59.125 105.079 59.125 113.673 59.125 113.673 c\r
-59.125 113.673 60.1797 113.673 60.1797 113.673 c\r
-60.1797 113.673 60.1797 110.593 60.1797 110.593 c\r
-60.6719 111.162 61.2935 111.446 62.0439 111.446 c\r
-62.5049 111.446 62.9053 111.355 63.2456 111.174 c\r
-63.5854 110.992 63.8291 110.741 63.9756 110.42 c\r
-64.1221 110.1 64.1953 109.635 64.1953 109.025 c\r
-64.1953 109.025 64.1953 105.079 64.1953 105.079 c\r
-64.1953 105.079 63.1406 105.079 63.1406 105.079 c\r
-63.1406 105.079 63.1406 109.027 63.1406 109.027 c\r
-63.1406 109.555 63.0264 109.939 62.7979 110.179 c\r
-62.5688 110.42 62.2456 110.54 61.8271 110.54 c\r
-61.5146 110.54 61.2202 110.459 60.9448 110.297 c\r
-60.6689 110.134 60.4727 109.914 60.3555 109.637 c\r
-60.2383 109.359 60.1797 108.976 60.1797 108.487 c\r
-60.1797 108.487 60.1797 105.079 60.1797 105.079 c\r
-60.1797 105.079 59.125 105.079 59.125 105.079 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-70.0527 107.087 m\r
-70.0527 107.087 71.1465 106.946 71.1465 106.946 c\r
-70.9746 106.31 70.6563 105.816 70.1914 105.465 c\r
-69.7271 105.114 69.1333 104.938 68.4111 104.938 c\r
-67.501 104.938 66.7798 105.219 66.2466 105.78 c\r
-65.7139 106.341 65.4473 107.127 65.4473 108.14 c\r
-65.4473 109.187 65.7168 110 66.2554 110.579 c\r
-66.7944 111.157 67.4932 111.446 68.3525 111.446 c\r
-69.1841 111.446 69.8638 111.163 70.3906 110.596 c\r
-70.918 110.029 71.1816 109.232 71.1816 108.204 c\r
-71.1816 108.142 71.1797 108.048 71.1758 107.923 c\r
-71.1758 107.923 66.5332 107.923 66.5332 107.923 c\r
-66.5723 107.238 66.7656 106.715 67.1128 106.351 c\r
-67.4604 105.987 67.8936 105.806 68.4131 105.806 c\r
-68.7993 105.806 69.1294 105.907 69.4028 106.111 c\r
-69.6758 106.315 69.8926 106.64 70.0527 107.087 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-66.5957 108.79 m\r
-66.5957 108.79 70.0645 108.79 70.0645 108.79 c\r
-70.0176 109.314 69.8848 109.707 69.667 109.969 c\r
-69.3311 110.376 68.8965 110.579 68.3623 110.579 c\r
-67.8789 110.579 67.4722 110.417 67.1426 110.092 c\r
-66.813 109.768 66.6309 109.334 66.5957 108.79 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-67.4785 112.079 m\r
-68.252 113.72 L\r
-69.6426 113.72 L\r
-68.3535 112.079 L\r
-67.4785 112.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-79.8691 107.36 m\r
-79.8691 107.36 80.9082 107.22 80.9082 107.22 c\r
-80.7949 106.506 80.5049 105.947 80.0376 105.544 c\r
-79.5708 105.14 78.9971 104.938 78.3174 104.938 c\r
-77.4658 104.938 76.7808 105.217 76.2627 105.774 c\r
-75.7451 106.331 75.4863 107.129 75.4863 108.169 c\r
-75.4863 108.841 75.5977 109.43 75.8203 109.934 c\r
-76.043 110.438 76.3818 110.816 76.8369 111.068 c\r
-77.292 111.32 77.7871 111.446 78.3223 111.446 c\r
-78.998 111.446 79.5508 111.275 79.9805 110.934 c\r
-80.4102 110.592 80.6855 110.106 80.8066 109.478 c\r
-80.8066 109.478 79.7832 109.321 79.7832 109.321 c\r
-79.6855 109.738 79.5127 110.053 79.2646 110.263 c\r
-79.0166 110.474 78.7168 110.579 78.3652 110.579 c\r
-77.834 110.579 77.4023 110.389 77.0703 110.007 c\r
-76.7383 109.626 76.5723 109.023 76.5723 108.198 c\r
-76.5723 107.361 76.7324 106.754 77.0522 106.374 c\r
-77.3726 105.995 77.79 105.806 78.3057 105.806 c\r
-78.7197 105.806 79.0649 105.933 79.3423 106.187 c\r
-79.6191 106.441 79.7949 106.832 79.8691 107.36 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-78.2988 112.728 m\r
-78.9434 113.72 L\r
-80.1465 113.72 L\r
-78.8223 112.079 L\r
-77.6973 112.079 L\r
-76.4355 113.72 L\r
-77.6387 113.72 L\r
-78.2988 112.728 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-81.8379 112.079 m\r
-82.6113 113.72 L\r
-84.002 113.72 L\r
-82.7129 112.079 L\r
-81.8379 112.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-82.1816 105.079 m\r
-82.1816 111.306 L\r
-83.2363 111.306 L\r
-83.2363 105.079 L\r
-82.1816 105.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-84.7188 106.938 m\r
-84.7188 106.938 85.7656 107.103 85.7656 107.103 c\r
-85.8242 106.684 85.9873 106.363 86.2544 106.14 c\r
-86.522 105.917 86.8955 105.806 87.376 105.806 c\r
-87.8599 105.806 88.2192 105.904 88.4531 106.102 c\r
-88.6875 106.299 88.8047 106.531 88.8047 106.797 c\r
-88.8047 107.035 88.7017 107.223 88.4956 107.36 c\r
-88.3516 107.454 87.9932 107.573 87.4199 107.718 c\r
-86.6475 107.913 86.1113 108.082 85.812 108.225 c\r
-85.5122 108.367 85.2852 108.565 85.1304 108.817 c\r
-84.9756 109.069 84.8984 109.348 84.8984 109.652 c\r
-84.8984 109.93 84.9619 110.187 85.0889 110.423 c\r
-85.2158 110.66 85.3887 110.856 85.6074 111.013 c\r
-85.7715 111.134 85.9951 111.236 86.2783 111.32 c\r
-86.5615 111.404 86.8652 111.446 87.1895 111.446 c\r
-87.6777 111.446 88.1064 111.376 88.4756 111.235 c\r
-88.8447 111.094 89.1172 110.903 89.293 110.662 c\r
-89.4688 110.421 89.5898 110.1 89.6563 109.696 c\r
-89.6563 109.696 88.625 109.556 88.625 109.556 c\r
-88.5781 109.877 88.4424 110.128 88.2183 110.309 c\r
-87.9941 110.489 87.6772 110.579 87.2676 110.579 c\r
-86.7842 110.579 86.4385 110.499 86.2319 110.339 c\r
-86.0254 110.178 85.9219 109.991 85.9219 109.775 c\r
-85.9219 109.639 85.9648 109.516 86.0508 109.406 c\r
-86.1362 109.293 86.271 109.199 86.4541 109.124 c\r
-86.5596 109.085 86.8696 108.995 87.3848 108.854 c\r
-88.1294 108.655 88.6494 108.492 88.9443 108.365 c\r
-89.2393 108.238 89.4707 108.053 89.6387 107.811 c\r
-89.8066 107.569 89.8906 107.268 89.8906 106.908 c\r
-89.8906 106.557 89.7881 106.225 89.583 105.915 c\r
-89.3774 105.604 89.0811 105.363 88.6943 105.193 c\r
-88.3076 105.023 87.8696 104.938 87.3809 104.938 c\r
-86.5718 104.938 85.9551 105.106 85.5308 105.443 c\r
-85.1064 105.779 84.8359 106.277 84.7188 106.938 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-91.1172 105.079 m\r
-91.1172 113.673 L\r
-92.1719 113.673 L\r
-92.1719 105.079 L\r
-91.1172 105.079 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.416 108.192 m\r
-93.416 109.346 93.7363 110.199 94.3765 110.754 c\r
-94.9116 111.216 95.5635 111.446 96.333 111.446 c\r
-97.188 111.446 97.8872 111.166 98.4297 110.605 c\r
-98.9727 110.044 99.2441 109.269 99.2441 108.28 c\r
-99.2441 107.479 99.124 106.849 98.8838 106.39 c\r
-98.6436 105.93 98.2939 105.574 97.8354 105.319 c\r
-97.3765 105.065 96.876 104.938 96.333 104.938 c\r
-95.4619 104.938 94.7583 105.218 94.2217 105.777 c\r
-93.6846 106.336 93.416 107.141 93.416 108.192 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-94.502 108.191 m\r
-94.502 107.394 94.6753 106.797 95.0225 106.4 c\r
-95.3696 106.004 95.8066 105.806 96.333 105.806 c\r
-96.8555 105.806 97.2905 106.005 97.6377 106.403 c\r
-97.9844 106.802 98.1582 107.41 98.1582 108.227 c\r
-98.1582 108.996 97.9834 109.58 97.6348 109.977 c\r
-97.2856 110.373 96.8516 110.571 96.333 110.571 c\r
-95.8066 110.571 95.3696 110.374 95.0225 109.979 c\r
-94.6753 109.585 94.502 108.988 94.502 108.191 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-8.21582 71.4131 m\r
-8.21582 71.4131 8.21582 80.0068 8.21582 80.0068 c\r
-8.21582 80.0068 11.4385 80.0068 11.4385 80.0068 c\r
-12.0947 80.0068 12.6211 79.9199 13.0176 79.7461 c\r
-13.4141 79.5713 13.7246 79.3037 13.9492 78.9424 c\r
-14.1738 78.5811 14.2861 78.2021 14.2861 77.8076 c\r
-14.2861 77.4395 14.1865 77.0938 13.9878 76.7695 c\r
-13.7891 76.4443 13.4883 76.1826 13.0869 75.9834 c\r
-13.6055 75.8311 14.0039 75.5713 14.2822 75.2041 c\r
-14.5605 74.8369 14.7002 74.4033 14.7002 73.9033 c\r
-14.7002 73.501 14.6152 73.127 14.4453 72.7813 c\r
-14.2754 72.4355 14.0654 72.1689 13.8154 71.9814 c\r
-13.5654 71.7939 13.2524 71.6523 12.8755 71.5566 c\r
-12.4985 71.4609 12.0371 71.4131 11.4902 71.4131 c\r
-11.4902 71.4131 8.21582 71.4131 8.21582 71.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-9.35645 76.3975 m\r
-9.35645 76.3975 11.2129 76.3975 11.2129 76.3975 c\r
-11.7168 76.3975 12.0776 76.4307 12.2964 76.4971 c\r
-12.585 76.583 12.8027 76.7256 12.9492 76.9248 c\r
-13.0957 77.123 13.1689 77.373 13.1689 77.6738 c\r
-13.1689 77.959 13.1006 78.21 12.9639 78.4268 c\r
-12.8271 78.6426 12.6318 78.791 12.3784 78.8711 c\r
-12.1245 78.9512 11.6895 78.9912 11.0723 78.9912 c\r
-11.0723 78.9912 9.35645 78.9912 9.35645 78.9912 c\r
-9.35645 78.9912 9.35645 76.3975 9.35645 76.3975 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-9.35645 72.4287 m\r
-9.35645 72.4287 11.4951 72.4287 11.4951 72.4287 c\r
-11.8623 72.4287 12.1201 72.4424 12.2686 72.4697 c\r
-12.5303 72.5166 12.749 72.5947 12.9248 72.7041 c\r
-13.1006 72.8135 13.2451 72.9727 13.3584 73.1816 c\r
-13.4717 73.3906 13.5283 73.6318 13.5283 73.9053 c\r
-13.5283 74.2256 13.4458 74.5039 13.2813 74.7402 c\r
-13.1167 74.9766 12.8887 75.1426 12.5981 75.2383 c\r
-12.3071 75.334 11.8887 75.3818 11.3418 75.3818 c\r
-11.3418 75.3818 9.35645 75.3818 9.35645 75.3818 c\r
-9.35645 75.3818 9.35645 72.4287 9.35645 72.4287 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-16.1025 71.4131 m\r
-16.1025 80.0068 L\r
-17.1572 80.0068 L\r
-17.1572 71.4131 L\r
-16.1025 71.4131 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-18.4014 74.5264 m\r
-18.4014 75.6797 18.7217 76.5332 19.3618 77.0889 c\r
-19.897 77.5498 20.5488 77.7803 21.3184 77.7803 c\r
-22.1733 77.7803 22.8726 77.5 23.415 76.9385 c\r
-23.958 76.3779 24.2295 75.6035 24.2295 74.6143 c\r
-24.2295 73.8135 24.1094 73.1826 23.8691 72.7236 c\r
-23.6289 72.2646 23.2793 71.9072 22.8208 71.6533 c\r
-22.3618 71.3994 21.8613 71.2725 21.3184 71.2725 c\r
-20.4473 71.2725 19.7437 71.5518 19.207 72.1104 c\r
-18.6699 72.6699 18.4014 73.4746 18.4014 74.5264 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-19.4873 74.5254 m\r
-19.4873 73.7285 19.6606 73.1309 20.0078 72.7344 c\r
-20.355 72.3379 20.792 72.1396 21.3184 72.1396 c\r
-21.8408 72.1396 22.2759 72.3389 22.623 72.7373 c\r
-22.9697 73.1357 23.1436 73.7441 23.1436 74.5605 c\r
-23.1436 75.3301 22.9688 75.9131 22.6201 76.3105 c\r
-22.271 76.707 21.8369 76.9053 21.3184 76.9053 c\r
-20.792 76.9053 20.355 76.708 20.0078 76.3135 c\r
-19.6606 75.9189 19.4873 75.3223 19.4873 74.5254 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-25.4736 71.4131 m\r
-25.4736 80.0068 L\r
-26.5283 80.0068 L\r
-26.5283 75.1123 L\r
-29.0234 77.6396 L\r
-30.3877 77.6396 L\r
-28.0127 75.3271 L\r
-30.6299 71.4131 L\r
-29.3291 71.4131 L\r
-27.2646 74.5986 L\r
-26.5283 73.8818 L\r
-26.5283 71.4131 L\r
-25.4736 71.4131 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-31.4189 69.0186 m\r
-31.4189 69.0186 31.3018 70.0068 31.3018 70.0068 c\r
-31.5322 69.9443 31.7339 69.9131 31.9058 69.9131 c\r
-32.1406 69.9131 32.3281 69.9521 32.4688 70.0303 c\r
-32.6094 70.1084 32.7251 70.2178 32.8149 70.3584 c\r
-32.8813 70.4639 32.9888 70.7256 33.1377 71.1445 c\r
-33.1572 71.2031 33.1885 71.2891 33.2314 71.4023 c\r
-33.2314 71.4023 30.8643 77.6396 30.8643 77.6396 c\r
-30.8643 77.6396 31.9917 77.6396 31.9917 77.6396 c\r
-31.9917 77.6396 33.292 74.041 33.292 74.041 c\r
-33.4609 73.585 33.6118 73.1045 33.7451 72.6016 c\r
-33.8701 73.0791 34.0166 73.5488 34.1851 74.0088 c\r
-34.1851 74.0088 35.5127 77.6396 35.5127 77.6396 c\r
-35.5127 77.6396 36.5674 77.6396 36.5674 77.6396 c\r
-36.5674 77.6396 34.209 71.3047 34.209 71.3047 c\r
-33.9541 70.6221 33.7563 70.1523 33.6157 69.8955 c\r
-33.4277 69.5488 33.2119 69.2939 32.9697 69.1318 c\r
-32.7266 68.9707 32.437 68.8896 32.1001 68.8896 c\r
-31.8965 68.8896 31.6694 68.9326 31.4189 69.0186 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-40.3779 73.2725 m\r
-40.3779 73.2725 41.4248 73.4365 41.4248 73.4365 c\r
-41.4834 73.0176 41.6465 72.6973 41.9136 72.4736 c\r
-42.1812 72.251 42.5547 72.1396 43.0352 72.1396 c\r
-43.519 72.1396 43.8784 72.2383 44.1123 72.4355 c\r
-44.3467 72.6338 44.4639 72.8652 44.4639 73.1309 c\r
-44.4639 73.3691 44.3608 73.5566 44.1548 73.6943 c\r
-44.0107 73.7881 43.6523 73.9072 43.0791 74.0518 c\r
-42.3066 74.2471 41.7705 74.416 41.4712 74.5586 c\r
-41.1714 74.7012 40.9443 74.8984 40.7896 75.1514 c\r
-40.6348 75.4033 40.5576 75.6816 40.5576 75.9863 c\r
-40.5576 76.2637 40.6211 76.5205 40.748 76.7568 c\r
-40.875 76.9932 41.0479 77.1904 41.2666 77.3467 c\r
-41.4307 77.4678 41.6543 77.5703 41.9375 77.6543 c\r
-42.2207 77.7383 42.5244 77.7803 42.8486 77.7803 c\r
-43.3369 77.7803 43.7656 77.71 44.1348 77.5693 c\r
-44.5039 77.4277 44.7764 77.2373 44.9521 76.9961 c\r
-45.1279 76.7559 45.249 76.4336 45.3154 76.0303 c\r
-45.3154 76.0303 44.2842 75.8896 44.2842 75.8896 c\r
-44.2373 76.2109 44.1016 76.4619 43.8774 76.6426 c\r
-43.6533 76.8232 43.3364 76.9131 42.9268 76.9131 c\r
-42.4434 76.9131 42.0977 76.833 41.8911 76.6729 c\r
-41.6846 76.5127 41.5811 76.3242 41.5811 76.1094 c\r
-41.5811 75.9727 41.624 75.8496 41.71 75.7402 c\r
-41.7954 75.626 41.9302 75.5322 42.1133 75.458 c\r
-42.2188 75.4189 42.5288 75.3291 43.0439 75.1885 c\r
-43.7886 74.9893 44.3086 74.8262 44.6035 74.6992 c\r
-44.8984 74.5723 45.1299 74.3877 45.2979 74.1455 c\r
-45.4658 73.9023 45.5498 73.6016 45.5498 73.2422 c\r
-45.5498 72.8906 45.4473 72.5596 45.2422 72.249 c\r
-45.0366 71.9375 44.7402 71.6973 44.3535 71.5273 c\r
-43.9668 71.3574 43.5288 71.2725 43.04 71.2725 c\r
-42.231 71.2725 41.6143 71.4404 41.1899 71.7764 c\r
-40.7656 72.1133 40.4951 72.6113 40.3779 73.2725 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-50.1338 69.0303 m\r
-50.1338 69.0303 50.1338 77.6396 50.1338 77.6396 c\r
-50.1338 77.6396 51.0947 77.6396 51.0947 77.6396 c\r
-51.0947 77.6396 51.0947 76.8291 51.0947 76.8291 c\r
-51.3213 77.1465 51.5776 77.3838 51.8628 77.542 c\r
-52.1484 77.7012 52.4941 77.7803 52.9009 77.7803 c\r
-53.4326 77.7803 53.9019 77.6436 54.3086 77.3701 c\r
-54.7148 77.0967 55.022 76.71 55.2295 76.2119 c\r
-55.4365 75.7139 55.54 75.167 55.54 74.5732 c\r
-55.54 73.9365 55.4258 73.3623 55.1968 72.8525 c\r
-54.9683 72.3428 54.6357 71.9512 54.2002 71.6797 c\r
-53.7637 71.4082 53.3057 71.2725 52.8247 71.2725 c\r
-52.4727 71.2725 52.1572 71.3467 51.8774 71.4951 c\r
-51.5981 71.6436 51.3682 71.8311 51.1885 72.0576 c\r
-51.1885 72.0576 51.1885 69.0303 51.1885 69.0303 c\r
-51.1885 69.0303 50.1338 69.0303 50.1338 69.0303 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-51.0869 74.4902 m\r
-51.0869 73.6895 51.249 73.0967 51.5728 72.7139 c\r
-51.897 72.3311 52.2891 72.1396 52.75 72.1396 c\r
-53.2188 72.1396 53.6196 72.3379 53.9531 72.7344 c\r
-54.2871 73.1309 54.4541 73.7461 54.4541 74.5781 c\r
-54.4541 75.3711 54.291 75.9658 53.9648 76.3604 c\r
-53.6392 76.7549 53.25 76.9521 52.7969 76.9521 c\r
-52.3477 76.9521 51.9507 76.7422 51.605 76.3223 c\r
-51.2598 75.9014 51.0869 75.291 51.0869 74.4902 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-58.4717 79.0615 m\r
-59.1162 80.0537 L\r
-60.3193 80.0537 L\r
-58.9951 78.4131 L\r
-57.8701 78.4131 L\r
-56.6084 80.0537 L\r
-57.8115 80.0537 L\r
-58.4717 79.0615 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-56.7998 71.4131 m\r
-56.7998 71.4131 56.7998 77.6396 56.7998 77.6396 c\r
-56.7998 77.6396 57.7451 77.6396 57.7451 77.6396 c\r
-57.7451 77.6396 57.7451 76.6924 57.7451 76.6924 c\r
-57.9878 77.1357 58.2119 77.4277 58.4175 77.5684 c\r
-58.623 77.71 58.8491 77.7803 59.0962 77.7803 c\r
-59.4521 77.7803 59.8145 77.667 60.1826 77.4395 c\r
-60.1826 77.4395 59.8135 76.4629 59.8135 76.4629 c\r
-59.5566 76.6123 59.2993 76.6865 59.042 76.6865 c\r
-58.812 76.6865 58.6055 76.6172 58.4224 76.4785 c\r
-58.2393 76.3398 58.1084 76.1475 58.0303 75.9014 c\r
-57.9131 75.5264 57.8545 75.1162 57.8545 74.6709 c\r
-57.8545 74.6709 57.8545 71.4131 57.8545 71.4131 c\r
-57.8545 71.4131 56.7998 71.4131 56.7998 71.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-65.0576 73.4209 m\r
-65.0576 73.4209 66.1514 73.2803 66.1514 73.2803 c\r
-65.9795 72.6445 65.6611 72.1504 65.1963 71.7998 c\r
-64.7319 71.4482 64.1382 71.2725 63.416 71.2725 c\r
-62.5059 71.2725 61.7847 71.5527 61.2515 72.1143 c\r
-60.7188 72.6748 60.4521 73.4609 60.4521 74.4736 c\r
-60.4521 75.5205 60.7217 76.334 61.2603 76.9121 c\r
-61.7993 77.4912 62.498 77.7803 63.3574 77.7803 c\r
-64.189 77.7803 64.8687 77.4971 65.3955 76.9307 c\r
-65.9229 76.3633 66.1865 75.5664 66.1865 74.5381 c\r
-66.1865 74.4756 66.1846 74.3818 66.1807 74.2568 c\r
-66.1807 74.2568 61.5381 74.2568 61.5381 74.2568 c\r
-61.5771 73.5723 61.7705 73.0488 62.1177 72.6846 c\r
-62.4653 72.3213 62.8984 72.1396 63.418 72.1396 c\r
-63.8042 72.1396 64.1343 72.2412 64.4077 72.4453 c\r
-64.6807 72.6494 64.8975 72.9736 65.0576 73.4209 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-61.6006 75.124 m\r
-61.6006 75.124 65.0693 75.124 65.0693 75.124 c\r
-65.0225 75.6475 64.8896 76.041 64.6719 76.3027 c\r
-64.3359 76.71 63.9014 76.9131 63.3672 76.9131 c\r
-62.8838 76.9131 62.4771 76.751 62.1475 76.4258 c\r
-61.8179 76.1016 61.6357 75.667 61.6006 75.124 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-67.4775 71.4131 m\r
-67.4775 71.4131 67.4775 77.6396 67.4775 77.6396 c\r
-67.4775 77.6396 68.4229 77.6396 68.4229 77.6396 c\r
-68.4229 77.6396 68.4229 76.7549 68.4229 76.7549 c\r
-68.8799 77.4385 69.5405 77.7803 70.4043 77.7803 c\r
-70.7793 77.7803 71.124 77.7129 71.439 77.5781 c\r
-71.7534 77.4434 71.9893 77.2666 72.1455 77.0479 c\r
-72.3018 76.8281 72.4111 76.5684 72.4736 76.2676 c\r
-72.5127 76.0723 72.5322 75.7305 72.5322 75.2412 c\r
-72.5322 75.2412 72.5322 71.4131 72.5322 71.4131 c\r
-72.5322 71.4131 71.4775 71.4131 71.4775 71.4131 c\r
-71.4775 71.4131 71.4775 75.2012 71.4775 75.2012 c\r
-71.4775 75.6309 71.4365 75.9521 71.3545 76.165 c\r
-71.2725 76.3789 71.127 76.5488 70.9185 76.6758 c\r
-70.7095 76.8027 70.4644 76.8662 70.1836 76.8662 c\r
-69.7344 76.8662 69.3472 76.7236 69.021 76.4385 c\r
-68.6953 76.1523 68.5322 75.6113 68.5322 74.8135 c\r
-68.5322 74.8135 68.5322 71.4131 68.5322 71.4131 c\r
-68.5322 71.4131 67.4775 71.4131 67.4775 71.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-73.7607 74.5264 m\r
-73.7607 75.6797 74.0811 76.5332 74.7212 77.0889 c\r
-75.2563 77.5498 75.9082 77.7803 76.6777 77.7803 c\r
-77.5327 77.7803 78.2319 77.5 78.7744 76.9385 c\r
-79.3174 76.3779 79.5889 75.6035 79.5889 74.6143 c\r
-79.5889 73.8135 79.4688 73.1826 79.2285 72.7236 c\r
-78.9883 72.2646 78.6387 71.9072 78.1802 71.6533 c\r
-77.7212 71.3994 77.2207 71.2725 76.6777 71.2725 c\r
-75.8066 71.2725 75.103 71.5518 74.5664 72.1104 c\r
-74.0293 72.6699 73.7607 73.4746 73.7607 74.5264 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-74.8467 74.5254 m\r
-74.8467 73.7285 75.02 73.1309 75.3672 72.7344 c\r
-75.7144 72.3379 76.1514 72.1396 76.6777 72.1396 c\r
-77.2002 72.1396 77.6353 72.3389 77.9824 72.7373 c\r
-78.3291 73.1357 78.5029 73.7441 78.5029 74.5605 c\r
-78.5029 75.3301 78.3281 75.9131 77.9795 76.3105 c\r
-77.6304 76.707 77.1963 76.9053 76.6777 76.9053 c\r
-76.1514 76.9053 75.7144 76.708 75.3672 76.3135 c\r
-75.02 75.9189 74.8467 75.3223 74.8467 74.5254 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-80.4033 73.2725 m\r
-80.4033 73.2725 81.4502 73.4365 81.4502 73.4365 c\r
-81.5088 73.0176 81.6719 72.6973 81.939 72.4736 c\r
-82.2065 72.251 82.5801 72.1396 83.0605 72.1396 c\r
-83.5444 72.1396 83.9038 72.2383 84.1377 72.4355 c\r
-84.3721 72.6338 84.4893 72.8652 84.4893 73.1309 c\r
-84.4893 73.3691 84.3862 73.5566 84.1802 73.6943 c\r
-84.0361 73.7881 83.6777 73.9072 83.1045 74.0518 c\r
-82.332 74.2471 81.7959 74.416 81.4966 74.5586 c\r
-81.1968 74.7012 80.9697 74.8984 80.8149 75.1514 c\r
-80.6602 75.4033 80.583 75.6816 80.583 75.9863 c\r
-80.583 76.2637 80.6465 76.5205 80.7734 76.7568 c\r
-80.9004 76.9932 81.0732 77.1904 81.292 77.3467 c\r
-81.4561 77.4678 81.6797 77.5703 81.9629 77.6543 c\r
-82.2461 77.7383 82.5498 77.7803 82.874 77.7803 c\r
-83.3623 77.7803 83.791 77.71 84.1602 77.5693 c\r
-84.5293 77.4277 84.8018 77.2373 84.9775 76.9961 c\r
-85.1533 76.7559 85.2744 76.4336 85.3408 76.0303 c\r
-85.3408 76.0303 84.3096 75.8896 84.3096 75.8896 c\r
-84.2627 76.2109 84.127 76.4619 83.9028 76.6426 c\r
-83.6787 76.8232 83.3618 76.9131 82.9521 76.9131 c\r
-82.4688 76.9131 82.123 76.833 81.9165 76.6729 c\r
-81.71 76.5127 81.6064 76.3242 81.6064 76.1094 c\r
-81.6064 75.9727 81.6494 75.8496 81.7354 75.7402 c\r
-81.8208 75.626 81.9556 75.5322 82.1387 75.458 c\r
-82.2441 75.4189 82.5542 75.3291 83.0693 75.1885 c\r
-83.814 74.9893 84.334 74.8262 84.6289 74.6992 c\r
-84.9238 74.5723 85.1553 74.3877 85.3232 74.1455 c\r
-85.4912 73.9023 85.5752 73.6016 85.5752 73.2422 c\r
-85.5752 72.8906 85.4727 72.5596 85.2676 72.249 c\r
-85.062 71.9375 84.7656 71.6973 84.3789 71.5273 c\r
-83.9922 71.3574 83.5542 71.2725 83.0654 71.2725 c\r
-82.2563 71.2725 81.6396 71.4404 81.2153 71.7764 c\r
-80.791 72.1133 80.5205 72.6113 80.4033 73.2725 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-86.7783 69.0186 m\r
-86.7783 69.0186 86.6611 70.0068 86.6611 70.0068 c\r
-86.8916 69.9443 87.0933 69.9131 87.2651 69.9131 c\r
-87.5 69.9131 87.6875 69.9521 87.8281 70.0303 c\r
-87.9688 70.1084 88.0845 70.2178 88.1743 70.3584 c\r
-88.2407 70.4639 88.3481 70.7256 88.4971 71.1445 c\r
-88.5166 71.2031 88.5479 71.2891 88.5908 71.4023 c\r
-88.5908 71.4023 86.2236 77.6396 86.2236 77.6396 c\r
-86.2236 77.6396 87.3511 77.6396 87.3511 77.6396 c\r
-87.3511 77.6396 88.6514 74.041 88.6514 74.041 c\r
-88.8203 73.585 88.9712 73.1045 89.1045 72.6016 c\r
-89.2295 73.0791 89.376 73.5488 89.5444 74.0088 c\r
-89.5444 74.0088 90.8721 77.6396 90.8721 77.6396 c\r
-90.8721 77.6396 91.9268 77.6396 91.9268 77.6396 c\r
-91.9268 77.6396 89.5684 71.3047 89.5684 71.3047 c\r
-89.3135 70.6221 89.1157 70.1523 88.9751 69.8955 c\r
-88.7871 69.5488 88.5713 69.2939 88.3291 69.1318 c\r
-88.0859 68.9707 87.7964 68.8896 87.4595 68.8896 c\r
-87.2559 68.8896 87.0288 68.9326 86.7783 69.0186 c\r
-1 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-107.75 102.66 m\r
-92.75 102.521 109 74.4102 95.0811 74.4102 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-95.3198 74.4111 m\r
-110.32 74.2705 94.0698 46.1611 107.989 46.1611 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-110.764 32.0791 m\r
-266.333 32.0791 L\r
-266.333 17.0801 L\r
-110.764 17.0801 L\r
-110.764 32.0791 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-246.887 32.0791 m\r
-246.887 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-227.441 32.0791 m\r
-227.441 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-207.993 32.0791 m\r
-207.993 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-188.55 32.0791 m\r
-188.55 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-169.104 32.0791 m\r
-169.104 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-149.656 32.0791 m\r
-149.656 17.0801 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-130.209 32.0791 m\r
-130.209 17.0801 L\r
-0.5 w\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.98 29.3711 m\r
-119.812 29.3711 120.461 29.0742 120.929 28.4805 c\r
-121.487 27.7773 121.766 26.6104 121.766 24.9814 c\r
-121.766 23.3564 121.485 22.1875 120.923 21.4766 c\r
-120.459 20.8906 119.812 20.5977 118.98 20.5977 c\r
-118.146 20.5977 117.473 20.9189 116.962 21.5615 c\r
-116.451 22.2041 116.195 23.3506 116.195 24.999 c\r
-116.195 26.6162 116.476 27.7813 117.038 28.4922 c\r
-117.502 29.0781 118.149 29.3711 118.98 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-118.98 28.0039 m\r
-118.783 28.0039 118.606 27.9404 118.451 27.8135 c\r
-118.296 27.6865 118.176 27.459 118.091 27.1309 c\r
-117.978 26.7051 117.922 25.9893 117.922 24.9814 c\r
-117.922 23.9736 117.972 23.2813 118.073 22.9053 c\r
-118.174 22.5283 118.301 22.2773 118.454 22.1523 c\r
-118.607 22.0273 118.783 21.9648 118.98 21.9648 c\r
-119.178 21.9648 119.354 22.0283 119.51 22.1553 c\r
-119.665 22.2822 119.785 22.5098 119.87 22.8379 c\r
-119.983 23.2598 120.039 23.9736 120.039 24.9814 c\r
-120.039 25.9893 119.989 26.6807 119.888 27.0576 c\r
-119.787 27.4346 119.66 27.6865 119.507 27.8135 c\r
-119.354 27.9404 119.178 28.0039 118.98 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-140.416 20.7461 m\r
-140.416 20.7461 138.768 20.7461 138.768 20.7461 c\r
-138.768 20.7461 138.768 26.9531 138.768 26.9531 c\r
-138.167 26.3916 137.458 25.9766 136.643 25.707 c\r
-136.643 25.707 136.643 27.1992 136.643 27.1992 c\r
-137.072 27.3398 137.539 27.6055 138.043 27.998 c\r
-138.547 28.3906 138.893 28.8477 139.08 29.3711 c\r
-139.08 29.3711 140.416 29.3711 140.416 29.3711 c\r
-140.416 29.3711 140.416 20.7461 140.416 20.7461 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-160.426 20.7461 m\r
-160.426 20.7461 158.777 20.7461 158.777 20.7461 c\r
-158.777 20.7461 158.777 26.9531 158.777 26.9531 c\r
-158.176 26.3916 157.468 25.9766 156.652 25.707 c\r
-156.652 25.707 156.652 27.1992 156.652 27.1992 c\r
-157.082 27.3398 157.549 27.6055 158.053 27.998 c\r
-158.557 28.3906 158.902 28.8477 159.09 29.3711 c\r
-159.09 29.3711 160.426 29.3711 160.426 29.3711 c\r
-160.426 29.3711 160.426 20.7461 160.426 20.7461 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-180.436 20.7461 m\r
-180.436 20.7461 178.787 20.7461 178.787 20.7461 c\r
-178.787 20.7461 178.787 26.9531 178.787 26.9531 c\r
-178.186 26.3916 177.477 25.9766 176.662 25.707 c\r
-176.662 25.707 176.662 27.1992 176.662 27.1992 c\r
-177.092 27.3398 177.559 27.6055 178.063 27.998 c\r
-178.566 28.3906 178.912 28.8477 179.1 29.3711 c\r
-179.1 29.3711 180.436 29.3711 180.436 29.3711 c\r
-180.436 29.3711 180.436 20.7461 180.436 20.7461 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-199.02 29.3711 m\r
-199.851 29.3711 200.5 29.0742 200.968 28.4805 c\r
-201.525 27.7773 201.805 26.6104 201.805 24.9814 c\r
-201.805 23.3564 201.523 22.1875 200.962 21.4766 c\r
-200.498 20.8906 199.851 20.5977 199.02 20.5977 c\r
-198.185 20.5977 197.512 20.9189 197.001 21.5615 c\r
-196.49 22.2041 196.234 23.3506 196.234 24.999 c\r
-196.234 26.6162 196.516 27.7813 197.077 28.4922 c\r
-197.541 29.0781 198.189 29.3711 199.02 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-199.02 28.0039 m\r
-198.822 28.0039 198.645 27.9404 198.49 27.8135 c\r
-198.335 27.6865 198.215 27.459 198.13 27.1309 c\r
-198.018 26.7051 197.961 25.9893 197.961 24.9814 c\r
-197.961 23.9736 198.012 23.2813 198.112 22.9053 c\r
-198.213 22.5283 198.34 22.2773 198.493 22.1523 c\r
-198.646 22.0273 198.822 21.9648 199.02 21.9648 c\r
-199.217 21.9648 199.394 22.0283 199.549 22.1553 c\r
-199.704 22.2822 199.824 22.5098 199.909 22.8379 c\r
-200.021 23.2598 200.078 23.9736 200.078 24.9814 c\r
-200.078 25.9893 200.027 26.6807 199.927 27.0576 c\r
-199.826 27.4346 199.699 27.6865 199.546 27.8135 c\r
-199.393 27.9404 199.217 28.0039 199.02 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-219.029 29.3711 m\r
-219.86 29.3711 220.51 29.0742 220.977 28.4805 c\r
-221.535 27.7773 221.814 26.6104 221.814 24.9814 c\r
-221.814 23.3564 221.533 22.1875 220.972 21.4766 c\r
-220.508 20.8906 219.86 20.5977 219.029 20.5977 c\r
-218.194 20.5977 217.521 20.9189 217.011 21.5615 c\r
-216.5 22.2041 216.244 23.3506 216.244 24.999 c\r
-216.244 26.6162 216.525 27.7813 217.087 28.4922 c\r
-217.551 29.0781 218.198 29.3711 219.029 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-219.029 28.0039 m\r
-218.832 28.0039 218.655 27.9404 218.5 27.8135 c\r
-218.345 27.6865 218.225 27.459 218.14 27.1309 c\r
-218.027 26.7051 217.971 25.9893 217.971 24.9814 c\r
-217.971 23.9736 218.021 23.2813 218.122 22.9053 c\r
-218.223 22.5283 218.35 22.2773 218.503 22.1523 c\r
-218.656 22.0273 218.832 21.9648 219.029 21.9648 c\r
-219.227 21.9648 219.403 22.0283 219.559 22.1553 c\r
-219.714 22.2822 219.834 22.5098 219.919 22.8379 c\r
-220.031 23.2598 220.088 23.9736 220.088 24.9814 c\r
-220.088 25.9893 220.037 26.6807 219.936 27.0576 c\r
-219.836 27.4346 219.709 27.6865 219.556 27.8135 c\r
-219.402 27.9404 219.227 28.0039 219.029 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.039 29.3711 m\r
-239.87 29.3711 240.52 29.0742 240.987 28.4805 c\r
-241.545 27.7773 241.824 26.6104 241.824 24.9814 c\r
-241.824 23.3564 241.543 22.1875 240.981 21.4766 c\r
-240.518 20.8906 239.87 20.5977 239.039 20.5977 c\r
-238.204 20.5977 237.531 20.9189 237.02 21.5615 c\r
-236.51 22.2041 236.254 23.3506 236.254 24.999 c\r
-236.254 26.6162 236.535 27.7813 237.097 28.4922 c\r
-237.561 29.0781 238.208 29.3711 239.039 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-239.039 28.0039 m\r
-238.842 28.0039 238.665 27.9404 238.51 27.8135 c\r
-238.355 27.6865 238.234 27.459 238.149 27.1309 c\r
-238.037 26.7051 237.98 25.9893 237.98 24.9814 c\r
-237.98 23.9736 238.031 23.2813 238.132 22.9053 c\r
-238.232 22.5283 238.359 22.2773 238.513 22.1523 c\r
-238.666 22.0273 238.842 21.9648 239.039 21.9648 c\r
-239.236 21.9648 239.413 22.0283 239.568 22.1553 c\r
-239.724 22.2822 239.844 22.5098 239.929 22.8379 c\r
-240.041 23.2598 240.098 23.9736 240.098 24.9814 c\r
-240.098 25.9893 240.047 26.6807 239.946 27.0576 c\r
-239.846 27.4346 239.719 27.6865 239.565 27.8135 c\r
-239.412 27.9404 239.236 28.0039 239.039 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.715 29.3711 m\r
-256.546 29.3711 257.195 29.0742 257.663 28.4805 c\r
-258.221 27.7773 258.5 26.6104 258.5 24.9814 c\r
-258.5 23.3564 258.219 22.1875 257.657 21.4766 c\r
-257.193 20.8906 256.546 20.5977 255.715 20.5977 c\r
-254.88 20.5977 254.207 20.9189 253.696 21.5615 c\r
-253.186 22.2041 252.93 23.3506 252.93 24.999 c\r
-252.93 26.6162 253.211 27.7813 253.773 28.4922 c\r
-254.236 29.0781 254.884 29.3711 255.715 29.3711 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-255.715 28.0039 m\r
-255.518 28.0039 255.341 27.9404 255.186 27.8135 c\r
-255.03 27.6865 254.91 27.459 254.825 27.1309 c\r
-254.713 26.7051 254.656 25.9893 254.656 24.9814 c\r
-254.656 23.9736 254.707 23.2813 254.808 22.9053 c\r
-254.908 22.5283 255.035 22.2773 255.189 22.1523 c\r
-255.342 22.0273 255.518 21.9648 255.715 21.9648 c\r
-255.912 21.9648 256.089 22.0283 256.244 22.1553 c\r
-256.399 22.2822 256.52 22.5098 256.604 22.8379 c\r
-256.717 23.2598 256.773 23.9736 256.773 24.9814 c\r
-256.773 25.9893 256.723 26.6807 256.622 27.0576 c\r
-256.522 27.4346 256.395 27.6865 256.241 27.8135 c\r
-256.088 27.9404 255.912 28.0039 255.715 28.0039 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-61.9297 21.4131 m\r
-61.9297 21.4131 61.9297 30.0068 61.9297 30.0068 c\r
-61.9297 30.0068 65.1689 30.0068 65.1689 30.0068 c\r
-65.7388 30.0068 66.1743 29.9795 66.4751 29.9248 c\r
-66.897 29.8545 67.2505 29.7207 67.5356 29.5234 c\r
-67.8203 29.3252 68.0498 29.0488 68.2236 28.6934 c\r
-68.3975 28.3379 68.4844 27.9463 68.4844 27.5205 c\r
-68.4844 26.7891 68.2524 26.1709 67.7876 25.665 c\r
-67.3237 25.1582 66.4844 24.9053 65.271 24.9053 c\r
-65.271 24.9053 63.0703 24.9053 63.0703 24.9053 c\r
-63.0703 24.9053 63.0703 21.4131 63.0703 21.4131 c\r
-63.0703 21.4131 61.9297 21.4131 61.9297 21.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-63.0703 25.9209 m\r
-63.0703 25.9209 65.2881 25.9209 65.2881 25.9209 c\r
-66.021 25.9209 66.542 26.0576 66.8501 26.3311 c\r
-67.1582 26.6045 67.3125 26.9893 67.3125 27.4854 c\r
-67.3125 27.8447 67.2217 28.1523 67.0405 28.4082 c\r
-66.8589 28.6641 66.6201 28.833 66.3237 28.915 c\r
-66.1323 28.9658 65.7793 28.9912 65.2646 28.9912 c\r
-65.2646 28.9912 63.0703 28.9912 63.0703 28.9912 c\r
-63.0703 28.9912 63.0703 25.9209 63.0703 25.9209 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-71.457 29.0615 m\r
-72.1016 30.0537 L\r
-73.3047 30.0537 L\r
-71.9805 28.4131 L\r
-70.8555 28.4131 L\r
-69.5938 30.0537 L\r
-70.7969 30.0537 L\r
-71.457 29.0615 L\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-69.7852 21.4131 m\r
-69.7852 21.4131 69.7852 27.6396 69.7852 27.6396 c\r
-69.7852 27.6396 70.7305 27.6396 70.7305 27.6396 c\r
-70.7305 27.6396 70.7305 26.6924 70.7305 26.6924 c\r
-70.9731 27.1357 71.1973 27.4277 71.4028 27.5684 c\r
-71.6084 27.71 71.8345 27.7803 72.0815 27.7803 c\r
-72.4375 27.7803 72.7998 27.667 73.168 27.4395 c\r
-73.168 27.4395 72.7993 26.4629 72.7993 26.4629 c\r
-72.5415 26.6123 72.2847 26.6865 72.0273 26.6865 c\r
-71.7974 26.6865 71.5908 26.6172 71.4077 26.4785 c\r
-71.2246 26.3398 71.0938 26.1475 71.0156 25.9014 c\r
-70.8984 25.5264 70.8398 25.1162 70.8398 24.6709 c\r
-70.8398 24.6709 70.8398 21.4131 70.8398 21.4131 c\r
-70.8398 21.4131 69.7852 21.4131 69.7852 21.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-78.043 23.4209 m\r
-78.043 23.4209 79.1367 23.2803 79.1367 23.2803 c\r
-78.9648 22.6445 78.6465 22.1504 78.1821 21.7988 c\r
-77.7173 21.4482 77.1235 21.2725 76.4014 21.2725 c\r
-75.4912 21.2725 74.77 21.5527 74.2368 22.1133 c\r
-73.7041 22.6748 73.4375 23.4609 73.4375 24.4736 c\r
-73.4375 25.5215 73.707 26.334 74.2456 26.9121 c\r
-74.7847 27.4912 75.4839 27.7803 76.3428 27.7803 c\r
-77.1743 27.7803 77.854 27.4971 78.3813 26.9297 c\r
-78.9082 26.3633 79.1719 25.5664 79.1719 24.5381 c\r
-79.1719 24.4756 79.1699 24.3818 79.166 24.2568 c\r
-79.166 24.2568 74.5234 24.2568 74.5234 24.2568 c\r
-74.5625 23.5723 74.7559 23.0488 75.103 22.6855 c\r
-75.4507 22.3213 75.8838 22.1396 76.4033 22.1396 c\r
-76.7896 22.1396 77.1196 22.2412 77.3931 22.4453 c\r
-77.666 22.6484 77.8828 22.9746 78.043 23.4209 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-74.5859 25.124 m\r
-74.5859 25.124 78.0547 25.124 78.0547 25.124 c\r
-78.0078 25.6484 77.8755 26.041 77.6567 26.3027 c\r
-77.3218 26.71 76.8867 26.9131 76.3525 26.9131 c\r
-75.8687 26.9131 75.4624 26.751 75.1328 26.4258 c\r
-74.8032 26.1016 74.6211 25.668 74.5859 25.124 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-80.4629 21.4131 m\r
-80.4629 21.4131 80.4629 27.6396 80.4629 27.6396 c\r
-80.4629 27.6396 81.4082 27.6396 81.4082 27.6396 c\r
-81.4082 27.6396 81.4082 26.7549 81.4082 26.7549 c\r
-81.8657 27.4385 82.5259 27.7803 83.3896 27.7803 c\r
-83.7646 27.7803 84.1099 27.7129 84.4243 27.5781 c\r
-84.7388 27.4434 84.9741 27.2666 85.1304 27.0469 c\r
-85.2866 26.8281 85.3965 26.5684 85.459 26.2676 c\r
-85.498 26.0723 85.5176 25.7305 85.5176 25.2412 c\r
-85.5176 25.2412 85.5176 21.4131 85.5176 21.4131 c\r
-85.5176 21.4131 84.4629 21.4131 84.4629 21.4131 c\r
-84.4629 21.4131 84.4629 25.2012 84.4629 25.2012 c\r
-84.4629 25.6309 84.4219 25.9521 84.3398 26.166 c\r
-84.2578 26.3789 84.1123 26.5488 83.9038 26.6758 c\r
-83.6948 26.8027 83.4497 26.8662 83.1689 26.8662 c\r
-82.7197 26.8662 82.3325 26.7236 82.0063 26.4385 c\r
-81.6807 26.1523 81.5176 25.6113 81.5176 24.8145 c\r
-81.5176 24.8145 81.5176 21.4131 81.5176 21.4131 c\r
-81.5176 21.4131 80.4629 21.4131 80.4629 21.4131 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-86.7461 24.5264 m\r
-86.7461 25.6797 87.0664 26.5332 87.7065 27.0889 c\r
-88.2417 27.5498 88.894 27.7803 89.6631 27.7803 c\r
-90.5181 27.7803 91.2173 27.5 91.7603 26.9395 c\r
-92.3027 26.3779 92.5742 25.6035 92.5742 24.6143 c\r
-92.5742 23.8125 92.4541 23.1826 92.2139 22.7236 c\r
-91.9736 22.2646 91.6245 21.9072 91.1655 21.6533 c\r
-90.7065 21.3994 90.2056 21.2725 89.6631 21.2725 c\r
-88.7925 21.2725 88.0884 21.5518 87.5513 22.1113 c\r
-87.0146 22.6699 86.7461 23.4746 86.7461 24.5264 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-87.832 24.5254 m\r
-87.832 23.7285 88.0054 23.1309 88.3525 22.7344 c\r
-88.6997 22.3379 89.1362 22.1396 89.6631 22.1396 c\r
-90.1855 22.1396 90.6206 22.3389 90.9678 22.7373 c\r
-91.3149 23.1357 91.4883 23.7441 91.4883 24.5605 c\r
-91.4883 25.3301 91.314 25.9141 90.9648 26.3105 c\r
-90.6157 26.707 90.1816 26.9053 89.6631 26.9053 c\r
-89.1362 26.9053 88.6997 26.708 88.3525 26.3135 c\r
-88.0054 25.918 87.832 25.3223 87.832 24.5254 c\r
-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\r
-93.3887 23.2725 m\r
-93.3887 23.2725 94.4355 23.4365 94.4355 23.4365 c\r
-94.4941 23.0176 94.6572 22.6973 94.9243 22.4746 c\r
-95.1919 22.251 95.5659 22.1396 96.0459 22.1396 c\r
-96.5298 22.1396 96.8892 22.2383 97.1235 22.4355 c\r
-97.3574 22.6328 97.4746 22.8652 97.4746 23.1309 c\r
-97.4746 23.3691 97.3716 23.5566 97.1655 23.6943 c\r
-97.0215 23.7881 96.6631 23.9072 96.0894 24.0518 c\r
-95.3174 24.2471 94.7813 24.416 94.4819 24.5586 c\r
-94.1821 24.7012 93.9551 24.8984 93.8003 25.1504 c\r
-93.6455 25.4033 93.5684 25.6816 93.5684 25.9863 c\r
-93.5684 26.2637 93.6318 26.5205 93.7588 26.7568 c\r
-93.8857 26.9941 94.0586 27.1904 94.2773 27.3467 c\r
-94.4414 27.4678 94.665 27.5703 94.9482 27.6543 c\r
-95.2314 27.7383 95.5352 27.7803 95.8594 27.7803 c\r
-96.3477 27.7803 96.7764 27.71 97.1455 27.5684 c\r
-97.5146 27.4277 97.7871 27.2373 97.9629 26.9961 c\r
-98.1387 26.7559 98.2598 26.4336 98.3262 26.0303 c\r
-98.3262 26.0303 97.2949 25.8896 97.2949 25.8896 c\r
-97.248 26.2109 97.1128 26.4619 96.8882 26.6426 c\r
-96.6641 26.8232 96.3472 26.9131 95.9375 26.9131 c\r
-95.4536 26.9131 95.1089 26.833 94.9019 26.6729 c\r
-94.6948 26.5117 94.5918 26.3242 94.5918 26.1094 c\r
-94.5918 25.9727 94.6348 25.8496 94.7207 25.7402 c\r
-94.8062 25.627 94.9409 25.5322 95.1245 25.458 c\r
-95.2295 25.4189 95.5396 25.3291 96.0547 25.1885 c\r
-96.7993 24.9893 97.3193 24.8262 97.6143 24.6992 c\r
-97.9092 24.5723 98.1406 24.3877 98.3086 24.1445 c\r
-98.4766 23.9023 98.5605 23.6016 98.5605 23.2422 c\r
-98.5605 22.8906 98.458 22.5596 98.2524 22.248 c\r
-98.0474 21.9375 97.7515 21.6973 97.3643 21.5273 c\r
-96.9771 21.3574 96.5396 21.2725 96.0508 21.2725 c\r
-95.2417 21.2725 94.625 21.4404 94.2007 21.7773 c\r
-93.7769 22.1133 93.5059 22.6113 93.3887 23.2725 c\r
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-\prednaska{10}{Pøevody problémù}{(zapsali Martin Chytil, Vladimír Kudelas)}
-\>Na této pøedná¹ce se budeme zabývat rozhodovacími problémy a jejich obtí¾ností.
-Za jednoduché budeme trochu zjednodu¹enì pova¾ovat ty problémy, na~nì¾ známe algoritmus
-pracující v~polynomiálním èase.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Rozhodovací problém} je takový problém, jeho¾ výstupem je v¾dy {\sc ano}, nebo {\sc ne}.
-[Formálnì bychom se na~nìj mohli dívat jako na~mno¾inu $L$ vstupù, na~které je odpovìï {\sc ano},
-a místo $L(x)=\hbox{\sc ano}$ psát prostì $x\in L$.]
-\s{Pøíklad:} Je dán bipartitní graf $G$ a $k \in {\bb N}$. Existuje v $G$ párování, které obsahuje alespoò $k$ hran?
-To, co bychom ve~vìt¹inì pøípadù chtìli, je samozøejmì nejen zjistit, zda takové párování
-existuje, ale také nìjaké konkrétní najít. V¹imnìme si ale, ¾e kdy¾ umíme rozhodovat
-existenci párování v~polynomiálním èase, mù¾eme ho polynomiálnì rychle i najít:
-Mìjme èernou skøíòku (fungující v polynomiálním èase), která odpoví, zda daný
-graf má nebo nemá párování o~$k$ hranách. Odebereme z~grafu libovolnou hranu
-a zeptáme se, jestli i tento nový graf má párovaní velikosti~$k$. Kdy¾ má, pak tato
-hrana nebyla pro existenci párování potøebná, a~tak ji odstraníme. Kdy¾ naopak
-nemá (hrana patøí do ka¾dého párování po¾adované velikosti), tak si danou hranu
-poznamenáme a odebereme nejen ji a její vrcholy, ale také hrany, které do tìchto
-vrcholù vedly. Toto je korektní krok, proto¾e v pùvodním grafu tyto vrcholy
-byly navzájem spárované, a tedy nemohou být spárované s~¾ádnými jinými vrcholy.
-Na~nový graf aplikujeme znovu tentý¾ postup. Výsledkem je mno¾ina hran, které patøí
-do hledaného párování. Hran, a tedy i iterací na¹eho algoritmu, je polynomiálnì
-mnoho a skøíòka funguje v polynomiálním èase, tak¾e celý algoritmus je polynomiální.
-A~jak ná¹ rozhodovací problém øe¹it? Nejsnáze tak, ¾e ho pøevedeme na~jiný, který
-u¾ vyøe¹it umíme. Tento postup jsme (právì u~hledání párování) u¾ pou¾ili
-v~kapitole o~Dinicovì algoritmu. Vytvoøili jsme vhodnou sí», pro kterou
-platilo, ¾e v~ní existuje tok velikosti~$k$ právì tehdy, kdy¾
-v~pùvodním grafu existuje párování velikosti~$k$.
-Takovéto pøevody mezi problémy mù¾eme definovat obecnì:
-\s{Definice:} Jsou-li $A$, $B$ rozhodovací problémy, pak øíkáme, ¾e $A$ lze {\I
-redukovat} (neboli pøevést) na $B$ (pí¹eme $A \rightarrow B$) $\Leftrightarrow$
-existuje funkce $f$ spoèitatelná v polynomiálním èase taková, ¾e pro $\forall
-x: A(x) = B(f(x))$.
-V¹imnìte si, ¾e $A\rightarrow B$ také znamená, ¾e problém~$B$ je alespoò tak tì¾ký
-jako problém~$A$ (tím myslíme, ¾e pokud lze $B$ øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase,
-lze tak øe¹it i~$A$): Nech» problém~$B$ umíme øe¹it v~èase $\O(b^k)$, kde
-$b$ je délka jeho vstupu. Nech» dále funkce $f$ pøevádìjící $A$ na $B$ pracuje
-v~èase $\O(a^\ell)$ pro vstup délky~$a$. Spustíme-li tedy $B(f(x))$ na~nìjaký
-vstup~$x$ problému~$A$, bude mít $f(x)$ délku $\O(a^\ell)$, tak¾e $B(f(x))$
-pobì¾í v~èase $\O(a^{k\ell})$, co¾ je polynomiální v~délce vstupu~$a$.
-\s{Pozorování:} Pøevoditelnost je:
-\:reflexivní (úlohu mù¾eme pøevést na tu stejnou identickým zobrazením): $A \rightarrow A$,
-\:tranzitivní: Je-li $A \rightarrow B$ funkcí $f$, $B \rightarrow C$ funkcí $g$, pak $A \rightarrow C$ slo¾enou funkcí $g \circ f$
-(slo¾ení dvou polynomiálních funkcí je zase polynomiální funkce, jak u¾ jsme zpozorovali
-v~pøedchozím odstavci).
-\>Podívejme se nyní na~pøevody mezi dal¹ími zajímavými problémy:
-\h{1. problém: SAT}
-\>Splnitelnost logických formulí, tj. dosazení \<true> èi \<false> za promìnné v logické formuli tak, aby formule dala výsledek \<true>.
-\>Zamìøíme se na speciální formu zadání formulí, {\I konjunktivní normální formu} (CNF).
-$$(\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots) \land (\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots) \land \ldots $$
-\>{\I Vstup:} Formule $\varphi$ v konjunktivní normální formì.
-\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists$ dosazení \<true> a \<false> za promìnné takové, ¾e hodnota formule $\varphi(\ldots) = \<true>$.
-\>Pro formuli platí následující podmínky:
-\:{\I formule} je zadána pomocí {\I klauzulí} oddìlených $\land$,
-\:ka¾dá {\I klauzule} je slo¾ená z {\I literálù} oddìlených $\lor$,
-\:ka¾dý {\I literál} je buïto promìnná nebo její negace.
-\>Uká¾eme, ¾e staèí vyøe¹it jednodu¹¹í problém 3-SAT.
-\h{2. problém: 3-SAT}
-\s{Definice:} 3-SAT je takový SAT, v nìm¾ ka¾dá klauzule obsahuje nejvý¹e tøi literály.
-\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na SAT:}
-Vstup není potøeba nijak upravovat, 3-SAT splòuje vlastnosti SATu, proto 3-SAT $\rightarrow$ SAT (3-SAT je alespoò tak tì¾ký jako SAT)
-\s {Pøevod SAT na 3-SAT:}
-Musíme formuli pøevést tak, abychom neporu¹ili splnitelnost.
-\>Trik pro dlouhé klauzule: Ka¾dou klauzuli
-$$(\alpha \lor \beta) \hbox{, t¾. } \vert\alpha\vert + \vert\beta\vert \ge 4$$
-pøepí¹eme na: $$(\alpha \lor x) \land (\beta \lor \lnot x),$$
-kde $x$ je nová promìnná, kterou nastavíme tak, abychom neovlivnili splnitelnost formule.
-\:$\alpha \Rightarrow x = 0$ (zajistí splnìní druhé poloviny nové formule),
-\:$\beta \Rightarrow x = 1$ (zajistí splnìní první poloviny nové formule),
-\:$\alpha ,\beta / \lnot\alpha ,\lnot\beta \Rightarrow x = 0/1$ (je nám to jedno, celkové øe¹ení nám to neovlivní).
-\>Tento trik opakujeme tak dlouho, dokud je to tøeba.
-Nabízí se otázka, proè mù¾eme promìnnou $x$ nastavit, jak se nám zlíbí. Vysvìtlení je prosté, promìnná $x$ nám pùvodní formuli nijak neovlivní, proto¾e se v ní nevyskytuje, proto ji mù¾eme nastavit tak, jak chceme.
-\s{Poznámka:} U~3-SAT lze vynutit právì tøi literály, pro krátké klauzule pou¾ijeme následující trik:
-$$(\alpha) \rightarrow (\alpha \lor x) \land (\alpha \lor \lnot x).$$
-\h{3. problém: Hledání nezávislé mno¾iny v grafu}
-\>Existuje nezávislá mno¾ina vrcholù z~$G$ velikosti alespoò $k$?
-\s{Definice:} {\I Nezávislá mno¾ina} (NzMna) budeme øíkat ka¾dé mno¾inì vrcholù grafu
-takové, ¾e mezi nimi nevede ¾ádná hrana.
-\figure{nezmna.eps}{Pøíklad nezávislé mno¾iny}{1in}
-\>{\I Vstup:} Neorientovaný graf G, $k \in {\bb N}$.
-\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists A \subseteq V(G)$, $\vert A \vert \ge k$: $\forall u,v \in A \Rightarrow uv \not\in E(G)$?
-\s{Poznámka:} Ka¾dý graf má minimálnì jednu nezávislou mno¾inu, a tou je prázdná mno¾ina. Proto je potøeba zadat i minimální velikost hledané mno¾iny.
-\>Uká¾eme, jak na~tento probém pøevést 3-SAT.
-\s{Pøevod:} Z ka¾dé klauzule vybereme jeden literál tak, abychom v rùzných klauzulích nevybírali konfliktnì, tj. $x$ a $\lnot x$.
-$(x \lor y \lor z) \land (x \lor \lnot y \lor \lnot z) \land (\lnot x \lor \lnot y \lor p) $.
-\>Pro ka¾dou klauzuli sestrojíme graf (trojúhelník) a pøidáme \uv{konfliktní} hrany, tj. $x$ a $\lnot x$.
-Princip je takový, ¾e z~ka¾dé klauzule si vybereme literál, který danou
-klauzuli splní, a to tak, aby literály, které si vybereme, nekolidovaly. Kolize
-o¹etøíme hranami mezi promìnnými a jejich negacemi.
-\figure{nezmna_graf.eps}{Ukázka pøevodu 3-SAT na nezávislou mno¾inu}{3in}
-Existuje nezávislá mno¾ina velikosti rovné poètu klauzulí?
-Pokud ano, tak dostaneme seznam promìnných, pomocí kterých splníme danou formuli.
-\s{Pøevod NzMna na SAT:}
-Máme promìnné $v_1, \ldots , v_n$ pro vrcholy.
-\>Nyní uká¾eme, jak pøevést problém hledání nezávislé mno¾iny, na SAT.
-\:Poøídíme si promìnné $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ odpovídající vrcholùm grafu. Promìnná $v_i$ bude
- indikovat, zda se $i$-tý vrchol vyskytuje v~nezávislé mno¾inì.
-\:Pro ka¾dou hranu $ij \in E(G)$ pøidáme klauzuli $(\lnot v_i \lor \lnot v_j)$. Tyto klauzule
- nám ohlídají, ¾e vybraná mno¾ina je vskutku nezávislá.
-\:Je¹tì potøebujeme zkontrolovat, ¾e je mno¾ina dostateènì velká, tak¾e si její prvky
- oèíslujeme èísly od~1 do~$k$. Oèíslování popí¹eme maticí promìnných $x_{ij}$, pøièem¾
- $x_{ij}$ bude pravdivá právì tehdy, kdy¾ v~poøadí $i$-tý prvek nezávislé mno¾iny je vrchol~$v_j$.
-\:Pøidáme tedy klauzuje, které nám øeknou, ¾e vybrané do nezávislé mno¾iny jsou právì
- ty vrcholy, které jsou touto maticí oèíslované: $\forall i,j$, $x_{ij} \Rightarrow v_j$.
-\:Je¹tì potøebujeme zajistit, aby byla v~ka¾dém øádku i sloupci nejvý¹e jedna jednièka:
- $\forall j,i,i^{'}, i\ne i^{'} : x_{ij} \Rightarrow \lnot x_{i^{'}j}$ a
- $\forall i,j,j^{'}, j\ne j^{'} : x_{ij} \Rightarrow \lnot x_{ij^{'}}$.
-\:A~nakonec si ohlídáme, aby v~ka¾dém øádku byla alespoò jedna jednièka, klauzulí $\forall i :
- x_{i1} \lor x_{i2} \lor \ldots \lor x_{in}$.
-\s{Pøíklad matice:} Jako pøíklad pou¾ijeme nezávislou mno¾inu z ukázky nezávislé mno¾iny.
-Nech» jsou vrcholy grafu oèíslované zleva a ze zhora. Hledáme nezávislou mno¾inu velikosti $2$.
-Matice pak bude vypadat následovnì:
-$$ \pmatrix{1&0&0&0&0 \cr 0&0&0&1&0}$$
-\s{Vysvìtlení:} Jako první vrchol mno¾iny bude vybrán vrchol $v_1$, proto v prvním øádku a v prvním sloupci bude $1$. Jako druhý ($k$-tý) vrchol mno¾iny bude vybrán vrchol $v_4$, proto na druhém ($k$-tém) øádku a ve ètvrtém sloupci bude $1$. Na ostatních místech bude $0$.
-\h{4. problém: Klika}
-\>{\I Vstup:} Graf $G, k \in N$.
-\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists$ úplný podgraf grafu $G$ na $k$ vrcholech?
-\figure{klika.eps}{Pøíklad kliky}{2in}
-\s{Pøevod:} Prohodíme v grafu $G$ hrany a nehrany $\Rightarrow$ hledání nezávislé mno¾iny.
-\s{Dùvod:} Pokud existuje úplný graf na $k$ vrcholech, tak v~\uv{invertovaném} grafu tyto vrcholy nejsou spojeny hranou, tj. tvoøí nezávislou mno¾inu.
-\figure{doplnek_nm.eps}{Prohození hran a nehran}{2in}
-\h{5. problém: 3D párování (3D matching)}
-\>{\I Vstup:} Tøi mno¾iny, napø. $K$ (kluci), $H$ (holky), $Z$ (zvíøátka) a mno¾ina kompatibilních trojic (tìch, kteøí se spolu snesou).
-\>{\I Výstup:} Perfektní podmno¾ina trojic - tj. taková podmno¾ina trojic, která obsahuje v¹echna $K$, $H$ a $Z$.
-\>Uká¾eme, jak tento problém pøevést na 3,3-SAT (ov¹em to a¾ na dal¹í pøedná¹ce).
-\figure{3d_parovani.eps}{Ukázka 3D párování}{3in}
-\h{6. problém: 3,3-SAT}
-\s{Definice:} 3,3-SAT je speciální pøípad 3-SATu, kde ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje v~maximálnì tøech literálech.
-\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na 3,3-SAT:}
-Pokud se promìnná $x$ vyskytuje v~$k > 3$ literálech, tak nahradíme výskyty novými promìnnými $x_1, \ldots , x_k$ a pøidáme klauzule:
-(\lnot x_1 \lor x_2)
-(\lnot x_2 \lor x_3)
-(\lnot x_3 \lor x_4)
-(\lnot x_{k-1} \lor x_k)
-(\lnot x_k \lor x_1),
-co¾ odpovídá:
-(x_1 \Rightarrow x_2)
-(x_2 \Rightarrow x_3)
-(x_3 \Rightarrow x_4)
-(x_{k-1} \Rightarrow x_k)
-(x_k \Rightarrow x_1).
-Tímto zaruèíme, ¾e v¹echny nové promìnné budou mít stejnou hodnotu.
-Mimochodem, mù¾eme rovnou zaøídit, ¾e ka¾dý literál se vyskytuje nejvíce dvakrát (tedy ¾e
-ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje alespoò jednou pozitivnì a alespoò jednou negativnì). Pokud by
-se nìjaká promìnná nìjaká promìnná objevila ve~tøech stejných literálech, mù¾eme na~ni
-také pou¾ít ná¹ trik a nahradit ji tøemi promìnnými. V~nových klauzulích se pak bude
-vyskytovat jak pozitivnì, tak negativnì.
-\s{Závìr:} Obrázek ukazuje problémy, jimi¾ jsme se dnes zabývali, a vztahy mezi tìmito problémy.
-\figure{prevody.eps}{Pøevody mezi problémy}{3in}
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-214.375 68.315713 lineto
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-211.40625 68.928994 211.26302 68.633422 211.21094 68.237588 curveto
-211.21094 68.237588 lineto
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-211.21094 65.221963 lineto
-210.58073 65.591758 210.11198 65.987591 209.80469 66.409463 curveto
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-209.88802 68.034464 210.07031 68.104776 210.30469 68.104775 curveto
-210.5651 68.104776 210.86718 67.958943 211.21094 67.667275 curveto
-211.21094 67.667275 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-218.21094 62.011025 moveto
-218.21094 62.971963 lineto
-218.61198 62.534469 218.98307 62.22848 219.32422 62.053994 curveto
-219.66536 61.879522 220.03906 61.792283 220.44531 61.792275 curveto
-220.91406 61.792283 221.30729 61.901658 221.625 62.1204 curveto
-221.9427 62.339157 222.18749 62.67249 222.35938 63.1204 curveto
-222.77603 62.651657 223.17577 62.313115 223.55859 62.104775 curveto
-223.9414 61.896449 224.34114 61.792283 224.75781 61.792275 curveto
-225.26301 61.792283 225.66535 61.908168 225.96484 62.139931 curveto
-226.26431 62.371709 226.47264 62.66598 226.58984 63.022744 curveto
-226.70702 63.379521 226.76561 63.94853 226.76563 64.729775 curveto
-226.76563 67.721963 lineto
-226.76561 68.284464 226.81639 68.633422 226.91797 68.768838 curveto
-227.01952 68.904255 227.23176 68.992796 227.55469 69.034463 curveto
-227.55469 69.315713 lineto
-223.78125 69.315713 lineto
-223.78125 69.034463 lineto
-224.07812 69.008421 224.29687 68.893838 224.4375 68.690713 curveto
-224.53124 68.550088 224.57812 68.227172 224.57813 67.721963 curveto
-224.57813 64.581338 lineto
-224.57812 63.930301 224.55207 63.516239 224.5 63.33915 curveto
-224.44791 63.162073 224.36588 63.030563 224.25391 62.944619 curveto
-224.14192 62.858688 224.01041 62.815719 223.85938 62.815713 curveto
-223.63541 62.815719 223.40885 62.89775 223.17969 63.061806 curveto
-222.95051 63.225875 222.71874 63.471968 222.48438 63.800088 curveto
-222.48438 67.721963 lineto
-222.48437 68.248005 222.52864 68.578734 222.61719 68.71415 curveto
-222.73697 68.906859 222.96614 69.01363 223.30469 69.034463 curveto
-223.30469 69.315713 lineto
-219.52344 69.315713 lineto
-219.52344 69.034463 lineto
-219.72656 69.024046 219.88671 68.973265 220.00391 68.882119 curveto
-220.12109 68.790974 220.19921 68.681599 220.23828 68.553994 curveto
-220.27734 68.426391 220.29687 68.149047 220.29688 67.721963 curveto
-220.29688 64.581338 lineto
-220.29687 63.919885 220.27083 63.505823 220.21875 63.33915 curveto
-220.16666 63.17249 220.07942 63.042281 219.95703 62.948525 curveto
-219.83463 62.854782 219.70312 62.807907 219.5625 62.8079 curveto
-219.35416 62.807907 219.16406 62.862594 218.99219 62.971963 curveto
-218.74739 63.133427 218.48698 63.409469 218.21094 63.800088 curveto
-218.21094 67.721963 lineto
-218.21093 68.237589 218.26172 68.577432 218.36328 68.741494 curveto
-218.46484 68.905557 218.67708 69.003213 219 69.034463 curveto
-219 69.315713 lineto
-215.23438 69.315713 lineto
-215.23438 69.034463 lineto
-215.54167 69.003213 215.76042 68.904255 215.89063 68.737588 curveto
-215.97917 68.623005 216.02344 68.284464 216.02344 67.721963 curveto
-216.02344 63.596963 lineto
-216.02344 63.044886 215.97265 62.701136 215.87109 62.565713 curveto
-215.76953 62.430303 215.55729 62.341761 215.23438 62.300088 curveto
-215.23438 62.011025 lineto
-218.21094 62.011025 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 -27.274119 -265.67012] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-138.28906 409.16728 moveto
-139.29426 409.40166 139.99999 409.68551 140.40625 410.01884 curveto
-140.98957 410.4928 141.28124 411.10738 141.28125 411.86259 curveto
-141.28124 412.65946 140.96093 413.31832 140.32031 413.83915 curveto
-139.53385 414.46936 138.39062 414.78446 136.89063 414.78446 curveto
-131.50781 414.78446 lineto
-131.50781 414.4954 lineto
-131.9974 414.4954 132.32943 414.44983 132.50391 414.35868 curveto
-132.67838 414.26754 132.80078 414.14905 132.87109 414.00321 curveto
-132.9414 413.85738 132.97656 413.49801 132.97656 412.92509 curveto
-132.97656 406.05009 lineto
-132.97656 405.47718 132.9414 405.1165 132.87109 404.96806 curveto
-132.80078 404.81963 132.67708 404.70114 132.5 404.61259 curveto
-132.32292 404.52406 131.99219 404.47979 131.50781 404.47978 curveto
-131.50781 404.19071 lineto
-136.58594 404.19071 lineto
-137.79947 404.19072 138.65885 404.2988 139.16406 404.51493 curveto
-139.66926 404.73109 140.0677 405.054 140.35938 405.48368 curveto
-140.65103 405.91338 140.79687 406.37041 140.79688 406.85478 curveto
-140.79687 407.3652 140.61197 407.81963 140.24219 408.21806 curveto
-139.87239 408.6165 139.22135 408.93291 138.28906 409.16728 curveto
-138.28906 409.16728 lineto
-135.44531 408.95634 moveto
-136.18489 408.95634 136.73046 408.87301 137.08203 408.70634 curveto
-137.43359 408.53968 137.70312 408.3053 137.89063 408.00321 curveto
-138.07812 407.70114 138.17187 407.31572 138.17188 406.84696 curveto
-138.17187 406.37822 138.07942 405.99411 137.89453 405.69462 curveto
-137.70963 405.39515 137.44531 405.16728 137.10156 405.01103 curveto
-136.75781 404.85479 136.20572 404.77926 135.44531 404.78446 curveto
-135.44531 408.95634 lineto
-135.44531 409.56571 moveto
-135.44531 412.96415 lineto
-135.4375 413.35478 lineto
-135.4375 413.63603 135.50911 413.84827 135.65234 413.99149 curveto
-135.79557 414.13472 136.00781 414.20634 136.28906 414.20634 curveto
-136.70572 414.20634 137.08984 414.11389 137.44141 413.92899 curveto
-137.79296 413.7441 138.06249 413.47587 138.25 413.12431 curveto
-138.43749 412.77275 138.53124 412.38082 138.53125 411.94853 curveto
-138.53124 411.45374 138.41666 411.00973 138.1875 410.61649 curveto
-137.95833 410.22327 137.64322 409.94853 137.24219 409.79228 curveto
-136.84114 409.63603 136.24218 409.56051 135.44531 409.56571 curveto
-135.44531 409.56571 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-145.84375 407.26103 moveto
-146.47916 407.26103 147.07031 407.42509 147.61719 407.75321 curveto
-148.16406 408.08134 148.57942 408.54749 148.86328 409.15165 curveto
-149.14713 409.75582 149.28906 410.41728 149.28906 411.13603 curveto
-149.28906 412.17249 149.02603 413.03967 148.5 413.73759 curveto
-147.86458 414.58134 146.98697 415.00321 145.86719 415.00321 curveto
-144.76823 415.00321 143.92187 414.6178 143.32813 413.84696 curveto
-142.73437 413.07613 142.4375 412.1829 142.4375 411.16728 curveto
-142.4375 410.1204 142.74088 409.20765 143.34766 408.42899 curveto
-143.95442 407.65036 144.78646 407.26103 145.84375 407.26103 curveto
-145.84375 407.26103 lineto
-145.875 407.81571 moveto
-145.60937 407.81572 145.38151 407.91598 145.19141 408.11649 curveto
-145.0013 408.31702 144.8763 408.71285 144.81641 409.30399 curveto
-144.75651 409.89514 144.72656 410.71676 144.72656 411.76884 curveto
-144.72656 412.32613 144.76302 412.84696 144.83594 413.33134 curveto
-144.89323 413.70113 145.01562 413.98238 145.20313 414.17509 curveto
-145.39062 414.3678 145.60416 414.46415 145.84375 414.46415 curveto
-146.07812 414.46415 146.27343 414.39905 146.42969 414.26884 curveto
-146.63281 414.09175 146.76822 413.84436 146.83594 413.52665 curveto
-146.9401 413.03186 146.99218 412.03186 146.99219 410.52665 curveto
-146.99218 409.64124 146.9427 409.03317 146.84375 408.70243 curveto
-146.74479 408.37171 146.59895 408.13082 146.40625 407.97978 curveto
-146.27083 407.87041 146.09375 407.81572 145.875 407.81571 curveto
-145.875 407.81571 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-153.25781 404.19071 moveto
-153.25781 413.26884 lineto
-153.25781 413.78446 153.3177 414.11389 153.4375 414.25712 curveto
-153.55729 414.40035 153.79166 414.48238 154.14063 414.50321 curveto
-154.14063 414.78446 lineto
-150.19531 414.78446 lineto
-150.19531 414.50321 lineto
-150.51823 414.4928 150.75781 414.39905 150.91406 414.22196 curveto
-151.01823 414.10217 151.07031 413.78446 151.07031 413.26884 curveto
-151.07031 405.70634 lineto
-151.07031 405.19593 151.01042 404.86911 150.89063 404.72587 curveto
-150.77083 404.58265 150.53906 404.50062 150.19531 404.47978 curveto
-150.19531 404.19071 lineto
-153.25781 404.19071 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-161.02344 410.8704 moveto
-157.01563 410.8704 lineto
-157.0625 411.83915 157.32031 412.60478 157.78906 413.16728 curveto
-158.14843 413.59957 158.58072 413.81571 159.08594 413.81571 curveto
-159.39843 413.81571 159.68229 413.72847 159.9375 413.55399 curveto
-160.1927 413.37952 160.46614 413.06571 160.75781 412.61259 curveto
-161.02344 412.78446 lineto
-160.6276 413.59176 160.1901 414.16337 159.71094 414.49931 curveto
-159.23177 414.83524 158.67708 415.00321 158.04688 415.00321 curveto
-156.96354 415.00321 156.14323 414.58655 155.58594 413.75321 curveto
-155.13802 413.08134 154.91406 412.24801 154.91406 411.25321 curveto
-154.91406 410.03447 155.24349 409.06442 155.90234 408.34306 curveto
-156.5612 407.62171 157.33333 407.26103 158.21875 407.26103 curveto
-158.95833 407.26103 159.60026 407.56442 160.14453 408.17118 curveto
-160.6888 408.77796 160.98176 409.6777 161.02344 410.8704 curveto
-161.02344 410.8704 lineto
-159.10156 410.34696 moveto
-159.10156 409.50843 159.05598 408.93291 158.96484 408.6204 curveto
-158.87369 408.30791 158.73177 408.07093 158.53906 407.90946 curveto
-158.42968 407.81572 158.28385 407.76884 158.10156 407.76884 curveto
-157.83073 407.76884 157.60937 407.90166 157.4375 408.16728 curveto
-157.13021 408.63082 156.97656 409.26624 156.97656 410.07353 curveto
-156.97656 410.34696 lineto
-159.10156 410.34696 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-166.54688 407.27665 moveto
-166.66406 409.76884 lineto
-166.39844 409.76884 lineto
-166.08072 409.02926 165.7513 408.52405 165.41016 408.25321 curveto
-165.06901 407.98239 164.72916 407.84697 164.39063 407.84696 curveto
-164.17708 407.84697 163.99479 407.91858 163.84375 408.06181 curveto
-163.69271 408.20504 163.61719 408.37041 163.61719 408.5579 curveto
-163.61719 408.69853 163.66927 408.83395 163.77344 408.96415 curveto
-163.9401 409.1777 164.40625 409.54358 165.17188 410.06181 curveto
-165.9375 410.58004 166.4414 411.02014 166.68359 411.38212 curveto
-166.92578 411.7441 167.04687 412.14905 167.04688 412.59696 curveto
-167.04687 413.00321 166.94531 413.40165 166.74219 413.79228 curveto
-166.53906 414.1829 166.2526 414.48238 165.88281 414.69071 curveto
-165.51302 414.89905 165.10416 415.00321 164.65625 415.00321 curveto
-164.30729 415.00321 163.84114 414.89384 163.25781 414.67509 curveto
-163.10156 414.6178 162.99479 414.58915 162.9375 414.58915 curveto
-162.76562 414.58915 162.62239 414.71936 162.50781 414.97978 curveto
-162.25 414.97978 lineto
-162.125 412.35478 lineto
-162.39063 412.35478 lineto
-162.625 413.04228 162.94661 413.5579 163.35547 413.90165 curveto
-163.76432 414.2454 164.15104 414.41728 164.51563 414.41728 curveto
-164.76562 414.41728 164.97005 414.34045 165.12891 414.18681 curveto
-165.28776 414.03316 165.36718 413.84696 165.36719 413.62821 curveto
-165.36718 413.37821 165.28906 413.16207 165.13281 412.97978 curveto
-164.97656 412.79749 164.6276 412.52144 164.08594 412.15165 curveto
-163.28906 411.59957 162.77344 411.1777 162.53906 410.88603 curveto
-162.19531 410.45895 162.02344 409.98759 162.02344 409.47196 curveto
-162.02344 408.90947 162.21745 408.40035 162.60547 407.94462 curveto
-162.99349 407.4889 163.55469 407.26103 164.28906 407.26103 curveto
-164.68489 407.26103 165.0677 407.35739 165.4375 407.55009 curveto
-165.57812 407.62822 165.6927 407.66728 165.78125 407.66728 curveto
-165.875 407.66728 165.95052 407.64775 166.00781 407.60868 curveto
-166.0651 407.56963 166.15625 407.45895 166.28125 407.27665 curveto
-166.54688 407.27665 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-171.00781 404.19071 moveto
-171.00781 413.26884 lineto
-171.00781 413.78446 171.0677 414.11389 171.1875 414.25712 curveto
-171.30729 414.40035 171.54166 414.48238 171.89063 414.50321 curveto
-171.89063 414.78446 lineto
-167.94531 414.78446 lineto
-167.94531 414.50321 lineto
-168.26823 414.4928 168.50781 414.39905 168.66406 414.22196 curveto
-168.76823 414.10217 168.82031 413.78446 168.82031 413.26884 curveto
-168.82031 405.70634 lineto
-168.82031 405.19593 168.76042 404.86911 168.64063 404.72587 curveto
-168.52083 404.58265 168.28906 404.50062 167.94531 404.47978 curveto
-167.94531 404.19071 lineto
-171.00781 404.19071 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-176.61719 413.70634 moveto
-175.72656 414.4928 174.92708 414.88603 174.21875 414.88603 curveto
-173.80208 414.88603 173.45573 414.74931 173.17969 414.47587 curveto
-172.90364 414.20243 172.76562 413.85998 172.76563 413.44853 curveto
-172.76562 412.89124 173.00521 412.38993 173.48438 411.94462 curveto
-173.96354 411.49931 175.00781 410.90686 176.61719 410.16728 curveto
-176.61719 409.4329 lineto
-176.61718 408.88082 176.58724 408.53317 176.52734 408.38993 curveto
-176.46744 408.24671 176.35416 408.12171 176.1875 408.01493 curveto
-176.02083 407.90817 175.83333 407.85478 175.625 407.85478 curveto
-175.28646 407.85478 175.00781 407.9303 174.78906 408.08134 curveto
-174.65364 408.17509 174.58593 408.28447 174.58594 408.40946 curveto
-174.58593 408.51884 174.65885 408.65426 174.80469 408.81571 curveto
-175.0026 409.03968 175.10156 409.25582 175.10156 409.46415 curveto
-175.10156 409.71936 175.00651 409.93681 174.81641 410.11649 curveto
-174.6263 410.29619 174.3776 410.38603 174.07031 410.38603 curveto
-173.74219 410.38603 173.46745 410.28707 173.24609 410.08915 curveto
-173.02474 409.89124 172.91406 409.65947 172.91406 409.39384 curveto
-172.91406 409.01884 173.0625 408.66077 173.35938 408.31962 curveto
-173.65625 407.97848 174.07031 407.71676 174.60156 407.53446 curveto
-175.13281 407.35218 175.68489 407.26103 176.25781 407.26103 curveto
-176.95052 407.26103 177.49869 407.40817 177.90234 407.70243 curveto
-178.30598 407.99671 178.5677 408.31572 178.6875 408.65946 curveto
-178.76041 408.87822 178.79687 409.38082 178.79688 410.16728 curveto
-178.79688 413.00321 lineto
-178.79687 413.33655 178.80989 413.54618 178.83594 413.63212 curveto
-178.86197 413.71806 178.90103 413.78186 178.95313 413.82353 curveto
-179.0052 413.86519 179.0651 413.88603 179.13281 413.88603 curveto
-179.26822 413.88603 179.40624 413.78967 179.54688 413.59696 curveto
-179.78125 413.78446 lineto
-179.52083 414.16988 179.25129 414.44983 178.97266 414.62431 curveto
-178.694 414.79879 178.3776 414.88603 178.02344 414.88603 curveto
-177.60677 414.88603 177.28124 414.78837 177.04688 414.59306 curveto
-176.8125 414.39774 176.66927 414.10217 176.61719 413.70634 curveto
-176.61719 413.70634 lineto
-176.61719 413.13603 moveto
-176.61719 410.69071 lineto
-175.98698 411.06051 175.51823 411.45634 175.21094 411.87821 curveto
-175.00781 412.15947 174.90625 412.44332 174.90625 412.72978 curveto
-174.90625 412.96936 174.99218 413.1803 175.16406 413.36259 curveto
-175.29427 413.50321 175.47656 413.57353 175.71094 413.57353 curveto
-175.97135 413.57353 176.27343 413.42769 176.61719 413.13603 curveto
-176.61719 413.13603 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-183.88281 415.00321 moveto
-181.42188 409.33915 lineto
-181.125 408.65686 180.89323 408.22457 180.72656 408.04228 curveto
-180.60677 407.90687 180.42969 407.81572 180.19531 407.76884 curveto
-180.19531 407.47978 lineto
-184.07813 407.47978 lineto
-184.07813 407.76884 lineto
-183.83333 407.76884 183.66666 407.81312 183.57813 407.90165 curveto
-183.45312 408.01624 183.39062 408.15166 183.39063 408.3079 curveto
-183.39062 408.50061 183.5052 408.86259 183.73438 409.39384 curveto
-184.9375 412.13603 lineto
-185.89844 409.76884 lineto
-186.17447 409.09176 186.31249 408.61259 186.3125 408.33134 curveto
-186.31249 408.16989 186.2539 408.03838 186.13672 407.93681 curveto
-186.01953 407.83525 185.81249 407.77926 185.51563 407.76884 curveto
-185.51563 407.47978 lineto
-187.90625 407.47978 lineto
-187.90625 407.76884 lineto
-187.67708 407.80009 187.48958 407.88603 187.34375 408.02665 curveto
-187.19791 408.16728 186.97916 408.58134 186.6875 409.26884 curveto
-184.25 415.00321 lineto
-183.88281 415.00321 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 -281.83256 -193.94929] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-321.78906 402.94853 moveto
-321.78906 406.6204 lineto
-321.48438 406.6204 lineto
-321.2552 405.66207 320.82812 404.9277 320.20313 404.41728 curveto
-319.57812 403.90687 318.86978 403.65166 318.07813 403.65165 curveto
-317.41666 403.65166 316.80989 403.84176 316.25781 404.22196 curveto
-315.70572 404.60218 315.30208 405.09958 315.04688 405.71415 curveto
-314.71875 406.50062 314.55468 407.37561 314.55469 408.33915 curveto
-314.55468 409.28707 314.67448 410.15035 314.91406 410.92899 curveto
-315.15364 411.70764 315.52864 412.29618 316.03906 412.69462 curveto
-316.54947 413.09306 317.21093 413.29228 318.02344 413.29228 curveto
-318.6901 413.29228 319.30077 413.14644 319.85547 412.85478 curveto
-320.41015 412.56311 320.99478 412.06051 321.60938 411.34696 curveto
-321.60938 412.26103 lineto
-321.01562 412.88082 320.39713 413.33004 319.75391 413.60868 curveto
-319.11067 413.88733 318.35937 414.02665 317.5 414.02665 curveto
-316.36979 414.02665 315.36588 413.80009 314.48828 413.34696 curveto
-313.61067 412.89384 312.93359 412.2428 312.45703 411.39384 curveto
-311.98047 410.54488 311.74219 409.64124 311.74219 408.6829 curveto
-311.74219 407.67249 312.00651 406.71416 312.53516 405.8079 curveto
-313.0638 404.90166 313.77734 404.19853 314.67578 403.69853 curveto
-315.57421 403.19854 316.52864 402.94854 317.53906 402.94853 curveto
-318.28385 402.94854 319.0703 403.10999 319.89844 403.4329 curveto
-320.37759 403.62041 320.68228 403.71416 320.8125 403.71415 curveto
-320.97916 403.71416 321.12369 403.65296 321.24609 403.53056 curveto
-321.36848 403.40817 321.44791 403.21416 321.48438 402.94853 curveto
-321.78906 402.94853 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-324.96875 402.94071 moveto
-325.30729 402.94072 325.59375 403.05921 325.82813 403.29618 curveto
-326.0625 403.53317 326.17968 403.81833 326.17969 404.15165 curveto
-326.17968 404.48499 326.06119 404.76885 325.82422 405.00321 curveto
-325.58724 405.2376 325.30208 405.35478 324.96875 405.35478 curveto
-324.63541 405.35478 324.35156 405.2376 324.11719 405.00321 curveto
-323.88281 404.76885 323.76562 404.48499 323.76563 404.15165 curveto
-323.76562 403.81833 323.88281 403.53317 324.11719 403.29618 curveto
-324.35156 403.05921 324.63541 402.94072 324.96875 402.94071 curveto
-324.96875 402.94071 lineto
-326.0625 406.47978 moveto
-326.0625 412.26884 lineto
-326.0625 412.78446 326.12239 413.11389 326.24219 413.25712 curveto
-326.36198 413.40035 326.59635 413.48238 326.94531 413.50321 curveto
-326.94531 413.78446 lineto
-323 413.78446 lineto
-323 413.50321 lineto
-323.32292 413.4928 323.5625 413.39905 323.71875 413.22196 curveto
-323.82292 413.10217 323.875 412.78446 323.875 412.26884 curveto
-323.875 408.00321 lineto
-323.875 407.48759 323.8151 407.15817 323.69531 407.01493 curveto
-323.57552 406.87171 323.34375 406.78968 323 406.76884 curveto
-323 406.47978 lineto
-326.0625 406.47978 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-330.47656 413.04228 moveto
-330.47656 415.76103 lineto
-330.47656 416.13602 330.50651 416.39123 330.56641 416.52665 curveto
-330.6263 416.66206 330.71875 416.76102 330.84375 416.82353 curveto
-330.96875 416.88602 331.21354 416.91727 331.57813 416.91728 curveto
-331.57813 417.20634 lineto
-327.41406 417.20634 lineto
-327.41406 416.91728 lineto
-327.73698 416.90686 327.97656 416.81571 328.13281 416.64384 curveto
-328.23698 416.52404 328.28906 416.21415 328.28906 415.71415 curveto
-328.28906 408.00321 lineto
-328.28906 407.48759 328.22917 407.15817 328.10938 407.01493 curveto
-327.98958 406.87171 327.75781 406.78968 327.41406 406.76884 curveto
-327.41406 406.47978 lineto
-330.47656 406.47978 lineto
-330.47656 407.44071 lineto
-330.73177 407.06572 330.99218 406.79489 331.25781 406.62821 curveto
-331.63802 406.38343 332.05208 406.26103 332.5 406.26103 curveto
-333.03645 406.26103 333.52473 406.4303 333.96484 406.76884 curveto
-334.40494 407.10739 334.73958 407.57483 334.96875 408.17118 curveto
-335.19791 408.76754 335.31249 409.40947 335.3125 410.09696 curveto
-335.31249 410.83655 335.194 411.51233 334.95703 412.12431 curveto
-334.72004 412.73629 334.37629 413.20243 333.92578 413.52274 curveto
-333.47525 413.84306 332.97395 414.00321 332.42188 414.00321 curveto
-332.02083 414.00321 331.64583 413.91467 331.29688 413.73759 curveto
-331.03645 413.60217 330.76302 413.3704 330.47656 413.04228 curveto
-330.47656 413.04228 lineto
-330.47656 412.25321 moveto
-330.92448 412.88863 331.40364 413.20634 331.91406 413.20634 curveto
-332.19531 413.20634 332.42708 413.0579 332.60938 412.76103 curveto
-332.8802 412.32353 333.01562 411.49019 333.01563 410.26103 curveto
-333.01562 409.00061 332.86718 408.13863 332.57031 407.67509 curveto
-332.37239 407.3678 332.10677 407.21416 331.77344 407.21415 curveto
-331.24739 407.21416 330.8151 407.59436 330.47656 408.35478 curveto
-330.47656 412.25321 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-339.40625 406.47978 moveto
-339.40625 412.26884 lineto
-339.40625 412.78446 339.46614 413.11389 339.58594 413.25712 curveto
-339.70573 413.40035 339.9401 413.48238 340.28906 413.50321 curveto
-340.28906 413.78446 lineto
-336.34375 413.78446 lineto
-336.34375 413.50321 lineto
-336.66667 413.4928 336.90625 413.39905 337.0625 413.22196 curveto
-337.16667 413.10217 337.21875 412.78446 337.21875 412.26884 curveto
-337.21875 408.00321 lineto
-337.21875 407.48759 337.15885 407.15817 337.03906 407.01493 curveto
-336.91927 406.87171 336.6875 406.78968 336.34375 406.76884 curveto
-336.34375 406.47978 lineto
-339.40625 406.47978 lineto
-340.64844 402.83134 moveto
-338.0625 405.54228 lineto
-337.39063 405.54228 lineto
-338.29688 402.83134 lineto
-340.64844 402.83134 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-345.60938 406.27665 moveto
-345.72656 408.76884 lineto
-345.46094 408.76884 lineto
-345.14322 408.02926 344.8138 407.52405 344.47266 407.25321 curveto
-344.13151 406.98239 343.79166 406.84697 343.45313 406.84696 curveto
-343.23958 406.84697 343.05729 406.91858 342.90625 407.06181 curveto
-342.75521 407.20504 342.67969 407.37041 342.67969 407.5579 curveto
-342.67969 407.69853 342.73177 407.83395 342.83594 407.96415 curveto
-343.0026 408.1777 343.46875 408.54358 344.23438 409.06181 curveto
-345 409.58004 345.5039 410.02014 345.74609 410.38212 curveto
-345.98828 410.7441 346.10937 411.14905 346.10938 411.59696 curveto
-346.10937 412.00321 346.00781 412.40165 345.80469 412.79228 curveto
-345.60156 413.1829 345.3151 413.48238 344.94531 413.69071 curveto
-344.57552 413.89905 344.16666 414.00321 343.71875 414.00321 curveto
-343.36979 414.00321 342.90364 413.89384 342.32031 413.67509 curveto
-342.16406 413.6178 342.05729 413.58915 342 413.58915 curveto
-341.82812 413.58915 341.68489 413.71936 341.57031 413.97978 curveto
-341.3125 413.97978 lineto
-341.1875 411.35478 lineto
-341.45313 411.35478 lineto
-341.6875 412.04228 342.00911 412.5579 342.41797 412.90165 curveto
-342.82682 413.2454 343.21354 413.41728 343.57813 413.41728 curveto
-343.82812 413.41728 344.03255 413.34045 344.19141 413.18681 curveto
-344.35026 413.03316 344.42968 412.84696 344.42969 412.62821 curveto
-344.42968 412.37821 344.35156 412.16207 344.19531 411.97978 curveto
-344.03906 411.79749 343.6901 411.52144 343.14844 411.15165 curveto
-342.35156 410.59957 341.83594 410.1777 341.60156 409.88603 curveto
-341.25781 409.45895 341.08594 408.98759 341.08594 408.47196 curveto
-341.08594 407.90947 341.27995 407.40035 341.66797 406.94462 curveto
-342.05599 406.4889 342.61719 406.26103 343.35156 406.26103 curveto
-343.74739 406.26103 344.1302 406.35739 344.5 406.55009 curveto
-344.64062 406.62822 344.7552 406.66728 344.84375 406.66728 curveto
-344.9375 406.66728 345.01302 406.64775 345.07031 406.60868 curveto
-345.1276 406.56963 345.21875 406.45895 345.34375 406.27665 curveto
-345.60938 406.27665 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-353.39844 409.8704 moveto
-349.39063 409.8704 lineto
-349.4375 410.83915 349.69531 411.60478 350.16406 412.16728 curveto
-350.52343 412.59957 350.95572 412.81571 351.46094 412.81571 curveto
-351.77343 412.81571 352.05729 412.72847 352.3125 412.55399 curveto
-352.5677 412.37952 352.84114 412.06571 353.13281 411.61259 curveto
-353.39844 411.78446 lineto
-353.0026 412.59176 352.5651 413.16337 352.08594 413.49931 curveto
-351.60677 413.83524 351.05208 414.00321 350.42188 414.00321 curveto
-349.33854 414.00321 348.51823 413.58655 347.96094 412.75321 curveto
-347.51302 412.08134 347.28906 411.24801 347.28906 410.25321 curveto
-347.28906 409.03447 347.61849 408.06442 348.27734 407.34306 curveto
-348.9362 406.62171 349.70833 406.26103 350.59375 406.26103 curveto
-351.33333 406.26103 351.97526 406.56442 352.51953 407.17118 curveto
-353.0638 407.77796 353.35676 408.6777 353.39844 409.8704 curveto
-353.39844 409.8704 lineto
-351.47656 409.34696 moveto
-351.47656 408.50843 351.43098 407.93291 351.33984 407.6204 curveto
-351.24869 407.30791 351.10677 407.07093 350.91406 406.90946 curveto
-350.80468 406.81572 350.65885 406.76884 350.47656 406.76884 curveto
-350.20573 406.76884 349.98437 406.90166 349.8125 407.16728 curveto
-349.50521 407.63082 349.35156 408.26624 349.35156 409.07353 curveto
-349.35156 409.34696 lineto
-351.47656 409.34696 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-357.27344 403.19071 moveto
-357.27344 410.15946 lineto
-358.96875 408.4954 lineto
-359.3177 408.15686 359.53515 407.91207 359.62109 407.76103 curveto
-359.70703 407.60999 359.74999 407.46416 359.75 407.32353 curveto
-359.74999 407.18291 359.6927 407.06572 359.57813 406.97196 curveto
-359.46354 406.87822 359.23958 406.81051 358.90625 406.76884 curveto
-358.90625 406.47978 lineto
-362.17969 406.47978 lineto
-362.17969 406.76884 lineto
-361.86718 406.78447 361.59374 406.85869 361.35938 406.99149 curveto
-361.12499 407.12431 360.66666 407.52405 359.98438 408.19071 curveto
-359.1875 408.97196 lineto
-360.90625 411.48759 lineto
-361.59895 412.50842 362.01041 413.08134 362.14063 413.20634 curveto
-362.3177 413.38342 362.54166 413.48238 362.8125 413.50321 curveto
-362.8125 413.78446 lineto
-359.03906 413.78446 lineto
-359.03906 413.50321 lineto
-359.20572 413.50321 359.32682 413.47196 359.40234 413.40946 curveto
-359.47786 413.34696 359.51562 413.27925 359.51563 413.20634 curveto
-359.51562 413.08655 359.40624 412.86519 359.1875 412.54228 curveto
-357.74219 410.42509 lineto
-357.27344 410.88603 lineto
-357.27344 412.19853 lineto
-357.27343 412.75582 357.32552 413.10347 357.42969 413.24149 curveto
-357.53385 413.37952 357.74739 413.46675 358.07031 413.50321 curveto
-358.07031 413.78446 lineto
-354.29688 413.78446 lineto
-354.29688 413.50321 lineto
-354.60417 413.47196 354.82292 413.373 354.95313 413.20634 curveto
-355.04167 413.09175 355.08594 412.75582 355.08594 412.19853 curveto
-355.08594 404.77665 lineto
-355.08594 404.22458 355.03515 403.88083 354.93359 403.7454 curveto
-354.83203 403.60999 354.61979 403.52145 354.29688 403.47978 curveto
-354.29688 403.19071 lineto
-357.27344 403.19071 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 -11.111678 -333.35034] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-458.86719 413.01884 moveto
-458.86719 415.95634 lineto
-458.86718 416.52926 458.90234 416.88993 458.97266 417.03837 curveto
-459.04296 417.18681 459.16796 417.3053 459.34766 417.39384 curveto
-459.52734 417.48238 459.85677 417.52665 460.33594 417.52665 curveto
-460.33594 417.81571 lineto
-454.95313 417.81571 lineto
-454.95313 417.52665 lineto
-455.44271 417.52665 455.77474 417.48108 455.94922 417.38993 curveto
-456.1237 417.29879 456.24609 417.1803 456.31641 417.03446 curveto
-456.38672 416.88863 456.42187 416.52926 456.42188 415.95634 curveto
-456.42188 409.08134 lineto
-456.42187 408.50843 456.38672 408.14775 456.31641 407.99931 curveto
-456.24609 407.85088 456.12239 407.73239 455.94531 407.64384 curveto
-455.76823 407.55531 455.4375 407.51104 454.95313 407.51103 curveto
-454.95313 407.22196 lineto
-459.57031 407.22196 lineto
-461.09114 407.22197 462.18228 407.49281 462.84375 408.03446 curveto
-463.5052 408.57614 463.83593 409.25322 463.83594 410.06571 curveto
-463.83593 410.75322 463.62239 411.34176 463.19531 411.83134 curveto
-462.76822 412.32093 462.17968 412.65426 461.42969 412.83134 curveto
-460.92447 412.95634 460.07031 413.01884 458.86719 413.01884 curveto
-458.86719 413.01884 lineto
-458.86719 407.83134 moveto
-458.86719 412.40946 lineto
-459.03906 412.41988 459.16927 412.42509 459.25781 412.42509 curveto
-459.89322 412.42509 460.38281 412.23629 460.72656 411.85868 curveto
-461.07031 411.48108 461.24218 410.89645 461.24219 410.10478 curveto
-461.24218 409.31833 461.07031 408.74281 460.72656 408.37821 curveto
-460.38281 408.01364 459.86979 407.83135 459.1875 407.83134 curveto
-458.86719 407.83134 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-468.89844 416.73759 moveto
-468.00781 417.52405 467.20833 417.91728 466.5 417.91728 curveto
-466.08333 417.91728 465.73698 417.78056 465.46094 417.50712 curveto
-465.18489 417.23368 465.04687 416.89123 465.04688 416.47978 curveto
-465.04687 415.92249 465.28646 415.42118 465.76563 414.97587 curveto
-466.24479 414.53056 467.28906 413.93811 468.89844 413.19853 curveto
-468.89844 412.46415 lineto
-468.89843 411.91207 468.86849 411.56442 468.80859 411.42118 curveto
-468.74869 411.27796 468.63541 411.15296 468.46875 411.04618 curveto
-468.30208 410.93942 468.11458 410.88603 467.90625 410.88603 curveto
-467.56771 410.88603 467.28906 410.96155 467.07031 411.11259 curveto
-466.93489 411.20634 466.86718 411.31572 466.86719 411.44071 curveto
-466.86718 411.55009 466.9401 411.68551 467.08594 411.84696 curveto
-467.28385 412.07093 467.38281 412.28707 467.38281 412.4954 curveto
-467.38281 412.75061 467.28776 412.96806 467.09766 413.14774 curveto
-466.90755 413.32744 466.65885 413.41728 466.35156 413.41728 curveto
-466.02344 413.41728 465.7487 413.31832 465.52734 413.1204 curveto
-465.30599 412.92249 465.19531 412.69072 465.19531 412.42509 curveto
-465.19531 412.05009 465.34375 411.69202 465.64063 411.35087 curveto
-465.9375 411.00973 466.35156 410.74801 466.88281 410.56571 curveto
-467.41406 410.38343 467.96614 410.29228 468.53906 410.29228 curveto
-469.23177 410.29228 469.77994 410.43942 470.18359 410.73368 curveto
-470.58723 411.02796 470.84895 411.34697 470.96875 411.69071 curveto
-471.04166 411.90947 471.07812 412.41207 471.07813 413.19853 curveto
-471.07813 416.03446 lineto
-471.07812 416.3678 471.09114 416.57743 471.11719 416.66337 curveto
-471.14322 416.74931 471.18228 416.81311 471.23438 416.85478 curveto
-471.28645 416.89644 471.34635 416.91728 471.41406 416.91728 curveto
-471.54947 416.91728 471.68749 416.82092 471.82813 416.62821 curveto
-472.0625 416.81571 lineto
-471.80208 417.20113 471.53254 417.48108 471.25391 417.65556 curveto
-470.97525 417.83004 470.65885 417.91728 470.30469 417.91728 curveto
-469.88802 417.91728 469.56249 417.81962 469.32813 417.62431 curveto
-469.09375 417.42899 468.95052 417.13342 468.89844 416.73759 curveto
-468.89844 416.73759 lineto
-468.89844 416.16728 moveto
-468.89844 413.72196 lineto
-468.26823 414.09176 467.79948 414.48759 467.49219 414.90946 curveto
-467.28906 415.19072 467.1875 415.47457 467.1875 415.76103 curveto
-467.1875 416.00061 467.27343 416.21155 467.44531 416.39384 curveto
-467.57552 416.53446 467.75781 416.60478 467.99219 416.60478 curveto
-468.2526 416.60478 468.55468 416.45894 468.89844 416.16728 curveto
-468.89844 416.16728 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-476.16406 418.03446 moveto
-473.70313 412.3704 lineto
-473.40625 411.68811 473.17448 411.25582 473.00781 411.07353 curveto
-472.88802 410.93812 472.71094 410.84697 472.47656 410.80009 curveto
-472.47656 410.51103 lineto
-476.35938 410.51103 lineto
-476.35938 410.80009 lineto
-476.11458 410.80009 475.94791 410.84437 475.85938 410.9329 curveto
-475.73437 411.04749 475.67187 411.18291 475.67188 411.33915 curveto
-475.67187 411.53186 475.78645 411.89384 476.01563 412.42509 curveto
-477.21875 415.16728 lineto
-478.17969 412.80009 lineto
-478.45572 412.12301 478.59374 411.64384 478.59375 411.36259 curveto
-478.59374 411.20114 478.53515 411.06963 478.41797 410.96806 curveto
-478.30078 410.8665 478.09374 410.81051 477.79688 410.80009 curveto
-477.79688 410.51103 lineto
-480.1875 410.51103 lineto
-480.1875 410.80009 lineto
-479.95833 410.83134 479.77083 410.91728 479.625 411.0579 curveto
-479.47916 411.19853 479.26041 411.61259 478.96875 412.30009 curveto
-476.53125 418.03446 lineto
-476.16406 418.03446 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-483.72656 407.22196 moveto
-483.72656 416.30009 lineto
-483.72656 416.81571 483.78645 417.14514 483.90625 417.28837 curveto
-484.02604 417.4316 484.26041 417.51363 484.60938 417.53446 curveto
-484.60938 417.81571 lineto
-480.66406 417.81571 lineto
-480.66406 417.53446 lineto
-480.98698 417.52405 481.22656 417.4303 481.38281 417.25321 curveto
-481.48698 417.13342 481.53906 416.81571 481.53906 416.30009 curveto
-481.53906 408.73759 lineto
-481.53906 408.22718 481.47917 407.90036 481.35938 407.75712 curveto
-481.23958 407.6139 481.00781 407.53187 480.66406 407.51103 curveto
-480.66406 407.22196 lineto
-483.72656 407.22196 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-488.15625 410.51103 moveto
-488.15625 416.30009 lineto
-488.15625 416.81571 488.21614 417.14514 488.33594 417.28837 curveto
-488.45573 417.4316 488.6901 417.51363 489.03906 417.53446 curveto
-489.03906 417.81571 lineto
-485.09375 417.81571 lineto
-485.09375 417.53446 lineto
-485.41667 417.52405 485.65625 417.4303 485.8125 417.25321 curveto
-485.91667 417.13342 485.96875 416.81571 485.96875 416.30009 curveto
-485.96875 412.03446 lineto
-485.96875 411.51884 485.90885 411.18942 485.78906 411.04618 curveto
-485.66927 410.90296 485.4375 410.82093 485.09375 410.80009 curveto
-485.09375 410.51103 lineto
-488.15625 410.51103 lineto
-489.39844 406.86259 moveto
-486.8125 409.57353 lineto
-486.14063 409.57353 lineto
-487.04688 406.86259 lineto
-489.39844 406.86259 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-492.72656 410.51103 moveto
-492.72656 411.45634 lineto
-493.10156 411.05009 493.46093 410.75452 493.80469 410.56962 curveto
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-495.38801 410.29228 495.78124 410.42379 496.09375 410.68681 curveto
-496.40624 410.94983 496.61458 411.27666 496.71875 411.66728 curveto
-496.80208 411.96416 496.84374 412.53447 496.84375 413.37821 curveto
-496.84375 416.22196 lineto
-496.84374 416.78446 496.89452 417.13472 496.99609 417.27274 curveto
-497.09765 417.41077 497.30989 417.498 497.63281 417.53446 curveto
-497.63281 417.81571 lineto
-493.9375 417.81571 lineto
-493.9375 417.53446 lineto
-494.21354 417.498 494.41145 417.38342 494.53125 417.19071 curveto
-494.61458 417.06051 494.65624 416.73759 494.65625 416.22196 curveto
-494.65625 412.97196 lineto
-494.65624 412.37301 494.63281 411.99541 494.58594 411.83915 curveto
-494.53906 411.68291 494.45963 411.56181 494.34766 411.47587 curveto
-494.23567 411.38994 494.11197 411.34697 493.97656 411.34696 curveto
-493.52864 411.34697 493.11198 411.66728 492.72656 412.3079 curveto
-492.72656 416.22196 lineto
-492.72656 416.76884 492.77734 417.11519 492.87891 417.26103 curveto
-492.98046 417.40686 493.16927 417.498 493.44531 417.53446 curveto
-493.44531 417.81571 lineto
-489.75 417.81571 lineto
-489.75 417.53446 lineto
-490.05729 417.50321 490.27604 417.40425 490.40625 417.23759 curveto
-490.49479 417.123 490.53906 416.78446 490.53906 416.22196 curveto
-490.53906 412.09696 lineto
-490.53906 411.54489 490.48828 411.20114 490.38672 411.06571 curveto
-490.28516 410.9303 490.07292 410.84176 489.75 410.80009 curveto
-489.75 410.51103 lineto
-492.72656 410.51103 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-502.67969 416.73759 moveto
-501.78906 417.52405 500.98958 417.91728 500.28125 417.91728 curveto
-499.86458 417.91728 499.51823 417.78056 499.24219 417.50712 curveto
-498.96614 417.23368 498.82812 416.89123 498.82813 416.47978 curveto
-498.82812 415.92249 499.06771 415.42118 499.54688 414.97587 curveto
-500.02604 414.53056 501.07031 413.93811 502.67969 413.19853 curveto
-502.67969 412.46415 lineto
-502.67968 411.91207 502.64974 411.56442 502.58984 411.42118 curveto
-502.52994 411.27796 502.41666 411.15296 502.25 411.04618 curveto
-502.08333 410.93942 501.89583 410.88603 501.6875 410.88603 curveto
-501.34896 410.88603 501.07031 410.96155 500.85156 411.11259 curveto
-500.71614 411.20634 500.64843 411.31572 500.64844 411.44071 curveto
-500.64843 411.55009 500.72135 411.68551 500.86719 411.84696 curveto
-501.0651 412.07093 501.16406 412.28707 501.16406 412.4954 curveto
-501.16406 412.75061 501.06901 412.96806 500.87891 413.14774 curveto
-500.6888 413.32744 500.4401 413.41728 500.13281 413.41728 curveto
-499.80469 413.41728 499.52995 413.31832 499.30859 413.1204 curveto
-499.08724 412.92249 498.97656 412.69072 498.97656 412.42509 curveto
-498.97656 412.05009 499.125 411.69202 499.42188 411.35087 curveto
-499.71875 411.00973 500.13281 410.74801 500.66406 410.56571 curveto
-501.19531 410.38343 501.74739 410.29228 502.32031 410.29228 curveto
-503.01302 410.29228 503.56119 410.43942 503.96484 410.73368 curveto
-504.36848 411.02796 504.6302 411.34697 504.75 411.69071 curveto
-504.82291 411.90947 504.85937 412.41207 504.85938 413.19853 curveto
-504.85938 416.03446 lineto
-504.85937 416.3678 504.87239 416.57743 504.89844 416.66337 curveto
-504.92447 416.74931 504.96353 416.81311 505.01563 416.85478 curveto
-505.0677 416.89644 505.1276 416.91728 505.19531 416.91728 curveto
-505.33072 416.91728 505.46874 416.82092 505.60938 416.62821 curveto
-505.84375 416.81571 lineto
-505.58333 417.20113 505.31379 417.48108 505.03516 417.65556 curveto
-504.7565 417.83004 504.4401 417.91728 504.08594 417.91728 curveto
-503.66927 417.91728 503.34374 417.81962 503.10938 417.62431 curveto
-502.875 417.42899 502.73177 417.13342 502.67969 416.73759 curveto
-502.67969 416.73759 lineto
-502.67969 416.16728 moveto
-502.67969 413.72196 lineto
-502.04948 414.09176 501.58073 414.48759 501.27344 414.90946 curveto
-501.07031 415.19072 500.96875 415.47457 500.96875 415.76103 curveto
-500.96875 416.00061 501.05468 416.21155 501.22656 416.39384 curveto
-501.35677 416.53446 501.53906 416.60478 501.77344 416.60478 curveto
-502.03385 416.60478 502.33593 416.45894 502.67969 416.16728 curveto
-502.67969 416.16728 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 216.17264 -312.13714] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-324.05469 466.40946 moveto
-324.29426 467.10217 324.66666 467.623 325.17188 467.97196 curveto
-325.67707 468.32092 326.30989 468.4954 327.07031 468.4954 curveto
-327.27863 468.4954 327.49999 468.47456 327.73438 468.4329 curveto
-327.73438 468.90946 lineto
-326.94791 469.10738 326.24478 469.20633 325.625 469.20634 curveto
-324.65624 469.20633 323.79036 468.96936 323.02734 468.4954 curveto
-322.26432 468.02144 321.6901 467.32613 321.30469 466.40946 curveto
-320.02343 466.13863 318.99088 465.51103 318.20703 464.52665 curveto
-317.42318 463.54228 317.03125 462.3678 317.03125 461.00321 curveto
-317.03125 459.41989 317.5625 458.10348 318.625 457.05399 curveto
-319.6875 456.00453 321.03645 455.47979 322.67188 455.47978 curveto
-324.30208 455.47979 325.64582 456.00583 326.70313 457.0579 curveto
-327.76041 458.10999 328.28905 459.42509 328.28906 461.00321 curveto
-328.28905 462.37822 327.87499 463.57353 327.04688 464.58915 curveto
-326.21874 465.60478 325.22135 466.21155 324.05469 466.40946 curveto
-324.05469 466.40946 lineto
-322.66406 456.07353 moveto
-321.72656 456.07354 321.0026 456.56051 320.49219 457.53446 curveto
-320.0651 458.35218 319.85156 459.51624 319.85156 461.02665 curveto
-319.85156 462.83915 320.17187 464.1829 320.8125 465.0579 curveto
-321.26041 465.66728 321.8776 465.97196 322.66406 465.97196 curveto
-323.45572 465.97196 324.07291 465.67248 324.51563 465.07353 curveto
-325.15624 464.21415 325.47655 462.92249 325.47656 461.19853 curveto
-325.47655 459.50062 325.27603 458.27145 324.875 457.51103 curveto
-324.37499 456.5527 323.63801 456.07354 322.66406 456.07353 curveto
-322.66406 456.07353 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-335.57031 462.40165 moveto
-331.5625 462.40165 lineto
-331.60937 463.3704 331.86718 464.13603 332.33594 464.69853 curveto
-332.69531 465.13082 333.1276 465.34696 333.63281 465.34696 curveto
-333.94531 465.34696 334.22916 465.25972 334.48438 465.08524 curveto
-334.73958 464.91077 335.01301 464.59696 335.30469 464.14384 curveto
-335.57031 464.31571 lineto
-335.17447 465.12301 334.73697 465.69462 334.25781 466.03056 curveto
-333.77864 466.36649 333.22395 466.53446 332.59375 466.53446 curveto
-331.51041 466.53446 330.6901 466.1178 330.13281 465.28446 curveto
-329.68489 464.61259 329.46094 463.77926 329.46094 462.78446 curveto
-329.46094 461.56572 329.79036 460.59567 330.44922 459.87431 curveto
-331.10807 459.15296 331.88021 458.79228 332.76563 458.79228 curveto
-333.5052 458.79228 334.14713 459.09567 334.69141 459.70243 curveto
-335.23567 460.30921 335.52864 461.20895 335.57031 462.40165 curveto
-335.57031 462.40165 lineto
-333.64844 461.87821 moveto
-333.64843 461.03968 333.60286 460.46416 333.51172 460.15165 curveto
-333.42057 459.83916 333.27864 459.60218 333.08594 459.44071 curveto
-332.97656 459.34697 332.83073 459.30009 332.64844 459.30009 curveto
-332.3776 459.30009 332.15625 459.43291 331.98438 459.69853 curveto
-331.67708 460.16207 331.52343 460.79749 331.52344 461.60478 curveto
-331.52344 461.87821 lineto
-333.64844 461.87821 lineto
-331.77344 458.15165 moveto
-330.19531 455.16728 lineto
-330.78906 455.16728 lineto
-332.65625 456.77665 lineto
-334.57031 455.21415 lineto
-335.21094 455.21415 lineto
-333.53906 458.15165 lineto
-331.77344 458.15165 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-339.375 456.33915 moveto
-339.375 459.01103 lineto
-341.10938 459.01103 lineto
-341.10938 459.78446 lineto
-339.375 459.78446 lineto
-339.375 464.29228 lineto
-339.375 464.71415 339.39453 464.98629 339.43359 465.10868 curveto
-339.47265 465.23108 339.54166 465.33004 339.64063 465.40556 curveto
-339.73958 465.48108 339.83073 465.51884 339.91406 465.51884 curveto
-340.2526 465.51884 340.57291 465.26103 340.875 464.7454 curveto
-341.10938 464.91728 lineto
-340.6875 465.91728 340.0026 466.41728 339.05469 466.41728 curveto
-338.59114 466.41728 338.19922 466.28837 337.87891 466.03056 curveto
-337.55859 465.77274 337.35417 465.48498 337.26563 465.16728 curveto
-337.21354 464.99019 337.1875 464.51103 337.1875 463.72978 curveto
-337.1875 459.78446 lineto
-336.23438 459.78446 lineto
-336.23438 459.51103 lineto
-336.89062 459.04749 337.44922 458.56051 337.91016 458.05009 curveto
-338.37109 457.53968 338.77343 456.96937 339.11719 456.33915 curveto
-339.375 456.33915 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-345.85156 465.23759 moveto
-344.96093 466.02405 344.16146 466.41728 343.45313 466.41728 curveto
-343.03646 466.41728 342.6901 466.28056 342.41406 466.00712 curveto
-342.13802 465.73368 342 465.39123 342 464.97978 curveto
-342 464.42249 342.23958 463.92118 342.71875 463.47587 curveto
-343.19791 463.03056 344.24218 462.43811 345.85156 461.69853 curveto
-345.85156 460.96415 lineto
-345.85156 460.41207 345.82161 460.06442 345.76172 459.92118 curveto
-345.70182 459.77796 345.58854 459.65296 345.42188 459.54618 curveto
-345.2552 459.43942 345.0677 459.38603 344.85938 459.38603 curveto
-344.52083 459.38603 344.24218 459.46155 344.02344 459.61259 curveto
-343.88802 459.70634 343.82031 459.81572 343.82031 459.94071 curveto
-343.82031 460.05009 343.89323 460.18551 344.03906 460.34696 curveto
-344.23698 460.57093 344.33593 460.78707 344.33594 460.9954 curveto
-344.33593 461.25061 344.24088 461.46806 344.05078 461.64774 curveto
-343.86067 461.82744 343.61198 461.91728 343.30469 461.91728 curveto
-342.97656 461.91728 342.70182 461.81832 342.48047 461.6204 curveto
-342.25911 461.42249 342.14844 461.19072 342.14844 460.92509 curveto
-342.14844 460.55009 342.29687 460.19202 342.59375 459.85087 curveto
-342.89062 459.50973 343.30469 459.24801 343.83594 459.06571 curveto
-344.36718 458.88343 344.91927 458.79228 345.49219 458.79228 curveto
-346.18489 458.79228 346.73307 458.93942 347.13672 459.23368 curveto
-347.54036 459.52796 347.80208 459.84697 347.92188 460.19071 curveto
-347.99478 460.40947 348.03124 460.91207 348.03125 461.69853 curveto
-348.03125 464.53446 lineto
-348.03124 464.8678 348.04426 465.07743 348.07031 465.16337 curveto
-348.09635 465.24931 348.13541 465.31311 348.1875 465.35478 curveto
-348.23958 465.39644 348.29947 465.41728 348.36719 465.41728 curveto
-348.5026 465.41728 348.64062 465.32092 348.78125 465.12821 curveto
-349.01563 465.31571 lineto
-348.7552 465.70113 348.48567 465.98108 348.20703 466.15556 curveto
-347.92838 466.33004 347.61197 466.41728 347.25781 466.41728 curveto
-346.84114 466.41728 346.51562 466.31962 346.28125 466.12431 curveto
-346.04687 465.92899 345.90364 465.63342 345.85156 465.23759 curveto
-345.85156 465.23759 lineto
-345.85156 464.66728 moveto
-345.85156 462.22196 lineto
-345.22135 462.59176 344.7526 462.98759 344.44531 463.40946 curveto
-344.24218 463.69072 344.14062 463.97457 344.14063 464.26103 curveto
-344.14062 464.50061 344.22656 464.71155 344.39844 464.89384 curveto
-344.52864 465.03446 344.71093 465.10478 344.94531 465.10478 curveto
-345.20573 465.10478 345.50781 464.95894 345.85156 464.66728 curveto
-345.85156 464.66728 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 166.67517 -233.34524] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-452.28125 455.42509 moveto
-452.28125 458.39384 lineto
-452.28125 458.96676 452.3164 459.32743 452.38672 459.47587 curveto
-452.45703 459.62431 452.58072 459.7428 452.75781 459.83134 curveto
-452.93489 459.91988 453.26562 459.96415 453.75 459.96415 curveto
-453.75 460.25321 lineto
-448.32813 460.25321 lineto
-448.32813 459.96415 lineto
-448.81771 459.96415 449.14974 459.91858 449.32422 459.82743 curveto
-449.4987 459.73629 449.62109 459.6178 449.69141 459.47196 curveto
-449.76172 459.32613 449.79687 458.96676 449.79688 458.39384 curveto
-449.79688 451.51884 lineto
-449.79687 450.94593 449.76172 450.58525 449.69141 450.43681 curveto
-449.62109 450.28838 449.49739 450.16989 449.32031 450.08134 curveto
-449.14323 449.99281 448.8125 449.94854 448.32813 449.94853 curveto
-448.32813 449.65946 lineto
-453.25 449.65946 lineto
-454.53124 449.65947 455.46874 449.74801 456.0625 449.92509 curveto
-456.65624 450.10218 457.14062 450.429 457.51563 450.90556 curveto
-457.89062 451.38213 458.07811 451.94072 458.07813 452.58134 curveto
-458.07811 453.36259 457.79687 454.00843 457.23438 454.51884 curveto
-456.87499 454.84176 456.37239 455.08395 455.72656 455.2454 curveto
-458.27344 458.83134 lineto
-458.60676 459.29488 458.84374 459.58394 458.98438 459.69853 curveto
-459.19791 459.85998 459.4453 459.94853 459.72656 459.96415 curveto
-459.72656 460.25321 lineto
-456.39063 460.25321 lineto
-452.97656 455.42509 lineto
-452.28125 455.42509 lineto
-452.28125 450.22978 moveto
-452.28125 454.8704 lineto
-452.72656 454.8704 lineto
-453.45052 454.87041 453.99218 454.804 454.35156 454.67118 curveto
-454.71093 454.53837 454.99348 454.29879 455.19922 453.95243 curveto
-455.40494 453.60608 455.50781 453.15426 455.50781 452.59696 curveto
-455.50781 451.78968 455.319 451.19333 454.94141 450.8079 curveto
-454.5638 450.42249 453.95572 450.22979 453.11719 450.22978 curveto
-452.28125 450.22978 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-464.16406 459.17509 moveto
-463.27343 459.96155 462.47396 460.35478 461.76563 460.35478 curveto
-461.34896 460.35478 461.0026 460.21806 460.72656 459.94462 curveto
-460.45052 459.67118 460.3125 459.32873 460.3125 458.91728 curveto
-460.3125 458.35999 460.55208 457.85868 461.03125 457.41337 curveto
-461.51041 456.96806 462.55468 456.37561 464.16406 455.63603 curveto
-464.16406 454.90165 lineto
-464.16406 454.34957 464.13411 454.00192 464.07422 453.85868 curveto
-464.01432 453.71546 463.90104 453.59046 463.73438 453.48368 curveto
-463.5677 453.37692 463.3802 453.32353 463.17188 453.32353 curveto
-462.83333 453.32353 462.55468 453.39905 462.33594 453.55009 curveto
-462.20052 453.64384 462.13281 453.75322 462.13281 453.87821 curveto
-462.13281 453.98759 462.20573 454.12301 462.35156 454.28446 curveto
-462.54948 454.50843 462.64843 454.72457 462.64844 454.9329 curveto
-462.64843 455.18811 462.55338 455.40556 462.36328 455.58524 curveto
-462.17317 455.76494 461.92448 455.85478 461.61719 455.85478 curveto
-461.28906 455.85478 461.01432 455.75582 460.79297 455.5579 curveto
-460.57161 455.35999 460.46094 455.12822 460.46094 454.86259 curveto
-460.46094 454.48759 460.60937 454.12952 460.90625 453.78837 curveto
-461.20312 453.44723 461.61719 453.18551 462.14844 453.00321 curveto
-462.67968 452.82093 463.23177 452.72978 463.80469 452.72978 curveto
-464.49739 452.72978 465.04557 452.87692 465.44922 453.17118 curveto
-465.85286 453.46546 466.11458 453.78447 466.23438 454.12821 curveto
-466.30728 454.34697 466.34374 454.84957 466.34375 455.63603 curveto
-466.34375 458.47196 lineto
-466.34374 458.8053 466.35676 459.01493 466.38281 459.10087 curveto
-466.40885 459.18681 466.44791 459.25061 466.5 459.29228 curveto
-466.55208 459.33394 466.61197 459.35478 466.67969 459.35478 curveto
-466.8151 459.35478 466.95312 459.25842 467.09375 459.06571 curveto
-467.32813 459.25321 lineto
-467.0677 459.63863 466.79817 459.91858 466.51953 460.09306 curveto
-466.24088 460.26754 465.92447 460.35478 465.57031 460.35478 curveto
-465.15364 460.35478 464.82812 460.25712 464.59375 460.06181 curveto
-464.35937 459.86649 464.21614 459.57092 464.16406 459.17509 curveto
-464.16406 459.17509 lineto
-464.16406 458.60478 moveto
-464.16406 456.15946 lineto
-463.53385 456.52926 463.0651 456.92509 462.75781 457.34696 curveto
-462.55468 457.62822 462.45312 457.91207 462.45313 458.19853 curveto
-462.45312 458.43811 462.53906 458.64905 462.71094 458.83134 curveto
-462.84114 458.97196 463.02343 459.04228 463.25781 459.04228 curveto
-463.51823 459.04228 463.82031 458.89644 464.16406 458.60478 curveto
-464.16406 458.60478 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-475.23438 449.65946 moveto
-475.23438 458.06571 lineto
-475.23437 458.63342 475.24999 458.96936 475.28125 459.07353 curveto
-475.32291 459.2454 475.40234 459.37301 475.51953 459.45634 curveto
-475.63671 459.53967 475.84114 459.59175 476.13281 459.61259 curveto
-476.13281 459.8704 lineto
-473.04688 460.47196 lineto
-473.04688 459.31571 lineto
-472.67708 459.76363 472.34765 460.06832 472.05859 460.22978 curveto
-471.76953 460.39123 471.4427 460.47196 471.07813 460.47196 curveto
-470.14583 460.47196 469.40885 460.0553 468.86719 459.22196 curveto
-468.42969 458.54488 468.21094 457.71415 468.21094 456.72978 curveto
-468.21094 455.94332 468.34635 455.23889 468.61719 454.61649 curveto
-468.88802 453.9941 469.25911 453.52405 469.73047 453.20634 curveto
-470.20182 452.88864 470.70833 452.72978 471.25 452.72978 curveto
-471.59895 452.72978 471.90885 452.79749 472.17969 452.9329 curveto
-472.45052 453.06832 472.73958 453.3053 473.04688 453.64384 curveto
-473.04688 451.44071 lineto
-473.04687 450.88343 473.02343 450.54749 472.97656 450.4329 curveto
-472.91406 450.28187 472.82031 450.16989 472.69531 450.09696 curveto
-472.57031 450.02406 472.33593 449.9876 471.99219 449.98759 curveto
-471.99219 449.65946 lineto
-475.23438 449.65946 lineto
-473.04688 454.61259 moveto
-472.66145 453.87301 472.1901 453.50322 471.63281 453.50321 curveto
-471.4401 453.50322 471.28125 453.5553 471.15625 453.65946 curveto
-470.96354 453.82093 470.80599 454.10478 470.68359 454.51103 curveto
-470.56119 454.91728 470.5 455.53968 470.5 456.37821 curveto
-470.5 457.30009 470.56771 457.98238 470.70313 458.42509 curveto
-470.83854 458.8678 471.02343 459.18811 471.25781 459.38603 curveto
-471.3776 459.48498 471.54166 459.53446 471.75 459.53446 curveto
-472.20833 459.53446 472.64062 459.17509 473.04688 458.45634 curveto
-473.04688 454.61259 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-480.00781 449.65946 moveto
-480.00781 456.62821 lineto
-481.70313 454.96415 lineto
-482.05208 454.62561 482.26953 454.38082 482.35547 454.22978 curveto
-482.4414 454.07874 482.48437 453.93291 482.48438 453.79228 curveto
-482.48437 453.65166 482.42708 453.53447 482.3125 453.44071 curveto
-482.19791 453.34697 481.97395 453.27926 481.64063 453.23759 curveto
-481.64063 452.94853 lineto
-484.91406 452.94853 lineto
-484.91406 453.23759 lineto
-484.60155 453.25322 484.32812 453.32744 484.09375 453.46024 curveto
-483.85937 453.59306 483.40103 453.9928 482.71875 454.65946 curveto
-481.92188 455.44071 lineto
-483.64063 457.95634 lineto
-484.33333 458.97717 484.74478 459.55009 484.875 459.67509 curveto
-485.05207 459.85217 485.27603 459.95113 485.54688 459.97196 curveto
-485.54688 460.25321 lineto
-481.77344 460.25321 lineto
-481.77344 459.97196 lineto
-481.9401 459.97196 482.06119 459.94071 482.13672 459.87821 curveto
-482.21223 459.81571 482.24999 459.748 482.25 459.67509 curveto
-482.24999 459.5553 482.14062 459.33394 481.92188 459.01103 curveto
-480.47656 456.89384 lineto
-480.00781 457.35478 lineto
-480.00781 458.66728 lineto
-480.00781 459.22457 480.05989 459.57222 480.16406 459.71024 curveto
-480.26823 459.84827 480.48177 459.9355 480.80469 459.97196 curveto
-480.80469 460.25321 lineto
-477.03125 460.25321 lineto
-477.03125 459.97196 lineto
-477.33854 459.94071 477.55729 459.84175 477.6875 459.67509 curveto
-477.77604 459.5605 477.82031 459.22457 477.82031 458.66728 curveto
-477.82031 451.2454 lineto
-477.82031 450.69333 477.76953 450.34958 477.66797 450.21415 curveto
-477.56641 450.07874 477.35417 449.9902 477.03125 449.94853 curveto
-477.03125 449.65946 lineto
-480.00781 449.65946 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-489.97656 459.17509 moveto
-489.08593 459.96155 488.28646 460.35478 487.57813 460.35478 curveto
-487.16146 460.35478 486.8151 460.21806 486.53906 459.94462 curveto
-486.26302 459.67118 486.125 459.32873 486.125 458.91728 curveto
-486.125 458.35999 486.36458 457.85868 486.84375 457.41337 curveto
-487.32291 456.96806 488.36718 456.37561 489.97656 455.63603 curveto
-489.97656 454.90165 lineto
-489.97656 454.34957 489.94661 454.00192 489.88672 453.85868 curveto
-489.82682 453.71546 489.71354 453.59046 489.54688 453.48368 curveto
-489.3802 453.37692 489.1927 453.32353 488.98438 453.32353 curveto
-488.64583 453.32353 488.36718 453.39905 488.14844 453.55009 curveto
-488.01302 453.64384 487.94531 453.75322 487.94531 453.87821 curveto
-487.94531 453.98759 488.01823 454.12301 488.16406 454.28446 curveto
-488.36198 454.50843 488.46093 454.72457 488.46094 454.9329 curveto
-488.46093 455.18811 488.36588 455.40556 488.17578 455.58524 curveto
-487.98567 455.76494 487.73698 455.85478 487.42969 455.85478 curveto
-487.10156 455.85478 486.82682 455.75582 486.60547 455.5579 curveto
-486.38411 455.35999 486.27344 455.12822 486.27344 454.86259 curveto
-486.27344 454.48759 486.42187 454.12952 486.71875 453.78837 curveto
-487.01562 453.44723 487.42969 453.18551 487.96094 453.00321 curveto
-488.49218 452.82093 489.04427 452.72978 489.61719 452.72978 curveto
-490.30989 452.72978 490.85807 452.87692 491.26172 453.17118 curveto
-491.66536 453.46546 491.92708 453.78447 492.04688 454.12821 curveto
-492.11978 454.34697 492.15624 454.84957 492.15625 455.63603 curveto
-492.15625 458.47196 lineto
-492.15624 458.8053 492.16926 459.01493 492.19531 459.10087 curveto
-492.22135 459.18681 492.26041 459.25061 492.3125 459.29228 curveto
-492.36458 459.33394 492.42447 459.35478 492.49219 459.35478 curveto
-492.6276 459.35478 492.76562 459.25842 492.90625 459.06571 curveto
-493.14063 459.25321 lineto
-492.8802 459.63863 492.61067 459.91858 492.33203 460.09306 curveto
-492.05338 460.26754 491.73697 460.35478 491.38281 460.35478 curveto
-490.96614 460.35478 490.64062 460.25712 490.40625 460.06181 curveto
-490.17187 459.86649 490.02864 459.57092 489.97656 459.17509 curveto
-489.97656 459.17509 lineto
-489.97656 458.60478 moveto
-489.97656 456.15946 lineto
-489.34635 456.52926 488.8776 456.92509 488.57031 457.34696 curveto
-488.36718 457.62822 488.26562 457.91207 488.26563 458.19853 curveto
-488.26562 458.43811 488.35156 458.64905 488.52344 458.83134 curveto
-488.65364 458.97196 488.83593 459.04228 489.07031 459.04228 curveto
-489.33073 459.04228 489.63281 458.89644 489.97656 458.60478 curveto
-489.97656 458.60478 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 18.182746 -165.66502] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-161.13281 520.69853 moveto
-164.05469 525.03446 lineto
-164.53905 525.75321 164.8841 526.18941 165.08984 526.34306 curveto
-165.29556 526.4967 165.53905 526.58915 165.82031 526.6204 curveto
-165.82031 526.90946 lineto
-160.65625 526.90946 lineto
-160.65625 526.6204 lineto
-161.0677 526.58915 161.33333 526.52665 161.45313 526.4329 curveto
-161.57291 526.33915 161.63281 526.22457 161.63281 526.08915 curveto
-161.63281 525.9954 161.61458 525.91207 161.57813 525.83915 curveto
-161.5052 525.6829 161.32291 525.39123 161.03125 524.96415 curveto
-159.48438 522.67509 lineto
-157.86719 524.65165 lineto
-157.38281 525.25061 157.14062 525.65686 157.14063 525.8704 curveto
-157.14062 526.02144 157.20312 526.16207 157.32813 526.29228 curveto
-157.45312 526.42248 157.63802 526.51623 157.88281 526.57353 curveto
-157.99218 526.60478 158.21614 526.6204 158.55469 526.6204 curveto
-158.55469 526.90946 lineto
-154.48438 526.90946 lineto
-154.48438 526.6204 lineto
-154.94792 526.55269 155.3125 526.42769 155.57813 526.2454 curveto
-155.92708 526.00582 156.41406 525.50582 157.03906 524.7454 curveto
-159.14063 522.1829 lineto
-156.44531 518.22196 lineto
-156.0026 517.57093 155.75 517.20895 155.6875 517.13603 curveto
-155.54687 516.96416 155.40885 516.84176 155.27344 516.76884 curveto
-155.13802 516.69593 154.95052 516.64124 154.71094 516.60478 curveto
-154.71094 516.31571 lineto
-159.96875 516.31571 lineto
-159.96875 516.60478 lineto
-159.70313 516.60478 lineto
-159.40104 516.60479 159.1901 516.65296 159.07031 516.74931 curveto
-158.95052 516.84567 158.89062 516.96676 158.89063 517.11259 curveto
-158.89062 517.22718 158.90885 517.32614 158.94531 517.40946 curveto
-159.48438 518.22196 lineto
-160.79688 520.22196 lineto
-161.91406 518.85478 lineto
-162.48697 518.15166 162.77343 517.65947 162.77344 517.37821 curveto
-162.77343 517.2376 162.73306 517.10739 162.65234 516.98759 curveto
-162.57161 516.86781 162.45572 516.77406 162.30469 516.70634 curveto
-162.15364 516.63864 161.91926 516.60479 161.60156 516.60478 curveto
-161.60156 516.31571 lineto
-165.5 516.31571 lineto
-165.5 516.60478 lineto
-165.1927 516.60999 164.9453 516.64775 164.75781 516.71806 curveto
-164.5703 516.78838 164.36978 516.91989 164.15625 517.11259 curveto
-164.02082 517.2376 163.68228 517.62562 163.14063 518.27665 curveto
-161.13281 520.69853 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-170.50781 525.83134 moveto
-169.61718 526.6178 168.81771 527.01103 168.10938 527.01103 curveto
-167.69271 527.01103 167.34635 526.87431 167.07031 526.60087 curveto
-166.79427 526.32743 166.65625 525.98498 166.65625 525.57353 curveto
-166.65625 525.01624 166.89583 524.51493 167.375 524.06962 curveto
-167.85416 523.62431 168.89843 523.03186 170.50781 522.29228 curveto
-170.50781 521.5579 lineto
-170.50781 521.00582 170.47786 520.65817 170.41797 520.51493 curveto
-170.35807 520.37171 170.24479 520.24671 170.07813 520.13993 curveto
-169.91145 520.03317 169.72395 519.97978 169.51563 519.97978 curveto
-169.17708 519.97978 168.89843 520.0553 168.67969 520.20634 curveto
-168.54427 520.30009 168.47656 520.40947 168.47656 520.53446 curveto
-168.47656 520.64384 168.54948 520.77926 168.69531 520.94071 curveto
-168.89323 521.16468 168.99218 521.38082 168.99219 521.58915 curveto
-168.99218 521.84436 168.89713 522.06181 168.70703 522.24149 curveto
-168.51692 522.42119 168.26823 522.51103 167.96094 522.51103 curveto
-167.63281 522.51103 167.35807 522.41207 167.13672 522.21415 curveto
-166.91536 522.01624 166.80469 521.78447 166.80469 521.51884 curveto
-166.80469 521.14384 166.95312 520.78577 167.25 520.44462 curveto
-167.54687 520.10348 167.96094 519.84176 168.49219 519.65946 curveto
-169.02343 519.47718 169.57552 519.38603 170.14844 519.38603 curveto
-170.84114 519.38603 171.38932 519.53317 171.79297 519.82743 curveto
-172.19661 520.12171 172.45833 520.44072 172.57813 520.78446 curveto
-172.65103 521.00322 172.68749 521.50582 172.6875 522.29228 curveto
-172.6875 525.12821 lineto
-172.68749 525.46155 172.70051 525.67118 172.72656 525.75712 curveto
-172.7526 525.84306 172.79166 525.90686 172.84375 525.94853 curveto
-172.89583 525.99019 172.95572 526.01103 173.02344 526.01103 curveto
-173.15885 526.01103 173.29687 525.91467 173.4375 525.72196 curveto
-173.67188 525.90946 lineto
-173.41145 526.29488 173.14192 526.57483 172.86328 526.74931 curveto
-172.58463 526.92379 172.26822 527.01103 171.91406 527.01103 curveto
-171.49739 527.01103 171.17187 526.91337 170.9375 526.71806 curveto
-170.70312 526.52274 170.55989 526.22717 170.50781 525.83134 curveto
-170.50781 525.83134 lineto
-170.50781 525.26103 moveto
-170.50781 522.81571 lineto
-169.8776 523.18551 169.40885 523.58134 169.10156 524.00321 curveto
-168.89843 524.28447 168.79687 524.56832 168.79688 524.85478 curveto
-168.79687 525.09436 168.88281 525.3053 169.05469 525.48759 curveto
-169.18489 525.62821 169.36718 525.69853 169.60156 525.69853 curveto
-169.86198 525.69853 170.16406 525.55269 170.50781 525.26103 curveto
-170.50781 525.26103 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-177.77344 527.12821 moveto
-175.3125 521.46415 lineto
-175.01562 520.78186 174.78385 520.34957 174.61719 520.16728 curveto
-174.4974 520.03187 174.32031 519.94072 174.08594 519.89384 curveto
-174.08594 519.60478 lineto
-177.96875 519.60478 lineto
-177.96875 519.89384 lineto
-177.72395 519.89384 177.55729 519.93812 177.46875 520.02665 curveto
-177.34375 520.14124 177.28125 520.27666 177.28125 520.4329 curveto
-177.28125 520.62561 177.39583 520.98759 177.625 521.51884 curveto
-178.82813 524.26103 lineto
-179.78906 521.89384 lineto
-180.0651 521.21676 180.20312 520.73759 180.20313 520.45634 curveto
-180.20312 520.29489 180.14453 520.16338 180.02734 520.06181 curveto
-179.91015 519.96025 179.70312 519.90426 179.40625 519.89384 curveto
-179.40625 519.60478 lineto
-181.79688 519.60478 lineto
-181.79688 519.89384 lineto
-181.5677 519.92509 181.3802 520.01103 181.23438 520.15165 curveto
-181.08853 520.29228 180.86978 520.70634 180.57813 521.39384 curveto
-178.14063 527.12821 lineto
-177.77344 527.12821 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-188.66406 522.9954 moveto
-184.65625 522.9954 lineto
-184.70312 523.96415 184.96093 524.72978 185.42969 525.29228 curveto
-185.78906 525.72457 186.22135 525.94071 186.72656 525.94071 curveto
-187.03906 525.94071 187.32291 525.85347 187.57813 525.67899 curveto
-187.83333 525.50452 188.10676 525.19071 188.39844 524.73759 curveto
-188.66406 524.90946 lineto
-188.26822 525.71676 187.83072 526.28837 187.35156 526.62431 curveto
-186.87239 526.96024 186.3177 527.12821 185.6875 527.12821 curveto
-184.60416 527.12821 183.78385 526.71155 183.22656 525.87821 curveto
-182.77864 525.20634 182.55469 524.37301 182.55469 523.37821 curveto
-182.55469 522.15947 182.88411 521.18942 183.54297 520.46806 curveto
-184.20182 519.74671 184.97396 519.38603 185.85938 519.38603 curveto
-186.59895 519.38603 187.24088 519.68942 187.78516 520.29618 curveto
-188.32942 520.90296 188.62239 521.8027 188.66406 522.9954 curveto
-188.66406 522.9954 lineto
-186.74219 522.47196 moveto
-186.74218 521.63343 186.69661 521.05791 186.60547 520.7454 curveto
-186.51432 520.43291 186.37239 520.19593 186.17969 520.03446 curveto
-186.07031 519.94072 185.92448 519.89384 185.74219 519.89384 curveto
-185.47135 519.89384 185.25 520.02666 185.07813 520.29228 curveto
-184.77083 520.75582 184.61718 521.39124 184.61719 522.19853 curveto
-184.61719 522.47196 lineto
-186.74219 522.47196 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-192.60156 519.60478 moveto
-192.60156 521.26103 lineto
-193.08593 520.50582 193.51041 520.00452 193.875 519.75712 curveto
-194.23958 519.50973 194.59114 519.38603 194.92969 519.38603 curveto
-195.22135 519.38603 195.45442 519.47588 195.62891 519.65556 curveto
-195.80338 519.83525 195.89062 520.08916 195.89063 520.41728 curveto
-195.89062 520.76624 195.80598 521.03707 195.63672 521.22978 curveto
-195.46744 521.42249 195.26301 521.51884 195.02344 521.51884 curveto
-194.74739 521.51884 194.50781 521.4303 194.30469 521.25321 curveto
-194.10156 521.07614 193.98177 520.97718 193.94531 520.95634 curveto
-193.89322 520.92509 193.83333 520.90947 193.76563 520.90946 curveto
-193.61458 520.90947 193.47135 520.96676 193.33594 521.08134 curveto
-193.12239 521.25843 192.96093 521.51103 192.85156 521.83915 curveto
-192.68489 522.34436 192.60156 522.90165 192.60156 523.51103 curveto
-192.60156 525.19071 lineto
-192.60938 525.62821 lineto
-192.60937 525.92509 192.6276 526.11519 192.66406 526.19853 curveto
-192.72656 526.33915 192.81901 526.44202 192.94141 526.50712 curveto
-193.0638 526.57222 193.27083 526.61259 193.5625 526.62821 curveto
-193.5625 526.90946 lineto
-189.61719 526.90946 lineto
-189.61719 526.62821 lineto
-189.93489 526.60217 190.14974 526.51493 190.26172 526.36649 curveto
-190.3737 526.21806 190.42969 525.82613 190.42969 525.19071 curveto
-190.42969 521.15165 lineto
-190.42969 520.73499 190.40885 520.46936 190.36719 520.35478 curveto
-190.3151 520.20895 190.23958 520.10218 190.14063 520.03446 curveto
-190.04167 519.96676 189.86719 519.91989 189.61719 519.89384 curveto
-189.61719 519.60478 lineto
-192.60156 519.60478 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 -34.345187 -157.5838] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-363.85938 509.25321 moveto
-363.85938 509.54228 lineto
-363.51041 509.58916 363.24218 509.69072 363.05469 509.84696 curveto
-362.79426 510.06572 362.3828 510.66208 361.82031 511.63603 curveto
-359.52344 515.47196 lineto
-359.52344 518.03446 lineto
-359.52343 518.58134 359.55208 518.92118 359.60938 519.05399 curveto
-359.66666 519.18681 359.77994 519.30399 359.94922 519.40556 curveto
-360.11848 519.50712 360.34374 519.5579 360.625 519.5579 curveto
-361.21875 519.5579 lineto
-361.21875 519.84696 lineto
-355.27344 519.84696 lineto
-355.27344 519.5579 lineto
-355.82813 519.5579 lineto
-356.14062 519.5579 356.38802 519.50321 356.57031 519.39384 curveto
-356.70572 519.32092 356.8125 519.19592 356.89063 519.01884 curveto
-356.94791 518.89384 356.97656 518.56571 356.97656 518.03446 curveto
-356.97656 515.90946 lineto
-354.48438 511.3704 lineto
-353.98958 510.47458 353.64062 509.94723 353.4375 509.78837 curveto
-353.23437 509.62952 352.96354 509.54749 352.625 509.54228 curveto
-352.625 509.25321 lineto
-357.70313 509.25321 lineto
-357.70313 509.54228 lineto
-357.47656 509.54228 lineto
-357.16927 509.54229 356.95442 509.58656 356.83203 509.67509 curveto
-356.70963 509.76364 356.64843 509.85739 356.64844 509.95634 curveto
-356.64843 510.14385 356.85677 510.6152 357.27344 511.3704 curveto
-359.1875 514.87821 lineto
-361.09375 511.6829 lineto
-361.5677 510.90166 361.80468 510.38343 361.80469 510.12821 curveto
-361.80468 509.9876 361.73697 509.87041 361.60156 509.77665 curveto
-361.42447 509.64645 361.09895 509.56833 360.625 509.54228 curveto
-360.625 509.25321 lineto
-363.85938 509.25321 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-367.88281 520.06571 moveto
-365.42188 514.40165 lineto
-365.125 513.71936 364.89323 513.28707 364.72656 513.10478 curveto
-364.60677 512.96937 364.42969 512.87822 364.19531 512.83134 curveto
-364.19531 512.54228 lineto
-368.07813 512.54228 lineto
-368.07813 512.83134 lineto
-367.83333 512.83134 367.66666 512.87562 367.57813 512.96415 curveto
-367.45312 513.07874 367.39062 513.21416 367.39063 513.3704 curveto
-367.39062 513.56311 367.5052 513.92509 367.73438 514.45634 curveto
-368.9375 517.19853 lineto
-369.89844 514.83134 lineto
-370.17447 514.15426 370.31249 513.67509 370.3125 513.39384 curveto
-370.31249 513.23239 370.2539 513.10088 370.13672 512.99931 curveto
-370.01953 512.89775 369.81249 512.84176 369.51563 512.83134 curveto
-369.51563 512.54228 lineto
-371.90625 512.54228 lineto
-371.90625 512.83134 lineto
-371.67708 512.86259 371.48958 512.94853 371.34375 513.08915 curveto
-371.19791 513.22978 370.97916 513.64384 370.6875 514.33134 curveto
-368.25 520.06571 lineto
-367.88281 520.06571 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-376.61719 518.76884 moveto
-375.72656 519.5553 374.92708 519.94853 374.21875 519.94853 curveto
-373.80208 519.94853 373.45573 519.81181 373.17969 519.53837 curveto
-372.90364 519.26493 372.76562 518.92248 372.76563 518.51103 curveto
-372.76562 517.95374 373.00521 517.45243 373.48438 517.00712 curveto
-373.96354 516.56181 375.00781 515.96936 376.61719 515.22978 curveto
-376.61719 514.4954 lineto
-376.61718 513.94332 376.58724 513.59567 376.52734 513.45243 curveto
-376.46744 513.30921 376.35416 513.18421 376.1875 513.07743 curveto
-376.02083 512.97067 375.83333 512.91728 375.625 512.91728 curveto
-375.28646 512.91728 375.00781 512.9928 374.78906 513.14384 curveto
-374.65364 513.23759 374.58593 513.34697 374.58594 513.47196 curveto
-374.58593 513.58134 374.65885 513.71676 374.80469 513.87821 curveto
-375.0026 514.10218 375.10156 514.31832 375.10156 514.52665 curveto
-375.10156 514.78186 375.00651 514.99931 374.81641 515.17899 curveto
-374.6263 515.35869 374.3776 515.44853 374.07031 515.44853 curveto
-373.74219 515.44853 373.46745 515.34957 373.24609 515.15165 curveto
-373.02474 514.95374 372.91406 514.72197 372.91406 514.45634 curveto
-372.91406 514.08134 373.0625 513.72327 373.35938 513.38212 curveto
-373.65625 513.04098 374.07031 512.77926 374.60156 512.59696 curveto
-375.13281 512.41468 375.68489 512.32353 376.25781 512.32353 curveto
-376.95052 512.32353 377.49869 512.47067 377.90234 512.76493 curveto
-378.30598 513.05921 378.5677 513.37822 378.6875 513.72196 curveto
-378.76041 513.94072 378.79687 514.44332 378.79688 515.22978 curveto
-378.79688 518.06571 lineto
-378.79687 518.39905 378.80989 518.60868 378.83594 518.69462 curveto
-378.86197 518.78056 378.90103 518.84436 378.95313 518.88603 curveto
-379.0052 518.92769 379.0651 518.94853 379.13281 518.94853 curveto
-379.26822 518.94853 379.40624 518.85217 379.54688 518.65946 curveto
-379.78125 518.84696 lineto
-379.52083 519.23238 379.25129 519.51233 378.97266 519.68681 curveto
-378.694 519.86129 378.3776 519.94853 378.02344 519.94853 curveto
-377.60677 519.94853 377.28124 519.85087 377.04688 519.65556 curveto
-376.8125 519.46024 376.66927 519.16467 376.61719 518.76884 curveto
-376.61719 518.76884 lineto
-376.61719 518.19853 moveto
-376.61719 515.75321 lineto
-375.98698 516.12301 375.51823 516.51884 375.21094 516.94071 curveto
-375.00781 517.22197 374.90625 517.50582 374.90625 517.79228 curveto
-374.90625 518.03186 374.99218 518.2428 375.16406 518.42509 curveto
-375.29427 518.56571 375.47656 518.63603 375.71094 518.63603 curveto
-375.97135 518.63603 376.27343 518.49019 376.61719 518.19853 curveto
-376.61719 518.19853 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-383.57031 512.54228 moveto
-383.57031 513.48759 lineto
-383.94531 513.08134 384.30468 512.78577 384.64844 512.60087 curveto
-384.99218 512.41598 385.36197 512.32353 385.75781 512.32353 curveto
-386.23176 512.32353 386.62499 512.45504 386.9375 512.71806 curveto
-387.24999 512.98108 387.45833 513.30791 387.5625 513.69853 curveto
-387.64583 513.99541 387.68749 514.56572 387.6875 515.40946 curveto
-387.6875 518.25321 lineto
-387.68749 518.81571 387.73827 519.16597 387.83984 519.30399 curveto
-387.9414 519.44202 388.15364 519.52925 388.47656 519.56571 curveto
-388.47656 519.84696 lineto
-384.78125 519.84696 lineto
-384.78125 519.56571 lineto
-385.05729 519.52925 385.2552 519.41467 385.375 519.22196 curveto
-385.45833 519.09176 385.49999 518.76884 385.5 518.25321 curveto
-385.5 515.00321 lineto
-385.49999 514.40426 385.47656 514.02666 385.42969 513.8704 curveto
-385.38281 513.71416 385.30338 513.59306 385.19141 513.50712 curveto
-385.07942 513.42119 384.95572 513.37822 384.82031 513.37821 curveto
-384.37239 513.37822 383.95573 513.69853 383.57031 514.33915 curveto
-383.57031 518.25321 lineto
-383.57031 518.80009 383.62109 519.14644 383.72266 519.29228 curveto
-383.82421 519.43811 384.01302 519.52925 384.28906 519.56571 curveto
-384.28906 519.84696 lineto
-380.59375 519.84696 lineto
-380.59375 519.56571 lineto
-380.90104 519.53446 381.11979 519.4355 381.25 519.26884 curveto
-381.33854 519.15425 381.38281 518.81571 381.38281 518.25321 curveto
-381.38281 514.12821 lineto
-381.38281 513.57614 381.33203 513.23239 381.23047 513.09696 curveto
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-113.62858 36.00016 lineto
-113.79557 36.00016 lineto
-118.09342 45.773598 lineto
-118.50357 46.69938 118.84048 47.282388 119.10416 47.522621 curveto
-119.30337 47.704262 119.58462 47.809731 119.94791 47.839027 curveto
-119.94791 48.164223 lineto
-114.18229 48.164223 lineto
-114.18229 47.839027 lineto
-114.41959 47.839027 lineto
-114.88248 47.839028 115.20767 47.774575 115.39518 47.645668 curveto
-115.52408 47.551919 115.58853 47.417153 115.58854 47.241371 curveto
-115.58853 47.135903 115.57095 47.027505 115.5358 46.916176 curveto
-115.52408 46.863443 115.43619 46.643716 115.27213 46.256996 curveto
-114.63932 44.771645 lineto
-114.34049 44.121254 moveto
-112.5651 40.016762 lineto
-110.73698 44.121254 lineto
-114.34049 44.121254 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-131.51432 36.246254 moveto
-131.51432 39.47184 lineto
-131.19791 39.47184 lineto
-131.0104 38.727709 130.8024 38.193041 130.57389 37.867836 curveto
-130.34536 37.542651 130.03189 37.283374 129.63346 37.090004 curveto
-129.4108 36.984546 129.02115 36.931812 128.46452 36.931801 curveto
-127.57682 36.931801 lineto
-127.57682 46.12516 lineto
-127.57681 46.734537 127.6105 47.115396 127.67789 47.267738 curveto
-127.74527 47.420083 127.87711 47.553383 128.0734 47.667641 curveto
-128.26968 47.781899 128.53775 47.839028 128.8776 47.839027 curveto
-129.27311 47.839027 lineto
-129.27311 48.164223 lineto
-123.03288 48.164223 lineto
-123.03288 47.839027 lineto
-123.42838 47.839027 lineto
-123.77408 47.839028 124.0524 47.777504 124.26334 47.654457 curveto
-124.41568 47.572426 124.5358 47.431802 124.6237 47.232582 curveto
-124.68814 47.091958 124.72037 46.722818 124.72038 46.12516 curveto
-124.72038 36.931801 lineto
-123.85905 36.931801 lineto
-123.05631 36.931812 122.4733 37.101734 122.11002 37.441566 curveto
-121.60026 37.916186 121.27799 38.592943 121.14323 39.47184 curveto
-120.80924 39.47184 lineto
-120.80924 36.246254 lineto
-131.51432 36.246254 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 18.337837 1.0142138] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-43.888672 106.51924 moveto
-49.768555 113.91084 lineto
-49.768555 108.78682 lineto
-49.768544 108.07198 49.666005 107.58859 49.460938 107.33662 curveto
-49.179678 106.99679 48.707999 106.83273 48.045898 106.84443 curveto
-48.045898 106.51924 lineto
-51.983398 106.51924 lineto
-51.983398 106.84443 lineto
-51.47948 106.9089 51.141102 106.9924 50.968262 107.09492 curveto
-50.795399 107.19747 50.660633 107.36447 50.563965 107.5959 curveto
-50.467274 107.82736 50.418934 108.22433 50.418945 108.78682 curveto
-50.418945 118.70967 lineto
-50.120117 118.70967 lineto
-42.060547 108.78682 lineto
-42.060547 116.36299 lineto
-42.060544 117.04854 42.217282 117.51143 42.530762 117.75166 curveto
-42.844235 117.9919 43.203121 118.11201 43.607422 118.11201 curveto
-43.888672 118.11201 lineto
-43.888672 118.43721 lineto
-39.661133 118.43721 lineto
-39.661133 118.11201 lineto
-40.317382 118.10615 40.774413 117.97139 41.032227 117.70772 curveto
-41.290037 117.44404 41.418943 116.9958 41.418945 116.36299 curveto
-41.418945 107.95186 lineto
-41.164063 107.63545 lineto
-40.912108 107.31905 40.689452 107.11105 40.496094 107.01143 curveto
-40.302733 106.91183 40.024413 106.85616 39.661133 106.84443 curveto
-39.661133 106.51924 lineto
-43.888672 106.51924 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-59.981445 114.03389 moveto
-55.472656 114.03389 lineto
-55.525388 115.12373 55.815426 115.98506 56.342773 116.61787 curveto
-56.747066 117.1042 57.233394 117.34737 57.801758 117.34736 curveto
-58.153315 117.34737 58.47265 117.24922 58.759766 117.05293 curveto
-59.046868 116.85664 59.354485 116.50362 59.682617 115.99385 curveto
-59.981445 116.18721 lineto
-59.536126 117.09541 59.043939 117.73848 58.504883 118.11641 curveto
-57.965815 118.49434 57.341792 118.6833 56.632813 118.6833 curveto
-55.41406 118.6833 54.491209 118.21455 53.864258 117.27705 curveto
-53.360351 116.52119 53.108398 115.5837 53.108398 114.46455 curveto
-53.108398 113.09346 53.479003 112.00216 54.220215 111.19063 curveto
-54.961423 110.37911 55.830075 109.97335 56.826172 109.97334 curveto
-57.658198 109.97335 58.380365 110.31466 58.992676 110.99727 curveto
-59.604973 111.67989 59.934563 112.6921 59.981445 114.03389 curveto
-59.981445 114.03389 lineto
-57.819336 113.44502 moveto
-57.819331 112.50167 57.768061 111.85421 57.665527 111.50264 curveto
-57.562983 111.15108 57.403315 110.88448 57.186523 110.70283 curveto
-57.063472 110.59737 56.89941 110.54464 56.694336 110.54463 curveto
-56.389644 110.54464 56.140621 110.69405 55.947266 110.99287 curveto
-55.601559 111.51436 55.428708 112.22921 55.428711 113.1374 curveto
-55.428711 113.44502 lineto
-57.819336 113.44502 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-67.733398 118.43721 moveto
-60.579102 118.43721 lineto
-60.579102 118.24385 lineto
-65.09668 110.75557 lineto
-63.77832 110.75557 lineto
-63.209958 110.75558 62.802732 110.80684 62.556641 110.90938 curveto
-62.310545 111.01192 62.111326 111.17598 61.958984 111.40156 curveto
-61.806639 111.62716 61.648436 112.02999 61.484375 112.61006 curveto
-61.176758 112.61006 lineto
-61.176758 110.21943 lineto
-68.09375 110.21943 lineto
-68.09375 110.45674 lineto
-63.611328 117.87471 lineto
-64.173828 117.87471 lineto
-65.298823 117.87471 66.110346 117.71358 66.608398 117.39131 curveto
-67.106439 117.06905 67.481438 116.48018 67.733398 115.62471 curveto
-67.979492 115.62471 lineto
-67.733398 118.43721 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-73.516602 117.22432 moveto
-72.514644 118.10908 71.615231 118.55147 70.818359 118.55147 curveto
-70.349607 118.55147 69.959959 118.39766 69.649414 118.09004 curveto
-69.338866 117.78242 69.183593 117.39717 69.183594 116.93428 curveto
-69.183593 116.30733 69.453124 115.74336 69.992188 115.24238 curveto
-70.531248 114.74141 71.706051 114.07491 73.516602 113.24287 curveto
-73.516602 112.4167 lineto
-73.516596 111.79561 73.482905 111.4045 73.415527 111.24336 curveto
-73.34814 111.08223 73.220698 110.94161 73.033203 110.82149 curveto
-72.845699 110.70138 72.634761 110.64132 72.400391 110.64131 curveto
-72.019528 110.64132 71.706051 110.72628 71.459961 110.89619 curveto
-71.307614 111.00167 71.231442 111.12472 71.231445 111.26533 curveto
-71.231442 111.38839 71.313474 111.54073 71.477539 111.72236 curveto
-71.700192 111.97432 71.81152 112.21749 71.811523 112.45186 curveto
-71.81152 112.73897 71.704587 112.9836 71.490723 113.18574 curveto
-71.276853 113.3879 70.997068 113.48897 70.651367 113.48897 curveto
-70.282225 113.48897 69.973143 113.37764 69.724121 113.15498 curveto
-69.475097 112.93233 69.350585 112.67159 69.350586 112.37275 curveto
-69.350585 111.95089 69.517577 111.54805 69.851563 111.16426 curveto
-70.185545 110.78048 70.651365 110.48604 71.249023 110.28096 curveto
-71.846676 110.07589 72.467769 109.97335 73.112305 109.97334 curveto
-73.891596 109.97335 74.508295 110.13888 74.962402 110.46992 curveto
-75.416497 110.80099 75.71093 111.15987 75.845703 111.54658 curveto
-75.927727 111.79268 75.968742 112.35811 75.96875 113.24287 curveto
-75.96875 116.4333 lineto
-75.968742 116.8083 75.983391 117.04414 76.012695 117.14082 curveto
-76.041985 117.2375 76.08593 117.30928 76.144531 117.35615 curveto
-76.203117 117.40303 76.2705 117.42647 76.34668 117.42647 curveto
-76.499015 117.42647 76.654289 117.31807 76.8125 117.10127 curveto
-77.076172 117.31221 lineto
-76.783195 117.7458 76.479972 118.06074 76.166504 118.25703 curveto
-75.85302 118.45332 75.497063 118.55147 75.098633 118.55147 curveto
-74.629877 118.55147 74.263666 118.4416 74 118.22188 curveto
-73.736323 118.00215 73.57519 117.66963 73.516602 117.22432 curveto
-73.516602 117.22432 lineto
-73.516602 116.58272 moveto
-73.516602 113.83174 lineto
-72.807613 114.24776 72.28027 114.69307 71.93457 115.16768 curveto
-71.706051 115.48409 71.591794 115.80342 71.591797 116.12568 curveto
-71.591794 116.39522 71.688473 116.63252 71.881836 116.8376 curveto
-72.028317 116.9958 72.233395 117.0749 72.49707 117.0749 curveto
-72.790035 117.0749 73.129878 116.91084 73.516602 116.58272 curveto
-73.516602 116.58272 lineto
-75.555664 106.11494 moveto
-72.646484 109.16475 lineto
-71.890625 109.16475 lineto
-72.910156 106.11494 lineto
-75.555664 106.11494 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-81.69043 118.6833 moveto
-78.921875 112.31123 lineto
-78.587889 111.54366 78.327147 111.05733 78.139648 110.85225 curveto
-78.004882 110.69991 77.805664 110.59737 77.541992 110.54463 curveto
-77.541992 110.21943 lineto
-81.910156 110.21943 lineto
-81.910156 110.54463 lineto
-81.634761 110.54464 81.447262 110.59444 81.347656 110.69404 curveto
-81.207027 110.82296 81.136715 110.9753 81.136719 111.15108 curveto
-81.136715 111.36788 81.265621 111.77511 81.523438 112.37275 curveto
-82.876953 115.45772 lineto
-83.958008 112.79463 lineto
-84.268548 112.03292 84.423821 111.49386 84.423828 111.17744 curveto
-84.423821 110.99581 84.357903 110.84786 84.226074 110.73359 curveto
-84.094232 110.61934 83.861322 110.55636 83.527344 110.54463 curveto
-83.527344 110.21943 lineto
-86.216797 110.21943 lineto
-86.216797 110.54463 lineto
-85.958976 110.57979 85.748039 110.67647 85.583984 110.83467 curveto
-85.419914 110.99288 85.17382 111.4587 84.845703 112.23213 curveto
-82.103516 118.6833 lineto
-81.69043 118.6833 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-88.958984 106.23799 moveto
-89.339841 106.238 89.662106 106.3713 89.925781 106.63789 curveto
-90.189449 106.9045 90.321285 107.22531 90.321289 107.60029 curveto
-90.321285 107.9753 90.187984 108.29464 89.921387 108.5583 curveto
-89.654782 108.82198 89.333981 108.95382 88.958984 108.95381 curveto
-88.583982 108.95382 88.264647 108.82198 88.000977 108.5583 curveto
-87.737303 108.29464 87.605468 107.9753 87.605469 107.60029 curveto
-87.605468 107.22531 87.737303 106.9045 88.000977 106.63789 curveto
-88.264647 106.3713 88.583982 106.238 88.958984 106.23799 curveto
-88.958984 106.23799 lineto
-90.189453 110.21943 moveto
-90.189453 116.73213 lineto
-90.189449 117.31221 90.256832 117.68281 90.391602 117.84395 curveto
-90.526363 118.00508 90.790035 118.09736 91.182617 118.1208 curveto
-91.182617 118.43721 lineto
-86.744141 118.43721 lineto
-86.744141 118.1208 lineto
-87.107421 118.10908 87.376952 118.00361 87.552734 117.8044 curveto
-87.669921 117.66963 87.728514 117.31221 87.728516 116.73213 curveto
-87.728516 111.9333 lineto
-87.728514 111.35323 87.661132 110.98263 87.526367 110.82149 curveto
-87.391601 110.66036 87.130859 110.56808 86.744141 110.54463 curveto
-86.744141 110.21943 lineto
-90.189453 110.21943 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-97.167969 109.99092 moveto
-97.299805 112.79463 lineto
-97.000977 112.79463 lineto
-96.643549 111.96261 96.272944 111.39425 95.88916 111.08955 curveto
-95.505367 110.78487 95.123043 110.63253 94.742188 110.63252 curveto
-94.50195 110.63253 94.296872 110.71309 94.126953 110.87422 curveto
-93.957029 111.03536 93.872068 111.22139 93.87207 111.43233 curveto
-93.872068 111.59054 93.930661 111.74288 94.047852 111.88936 curveto
-94.235349 112.1296 94.759762 112.54122 95.621094 113.12422 curveto
-96.482417 113.70723 97.049311 114.20235 97.321777 114.60957 curveto
-97.594232 115.0168 97.730462 115.47237 97.730469 115.97627 curveto
-97.730462 116.4333 97.616205 116.88155 97.387695 117.321 curveto
-97.159174 117.76045 96.836909 118.09736 96.420898 118.33174 curveto
-96.004878 118.56611 95.544918 118.6833 95.041016 118.6833 curveto
-94.648434 118.6833 94.124021 118.56025 93.467773 118.31416 curveto
-93.29199 118.24971 93.171873 118.21748 93.107422 118.21748 curveto
-92.914061 118.21748 92.752928 118.36397 92.624023 118.65693 curveto
-92.333984 118.65693 lineto
-92.193359 115.70381 lineto
-92.492188 115.70381 lineto
-92.755858 116.47725 93.117674 117.05733 93.577637 117.44404 curveto
-94.037595 117.83076 94.472653 118.02412 94.882813 118.02412 curveto
-95.164059 118.02412 95.394039 117.9377 95.572754 117.76484 curveto
-95.75146 117.59199 95.840816 117.38252 95.84082 117.13643 curveto
-95.840816 116.85518 95.752925 116.61201 95.577148 116.40693 curveto
-95.401363 116.20186 95.008785 115.89131 94.399414 115.47529 curveto
-93.502928 114.8542 92.92285 114.37959 92.65918 114.05147 curveto
-92.27246 113.571 92.079101 113.04073 92.079102 112.46065 curveto
-92.079101 111.82784 92.297362 111.25509 92.733887 110.74238 curveto
-93.170408 110.2297 93.801755 109.97335 94.62793 109.97334 curveto
-95.073238 109.97335 95.503902 110.08175 95.919922 110.29854 curveto
-96.07812 110.38643 96.207026 110.43038 96.306641 110.43037 curveto
-96.412104 110.43038 96.497065 110.40841 96.561523 110.36445 curveto
-96.625971 110.32052 96.72851 110.19601 96.869141 109.99092 curveto
-97.167969 109.99092 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-102.18652 106.51924 moveto
-102.18652 116.73213 lineto
-102.18652 117.31221 102.2539 117.68281 102.38867 117.84395 curveto
-102.52343 118.00508 102.7871 118.09736 103.17969 118.1208 curveto
-103.17969 118.43721 lineto
-98.741211 118.43721 lineto
-98.741211 118.1208 lineto
-99.104491 118.10908 99.374022 118.00361 99.549805 117.8044 curveto
-99.666991 117.66963 99.725585 117.31221 99.725586 116.73213 curveto
-99.725586 108.22432 lineto
-99.725585 107.65011 99.658202 107.28243 99.523438 107.12129 curveto
-99.388671 106.96017 99.127929 106.86788 98.741211 106.84443 curveto
-98.741211 106.51924 lineto
-102.18652 106.51924 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-108.49707 117.22432 moveto
-107.49511 118.10908 106.5957 118.55147 105.79883 118.55147 curveto
-105.33008 118.55147 104.94043 118.39766 104.62988 118.09004 curveto
-104.31933 117.78242 104.16406 117.39717 104.16406 116.93428 curveto
-104.16406 116.30733 104.43359 115.74336 104.97266 115.24238 curveto
-105.51172 114.74141 106.68652 114.07491 108.49707 113.24287 curveto
-108.49707 112.4167 lineto
-108.49707 111.79561 108.46337 111.4045 108.396 111.24336 curveto
-108.32861 111.08223 108.20117 110.94161 108.01367 110.82149 curveto
-107.82617 110.70138 107.61523 110.64132 107.38086 110.64131 curveto
-107 110.64132 106.68652 110.72628 106.44043 110.89619 curveto
-106.28808 111.00167 106.21191 111.12472 106.21191 111.26533 curveto
-106.21191 111.38839 106.29394 111.54073 106.45801 111.72236 curveto
-106.68066 111.97432 106.79199 112.21749 106.79199 112.45186 curveto
-106.79199 112.73897 106.68506 112.9836 106.47119 113.18574 curveto
-106.25732 113.3879 105.97754 113.48897 105.63184 113.48897 curveto
-105.26269 113.48897 104.95361 113.37764 104.70459 113.15498 curveto
-104.45557 112.93233 104.33105 112.67159 104.33105 112.37275 curveto
-104.33105 111.95089 104.49805 111.54805 104.83203 111.16426 curveto
-105.16601 110.78048 105.63183 110.48604 106.22949 110.28096 curveto
-106.82714 110.07589 107.44824 109.97335 108.09277 109.97334 curveto
-108.87206 109.97335 109.48876 110.13888 109.94287 110.46992 curveto
-110.39697 110.80099 110.6914 111.15987 110.82617 111.54658 curveto
-110.9082 111.79268 110.94921 112.35811 110.94922 113.24287 curveto
-110.94922 116.4333 lineto
-110.94921 116.8083 110.96386 117.04414 110.99316 117.14082 curveto
-111.02245 117.2375 111.0664 117.30928 111.125 117.35615 curveto
-111.18359 117.40303 111.25097 117.42647 111.32715 117.42647 curveto
-111.47948 117.42647 111.63476 117.31807 111.79297 117.10127 curveto
-112.05664 117.31221 lineto
-111.76366 117.7458 111.46044 118.06074 111.14697 118.25703 curveto
-110.83349 118.45332 110.47753 118.55147 110.0791 118.55147 curveto
-109.61035 118.55147 109.24413 118.4416 108.98047 118.22188 curveto
-108.71679 118.00215 108.55566 117.66963 108.49707 117.22432 curveto
-108.49707 117.22432 lineto
-108.49707 116.58272 moveto
-108.49707 113.83174 lineto
-107.78808 114.24776 107.26074 114.69307 106.91504 115.16768 curveto
-106.68652 115.48409 106.57226 115.80342 106.57227 116.12568 curveto
-106.57226 116.39522 106.66894 116.63252 106.8623 116.8376 curveto
-107.00879 116.9958 107.21386 117.0749 107.47754 117.0749 curveto
-107.7705 117.0749 108.11035 116.91084 108.49707 116.58272 curveto
-108.49707 116.58272 lineto
-110.53613 106.11494 moveto
-107.62695 109.16475 lineto
-106.87109 109.16475 lineto
-107.89063 106.11494 lineto
-110.53613 106.11494 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-43.422852 132.71943 moveto
-43.422852 133.80049 lineto
-43.874019 133.30831 44.291499 132.96407 44.675293 132.76777 curveto
-45.059076 132.57149 45.479486 132.47335 45.936523 132.47334 curveto
-46.46386 132.47335 46.906242 132.5964 47.263672 132.84248 curveto
-47.621086 133.08858 47.896476 133.46358 48.089844 133.96748 curveto
-48.558585 133.44015 49.008291 133.05929 49.438965 132.8249 curveto
-49.869618 132.59054 50.319325 132.47335 50.788086 132.47334 curveto
-51.356433 132.47335 51.80907 132.60372 52.145996 132.86445 curveto
-52.482897 133.1252 52.717272 133.45626 52.849121 133.85762 curveto
-52.980943 134.25899 53.046861 134.89913 53.046875 135.77803 curveto
-53.046875 139.14424 lineto
-53.046861 139.77705 53.10399 140.16963 53.218262 140.32197 curveto
-53.332506 140.47432 53.571275 140.57393 53.93457 140.6208 curveto
-53.93457 140.93721 lineto
-49.689453 140.93721 lineto
-49.689453 140.6208 lineto
-50.023427 140.59151 50.26952 140.4626 50.427734 140.23408 curveto
-50.533192 140.07588 50.585926 139.7126 50.585938 139.14424 curveto
-50.585938 135.61104 lineto
-50.585926 134.87862 50.556629 134.4128 50.498047 134.21358 curveto
-50.439442 134.01436 50.347157 133.86641 50.221191 133.76973 curveto
-50.095204 133.67306 49.947255 133.62472 49.777344 133.62471 curveto
-49.525381 133.62472 49.270498 133.717 49.012695 133.90156 curveto
-48.754873 134.08614 48.494132 134.363 48.230469 134.73213 curveto
-48.230469 139.14424 lineto
-48.23046 139.73604 48.280265 140.10811 48.379883 140.26045 curveto
-48.514639 140.47725 48.772452 140.59736 49.15332 140.6208 curveto
-49.15332 140.93721 lineto
-44.899414 140.93721 lineto
-44.899414 140.6208 lineto
-45.127924 140.60908 45.3081 140.55195 45.439941 140.44941 curveto
-45.571771 140.34688 45.659662 140.22383 45.703613 140.08027 curveto
-45.747552 139.93672 45.769525 139.62471 45.769531 139.14424 curveto
-45.769531 135.61104 lineto
-45.769525 134.8669 45.740228 134.40108 45.681641 134.21358 curveto
-45.623041 134.02608 45.524896 133.8796 45.387207 133.77412 curveto
-45.249506 133.66866 45.101557 133.61593 44.943359 133.61592 curveto
-44.708979 133.61593 44.495112 133.67745 44.301758 133.80049 curveto
-44.026363 133.98214 43.733394 134.29268 43.422852 134.73213 curveto
-43.422852 139.14424 lineto
-43.422848 139.72432 43.479976 140.10664 43.594238 140.29121 curveto
-43.708492 140.47578 43.947261 140.58565 44.310547 140.6208 curveto
-44.310547 140.93721 lineto
-40.074219 140.93721 lineto
-40.074219 140.6208 lineto
-40.419921 140.58565 40.666014 140.47432 40.8125 140.28682 curveto
-40.912108 140.15791 40.961913 139.77705 40.961914 139.14424 curveto
-40.961914 134.50361 lineto
-40.961913 133.88253 40.904784 133.49581 40.790527 133.34346 curveto
-40.676268 133.19112 40.437499 133.09151 40.074219 133.04463 curveto
-40.074219 132.71943 lineto
-43.422852 132.71943 lineto
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-58.381836 132.71943 moveto
-58.381836 133.78291 lineto
-58.803707 133.32589 59.208003 132.99337 59.594727 132.78535 curveto
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-61.37597 132.47335 61.818352 132.6213 62.169922 132.91719 curveto
-62.521476 133.21309 62.755851 133.58077 62.873047 134.02022 curveto
-62.966788 134.35421 63.013663 134.99581 63.013672 135.94502 curveto
-63.013672 139.14424 lineto
-63.013663 139.77705 63.070792 140.1711 63.185059 140.32637 curveto
-63.299308 140.48164 63.538077 140.57979 63.901367 140.6208 curveto
-63.901367 140.93721 lineto
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-59.744141 140.6208 lineto
-60.054682 140.57979 60.277338 140.45088 60.412109 140.23408 curveto
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-60.552734 135.48799 lineto
-60.552728 134.81417 60.526361 134.38936 60.473633 134.21358 curveto
-60.420892 134.0378 60.331537 133.90157 60.205566 133.80488 curveto
-60.079584 133.70821 59.940424 133.65987 59.788086 133.65986 curveto
-59.284175 133.65987 58.815425 134.02022 58.381836 134.74092 curveto
-58.381836 139.14424 lineto
-58.381832 139.75947 58.438961 140.14912 58.553223 140.31318 curveto
-58.667476 140.47725 58.879878 140.57979 59.19043 140.6208 curveto
-59.19043 140.93721 lineto
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-55.033203 140.6208 lineto
-55.378905 140.58565 55.624999 140.47432 55.771484 140.28682 curveto
-55.871092 140.15791 55.920897 139.77705 55.920898 139.14424 curveto
-55.920898 134.50361 lineto
-55.920897 133.88253 55.863768 133.49581 55.749512 133.34346 curveto
-55.635253 133.19112 55.396483 133.09151 55.033203 133.04463 curveto
-55.033203 132.71943 lineto
-58.381836 132.71943 lineto
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-69.63476 132.47335 70.299799 132.65792 70.915039 133.02705 curveto
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-72.636222 135.27999 72.79589 136.02413 72.795898 136.83272 curveto
-72.79589 137.99873 72.499992 138.97432 71.908203 139.75947 curveto
-71.193353 140.70869 70.206049 141.1833 68.946289 141.1833 curveto
-67.709958 141.1833 66.75781 140.74971 66.089844 139.88252 curveto
-65.421874 139.01533 65.08789 138.01045 65.087891 136.86787 curveto
-65.08789 135.69014 65.429198 134.66329 66.111816 133.78731 curveto
-66.794431 132.91134 67.730465 132.47335 68.919922 132.47334 curveto
-68.919922 132.47334 lineto
-68.955078 133.09736 moveto
-68.656246 133.09737 68.399898 133.21016 68.186035 133.43574 curveto
-67.972164 133.66134 67.83154 134.10665 67.76416 134.77168 curveto
-67.696774 135.43673 67.663083 136.36104 67.663086 137.54463 curveto
-67.663083 138.17159 67.704098 138.75752 67.786133 139.30244 curveto
-67.850583 139.71846 67.988278 140.03487 68.199219 140.25166 curveto
-68.410152 140.46846 68.650386 140.57686 68.919922 140.57686 curveto
-69.183589 140.57686 69.403315 140.50361 69.579102 140.35713 curveto
-69.807612 140.15791 69.959955 139.87959 70.036133 139.52217 curveto
-70.153315 138.96553 70.211908 137.84053 70.211914 136.14717 curveto
-70.211908 135.15108 70.156244 134.467 70.044922 134.09492 curveto
-69.933588 133.72286 69.769526 133.45186 69.552734 133.28193 curveto
-69.400386 133.1589 69.201167 133.09737 68.955078 133.09736 curveto
-68.955078 133.09736 lineto
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-73.62207 140.74385 lineto
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-76.252927 133.25558 75.845701 133.30684 75.599609 133.40938 curveto
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-74.849608 134.12716 74.691405 134.52999 74.527344 135.11006 curveto
-74.219727 135.11006 lineto
-74.219727 132.71943 lineto
-81.136719 132.71943 lineto
-81.136719 132.95674 lineto
-76.654297 140.37471 lineto
-77.216797 140.37471 lineto
-78.341792 140.37471 79.153315 140.21358 79.651367 139.89131 curveto
-80.149407 139.56905 80.524407 138.98018 80.776367 138.12471 curveto
-81.022461 138.12471 lineto
-80.776367 140.93721 lineto
-76.733398 131.75264 moveto
-74.958008 128.39522 lineto
-75.625977 128.39522 lineto
-77.726563 130.20576 lineto
-79.879883 128.44795 lineto
-80.600586 128.44795 lineto
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-76.733398 131.75264 lineto
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-84.38281 128.738 84.705075 128.8713 84.96875 129.13789 curveto
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-85.364254 130.4753 85.230953 130.79464 84.964355 131.0583 curveto
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-83.626951 131.45382 83.307615 131.32198 83.043945 131.0583 curveto
-82.780272 130.79464 82.648436 130.4753 82.648438 130.10029 curveto
-82.648436 129.72531 82.780272 129.4045 83.043945 129.13789 curveto
-83.307615 128.8713 83.626951 128.738 84.001953 128.73799 curveto
-84.001953 128.73799 lineto
-85.232422 132.71943 moveto
-85.232422 139.23213 lineto
-85.232418 139.81221 85.299801 140.18281 85.43457 140.34395 curveto
-85.569332 140.50508 85.833003 140.59736 86.225586 140.6208 curveto
-86.225586 140.93721 lineto
-81.787109 140.93721 lineto
-81.787109 140.6208 lineto
-82.15039 140.60908 82.419921 140.50361 82.595703 140.3044 curveto
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-82.771484 134.4333 lineto
-82.771483 133.85323 82.7041 133.48263 82.569336 133.32149 curveto
-82.434569 133.16036 82.173827 133.06808 81.787109 133.04463 curveto
-81.787109 132.71943 lineto
-85.232422 132.71943 lineto
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-90.374023 133.78291 lineto
-90.795894 133.32589 91.200191 132.99337 91.586914 132.78535 curveto
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-93.368157 132.47335 93.810539 132.6213 94.162109 132.91719 curveto
-94.513664 133.21309 94.748039 133.58077 94.865234 134.02022 curveto
-94.958976 134.35421 95.005851 134.99581 95.005859 135.94502 curveto
-95.005859 139.14424 lineto
-95.005851 139.77705 95.06298 140.1711 95.177246 140.32637 curveto
-95.291495 140.48164 95.530264 140.57979 95.893555 140.6208 curveto
-95.893555 140.93721 lineto
-91.736328 140.93721 lineto
-91.736328 140.6208 lineto
-92.046869 140.57979 92.269525 140.45088 92.404297 140.23408 curveto
-92.498041 140.0876 92.544916 139.72432 92.544922 139.14424 curveto
-92.544922 135.48799 lineto
-92.544916 134.81417 92.518549 134.38936 92.46582 134.21358 curveto
-92.41308 134.0378 92.323725 133.90157 92.197754 133.80488 curveto
-92.071772 133.70821 91.932612 133.65987 91.780273 133.65986 curveto
-91.276362 133.65987 90.807613 134.02022 90.374023 134.74092 curveto
-90.374023 139.14424 lineto
-90.374019 139.75947 90.431148 140.14912 90.54541 140.31318 curveto
-90.659664 140.47725 90.872066 140.57979 91.182617 140.6208 curveto
-91.182617 140.93721 lineto
-87.025391 140.93721 lineto
-87.025391 140.6208 lineto
-87.371093 140.58565 87.617186 140.47432 87.763672 140.28682 curveto
-87.86328 140.15791 87.913084 139.77705 87.913086 139.14424 curveto
-87.913086 134.50361 lineto
-87.913084 133.88253 87.855956 133.49581 87.741699 133.34346 curveto
-87.62744 133.19112 87.388671 133.09151 87.025391 133.04463 curveto
-87.025391 132.71943 lineto
-90.374023 132.71943 lineto
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-100.56933 140.60908 99.669919 141.05147 98.873047 141.05147 curveto
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-97.393554 140.28242 97.23828 139.89717 97.238281 139.43428 curveto
-97.23828 138.80733 97.507811 138.24336 98.046875 137.74238 curveto
-98.585935 137.24141 99.760739 136.57491 101.57129 135.74287 curveto
-101.57129 134.9167 lineto
-101.57128 134.29561 101.53759 133.9045 101.47021 133.74336 curveto
-101.40283 133.58223 101.27539 133.44161 101.08789 133.32149 curveto
-100.90039 133.20138 100.68945 133.14132 100.45508 133.14131 curveto
-100.07422 133.14132 99.760739 133.22628 99.514648 133.39619 curveto
-99.362302 133.50167 99.28613 133.62472 99.286133 133.76533 curveto
-99.28613 133.88839 99.368161 134.04073 99.532227 134.22236 curveto
-99.754879 134.47432 99.866208 134.71749 99.866211 134.95186 curveto
-99.866208 135.23897 99.759274 135.4836 99.54541 135.68574 curveto
-99.33154 135.8879 99.051755 135.98897 98.706055 135.98897 curveto
-98.336912 135.98897 98.02783 135.87764 97.778809 135.65498 curveto
-97.529784 135.43233 97.405272 135.17159 97.405273 134.87275 curveto
-97.405272 134.45089 97.572264 134.04805 97.90625 133.66426 curveto
-98.240233 133.28048 98.706052 132.98604 99.303711 132.78096 curveto
-99.901364 132.57589 100.52246 132.47335 101.16699 132.47334 curveto
-101.94628 132.47335 102.56298 132.63888 103.01709 132.96992 curveto
-103.47118 133.30099 103.76562 133.65987 103.90039 134.04658 curveto
-103.98241 134.29268 104.02343 134.85811 104.02344 135.74287 curveto
-104.02344 138.9333 lineto
-104.02343 139.3083 104.03808 139.54414 104.06738 139.64082 curveto
-104.09667 139.7375 104.14062 139.80928 104.19922 139.85615 curveto
-104.2578 139.90303 104.32519 139.92647 104.40137 139.92647 curveto
-104.5537 139.92647 104.70898 139.81807 104.86719 139.60127 curveto
-105.13086 139.81221 lineto
-104.83788 140.2458 104.53466 140.56074 104.22119 140.75703 curveto
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-102.68456 141.05147 102.31835 140.9416 102.05469 140.72188 curveto
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-101.57129 139.72432 lineto
-101.57129 139.08272 moveto
-101.57129 136.33174 lineto
-100.8623 136.74776 100.33496 137.19307 99.989258 137.66768 curveto
-99.760739 137.98409 99.646481 138.30342 99.646484 138.62568 curveto
-99.646481 138.89522 99.743161 139.13252 99.936523 139.3376 curveto
-100.083 139.4958 100.28808 139.5749 100.55176 139.5749 curveto
-100.84472 139.5749 101.18457 139.41084 101.57129 139.08272 curveto
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-195.08887 54.676476 195.62939 53.941125 196.28857 53.448927 curveto
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-201.33788 55.672569 201.21337 56.095908 200.96436 56.503126 curveto
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-208.36914 60.647169 lineto
-208.69434 60.647169 lineto
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-217.59766 64.549513 lineto
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-224.48828 64.549513 lineto
-224.72559 64.549513 lineto
-225.18847 64.549513 225.51366 64.48506 225.70117 64.356153 curveto
-225.83007 64.262404 225.89452 64.127638 225.89453 63.951856 curveto
-225.89452 63.846389 225.87694 63.73799 225.8418 63.626661 curveto
-225.83007 63.573928 225.74218 63.354202 225.57813 62.967481 curveto
-224.94531 61.48213 lineto
-224.64648 60.831739 moveto
-222.87109 56.727247 lineto
-221.04297 60.831739 lineto
-224.64648 60.831739 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-241.82031 52.956739 moveto
-241.82031 56.182325 lineto
-241.50391 56.182325 lineto
-241.3164 55.438194 241.10839 54.903527 240.87988 54.578321 curveto
-240.65136 54.253137 240.33788 53.993859 239.93945 53.800489 curveto
-239.71679 53.695032 239.32714 53.642297 238.77051 53.642286 curveto
-237.88281 53.642286 lineto
-237.88281 62.835645 lineto
-237.88281 63.445022 237.9165 63.825881 237.98389 63.978224 curveto
-238.05126 64.130568 238.1831 64.263869 238.37939 64.378126 curveto
-238.57568 64.492384 238.84374 64.549513 239.18359 64.549513 curveto
-239.5791 64.549513 lineto
-239.5791 64.874708 lineto
-233.33887 64.874708 lineto
-233.33887 64.549513 lineto
-233.73438 64.549513 lineto
-234.08007 64.549513 234.35839 64.48799 234.56934 64.364942 curveto
-234.72168 64.282912 234.84179 64.142287 234.92969 63.943067 curveto
-234.99414 63.802443 235.02636 63.433303 235.02637 62.835645 curveto
-235.02637 53.642286 lineto
-234.16504 53.642286 lineto
-233.3623 53.642297 232.77929 53.812219 232.41602 54.152052 curveto
-231.90625 54.626671 231.58398 55.303428 231.44922 56.182325 curveto
-231.11523 56.182325 lineto
-231.11523 52.956739 lineto
-241.82031 52.956739 lineto
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-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-195.21198 44.735016 moveto
-249.25513 44.735016 lineto
-249.25513 66.200758 lineto
-195.21198 66.200758 lineto
-195.21198 44.735016 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 -1.5152288 -7.5761441] concat
-gsave [1 0 0 1 7.4356842 18.468011] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-193.56934 108.39815 moveto
-193.56934 108.09053 lineto
-194.2373 107.89718 194.70019 107.717 194.95801 107.55 curveto
-195.21582 107.38302 195.43847 107.12813 195.62598 106.78535 curveto
-195.81347 106.44259 195.90722 106.09542 195.90723 105.74385 curveto
-195.90722 105.25753 195.72998 104.84005 195.37549 104.49141 curveto
-195.02099 104.14278 194.58007 103.96847 194.05273 103.96846 curveto
-193.23242 103.96847 192.53515 104.40206 191.96094 105.26924 curveto
-191.63574 105.15498 lineto
-192.05762 104.17648 192.59814 103.44113 193.25732 102.94893 curveto
-193.9165 102.45675 194.65039 102.21066 195.45898 102.21065 curveto
-196.28515 102.21066 196.9663 102.46261 197.50244 102.9665 curveto
-198.03857 103.47042 198.30663 104.05929 198.30664 104.73311 curveto
-198.30663 105.17257 198.18212 105.59591 197.93311 106.00313 curveto
-197.68408 106.41036 197.29296 106.76925 196.75977 107.07979 curveto
-197.44531 107.41378 197.96825 107.8254 198.32861 108.31465 curveto
-198.68896 108.80391 198.86913 109.41768 198.86914 110.15596 curveto
-198.86913 111.39815 198.41943 112.4543 197.52002 113.32441 curveto
-196.6206 114.19453 195.41503 114.62959 193.90332 114.62959 curveto
-192.89551 114.62959 192.16015 114.4626 191.69727 114.12861 curveto
-191.36328 113.89424 191.19629 113.59248 191.19629 113.22334 curveto
-191.19629 112.95381 191.29297 112.72383 191.48633 112.5334 curveto
-191.67969 112.34297 191.90234 112.24776 192.1543 112.24775 curveto
-192.34765 112.24776 192.5293 112.28877 192.69922 112.3708 curveto
-192.79297 112.41768 193.12549 112.67403 193.69678 113.13984 curveto
-194.26806 113.60567 194.80273 113.83858 195.30078 113.83858 curveto
-195.73437 113.83858 196.10644 113.66719 196.41699 113.32441 curveto
-196.72753 112.98164 196.88281 112.54658 196.88281 112.01924 curveto
-196.88281 111.21651 196.60156 110.47676 196.03906 109.8 curveto
-195.47656 109.12325 194.65332 108.65596 193.56934 108.39815 curveto
-193.56934 108.39815 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-200.80273 117.52998 moveto
-200.80273 117.14326 lineto
-201.48242 116.85029 201.97607 116.4709 202.28369 116.00508 curveto
-202.59131 115.53926 202.74511 115.06318 202.74512 114.57686 curveto
-202.74511 114.47725 202.72461 114.40108 202.68359 114.34834 curveto
-202.64258 114.30147 202.60156 114.27803 202.56055 114.27803 curveto
-202.52539 114.27803 202.47265 114.29854 202.40234 114.33955 curveto
-202.23242 114.43916 202.02148 114.48897 201.76953 114.48897 curveto
-201.42383 114.48897 201.12353 114.3542 200.86865 114.08467 curveto
-200.61377 113.81514 200.48633 113.49873 200.48633 113.13545 curveto
-200.48633 112.74873 200.63281 112.40889 200.92578 112.11592 curveto
-201.21875 111.82295 201.57324 111.67647 201.98926 111.67647 curveto
-202.49316 111.67647 202.92383 111.87129 203.28125 112.26094 curveto
-203.63867 112.65059 203.81738 113.18526 203.81738 113.86494 curveto
-203.81738 114.70283 203.56396 115.44697 203.05713 116.09736 curveto
-202.55029 116.74775 201.79883 117.22529 200.80273 117.52998 curveto
-200.80273 117.52998 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-207.06934 108.39815 moveto
-207.06934 108.09053 lineto
-207.7373 107.89718 208.20019 107.717 208.45801 107.55 curveto
-208.71582 107.38302 208.93847 107.12813 209.12598 106.78535 curveto
-209.31347 106.44259 209.40722 106.09542 209.40723 105.74385 curveto
-209.40722 105.25753 209.22998 104.84005 208.87549 104.49141 curveto
-208.52099 104.14278 208.08007 103.96847 207.55273 103.96846 curveto
-206.73242 103.96847 206.03515 104.40206 205.46094 105.26924 curveto
-205.13574 105.15498 lineto
-205.55762 104.17648 206.09814 103.44113 206.75732 102.94893 curveto
-207.4165 102.45675 208.15039 102.21066 208.95898 102.21065 curveto
-209.78515 102.21066 210.4663 102.46261 211.00244 102.9665 curveto
-211.53857 103.47042 211.80663 104.05929 211.80664 104.73311 curveto
-211.80663 105.17257 211.68212 105.59591 211.43311 106.00313 curveto
-211.18408 106.41036 210.79296 106.76925 210.25977 107.07979 curveto
-210.94531 107.41378 211.46825 107.8254 211.82861 108.31465 curveto
-212.18896 108.80391 212.36913 109.41768 212.36914 110.15596 curveto
-212.36913 111.39815 211.91943 112.4543 211.02002 113.32441 curveto
-210.1206 114.19453 208.91503 114.62959 207.40332 114.62959 curveto
-206.39551 114.62959 205.66015 114.4626 205.19727 114.12861 curveto
-204.86328 113.89424 204.69629 113.59248 204.69629 113.22334 curveto
-204.69629 112.95381 204.79297 112.72383 204.98633 112.5334 curveto
-205.17969 112.34297 205.40234 112.24776 205.6543 112.24775 curveto
-205.84765 112.24776 206.0293 112.28877 206.19922 112.3708 curveto
-206.29297 112.41768 206.62549 112.67403 207.19678 113.13984 curveto
-207.76806 113.60567 208.30273 113.83858 208.80078 113.83858 curveto
-209.23437 113.83858 209.60644 113.66719 209.91699 113.32441 curveto
-210.22753 112.98164 210.38281 112.54658 210.38281 112.01924 curveto
-210.38281 111.21651 210.10156 110.47676 209.53906 109.8 curveto
-208.97656 109.12325 208.15332 108.65596 207.06934 108.39815 curveto
-207.06934 108.39815 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-226.36133 102.18428 moveto
-226.45801 106.15693 lineto
-226.09766 106.15693 lineto
-225.92773 105.16085 225.51025 104.35958 224.84521 103.75313 curveto
-224.18017 103.14669 223.46093 102.84347 222.6875 102.84346 curveto
-222.08984 102.84347 221.6167 103.00314 221.26807 103.32246 curveto
-220.91943 103.64181 220.74511 104.00948 220.74512 104.42549 curveto
-220.74511 104.68917 220.80664 104.92355 220.92969 105.12861 curveto
-221.09961 105.40401 221.37207 105.67647 221.74707 105.946 curveto
-222.02246 106.13936 222.6582 106.48214 223.6543 106.97432 curveto
-225.04882 107.65987 225.98925 108.30733 226.47559 108.9167 curveto
-226.95605 109.52608 227.19628 110.22334 227.19629 111.0085 curveto
-227.19628 112.00459 226.8081 112.86153 226.03174 113.5793 curveto
-225.25536 114.29707 224.26952 114.65596 223.07422 114.65596 curveto
-222.69921 114.65596 222.34472 114.61787 222.01074 114.5417 curveto
-221.67675 114.46553 221.25781 114.32197 220.75391 114.11104 curveto
-220.47265 113.99385 220.24121 113.93526 220.05957 113.93525 curveto
-219.90722 113.93526 219.74609 113.99385 219.57617 114.11104 curveto
-219.40625 114.22822 219.26855 114.40693 219.16309 114.64717 curveto
-218.83789 114.64717 lineto
-218.83789 110.14717 lineto
-219.16309 110.14717 lineto
-219.4209 111.4128 219.91748 112.37813 220.65283 113.04316 curveto
-221.38818 113.7082 222.18066 114.04072 223.03027 114.04072 curveto
-223.68652 114.04072 224.20947 113.86201 224.59912 113.50459 curveto
-224.98876 113.14717 225.18359 112.73115 225.18359 112.25654 curveto
-225.18359 111.9753 225.10888 111.70284 224.95947 111.43916 curveto
-224.81005 111.17549 224.583 110.925 224.27832 110.6877 curveto
-223.97363 110.4504 223.43456 110.14131 222.66113 109.76045 curveto
-221.57714 109.22725 220.79785 108.77315 220.32324 108.39815 curveto
-219.84863 108.02315 219.48389 107.60421 219.229 107.14131 curveto
-218.97412 106.67843 218.84668 106.16866 218.84668 105.61201 curveto
-218.84668 104.6628 219.19531 103.85421 219.89258 103.18623 curveto
-220.58984 102.51827 221.46875 102.18429 222.5293 102.18428 curveto
-222.91601 102.18429 223.29101 102.23117 223.6543 102.3249 curveto
-223.92968 102.39523 224.26513 102.5256 224.66064 102.71602 curveto
-225.05615 102.90646 225.333 103.00167 225.49121 103.00166 curveto
-225.64355 103.00167 225.76366 102.9548 225.85156 102.86104 curveto
-225.93945 102.7673 226.02148 102.54171 226.09766 102.18428 curveto
-226.36133 102.18428 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-235.41406 110.98213 moveto
-231.2041 110.98213 lineto
-230.70313 112.14229 lineto
-230.53906 112.52901 230.45703 112.84834 230.45703 113.10029 curveto
-230.45703 113.43428 230.59179 113.68037 230.86133 113.83858 curveto
-231.01953 113.93233 231.40918 114.00264 232.03027 114.04951 curveto
-232.03027 114.37471 lineto
-228.06641 114.37471 lineto
-228.06641 114.04951 lineto
-228.49414 113.98506 228.8457 113.80781 229.12109 113.51777 curveto
-229.39648 113.22774 229.73633 112.62862 230.14063 111.72041 curveto
-234.40332 102.21065 lineto
-234.57031 102.21065 lineto
-238.86816 111.98408 lineto
-239.27831 112.90987 239.61522 113.49287 239.87891 113.73311 curveto
-240.07811 113.91475 240.35936 114.02022 240.72266 114.04951 curveto
-240.72266 114.37471 lineto
-234.95703 114.37471 lineto
-234.95703 114.04951 lineto
-235.19434 114.04951 lineto
-235.65722 114.04951 235.98241 113.98506 236.16992 113.85615 curveto
-236.29882 113.7624 236.36327 113.62764 236.36328 113.45186 curveto
-236.36327 113.34639 236.34569 113.23799 236.31055 113.12666 curveto
-236.29882 113.07393 236.21093 112.8542 236.04688 112.46748 curveto
-235.41406 110.98213 lineto
-235.11523 110.33174 moveto
-233.33984 106.22725 lineto
-231.51172 110.33174 lineto
-235.11523 110.33174 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-252.28906 102.45674 moveto
-252.28906 105.68233 lineto
-251.97266 105.68233 lineto
-251.78515 104.93819 251.57714 104.40353 251.34863 104.07832 curveto
-251.12011 103.75314 250.80663 103.49386 250.4082 103.30049 curveto
-250.18554 103.19503 249.79589 103.1423 249.23926 103.14229 curveto
-248.35156 103.14229 lineto
-248.35156 112.33565 lineto
-248.35156 112.94502 248.38525 113.32588 248.45264 113.47822 curveto
-248.52001 113.63057 248.65185 113.76387 248.84814 113.87813 curveto
-249.04443 113.99238 249.31249 114.04951 249.65234 114.04951 curveto
-250.04785 114.04951 lineto
-250.04785 114.37471 lineto
-243.80762 114.37471 lineto
-243.80762 114.04951 lineto
-244.20313 114.04951 lineto
-244.54882 114.04951 244.82714 113.98799 245.03809 113.86494 curveto
-245.19043 113.78291 245.31054 113.64229 245.39844 113.44307 curveto
-245.46289 113.30244 245.49511 112.9333 245.49512 112.33565 curveto
-245.49512 103.14229 lineto
-244.63379 103.14229 lineto
-243.83105 103.1423 243.24804 103.31222 242.88477 103.65205 curveto
-242.375 104.12667 242.05273 104.80343 241.91797 105.68233 curveto
-241.58398 105.68233 lineto
-241.58398 102.45674 lineto
-252.28906 102.45674 lineto
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-264.15489 139.43682 lineto
-194.20183 139.43682 lineto
-194.20183 117.21346 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 -10.606602 -4.5456865] concat
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-49.93457 182.79951 moveto
-54.126953 188.04658 lineto
-54.718738 188.78487 55.228503 189.28584 55.65625 189.54951 curveto
-55.966783 189.73701 56.294908 189.83076 56.640625 189.83076 curveto
-56.640625 190.15596 lineto
-50.435547 190.15596 lineto
-50.435547 189.83076 lineto
-50.828117 189.79561 51.081534 189.73408 51.195801 189.64619 curveto
-51.31005 189.5583 51.367179 189.4499 51.367188 189.321 curveto
-51.367179 189.0749 51.097648 188.61201 50.558594 187.93233 curveto
-47.825195 184.4958 lineto
-47.385742 184.86494 lineto
-47.385742 188.1169 lineto
-47.385737 188.73799 47.420893 189.12471 47.491211 189.27705 curveto
-47.561518 189.4294 47.696284 189.55977 47.895508 189.66816 curveto
-48.094721 189.77656 48.414057 189.83076 48.853516 189.83076 curveto
-48.853516 190.15596 lineto
-42.841797 190.15596 lineto
-42.841797 189.83076 lineto
-43.237305 189.83076 lineto
-43.583007 189.83076 43.861327 189.76924 44.072266 189.64619 curveto
-44.224608 189.56416 44.341795 189.42354 44.423828 189.22432 curveto
-44.488279 189.08369 44.520506 188.71455 44.520508 188.1169 curveto
-44.520508 180.27705 lineto
-44.520506 179.66769 44.488279 179.28683 44.423828 179.13447 curveto
-44.359373 178.98214 44.229002 178.84884 44.032715 178.73457 curveto
-43.836424 178.62032 43.571288 178.5632 43.237305 178.56318 curveto
-42.841797 178.56318 lineto
-42.841797 178.23799 lineto
-48.774414 178.23799 lineto
-48.774414 178.56318 lineto
-48.370111 178.5632 48.062494 178.62179 47.851563 178.73897 curveto
-47.699213 178.82101 47.579096 178.9587 47.491211 179.15205 curveto
-47.420893 179.29855 47.385737 179.67355 47.385742 180.27705 curveto
-47.385742 183.98604 lineto
-51.806641 180.40889 lineto
-52.421865 179.91085 52.729482 179.51241 52.729492 179.21358 curveto
-52.729482 178.99093 52.603505 178.81515 52.351563 178.68623 curveto
-52.222646 178.62179 51.903311 178.58077 51.393555 178.56318 curveto
-51.393555 178.23799 lineto
-56.042969 178.23799 lineto
-56.042969 178.56318 lineto
-55.62694 178.59249 55.30028 178.6672 55.062988 178.78731 curveto
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-49.93457 182.79951 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-60.25293 178.23799 moveto
-60.25293 188.45088 lineto
-60.252926 189.03096 60.320309 189.40156 60.455078 189.5627 curveto
-60.58984 189.72383 60.853511 189.81611 61.246094 189.83955 curveto
-61.246094 190.15596 lineto
-56.807617 190.15596 lineto
-56.807617 189.83955 lineto
-57.170898 189.82783 57.440429 189.72236 57.616211 189.52315 curveto
-57.733397 189.38838 57.791991 189.03096 57.791992 188.45088 curveto
-57.791992 179.94307 lineto
-57.791991 179.36886 57.724608 179.00118 57.589844 178.84004 curveto
-57.455077 178.67892 57.194335 178.58663 56.807617 178.56318 curveto
-56.807617 178.23799 lineto
-60.25293 178.23799 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-64.005859 177.95674 moveto
-64.386716 177.95675 64.708981 178.09005 64.972656 178.35664 curveto
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-65.36816 179.69405 65.234859 180.01339 64.968262 180.27705 curveto
-64.701657 180.54073 64.380856 180.67257 64.005859 180.67256 curveto
-63.630857 180.67257 63.311522 180.54073 63.047852 180.27705 curveto
-62.784178 180.01339 62.652343 179.69405 62.652344 179.31904 curveto
-62.652343 178.94406 62.784178 178.62325 63.047852 178.35664 curveto
-63.311522 178.09005 63.630857 177.95675 64.005859 177.95674 curveto
-64.005859 177.95674 lineto
-65.236328 181.93818 moveto
-65.236328 188.45088 lineto
-65.236324 189.03096 65.303707 189.40156 65.438477 189.5627 curveto
-65.573238 189.72383 65.83691 189.81611 66.229492 189.83955 curveto
-66.229492 190.15596 lineto
-61.791016 190.15596 lineto
-61.791016 189.83955 lineto
-62.154296 189.82783 62.423827 189.72236 62.599609 189.52315 curveto
-62.716796 189.38838 62.775389 189.03096 62.775391 188.45088 curveto
-62.775391 183.65205 lineto
-62.775389 183.07198 62.708007 182.70138 62.573242 182.54024 curveto
-62.438476 182.37911 62.177734 182.28683 61.791016 182.26338 curveto
-61.791016 181.93818 lineto
-65.236328 181.93818 lineto
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-70.360352 186.07783 lineto
-72.267578 184.20576 lineto
-72.66015 183.82491 72.904779 183.54952 73.001465 183.37959 curveto
-73.098138 183.20968 73.146478 183.04561 73.146484 182.8874 curveto
-73.146478 182.72921 73.082025 182.59737 72.953125 182.4919 curveto
-72.824212 182.38643 72.572259 182.31026 72.197266 182.26338 curveto
-72.197266 181.93818 lineto
-75.879883 181.93818 lineto
-75.879883 182.26338 lineto
-75.528311 182.28097 75.220694 182.36446 74.957031 182.51387 curveto
-74.693351 182.66329 74.177727 183.113 73.410156 183.86299 curveto
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-74.447266 187.57197 lineto
-75.226554 188.72041 75.689444 189.36494 75.835938 189.50557 curveto
-76.035147 189.70479 76.2871 189.81611 76.591797 189.83955 curveto
-76.591797 190.15596 lineto
-72.34668 190.15596 lineto
-72.34668 189.83955 lineto
-72.534174 189.83955 72.670404 189.8044 72.755371 189.73408 curveto
-72.840326 189.66377 72.882806 189.5876 72.882813 189.50557 curveto
-72.882806 189.3708 72.759759 189.12178 72.513672 188.7585 curveto
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-70.360352 186.89522 lineto
-70.360352 188.37178 lineto
-70.360348 188.99873 70.418941 189.38985 70.536133 189.54512 curveto
-70.653316 189.70039 70.89355 189.79854 71.256836 189.83955 curveto
-71.256836 190.15596 lineto
-67.011719 190.15596 lineto
-67.011719 189.83955 lineto
-67.357421 189.8044 67.603514 189.69307 67.75 189.50557 curveto
-67.849608 189.37666 67.899413 188.99873 67.899414 188.37178 curveto
-67.899414 180.02217 lineto
-67.899413 179.40109 67.842284 179.01437 67.728027 178.86201 curveto
-67.613768 178.70968 67.374999 178.61007 67.011719 178.56318 curveto
-67.011719 178.23799 lineto
-70.360352 178.23799 lineto
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-81.575195 188.94307 moveto
-80.573238 189.82783 79.673825 190.27022 78.876953 190.27022 curveto
-78.408201 190.27022 78.018553 190.11641 77.708008 189.80879 curveto
-77.39746 189.50117 77.242187 189.11592 77.242188 188.65303 curveto
-77.242187 188.02608 77.511718 187.46211 78.050781 186.96113 curveto
-78.589842 186.46016 79.764645 185.79366 81.575195 184.96162 curveto
-81.575195 184.13545 lineto
-81.57519 183.51436 81.541499 183.12325 81.474121 182.96211 curveto
-81.406733 182.80098 81.279292 182.66036 81.091797 182.54024 curveto
-80.904292 182.42013 80.693355 182.36007 80.458984 182.36006 curveto
-80.078121 182.36007 79.764645 182.44503 79.518555 182.61494 curveto
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-79.290036 183.10714 79.372067 183.25948 79.536133 183.44111 curveto
-79.758786 183.69307 79.870114 183.93624 79.870117 184.17061 curveto
-79.870114 184.45772 79.76318 184.70235 79.549316 184.90449 curveto
-79.335446 185.10665 79.055661 185.20772 78.709961 185.20772 curveto
-78.340818 185.20772 78.031737 185.09639 77.782715 184.87373 curveto
-77.53369 184.65108 77.409179 184.39034 77.40918 184.0915 curveto
-77.409179 183.66964 77.576171 183.2668 77.910156 182.88301 curveto
-78.244139 182.49923 78.709959 182.20479 79.307617 181.99971 curveto
-79.90527 181.79464 80.526363 181.6921 81.170898 181.69209 curveto
-81.95019 181.6921 82.566888 181.85763 83.020996 182.18867 curveto
-83.475091 182.51974 83.769524 182.87862 83.904297 183.26533 curveto
-83.986321 183.51143 84.027336 184.07686 84.027344 184.96162 curveto
-84.027344 188.15205 lineto
-84.027336 188.52705 84.041985 188.76289 84.071289 188.85957 curveto
-84.100578 188.95625 84.144524 189.02803 84.203125 189.0749 curveto
-84.261711 189.12178 84.329094 189.14522 84.405273 189.14522 curveto
-84.557609 189.14522 84.712882 189.03682 84.871094 188.82002 curveto
-85.134766 189.03096 lineto
-84.841788 189.46455 84.538566 189.77949 84.225098 189.97578 curveto
-83.911614 190.17207 83.555657 190.27022 83.157227 190.27022 curveto
-82.68847 190.27022 82.32226 190.16035 82.058594 189.94063 curveto
-81.794917 189.7209 81.633784 189.38838 81.575195 188.94307 curveto
-81.575195 188.94307 lineto
-81.575195 188.30147 moveto
-81.575195 185.55049 lineto
-80.866207 185.96651 80.338863 186.41182 79.993164 186.88643 curveto
-79.764645 187.20284 79.650387 187.52217 79.650391 187.84443 curveto
-79.650387 188.11397 79.747067 188.35127 79.94043 188.55635 curveto
-80.08691 188.71455 80.291988 188.79365 80.555664 188.79365 curveto
-80.848628 188.79365 81.188472 188.62959 81.575195 188.30147 curveto
-81.575195 188.30147 lineto
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-78.034286 207.62212 lineto
-78.034286 185.90384 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 -13.131983 -0.5050763] concat
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-173.0498 175.58468 173.51269 175.4045 173.77051 175.2375 curveto
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-174.62597 174.13009 174.71972 173.78292 174.71973 173.43135 curveto
-174.71972 172.94503 174.54248 172.52755 174.18799 172.17891 curveto
-173.83349 171.83028 173.39257 171.65597 172.86523 171.65596 curveto
-172.04492 171.65597 171.34765 172.08956 170.77344 172.95674 curveto
-170.44824 172.84248 lineto
-170.87012 171.86398 171.41064 171.12863 172.06982 170.63643 curveto
-172.729 170.14425 173.46289 169.89816 174.27148 169.89815 curveto
-175.09765 169.89816 175.7788 170.15011 176.31494 170.654 curveto
-176.85107 171.15792 177.11913 171.74679 177.11914 172.42061 curveto
-177.11913 172.86007 176.99462 173.28341 176.74561 173.69063 curveto
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-176.25781 175.10128 176.78075 175.5129 177.14111 176.00215 curveto
-177.50146 176.49141 177.68163 177.10518 177.68164 177.84346 curveto
-177.68163 179.08565 177.23193 180.1418 176.33252 181.01191 curveto
-175.4331 181.88203 174.22753 182.31709 172.71582 182.31709 curveto
-171.70801 182.31709 170.97265 182.1501 170.50977 181.81611 curveto
-170.17578 181.58174 170.00879 181.27998 170.00879 180.91084 curveto
-170.00879 180.64131 170.10547 180.41133 170.29883 180.2209 curveto
-170.49219 180.03047 170.71484 179.93526 170.9668 179.93525 curveto
-171.16015 179.93526 171.3418 179.97627 171.51172 180.0583 curveto
-171.60547 180.10518 171.93799 180.36153 172.50928 180.82734 curveto
-173.08056 181.29317 173.61523 181.52608 174.11328 181.52608 curveto
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-175.69531 178.90401 175.41406 178.16426 174.85156 177.4875 curveto
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-172.38184 176.08565 lineto
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-187.31445 179.60127 lineto
-187.31444 180.23994 187.33202 180.61787 187.36719 180.73506 curveto
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-188.3252 181.63154 lineto
-184.85352 182.3083 lineto
-184.85352 181.00752 lineto
-184.43749 181.51143 184.06689 181.8542 183.7417 182.03584 curveto
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-181.58984 182.3083 180.76074 181.83955 180.15137 180.90205 curveto
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-179.41309 177.21358 179.56543 176.4211 179.87012 175.7209 curveto
-180.1748 175.02071 180.59228 174.4919 181.12256 174.13447 curveto
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-184.85352 172.14815 lineto
-184.85351 171.5212 184.82714 171.14327 184.77441 171.01436 curveto
-184.7041 170.84445 184.59863 170.71847 184.45801 170.63643 curveto
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-183.66699 170.14424 lineto
-187.31445 170.14424 lineto
-184.85352 175.7165 moveto
-184.41992 174.88448 183.88964 174.46847 183.2627 174.46846 curveto
-183.04589 174.46847 182.86718 174.52706 182.72656 174.64424 curveto
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-182.05713 176.05928 181.98828 176.75948 181.98828 177.70283 curveto
-181.98828 178.73995 182.06445 179.50752 182.2168 180.00557 curveto
-182.36914 180.50362 182.57714 180.86397 182.84082 181.08662 curveto
-182.97558 181.19795 183.16015 181.25362 183.39453 181.25361 curveto
-183.91015 181.25362 184.39648 180.84932 184.85352 180.04072 curveto
-184.85352 175.7165 lineto
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-197.02637 184.28584 lineto
-197.02636 184.70771 197.06005 184.99482 197.12744 185.14717 curveto
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-197.58007 185.55146 197.85546 185.58662 198.26563 185.58662 curveto
-198.26563 185.91182 lineto
-193.58105 185.91182 lineto
-193.58105 185.58662 lineto
-193.94434 185.5749 194.21387 185.47236 194.38965 185.279 curveto
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-194.56543 175.5583 lineto
-194.56543 174.97823 194.49805 174.60763 194.36328 174.44649 curveto
-194.22851 174.28536 193.96777 174.19308 193.58105 174.16963 curveto
-193.58105 173.84443 lineto
-197.02637 173.84443 lineto
-197.02637 174.92549 lineto
-197.31347 174.50362 197.60644 174.19893 197.90527 174.01143 curveto
-198.333 173.73604 198.79882 173.59835 199.30273 173.59834 curveto
-199.90624 173.59835 200.45556 173.78878 200.95068 174.16963 curveto
-201.44579 174.5505 201.82226 175.07638 202.08008 175.74727 curveto
-202.33788 176.41817 202.46679 177.14034 202.4668 177.91377 curveto
-202.46679 178.74581 202.33349 179.50606 202.06689 180.19453 curveto
-201.80028 180.88301 201.41357 181.40742 200.90674 181.76777 curveto
-200.3999 182.12813 199.83593 182.3083 199.21484 182.3083 curveto
-198.76367 182.3083 198.34179 182.20869 197.94922 182.00947 curveto
-197.65625 181.85713 197.34863 181.59639 197.02637 181.22725 curveto
-197.02637 181.22725 lineto
-197.02637 180.33955 moveto
-197.53027 181.0544 198.06933 181.41182 198.64355 181.41182 curveto
-198.95996 181.41182 199.2207 181.24483 199.42578 180.91084 curveto
-199.73046 180.41865 199.88281 179.48116 199.88281 178.09834 curveto
-199.88281 176.68038 199.71581 175.71065 199.38184 175.18916 curveto
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-197.89355 174.67061 197.40722 175.09835 197.02637 175.95381 curveto
-197.02637 180.33955 lineto
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-205.23242 182.17647 204.84277 182.02266 204.53223 181.71504 curveto
-204.22168 181.40742 204.06641 181.02217 204.06641 180.55928 curveto
-204.06641 179.93233 204.33594 179.36836 204.875 178.86738 curveto
-205.41406 178.36641 206.58886 177.69991 208.39941 176.86787 curveto
-208.39941 176.0417 lineto
-208.39941 175.42061 208.36572 175.0295 208.29834 174.86836 curveto
-208.23095 174.70723 208.10351 174.56661 207.91602 174.44649 curveto
-207.72851 174.32638 207.51757 174.26632 207.2832 174.26631 curveto
-206.90234 174.26632 206.58886 174.35128 206.34277 174.52119 curveto
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-206.11425 175.01339 206.19629 175.16573 206.36035 175.34736 curveto
-206.583 175.59932 206.69433 175.84249 206.69434 176.07686 curveto
-206.69433 176.36397 206.5874 176.6086 206.37354 176.81074 curveto
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-205.16504 177.11397 204.85596 177.00264 204.60693 176.77998 curveto
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-204.2334 175.57589 204.40039 175.17305 204.73438 174.78926 curveto
-205.06836 174.40548 205.53418 174.11104 206.13184 173.90596 curveto
-206.72949 173.70089 207.35058 173.59835 207.99512 173.59834 curveto
-208.77441 173.59835 209.39111 173.76388 209.84521 174.09492 curveto
-210.29931 174.42599 210.59374 174.78487 210.72852 175.17158 curveto
-210.81054 175.41768 210.85155 175.98311 210.85156 176.86787 curveto
-210.85156 180.0583 lineto
-210.85155 180.4333 210.8662 180.66914 210.89551 180.76582 curveto
-210.9248 180.8625 210.96874 180.93428 211.02734 180.98115 curveto
-211.08593 181.02803 211.15331 181.05147 211.22949 181.05147 curveto
-211.38183 181.05147 211.5371 180.94307 211.69531 180.72627 curveto
-211.95898 180.93721 lineto
-211.66601 181.3708 211.36278 181.68574 211.04932 181.88203 curveto
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-209.51269 182.17647 209.14648 182.0666 208.88281 181.84688 curveto
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-208.39941 180.84932 lineto
-208.39941 180.20772 moveto
-208.39941 177.45674 lineto
-207.69043 177.87276 207.16308 178.31807 206.81738 178.79268 curveto
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-206.47461 180.02022 206.57129 180.25752 206.76465 180.4626 curveto
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-208.39941 180.20772 lineto
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-207.5293 172.78975 lineto
-206.77344 172.78975 lineto
-207.79297 169.73994 lineto
-210.43848 169.73994 lineto
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-216.27441 175.70772 lineto
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-219.9746 175.15108 219.87939 175.45577 219.68896 175.67256 curveto
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-217.41406 175.31221 217.25292 175.37667 217.10059 175.50557 curveto
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-216.27441 180.12861 lineto
-216.2832 180.6208 lineto
-216.2832 180.95479 216.30371 181.16865 216.34473 181.2624 curveto
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-217.35547 182.06221 lineto
-212.91699 182.06221 lineto
-212.91699 181.7458 lineto
-213.27441 181.71651 213.51611 181.61836 213.64209 181.45137 curveto
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-213.83105 175.58467 lineto
-213.83105 175.11593 213.80762 174.8171 213.76074 174.68818 curveto
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-212.91699 173.84443 lineto
-216.27441 173.84443 lineto
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-228.59667 179.12373 228.30077 180.09932 227.70898 180.88447 curveto
-226.99413 181.83369 226.00683 182.3083 224.74707 182.3083 curveto
-223.51074 182.3083 222.55859 181.87471 221.89063 181.00752 curveto
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-220.88867 176.81514 221.22998 175.78829 221.9126 174.91231 curveto
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-224.7207 173.59834 lineto
-224.75586 174.22236 moveto
-224.45703 174.22237 224.20068 174.33516 223.98682 174.56074 curveto
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-223.49756 176.56173 223.46386 177.48604 223.46387 178.66963 curveto
-223.46386 179.29659 223.50488 179.88252 223.58691 180.42744 curveto
-223.65136 180.84346 223.78906 181.15987 224 181.37666 curveto
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-224.98437 181.70186 225.2041 181.62861 225.37988 181.48213 curveto
-225.60839 181.28291 225.76074 181.00459 225.83691 180.64717 curveto
-225.9541 180.09053 226.01269 178.96553 226.0127 177.27217 curveto
-226.01269 176.27608 225.95703 175.592 225.8457 175.21992 curveto
-225.73437 174.84786 225.57031 174.57686 225.35352 174.40693 curveto
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-224.75586 174.22236 lineto
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-229.40527 173.84443 lineto
-233.77344 173.84443 lineto
-233.77344 174.16963 lineto
-233.49804 174.16964 233.31054 174.21944 233.21094 174.31904 curveto
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-233 174.99288 233.1289 175.40011 233.38672 175.99775 curveto
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-235.82129 176.41963 lineto
-236.13183 175.65792 236.2871 175.11886 236.28711 174.80244 curveto
-236.2871 174.62081 236.22118 174.47286 236.08936 174.35859 curveto
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-235.39063 173.84443 lineto
-238.08008 173.84443 lineto
-238.08008 174.16963 lineto
-237.82226 174.20479 237.61132 174.30147 237.44727 174.45967 curveto
-237.2832 174.61788 237.0371 175.0837 236.70898 175.85713 curveto
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-233.55371 182.3083 lineto
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-240.39453 178.36641 241.56933 177.69991 243.37988 176.86787 curveto
-243.37988 176.0417 lineto
-243.37988 175.42061 243.34619 175.0295 243.27881 174.86836 curveto
-243.21142 174.70723 243.08398 174.56661 242.89648 174.44649 curveto
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-241.09472 175.01339 241.17675 175.16573 241.34082 175.34736 curveto
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-241.6748 176.36397 241.56787 176.6086 241.354 176.81074 curveto
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-240.14551 177.11397 239.83642 177.00264 239.5874 176.77998 curveto
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-239.21387 175.57589 239.38086 175.17305 239.71484 174.78926 curveto
-240.04883 174.40548 240.51465 174.11104 241.1123 173.90596 curveto
-241.70996 173.70089 242.33105 173.59835 242.97559 173.59834 curveto
-243.75488 173.59835 244.37158 173.76388 244.82568 174.09492 curveto
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-\input lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{11}{NP-úplné problémy}{(zapsali F. Kaèmarik, R. Krivák, D. Remi¹)}
-Dosud jsme zkoumali problémy, které se nás ptaly na to, jestli nìco existuje. Napøíklad jsme dostali formuli a problém splnitelnosti se nás ptal, zda existuje ohodnocení promìnných takové, ¾e formule platí. Nebo v~pøípade nezávislých mno¾in jsme dostali graf a èíslo $k$ a ptali jsme se, jestli v~grafu existuje nezávislá mno¾ina, která obsahuje alespoò~$k$ vrcholù. Tyto otázky mìly spoleèné to, ¾e kdy¾ nám nìkdo zadal nìjaký objekt, umìli jsme efektivnì øíci, zda je to objekt, který hledáme. Napøíklad pokud dostaneme ohodnocení promìnných logické formule, staèí jen dosadit a spoèítat, ¾e formule je \<true> nebo \<false>. Zjistit, ¾e nìjaký objekt je ten, který hledáme, umíme efektivnì. Tì¾ké na tom je takový objekt najít. Co¾ vede k~definici obecných vyhledávacích problémù, kterým se øíká tøída problémù NP. Definujeme si ji poøádnì, ale nejdøíve zaèneme tro¹ièku jednodu¹¹í tøídou.
-\s{Definice:} P je {\I tøída rozhodovacích problémù}, které jsou øe¹itelné v~polynomiálním èase. Jinak øeèeno, problém
-$L \in P \Leftrightarrow \exists $ polynom $f$ a~$\exists$ algoritmus $A$ takový, ¾e $\forall x: L(x)=A(x)$ a $A(x)$ dobìhne v~èase $\O(f(x))$.
-Tøída P odpovídá tomu, o èem jsme se shodli, ¾e umíme efektivnì øe¹it. Nadefinujme tedy tøídu NP:
-\s{Definice:} NP je {\I tøída rozhodovacích problémù} takových, ¾e $L \in {\rm NP}$ právì tehdy, kdy¾ $\exists $ problém
-$K\in{\rm P}$ a $\exists$ polynom $g$ takový, ¾e pro
-$\forall x$ platí $L(x)=1 \Leftrightarrow \exists $ nápovìda $ y: \vert y \vert \leq g(\vert x \vert)$ a souèasnì $K(x,y)=1$.
-\s{Pozorování:} Splnitelnost logických formulí je v~NP. Staèí si toti¾ nechat napovìdìt, jak
-ohodnotit jednotlivé promìnné a pak ovìøit, jestli je formule splnìna. Nápovìda je polynomiálnì
-velká (dokonce lineárnì), splnìní zkontrolujeme také v~lineárním èase. Odpovíme tedy ano právì
-tehdy, existuje-li nápovìda, která nás pøesvìdèí, tedy pokud je formule splnitelná.
-\s{Pozorování:} Tøída P le¾í uvnitø NP.
-V~podstatì øíkáme, ¾e kdy¾ máme problém, který umíme øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase bez nápovìdy, tak to zvládneme v~polynomiálním èase i s~nápovìdou.
-Nasbírali jsme problémy, které jsou v~NP, ale nevíme, jestli jsou v~P. Brzy uká¾eme, ¾e to jsou v jistém smyslu nejtì¾¹í problémy v~NP.
-Nadefinujme si:
-\s{Definice:} Problém $L$ je NP-{\I tì¾ký} právì tehdy, kdy¾ je na~nìj pøevoditelný
-ka¾dý problém z~NP. (Viz definici pøevodù z minulé pøedná¹ky)
-Také platí, ¾e pokud umíme øe¹it nìjaký NP-tì¾ký problém v~polynomiálním èase,
-pak umíme vyøe¹it v~polynomiálním èase v¹e v~NP, a tedy ${\rm P}={\rm NP}$.
-(To u¾ také víme z~minulé pøedná¹ky.)
-My se budeme zabývat problémy, které jsou NP-tì¾ké a samotné jsou v~NP. Takovým problémùm se øíká NP-úplné.
-\s{Definice:} Problém $L$ je NP-{\I úplný} právì tehdy, kdy¾ $L$ je NP-tì¾ký a $L \in {\rm NP}$.
-NP-úplné problémy jsou tedy ve~své podstatì nejtì¾¹í problémy, které le¾í v~NP.
-Kdybychom umìli vyøe¹it nìjaký NP-úplný problém v~polynomiálním èase, pak
-v¹echno v~NP je øe¹itelné v~polynomiálním èase. Bohu¾el to, jestli nìjaký
-NP-úplný problém lze øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase, se neví. Otázka, jestli
-${\rm P}={\rm NP}$, je asi nejznámìj¹í otevøený problém v~celé teoretické
-Kde ale nìjaký NP-úplný problém vzít? K~tomu se nám bude velice hodit následující vìta:
-\s{Vìta (Cookova):} SAT je NP-úplný.
-\>Dùkaz je znaènì technický, pøibli¾nì ho naznaèíme pozdìji. Pøímým dùsledkem je, ¾e cokoli v~NP je pøevoditelné na SAT.
-K dokazování NP-úplnosti dal¹ích problémù pou¾ijeme následující vìtièku:
-\s{Vìtièka:} Pokud problém $L$ je NP-úplný a $L$ se dá pøevést na $M\in{\rm NP}$ ($L \rightarrow M$), pak $M$ je také NP-úplný.
-Tuto vìtièku staèí dokázat pro NP-tì¾kost, NP-úplnost plyne okam¾itì z~toho, ¾e
-problémy jsou NP-tì¾ké a le¾í v~NP (podle pøedpokladu).
-Víme, ¾e $L$ se dá pøevést na~$M$ nìjakou funkcí~$f$. Jeliko¾ $L$ je NP-úplný,
-pak pro ka¾dý problém $Q\in{\rm NP}$ existuje nìjaká funkce~$g$, která pøevede
-$Q$ na~$L$. Staèí tedy slo¾it funkci~$f$ s~funkcí~$g$, èím¾ získáme funkci pracující
-opìt v~polynomiálním èase, která pøevede~$Q$ na~$M$. Ka¾dý problém z~NP se tedy
-dá pøevést na problém~$M$.
-\s{Dùsledek:} Cokoliv, na co jsme umìli pøevést SAT, je také NP-úplné. Napøíklad nezávislá mno¾ina, rùzné varianty SATu, klika v~grafu~\dots
-Jak taková tøída NP vypadá? Pøedstavme si v¹echny problémy tøídy NP, jakoby seøazené zhora nadolu podle obtí¾nosti problémù, kde porovnání dvou problémù urèuje pøevoditelnost (viz obrázek).
-\figure{p-np.eps}{Struktura tøídy NP}{2.5cm}
-Obecnì mohou nastat dvì situace. Proto¾e nevíme, jestli ${\rm P}={\rm NP}$.
-Jestli ano, pak v¹echno je jedna a ta samá tøída. To by bylo v nìkterých
-pøípadech nepraktické, napø. ka¾dá ¹ifra by byla jednodu¹e rozlu¹titelná.
-Jestli ne, NP-úplné problémy urèitì nele¾í v P, tak¾e P a NP-úplné problémy
-jsou dvì disjunktní èásti NP. Také se dá dokázat (to dìlat nebudeme, ale je
-dobré to vìdìt), ¾e je¹tì nìco le¾í mezi nimi, tedy ¾e existuje problém, který
-je v~NP, není v~P a není NP-úplný.
-\s{Katalog NP-úplných problémù}
-Uká¾eme si nìkolik základních NP-úplných problémù. O~nìkterých jsme to dokázali
-na~minulé pøedná¹ce, o~dal¹ích si to doká¾eme nyní, zbylým se na~zoubek podíváme
-\:{\I logické:}
- \itemize\ibull
- \:SAT (splnitelnost logických formulí v~CNF)
- \:3-SAT (ka¾dá klauzule obsahuje max.~3 literály)
- \:3,3-SAT (a navíc ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje nejvý¹e tøikrát)
- \:SAT pro obecné formule (nejen CNF)
- \:Obvodový SAT (není to formule, ale obvod)
- \endlist
-\:{\I grafové:}
- \itemize\ibull
- \:Nezávislá mno¾ina (mno¾ina alespoò~$k$ vrcholù taková, ¾e ¾ádné dva nejsou propojeny hranou)
- \:Klika (úplný podgraf na~$k$ vrcholech)
- \:3D párování (tøi mno¾iny se zadanými trojicemi, najít takovou mno¾inu disjunktních trojic, ve~které jsou v¹echny prvky)
- \:Barvení grafu (obarvit vrcholy $k$~barvami tak, aby vrcholy stejné barvy nebyly nikdy spojeny hranou; NP-úplné u¾ pro~$k=3$)
- \:Hamiltonovská cesta (cesta obsahující v¹echny vrcholy [právì jednou])
- \:Hamiltonovská kru¾nice (kru¾nice, která nav¹tíví v¹echny vrcholy [právì jednou])
- \endlist
-\:{\I èíselné:}
- \itemize\ibull
- \:Batoh (nejjednodu¹¹í verze: dána mno¾ina èísel, zjistit, zda existuje podmno¾ina se zadaným souètem)
- \:Loupe¾níci (rozdìlit mno¾inu na~dvì podmno¾iny se stejným souètem)
- \:$Ax=b$ (soustava celoèíslených lineárních rovnic; $x_i$ mohou být pouze 0 nebo 1; NP-úplné i pokud $A_{ij}\in\{0,1\}$ a $b_i\in\{0,1\}$)
- \:Celoèíselné lineární programování (existuje vektor nezáporných celoèísených $x$ takový, ¾e $Ax \leq b$)
- \endlist
-\h { Pøevoditelnost 3,3-SAT na 3D-párování }
-Kdy¾ chceme ukázat, ¾e na nìco se dá pøevést SAT, potøebujeme obvykle dvì vìci. Konstrukci, která bude simulovat promìnné, tedy nìco, co nabývá dvou stavù \<true>/\<false>, a nìco, co bude reprezentovat klauzule a umí zaøídit, aby ka¾dá klauzule byla splnìna alespoò jednou promìnnou.
-Jenom pro pøipomenutí, máme mno¾inu klukù, dìvèat, zvíøátek a nìjaké trojice, kdo se s~kým snese, a chceme vybrat trojice tak, aby se v~nich ka¾dý kluk, holka, zvíøátko vyskytovalo právì jednou.
-Najdeme si takovouto konfiguraci:
-\>4 zvíøátka, 2 kluci, 2 dívky a~takové 4 trojice, které oznaèíme $A, B, C, D$. Je¹tì pøedpokládáme, ¾e zvíøátka se mohou úèastnit nìjakých jiných trojic, ale tito ètyøi lidé se vyskytují pouze v~tìchto ètyøech trojicích a~nikde jinde.
-V¹imneme si, ¾e existují právì dvì mo¾nosti, jak tento obrázek spárovat. Abychom spárovali kluka $k_1$, tak si musíme vybrat $A$ nebo $B$. Kdy¾ si vybereme $A$, $k_1$ i $d_2$ u¾ jsou spárovaní tak¾e si nesmíme vybrat $B$ ani $D$. Pak jediná mo¾nost, jak spárovat $d_1$ a~$k_2$ je $C$. Jedna mo¾nost je tedy vybrat si $A$ a $C$ a jeliko¾ je obrázek symetrický, tak kdy¾ vybereme místo $A$ trojici $B$, dostaneme $B$ a~$D$. V¾dy si tedy vybereme dvì protìj¹í trojice v~obrázku.
-Takovýto obrázek budeme pou¾ívat k~reprezentaci promìnných. Pro ka¾dou promìnnou si nakreslíme takový obrázek a~to, ¾e $A$ bude spárované s~$C$, bude odpovídat tomu, ¾e $x=1$, a~spárování $B$ a~$D$ odpovídá $x=0$. Pokud jsme pou¾ili $A$ a~$C$, zvíøata se sudými èísly, tj. $z_2$ a~$z_4$, horní a~dolní jsou nespárovaná a~pokud jsme pou¾ili $B$ a~$D$, zvíøátka $z_1$ a~$z_3$ zùstala nespárovaná. Pøes tyto nespárovaná zvíøátka mù¾eme pøedávat informaci, jestli promìnná $x$ má hodnotu \<true> nebo \<false> do dal¹ích èástí grafu.
-Zbývá vymyslet, jak reprezentovat klauzule. Klauzule budou vypadat jako trojice literálù:
-$\kappa = (x \lor y \lor \lnot r) $
-Potøebujeme zajistit, aby $x$ bylo nastavené na $1$ nebo $y$ bylo nastavené na $1$ nebo $r$ na $0$.
-\>Pro takovouto klauzuli si poøídíme dvojici kluk-dívka, kteøí budou figurovat ve tøech trojicích se tøemi rùznými zvíøátky, co¾ mají být volná zvíøátka z~obrázkù pro pøíslu¹né promìnné. A~zaøídíme to tak, aby ka¾dé zvíøátko bylo pou¾ité maximálnì v~jedné takové trojici, co¾ jde proto, ¾e ka¾dý literál se vyskytuje maximálnì dvakrát a~pro ka¾dý literál máme dvì volná zvíøátka, z~èeho¾ plyne, ¾e zvíøátek je dost pro v¹echny klauzule.
-Je¹tì nám ale urèitì zbude $2p-k$ zvíøátek, kde $p$ je poèet promìnných, tak pøidáme je¹tì $2p-k$ párù kluk-dìvèe, kteøí milují v¹echna zvíøátka, a~ti vytvoøí zbývající páry.
-Pokud formule byla splnitelná, pak ze splòujícího ohodnocení mù¾eme vyrobit párování s~na¹í konstrukcí. Obrázek pro ka¾dou promìnnou spárujeme podle ohodnocení, tj. promìnná je $0$ nebo $1$ a~pro ka¾dou klauzuli si vybereme nìkterou z~promìnných, kterými je ta klauzule splnìna. Funguje to také ale i~opaènì. Kdy¾ nám nìkdo dá párovaní v~na¹í konstrukci, pak z nìho doká¾eme vyrobit splòující ohodnocení dané formule. Podíváme se, v~jakém stavu je promìnná, a~to je v¹echno. Z~toho, ¾e jsou správnì spárované klauzule, u¾ okam¾itì víme, ¾e jsou v¹echny splnìné.
-Zbývá ovìøit, ¾e na¹e redukce funguje v~polynomiálním èase. Pro ka¾dou klauzuli spotøebujeme konstantnì mnoho èasu, $2p-k$ je také polynomiálnì mnoho a~kdy¾ to seèteme, máme polynomiální èas vzhledem k~velikosti vstupní formule. Tím je pøevod hotový a~mù¾eme 3D-párování zaøadit mezi NP-úplné problémy.
-\h{Náznak dùkazu Cookovy vìty}
-Abychom mohli budovat teorii NP-úplnosti, potøebujeme alespoò jeden problém, o kterém doká¾eme, ¾e je NP-úplný, z definice. Cookova vìta øíká o NP-úplnosti SAT-u, ale nám se to hodí dokázat o tro¹ku jiném problému -- {\I obvodovém SAT-u}.
-\>{\I Obvodový SAT} je splnitelnost, která nepracuje s~formulemi, ale s~booleovskými obvody. Ka¾dá formule se dá pøepsat do booleovského obvodu, který ji poèítá, tak¾e dává smysl zavést splnitelnost i pro obvody. Na¹e obvody budou mít nìjaké vstupy a~jenom jeden výstup. Budeme se ptát, jestli se vstupy tohoto obvodu dají nastavit tak, abychom na výstupu dostali \<true>.
-\>Nejprve doká¾eme NP-úplnost {\I obvodového SAT-u} a~pak uká¾eme, ¾e se dá pøevést na obyèejný SAT v~CNF. Tím bude dùkaz Cookovy vìty hotový.
-\s{Vìta:} Obvodový SAT je NP-úplný.
-Náznakem. Na základì zku¹eností z Principù poèítaèù intuitivnì chápeme poèítaèe
-jako nìjaké slo¾ité booleovské obvody, jejich¾ stav se mìní v~èase. Uva¾me nìjaký
-problém $L \in {\rm P}$ a polynomiální algoritmus, který ho øe¹í. Pro vstup velikosti~$n$
-tedy dobìhne v~èase~$T$ polynomiálním v~$n$ a spotøebuje $\O(T)$ bunìk pamìti.
-Staèí nám tedy \uv{poèítaè s~pamìtí velkou $\O(T)$}, co¾ je nìjaký booleovský obvod
-velikosti polynomiální v~$T$, a~tedy i v~$n$. Vývoj v~èase o¹etøíme tak, ¾e sestrojíme~$T$
-kopií tohoto obvodu, ka¾dá z~nich bude odpovídat jednomu kroku výpoètu a bude
-propojena s~\uv{minulou} a \uv{budoucí} kopií. Tím sestrojíme booleovský obvod,
-který bude øe¹it problém~$L$ pro vstupy velikosti~$n$ a bude polynomiálnì velký
-vzhledem k~$n$.
-Je¹tì si dovolíme drobnou úpravu v~definici tøídy NP. Budeme chtít, aby nápovìda byla
-mìla pevnou velikost, závislou pouze na~velikosti vstupu (tedy: $\vert y \vert
-= g(\vert x \vert)$). Proè je taková úprava BÚNO? Jistì si dovedete pøedstavit,
-¾e pùvodní nápovìdu doplníme na po¾adovanou délku nìjakými \uv{mezerami}, které
-program ignoruje. (Tedy upravíme program tak, aby mu nevadilo, ¾e dostane na
-konci nápovìdy nìjak kódované mezery.)
-Máme tedy nìjaký problém $L$ z~NP a~chceme dokázat, ¾e $L$ se dá pøevést na obvodový
-SAT. Kdy¾ nám nìkdo pøedlo¾í nìjaký vstup $x$ (chápeme jako vektor $(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)$),
-spoèítáme velikost nápovìdy $g(\vert x\vert)$. Víme, ¾e kontrolní
-algoritmus~$K$ (který kontroluje, zda nápovìda je správnì) je v~P. Vyu¾ijeme
-intuice o~obvodech, abychom získali obvod, který pro konkrétní velikost vstupu
-$x$ poèítá to, co kontrolní algoritmus $K$. Na vstupu tohoto obvodu bude $x$
-(vstup problému $L$) a~nápovìda~$y$. Na výstupu nám øekne, jestli je nápovìda
-správná. Velikost vstupu tohoto obvodu bude tedy $\vert x\vert + g(\vert x\vert)$, co¾ je polynom.
-\>V tomto obvodu zafixujeme vstup $x$ (na místa vstupu dosadíme konkrétní hodnoty z $x$). Tím získáme obvod, jeho¾ vstup je jen $y$ a~ptáme se, zda za $y$ mù¾eme dosadit nìjaké hodnoty tak, aby na výstupu bylo \<true>. Jinými slovy, ptáme se, zda je tento obvod splnitelný.
-\>Pro libovolný problém z~NP tak doká¾eme sestrojit funkci, která pro ka¾dý vstup~$x$ v~polynomiálním èase vytvoøí obvod, který je splnitelný pravì tehdy, kdy¾ odpovìï tohoto problému na vstup $x$ má být \<true>. Tedy libovolný problém z~NP se dá
-v~polynomiálním èase pøevést na obvodový SAT.
-\s{Lemma:} Obvodový SAT se dá pøevést na 3-SAT.
-Budeme postupnì budovat formuli v~konjunktivní normální formì. Pro ka¾dé hradlo v~obvodu zavedeme novou promìnnou popisující jeho výstup. Pøidáme klauzule, které nám kontrolují, ¾e toto hradlo máme ohodnocené konzistentnì. Ka¾dý booleovský obvod se dá pøevést na ekvivalentní obvod, ve~kterém se vyskytují jen hradla {\sc and} a {\sc not}, tak¾e staèí najít klauzule odpovídající tìmto hradlùm.
-\>{\I Pøevod hradla \sc not}: na vstupu hradla budeme mít nìjakou promìnnou $x$ (která pøi¹la buïto pøímo ze~vstupu toho celého obvodu nebo je to promìnná, která vznikla na výstupu nìjakého hradla) a na výstupu promìnnou $y$. Pøidáme klauzule, které nám zaruèí, ¾e jedna promìnná bude negací té druhé:
-$$\matrix{ (x \lor y), \cr
- (\neg{x} \lor \neg{y}). \cr }
- \hskip 0.2\hsize
-\>{\I Pøevod hradla \sc and}: Hradlo má vstupy $x, y$ a~výstup $z$. Potøebujeme pøidat klauzule, které nám popisují, jak se má hradlo {\sc and} chovat. Tyto vztahy pøepí¹eme do~konjunktivní normální formy:
-\left. \matrix{
- x\ \&\ y \Rightarrow z \cr
- \neg{x} \Rightarrow \neg{z} \cr
- \neg{y} \Rightarrow \neg{z} \cr
-\ \quad
- \right\}
- (z \lor \neg{x} \lor \neg{y}) \cr
- (\neg{z} \lor x) \cr
- (\neg{z} \lor y) \cr
- }
- \hskip 0.1\hsize
-\>Kdy¾ chceme pøevádìt obvodový SAT na 3-SAT, obvod nejdøíve pøelo¾íme na takový, ve~kterém jsou jen hradla {\sc and} a~{\sc not}, a~pak hradla tohoto obvodu pøelo¾íme na klauzule. Formule vzniklá z~takovýchto klauzulí je splnitelná pravì tehdy, kdy¾ je splnitelný daný obvod. Pøevod pracuje v polynomiálním èase.
-Kdy¾ jsme zavádìli SAT, omezili jsme se jen na formule, které jsou
-v~konjunktivní normální formì (CNF). Teï u¾ víme, ¾e splnitelnost obecné
-booleovské formule doká¾eme pøevést na obvodovou splnitelnost a tu pak
-pøevést na 3-SAT. Opaèný pøevod je samozøejmì triviální, tak¾e obecný SAT
-je ve~skuteènosti ekvivalentní s~na¹ím \uv{standardním} SATem pro CNF.
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-147.03962 980.12535 lineto
-157.5 980.0699 lineto
-152.7464 987.83238 lineto
-147.56738 996.36218 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-147.43262 812.0699 moveto
-152.21864 819.81481 lineto
-157.5 828.28916 lineto
-147.96038 828.30673 lineto
-137.5 828.36218 lineto
-142.2536 820.5997 lineto
-147.43262 812.0699 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-238.29228 904.7948 moveto
-230.54737 909.58082 lineto
-222.07302 914.86218 lineto
-222.05545 905.32256 lineto
-222 894.86218 lineto
-229.76248 899.61578 lineto
-238.29228 904.7948 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-56 904.92956 moveto
-63.74491 900.14354 lineto
-72.21926 894.86218 lineto
-72.23683 904.4018 lineto
-72.29228 914.86218 lineto
-64.5298 910.10858 lineto
-56 904.92956 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-87.5 827.86218 moveto
-207.5 827.86218 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-222.5 964.86218 moveto
-222.5 844.86218 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-87.5 980.5699 moveto
-207.5 980.5699 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-71.79228 844.86218 moveto
-71.79228 964.86218 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -39.553644 -91.24453] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-108.04102 913.93093 moveto
-109.66699 913.93093 lineto
-109.66699 922.00807 lineto
-114.49219 917.76296 lineto
-116.55762 917.76296 lineto
-111.33691 922.36843 lineto
-116.77734 927.60671 lineto
-114.66797 927.60671 lineto
-109.66699 922.79909 lineto
-109.66699 927.60671 lineto
-108.04102 927.60671 lineto
-108.04102 913.93093 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-81.619293 837.61511 moveto
-83.069489 837.61511 lineto
-83.069489 832.60974 lineto
-81.491852 832.92615 lineto
-81.491852 832.11755 lineto
-83.060699 831.80115 lineto
-83.948395 831.80115 lineto
-83.948395 837.61511 lineto
-85.39859 837.61511 lineto
-85.39859 838.36218 lineto
-81.619293 838.36218 lineto
-81.619293 837.61511 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 105.09694 -91.24453] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-114.58008 919.2571 moveto
-114.58008 913.93093 lineto
-116.19727 913.93093 lineto
-116.19727 927.60671 lineto
-114.58008 927.60671 lineto
-114.58008 926.13014 lineto
-114.24023 926.71608 113.81103 927.15114 113.29248 927.43532 curveto
-112.77392 927.7195 112.15136 927.86159 111.4248 927.86159 curveto
-110.23535 927.86159 109.26709 927.38698 108.52002 926.43776 curveto
-107.77295 925.48855 107.39941 924.2405 107.39941 922.69362 curveto
-107.39941 921.14675 107.77295 919.89871 108.52002 918.94948 curveto
-109.26709 918.00027 110.23535 917.52566 111.4248 917.52565 curveto
-112.15136 917.52566 112.77392 917.66775 113.29248 917.95192 curveto
-113.81103 918.23611 114.24023 918.67117 114.58008 919.2571 curveto
-114.58008 919.2571 lineto
-109.06934 922.69362 moveto
-109.06933 923.88308 109.31396 924.81618 109.80322 925.49294 curveto
-110.29248 926.1697 110.96484 926.50808 111.82031 926.50807 curveto
-112.67577 926.50808 113.3496 926.1697 113.8418 925.49294 curveto
-114.33398 924.81618 114.58007 923.88308 114.58008 922.69362 curveto
-114.58007 921.50417 114.33398 920.57107 113.8418 919.8943 curveto
-113.3496 919.21756 112.67577 918.87918 111.82031 918.87917 curveto
-110.96484 918.87918 110.29248 919.21756 109.80322 919.8943 curveto
-109.31396 920.57107 109.06933 921.50417 109.06934 922.69362 curveto
-109.06934 922.69362 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-226.26987 837.61511 moveto
-227.72006 837.61511 lineto
-227.72006 832.60974 lineto
-226.14243 832.92615 lineto
-226.14243 832.11755 lineto
-227.71127 831.80115 lineto
-228.59897 831.80115 lineto
-228.59897 837.61511 lineto
-230.04916 837.61511 lineto
-230.04916 838.36218 lineto
-226.26987 838.36218 lineto
-226.26987 837.61511 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 112.44636 58.755473] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-108.04102 913.93093 moveto
-109.66699 913.93093 lineto
-109.66699 922.00807 lineto
-114.49219 917.76296 lineto
-116.55762 917.76296 lineto
-111.33691 922.36843 lineto
-116.77734 927.60671 lineto
-114.66797 927.60671 lineto
-109.66699 922.79909 lineto
-109.66699 927.60671 lineto
-108.04102 927.60671 lineto
-108.04102 913.93093 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-234.23013 987.61511 moveto
-237.32828 987.61511 lineto
-237.32828 988.36218 lineto
-233.16226 988.36218 lineto
-233.16226 987.61511 lineto
-233.49918 987.26648 233.9584 986.79846 234.53995 986.21106 curveto
-235.12149 985.62366 235.48697 985.245 235.63638 985.07507 curveto
-235.92056 984.75574 236.11905 984.48548 236.23184 984.26428 curveto
-236.34463 984.0431 236.40103 983.82557 236.40103 983.61169 curveto
-236.40103 983.26307 236.27871 982.97889 236.03409 982.75916 curveto
-235.78946 982.53943 235.47085 982.42957 235.07828 982.42957 curveto
-234.79995 982.42957 234.50625 982.47791 234.19717 982.57458 curveto
-233.88809 982.67127 233.55777 982.81775 233.20621 983.01404 curveto
-233.20621 982.11755 lineto
-233.56363 981.97401 233.89761 981.86561 234.20816 981.79236 curveto
-234.51871 981.71912 234.80288 981.6825 235.0607 981.6825 curveto
-235.74038 981.6825 236.28238 981.85242 236.68668 982.19226 curveto
-237.09097 982.53211 237.29312 982.98621 237.29312 983.55457 curveto
-237.29312 983.8241 237.24258 984.07972 237.14151 984.32141 curveto
-237.04043 984.56311 236.85659 984.84803 236.59 985.17615 curveto
-236.51675 985.26111 236.28384 985.50647 235.89127 985.91223 curveto
-235.49868 986.318 234.94497 986.88562 234.23013 987.61511 curveto
-234.23013 987.61511 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -44.90306 58.755473] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-114.58008 919.2571 moveto
-114.58008 913.93093 lineto
-116.19727 913.93093 lineto
-116.19727 927.60671 lineto
-114.58008 927.60671 lineto
-114.58008 926.13014 lineto
-114.24023 926.71608 113.81103 927.15114 113.29248 927.43532 curveto
-112.77392 927.7195 112.15136 927.86159 111.4248 927.86159 curveto
-110.23535 927.86159 109.26709 927.38698 108.52002 926.43776 curveto
-107.77295 925.48855 107.39941 924.2405 107.39941 922.69362 curveto
-107.39941 921.14675 107.77295 919.89871 108.52002 918.94948 curveto
-109.26709 918.00027 110.23535 917.52566 111.4248 917.52565 curveto
-112.15136 917.52566 112.77392 917.66775 113.29248 917.95192 curveto
-113.81103 918.23611 114.24023 918.67117 114.58008 919.2571 curveto
-114.58008 919.2571 lineto
-109.06934 922.69362 moveto
-109.06933 923.88308 109.31396 924.81618 109.80322 925.49294 curveto
-110.29248 926.1697 110.96484 926.50808 111.82031 926.50807 curveto
-112.67577 926.50808 113.3496 926.1697 113.8418 925.49294 curveto
-114.33398 924.81618 114.58007 923.88308 114.58008 922.69362 curveto
-114.58007 921.50417 114.33398 920.57107 113.8418 919.8943 curveto
-113.3496 919.21756 112.67577 918.87918 111.82031 918.87917 curveto
-110.96484 918.87918 110.29248 919.21756 109.80322 919.8943 curveto
-109.31396 920.57107 109.06933 921.50417 109.06934 922.69362 curveto
-109.06934 922.69362 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-76.880722 987.61511 moveto
-79.978867 987.61511 lineto
-79.978867 988.36218 lineto
-75.812851 988.36218 lineto
-75.812851 987.61511 lineto
-76.149764 987.26648 76.608992 986.79846 77.190536 986.21106 curveto
-77.772077 985.62366 78.137555 985.245 78.286972 985.07507 curveto
-78.571148 984.75574 78.769634 984.48548 78.882431 984.26428 curveto
-78.99522 984.0431 79.051617 983.82557 79.05162 983.61169 curveto
-79.051617 983.26307 78.929302 982.97889 78.684677 982.75916 curveto
-78.440045 982.53943 78.121442 982.42957 77.728867 982.42957 curveto
-77.450544 982.42957 77.156843 982.47791 76.847763 982.57458 curveto
-76.53868 982.67127 76.208358 982.81775 75.856796 983.01404 curveto
-75.856796 982.11755 lineto
-76.214217 981.97401 76.548201 981.86561 76.858749 981.79236 curveto
-77.169294 981.71912 77.453474 981.6825 77.711288 981.6825 curveto
-78.390973 981.6825 78.932964 981.85242 79.337265 982.19226 curveto
-79.741557 982.53211 79.943706 982.98621 79.94371 983.55457 curveto
-79.943706 983.8241 79.893168 984.07972 79.792099 984.32141 curveto
-79.69102 984.56311 79.507183 984.84803 79.240585 985.17615 curveto
-79.167339 985.26111 78.934429 985.50647 78.541855 985.91223 curveto
-78.149274 986.318 77.595563 986.88562 76.880722 987.61511 curveto
-76.880722 987.61511 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-222.5 904.86218 moveto
-272.5 904.86218 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-21.5 904.86218 moveto
-71.5 904.86218 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-147.5 777.86218 moveto
-147.5 827.86218 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-147.5 980.86218 moveto
-147.5 1030.8622 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 167.28409 -17.37197] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-107.39941 917.76296 moveto
-115.08105 917.76296 lineto
-115.08105 919.23952 lineto
-108.99902 926.31472 lineto
-115.08105 926.31472 lineto
-115.08105 927.60671 lineto
-107.17969 927.60671 lineto
-107.17969 926.13014 lineto
-113.26172 919.05495 lineto
-107.39941 919.05495 lineto
-107.39941 917.76296 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-290.99265 908.69714 moveto
-291.41745 908.78797 291.74923 908.97693 291.98801 909.26404 curveto
-292.22677 909.55115 292.34616 909.90564 292.34616 910.32751 curveto
-292.34616 910.97498 292.1235 911.47595 291.67819 911.83044 curveto
-291.23288 912.18494 290.60006 912.36218 289.77975 912.36218 curveto
-289.50436 912.36218 289.22091 912.33508 288.92941 912.28088 curveto
-288.63791 912.22668 288.33688 912.14539 288.02634 912.03699 curveto
-288.02634 911.18005 lineto
-288.27243 911.32361 288.54196 911.43201 288.83493 911.50525 curveto
-289.1279 911.57849 289.43405 911.61511 289.75339 911.61511 curveto
-290.31003 911.61511 290.7341 911.50525 291.0256 911.28552 curveto
-291.3171 911.0658 291.46286 910.74646 291.46286 910.32751 curveto
-291.46286 909.9408 291.32736 909.63831 291.05637 909.42004 curveto
-290.78537 909.20179 290.40817 909.09265 289.92477 909.09265 curveto
-289.16013 909.09265 lineto
-289.16013 908.36316 lineto
-289.95993 908.36316 lineto
-290.39645 908.36316 290.73043 908.276 290.96188 908.10168 curveto
-291.19333 907.92737 291.30905 907.67615 291.30905 907.34802 curveto
-291.30905 907.01111 291.18966 906.75257 290.9509 906.57239 curveto
-290.71212 906.39222 290.37008 906.30213 289.92477 906.30212 curveto
-289.68161 906.30213 289.42087 906.3285 289.14255 906.38123 curveto
-288.86423 906.43397 288.55807 906.516 288.22409 906.62732 curveto
-288.22409 905.8363 lineto
-288.561 905.74256 288.87668 905.67225 289.17111 905.62537 curveto
-289.46554 905.5785 289.74313 905.55506 290.00388 905.55505 curveto
-290.6777 905.55506 291.2109 905.70814 291.60349 906.01428 curveto
-291.99606 906.32044 292.19235 906.73426 292.19235 907.25574 curveto
-292.19235 907.61902 292.08834 907.92591 291.88034 908.17639 curveto
-291.67233 908.42688 291.37643 908.60047 290.99265 908.69714 curveto
-290.99265 908.69714 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 32.28409 120.75547] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-107.39941 917.76296 moveto
-115.08105 917.76296 lineto
-115.08105 919.23952 lineto
-108.99902 926.31472 lineto
-115.08105 926.31472 lineto
-115.08105 927.60671 lineto
-107.17969 927.60671 lineto
-107.17969 926.13014 lineto
-113.26172 919.05495 lineto
-107.39941 919.05495 lineto
-107.39941 917.76296 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-155.74216 1044.5746 moveto
-153.50095 1048.077 lineto
-155.74216 1048.077 lineto
-155.74216 1044.5746 lineto
-155.50925 1043.8011 moveto
-156.62546 1043.8011 lineto
-156.62546 1048.077 lineto
-157.56149 1048.077 lineto
-157.56149 1048.8153 lineto
-156.62546 1048.8153 lineto
-156.62546 1050.3622 lineto
-155.74216 1050.3622 lineto
-155.74216 1048.8153 lineto
-152.78024 1048.8153 lineto
-152.78024 1047.9584 lineto
-155.50925 1043.8011 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -106.71591 -17.24453] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-107.39941 917.76296 moveto
-115.08105 917.76296 lineto
-115.08105 919.23952 lineto
-108.99902 926.31472 lineto
-115.08105 926.31472 lineto
-115.08105 927.60671 lineto
-107.17969 927.60671 lineto
-107.17969 926.13014 lineto
-113.26172 919.05495 lineto
-107.39941 919.05495 lineto
-107.39941 917.76296 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-14.457024 911.61511 moveto
-15.907219 911.61511 lineto
-15.907219 906.60974 lineto
-14.329582 906.92615 lineto
-14.329582 906.11755 lineto
-15.89843 905.80115 lineto
-16.786125 905.80115 lineto
-16.786125 911.61511 lineto
-18.23632 911.61511 lineto
-18.23632 912.36218 lineto
-14.457024 912.36218 lineto
-14.457024 911.61511 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 32.28409 -156.24453] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-107.39941 917.76296 moveto
-115.08105 917.76296 lineto
-115.08105 919.23952 lineto
-108.99902 926.31472 lineto
-115.08105 926.31472 lineto
-115.08105 927.60671 lineto
-107.17969 927.60671 lineto
-107.17969 926.13014 lineto
-113.26172 919.05495 lineto
-107.39941 919.05495 lineto
-107.39941 917.76296 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-154.06784 772.61511 moveto
-157.16599 772.61511 lineto
-157.16599 773.36218 lineto
-152.99997 773.36218 lineto
-152.99997 772.61511 lineto
-153.33688 772.26648 153.79611 771.79846 154.37766 771.21106 curveto
-154.9592 770.62366 155.32467 770.245 155.47409 770.07507 curveto
-155.75827 769.75574 155.95675 769.48548 156.06955 769.26428 curveto
-156.18234 769.0431 156.23874 768.82557 156.23874 768.61169 curveto
-156.23874 768.26307 156.11642 767.97889 155.8718 767.75916 curveto
-155.62716 767.53943 155.30856 767.42957 154.91599 767.42957 curveto
-154.63766 767.42957 154.34396 767.47791 154.03488 767.57458 curveto
-153.7258 767.67127 153.39548 767.81775 153.04391 768.01404 curveto
-153.04391 767.11755 lineto
-153.40134 766.97401 153.73532 766.86561 154.04587 766.79236 curveto
-154.35641 766.71912 154.64059 766.6825 154.89841 766.6825 curveto
-155.57809 766.6825 156.12008 766.85242 156.52438 767.19226 curveto
-156.92868 767.53211 157.13082 767.98621 157.13083 768.55457 curveto
-157.13082 768.8241 157.08029 769.07972 156.97922 769.32141 curveto
-156.87814 769.56311 156.6943 769.84803 156.4277 770.17615 curveto
-156.35446 770.26111 156.12155 770.50647 155.72897 770.91223 curveto
-155.33639 771.318 154.78268 771.88562 154.06784 772.61511 curveto
-154.06784 772.61511 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 33.09371 -82.24452] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-109.94824 921.34011 moveto
-109.94824 926.14772 lineto
-112.7959 926.14772 lineto
-113.75097 926.14772 114.45849 925.94997 114.91846 925.55446 curveto
-115.37841 925.15896 115.60839 924.55398 115.6084 923.73952 curveto
-115.60839 922.91921 115.37841 922.31423 114.91846 921.92458 curveto
-114.45849 921.53494 113.75097 921.34011 112.7959 921.34011 curveto
-109.94824 921.34011 lineto
-109.94824 915.94362 moveto
-109.94824 919.8987 lineto
-112.57617 919.8987 lineto
-113.44335 919.89871 114.08935 919.73611 114.51416 919.41091 curveto
-114.93896 919.08572 115.15136 918.58914 115.15137 917.92116 curveto
-115.15136 917.25906 114.93896 916.76394 114.51416 916.43581 curveto
-114.08935 916.1077 113.44335 915.94363 112.57617 915.94362 curveto
-109.94824 915.94362 lineto
-108.17285 914.48464 moveto
-112.70801 914.48464 lineto
-114.06152 914.48465 115.10448 914.7659 115.83691 915.32839 curveto
-116.56933 915.8909 116.93554 916.6907 116.93555 917.7278 curveto
-116.93554 918.53054 116.74804 919.16922 116.37305 919.64382 curveto
-115.99804 920.11843 115.44726 920.41433 114.7207 920.53151 curveto
-115.59374 920.71902 116.27196 921.11013 116.75537 921.70485 curveto
-117.23876 922.29958 117.48046 923.04226 117.48047 923.93288 curveto
-117.48046 925.10476 117.08202 926.01003 116.28516 926.6487 curveto
-115.48827 927.28737 114.35448 927.60671 112.88379 927.60671 curveto
-108.17285 927.60671 lineto
-108.17285 914.48464 lineto
-gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 97.07912 -16.19228] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-117.99902 915.49538 moveto
-117.99902 917.36745 lineto
-117.40136 916.81082 116.76415 916.3948 116.0874 916.1194 curveto
-115.41064 915.84402 114.6914 915.70633 113.92969 915.70632 curveto
-112.42968 915.70633 111.28125 916.16482 110.48438 917.0818 curveto
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-\input lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{12}{Aproximaèné algoritmy}{(F. Ha¹ko, J. Menda, M. Mare¹)}
-\>Na~minulých predná¹kach sme sa zaoberali rôzne »a¾kými rozhodovacími problémami. Táto sa zaoberá postupmi ako sa v~praxi vysporiada» s~rie¹ením týchto problémov.
-\h{Prvý spôsob: ©peciálny prípad}
-\>Èasto si vystaèíme s~vyrie¹ením ¹peciálneho prípadu NP-úplného problému, ktorý le¾í v~P. Napríklad, ak rie¹ime grafovú úlohu, tak nám mô¾e staèi» rie¹enie pre~¹peciálny druh grafov (strom, bipartitný graf, \dots). Farbenie grafu je µahké pre~nejaký malý poèet farieb. 2SAT, ako ¹peciálny prípad SAT-u, sa dá rie¹i» v~lineárnom èase.
-\s{Problém: Maximálna nezávislá mno¾ina v strome (nie rozhodovacia)}
-\>{\I Vstup:} zakorenený strom~$T$
-\>{\I Výstup:} Maximálna (èo do poètu vrcholov) nezávislá mno¾ina vrcholov~$M$
-\>BUNV mô¾eme predpoklada», ¾e v~$M$ sú v¹etky listy~$T$. Ak by nejaký list $l$ nebol v~$M$, tak sa pozrieme na jeho otca:
-\:Ak otec nie je v~$M$, tak vytvoríme novú nezávislú mno¾inu~$M'$ obsahujúcu aj~$l$ (veµkos» nezávislej mno¾iny stúpla o~1).
-\:Ak tam otec je, tak ho z~$M$ vyjmeme a~namiesto neho vlo¾íme~$l$ (veµkos» nezávislej mno¾iny sa nezmen¹ila).
-\>Tieto listy aj ich otcov z~$T$ odstránime a~postup opakujeme. $T$~sa mô¾e rozpadnú» na~les; potom tento postup aplikujeme na~v¹etky stromy v~lese.
-\:Polo¾íme $M_1$:=$\{$listy stromu $T\}$.
-\:Polo¾íme $M_2$:=$\{$otcovia vrcholov z~$M_1\}$.
-\:Vrátime $M_1 \cup$ MaxNz$(T\setminus(M_1 \cup M_2)$.
-\>{\I Poznámka:} Toto doká¾eme naprogramova» v $\O(n)$ (vrcholy máme vo fronte a prechádzame).
-\s{Problém: Batoh}
-\>Je daná mno¾ina $n$~predmetov s~hmotnos»ami $h_1,\ldots,h_n$
-a cenami $c_1,\ldots,c_n$ a~batoh, ktorý unesie hmotnos»~$H$. Nájdite takú
-podmno¾inu predmetov, ktorých celková hmotnos» je najviac~$H$ a~celková cena je
-maximálna mo¾ná.
-\>Tento problém je zobecnìním problému batohu z~minulé pøedná¹ky dvìma smìry:
-Jednak místo rozhodovacího problému øe¹íme optimalizaèní, jednak pøedmìty
-mají ceny (pøedchozí verze odpovídala tomu, ¾e ceny jsou rovny hmotnostem).
-Uká¾eme si algoritmus pro øe¹ení tohoto obecného problému, jeho¾ èasová
-slo¾itost bude polynomiální v~poètu pøedmìtù~$n$ a souètu v¹ech cen~$C=\sum_i c_i$.
-\>Pou¾ijeme dynamické programování. Pøedstavme si problém omezený na~prvních~$k$
-pøedmìtù. Oznaème si $A_k(c)$ (kde $0\le c\le C$) minimální hmotnost
-podmno¾iny, její¾ cena je právì~$c$. Tato $A_k$ spoèteme indukcí podle~$k$:
-Pro $k=0$ je urèitì $A_0(0)=0$, $A_0(c)=\infty$ pro $c>0$. Pokud ji¾ známe
-$A_{k-1}$, spoèítáme $A_k$ následovnì: $A_k(c)$ odpovídá nìjaké podmno¾inì
-pøedmìtù z~$1,\ldots,k$. V~této podmno¾inì jsme buïto $k$-tý pøedmìt nepou¾ili
-(a pak je $A_k(c)=A_{k-1}(c)$), nebo pou¾ili a tehdy bude $A_k(c) = A_{k-1}(c-c_k) + h_k$
-(to samozøejmì jen pokud $c\ge c_k$). Z~tìchto dvou mo¾ností si vybereme tu,
-která dává mno¾inu s~men¹í hmotností. Tedy:
-A_k(c) = \min (A_{k-1}(c), A_{k-1}(c-c_k) + h_k).
-Tímto zpùsobem v~èase $\O(C)$ spoèteme jednu mno¾inu, v~èase $\O(nC)$ pak v¹echny.
-\>Podle $A_n$ snadno nalezneme maximální cenu mno¾iny, která se vejde do batohu. To bude
-nejvìt¹í~$c^*$, pro nì¾ je $A_n(c^*) < \infty$. Jeho nalezení nás stojí èas $\O(C)$.
-\>A~jak zjistit, které pøedmìty do~nalezené mno¾iny patøí? Upravíme algoritmus,
-aby si pro ka¾dé $A_k(c)$ pamatoval $B_k(c)$, co¾ bude index posledního pøedmìtu,
-který jsme do~pøíslu¹né mno¾iny pøidali. Pro nalezené $c^*$ tedy bude $i=B_n(c^*)$
-poslední pøedmìt v~nalezené mno¾inì, $i'=B_{i-1}(c^*-c_i)$ ten pøedposlední
-a tak dále. Takto v~èase $\O(n)$ rekonstruujeme celou mno¾inu od~posledního
-prvku k~prvnímu.
-\>Ukázali jsme tedy algoritmus s~èasovou slo¾itostí $\O(nC)$, který vyøe¹í
-problém batohu. Jeho slo¾itost není polynomem ve~velikosti vstupu ( $C$~mu¾e být a¾ exponenciálnì
-velké vzhledem k~velikosti vstupu), ale pouze ve~velikosti èísel na~vstupu.
-Takovým algoritmùm se øíká {\I pseudopolynomiální.}
-\s{Verze bez cen:} Na verzi s~cenami rovnými hmotnostem se dá pou¾ít
-i jiný algoritmus zalo¾ený na~dynamickém programování: poèítáme mno¾iny
-$Z_k$ obsahující v¹echny hmotnosti men¹í ne¾~$H$, kterých nabývá
-nìjaká podmno¾ina prvních~$k$ prvkù. Pøitom $Z_0=\{0\}$, $Z_k$
-spoèteme ze~$Z_{k-1}$ a ze~$Z_n$ vyèteme výsledek. V¹echny tyto mno¾iny
-mají nejvý¹e $H$ prvkù, tak¾e celková èasová slo¾itost algoritmu je~$\O(nH)$.
-\h{Druhý spôsob: Aproximácia}
-\>V predchádzajúcich problémoch sme sa zamerali na ¹peciálne prípady. Obèas v¹ak také ¹tastie nemáme a~musíme vyrie¹i» celý NP-úplný problém. Mo¾eme si v¹ak pomôc» tým, ¾e sa nebudeme sna¾i» vyrie¹i» ho optimálne -- iba v nejakom pomere k~optimálnosti ({\I aproximácia}), t.j. budeme vedie», o~koµko maximálne je na¹e rie¹enie hor¹ie ako optimálne.
-\s{Problém: Obchodný cestujúci}
-\>{\I Vstup:} neorientovaný graf $G$, popisujúci nejaku krajinu a~ka¾dá hrana je ohodnotená funkciou $w: E(G)\rightarrow {\bb R}^+_0$
-\>{\I Vystup:} Hamiltonovská kru¾nica (v¹etky vrcholy grafu), a~to tá najkrat¹ia (podµa ohodnotenia).
-\>Tento problém je hneï na~prvý pohµad nároèný -- u¾ problém, èi existuje Hamiltonovská kru¾nica, je NP-úplný. BUNV nech graf~$G$ je úplný (doplnime zvy¹né hrany ohodnotené $max(w)+1$ alebo viac, nie v¹ak nekoneènom, lebo by neplatila trojuholníková nerovnos», ktorú neskôr budeme potrebova»). Vyrie¹me tento problém najprv za~predpokladu, ¾e vrcholy grafu spåòajú trojuholníkovú nerovnos», potom bez nej.
-\>{\I a) trojuholníková nerovnos»:} $\forall x,y,z \in V: w(xz)\le w(xy)+w(yz)$
-\>Existuje pekný algoritmus, ktory nájde Hamiltonovsku kru¾nicu, èo je
-maximálne dvakrát tak veµká ako optimálna.
-\>Nájdeme najmen¹iu kostru a~obchodnému cestujúcemu poradíme, nech ide po~nej (staèí zakoreni» a~prejs» do~håbky). Problémom v¹ak je, ¾e daný sled obsahuje ka¾dý vrchol viackrát a~preto musíme nahradi» nepovolené vracania sa, t.j.~pre ka¾dý vrchol nájs» e¹te nenav¹tívený vrchol v~na¹om slede a~ís» priamo naò. Keï¾e platí trojuholníková nerovnos», tak si týmito skratkami neu¹kodíme. Nech minimálna kostra má váhu~$T$. Váha obídeného sledu tak bude~$2T$. Skrátenia urèite nezväè¹ujú, tak¾e váha nájdene Hamiltonovskej kru¾nice bude nanajvý¹~$2T$.
-\>Ak máme Hamiltonovskú kru¾nicu~$C$ a~z~nej vy¹krtneme hranu, tak máme kostru grafu~$G$ s~váhou najviac~$w(C)$, teda to aspoò takú, aká je váha minimálnej kostry --~$T$. To je optimálny prípad Hamiltonovskej kru¾nice. Ak to teda zlo¾íme dohromady, algoritmus nám vráti Hamiltonovskú kru¾nicu s~váhou najviac dvojnásobnou od~optimálnej Hamiltonovskej kru¾nice. Takéto algoritmy sa nazývajú {\I 2-aproximaèné}, keï¾e rie¹enie je maximálne dvojnásobné od~optimálneho.
-\>{\I b) bez~trojuholníkovej nerovnosti:}
-\>Tu sa budeme naopak sna¾i» ukáza», ¾e ¾iaden polynomiálny aproximaèný algoritmus neexistuje.
-\s{Veta:} Ak existuje polynomiálny $(1+\varepsilon)$-aproximaèný algoritmus pre~algoritmus obchodného cestujúceho bez~trojuholníkovej nerovnosti pre~µubovoµné $\varepsilon>0$, tak potom $P = NP$.
-\proof Uká¾eme, ¾e v~tom prípade doká¾eme v~polynomiálnom èase nájs» Hamiltonovskú kru¾nicu.
-\>Dostali sme graf $G$, v~ktorom hµadáme Hamiltonovskú kru¾nicu. Doplníme $G$ na~uplný graf~$G'$ a~váhy hrán~$G'$ nastavíme takto:
-\: $w(e) = 1$, ak $e \in E(G)$
-\: $w(e) = c \ll 1$, ak $e \not\in E(G)$
-\>Ak existuje Hamiltonovská kru¾nica v~$G'$ zlo¾ená iba z~hrán, ktoré boli pôvodne v~$G$, tak optimálné rie¹enie bude ma» váhu $n$, inak bude urèite minimálne $n-1+c$. Ak máme aproximaèný algoritmus s~pomerom $1+\varepsilon$, musí by»
-(1+\varepsilon).n &< n-1+c \cr
-\varepsilon n+1 &< c
-\>Ak by taký algoritmus existoval, tak na~neho máme polynomiálny algoritmus
-na~Hamiltonovsku kru¾nicu. Inak neexistuje ani pseudo-polynomialny algoritmus.
-\h{Aproximaèní schéma pro problém batohu}
-\s{POZOR:} Verze algoritmu, kterou jsem øíkal na~pøedná¹ce, obsahovala jednu
-pomìrnì zásadní chybu, které jsem si nev¹iml: Verze se zaokrouhlováním dolù
-mohla produkovat nepøípustná (pøíli¹ tì¾ká) øe¹ení, verze se zaokrouhlováním nahoru pro zmìnu
-nìkdy spoèítala øe¹ení pøíli¹ daleká od~optima. Algoritmus lze opravit (budeme-li
-zvlá¹» zpracovávat lehké a tì¾ké pøedmìty), ale radìji budeme místo hmotností
-kvantovat ceny. Tak dojdeme k~následujícímu aproximaènímu algoritmu. --M.M.
-Ji¾ víme, jak optimalizaèní verzi problému batohu vyøe¹it v~èase $\O(nC)$,
-pokud jsou hmotnosti i ceny na~vstupu pøirozená èísla a $C$ je souèet v¹ech cen.
-Jak si poradit, pokud je~$C$ obrovské? Kdybychom mìli ¹tìstí a v¹echny
-ceny byly dìlitelné nìjakým èíslem~$p$, mohli bychom je tímto èíslem
-vydìlit. Tím bychom dostali zadání s~men¹ími èísly, jeho¾ øe¹ením by byla
-stejná mno¾ina pøedmìtù jako u~zadání pùvodního.
-Kdy¾ nám ¹tìstí pøát nebude, mù¾eme pøesto zkusit ceny vydìlit a výsledky
-nìjak zaokrouhlit. Øe¹ení nové úlohy pak sice nebude pøesnì odpovídat optimálnímu øe¹ení té pùvodní, ale kdy¾ nastavíme parametry správnì, bude alespoò jeho dobrou aproximací.
-\s{Základní my¹lenka:}
-Oznaèíme si $c_{max}$ maximum z~cen~$c_i$. Zvolíme si nìjaké pøirozené èíslo~$M$
-a zobrazíme interval cen $[0, c_{max}]$ na $[0,M]$.
-Jak jsme tím zkreslili výsledek? V¹imnìme si, ¾e efekt je stejný, jako kdybychom jednotlivé
-ceny zaokrouhlili na~násobky èísla $c_{max}/M$. Ka¾dé $c_i$ jsme tím
-zmìnili o~nejvý¹e $c_{max}/M$, celkovou cenu libovolné podmno¾iny pøedmìtù tedy
-nejvý¹e o~$n\cdot c_{max}/M$. Teï si je¹tì v¹imnìme, ¾e pokud ze~zadání odstraníme
-pøedmìty, které se samy nevejdou do~batohu, má optimální øe¹ení pùvodní úlohy cenu $OPT\ge c_{max}$,
-tak¾e chyba v~souètu je nejvý¹e $n\cdot OPT/M$. Má-li tato chyba být shora omezena
-$\varepsilon\cdot OPT$, musíme zvolit $M\ge n/\varepsilon$.
-\:Odstraníme ze~vstupu v¹echny pøedmìty tì¾¹í ne¾~$H$.
-\:Spoèítáme $c_{max}=\max_i c_i$ a zvolíme $M=\lceil n/\varepsilon\rceil$.
-\:Kvantujeme ceny: $\hat{c}_i = \lfloor c_i \cdot M/c_{max} \rfloor$.
-\:Vyøe¹íme dynamickým programováním problém batohu pro upravené ceny $\hat{c}_1, \ldots, \hat{c}_n$
-a pùvodní hmotnosti i kapacitu batohu.
-\:Vybereme stejné pøedmìty, jaké pou¾ilo optimální øe¹ení kvantovaného zadání.
-\>Kroky 1--3 a 5 jistì zvládneme v~èase $\O(n)$. Krok~4 øe¹í problém batohu
-se souètem cen $\hat{C}\le nM \le n^2/\varepsilon$, co¾ stihne v~èase $\O(n\hat{C})=\O(n^3/\varepsilon)$.
-Zbývá dokázat, ¾e výsledek na¹eho algoritmu má opravdu relativní chybu nejvý¹e~$\varepsilon$.
-Nejprve si rozmyslíme, jak dopadne optimální øe¹ení $OPT$ pùvodního zadání,
-kdy¾ ceny v~nìm pou¾itých pøedmìtù nakvantujeme (mno¾inu indexù tìchto pøedmìtù si oznaèíme~$Y$):
-\widehat{OPT} &= \sum_{i\in Y} \hat{c}_i =
-\sum_i \left\lfloor c_i\cdot {M\over c_{max}} \right\rfloor \ge
-\sum_i \left( c_i\cdot {M\over c_{max}} - 1 \right) \ge \cr
-\biggl(\sum_i c_i \cdot {M\over c_{max}}\biggr) - n =
-OPT \cdot {M\over c_{max}} - n.
-Nyní naopak spoèítejme, jak dopadne øe¹ení~$Q$ nakvantovaného problému pøi pøepoètu
-na~pùvodní ceny (to je výsledek na¹eho algoritmu):
-ALG &= \sum_{i\in Q} c_i \ge
-\sum_i \hat{c}_i \cdot {c_{max}\over M} =
-\biggl(\sum_i \hat{c}_i\biggr) \cdot {c_{max}\over M} \ge^*
-\widehat{OPT} \cdot {c_{max}\over M}.
-Nerovnost $\ge^*$ platí proto, ¾e $\sum_{i\in Q} \hat{c}_i$ je optimální øe¹ení
-kvantované úlohy, zatímco $\sum_{i\in Y} \hat{c}_i$ je nìjaké dal¹í øe¹ení té¾e úlohy,
-které nemù¾e být lep¹í. Teï u¾ staèí slo¾it obì nerovnosti a dosadit za~$M$:
-ALG &\ge \biggl( { OPT \cdot M\over c_{max}} - n\biggr) \cdot {c_{max}\over M} \ge
-OPT - {n\cdot c_{max}\over n / \varepsilon} \ge OPT - \varepsilon c_{max} \ge \cr
-&\ge OPT - \varepsilon OPT = (1-\varepsilon)\cdot OPT.
-Algoritmus tedy v¾dy vydá øe¹ení, které je nejvý¹e $(1-\varepsilon)$-krát hor¹í ne¾ optimum,
-a~doká¾e to pro libovolné~$\varepsilon$ v~èase polynomiálním v~$n$. Takovému algoritmu øíkáme
-{\I polynomiální aproximaèní schéma} (jinak té¾ PTAS\foot{Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme}).
-V~na¹em pøípadì je dokonce slo¾itost polynomiální i v~závislosti na~$1/\varepsilon$, tak¾e
-schéma je {\I plnì polynomiální} (øeèené té¾ FPTAS\foot{Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme}).
+++ /dev/null
-include ../../Makerules
+++ /dev/null
-\input lecnotes.tex
-\def\gcd{{\rm gcd}}
-\prednaska{13}{Z teorie èísel}{(zapsali L. Banáková, O. Hoferek, J. Bøeèka)}
-Na této pøedná¹ce se budeme zabývat rùznými problémy okolo teorie èísel. Zopakujme si
-nìkteré ze základních pojmù:
-\:$a \\ b$ ($a$ dìlí $b$) $\Leftrightarrow \exists c: b = a \cdot c$.
-\:$\gcd(a,b)$ je oznaèení nejvìt¹ího spoleèného dìlitele èísel $a$ a $b$.
-\:$a \equiv_n b \Leftrightarrow n \perp (a-b)$ (nebo také $a \bmod n = b \bmod n$).
-\:$a \perp b$ ($a$ a $b$ jsou nesoudìlná) $\Leftrightarrow \gcd(a,b) = 1$.
-Dále si zopakujeme, jakou èasovou slo¾itost mají základní operace s~èísly,
-které budeme potøebovat. Pro $N$-bitová èísla:
-\:$a+b$, $a-b$ \dots $\O(N)$
-\:$a*b$, $a/b$, $a \bmod b$ \dots $\O(N^2)$
-\:$\gcd(a,b)$ \dots $\O(N^3)$
-\s{Definice:} {\I Komutativní (Abelovská) grupa} je ètveøice $(G,\cdot,1,^{-1})$,
-kde $G$ je nosná mno¾ina prvkù, $\cdot$ je binární operace $G^2 \rightarrow G$,
-$1$ je prvkem $G$, $^{-1}$ je unární operace $G \rightarrow G$ a platí následující
-\:$\cdot$ je komutativní a asociativní
-\:$\forall a \in G: a \cdot 1 = a$
-\:$\forall a \in G: a \cdot a^{-1} = 1$
-Zkusme si pro následujících nìkolik kandidátù urèit, zda jsou komutativními grupami:
-\:$({\bb Z},+,0,-x)$ (sèítání na mno¾inì celých èísel, nula a zmìna znaménka) je komutativní grupa.
-\:$({\bb Z}_n,+ \bmod n,0,-x)$ (${\bb Z}_n = \{0,\dots,n-1\}$, sèítání modulo $n$) je komutativní grupa, navíc koneèná.
-\:$({\bb Q}-\{0\},*,1,1/x)$ (násobení nad racionálními èísly) je komutativní grupa.
-\:$({\bb Z}_n - \{0\},* \bmod n,1,?)$ (násobení modulo $n$) nemusí být v¾dy grupa, proto¾e se nám nepovede v¾dy najít inverzní prvek.
-(napø. pro $n=4$ neexistuje inverzní prvek pro dvojku).
-\:$($permutace na $\{1,\dots,n\},\circ,{\rm id},^{-1})$ (permutace se skládáním a inverzní permutací) je grupa, ale není komutativní.
-\s{Definice:} $(H,\cdot,1,^{-1})$ je {\I podgrupa} grupy $(G,\cdot,1,^{-1})$ právì tehdy,
-pokud $H \subseteq G$ a $H$ je grupa.
-Pøíkladem podgrupy mù¾e být $(2 * {\bb Z}_n,+ \bmod n,0,-x) \subseteq ({\bb Z}_n,+ \bmod n,0,-x)$
-(grupa tvoøená jen sudými èísly).
-\s{Vìta (Lagrangeova):} Pokud $H$ je podgrupa $G$, pak poèet prvkù $G$ je dìlitelný poètem prvkù $H$.
-\s{Definice:} Umocòování prvkù grupy definujeme takto: $x^0 = 1$, $x^{n+1} = x^n \cdot x$.
-\s{Definice:} Grupa $G$ je {\I cyklická} právì tehdy, pokud $\exists g \in G: {g^0, g^1, \dots} = G$.
-Pak $g$ je {\I generátor} grupy G.
-\:$({\bb Z},+,0,-x)$ není cyklická.
-\:$({\bb Z}_n,+ \bmod n,0,-x)$ je cyklická, $g=1$.
-\:$({\bb Q},\dots)$ není cyklická.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Multiplikativní grupa modulo $n$} je grupa
-${\bb Z}^*_n = (\{ x~\vert~1 \le x < n $ a zároveò $ \exists y: xy \equiv_n 1\}, * \bmod n, 1, ^{-1})$
-Multiplikativní grupa ${\bb Z}^*_n$ obsahuje pouze invertibilní prvky. Snadno lze nahlédnout,
-¾e toto je opravdu grupa, pokud ovìøíme, ¾e mno¾ina prvkù je uzavøená na násobení:
-$x_1, x_2 \in {\bb Z}^*_n \Rightarrow \exists y_1, y_2 \in {\bb Z}^*_n: x_{1}y_1 \equiv_n 1, x_{2}y_2 \equiv_n 1$
-$x \equiv_n x_{1}x_2, y \equiv_n y_{1}y_2 \dots xy \equiv_n x_{1}x_{2}y_{1}y_{2} \equiv_n 1 \cdot 1 = 1 \Rightarrow $ mno¾ina
-je uzavøená vzhledem k operaci $* \bmod n$.
-Otázkou zùstavá, jak najít tyto invertibilní prvky v~${\bb Z}_n$. Pøedpokládejme nejprve,
-¾e $n$ je prvoèíslo. Pomù¾eme si vìtou, kterou doká¾eme pozdìji.
-\s{Vìta (Malá Fermatova):} Pro ka¾dé prvoèíslo $n$ a ka¾dé èíslo $a$, které je nesoudìlné s~$n$, platí: $a^{n-1} \equiv_n 1$.
-Pokud je tedy $n$ prvoèíslo, tak z~{\I Malé Fermatovy vìty} vyplývá, ¾e invertibilní jsou v¹echny
-prvky ${1, \dots, n-1}$. Snadno toti¾ nahlédneme, ¾e $\forall a \in {\bb Z}_n$ platí $a^{-1} \equiv_n a^{n-2}$,
-proto¾e $a \cdot a^{-1} \equiv_n 1 \equiv_n a^{n-1} \equiv_n a \cdot a^{n-2}$. Jak to v¹ak bude
-s~$n$, která nejsou prvoèísla? Invertibilní jsou prvky $a \in {\bb Z}_n$, pro které existuje
-$x \in {\bb Z}_n$ tak, ¾e $a \cdot x \equiv_n 1$. Jejich zkoumání zaèneme následující vìtou:
-\s{Vìta:} Rovnice $a \cdot x \equiv_n b$ má øe¹ení pro $a,b,n \in {\bb Z} \Longleftrightarrow
-g = \gcd(a,n) \perp b$. Navíc existuje algoritmus s èasovou slo¾itostí $\O(N^3)$, který øe¹ení najde.
-Rovnice $a \cdot x \equiv_n b$ je ekvivalentní s~rovnicí $a \cdot x - n \cdot y = b$.
-\uv{$\Rightarrow$}: Doká¾eme sporem. $g \\ a \cdot x$ a $g \\ n \cdot y \Rightarrow
-g \\ a \cdot x - n \cdot y$. Zároveò v¹ak platí $g$ nedìlí $b$, co¾ vede ke sporu.
-\uv{$\Leftarrow$}: Pokud $b = g$, pak lze úlohu hledání $x, y$ øe¹ení rovnice $a \cdot x - n \cdot y = g$
-pøevést na Eukleidùv algoritmus. V Eukleidovì algoritmu se vstupem $(x,y)$ jsou toti¾ v¹echny
-mezivýsledky i koneèný výsledek lineární kombinace typu $\alpha \cdot x - \beta \cdot y$. Pokud
-$b = k \cdot g$, pak najdeme $x_0, y_0$ taková, ¾e $a \cdot x_0 - n \cdot y_0 = g$. Pro $x= k \cdot x_0$
-a $y = k \cdot y_0$ pak platí $a \cdot x - n \cdot y = b$.
-Z pøedchozí vìty vyplývá, ¾e invertibilní jsou právì taková $a \in {\bb Z}_n$, která
-jsou nesoudìlná s $n$. Zbývá u¾ jenom urèit, jak vypadají prvky k nim inverzní.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Eulerova funkce} $\varphi(n) = \vert\{ x~\vert~1 \le x < n$ a zároveò $x \perp n\}\vert$.
-\s{Pozorování:} {\I(vlastnosti Eulerovy funkce)}
-\:Je-li $n$ prvoèíslo, pak $\varphi(n) = n - 1$.
-\:$\varphi(n^k) = (n - 1) \cdot n^{k-1}$.
-\:Pro $a \perp b$ platí $\varphi(a \cdot b) = \varphi(a) \cdot \varphi(b)$.
-\:$\vert{\bb Z}^*_n\vert = \varphi(n)$.
-\s{Vìta (Eulerova):} Pro ka¾dá dvì pøirozená èísla $n$ a $a$ nesoudìlná platí: $a^{\varphi(n)} \equiv_n 1$.
-Uva¾me posloupnost $a^0, a^1, a^2, \dots$. V této posloupnosti se urèitì vyskytuje jednièka, proto¾e
-mo¾ných hodnot $a^m$ je nejvý¹e $n$. Proto existují $i$ a $j$ $(i < j)$ taková, ¾e $a^i \equiv_n a^j$,
-tedy $a^{j - i} \equiv_n 1$.
-Zvolme $m > 0$ nejmen¹í takové, ¾e $a^m \equiv_n 1$. Èísla $a^0, a^1, \dots, a^{m-1}$ tvoøí podgrupu
-multiplikativní grupy ${\bb Z}^*_n$. Proto podle Lagrangeovy vìty platí $m$ dìlí $\varphi(n)$, tedy
-$\varphi(n) = k \cdot m$ pro nìjaké $k$. Snadno nahlédneme, ¾e
-$a^{\varphi(n)} \equiv_n a^{k \cdot m} \equiv_n 1^k = 1$.
-Tato vìta nám dokázala i døíve zmínìnou Malou Fermatovu vìtu a snadno díky ní nahlédneme, ¾e
-pro $a \perp n$ platí $a^{-1} \equiv_n a^{\varphi(n)-1}$.
-\h{Testování prvoèíselnosti}
-Nyní vyu¾ijeme na¹e novì získané poznatky k~ovìøování prvoèíselnosti. Tzv. {\I faktorizace},
-neboli rozklad èísla na souèet prvoèísel, je urèitì v~{\I NP}, av¹ak zatím se neví, zda to je
-nebo není {\I NP}-úplný problém. Naproti tomu je ji¾ znám
-polynomiální algoritmus, který pøesnì ovìøí, zda je zadané èíslo prvoèíslem (s èasovou
-slo¾itostí $\O(N^{6,5})$). Tento algoritmus je v¹ak velmi komplikovaný a stejnì tak odhad
-jeho èasové slo¾itosti. My se proto spokojíme s~tzv. Monte Carlo testováním prvoèísel.
-Pokud takto oznaèený test prvoèíselnosti odpoví, ¾e èíslo $n$ zadané na vstupu je slo¾ené,
-je to pravda. Pokud odpoví, ¾e se jedná o prvoèíslo, mýlí se s~pravdìpodobností men¹í,
-ne¾ $1 \over 2$, èili celková pravdìpodobnost, ¾e se mýlí je men¹í ne¾ $1 \over 4$.
-Pokud takový test opakujeme $k$-krát za sebou, je pravdìpodobnost, ¾e se test zmýlil
-$({1 \over 4})^k$, co¾ je u¾ pro $k = 100$ dostaèující. Uka¾me si tedy první z takových testù.
-\s{Algoritmus:} {\I(Fermatùv test)}
-\:Zvolme náhodnì $a \in \{2, \dots, n-1\}$.
-\:Pokud $\gcd(a,n) \not= 1$, je $n$ slo¾ené.
-\:Pokud $a^{n-1} \not\equiv_n 1$, je $n$ slo¾ené (a $a$ je {\I Fermatùv svìdìk}).
-\:Jinak je $n$ prvoèíslo.
-\s{Pozorování:} Pokud odpoví Fermatùv test, ¾e zadané èíslo je slo¾ené, nemýlí se.
-\s{Poznámka:} V¹imnìme si, ¾e druhý krok algoritmu je zbyteèný. Pokud toti¾ není $a \perp n$,
-neboli existuje $g > 1$ spoleèný dìlitel $n$ a $a$, pak $g$ dìlí i $a^{n -1} \bmod n$ nebo
-$a^{n -1} \bmod n = 0$ a tøetí krok algoritmu prohlásí $n$ za slo¾ené èíslo.
-©patná zpráva pro tento algoritmus je, ¾e existují tzv. {\I Carmichaelova èísla},
-co¾ jsou slo¾ená èísla, která Fermatova svìdka nemají. Je jich sice \uv{øídko},
-ale zato nekoneènì mnoho. Pokud se ale zrovna do Carmichaelova èísla nestrefíme, mají
-slo¾ená èísla Fermatových svìdkù dostatek.
-\s{Vìta:} Pokud $n$ není Carmichaelovo èíslo ani prvoèíslo, pak existuje alespoò
-${\varphi(n)} \over 2$ Fermatových svìdkù.
-Zvolme $H = \{ a \in \{1, \dots, n-1\}~\vert~a^{n-1} \equiv_n 1, a \perp n\}$, tedy mno¾inu
-v¹ech èísel, která nejsou Fermatovými svìdky. V¹echna èísla v $H$ jsou invertibilní
-a jejich souèin je opìt v $H$. $H$ je tedy podgrupa multiplikativní grupy ${\bb Z}^*_n$.
-Podle Lagrangeovy vìty tak existuje $k$ tak, ¾e $\vert{\bb Z}^*_n\vert = \varphi(n) = k \cdot \vert H\vert$.
-Navíc $n$ není Carmichaelovo, tak¾e platí $\vert{\bb Z}^*_n\vert \not= \vert H\vert$.
-Proto $k \ge 2$ a èísel, která nemají Fermatova svìdka, je $\vert H\vert \le {\varphi(n) \over 2}$.
-Vidíme tedy, ¾e pokud $n$ není Carmichaelovo èíslo, pak je Fermatùv test Monte Carlo
-test prvoèíselnosti. Na závìr pøedná¹ky si uvedeme Monte Carlo test, který
-øe¹í problém Carmichaelových èísel (co¾ není zrovna jednoduché):
-\s{Algoritmus:} {\I(Rabin-Millerùv test)}
-\:Zvolme náhodnì $a \in \{2, \dots, n-1\}$.
-\:Pokud $a^{n-1} \not\equiv_n 1$, je $n$ slo¾ené (a $a$ je {\I Fermatùv svìdìk}).
-\:Pro $i = 1, 2, \dots$ dokud $2^i$ dìlí $n - 1$:
- \::Spoèteme $t_i\equiv_n a^{(n-1)/ 2^i}$.
- \::Pokud je $t_i\equiv_n -1$, je $n$ prvoèíslo.
- \::Pokud je $t_i\not\equiv_n 1$, je $n$ slo¾ené (a $a$ je {\I Riemannùv svìdìk}).
-\:Jinak je $n$ prvoèíslo.
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-include ../Makerules
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-\input lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{2}{Toky v sítích}{(pøedná¹el T. Valla, zapsali J. Machálek a K. Vandas)}
-\s{Motivaèní úlohy:}
-\:Mìjme orientovaný graf se speciálními vrcholy ®elivka a Kanál pøedstavující pra¾ské vodovody. V tomto grafu budou vrcholy vodovodními stanicemi a hrany trubkami mezi nimi. Kolik vody proteèe ze ®elivky do Kanálu?
-\:Mìjme orientovaný graf pøedstavující ¾eleznièní sí»; graf má význaèné vrcholy Moskva a Fronta, ka¾dá hrana grafu má kapacitu, kterou mù¾e uvézt. Kolik vojákù je schopna sí» pøevézt z~Moskvy a spotøebovat na Frontì?
-\s{Definice:} {\I Sí»} je uspoøádaná ètveøice $(G,z,s,c)$, kde $G$ je
-orientovaný graf, $z$~a~$s$~jsou nìjaké dva jeho vrcholy ({\I zdroj} a {\I stok}) a $c$ je
-{\I kapacita hran,} kterou pøedstavuje funkce $c:E(G)\to{\bb
-\figure{sit.eps}{Pøíklad sítì. Èísla pøedstavují kapacity jednotlivých hran.}{3in}
-\par\noindent {\sl Intuice:} Toky v sítích pøedstavují rozvr¾ení, jakým suroviny sítí poteèou.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Tok} je funkce $f:E(G)\to{\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ taková, ¾e platí:
-\:Tok po~ka¾dé hranì je omezen její kapacitou: $0\le f(e)\le c(e)$.
-\:Kirchhoffùv zákon -- \uv{sí» tìsní}: $$\sum_{xu \in E}{f(xu)}=\sum_{ux \in E}{f(ux)}\quad\hbox{pro ka¾dé }u\in V(G) \setminus \{z,s\}.$$
-\s{Poznámka:} Pokud bychom se chtìli v definici toku u bodu 2 vyhnout podmínkám pro $z$ a $s$, mù¾eme zdroj a stok vzájemnì propojit (pak jde o tzv. cirkulaci).
-\s{Poznámka:} V angliètinì se obvykle zdroj znaèí \uv{$s$} a stok \uv{$t$} (jako source a~target).
-\figure{tok.eps}{Pøíklad toku. Èísla pøedstavují toky po~hranách, v~závorkách jsou kapacity.}{4in}
-\s{Definice:} {\I Velikost toku} $f$ je: $$\vert f\vert:=\sum_{zx \in E}{f(zx)}-\sum_{xz \in E}{f(xz)}.$$
-\>Budeme tedy chtít najít v~zadané síti tok, jeho¾ velikost je maximální. Musí v¾dycky existovat?
-\s{Vìta:} Pro ka¾dou sí» existuje maximální tok.
-\par\noindent {\sl Idea dùkazu:} Doká¾e se pomocí metod matematické analýzy s~tím, ¾e mno¾ina tokù je kompaktní a funkce velikosti toku je spojitá (dokonce lineární).
-Dobrá, maximální tok v¾dy existuje. Ale kdy¾ nám ho nìkdo uká¾e, umíme poznat,
-¾e je skuteènì maximální? K~tomu se budou hodit øezy:
-\par\noindent {\sl Intuice:} Øez v~grafu je mno¾ina hran oddìlující zdroj a stok.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Øez} $R$ v síti $(G,z,s,c)$ je mno¾ina hran $R$ taková, ¾e
-neexistuje orientovaná cesta ze $z$~do $s$~v~grafu $(V(G),E(G)\setminus R)$.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Kapacita øezu} $c(R)=\sum_{uv \in R}{c(uv)}$.
-Nìkdy je lep¹í se na~øezy dívat takto:
-\s{Definice:} Pro rozklad mno¾iny vrcholù na dvì disjunktní mno¾iny $A,B$, kde $z\in A$ a $s\in B$ zavedeme
-{\I separátor} $S(A,B)$, co¾ bude mno¾ina hran vedoucích z~$A$ do~$B$. Pokud je $g$ funkce
-definovaná na~hranách (tøeba tok nebo kapacita), definujeme $g(A,B):=\sum_{uv \in E,u\in A,v\in B}{g(uv)}.$
-\s{Pozorování:} Ka¾dý separátor je øezem (libovolná orientovaná cesta ze~$z$ do~$s$ musí
-nìkdy opustit mno¾inu~$A$, a to jde pouze po~hranì patøící do~separátoru). Opaènì to sice
-platit nemusí, ale platí, ¾e ke~ka¾dému øezu existuje separátor takový, ¾e souèet kapacit
-jeho hran je nejvý¹e kapacita daného øezu. Staèí si zvolit mno¾inu $A$ jako vrcholy dosa¾itelné
-ze~zdroje po~hranách nele¾icích v~øezu a do~$B$ dát v¹echny ostatní vrcholy. Separátor
-$S(A,B)$ pak bude tvoøen výhradnì hranami øezu (ne~nutnì v¹emi) a sám bude øezem.
-\s{Definice:} Pro libovolnou mno¾inu vrcholù $A$ zavedeme její {\I doplnìk} $\overline A:=V(G)\setminus A$.
-Nyní si v¹imneme, ¾e velikost toku mù¾eme mìøit pøes libovolný separátor: je to mno¾ství
-tekutiny, které teèe pøes separátor z~$A$ do~$B$ minus to, které se vrací zpátky
-(zatím jsme velikost mìøili u~zdroje, vlastnì na~triviálním separátoru $A=\{z\}$, $B=\overline A).$
-\s{Lemma:} Nech» $A\subseteq V(G),z\in A,s\not\in A$ a $f$ je libovolný tok. Potom platí,
-¾e: $$\vert f\vert=f(A,\overline A)-f(\overline A,A).$$
-provedeme pomocí Kirchhoffova zákona a definice velikosti toku:
-$$\hbox{Pro ka¾dý vrchol~$u\ne z,s$ platí:~~} \sum_{ux \in E}{f(ux)}-\sum_{xu \in E}{f(xu)}=0,$$
-$$\hbox{pro zdroj pak:~~} \sum_{zx \in E}{f(zx)}-\sum_{xz \in E}{f(xz)=\vert f\vert}.$$
-Rovnice seèteme:
-$$\sum_{u\in A}{\left(\sum_{ux \in E}{f(ux)}-\sum_{xu \in E}{f(xu)}\right)}=\vert f\vert.$$
-V¹imneme si, ¾e hrany, jeji¾ oba koncové vrcholy le¾í v~mno¾inì~$A$, pøispívají
-k~této sumì jednou kladnì a jednou zápornì, hrany, její¾ ani jeden vrchol nele¾í v~$A$,
-nepøispívají vùbec, a koneènì hrany vedoucí z~$A$ do~$B$, resp. opaènì pøispìjí jen jednou
-(kladnì, resp. zápornì). Tedy:
-$$f(A,\overline A)-f(\overline A,A)=\sum_{u\in A,v\not\in A}{f(uv)}-\sum_{u\not\in A,v\in A}{f(uv)}=\vert f \vert.$$
-\s{Dùsledek:} Pokud $f$ je tok, $R$ je øez, pak platí: $\vert f \vert\le c(R)$.
-Doká¾eme pro separátory (u¾ víme, ¾e ke~ka¾dému øezu najdeme stejnì velký nebo men¹í separátor):
-$$\vert f \vert=f(A,\overline A)-f(\overline A,A)\le f(A,\overline A)\le c(A,\overline A)\le c(R).$$
-Nyní víme, ¾e velikost ka¾dého toku je shora omezena velikostí ka¾dého øezu. Kdybychom tedy
-k~na¹emu toku umìli najít stejnì velký øez, hned víme, ¾e tok je maximální a øez minimální.
-Pøekvapivì platí, ¾e se to povede v¾dy. K~tomu se nám budou hodit zlep¹ující cesty:
-\s{Definice:} {\I Zlep¹ující cesta} budeme øíkat takové cestì mezi danými dvìma vrcholy,
-která pou¾ívá buïto hrany sítì (hrany orientované po~smìru cesty) nebo hrany k~nim opaèné (v~síti jsou
-tedy proti smìru cesty).
-\figure{cesta.eps}{Pøíklad zlep¹ující cesty.}{3in}
-\s{Definice:} {\I Zlep¹ující cesta} $P$ ze $z$ do $s$ je {\I nasycená}, pokud:
-$$\exists e \in P:\cases{
- f(e)=c(e) & \hbox{je-li $e$ orientovaná po smìru} \cr
- f(e)=0 & \hbox{je-li $e$ orientovaná proti smìru} \cr
-\>Jinak je zlep¹ující cesta nenasycená.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Tok je nasycený,} pokud je ka¾dá zlep¹ující cesta $P$ ze $z$ do $s$ nasycená.
-\s{Vìta:} Tok $f$ je nasycený $\Leftrightarrow$ $f$ je maximální. Navíc pro ka¾dý maximální tok $f$ existuje øez $R$ takový, ¾e $\vert f \vert=c(R)$.
-\>\uv{$\Leftarrow$} doká¾eme nepøímo -- uká¾eme, ¾e pokud nìjaký tok není nasycený, tak ho
-je¹tì lze zlep¹it, proèe¾ nemù¾e být maximální. Mìjme nìjaký nenasycený tok~$f$. Existuje tedy
-nenasycená zlep¹ující cesta $P$. Podél této cesty budeme tok vylep¹ovat.
-\varepsilon_1&:=\min_{e\in P\hbox{\sevenrm~po smìru}}{\{c(e)-f(e)\}}, \cr
-\varepsilon_2&:=\min_{e\in P\hbox{\sevenrm~proti smìru}}{\{f(e)\}}, \cr
-\varepsilon&:=\min{\{\varepsilon_1,\varepsilon_2\}}. \cr
-Jeliko¾ cesta byla nenasycená, musí být $\varepsilon>0$. Nyní z~toku~$f$ vytvoøíme
-tok~$f'$ takto:
- f(e)+\varepsilon & \hbox{je-li $e$ po smìru cesty,} \cr
- f(e)-\varepsilon & \hbox{je-li $e$ proti smìru,} \cr
- f(e) & \hbox{pokud $e\not\in P$.} \cr
-\>Nyní je potøeba ovìøit, ¾e $f^{'}$ je skuteènì tok:
-$$0\le f^{'}(e)\le c(e)\dots\hbox{platí stále díky volbì }\varepsilon.$$
-\>Platnost Kirchhoffova zákona ovìøíme rozborem pøípadù:
-\figure{kirch.eps}{Rozbor pøípadù.}{4in}
-\>Funkce $f'$ je tedy tok. Jeho velikost se ov¹em oproti~$f$ zvý¹ila o~$\varepsilon$, tak¾e~$f$ nebyl maximální.
-\>\uv{$\Rightarrow$}: Uvá¾íme mno¾inu vrcholù $A\subseteq V(G)$ definovanou tak, ¾e $v\in A$
-právì tehdy, kdy¾ existuje nenasycená cesta ze $z$ do $v$. V¹imnìme si, ¾e $z \in A$ a $s \not\in A$.
-Potom $S(A,\overline A)$ je øez, který je stejnì velký jako tok~$f$. Jak u¾ víme, pokud k~toku
-najdeme stejnì velký øez, je tok maximální.
-\figure{nenasyc.eps}{Rozdìlení $V(G)$ na mno¾inu $A$ a $\overline A$ v dùkazu hlavní vìty o tocích.}{2.5in}
-\>To, co jsme o~tocích zjistili, mù¾eme shrnout do~následující \uv{minimaxové} vìty:
-\s{Vìta (Hlavní vìta o tocích, Ford-Fulkerson):} Pro ka¾dou sí» platí: $$\max_{f\hbox{\sevenrm~tok}}{\vert f \vert=\min_{R\hbox{\sevenrm~øez}}{c(R)}}.$$
-Nerovnost \uv{$\le$} je ná¹ Dùsledek lemmatu o~tocích a øezech, rovnost
-platí proto, ¾e k~maximálnímu toku existuje podle pøedcházející vìty stejnì
-velký øez.
-\>Zlep¹ování tokù pomocí zlep¹ujících cest není jen pìkný dùkazový prostøedek,
-dá se pomocí nìj také formulovat elegantní algoritmus na~hledání maximálního toku:
-\s{Algoritmus (hledání maximálního toku v síti, Ford-Fulkerson)}
-\:$f \leftarrow \hbox{libovolný tok}$, tøeba v¹ude nulový ($\forall e \in E: f(e) \leftarrow 0 $).
-\:Dokud $\exists$ zlep¹ující cesta $P$: vylep¹íme $f$ podél $P$ jako v~dùkazu vìty.
-\:Prohlásíme $f$ za~maximální tok.
-\:Je pro pøirozené kapacity F-F algoritmus koneèný? Ano -- v ka¾dém zlep¹ujícím
-kroku algoritmu se celkový tok zvìt¹í aspoò o jedna. Proto¾e máme horní odhad
-na velikost maximálního toku (napø. souèet kapacit v¹ech hran), máme i~horní odhad na dobu
-bìhu algoritmu.
-\:Je F-F algoritmus koneèný pro racionální kapacity hran? Ano -- v¹echny
-kapacity vynásobíme spoleèným jmenovatelem a pøevedeme na pøedchozí pøípad.
-Algoritmus se pøitom chová stejnì jako s~pùvodními kapacitami.
-\:A~pro reálné kapacity? Obecnì ne -- zkuste najít sí» s~nìkterými kapacitami
-iracionální, kde se algoritmus pøi ne¹ikovné volbì zlep¹ujících cest nikdy
-nezastaví a dokonce ani nekonverguje k~maximálnímu toku.
-\:Kolik krokù bude muset algoritmus na následující síti maximálnì udìlat, aby
-úspì¹nì dobìhl? ($2M$ krokù)
-\figure{2M.eps}{Pøíklad sítì. Kolik krokù musí maximálnì udìlat F-F algoritmus?}{2in}
-\:Pokud bychom v¾dy hledali {\I nejkrat¹í} zlep¹ující cestu, co¾ je snad
-nejpøímoèaøej¹í mo¾ná implementace (prohledávání do ¹íøky), algoritmus by
-se zastavil po~$\O(M^2N)$ krocích (tomu se øíká Edmondsùv-Karpùv algoritmus).
-To si nebudeme dokazovat a místo toho si na~pøí¹tí pøedná¹ce rovnou odvodíme
-efektivnìj¹í Dinicùv algoritmus.
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-h q f* Q S
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-q 223 480.218 m
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-h q f* Q S
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-223 480.218 m
-349 479.218 l
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-h q f* Q S
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-126 386.218 m
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-q 238 384.218 m
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-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-238 384.218 m
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-q 349 479.218 m
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-343.57 470.183 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-349 479.218 m
-442 386.218 l
-q 442 386.218 m
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-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
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-351 290.218 l
-q 351 290.218 m
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-341.18 294.051 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-351 290.218 m
-223 288.218 l
-q 223 288.218 m
-233.051 285.041 l
-232.947 291.707 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-223 288.218 m
-126 386.218 l
-q 126 386.218 m
-130.666 376.766 l
-135.404 381.456 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-223 288.218 m
-238 384.218 l
-q 238 384.218 m
-233.163 374.852 l
-239.75 373.823 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-351 290.218 m
-442 386.218 l
-q 442 386.218 m
-432.701 381.254 l
-437.54 376.667 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-238 384.218 m
-442 386.218 l
-q 442 386.218 m
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-0 J 1 j
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-0 0.1992 m
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-0 J
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-0 0.1992 m
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-0 G
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-0 G
-1 0 0 1 0 -779.931 cm
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-0 J
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-0 0.1992 m
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-0 G
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-[]0 d
-0 J
-0.5738 w
-0 0.2869 m
-7.0236 0.2869 l
-1 0 0 1 -36.5129 -790.8523 cm
-/F15 14.3462 Tf 36.5129 779.0944 Td[(2)-326(\0508)1(\051)]TJ
-q 1 0 0 1 107.873 370.308 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 0 g
-0 G
-1 0 0 1 0 -784.5889 cm
-/F18 17.2154 Tf 0 784.5889 Td[(z)]TJ
-q 1 0 0 1 451.683 371.675 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 0 g
-0 G
-1 0 0 1 0 -784.5889 cm
-/F18 17.2154 Tf 0 784.5889 Td[(s)]TJ
-q 1 0 0 1 491.864 367.219 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 5.9366 cm
-0 g
-0 G
-1 0 0 1 0 -777.5173 cm
-/F16 17.2154 Tf 0 777.5173 Td[(w)]TJ/F18 17.2154 Tf 12.5129 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F16 17.2154 Tf 6.0965 0 Td[(f)]TJ/F18 17.2154 Tf 10.1469 0 Td[(\051)-278(=)]TJ/F16 17.2154 Tf 28.0529 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F18 17.2154 Tf 14.0053 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F15 11.9552 Tf 17.4135 6.7783 Td[(11)]TJ
-1 0 0 1 88.228 781.6219 cm
-[]0 d
-0 J
-0.3985 w
-0 0.1992 m
-11.706 0.1992 l
-1 0 0 1 -88.228 -781.6219 cm
-/F15 11.9552 Tf 91.1545 771.5807 Td[(2)]TJ
-q 0.6 w
-127.092 375.172 m
-127.092 376 126.42 376.672 125.592 376.672 c
-124.764 376.672 124.092 376 124.092 375.172 c
-124.092 374.344 124.764 373.672 125.592 373.672 c
-126.42 373.672 127.092 374.344 127.092 375.172 c
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.6 w
-228.275 469.254 m
-228.275 470.082 227.603 470.754 226.775 470.754 c
-225.947 470.754 225.275 470.082 225.275 469.254 c
-225.275 468.426 225.947 467.754 226.775 467.754 c
-227.603 467.754 228.275 468.426 228.275 469.254 c
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.6 w
-351.944 469.846 m
-351.944 470.674 351.272 471.346 350.444 471.346 c
-349.616 471.346 348.944 470.674 348.944 469.846 c
-348.944 469.018 349.616 468.346 350.444 468.346 c
-351.272 468.346 351.944 469.018 351.944 469.846 c
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.6 w
-444.251 375.763 m
-444.251 376.591 443.579 377.263 442.751 377.263 c
-441.923 377.263 441.251 376.591 441.251 375.763 c
-441.251 374.935 441.923 374.263 442.751 374.263 c
-443.579 374.263 444.251 374.935 444.251 375.763 c
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.6 w
-240.109 373.396 m
-240.109 374.224 239.437 374.896 238.609 374.896 c
-237.781 374.896 237.109 374.224 237.109 373.396 c
-237.109 372.568 237.781 371.896 238.609 371.896 c
-239.437 371.896 240.109 372.568 240.109 373.396 c
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.6 w
-224.133 276.947 m
-224.133 277.775 223.461 278.447 222.633 278.447 c
-221.805 278.447 221.133 277.775 221.133 276.947 c
-221.133 276.119 221.805 275.447 222.633 275.447 c
-223.461 275.447 224.133 276.119 224.133 276.947 c
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.6 w
-351.352 279.905 m
-351.352 280.733 350.68 281.405 349.852 281.405 c
-349.024 281.405 348.352 280.733 348.352 279.905 c
-348.352 279.077 349.024 278.405 349.852 278.405 c
-350.68 278.405 351.352 279.077 351.352 279.905 c
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-125.592 375.172 m
-226.775 469.254 l
-q 226.775 469.254 m
-220.06 466.196 l
-223.238 462.779 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-226.775 469.254 m
-350.444 469.846 l
-q 350.444 469.846 m
-343.433 472.146 l
-343.455 467.479 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-350.444 469.846 m
-442.751 375.763 l
-q 442.751 375.763 m
-439.514 382.394 l
-436.183 379.126 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-238.609 373.396 m
-350.444 469.846 l
-q 350.444 469.846 m
-343.619 467.041 l
-346.667 463.507 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-125.592 375.172 m
-238.609 373.396 l
-q 238.609 373.396 m
-231.647 375.839 l
-231.573 371.173 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-222.633 276.947 m
-238.609 373.396 l
-q 238.609 373.396 m
-235.163 366.871 l
-239.767 366.109 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-238.609 373.396 m
-349.852 279.905 l
-q 349.852 279.905 m
-345.994 286.195 l
-342.992 282.622 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-349.852 279.905 m
-222.633 276.947 l
-q 222.633 276.947 m
-229.685 274.777 l
-229.577 279.442 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-222.633 276.947 m
-125.592 375.172 l
-q 125.592 375.172 m
-128.852 368.552 l
-132.172 371.832 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-238.609 373.396 m
-442.751 375.763 l
-q 442.751 375.763 m
-435.724 378.015 l
-435.779 373.349 l
-h q f* Q S
-q 0.4 w
-349.852 279.905 m
-442.751 375.763 l
-q 442.751 375.763 m
-436.204 372.36 l
-439.555 369.112 l
-h q f* Q S
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-\input lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{3}{Dinicùv algoritmus}{(zapsali Jakub Melka, Petr Musil)\foot{\rm s~díky Bernardovi Lidickému za obrázky}}
-Na~minulé pøedná¹ce jsme si ukázali {\I Fordùv-Fulkersonùv} algoritmus. Víme o~nìm, ¾e kdy¾ se zastaví, tak vydá maximální tok. Jen¾e zastavit se nemusí (napøíklad pro~sítì s~reálnými kapacitami), nebo trvá pøíli¹ dlouho.
-Uká¾eme si lep¹í algoritmus, {\I Dinicùv}, který má výraznì men¹í slo¾itost a zastaví se v¾dy.
-Idea je následující: v~algoritmu budeme pou¾ívat {\I sí» rezerv}, která bude obsahovat rezervy -- kolik je¹tì po~dané hranì mù¾eme pustit, aby to nepøekroèilo její kapacitu.
-Sí» rezerv pak budeme vyu¾ívat k~vylep¹ování toku.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Sí» rezerv }$R$ k síti $S=(V,E,z,s,c)$ a toku $f$ v $S$ je sí» $R=(V,E\cup\overleftarrow{E}, z,s, r)$, pro $\forall e\in E$:
-\>kde hrana $\overleftarrow{e}$ vznikne z~hrany $e$ tak, ¾e se zorientuje opaèným smìrem. V pøípadì, ¾e v~síti rezerv u¾ opaènì orientovaná hrana\foot{vznikne tak, ¾e v pùvodní síti jsou dvì opaènì orientované hrany mezi stejnými vrcholy.} je, pak vznikne multigraf\foot{graf, který mù¾e mít mezi dvìma vrcholy více stejnì orientovaných hran.} s~multiplicitou maximálnì dva.
-\>Sí» rezerv budeme pou¾ívat v~algoritmu k~hledání vylep¹ujících tokù. K~tomu nám bude slou¾it následující vìta:
-\s{Vìta:} Je-li $f$ tok v~síti $S$ a $g$ tok v~pøíslu¹né síti rezerv, pak $\exists$ tok $f'$ v $S$ takový, ¾e $\vert f'\vert = \vert f\vert + \vert g\vert$, co¾ znamená $\forall e \in E : f'(e) = f(e) + g(e) - g(\overleftarrow{e})$.
-Rozebereme si jednotlivé pøípady pro~$\forall e\in E$:
-\:$g(e)=g(\overleftarrow{e})=0 \Rightarrow f'(e)=f(e) $.
-\:$g(e)>0$ a zároveò $g(\overleftarrow{e})=0\Rightarrow f'(e) = f(e) + g(e)$.
-\:$g(e)=0$ a zároveò $g(\overleftarrow{e})>0\Rightarrow f'(e) = f(e) - g(\overleftarrow{e})$.
-\:Nastává cirkulace, tu snadno odstraníme: odeèteme $\varepsilon$ od obou hran $e$ a $\overleftarrow{e}$,
-kde $\varepsilon=\min( g(e), g(\overleftarrow{e}) )$. Pøevedeme tím tento pøípad na jeden ze tøí uvedených vý¹e.
-Je v¹ak $f'$ tok? Víme, ¾e $f'$ urèitì nemù¾e klesnout pod nulu, proto¾e se odeèítá jen v pøípadì c), a tam je z~definice vidìt, ¾e $f'$ pod nulu klesnout nemù¾e. Kapacita také nemù¾e
-být pøekroèena, pøièítá se jen v~pøípadì b) a z~definice se nepokazí, proto¾e $g(e)=c(e)-f(e)$, tedy v~nejhor¹ím pøípadì $f'(e) = c(e)$.
-Dále doká¾eme, ¾e $f'$ dodr¾uje Kirchhoffùv zákon. V~následujících sumách pøedpokládejme, ¾e v¹echny vrcholy jsou rozdílné od~zdroje a stoku. Musí platit, ¾e:
-$$\sum\limits_{ab \in E} f'(ab) = \sum\limits_{ba \in E} f'(ba).$$
-Rozepí¹eme si tuto rovnici dle definice:
-$$\sum\limits_{ab \in E} f'(ab) - \sum\limits_{ba \in E} f'(ba) = 0,$$
-$$\sum\limits_{uv\in E}(f(uv)+g(uv)-g(\overleftarrow{uv})) - \sum\limits_{vu\in E}(f(vu)+g(vu)-g(\overleftarrow{vu})) = 0.$$
-Roztrhneme si to na ètyøi sumy a dostaneme:
-$$\underbrace{\sum\limits_{uv\in E}f(uv)-\sum\limits_{vu\in E}f(vu)}\limits_0+$$
-$$+\underbrace{\sum\limits_{uv\in E}g(uv)-g(\overleftarrow{uv})-\sum\limits_{vu\in E}g(vu)-g(\overleftarrow{vu})}\limits_0 = 0,$$
-nebo» $f$ i $g$ jsou toky a musí splòovat Kirchhoffùv zákon.
-Tato vìta nám øíká, ¾e pokud existuje nenulový tok v~síti rezerv, pak lze tok v~pùvodní síti je¹tì zvìt¹it. Naopak pokud takový tok neexistuje, je tok v~pùvodní síti maximální.
-\s{Definice:} $f$ je {\I blokující tok}, pokud na~ka¾dé orientované cestì $P$ ze~zdroje do~spotøebièe $\exists e\in P : f(e)=c(e)$.
-\s{Definice:} $C$ je {\I proèi¹tìná sí»}, pokud obsahuje pouze vrcholy a hrany na~nejkrat¹ích $z\rightarrow s$ cestách. Proèi¹tìná sí» nemá slepé ulièky, ani hrany vedoucí ze~stoku nìkam do~dal¹ího vrcholu.
-\figure{dinic-cistasit.eps}{Pøíklad proèi¹tìné sítì}{0.5\hsize}
-\s{Algoritmus (hledání maximálního toku v síti, Dinicùv)}
-\:$f\leftarrow$ nulový tok.
-\:Sestrojíme sí» rezerv $R$, vynecháme hrany s nulovou rezervou.
-\:$l\leftarrow$ délka nejkrat¹í cesty $z\rightarrow s$ v~$R$.
-\:Kdy¾ $l=\infty$, tak skonèíme.
-\:Sestrojíme proèi¹tìnou sí» $C$, a to následujícím zpùsobem:%\foot{Ponecháme vrcholy a hrany z $R$, které le¾í na nejkrat¹ích $z\rightarrow s$ cestách}
-\::Spustíme BFS\foot{Breadth-First Search, standardní prohledávání do ¹íøky.} algoritmus ze zdroje.
-\::BFS nám rozdìlí uzly do vrstev, vyhodíme hrany za spotøebièem a slepé ulièky.
-\:$g\leftarrow$ blokující tok v $C$.
-\:Zlep¹íme tok $f$ podle $g$ a jdeme na bod 3.
-\s{Postup tvorby proèi¹tìné sítì podrobnìji:} Prohledáním do~¹íøky vytvoøíme vrstvy $C_i$, zahodíme ty za~spotøebièem, ponecháme
-pouze hrany mezi $C_i$ a $C_{i+1}$. Je¹tì musíme odstranit slepé ulièky -- cesty, které konèí v~$C_m : m < l$, proto¾e ty urèitì nejsou souèástí nejkrat¹í $z\rightarrow s$ cesty.
-Proèi¹tìní zvládneme v~lineárním èase $\O(N+M)$, v~pøípadì souvislého grafu pouze $\O(M)$.
-\figure{dinic-neprocistenasit.eps}{Pøíklad neproèi¹tìné sítì}{0.5\hsize}
-Na obrázku neproèi¹tìné sítì vidíme, co se má smazat. Èerné hrany ponecháme, ty tam jsou správnì. Èervené hrany jsou zpìtné, ty sma¾eme. Modré hrany jsou hrany ve~stejné vrstvì, ty rovnì¾ sma¾eme. Èervené teèkované hrany nevedou vùbec do stoku, tak¾e ty rovnì¾ sma¾eme.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Fází} algoritmu oznaèíme jeden bìh cyklu -- kroky 3 a¾ 9.
-\>Provedeme podrobnou analýzu algoritmu z~hlediska slo¾itosti a uvidíme, ¾e má slo¾itost $\O(N^2M)$. Nejprve analyzujeme hledání
-blokujícího toku, pak se podíváme, kolik fází maximálnì mù¾e Dinicùv algoritmus mít.
-\s{Algoritmus hledání blokujícího toku}
-\:$g\leftarrow$ nulový tok.
-\:Dokud $\exists z\rightarrow s$ cesta $P$ v proèi¹tìné síti $C$:
-\::$\varepsilon \leftarrow \min\limits_{e\in P} (c(e)-f(e)) $.
-\::$\forall e \in P :g(e)\leftarrow g(e)+\varepsilon$, pokud $g(e)$ vzroste na $r(e)$, tak sma¾eme hranu $e$.
-\::Doèistíme sí» tím, ¾e odstraníme slepé ulièky, které mohly vzniknout smazáním hrany $e$.
-Pøi ka¾dém prùchodu se sma¾e v¾dy alespoò jedna hrana, tedy maximálnì $M$-krát provádíme $\O(N)$ -- právì tolik trvá nalezení cesty $P$, proto¾e délka cesty bude krat¹í nebo rovna $N$. Èi¹tìní pak maximálnì sma¾e celý graf, jedno mazání nás stojí konstantní èas, tedy celková slo¾itost tohoto algoritmu bude $\O(MN)$.
-Doká¾eme si, ¾e poèet fází je men¹í nebo roven $N$. Algoritmus se ukonèí, pokud $l>N$, proto¾e pak u¾ neexistuje nejkrat¹í $z\rightarrow s$ cesta, pro¹li jsme v¹echny vrcholy.
-\s{Lemma:} Pøi ka¾dé fázi vzroste $l$ alespoò o~jedna.
-Uva¾me sí» $R$, rozdìlenou na~vrstvy, je¹tì pøed~proèi¹tìním. Po~proèi¹tìní nìkteré hrany zmizí. Pøibýt\foot{Pøibudou tak, ¾e po~hranì s~nulovým tokem po¹leme nìjaký tok, v~opaèném smìru v~síti rezerv vytvoøíme z~nulové hrany nenulovou.} mohou jen zrcadlové
-protìj¹ky ji¾ existujících hran.
-Uva¾me cestu $P$ délky $l$ nebo men¹í ze $z\rightarrow s$ a novou hranu $e$ vzniklou pøi~poslání toku po~hranì s~nulovým tokem:
-\:Hrana $e \not\in P\Rightarrow$ zablokování, taková cesta neexistuje.
-\:Hrana $e \in P\Rightarrow$ délka $ > l$, proto¾e hrana $e$ vede z nìjakého vrcholu ve vrstvì $C_i$ do vrcholu ve vrstvì $C_{i-1}$.
-\s{Vìta:} Dinicùv algoritmus najde maximální tok v~èase $\O(MN^2)$.
-Slo¾itost plyne pøímo z~pøedchozího lemmatu a slo¾itosti algoritmu hledání blokujícího toku.
-Korektnost (najde v¾dy maximální tok) doká¾eme takto: Nech» algoritmus probìhne. Skonèit mù¾e jedinì tehdy, kdy¾ nenajde ¾ádnou cestu ze~zdroje do~spotøebièe v~síti rezerv, kterou by
-mohl být tok vylep¹en. Tedy tok musí být nutnì maximální.
-Takto napsaný algoritmus je je¹tì pøíli¹ pomalý, ale jde výraznì zrychlit. Napøíklad namísto pøepoèítávání tokù na~rezervy a naopak mù¾eme
-minimálnì vnitøní cyklus poèítat jenom v~rezervách. Proèi¹tìní se dá dìlat jednou namísto dvakrát, mù¾eme prohledávat do~hloubky a mazat pøi vracení se z~vrcholù. Dokonce i~hledání blokujícího toku lze øe¹it v~rámci prohledávání do~hloubky.
-Cesta si pamatuje minimum rezerv a pøi vracení se rezerva sni¾uje.
-\>Problematika tokù v~sítích má velké uplatnìní v~kombinatorice a teorii grafù. Zde uvedeme jeden pøíklad:
-\>\s{Hledání maximálního párování v bipartitních grafech:} Zorientujeme v¹echny hrany zleva doprava a pøidáme zdroj, z~nìho¾
-vedou hrany do první partity, a stok, do~nìho¾ vedou hrany z~druhé partity. Hrany mezi partitami mají jednotkovou kapacitu.
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-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 6.862500 5.700000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 10.526500 5.700000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 10.526500 5.700000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 13.862500 5.800000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 13.862500 5.800000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 17.772500 5.768000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 17.772500 5.768000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 3.087500 5.600000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 3.087500 5.600000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 20.997500 5.768000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 20.997500 5.768000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 3.414537 5.281802 m 6.321672 3.628187 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 6.647630 3.442778 m 6.336625 3.907295 l 6.321672 3.628187 l 6.089413 3.472685 l ef
-n 6.647630 3.442778 m 6.336625 3.907295 l 6.321672 3.628187 l 6.089413 3.472685 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 3.414537 5.918198 m 6.093929 7.401701 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 6.422000 7.583344 m 5.863476 7.559867 l 6.093929 7.401701 l 6.105667 7.122439 l ef
-n 6.422000 7.583344 m 5.863476 7.559867 l 6.093929 7.401701 l 6.105667 7.122439 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 3.550000 5.600000 m 6.375918 5.685311 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 6.750748 5.696626 m 6.243431 5.931425 l 6.375918 5.685311 l 6.258519 5.431653 l ef
-n 6.750748 5.696626 m 6.243431 5.931425 l 6.375918 5.685311 l 6.258519 5.431653 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 7.534251 3.119060 m 10.172509 7.690865 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 10.359941 8.015664 m 9.893499 7.707553 l 10.172509 7.690865 l 10.326564 7.457644 l ef
-n 10.359941 8.015664 m 9.893499 7.707553 l 10.172509 7.690865 l 10.326564 7.457644 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 7.812500 5.700000 m 9.895478 3.630595 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 10.161508 3.366298 m 9.982999 3.896048 l 9.895478 3.630595 l 9.630603 3.541340 l ef
-n 10.161508 3.366298 m 9.982999 3.896048 l 9.895478 3.630595 l 9.630603 3.541340 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 7.515823 8.237500 m 10.061063 5.845852 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 10.334346 5.589060 m 10.141163 6.113637 l 10.061063 5.845852 l 9.798775 5.749260 l ef
-n 10.334346 5.589060 m 10.141163 6.113637 l 10.061063 5.845852 l 9.798775 5.749260 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 11.198251 3.119060 m 13.566239 5.562896 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 13.827192 5.832207 m 13.299714 5.647094 l 13.566239 5.562896 l 13.658796 5.299157 l ef
-n 13.827192 5.832207 m 13.299714 5.647094 l 13.566239 5.562896 l 13.658796 5.299157 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 11.198251 8.280940 m 13.310798 8.286271 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 13.685797 8.287218 m 13.185168 8.535955 l 13.310798 8.286271 l 13.186429 8.035957 l ef
-n 13.685797 8.287218 m 13.185168 8.535955 l 13.310798 8.286271 l 13.186429 8.035957 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 11.476500 5.700000 m 13.484600 3.705546 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 13.750667 3.441287 m 13.572084 3.971011 l 13.484600 3.705546 l 13.219738 3.616255 l ef
-n 13.750667 3.441287 m 13.572084 3.971011 l 13.484600 3.705546 l 13.219738 3.616255 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 14.534251 3.219060 m 17.185798 3.213518 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.560797 3.212734 m 17.061321 3.463778 l 17.185798 3.213518 l 17.060275 2.963779 l ef
-n 17.560797 3.212734 m 17.061321 3.463778 l 17.185798 3.213518 l 17.060275 2.963779 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 14.812500 5.800000 m 17.010844 5.830702 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.385808 5.835939 m 16.882365 6.078932 l 17.010844 5.830702 l 16.889347 5.578981 l ef
-n 17.385808 5.835939 m 16.882365 6.078932 l 17.010844 5.830702 l 16.889347 5.578981 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 14.534251 8.380940 m 17.385804 8.365189 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.760798 8.363118 m 17.262187 8.615876 l 17.385804 8.365189 l 17.259425 8.115883 l ef
-n 17.760798 8.363118 m 17.262187 8.615876 l 17.385804 8.365189 l 17.259425 8.115883 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 18.444251 3.187060 m 20.337206 5.103467 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 20.600733 5.370260 m 20.071502 5.190221 l 20.337206 5.103467 l 20.427225 4.838851 l ef
-n 20.600733 5.370260 m 20.071502 5.190221 l 20.337206 5.103467 l 20.427225 4.838851 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 18.722500 5.768000 m 20.060697 5.768000 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 20.435697 5.768000 m 19.935697 6.018000 l 20.060697 5.768000 l 19.935697 5.518000 l ef
-n 20.435697 5.768000 m 19.935697 6.018000 l 20.060697 5.768000 l 19.935697 5.518000 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 18.444251 8.348940 m 20.337206 6.432533 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 20.600733 6.165740 m 20.427225 6.697149 l 20.337206 6.432533 l 20.071502 6.345779 l ef
-n 20.600733 6.165740 m 20.427225 6.697149 l 20.337206 6.432533 l 20.071502 6.345779 l cp s
-gsave 2.500000 7.762500 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
-5729 6016 moveto
-5533 5056 lineto
-5124 5280 4670 5392 conicto
-4216 5504 3734 5504 conicto
-2921 5504 2452 5229 conicto
-1984 4954 1984 4482 conicto
-1984 3933 3088 3639 conicto
-3172 3617 3213 3606 conicto
-3548 3506 lineto
-4567 3221 4907 2908 conicto
-5248 2595 5248 2053 conicto
-5248 1059 4456 433 conicto
-3665 -192 2384 -192 conicto
-1886 -192 1338 -98 conicto
-790 -5 130 192 conicto
-331 1280 lineto
-896 997 1444 850 conicto
-1992 704 2496 704 conicto
-3263 704 3743 1023 conicto
-4224 1343 4224 1833 conicto
-4224 2361 2963 2686 conicto
-2854 2714 lineto
-2496 2802 lineto
-1700 3010 1330 3349 conicto
-960 3689 960 4217 conicto
-960 5221 1716 5810 conicto
-2472 6400 3771 6400 conicto
-4283 6400 4769 6304 conicto
-5256 6208 5729 6016 conicto
-end_ol grestore
-gsave 20.940000 8.027500 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
-4867 6272 moveto
-4711 5440 lineto
-2658 5440 lineto
-1992 2036 lineto
-1958 1846 1941 1717 conicto
-1925 1589 1925 1516 conicto
-1925 1157 2140 994 conicto
-2356 832 2831 832 conicto
-3872 832 lineto
-3698 0 lineto
-2714 0 lineto
-1796 0 1346 353 conicto
-896 706 896 1423 conicto
-896 1551 912 1702 conicto
-929 1854 963 2036 conicto
-1628 5440 lineto
-752 5440 lineto
-918 6272 lineto
-1774 6272 lineto
-2121 8064 lineto
-3150 8064 lineto
-2809 6272 lineto
-4867 6272 lineto
-end_ol grestore
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 14.534251 8.380940 m 17.084091 6.455823 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.383372 6.229867 m 17.134968 6.730662 l 17.084091 6.455823 l 16.833693 6.331621 l ef
-n 17.383372 6.229867 m 17.134968 6.730662 l 17.084091 6.455823 l 16.833693 6.331621 l cp s
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-3 -1 roll
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-3 -1 roll
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-4 2 roll
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- p1_x p1_y p2_x p2_y to_x to_y curveto
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-28.346000 -28.346000 scale
--2.500000 -16.434513 translate
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 6.862500 7.272280 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 6.862500 7.272280 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 10.462500 7.272280 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 10.462500 7.272280 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 13.862500 7.372280 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 13.862500 7.372280 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 17.708500 7.468280 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 17.708500 7.468280 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 3.087500 7.172280 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 3.087500 7.172280 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 20.997500 7.468280 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 20.997500 7.468280 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 3.414537 6.854082 m 6.321672 5.200467 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 6.647630 5.015059 m 6.336625 5.479576 l 6.321672 5.200467 l 6.089413 5.044965 l ef
-n 6.647630 5.015059 m 6.336625 5.479576 l 6.321672 5.200467 l 6.089413 5.044965 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 3.414537 7.490478 m 6.093929 8.973981 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 6.422000 9.155625 m 5.863476 9.132147 l 6.093929 8.973981 l 6.105667 8.694719 l ef
-n 6.422000 9.155625 m 5.863476 9.132147 l 6.093929 8.973981 l 6.105667 8.694719 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 3.550000 7.172280 m 6.375918 7.257591 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 6.750748 7.268907 m 6.243431 7.503705 l 6.375918 7.257591 l 6.258519 7.003933 l ef
-n 6.750748 7.268907 m 6.243431 7.503705 l 6.375918 7.257591 l 6.258519 7.003933 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 7.534251 4.691341 m 10.172509 9.263145 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 10.359941 9.587944 m 9.893499 9.279834 l 10.172509 9.263145 l 10.326564 9.029924 l ef
-n 10.359941 9.587944 m 9.893499 9.279834 l 10.172509 9.263145 l 10.326564 9.029924 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 7.812500 7.272280 m 9.895478 5.202875 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 10.161508 4.938578 m 9.982999 5.468328 l 9.895478 5.202875 l 9.630603 5.113621 l ef
-n 10.161508 4.938578 m 9.982999 5.468328 l 9.895478 5.202875 l 9.630603 5.113621 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 7.534251 9.853220 m 10.064779 7.422042 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 10.335199 7.162239 m 10.147841 7.688924 l 10.064779 7.422042 l 9.801436 7.328363 l ef
-n 10.335199 7.162239 m 10.147841 7.688924 l 10.064779 7.422042 l 9.801436 7.328363 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 11.134251 4.691341 m 13.515281 7.031082 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 13.782755 7.293918 m 13.250899 7.121786 l 13.515281 7.031082 l 13.601347 6.765154 l ef
-n 13.782755 7.293918 m 13.250899 7.121786 l 13.515281 7.031082 l 13.601347 6.765154 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 11.134251 9.853220 m 13.310798 9.858581 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 13.685797 9.859505 m 13.185183 10.108273 l 13.310798 9.858581 l 13.186414 9.608274 l ef
-n 13.685797 9.859505 m 13.185183 10.108273 l 13.310798 9.858581 l 13.186414 9.608274 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 11.412500 7.272280 m 13.480030 5.273164 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 13.749618 5.012496 m 13.563946 5.539778 l 13.480030 5.273164 l 13.216389 5.180327 l ef
-n 13.749618 5.012496 m 13.563946 5.539778 l 13.480030 5.273164 l 13.216389 5.180327 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 14.534251 4.791341 m 17.185798 4.785798 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.560797 4.785014 m 17.061321 5.036059 l 17.185798 4.785798 l 17.060275 4.536060 l ef
-n 17.560797 4.785014 m 17.061321 5.036059 l 17.185798 4.785798 l 17.060275 4.536060 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 14.812500 7.372280 m 17.010844 7.402982 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.385808 7.408219 m 16.882365 7.651212 l 17.010844 7.402982 l 16.889347 7.151261 l ef
-n 17.385808 7.408219 m 16.882365 7.651212 l 17.010844 7.402982 l 16.889347 7.151261 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 14.534251 9.953220 m 17.385804 9.937469 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.760798 9.935398 m 17.262187 10.188156 l 17.385804 9.937469 l 17.259425 9.688163 l ef
-n 17.760798 9.935398 m 17.262187 10.188156 l 17.385804 9.937469 l 17.259425 9.688163 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 18.380251 4.887341 m 20.332351 6.808611 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 20.599618 7.071657 m 20.067898 6.899107 l 20.332351 6.808611 l 20.418626 6.542751 l ef
-n 20.599618 7.071657 m 20.067898 6.899107 l 20.332351 6.808611 l 20.418626 6.542751 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 18.658500 7.468280 m 20.060697 7.468280 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 20.435697 7.468280 m 19.935697 7.718280 l 20.060697 7.468280 l 19.935697 7.218280 l ef
-n 20.435697 7.468280 m 19.935697 7.718280 l 20.060697 7.468280 l 19.935697 7.218280 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 18.380251 10.049220 m 20.332351 8.127950 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 20.599618 7.864904 m 20.418626 8.393810 l 20.332351 8.127950 l 20.067898 8.037454 l ef
-n 20.599618 7.864904 m 20.418626 8.393810 l 20.332351 8.127950 l 20.067898 8.037454 l cp s
-gsave 2.500000 9.334780 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
-5729 6016 moveto
-5533 5056 lineto
-5124 5280 4670 5392 conicto
-4216 5504 3734 5504 conicto
-2921 5504 2452 5229 conicto
-1984 4954 1984 4482 conicto
-1984 3933 3088 3639 conicto
-3172 3617 3213 3606 conicto
-3548 3506 lineto
-4567 3221 4907 2908 conicto
-5248 2595 5248 2053 conicto
-5248 1059 4456 433 conicto
-3665 -192 2384 -192 conicto
-1886 -192 1338 -98 conicto
-790 -5 130 192 conicto
-331 1280 lineto
-896 997 1444 850 conicto
-1992 704 2496 704 conicto
-3263 704 3743 1023 conicto
-4224 1343 4224 1833 conicto
-4224 2361 2963 2686 conicto
-2854 2714 lineto
-2496 2802 lineto
-1700 3010 1330 3349 conicto
-960 3689 960 4217 conicto
-960 5221 1716 5810 conicto
-2472 6400 3771 6400 conicto
-4283 6400 4769 6304 conicto
-5256 6208 5729 6016 conicto
-end_ol grestore
-gsave 20.940000 9.599780 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
-4867 6272 moveto
-4711 5440 lineto
-2658 5440 lineto
-1992 2036 lineto
-1958 1846 1941 1717 conicto
-1925 1589 1925 1516 conicto
-1925 1157 2140 994 conicto
-2356 832 2831 832 conicto
-3872 832 lineto
-3698 0 lineto
-2714 0 lineto
-1796 0 1346 353 conicto
-896 706 896 1423 conicto
-896 1551 912 1702 conicto
-929 1854 963 2036 conicto
-1628 5440 lineto
-752 5440 lineto
-918 6272 lineto
-1774 6272 lineto
-2121 8064 lineto
-3150 8064 lineto
-2809 6272 lineto
-4867 6272 lineto
-end_ol grestore
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 14.534251 9.953220 m 17.084091 8.028103 l s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.383372 7.802147 m 17.134968 8.302942 l 17.084091 8.028103 l 16.833693 7.903901 l ef
-n 17.383372 7.802147 m 17.134968 8.302942 l 17.084091 8.028103 l 16.833693 7.903901 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 8.863225 5.441066 2.421913 2.421913 219.588577 311.325462 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 6.834543 4.235732 m 6.825501 3.676788 l 6.996801 3.897653 l 7.276273 3.893132 l ef
-n 6.834543 4.235732 m 6.825501 3.676788 l 6.996801 3.897653 l 7.276273 3.893132 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-0.975875 0.112764 0.032090 srgb
-n 14.340216 6.146671 4.094721 4.094721 208.352852 325.345101 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 10.602251 4.552157 m 10.548134 3.995765 l 10.736698 4.202087 l 11.014894 4.175028 l ef
-n 10.602251 4.552157 m 10.548134 3.995765 l 10.736698 4.202087 l 11.014894 4.175028 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 10.592609 8.092906 4.390150 4.390150 41.855976 148.145915 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 6.705357 10.069883 m 7.143037 10.417642 l 6.863637 10.409843 l 6.689758 10.628683 l ef
-n 6.705357 10.069883 m 7.143037 10.417642 l 6.863637 10.409843 l 6.689758 10.628683 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 srgb
-n 8.903416 7.318665 5.568561 5.568561 344.301874 23.291516 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 14.123991 5.464213 m 14.542882 5.834389 l 14.264273 5.811986 l 14.079185 6.021431 l ef
-n 14.123991 5.464213 m 14.542882 5.834389 l 14.264273 5.811986 l 14.079185 6.021431 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[] 0 sd
-[] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 10.210327 7.033875 7.903347 7.903347 345.391335 13.883456 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 17.765218 9.286360 m 17.684576 8.733190 l 17.882784 8.930266 l 18.159369 8.889945 l ef
-n 17.765218 9.286360 m 17.684576 8.733190 l 17.882784 8.930266 l 18.159369 8.889945 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-0 slc
-1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
-n 18.098907 7.940924 5.095559 5.095559 76.123301 143.210625 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 19.673168 12.758936 m 19.289485 13.165491 l 19.320991 12.887764 l 19.117714 12.695923 l ef
-n 19.673168 12.758936 m 19.289485 13.165491 l 19.320991 12.887764 l 19.117714 12.695923 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 20.523276 17.455177 4.647800 4.647800 262.370045 335.408063 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 24.864022 15.878065 m 24.473265 15.478304 l 24.749496 15.520981 l 24.949377 15.325603 l ef
-n 24.864022 15.878065 m 24.473265 15.478304 l 24.749496 15.520981 l 24.949377 15.325603 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 22.877863 13.726900 3.137477 3.137477 198.708808 306.782461 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 25.013538 11.487115 m 24.488799 11.294373 l 24.756517 11.214048 l 24.852887 10.951679 l ef
-n 25.013538 11.487115 m 24.488799 11.294373 l 24.756517 11.214048 l 24.852887 10.951679 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 20.651986 8.352373 5.405747 5.405747 237.008785 291.992378 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 23.007451 3.516038 m 22.448609 3.502032 l 22.676347 3.339982 l 22.683350 3.060561 l ef
-n 23.007451 3.516038 m 22.448609 3.502032 l 22.676347 3.339982 l 22.683350 3.060561 l cp s
-0.100000 slw
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-[0.200000] 0 sd
-0 slc
-n 20.212569 -19.590058 24.545884 24.545884 83.309864 94.281036 ellipse s
-[] 0 sd
-0 slj
-0 slc
-n 23.443465 4.736181 m 22.983393 5.053725 l 23.072158 4.788686 l 22.913386 4.558651 l ef
-n 23.443465 4.736181 m 22.983393 5.053725 l 23.072158 4.788686 l 22.913386 4.558651 l cp s
+++ /dev/null
-%version 1.8
-\input lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{4}{Goldbergùv algoritmus}{(zapsali R. Tupec,
-J. Volec,
-J. Záloha)}
-Pøedstavíme si nový algoritmus pro~hledání maximálního toku v~síti, který se uká¾e stejnì dobrý jako {\I Dinicùv algoritmus} ($\O(MN^{2})$) a po~nìkolika vylep¹eních bude i lep¹í.
-Tento algoritmus narozdíl od~Dinicova algoritmu zaèíná s~pøebytky v~sousedních vrcholech zdroje a sna¾í se jich zbavit pomocí pøevádìní. Pokud bychom toto pøevádìní dìlali \uv{tupým zpùsobem}, mohl by se algoritmus zacyklit. Proto pro~ka¾dý vrchol budeme definovat vý¹ku, a jak uvidíme, s~její pomocí se vyhneme zacyklení.
-\s{Definice:} Funkce $f:E \rightarrow {\bb R}_{0}^{+}$
-je {\I vlna} v~síti~$(V, E, z, s, c)$ tehdy, kdy¾ $ \forall uv \in E : f(uv) \leq c(uv) $, kde $c(uv)$ je kapacita hrany~$uv$, a $ \forall v \ne z, s : f^{\Delta}(v) \geq 0 $. Funkcí $f^{\Delta}(v)$ pro libovolný vrchol~$v$ rozumíme {\I pøebytek} v~tomto vrcholu, co¾ je souèet v¹eho, co do~vrcholu~$v$ pøiteèe, minus souèet v¹eho, co z~$v$ odteèe. To mù¾eme zapsat jako:
- $$f^{\Delta}(v):=\sum_{uv \in E}{f(uv)} - \sum_{vu \in E}{f(vu)}.$$
-Ka¾dý tok je vlna, kde $\forall v \ne z,s: f^{\Delta}(v) = 0$.
-Algoritmus pou¾ívá sít rezerv, kterou jsme nadefinovali ji¾ v~pøedchozí kapitole vìnované Dinicovi.
-Dále budeme provádìt následující dvì operace na~vrcholech sítì. K~tomu budeme potøebovat pøiøadit v¹em vrcholùm vý¹ku pomocí funkce $h : V \rightarrow \bb{N}$.
-\s{Operace:} Pro~hranu~$uv \in E$ definujme {\I pøevedení pøebytku}:
-Pokud platí, ¾e:
-\numlist \ndotted
- \:ve~vrcholu~$u$ je nenulový pøebytek, tj. $f^{\Delta}(u) > 0$,
- \:vrchol~$u$ je vý¹ ne¾ vrchol~$v$, tj. $h(u) > h(v)$, a
- \:hrana $uv$ má nenulovou rezervu, tj. $r(uv)>0$,
-\noindent pøevedeme tok o~velikosti $\delta:=\min(f^{\Delta}(u),r(uv))$ z~$u$ do~$v$ tímto zpùsobem:
-\numlist \ndotted
- \:$f^{\Delta}(u) \leftarrow f^{\Delta}(u)-\delta$ a $f^{\Delta}(v) \leftarrow f^{\Delta}(v)+\delta$,
- \:$r(uv) \leftarrow r(uv)-\delta$ a $r(vu) \leftarrow r(vu)+\delta$.
-\s{Definice:} Øekneme, ¾e pøevedení je {\I nasycené}, pokud je po~pøevodu rezerva na~hranì $uv$ nulová, tedy $r(uv)=0$.
-Naopak pøevedení je {\I nenasycené}, pokud po~pøevodu $f^{\Delta}(u) = 0$. Pokud $r(uv)=0$ a $f^{\Delta}(u) = 0$,
-budeme pøevedení pova¾ovat za~{\I nasycené}.
-\s{Operace:} Pro~vrchol~$u \in V$ definujme {\I zvednutí vrcholu}:
-Pokud bìhem výpoètu narazíme ve~vrcholu~$u$ na~pøebytek, který nelze nikam pøevést, zvìt¹íme vý¹ku vrcholu~$u$ o~jednièku, tj. $h(u) \leftarrow h(u)+1$.
-\s{Algoritmus (hledání maximálního toku v síti, Goldberg)}
-\:$\forall v \in V: h(v)\leftarrow 0$ (v¹em vrcholùm nastavíme poèáteèní vý¹ku nula).
-\:$h(z)\leftarrow N$ (zdroj zvedneme do~vý¹ky $N$).
-\:$\forall e \in E: f(e)\leftarrow 0$ (po~hranách na~poèátku nenecháme protékat nic).
-\:$\forall zu \in E : f(zu)\leftarrow c(zu)$ (ze~zdroje pustíme maximální mo¾nou vlnu).
-\:Dokud $\exists u \in V \setminus \{z,s\}, f^{\Delta}(u)>0$:
-\::Pokud $\exists uv \in E, r(uv)>0$ a $h(u)>h(v)$: pøevedeme pøebytek po~hranì $uv$.
-\::V~opaèném pøípadì zvedneme $u$.
-\:Vrátíme tok $f$ jako výsledek.
-Nyní bude následovat nìkolik lemmat a invariantù, jimi¾ doká¾eme správnost a èasovou slo¾itost vý¹e popsaného algoritmu.
-\s{Invariant A:} Funkce $f:E \rightarrow \bb{R}$ je v~ka¾dém kroku algoritmu vlna, $h(v)$ nikdy neklesá, $h(z)=N$ a $h(s)=0$.
-Pro~první èást invariantu si staèí rozmyslet, ¾e v~¾ádném kroku algoritmu nepøekroèíme kapacity hran a nevytvoøíme záporný pøebytek. Pro~$v \in V \setminus \{z,s\}$ skuteènì vý¹ku pouze zvy¹ujeme a z~podmínky v~pátém kroku algoritmu vyplývá, ¾e nás pøebytky v~$z$ a $s$ v~podstatì nezajímají, tudí¾ se $h(z)$ a $h(s)$ nemìní.
-\s{Invariant S (o~Spádu):} Neexistuje hrana se~spádem vìt¹ím ne¾ jedna a nenulovou rezervou, neboli $\forall uv \in E, r(uv)>0 : h(u) \leq h(v)+1$.
-\proof %todo pøeformulovat:BEGIN OK
-Podívejme se, kdy by mohla vzniknout nenasycená hrana se~spádem vìt¹ím ne¾ jedna. Bìhem inicializace k~tomu evidentnì nedojde, proto¾e v¹echny hrany jsou nenasycené nebo mají kapacitu nula, proto je mù¾eme vypustit. Bìhem práce algoritmu k~tomu v¹ak také nedojde, jak uvidíme z~rozebrání následujících pøípadù. Pokud ji¾ existuje vrchol~$v$ s~kladným pøebytkem, dále existuje nenasycená hrana $vu$ a $h(v)=h(u)+1$, vrchol~$v$ algoritmus nezvedne, ale pøebytek po¹le po~této hranì. Uva¾me tedy je¹tì druhý pøípad, kdy existuje nasycená hrana $uv$ se~spádem vìt¹ím ne¾ jedna a tuto hranu se pokusíme odsytit. Jen¾e pokud bychom chtìli nìco poslat v protismìru, sna¾ili bychom se o pøelití proti smìru funkce $h$.
-\qed %todo pøeformulovat:END
-\s{Lemma K (o~Korektnosti):} Kdy¾ se algoritmus zastaví, je $f$ maximální tok.
-Nejprve uká¾eme, ¾e $f$ je tok, a pak jeho maximalitu. Vyjdìme z~toho, ¾e $f$ je vlna a algoritmus se mù¾e zastavit, jen pokud nastanou oba následující pøípady souèasnì:
-\:Ve~vrcholech grafu nejsou ¾ádné pøebytky (mimo $z$ a~$s$), proto¾e jinak by se algoritmus nezastavil a pokraèoval dále ve~výpoètu. Tudí¾ $f$ je tok.
-\:Neexistuje nenasycená cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku, èím¾ z~{\I Ford-Fulkersonovy vìty} okam¾itì vyplývá, ¾e $f$ je tok maximální. A jak tuto neexistenci nahlédneme? Pro~spor pøedpokládejme, ¾e nìjaká nenasycená cesta~$P$ ze~$z$ do~$s$ existuje. Tato cesta mù¾e mít maximálnì $N-1$ hran. O~nich víme, ¾e v¹echny mají kladnou rezervu, a dále víme, ¾e po~celou dobu výpoètu je vý¹ka zdroje $N$ a vý¹ka stoku $0$. Tak¾e celkový spád cesty $P$ je $N$, co¾ ale znamená, ¾e na cestì $P$ existuje hrana s~kladnou rezervou, která má spád alespoò $2$. To je v¹ak v~rozporu s~invariantem~S.
-\s{Invariant C (Cesta domù, do~zdroje):} Je-li $v \in V \setminus \{z,s\}$ a $f^{\Delta}(v) > 0$, pak existuje nenasycená cesta z~$v$ do~$z$.
-Mìjme nìjaký vrchol~$v \in V$ takový, ¾e $f^{\Delta}(v) > 0$.
-Potom definujme mno¾inu $A := \{ u \in V : \exists$ nenasycená cesta z~$v$ do~$u \}$.
-Mìjme vrcholy $a \in A$ a $b \in V \setminus A$ takové, ¾e $ba\in E$. O~nich víme, ¾e $f(ba)=0$, proto¾e pokud by tomu tak nebylo, muselo by platit $r(ab)>0$, a tudí¾ by $b$ patøilo do~mno¾iny $A$.
-Seètìme pøebytky ve~v¹ech vrcholech mno¾iny $A$. Proto¾e pøebytek ka¾dého vrcholu se spoèítá jako souèet tokù do~nìj vstupujících minus souèet tokù z~nìj vystupujících a v¹echny hrany, jejich¾ oba vrcholy le¾í v~$A$, se jednou pøiètou a jednou odeètou, platí:
- $$\sum_{u \in A}f^{\Delta}(u)=\sum_{\scriptstyle{ab \in E \cap {\bb A}} \atop \scriptstyle{{\bb A} = \bar{A}\times A}} f(a,b)-\sum_{{\scriptstyle ba \in E \cap {\bb A}} \atop {\scriptstyle {\bb A} = A\times \bar{A}}} f(b,a).$$
-My v¹ak víme, ¾e do~$A$ nic neteèe, a proto $\sum_{v \in A}{f^\Delta(v) \le 0}$. Zároveò v¹ak v~$A$ je vrchol s~kladným pøebytkem, toti¾ $v$, proto v~$A$ musí být také vrchol se záporným pøebytkem a jediný takový je $z$.
-\s{Invariant V (Vý¹ka):} $\forall v \in V$ platí $h(v)\le 2N$.
-Víme, ¾e poèet hran na~cestì ze~$z$ do~$\forall v \in V$ je maximálnì $N-1$. Pokud by existoval vrchol~$v$ s~vý¹kou $h(v)>2N$, museli jsme tento vrchol zvednout alespoò $(2N+1)$-krát. Snadno si uvìdomíme, ¾e $z$ nikdy nezvedáme, a tudí¾ by na cestì ze $z$ do $v$ musela být hrana se spádem vìt¹ím ne¾ jedna, co¾ je spor s~invariantem~S.
-\s{Lemma Z (poèet Zvednutí):} Poèet v¹ech zvednutí je maximálnì $2N^{2}$.
-Staèí si uvìdomit, ¾e ka¾dý vrchol mù¾eme zvednout maximálnì $2N$-krát a vrcholù je $N$.
-\s{Lemma S (naSycená pøevedení):} Poèet v¹ech nasycených pøevedení je nejvý¹ $NM$.
-Mìjme hranu~$uv \in E$, kterou jsme právì nasytili. Tedy platí $h(v)<h(u)$ a zároveò $r(uv)=0$. Aby se rezerva této hrany zmìnila, musel by ji nìkdo odsytit. Pro~odsycení hrany se musí otoèit nerovnost mezi~vý¹kami koncových vrcholù. Tedy $h(v)>h(u)$. Proto, abychom tuto hranu opìt nasytili, musíme opìt zmìnit nerovnost vý¹ek na~$h(v)<h(u)$. Mezi dvìma nasyceními hranami $uv$ proto probìhla minimálnì dvì zvednutí vrcholu~$u$. Algoritmus nikdy vý¹ku vrcholu nesni¾uje, a tedy poèet v¹ech nasycených pøevedení je skuteènì $NM$.
-\s{Lemma N (Nenasycená pøevedení):} Poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je $\O(N^2M)$.
-Dùkaz provedeme pomocí potenciálu -- nadefinujme si následující funkci jako potenciál:
- $$ \psi := \sum_{\scriptstyle{v: f^{\Delta}(v) > 0} \atop \scriptstyle{v \ne z,s}} h(v). $$
-Nyní se podívejme, jak se ná¹ potenciál bìhem algoritmu vyvíjí a jaké má vlastnosti:
-\:Bìhem celého algoritmu je $ \psi \ge 0 $, nebo» je souètem nezáporných èlenù.
-\:Na poèátku je $ \psi = 0 $.
-\:Zvednutí vrcholu zvý¹í $\psi$ o~jednièku. Ji¾ víme, ¾e za~celý prùbìh algoritmu je v¹ech zvednutí maximálnì $2N^2$, proto zvedáním vrcholù zvý¹íme potenciál dohromady nejvý¹e o~$2N^2$.
-\:Nasycené pøevedení zvý¹í $\psi$ nejvý¹e o~$2N$, proto¾e buï po~pøevodu hranou $uv$ v~$u$ zùstal nìjaký pøebytek, tak¾e se mohl potenciál zvý¹it a¾ o~$2N$, nebo je pøebytek v~$u$ po~pøevodu nulový a potenciál se dokonce o~jedna sní¾il. Za~celý prùbìh tak dojde k~maximálnì $NM$ takovýmto pøevedením, díky nim¾ se potenciál zvý¹í maximálnì o~$2N^2M$.
-\:Koneènì kdy¾ pøevádíme po~hranì $uv$ nenasycenì, tak od~potenciálu urèitì odeèteme vý¹ku vrcholu~$u$ a mo¾ná pøièteme vý¹ku vrcholu~$v$. Jen¾e $h(v) = h(u) - 1$, a proto nenasycené pøevedení potenciál v¾dy sní¾í alespoò o~jedna.
-\>Z~tohoto rozboru chování potenciálu $\psi$ v~prùbìhu algoritmu získáváme, ¾e poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení mù¾e být nejvý¹e $2N^2 + 2N^2M$, co¾ je $\O(N^2M)$.
-Budeme si pamatovat seznam $P$ v¹ech vrcholù $v \ne z,s$ takových, ¾e $f^{\Delta}(v) > 0$. Kdy¾ mìníme pøebytek nìjakého vrcholu, mù¾eme ná¹ seznam v~konstantním èase aktualizovat (napø. tak, ¾e si ka¾dý vrchol pamatuje pozici, na~které v~seznamu je). A v~konstantním èase také umíme odpovìdìt, zda existuje nìjaký vrchol s~pøebytkem. Dále si $\forall u \in V$ budeme pamatovat $L(u) := $ seznam $uv \in E$ takových, ¾e $r(uv) > 0$ a $h(v) < h(u)$. Díky tomu mù¾eme pøistupovat k~patøièným sousedùm $u$ v~èase $\O(1)$, stejnì jako provádìt operace pøidání do~$L(u)$, resp. smazání v~nìm. Ka¾dé pøevedení po~hranì $uv$ nás stojí konstantní èas na~aktualizaci rezerv hran $uv$ a $vu$, stejnì tak i na aktualizaci pøebytkù ve~vrcholech $u$ a $v$. V~pøípadì, ¾e se jedná o~nasycené pøevedení, musíme je¹tì odstranit hranu~$uv$ z~$L(u)$, co¾ také stihneme v~èase $\O(1)$. A koneènì zvedání vrcholu~$v$ nám zabere èas $\O(N)$, proto¾e musíme obejít v¹echny hrany~$uv$, kterých je $\O(N)$, porovnat vý¹ky a pøípadnì odebrat $uv$ z~seznamu $L(u)$ resp. pøidat do $L(v)$. Abychom pro odebrání hrany~$uv$ ze~seznamu $L(u)$ nemuseli procházet celý seznam, budeme si $\forall v \in V$ pamatovat je¹tì $L^{-1}(v) := $ seznam ukazatelù na~hrany~$uv$ v~seznamech $L(u)$.
-\s{Vìta:} Goldbergùv algoritmus najde maximální tok v~èase $\O(N^2M)$.
-Z~lemmatu~Z vyplývá, ¾e celkový poèet zvednutí je maximálnì $2N^2$, pøièem¾ ka¾dé zvednutí jsme schopni provést v~èase $\O(N)$. Tak¾e dohromady pro~zvedání spotøebujeme èas $\O(N^3)$, co¾ je pro souvislé sítì urèitì $\O(N^2M)$. Z~lemmatu~S pro~zmìnu vyplývá, ¾e nasycená pøevedení nás stojí $\O(NM)$, a na~závìr z~lemmatu~N dostáváme èasovou slo¾itost $\O(N^2M)$ pro~pøevedení nenasycená. Proto celková slo¾itost algoritmu je $\O(N^2M)$.
-\qed %todo ? pro zmìnu vs. prozmenu ?
-Dokázali jsme, ¾e algoritmus má èasovou slo¾itost $\O(N^2M)$ pro libovolnou posloupnost zvedání a pøevádìní. Nabízí se otázka, zda není mo¾né vhodným výbìrem tìchto operací výpoèet zrychlit. Uká¾eme, ¾e pokud v~$5.$ kroku algoritmu budeme v¾dy brát vrchol~$u$ takový, ¾e $h(u)$ je maximální, poèet nenasycených pøevedení se sní¾í.
-\s{Lemma N':} Poèet nenasycených pøevedení v~upravené verzi Goldbergova algoritmu je $\O(N^2\sqrt{M})$, co¾ je maximálnì $\O(N^3)$. Díky tomu je i slo¾itost celého algoritmu $\O(N^3)$.
-Viz pøí¹tí pøedná¹ku.
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-\prednaska{5}{Tøídicí sítì}{(zapsaly T.~Klimo¹ová
-\h{Goldbergùv algoritmus -- pokraèování}
-Algoritmus upøesníme tak, ¾e místo libovolného vrcholu s~pøebytkem
-budeme v¾dy pracovat s~takovým vrcholem~$v$, jeho¾ vý¹ka~$h(v)$ je
-nejvìt¹í. Jak doká¾eme v~následujícím lemmatu, sní¾í se tím poèet
-potøebných nenasycených pøevedení. Takto modifikovaný algoritmus
-budeme znaèit~$G'$.
-\s{Lemma $N'$:} V~algoritmu $G'$ je poèet nenasycených pøevedení
-Definujme $H$~jako maximální vý¹ku vrcholù s~pøebytkem:
- $$H:=\max\{h(v) : v \not= z,s, f^\triangle (v) > 0\}.$$
-Bìh algoritmu $G'$ rozdìlíme na fáze tak, ¾e fáze skonèí po ka¾dé zmìnì
-$H$. Odhadneme poèet nenasycených pøevedení v~jedné fázi: bude jich
-nanejvý¹ stejnì jako vrcholù, které se na zaèátku fáze nacházely na
-nejvy¹¹í hladinì -- z~jiných vrcholù v~prùbìhu fáze nic nepøevádíme
-a~nenasycené pøevedení mù¾eme provést z~ka¾dého vrcholu nejvý¹e
-jednou. Poèet nenasycených pøevedení za fázi je proto nejvý¹e~$N$.
-Odhadneme poèet fází: rozdìlíme fáze podle toho, jestli konèí sní¾ením
-nebo zvý¹ením~$H$ a~odhadneme jejich poèty. Maximálnì $2N^2$ fází mù¾e
-konèit zvý¹ením~$H$, proto¾e dle lemmatu Z~provedeme nanejvý¹ $2N^2$
-zvednutí. Sní¾ením~$H$ mù¾e konèit nanejvý¹ $2N^2$ fází, proto¾e~$H$
-klesne v¾dy alespoò o~jedna, pùvodnì bylo nula a~nikdy nemù¾e být záporné --
-klesnout tedy nemù¾e víckrát ne¾ vzrùst.
-Máme maximálnì $4N^2$ fází o~nejvý¹e~$N$ nenasycených pøevedení,
-celkem tedy algoritmus $G'$ provede $\O(N^3)$ nenasycených pøevedení.
-\>Ve skuteènosti je algoritmus je¹tì lep¹í (alespoò pro øídké
-\s{Lemma $N''$:} V~algoritmu $G'$ je poèet nenasycených pøevedení $\O(N^2
-\sqrt M)$.
-(Nezkou¹í se.) Algoritmus rozdìlíme na fáze stejnì jako v~dùkazu
-pøedchozího lemmatu a~zvolíme pøirozené èíslo~$K$ (jak velké ho
-zvolíme, se rozhodneme a¾ na konci dùkazu).
-Fáze tentokrát budeme dìlit na drahé, v~nich¾ se provede více ne¾~$K$
-nenasycených pøevedení, a~laciné, v~nich¾ se nenasycených pøevedení
-provede maximálnì~$K$.
-Nyní budeme zkoumat poèty pøevedení v~obou typech fází.
-Jak víme z~minulého lemmatu, v¹ech fází je nanejvý¹ $4N^2$, tak¾e
-v~laciných se provede nanejvý¹ $4N^2K$ nenasycených pøevedení.
-Za úèelem zkoumání drahých fází definujeme potenciál:
-$$\psi:=\sum_{v\not=z,s; f^\triangle(x)>0}{ p(v)\over K},$$ kde
-$p(v):= \vert\{u : h(u) \leq h(v)\}\vert$, èili poèet vrcholù ve stejné
-nebo men¹í vý¹ce ne¾~$v$. Víme, ¾e na zaèátku bude $\psi \leq
-{N^2/K}$ a~po celou dobu bude $\psi \geq 0$.
-Zvednutím vrcholu~$v$ se hodnota $p(v)$ zvý¹í maximálnì o~$N$, u~libovolného
-jiného vrcholu~$w$ jeho $p(w)$ klesne nebo se nezmìní, potenciál tedy
-vzroste maximálnì o~$N/K$.
-Pøi sytém pøevedení po hranì z~$u$ do~$v$ (z~minula víme, ¾e se v¾dy
-provádí po hranì spádu nejvý¹e jedna) se mohl potenciál zmen¹it o~$p(u)/K$
-a~mohl se zvìt¹it o~$p(v)/K$. Zvìt¹í se tedy nanejvý¹ o~$N/K$
-Pøi nenasyceném pøevedení z~potenciálu urèitì ubude $p(u)/K$
-a~mo¾ná pøibude $p(v)/K$. Celkovì se tedy sní¾í nanejvý¹
-o~${p(u)/K} - {p(v)/K}$, co¾ je $1/K$~poètu prvkù na nejvy¹¹í
-hladinì. Z~minulého lemmatu víme, ¾e poèet nenasycených pøevedení
-v~jedné fázi je men¹í nebo roven poètu vrcholù na nejvy¹¹í hladinì na
-zaèátku fáze. Vzhledem k~tomu, ¾e zkoumáme drahé fáze, v~nich¾ probìhne
-více ne¾~$K$ nenasycených pøevedení, vrcholù na nejvy¹¹í hladinì musí
-být na zaèátku fáze také více ne¾~$K$, potenciál se tedy sní¾í o~více
-ne¾ ${K/K}=1$.
-Potenciál $\psi$ tedy pøijme na zaèátku nanejvý¹ ${N^2/K}$, pøi
-zvedání nevzroste o~víc ne¾ $(N/K)2N^2$, pøi sytém pøevádìní
-nevzroste o~víc ne¾ $(N/K)NM$, tak¾e za celý prùbìh algoritmu potenciál vzroste maximálnì o
-$(N/2)(N+2N^2+NM)=\O({N^2}M/2)$, v~drahých fázích tak mù¾e probìhnout
-nanejvý¹ $\O({N^2}M/2)$ nenasycených pøevedení.
-Celkem algoritmus vykoná $\O(N^2K+{N^2}M/K)$ nenasycených
-pøevedení. Kdy¾ za~$K$ dosadíme $\sqrt M$, dostaneme slíbený poèet
-$\O(N^2\sqrt M)$.
-Narozdíl od pùvodní verze algoritmu si ve verzi se zvedáním nejvy¹¹ího
-vrcholu nebudeme pamatovat seznam vrcholù s~kladným pøebytkem, ale
-setøídìný seznam pøihrádek. V~ka¾dé pøihrádce budou jen vrcholy
-s~pøebytkem s~urèitou vý¹kou. Vyhledání nejvy¹¹ího vrcholu tedy
-zvládneme v konstantním èase, stejnì pro zvý¹ení vrcholu nám staèí
-$\O(1)$ (buï vrchol pøesuneme do vedlej¹í pøihrádky, nebo pro nìj
-zalo¾íme novou). Pøevádíme-li pøebytek do vrcholu, kde pøedtím nebyl,
-pak musí mít vý¹ku o~$1$ ni¾¹í, ne¾ vrchol, ze kterého pøebytek
-pøevádíme (jinak by existovala nenasycená hrana se spádem dva, co¾
-nejde). Najít (pøípadnì vytvoøit) pøihrádku novì vzniklému vrcholu
-s~pøebytkem tak také stihneme v~konstantním èase.
-Pro zvednutí nám tedy stále staèí èas $\O(N)$ a libovolné
-pøevedení pøebytku zvládneme v~$\O(1)$.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Komparátorová sí»} je kombinaèní obvod, jeho¾ hradla jsou
-\centerline{\epsfbox{sortnet.0}} Komparátor dostane na
-vstupu dvì èísla, porovná je a~na levý výstup vrátí men¹í z~nich, na
-pravý výstup naopak vrací vìt¹í èíslo ze zadané dvojice.
-\>Výstupy komparátorù se nevìtví.
-\s{Pøíklad:} {\sl Bubble sort}
-Obrázek Bubble.1 ilustruje pou¾ití komparátorù pro tøídìní bubble
-sortem. ©ipky pøedstavují jednotlivé komparátory.
-Sna¾íme se výpoèet co nejvíce paralelizovat (viz obrázek Bubble.2).
-Takto se nám podaøilo výpoèet provést pomocí $\O(n^2)$ komparátorù
-rozmístìných na $\O(n)$ hladinách. Tøídíme v~èase~$n$ a~prostoru
-%\s{Pøíklad:} {\>\sl Merge sort}
-\s{Definice:} Øekneme, ¾e posloupnost $x_0,\dots,x_{n-1} $ je {\I èistì bitonická},
-pokud pro nìjaké $x_j\in\{1, \dots, n-1\} $ platí:
-$$x_0\leq x_1\leq \dots \leq x_j \geq x_{j+1}\geq\dots \geq x_{n-1}.$$
-Posloupnost je {\I bitonická}, pokud existuje $k\in \{1,\dots ,n-1\}$, pro
-které je rotace pùvodní posloupnosti o $k$ prvkù, tedy posloupnost
-$x_k,x_{(k+1) \bmod n},\dots, x_{(k+n-1) \bmod n}$, èistì bitonická.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Separátor $S_n$}
-je sí», ve které jsou v¾dy~$i$-tý a~$(i+{n/2})$-tý prvek vstupu
-(pro $i=0,\dots, {n/2}-1$) propojeny komparátorem, minimum bude~$i$-tým,
-maximum $(i+{n/2})$-ním prvkem výstupu.
-{$(y_i, y_{i+{n/2}}) = CMP(x_i, x_{i+{n/2}})$} {300pt}
-\s{Lemma:} Pokud vstup $S_n$ obvodu je bitonická posloupnost, pak výstup
-$y_0,\dots, y_{n-1}$ je posloupnost, která splòuje:
-(i) $y_0,\dots, y_{n/2 -1}$ a~$y_{n/2},\dots, y_{n-1}$ jsou
-bitonické posloupnosti,
-(ii) Pro v¹echna $i,j< {n/2}$ platí $y_i < y_{j + {n/2}}$.
-(i) Nejprve nahlédneme, ¾e lemma platí, je-li vstupem èistì bitonická
-posloupnost. Tehdy najdeme nejmen¹í~$k$ takové, ¾e $x_k$ a~$x_{k+{n/2}}$
-se prohodí. (Pokud takové~$k$ neexistuje, separátor pouze zkopíruje
-vstup na výstup a~obì tvrzení lemmatu zøejmì platí.)
-Øeknìme, ¾e $x_m$ je maximum
-vstupní posloupnosti. Pak~$k$ bude jistì men¹í ne¾~$m$
-a~$k+{n/2}$ bude vìt¹í ne¾~$m$, mezi~$k$ a~$m$ je tedy vstupní
-posloupnost neklesající, mezi $k+{n/2}$ a~$n-1$ nerostoucí.
-Uvìdomíme si, ¾e pro ka¾dé~$i$, $k\leq i\leq {n/2}-1$ se prvky
-$x_i$ a~$x_{i+{n/2}}$ prohodí. Úsek mezi~$k$ a~${n/2}-1$ tedy
-nahradíme nerostoucí posloupností, první polovina výstupu tedy bude
-(dokonce èistì) bitonická. Úsek $k+{n/2}$ a~$n-1$ nahradíme èistì
-bitonickou posloupností, která bude neklesající, je-li $m\geq {n/2}$,
-v~opaèném pøípadì je úsek ${n/2}-1$ a¾ $k+{n/2}$
-nerostoucí. V~obou pøípadech budou v~posloupnosti maximálnì dva zlomy
-a~mezi $x_{n/2}$ a~$x_{n-1}$ bude správná nerovnost na to, aby
-posloupnost byla bitonická.
-Dostaneme-li na vstupu obecnou bitonickou posloupnost, pøedstavíme si,
-¾e je to èistì bitonická posloupnost zrotovaná o~$r$ prvkù (BÚNO
-doprava), a~zjistíme, ¾e v~komparátorech se porovnávají tyté¾ prvky
-jako kdyby zrotovaná nebyla. Výstup se od výstupu èistì bitonické
-posloupnosti zrotovaného o~$r$ bude li¹it prohozením úsekù $x_0$ a¾
-$x_{r-1}$ a~$x_{n/2}$ a¾ $x_{{n/2}+r-1}$. Obì výstupní
-posloupnosti tedy budou zrotované o~$r$ prvkù, ale na jejich
-bitoniènosti se nic nezmìní.
-(ii) Z dùkazu (i) pro èistì bitonickou posloupnost víme, ¾e $y_0\dots y_{n/2-1}$ èistì bitonická a bude rovna $x_0\dots x_{k-1},x{k+n/2}\dots x_{n-1}$ pro vhodné $k$ a navíc bude mít maximum v $x_{k-1}$ nebo $x_k+{n/2}$. Mezi tìmito body ov¹em ve vstupní posloupnosti urèitì nele¾el ¾ádný $x_i$ men¹í ne¾ $x_k-1$ nebo $x_k+{n/2}$ (jak je vidìt z obrázku) a posloupnost $x_k \dots x_{k-1+{n/2}}$ je rovna $y_{n/2}\dots y_{n-1}$. Pro obecné bitonické posloupnosti uká¾eme stejnì jako v (i).
-\s{Definice:} {\I Bitonická tøídièka $B_n$} je obvod sestavený ze separátorù, který dostane-li na vstupu bitonickou posloupnost délky $n$ (konstruujeme tøídièku pro $n=2^k$), vydá setøídìnou posloupnost délky $n$.
-Separátor má jednu hladinu s~${\O}(n)$ hradly, tøídièka tedy bude
-$\log n$ hladin s~${\O}(n\log n)$ hradly.
-\s{Pøíklad:} {\sl Merge sort}
-Bitonická tøídièka se dá pou¾ít ke slévání setøídìných posloupností.
-S~její pomocí sestavíme souèástky mergesortové sítì.
-Setøídìné posloupnosti
-$x_0,\dots, x_{n-1}$ a~$y_0,\dots, y_{n-1}$ spojíme do jedné bitonické
-$x_0,\dots, x_{n-1},y_{n-1},\dots, y_0$. Z~takové posloupnosti pomocí
-$B_{2n}$ vytvoøíme setøídìnou posloupnost.
-Blok $M_{2n}$ sestává z~bloku $B_{2n}$, jeho¾ druhá polovina vstupù je
-zapojena v~obráceném poøadí.
-Z~bitonických tøídièek tedy mù¾eme postavit mergesortovou sí», která
-bude mít
-${\O}(\log^2 n)$ hladin a~${\O}(n\log^2 n)$ hradel.
-Existuje tøídicí algoritmus, kterému staèí ${\O}(\log n)$ hladin,
-ale jeho multiplikativní konstanta je pøíli¹ veliká, tak¾e je v~praxi
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-% ve skutecnosti dle znaceni
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-\input lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{6}{Vyhledávání v textu}{(zapsal K. Ka¹èák, M. Klauèo, M. Vachna)}
-\s{Úkol:} V~textu s~délkou $S$ najít v¹echny výskyty hledaného slova s~délkou $J$.
-\h{Hloupý algoritmus}
-Algoritmus prochází sekvenènì textem a hledaným vzorovým slovem. Pøi neshodì se ve vzorovem slovì vrací na zaèátek a v~textu pokraèuje znakem, ve~kterém nastala neshoda. Èasová slo¾itost je $\O(S)$. Tento algoritmus funguje pouze pro vzorová slova, ve kterých se neopakuje první znak.
-\s{Pøíklad:} Hledání vzorového slova |jehla| v~textu |vkupcejejehla|. Ve chvíli kdy máme prefix |je| a na vstupu dostaneme |j|, dochází k~neshodì a pokraèujeme v~hledání od tohoto znaku. Pro tenhle pøípad algoritmus najde vzorové slovo. To ale ji¾ neplatí
-pro vzorové slovo |kokos| v~textu |clanekokokosu|. Ve chvíli kdy máme prefix |koko| a na vstupu dostaneme |k|, dochází k~neshodì a pokraèujeme v~hledání od tohoto znaku, tím ale zahodíme potøebnou èást a algoritmus sel¾e.
-\h{Neefektivní algoritmus}
-Algoritmus prochází text od zaèátku a¾ do konce a pro ka¾dou pozici v~textu zkontroluje, zda na této pozici nezaèíná hledané slovo. Tak pro ka¾dou pozici provede a¾ $S$ porovnání znakù, èili celkem a¾ $SJ$ porovnání. Proto je èasová slo¾itost $\O(SJ)$.
-\h{Chytrý algoritmus}
-Algoritmus je vylep¹ením Neefektivního algoritmu, konkrétnì zpùsobu, jakým sa vrací v textu pøi neshodì mezi znakem textu a
-znakem vzorového slova.
-\s{Pøíklad:} Pro vzorové slovo |ajaajak| jsme na¹li v~textu prefix |ajaaja|. Oèekávame |k|.
-\:Kdy¾ ale dostaneme |a| a budeme mít prefix |ajaajaa|, vracíme se v~textu za první |aja|, tedy prefix zkrátíme na |ajaa| a pokraèujeme v~hledání.
-\:Kdy¾ je nasledující znak |j| a budeme mít prefix |ajaajaj|, vracíme se v~textu za |ajaaj|, tedy prefix zkrátíme na |aj| a pokraèujeme v~hledání.
-\:V~pøípadì, ¾e dostaneme jiný znak, se v~textu nevracíme a pokraèujeme dal¹ím znakem textu.
-\s{Definice a znaèení pro øetìzce (slova):}
-\:{\I Abeceda $\Sigma$} je koneèná mno¾ina znakù, ze~kterých tvoøíme text, øetìzce, slova jako koneèné posloupnosti znakù z $\Sigma$. Pøíkladem extrémních abeced je binární abeceda slo¾ená z~nul a jednièek. Pøíklad z~druhého konce je abeceda, která má jako znaky slova èeského jazyka. V algoritmech nebudeme uva¾ovat velikost abecedy (poèet znakù), budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e je to konstanta.
-\:{\I $\Sigma^*$} je mno¾ina v¹ech slov nad abecedou $\Sigma$.
-\:{\I Slova} budeme znaèit malými písmeny øecké abecedy $\alpha$,$\beta$... a {\I znaky} malými písmeny latinky $a$,$b$... .
-\:{\I Prázdné slovo} znaèíme písmenem $\varepsilon$.
-\:{\I Délka slova} $\vert \alpha \vert$ pro $\alpha \in \Sigma^*$ je poèet jeho znakù.
-\:{\I Zøetìzení} $\alpha\beta$ vznikne zapsáním slov $\alpha$ a $\beta$ za sebe. Platí $\alpha\varepsilon=\varepsilon\alpha=\alpha$, $\vert \alpha\beta \vert=\vert \alpha \vert+\vert \beta \vert$.
-\:$\alpha[i]$ je $i$-té písmeno slova $\alpha$, indexuje se od $0$.
-\:$\alpha[i:j]$ je podslovo tvoøené písmeny $\alpha[i]$,...,$\alpha[j-1]$. Pøíklady: $\alpha[i:i+1]=\alpha[i]$, $\alpha[i:i]=\varepsilon$. Vynechaním první meze získame prefix ($\alpha[:j]$), druhé meze suffix ($\alpha[i:]$), obou mezí dostaneme celé slovo ($\alpha[:]$=$\alpha$).
-\:$\alpha[:j]$ je {\I prefix} obsahující prvních $j$ znakù slova $\alpha$.
-\:$\alpha[i:]$ je {\I suffix} obsahující znaky slova $\alpha$ poèínaje $i$-tým znakem.
-\:Ka¾dé slovo je prefixem i suffixem sebe sama, takovému prefixu/suffixu øíkáme {\I nevlastní}. V¹em ostatním {\I vlastní}.
-\:Prázdné slovo je podslovem, prefixem i suffixem ka¾dého slova vèetnì prázdného slova.
-Vstupem je $\iota$ hledané slovo (jehla) délky $J=\vert \iota \vert$ a $\sigma$ text (seno) délky $S=\vert \sigma \vert$.
-Výstupem jsou v¹echny vyskyty hledaného slova $\iota$ v textu $\sigma$: $\left\{ i\vert \sigma[i:i+J]=\iota \right\}$
-\h{Vyhledávací automat (Knuth, Morris, Pratt)}
-Vyhledávací automat bude graf, jeho¾ vrcholùm øíkame stavy automatu. Jména stavù budou v¹echny prefixy slova $\iota$. Poèáteèní stav je prázdné slovo $\varepsilon$ a koncový je celá $\iota$. Dopøedné hrany grafu budou popisovat pøechod mezi stavy ve~smyslu zvìt¹ení délky jména stavu (dopøedná funkce $d(\alpha , X)$), tedy ka¾dá taková hrana bude oznaèena písmenem $X$ a bude popisovat dané zvìt¹ení délky jména stavu, tedy $\alpha \rightarrow \alpha X$. Zpìtné hrany grafu budú popisovat pøechod (zpìtná funkce $z(\alpha)$) mezi stavem $\alpha$ a nejdel¹ím vlastním suffixem $\alpha$, který je prefixem $\iota$, kdy¾ nastane neshoda.
-\figure{vautomat.eps}{Vyhledávací automat}{5.5in}
-\:$\alpha \leftarrow \varepsilon$.
-\:Pro $c\in\Sigma$ postupnì:
-\:$\indent$Dokud $\neg \exists d(\alpha , c) \wedge \alpha\neq\varepsilon : \alpha \leftarrow z(\alpha)$.
-\:$\indent$Kdy¾ $\exists d(\alpha , c)\Rightarrow \alpha \leftarrow d(\alpha , c)$.
-\:$\indent$Kdy¾ $\alpha = \iota \Rightarrow$ hledané slovo je v~textu.
-\s{Alternatíva:} Automat mù¾e být reprezentovaný i polem. Pøi této reprezentaci odpadá starost o dopøední hrany (staèí zvìt¹it hodnotu, kterou v poli indexujeme). Hodnota na dané pozici v poli urèuje kam smìruje zpìtná hrana (index v poli).
-\s{Alternatívní vyhledávání:}
-\:$k \leftarrow 0$.
-\:pro $c\in\Sigma$ postupnì:
-\:$\indent$Dokud $c\neq \iota[k] \wedge k>0: k \leftarrow z[k]$
-\:$\indent$Je-li $c=\iota[k] \Rightarrow k \leftarrow k+1$
-\:$\indent$Kdy¾ $k = J \Rightarrow$ hledané slovo je v~textu
-\s{Invariant:} Nejdel¹í suffix $\beta$, který je prefixem $\iota$ $=$ $\alpha(\beta)$. Kde $\beta$ je pøeètení vstup.
-Z~invariantu vyplýva korektnost vyhledávací èásti algoritmu KMP.
-Indukcí podle $\vert \beta \vert$. Na zaèátku pro prázdný naètený vstup platí invariant, tedy prázdny suffix $\beta$ je prefixem $\iota$. V~kroku $n$ máme naètený vstup $\beta$ a k~nìmu naèteme znak $c$. Jestli si odmyslíme $c$, tedy kdy¾ si od jména stavu odmyslíme poslední písmenko, dostaneme znovu jméno stavu. Tak stav, který pasuje na konec vstupu bez toho $c$ je stav, který pasuje na konec pùvodního vstupu, toho o~jeden znak krat¹ího. Tím pádem to musí být nìco, co je maximálnì tak dlouhé jako pùvodní stav, u~kterého jsme byli, proto¾e to byl nejdel¹í, který pasoval. Staèí procházet postupnì v¹echny stavy, které pasují na konec toho vstupu od nejdel¹ího k~nejkrat¹ímu a vzít první, který se dá roz¹íøit o $c$. To je pøesnì to, co algoritmus dìlá. Proto¾e zpìtná funkce øekne nejbli¾¹í krat¹í jméno stavu. Tak¾e algoritmus iteruje pøes stavy, které tam pasují, a¾ najde jeden, který se dá roz¹íøit o~$c$ a jeliko¾ iteroval od toho nejdel¹ího, tak to je logicky ten nejdel¹í, který tam pasuje.
-\s{Lemma:} Vyhledávání dobìhne v~èase $\O(S)$.
-Pro ka¾dý znak vstupního textu mohou nastat dva pøípady. Znak roz¹iruje aktuální prefix, nebo musíme pou¾ít zpìtnou funkci (zpìtnou hranu). Roz¹irování trvá konstantnì mnoho èasu, zatímco zpìtná funkce mu¾e být pro jeden znak volána a¾ $J$-krát. Pøi ka¾dém volání klesne délka aktuálního stavu minimálnì o~jedna a zároveò platí, ¾e kdykoliv stav prodlu¾ujeme, roste právì o~jeden znak. Proto v¹ech zkrácení dohromady mu¾e být nejvý¹e tolik, kolik bylo v¹ech prodlou¾ení, t.j. kolik jsme pøeèetli znaku textu. Celkem je tedy poèet krokù lineární vzhledem k~délce textu.
-\s{Konstrukce zpìtné funkce:}
-\:Sestrojíme dopøedné hrany
-\:$z( \varepsilon ) \leftarrow 0$, $z( \iota [0]) \leftarrow \varepsilon $
-\:$\indent$ $\alpha \leftarrow \varepsilon$
-\:pro $i = 1$ do $J$
-\:$\indent$$\alpha \leftarrow krok( \alpha , \iota [i])$
-\:$\indent$$z( \iota [0:i+1]) \leftarrow \alpha$
-\s{Vysvìtlení:} V¹imnìte si, ¾e $z(i)$ je pøesnì stav, do nej¾ se dostaneme pøi spu¹tìní na¹eho vyhledávacího algoritmu na øetìzec $\iota [2:i]$, èili na $i$-tý prefix bez prvního písmenka. Proè to tak je? Zpìtná funkce øíká, jaký je nejdel¹í vlastní suffix daného stavu, který je také stavem, zatímco $\alpha$ oznaèuje nejdel¹í suffix textu, který je stavem. Tyto dvì vìci se pøeci li¹í jen v~tom, ¾e ta druhá pøipou¹tí i nevlastní suffixy, a právì tomu zabráníme odstranìním prvního znaku. Tak¾e $z()$ získáme tak, ¾e spustíme vyhledávání na èást samotného slova $\iota$. Jen¾e k~vyhledávání zase potøebujeme zpìtnou funkci $z$. Proto budeme zpìtnou funkci vytváøet postupne od nejkrat¹ích prefixù. Zøejmì $z(1) = \varepsilon$. Pokud ji¾ máme $z(i)$, pak výpoèet $z(i+1)$ odpovídá spu¹tení automatu na slovo délky $i$ a pritom budeme zpìtnou funkci potøebovat jen pro stavy délky $i$ nebo men¹í, pro které ji ji¾ máme hotovou.
-Navíc nemusíme pro jednotlivé prefixy spou¹tìt výpoèet v¾dy znovu od zaèátku, proto¾e $(i+1)$-ní prefix
-je prodlou¾ením $i$-tého prefixu o~jeden znak. Staèí tedy spustit algoritmus na celý øetìzec $\iota$ a sledovat, jakými stavy bude procházet. To budou pøesnì hodnoty zpìtné funkce. Vytvoøení zpìtné funkce se tak nakonec zredukovalo na jediné vyhledávání v~textu o~délce $J-1$, a proto pobì¾í v èase $\O(J)$. Èasová slo¾itost celého algoritmu tedy bude $\O(S+J)$.
-\h{Algoritmus Rabin \& Karp}
-Tento algoritmus funguje tak, ¾e porovnává hash hledaného øetìzce s~hashem aktuálního podøetìzce (\uv{posuvné okénko} stejné délky jako hledaný øetìzec) v~textu a aktuální podøetìzec porovná se vzorkem pouze v~pøípadì, kdy¾ mají shodný hash. Kdy¾ si zvolíme tu správnou hashovací funkci, budeme moci vypoèítat hash následujíciho podøetìzce na základe hashe toho aktuálního. Jako hashovací funkci $h: \Sigma^J \rightarrow \bb Z$ pou¾ijeme následující: $h(x_{0},...,x_{J-1}) = ( \sum_{i=0}^{J-1} x_{i}.p^{J-1-i}) \bmod N$, kde $N$ je velikost prostoru, do kterého hashujeme. Jak zjistíme hash následujícího podøetìzce?
-\:$h = x_{0}.p^{J} + x_{1}.p^{J-1} + ... + x_{J-1}.p^{1}$
-\:$h^{'} = x_{1}.p^{J} + x_{2}.p^{J-1} + ... + x_{J}.p^{1}$
-\:$h^{'} = (h - x_{0}.p^{J}).p + x_{J}.p^{1}$
-Tady mù¾eme vidìt, ¾e hash následujícího øetìzce lze pøepoèítat na základì toho pøedchozího v konstantním èase.
-Èasová slo¾itost je v nejlep¹ím pøípadì lineární vzhledem k~délce textu, zatímco nejhor¹í pøípad mú¾e trvat a¾ $\Theta(JS)$.
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-\prednaska{7}{Vyhledávání v textu}{(zapsali J. Kunèar, M. Demin a J. Chludil)}
-Na minulých predná¹kách jsme si ukázali, jak se v~textu (senì) vyhledává slovo (jehlu). Teï si ov¹em úlohu zobecníme a uká¾eme si, jak v kupce sena hledat souèasnì více ne¾ jednu jehlu.
-\h{Hledání výskytu v¹ech slov}
-\:$\iota_1, \ldots, \iota_k$ -- vyhledávaná slova (jehly) délek $ J_i= \vert\iota_i\vert $
-\:$\sigma$ -- text (seno) délky $ S= \vert\sigma\vert $
-Nejprve si øekneme, jak chceme, aby vypadal výstup. Výstupem pro nás budou v¹echny uspoøádané dvojice $(i,j)$ ($i$ je index jehly, kterou jsme nalezli, a $j$ je poèáteèní pozice v senì, kde se jehla nachází) takové, ¾e $$\iota_i=\sigma[j:j+J_i].$$ Postavme si proto vyhledávací automat podobný tomu, který jsme vidìli na minulé pøedná¹ce. Tento automat nám v¹echny takové uspoøádané dvojice najde.
-\h{Vyhledávací automat}
-Vyhledávací automat je strom\foot{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie}, kde ka¾dý vrchol mù¾e mít stupeò a¾ do velikosti abecedy a kde jednotlivé hrany odpovídají písmenùm této abecedy. Vrcholy, ve kterých konèí slovo, jsou oznaèené (na obrazcích èernì). Dále si èasem do tohoto vyhledávacího stromu pøidáme zpìtné hrany a \uv{zkratky}.
-\s{\I{Stavy}} automatu jsou urèeny vrcholy stromu, pro které platí rovnì¾ stejný {\I{invariant}} z pøedchozí pøedná¹ky.\par
-\s{\I{Zpìtná hrana}} $z$($\alpha$) := nejdel¹í vlastní suffix\foot{definováno na minulé pøedná¹ce} slova $\alpha$, který je stavem.\par
-\figure{vyhl_automat_dopr.eps}{Vyhledávací automat}{1in}
-\h{Výstup z automatu}
-Pøi vypisování výsledkù mu¾eme narazit na urèité problémy, které jsou dobøe vidìt na následujícím obrázku. První problém urèitì nastane, proto¾e v automatu není pøesnì øeèeno, které slovo konèí v jakém vrcholu.
-Napøíklad ve stavu, kde konèí slovo BARBARA, konèí také slovo ARA, ale o tom nevíme.
-Druhý problém nastává, kdy¾ v automatu není informace o~konci slova. Pøíkladem je seno BARAB (jednoduché k~nahlédnutí, viz obrázek).
-Teï nám nezbývá nic jiného, ne¾ najít øe¹ení tìchto záludných problémù. Øe¹e¹í se nám naskýtá hned nìkolik:
-\:Projdeme v¹echy zpìtné hrany a vypí¹eme slova, je¾ v daných stavech konèí. Toto øe¹ení funguje, ale je pomalé, proto¾e poka¾dé procházíme v¹echny zpìtné hrany.
-%\:Pøedpoèítání mno¾in slov. Najdeme mno¾inu slov tak, aby celková velikost slov byla vìt¹í ne¾ lineární. Funkèní, ale konstrukce je pomalá.
-\:Pro následující øe¹ení, jen¾ spoèívá v nalezení zkratek ve stromì, si zavedeme toto znaèení:\par
-\s{\<slovo>($s$)} = index slova $\iota$, které konèí ve stavu $s$, nebo $\emptyset$ \par
-\s{\<out>($s$)} = nejbli¾¹í vrchol, do kterého se lze z $s$ dostat po zpìtných hranách a \<slovo(v)> $\ne 0$ (konèí tam slovo)
-\figure{Graphic2.eps}{Vyhledávací automat se zpìtnými hranami}{1.3in}
-\>Podle posledního bodu vytvoøíme algoritmus na vyhledávání \uv{jehel v senì}.
-\:$s \leftarrow$ \<koøen> ($s$ bude aktuální stav vyhledávacího automatu).
-\:Procházíme v¹echny písmena $c$ v senì $\sigma$:
-\::$s \leftarrow krok(s,c)$.
-\::Je-li $\<slovo>(s) \ne 0$, vypí¹eme $\<slovo>(s)$.
-\::$v \leftarrow \<out>(s)$.
-\::Dokud $v \ne 0$:
-\:::Vypí¹eme $\<slovo>(v)$.
-\:::$v \leftarrow \<out>(v)$.
-\s{\<krok(s,c)>}:= jeden \<krok> vyhledávacího automatu:
-\:Dokud $\not\exists f(s,c) \wedge s \ne$ \<koøen>: $s \leftarrow z(s)$.
-\:Pokud $\exists f(s,c)$: $s \leftarrow f(s,c)$.
-\:Vrátíme $s$.
-\h{Reprezentace v pamìti}
-První mo¾nost, jak reprezentovat vyhledávací automat, je jednorozmìrné pole vrcholù stromu, v nìm¾ ukládáme seznam synù pro ka¾dý vrchol. Je to jednoduchá varianta, ale má nevýhodu pro velké abecedy, proto¾e procházení seznamu synù mù¾e trvat neúmìrnì dlouho. Proto se nabízí druhá mo¾nost a to hashovací tabulka $(\<stav>,\<znak>) \rightarrow f(\<stav>,\<znak>)$, kde se \uv{ztratí} pou¾ívání hashovací funkce.
-\:Kroky 2.--5. mají èasovou slo¾itost $\O(\vert \sigma \vert)$, kterou jednodu¹e doká¾eme pomocí potenciálu -- poèet krokù nahoru je men¹í nebo roven poètu krokù dolù. A to je maximálnì $S$.
-\:Kroky 6.--8. mají èasovou slo¾itost $\O(\<poèet výskytù>)$, proto¾e rychleji doopravdy nelze v¹echny výskyty vypsat.
-\s{Konstrukce automatu} (Aho, Corasicková)
-\:Postavíme strom dopøedných hran, $r \leftarrow$ koøen stromu.
-\:Spoèteme $\<slovo>(\ast)$ -- oznaèíme si stavy, kde konèí slova.
-\:Spoèteme $z(\ast)$: $z(\beta)=\alpha(\beta[1:])$:
- {\parindent=6em \itemize\ibull
- \:\>\>\>$z(\beta) = \alpha(\beta[1:])$ -- v¹echny zpìtné hrany vedou do vy¹¹ích hladin
- \:$z(v) = \<krok>(z(u),c)$
- \endlist}
-\figure{Graphic100.eps}{$z(v) = \<krok>(z(u),c)$}{0.7in}
-\:$z(r) \leftarrow 0$, do fronty $Q$ pøiøadíme v¹echny syny $r$, pro v¹echny $v$ prvky $Q: z(v) \leftarrow r$.
-\:Dokud fronta $Q$ není prázdná:
-\::$u\leftarrow$ vybereme z~$Q$.
-\::Pro syny $v$ vrcholu $u$:
-\:::$R \leftarrow \<krok>(z(u))$ [znak na hranì \<uv>].
-\:::$z(v)\leftarrow R$.
-\figure{Graphic101.eps}{$z(v) = R$}{0.7in}
-\:::Je-li $slovo(R) \not= 0 \Rightarrow \<out>(v) \leftarrow R$, jinak $\<out>(v) \leftarrow \<out>(R)$.
-\figure{Graphic102.eps}{Nastavení $\<out>(v)$}{0.7in}
-\figure{vyhl_automat_full.eps}{Vyhledávací automat -- kompletní}{1in}
-Algoritmus Aho-Corasicková najde v¹echny výskyty slov $\iota_1, \ldots, \iota_k$ ve~slovì $\sigma$ v~èase $\O(\sum_i \vert \iota_i \vert + \vert \sigma \vert + \<poèet výskytù>)$.
-\h{Polynomy a násobení}
-\>Mìjme dva polynomy definované jako:
-$$P(x) = \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} p_j x^j, \quad Q(x) = \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} q_j x^j.$$
-Násobení dvou polynomù $R=P \cdot Q$ je ekvivalentní s operací $R = \sum_{j,k} p_j q_k x^{j+k}$. Pøièem¾ na vypoèítání èlenu $r_l = \sum_{j=0}^l p_j q_{l-j}$ pou¾ijeme $\Theta(n)$ operací, tedy na spoèítaní celého polynomu $R$ potøebujeme $\Theta(n^2)$ operací.
-Podíváme se na jinou mo¾nost, jak tento problém øe¹it. Poslou¾í nám k~tomu následující vìta o jednoznaèné existenci polynomu nejvý¹e $k$-tého stupnì, pokud známe hodnoty
-ve~více ne¾ $k$ bodech.
-\s{Vìta:} Jsou-li $x_0, \ldots, x_k \in \bb{R} $ navzájem ruzná a $y_0, \ldots, y_k \in \bb{R}$, pak $\exists !$ polynom $P$ stupnì $\leq k : \forall j: P(x_j) = y_j$.
-\>Nech» $k=2^{n-1}$. Zvolíme èísla $x_0, \ldots, x_k$ libovolná, ale rùzná, a spoèteme $P(x_0)$, \dots, $P(x_k)$ a $Q(x_0), \ldots, Q(x_k)$.
-Poté $\forall j: y_j=P(x_j)Q(x_j)$
-musíme najít polynom $R$ stupnì $\leq k: \forall j: R(x_j)=y_j$.
-\s{Vyhodnocování polynomù} (metodou Rozdìl a panuj)
-\>BÚNO $n=2^m$. Uva¾me polynom:
-$$P(x) = p_0 x^0 + p_1 x^1 + \ldots + p_{n-1} x^{n-1}.$$
-Tento polynom si mu¾eme rozdìlit na dvì èasti. V levé budeme mít èleny se sudými exponenty a v~pravé budou èleny s~exponenty lichými:
-$$P(x) = (p_0 + p_2 x^2 + \ldots + p_{n-2}x^{n-2}) + (p_1 x^1 + p_3 x^3 + \ldots + p_{n-1} x^{n-1}).$$
-Z pravé strany mù¾eme vytknout $x$ a dostaneme:
-$$P(x) = (p_0 + p_2 x^2 + \ldots + p_{n-2}x^{n-2}) + x(p_1 + p_3 x^2 + \ldots + p_{n-1} x^{n-2}),$$
-$$ \vdots $$
-$$P(x) = L(x^2) + xN(x^2),$$
-$$P(-x) = L(x^2) - xN(x^2),$$
-kde $L(x)$ a $N(x)$ jsou polynomy stupnì $n/2$. Umocnìním $x^2$ se nám poru¹í párování $x$ a $-x$, proto musíme poèítat v~$\bb{C}$ místo~$\bb{R}$.
-V~tomto pøípadì jsme z~polynomu s~$n$ koeficienty v~$n$ bodech dostali $2$ polynomy s~$n/2$ koeficienty v~$n/2$ bodech. Z~toho vyplývá èasová slo¾itost definována vztahem:
-$$T(n) = 2T(n/2) + \O(n).$$
-Ten mù¾eme vyøe¹it s pou¾itím Master Theoremu z~ADS~I a dostaneme:
-$$T(n) = \O(n \log n).$$
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-\prednaska{8}{Fourierova transformace}{(K.Jakubec, M.Polák a G.Ocsovszky)}
-Násobení polynomù mù¾e mnohým pøipadat jako pomìrnì (algoritmicky) snadný problém. Asi ka¾dého hned napadne \uv{hloupý} algoritmus -- vezmeme koeficienty prvního polynomu a vynásobíme ka¾dý se v¹emi koeficienty druhého polynomu a pøíslu¹nì u toho seèteme i exponenty (stejnì jako to dìláme, kdy¾ násobíme polynomy na papíøe). Pokud stupeò prvního polynomu je $n$ a druhého $m$, strávíme tím èas $\Omega(mn)$. Pro $m=n$ je to kvadraticky pomalé. Na první pohled se mù¾e zdát, ¾e rychleji to prostì nejde (pøeci musíme v¾dy vynásobit \uv{ka¾dý s ka¾dým}). Ve skuteènosti to ale rychleji fungovat mù¾e, ale k tomu je potøeba znát trochu tajemný algoritmus FFT neboli {\I Fast Fourier Transform}.
-\ss{Trochu algebry na zaèátek:}
-\>Libovolný polynom $P$ stupnì $n$ mù¾e být reprezentován dvìma rùznými zpùsoby:
-\:svými koeficienty, èili èísly $p_{0}, p_{1}, \ldots ,p_{n}$, nebo
-\:svými hodnotami v $n$ rùzných bodech $x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots , x_{n}$, èili èísly $P(x_{0}),$ $P(x_{1}),$ $\ldots , P(x_{n})$.
-\>Celé polynomy oznaèujeme velkými písmeny, jednotlivé èleny polynomù pak pøíslu¹nými malými písmeny. (Pø.: Polynom $W$ stupnì $n$ má koeficienty $w_{0}, w_{1}, w_{2},\ldots, w_{n}$.)
-Pov¹imnìme si jedné skuteènosti -- máme-li dva polynomy $A$ a $B$ stupnì $n$ a body $x_{0}, \ldots, x_{k}$, dále polynom $C=A \cdot B$ (stupnì $2n$), pak platí $C(x_{k}) = A(x_{k}) \cdot B(x_{k}), k = 0,1,2, \ldots, n.$ Toto èiní tento druhý zpùsob reprezentace polynomu velice atraktivním pro násobení. Problémem je, ¾e typicky máme polynom zadaný koeficienty a ne hodnotami v bodech. Tím pádem potøebujeme nìjaký hodnì rychlý algorimtus (tj. rychlej¹í ne¾ kvadratický, jinak bychom si nepomohli oproti hloupému algoritmu) na pøevod polynomu z jedné reprezentace do druhé a zase zpìt.
-Dále bychom si mìli uvìdomit, ¾e stupeò na¹eho výsledného polynomu $C$ bude $\leq 2n$ (kde $n$ je stupeò výchozích polynomù). Pokud chceme polynom $C$ reprezentovat pomocí jeho hodnot v bodech, musíme tedy vzít alespoò $2n$ bodù. Tímto konèí malá algebraická vsuvka.
-\s{Idea, jak by mìl algoritmus pracovat:}
-\:Vybereme $2n$ bodù $x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots , x_{2n-1}$.
-\:V tìchto bodech vyhodnotíme polynomy $A$ a $B$.
-\:Nyní ji¾ v lineárním èase získáme hodnoty polynomu $C$ v tìchto bodech (viz vý¹e).
-\:Pøevedeme hodnoty polynomu $C$ na jeho koeficienty.
-\>Je asi vidìt, ¾e klíèové jsou kroky 2 a 4. Vybrání bodù jistì stihneme pohodlnì v lineárním èase a vynásobení samotných hodnot té¾ (máme $2n$ bodù a $C(x_{k}) = A(x_{k}) \cdot B(x_{k}), k = 0,1,2, \ldots , 2n-1$, tak¾e na to nepotøebujeme více ne¾ $2n$ násobení).
-Celý trik spoèívá v chytrém vybrání onìch bodù, ve kterých budeme polynomy vyhodnocovat. Je na to potøeba vìdìt pár zajímavostí o komplexních èíslech, na webové stránce pøedná¹ky jsou k dispozici slajdy, zde to bude zapsáno o trochu struènìji.
-\ss{ Vyhodnocení polynomu metodou Rozdìl a panuj (algoritmus FFT):}
-Mìjme polynom $P$ øádu $n$ a chtìjme jej vyhodnotit v $n$ bodech. Vybereme si body tak, aby byly spárované, èili $\pm x_{0}, \pm x_{1}, \ldots , \pm x_{n/2-1} $. To nám výpoèet urychlí, proto¾e pak se druhé mocniny $x_{j}$ shodují s druhými mocninami $-x_{j}$.
-Polynom $P$ rozlo¾íme na dvì èásti, první obsahuje èleny se sudými exponenty, druhá s lichými:
-$P(x) = (p_{0}x^{0} + p_{2}x^{2} + \ldots + p_{n-2}x^{n-2}) + (p_{1}x^{1} + p_{3}x^{3} + \ldots + p_{n-1}x^{n-1})$.
-$S(x^{2}) = p_{0}x^{0} + p_{2}x^{2} + \ldots + p_{n - 2}x^{n - 2}$,
-$L(x^{2}) = p_{1}x^{1} + p_{3}x^{3} + \ldots + p_{n - 1}x^{n - 1}$
-\>Tak¾e obecnì $P(x) = S(x^{2}) + xL(x^{2})$ a $P(-x) = S(x^{2}) - xL(x^{2})$.
-Jinak øeèeno, vyhodnocování $P$ v $n$ bodech se nám smrskne na vyhodnocení $S(x)$ a $L(x)$ (oba jsou polynomy stupnì $n/2$ a vyhodnocujeme je nyní v $x^{2}$) v $n/2$ bodech (proto¾e $(x_{i})^{2} = (-x_{i})^{2}$).
-$3 + 4x + 6x^{2} + 2x^{3} + x^{4} + 10x^{5} = (3 + 6x^{2} + x^{4}) + x(4 + 2x^{2} + 10x^{4})$.
-Teï nám ov¹em vyvstane problém s oním párováním -- druhá mocina pøece nemù¾e být záporná a tím pádem u¾ v druhé úrovni rekurze body spárované nebudou. Z tohoto dùvodu musíme pou¾ít komplexní èísla -- tam druhé mocniny záporné býti mohou. Jako $x_{0}, \ldots , x_{n-1} $ si zvolíme mocniny $n$-té primitvní odmocniny z jedné (oznaèíme si ji jako $\omega$). Máme $n$ $n$-tých primitivních odmocnin z jednièky, rovnomìrnì rozesetých po jednotkové kru¾nici, BÚNO $n=2^{k}, k \in N$ (jinak viz slajdy Martina Mare¹e). Jednotlivé mocniny vypadají takto: $1, \omega, \omega^{2}, \ldots , \omega^{n - 1} $, kde $\omega = e^{2 \pi i/ n}$.
-\s{Dvì poznámky:}
-\:primitivní $n$-té odmocniny z jednièky jsou spárované, èili $\omega^{j} = -\omega^{n/2 + j}$,
-\:umocníme-li v¹echny na druhou, vznikne nám $n/2$ $n/2$-tých odmocnin z jedné, které jsou i nadále spárované.
-\ss{Celý algoritmus bude vypadat takto:}
-\>FFT($P$, $ \omega$)
-\>{\sl Vstup:} $p_{0}, \ldots , p_{n-1}$, koeficienty polynomu $P$, a $\omega$, $n-$tá odmocina z jedné.
-\>{\sl Výstup:} Hodnoty polynomu v~bodech $1, \omega, \omega^{2}, \ldots , \omega^{n - 1}$, èili èísla $P(1), P(\omega), P(\omega^{2}),$ $\ldots , P(\omega^{n - 1})$.
-\:Pokud $n = 1$, vrátíme $P_{0}$ a skonèíme.
-\:Jinak rozdìlíme $P$ na sudé a liché koeficienty a rekurzivnì zavoláme FFT($S$, $\omega^{2}$) a FFT($L$, $\omega^{2}$).
-\:Pro $j = 0, \ldots , n/2 - 1$ spoèítáme:
-$P(\omega^{j}) = S(\omega^{2j}) + \omega^{j} \cdot L(\omega^{2j})$.
-$P(\omega^{j+n/2}) = S(\omega^{2j}) - \omega^{j} \cdot L(\omega^{2j})$.
-$j$ je z intervalu $[0, {n \over 2}-1]$
-\s{Èasová slo¾itost:}
-\>$T(n)=2T(n/2) + \O(n) \Rightarrow$ slo¾itost $\O(n \log n)$, stejnì jako MergeSort.
-Máme tedy algoritmus, který pøevede koeficienty polynomu na hodnoty tohoto polynomu v rùzných bodech .
-Potøebujeme ale také algoritmus, který doká¾e reprezentaci polynomu pomocí hodnot pøevést zpìt na koeficienty polynomu. K tomu nám pomù¾e podívat se na ná¹ algoritmus trochu obecnìji.
-\>{\I Diskretní Fourierova transformace} $(DFT)$
-je funkce $f: { {\bb C} ^n} \rightarrow { {\bb C} ^n}$, kde $y=f(x) \equiv \forall j \ y_{j} = \sum \limits ^{n-1}_{k=0} x_{k} \cdot \omega ^{k}$.
-\s{Jak najít inverzní matici?} Víme, ¾e $\Omega =\Omega ^{T}$ proto¾e $\omega ^{jk} = \omega ^{kj}$.
-Vyu¾ijeme následující lemma:
-\quad $\Omega _{j} \cdot \Omega _{k} = \left\{
-{\displaystyle 0 \ldots j\neq k}\atop
-{\displaystyle 1 \ldots j=k}
-$\Omega _{j} \cdot \Omega _{k}$ myslíme skalární souèin.
-Jsou-li $x = (x _{0}, \ldots, x _{n})$ a $y = (y _{0}, \ldots, y _{n})$ dva komplexní vektory,
-pak jejich skalární souèin definujeme jako:
-$x^{*}y = \sum \limits ^{n}_{i=0} \overline{x _{i}}y_{i}$.
-\>V této definici $\overline{x}$ oznaèuje èíslo komplexnì sdru¾ené k èíslu $x$.
-\proof Souèin
-$$\Omega _{j} \Omega _{k} = \sum \limits ^{n-1}_{l=0} \Omega _{jl} \overline{\Omega _{kl}} = \sum \limits _{l} \omega ^{jl} \overline{\omega ^{kl}} = \sum \limits _{l} \omega ^{jl} \omega ^{-kl} = \sum \limits _{l} \omega ^{(j-k)l } = \sum \limits ^{n-1}_{l=0} (\omega^{j-k}) ^{l}, $$
-proto¾e $ \overline{\omega^{kl}} = \overline{\omega} ^{kl} = {({1 \over \omega} )}^{kl} = \omega ^{-kl}$.
-\:Pokud $j\neq k$, pou¾ijeme vzoreèek pro souèet geometrické posloupnosti, kde $a_{1}=1$ a $q=\omega ^{(j-k) }$ a dostaneme ${{\omega^{(j-k)n} -1} \over {\omega^{(j-k)} -1}} ={1-1 \over r- 1} = {0 \over \neq 0} = 0$. Kde $r$ je èíslo rùzné od jednièky.
-\:Pokud $j=k$, pak $ \sum \limits ^{n-1}_{l=0} (\omega ^{0}) ^{l} = n$.
-\s{Dùsledek:} \quad $\Omega \cdot \overline{\Omega} = nE$.
-\>Jedná se o násobení matic, èili prvek na pozici $ij$ je $0$ nebo $n$. $\Rightarrow\Omega^{-1} = {1 \over n} \overline{\Omega}$.
-\>Na¹li jsme inverzi:
-$\Omega({1 \over n} \overline{\Omega}) = {1 \over n}\Omega \cdot \overline{\Omega} = E$, \quad
-$\Omega^{-1}_{jk} = {1 \over n}\overline{\omega^{jk}} = {1 \over n}\omega^{-jk} = {1 \over n} {(\omega^{-1})}^{jk}$, \quad
-kde $\omega^{-1}$ je $\overline{\omega}$ a $\omega _{n}$ je $n$-tá primitivní odmocnina z jednièky.
-\>Ná¹ algoritmus poèítá tedy i inverzní transformaci, pouze místo $\omega_n$ pou¾ijeme komplexnì zdru¾ené
- $\overline{\omega_n}$ a matici vynásobíme $(1/n)$. Co¾ je skvìlé --
- staèí znát pouze jeden algoritmus u~kterého staèí v~jednom pøípadì pou¾ít transformovanou matici a vydìlit $n$.
-\s{Výsledek:} Pro $n= 2^k$ lze DFT na ${\bb C}^n$ spoèítat v~èase $\O(n \log n)$ a DFT$^{-1}$ takté¾.
-\>Polynomy stupnì $n$ lze násobit v èase $\O(n \log n)$:
-$\O(n \log n)$ pro vyhodnocení, $\O(n)$ pro vynásobení a $\O(n \log n)$ pro pøevedení zpìt.
-\:Zpracování signálu -- rozklad na siny a cosiny o~rùzných frekvencích $\Rightarrow$ spektrální rozklad.
-\:komprese dat -- napøíklad formát JPEG.
-\:Násobení dlouhých èísel v èase $\O(n \log n)$.
-\s{Hardwarová implementace FFT}
-\figure{img.eps}{Pøíklad prùbìhu algoritmu na vstupu velikosti 8}{3in}
-\>Obrázek ukazuje zapojení kombinaèního obvodu pro DFT pro vstup velikosti~8. Hladin bude v¾dy $\log_2 n$, tj. v~na¹em pøípadì $\log_2 8 = 3$ hladiny.
-\>Podívejme se na pravou èást obrázku, tedy výstup celého obvodu. Èerná koleèka pøedstavují podobvody, rovnice vedle nich operaci, kterou provádìjí. Hodnoty $y_j$ znaèí hodnotu polynomu $P$ v bodì $\omega^j$ kde $\omega^j$ je $j-tá$ mocnina primitivní $n$-té odmocniny z jednièky. K jejímu spoètení ale potøebujeme znát hodnoty $s_k$ a $l_k$ kde $k$ je z intervalu $[0, {n/2} -1]$ a $s_k$ a $l_k$ jsou hodnoty polynomu stupnì ${n/2}$ v bodì $\omega^{2k}$. V polynomu $s$ jsou sudé koeficienty a v polynomu $l$ liché koeficienty polynomu $P$. Vidíme ze se jedná pøesnì o ná¹ rekurzivní algoritmus pro poèítání FFT a tímto zpùsobem postavíme celou sí».
-\>Tímto obvodem jsme tedy získali nerekurzivní algoritmus pro poèítání FFT. V¹imìme si poøadí vstupních hodnot (koeficientù). Èísla jsou v binárním tvaru 0--7 pøeètená pozpátku. Pro pøedstavu jaké koeficienty polynomu $P$ se objevují v rùzných hladinách, na obrázku jsou naznaèena jejich èísla spolu s pøíslu¹nými mocninami primitivní $n$-té odmocniny z jednièky.
-\s{Z toho:}
-\:Kombinaèní obvod pro DFT
-s~$\O(\log n)$ hladinami
-a $\O(n)$ hradly na hladinì.
-\:Nerekurzivní algoritmus (postupujeme zleva) v~èase $\O(n \log n)$.
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-1 Min}bd/Pythag{dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}bd/ssc{DeviceRGB setcolorspace\r
-setcolor}bd/ssg{setgray}bd/p_render{}def/p_count 0 def/vis_flag true\r
-def/DataString 3 string def/DataSrc{currentfile DataString readhexstring\r
-pop}bd/DataStr1 1 string def/DataStr2 1 string def/DataStr3 1 string\r
-/colorimage where{pop/ci{colorimage}bd}{/ci{pop pop/ci_datasrc exch\r
-def matrix invertmatrix/ci_matrix exch def pop/ci_dataleft 0 def/ci_buf()def\r
-/ci_dataofs 0 def 0 1 3 -1 roll 1 sub{/ci_y exch def dup 0 1 3 -1\r
-roll 1 sub{0 1 2{pop ci_dataleft 0 eq{ci_datasrc dup length/ci_dataleft\r
-exch def/ci_buf exch def/ci_dataofs 0 def}if ci_buf ci_dataofs get\r
-255 div/ci_dataofs ci_dataofs 1 add def/ci_dataleft ci_dataleft 1 sub\r
-def}for setrgbcolor dup ci_y 3 -1 roll 1 add ci_y 1 add 4 copy 5 1\r
-roll 4 2 roll 5 -1 roll 1 1 4{pop ci_matrix transform 8 2 roll}for\r
-m l l l closepath fill}for}for pop}bd}ifelse/rci{/rciBuf 4 index 3\r
-index mul 7 add 8 div floor cvi string def{currentfile rciBuf readhexstring\r
-pop}bind false 3 ci}bd/cbsl{2 eq/cbslL2 xd 5 index/cbslw xd translate\r
-scale 8 [ 3 index 0 0 5 index 0 0 ] cbslL2{/DataStr1 cbslw string def\r
-currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter/RunLengthDecode filter DataStr1 readstring\r
-pop pop/DataStr2 cbslw string def currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter\r
-/RunLengthDecode filter DataStr2 readstring pop pop/DataStr3 cbslw\r
-string def currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter/RunLengthDecode filter\r
-DataStr3 readstring pop pop{DataStr1}bind{DataStr2}bind{DataStr3}bind\r
-true}{/DataSrc load false}ifelse 3 ci}bd/gbsl{2 eq/gbslL2 xd 5 index\r
-/gbslw xd translate scale 8 [ 3 index 0 0 5 index 0 0 ] gbslL2{/DataStr1\r
-gbslw string def currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter/RunLengthDecode filter\r
-DataStr1 readstring pop pop{DataStr1}bind}{/DataStr1 gbslw string def\r
-currentfile DataSrc1 readhexstring pop pop{DataStr1}bind}ifelse image}bd\r
-/cmi{/cmiBuf 4 index 3 index mul 7 add 8 div floor cvi string def{currentfile\r
-cmiBuf readhexstring pop}bind image}bd/cpal{4 mul string/cPalette exch\r
-def currentfile cPalette readhexstring pop}bd/cpci{/cpci_datasrc exch\r
-def matrix invertmatrix/cpci_matrix exch def/cpci_bpp exch def cpci_init\r
-0 1 3 -1 roll 1 sub{/cpci_y exch def dup cpci_bpp 4 eq{cpci_sampsleft\r
-1 eq{/cpci_sampsleft 0 def}if}if 0 1 3 -1 roll 1 sub{cpci_nextcol dup\r
-cpci_y 3 -1 roll 1 add cpci_y 1 add 4 copy 5 1 roll 4 2 roll 5 -1 roll\r
-1 1 4{pop cpci_matrix transform 8 2 roll}for m l l l closepath fill}for}for\r
-pop}bd/cpci_init{/cpci_sampsleft 0 def}bd/cpci_buf 1 string def/cpci_nextcol{cpci_bpp\r
-1 eq{cpci_sampsleft 0 eq{currentfile cpci_buf readhexstring pop pop\r
-/cpci_sampsleft 8 def}if cpci_buf dup 0 get dup 1 and setgray -1 bitshift\r
-1 exch put/cpci_sampsleft cpci_sampsleft 1 sub def}{cpci_bpp 4 eq{cpci_sampsleft\r
-0 eq{currentfile cpci_buf readhexstring pop pop/cpci_sampsleft 2 def}if\r
-cpci_buf 0 get dup 15 and exch -4 bitshift cpci_buf 0 3 -1 roll put\r
-/cpci_sampsleft cpci_sampsleft 1 sub def}{currentfile cpci_buf readhexstring\r
-pop 0 get}ifelse 4 mul dup 2 add cPalette exch get 255 div exch dup\r
-1 add cPalette exch get 255 div exch cPalette exch get 255 div setrgbcolor}ifelse}bd\r
-/setup1asciiproc{[ currentfile mystring/readhexstring cvx/pop cvx\r
-] cvx bind}bd/setup1binaryproc{[ currentfile mystring/readstring cvx\r
-/pop cvx ] cvx bind}bd level2{save/dontloadlevel1 xd}if/iw 0 def/ih\r
-0 def/im_save 0 def/setupimageproc 0 def/polarity 0 def/smoothflag\r
-0 def/mystring 0 def/bpc 0 def/beginimage{/im_save save def dup 0 eq{pop\r
-/setup1binaryproc}{1 eq{/setup1asciiproc}{(error, can't use level2 data acquisition procs for level1)print\r
-flush}ifelse}ifelse/setupimageproc exch ld/polarity xd/smoothflag xd\r
-/imat xd/mystring exch string def/bpc xd/ih xd/iw xd}bd/endimage{im_save\r
-restore}bd/1bitbwcopyimage{1 setgray 0 0 moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto\r
-0 -1 rlineto closepath fill 0 setgray iw ih polarity imat setupimageproc\r
-imagemask}bd/1bitcopyimage{setrgbcolor 0 0 moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto\r
-0 -1 rlineto closepath fill setrgbcolor iw ih polarity imat setupimageproc\r
-imagemask}bd/1bitmaskimage{setrgbcolor iw ih polarity [iw 0 0 ih 0\r
-0] setupimageproc imagemask}bd level2{dontloadlevel1 restore}if level2\r
-not{save/dontloadlevel2 xd}if/setup2asciiproc{currentfile/ASCII85Decode\r
-filter/RunLengthDecode filter}bd/setup2binaryproc{currentfile/RunLengthDecode\r
-filter}bd/myimagedict 9 dict dup begin/ImageType 1 def/MultipleDataSource\r
-false def end def/im_save 0 def/setupimageproc 0 def/polarity 0 def\r
-/smoothflag 0 def/mystring 0 def/bpc 0 def/ih 0 def/iw 0 def/beginimage{\r
-/im_save save def dup 2 eq{pop/setup2binaryproc}{dup 3 eq{pop/setup2asciiproc}{0\r
-exch ld{[ 1 0 ]}{[ 0 1 ]}ifelse/polarity xd/smoothflag xd/imat xd/mystring\r
-exch string def/bpc xd/ih xd/iw xd}bd/endimage{im_save restore}bd/1bitbwcopyimage{1\r
-ssg 0 0 moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto closepath fill\r
-0 ssg myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode polarity\r
-def/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def/BitsPerComponent\r
-1 def/Interpolate smoothflag def end imagemask}bd/1bitcopyimage{ssc\r
-0 0 moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto closepath fill ssc\r
-myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode polarity def\r
-/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def/BitsPerComponent\r
-1 def/Interpolate smoothflag def end imagemask}bd/1bitmaskimage{ssc\r
-myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode polarity def\r
-/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def/BitsPerComponent\r
-1 def/Interpolate smoothflag def end imagemask}bd level2 not{dontloadlevel2\r
-level2{save/dontloadlevel1 xd}if/startnoload{{/noload save def}if}bd\r
-/endnoload{{noload restore}if}bd/testsystemdict{where{systemdict eq{true}{false}ifelse}{false}ifelse}bd\r
-/ncolors 1 def/colorimage where{pop true}{false}ifelse{/ncolors 0\r
-statusdict begin/processcolors where{pop pop processcolors}{/deviceinfo\r
-where{pop deviceinfo/Colors known{pop{deviceinfo/Colors get}}if}if}ifelse\r
-end def ncolors 0 ne{/colorimage testsystemdict/setcolortransfer testsystemdict\r
-/currentcolortransfer testsystemdict/currentcmykcolor testsystemdict\r
-and and and not{/ncolors 0 def}if}if}if ncolors dup 1 ne exch dup 3\r
-ne exch 4 ne and and{/ncolors 0 def}if ncolors 1 eq dup dup not startnoload{\r
-/expandbw{expandfactor mul round cvi bwclut exch get 255 div}bd/doclutimage{bwclut\r
-colorclut pop/bwclut xd bpc dup 8 eq{pop 255}{4 eq{15}{3}ifelse}ifelse\r
-/expandfactor xd [/expandbw load/exec load dup currenttransfer exch\r
-] cvx bind settransfer iw ih bpc imat setupimageproc image}bd}if not\r
-endnoload ncolors dup 3 eq exch 4 eq or dup dup not startnoload{/nullproc{{}}def\r
-/concatutil{/exec load 7 -1 roll/exec load}bd/defsubclut{1 add getinterval\r
-def}bd/spconcattransfer{/Dclut exch def/Cclut exch def/Bclut exch def\r
-/Aclut exch def/ncompute exch ld currentcolortransfer [{Aclut ncompute}concatutil\r
-] cvx [{Bclut ncompute}concatutil ] cvx [{Cclut ncompute}concatutil\r
-] cvx [{Dclut ncompute}concatutil ] cvx setcolortransfer}bd/setuprgbcluts{\r
-/bit3x rgbclut length 3 sub def/bit1x bit3x 3 idiv def/rclut rgbclut\r
-def/gclut rclut 1 bit3x defsubclut/bclut rclut 2 bit3x defsubclut}bd}if\r
-not endnoload ncolors 3 eq dup dup not startnoload{/3compute{exch bit3x\r
-mul round cvi get 255 div}bd/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd pop setuprgbcluts\r
-/3compute rclut gclut bclut dup spconcattransfer iw ih bpc imat [\r
-setupimageproc/exec load/dup load dup ] cvx nullproc nullproc true\r
-3 colorimage}bd}if not endnoload ncolors 4 eq dup dup not startnoload{\r
-/stuffclut{cmykindex 3 -1 roll put}bd/ftoint{1 exch sub 255 mul round\r
-cvi}bd/4compute{exch bit4x mul round cvi get 255 div}bd/computecmykclut{setuprgbcluts\r
-/bit4x rgbclut length 3 idiv 4 mul 4 sub def/cmykclut bit4x 4 add\r
-string def/cclut cmykclut def/mclut cclut 1 bit4x defsubclut/yclut\r
-cclut 2 bit4x defsubclut/kclut cclut 3 bit4x defsubclut/cmykindex 0\r
-def 0 1 bit1x{dup/cmykindex exch bit1x exch sub 4 mul def 3 mul dup\r
-rclut exch get 255 div exch dup gclut exch get 255 div exch bclut exch\r
-get 255 div setrgbcolor currentcmykcolor ftoint kclut stuffclut ftoint\r
-yclut stuffclut ftoint mclut stuffclut ftoint cclut stuffclut}for}bd\r
-/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd pop invalidcolortable?{computecmykclut}if\r
-/4compute cclut mclut yclut kclut spconcattransfer iw ih bpc imat\r
-[ setupimageproc/exec load/dup load dup dup ] cvx nullproc nullproc\r
-nullproc true 4 colorimage}bd}if not endnoload ncolors 0 eq dup dup\r
-not startnoload{/lookupandstore{3 mul 3 getinterval putinterval exch\r
-3 add exch 3 copy}bd/8lookup/lookupandstore ld/4lookup{/byte 1 index\r
-def -4 bitshift lookupandstore byte 15 and lookupandstore}bd/2lookup{\r
-/byte 1 index def -6 bitshift lookupandstore byte -4 bitshift 3 and\r
-lookupandstore byte -2 bitshift 3 and lookupandstore byte 3 and lookupandstore}bd\r
-/colorexpand{mystringexp 0 rgbclut 3 copy 7 -1 roll/mylookup load\r
-forall pop pop pop pop pop}bd/createexpandstr{/mystringexp exch mystring\r
-length mul string def}bd/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd pop/mylookup bpc 8\r
-eq{3 createexpandstr/8lookup}{bpc 4 eq{6 createexpandstr/4lookup}{12\r
-createexpandstr/2lookup}ifelse}ifelse ld iw ih bpc imat [ setupimageproc\r
-/exec load/colorexpand load/exec load] cvx false 3 colorimage}bd}if\r
-not endnoload/colorimage where{pop true}{false}ifelse dup{/do24image{iw\r
-ih 8 imat setupimageproc false 3 colorimage}bd}if dup dup startnoload\r
-not{/rgbtogray{/str xd/len str length def/smlen len 3 idiv def/rstr\r
-str def/gstr str 1 len 1 sub getinterval def/bstr str 2 len 2 sub getinterval\r
-def str dup 0 1 smlen 1 sub{dup 3 mul rstr 1 index get .3 mul gstr\r
-2 index get .59 mul add bstr 3 -1 roll get .11 mul add round cvi put\r
-dup}for pop 0 smlen getinterval}bd/do24image{iw ih 8 imat [ setupimageproc\r
-/exec load/rgbtogray load/exec load ] cvx bind image}bd}if endnoload\r
-/doimage{iw ih 8 imat setupimageproc image}bd level2{dontloadlevel1\r
-restore}if level2 not{save/dontloadlevel2 xd}if/myappcolorspace/DeviceRGB\r
-def/rgbclut 0 def/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd pop bpc dup 8 eq{pop 255}{4\r
-eq{15}{3}ifelse}ifelse/hival xd [/Indexed myappcolorspace hival rgbclut]\r
-setcolorspace myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode\r
-[0 hival] def/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def/BitsPerComponent\r
-bpc def/Interpolate smoothflag def end image}bd/do24image{myappcolorspace\r
-setcolorspace myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode\r
-[0 1 0 1 0 1] def/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def\r
-/BitsPerComponent 8 def/Interpolate smoothflag def end image}bd level2\r
-not{dontloadlevel2 restore}if\r
-/NumSteps{dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform Pythag currentscreen\r
-pop pop 72 exch div div}bd/FindMinSteps{v_ft 4 eq{urx startX sub abs\r
-llx startX sub abs Max ury startY sub abs lly startY sub abs Max Pythag\r
-2 3.14159265 mul mul 0}{v_ft 2 eq{endY startY sub endX startX sub Pythag\r
-endY2 startY sub endX2 startX sub Pythag gt{endY startY sub endX startX\r
-sub}{endY2 startY sub endX2 startX sub}ifelse}{endY startY sub endX\r
-startX sub}ifelse}ifelse NumSteps}bd/cxe{/v_cxe exch def}bd/cxm{pop\r
-/v_cxm exch def}bd/cxmt{pop pop}bd/cxt{pop}bd/S_eoclip{currentflat{{eoclip}stopped{dup\r
-currentflat exch sub 20 gt{([Error: PathTooComplex; OffendingCommand: eoclip]\n)print\r
-flush exit}{currentflat 2 add setflat}ifelse}{exit}ifelse}loop setflat}bd\r
-/S_clip{currentflat{{clip}stopped{dup currentflat exch sub 20 gt{([Error: PathTooComplex; OffendingCommand: clip]\n)print\r
-flush exit}{currentflat 2 add setflat}ifelse}{exit}ifelse}loop setflat}bd\r
-/S_eofill{currentflat{{eofill}stopped{dup currentflat exch sub 20\r
-gt{([Error: PathTooComplex; OffendingCommand: eofill]\n)print flush\r
-exit}{currentflat 2 add setflat}ifelse}{exit}ifelse}loop setflat}bd\r
-/gpbbx{pathbbox/ury exch def/urx exch def/lly exch def/llx exch def}bd\r
-/lineargfill{initgfill{false initgfx/distance endX startX sub endY\r
-startY sub Pythag def/incD distance Steps div def endY startY sub endX\r
-startX sub atan newpath llx lly urx ury Bx startX startY translate\r
-rotate gpbbx eGy ssg newpath llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill sGy ssg newpath\r
-llx lly 0 ury Bx S_eofill/fillX 0 def 0 1 Steps 1 sub{stepgfx newpath\r
-fillX lly fillX incD add dup/fillX exch def ury Bx S_eofill pop}for}if}bd\r
-/radialgfill{initgfill{false initgfx/distance endX startX sub endY\r
-startY sub Pythag def/incD distance Steps div def eGy ssg newpath llx\r
-lly urx ury Bx S_eofill/distance 0 def 0 1 Steps 1 sub{stepgfx newpath\r
-startX startY distance 0 360 arc closepath distance incD add dup/distance\r
-exch def 0 rmoveto startX startY distance 0 360 arc closepath S_eofill\r
-pop}for}if}bd/ellipticgfill{initgfill{true initgfx sGy ssg newpath\r
-llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill [ endX startX sub endY startY sub endX2\r
-startX sub endY2 startY sub startX startY ] concat Steps 1 sub -1 0{stepgfx\r
-/i exch def 0 0 moveto 0 0 i Steps div 0 360 arc fill}for}if}bd/conicalgfill{initgfill{urx\r
-startX sub abs llx startX sub abs Max ury startY sub abs lly startY\r
-sub abs Max Pythag startY endY sub startX endX sub Pythag div/radius\r
-exch def true initgfx [ endX startX sub endY startY sub startY endY\r
-sub endX startX sub startX startY ] concat/slice 180 Steps div def\r
-/startangle 0 def Steps -1 0{pop stepgfx 0 0 moveto 0 0 radius startangle\r
-neg dup slice add arc fill 0 0 moveto 0 0 radius startangle dup slice\r
-add dup/startangle exch def arc fill}for}if}bd/initgfill{gpbbx{S_eoclip}{S_clip}ifelse\r
-startX endX eq startY endY eq and sGy eGy eq or dup{sGy ssg newpath\r
-llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill}if not}bd/initgfx{/flag exch def flag{sGy\r
-eGy/sGy exch def/eGy exch def}if eGy sGy sub abs 256 mul FindMinSteps\r
-Min 256 Min ceiling 1 Max/Steps exch def eGy sGy sub Steps div/incGy\r
-exch def sGy/mGy exch def}bd/stepgfx{mGy ssg mGy incGy add/mGy exch\r
-def}bd/linearfill{initfill{false initfx endX startX sub endY startY\r
-sub Pythag/distance exch def/incD distance Steps div def endY startY\r
-sub endX startX sub atan newpath llx lly urx ury Bx startX startY translate\r
-rotate gpbbx v_cxe 0 eq{eR eG eB setgfillrgb}{eH eS eV setgfillhsb}ifelse\r
-newpath llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill v_cxe 0 eq{sR sG sB setgfillrgb}{sH\r
-sS sV setgfillhsb}ifelse newpath llx lly 0 ury Bx S_eofill/fillX 0\r
-def 0 1 Steps 1 sub{stepfx newpath fillX lly fillX incD add dup/fillX\r
-exch def ury Bx S_eofill pop}for}if}bd/radialfill{initfill{false initfx\r
-endX startX sub endY startY sub Pythag/distance exch def/incD distance\r
-Steps div def v_cxe 0 eq{eR eG eB setgfillrgb}{eH eS eV setgfillhsb}ifelse\r
-newpath llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill/distance 0 def 0 1 Steps 1 sub{stepfx\r
-newpath startX startY distance 0 360 arc closepath distance incD add\r
-dup/distance exch def 0 rmoveto startX startY distance 0 360 arc closepath\r
-S_eofill pop}for}if}bind def/ellipticalfill{initfill{true initfx v_cxe\r
-0 eq{sR sG sB setgfillrgb}{sH sS sV setgfillhsb}ifelse newpath llx\r
-lly urx ury Bx S_eofill [ endX startX sub endY startY sub endX2 startX\r
-sub endY2 startY sub startX startY ] concat Steps 1 sub -1 0{stepfx\r
-/i exch def 0 0 moveto 0 0 i Steps div 0 360 arc fill}for v_cxe 0\r
-eq{sR sG sB eR eG eB/sB exch def/sG exch def/sR exch def/eB exch def\r
-/eG exch def/eR exch def}if}if}bd/conicalfill{initfill{urx startX\r
-sub abs llx startX sub abs Max ury startY sub abs lly startY sub abs\r
-Max Pythag startY endY sub startX endX sub Pythag div/radius exch def\r
-true initfx [ endX startX sub endY startY sub startY endY sub endX\r
-startX sub startX startY ] concat/slice 180 Steps div def/startangle\r
-0 def Steps -1 0{pop stepfx 0 0 moveto 0 0 radius startangle neg dup\r
-slice add arc fill 0 0 moveto 0 0 radius startangle dup slice add dup\r
-/startangle exch def arc fill}for}if}bd/initfill{gpbbx{S_eoclip}{S_clip}ifelse\r
-startX endX eq startY endY eq and v_cxe 2 ne sR eR eq sG eG eq and\r
-sB eB eq and and or dup{sR sG sB setgfillrgb newpath llx lly urx ury\r
-Bx S_eofill}if not}bd/initfx{/flag exch def v_cxe 0 eq{flag{sR sG sB\r
-eR eG eB/sB exch def/sG exch def/sR exch def/eB exch def/eG exch def\r
-/eR exch def}if eR sR sub abs 256 mul eG sG sub abs 256 mul Max eB\r
-sB sub abs 256 mul Max FindMinSteps Min 256 Min ceiling 1 Max/Steps\r
-exch def/incR eR sR sub Steps div def/incG eG sG sub Steps div def\r
-/incB eB sB sub Steps div def sR/mR exch def sG/mG exch def sB/mB\r
-exch def}{sR sG sB rgb2hsb/sV exch def/sS exch def/sH exch def eR eG\r
-eB rgb2hsb/eV exch def/eS exch def/eH exch def eH sH sub abs v_cxe\r
-1 eq{dup 0.5 gt{1 exch sub}if}{dup 0.5 lt{1 exch sub}if}ifelse 256\r
-mul eS sS sub abs 256 mul Max eV sV sub abs 256 mul Max FindMinSteps\r
-Min 256 Min ceiling 1 Max/Steps exch def v_cxe 1 eq{/incH eH sH sub\r
-dup abs 0.5 gt{dup 0 ge{1 sub}{1 add}ifelse}if Steps div def/incS eS\r
-sS sub Steps div def/incV eV sV sub Steps div def}{/incH eH sH sub\r
-dup abs 0.5 le{dup 0 ge{1 sub}{1 add}ifelse}if Steps div def/incS eS\r
-sS sub Steps div def/incV eV sV sub Steps div def}ifelse flag{/sH eH\r
-/eH sH def def/sS eS/eS sS def def/sV eV/eV sV def def/incH incH neg\r
-def/incS incS neg def/incV incV neg def}if}ifelse}bd/stepfx{v_cxe 0\r
-eq{mR mG mB setgfillrgb mR incR add/mR exch def mG incG add/mG exch\r
-def mB incB add/mB exch def}{sH sS sV setgfillhsb sH incH add dup 0\r
-le{1 add}{dup 1 ge{1 sub}if}ifelse/sH exch def sS incS add/sS exch\r
-def sV incV add/sV exch def}ifelse}bd\r
-/ar{}bd/arr{pop pop pop pop pop pop pop}bd/ae{pop pop pop pop pop\r
-pop}bd/aoa{pop}bd/apl{pop}bd/apc{}bd/aof{pop pop}bd/aafs{pop pop pop}bd\r
-/O{pop}bd/R{pop}bd/axop{pop pop pop pop}bd/g{/v_ft 0 def/v_fc 0 def\r
-/v_fm 0 def/v_fy 0 def 1 exch sub/v_fk exch def/v_fct 0 def}bd/G{\r
-/v_sc 0 def/v_sm 0 def/v_sy 0 def 1 exch sub/v_sk exch def/v_sct 0\r
-def}bd/k{/v_fk exch def/v_fy exch def/v_fm exch def/v_fc exch def/v_ft\r
-0 def/v_fct 0 def}bd/K{/v_sk exch def/v_sy exch def/v_sm exch def/v_sc\r
-exch def/v_sct 0 def}bd/Xa{/v_fb exch def/v_fg exch def/v_fr exch def\r
-/v_ft 0 def/v_fct 1 def}bd/XA{/v_sb exch def/v_sg exch def/v_sr exch\r
-def/v_sct 1 def}bd/a_tc{exch pop 1 exch sub dup 3 -1 roll exch div\r
-exch dup 4 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll dup 5 -1 roll exch div 4 1 roll\r
-5 -1 roll exch div 4 1 roll}bd/x{a_tc k}bd/X{a_tc K}bd/Xx{0 eq{x}{pop\r
-pop Xa}ifelse}bd/XX{0 eq{X}{pop pop XA}ifelse}bd/awr{/v_wr exch def}bd\r
-pop J}bd/aec{pop pop J}bd/csah{pop pop pop}bd/ceah{pop pop pop}bd/cst{pop\r
-pop}bd/cdp{pop}bd/m{moveto}bd/l{lineto}bd/c{curveto}bd/Bx{4 copy 5\r
-1 roll 4 2 roll 5 -1 roll m l l l closepath}bd/Cp{Bx clip newpath}bd\r
-/a_fp{gsave v_wr 0 ne v_ft 0 eq{setfillcolor{eofill}{fill}ifelse}{v_ft\r
-1 eq{linearfill}{v_ft 2 eq{ellipticalfill}{v_ft 3 eq{radialfill}{v_ft\r
-4 eq{conicalfill}{v_ft 8 eq{lineargfill}{v_ft 9 eq{ellipticgfill}{v_ft\r
-10 eq{radialgfill}{conicalgfill}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse\r
-grestore}bd/*u{/p_count p_count 1 add def}bd/*U{/p_count p_count 1\r
-sub def p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd/B{/p_render{a_fp\r
-setstrokecolor stroke}bd p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd\r
-/b{closepath B}bd/F{/p_render{a_fp newpath}bd p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd\r
-/f{closepath F}bd/S{/p_render{setstrokecolor stroke}bd p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd\r
-/s{closepath S}bd/H{/p_render{newpath}bd p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd\r
-/h{closepath H}bd/N{H}bd/n{h}bd/cag{dup 7 add/v_ft exch def dup 2\r
-eq{pop/endY2 exch def/endX2 exch def}{7 eq{pop pop/v_ft 8 def}if}ifelse\r
-/endY exch def/endX exch def/startY exch def/startX exch def/eGy exch\r
-def/sGy exch def}bd/caz{dup/v_ft exch def dup 2 eq{pop/endY2 exch def\r
-/endX2 exch def}{7 eq{pop pop/v_ft 1 def}if}ifelse/endY exch def/endX\r
-exch def/startY exch def/startX exch def/eB exch def/eG exch def/eR\r
-exch def/sB exch def/sG exch def/sR exch def}bd/cax{dup/v_ft exch def\r
-dup 2 eq{pop/endY2 exch def/endX2 exch def}{7 eq{pop pop/v_ft 1 def}if}ifelse\r
-/endY exch def/endX exch def/startY exch def/startX exch def pop pop\r
-8 3 roll pop pop/sB exch def/sG exch def/sR exch def/eB exch def/eG\r
-exch def/eR exch def}bd/axm{/endY exch def/endX exch def/startY exch\r
-def/startX exch def}bd/alyr{pop pop 1 eq{true}{false}ifelse/vis_flag\r
-exch def pop pop}bd\r
-/t{moveto show}bd/ts{moveto false charpath S}bd/tf{moveto true charpath\r
-F}bd/tb{3 copy moveto true charpath F moveto false charpath S}bd/selectfont\r
-where{pop}{/selectfont{dup type/integertype eq{exch findfont exch scalefont\r
-setfont}{exch findfont exch makefont setfont}ifelse}bd}ifelse/sf{selectfont}bd\r
-save XaraStudio1Dict begin\r
-0 cxe\r
-2 0 cxm\r
-1 awr\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 XA\r
-0.250 w\r
-0 j\r
-[ ] 0 d\r
-0 J\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-349.368 322.149 m\r
-351.024 320.493 351.024 317.805 349.368 316.149 c\r
-347.712 314.493 345.024 314.493 343.368 316.149 c\r
-341.712 317.805 341.712 320.493 343.368 322.149 c\r
-345.024 323.805 347.712 323.805 349.368 322.149 c\r
-2 j\r
-346.017 318.750 m\r
-273.267 319.500 l\r
-0 j\r
-347.870 285.131 m\r
-349.526 283.475 349.526 280.787 347.870 279.131 c\r
-346.214 277.475 343.526 277.475 341.870 279.131 c\r
-340.214 280.787 340.214 283.475 341.870 285.131 c\r
-343.526 286.787 346.214 286.787 347.870 285.131 c\r
-2 j\r
-344.519 281.732 m\r
-271.769 282.482 l\r
-0 j\r
-347.870 246.881 m\r
-349.526 245.225 349.526 242.537 347.870 240.881 c\r
-346.214 239.225 343.526 239.225 341.870 240.881 c\r
-340.214 242.537 340.214 245.225 341.870 246.881 c\r
-343.526 248.537 346.214 248.537 347.870 246.881 c\r
-2 j\r
-344.519 243.482 m\r
-271.769 244.232 l\r
-0 j\r
-348.398 209.870 m\r
-350.054 208.214 350.054 205.526 348.398 203.870 c\r
-346.742 202.214 344.054 202.214 342.398 203.870 c\r
-340.742 205.526 340.742 208.214 342.398 209.870 c\r
-344.054 211.526 346.742 211.526 348.398 209.870 c\r
-2 j\r
-345.047 206.471 m\r
-272.297 207.221 l\r
-0 j\r
-347.120 135.620 m\r
-348.776 133.964 348.776 131.276 347.120 129.620 c\r
-345.464 127.964 342.776 127.964 341.120 129.620 c\r
-339.464 131.276 339.464 133.964 341.120 135.620 c\r
-342.776 137.276 345.464 137.276 347.120 135.620 c\r
-2 j\r
-343.769 132.221 m\r
-271.019 132.971 l\r
-0 j\r
-349.370 98.120 m\r
-351.026 96.464 351.026 93.776 349.370 92.120 c\r
-347.714 90.464 345.026 90.464 343.370 92.120 c\r
-341.714 93.776 341.714 96.464 343.370 98.120 c\r
-345.026 99.776 347.714 99.776 349.370 98.120 c\r
-2 j\r
-346.019 94.721 m\r
-273.269 95.471 l\r
-0 j\r
-347.648 59.381 m\r
-349.304 57.725 349.304 55.037 347.648 53.381 c\r
-345.992 51.725 343.304 51.725 341.648 53.381 c\r
-339.992 55.037 339.992 57.725 341.648 59.381 c\r
-343.304 61.037 345.992 61.037 347.648 59.381 c\r
-2 j\r
-344.297 55.982 m\r
-271.547 56.732 l\r
-0 j\r
-348.398 172.370 m\r
-350.054 170.714 350.054 168.026 348.398 166.370 c\r
-346.742 164.714 344.054 164.714 342.398 166.370 c\r
-340.742 168.026 340.742 170.714 342.398 172.370 c\r
-344.054 174.026 346.742 174.026 348.398 172.370 c\r
-2 j\r
-345.047 168.971 m\r
-272.297 169.721 l\r
-346.017 318.750 m\r
-272.517 170.250 l\r
-343.767 281.250 m\r
-272.517 132.750 l\r
-343.767 243 m\r
-271.767 96 l\r
-343.767 206.250 m\r
-272.517 57.750 l\r
-346.017 169.500 m\r
-271.767 320.250 l\r
-344.517 133.500 m\r
-272.517 282 l\r
-346.767 96 m\r
-271.767 243 l\r
-343.767 57.750 m\r
-271.017 207.750 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-272.651 321.612 m\r
-273.893 321.612 274.902 320.436 274.902 318.987 c\r
-274.902 317.538 273.893 316.362 272.651 316.362 c\r
-271.409 316.362 270.400 317.538 270.400 318.987 c\r
-270.400 320.436 271.409 321.612 272.651 321.612 c\r
-272.384 284.862 m\r
-273.626 284.862 274.635 283.686 274.635 282.237 c\r
-274.635 280.788 273.626 279.612 272.384 279.612 c\r
-271.142 279.612 270.133 280.788 270.133 282.237 c\r
-270.133 283.686 271.142 284.862 272.384 284.862 c\r
-271.634 246.612 m\r
-272.876 246.612 273.885 245.436 273.885 243.987 c\r
-273.885 242.538 272.876 241.362 271.634 241.362 c\r
-270.392 241.362 269.383 242.538 269.383 243.987 c\r
-269.383 245.436 270.392 246.612 271.634 246.612 c\r
-271.901 209.112 m\r
-273.143 209.112 274.152 207.936 274.152 206.487 c\r
-274.152 205.038 273.143 203.862 271.901 203.862 c\r
-270.659 203.862 269.650 205.038 269.650 206.487 c\r
-269.650 207.936 270.659 209.112 271.901 209.112 c\r
-271.634 172.362 m\r
-272.876 172.362 273.885 171.186 273.885 169.737 c\r
-273.885 168.288 272.876 167.112 271.634 167.112 c\r
-270.392 167.112 269.383 168.288 269.383 169.737 c\r
-269.383 171.186 270.392 172.362 271.634 172.362 c\r
-271.901 134.389 m\r
-273.143 134.389 274.152 133.213 274.152 131.764 c\r
-274.152 130.315 273.143 129.139 271.901 129.139 c\r
-270.659 129.139 269.650 130.315 269.650 131.764 c\r
-269.650 133.213 270.659 134.389 271.901 134.389 c\r
-270.884 98.389 m\r
-272.126 98.389 273.135 97.213 273.135 95.764 c\r
-273.135 94.315 272.126 93.139 270.884 93.139 c\r
-269.642 93.139 268.633 94.315 268.633 95.764 c\r
-268.633 97.213 269.642 98.389 270.884 98.389 c\r
-273.401 60.139 m\r
-274.643 60.139 275.652 58.963 275.652 57.514 c\r
-275.652 56.065 274.643 54.889 273.401 54.889 c\r
-272.159 54.889 271.150 56.065 271.150 57.514 c\r
-271.150 58.963 272.159 60.139 273.401 60.139 c\r
-2 j\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-/Times-Roman 14 sf (y) 352.380 316.237 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (0) 360.665 314.838 t ( ) 365.119 320.856 t\r
-/Times-Roman 14 sf (=) 367.344 316.237 t (s) 379.074 316.237 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (0) 386.368 314.838 t\r
-/Times-Roman 14 sf ( ) 390.822 316.237 t (+) 395.272 316.237 t ( ) 407.002 316.237 t (w) 411.452 316.237\r
-t /Times-Roman 7 sf (0) 422.902 320.856 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (*) 427.356 316.237 t (l) 434.356 316.237\r
-t /Times-Roman 7 sf (0) 438.245 314.838 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (y) 352.070 279.487 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (1)\r
-360.355 278.088 t ( ) 364.809 284.106 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (=) 367.034 279.487 t (s) 378.764 279.487 t\r
-/Times-Roman 7 sf (1) 386.058 278.088 t /Times-Roman 14 sf ( ) 390.512 279.487 t (+) 394.962 279.487 t\r
-( ) 406.692 279.487 t (w) 411.142 279.487 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (1) 422.592 284.106 t /Times-Roman 14 sf\r
-(*) 427.046 279.487 t (l) 434.046 279.487 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (1) 437.935 278.088 t /Times-Roman 14 sf\r
-(y) 354.116 241.237 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (2) 362.401 239.838 t ( ) 366.855 239.838 t /Times-Roman 14 sf\r
-(=) 369.080 241.237 t (s) 380.810 241.237 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (2) 388.104 239.838 t /Times-Roman 14 sf\r
-( ) 392.558 241.237 t (+) 397.008 241.237 t ( ) 408.738 241.237 t (w) 413.188 241.237 t /Times-Roman 7\r
-sf (2) 424.638 245.856 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (*) 429.092 241.237 t (l) 436.092 241.237 t /Times-Roman 7\r
-sf (2) 439.981 239.838 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (y) 354.320 202.237 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (3) 362.605 200.838\r
-t ( ) 367.059 206.856 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (=) 369.284 202.237 t (s) 381.014 202.237 t /Times-Roman 7\r
-sf (3) 388.308 200.838 t /Times-Roman 14 sf ( ) 392.762 202.237 t (+) 397.212 202.237 t ( ) 408.942 202.237\r
-t (w) 413.392 202.237 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (3) 424.842 206.856 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (*) 429.296 202.237\r
-t (l) 436.296 202.237 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (3) 440.185 200.838 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (y) 356.058 168.037\r
-t /Times-Roman 7 sf (4) 364.343 166.638 t ( ) 368.797 172.656 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (=) 371.022 168.037\r
-t (s) 382.752 168.037 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (0) 390.046 166.638 t /Times-Roman 14 sf ( ) 394.500 168.037\r
-t (-) 398.950 168.037 t ( ) 404.002 168.037 t (w) 408.452 168.037 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (0) 419.902 172.656\r
-t /Times-Roman 14 sf (*) 424.356 168.037 t (l) 431.356 168.037 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (0) 435.245 166.638\r
-t /Times-Roman 14 sf (y) 355.490 130.537 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (5) 363.775 129.138 t ( ) 368.229 135.156\r
-t /Times-Roman 14 sf (=) 370.454 130.537 t (s) 382.184 130.537 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (1) 389.478 129.138\r
-t /Times-Roman 14 sf ( ) 393.932 130.537 t (-) 398.382 130.537 t ( ) 403.434 130.537 t (w) 407.884 130.537\r
-t /Times-Roman 7 sf (1) 419.334 135.156 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (*) 423.788 130.537 t (l) 430.788 130.537\r
-t /Times-Roman 7 sf (1) 434.677 129.138 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (y) 355.820 92.287 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (6)\r
-364.105 90.888 t ( ) 368.559 96.906 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (=) 370.784 92.287 t (s) 382.514 92.287 t /Times-Roman\r
-7 sf (2) 389.808 90.888 t /Times-Roman 14 sf ( ) 394.262 92.287 t (+) 398.712 92.287 t ( ) 410.442 92.287\r
-t (w) 414.892 92.287 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (2) 426.342 96.906 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (*) 430.796 92.287 t\r
-(l) 437.796 92.287 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (2) 441.685 90.888 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (y) 356.570 54.037 t /Times-Roman\r
-7 sf (7) 364.855 52.638 t ( ) 369.309 58.656 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (=) 371.534 54.037 t (s) 383.264 54.037\r
-t /Times-Roman 7 sf (3) 390.558 52.638 t /Times-Roman 14 sf ( ) 395.012 54.037 t (+) 399.462 54.037 t\r
-( ) 411.192 54.037 t (w) 415.642 54.037 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (3) 427.092 58.656 t /Times-Roman 14 sf (*)\r
-431.546 54.037 t (l) 438.546 54.037 t /Times-Roman 7 sf (3) 442.435 52.638 t 0 j\r
-232.851 321.881 m\r
-234.507 320.225 234.507 317.537 232.851 315.881 c\r
-231.195 314.225 228.507 314.225 226.851 315.881 c\r
-225.195 317.537 225.195 320.225 226.851 321.881 c\r
-228.507 323.537 231.195 323.537 232.851 321.881 c\r
-2 j\r
-229.500 318.482 m\r
-156.750 319.232 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-156.134 321.344 m\r
-157.376 321.344 158.385 320.168 158.385 318.719 c\r
-158.385 317.270 157.376 316.094 156.134 316.094 c\r
-154.892 316.094 153.883 317.270 153.883 318.719 c\r
-153.883 320.168 154.892 321.344 156.134 321.344 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-233.601 285.881 m\r
-235.257 284.225 235.257 281.537 233.601 279.881 c\r
-231.945 278.225 229.257 278.225 227.601 279.881 c\r
-225.945 281.537 225.945 284.225 227.601 285.881 c\r
-229.257 287.537 231.945 287.537 233.601 285.881 c\r
-2 j\r
-230.250 282.482 m\r
-157.500 283.232 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-156.884 285.344 m\r
-158.126 285.344 159.135 284.168 159.135 282.719 c\r
-159.135 281.270 158.126 280.094 156.884 280.094 c\r
-155.642 280.094 154.633 281.270 154.633 282.719 c\r
-154.633 284.168 155.642 285.344 156.884 285.344 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-234.351 247.631 m\r
-236.007 245.975 236.007 243.287 234.351 241.631 c\r
-232.695 239.975 230.007 239.975 228.351 241.631 c\r
-226.695 243.287 226.695 245.975 228.351 247.631 c\r
-230.007 249.287 232.695 249.287 234.351 247.631 c\r
-2 j\r
-231 244.232 m\r
-158.250 244.982 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-157.634 247.094 m\r
-158.876 247.094 159.885 245.918 159.885 244.469 c\r
-159.885 243.020 158.876 241.844 157.634 241.844 c\r
-156.392 241.844 155.383 243.020 155.383 244.469 c\r
-155.383 245.918 156.392 247.094 157.634 247.094 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-233.601 211.370 m\r
-235.257 209.714 235.257 207.026 233.601 205.370 c\r
-231.945 203.714 229.257 203.714 227.601 205.370 c\r
-225.945 207.026 225.945 209.714 227.601 211.370 c\r
-229.257 213.026 231.945 213.026 233.601 211.370 c\r
-2 j\r
-230.250 207.971 m\r
-157.500 208.721 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-156.884 210.833 m\r
-158.126 210.833 159.135 209.657 159.135 208.208 c\r
-159.135 206.759 158.126 205.583 156.884 205.583 c\r
-155.642 205.583 154.633 206.759 154.633 208.208 c\r
-154.633 209.657 155.642 210.833 156.884 210.833 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-232.851 173.381 m\r
-234.507 171.725 234.507 169.037 232.851 167.381 c\r
-231.195 165.725 228.507 165.725 226.851 167.381 c\r
-225.195 169.037 225.195 171.725 226.851 173.381 c\r
-228.507 175.037 231.195 175.037 232.851 173.381 c\r
-2 j\r
-229.500 169.982 m\r
-156.750 170.732 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-156.134 172.844 m\r
-157.376 172.844 158.385 171.668 158.385 170.219 c\r
-158.385 168.770 157.376 167.594 156.134 167.594 c\r
-154.892 167.594 153.883 168.770 153.883 170.219 c\r
-153.883 171.668 154.892 172.844 156.134 172.844 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-234.351 135.881 m\r
-236.007 134.225 236.007 131.537 234.351 129.881 c\r
-232.695 128.225 230.007 128.225 228.351 129.881 c\r
-226.695 131.537 226.695 134.225 228.351 135.881 c\r
-230.007 137.537 232.695 137.537 234.351 135.881 c\r
-2 j\r
-231 132.482 m\r
-158.250 133.232 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-157.634 135.344 m\r
-158.876 135.344 159.885 134.168 159.885 132.719 c\r
-159.885 131.270 158.876 130.094 157.634 130.094 c\r
-156.392 130.094 155.383 131.270 155.383 132.719 c\r
-155.383 134.168 156.392 135.344 157.634 135.344 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-233.071 98.381 m\r
-234.727 96.725 234.727 94.037 233.071 92.381 c\r
-231.415 90.725 228.727 90.725 227.071 92.381 c\r
-225.415 94.037 225.415 96.725 227.071 98.381 c\r
-228.727 100.037 231.415 100.037 233.071 98.381 c\r
-2 j\r
-229.720 94.982 m\r
-156.970 95.732 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-156.354 97.844 m\r
-157.596 97.844 158.605 96.668 158.605 95.219 c\r
-158.605 93.770 157.596 92.594 156.354 92.594 c\r
-155.112 92.594 154.103 93.770 154.103 95.219 c\r
-154.103 96.668 155.112 97.844 156.354 97.844 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-233.601 59.870 m\r
-235.257 58.214 235.257 55.526 233.601 53.870 c\r
-231.945 52.214 229.257 52.214 227.601 53.870 c\r
-225.945 55.526 225.945 58.214 227.601 59.870 c\r
-229.257 61.526 231.945 61.526 233.601 59.870 c\r
-2 j\r
-230.250 56.471 m\r
-157.500 57.221 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-156.884 59.333 m\r
-158.126 59.333 159.135 58.157 159.135 56.708 c\r
-159.135 55.259 158.126 54.083 156.884 54.083 c\r
-155.642 54.083 154.633 55.259 154.633 56.708 c\r
-154.633 58.157 155.642 59.333 156.884 59.333 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-120.881 321.881 m\r
-122.537 320.225 122.537 317.537 120.881 315.881 c\r
-119.225 314.225 116.537 314.225 114.881 315.881 c\r
-113.225 317.537 113.225 320.225 114.881 321.881 c\r
-116.537 323.537 119.225 323.537 120.881 321.881 c\r
-2 j\r
-117.530 318.482 m\r
-44.780 319.232 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-44.164 321.344 m\r
-45.406 321.344 46.415 320.168 46.415 318.719 c\r
-46.415 317.270 45.406 316.094 44.164 316.094 c\r
-42.922 316.094 41.913 317.270 41.913 318.719 c\r
-41.913 320.168 42.922 321.344 44.164 321.344 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-120.351 285.131 m\r
-122.007 283.475 122.007 280.787 120.351 279.131 c\r
-118.695 277.475 116.007 277.475 114.351 279.131 c\r
-112.695 280.787 112.695 283.475 114.351 285.131 c\r
-116.007 286.787 118.695 286.787 120.351 285.131 c\r
-2 j\r
-117 281.732 m\r
-44.250 282.482 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-43.634 284.594 m\r
-44.876 284.594 45.885 283.418 45.885 281.969 c\r
-45.885 280.520 44.876 279.344 43.634 279.344 c\r
-42.392 279.344 41.383 280.520 41.383 281.969 c\r
-41.383 283.418 42.392 284.594 43.634 284.594 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-120.131 246.131 m\r
-121.787 244.475 121.787 241.787 120.131 240.131 c\r
-118.475 238.475 115.787 238.475 114.131 240.131 c\r
-112.475 241.787 112.475 244.475 114.131 246.131 c\r
-115.787 247.787 118.475 247.787 120.131 246.131 c\r
-2 j\r
-116.780 242.732 m\r
-44.030 243.482 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-43.414 245.594 m\r
-44.656 245.594 45.665 244.418 45.665 242.969 c\r
-45.665 241.520 44.656 240.344 43.414 240.344 c\r
-42.172 240.344 41.163 241.520 41.163 242.969 c\r
-41.163 244.418 42.172 245.594 43.414 245.594 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-119.601 209.870 m\r
-121.257 208.214 121.257 205.526 119.601 203.870 c\r
-117.945 202.214 115.257 202.214 113.601 203.870 c\r
-111.945 205.526 111.945 208.214 113.601 209.870 c\r
-115.257 211.526 117.945 211.526 119.601 209.870 c\r
-2 j\r
-116.250 206.471 m\r
-43.500 207.221 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-42.884 209.333 m\r
-44.126 209.333 45.135 208.157 45.135 206.708 c\r
-45.135 205.259 44.126 204.083 42.884 204.083 c\r
-41.642 204.083 40.633 205.259 40.633 206.708 c\r
-40.633 208.157 41.642 209.333 42.884 209.333 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-120.351 172.631 m\r
-122.007 170.975 122.007 168.287 120.351 166.631 c\r
-118.695 164.975 116.007 164.975 114.351 166.631 c\r
-112.695 168.287 112.695 170.975 114.351 172.631 c\r
-116.007 174.287 118.695 174.287 120.351 172.631 c\r
-2 j\r
-117 169.232 m\r
-44.250 169.982 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-43.634 172.094 m\r
-44.876 172.094 45.885 170.918 45.885 169.469 c\r
-45.885 168.020 44.876 166.844 43.634 166.844 c\r
-42.392 166.844 41.383 168.020 41.383 169.469 c\r
-41.383 170.918 42.392 172.094 43.634 172.094 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-121.101 135.131 m\r
-122.757 133.475 122.757 130.787 121.101 129.131 c\r
-119.445 127.475 116.757 127.475 115.101 129.131 c\r
-113.445 130.787 113.445 133.475 115.101 135.131 c\r
-116.757 136.787 119.445 136.787 121.101 135.131 c\r
-2 j\r
-117.750 131.732 m\r
-45 132.482 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-44.384 134.594 m\r
-45.626 134.594 46.635 133.418 46.635 131.969 c\r
-46.635 130.520 45.626 129.344 44.384 129.344 c\r
-43.142 129.344 42.133 130.520 42.133 131.969 c\r
-42.133 133.418 43.142 134.594 44.384 134.594 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-120.881 98.381 m\r
-122.537 96.725 122.537 94.037 120.881 92.381 c\r
-119.225 90.725 116.537 90.725 114.881 92.381 c\r
-113.225 94.037 113.225 96.725 114.881 98.381 c\r
-116.537 100.037 119.225 100.037 120.881 98.381 c\r
-2 j\r
-117.530 94.982 m\r
-44.780 95.732 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-44.164 97.844 m\r
-45.406 97.844 46.415 96.668 46.415 95.219 c\r
-46.415 93.770 45.406 92.594 44.164 92.594 c\r
-42.922 92.594 41.913 93.770 41.913 95.219 c\r
-41.913 96.668 42.922 97.844 44.164 97.844 c\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-122.381 60.131 m\r
-124.037 58.475 124.037 55.787 122.381 54.131 c\r
-120.725 52.475 118.037 52.475 116.381 54.131 c\r
-114.725 55.787 114.725 58.475 116.381 60.131 c\r
-118.037 61.787 120.725 61.787 122.381 60.131 c\r
-2 j\r
-119.030 56.732 m\r
-46.280 57.482 l\r
-0 j\r
-1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-45.664 59.594 m\r
-46.906 59.594 47.915 58.418 47.915 56.969 c\r
-47.915 55.520 46.906 54.344 45.664 54.344 c\r
-44.422 54.344 43.413 55.520 43.413 56.969 c\r
-43.413 58.418 44.422 59.594 45.664 59.594 c\r
-2 j\r
-230.250 319.500 m\r
-157.500 245.250 l\r
-229.500 282.750 m\r
-156 208.500 l\r
-231 243.750 m\r
-155.250 318.750 l\r
-231 208.500 m\r
-159.750 283.500 l\r
-231 96.750 m\r
-156 170.250 l\r
-228.750 168 m\r
-155.250 94.500 l\r
-231 132.750 m\r
-157.500 57.750 l\r
-229.500 57 m\r
-157.500 132.750 l\r
-118.500 318.750 m\r
-44.250 282 l\r
-117.750 282 m\r
-43.500 319.500 l\r
-116.250 242.250 m\r
-42.750 206.250 l\r
-117 207.750 m\r
-44.250 244.500 l\r
-116.250 171 m\r
-43.500 132.750 l\r
-117.750 132.750 m\r
-44.250 168.750 l\r
-117.750 95.250 m\r
-45.750 57.750 l\r
-118.500 57 m\r
-44.250 95.250 l\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-/Times-Roman 16 sf (+) 235.642 331.309 t (w) 249.048 331.309 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (2) 262.134 336.588 t\r
-(*) 267.224 336.588 t (0) 271.224 336.588 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (+) 231.182 296.809 t (w) 244.588 296.809\r
-t /Times-Roman 8 sf (2) 257.674 302.088 t (*) 262.764 302.088 t (1) 266.764 302.088 t /Times-Roman 16\r
-sf (-) 234.192 260.809 t (w) 239.965 260.809 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (2) 253.051 266.088 t (*) 258.141 266.088\r
-t (0) 262.141 266.088 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (-) 233.442 220.625 t (w) 239.215 220.625 t /Times-Roman 8\r
-sf (2) 252.301 225.904 t (*) 257.391 225.904 t (1) 261.391 225.904 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (+) 231 183.875\r
-t (w) 244.406 183.875 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (2) 257.492 189.154 t (*) 262.582 189.154 t (0) 266.582 189.154\r
-t /Times-Roman 16 sf (+) 230.432 146.809 t (w) 243.838 146.809 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (2) 256.924 152.088\r
-t (*) 262.014 152.088 t (1) 266.014 152.088 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (-) 231.942 110.059 t (w) 237.715 110.059\r
-t /Times-Roman 8 sf (2) 250.801 115.338 t (*) 255.891 115.338 t (0) 259.891 115.338 t /Times-Roman 16\r
-sf (-) 235.610 69.559 t (w) 241.383 69.559 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (2) 254.469 74.838 t (*) 259.559 74.838\r
-t (1) 263.559 74.838 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (+) 116.601 332.649 t (w) 130.007 332.649 t /Times-Roman 8 sf\r
-(4) 143.093 337.928 t (*) 148.183 337.928 t (0) 152.183 337.928 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (-) 119.601 297.399\r
-t (w) 125.374 297.399 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (4) 138.460 302.678 t (*) 143.550 302.678 t (0) 147.550 302.678\r
-t /Times-Roman 16 sf (+) 115.946 260.592 t (w) 129.352 260.592 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (4) 142.438 265.871\r
-t (*) 147.528 265.871 t (0) 151.528 265.871 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (+) 115.196 185.592 t (w) 128.602 185.592\r
-t /Times-Roman 8 sf (4) 141.688 190.871 t (*) 146.778 190.871 t (0) 150.778 190.871 t /Times-Roman 16\r
-sf (+) 114.446 111.342 t (w) 127.852 111.342 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (4) 140.938 116.621 t (*) 146.028 116.621\r
-t (0) 150.028 116.621 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (-) 118.185 223.842 t (w) 123.958 223.842 t /Times-Roman 8\r
-sf (4) 137.044 229.121 t (*) 142.134 229.121 t (0) 146.134 229.121 t /Times-Roman 16 sf (-) 118.935 149.592\r
-t (w) 124.708 149.592 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (4) 137.794 154.871 t (*) 142.884 154.871 t (0) 146.884 154.871\r
-t /Times-Roman 16 sf (-) 118.935 76.092 t (w) 124.708 76.092 t /Times-Roman 8 sf (4) 137.794 81.371 t\r
-(*) 142.884 81.371 t (0) 146.884 81.371 t 1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-271.851 319.149 m\r
-229.851 318.399 l\r
-271.851 281.649 m\r
-232.101 282.399 l\r
-271.101 243.399 m\r
-230.601 244.149 l\r
-271.851 205.899 m\r
-231.351 206.649 l\r
-271.851 169.899 m\r
-229.851 171.399 l\r
-271.851 132.399 m\r
-231.351 133.149 l\r
-271.851 95.649 m\r
-229.851 94.899 l\r
-230.601 55.149 m\r
-273.351 57.399 l\r
-156.351 318.399 m\r
-119.601 318.399 l\r
-157.101 281.649 m\r
-116.601 281.649 l\r
-157.851 243.399 m\r
-116.601 242.649 l\r
-157.101 208.149 m\r
-116.601 206.649 l\r
-156.351 170.649 m\r
-118.101 169.149 l\r
-157.851 133.899 m\r
-118.101 134.649 l\r
-156.351 94.149 m\r
-118.101 95.649 l\r
-157.851 56.649 m\r
-119.601 56.649 l\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-/Times-Roman 14 sf (0) 285.351 326.649 t (2) 286.851 292.899 t (4) 285.351 256.899 t (6) 283.851 220.149\r
-t (1) 284.601 181.149 t (3) 283.851 139.899 t (5) 283.101 100.899 t (7) 284.601 65.649 t (0) 165.351 326.649\r
-t (4) 165.351 286.149 t (2) 172.101 247.899 t (6) 169.101 211.149 t (1) 168.351 181.149 t (5) 168.351\r
-139.899 t (3) 170.601 99.399 t (7) 175.101 61.149 t (0) 73.851 325.899 t (4) 75.351 285.399 t (2) 74.601\r
-250.149 t (6) 78.351 211.149 t (1) 76.101 175.149 t (5) 76.851 137.649 t (3) 79.101 106.149 t (7) 78.351\r
-60.399 t (0) 6.351 313.899 t (0) 15.258 313.899 t (0) 24.165 313.899 t (1) 7.101 276.399 t (0) 16.008\r
-276.399 t (0) 24.915 276.399 t (0) 6.351 239.649 t (1) 15.258 239.649 t (0) 24.165 239.649 t (1) 7.851\r
-202.149 t (1) 16.758 202.149 t (0) 25.665 202.149 t (0) 9.351 165.399 t (0) 18.258 165.399 t (1) 27.165\r
-165.399 t (1) 9.351 127.149 t (0) 18.258 127.149 t (1) 27.165 127.149 t (0) 9.351 89.649 t (1) 18.258\r
-89.649 t (1) 27.165 89.649 t (1) 8.601 52.899 t (1) 17.508 52.899 t (1) 26.415 52.899 t 1.00 0.00 0.00\r
-(Red) 0 1 Xx\r
-85.101 45.399 m\r
-194.601 34.149 l\r
-292.851 43.149 l\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-(l) 178.851 15.399 t (o) 182.740 15.399 t (g) 191.305 15.399 t ( ) 200.192 15.399 t (n) 204.642 15.399\r
-t (V) 163.101 357.399 t (s) 172.678 357.399 t (t) 179.972 357.399 t (u) 185.461 357.399 t (p) 194.334\r
-357.399 t ( ) 203.221 357.399 t (v) 207.671 357.399 t (e) 215.956 357.399 t (l) 224.569 357.399 t (i)\r
-228.458 357.399 t (k) 232.347 357.399 t (o) 239.956 357.399 t (s) 248.521 357.399 t (t) 255.815 357.399\r
-t (i) 261.304 357.399 t ( ) 265.193 357.399 t (8) 269.643 357.399 t end restore\r
+++ /dev/null
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-%%+h (Yellow) 60.0 100.0 100.0\r
-%%+h (Yellow-Chartreuse) 75.0 100.0 100.0\r
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-% Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Xara Ltd\r
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-pop pop/DataStr2 cbslw string def currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter\r
-/RunLengthDecode filter DataStr2 readstring pop pop/DataStr3 cbslw\r
-string def currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter/RunLengthDecode filter\r
-DataStr3 readstring pop pop{DataStr1}bind{DataStr2}bind{DataStr3}bind\r
-true}{/DataSrc load false}ifelse 3 ci}bd/gbsl{2 eq/gbslL2 xd 5 index\r
-/gbslw xd translate scale 8 [ 3 index 0 0 5 index 0 0 ] gbslL2{/DataStr1\r
-gbslw string def currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter/RunLengthDecode filter\r
-DataStr1 readstring pop pop{DataStr1}bind}{/DataStr1 gbslw string def\r
-currentfile DataSrc1 readhexstring pop pop{DataStr1}bind}ifelse image}bd\r
-/cmi{/cmiBuf 4 index 3 index mul 7 add 8 div floor cvi string def{currentfile\r
-cmiBuf readhexstring pop}bind image}bd/cpal{4 mul string/cPalette exch\r
-def currentfile cPalette readhexstring pop}bd/cpci{/cpci_datasrc exch\r
-def matrix invertmatrix/cpci_matrix exch def/cpci_bpp exch def cpci_init\r
-0 1 3 -1 roll 1 sub{/cpci_y exch def dup cpci_bpp 4 eq{cpci_sampsleft\r
-1 eq{/cpci_sampsleft 0 def}if}if 0 1 3 -1 roll 1 sub{cpci_nextcol dup\r
-cpci_y 3 -1 roll 1 add cpci_y 1 add 4 copy 5 1 roll 4 2 roll 5 -1 roll\r
-1 1 4{pop cpci_matrix transform 8 2 roll}for m l l l closepath fill}for}for\r
-pop}bd/cpci_init{/cpci_sampsleft 0 def}bd/cpci_buf 1 string def/cpci_nextcol{cpci_bpp\r
-1 eq{cpci_sampsleft 0 eq{currentfile cpci_buf readhexstring pop pop\r
-/cpci_sampsleft 8 def}if cpci_buf dup 0 get dup 1 and setgray -1 bitshift\r
-1 exch put/cpci_sampsleft cpci_sampsleft 1 sub def}{cpci_bpp 4 eq{cpci_sampsleft\r
-0 eq{currentfile cpci_buf readhexstring pop pop/cpci_sampsleft 2 def}if\r
-cpci_buf 0 get dup 15 and exch -4 bitshift cpci_buf 0 3 -1 roll put\r
-/cpci_sampsleft cpci_sampsleft 1 sub def}{currentfile cpci_buf readhexstring\r
-pop 0 get}ifelse 4 mul dup 2 add cPalette exch get 255 div exch dup\r
-1 add cPalette exch get 255 div exch cPalette exch get 255 div setrgbcolor}ifelse}bd\r
-/setup1asciiproc{[ currentfile mystring/readhexstring cvx/pop cvx\r
-] cvx bind}bd/setup1binaryproc{[ currentfile mystring/readstring cvx\r
-/pop cvx ] cvx bind}bd level2{save/dontloadlevel1 xd}if/iw 0 def/ih\r
-0 def/im_save 0 def/setupimageproc 0 def/polarity 0 def/smoothflag\r
-0 def/mystring 0 def/bpc 0 def/beginimage{/im_save save def dup 0 eq{pop\r
-/setup1binaryproc}{1 eq{/setup1asciiproc}{(error, can't use level2 data acquisition procs for level1)print\r
-flush}ifelse}ifelse/setupimageproc exch ld/polarity xd/smoothflag xd\r
-/imat xd/mystring exch string def/bpc xd/ih xd/iw xd}bd/endimage{im_save\r
-restore}bd/1bitbwcopyimage{1 setgray 0 0 moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto\r
-0 -1 rlineto closepath fill 0 setgray iw ih polarity imat setupimageproc\r
-imagemask}bd/1bitcopyimage{setrgbcolor 0 0 moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto\r
-0 -1 rlineto closepath fill setrgbcolor iw ih polarity imat setupimageproc\r
-imagemask}bd/1bitmaskimage{setrgbcolor iw ih polarity [iw 0 0 ih 0\r
-0] setupimageproc imagemask}bd level2{dontloadlevel1 restore}if level2\r
-not{save/dontloadlevel2 xd}if/setup2asciiproc{currentfile/ASCII85Decode\r
-filter/RunLengthDecode filter}bd/setup2binaryproc{currentfile/RunLengthDecode\r
-filter}bd/myimagedict 9 dict dup begin/ImageType 1 def/MultipleDataSource\r
-false def end def/im_save 0 def/setupimageproc 0 def/polarity 0 def\r
-/smoothflag 0 def/mystring 0 def/bpc 0 def/ih 0 def/iw 0 def/beginimage{\r
-/im_save save def dup 2 eq{pop/setup2binaryproc}{dup 3 eq{pop/setup2asciiproc}{0\r
-exch ld{[ 1 0 ]}{[ 0 1 ]}ifelse/polarity xd/smoothflag xd/imat xd/mystring\r
-exch string def/bpc xd/ih xd/iw xd}bd/endimage{im_save restore}bd/1bitbwcopyimage{1\r
-ssg 0 0 moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto closepath fill\r
-0 ssg myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode polarity\r
-def/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def/BitsPerComponent\r
-1 def/Interpolate smoothflag def end imagemask}bd/1bitcopyimage{ssc\r
-0 0 moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto closepath fill ssc\r
-myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode polarity def\r
-/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def/BitsPerComponent\r
-1 def/Interpolate smoothflag def end imagemask}bd/1bitmaskimage{ssc\r
-myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode polarity def\r
-/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def/BitsPerComponent\r
-1 def/Interpolate smoothflag def end imagemask}bd level2 not{dontloadlevel2\r
-level2{save/dontloadlevel1 xd}if/startnoload{{/noload save def}if}bd\r
-/endnoload{{noload restore}if}bd/testsystemdict{where{systemdict eq{true}{false}ifelse}{false}ifelse}bd\r
-/ncolors 1 def/colorimage where{pop true}{false}ifelse{/ncolors 0\r
-statusdict begin/processcolors where{pop pop processcolors}{/deviceinfo\r
-where{pop deviceinfo/Colors known{pop{deviceinfo/Colors get}}if}if}ifelse\r
-end def ncolors 0 ne{/colorimage testsystemdict/setcolortransfer testsystemdict\r
-/currentcolortransfer testsystemdict/currentcmykcolor testsystemdict\r
-and and and not{/ncolors 0 def}if}if}if ncolors dup 1 ne exch dup 3\r
-ne exch 4 ne and and{/ncolors 0 def}if ncolors 1 eq dup dup not startnoload{\r
-/expandbw{expandfactor mul round cvi bwclut exch get 255 div}bd/doclutimage{bwclut\r
-colorclut pop/bwclut xd bpc dup 8 eq{pop 255}{4 eq{15}{3}ifelse}ifelse\r
-/expandfactor xd [/expandbw load/exec load dup currenttransfer exch\r
-] cvx bind settransfer iw ih bpc imat setupimageproc image}bd}if not\r
-endnoload ncolors dup 3 eq exch 4 eq or dup dup not startnoload{/nullproc{{}}def\r
-/concatutil{/exec load 7 -1 roll/exec load}bd/defsubclut{1 add getinterval\r
-def}bd/spconcattransfer{/Dclut exch def/Cclut exch def/Bclut exch def\r
-/Aclut exch def/ncompute exch ld currentcolortransfer [{Aclut ncompute}concatutil\r
-] cvx [{Bclut ncompute}concatutil ] cvx [{Cclut ncompute}concatutil\r
-] cvx [{Dclut ncompute}concatutil ] cvx setcolortransfer}bd/setuprgbcluts{\r
-/bit3x rgbclut length 3 sub def/bit1x bit3x 3 idiv def/rclut rgbclut\r
-def/gclut rclut 1 bit3x defsubclut/bclut rclut 2 bit3x defsubclut}bd}if\r
-not endnoload ncolors 3 eq dup dup not startnoload{/3compute{exch bit3x\r
-mul round cvi get 255 div}bd/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd pop setuprgbcluts\r
-/3compute rclut gclut bclut dup spconcattransfer iw ih bpc imat [\r
-setupimageproc/exec load/dup load dup ] cvx nullproc nullproc true\r
-3 colorimage}bd}if not endnoload ncolors 4 eq dup dup not startnoload{\r
-/stuffclut{cmykindex 3 -1 roll put}bd/ftoint{1 exch sub 255 mul round\r
-cvi}bd/4compute{exch bit4x mul round cvi get 255 div}bd/computecmykclut{setuprgbcluts\r
-/bit4x rgbclut length 3 idiv 4 mul 4 sub def/cmykclut bit4x 4 add\r
-string def/cclut cmykclut def/mclut cclut 1 bit4x defsubclut/yclut\r
-cclut 2 bit4x defsubclut/kclut cclut 3 bit4x defsubclut/cmykindex 0\r
-def 0 1 bit1x{dup/cmykindex exch bit1x exch sub 4 mul def 3 mul dup\r
-rclut exch get 255 div exch dup gclut exch get 255 div exch bclut exch\r
-get 255 div setrgbcolor currentcmykcolor ftoint kclut stuffclut ftoint\r
-yclut stuffclut ftoint mclut stuffclut ftoint cclut stuffclut}for}bd\r
-/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd pop invalidcolortable?{computecmykclut}if\r
-/4compute cclut mclut yclut kclut spconcattransfer iw ih bpc imat\r
-[ setupimageproc/exec load/dup load dup dup ] cvx nullproc nullproc\r
-nullproc true 4 colorimage}bd}if not endnoload ncolors 0 eq dup dup\r
-not startnoload{/lookupandstore{3 mul 3 getinterval putinterval exch\r
-3 add exch 3 copy}bd/8lookup/lookupandstore ld/4lookup{/byte 1 index\r
-def -4 bitshift lookupandstore byte 15 and lookupandstore}bd/2lookup{\r
-/byte 1 index def -6 bitshift lookupandstore byte -4 bitshift 3 and\r
-lookupandstore byte -2 bitshift 3 and lookupandstore byte 3 and lookupandstore}bd\r
-/colorexpand{mystringexp 0 rgbclut 3 copy 7 -1 roll/mylookup load\r
-forall pop pop pop pop pop}bd/createexpandstr{/mystringexp exch mystring\r
-length mul string def}bd/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd pop/mylookup bpc 8\r
-eq{3 createexpandstr/8lookup}{bpc 4 eq{6 createexpandstr/4lookup}{12\r
-createexpandstr/2lookup}ifelse}ifelse ld iw ih bpc imat [ setupimageproc\r
-/exec load/colorexpand load/exec load] cvx false 3 colorimage}bd}if\r
-not endnoload/colorimage where{pop true}{false}ifelse dup{/do24image{iw\r
-ih 8 imat setupimageproc false 3 colorimage}bd}if dup dup startnoload\r
-not{/rgbtogray{/str xd/len str length def/smlen len 3 idiv def/rstr\r
-str def/gstr str 1 len 1 sub getinterval def/bstr str 2 len 2 sub getinterval\r
-def str dup 0 1 smlen 1 sub{dup 3 mul rstr 1 index get .3 mul gstr\r
-2 index get .59 mul add bstr 3 -1 roll get .11 mul add round cvi put\r
-dup}for pop 0 smlen getinterval}bd/do24image{iw ih 8 imat [ setupimageproc\r
-/exec load/rgbtogray load/exec load ] cvx bind image}bd}if endnoload\r
-/doimage{iw ih 8 imat setupimageproc image}bd level2{dontloadlevel1\r
-restore}if level2 not{save/dontloadlevel2 xd}if/myappcolorspace/DeviceRGB\r
-def/rgbclut 0 def/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd pop bpc dup 8 eq{pop 255}{4\r
-eq{15}{3}ifelse}ifelse/hival xd [/Indexed myappcolorspace hival rgbclut]\r
-setcolorspace myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode\r
-[0 hival] def/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def/BitsPerComponent\r
-bpc def/Interpolate smoothflag def end image}bd/do24image{myappcolorspace\r
-setcolorspace myimagedict dup begin/Width iw def/Height ih def/Decode\r
-[0 1 0 1 0 1] def/ImageMatrix imat def/DataSource setupimageproc def\r
-/BitsPerComponent 8 def/Interpolate smoothflag def end image}bd level2\r
-not{dontloadlevel2 restore}if\r
-/NumSteps{dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform Pythag currentscreen\r
-pop pop 72 exch div div}bd/FindMinSteps{v_ft 4 eq{urx startX sub abs\r
-llx startX sub abs Max ury startY sub abs lly startY sub abs Max Pythag\r
-2 3.14159265 mul mul 0}{v_ft 2 eq{endY startY sub endX startX sub Pythag\r
-endY2 startY sub endX2 startX sub Pythag gt{endY startY sub endX startX\r
-sub}{endY2 startY sub endX2 startX sub}ifelse}{endY startY sub endX\r
-startX sub}ifelse}ifelse NumSteps}bd/cxe{/v_cxe exch def}bd/cxm{pop\r
-/v_cxm exch def}bd/cxmt{pop pop}bd/cxt{pop}bd/S_eoclip{currentflat{{eoclip}stopped{dup\r
-currentflat exch sub 20 gt{([Error: PathTooComplex; OffendingCommand: eoclip]\n)print\r
-flush exit}{currentflat 2 add setflat}ifelse}{exit}ifelse}loop setflat}bd\r
-/S_clip{currentflat{{clip}stopped{dup currentflat exch sub 20 gt{([Error: PathTooComplex; OffendingCommand: clip]\n)print\r
-flush exit}{currentflat 2 add setflat}ifelse}{exit}ifelse}loop setflat}bd\r
-/S_eofill{currentflat{{eofill}stopped{dup currentflat exch sub 20\r
-gt{([Error: PathTooComplex; OffendingCommand: eofill]\n)print flush\r
-exit}{currentflat 2 add setflat}ifelse}{exit}ifelse}loop setflat}bd\r
-/gpbbx{pathbbox/ury exch def/urx exch def/lly exch def/llx exch def}bd\r
-/lineargfill{initgfill{false initgfx/distance endX startX sub endY\r
-startY sub Pythag def/incD distance Steps div def endY startY sub endX\r
-startX sub atan newpath llx lly urx ury Bx startX startY translate\r
-rotate gpbbx eGy ssg newpath llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill sGy ssg newpath\r
-llx lly 0 ury Bx S_eofill/fillX 0 def 0 1 Steps 1 sub{stepgfx newpath\r
-fillX lly fillX incD add dup/fillX exch def ury Bx S_eofill pop}for}if}bd\r
-/radialgfill{initgfill{false initgfx/distance endX startX sub endY\r
-startY sub Pythag def/incD distance Steps div def eGy ssg newpath llx\r
-lly urx ury Bx S_eofill/distance 0 def 0 1 Steps 1 sub{stepgfx newpath\r
-startX startY distance 0 360 arc closepath distance incD add dup/distance\r
-exch def 0 rmoveto startX startY distance 0 360 arc closepath S_eofill\r
-pop}for}if}bd/ellipticgfill{initgfill{true initgfx sGy ssg newpath\r
-llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill [ endX startX sub endY startY sub endX2\r
-startX sub endY2 startY sub startX startY ] concat Steps 1 sub -1 0{stepgfx\r
-/i exch def 0 0 moveto 0 0 i Steps div 0 360 arc fill}for}if}bd/conicalgfill{initgfill{urx\r
-startX sub abs llx startX sub abs Max ury startY sub abs lly startY\r
-sub abs Max Pythag startY endY sub startX endX sub Pythag div/radius\r
-exch def true initgfx [ endX startX sub endY startY sub startY endY\r
-sub endX startX sub startX startY ] concat/slice 180 Steps div def\r
-/startangle 0 def Steps -1 0{pop stepgfx 0 0 moveto 0 0 radius startangle\r
-neg dup slice add arc fill 0 0 moveto 0 0 radius startangle dup slice\r
-add dup/startangle exch def arc fill}for}if}bd/initgfill{gpbbx{S_eoclip}{S_clip}ifelse\r
-startX endX eq startY endY eq and sGy eGy eq or dup{sGy ssg newpath\r
-llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill}if not}bd/initgfx{/flag exch def flag{sGy\r
-eGy/sGy exch def/eGy exch def}if eGy sGy sub abs 256 mul FindMinSteps\r
-Min 256 Min ceiling 1 Max/Steps exch def eGy sGy sub Steps div/incGy\r
-exch def sGy/mGy exch def}bd/stepgfx{mGy ssg mGy incGy add/mGy exch\r
-def}bd/linearfill{initfill{false initfx endX startX sub endY startY\r
-sub Pythag/distance exch def/incD distance Steps div def endY startY\r
-sub endX startX sub atan newpath llx lly urx ury Bx startX startY translate\r
-rotate gpbbx v_cxe 0 eq{eR eG eB setgfillrgb}{eH eS eV setgfillhsb}ifelse\r
-newpath llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill v_cxe 0 eq{sR sG sB setgfillrgb}{sH\r
-sS sV setgfillhsb}ifelse newpath llx lly 0 ury Bx S_eofill/fillX 0\r
-def 0 1 Steps 1 sub{stepfx newpath fillX lly fillX incD add dup/fillX\r
-exch def ury Bx S_eofill pop}for}if}bd/radialfill{initfill{false initfx\r
-endX startX sub endY startY sub Pythag/distance exch def/incD distance\r
-Steps div def v_cxe 0 eq{eR eG eB setgfillrgb}{eH eS eV setgfillhsb}ifelse\r
-newpath llx lly urx ury Bx S_eofill/distance 0 def 0 1 Steps 1 sub{stepfx\r
-newpath startX startY distance 0 360 arc closepath distance incD add\r
-dup/distance exch def 0 rmoveto startX startY distance 0 360 arc closepath\r
-S_eofill pop}for}if}bind def/ellipticalfill{initfill{true initfx v_cxe\r
-0 eq{sR sG sB setgfillrgb}{sH sS sV setgfillhsb}ifelse newpath llx\r
-lly urx ury Bx S_eofill [ endX startX sub endY startY sub endX2 startX\r
-sub endY2 startY sub startX startY ] concat Steps 1 sub -1 0{stepfx\r
-/i exch def 0 0 moveto 0 0 i Steps div 0 360 arc fill}for v_cxe 0\r
-eq{sR sG sB eR eG eB/sB exch def/sG exch def/sR exch def/eB exch def\r
-/eG exch def/eR exch def}if}if}bd/conicalfill{initfill{urx startX\r
-sub abs llx startX sub abs Max ury startY sub abs lly startY sub abs\r
-Max Pythag startY endY sub startX endX sub Pythag div/radius exch def\r
-true initfx [ endX startX sub endY startY sub startY endY sub endX\r
-startX sub startX startY ] concat/slice 180 Steps div def/startangle\r
-0 def Steps -1 0{pop stepfx 0 0 moveto 0 0 radius startangle neg dup\r
-slice add arc fill 0 0 moveto 0 0 radius startangle dup slice add dup\r
-/startangle exch def arc fill}for}if}bd/initfill{gpbbx{S_eoclip}{S_clip}ifelse\r
-startX endX eq startY endY eq and v_cxe 2 ne sR eR eq sG eG eq and\r
-sB eB eq and and or dup{sR sG sB setgfillrgb newpath llx lly urx ury\r
-Bx S_eofill}if not}bd/initfx{/flag exch def v_cxe 0 eq{flag{sR sG sB\r
-eR eG eB/sB exch def/sG exch def/sR exch def/eB exch def/eG exch def\r
-/eR exch def}if eR sR sub abs 256 mul eG sG sub abs 256 mul Max eB\r
-sB sub abs 256 mul Max FindMinSteps Min 256 Min ceiling 1 Max/Steps\r
-exch def/incR eR sR sub Steps div def/incG eG sG sub Steps div def\r
-/incB eB sB sub Steps div def sR/mR exch def sG/mG exch def sB/mB\r
-exch def}{sR sG sB rgb2hsb/sV exch def/sS exch def/sH exch def eR eG\r
-eB rgb2hsb/eV exch def/eS exch def/eH exch def eH sH sub abs v_cxe\r
-1 eq{dup 0.5 gt{1 exch sub}if}{dup 0.5 lt{1 exch sub}if}ifelse 256\r
-mul eS sS sub abs 256 mul Max eV sV sub abs 256 mul Max FindMinSteps\r
-Min 256 Min ceiling 1 Max/Steps exch def v_cxe 1 eq{/incH eH sH sub\r
-dup abs 0.5 gt{dup 0 ge{1 sub}{1 add}ifelse}if Steps div def/incS eS\r
-sS sub Steps div def/incV eV sV sub Steps div def}{/incH eH sH sub\r
-dup abs 0.5 le{dup 0 ge{1 sub}{1 add}ifelse}if Steps div def/incS eS\r
-sS sub Steps div def/incV eV sV sub Steps div def}ifelse flag{/sH eH\r
-/eH sH def def/sS eS/eS sS def def/sV eV/eV sV def def/incH incH neg\r
-def/incS incS neg def/incV incV neg def}if}ifelse}bd/stepfx{v_cxe 0\r
-eq{mR mG mB setgfillrgb mR incR add/mR exch def mG incG add/mG exch\r
-def mB incB add/mB exch def}{sH sS sV setgfillhsb sH incH add dup 0\r
-le{1 add}{dup 1 ge{1 sub}if}ifelse/sH exch def sS incS add/sS exch\r
-def sV incV add/sV exch def}ifelse}bd\r
-/ar{}bd/arr{pop pop pop pop pop pop pop}bd/ae{pop pop pop pop pop\r
-pop}bd/aoa{pop}bd/apl{pop}bd/apc{}bd/aof{pop pop}bd/aafs{pop pop pop}bd\r
-/O{pop}bd/R{pop}bd/axop{pop pop pop pop}bd/g{/v_ft 0 def/v_fc 0 def\r
-/v_fm 0 def/v_fy 0 def 1 exch sub/v_fk exch def/v_fct 0 def}bd/G{\r
-/v_sc 0 def/v_sm 0 def/v_sy 0 def 1 exch sub/v_sk exch def/v_sct 0\r
-def}bd/k{/v_fk exch def/v_fy exch def/v_fm exch def/v_fc exch def/v_ft\r
-0 def/v_fct 0 def}bd/K{/v_sk exch def/v_sy exch def/v_sm exch def/v_sc\r
-exch def/v_sct 0 def}bd/Xa{/v_fb exch def/v_fg exch def/v_fr exch def\r
-/v_ft 0 def/v_fct 1 def}bd/XA{/v_sb exch def/v_sg exch def/v_sr exch\r
-def/v_sct 1 def}bd/a_tc{exch pop 1 exch sub dup 3 -1 roll exch div\r
-exch dup 4 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll dup 5 -1 roll exch div 4 1 roll\r
-5 -1 roll exch div 4 1 roll}bd/x{a_tc k}bd/X{a_tc K}bd/Xx{0 eq{x}{pop\r
-pop Xa}ifelse}bd/XX{0 eq{X}{pop pop XA}ifelse}bd/awr{/v_wr exch def}bd\r
-pop J}bd/aec{pop pop J}bd/csah{pop pop pop}bd/ceah{pop pop pop}bd/cst{pop\r
-pop}bd/cdp{pop}bd/m{moveto}bd/l{lineto}bd/c{curveto}bd/Bx{4 copy 5\r
-1 roll 4 2 roll 5 -1 roll m l l l closepath}bd/Cp{Bx clip newpath}bd\r
-/a_fp{gsave v_wr 0 ne v_ft 0 eq{setfillcolor{eofill}{fill}ifelse}{v_ft\r
-1 eq{linearfill}{v_ft 2 eq{ellipticalfill}{v_ft 3 eq{radialfill}{v_ft\r
-4 eq{conicalfill}{v_ft 8 eq{lineargfill}{v_ft 9 eq{ellipticgfill}{v_ft\r
-10 eq{radialgfill}{conicalgfill}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse\r
-grestore}bd/*u{/p_count p_count 1 add def}bd/*U{/p_count p_count 1\r
-sub def p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd/B{/p_render{a_fp\r
-setstrokecolor stroke}bd p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd\r
-/b{closepath B}bd/F{/p_render{a_fp newpath}bd p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd\r
-/f{closepath F}bd/S{/p_render{setstrokecolor stroke}bd p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd\r
-/s{closepath S}bd/H{/p_render{newpath}bd p_count 0 eq{vis_flag{p_render}{newpath}ifelse}if}bd\r
-/h{closepath H}bd/N{H}bd/n{h}bd/cag{dup 7 add/v_ft exch def dup 2\r
-eq{pop/endY2 exch def/endX2 exch def}{7 eq{pop pop/v_ft 8 def}if}ifelse\r
-/endY exch def/endX exch def/startY exch def/startX exch def/eGy exch\r
-def/sGy exch def}bd/caz{dup/v_ft exch def dup 2 eq{pop/endY2 exch def\r
-/endX2 exch def}{7 eq{pop pop/v_ft 1 def}if}ifelse/endY exch def/endX\r
-exch def/startY exch def/startX exch def/eB exch def/eG exch def/eR\r
-exch def/sB exch def/sG exch def/sR exch def}bd/cax{dup/v_ft exch def\r
-dup 2 eq{pop/endY2 exch def/endX2 exch def}{7 eq{pop pop/v_ft 1 def}if}ifelse\r
-/endY exch def/endX exch def/startY exch def/startX exch def pop pop\r
-8 3 roll pop pop/sB exch def/sG exch def/sR exch def/eB exch def/eG\r
-exch def/eR exch def}bd/axm{/endY exch def/endX exch def/startY exch\r
-def/startX exch def}bd/alyr{pop pop 1 eq{true}{false}ifelse/vis_flag\r
-exch def pop pop}bd\r
-/t{moveto show}bd/ts{moveto false charpath S}bd/tf{moveto true charpath\r
-F}bd/tb{3 copy moveto true charpath F moveto false charpath S}bd/selectfont\r
-where{pop}{/selectfont{dup type/integertype eq{exch findfont exch scalefont\r
-setfont}{exch findfont exch makefont setfont}ifelse}bd}ifelse/sf{selectfont}bd\r
-save XaraStudio1Dict begin\r
-0 cxe\r
-2 0 cxm\r
-1 awr\r
-0.250 w\r
-2 j\r
-[ ] 0 d\r
-0 J\r
-0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1 Xx\r
-/Times-Roman 10 sf (X) 13.577 47.744 t (1) 20.428 47.744 t (Y) 85.577 47.744 t (1) 91.685 47.744 t (X)\r
-13.577 24.466 t (2) 20.428 24.466 t (Y) 85.577 24.466 t (2) 91.685 24.466 t 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Black) 0 1\r
-0.500 w\r
-32.327 49.994 m\r
-81.077 28.244 l\r
-34.577 26.744 m\r
-81.827 49.244 l\r
-0.250 w\r
-(X) 13.577 47.744 t (1) 20.428 47.744 t (Y) 85.577 47.744 t (1) 91.685 47.744 t (X) 13.577 24.466 t (2)\r
-20.428 24.466 t (Y) 85.577 24.466 t (2) 91.685 24.466 t 0.500 w\r
-32.327 49.994 m\r
-81.077 28.244 l\r
-34.577 26.744 m\r
-81.827 49.244 l\r
-end restore\r
+++ /dev/null
-\input lecnotes.tex
-\prednaska{9}{Geometrické algoritmy}{(B. Maslowski, J. Návrat, M. Sta¹a)}
-\>Budeme se teï bavit o geometrických problémech v~rovinì. Vìt¹ina algoritmù,
-které zde uvedeme, má sice své obdoby i pro prostory vy¹¹í nebo ni¾¹í dimenze,
-ale jednorozmìrné pøípady bývají triviální a vícerozmìrné jsou zase vìt¹inou
-moc slo¾ité.
-Budeme se tedy zabývat tím, jak tyto problémy øe¹it v~dimenzi dva
-(v~Euklidovské rovinì).
-\h{Hledání konvexního obalu}
-Ptáte se o co pùjde? Zkusme si to pøiblí¾it na problému ledních medvìdù :) {\I
-Lední medvìdi si po dlouhé dobì zmapovali vody severního moøe a zjistili
-pøesnì místa, kde se nacházejí jejich oblíbené ryby. No a proto¾e to jsou
-medvìdi chytøí, rozhodli se v¹echny tyto rybky pochytat najednou do jedné
-velké sítì. A problém, který tady mají, je následující: jaký nejmen¹í obvod
-mù¾e mít taková sí», aby se dovnitø ve¹ly v¹echny rybky?!}
-Neboli budeme øe¹it, jak nìjakou zadanou mno¾inu bodù v~rovinì obalit co
-nejkrat¹í uzavøenou køivkou, do které se je¹tì v¹echny body vejdou.
-Intuice nám napovídá ¾e výsledek bude nìjaký konvexní\foot{Mno¾ina bodù
-v~rovinì je konvexní, pokud platí, ¾e pro ka¾dé dva body této mno¾iny le¾í
-úseèka spojující tyto dva body také celá v~této mno¾inì.} mnohoúhelník, který
-bude mít vrcholy v~nìkterých uvedených bodech. Ostatní vrcholy pak budou buï
-nìkde na hranách mnohoúhelníku, nebo uvnitø. Tomuto mnohoulehníku se øíká {\I
-konvexní obal} dané mno¾iny.
-\>Mo¾ná by se teï hodilo pøedvést názornì, jak vypadají nejmen¹í konvexní
-\figure{ZakladniObaly.eps}{Základní obaly.}{3in}
-\:Konvexní obal prázdné mno¾iny je prázdná mno¾ina.
-\:Konvexní obal 1 bodu je bod samotný.
-\:Konvexní obal 2 bodù je úseèka spojující tyto body.
-\:Konvexní obal 3 bodù je trojúhleník s vrcholy v~tìchto bodech.
-\:Konvexní obal 4 bodù \dots to u¾ je slo¾itìj¹í\dots
-Konvexní obaly 4 a více bodù, jak si mù¾eme v¹imnout, u¾ nejsou jednoznaèné.
-Pro $N$-prvkovou mno¾inu bude konvexní obal mnohoúhelník se tøemi a¾ $N$
-Jeden dobrý zpùsob, jak tento konvexní obal sestrojit se nazývá {\I Zametání
-Algoritmus funguje tak, ¾e si v~rovinì zvolíme nìjaký smìr, a v~tomto smìru
-zaèneme posouvat pøímku. Budeme takto potkávat body le¾ící v~na¹í mno¾inì.
-V~ka¾dém okam¾iku budeme chtít, aby body v~èásti, kterou jsme ji¾ zametli, u¾
-mìli spoèítaný konvexní obal. V¾dy kdy¾ pak zametací pøímkou narazíme na nový
-bod, u¾ si jen rozmyslíme, jak ho do konvexního obalu pøidat.
-BÚNO pøedpokládáme body v~obecné poloze, tedy takové, ¾e ¾ádné tøi nele¾í
-na~jedné pøímce. Dále také budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e budeme zametat ve smìru
-$x$-ové osy a ¾e v¹echny body mají rùznou $x$-ovou souøadnici.
-Je také vidìt, ¾e bod s nejmen¹í a nejvìt¹í $x$-ovou souøadnicí bude le¾et
-na~konvexním obalu.
-\s{My¹lenka algoritmu:}
-\:Setøídíme body podle jejich $x$-ové souøadnice.
-\:Vezmeme první tøi body a sestrojíme jejich konvexní obal.
-\:Opakuj: Najdeme dal¹í bod a podíváme se, jestli ho mù¾eme do konvexního
-obalu rovnou pøidat: \::Pokud jej mù¾eme rovnou pøidat, tak jej pøidáme.
-\::Pokud jej pøidat rovnou nemù¾eme, pak je potøeba nejdøíve nìjaké body
-odzadu odebrat a pak teprve pøipojit ná¹ nový bod. \endalgo
-Ka¾dá iterace tedy bude probíhat tak, ¾e nìjaké body z pùvodního konvexního
-obalu pozapomínáme a pøidáme nový bod. Aby se to lépe popisovalo, tak celý
-konvexní obal rozdìlíme na {\I horní obálku} a {\I dolní obálku.}
-\figure{HD-obalka.eps}{Obrázek obálek.}{3in}
-Vidíme teï, ¾e dolní obálka je nìjaká lomená èára, která zatáèí doleva. Horní
-obálka zatáèí doprava. V~na¹em algoritmu si budeme obálky pamatovat jako dva
-seznamy vrcholù. Kdy¾ pak v~algoritmu narazíme na nový bod, budeme zvlá¹»
-øe¹it jak to ovlivní horní obálku a jak ovlivní dolní. Je vidìt ¾e bod nejvíce
-vlevo a bod nejvíce vpravo le¾í v obou obálkách. Ostatní body buï le¾í jen
-v~jedné z obálek, nebo nele¾í v~¾ádné z nich (tedy nejsou souèástí konvexního
-\:Setøídíme body podle souøadnice $x$, dostaneme mno¾inu bodù $b_1~-~b_n$.
-\:Spoèítáme konvexní obal ${b_1, b_2, b_3}$, z toho získáme horní a dolní
-obálku\foot{Body $b_1$ a $b_3$ budou v obou obálkách. Bod $b_2$ bude v~horní
-obálce pokud le¾í nad pøímkou spojující $b_1$ a $b_3$, v~dolní obálce bude
-pokud le¾í pod pøímkou.}. \:Pro $b$ postupnì zpracováváme $b_3 - b_n$:
-\::Pøepoèítáme Horní obálku:
-\:::Dokud $(\vert H\vert \geq 2)$ a úhel $(H[-2], H[-1], b)$ je orientovaný
-doleva: \::::Odebereme poslední prvek z obálky.
-\:::Pøidáme do obálky nový vrchol.
-\::Pøepoèítáme dolní obálku:
-\:::Dokud $(\vert D\vert \geq 2)$ a úhel $(D[-2], D[-1], b)$ je orientovaný
-doprava: \::::Odebereme poslední prvek z obálky.
-\:::Pøidáme do obálky nový vrchol.
-Setøídit body podle $x$-ové souøadnice a sestrojit konvexní obal prvních tøech
-bodù stihneme v~èase $\O(n \log n)$. Zbytek pak u¾ udìláme dokonce v~èase
-lineárním $\O(n)$\foot{V této èásti u¾ jen do obálek pøidáváme a odebíráme
-body.Pøidáváme jich $N$. A odebrat jich mù¾eme maximálnì tolik kolik jsme jich
-pøidali. Tedy zase maximálnì~$N$.}. Platí tedy:
-\s{Vìta:} Konvexní obal doká¾eme sestrojit v~èase $\O(n \log n)$.
-\>Na¹i lední medvìdi se tedy ji¾ nauèili, jak si efektivnì obstarat potravu a
-mohly se pustit do øe¹ení dal¹ího velmi dùle¾itého problému. Pojïme se na nìj
-podívat s nimi. \>A o co ¾e to pùjde?
-{\I Lední medvìdi nejsou na antarktidì sami, kromì nich tam taky bydlí
-kamarádi eskymáci ve svých iglù. Medvìdi by si teï rádi udìlali mapu, podle
-které by hned poznali, ke kterému ekymákovi to mají nejblí¾e na náv¹»evu.}
-My tuhle medvìdí mapu od teï budeme nazývat {\I Voroneho diagramem}.
-\h{Voroného diagramy}
-Pøed tím, ne¾ vás vystra¹ím nìjakou definicí, si øekneme, co jsi pod tímto, na
-první pohled ne zøejmým pojmem, pøedstavit. Mìjme mno¾inu teèek $T$
-rozmístìných náhodnì po papíru. Ke ka¾dému bodu nakreslíme okraje tak, aby
-vniklá plo¹ka obsahovala body, které jsou nejblí¾e právì té na¹í vybrané
-teèce. Samozøejmì \uv{sousední} teèky budou mít tyto hranice spoleèné.
-Výsledkem na¹eho dlouhého sna¾ení pak bude právì Voroného diagram. V dal¹ích
-odstavcích se budeme zajímat o to, jak takový útvar správnì popsat, jak ho
-sestrojit a jaké datové struktury k tomu pou¾ít.
-\s{Definice:} {\I Voroného diagram} pro koneènou mno¾inu $M = \{m_1, \dots,
-m_n\} \in {\bb R}^2$ míst je systém mno¾in $O_1,\dots,O_n$ takových, ¾e pro
-v¹echna $i$ a $j$ a pro v¹echna $x \in M_i$ je vzdálenost $x$ od $m_i$ men¹í
-nebo rovna vzdálenosti $x$ od $m_j$ a zároveò sjednocení $O_i$ pøes v¹echna
-$i$ je celý prostor ${\bb R}^2$, neboli:
-$$d(x,m_i) \leq d(x,m_j) \wedge {\bigcup}_i O_i = {\bb R}^2.$$
-Jednoduchý Voroného diagram:
-\figure{voroneho2.eps}{Voroneho diagramu pro dvì místa.}{3in}
-Voroného diagram se tedy skládá z nìjakých míst, oblastí a hran, které ty
-oblasti oddìlují.
-\figure{voronoi.eps}{Èásti Voroneho diagramu.}{2in}
-\s{Definice:} Øekneme, ¾e {\I hrana} $H$ je taková mno¾ina bodù, ¾e pro ka¾dý
-bod $x \in H$ platí, ¾e existují dvì místa $m_i$ a $m_j$, od kterých má bod
-$x$ stejnou vzdálenost. Tyto dvì místa jsou pro v¹echny body $x$ stejná a
-platí, ¾e v¹echny ostatní místa mají od ka¾dého bodu $x$ del¹í vzdálenost.
-\s{Definice:} Øekneme, ¾e {\I vrchol} je takový bod, kde se potkávají alespoò
-dvì hrany.
-\:Voroneho diagramem pro dvì místa jsou dvì poloroviny odìlené takovou pøímkou,
- ¾e ka¾dý bod pøímky je stejnì vzdálený od obou míst. \:Ka¾dá mno¾ina $M_i$ je
-ohranièena konvexní lomenou èarou, tak¾e oblasti mají tvar konvexních
-mnohoúhelníkù, ale je mo¾né, ¾e jsou oteveøené do nekneèna. \:Pro ka¾dou hranu
-$h$ ve Voroného diagramu existuje $i$ a $j$ takové, ¾e kdy¾ $x \in H$, pak
-vzdálenost $d(x,m_i) = d(x,m_j)$. \:Pro ka¾dý vrchol $v$ Voroného diagramu
-existují alespoò tøi místa le¾ící na kru¾nici se støedem $v$.
-\figure{body.eps}{Body na kru¾nici.}{3in}
-\:Poèet vrcholù a hran je lineární k poètu míst\foot{Voroneho diagram si lze
-pøedstavit jako graf, kde místa Voroneho diagramu odpovídají stìnám, vrcholy
-diagramu vrcholùm a hrany odpovídají hranám grafu. Pokud si teï nìkam mimo
-graf pøidáme je¹tì jeden vrchol a v¹echny pøímky vedoucí do nekoneèna navedeme
-do toho bodu, vidíme, ¾e ná¹ graf je roviný. Pro roviný graf platí Eulerova
-formule a z ní u¾ plyne ¾e na¹e linearita.}. \:Poèet krajních oblastí je tak
-velký, jak velký je konvexní obal té zadané mno¾iny. (Je to dobré vìdìt, ale
-asi to nebudeme potøebovat.)
-Pojïme teï vymyslet, jak takový diagram vyrobit. Mohli bychom zkonstruovat
-v¹echny dìlící pøímky a poslepovat je, ale vznikl by nám kvadratický
-algoritmus a to nám nemù¾e staèit.
-Mluvili jsme o zametání roviny, a tak bychom tento trik mohli vyu¾ít právì pøi
-øe¹ení na¹eho problému. Ov¹em tentokrát má zametání jeden podstatný háèek.
-Kdy¾ si vezmeme nìjakou zametací pøímku a pojedeme s ní shora dolù, tak nad ní
-máme nìjakou u¾ zkonstruovanou èást diagramu a kdy¾ narazíme na dal¹í bod, tak
-se nám mù¾e právì tato èást diagramu pomìrnì slo¾itì zmìnit. Pomù¾eme si malým
-trikem. Nebudeme pova¾ovat za hotovou celou oblast nad zametací pøímkou, ale
-jen takové body, které mají blí¾e k místùm ($m_i$) ne¾ k zametací pøímce. Tak
-dostaneme nìjakou posloupnost (mno¾inu) parabol. V¹echno, co jsme spoèítali
-uvnitø této oblasti nám u¾ nikdo nepokazí (ani nevylep¹í), je tam bezpeèno.
-Vezmeme si tedy dolní obálku tìchto parabol, budeme jí øíkat {\I pobøe¾í}.
-\figure{pobrezi.eps}{Pobøe¾ní linie.}{3in}
-Pobøe¾í je tedy nìjaká posloupnost parabolických obloukù s tím, ¾e nejlevìj¹í
-a nejpravìj¹í jdou do nekoneèna. Prùseèíky tìchto obloukù vykreslují hrany
-diagramu. Proè? Odpovìï na tuto otázku není tì¾ká, staèí vyjít z definice
-paraboly tak, jak jí zde pou¾íváme. Nebo-li je to mno¾ina bodù, která je od
-ohniska (pro nás místa) stejnì vzdálená jako od pøímky (øídící). A tedy prùnik
-dvou parabol je místo, které je stejnì vzdálené od obou ohnisek, co¾ je
-vlastnì definice bodu le¾ícího na nìjaké hranì.
-Kdykoliv v prùbìhu zametání narazíme na nìjaký bod, mù¾e nám ovlivnit u¾ jen
-èást diagramu pod pobøe¾ím. Dostáváme se tedy k tomu, co se dìje, kdy¾ hýbeme
-zametací pøímkou. Pakli¾e nenará¾íme na ¾ádné body, tak se v podstatì nedìje
-nic zajímavého. Zajímavá situace nastává a¾ tehdy, narazíme-li na dal¹í bod.
-V~tom okam¾iku vzniká nová parabola. V tuto chvíli je znaènì degenerovaná. Je
-to toti¾ zatím jen polopøímka kolmá na zametací pøímku. S dal¹ím pohybem se
-zaène parabola rozevírat. V¹imnìme si, ¾e prùnik oné pøímky a pobøe¾í je
-vlastnì vrchol Voroného diagramu.
-Mù¾e nastat je¹tì jeden problém. Nìjaká parabola se mù¾e natolik rozevøít, ¾e
-pohltí jiné a ty zmizí z pobøe¾ní linie. V takovém pøípadì, se nám ale
-netriviálnì zmìní vzhled pobøe¾í, a proto se této situaci budeme muset více
-Shrneme-li na¹e úvahy, mohou se dít celkem tøi vìci. Jedna z nich je posun
-pøímky. To se vlastnì dìje poøád. Pobøe¾í se témìø nemìní a prùseèíky parabol
-nám kreslí hrany. To mù¾eme poèítat najednou. Navíc nejen ¾e bychom mohli s
-pøímkou skoèit o nìjaké epsilon, ale my dokonce mù¾eme skoèit o poøádný kus a
-prostì pouze dopoèítat, jak se pobøe¾í zmìnilo a co se vykreslilo. Dùle¾itým
-místùm, kde se budeme zastavovat, budeme øíkat {\I události}.
-\>{\I Místní událost}
-Pokud narazíme na bod, musíme najít místo, kde pobøe¾í rozetnou a kam vklínit
-dal¹í výbì¾ek (parabolu). Takovéto události budeme øíkat místní událost.
-\figure{mistni.eps}{\vbox{\hsize=0.6\hsize\leftskip=0pt plus
-0.3\hsize\rightskip=\leftskip\parfillskip=0pt \>Místní událost -- èervená
-kolmice je novì vznikající parabola, pøi postupu zametací pøímky dále se bude
-rozevírat a vytvoøí dal¹í parabolu.}}{3in}
-\>{\I Kru¾nicová událost}
-Poslední situace, která mù¾e nastat, je, ¾e se nìjaká parabola schová za jiné.
-Kouknìme se na první obrázek ní¾e, fialový bod je støed kru¾nice opsané
-trojùhelníku tvoøenému tøemi místy. Jak víme, ten le¾í na osách stran takového
-trojùhelníku. Po tìchto osách se v¹ak budou i pohybovat prùseèíky parabol a s
-posunováním øídící pøímky se pak dostanou v¹echny tøi do støedu této kru¾nice.
-Stane se to pravì tehdy, kdy¾ se zametací pøímka dotkne kru¾nice zespodu. Je
-mo¾né nahlédnout, ¾e pøi postupu dále se pak dvì krajní paraboly roz¹íøí
-natolik, ¾e prostøední pohltí a ta zanikne. Takto vzniklé události budeme
-øíkat kru¾nicová.
-Pojïme si to ukázat lépe na následujících dvou obrázcích. První pøedstavuje
-situaci pøed kru¾nicovou událostí a druhý právì kru¾nicovou událost. Mimo jiné
-by tedy z obrázkù mìlo být patrné, ¾e kru¾nicové události jsou urèeny
-trojicemi sousedních obloukù v pobøe¾í.
-\figure{kruznicova.eps}{Pøed kru¾nicovou událostí.}{3in}
-\figure{kruznicovakonec.eps}{Kru¾nicová událost.}{3in}
-\s{Datové struktury}
-Budeme potøebovat haldu událostí (místních i kru¾nicových dohromady).
-Dále bude zapotøebí udr¾ovat si pobøe¾ní linii, neboli posloupnost míst
-v~ohniscích parabolických obloukù. Zde je potøeba si definovat operace {\I
-Insert, Delete} a {\I FindX}, jinak øeèeno pøidat a odebrat oblouk a najít
-oblouk podle x-sové souøadnice nebo-li oblouk do kterého jsme se trefili pøi
-místní události. Navíc budeme potøebovat vyhledávací strom nad prùseèíky s
-implicitní reprezentací, co¾ znamená, ¾e si ve vrcholech nebudeme pamatovat
-pøímo souøadnice prùseèíkù, ale jen instrukci, jak je spoèítat. Tak¾e jakkoli
-se mìní poloha prùseèíkù, tak struktura stromu zùstává stejná.
-S haldou událostí lze pracovat s logaritmickou èasovou slo¾itostí na operaci
-a ve stejném èase doká¾eme pracovat s pobøe¾ní linií. Kdy¾ si pobøe¾í je¹tì
-reprezentujeme zvlá¹» jako seznam tak Insert a Delete budou v konstatním èase
-a operace se stromem pak $\O(\log n)$.
-Poslední datovou strukturou bude samotný diagram, reprezentovaný grafem se
-souøadnicemi a vazbami hran na prùseèík.
-\:Pøipravíme si haldu $H$ a vlo¾íme do ní v¹echny místní události.
-\:Pøipravíme pobøe¾ní linii $P \leftarrow 0$.
-\:Dokud existuje $h \leftarrow DeleteMin(H)$:
-\::Je-li na øadì místní událost:
-\:::Najdeme prùseèík s $P(FindX(P))$.
-\:::Vlo¾íme do $P$ novou parabolu.
-\:::Poznamenáme do $D$ vznik hran.
-\:::Pøepoèítáme kru¾nicové události.
-\::Je-li na øadì kru¾nicová událost:
-\:::Sma¾eme oblouk z $P$.
-\:::Poznamenáme vznik a zánik do $D$.
-\:::Pøepoèítáme kru¾nicové události.
-Poèet místních událostí je roven $n$ (na ka¾dé místo narazíme právì jednou).
-Poèet kru¾nicových událostí není vìt¹í ne¾ $n$, proto¾e kru¾nicová událost sma¾e
-parabolu a ty vznikají jen pøi místních událostech, tak¾e kru¾nicových událostí
-není více ne¾ místních. Speciálnì z toho plyne, ¾e velikost pobøe¾ní linie je
-v¾dy lineární, proto¾e s ka¾dou místní událostí pøibudou dva úseky do pobøe¾ní
-linie, tak¾e velikost pobøe¾ní linie je maximálnì $2n$. Velikost haldy je pak
-také $2n$, tak¾e pak operace urèitì zvládneme v èase $\O(\log n)$. Jeliko¾
-diagram je lineárnì velký tak i jeho struktura je lineárnì velká. Operace se
-strukturami nás stojí nejvíce $\O(\log n)$. Tak¾e místní i kru¾nicové události
-zvládneme v èase $\O(\log n)$ na jednu na konstantním poètu struktur. Halda má
-velikost $2n$, tak¾e maximálnì provedeme $\O(2n\log n)$ operací.
-Celý algoritmus potøebuje na~inicializaci maximálnì $\O(n \log n)$ (i kdybychom
-ji dìlali neefektivnì) a $\O(2n\log n)$ výpoèet.
-Pokud tedy shrneme v¹echny na¹e odhady, pak èasová slo¾itost algoritmu je
-$\O(n \log n)$ a prostorová $\O(n)$.
-1) Pøipravíme si haldu $H$ a vlo¾íme do ní v¹echny místní události.
-2) pøipravíme pobøe¾ní linii P <- 0 } O(n\log n)
-3) pøipraváme reprezentaci diagramu D /
-4) dokud existuje h <- DeleteMin(H)
-5) je-li na øadì místní událost: ----
-a) najdeme prùseèík s P(FindX(P)) \
-b) vlo¾íme do P novou parabolu \
-c) poznamenáme do D vznik hran } O(\log n)
-d) pøepoèítáme kru¾nicové události / } <= 2n
-6) je-li na øadì kru¾nicová událost:
-a) sma¾eme oblouk z P \
-b) poznamenáme vznik a zánik do D } O(\log n)
-c) pøepoèítáme kru¾nicové události / ----
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-156.92336 60.745388 154.94013 58.762154 154.94013 56.318527 curveto
-154.94013 53.8749 156.92336 51.891666 159.36699 51.891666 curveto
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-163.79385 58.762154 161.81062 60.745388 159.36699 60.745388 curveto
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-163.79385 58.762154 161.81062 60.745388 159.36699 60.745388 curveto
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-164.07616 41.256403 165.25129 41.734918 166.21484 42.691941 curveto
-167.17837 43.648979 167.66014 44.804577 167.66016 46.158738 curveto
-167.66014 47.454314 167.20116 48.536669 166.2832 49.405808 curveto
-165.36523 50.274949 164.15429 50.709519 162.65039 50.709519 curveto
-162.11653 50.709519 161.60221 50.641159 161.10742 50.504441 curveto
-160.61263 50.367722 160.13411 50.1659 159.67188 49.898972 curveto
-159.67188 50.387253 lineto
-157.32813 50.387253 lineto
-156.84635 50.387253 156.50293 50.29448 156.29785 50.108933 curveto
-156.09277 49.923387 155.99023 49.680874 155.99023 49.381394 curveto
-155.99023 49.088427 156.0944 48.849169 156.30273 48.663621 curveto
-156.51107 48.478076 156.85286 48.385302 157.32813 48.3853 curveto
-157.66992 48.3853 lineto
-157.66992 39.723191 lineto
-157.32813 39.723191 lineto
-156.84635 39.723202 156.50293 39.630428 156.29785 39.444871 curveto
-156.09277 39.259335 155.99023 39.016822 155.99023 38.717332 curveto
-155.99023 38.424375 156.09277 38.185117 156.29785 37.999558 curveto
-156.50293 37.814024 156.84635 37.721251 157.32813 37.721238 curveto
-159.67188 37.721238 lineto
-165.6582 46.217332 moveto
-165.65819 45.390514 165.36848 44.690645 164.78906 44.117722 curveto
-164.20963 43.544812 163.49999 43.258354 162.66016 43.258347 curveto
-161.82682 43.258354 161.12044 43.544812 160.54102 44.117722 curveto
-159.96158 44.690645 159.67187 45.380748 159.67188 46.188035 curveto
-159.67187 46.923715 159.93229 47.527556 160.45313 47.999558 curveto
-160.97395 48.471565 161.70963 48.707568 162.66016 48.707566 curveto
-163.61067 48.707568 164.34797 48.471565 164.87207 47.999558 curveto
-165.39615 47.527556 165.65819 46.933481 165.6582 46.217332 curveto
-165.6582 46.217332 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-175.99023 50.387253 moveto
-175.99023 49.918503 lineto
-175.48892 50.185431 174.93554 50.385626 174.33008 50.519089 curveto
-173.7246 50.652553 173.17447 50.719284 172.67969 50.719285 curveto
-171.60547 50.719284 170.73307 50.434454 170.0625 49.864793 curveto
-169.39193 49.295132 169.05664 48.66525 169.05664 47.975144 curveto
-169.05664 47.135304 169.4847 46.355682 170.34082 45.636277 curveto
-171.19694 44.916881 172.3802 44.557181 173.89063 44.557175 curveto
-174.49609 44.557181 175.19596 44.622285 175.99023 44.752488 curveto
-175.99023 44.273972 lineto
-175.99023 43.974499 175.86165 43.730359 175.60449 43.54155 curveto
-175.34732 43.352755 174.85742 43.258354 174.13477 43.258347 curveto
-173.54231 43.258354 172.77408 43.375542 171.83008 43.60991 curveto
-171.47851 43.694552 171.20508 43.73687 171.00977 43.736863 curveto
-170.74284 43.73687 170.5166 43.640841 170.33105 43.448777 curveto
-170.14551 43.256727 170.05273 43.010959 170.05273 42.711472 curveto
-170.05273 42.542209 170.08528 42.395725 170.15039 42.272019 curveto
-170.21549 42.148329 170.30664 42.049046 170.42383 41.974168 curveto
-170.54101 41.899306 170.78515 41.809788 171.15625 41.705613 curveto
-171.65104 41.568903 172.15559 41.459854 172.66992 41.378464 curveto
-173.18424 41.297093 173.64973 41.256403 174.06641 41.256394 curveto
-175.30989 41.256403 176.27506 41.524958 176.96191 42.062058 curveto
-177.64875 42.599175 177.99218 43.333224 177.99219 44.264207 curveto
-177.99219 48.3853 lineto
-178.33398 48.3853 lineto
-178.81574 48.385302 179.15917 48.478076 179.36426 48.663621 curveto
-179.56932 48.849169 179.67186 49.091682 179.67188 49.39116 curveto
-179.67186 49.684129 179.56932 49.923387 179.36426 50.108933 curveto
-179.15917 50.29448 178.81574 50.387253 178.33398 50.387253 curveto
-175.99023 50.387253 lineto
-175.99023 46.803269 moveto
-175.18945 46.647023 174.45051 46.568898 173.77344 46.568894 curveto
-172.95963 46.568898 172.25976 46.767465 171.67383 47.164597 curveto
-171.30924 47.418506 171.12695 47.675668 171.12695 47.936082 curveto
-171.12695 48.124886 171.21484 48.277881 171.39063 48.395066 curveto
-171.71614 48.609912 172.16211 48.717333 172.72852 48.717332 curveto
-173.21028 48.717333 173.75553 48.622932 174.36426 48.434128 curveto
-174.97297 48.245329 175.51497 47.988167 175.99023 47.662644 curveto
-175.99023 46.803269 lineto
-175.69727 38.326707 moveto
-173.5 40.113816 lineto
-173.27864 40.289607 173.09309 40.377498 172.94336 40.377488 curveto
-172.76106 40.377498 172.60644 40.315649 172.47949 40.191941 curveto
-172.35253 40.068253 172.28906 39.915259 172.28906 39.732957 curveto
-172.28906 39.524634 172.41927 39.316301 172.67969 39.107957 curveto
-174.88672 37.320847 lineto
-175.10807 37.145079 175.29361 37.057189 175.44336 37.057175 curveto
-175.62564 37.057189 175.78027 37.119038 175.90723 37.242722 curveto
-176.03417 37.366433 176.09765 37.516173 176.09766 37.691941 curveto
-176.09765 37.906797 175.96418 38.118386 175.69727 38.326707 curveto
-175.69727 38.326707 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-187.18164 37.721238 moveto
-187.18164 48.3853 lineto
-189.58398 48.3853 lineto
-190.06575 48.385302 190.40917 48.478076 190.61426 48.663621 curveto
-190.81933 48.849169 190.92186 49.091682 190.92188 49.39116 curveto
-190.92186 49.684129 190.81933 49.923387 190.61426 50.108933 curveto
-190.40917 50.29448 190.06575 50.387253 189.58398 50.387253 curveto
-182.77734 50.387253 lineto
-182.29557 50.387253 181.95215 50.29448 181.74707 50.108933 curveto
-181.54199 49.923387 181.43945 49.680874 181.43945 49.381394 curveto
-181.43945 49.088427 181.54199 48.849169 181.74707 48.663621 curveto
-181.95215 48.478076 182.29557 48.385302 182.77734 48.3853 curveto
-185.17969 48.3853 lineto
-185.17969 39.723191 lineto
-183.56836 39.723191 lineto
-183.0931 39.723202 182.7513 39.630428 182.54297 39.444871 curveto
-182.33463 39.259335 182.23047 39.016822 182.23047 38.717332 curveto
-182.23047 38.424375 182.33301 38.185117 182.53809 37.999558 curveto
-182.74316 37.814024 183.08659 37.721251 183.56836 37.721238 curveto
-187.18164 37.721238 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-196.52734 47.057175 moveto
-196.52734 50.387253 lineto
-194.18359 50.387253 lineto
-193.70182 50.387253 193.3584 50.29448 193.15332 50.108933 curveto
-192.94824 49.923387 192.8457 49.680874 192.8457 49.381394 curveto
-192.8457 49.088427 192.94987 48.849169 193.1582 48.663621 curveto
-193.36654 48.478076 193.70833 48.385302 194.18359 48.3853 curveto
-194.52539 48.3853 lineto
-194.52539 39.723191 lineto
-194.18359 39.723191 lineto
-193.70182 39.723202 193.3584 39.630428 193.15332 39.444871 curveto
-192.94824 39.259335 192.8457 39.016822 192.8457 38.717332 curveto
-192.8457 38.424375 192.94824 38.185117 193.15332 37.999558 curveto
-193.3584 37.814024 193.70182 37.721251 194.18359 37.721238 curveto
-196.52734 37.721238 lineto
-196.52734 44.469285 lineto
-198.08984 43.209519 lineto
-197.92708 42.929579 197.8457 42.701714 197.8457 42.525925 curveto
-197.8457 42.226454 197.94661 41.983942 198.14844 41.798386 curveto
-198.35025 41.612848 198.69205 41.520075 199.17383 41.520066 curveto
-201.45898 41.520066 lineto
-201.94075 41.520075 202.28417 41.612848 202.48926 41.798386 curveto
-202.69433 41.983942 202.79686 42.226454 202.79688 42.525925 curveto
-202.79686 42.818902 202.69433 43.058159 202.48926 43.243699 curveto
-202.28417 43.429253 201.94075 43.522026 201.45898 43.522019 curveto
-200.90234 43.522019 lineto
-198.4707 45.494675 lineto
-201.74219 48.3853 lineto
-202.32813 48.3853 lineto
-202.80989 48.385302 203.15331 48.478076 203.3584 48.663621 curveto
-203.56347 48.849169 203.666 49.091682 203.66602 49.39116 curveto
-203.666 49.684129 203.56347 49.923387 203.3584 50.108933 curveto
-203.15331 50.29448 202.80989 50.387253 202.32813 50.387253 curveto
-200.02344 50.387253 lineto
-199.54166 50.387253 199.19824 50.29448 198.99316 50.108933 curveto
-198.78808 49.923387 198.68554 49.680874 198.68555 49.381394 curveto
-198.68554 49.127489 198.79622 48.876838 199.01758 48.629441 curveto
-196.89844 46.754441 lineto
-196.52734 47.057175 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-211.9668 50.387253 moveto
-211.9668 49.918503 lineto
-211.46549 50.185431 210.9121 50.385626 210.30664 50.519089 curveto
-209.70117 50.652553 209.15104 50.719284 208.65625 50.719285 curveto
-207.58203 50.719284 206.70963 50.434454 206.03906 49.864793 curveto
-205.36849 49.295132 205.0332 48.66525 205.0332 47.975144 curveto
-205.0332 47.135304 205.46126 46.355682 206.31738 45.636277 curveto
-207.1735 44.916881 208.35677 44.557181 209.86719 44.557175 curveto
-210.47265 44.557181 211.17252 44.622285 211.9668 44.752488 curveto
-211.9668 44.273972 lineto
-211.96679 43.974499 211.83821 43.730359 211.58105 43.54155 curveto
-211.32389 43.352755 210.83398 43.258354 210.11133 43.258347 curveto
-209.51887 43.258354 208.75065 43.375542 207.80664 43.60991 curveto
-207.45507 43.694552 207.18164 43.73687 206.98633 43.736863 curveto
-206.7194 43.73687 206.49316 43.640841 206.30762 43.448777 curveto
-206.12207 43.256727 206.0293 43.010959 206.0293 42.711472 curveto
-206.0293 42.542209 206.06185 42.395725 206.12695 42.272019 curveto
-206.19206 42.148329 206.2832 42.049046 206.40039 41.974168 curveto
-206.51758 41.899306 206.76172 41.809788 207.13281 41.705613 curveto
-207.6276 41.568903 208.13216 41.459854 208.64648 41.378464 curveto
-209.1608 41.297093 209.6263 41.256403 210.04297 41.256394 curveto
-211.28645 41.256403 212.25162 41.524958 212.93848 42.062058 curveto
-213.62532 42.599175 213.96874 43.333224 213.96875 44.264207 curveto
-213.96875 48.3853 lineto
-214.31055 48.3853 lineto
-214.79231 48.385302 215.13573 48.478076 215.34082 48.663621 curveto
-215.54589 48.849169 215.64843 49.091682 215.64844 49.39116 curveto
-215.64843 49.684129 215.54589 49.923387 215.34082 50.108933 curveto
-215.13573 50.29448 214.79231 50.387253 214.31055 50.387253 curveto
-211.9668 50.387253 lineto
-211.9668 46.803269 moveto
-211.16601 46.647023 210.42708 46.568898 209.75 46.568894 curveto
-208.93619 46.568898 208.23632 46.767465 207.65039 47.164597 curveto
-207.2858 47.418506 207.10351 47.675668 207.10352 47.936082 curveto
-207.10351 48.124886 207.1914 48.277881 207.36719 48.395066 curveto
-207.6927 48.609912 208.13867 48.717333 208.70508 48.717332 curveto
-209.18684 48.717333 209.73209 48.622932 210.34082 48.434128 curveto
-210.94954 48.245329 211.49153 47.988167 211.9668 47.662644 curveto
-211.9668 46.803269 lineto
-gsave [0.9978218 0.065967833 -0.065967833 0.9978218 311.71902 219.56455] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-82.845703 37.721238 moveto
-82.845703 48.3853 lineto
-83.1875 48.3853 lineto
-83.662749 48.385302 84.004546 48.478076 84.212891 48.663621 curveto
-84.421212 48.849169 84.525378 49.091682 84.525391 49.39116 curveto
-84.525378 49.684129 84.422839 49.923387 84.217773 50.108933 curveto
-84.012684 50.29448 83.669259 50.387253 83.1875 50.387253 curveto
-80.84375 50.387253 lineto
-80.84375 49.898972 lineto
-80.388013 50.1659 79.911125 50.367722 79.413086 50.504441 curveto
-78.915032 50.641159 78.399082 50.709519 77.865234 50.709519 curveto
-76.361324 50.709519 75.150388 50.274949 74.232422 49.405808 curveto
-73.314452 48.536669 72.855468 47.454314 72.855469 46.158738 curveto
-72.855468 44.804577 73.337238 43.648979 74.300781 42.691941 curveto
-75.26432 41.734918 76.439449 41.256403 77.826172 41.256394 curveto
-78.346999 41.256403 78.858066 41.336156 79.359375 41.495652 curveto
-79.860669 41.655166 80.355461 41.894423 80.84375 42.213425 curveto
-80.84375 39.723191 lineto
-80.501953 39.723191 lineto
-80.020175 39.723202 79.67675 39.630428 79.47168 39.444871 curveto
-79.266595 39.259335 79.164056 39.020077 79.164063 38.727097 curveto
-79.164056 38.42763 79.266595 38.185117 79.47168 37.999558 curveto
-79.67675 37.814024 80.020175 37.721251 80.501953 37.721238 curveto
-82.845703 37.721238 lineto
-80.84375 46.217332 moveto
-80.843741 45.390514 80.554028 44.690645 79.974609 44.117722 curveto
-79.395175 43.544812 78.68554 43.258354 77.845703 43.258347 curveto
-77.012365 43.258354 76.305986 43.544812 75.726563 44.117722 curveto
-75.147133 44.690645 74.857419 45.380748 74.857422 46.188035 curveto
-74.857419 46.923715 75.117836 47.527556 75.638672 47.999558 curveto
-76.159501 48.471565 76.895178 48.707568 77.845703 48.707566 curveto
-78.789707 48.707568 79.525383 48.471565 80.052734 47.999558 curveto
-80.58007 47.527556 80.843741 46.933481 80.84375 46.217332 curveto
-80.84375 46.217332 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-95.443359 46.119675 moveto
-95.443348 46.887908 95.230132 47.631722 94.803711 48.351121 curveto
-94.377269 49.070523 93.742504 49.643439 92.899414 50.069871 curveto
-92.056307 50.496303 91.175774 50.709519 90.257813 50.709519 curveto
-89.346349 50.709519 88.473954 50.499558 87.640625 50.079636 curveto
-86.807289 49.659715 86.172524 49.088427 85.736328 48.365769 curveto
-85.300129 47.643116 85.08203 46.887908 85.082031 46.100144 curveto
-85.08203 45.299368 85.303384 44.513236 85.746094 43.741746 curveto
-86.1888 42.970269 86.825193 42.363173 87.655273 41.920457 curveto
-88.485347 41.477757 89.352859 41.256403 90.257813 41.256394 curveto
-91.169264 41.256403 92.046542 41.48264 92.889648 41.935105 curveto
-93.732738 42.387587 94.36913 42.99631 94.798828 43.761277 curveto
-95.228505 44.526257 95.443348 45.312389 95.443359 46.119675 curveto
-95.443359 46.119675 lineto
-93.441406 46.129441 moveto
-93.441397 45.484915 93.210277 44.892467 92.748047 44.352097 curveto
-92.116529 43.622937 91.286451 43.258354 90.257813 43.258347 curveto
-89.352859 43.258354 88.597652 43.548068 87.992188 44.127488 curveto
-87.386716 44.706921 87.083982 45.377493 87.083984 46.139207 curveto
-87.083982 46.76421 87.389971 47.34852 88.001953 47.892136 curveto
-88.613928 48.435758 89.36588 48.707568 90.257813 48.707566 curveto
-91.156243 48.707568 91.911451 48.435758 92.523438 47.892136 curveto
-93.135408 47.34852 93.441397 46.760955 93.441406 46.129441 curveto
-93.441406 46.129441 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-103.23633 37.721238 moveto
-103.23633 48.3853 lineto
-105.63867 48.3853 lineto
-106.12043 48.385302 106.46386 48.478076 106.66895 48.663621 curveto
-106.87401 48.849169 106.97655 49.091682 106.97656 49.39116 curveto
-106.97655 49.684129 106.87401 49.923387 106.66895 50.108933 curveto
-106.46386 50.29448 106.12043 50.387253 105.63867 50.387253 curveto
-98.832031 50.387253 lineto
-98.350258 50.387253 98.006834 50.29448 97.801758 50.108933 curveto
-97.596678 49.923387 97.494139 49.680874 97.494141 49.381394 curveto
-97.494139 49.088427 97.596678 48.849169 97.801758 48.663621 curveto
-98.006834 48.478076 98.350258 48.385302 98.832031 48.3853 curveto
-101.23438 48.3853 lineto
-101.23438 39.723191 lineto
-99.623047 39.723191 lineto
-99.147784 39.723202 98.805987 39.630428 98.597656 39.444871 curveto
-98.389321 39.259335 98.285154 39.016822 98.285156 38.717332 curveto
-98.285154 38.424375 98.387693 38.185117 98.592773 37.999558 curveto
-98.797849 37.814024 99.141273 37.721251 99.623047 37.721238 curveto
-103.23633 37.721238 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-112.20117 41.520066 moveto
-112.20117 42.193894 lineto
-112.56575 41.881403 112.96777 41.647028 113.40723 41.490769 curveto
-113.84667 41.334528 114.32356 41.256403 114.83789 41.256394 curveto
-116.02278 41.256403 116.96028 41.624241 117.65039 42.35991 curveto
-118.19726 42.945855 118.47069 43.714083 118.4707 44.664597 curveto
-118.4707 48.3853 lineto
-118.89387 48.385302 119.20637 48.478076 119.4082 48.663621 curveto
-119.61001 48.849169 119.71093 49.091682 119.71094 49.39116 curveto
-119.71093 49.684129 119.60839 49.923387 119.40332 50.108933 curveto
-119.19823 50.29448 118.85481 50.387253 118.37305 50.387253 curveto
-116.56641 50.387253 lineto
-116.08463 50.387253 115.7412 50.29448 115.53613 50.108933 curveto
-115.33105 49.923387 115.22851 49.680874 115.22852 49.381394 curveto
-115.22851 49.088427 115.32942 48.849169 115.53125 48.663621 curveto
-115.73307 48.478076 116.04557 48.385302 116.46875 48.3853 curveto
-116.46875 44.606003 lineto
-116.46874 44.169812 116.35155 43.850802 116.11719 43.648972 curveto
-115.81119 43.388563 115.35221 43.258354 114.74023 43.258347 curveto
-114.27799 43.258354 113.87272 43.347872 113.52441 43.526902 curveto
-113.1761 43.705945 112.73502 44.085176 112.20117 44.664597 curveto
-112.20117 48.3853 lineto
-112.71549 48.385302 113.04752 48.43413 113.19727 48.531785 curveto
-113.51627 48.727099 113.67578 49.013557 113.67578 49.39116 curveto
-113.67578 49.684129 113.57324 49.923387 113.36816 50.108933 curveto
-113.16308 50.29448 112.81966 50.387253 112.33789 50.387253 curveto
-110.0625 50.387253 lineto
-109.58073 50.387253 109.2373 50.29448 109.03223 50.108933 curveto
-108.82715 49.923387 108.72461 49.680874 108.72461 49.381394 curveto
-108.72461 49.016812 108.88086 48.733609 109.19336 48.531785 curveto
-109.34961 48.43413 109.68489 48.385302 110.19922 48.3853 curveto
-110.19922 43.522019 lineto
-109.77604 43.522026 109.46354 43.427625 109.26172 43.238816 curveto
-109.0599 43.050021 108.95898 42.809136 108.95898 42.51616 curveto
-108.95898 42.223199 109.06152 41.983942 109.2666 41.798386 curveto
-109.47168 41.612848 109.8151 41.520075 110.29688 41.520066 curveto
-112.20117 41.520066 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-127.21094 41.520066 moveto
-127.21094 48.3853 lineto
-129.61328 48.3853 lineto
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-28.7207 27.509771 28.322263 27.700201 27.994141 28.081055 curveto
-27.666014 28.461919 27.501952 29.027348 27.501953 29.777344 curveto
-27.501953 29.777344 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-33.490234 33 moveto
-33.490234 26.777344 lineto
-34.439453 26.777344 lineto
-34.439453 27.720703 lineto
-34.681639 27.279303 34.905271 26.988287 35.110352 26.847656 curveto
-35.315427 26.707038 35.541013 26.636725 35.787109 26.636719 curveto
-36.142575 26.636725 36.503902 26.750006 36.871094 26.976563 curveto
-36.507813 27.955078 lineto
-36.249996 27.80274 35.992184 27.726568 35.734375 27.726563 curveto
-35.503903 27.726568 35.296872 27.795904 35.113281 27.93457 curveto
-34.929685 28.073247 34.798826 28.26563 34.720703 28.511719 curveto
-34.603514 28.886723 34.54492 29.296879 34.544922 29.742188 curveto
-34.544922 33 lineto
-33.490234 33 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-41.570313 32.232422 moveto
-41.179683 32.564454 40.803707 32.798828 40.442383 32.935547 curveto
-40.081051 33.072266 39.693356 33.140625 39.279297 33.140625 curveto
-38.595701 33.140625 38.070311 32.973633 37.703125 32.639648 curveto
-37.335937 32.305665 37.152343 31.878907 37.152344 31.359375 curveto
-37.152343 31.054689 37.221679 30.776369 37.360352 30.524414 curveto
-37.499023 30.272464 37.680663 30.070315 37.905273 29.917969 curveto
-38.129881 29.765628 38.382811 29.650394 38.664063 29.572266 curveto
-38.871092 29.517582 39.183591 29.464847 39.601563 29.414063 curveto
-40.453121 29.312504 41.080074 29.19141 41.482422 29.050781 curveto
-41.486323 28.906254 41.488276 28.814457 41.488281 28.775391 curveto
-41.488276 28.345708 41.388667 28.042974 41.189453 27.867188 curveto
-40.919918 27.628912 40.519527 27.509771 39.988281 27.509766 curveto
-39.492185 27.509771 39.125974 27.596685 38.889648 27.770508 curveto
-38.653318 27.944341 38.478514 28.251958 38.365234 28.693359 curveto
-37.333984 28.552734 lineto
-37.427734 28.111333 37.58203 27.754888 37.796875 27.483398 curveto
-38.011717 27.21192 38.322264 27.002936 38.728516 26.856445 curveto
-39.134763 26.709967 39.605466 26.636725 40.140625 26.636719 curveto
-40.671871 26.636725 41.103511 26.699225 41.435547 26.824219 curveto
-41.767573 26.949225 42.011713 27.106451 42.167969 27.295898 curveto
-42.324213 27.485357 42.433588 27.724615 42.496094 28.013672 curveto
-42.531244 28.193364 42.548822 28.517583 42.548828 28.986328 curveto
-42.548828 30.392578 lineto
-42.548822 31.373049 42.571283 31.993165 42.616211 32.25293 curveto
-42.661127 32.512696 42.749994 32.761719 42.882813 33 curveto
-41.78125 33 lineto
-41.67187 32.78125 41.601558 32.525391 41.570313 32.232422 curveto
-41.570313 32.232422 lineto
-41.482422 29.876953 moveto
-41.099605 30.033206 40.525387 30.166018 39.759766 30.275391 curveto
-39.326169 30.337893 39.019529 30.408206 38.839844 30.486328 curveto
-38.660154 30.564456 38.521483 30.678713 38.423828 30.829102 curveto
-38.32617 30.979494 38.277342 31.146486 38.277344 31.330078 curveto
-38.277342 31.61133 38.383787 31.845704 38.59668 32.033203 curveto
-38.809568 32.220704 39.121091 32.314454 39.53125 32.314453 curveto
-39.937497 32.314454 40.298825 32.225587 40.615234 32.047852 curveto
-40.931636 31.870118 41.164058 31.626954 41.3125 31.318359 curveto
-41.425777 31.08008 41.482417 30.728518 41.482422 30.263672 curveto
-41.482422 29.876953 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-44.189453 33 moveto
-44.189453 26.777344 lineto
-45.132813 26.777344 lineto
-45.132813 27.650391 lineto
-45.328123 27.345709 45.587888 27.100592 45.912109 26.915039 curveto
-46.236325 26.729498 46.605466 26.636725 47.019531 26.636719 curveto
-47.480465 26.636725 47.858394 26.732428 48.15332 26.923828 curveto
-48.448237 27.11524 48.656245 27.382818 48.777344 27.726563 curveto
-49.269525 27.000006 49.91015 26.636725 50.699219 26.636719 curveto
-51.316398 26.636725 51.791007 26.807623 52.123047 27.149414 curveto
-52.455069 27.491216 52.621085 28.017583 52.621094 28.728516 curveto
-52.621094 33 lineto
-51.572266 33 lineto
-51.572266 29.080078 lineto
-51.572257 28.658207 51.538078 28.354497 51.469727 28.168945 curveto
-51.401359 27.983403 51.277336 27.83399 51.097656 27.720703 curveto
-50.917961 27.607427 50.707024 27.550787 50.464844 27.550781 curveto
-50.027337 27.550787 49.664056 27.696294 49.375 27.987305 curveto
-49.085932 28.278325 48.941401 28.744145 48.941406 29.384766 curveto
-48.941406 33 lineto
-47.886719 33 lineto
-47.886719 28.957031 lineto
-47.886714 28.488286 47.800777 28.136724 47.628906 27.902344 curveto
-47.457027 27.667974 47.175777 27.550787 46.785156 27.550781 curveto
-46.488278 27.550787 46.213864 27.628912 45.961914 27.785156 curveto
-45.709959 27.941411 45.527342 28.169927 45.414063 28.470703 curveto
-45.300779 28.771489 45.244139 29.205082 45.244141 29.771484 curveto
-45.244141 33 lineto
-44.189453 33 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-58.275391 33 moveto
-58.275391 32.085938 lineto
-57.791011 32.789063 57.132809 33.140625 56.300781 33.140625 curveto
-55.933591 33.140625 55.590818 33.070312 55.272461 32.929688 curveto
-54.9541 32.789063 54.717772 32.612305 54.563477 32.399414 curveto
-54.409179 32.186524 54.30078 31.925782 54.238281 31.617188 curveto
-54.195312 31.410158 54.173827 31.082033 54.173828 30.632813 curveto
-54.173828 26.777344 lineto
-55.228516 26.777344 lineto
-55.228516 30.228516 lineto
-55.228514 30.779299 55.249998 31.150392 55.292969 31.341797 curveto
-55.359373 31.619142 55.499998 31.836915 55.714844 31.995117 curveto
-55.929685 32.153321 56.19531 32.232423 56.511719 32.232422 curveto
-56.828122 32.232423 57.124996 32.151368 57.402344 31.989258 curveto
-57.679683 31.82715 57.875972 31.606447 57.991211 31.327148 curveto
-58.106441 31.047854 58.164058 30.64258 58.164063 30.111328 curveto
-58.164063 26.777344 lineto
-59.21875 26.777344 lineto
-59.21875 33 lineto
-58.275391 33 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-10.785156 40.634766 moveto
-10.785156 39.410156 lineto
-11.839844 39.410156 lineto
-11.839844 40.634766 lineto
-10.785156 40.634766 lineto
-9.4492188 50.414062 moveto
-9.6484375 49.517578 lineto
-9.8593751 49.572264 10.025391 49.599608 10.146484 49.599609 curveto
-10.361328 49.599608 10.521484 49.528319 10.626953 49.385742 curveto
-10.732421 49.243163 10.785155 48.886718 10.785156 48.316406 curveto
-10.785156 41.777344 lineto
-11.839844 41.777344 lineto
-11.839844 48.339844 lineto
-11.839842 49.105468 11.740233 49.63867 11.541016 49.939453 curveto
-11.287108 50.330076 10.865234 50.525388 10.275391 50.525391 curveto
-9.9902344 50.525388 9.714844 50.488279 9.4492188 50.414062 curveto
-9.4492188 50.414062 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-13.041016 46.142578 moveto
-14.083984 45.978516 lineto
-14.142577 46.396486 14.305662 46.716798 14.573242 46.939453 curveto
-14.840818 47.16211 15.214841 47.273438 15.695313 47.273437 curveto
-16.179684 47.273438 16.539059 47.174806 16.773438 46.977539 curveto
-17.007808 46.780275 17.124996 46.54883 17.125 46.283203 curveto
-17.124996 46.044924 17.02148 45.857424 16.814453 45.720703 curveto
-16.669918 45.626955 16.310543 45.507815 15.736328 45.363281 curveto
-14.962888 45.167972 14.426756 44.999026 14.12793 44.856445 curveto
-13.8291 44.71387 13.602538 44.516605 13.448242 44.264648 curveto
-13.293945 44.012699 13.216796 43.734379 13.216797 43.429687 curveto
-13.216796 43.152349 13.280273 42.895513 13.407227 42.65918 curveto
-13.534179 42.422857 13.70703 42.226568 13.925781 42.070312 curveto
-14.089842 41.949225 14.313475 41.846686 14.59668 41.762695 curveto
-14.879881 41.678717 15.183591 41.636725 15.507813 41.636719 curveto
-15.99609 41.636725 16.424801 41.707038 16.793945 41.847656 curveto
-17.163081 41.988287 17.435542 42.178717 17.611328 42.418945 curveto
-17.787104 42.659185 17.908198 42.980474 17.974609 43.382812 curveto
-16.943359 43.523437 lineto
-16.89648 43.20313 16.760738 42.95313 16.536133 42.773437 curveto
-16.31152 42.593755 15.994137 42.503912 15.583984 42.503906 curveto
-15.099607 42.503912 14.753904 42.58399 14.546875 42.744141 curveto
-14.339842 42.904302 14.236327 43.091802 14.236328 43.306641 curveto
-14.236327 43.443364 14.279295 43.566411 14.365234 43.675781 curveto
-14.45117 43.789067 14.585936 43.882817 14.769531 43.957031 curveto
-14.874998 43.996098 15.185544 44.085941 15.701172 44.226562 curveto
-16.447262 44.425785 16.967769 44.588871 17.262695 44.71582 curveto
-17.557612 44.842777 17.789057 45.027347 17.957031 45.269531 curveto
-18.124995 45.511721 18.208979 45.812502 18.208984 46.171875 curveto
-18.208979 46.523439 18.10644 46.854493 17.901367 47.165039 curveto
-17.696284 47.475586 17.400386 47.715821 17.013672 47.885742 curveto
-16.626949 48.055664 16.18945 48.140625 15.701172 48.140625 curveto
-14.892576 48.140625 14.276366 47.972656 13.852539 47.636719 curveto
-13.42871 47.300782 13.158203 46.802736 13.041016 46.142578 curveto
-13.041016 46.142578 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-19.070313 44.888672 moveto
-19.070312 43.736332 19.390624 42.882818 20.03125 42.328125 curveto
-20.566404 41.867194 21.218747 41.636725 21.988281 41.636719 curveto
-22.843746 41.636725 23.542964 41.916998 24.085938 42.477539 curveto
-24.6289 43.038091 24.900384 43.812504 24.900391 44.800781 curveto
-24.900384 45.601565 24.780267 46.231447 24.540039 46.69043 curveto
-24.299799 47.149415 23.95019 47.50586 23.491211 47.759766 curveto
-23.032222 48.013672 22.531246 48.140625 21.988281 48.140625 curveto
-21.117185 48.140625 20.413084 47.861328 19.875977 47.302734 curveto
-19.338867 46.744142 19.070312 45.939455 19.070313 44.888672 curveto
-19.070313 44.888672 lineto
-20.154297 44.888672 moveto
-20.154295 45.685549 20.328123 46.282228 20.675781 46.678711 curveto
-21.023435 47.075196 21.460935 47.273438 21.988281 47.273437 curveto
-22.511715 47.273438 22.947261 47.07422 23.294922 46.675781 curveto
-23.642573 46.277345 23.816401 45.669924 23.816406 44.853516 curveto
-23.816401 44.083988 23.641597 43.500981 23.291992 43.104492 curveto
-22.942379 42.708013 22.507809 42.509771 21.988281 42.509766 curveto
-21.460935 42.509771 21.023435 42.707037 20.675781 43.101562 curveto
-20.328123 43.496098 20.154295 44.091801 20.154297 44.888672 curveto
-20.154297 44.888672 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-30.220703 48 moveto
-30.220703 47.085937 lineto
-29.736324 47.789063 29.078121 48.140625 28.246094 48.140625 curveto
-27.878904 48.140625 27.536131 48.070312 27.217773 47.929687 curveto
-26.899413 47.789063 26.663085 47.612305 26.508789 47.399414 curveto
-26.354491 47.186524 26.246093 46.925782 26.183594 46.617187 curveto
-26.140624 46.410158 26.11914 46.082033 26.119141 45.632812 curveto
-26.119141 41.777344 lineto
-27.173828 41.777344 lineto
-27.173828 45.228516 lineto
-27.173826 45.779299 27.195311 46.150392 27.238281 46.341797 curveto
-27.304686 46.619142 27.44531 46.836915 27.660156 46.995117 curveto
-27.874997 47.153321 28.140622 47.232423 28.457031 47.232422 curveto
-28.773434 47.232423 29.070309 47.151368 29.347656 46.989258 curveto
-29.624996 46.82715 29.821285 46.606447 29.936523 46.327148 curveto
-30.051753 46.047854 30.10937 45.64258 30.109375 45.111328 curveto
-30.109375 41.777344 lineto
-31.164063 41.777344 lineto
-31.164063 48 lineto
-30.220703 48 lineto
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-143.39844 21.888672 moveto
-143.39844 20.736332 143.71875 19.882818 144.35938 19.328125 curveto
-144.89453 18.867194 145.54687 18.636725 146.31641 18.636719 curveto
-147.17187 18.636725 147.87109 18.916998 148.41406 19.477539 curveto
-148.95703 20.038091 149.22851 20.812504 149.22852 21.800781 curveto
-149.22851 22.601565 149.10839 23.231447 148.86816 23.69043 curveto
-148.62792 24.149415 148.27832 24.50586 147.81934 24.759766 curveto
-147.36035 25.013672 146.85937 25.140625 146.31641 25.140625 curveto
-145.44531 25.140625 144.74121 24.861328 144.2041 24.302734 curveto
-143.66699 23.744142 143.39844 22.939455 143.39844 21.888672 curveto
-143.39844 21.888672 lineto
-144.48242 21.888672 moveto
-144.48242 22.685549 144.65625 23.282228 145.00391 23.678711 curveto
-145.35156 24.075196 145.78906 24.273438 146.31641 24.273438 curveto
-146.83984 24.273438 147.27539 24.07422 147.62305 23.675781 curveto
-147.9707 23.277345 148.14453 22.669924 148.14453 21.853516 curveto
-148.14453 21.083988 147.96972 20.500981 147.62012 20.104492 curveto
-147.2705 19.708013 146.83593 19.509771 146.31641 19.509766 curveto
-145.78906 19.509771 145.35156 19.707037 145.00391 20.101563 curveto
-144.65625 20.496098 144.48242 21.091801 144.48242 21.888672 curveto
-144.48242 21.888672 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-150.04883 23.142578 moveto
-151.0918 22.978516 lineto
-151.15039 23.396486 151.31347 23.716798 151.58105 23.939453 curveto
-151.84863 24.16211 152.22265 24.273438 152.70313 24.273438 curveto
-153.1875 24.273438 153.54687 24.174806 153.78125 23.977539 curveto
-154.01562 23.780275 154.13281 23.54883 154.13281 23.283203 curveto
-154.13281 23.044924 154.02929 22.857424 153.82227 22.720703 curveto
-153.67773 22.626955 153.31836 22.507815 152.74414 22.363281 curveto
-151.9707 22.167972 151.43457 21.999026 151.13574 21.856445 curveto
-150.83691 21.71387 150.61035 21.516605 150.45605 21.264648 curveto
-150.30176 21.012699 150.22461 20.734379 150.22461 20.429688 curveto
-150.22461 20.152349 150.28809 19.895513 150.41504 19.65918 curveto
-150.54199 19.422857 150.71484 19.226568 150.93359 19.070313 curveto
-151.09765 18.949225 151.32129 18.846686 151.60449 18.762695 curveto
-151.88769 18.678717 152.1914 18.636725 152.51563 18.636719 curveto
-153.0039 18.636725 153.43261 18.707038 153.80176 18.847656 curveto
-154.17089 18.988287 154.44335 19.178717 154.61914 19.418945 curveto
-154.79492 19.659185 154.91601 19.980474 154.98242 20.382813 curveto
-153.95117 20.523438 lineto
-153.90429 20.20313 153.76855 19.95313 153.54395 19.773438 curveto
-153.31933 19.593755 153.00195 19.503912 152.5918 19.503906 curveto
-152.10742 19.503912 151.76172 19.58399 151.55469 19.744141 curveto
-151.34765 19.904302 151.24414 20.091802 151.24414 20.306641 curveto
-151.24414 20.443364 151.28711 20.566411 151.37305 20.675781 curveto
-151.45898 20.789067 151.59375 20.882817 151.77734 20.957031 curveto
-151.88281 20.996098 152.19336 21.085941 152.70898 21.226563 curveto
-153.45507 21.425785 153.97558 21.588871 154.27051 21.71582 curveto
-154.56542 21.842777 154.79687 22.027347 154.96484 22.269531 curveto
-155.13281 22.511721 155.21679 22.812502 155.2168 23.171875 curveto
-155.21679 23.523439 155.11425 23.854493 154.90918 24.165039 curveto
-154.7041 24.475586 154.4082 24.715821 154.02148 24.885742 curveto
-153.63476 25.055664 153.19726 25.140625 152.70898 25.140625 curveto
-151.90039 25.140625 151.28418 24.972656 150.86035 24.636719 curveto
-150.43652 24.300782 150.16602 23.802736 150.04883 23.142578 curveto
-150.04883 23.142578 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-160.53125 24.232422 moveto
-160.14062 24.564454 159.76464 24.798828 159.40332 24.935547 curveto
-159.04199 25.072266 158.65429 25.140625 158.24023 25.140625 curveto
-157.55664 25.140625 157.03125 24.973633 156.66406 24.639648 curveto
-156.29687 24.305665 156.11328 23.878907 156.11328 23.359375 curveto
-156.11328 23.054689 156.18262 22.776369 156.32129 22.524414 curveto
-156.45996 22.272464 156.6416 22.070315 156.86621 21.917969 curveto
-157.09082 21.765628 157.34375 21.650394 157.625 21.572266 curveto
-157.83203 21.517582 158.14453 21.464847 158.5625 21.414063 curveto
-159.41406 21.312504 160.04101 21.19141 160.44336 21.050781 curveto
-160.44726 20.906254 160.44921 20.814457 160.44922 20.775391 curveto
-160.44921 20.345708 160.3496 20.042974 160.15039 19.867188 curveto
-159.88086 19.628912 159.48046 19.509771 158.94922 19.509766 curveto
-158.45312 19.509771 158.08691 19.596685 157.85059 19.770508 curveto
-157.61426 19.944341 157.43945 20.251958 157.32617 20.693359 curveto
-156.29492 20.552734 lineto
-156.38867 20.111333 156.54297 19.754888 156.75781 19.483398 curveto
-156.97265 19.21192 157.2832 19.002936 157.68945 18.856445 curveto
-158.0957 18.709967 158.5664 18.636725 159.10156 18.636719 curveto
-159.63281 18.636725 160.06445 18.699225 160.39648 18.824219 curveto
-160.72851 18.949225 160.97265 19.106451 161.12891 19.295898 curveto
-161.28515 19.485357 161.39453 19.724615 161.45703 20.013672 curveto
-161.49218 20.193364 161.50976 20.517583 161.50977 20.986328 curveto
-161.50977 22.392578 lineto
-161.50976 23.373049 161.53222 23.993165 161.57715 24.25293 curveto
-161.62206 24.512696 161.71093 24.761719 161.84375 25 curveto
-160.74219 25 lineto
-160.63281 24.78125 160.5625 24.525391 160.53125 24.232422 curveto
-160.53125 24.232422 lineto
-160.44336 21.876953 moveto
-160.06054 22.033206 159.48632 22.166018 158.7207 22.275391 curveto
-158.28711 22.337893 157.98047 22.408206 157.80078 22.486328 curveto
-157.62109 22.564456 157.48242 22.678713 157.38477 22.829102 curveto
-157.28711 22.979494 157.23828 23.146486 157.23828 23.330078 curveto
-157.23828 23.61133 157.34472 23.845704 157.55762 24.033203 curveto
-157.77051 24.220704 158.08203 24.314454 158.49219 24.314453 curveto
-158.89843 24.314454 159.25976 24.225587 159.57617 24.047852 curveto
-159.89257 23.870118 160.125 23.626954 160.27344 23.318359 curveto
-160.38671 23.08008 160.44335 22.728518 160.44336 22.263672 curveto
-160.44336 21.876953 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-163.15039 25 moveto
-163.15039 18.777344 lineto
-164.09375 18.777344 lineto
-164.09375 19.650391 lineto
-164.28906 19.345709 164.54883 19.100592 164.87305 18.915039 curveto
-165.19726 18.729498 165.5664 18.636725 165.98047 18.636719 curveto
-166.4414 18.636725 166.81933 18.732428 167.11426 18.923828 curveto
-167.40917 19.11524 167.61718 19.382818 167.73828 19.726563 curveto
-168.23046 19.000006 168.87109 18.636725 169.66016 18.636719 curveto
-170.27734 18.636725 170.75194 18.807623 171.08398 19.149414 curveto
-171.41601 19.491216 171.58202 20.017583 171.58203 20.728516 curveto
-171.58203 25 lineto
-170.5332 25 lineto
-170.5332 21.080078 lineto
-170.53319 20.658207 170.49902 20.354497 170.43066 20.168945 curveto
-170.3623 19.983403 170.23827 19.83399 170.05859 19.720703 curveto
-169.8789 19.607427 169.66796 19.550787 169.42578 19.550781 curveto
-168.98827 19.550787 168.62499 19.696294 168.33594 19.987305 curveto
-168.04687 20.278325 167.90234 20.744145 167.90234 21.384766 curveto
-167.90234 25 lineto
-166.84766 25 lineto
-166.84766 20.957031 lineto
-166.84765 20.488286 166.76171 20.136724 166.58984 19.902344 curveto
-166.41796 19.667974 166.13671 19.550787 165.74609 19.550781 curveto
-165.44922 19.550787 165.1748 19.628912 164.92285 19.785156 curveto
-164.6709 19.941411 164.48828 20.169927 164.375 20.470703 curveto
-164.26172 20.771489 164.20508 21.205082 164.20508 21.771484 curveto
-164.20508 25 lineto
-163.15039 25 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-173.16406 17.623047 moveto
-173.16406 16.410156 lineto
-174.21875 16.410156 lineto
-174.21875 17.623047 lineto
-173.16406 17.623047 lineto
-173.16406 25 moveto
-173.16406 18.777344 lineto
-174.21875 18.777344 lineto
-174.21875 25 lineto
-173.16406 25 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-147.86914 40 moveto
-147.86914 39.085938 lineto
-147.38476 39.789063 146.72656 40.140625 145.89453 40.140625 curveto
-145.52734 40.140625 145.18457 40.070312 144.86621 39.929688 curveto
-144.54785 39.789063 144.31152 39.612305 144.15723 39.399414 curveto
-144.00293 39.186524 143.89453 38.925782 143.83203 38.617188 curveto
-143.78906 38.410158 143.76758 38.082033 143.76758 37.632813 curveto
-143.76758 33.777344 lineto
-144.82227 33.777344 lineto
-144.82227 37.228516 lineto
-144.82226 37.779299 144.84375 38.150392 144.88672 38.341797 curveto
-144.95312 38.619142 145.09375 38.836915 145.30859 38.995117 curveto
-145.52343 39.153321 145.78906 39.232423 146.10547 39.232422 curveto
-146.42187 39.232423 146.71875 39.151368 146.99609 38.989258 curveto
-147.27343 38.82715 147.46972 38.606447 147.58496 38.327148 curveto
-147.70019 38.047854 147.75781 37.64258 147.75781 37.111328 curveto
-147.75781 33.777344 lineto
-148.8125 33.777344 lineto
-148.8125 40 lineto
-147.86914 40 lineto
-145.66016 33.003906 moveto
-146.43945 31.363281 lineto
-147.82227 31.363281 lineto
-146.5332 33.003906 lineto
-145.66016 33.003906 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-150.04883 38.142578 moveto
-151.0918 37.978516 lineto
-151.15039 38.396486 151.31347 38.716798 151.58105 38.939453 curveto
-151.84863 39.16211 152.22265 39.273438 152.70313 39.273438 curveto
-153.1875 39.273438 153.54687 39.174806 153.78125 38.977539 curveto
-154.01562 38.780275 154.13281 38.54883 154.13281 38.283203 curveto
-154.13281 38.044924 154.02929 37.857424 153.82227 37.720703 curveto
-153.67773 37.626955 153.31836 37.507815 152.74414 37.363281 curveto
-151.9707 37.167972 151.43457 36.999026 151.13574 36.856445 curveto
-150.83691 36.71387 150.61035 36.516605 150.45605 36.264648 curveto
-150.30176 36.012699 150.22461 35.734379 150.22461 35.429688 curveto
-150.22461 35.152349 150.28809 34.895513 150.41504 34.65918 curveto
-150.54199 34.422857 150.71484 34.226568 150.93359 34.070313 curveto
-151.09765 33.949225 151.32129 33.846686 151.60449 33.762695 curveto
-151.88769 33.678717 152.1914 33.636725 152.51563 33.636719 curveto
-153.0039 33.636725 153.43261 33.707038 153.80176 33.847656 curveto
-154.17089 33.988287 154.44335 34.178717 154.61914 34.418945 curveto
-154.79492 34.659185 154.91601 34.980474 154.98242 35.382813 curveto
-153.95117 35.523438 lineto
-153.90429 35.20313 153.76855 34.95313 153.54395 34.773438 curveto
-153.31933 34.593755 153.00195 34.503912 152.5918 34.503906 curveto
-152.10742 34.503912 151.76172 34.58399 151.55469 34.744141 curveto
-151.34765 34.904302 151.24414 35.091802 151.24414 35.306641 curveto
-151.24414 35.443364 151.28711 35.566411 151.37305 35.675781 curveto
-151.45898 35.789067 151.59375 35.882817 151.77734 35.957031 curveto
-151.88281 35.996098 152.19336 36.085941 152.70898 36.226563 curveto
-153.45507 36.425785 153.97558 36.588871 154.27051 36.71582 curveto
-154.56542 36.842777 154.79687 37.027347 154.96484 37.269531 curveto
-155.13281 37.511721 155.21679 37.812502 155.2168 38.171875 curveto
-155.21679 38.523439 155.11425 38.854493 154.90918 39.165039 curveto
-154.7041 39.475586 154.4082 39.715821 154.02148 39.885742 curveto
-153.63476 40.055664 153.19726 40.140625 152.70898 40.140625 curveto
-151.90039 40.140625 151.28418 39.972656 150.86035 39.636719 curveto
-150.43652 39.300782 150.16602 38.802736 150.04883 38.142578 curveto
-150.04883 38.142578 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-160.73047 37.996094 moveto
-161.82031 38.130859 lineto
-161.64843 38.767579 161.33007 39.261719 160.86523 39.613281 curveto
-160.40039 39.964844 159.80664 40.140625 159.08398 40.140625 curveto
-158.17383 40.140625 157.45215 39.860352 156.91895 39.299805 curveto
-156.38574 38.739259 156.11914 37.953127 156.11914 36.941406 curveto
-156.11914 35.894535 156.38867 35.082036 156.92773 34.503906 curveto
-157.4668 33.925787 158.16601 33.636725 159.02539 33.636719 curveto
-159.85742 33.636725 160.5371 33.919928 161.06445 34.486328 curveto
-161.59179 35.052739 161.85546 35.849614 161.85547 36.876953 curveto
-161.85546 36.939456 161.85351 37.033206 161.84961 37.158203 curveto
-157.20898 37.158203 lineto
-157.24805 37.841799 157.4414 38.365236 157.78906 38.728516 curveto
-158.13672 39.091798 158.57031 39.273438 159.08984 39.273438 curveto
-159.47656 39.273438 159.80664 39.171876 160.08008 38.96875 curveto
-160.35351 38.765626 160.57031 38.441408 160.73047 37.996094 curveto
-160.73047 37.996094 lineto
-157.26758 36.291016 moveto
-160.74219 36.291016 lineto
-160.69531 35.767582 160.5625 35.375005 160.34375 35.113281 curveto
-160.00781 34.707037 159.57226 34.503912 159.03711 34.503906 curveto
-158.55273 34.503912 158.14551 34.666021 157.81543 34.990234 curveto
-157.48535 35.314458 157.30273 35.748051 157.26758 36.291016 curveto
-157.26758 36.291016 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-167.21094 37.720703 moveto
-168.24805 37.855469 lineto
-168.13476 38.570314 167.84472 39.129884 167.37793 39.53418 curveto
-166.91113 39.938477 166.33789 40.140625 165.6582 40.140625 curveto
-164.80664 40.140625 164.12207 39.862305 163.60449 39.305664 curveto
-163.08691 38.749025 162.82812 37.951174 162.82813 36.912109 curveto
-162.82812 36.240238 162.93945 35.652348 163.16211 35.148438 curveto
-163.38476 34.644537 163.72363 34.266607 164.17871 34.014648 curveto
-164.63379 33.762702 165.1289 33.636725 165.66406 33.636719 curveto
-166.33984 33.636725 166.89257 33.807623 167.32227 34.149414 curveto
-167.75195 34.491216 168.02734 34.976568 168.14844 35.605469 curveto
-167.12305 35.763672 lineto
-167.02539 35.345708 166.85253 35.031255 166.60449 34.820313 curveto
-166.35644 34.60938 166.05664 34.503912 165.70508 34.503906 curveto
-165.17383 34.503912 164.74219 34.694341 164.41016 35.075195 curveto
-164.07812 35.456059 163.91211 36.058598 163.91211 36.882813 curveto
-163.91211 37.718752 164.07226 38.326174 164.39258 38.705078 curveto
-164.71289 39.083985 165.13086 39.273438 165.64648 39.273438 curveto
-166.06054 39.273438 166.40625 39.146485 166.68359 38.892578 curveto
-166.96093 38.638673 167.13671 38.248049 167.21094 37.720703 curveto
-167.21094 37.720703 lineto
-165.6582 32.359375 moveto
-166.30273 31.363281 lineto
-167.49805 31.363281 lineto
-166.17969 33.003906 lineto
-165.05469 33.003906 lineto
-163.78906 31.363281 lineto
-164.99609 31.363281 lineto
-165.6582 32.359375 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-173.41016 37.996094 moveto
-174.5 38.130859 lineto
-174.32812 38.767579 174.00976 39.261719 173.54492 39.613281 curveto
-173.08007 39.964844 172.48632 40.140625 171.76367 40.140625 curveto
-170.85351 40.140625 170.13183 39.860352 169.59863 39.299805 curveto
-169.06543 38.739259 168.79883 37.953127 168.79883 36.941406 curveto
-168.79883 35.894535 169.06836 35.082036 169.60742 34.503906 curveto
-170.14648 33.925787 170.8457 33.636725 171.70508 33.636719 curveto
-172.53711 33.636725 173.21679 33.919928 173.74414 34.486328 curveto
-174.27148 35.052739 174.53515 35.849614 174.53516 36.876953 curveto
-174.53515 36.939456 174.5332 37.033206 174.5293 37.158203 curveto
-169.88867 37.158203 lineto
-169.92773 37.841799 170.12109 38.365236 170.46875 38.728516 curveto
-170.8164 39.091798 171.25 39.273438 171.76953 39.273438 curveto
-172.15625 39.273438 172.48632 39.171876 172.75977 38.96875 curveto
-173.0332 38.765626 173.25 38.441408 173.41016 37.996094 curveto
-173.41016 37.996094 lineto
-169.94727 36.291016 moveto
-173.42188 36.291016 lineto
-173.37499 35.767582 173.24218 35.375005 173.02344 35.113281 curveto
-172.6875 34.707037 172.25195 34.503912 171.7168 34.503906 curveto
-171.23242 34.503912 170.82519 34.666021 170.49512 34.990234 curveto
-170.16504 35.314458 169.98242 35.748051 169.94727 36.291016 curveto
-169.94727 36.291016 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-175.83594 40 moveto
-175.83594 31.410156 lineto
-176.89063 31.410156 lineto
-176.89063 36.308594 lineto
-179.38672 33.777344 lineto
-180.75195 33.777344 lineto
-178.37305 36.085938 lineto
-180.99219 40 lineto
-179.69141 40 lineto
-177.63477 36.818359 lineto
-176.89063 37.533203 lineto
-176.89063 40 lineto
-175.83594 40 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-146.09375 54.056641 moveto
-146.24609 54.988281 lineto
-145.94922 55.050781 145.68359 55.082031 145.44922 55.082031 curveto
-145.0664 55.082031 144.76953 55.021484 144.55859 54.900391 curveto
-144.34765 54.779297 144.19922 54.620118 144.11328 54.422852 curveto
-144.02734 54.225587 143.98437 53.810548 143.98438 53.177734 curveto
-143.98438 49.597656 lineto
-143.21094 49.597656 lineto
-143.21094 48.777344 lineto
-143.98438 48.777344 lineto
-143.98438 47.236328 lineto
-145.0332 46.603516 lineto
-145.0332 48.777344 lineto
-146.09375 48.777344 lineto
-146.09375 49.597656 lineto
-145.0332 49.597656 lineto
-145.0332 53.236328 lineto
-145.0332 53.537111 145.05176 53.73047 145.08887 53.816406 curveto
-145.12597 53.902345 145.18652 53.970704 145.27051 54.021484 curveto
-145.35449 54.072267 145.47461 54.097657 145.63086 54.097656 curveto
-145.74804 54.097657 145.90234 54.083985 146.09375 54.056641 curveto
-146.09375 54.056641 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-148.84766 55 moveto
-146.48047 48.777344 lineto
-147.59375 48.777344 lineto
-148.92969 52.503906 lineto
-149.07422 52.906252 149.20703 53.32422 149.32813 53.757812 curveto
-149.42187 53.429689 149.55273 53.035158 149.7207 52.574219 curveto
-151.10352 48.777344 lineto
-152.1875 48.777344 lineto
-149.83203 55 lineto
-148.84766 55 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-152.72656 51.888672 moveto
-152.72656 50.736332 153.04687 49.882818 153.6875 49.328125 curveto
-154.22265 48.867194 154.875 48.636725 155.64453 48.636719 curveto
-156.5 48.636725 157.19921 48.916998 157.74219 49.477539 curveto
-158.28515 50.038091 158.55663 50.812504 158.55664 51.800781 curveto
-158.55663 52.601565 158.43652 53.231447 158.19629 53.69043 curveto
-157.95605 54.149415 157.60644 54.50586 157.14746 54.759766 curveto
-156.68847 55.013672 156.1875 55.140625 155.64453 55.140625 curveto
-154.77344 55.140625 154.06933 54.861328 153.53223 54.302734 curveto
-152.99512 53.744142 152.72656 52.939455 152.72656 51.888672 curveto
-152.72656 51.888672 lineto
-153.81055 51.888672 moveto
-153.81055 52.685549 153.98437 53.282228 154.33203 53.678711 curveto
-154.67969 54.075196 155.11718 54.273438 155.64453 54.273437 curveto
-156.16796 54.273438 156.60351 54.07422 156.95117 53.675781 curveto
-157.29882 53.277345 157.47265 52.669924 157.47266 51.853516 curveto
-157.47265 51.083988 157.29785 50.500981 156.94824 50.104492 curveto
-156.59863 49.708013 156.16406 49.509771 155.64453 49.509766 curveto
-155.11718 49.509771 154.67969 49.707037 154.33203 50.101562 curveto
-153.98437 50.496098 153.81055 51.091801 153.81055 51.888672 curveto
-153.81055 51.888672 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-159.78711 55 moveto
-159.78711 48.777344 lineto
-160.73633 48.777344 lineto
-160.73633 49.720703 lineto
-160.97851 49.279303 161.20215 48.988287 161.40723 48.847656 curveto
-161.6123 48.707038 161.83789 48.636725 162.08398 48.636719 curveto
-162.43945 48.636725 162.80078 48.750006 163.16797 48.976562 curveto
-162.80469 49.955078 lineto
-162.54687 49.80274 162.28906 49.726568 162.03125 49.726562 curveto
-161.80078 49.726568 161.59375 49.795904 161.41016 49.93457 curveto
-161.22656 50.073247 161.0957 50.26563 161.01758 50.511719 curveto
-160.90039 50.886723 160.8418 51.296879 160.8418 51.742187 curveto
-160.8418 55 lineto
-159.78711 55 lineto
-161.22852 47.359375 moveto
-161.87305 46.363281 lineto
-163.06836 46.363281 lineto
-161.75 48.003906 lineto
-160.625 48.003906 lineto
-159.35938 46.363281 lineto
-160.56641 46.363281 lineto
-161.22852 47.359375 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-168.06641 52.996094 moveto
-169.15625 53.130859 lineto
-168.98437 53.767579 168.66601 54.261719 168.20117 54.613281 curveto
-167.73632 54.964844 167.14257 55.140625 166.41992 55.140625 curveto
-165.50976 55.140625 164.78808 54.860352 164.25488 54.299805 curveto
-163.72168 53.739259 163.45508 52.953127 163.45508 51.941406 curveto
-163.45508 50.894535 163.72461 50.082036 164.26367 49.503906 curveto
-164.80273 48.925787 165.50195 48.636725 166.36133 48.636719 curveto
-167.19336 48.636725 167.87304 48.919928 168.40039 49.486328 curveto
-168.92773 50.052739 169.1914 50.849614 169.19141 51.876953 curveto
-169.1914 51.939456 169.18945 52.033206 169.18555 52.158203 curveto
-164.54492 52.158203 lineto
-164.58398 52.841799 164.77734 53.365236 165.125 53.728516 curveto
-165.47265 54.091798 165.90625 54.273438 166.42578 54.273437 curveto
-166.8125 54.273438 167.14257 54.171876 167.41602 53.96875 curveto
-167.68945 53.765626 167.90625 53.441408 168.06641 52.996094 curveto
-168.06641 52.996094 lineto
-164.60352 51.291016 moveto
-168.07813 51.291016 lineto
-168.03124 50.767582 167.89843 50.375005 167.67969 50.113281 curveto
-167.34375 49.707037 166.9082 49.503912 166.37305 49.503906 curveto
-165.88867 49.503912 165.48144 49.666021 165.15137 49.990234 curveto
-164.82129 50.314458 164.63867 50.748051 164.60352 51.291016 curveto
-164.60352 51.291016 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-170.48633 55 moveto
-170.48633 48.777344 lineto
-171.43555 48.777344 lineto
-171.43555 49.662109 lineto
-171.89258 48.978522 172.55273 48.636725 173.41602 48.636719 curveto
-173.79101 48.636725 174.13574 48.704108 174.4502 48.838867 curveto
-174.76464 48.973639 174.99999 49.150396 175.15625 49.369141 curveto
-175.31249 49.587896 175.42187 49.847661 175.48438 50.148437 curveto
-175.52343 50.343755 175.54296 50.685551 175.54297 51.173828 curveto
-175.54297 55 lineto
-174.48828 55 lineto
-174.48828 51.214844 lineto
-174.48828 50.78516 174.44726 50.463872 174.36523 50.250977 curveto
-174.2832 50.038091 174.13769 49.868169 173.92871 49.741211 curveto
-173.71972 49.614263 173.47461 49.550787 173.19336 49.550781 curveto
-172.74414 49.550787 172.35644 49.693365 172.03027 49.978516 curveto
-171.7041 50.263677 171.54101 50.804692 171.54102 51.601562 curveto
-171.54102 55 lineto
-170.48633 55 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-177.11914 57.396484 moveto
-177.00195 56.40625 lineto
-177.23242 56.468749 177.43359 56.499998 177.60547 56.5 curveto
-177.83984 56.499998 178.02734 56.460936 178.16797 56.382812 curveto
-178.30859 56.304686 178.42383 56.195311 178.51367 56.054687 curveto
-178.58008 55.949218 178.6875 55.687499 178.83594 55.269531 curveto
-178.85547 55.210937 178.88672 55.125 178.92969 55.011719 curveto
-176.56836 48.777344 lineto
-177.70508 48.777344 lineto
-179 52.380859 lineto
-179.16797 52.837893 179.31836 53.318361 179.45117 53.822266 curveto
-179.57226 53.337892 179.71679 52.865237 179.88477 52.404297 curveto
-181.21484 48.777344 lineto
-182.26953 48.777344 lineto
-179.90234 55.105469 lineto
-179.64843 55.789062 179.45117 56.259764 179.31055 56.517578 curveto
-179.12304 56.865233 178.9082 57.120115 178.66602 57.282227 curveto
-178.42383 57.444333 178.13476 57.525388 177.79883 57.525391 curveto
-177.5957 57.525388 177.36914 57.482419 177.11914 57.396484 curveto
-177.11914 57.396484 lineto
-178.84766 48.003906 moveto
-179.62695 46.363281 lineto
-181.00977 46.363281 lineto
-179.7207 48.003906 lineto
-178.84766 48.003906 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-187.22656 52.720703 moveto
-188.26367 52.855469 lineto
-188.15038 53.570314 187.86035 54.129884 187.39355 54.53418 curveto
-186.92675 54.938477 186.35351 55.140625 185.67383 55.140625 curveto
-184.82226 55.140625 184.13769 54.862305 183.62012 54.305664 curveto
-183.10254 53.749025 182.84375 52.951174 182.84375 51.912109 curveto
-182.84375 51.240238 182.95508 50.652348 183.17773 50.148437 curveto
-183.40039 49.644537 183.73926 49.266607 184.19434 49.014648 curveto
-184.64941 48.762702 185.14453 48.636725 185.67969 48.636719 curveto
-186.35546 48.636725 186.9082 48.807623 187.33789 49.149414 curveto
-187.76757 49.491216 188.04296 49.976568 188.16406 50.605469 curveto
-187.13867 50.763672 lineto
-187.04101 50.345708 186.86816 50.031255 186.62012 49.820312 curveto
-186.37207 49.60938 186.07226 49.503912 185.7207 49.503906 curveto
-185.18945 49.503912 184.75781 49.694341 184.42578 50.075195 curveto
-184.09375 50.456059 183.92773 51.058598 183.92773 51.882812 curveto
-183.92773 52.718752 184.08789 53.326174 184.4082 53.705078 curveto
-184.72851 54.083985 185.14648 54.273438 185.66211 54.273437 curveto
-186.07617 54.273438 186.42187 54.146485 186.69922 53.892578 curveto
-186.97656 53.638673 187.15234 53.248049 187.22656 52.720703 curveto
-187.22656 52.720703 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-189.16602 55 moveto
-189.16602 46.410156 lineto
-190.2207 46.410156 lineto
-190.2207 49.492187 lineto
-190.71289 48.921881 191.33398 48.636725 192.08398 48.636719 curveto
-192.54492 48.636725 192.94531 48.727545 193.28516 48.90918 curveto
-193.62499 49.090826 193.86816 49.341803 194.01465 49.662109 curveto
-194.16113 49.982427 194.23437 50.44727 194.23438 51.056641 curveto
-194.23438 55 lineto
-193.17969 55 lineto
-193.17969 51.056641 lineto
-193.17968 50.529301 193.06542 50.145513 192.83691 49.905273 curveto
-192.60839 49.665044 192.28515 49.544927 191.86719 49.544922 curveto
-191.55468 49.544927 191.26074 49.625982 190.98535 49.788086 curveto
-190.70996 49.9502 190.51367 50.169927 190.39648 50.447266 curveto
-190.27929 50.724614 190.2207 51.107426 190.2207 51.595703 curveto
-190.2207 55 lineto
-189.16602 55 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-143.79102 70 moveto
-143.79102 63.777344 lineto
-144.74023 63.777344 lineto
-144.74023 64.662109 lineto
-145.19726 63.978522 145.85742 63.636725 146.7207 63.636719 curveto
-147.0957 63.636725 147.44043 63.704108 147.75488 63.838867 curveto
-148.06933 63.973639 148.30468 64.150396 148.46094 64.369141 curveto
-148.61718 64.587896 148.72656 64.847661 148.78906 65.148438 curveto
-148.82812 65.343755 148.84765 65.685551 148.84766 66.173828 curveto
-148.84766 70 lineto
-147.79297 70 lineto
-147.79297 66.214844 lineto
-147.79296 65.78516 147.75195 65.463872 147.66992 65.250977 curveto
-147.58789 65.038091 147.44238 64.868169 147.2334 64.741211 curveto
-147.02441 64.614263 146.77929 64.550787 146.49805 64.550781 curveto
-146.04883 64.550787 145.66113 64.693365 145.33496 64.978516 curveto
-145.00879 65.263677 144.8457 65.804692 144.8457 66.601563 curveto
-144.8457 70 lineto
-143.79102 70 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-154.53125 69.232422 moveto
-154.14062 69.564454 153.76464 69.798828 153.40332 69.935547 curveto
-153.04199 70.072266 152.65429 70.140625 152.24023 70.140625 curveto
-151.55664 70.140625 151.03125 69.973633 150.66406 69.639648 curveto
-150.29687 69.305665 150.11328 68.878907 150.11328 68.359375 curveto
-150.11328 68.054689 150.18262 67.776369 150.32129 67.524414 curveto
-150.45996 67.272464 150.6416 67.070315 150.86621 66.917969 curveto
-151.09082 66.765628 151.34375 66.650394 151.625 66.572266 curveto
-151.83203 66.517582 152.14453 66.464847 152.5625 66.414063 curveto
-153.41406 66.312504 154.04101 66.19141 154.44336 66.050781 curveto
-154.44726 65.906254 154.44921 65.814457 154.44922 65.775391 curveto
-154.44921 65.345708 154.3496 65.042974 154.15039 64.867188 curveto
-153.88086 64.628912 153.48046 64.509771 152.94922 64.509766 curveto
-152.45312 64.509771 152.08691 64.596685 151.85059 64.770508 curveto
-151.61426 64.944341 151.43945 65.251958 151.32617 65.693359 curveto
-150.29492 65.552734 lineto
-150.38867 65.111333 150.54297 64.754888 150.75781 64.483398 curveto
-150.97265 64.21192 151.2832 64.002936 151.68945 63.856445 curveto
-152.0957 63.709967 152.5664 63.636725 153.10156 63.636719 curveto
-153.63281 63.636725 154.06445 63.699225 154.39648 63.824219 curveto
-154.72851 63.949225 154.97265 64.106451 155.12891 64.295898 curveto
-155.28515 64.485357 155.39453 64.724615 155.45703 65.013672 curveto
-155.49218 65.193364 155.50976 65.517583 155.50977 65.986328 curveto
-155.50977 67.392578 lineto
-155.50976 68.373049 155.53222 68.993165 155.57715 69.25293 curveto
-155.62206 69.512696 155.71093 69.761719 155.84375 70 curveto
-154.74219 70 lineto
-154.63281 69.78125 154.5625 69.525391 154.53125 69.232422 curveto
-154.53125 69.232422 lineto
-154.44336 66.876953 moveto
-154.06054 67.033206 153.48632 67.166018 152.7207 67.275391 curveto
-152.28711 67.337893 151.98047 67.408206 151.80078 67.486328 curveto
-151.62109 67.564456 151.48242 67.678713 151.38477 67.829102 curveto
-151.28711 67.979494 151.23828 68.146486 151.23828 68.330078 curveto
-151.23828 68.61133 151.34472 68.845704 151.55762 69.033203 curveto
-151.77051 69.220704 152.08203 69.314454 152.49219 69.314453 curveto
-152.89843 69.314454 153.25976 69.225587 153.57617 69.047852 curveto
-153.89257 68.870118 154.125 68.626954 154.27344 68.318359 curveto
-154.38671 68.08008 154.44335 67.728518 154.44336 67.263672 curveto
-154.44336 66.876953 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-156.72852 68.142578 moveto
-157.77148 67.978516 lineto
-157.83008 68.396486 157.99316 68.716798 158.26074 68.939453 curveto
-158.52832 69.16211 158.90234 69.273438 159.38281 69.273438 curveto
-159.86718 69.273438 160.22656 69.174806 160.46094 68.977539 curveto
-160.69531 68.780275 160.8125 68.54883 160.8125 68.283203 curveto
-160.8125 68.044924 160.70898 67.857424 160.50195 67.720703 curveto
-160.35742 67.626955 159.99804 67.507815 159.42383 67.363281 curveto
-158.65039 67.167972 158.11426 66.999026 157.81543 66.856445 curveto
-157.5166 66.71387 157.29004 66.516605 157.13574 66.264648 curveto
-156.98144 66.012699 156.9043 65.734379 156.9043 65.429688 curveto
-156.9043 65.152349 156.96777 64.895513 157.09473 64.65918 curveto
-157.22168 64.422857 157.39453 64.226568 157.61328 64.070313 curveto
-157.77734 63.949225 158.00097 63.846686 158.28418 63.762695 curveto
-158.56738 63.678717 158.87109 63.636725 159.19531 63.636719 curveto
-159.68359 63.636725 160.1123 63.707038 160.48145 63.847656 curveto
-160.85058 63.988287 161.12304 64.178717 161.29883 64.418945 curveto
-161.4746 64.659185 161.5957 64.980474 161.66211 65.382813 curveto
-160.63086 65.523438 lineto
-160.58398 65.20313 160.44824 64.95313 160.22363 64.773438 curveto
-159.99902 64.593755 159.68164 64.503912 159.27148 64.503906 curveto
-158.78711 64.503912 158.4414 64.58399 158.23438 64.744141 curveto
-158.02734 64.904302 157.92383 65.091802 157.92383 65.306641 curveto
-157.92383 65.443364 157.9668 65.566411 158.05273 65.675781 curveto
-158.13867 65.789067 158.27344 65.882817 158.45703 65.957031 curveto
-158.5625 65.996098 158.87304 66.085941 159.38867 66.226563 curveto
-160.13476 66.425785 160.65527 66.588871 160.9502 66.71582 curveto
-161.24511 66.842777 161.47656 67.027347 161.64453 67.269531 curveto
-161.81249 67.511721 161.89648 67.812502 161.89648 68.171875 curveto
-161.89648 68.523439 161.79394 68.854493 161.58887 69.165039 curveto
-161.38378 69.475586 161.08789 69.715821 160.70117 69.885742 curveto
-160.31445 70.055664 159.87695 70.140625 159.38867 70.140625 curveto
-158.58008 70.140625 157.96387 69.972656 157.54004 69.636719 curveto
-157.11621 69.300782 156.8457 68.802736 156.72852 68.142578 curveto
-156.72852 68.142578 lineto
-159.33008 62.359375 moveto
-159.97461 61.363281 lineto
-161.16992 61.363281 lineto
-159.85156 63.003906 lineto
-158.72656 63.003906 lineto
-157.46094 61.363281 lineto
-158.66797 61.363281 lineto
-159.33008 62.359375 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-163.15625 62.623047 moveto
-163.15625 61.410156 lineto
-164.21094 61.410156 lineto
-164.21094 62.623047 lineto
-163.15625 62.623047 lineto
-163.15625 70 moveto
-163.15625 63.777344 lineto
-164.21094 63.777344 lineto
-164.21094 70 lineto
-163.15625 70 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-165.82227 70 moveto
-165.82227 63.777344 lineto
-166.76563 63.777344 lineto
-166.76563 64.650391 lineto
-166.96094 64.345709 167.2207 64.100592 167.54492 63.915039 curveto
-167.86914 63.729498 168.23828 63.636725 168.65234 63.636719 curveto
-169.11328 63.636725 169.49121 63.732428 169.78613 63.923828 curveto
-170.08105 64.11524 170.28906 64.382818 170.41016 64.726563 curveto
-170.90234 64.000006 171.54296 63.636725 172.33203 63.636719 curveto
-172.94921 63.636725 173.42382 63.807623 173.75586 64.149414 curveto
-174.08788 64.491216 174.2539 65.017583 174.25391 65.728516 curveto
-174.25391 70 lineto
-173.20508 70 lineto
-173.20508 66.080078 lineto
-173.20507 65.658207 173.17089 65.354497 173.10254 65.168945 curveto
-173.03417 64.983403 172.91015 64.83399 172.73047 64.720703 curveto
-172.55077 64.607427 172.33984 64.550787 172.09766 64.550781 curveto
-171.66015 64.550787 171.29687 64.696294 171.00781 64.987305 curveto
-170.71874 65.278325 170.57421 65.744145 170.57422 66.384766 curveto
-170.57422 70 lineto
-169.51953 70 lineto
-169.51953 65.957031 lineto
-169.51953 65.488286 169.43359 65.136724 169.26172 64.902344 curveto
-169.08984 64.667974 168.80859 64.550787 168.41797 64.550781 curveto
-168.12109 64.550787 167.84668 64.628912 167.59473 64.785156 curveto
-167.34277 64.941411 167.16015 65.169927 167.04688 65.470703 curveto
-166.93359 65.771489 166.87695 66.205082 166.87695 66.771484 curveto
-166.87695 70 lineto
-165.82227 70 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-175.83594 62.623047 moveto
-175.83594 61.410156 lineto
-176.89063 61.410156 lineto
-176.89063 62.623047 lineto
-175.83594 62.623047 lineto
-175.83594 70 moveto
-175.83594 63.777344 lineto
-176.89063 63.777344 lineto
-176.89063 70 lineto
-175.83594 70 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-144.76367 85 moveto
-143.78516 85 lineto
-143.78516 76.410156 lineto
-144.83984 76.410156 lineto
-144.83984 79.474609 lineto
-145.28515 78.916022 145.85351 78.636725 146.54492 78.636719 curveto
-146.92773 78.636725 147.29003 78.713873 147.63184 78.868164 curveto
-147.97363 79.022467 148.25488 79.239264 148.47559 79.518555 curveto
-148.69628 79.797857 148.86913 80.13477 148.99414 80.529297 curveto
-149.11913 80.923832 149.18163 81.345707 149.18164 81.794922 curveto
-149.18163 82.86133 148.91796 83.685548 148.39063 84.267578 curveto
-147.86328 84.84961 147.23046 85.140625 146.49219 85.140625 curveto
-145.75781 85.140625 145.18164 84.833985 144.76367 84.220703 curveto
-144.76367 85 lineto
-144.75195 81.841797 moveto
-144.75195 82.587893 144.85351 83.126955 145.05664 83.458984 curveto
-145.38867 84.001954 145.83789 84.273438 146.4043 84.273438 curveto
-146.86523 84.273438 147.26367 84.073243 147.59961 83.672852 curveto
-147.93554 83.272463 148.10351 82.675784 148.10352 81.882813 curveto
-148.10351 81.070316 147.94238 80.470708 147.62012 80.083984 curveto
-147.29785 79.697271 146.9082 79.503912 146.45117 79.503906 curveto
-145.99023 79.503912 145.59179 79.704107 145.25586 80.104492 curveto
-144.91992 80.504887 144.75195 81.083988 144.75195 81.841797 curveto
-144.75195 81.841797 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-150.07813 81.888672 moveto
-150.07812 80.736332 150.39844 79.882818 151.03906 79.328125 curveto
-151.57422 78.867194 152.22656 78.636725 152.99609 78.636719 curveto
-153.85156 78.636725 154.55078 78.916998 155.09375 79.477539 curveto
-155.63671 80.038091 155.9082 80.812504 155.9082 81.800781 curveto
-155.9082 82.601565 155.78808 83.231447 155.54785 83.69043 curveto
-155.30761 84.149415 154.958 84.50586 154.49902 84.759766 curveto
-154.04003 85.013672 153.53906 85.140625 152.99609 85.140625 curveto
-152.125 85.140625 151.4209 84.861328 150.88379 84.302734 curveto
-150.34668 83.744142 150.07812 82.939455 150.07813 81.888672 curveto
-150.07813 81.888672 lineto
-151.16211 81.888672 moveto
-151.16211 82.685549 151.33594 83.282228 151.68359 83.678711 curveto
-152.03125 84.075196 152.46875 84.273438 152.99609 84.273438 curveto
-153.51953 84.273438 153.95507 84.07422 154.30273 83.675781 curveto
-154.65039 83.277345 154.82421 82.669924 154.82422 81.853516 curveto
-154.82421 81.083988 154.64941 80.500981 154.2998 80.104492 curveto
-153.95019 79.708013 153.51562 79.509771 152.99609 79.509766 curveto
-152.46875 79.509771 152.03125 79.707037 151.68359 80.101563 curveto
-151.33594 80.496098 151.16211 81.091801 151.16211 81.888672 curveto
-151.16211 81.888672 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-161.1875 85 moveto
-161.1875 84.214844 lineto
-160.79296 84.832031 160.21289 85.140625 159.44727 85.140625 curveto
-158.95117 85.140625 158.49512 85.003906 158.0791 84.730469 curveto
-157.66308 84.457032 157.34082 84.075196 157.1123 83.584961 curveto
-156.88379 83.094728 156.76953 82.531252 156.76953 81.894531 curveto
-156.76953 81.273441 156.87305 80.709965 157.08008 80.204102 curveto
-157.28711 79.698247 157.59766 79.310553 158.01172 79.041016 curveto
-158.42578 78.771491 158.88867 78.636725 159.40039 78.636719 curveto
-159.77539 78.636725 160.10937 78.715827 160.40234 78.874023 curveto
-160.69531 79.032233 160.93359 79.238287 161.11719 79.492188 curveto
-161.11719 76.410156 lineto
-162.16602 76.410156 lineto
-162.16602 85 lineto
-161.1875 85 lineto
-157.85352 81.894531 moveto
-157.85351 82.691409 158.02148 83.287111 158.35742 83.681641 curveto
-158.69336 84.076173 159.08984 84.273438 159.54688 84.273438 curveto
-160.00781 84.273438 160.39941 84.084962 160.72168 83.708008 curveto
-161.04394 83.331056 161.20507 82.755862 161.20508 81.982422 curveto
-161.20507 81.130863 161.04101 80.505864 160.71289 80.107422 curveto
-160.38476 79.70899 159.98047 79.509771 159.5 79.509766 curveto
-159.03125 79.509771 158.63965 79.701177 158.3252 80.083984 curveto
-158.01074 80.466801 157.85351 81.070316 157.85352 81.894531 curveto
-157.85352 81.894531 lineto
-0.9137255 0.66666669 0.72156864 setrgbcolor
-163.7832 87.396484 moveto
-163.66602 86.40625 lineto
-163.89648 86.468749 164.09766 86.499999 164.26953 86.5 curveto
-164.5039 86.499999 164.6914 86.460936 164.83203 86.382813 curveto
-164.97265 86.304686 165.08789 86.195311 165.17773 86.054688 curveto
-165.24414 85.949218 165.35156 85.687499 165.5 85.269531 curveto
-165.51953 85.210937 165.55078 85.125 165.59375 85.011719 curveto
-163.23242 78.777344 lineto
-164.36914 78.777344 lineto
-165.66406 82.380859 lineto
-165.83203 82.837893 165.98242 83.318361 166.11523 83.822266 curveto
-166.23632 83.337892 166.38086 82.865237 166.54883 82.404297 curveto
-167.87891 78.777344 lineto
-168.93359 78.777344 lineto
-166.56641 85.105469 lineto
-166.3125 85.789062 166.11523 86.259764 165.97461 86.517578 curveto
-165.78711 86.865233 165.57226 87.120115 165.33008 87.282227 curveto
-165.08789 87.444333 164.79883 87.525388 164.46289 87.525391 curveto
-164.25976 87.525388 164.0332 87.482419 163.7832 87.396484 curveto
-163.7832 87.396484 lineto
-0 0.80000001 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-86.5 59 moveto
-85.399881 56.499918 83.787402 55.143701 81.5 54 curveto
-79.61649 53.058245 76.737243 53.5 74.5 53.5 curveto
-gsave [0.2845003 0 0 0.3017504 60.869482 45.679984] concat
-0 0.80000001 0 setrgbcolor
-72 40 moveto
-72 41.104 70.656 42 69 42 curveto
-67.344 42 66 41.104 66 40 curveto
-66 38.896 67.344 38 69 38 curveto
-70.656 38 72 38.896 72 40 curveto
-0 0.80000001 0 setrgbcolor
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-0 setlinecap
-72 40 moveto
-72 41.104 70.656 42 69 42 curveto
-67.344 42 66 41.104 66 40 curveto
-66 38.896 67.344 38 69 38 curveto
-70.656 38 72 38.896 72 40 curveto
-0 0.80000001 0 setrgbcolor
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-105.60475 42.172742 moveto
-105.41887 39.447649 104.36268 37.6245 102.59951 35.772076 curveto
-101.14766 34.246734 98.289471 33.68462 96.185145 32.92499 curveto
-0 0.80000001 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-60.744136 264.78125 60.673823 264.52539 60.642578 264.23242 curveto
-60.642578 264.23242 lineto
-60.554688 261.87695 moveto
-60.171871 262.03321 59.597652 262.16602 58.832031 262.27539 curveto
-58.398435 262.33789 58.091795 262.40821 57.912109 262.48633 curveto
-57.73242 262.56446 57.593748 262.67871 57.496094 262.8291 curveto
-57.398436 262.97949 57.349608 263.14649 57.349609 263.33008 curveto
-57.349608 263.61133 57.456053 263.8457 57.668945 264.0332 curveto
-57.881834 264.2207 58.193357 264.31445 58.603516 264.31445 curveto
-59.009762 264.31445 59.37109 264.22559 59.6875 264.04785 curveto
-60.003902 263.87012 60.236324 263.62695 60.384766 263.31836 curveto
-60.498042 263.08008 60.554683 262.72852 60.554688 262.26367 curveto
-60.554688 261.87695 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-67.322266 262.7207 moveto
-68.359375 262.85547 lineto
-68.246088 263.57031 67.956049 264.12988 67.489258 264.53418 curveto
-67.022456 264.93848 66.449215 265.14062 65.769531 265.14063 curveto
-64.917966 265.14062 64.233397 264.8623 63.71582 264.30566 curveto
-63.198241 263.74902 62.939453 262.95117 62.939453 261.91211 curveto
-62.939453 261.24024 63.050781 260.65235 63.273438 260.14844 curveto
-63.496093 259.64454 63.83496 259.26661 64.290039 259.01465 curveto
-64.745115 258.7627 65.240232 258.63673 65.775391 258.63672 curveto
-66.451168 258.63673 67.003902 258.80762 67.433594 259.14941 curveto
-67.863276 259.49122 68.138666 259.97657 68.259766 260.60547 curveto
-67.234375 260.76367 lineto
-67.136714 260.34571 66.963863 260.03125 66.71582 259.82031 curveto
-66.467769 259.60938 66.167965 259.50391 65.816406 259.50391 curveto
-65.285153 259.50391 64.853513 259.69434 64.521484 260.0752 curveto
-64.189451 260.45606 64.023436 261.0586 64.023438 261.88281 curveto
-64.023436 262.71875 64.183592 263.32617 64.503906 263.70508 curveto
-64.824216 264.08399 65.242185 264.27344 65.757813 264.27344 curveto
-66.171871 264.27344 66.517574 264.14649 66.794922 263.89258 curveto
-67.072261 263.63867 67.248042 263.24805 67.322266 262.7207 curveto
-67.322266 262.7207 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-69.630859 265 moveto
-69.630859 258.77734 lineto
-70.685547 258.77734 lineto
-70.685547 265 lineto
-69.630859 265 lineto
-69.583984 258.00391 moveto
-70.363281 256.36328 lineto
-71.746094 256.36328 lineto
-70.457031 258.00391 lineto
-69.583984 258.00391 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-22.550781 282.38477 moveto
-22.550781 273.77734 lineto
-23.511719 273.77734 lineto
-23.511719 274.58594 lineto
-23.738279 274.26954 23.994138 274.03223 24.279297 273.87402 curveto
-24.56445 273.71583 24.910153 273.63673 25.316406 273.63672 curveto
-25.847652 273.63673 26.316402 273.77344 26.722656 274.04687 curveto
-27.128901 274.32032 27.435541 274.70606 27.642578 275.2041 curveto
-27.849603 275.70215 27.953119 276.24805 27.953125 276.8418 curveto
-27.953119 277.47852 27.838861 278.05176 27.610352 278.56152 curveto
-27.38183 279.07129 27.049799 279.46191 26.614258 279.7334 curveto
-26.178707 280.00488 25.720699 280.14062 25.240234 280.14062 curveto
-24.888669 280.14062 24.573239 280.06641 24.293945 279.91797 curveto
-24.014646 279.76953 23.785154 279.58203 23.605469 279.35547 curveto
-23.605469 282.38477 lineto
-22.550781 282.38477 lineto
-23.505859 276.92383 moveto
-23.505858 277.72461 23.667967 278.31641 23.992188 278.69922 curveto
-24.316404 279.08203 24.708981 279.27344 25.169922 279.27344 curveto
-25.638668 279.27344 26.040035 279.0752 26.374023 278.67871 curveto
-26.708003 278.28223 26.874995 277.66797 26.875 276.83594 curveto
-26.874995 276.04297 26.711909 275.44922 26.385742 275.05469 curveto
-26.059566 274.66016 25.669918 274.4629 25.216797 274.46289 curveto
-24.767575 274.4629 24.370115 274.67286 24.024414 275.09277 curveto
-23.678709 275.5127 23.505858 276.12305 23.505859 276.92383 curveto
-23.505859 276.92383 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-29.21875 280 moveto
-29.21875 273.77734 lineto
-30.167969 273.77734 lineto
-30.167969 274.7207 lineto
-30.410154 274.2793 30.633787 273.98829 30.838867 273.84766 curveto
-31.043943 273.70704 31.269528 273.63673 31.515625 273.63672 curveto
-31.87109 273.63673 32.232418 273.75001 32.599609 273.97656 curveto
-32.236328 274.95508 lineto
-31.978512 274.80274 31.7207 274.72657 31.462891 274.72656 curveto
-31.232419 274.72657 31.025388 274.7959 30.841797 274.93457 curveto
-30.658201 275.07325 30.527342 275.26563 30.449219 275.51172 curveto
-30.332029 275.88672 30.273436 276.29688 30.273438 276.74219 curveto
-30.273438 280 lineto
-29.21875 280 lineto
-30.660156 272.35937 moveto
-31.304688 271.36328 lineto
-32.5 271.36328 lineto
-31.181641 273.00391 lineto
-30.056641 273.00391 lineto
-28.791016 271.36328 lineto
-29.998047 271.36328 lineto
-30.660156 272.35937 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-33.607422 280 moveto
-33.607422 273.77734 lineto
-34.662109 273.77734 lineto
-34.662109 280 lineto
-33.607422 280 lineto
-33.560547 273.00391 moveto
-34.339844 271.36328 lineto
-35.722656 271.36328 lineto
-34.433594 273.00391 lineto
-33.560547 273.00391 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-36.566406 280 moveto
-36.566406 273.77734 lineto
-37.509766 273.77734 lineto
-37.509766 274.65039 lineto
-37.705076 274.34571 37.964842 274.10059 38.289063 273.91504 curveto
-38.613278 273.7295 38.982419 273.63673 39.396484 273.63672 curveto
-39.857418 273.63673 40.235347 273.73243 40.530273 273.92383 curveto
-40.82519 274.11524 41.033198 274.38282 41.154297 274.72656 curveto
-41.646479 274.00001 42.287103 273.63673 43.076172 273.63672 curveto
-43.693351 273.63673 44.16796 273.80762 44.5 274.14941 curveto
-44.832022 274.49122 44.998038 275.01758 44.998047 275.72852 curveto
-44.998047 280 lineto
-43.949219 280 lineto
-43.949219 276.08008 lineto
-43.949211 275.65821 43.915031 275.3545 43.84668 275.16895 curveto
-43.778312 274.9834 43.654289 274.83399 43.474609 274.7207 curveto
-43.294914 274.60743 43.083977 274.55079 42.841797 274.55078 curveto
-42.40429 274.55079 42.041009 274.69629 41.751953 274.9873 curveto
-41.462885 275.27833 41.318354 275.74414 41.318359 276.38477 curveto
-41.318359 280 lineto
-40.263672 280 lineto
-40.263672 275.95703 lineto
-40.263667 275.48829 40.17773 275.13672 40.005859 274.90234 curveto
-39.83398 274.66797 39.552731 274.55079 39.162109 274.55078 curveto
-38.865231 274.55079 38.590817 274.62891 38.338867 274.78516 curveto
-38.086912 274.94141 37.904295 275.16993 37.791016 275.4707 curveto
-37.677732 275.77149 37.621092 276.20508 37.621094 276.77148 curveto
-37.621094 280 lineto
-36.566406 280 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-46.580078 280 moveto
-46.580078 271.41016 lineto
-47.634766 271.41016 lineto
-47.634766 276.30859 lineto
-50.130859 273.77734 lineto
-51.496094 273.77734 lineto
-49.117188 276.08594 lineto
-51.736328 280 lineto
-50.435547 280 lineto
-48.378906 276.81836 lineto
-47.634766 277.5332 lineto
-47.634766 280 lineto
-46.580078 280 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-56.634766 279.23242 moveto
-56.244136 279.56445 55.86816 279.79883 55.506836 279.93555 curveto
-55.145504 280.07227 54.75781 280.14062 54.34375 280.14062 curveto
-53.660154 280.14062 53.134764 279.97363 52.767578 279.63965 curveto
-52.40039 279.30566 52.216796 278.87891 52.216797 278.35937 curveto
-52.216796 278.05469 52.286132 277.77637 52.424805 277.52441 curveto
-52.563476 277.27246 52.745116 277.07032 52.969727 276.91797 curveto
-53.194335 276.76563 53.447264 276.65039 53.728516 276.57227 curveto
-53.935545 276.51758 54.248044 276.46485 54.666016 276.41406 curveto
-55.517574 276.3125 56.144527 276.19141 56.546875 276.05078 curveto
-56.550776 275.90625 56.55273 275.81446 56.552734 275.77539 curveto
-56.55273 275.34571 56.45312 275.04297 56.253906 274.86719 curveto
-55.984371 274.62891 55.583981 274.50977 55.052734 274.50977 curveto
-54.556638 274.50977 54.190427 274.59669 53.954102 274.77051 curveto
-53.717772 274.94434 53.542967 275.25196 53.429688 275.69336 curveto
-52.398438 275.55273 lineto
-52.492187 275.11133 52.646484 274.75489 52.861328 274.4834 curveto
-53.076171 274.21192 53.386717 274.00294 53.792969 273.85645 curveto
-54.199216 273.70997 54.669919 273.63673 55.205078 273.63672 curveto
-55.736324 273.63673 56.167964 273.69923 56.5 273.82422 curveto
-56.832026 273.94922 57.076167 274.10645 57.232422 274.2959 curveto
-57.388666 274.48536 57.498041 274.72461 57.560547 275.01367 curveto
-57.595697 275.19336 57.613275 275.51758 57.613281 275.98633 curveto
-57.613281 277.39258 lineto
-57.613275 278.37305 57.635736 278.99317 57.680664 279.25293 curveto
-57.72558 279.5127 57.814447 279.76172 57.947266 280 curveto
-56.845703 280 lineto
-56.736323 279.78125 56.666011 279.52539 56.634766 279.23242 curveto
-56.634766 279.23242 lineto
-56.546875 276.87695 moveto
-56.164058 277.03321 55.58984 277.16602 54.824219 277.27539 curveto
-54.390622 277.33789 54.083982 277.40821 53.904297 277.48633 curveto
-53.724607 277.56446 53.585936 277.67871 53.488281 277.8291 curveto
-53.390623 277.97949 53.341795 278.14649 53.341797 278.33008 curveto
-53.341795 278.61133 53.448241 278.8457 53.661133 279.0332 curveto
-53.874021 279.2207 54.185544 279.31445 54.595703 279.31445 curveto
-55.00195 279.31445 55.363278 279.22559 55.679688 279.04785 curveto
-55.99609 278.87012 56.228511 278.62695 56.376953 278.31836 curveto
-56.49023 278.08008 56.54687 277.72852 56.546875 277.26367 curveto
-56.546875 276.87695 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 19 14] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 114.5 14.5] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-40 138 moveto
-40 138.33333 40 138.66667 40 138 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
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-143.8835 46.883502 lineto
-143.8835 46.883502 198.4673 271.40774 250.1165 46.883502 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-43.387072 45.109289 moveto
-43.387072 45.109289 lineto
-43.387072 45.109289 98.994839 269.61748 151.61293 45.109289 curveto
-gsave [0.9994949 0 0 1.155666 10.070707 -3.595233] concat
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-214 158 moveto
-214 193.328 180.848 222 140 222 curveto
-99.152 222 66 193.328 66 158 curveto
-66 122.672 99.152 94 140 94 curveto
-180.848 94 214 122.672 214 158 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 64.5 145.5] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-gsave [0.9783154 -0.2071208 0.2071208 0.9783154 46.252299 94.104002] concat
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-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 66.5 -1.5] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1.2692629 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
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-110.13463 66.967965 lineto
-110.13463 66.967965 139.25072 216.36212 195.86537 66.967965 curveto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-116.58008 9.4316406 moveto
-116.58008 8.005865 116.96289 6.8896552 117.72852 6.0830078 curveto
-118.49414 5.2763755 119.48242 4.8730556 120.69336 4.8730469 curveto
-121.48632 4.8730556 122.20117 5.0625086 122.83789 5.4414063 curveto
-123.4746 5.8203203 123.95995 6.3486401 124.29395 7.0263672 curveto
-124.62792 7.7041075 124.79491 8.4726614 124.79492 9.3320313 curveto
-124.79491 10.203128 124.61913 10.982425 124.26758 11.669922 curveto
-123.91601 12.357423 123.41796 12.87793 122.77344 13.231445 curveto
-122.1289 13.584961 121.43359 13.761719 120.6875 13.761719 curveto
-119.8789 13.761719 119.15625 13.566406 118.51953 13.175781 curveto
-117.88281 12.785157 117.40039 12.251954 117.07227 11.576172 curveto
-116.74414 10.900393 116.58008 10.18555 116.58008 9.4316406 curveto
-116.58008 9.4316406 lineto
-117.75195 9.4492188 moveto
-117.75195 10.484378 118.03027 11.299807 118.58691 11.895508 curveto
-119.14355 12.491212 119.84179 12.789063 120.68164 12.789063 curveto
-121.5371 12.789063 122.2412 12.488282 122.79395 11.886719 curveto
-123.34667 11.285159 123.62304 10.431644 123.62305 9.3261719 curveto
-123.62304 8.6269581 123.50488 8.0166072 123.26855 7.4951172 curveto
-123.03222 6.9736395 122.68652 6.569343 122.23145 6.2822266 curveto
-121.77636 5.9951248 121.26562 5.8515703 120.69922 5.8515625 curveto
-119.89453 5.8515703 119.20215 6.1279372 118.62207 6.6806641 curveto
-118.04199 7.2334048 117.75195 8.1562555 117.75195 9.4492188 curveto
-117.75195 9.4492188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-126.10742 13.615234 moveto
-126.10742 7.3925781 lineto
-127.05664 7.3925781 lineto
-127.05664 8.3359375 lineto
-127.29883 7.894537 127.52246 7.6035216 127.72754 7.4628906 curveto
-127.93261 7.3222719 128.1582 7.2519595 128.4043 7.2519531 curveto
-128.75976 7.2519595 129.12109 7.3652406 129.48828 7.5917969 curveto
-129.125 8.5703125 lineto
-128.86718 8.4179739 128.60937 8.3418021 128.35156 8.3417969 curveto
-128.12109 8.3418021 127.91406 8.411138 127.73047 8.5498047 curveto
-127.54687 8.6884815 127.41601 8.8808641 127.33789 9.1269531 curveto
-127.2207 9.5019572 127.16211 9.9121131 127.16211 10.357422 curveto
-127.16211 13.615234 lineto
-126.10742 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-134.1875 12.847656 moveto
-133.79687 13.179688 133.42089 13.414063 133.05957 13.550781 curveto
-132.69824 13.6875 132.31054 13.755859 131.89648 13.755859 curveto
-131.21289 13.755859 130.6875 13.588867 130.32031 13.254883 curveto
-129.95312 12.920899 129.76953 12.494142 129.76953 11.974609 curveto
-129.76953 11.669924 129.83887 11.391604 129.97754 11.139648 curveto
-130.11621 10.887698 130.29785 10.68555 130.52246 10.533203 curveto
-130.74707 10.380863 131 10.265628 131.28125 10.1875 curveto
-131.48828 10.132816 131.80078 10.080082 132.21875 10.029297 curveto
-133.07031 9.9277381 133.69726 9.8066444 134.09961 9.6660156 curveto
-134.10351 9.5214885 134.10546 9.4296917 134.10547 9.390625 curveto
-134.10546 8.9609422 134.00585 8.6582081 133.80664 8.4824219 curveto
-133.53711 8.244146 133.13671 8.1250055 132.60547 8.125 curveto
-132.10937 8.1250055 131.74316 8.2119195 131.50684 8.3857422 curveto
-131.27051 8.5595754 131.0957 8.8671922 130.98242 9.3085938 curveto
-129.95117 9.1679688 lineto
-130.04492 8.7265674 130.19922 8.3701224 130.41406 8.0986328 curveto
-130.6289 7.8271542 130.93945 7.6181701 131.3457 7.4716797 curveto
-131.75195 7.3252016 132.22265 7.2519595 132.75781 7.2519531 curveto
-133.28906 7.2519595 133.7207 7.3144594 134.05273 7.4394531 curveto
-134.38476 7.5644592 134.6289 7.7216856 134.78516 7.9111328 curveto
-134.9414 8.1005915 135.05078 8.339849 135.11328 8.6289063 curveto
-135.14843 8.8085986 135.16601 9.132817 135.16602 9.6015625 curveto
-135.16602 11.007813 lineto
-135.16601 11.988283 135.18847 12.608399 135.2334 12.868164 curveto
-135.27831 13.12793 135.36718 13.376953 135.5 13.615234 curveto
-134.39844 13.615234 lineto
-134.28906 13.396485 134.21875 13.140625 134.1875 12.847656 curveto
-134.1875 12.847656 lineto
-134.09961 10.492188 moveto
-133.71679 10.64844 133.14257 10.781253 132.37695 10.890625 curveto
-131.94336 10.953128 131.63672 11.02344 131.45703 11.101563 curveto
-131.27734 11.17969 131.13867 11.293948 131.04102 11.444336 curveto
-130.94336 11.594729 130.89453 11.761721 130.89453 11.945313 curveto
-130.89453 12.226564 131.00097 12.460939 131.21387 12.648438 curveto
-131.42676 12.835938 131.73828 12.929688 132.14844 12.929688 curveto
-132.55468 12.929688 132.91601 12.840821 133.23242 12.663086 curveto
-133.54882 12.485353 133.78125 12.242189 133.92969 11.933594 curveto
-134.04296 11.695314 134.0996 11.343752 134.09961 10.878906 curveto
-134.09961 10.492188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-136.80664 13.615234 moveto
-136.80664 7.3925781 lineto
-137.75586 7.3925781 lineto
-137.75586 8.2773438 lineto
-138.21289 7.593756 138.87304 7.2519595 139.73633 7.2519531 curveto
-140.11132 7.2519595 140.45605 7.3193422 140.77051 7.4541016 curveto
-141.08496 7.5888732 141.32031 7.7656308 141.47656 7.984375 curveto
-141.63281 8.2031304 141.74218 8.4628958 141.80469 8.7636719 curveto
-141.84374 8.958989 141.86328 9.3007856 141.86328 9.7890625 curveto
-141.86328 13.615234 lineto
-140.80859 13.615234 lineto
-140.80859 9.8300781 lineto
-140.80859 9.4003948 140.76757 9.0791061 140.68555 8.8662109 curveto
-140.60351 8.6533253 140.458 8.4834036 140.24902 8.3564453 curveto
-140.04004 8.2294976 139.79492 8.1660211 139.51367 8.1660156 curveto
-139.06445 8.1660211 138.67676 8.3085991 138.35059 8.59375 curveto
-138.02441 8.878911 137.86133 9.4199261 137.86133 10.216797 curveto
-137.86133 13.615234 lineto
-136.80664 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-142.92969 13.615234 moveto
-142.92969 12.759766 lineto
-146.89063 8.2128906 lineto
-146.4414 8.2363335 146.04492 8.2480522 145.70117 8.2480469 curveto
-143.16406 8.2480469 lineto
-143.16406 7.3925781 lineto
-148.25 7.3925781 lineto
-148.25 8.0898438 lineto
-144.88086 12.039063 lineto
-144.23047 12.759766 lineto
-144.70312 12.72461 145.14648 12.707032 145.56055 12.707031 curveto
-148.4375 12.707031 lineto
-148.4375 13.615234 lineto
-142.92969 13.615234 lineto
-145.87695 5.9746094 moveto
-146.52148 4.9785156 lineto
-147.7168 4.9785156 lineto
-146.39844 6.6191406 lineto
-145.27344 6.6191406 lineto
-144.00781 4.9785156 lineto
-145.21484 4.9785156 lineto
-145.87695 5.9746094 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-149.09375 10.503906 moveto
-149.09375 9.3515668 149.41406 8.498052 150.05469 7.9433594 curveto
-150.58984 7.482428 151.24218 7.2519595 152.01172 7.2519531 curveto
-152.86718 7.2519595 153.5664 7.5322326 154.10938 8.0927734 curveto
-154.65234 8.6533253 154.92382 9.4277386 154.92383 10.416016 curveto
-154.92382 11.216799 154.8037 11.846681 154.56348 12.305664 curveto
-154.32324 12.764649 153.97363 13.121094 153.51465 13.375 curveto
-153.05566 13.628906 152.55468 13.755859 152.01172 13.755859 curveto
-151.14062 13.755859 150.43652 13.476563 149.89941 12.917969 curveto
-149.3623 12.359376 149.09375 11.55469 149.09375 10.503906 curveto
-149.09375 10.503906 lineto
-150.17773 10.503906 moveto
-150.17773 11.300784 150.35156 11.897463 150.69922 12.293945 curveto
-151.04687 12.690431 151.48437 12.888673 152.01172 12.888672 curveto
-152.53515 12.888673 152.9707 12.689454 153.31836 12.291016 curveto
-153.66601 11.89258 153.83984 11.285159 153.83984 10.46875 curveto
-153.83984 9.6992227 153.66503 9.1162154 153.31543 8.7197266 curveto
-152.96582 8.3232475 152.53125 8.1250055 152.01172 8.125 curveto
-151.48437 8.1250055 151.04687 8.3222709 150.69922 8.7167969 curveto
-150.35156 9.1113326 150.17773 9.7070352 150.17773 10.503906 curveto
-150.17773 10.503906 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-157.89453 13.615234 moveto
-155.52734 7.3925781 lineto
-156.64063 7.3925781 lineto
-157.97656 11.119141 lineto
-158.12109 11.521486 158.2539 11.939455 158.375 12.373047 curveto
-158.46875 12.044923 158.59961 11.650393 158.76758 11.189453 curveto
-160.15039 7.3925781 lineto
-161.23438 7.3925781 lineto
-158.87891 13.615234 lineto
-157.89453 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-166.22656 12.847656 moveto
-165.83593 13.179688 165.45996 13.414063 165.09863 13.550781 curveto
-164.7373 13.6875 164.34961 13.755859 163.93555 13.755859 curveto
-163.25195 13.755859 162.72656 13.588867 162.35938 13.254883 curveto
-161.99219 12.920899 161.80859 12.494142 161.80859 11.974609 curveto
-161.80859 11.669924 161.87793 11.391604 162.0166 11.139648 curveto
-162.15527 10.887698 162.33691 10.68555 162.56152 10.533203 curveto
-162.78613 10.380863 163.03906 10.265628 163.32031 10.1875 curveto
-163.52734 10.132816 163.83984 10.080082 164.25781 10.029297 curveto
-165.10937 9.9277381 165.73632 9.8066444 166.13867 9.6660156 curveto
-166.14257 9.5214885 166.14453 9.4296917 166.14453 9.390625 curveto
-166.14453 8.9609422 166.04492 8.6582081 165.8457 8.4824219 curveto
-165.57617 8.244146 165.17578 8.1250055 164.64453 8.125 curveto
-164.14843 8.1250055 163.78222 8.2119195 163.5459 8.3857422 curveto
-163.30957 8.5595754 163.13476 8.8671922 163.02148 9.3085938 curveto
-161.99023 9.1679688 lineto
-162.08398 8.7265674 162.23828 8.3701224 162.45313 8.0986328 curveto
-162.66797 7.8271542 162.97851 7.6181701 163.38477 7.4716797 curveto
-163.79101 7.3252016 164.26172 7.2519595 164.79688 7.2519531 curveto
-165.32812 7.2519595 165.75976 7.3144594 166.0918 7.4394531 curveto
-166.42382 7.5644592 166.66796 7.7216856 166.82422 7.9111328 curveto
-166.98046 8.1005915 167.08984 8.339849 167.15234 8.6289063 curveto
-167.18749 8.8085986 167.20507 9.132817 167.20508 9.6015625 curveto
-167.20508 11.007813 lineto
-167.20507 11.988283 167.22753 12.608399 167.27246 12.868164 curveto
-167.31738 13.12793 167.40624 13.376953 167.53906 13.615234 curveto
-166.4375 13.615234 lineto
-166.32812 13.396485 166.25781 13.140625 166.22656 12.847656 curveto
-166.22656 12.847656 lineto
-166.13867 10.492188 moveto
-165.75585 10.64844 165.18164 10.781253 164.41602 10.890625 curveto
-163.98242 10.953128 163.67578 11.02344 163.49609 11.101563 curveto
-163.3164 11.17969 163.17773 11.293948 163.08008 11.444336 curveto
-162.98242 11.594729 162.93359 11.761721 162.93359 11.945313 curveto
-162.93359 12.226564 163.04004 12.460939 163.25293 12.648438 curveto
-163.46582 12.835938 163.77734 12.929688 164.1875 12.929688 curveto
-164.59375 12.929688 164.95507 12.840821 165.27148 12.663086 curveto
-165.58789 12.485353 165.82031 12.242189 165.96875 11.933594 curveto
-166.08203 11.695314 166.13867 11.343752 166.13867 10.878906 curveto
-166.13867 10.492188 lineto
-164.08203 6.6191406 moveto
-164.86133 4.9785156 lineto
-166.24414 4.9785156 lineto
-164.95508 6.6191406 lineto
-164.08203 6.6191406 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-172.17383 16 moveto
-172.17383 7.3925781 lineto
-173.13477 7.3925781 lineto
-173.13477 8.2011719 lineto
-173.36133 7.8847714 173.61719 7.6474669 173.90234 7.4892578 curveto
-174.1875 7.331061 174.5332 7.2519595 174.93945 7.2519531 curveto
-175.4707 7.2519595 175.93945 7.3886781 176.3457 7.6621094 curveto
-176.75195 7.9355526 177.05859 8.3212944 177.26563 8.8193359 curveto
-177.47265 9.3173871 177.57617 9.863285 177.57617 10.457031 curveto
-177.57617 11.093753 177.46191 11.666994 177.2334 12.176758 curveto
-177.00488 12.686524 176.67285 13.077149 176.2373 13.348633 curveto
-175.80175 13.620117 175.34375 13.755859 174.86328 13.755859 curveto
-174.51172 13.755859 174.19629 13.681641 173.91699 13.533203 curveto
-173.63769 13.384766 173.4082 13.197266 173.22852 12.970703 curveto
-173.22852 16 lineto
-172.17383 16 lineto
-173.12891 10.539063 moveto
-173.1289 11.339846 173.29101 11.931642 173.61523 12.314453 curveto
-173.93945 12.697267 174.33203 12.888673 174.79297 12.888672 curveto
-175.26171 12.888673 175.66308 12.690431 175.99707 12.293945 curveto
-176.33105 11.897463 176.49804 11.283205 176.49805 10.451172 curveto
-176.49804 9.6582071 176.33496 9.0644577 176.00879 8.6699219 curveto
-175.68261 8.275396 175.29296 8.0781305 174.83984 8.078125 curveto
-174.39062 8.0781305 173.99316 8.2880913 173.64746 8.7080078 curveto
-173.30176 9.1279342 173.1289 9.7382851 173.12891 10.539063 curveto
-173.12891 10.539063 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-182.91406 12.847656 moveto
-182.52343 13.179688 182.14746 13.414063 181.78613 13.550781 curveto
-181.4248 13.6875 181.03711 13.755859 180.62305 13.755859 curveto
-179.93945 13.755859 179.41406 13.588867 179.04688 13.254883 curveto
-178.67969 12.920899 178.49609 12.494142 178.49609 11.974609 curveto
-178.49609 11.669924 178.56543 11.391604 178.7041 11.139648 curveto
-178.84277 10.887698 179.02441 10.68555 179.24902 10.533203 curveto
-179.47363 10.380863 179.72656 10.265628 180.00781 10.1875 curveto
-180.21484 10.132816 180.52734 10.080082 180.94531 10.029297 curveto
-181.79687 9.9277381 182.42382 9.8066444 182.82617 9.6660156 curveto
-182.83007 9.5214885 182.83203 9.4296917 182.83203 9.390625 curveto
-182.83203 8.9609422 182.73242 8.6582081 182.5332 8.4824219 curveto
-182.26367 8.244146 181.86328 8.1250055 181.33203 8.125 curveto
-180.83593 8.1250055 180.46972 8.2119195 180.2334 8.3857422 curveto
-179.99707 8.5595754 179.82226 8.8671922 179.70898 9.3085938 curveto
-178.67773 9.1679688 lineto
-178.77148 8.7265674 178.92578 8.3701224 179.14063 8.0986328 curveto
-179.35547 7.8271542 179.66601 7.6181701 180.07227 7.4716797 curveto
-180.47851 7.3252016 180.94922 7.2519595 181.48438 7.2519531 curveto
-182.01562 7.2519595 182.44726 7.3144594 182.7793 7.4394531 curveto
-183.11132 7.5644592 183.35546 7.7216856 183.51172 7.9111328 curveto
-183.66796 8.1005915 183.77734 8.339849 183.83984 8.6289063 curveto
-183.87499 8.8085986 183.89257 9.132817 183.89258 9.6015625 curveto
-183.89258 11.007813 lineto
-183.89257 11.988283 183.91503 12.608399 183.95996 12.868164 curveto
-184.00488 13.12793 184.09374 13.376953 184.22656 13.615234 curveto
-183.125 13.615234 lineto
-183.01562 13.396485 182.94531 13.140625 182.91406 12.847656 curveto
-182.91406 12.847656 lineto
-182.82617 10.492188 moveto
-182.44335 10.64844 181.86914 10.781253 181.10352 10.890625 curveto
-180.66992 10.953128 180.36328 11.02344 180.18359 11.101563 curveto
-180.0039 11.17969 179.86523 11.293948 179.76758 11.444336 curveto
-179.66992 11.594729 179.62109 11.761721 179.62109 11.945313 curveto
-179.62109 12.226564 179.72754 12.460939 179.94043 12.648438 curveto
-180.15332 12.835938 180.46484 12.929688 180.875 12.929688 curveto
-181.28125 12.929688 181.64257 12.840821 181.95898 12.663086 curveto
-182.27539 12.485353 182.50781 12.242189 182.65625 11.933594 curveto
-182.76953 11.695314 182.82617 11.343752 182.82617 10.878906 curveto
-182.82617 10.492188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-185.52148 13.615234 moveto
-185.52148 7.3925781 lineto
-186.4707 7.3925781 lineto
-186.4707 8.3359375 lineto
-186.71289 7.894537 186.93652 7.6035216 187.1416 7.4628906 curveto
-187.34668 7.3222719 187.57226 7.2519595 187.81836 7.2519531 curveto
-188.17382 7.2519595 188.53515 7.3652406 188.90234 7.5917969 curveto
-188.53906 8.5703125 lineto
-188.28125 8.4179739 188.02343 8.3418021 187.76563 8.3417969 curveto
-187.53515 8.3418021 187.32812 8.411138 187.14453 8.5498047 curveto
-186.96094 8.6884815 186.83008 8.8808641 186.75195 9.1269531 curveto
-186.63476 9.5019572 186.57617 9.9121131 186.57617 10.357422 curveto
-186.57617 13.615234 lineto
-185.52148 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-193.60156 12.847656 moveto
-193.21093 13.179688 192.83496 13.414063 192.47363 13.550781 curveto
-192.1123 13.6875 191.72461 13.755859 191.31055 13.755859 curveto
-190.62695 13.755859 190.10156 13.588867 189.73438 13.254883 curveto
-189.36719 12.920899 189.18359 12.494142 189.18359 11.974609 curveto
-189.18359 11.669924 189.25293 11.391604 189.3916 11.139648 curveto
-189.53027 10.887698 189.71191 10.68555 189.93652 10.533203 curveto
-190.16113 10.380863 190.41406 10.265628 190.69531 10.1875 curveto
-190.90234 10.132816 191.21484 10.080082 191.63281 10.029297 curveto
-192.48437 9.9277381 193.11132 9.8066444 193.51367 9.6660156 curveto
-193.51757 9.5214885 193.51953 9.4296917 193.51953 9.390625 curveto
-193.51953 8.9609422 193.41992 8.6582081 193.2207 8.4824219 curveto
-192.95117 8.244146 192.55078 8.1250055 192.01953 8.125 curveto
-191.52343 8.1250055 191.15722 8.2119195 190.9209 8.3857422 curveto
-190.68457 8.5595754 190.50976 8.8671922 190.39648 9.3085938 curveto
-189.36523 9.1679688 lineto
-189.45898 8.7265674 189.61328 8.3701224 189.82813 8.0986328 curveto
-190.04297 7.8271542 190.35351 7.6181701 190.75977 7.4716797 curveto
-191.16601 7.3252016 191.63672 7.2519595 192.17188 7.2519531 curveto
-192.70312 7.2519595 193.13476 7.3144594 193.4668 7.4394531 curveto
-193.79882 7.5644592 194.04296 7.7216856 194.19922 7.9111328 curveto
-194.35546 8.1005915 194.46484 8.339849 194.52734 8.6289063 curveto
-194.56249 8.8085986 194.58007 9.132817 194.58008 9.6015625 curveto
-194.58008 11.007813 lineto
-194.58007 11.988283 194.60253 12.608399 194.64746 12.868164 curveto
-194.69238 13.12793 194.78124 13.376953 194.91406 13.615234 curveto
-193.8125 13.615234 lineto
-193.70312 13.396485 193.63281 13.140625 193.60156 12.847656 curveto
-193.60156 12.847656 lineto
-193.51367 10.492188 moveto
-193.13085 10.64844 192.55664 10.781253 191.79102 10.890625 curveto
-191.35742 10.953128 191.05078 11.02344 190.87109 11.101563 curveto
-190.6914 11.17969 190.55273 11.293948 190.45508 11.444336 curveto
-190.35742 11.594729 190.30859 11.761721 190.30859 11.945313 curveto
-190.30859 12.226564 190.41504 12.460939 190.62793 12.648438 curveto
-190.84082 12.835938 191.15234 12.929688 191.5625 12.929688 curveto
-191.96875 12.929688 192.33007 12.840821 192.64648 12.663086 curveto
-192.96289 12.485353 193.19531 12.242189 193.34375 11.933594 curveto
-193.45703 11.695314 193.51367 11.343752 193.51367 10.878906 curveto
-193.51367 10.492188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-197.19336 13.615234 moveto
-196.21484 13.615234 lineto
-196.21484 5.0253906 lineto
-197.26953 5.0253906 lineto
-197.26953 8.0898438 lineto
-197.71484 7.5312561 198.2832 7.2519595 198.97461 7.2519531 curveto
-199.35742 7.2519595 199.71972 7.3291078 200.06152 7.4833984 curveto
-200.40332 7.6377013 200.68457 7.8544979 200.90527 8.1337891 curveto
-201.12597 8.4130911 201.29882 8.7500049 201.42383 9.1445313 curveto
-201.54882 9.5390666 201.61132 9.9609412 201.61133 10.410156 curveto
-201.61132 11.476565 201.34765 12.300783 200.82031 12.882813 curveto
-200.29296 13.464844 199.66015 13.755859 198.92188 13.755859 curveto
-198.1875 13.755859 197.61133 13.449219 197.19336 12.835938 curveto
-197.19336 13.615234 lineto
-197.18164 10.457031 moveto
-197.18164 11.203127 197.2832 11.742189 197.48633 12.074219 curveto
-197.81836 12.617188 198.26758 12.888673 198.83398 12.888672 curveto
-199.29492 12.888673 199.69336 12.688477 200.0293 12.288086 curveto
-200.36523 11.887697 200.5332 11.291018 200.5332 10.498047 curveto
-200.5332 9.6855508 200.37207 9.085942 200.0498 8.6992188 curveto
-199.72753 8.3125053 199.33789 8.1191461 198.88086 8.1191406 curveto
-198.41992 8.1191461 198.02148 8.3193412 197.68555 8.7197266 curveto
-197.34961 9.1201217 197.18164 9.6992227 197.18164 10.457031 curveto
-197.18164 10.457031 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-202.50781 10.503906 moveto
-202.50781 9.3515668 202.82812 8.498052 203.46875 7.9433594 curveto
-204.0039 7.482428 204.65625 7.2519595 205.42578 7.2519531 curveto
-206.28125 7.2519595 206.98046 7.5322326 207.52344 8.0927734 curveto
-208.0664 8.6533253 208.33788 9.4277386 208.33789 10.416016 curveto
-208.33788 11.216799 208.21777 11.846681 207.97754 12.305664 curveto
-207.7373 12.764649 207.38769 13.121094 206.92871 13.375 curveto
-206.46972 13.628906 205.96875 13.755859 205.42578 13.755859 curveto
-204.55469 13.755859 203.85058 13.476563 203.31348 12.917969 curveto
-202.77637 12.359376 202.50781 11.55469 202.50781 10.503906 curveto
-202.50781 10.503906 lineto
-203.5918 10.503906 moveto
-203.5918 11.300784 203.76562 11.897463 204.11328 12.293945 curveto
-204.46094 12.690431 204.89843 12.888673 205.42578 12.888672 curveto
-205.94921 12.888673 206.38476 12.689454 206.73242 12.291016 curveto
-207.08007 11.89258 207.2539 11.285159 207.25391 10.46875 curveto
-207.2539 9.6992227 207.0791 9.1162154 206.72949 8.7197266 curveto
-206.37988 8.3232475 205.94531 8.1250055 205.42578 8.125 curveto
-204.89843 8.1250055 204.46094 8.3222709 204.11328 8.7167969 curveto
-203.76562 9.1113326 203.5918 9.7070352 203.5918 10.503906 curveto
-203.5918 10.503906 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-209.55664 13.615234 moveto
-209.55664 5.0253906 lineto
-210.61133 5.0253906 lineto
-210.61133 13.615234 lineto
-209.55664 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-216.3125 12.847656 moveto
-215.92187 13.179688 215.54589 13.414063 215.18457 13.550781 curveto
-214.82324 13.6875 214.43554 13.755859 214.02148 13.755859 curveto
-213.33789 13.755859 212.8125 13.588867 212.44531 13.254883 curveto
-212.07812 12.920899 211.89453 12.494142 211.89453 11.974609 curveto
-211.89453 11.669924 211.96387 11.391604 212.10254 11.139648 curveto
-212.24121 10.887698 212.42285 10.68555 212.64746 10.533203 curveto
-212.87207 10.380863 213.125 10.265628 213.40625 10.1875 curveto
-213.61328 10.132816 213.92578 10.080082 214.34375 10.029297 curveto
-215.19531 9.9277381 215.82226 9.8066444 216.22461 9.6660156 curveto
-216.22851 9.5214885 216.23046 9.4296917 216.23047 9.390625 curveto
-216.23046 8.9609422 216.13085 8.6582081 215.93164 8.4824219 curveto
-215.66211 8.244146 215.26171 8.1250055 214.73047 8.125 curveto
-214.23437 8.1250055 213.86816 8.2119195 213.63184 8.3857422 curveto
-213.39551 8.5595754 213.2207 8.8671922 213.10742 9.3085938 curveto
-212.07617 9.1679688 lineto
-212.16992 8.7265674 212.32422 8.3701224 212.53906 8.0986328 curveto
-212.7539 7.8271542 213.06445 7.6181701 213.4707 7.4716797 curveto
-213.87695 7.3252016 214.34765 7.2519595 214.88281 7.2519531 curveto
-215.41406 7.2519595 215.8457 7.3144594 216.17773 7.4394531 curveto
-216.50976 7.5644592 216.7539 7.7216856 216.91016 7.9111328 curveto
-217.0664 8.1005915 217.17578 8.339849 217.23828 8.6289063 curveto
-217.27343 8.8085986 217.29101 9.132817 217.29102 9.6015625 curveto
-217.29102 11.007813 lineto
-217.29101 11.988283 217.31347 12.608399 217.3584 12.868164 curveto
-217.40331 13.12793 217.49218 13.376953 217.625 13.615234 curveto
-216.52344 13.615234 lineto
-216.41406 13.396485 216.34375 13.140625 216.3125 12.847656 curveto
-216.3125 12.847656 lineto
-216.22461 10.492188 moveto
-215.84179 10.64844 215.26757 10.781253 214.50195 10.890625 curveto
-214.06836 10.953128 213.76172 11.02344 213.58203 11.101563 curveto
-213.40234 11.17969 213.26367 11.293948 213.16602 11.444336 curveto
-213.06836 11.594729 213.01953 11.761721 213.01953 11.945313 curveto
-213.01953 12.226564 213.12597 12.460939 213.33887 12.648438 curveto
-213.55176 12.835938 213.86328 12.929688 214.27344 12.929688 curveto
-214.67968 12.929688 215.04101 12.840821 215.35742 12.663086 curveto
-215.67382 12.485353 215.90625 12.242189 216.05469 11.933594 curveto
-216.16796 11.695314 216.2246 11.343752 216.22461 10.878906 curveto
-216.22461 10.492188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-221.70313 13.615234 moveto
-221.70313 12.759766 lineto
-225.66406 8.2128906 lineto
-225.21484 8.2363335 224.81836 8.2480522 224.47461 8.2480469 curveto
-221.9375 8.2480469 lineto
-221.9375 7.3925781 lineto
-227.02344 7.3925781 lineto
-227.02344 8.0898438 lineto
-223.6543 12.039063 lineto
-223.00391 12.759766 lineto
-223.47656 12.72461 223.91992 12.707032 224.33398 12.707031 curveto
-227.21094 12.707031 lineto
-227.21094 13.615234 lineto
-221.70313 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-232.32031 12.847656 moveto
-231.92968 13.179688 231.55371 13.414063 231.19238 13.550781 curveto
-230.83105 13.6875 230.44336 13.755859 230.0293 13.755859 curveto
-229.3457 13.755859 228.82031 13.588867 228.45313 13.254883 curveto
-228.08594 12.920899 227.90234 12.494142 227.90234 11.974609 curveto
-227.90234 11.669924 227.97168 11.391604 228.11035 11.139648 curveto
-228.24902 10.887698 228.43066 10.68555 228.65527 10.533203 curveto
-228.87988 10.380863 229.13281 10.265628 229.41406 10.1875 curveto
-229.62109 10.132816 229.93359 10.080082 230.35156 10.029297 curveto
-231.20312 9.9277381 231.83007 9.8066444 232.23242 9.6660156 curveto
-232.23632 9.5214885 232.23828 9.4296917 232.23828 9.390625 curveto
-232.23828 8.9609422 232.13867 8.6582081 231.93945 8.4824219 curveto
-231.66992 8.244146 231.26953 8.1250055 230.73828 8.125 curveto
-230.24218 8.1250055 229.87597 8.2119195 229.63965 8.3857422 curveto
-229.40332 8.5595754 229.22851 8.8671922 229.11523 9.3085938 curveto
-228.08398 9.1679688 lineto
-228.17773 8.7265674 228.33203 8.3701224 228.54688 8.0986328 curveto
-228.76172 7.8271542 229.07226 7.6181701 229.47852 7.4716797 curveto
-229.88476 7.3252016 230.35547 7.2519595 230.89063 7.2519531 curveto
-231.42187 7.2519595 231.85351 7.3144594 232.18555 7.4394531 curveto
-232.51757 7.5644592 232.76171 7.7216856 232.91797 7.9111328 curveto
-233.07421 8.1005915 233.18359 8.339849 233.24609 8.6289063 curveto
-233.28124 8.8085986 233.29882 9.132817 233.29883 9.6015625 curveto
-233.29883 11.007813 lineto
-233.29882 11.988283 233.32128 12.608399 233.36621 12.868164 curveto
-233.41113 13.12793 233.49999 13.376953 233.63281 13.615234 curveto
-232.53125 13.615234 lineto
-232.42187 13.396485 232.35156 13.140625 232.32031 12.847656 curveto
-232.32031 12.847656 lineto
-232.23242 10.492188 moveto
-231.8496 10.64844 231.27539 10.781253 230.50977 10.890625 curveto
-230.07617 10.953128 229.76953 11.02344 229.58984 11.101563 curveto
-229.41015 11.17969 229.27148 11.293948 229.17383 11.444336 curveto
-229.07617 11.594729 229.02734 11.761721 229.02734 11.945313 curveto
-229.02734 12.226564 229.13379 12.460939 229.34668 12.648438 curveto
-229.55957 12.835938 229.87109 12.929688 230.28125 12.929688 curveto
-230.6875 12.929688 231.04882 12.840821 231.36523 12.663086 curveto
-231.68164 12.485353 231.91406 12.242189 232.0625 11.933594 curveto
-232.17578 11.695314 232.23242 11.343752 232.23242 10.878906 curveto
-232.23242 10.492188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-234.93945 13.615234 moveto
-234.93945 7.3925781 lineto
-235.88867 7.3925781 lineto
-235.88867 8.2773438 lineto
-236.3457 7.593756 237.00586 7.2519595 237.86914 7.2519531 curveto
-238.24414 7.2519595 238.58886 7.3193422 238.90332 7.4541016 curveto
-239.21777 7.5888732 239.45312 7.7656308 239.60938 7.984375 curveto
-239.76562 8.2031304 239.87499 8.4628958 239.9375 8.7636719 curveto
-239.97656 8.958989 239.99609 9.3007856 239.99609 9.7890625 curveto
-239.99609 13.615234 lineto
-238.94141 13.615234 lineto
-238.94141 9.8300781 lineto
-238.9414 9.4003948 238.90039 9.0791061 238.81836 8.8662109 curveto
-238.73632 8.6533253 238.59082 8.4834036 238.38184 8.3564453 curveto
-238.17285 8.2294976 237.92773 8.1660211 237.64648 8.1660156 curveto
-237.19726 8.1660211 236.80957 8.3085991 236.4834 8.59375 curveto
-236.15722 8.878911 235.99414 9.4199261 235.99414 10.216797 curveto
-235.99414 13.615234 lineto
-234.93945 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-241.625 6.2382813 moveto
-241.625 5.0253906 lineto
-242.67969 5.0253906 lineto
-242.67969 6.2382813 lineto
-241.625 6.2382813 lineto
-241.625 13.615234 moveto
-241.625 7.3925781 lineto
-242.67969 7.3925781 lineto
-242.67969 13.615234 lineto
-241.625 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-244.29688 13.615234 moveto
-244.29688 5.0253906 lineto
-245.35156 5.0253906 lineto
-245.35156 9.9238281 lineto
-247.84766 7.3925781 lineto
-249.21289 7.3925781 lineto
-246.83398 9.7011719 lineto
-249.45313 13.615234 lineto
-248.15234 13.615234 lineto
-246.0957 10.433594 lineto
-245.35156 11.148438 lineto
-245.35156 13.615234 lineto
-244.29688 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-254.35156 12.847656 moveto
-253.96093 13.179688 253.58496 13.414063 253.22363 13.550781 curveto
-252.8623 13.6875 252.47461 13.755859 252.06055 13.755859 curveto
-251.37695 13.755859 250.85156 13.588867 250.48438 13.254883 curveto
-250.11719 12.920899 249.93359 12.494142 249.93359 11.974609 curveto
-249.93359 11.669924 250.00293 11.391604 250.1416 11.139648 curveto
-250.28027 10.887698 250.46191 10.68555 250.68652 10.533203 curveto
-250.91113 10.380863 251.16406 10.265628 251.44531 10.1875 curveto
-251.65234 10.132816 251.96484 10.080082 252.38281 10.029297 curveto
-253.23437 9.9277381 253.86132 9.8066444 254.26367 9.6660156 curveto
-254.26757 9.5214885 254.26953 9.4296917 254.26953 9.390625 curveto
-254.26953 8.9609422 254.16992 8.6582081 253.9707 8.4824219 curveto
-253.70117 8.244146 253.30078 8.1250055 252.76953 8.125 curveto
-252.27343 8.1250055 251.90722 8.2119195 251.6709 8.3857422 curveto
-251.43457 8.5595754 251.25976 8.8671922 251.14648 9.3085938 curveto
-250.11523 9.1679688 lineto
-250.20898 8.7265674 250.36328 8.3701224 250.57813 8.0986328 curveto
-250.79297 7.8271542 251.10351 7.6181701 251.50977 7.4716797 curveto
-251.91601 7.3252016 252.38672 7.2519595 252.92188 7.2519531 curveto
-253.45312 7.2519595 253.88476 7.3144594 254.2168 7.4394531 curveto
-254.54882 7.5644592 254.79296 7.7216856 254.94922 7.9111328 curveto
-255.10546 8.1005915 255.21484 8.339849 255.27734 8.6289063 curveto
-255.31249 8.8085986 255.33007 9.132817 255.33008 9.6015625 curveto
-255.33008 11.007813 lineto
-255.33007 11.988283 255.35253 12.608399 255.39746 12.868164 curveto
-255.44238 13.12793 255.53124 13.376953 255.66406 13.615234 curveto
-254.5625 13.615234 lineto
-254.45312 13.396485 254.38281 13.140625 254.35156 12.847656 curveto
-254.35156 12.847656 lineto
-254.26367 10.492188 moveto
-253.88085 10.64844 253.30664 10.781253 252.54102 10.890625 curveto
-252.10742 10.953128 251.80078 11.02344 251.62109 11.101563 curveto
-251.4414 11.17969 251.30273 11.293948 251.20508 11.444336 curveto
-251.10742 11.594729 251.05859 11.761721 251.05859 11.945313 curveto
-251.05859 12.226564 251.16504 12.460939 251.37793 12.648438 curveto
-251.59082 12.835938 251.90234 12.929688 252.3125 12.929688 curveto
-252.71875 12.929688 253.08007 12.840821 253.39648 12.663086 curveto
-253.71289 12.485353 253.94531 12.242189 254.09375 11.933594 curveto
-254.20703 11.695314 254.26367 11.343752 254.26367 10.878906 curveto
-254.26367 10.492188 lineto
-252.20703 6.6191406 moveto
-252.98633 4.9785156 lineto
-254.36914 4.9785156 lineto
-253.08008 6.6191406 lineto
-252.20703 6.6191406 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-257.24609 13.615234 moveto
-257.24609 12.414063 lineto
-258.44727 12.414063 lineto
-258.44727 13.615234 lineto
-258.44726 14.05664 258.36914 14.413085 258.21289 14.68457 curveto
-258.05664 14.956053 257.80859 15.166014 257.46875 15.314453 curveto
-257.17578 14.863281 lineto
-257.39844 14.765624 257.5625 14.622069 257.66797 14.432617 curveto
-257.77344 14.243163 257.83203 13.970703 257.84375 13.615234 curveto
-257.24609 13.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-116.78516 21.25 moveto
-116.78516 20.025391 lineto
-117.83984 20.025391 lineto
-117.83984 21.25 lineto
-116.78516 21.25 lineto
-115.44922 31.029297 moveto
-115.64844 30.132813 lineto
-115.85938 30.187498 116.02539 30.214842 116.14648 30.214844 curveto
-116.36133 30.214842 116.52148 30.143553 116.62695 30.000977 curveto
-116.73242 29.858397 116.78516 29.501952 116.78516 28.931641 curveto
-116.78516 22.392578 lineto
-117.83984 22.392578 lineto
-117.83984 28.955078 lineto
-117.83984 29.720702 117.74023 30.253905 117.54102 30.554688 curveto
-117.28711 30.94531 116.86523 31.140622 116.27539 31.140625 curveto
-115.99023 31.140622 115.71484 31.103513 115.44922 31.029297 curveto
-115.44922 31.029297 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-123.72266 26.611328 moveto
-124.8125 26.746094 lineto
-124.64062 27.382814 124.32226 27.876954 123.85742 28.228516 curveto
-123.39257 28.580078 122.79882 28.755859 122.07617 28.755859 curveto
-121.16601 28.755859 120.44433 28.475586 119.91113 27.915039 curveto
-119.37793 27.354493 119.11133 26.568361 119.11133 25.556641 curveto
-119.11133 24.50977 119.38086 23.697271 119.91992 23.119141 curveto
-120.45898 22.541022 121.1582 22.251959 122.01758 22.251953 curveto
-122.84961 22.251959 123.52929 22.535162 124.05664 23.101563 curveto
-124.58398 23.667974 124.84765 24.464848 124.84766 25.492188 curveto
-124.84765 25.554691 124.8457 25.64844 124.8418 25.773438 curveto
-120.20117 25.773438 lineto
-120.24023 26.457033 120.43359 26.98047 120.78125 27.34375 curveto
-121.1289 27.707032 121.5625 27.888673 122.08203 27.888672 curveto
-122.46875 27.888673 122.79882 27.78711 123.07227 27.583984 curveto
-123.3457 27.380861 123.5625 27.056642 123.72266 26.611328 curveto
-123.72266 26.611328 lineto
-120.25977 24.90625 moveto
-123.73438 24.90625 lineto
-123.68749 24.382817 123.55468 23.990239 123.33594 23.728516 curveto
-123 23.322271 122.56445 23.119146 122.0293 23.119141 curveto
-121.54492 23.119146 121.13769 23.281255 120.80762 23.605469 curveto
-120.47754 23.929692 120.29492 24.363286 120.25977 24.90625 curveto
-120.25977 24.90625 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-129.4707 31 moveto
-129.4707 22.392578 lineto
-130.43164 22.392578 lineto
-130.43164 23.201172 lineto
-130.6582 22.884771 130.91406 22.647467 131.19922 22.489258 curveto
-131.48437 22.331061 131.83007 22.251959 132.23633 22.251953 curveto
-132.76757 22.251959 133.23632 22.388678 133.64258 22.662109 curveto
-134.04882 22.935553 134.35546 23.321294 134.5625 23.819336 curveto
-134.76953 24.317387 134.87304 24.863285 134.87305 25.457031 curveto
-134.87304 26.093753 134.75878 26.666994 134.53027 27.176758 curveto
-134.30175 27.686524 133.96972 28.077149 133.53418 28.348633 curveto
-133.09863 28.620117 132.64062 28.755859 132.16016 28.755859 curveto
-131.80859 28.755859 131.49316 28.681641 131.21387 28.533203 curveto
-130.93457 28.384766 130.70508 28.197266 130.52539 27.970703 curveto
-130.52539 31 lineto
-129.4707 31 lineto
-130.42578 25.539063 moveto
-130.42578 26.339846 130.58789 26.931642 130.91211 27.314453 curveto
-131.23633 27.697267 131.6289 27.888673 132.08984 27.888672 curveto
-132.55859 27.888673 132.95996 27.690431 133.29395 27.293945 curveto
-133.62792 26.897463 133.79492 26.283205 133.79492 25.451172 curveto
-133.79492 24.658207 133.63183 24.064458 133.30566 23.669922 curveto
-132.97949 23.275396 132.58984 23.078131 132.13672 23.078125 curveto
-131.6875 23.078131 131.29004 23.288091 130.94434 23.708008 curveto
-130.59863 24.127934 130.42578 24.738285 130.42578 25.539063 curveto
-130.42578 25.539063 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-135.75781 25.503906 moveto
-135.75781 24.351567 136.07812 23.498052 136.71875 22.943359 curveto
-137.2539 22.482428 137.90625 22.251959 138.67578 22.251953 curveto
-139.53125 22.251959 140.23046 22.532233 140.77344 23.092773 curveto
-141.3164 23.653325 141.58788 24.427739 141.58789 25.416016 curveto
-141.58788 26.216799 141.46777 26.846681 141.22754 27.305664 curveto
-140.9873 27.764649 140.63769 28.121094 140.17871 28.375 curveto
-139.71972 28.628906 139.21875 28.755859 138.67578 28.755859 curveto
-137.80469 28.755859 137.10058 28.476563 136.56348 27.917969 curveto
-136.02637 27.359376 135.75781 26.55469 135.75781 25.503906 curveto
-135.75781 25.503906 lineto
-136.8418 25.503906 moveto
-136.8418 26.300784 137.01562 26.897463 137.36328 27.293945 curveto
-137.71094 27.690431 138.14843 27.888673 138.67578 27.888672 curveto
-139.19921 27.888673 139.63476 27.689454 139.98242 27.291016 curveto
-140.33007 26.89258 140.5039 26.285159 140.50391 25.46875 curveto
-140.5039 24.699223 140.3291 24.116215 139.97949 23.719727 curveto
-139.62988 23.323247 139.19531 23.125005 138.67578 23.125 curveto
-138.14843 23.125005 137.71094 23.322271 137.36328 23.716797 curveto
-137.01562 24.111333 136.8418 24.707035 136.8418 25.503906 curveto
-136.8418 25.503906 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-142.83008 28.615234 moveto
-142.83008 20.025391 lineto
-143.88477 20.025391 lineto
-143.88477 23.107422 lineto
-144.37695 22.537115 144.99804 22.251959 145.74805 22.251953 curveto
-146.20898 22.251959 146.60937 22.34278 146.94922 22.524414 curveto
-147.28906 22.706061 147.53222 22.957037 147.67871 23.277344 curveto
-147.82519 23.597661 147.89843 24.062505 147.89844 24.671875 curveto
-147.89844 28.615234 lineto
-146.84375 28.615234 lineto
-146.84375 24.671875 lineto
-146.84375 24.144536 146.72949 23.760747 146.50098 23.520508 curveto
-146.27246 23.280279 145.94921 23.160162 145.53125 23.160156 curveto
-145.21875 23.160162 144.9248 23.241216 144.64941 23.40332 curveto
-144.37402 23.565435 144.17773 23.785161 144.06055 24.0625 curveto
-143.94336 24.339848 143.88476 24.72266 143.88477 25.210938 curveto
-143.88477 28.615234 lineto
-142.83008 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-149.48633 28.615234 moveto
-149.48633 20.025391 lineto
-150.54102 20.025391 lineto
-150.54102 28.615234 lineto
-149.48633 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-156.24219 26.335938 moveto
-157.2793 26.470703 lineto
-157.16601 27.185548 156.87597 27.745118 156.40918 28.149414 curveto
-155.94238 28.553711 155.36914 28.755859 154.68945 28.755859 curveto
-153.83789 28.755859 153.15332 28.477539 152.63574 27.920898 curveto
-152.11816 27.364259 151.85937 26.566408 151.85938 25.527344 curveto
-151.85937 24.855473 151.9707 24.267582 152.19336 23.763672 curveto
-152.41601 23.259771 152.75488 22.881842 153.20996 22.629883 curveto
-153.66504 22.377936 154.16015 22.251959 154.69531 22.251953 curveto
-155.37109 22.251959 155.92382 22.422858 156.35352 22.764648 curveto
-156.7832 23.106451 157.05859 23.591802 157.17969 24.220703 curveto
-156.1543 24.378906 lineto
-156.05664 23.960942 155.88378 23.646489 155.63574 23.435547 curveto
-155.38769 23.224615 155.08789 23.119146 154.73633 23.119141 curveto
-154.20508 23.119146 153.77344 23.309576 153.44141 23.69043 curveto
-153.10937 24.071294 152.94336 24.673832 152.94336 25.498047 curveto
-152.94336 26.333987 153.10351 26.941408 153.42383 27.320313 curveto
-153.74414 27.69922 154.16211 27.888673 154.67773 27.888672 curveto
-155.09179 27.888673 155.4375 27.76172 155.71484 27.507813 curveto
-155.99218 27.253908 156.16796 26.863283 156.24219 26.335938 curveto
-156.24219 26.335938 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-162.44141 26.611328 moveto
-163.53125 26.746094 lineto
-163.35937 27.382814 163.04101 27.876954 162.57617 28.228516 curveto
-162.11132 28.580078 161.51757 28.755859 160.79492 28.755859 curveto
-159.88476 28.755859 159.16308 28.475586 158.62988 27.915039 curveto
-158.09668 27.354493 157.83008 26.568361 157.83008 25.556641 curveto
-157.83008 24.50977 158.09961 23.697271 158.63867 23.119141 curveto
-159.17773 22.541022 159.87695 22.251959 160.73633 22.251953 curveto
-161.56836 22.251959 162.24804 22.535162 162.77539 23.101563 curveto
-163.30273 23.667974 163.5664 24.464848 163.56641 25.492188 curveto
-163.5664 25.554691 163.56445 25.64844 163.56055 25.773438 curveto
-158.91992 25.773438 lineto
-158.95898 26.457033 159.15234 26.98047 159.5 27.34375 curveto
-159.84765 27.707032 160.28125 27.888673 160.80078 27.888672 curveto
-161.1875 27.888673 161.51757 27.78711 161.79102 27.583984 curveto
-162.06445 27.380861 162.28125 27.056642 162.44141 26.611328 curveto
-162.44141 26.611328 lineto
-158.97852 24.90625 moveto
-162.45313 24.90625 lineto
-162.40624 24.382817 162.27343 23.990239 162.05469 23.728516 curveto
-161.71875 23.322271 161.2832 23.119146 160.74805 23.119141 curveto
-160.26367 23.119146 159.85644 23.281255 159.52637 23.605469 curveto
-159.19629 23.929692 159.01367 24.363286 158.97852 24.90625 curveto
-158.97852 24.90625 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-164.86133 28.615234 moveto
-164.86133 22.392578 lineto
-165.81055 22.392578 lineto
-165.81055 23.277344 lineto
-166.26758 22.593756 166.92773 22.251959 167.79102 22.251953 curveto
-168.16601 22.251959 168.51074 22.319342 168.8252 22.454102 curveto
-169.13964 22.588873 169.37499 22.765631 169.53125 22.984375 curveto
-169.68749 23.20313 169.79687 23.462896 169.85938 23.763672 curveto
-169.89843 23.958989 169.91796 24.300786 169.91797 24.789063 curveto
-169.91797 28.615234 lineto
-168.86328 28.615234 lineto
-168.86328 24.830078 lineto
-168.86328 24.400395 168.82226 24.079106 168.74023 23.866211 curveto
-168.6582 23.653325 168.51269 23.483404 168.30371 23.356445 curveto
-168.09472 23.229498 167.84961 23.166021 167.56836 23.166016 curveto
-167.11914 23.166021 166.73144 23.308599 166.40527 23.59375 curveto
-166.0791 23.878911 165.91601 24.419926 165.91602 25.216797 curveto
-165.91602 28.615234 lineto
-164.86133 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-175.60156 27.847656 moveto
-175.21093 28.179688 174.83496 28.414063 174.47363 28.550781 curveto
-174.1123 28.6875 173.72461 28.755859 173.31055 28.755859 curveto
-172.62695 28.755859 172.10156 28.588867 171.73438 28.254883 curveto
-171.36719 27.920899 171.18359 27.494142 171.18359 26.974609 curveto
-171.18359 26.669924 171.25293 26.391604 171.3916 26.139648 curveto
-171.53027 25.887698 171.71191 25.68555 171.93652 25.533203 curveto
-172.16113 25.380863 172.41406 25.265628 172.69531 25.1875 curveto
-172.90234 25.132816 173.21484 25.080082 173.63281 25.029297 curveto
-174.48437 24.927738 175.11132 24.806644 175.51367 24.666016 curveto
-175.51757 24.521488 175.51953 24.429692 175.51953 24.390625 curveto
-175.51953 23.960942 175.41992 23.658208 175.2207 23.482422 curveto
-174.95117 23.244146 174.55078 23.125005 174.01953 23.125 curveto
-173.52343 23.125005 173.15722 23.211919 172.9209 23.385742 curveto
-172.68457 23.559575 172.50976 23.867192 172.39648 24.308594 curveto
-171.36523 24.167969 lineto
-171.45898 23.726567 171.61328 23.370122 171.82813 23.098633 curveto
-172.04297 22.827154 172.35351 22.61817 172.75977 22.47168 curveto
-173.16601 22.325202 173.63672 22.251959 174.17188 22.251953 curveto
-174.70312 22.251959 175.13476 22.314459 175.4668 22.439453 curveto
-175.79882 22.564459 176.04296 22.721686 176.19922 22.911133 curveto
-176.35546 23.100591 176.46484 23.339849 176.52734 23.628906 curveto
-176.56249 23.808599 176.58007 24.132817 176.58008 24.601563 curveto
-176.58008 26.007813 lineto
-176.58007 26.988283 176.60253 27.608399 176.64746 27.868164 curveto
-176.69238 28.12793 176.78124 28.376953 176.91406 28.615234 curveto
-175.8125 28.615234 lineto
-175.70312 28.396485 175.63281 28.140625 175.60156 27.847656 curveto
-175.60156 27.847656 lineto
-175.51367 25.492188 moveto
-175.13085 25.64844 174.55664 25.781253 173.79102 25.890625 curveto
-173.35742 25.953128 173.05078 26.02344 172.87109 26.101563 curveto
-172.6914 26.17969 172.55273 26.293948 172.45508 26.444336 curveto
-172.35742 26.594729 172.30859 26.761721 172.30859 26.945313 curveto
-172.30859 27.226564 172.41504 27.460939 172.62793 27.648438 curveto
-172.84082 27.835938 173.15234 27.929688 173.5625 27.929688 curveto
-173.96875 27.929688 174.33007 27.840821 174.64648 27.663086 curveto
-174.96289 27.485353 175.19531 27.242189 175.34375 26.933594 curveto
-175.45703 26.695314 175.51367 26.343752 175.51367 25.878906 curveto
-175.51367 25.492188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-181.12695 26.757813 moveto
-182.16992 26.59375 lineto
-182.22851 27.01172 182.3916 27.332033 182.65918 27.554688 curveto
-182.92676 27.777345 183.30078 27.888673 183.78125 27.888672 curveto
-184.26562 27.888673 184.625 27.79004 184.85938 27.592773 curveto
-185.09375 27.395509 185.21093 27.164064 185.21094 26.898438 curveto
-185.21093 26.660158 185.10742 26.472658 184.90039 26.335938 curveto
-184.75586 26.24219 184.39648 26.123049 183.82227 25.978516 curveto
-183.04883 25.783206 182.51269 25.614261 182.21387 25.47168 curveto
-181.91504 25.329105 181.68848 25.131839 181.53418 24.879883 curveto
-181.37988 24.627934 181.30273 24.349614 181.30273 24.044922 curveto
-181.30273 23.767583 181.36621 23.510747 181.49316 23.274414 curveto
-181.62012 23.038092 181.79297 22.841803 182.01172 22.685547 curveto
-182.17578 22.564459 182.39941 22.46192 182.68262 22.37793 curveto
-182.96582 22.293952 183.26953 22.251959 183.59375 22.251953 curveto
-184.08203 22.251959 184.51074 22.322272 184.87988 22.462891 curveto
-185.24902 22.603522 185.52148 22.793951 185.69727 23.03418 curveto
-185.87304 23.274419 185.99414 23.595708 186.06055 23.998047 curveto
-185.0293 24.138672 lineto
-184.98242 23.818364 184.84668 23.568364 184.62207 23.388672 curveto
-184.39746 23.20899 184.08007 23.119146 183.66992 23.119141 curveto
-183.18554 23.119146 182.83984 23.199224 182.63281 23.359375 curveto
-182.42578 23.519536 182.32226 23.707036 182.32227 23.921875 curveto
-182.32226 24.058598 182.36523 24.181645 182.45117 24.291016 curveto
-182.53711 24.404301 182.67187 24.498051 182.85547 24.572266 curveto
-182.96094 24.611332 183.27148 24.701176 183.78711 24.841797 curveto
-184.5332 25.041019 185.05371 25.204105 185.34863 25.331055 curveto
-185.64355 25.458011 185.87499 25.642581 186.04297 25.884766 curveto
-186.21093 26.126956 186.29492 26.427737 186.29492 26.787109 curveto
-186.29492 27.138673 186.19238 27.469728 185.9873 27.780273 curveto
-185.78222 28.090821 185.48632 28.331055 185.09961 28.500977 curveto
-184.71289 28.670898 184.27539 28.755859 183.78711 28.755859 curveto
-182.97851 28.755859 182.3623 28.587891 181.93848 28.251953 curveto
-181.51465 27.916016 181.24414 27.41797 181.12695 26.757813 curveto
-181.12695 26.757813 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-189.27734 28.615234 moveto
-186.91016 22.392578 lineto
-188.02344 22.392578 lineto
-189.35938 26.119141 lineto
-189.5039 26.521486 189.63672 26.939455 189.75781 27.373047 curveto
-189.85156 27.044923 189.98242 26.650393 190.15039 26.189453 curveto
-191.5332 22.392578 lineto
-192.61719 22.392578 lineto
-190.26172 28.615234 lineto
-189.27734 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-193.50195 31.011719 moveto
-193.38477 30.021484 lineto
-193.61523 30.083983 193.81641 30.115233 193.98828 30.115234 curveto
-194.22265 30.115233 194.41015 30.07617 194.55078 29.998047 curveto
-194.6914 29.919921 194.80664 29.810546 194.89648 29.669922 curveto
-194.96289 29.564452 195.07031 29.302734 195.21875 28.884766 curveto
-195.23828 28.826172 195.26953 28.740234 195.3125 28.626953 curveto
-192.95117 22.392578 lineto
-194.08789 22.392578 lineto
-195.38281 25.996094 lineto
-195.55078 26.453127 195.70117 26.933595 195.83398 27.4375 curveto
-195.95507 26.953127 196.09961 26.480471 196.26758 26.019531 curveto
-197.59766 22.392578 lineto
-198.65234 22.392578 lineto
-196.28516 28.720703 lineto
-196.03125 29.404296 195.83398 29.874999 195.69336 30.132813 curveto
-195.50586 30.480467 195.29101 30.735349 195.04883 30.897461 curveto
-194.80664 31.059568 194.51758 31.140622 194.18164 31.140625 curveto
-193.97851 31.140622 193.75195 31.097654 193.50195 31.011719 curveto
-193.50195 31.011719 lineto
-195.23047 21.619141 moveto
-196.00977 19.978516 lineto
-197.39258 19.978516 lineto
-196.10352 21.619141 lineto
-195.23047 21.619141 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-199.54883 28.615234 moveto
-199.54883 22.392578 lineto
-200.49219 22.392578 lineto
-200.49219 23.265625 lineto
-200.6875 22.960943 200.94726 22.715826 201.27148 22.530273 curveto
-201.5957 22.344733 201.96484 22.251959 202.37891 22.251953 curveto
-202.83984 22.251959 203.21777 22.347663 203.5127 22.539063 curveto
-203.80761 22.730475 204.01562 22.998052 204.13672 23.341797 curveto
-204.6289 22.61524 205.26952 22.251959 206.05859 22.251953 curveto
-206.67577 22.251959 207.15038 22.422858 207.48242 22.764648 curveto
-207.81444 23.106451 207.98046 23.632817 207.98047 24.34375 curveto
-207.98047 28.615234 lineto
-206.93164 28.615234 lineto
-206.93164 24.695313 lineto
-206.93163 24.273442 206.89745 23.969731 206.8291 23.78418 curveto
-206.76073 23.598638 206.63671 23.449224 206.45703 23.335938 curveto
-206.27734 23.222662 206.0664 23.166021 205.82422 23.166016 curveto
-205.38671 23.166021 205.02343 23.311529 204.73438 23.602539 curveto
-204.44531 23.893559 204.30078 24.359379 204.30078 25 curveto
-204.30078 28.615234 lineto
-203.24609 28.615234 lineto
-203.24609 24.572266 lineto
-203.24609 24.10352 203.16015 23.751958 202.98828 23.517578 curveto
-202.8164 23.283208 202.53515 23.166021 202.14453 23.166016 curveto
-201.84765 23.166021 201.57324 23.244146 201.32129 23.400391 curveto
-201.06933 23.556646 200.88672 23.785161 200.77344 24.085938 curveto
-200.66015 24.386723 200.60351 24.820316 200.60352 25.386719 curveto
-200.60352 28.615234 lineto
-199.54883 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-209.5625 21.238281 moveto
-209.5625 20.025391 lineto
-210.61719 20.025391 lineto
-210.61719 21.238281 lineto
-209.5625 21.238281 lineto
-209.5625 28.615234 moveto
-209.5625 22.392578 lineto
-210.61719 22.392578 lineto
-210.61719 28.615234 lineto
-209.5625 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-215.13477 26.757813 moveto
-216.17773 26.59375 lineto
-216.23633 27.01172 216.39941 27.332033 216.66699 27.554688 curveto
-216.93457 27.777345 217.30859 27.888673 217.78906 27.888672 curveto
-218.27343 27.888673 218.63281 27.79004 218.86719 27.592773 curveto
-219.10156 27.395509 219.21875 27.164064 219.21875 26.898438 curveto
-219.21875 26.660158 219.11523 26.472658 218.9082 26.335938 curveto
-218.76367 26.24219 218.40429 26.123049 217.83008 25.978516 curveto
-217.05664 25.783206 216.52051 25.614261 216.22168 25.47168 curveto
-215.92285 25.329105 215.69629 25.131839 215.54199 24.879883 curveto
-215.38769 24.627934 215.31055 24.349614 215.31055 24.044922 curveto
-215.31055 23.767583 215.37402 23.510747 215.50098 23.274414 curveto
-215.62793 23.038092 215.80078 22.841803 216.01953 22.685547 curveto
-216.18359 22.564459 216.40722 22.46192 216.69043 22.37793 curveto
-216.97363 22.293952 217.27734 22.251959 217.60156 22.251953 curveto
-218.08984 22.251959 218.51855 22.322272 218.8877 22.462891 curveto
-219.25683 22.603522 219.52929 22.793951 219.70508 23.03418 curveto
-219.88085 23.274419 220.00195 23.595708 220.06836 23.998047 curveto
-219.03711 24.138672 lineto
-218.99023 23.818364 218.85449 23.568364 218.62988 23.388672 curveto
-218.40527 23.20899 218.08789 23.119146 217.67773 23.119141 curveto
-217.19336 23.119146 216.84765 23.199224 216.64063 23.359375 curveto
-216.43359 23.519536 216.33008 23.707036 216.33008 23.921875 curveto
-216.33008 24.058598 216.37305 24.181645 216.45898 24.291016 curveto
-216.54492 24.404301 216.67969 24.498051 216.86328 24.572266 curveto
-216.96875 24.611332 217.27929 24.701176 217.79492 24.841797 curveto
-218.54101 25.041019 219.06152 25.204105 219.35645 25.331055 curveto
-219.65136 25.458011 219.88281 25.642581 220.05078 25.884766 curveto
-220.21874 26.126956 220.30273 26.427737 220.30273 26.787109 curveto
-220.30273 27.138673 220.20019 27.469728 219.99512 27.780273 curveto
-219.79003 28.090821 219.49414 28.331055 219.10742 28.500977 curveto
-218.7207 28.670898 218.2832 28.755859 217.79492 28.755859 curveto
-216.98633 28.755859 216.37012 28.587891 215.94629 28.251953 curveto
-215.52246 27.916016 215.25195 27.41797 215.13477 26.757813 curveto
-215.13477 26.757813 lineto
-217.73633 20.974609 moveto
-218.38086 19.978516 lineto
-219.57617 19.978516 lineto
-218.25781 21.619141 lineto
-217.13281 21.619141 lineto
-215.86719 19.978516 lineto
-217.07422 19.978516 lineto
-217.73633 20.974609 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-221.5625 21.238281 moveto
-221.5625 20.025391 lineto
-222.61719 20.025391 lineto
-222.61719 21.238281 lineto
-221.5625 21.238281 lineto
-221.5625 28.615234 moveto
-221.5625 22.392578 lineto
-222.61719 22.392578 lineto
-222.61719 28.615234 lineto
-221.5625 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-224.2168 28.615234 moveto
-224.2168 22.392578 lineto
-225.16602 22.392578 lineto
-225.16602 23.335938 lineto
-225.4082 22.894537 225.63183 22.603522 225.83691 22.462891 curveto
-226.04199 22.322272 226.26758 22.251959 226.51367 22.251953 curveto
-226.86914 22.251959 227.23046 22.365241 227.59766 22.591797 curveto
-227.23438 23.570313 lineto
-226.97656 23.417974 226.71875 23.341802 226.46094 23.341797 curveto
-226.23047 23.341802 226.02343 23.411138 225.83984 23.549805 curveto
-225.65625 23.688481 225.52539 23.880864 225.44727 24.126953 curveto
-225.33008 24.501957 225.27148 24.912113 225.27148 25.357422 curveto
-225.27148 28.615234 lineto
-224.2168 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-227.81445 26.757813 moveto
-228.85742 26.59375 lineto
-228.91601 27.01172 229.0791 27.332033 229.34668 27.554688 curveto
-229.61426 27.777345 229.98828 27.888673 230.46875 27.888672 curveto
-230.95312 27.888673 231.3125 27.79004 231.54688 27.592773 curveto
-231.78125 27.395509 231.89843 27.164064 231.89844 26.898438 curveto
-231.89843 26.660158 231.79492 26.472658 231.58789 26.335938 curveto
-231.44336 26.24219 231.08398 26.123049 230.50977 25.978516 curveto
-229.73633 25.783206 229.20019 25.614261 228.90137 25.47168 curveto
-228.60254 25.329105 228.37598 25.131839 228.22168 24.879883 curveto
-228.06738 24.627934 227.99023 24.349614 227.99023 24.044922 curveto
-227.99023 23.767583 228.05371 23.510747 228.18066 23.274414 curveto
-228.30762 23.038092 228.48047 22.841803 228.69922 22.685547 curveto
-228.86328 22.564459 229.08691 22.46192 229.37012 22.37793 curveto
-229.65332 22.293952 229.95703 22.251959 230.28125 22.251953 curveto
-230.76953 22.251959 231.19824 22.322272 231.56738 22.462891 curveto
-231.93652 22.603522 232.20898 22.793951 232.38477 23.03418 curveto
-232.56054 23.274419 232.68164 23.595708 232.74805 23.998047 curveto
-231.7168 24.138672 lineto
-231.66992 23.818364 231.53418 23.568364 231.30957 23.388672 curveto
-231.08496 23.20899 230.76757 23.119146 230.35742 23.119141 curveto
-229.87304 23.119146 229.52734 23.199224 229.32031 23.359375 curveto
-229.11328 23.519536 229.00976 23.707036 229.00977 23.921875 curveto
-229.00976 24.058598 229.05273 24.181645 229.13867 24.291016 curveto
-229.22461 24.404301 229.35937 24.498051 229.54297 24.572266 curveto
-229.64844 24.611332 229.95898 24.701176 230.47461 24.841797 curveto
-231.2207 25.041019 231.74121 25.204105 232.03613 25.331055 curveto
-232.33105 25.458011 232.56249 25.642581 232.73047 25.884766 curveto
-232.89843 26.126956 232.98242 26.427737 232.98242 26.787109 curveto
-232.98242 27.138673 232.87988 27.469728 232.6748 27.780273 curveto
-232.46972 28.090821 232.17382 28.331055 231.78711 28.500977 curveto
-231.40039 28.670898 230.96289 28.755859 230.47461 28.755859 curveto
-229.66601 28.755859 229.0498 28.587891 228.62598 28.251953 curveto
-228.20215 27.916016 227.93164 27.41797 227.81445 26.757813 curveto
-227.81445 26.757813 lineto
-230.41602 20.974609 moveto
-231.06055 19.978516 lineto
-232.25586 19.978516 lineto
-230.9375 21.619141 lineto
-229.8125 21.619141 lineto
-228.54688 19.978516 lineto
-229.75391 19.978516 lineto
-230.41602 20.974609 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-234.60547 28.615234 moveto
-234.60547 22.392578 lineto
-235.66016 22.392578 lineto
-235.66016 28.615234 lineto
-234.60547 28.615234 lineto
-234.55859 21.619141 moveto
-235.33789 19.978516 lineto
-236.7207 19.978516 lineto
-235.43164 21.619141 lineto
-234.55859 21.619141 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-237.56445 28.615234 moveto
-237.56445 22.392578 lineto
-238.50781 22.392578 lineto
-238.50781 23.265625 lineto
-238.70312 22.960943 238.96289 22.715826 239.28711 22.530273 curveto
-239.61133 22.344733 239.98047 22.251959 240.39453 22.251953 curveto
-240.85546 22.251959 241.23339 22.347663 241.52832 22.539063 curveto
-241.82324 22.730475 242.03124 22.998052 242.15234 23.341797 curveto
-242.64453 22.61524 243.28515 22.251959 244.07422 22.251953 curveto
-244.6914 22.251959 245.16601 22.422858 245.49805 22.764648 curveto
-245.83007 23.106451 245.99608 23.632817 245.99609 24.34375 curveto
-245.99609 28.615234 lineto
-244.94727 28.615234 lineto
-244.94727 24.695313 lineto
-244.94726 24.273442 244.91308 23.969731 244.84473 23.78418 curveto
-244.77636 23.598638 244.65234 23.449224 244.47266 23.335938 curveto
-244.29296 23.222662 244.08202 23.166021 243.83984 23.166016 curveto
-243.40234 23.166021 243.03906 23.311529 242.75 23.602539 curveto
-242.46093 23.893559 242.3164 24.359379 242.31641 25 curveto
-242.31641 28.615234 lineto
-241.26172 28.615234 lineto
-241.26172 24.572266 lineto
-241.26171 24.10352 241.17578 23.751958 241.00391 23.517578 curveto
-240.83203 23.283208 240.55078 23.166021 240.16016 23.166016 curveto
-239.86328 23.166021 239.58886 23.244146 239.33691 23.400391 curveto
-239.08496 23.556646 238.90234 23.785161 238.78906 24.085938 curveto
-238.67578 24.386723 238.61914 24.820316 238.61914 25.386719 curveto
-238.61914 28.615234 lineto
-237.56445 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-247.57813 21.238281 moveto
-247.57813 20.025391 lineto
-248.63281 20.025391 lineto
-248.63281 21.238281 lineto
-247.57813 21.238281 lineto
-247.57813 28.615234 moveto
-247.57813 22.392578 lineto
-248.63281 22.392578 lineto
-248.63281 28.615234 lineto
-247.57813 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-253.15039 26.757813 moveto
-254.19336 26.59375 lineto
-254.25195 27.01172 254.41504 27.332033 254.68262 27.554688 curveto
-254.95019 27.777345 255.32422 27.888673 255.80469 27.888672 curveto
-256.28906 27.888673 256.64843 27.79004 256.88281 27.592773 curveto
-257.11718 27.395509 257.23437 27.164064 257.23438 26.898438 curveto
-257.23437 26.660158 257.13086 26.472658 256.92383 26.335938 curveto
-256.77929 26.24219 256.41992 26.123049 255.8457 25.978516 curveto
-255.07226 25.783206 254.53613 25.614261 254.2373 25.47168 curveto
-253.93848 25.329105 253.71191 25.131839 253.55762 24.879883 curveto
-253.40332 24.627934 253.32617 24.349614 253.32617 24.044922 curveto
-253.32617 23.767583 253.38965 23.510747 253.5166 23.274414 curveto
-253.64355 23.038092 253.81641 22.841803 254.03516 22.685547 curveto
-254.19922 22.564459 254.42285 22.46192 254.70605 22.37793 curveto
-254.98926 22.293952 255.29297 22.251959 255.61719 22.251953 curveto
-256.10547 22.251959 256.53418 22.322272 256.90332 22.462891 curveto
-257.27246 22.603522 257.54492 22.793951 257.7207 23.03418 curveto
-257.89648 23.274419 258.01757 23.595708 258.08398 23.998047 curveto
-257.05273 24.138672 lineto
-257.00586 23.818364 256.87011 23.568364 256.64551 23.388672 curveto
-256.42089 23.20899 256.10351 23.119146 255.69336 23.119141 curveto
-255.20898 23.119146 254.86328 23.199224 254.65625 23.359375 curveto
-254.44922 23.519536 254.3457 23.707036 254.3457 23.921875 curveto
-254.3457 24.058598 254.38867 24.181645 254.47461 24.291016 curveto
-254.56055 24.404301 254.69531 24.498051 254.87891 24.572266 curveto
-254.98437 24.611332 255.29492 24.701176 255.81055 24.841797 curveto
-256.55664 25.041019 257.07714 25.204105 257.37207 25.331055 curveto
-257.66699 25.458011 257.89843 25.642581 258.06641 25.884766 curveto
-258.23437 26.126956 258.31835 26.427737 258.31836 26.787109 curveto
-258.31835 27.138673 258.21581 27.469728 258.01074 27.780273 curveto
-257.80566 28.090821 257.50976 28.331055 257.12305 28.500977 curveto
-256.73632 28.670898 256.29882 28.755859 255.81055 28.755859 curveto
-255.00195 28.755859 254.38574 28.587891 253.96191 28.251953 curveto
-253.53809 27.916016 253.26758 27.41797 253.15039 26.757813 curveto
-253.15039 26.757813 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-263.83203 26.611328 moveto
-264.92188 26.746094 lineto
-264.74999 27.382814 264.43163 27.876954 263.9668 28.228516 curveto
-263.50195 28.580078 262.9082 28.755859 262.18555 28.755859 curveto
-261.27539 28.755859 260.55371 28.475586 260.02051 27.915039 curveto
-259.4873 27.354493 259.2207 26.568361 259.2207 25.556641 curveto
-259.2207 24.50977 259.49023 23.697271 260.0293 23.119141 curveto
-260.56836 22.541022 261.26758 22.251959 262.12695 22.251953 curveto
-262.95898 22.251959 263.63867 22.535162 264.16602 23.101563 curveto
-264.69335 23.667974 264.95703 24.464848 264.95703 25.492188 curveto
-264.95703 25.554691 264.95507 25.64844 264.95117 25.773438 curveto
-260.31055 25.773438 lineto
-260.34961 26.457033 260.54297 26.98047 260.89063 27.34375 curveto
-261.23828 27.707032 261.67187 27.888673 262.19141 27.888672 curveto
-262.57812 27.888673 262.9082 27.78711 263.18164 27.583984 curveto
-263.45507 27.380861 263.67187 27.056642 263.83203 26.611328 curveto
-263.83203 26.611328 lineto
-260.36914 24.90625 moveto
-263.84375 24.90625 lineto
-263.79687 24.382817 263.66406 23.990239 263.44531 23.728516 curveto
-263.10937 23.322271 262.67382 23.119146 262.13867 23.119141 curveto
-261.65429 23.119146 261.24707 23.281255 260.91699 23.605469 curveto
-260.58691 23.929692 260.4043 24.363286 260.36914 24.90625 curveto
-260.36914 24.90625 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-265.83008 26.757813 moveto
-266.87305 26.59375 lineto
-266.93164 27.01172 267.09472 27.332033 267.3623 27.554688 curveto
-267.62988 27.777345 268.0039 27.888673 268.48438 27.888672 curveto
-268.96875 27.888673 269.32812 27.79004 269.5625 27.592773 curveto
-269.79687 27.395509 269.91406 27.164064 269.91406 26.898438 curveto
-269.91406 26.660158 269.81054 26.472658 269.60352 26.335938 curveto
-269.45898 26.24219 269.09961 26.123049 268.52539 25.978516 curveto
-267.75195 25.783206 267.21582 25.614261 266.91699 25.47168 curveto
-266.61816 25.329105 266.3916 25.131839 266.2373 24.879883 curveto
-266.08301 24.627934 266.00586 24.349614 266.00586 24.044922 curveto
-266.00586 23.767583 266.06934 23.510747 266.19629 23.274414 curveto
-266.32324 23.038092 266.49609 22.841803 266.71484 22.685547 curveto
-266.8789 22.564459 267.10254 22.46192 267.38574 22.37793 curveto
-267.66894 22.293952 267.97265 22.251959 268.29688 22.251953 curveto
-268.78515 22.251959 269.21386 22.322272 269.58301 22.462891 curveto
-269.95214 22.603522 270.2246 22.793951 270.40039 23.03418 curveto
-270.57617 23.274419 270.69726 23.595708 270.76367 23.998047 curveto
-269.73242 24.138672 lineto
-269.68554 23.818364 269.5498 23.568364 269.3252 23.388672 curveto
-269.10058 23.20899 268.7832 23.119146 268.37305 23.119141 curveto
-267.88867 23.119146 267.54297 23.199224 267.33594 23.359375 curveto
-267.1289 23.519536 267.02539 23.707036 267.02539 23.921875 curveto
-267.02539 24.058598 267.06836 24.181645 267.1543 24.291016 curveto
-267.24023 24.404301 267.375 24.498051 267.55859 24.572266 curveto
-267.66406 24.611332 267.97461 24.701176 268.49023 24.841797 curveto
-269.23632 25.041019 269.75683 25.204105 270.05176 25.331055 curveto
-270.34667 25.458011 270.57812 25.642581 270.74609 25.884766 curveto
-270.91406 26.126956 270.99804 26.427737 270.99805 26.787109 curveto
-270.99804 27.138673 270.8955 27.469728 270.69043 27.780273 curveto
-270.48535 28.090821 270.18945 28.331055 269.80273 28.500977 curveto
-269.41601 28.670898 268.97851 28.755859 268.49023 28.755859 curveto
-267.68164 28.755859 267.06543 28.587891 266.6416 28.251953 curveto
-266.21777 27.916016 265.94727 27.41797 265.83008 26.757813 curveto
-265.83008 26.757813 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-274.55469 27.671875 moveto
-274.70703 28.603516 lineto
-274.41015 28.666016 274.14453 28.697266 273.91016 28.697266 curveto
-273.52734 28.697266 273.23047 28.636719 273.01953 28.515625 curveto
-272.80859 28.394531 272.66016 28.235352 272.57422 28.038086 curveto
-272.48828 27.840821 272.44531 27.425782 272.44531 26.792969 curveto
-272.44531 23.212891 lineto
-271.67188 23.212891 lineto
-271.67188 22.392578 lineto
-272.44531 22.392578 lineto
-272.44531 20.851563 lineto
-273.49414 20.21875 lineto
-273.49414 22.392578 lineto
-274.55469 22.392578 lineto
-274.55469 23.212891 lineto
-273.49414 23.212891 lineto
-273.49414 26.851563 lineto
-273.49414 27.152345 273.51269 27.345704 273.5498 27.431641 curveto
-273.58691 27.517579 273.64746 27.585939 273.73145 27.636719 curveto
-273.81543 27.687501 273.93554 27.712892 274.0918 27.712891 curveto
-274.20898 27.712892 274.36328 27.69922 274.55469 27.671875 curveto
-274.55469 27.671875 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-275.56836 28.615234 moveto
-275.56836 22.392578 lineto
-276.51758 22.392578 lineto
-276.51758 23.335938 lineto
-276.75976 22.894537 276.9834 22.603522 277.18848 22.462891 curveto
-277.39355 22.322272 277.61914 22.251959 277.86523 22.251953 curveto
-278.2207 22.251959 278.58203 22.365241 278.94922 22.591797 curveto
-278.58594 23.570313 lineto
-278.32812 23.417974 278.07031 23.341802 277.8125 23.341797 curveto
-277.58203 23.341802 277.375 23.411138 277.19141 23.549805 curveto
-277.00781 23.688481 276.87695 23.880864 276.79883 24.126953 curveto
-276.68164 24.501957 276.62305 24.912113 276.62305 25.357422 curveto
-276.62305 28.615234 lineto
-275.56836 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-283.64844 27.847656 moveto
-283.25781 28.179688 282.88183 28.414063 282.52051 28.550781 curveto
-282.15918 28.6875 281.77148 28.755859 281.35742 28.755859 curveto
-280.67383 28.755859 280.14844 28.588867 279.78125 28.254883 curveto
-279.41406 27.920899 279.23047 27.494142 279.23047 26.974609 curveto
-279.23047 26.669924 279.2998 26.391604 279.43848 26.139648 curveto
-279.57715 25.887698 279.75879 25.68555 279.9834 25.533203 curveto
-280.20801 25.380863 280.46094 25.265628 280.74219 25.1875 curveto
-280.94922 25.132816 281.26172 25.080082 281.67969 25.029297 curveto
-282.53125 24.927738 283.1582 24.806644 283.56055 24.666016 curveto
-283.56445 24.521488 283.5664 24.429692 283.56641 24.390625 curveto
-283.5664 23.960942 283.46679 23.658208 283.26758 23.482422 curveto
-282.99804 23.244146 282.59765 23.125005 282.06641 23.125 curveto
-281.57031 23.125005 281.2041 23.211919 280.96777 23.385742 curveto
-280.73144 23.559575 280.55664 23.867192 280.44336 24.308594 curveto
-279.41211 24.167969 lineto
-279.50586 23.726567 279.66016 23.370122 279.875 23.098633 curveto
-280.08984 22.827154 280.40039 22.61817 280.80664 22.47168 curveto
-281.21289 22.325202 281.68359 22.251959 282.21875 22.251953 curveto
-282.75 22.251959 283.18164 22.314459 283.51367 22.439453 curveto
-283.8457 22.564459 284.08984 22.721686 284.24609 22.911133 curveto
-284.40234 23.100591 284.51171 23.339849 284.57422 23.628906 curveto
-284.60937 23.808599 284.62695 24.132817 284.62695 24.601563 curveto
-284.62695 26.007813 lineto
-284.62695 26.988283 284.64941 27.608399 284.69434 27.868164 curveto
-284.73925 28.12793 284.82812 28.376953 284.96094 28.615234 curveto
-283.85938 28.615234 lineto
-283.75 28.396485 283.67968 28.140625 283.64844 27.847656 curveto
-283.64844 27.847656 lineto
-283.56055 25.492188 moveto
-283.17773 25.64844 282.60351 25.781253 281.83789 25.890625 curveto
-281.40429 25.953128 281.09765 26.02344 280.91797 26.101563 curveto
-280.73828 26.17969 280.59961 26.293948 280.50195 26.444336 curveto
-280.4043 26.594729 280.35547 26.761721 280.35547 26.945313 curveto
-280.35547 27.226564 280.46191 27.460939 280.6748 27.648438 curveto
-280.88769 27.835938 281.19922 27.929688 281.60938 27.929688 curveto
-282.01562 27.929688 282.37695 27.840821 282.69336 27.663086 curveto
-283.00976 27.485353 283.24218 27.242189 283.39063 26.933594 curveto
-283.5039 26.695314 283.56054 26.343752 283.56055 25.878906 curveto
-283.56055 25.492188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-286.26758 28.615234 moveto
-286.26758 22.392578 lineto
-287.21094 22.392578 lineto
-287.21094 23.265625 lineto
-287.40625 22.960943 287.66601 22.715826 287.99023 22.530273 curveto
-288.31445 22.344733 288.68359 22.251959 289.09766 22.251953 curveto
-289.55859 22.251959 289.93652 22.347663 290.23145 22.539063 curveto
-290.52636 22.730475 290.73437 22.998052 290.85547 23.341797 curveto
-291.34765 22.61524 291.98827 22.251959 292.77734 22.251953 curveto
-293.39452 22.251959 293.86913 22.422858 294.20117 22.764648 curveto
-294.53319 23.106451 294.69921 23.632817 294.69922 24.34375 curveto
-294.69922 28.615234 lineto
-293.65039 28.615234 lineto
-293.65039 24.695313 lineto
-293.65038 24.273442 293.6162 23.969731 293.54785 23.78418 curveto
-293.47948 23.598638 293.35546 23.449224 293.17578 23.335938 curveto
-292.99609 23.222662 292.78515 23.166021 292.54297 23.166016 curveto
-292.10546 23.166021 291.74218 23.311529 291.45313 23.602539 curveto
-291.16406 23.893559 291.01953 24.359379 291.01953 25 curveto
-291.01953 28.615234 lineto
-289.96484 28.615234 lineto
-289.96484 24.572266 lineto
-289.96484 24.10352 289.8789 23.751958 289.70703 23.517578 curveto
-289.53515 23.283208 289.2539 23.166021 288.86328 23.166016 curveto
-288.5664 23.166021 288.29199 23.244146 288.04004 23.400391 curveto
-287.78808 23.556646 287.60547 23.785161 287.49219 24.085938 curveto
-287.3789 24.386723 287.32226 24.820316 287.32227 25.386719 curveto
-287.32227 28.615234 lineto
-286.26758 28.615234 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-296.28125 21.238281 moveto
-296.28125 20.025391 lineto
-297.33594 20.025391 lineto
-297.33594 21.238281 lineto
-296.28125 21.238281 lineto
-296.28125 28.615234 moveto
-296.28125 22.392578 lineto
-297.33594 22.392578 lineto
-297.33594 28.615234 lineto
-296.28125 28.615234 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-272 238 moveto
-234 222 lineto
-266 214 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-235 222 moveto
-239 243 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-250 255 moveto
-250 246.41016 lineto
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-251.13672 250.66992 lineto
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-256.94336 246.41016 lineto
-253.33984 249.89063 lineto
-257.10156 255 lineto
-255.60156 255 lineto
-252.54297 250.65234 lineto
-251.13672 252.02344 lineto
-251.13672 255 lineto
-250 255 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
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-257.91602 248.77734 lineto
-258.86523 248.77734 lineto
-258.86523 249.7207 lineto
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-259.74121 248.70704 259.96679 248.63673 260.21289 248.63672 curveto
-260.56836 248.63673 260.92968 248.75001 261.29688 248.97656 curveto
-260.93359 249.95508 lineto
-260.67578 249.80274 260.41797 249.72657 260.16016 249.72656 curveto
-259.92968 249.72657 259.72265 249.7959 259.53906 249.93457 curveto
-259.35547 250.07325 259.22461 250.26563 259.14648 250.51172 curveto
-259.02929 250.88672 258.9707 251.29688 258.9707 251.74219 curveto
-258.9707 255 lineto
-257.91602 255 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-266.01367 255 moveto
-266.01367 254.08594 lineto
-265.52929 254.78906 264.87109 255.14062 264.03906 255.14063 curveto
-263.67187 255.14062 263.3291 255.07031 263.01074 254.92969 curveto
-262.69238 254.78906 262.45605 254.61231 262.30176 254.39941 curveto
-262.14746 254.18652 262.03906 253.92578 261.97656 253.61719 curveto
-261.93359 253.41016 261.91211 253.08203 261.91211 252.63281 curveto
-261.91211 248.77734 lineto
-262.9668 248.77734 lineto
-262.9668 252.22852 lineto
-262.9668 252.7793 262.98828 253.15039 263.03125 253.3418 curveto
-263.09765 253.61914 263.23828 253.83692 263.45313 253.99512 curveto
-263.66797 254.15332 263.93359 254.23242 264.25 254.23242 curveto
-264.5664 254.23242 264.86328 254.15137 265.14063 253.98926 curveto
-265.41796 253.82715 265.61425 253.60645 265.72949 253.32715 curveto
-265.84472 253.04785 265.90234 252.64258 265.90234 252.11133 curveto
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-266.95703 248.77734 lineto
-266.95703 255 lineto
-266.01367 255 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
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-268.05859 254.14453 lineto
-272.01953 249.59766 lineto
-271.57031 249.6211 271.17382 249.63282 270.83008 249.63281 curveto
-268.29297 249.63281 lineto
-268.29297 248.77734 lineto
-273.37891 248.77734 lineto
-273.37891 249.47461 lineto
-270.00977 253.42383 lineto
-269.35938 254.14453 lineto
-269.83203 254.10938 270.27539 254.0918 270.68945 254.0918 curveto
-273.56641 254.0918 lineto
-273.56641 255 lineto
-268.05859 255 lineto
-271.00586 247.35938 moveto
-271.65039 246.36328 lineto
-272.8457 246.36328 lineto
-271.52734 248.00391 lineto
-270.40234 248.00391 lineto
-269.13672 246.36328 lineto
-270.34375 246.36328 lineto
-271.00586 247.35938 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
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-275.56445 248.77734 lineto
-275.56445 249.66211 lineto
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-279.4414 249.5879 279.55078 249.84766 279.61328 250.14844 curveto
-279.65234 250.34375 279.67187 250.68555 279.67188 251.17383 curveto
-279.67188 255 lineto
-278.61719 255 lineto
-278.61719 251.21484 lineto
-278.61718 250.78516 278.57617 250.46387 278.49414 250.25098 curveto
-278.4121 250.03809 278.2666 249.86817 278.05762 249.74121 curveto
-277.84863 249.61426 277.60351 249.55079 277.32227 249.55078 curveto
-276.87304 249.55079 276.48535 249.69336 276.15918 249.97852 curveto
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-274.61523 255 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
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-24.820313 271 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-39.087891 268.99609 moveto
-40.177734 269.13086 lineto
-40.005853 269.76758 39.687494 270.26172 39.222656 270.61328 curveto
-38.757808 270.96484 38.164058 271.14062 37.441406 271.14063 curveto
-36.531248 271.14062 35.809569 270.86035 35.276367 270.2998 curveto
-34.743163 269.73926 34.476562 268.95313 34.476563 267.94141 curveto
-34.476562 266.89454 34.746093 266.08204 35.285156 265.50391 curveto
-35.824217 264.92579 36.523435 264.63673 37.382813 264.63672 curveto
-38.21484 264.63673 38.894526 264.91993 39.421875 265.48633 curveto
-39.949213 266.05274 40.212884 266.84961 40.212891 267.87695 curveto
-40.212884 267.93946 40.210931 268.03321 40.207031 268.1582 curveto
-35.566406 268.1582 lineto
-35.605467 268.8418 35.798826 269.36524 36.146484 269.72852 curveto
-36.494138 270.0918 36.927731 270.27344 37.447266 270.27344 curveto
-37.833981 270.27344 38.164058 270.17188 38.4375 269.96875 curveto
-38.710933 269.76563 38.927729 269.44141 39.087891 268.99609 curveto
-39.087891 268.99609 lineto
-35.625 267.29102 moveto
-39.099609 267.29102 lineto
-39.052729 266.76758 38.919917 266.375 38.701172 266.11328 curveto
-38.36523 265.70704 37.929684 265.50391 37.394531 265.50391 curveto
-36.910153 265.50391 36.502927 265.66602 36.172852 265.99023 curveto
-35.842772 266.31446 35.660155 266.74805 35.625 267.29102 curveto
-35.625 267.29102 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-43.810547 270.05664 moveto
-43.962891 270.98828 lineto
-43.666013 271.05078 43.400388 271.08203 43.166016 271.08203 curveto
-42.783201 271.08203 42.486326 271.02148 42.275391 270.90039 curveto
-42.064452 270.7793 41.916014 270.62012 41.830078 270.42285 curveto
-41.74414 270.22559 41.701171 269.81055 41.701172 269.17773 curveto
-41.701172 265.59766 lineto
-40.927734 265.59766 lineto
-40.927734 264.77734 lineto
-41.701172 264.77734 lineto
-41.701172 263.23633 lineto
-42.75 262.60352 lineto
-42.75 264.77734 lineto
-43.810547 264.77734 lineto
-43.810547 265.59766 lineto
-42.75 265.59766 lineto
-42.75 269.23633 lineto
-42.749998 269.53711 42.768553 269.73047 42.805664 269.81641 curveto
-42.842771 269.90234 42.903318 269.9707 42.987305 270.02148 curveto
-43.071287 270.07227 43.191404 270.09766 43.347656 270.09766 curveto
-43.464841 270.09766 43.619138 270.08399 43.810547 270.05664 curveto
-43.810547 270.05664 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-48.896484 270.23242 moveto
-48.505855 270.56445 48.129879 270.79883 47.768555 270.93555 curveto
-47.407223 271.07227 47.019528 271.14062 46.605469 271.14063 curveto
-45.921873 271.14062 45.396483 270.97363 45.029297 270.63965 curveto
-44.662109 270.30566 44.478515 269.87891 44.478516 269.35938 curveto
-44.478515 269.05469 44.547851 268.77637 44.686523 268.52441 curveto
-44.825195 268.27246 45.006835 268.07032 45.231445 267.91797 curveto
-45.456053 267.76563 45.708983 267.65039 45.990234 267.57227 curveto
-46.197263 267.51758 46.509763 267.46485 46.927734 267.41406 curveto
-47.779293 267.3125 48.406246 267.19141 48.808594 267.05078 curveto
-48.812495 266.90625 48.814448 266.81446 48.814453 266.77539 curveto
-48.814448 266.34571 48.714839 266.04297 48.515625 265.86719 curveto
-48.24609 265.62891 47.845699 265.50977 47.314453 265.50977 curveto
-46.818357 265.50977 46.452146 265.59669 46.21582 265.77051 curveto
-45.97949 265.94434 45.804686 266.25196 45.691406 266.69336 curveto
-44.660156 266.55273 lineto
-44.753906 266.11133 44.908202 265.75489 45.123047 265.4834 curveto
-45.337889 265.21192 45.648436 265.00294 46.054688 264.85645 curveto
-46.460935 264.70997 46.931638 264.63673 47.466797 264.63672 curveto
-47.998043 264.63673 48.429683 264.69923 48.761719 264.82422 curveto
-49.093745 264.94922 49.337885 265.10645 49.494141 265.2959 curveto
-49.650385 265.48536 49.75976 265.72461 49.822266 266.01367 curveto
-49.857416 266.19336 49.874994 266.51758 49.875 266.98633 curveto
-49.875 268.39258 lineto
-49.874994 269.37305 49.897455 269.99317 49.942383 270.25293 curveto
-49.987299 270.5127 50.076166 270.76172 50.208984 271 curveto
-49.107422 271 lineto
-48.998042 270.78125 48.927729 270.52539 48.896484 270.23242 curveto
-48.896484 270.23242 lineto
-48.808594 267.87695 moveto
-48.425777 268.03321 47.851559 268.16602 47.085938 268.27539 curveto
-46.652341 268.33789 46.345701 268.40821 46.166016 268.48633 curveto
-45.986326 268.56446 45.847654 268.67871 45.75 268.8291 curveto
-45.652342 268.97949 45.603514 269.14649 45.603516 269.33008 curveto
-45.603514 269.61133 45.709959 269.8457 45.922852 270.0332 curveto
-46.13574 270.2207 46.447263 270.31445 46.857422 270.31445 curveto
-47.263669 270.31445 47.624996 270.22559 47.941406 270.04785 curveto
-48.257808 269.87012 48.49023 269.62695 48.638672 269.31836 curveto
-48.751948 269.08008 48.808589 268.72852 48.808594 268.26367 curveto
-48.808594 267.87695 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-55.576172 268.7207 moveto
-56.613281 268.85547 lineto
-56.499994 269.57031 56.209955 270.12988 55.743164 270.53418 curveto
-55.276363 270.93848 54.703121 271.14062 54.023438 271.14063 curveto
-53.171873 271.14062 52.487303 270.8623 51.969727 270.30566 curveto
-51.452148 269.74902 51.193359 268.95117 51.193359 267.91211 curveto
-51.193359 267.24024 51.304687 266.65235 51.527344 266.14844 curveto
-51.749999 265.64454 52.088866 265.26661 52.543945 265.01465 curveto
-52.999021 264.7627 53.494138 264.63673 54.029297 264.63672 curveto
-54.705074 264.63673 55.257808 264.80762 55.6875 265.14941 curveto
-56.117182 265.49122 56.392572 265.97657 56.513672 266.60547 curveto
-55.488281 266.76367 lineto
-55.39062 266.34571 55.217769 266.03125 54.969727 265.82031 curveto
-54.721676 265.60938 54.421871 265.50391 54.070313 265.50391 curveto
-53.53906 265.50391 53.107419 265.69434 52.775391 266.0752 curveto
-52.443358 266.45606 52.277342 267.0586 52.277344 267.88281 curveto
-52.277342 268.71875 52.437498 269.32617 52.757813 269.70508 curveto
-53.078123 270.08399 53.496091 270.27344 54.011719 270.27344 curveto
-54.425778 270.27344 54.77148 270.14649 55.048828 269.89258 curveto
-55.326167 269.63867 55.501948 269.24805 55.576172 268.7207 curveto
-55.576172 268.7207 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-57.884766 271 moveto
-57.884766 264.77734 lineto
-58.939453 264.77734 lineto
-58.939453 271 lineto
-57.884766 271 lineto
-57.837891 264.00391 moveto
-58.617188 262.36328 lineto
-60 262.36328 lineto
-58.710938 264.00391 lineto
-57.837891 264.00391 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-10.804688 288.38477 moveto
-10.804688 279.77734 lineto
-11.765625 279.77734 lineto
-11.765625 280.58594 lineto
-11.992186 280.26954 12.248045 280.03223 12.533203 279.87402 curveto
-12.818357 279.71583 13.164059 279.63673 13.570313 279.63672 curveto
-14.101558 279.63673 14.570308 279.77344 14.976563 280.04688 curveto
-15.382807 280.32032 15.689447 280.70606 15.896484 281.2041 curveto
-16.10351 281.70215 16.207025 282.24805 16.207031 282.8418 curveto
-16.207025 283.47852 16.092767 284.05176 15.864258 284.56152 curveto
-15.635737 285.07129 15.303706 285.46191 14.868164 285.7334 curveto
-14.432613 286.00488 13.974605 286.14062 13.494141 286.14063 curveto
-13.142575 286.14062 12.827146 286.06641 12.547852 285.91797 curveto
-12.268552 285.76953 12.03906 285.58203 11.859375 285.35547 curveto
-11.859375 288.38477 lineto
-10.804688 288.38477 lineto
-11.759766 282.92383 moveto
-11.759764 283.72461 11.921873 284.31641 12.246094 284.69922 curveto
-12.57031 285.08203 12.962888 285.27344 13.423828 285.27344 curveto
-13.892574 285.27344 14.293941 285.0752 14.62793 284.67871 curveto
-14.961909 284.28223 15.128901 283.66797 15.128906 282.83594 curveto
-15.128901 282.04297 14.965815 281.44922 14.639648 281.05469 curveto
-14.313472 280.66016 13.923824 280.4629 13.470703 280.46289 curveto
-13.021481 280.4629 12.624021 280.67286 12.27832 281.09277 curveto
-11.932615 281.5127 11.759764 282.12305 11.759766 282.92383 curveto
-11.759766 282.92383 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-17.472656 286 moveto
-17.472656 279.77734 lineto
-18.421875 279.77734 lineto
-18.421875 280.7207 lineto
-18.664061 280.2793 18.887693 279.98829 19.092773 279.84766 curveto
-19.297849 279.70704 19.523435 279.63673 19.769531 279.63672 curveto
-20.124997 279.63673 20.486324 279.75001 20.853516 279.97656 curveto
-20.490234 280.95508 lineto
-20.232418 280.80274 19.974606 280.72657 19.716797 280.72656 curveto
-19.486325 280.72657 19.279294 280.7959 19.095703 280.93457 curveto
-18.912107 281.07325 18.781248 281.26563 18.703125 281.51172 curveto
-18.585936 281.88672 18.527342 282.29688 18.527344 282.74219 curveto
-18.527344 286 lineto
-17.472656 286 lineto
-18.914063 278.35938 moveto
-19.558594 277.36328 lineto
-20.753906 277.36328 lineto
-19.435547 279.00391 lineto
-18.310547 279.00391 lineto
-17.044922 277.36328 lineto
-18.251953 277.36328 lineto
-18.914063 278.35938 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-21.861328 286 moveto
-21.861328 279.77734 lineto
-22.916016 279.77734 lineto
-22.916016 286 lineto
-21.861328 286 lineto
-21.814453 279.00391 moveto
-22.59375 277.36328 lineto
-23.976563 277.36328 lineto
-22.6875 279.00391 lineto
-21.814453 279.00391 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-24.820313 286 moveto
-24.820313 279.77734 lineto
-25.763672 279.77734 lineto
-25.763672 280.65039 lineto
-25.958982 280.34571 26.218748 280.10059 26.542969 279.91504 curveto
-26.867185 279.7295 27.236325 279.63673 27.650391 279.63672 curveto
-28.111324 279.63673 28.489253 279.73243 28.78418 279.92383 curveto
-29.079097 280.11524 29.287104 280.38282 29.408203 280.72656 curveto
-29.900385 280.00001 30.541009 279.63673 31.330078 279.63672 curveto
-31.947258 279.63673 32.421867 279.80762 32.753906 280.14941 curveto
-33.085928 280.49122 33.251944 281.01758 33.251953 281.72852 curveto
-33.251953 286 lineto
-32.203125 286 lineto
-32.203125 282.08008 lineto
-32.203117 281.65821 32.168937 281.3545 32.100586 281.16895 curveto
-32.032219 280.9834 31.908195 280.83399 31.728516 280.7207 curveto
-31.548821 280.60743 31.337883 280.55079 31.095703 280.55078 curveto
-30.658196 280.55079 30.294916 280.69629 30.005859 280.9873 curveto
-29.716791 281.27833 29.57226 281.74414 29.572266 282.38477 curveto
-29.572266 286 lineto
-28.517578 286 lineto
-28.517578 281.95703 lineto
-28.517574 281.48829 28.431636 281.13672 28.259766 280.90234 curveto
-28.087887 280.66797 27.806637 280.55079 27.416016 280.55078 curveto
-27.119138 280.55079 26.844724 280.62891 26.592773 280.78516 curveto
-26.340818 280.94141 26.158201 281.16993 26.044922 281.4707 curveto
-25.931639 281.77149 25.874998 282.20508 25.875 282.77148 curveto
-25.875 286 lineto
-24.820313 286 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-34.833984 286 moveto
-34.833984 277.41016 lineto
-35.888672 277.41016 lineto
-35.888672 282.30859 lineto
-38.384766 279.77734 lineto
-39.75 279.77734 lineto
-37.371094 282.08594 lineto
-39.990234 286 lineto
-38.689453 286 lineto
-36.632813 282.81836 lineto
-35.888672 283.5332 lineto
-35.888672 286 lineto
-34.833984 286 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-44.888672 285.23242 moveto
-44.498042 285.56445 44.122066 285.79883 43.760742 285.93555 curveto
-43.399411 286.07227 43.011716 286.14062 42.597656 286.14063 curveto
-41.914061 286.14062 41.388671 285.97363 41.021484 285.63965 curveto
-40.654296 285.30566 40.470703 284.87891 40.470703 284.35938 curveto
-40.470703 284.05469 40.540039 283.77637 40.678711 283.52441 curveto
-40.817382 283.27246 40.999022 283.07032 41.223633 282.91797 curveto
-41.448241 282.76563 41.70117 282.65039 41.982422 282.57227 curveto
-42.189451 282.51758 42.501951 282.46485 42.919922 282.41406 curveto
-43.771481 282.3125 44.398433 282.19141 44.800781 282.05078 curveto
-44.804683 281.90625 44.806636 281.81446 44.806641 281.77539 curveto
-44.806636 281.34571 44.707027 281.04297 44.507813 280.86719 curveto
-44.238277 280.62891 43.837887 280.50977 43.306641 280.50977 curveto
-42.810544 280.50977 42.444334 280.59669 42.208008 280.77051 curveto
-41.971678 280.94434 41.796873 281.25196 41.683594 281.69336 curveto
-40.652344 281.55273 lineto
-40.746093 281.11133 40.90039 280.75489 41.115234 280.4834 curveto
-41.330077 280.21192 41.640623 280.00294 42.046875 279.85645 curveto
-42.453123 279.70997 42.923825 279.63673 43.458984 279.63672 curveto
-43.99023 279.63673 44.421871 279.69923 44.753906 279.82422 curveto
-45.085932 279.94922 45.330073 280.10645 45.486328 280.2959 curveto
-45.642573 280.48536 45.751947 280.72461 45.814453 281.01367 curveto
-45.849604 281.19336 45.867182 281.51758 45.867188 281.98633 curveto
-45.867188 283.39258 lineto
-45.867182 284.37305 45.889643 284.99317 45.93457 285.25293 curveto
-45.979486 285.5127 46.068353 285.76172 46.201172 286 curveto
-45.099609 286 lineto
-44.990229 285.78125 44.919917 285.52539 44.888672 285.23242 curveto
-44.888672 285.23242 lineto
-44.800781 282.87695 moveto
-44.417964 283.03321 43.843746 283.16602 43.078125 283.27539 curveto
-42.644529 283.33789 42.337888 283.40821 42.158203 283.48633 curveto
-41.978514 283.56446 41.839842 283.67871 41.742188 283.8291 curveto
-41.64453 283.97949 41.595702 284.14649 41.595703 284.33008 curveto
-41.595702 284.61133 41.702147 284.8457 41.915039 285.0332 curveto
-42.127928 285.2207 42.439451 285.31445 42.849609 285.31445 curveto
-43.255856 285.31445 43.617184 285.22559 43.933594 285.04785 curveto
-44.249996 284.87012 44.482417 284.62695 44.630859 284.31836 curveto
-44.744136 284.08008 44.800776 283.72852 44.800781 283.26367 curveto
-44.800781 282.87695 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 19 14] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 114.5 14.5] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-40 138 moveto
-40 138.33333 40 138.66667 40 138 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1.3910289 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
--79.304486 88.417734 moveto
--79.304486 88.417734 lineto
--79.304486 88.417734 101.3565 311.53792 272.30448 88.417734 curveto
-gsave [0.9994949 0 0 1.155666 10.070707 -3.595233] concat
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-214 158 moveto
-214 193.328 180.848 222 140 222 curveto
-99.152 222 66 193.328 66 158 curveto
-66 122.672 99.152 94 140 94 curveto
-180.848 94 214 122.672 214 158 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 64.5 145.5] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-gsave [0.9783154 -0.2071208 0.2071208 0.9783154 46.252299 94.104002] concat
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-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 66.5 -1.5] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-111.58008 14.558594 moveto
-111.58008 13.132818 111.96289 12.016608 112.72852 11.209961 curveto
-113.49414 10.403329 114.48242 10.000009 115.69336 10 curveto
-116.48632 10.000009 117.20117 10.189462 117.83789 10.568359 curveto
-118.4746 10.947273 118.95995 11.475593 119.29395 12.15332 curveto
-119.62792 12.831061 119.79491 13.599615 119.79492 14.458984 curveto
-119.79491 15.330082 119.61913 16.109378 119.26758 16.796875 curveto
-118.91601 17.484376 118.41796 18.004884 117.77344 18.358398 curveto
-117.1289 18.711914 116.43359 18.888672 115.6875 18.888672 curveto
-114.8789 18.888672 114.15625 18.693359 113.51953 18.302734 curveto
-112.88281 17.91211 112.40039 17.378908 112.07227 16.703125 curveto
-111.74414 16.027346 111.58008 15.312503 111.58008 14.558594 curveto
-111.58008 14.558594 lineto
-112.75195 14.576172 moveto
-112.75195 15.611331 113.03027 16.42676 113.58691 17.022461 curveto
-114.14355 17.618165 114.84179 17.916016 115.68164 17.916016 curveto
-116.5371 17.916016 117.2412 17.615236 117.79395 17.013672 curveto
-118.34667 16.412112 118.62304 15.558597 118.62305 14.453125 curveto
-118.62304 13.753911 118.50488 13.14356 118.26855 12.62207 curveto
-118.03222 12.100593 117.68652 11.696296 117.23145 11.40918 curveto
-116.77636 11.122078 116.26562 10.978523 115.69922 10.978516 curveto
-114.89453 10.978523 114.20215 11.25489 113.62207 11.807617 curveto
-113.04199 12.360358 112.75195 13.283209 112.75195 14.576172 curveto
-112.75195 14.576172 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-121.10742 18.742188 moveto
-121.10742 12.519531 lineto
-122.05664 12.519531 lineto
-122.05664 13.462891 lineto
-122.29883 13.02149 122.52246 12.730475 122.72754 12.589844 curveto
-122.93261 12.449225 123.1582 12.378913 123.4043 12.378906 curveto
-123.75976 12.378913 124.12109 12.492194 124.48828 12.71875 curveto
-124.125 13.697266 lineto
-123.86718 13.544927 123.60937 13.468755 123.35156 13.46875 curveto
-123.12109 13.468755 122.91406 13.538091 122.73047 13.676758 curveto
-122.54687 13.815435 122.41601 14.007817 122.33789 14.253906 curveto
-122.2207 14.62891 122.16211 15.039066 122.16211 15.484375 curveto
-122.16211 18.742188 lineto
-121.10742 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-129.1875 17.974609 moveto
-128.79687 18.306641 128.42089 18.541016 128.05957 18.677734 curveto
-127.69824 18.814453 127.31054 18.882812 126.89648 18.882813 curveto
-126.21289 18.882812 125.6875 18.71582 125.32031 18.381836 curveto
-124.95312 18.047852 124.76953 17.621095 124.76953 17.101563 curveto
-124.76953 16.796877 124.83887 16.518557 124.97754 16.266602 curveto
-125.11621 16.014651 125.29785 15.812503 125.52246 15.660156 curveto
-125.74707 15.507816 126 15.392581 126.28125 15.314453 curveto
-126.48828 15.259769 126.80078 15.207035 127.21875 15.15625 curveto
-128.07031 15.054691 128.69726 14.933598 129.09961 14.792969 curveto
-129.10351 14.648442 129.10546 14.556645 129.10547 14.517578 curveto
-129.10546 14.087895 129.00585 13.785161 128.80664 13.609375 curveto
-128.53711 13.371099 128.13671 13.251959 127.60547 13.251953 curveto
-127.10937 13.251959 126.74316 13.338873 126.50684 13.512695 curveto
-126.27051 13.686528 126.0957 13.994145 125.98242 14.435547 curveto
-124.95117 14.294922 lineto
-125.04492 13.853521 125.19922 13.497076 125.41406 13.225586 curveto
-125.6289 12.954107 125.93945 12.745123 126.3457 12.598633 curveto
-126.75195 12.452155 127.22265 12.378913 127.75781 12.378906 curveto
-128.28906 12.378913 128.7207 12.441413 129.05273 12.566406 curveto
-129.38476 12.691412 129.6289 12.848639 129.78516 13.038086 curveto
-129.9414 13.227545 130.05078 13.466802 130.11328 13.755859 curveto
-130.14843 13.935552 130.16601 14.25977 130.16602 14.728516 curveto
-130.16602 16.134766 lineto
-130.16601 17.115236 130.18847 17.735353 130.2334 17.995117 curveto
-130.27831 18.254883 130.36718 18.503906 130.5 18.742188 curveto
-129.39844 18.742188 lineto
-129.28906 18.523438 129.21875 18.267579 129.1875 17.974609 curveto
-129.1875 17.974609 lineto
-129.09961 15.619141 moveto
-128.71679 15.775394 128.14257 15.908206 127.37695 16.017578 curveto
-126.94336 16.080081 126.63672 16.150393 126.45703 16.228516 curveto
-126.27734 16.306643 126.13867 16.420901 126.04102 16.571289 curveto
-125.94336 16.721682 125.89453 16.888674 125.89453 17.072266 curveto
-125.89453 17.353517 126.00097 17.587892 126.21387 17.775391 curveto
-126.42676 17.962891 126.73828 18.056641 127.14844 18.056641 curveto
-127.55468 18.056641 127.91601 17.967774 128.23242 17.790039 curveto
-128.54882 17.612306 128.78125 17.369142 128.92969 17.060547 curveto
-129.04296 16.822268 129.0996 16.470705 129.09961 16.005859 curveto
-129.09961 15.619141 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-131.80664 18.742188 moveto
-131.80664 12.519531 lineto
-132.75586 12.519531 lineto
-132.75586 13.404297 lineto
-133.21289 12.720709 133.87304 12.378913 134.73633 12.378906 curveto
-135.11132 12.378913 135.45605 12.446295 135.77051 12.581055 curveto
-136.08496 12.715826 136.32031 12.892584 136.47656 13.111328 curveto
-136.63281 13.330084 136.74218 13.589849 136.80469 13.890625 curveto
-136.84374 14.085942 136.86328 14.427739 136.86328 14.916016 curveto
-136.86328 18.742188 lineto
-135.80859 18.742188 lineto
-135.80859 14.957031 lineto
-135.80859 14.527348 135.76757 14.206059 135.68555 13.993164 curveto
-135.60351 13.780278 135.458 13.610357 135.24902 13.483398 curveto
-135.04004 13.356451 134.79492 13.292974 134.51367 13.292969 curveto
-134.06445 13.292974 133.67676 13.435552 133.35059 13.720703 curveto
-133.02441 14.005864 132.86133 14.546879 132.86133 15.34375 curveto
-132.86133 18.742188 lineto
-131.80664 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-137.92969 18.742188 moveto
-137.92969 17.886719 lineto
-141.89063 13.339844 lineto
-141.4414 13.363287 141.04492 13.375005 140.70117 13.375 curveto
-138.16406 13.375 lineto
-138.16406 12.519531 lineto
-143.25 12.519531 lineto
-143.25 13.216797 lineto
-139.88086 17.166016 lineto
-139.23047 17.886719 lineto
-139.70312 17.851563 140.14648 17.833985 140.56055 17.833984 curveto
-143.4375 17.833984 lineto
-143.4375 18.742188 lineto
-137.92969 18.742188 lineto
-140.87695 11.101563 moveto
-141.52148 10.105469 lineto
-142.7168 10.105469 lineto
-141.39844 11.746094 lineto
-140.27344 11.746094 lineto
-139.00781 10.105469 lineto
-140.21484 10.105469 lineto
-140.87695 11.101563 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-144.09375 15.630859 moveto
-144.09375 14.47852 144.41406 13.625005 145.05469 13.070313 curveto
-145.58984 12.609381 146.24218 12.378913 147.01172 12.378906 curveto
-147.86718 12.378913 148.5664 12.659186 149.10938 13.219727 curveto
-149.65234 13.780278 149.92382 14.554692 149.92383 15.542969 curveto
-149.92382 16.343752 149.8037 16.973635 149.56348 17.432617 curveto
-149.32324 17.891602 148.97363 18.248047 148.51465 18.501953 curveto
-148.05566 18.755859 147.55468 18.882812 147.01172 18.882813 curveto
-146.14062 18.882812 145.43652 18.603516 144.89941 18.044922 curveto
-144.3623 17.486329 144.09375 16.681643 144.09375 15.630859 curveto
-144.09375 15.630859 lineto
-145.17773 15.630859 moveto
-145.17773 16.427737 145.35156 17.024416 145.69922 17.420898 curveto
-146.04687 17.817384 146.48437 18.015626 147.01172 18.015625 curveto
-147.53515 18.015626 147.9707 17.816407 148.31836 17.417969 curveto
-148.66601 17.019533 148.83984 16.412112 148.83984 15.595703 curveto
-148.83984 14.826176 148.66503 14.243169 148.31543 13.84668 curveto
-147.96582 13.450201 147.53125 13.251959 147.01172 13.251953 curveto
-146.48437 13.251959 146.04687 13.449224 145.69922 13.84375 curveto
-145.35156 14.238286 145.17773 14.833988 145.17773 15.630859 curveto
-145.17773 15.630859 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-152.89453 18.742188 moveto
-150.52734 12.519531 lineto
-151.64063 12.519531 lineto
-152.97656 16.246094 lineto
-153.12109 16.64844 153.2539 17.066408 153.375 17.5 curveto
-153.46875 17.171877 153.59961 16.777346 153.76758 16.316406 curveto
-155.15039 12.519531 lineto
-156.23438 12.519531 lineto
-153.87891 18.742188 lineto
-152.89453 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-161.22656 17.974609 moveto
-160.83593 18.306641 160.45996 18.541016 160.09863 18.677734 curveto
-159.7373 18.814453 159.34961 18.882812 158.93555 18.882813 curveto
-158.25195 18.882812 157.72656 18.71582 157.35938 18.381836 curveto
-156.99219 18.047852 156.80859 17.621095 156.80859 17.101563 curveto
-156.80859 16.796877 156.87793 16.518557 157.0166 16.266602 curveto
-157.15527 16.014651 157.33691 15.812503 157.56152 15.660156 curveto
-157.78613 15.507816 158.03906 15.392581 158.32031 15.314453 curveto
-158.52734 15.259769 158.83984 15.207035 159.25781 15.15625 curveto
-160.10937 15.054691 160.73632 14.933598 161.13867 14.792969 curveto
-161.14257 14.648442 161.14453 14.556645 161.14453 14.517578 curveto
-161.14453 14.087895 161.04492 13.785161 160.8457 13.609375 curveto
-160.57617 13.371099 160.17578 13.251959 159.64453 13.251953 curveto
-159.14843 13.251959 158.78222 13.338873 158.5459 13.512695 curveto
-158.30957 13.686528 158.13476 13.994145 158.02148 14.435547 curveto
-156.99023 14.294922 lineto
-157.08398 13.853521 157.23828 13.497076 157.45313 13.225586 curveto
-157.66797 12.954107 157.97851 12.745123 158.38477 12.598633 curveto
-158.79101 12.452155 159.26172 12.378913 159.79688 12.378906 curveto
-160.32812 12.378913 160.75976 12.441413 161.0918 12.566406 curveto
-161.42382 12.691412 161.66796 12.848639 161.82422 13.038086 curveto
-161.98046 13.227545 162.08984 13.466802 162.15234 13.755859 curveto
-162.18749 13.935552 162.20507 14.25977 162.20508 14.728516 curveto
-162.20508 16.134766 lineto
-162.20507 17.115236 162.22753 17.735353 162.27246 17.995117 curveto
-162.31738 18.254883 162.40624 18.503906 162.53906 18.742188 curveto
-161.4375 18.742188 lineto
-161.32812 18.523438 161.25781 18.267579 161.22656 17.974609 curveto
-161.22656 17.974609 lineto
-161.13867 15.619141 moveto
-160.75585 15.775394 160.18164 15.908206 159.41602 16.017578 curveto
-158.98242 16.080081 158.67578 16.150393 158.49609 16.228516 curveto
-158.3164 16.306643 158.17773 16.420901 158.08008 16.571289 curveto
-157.98242 16.721682 157.93359 16.888674 157.93359 17.072266 curveto
-157.93359 17.353517 158.04004 17.587892 158.25293 17.775391 curveto
-158.46582 17.962891 158.77734 18.056641 159.1875 18.056641 curveto
-159.59375 18.056641 159.95507 17.967774 160.27148 17.790039 curveto
-160.58789 17.612306 160.82031 17.369142 160.96875 17.060547 curveto
-161.08203 16.822268 161.13867 16.470705 161.13867 16.005859 curveto
-161.13867 15.619141 lineto
-159.08203 11.746094 moveto
-159.86133 10.105469 lineto
-161.24414 10.105469 lineto
-159.95508 11.746094 lineto
-159.08203 11.746094 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-167.17383 21.126953 moveto
-167.17383 12.519531 lineto
-168.13477 12.519531 lineto
-168.13477 13.328125 lineto
-168.36133 13.011724 168.61719 12.77442 168.90234 12.616211 curveto
-169.1875 12.458014 169.5332 12.378913 169.93945 12.378906 curveto
-170.4707 12.378913 170.93945 12.515631 171.3457 12.789063 curveto
-171.75195 13.062506 172.05859 13.448247 172.26563 13.946289 curveto
-172.47265 14.44434 172.57617 14.990238 172.57617 15.583984 curveto
-172.57617 16.220706 172.46191 16.793947 172.2334 17.303711 curveto
-172.00488 17.813477 171.67285 18.204102 171.2373 18.475586 curveto
-170.80175 18.74707 170.34375 18.882812 169.86328 18.882813 curveto
-169.51172 18.882812 169.19629 18.808594 168.91699 18.660156 curveto
-168.63769 18.511719 168.4082 18.324219 168.22852 18.097656 curveto
-168.22852 21.126953 lineto
-167.17383 21.126953 lineto
-168.12891 15.666016 moveto
-168.1289 16.466799 168.29101 17.058595 168.61523 17.441406 curveto
-168.93945 17.82422 169.33203 18.015626 169.79297 18.015625 curveto
-170.26171 18.015626 170.66308 17.817384 170.99707 17.420898 curveto
-171.33105 17.024416 171.49804 16.410159 171.49805 15.578125 curveto
-171.49804 14.78516 171.33496 14.191411 171.00879 13.796875 curveto
-170.68261 13.402349 170.29296 13.205084 169.83984 13.205078 curveto
-169.39062 13.205084 168.99316 13.415044 168.64746 13.834961 curveto
-168.30176 14.254887 168.1289 14.865238 168.12891 15.666016 curveto
-168.12891 15.666016 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-177.91406 17.974609 moveto
-177.52343 18.306641 177.14746 18.541016 176.78613 18.677734 curveto
-176.4248 18.814453 176.03711 18.882812 175.62305 18.882813 curveto
-174.93945 18.882812 174.41406 18.71582 174.04688 18.381836 curveto
-173.67969 18.047852 173.49609 17.621095 173.49609 17.101563 curveto
-173.49609 16.796877 173.56543 16.518557 173.7041 16.266602 curveto
-173.84277 16.014651 174.02441 15.812503 174.24902 15.660156 curveto
-174.47363 15.507816 174.72656 15.392581 175.00781 15.314453 curveto
-175.21484 15.259769 175.52734 15.207035 175.94531 15.15625 curveto
-176.79687 15.054691 177.42382 14.933598 177.82617 14.792969 curveto
-177.83007 14.648442 177.83203 14.556645 177.83203 14.517578 curveto
-177.83203 14.087895 177.73242 13.785161 177.5332 13.609375 curveto
-177.26367 13.371099 176.86328 13.251959 176.33203 13.251953 curveto
-175.83593 13.251959 175.46972 13.338873 175.2334 13.512695 curveto
-174.99707 13.686528 174.82226 13.994145 174.70898 14.435547 curveto
-173.67773 14.294922 lineto
-173.77148 13.853521 173.92578 13.497076 174.14063 13.225586 curveto
-174.35547 12.954107 174.66601 12.745123 175.07227 12.598633 curveto
-175.47851 12.452155 175.94922 12.378913 176.48438 12.378906 curveto
-177.01562 12.378913 177.44726 12.441413 177.7793 12.566406 curveto
-178.11132 12.691412 178.35546 12.848639 178.51172 13.038086 curveto
-178.66796 13.227545 178.77734 13.466802 178.83984 13.755859 curveto
-178.87499 13.935552 178.89257 14.25977 178.89258 14.728516 curveto
-178.89258 16.134766 lineto
-178.89257 17.115236 178.91503 17.735353 178.95996 17.995117 curveto
-179.00488 18.254883 179.09374 18.503906 179.22656 18.742188 curveto
-178.125 18.742188 lineto
-178.01562 18.523438 177.94531 18.267579 177.91406 17.974609 curveto
-177.91406 17.974609 lineto
-177.82617 15.619141 moveto
-177.44335 15.775394 176.86914 15.908206 176.10352 16.017578 curveto
-175.66992 16.080081 175.36328 16.150393 175.18359 16.228516 curveto
-175.0039 16.306643 174.86523 16.420901 174.76758 16.571289 curveto
-174.66992 16.721682 174.62109 16.888674 174.62109 17.072266 curveto
-174.62109 17.353517 174.72754 17.587892 174.94043 17.775391 curveto
-175.15332 17.962891 175.46484 18.056641 175.875 18.056641 curveto
-176.28125 18.056641 176.64257 17.967774 176.95898 17.790039 curveto
-177.27539 17.612306 177.50781 17.369142 177.65625 17.060547 curveto
-177.76953 16.822268 177.82617 16.470705 177.82617 16.005859 curveto
-177.82617 15.619141 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-180.52148 18.742188 moveto
-180.52148 12.519531 lineto
-181.4707 12.519531 lineto
-181.4707 13.462891 lineto
-181.71289 13.02149 181.93652 12.730475 182.1416 12.589844 curveto
-182.34668 12.449225 182.57226 12.378913 182.81836 12.378906 curveto
-183.17382 12.378913 183.53515 12.492194 183.90234 12.71875 curveto
-183.53906 13.697266 lineto
-183.28125 13.544927 183.02343 13.468755 182.76563 13.46875 curveto
-182.53515 13.468755 182.32812 13.538091 182.14453 13.676758 curveto
-181.96094 13.815435 181.83008 14.007817 181.75195 14.253906 curveto
-181.63476 14.62891 181.57617 15.039066 181.57617 15.484375 curveto
-181.57617 18.742188 lineto
-180.52148 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-188.60156 17.974609 moveto
-188.21093 18.306641 187.83496 18.541016 187.47363 18.677734 curveto
-187.1123 18.814453 186.72461 18.882812 186.31055 18.882813 curveto
-185.62695 18.882812 185.10156 18.71582 184.73438 18.381836 curveto
-184.36719 18.047852 184.18359 17.621095 184.18359 17.101563 curveto
-184.18359 16.796877 184.25293 16.518557 184.3916 16.266602 curveto
-184.53027 16.014651 184.71191 15.812503 184.93652 15.660156 curveto
-185.16113 15.507816 185.41406 15.392581 185.69531 15.314453 curveto
-185.90234 15.259769 186.21484 15.207035 186.63281 15.15625 curveto
-187.48437 15.054691 188.11132 14.933598 188.51367 14.792969 curveto
-188.51757 14.648442 188.51953 14.556645 188.51953 14.517578 curveto
-188.51953 14.087895 188.41992 13.785161 188.2207 13.609375 curveto
-187.95117 13.371099 187.55078 13.251959 187.01953 13.251953 curveto
-186.52343 13.251959 186.15722 13.338873 185.9209 13.512695 curveto
-185.68457 13.686528 185.50976 13.994145 185.39648 14.435547 curveto
-184.36523 14.294922 lineto
-184.45898 13.853521 184.61328 13.497076 184.82813 13.225586 curveto
-185.04297 12.954107 185.35351 12.745123 185.75977 12.598633 curveto
-186.16601 12.452155 186.63672 12.378913 187.17188 12.378906 curveto
-187.70312 12.378913 188.13476 12.441413 188.4668 12.566406 curveto
-188.79882 12.691412 189.04296 12.848639 189.19922 13.038086 curveto
-189.35546 13.227545 189.46484 13.466802 189.52734 13.755859 curveto
-189.56249 13.935552 189.58007 14.25977 189.58008 14.728516 curveto
-189.58008 16.134766 lineto
-189.58007 17.115236 189.60253 17.735353 189.64746 17.995117 curveto
-189.69238 18.254883 189.78124 18.503906 189.91406 18.742188 curveto
-188.8125 18.742188 lineto
-188.70312 18.523438 188.63281 18.267579 188.60156 17.974609 curveto
-188.60156 17.974609 lineto
-188.51367 15.619141 moveto
-188.13085 15.775394 187.55664 15.908206 186.79102 16.017578 curveto
-186.35742 16.080081 186.05078 16.150393 185.87109 16.228516 curveto
-185.6914 16.306643 185.55273 16.420901 185.45508 16.571289 curveto
-185.35742 16.721682 185.30859 16.888674 185.30859 17.072266 curveto
-185.30859 17.353517 185.41504 17.587892 185.62793 17.775391 curveto
-185.84082 17.962891 186.15234 18.056641 186.5625 18.056641 curveto
-186.96875 18.056641 187.33007 17.967774 187.64648 17.790039 curveto
-187.96289 17.612306 188.19531 17.369142 188.34375 17.060547 curveto
-188.45703 16.822268 188.51367 16.470705 188.51367 16.005859 curveto
-188.51367 15.619141 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-192.19336 18.742188 moveto
-191.21484 18.742188 lineto
-191.21484 10.152344 lineto
-192.26953 10.152344 lineto
-192.26953 13.216797 lineto
-192.71484 12.658209 193.2832 12.378913 193.97461 12.378906 curveto
-194.35742 12.378913 194.71972 12.456061 195.06152 12.610352 curveto
-195.40332 12.764654 195.68457 12.981451 195.90527 13.260742 curveto
-196.12597 13.540044 196.29882 13.876958 196.42383 14.271484 curveto
-196.54882 14.66602 196.61132 15.087894 196.61133 15.537109 curveto
-196.61132 16.603518 196.34765 17.427736 195.82031 18.009766 curveto
-195.29296 18.591797 194.66015 18.882812 193.92188 18.882813 curveto
-193.1875 18.882812 192.61133 18.576172 192.19336 17.962891 curveto
-192.19336 18.742188 lineto
-192.18164 15.583984 moveto
-192.18164 16.330081 192.2832 16.869142 192.48633 17.201172 curveto
-192.81836 17.744142 193.26758 18.015626 193.83398 18.015625 curveto
-194.29492 18.015626 194.69336 17.815431 195.0293 17.415039 curveto
-195.36523 17.01465 195.5332 16.417971 195.5332 15.625 curveto
-195.5332 14.812504 195.37207 14.212895 195.0498 13.826172 curveto
-194.72753 13.439458 194.33789 13.246099 193.88086 13.246094 curveto
-193.41992 13.246099 193.02148 13.446294 192.68555 13.84668 curveto
-192.34961 14.247075 192.18164 14.826176 192.18164 15.583984 curveto
-192.18164 15.583984 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-197.50781 15.630859 moveto
-197.50781 14.47852 197.82812 13.625005 198.46875 13.070313 curveto
-199.0039 12.609381 199.65625 12.378913 200.42578 12.378906 curveto
-201.28125 12.378913 201.98046 12.659186 202.52344 13.219727 curveto
-203.0664 13.780278 203.33788 14.554692 203.33789 15.542969 curveto
-203.33788 16.343752 203.21777 16.973635 202.97754 17.432617 curveto
-202.7373 17.891602 202.38769 18.248047 201.92871 18.501953 curveto
-201.46972 18.755859 200.96875 18.882812 200.42578 18.882813 curveto
-199.55469 18.882812 198.85058 18.603516 198.31348 18.044922 curveto
-197.77637 17.486329 197.50781 16.681643 197.50781 15.630859 curveto
-197.50781 15.630859 lineto
-198.5918 15.630859 moveto
-198.5918 16.427737 198.76562 17.024416 199.11328 17.420898 curveto
-199.46094 17.817384 199.89843 18.015626 200.42578 18.015625 curveto
-200.94921 18.015626 201.38476 17.816407 201.73242 17.417969 curveto
-202.08007 17.019533 202.2539 16.412112 202.25391 15.595703 curveto
-202.2539 14.826176 202.0791 14.243169 201.72949 13.84668 curveto
-201.37988 13.450201 200.94531 13.251959 200.42578 13.251953 curveto
-199.89843 13.251959 199.46094 13.449224 199.11328 13.84375 curveto
-198.76562 14.238286 198.5918 14.833988 198.5918 15.630859 curveto
-198.5918 15.630859 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-204.55664 18.742188 moveto
-204.55664 10.152344 lineto
-205.61133 10.152344 lineto
-205.61133 18.742188 lineto
-204.55664 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-211.3125 17.974609 moveto
-210.92187 18.306641 210.54589 18.541016 210.18457 18.677734 curveto
-209.82324 18.814453 209.43554 18.882812 209.02148 18.882813 curveto
-208.33789 18.882812 207.8125 18.71582 207.44531 18.381836 curveto
-207.07812 18.047852 206.89453 17.621095 206.89453 17.101563 curveto
-206.89453 16.796877 206.96387 16.518557 207.10254 16.266602 curveto
-207.24121 16.014651 207.42285 15.812503 207.64746 15.660156 curveto
-207.87207 15.507816 208.125 15.392581 208.40625 15.314453 curveto
-208.61328 15.259769 208.92578 15.207035 209.34375 15.15625 curveto
-210.19531 15.054691 210.82226 14.933598 211.22461 14.792969 curveto
-211.22851 14.648442 211.23046 14.556645 211.23047 14.517578 curveto
-211.23046 14.087895 211.13085 13.785161 210.93164 13.609375 curveto
-210.66211 13.371099 210.26171 13.251959 209.73047 13.251953 curveto
-209.23437 13.251959 208.86816 13.338873 208.63184 13.512695 curveto
-208.39551 13.686528 208.2207 13.994145 208.10742 14.435547 curveto
-207.07617 14.294922 lineto
-207.16992 13.853521 207.32422 13.497076 207.53906 13.225586 curveto
-207.7539 12.954107 208.06445 12.745123 208.4707 12.598633 curveto
-208.87695 12.452155 209.34765 12.378913 209.88281 12.378906 curveto
-210.41406 12.378913 210.8457 12.441413 211.17773 12.566406 curveto
-211.50976 12.691412 211.7539 12.848639 211.91016 13.038086 curveto
-212.0664 13.227545 212.17578 13.466802 212.23828 13.755859 curveto
-212.27343 13.935552 212.29101 14.25977 212.29102 14.728516 curveto
-212.29102 16.134766 lineto
-212.29101 17.115236 212.31347 17.735353 212.3584 17.995117 curveto
-212.40331 18.254883 212.49218 18.503906 212.625 18.742188 curveto
-211.52344 18.742188 lineto
-211.41406 18.523438 211.34375 18.267579 211.3125 17.974609 curveto
-211.3125 17.974609 lineto
-211.22461 15.619141 moveto
-210.84179 15.775394 210.26757 15.908206 209.50195 16.017578 curveto
-209.06836 16.080081 208.76172 16.150393 208.58203 16.228516 curveto
-208.40234 16.306643 208.26367 16.420901 208.16602 16.571289 curveto
-208.06836 16.721682 208.01953 16.888674 208.01953 17.072266 curveto
-208.01953 17.353517 208.12597 17.587892 208.33887 17.775391 curveto
-208.55176 17.962891 208.86328 18.056641 209.27344 18.056641 curveto
-209.67968 18.056641 210.04101 17.967774 210.35742 17.790039 curveto
-210.67382 17.612306 210.90625 17.369142 211.05469 17.060547 curveto
-211.16796 16.822268 211.2246 16.470705 211.22461 16.005859 curveto
-211.22461 15.619141 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-216.70313 18.742188 moveto
-216.70313 17.886719 lineto
-220.66406 13.339844 lineto
-220.21484 13.363287 219.81836 13.375005 219.47461 13.375 curveto
-216.9375 13.375 lineto
-216.9375 12.519531 lineto
-222.02344 12.519531 lineto
-222.02344 13.216797 lineto
-218.6543 17.166016 lineto
-218.00391 17.886719 lineto
-218.47656 17.851563 218.91992 17.833985 219.33398 17.833984 curveto
-222.21094 17.833984 lineto
-222.21094 18.742188 lineto
-216.70313 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-227.32031 17.974609 moveto
-226.92968 18.306641 226.55371 18.541016 226.19238 18.677734 curveto
-225.83105 18.814453 225.44336 18.882812 225.0293 18.882813 curveto
-224.3457 18.882812 223.82031 18.71582 223.45313 18.381836 curveto
-223.08594 18.047852 222.90234 17.621095 222.90234 17.101563 curveto
-222.90234 16.796877 222.97168 16.518557 223.11035 16.266602 curveto
-223.24902 16.014651 223.43066 15.812503 223.65527 15.660156 curveto
-223.87988 15.507816 224.13281 15.392581 224.41406 15.314453 curveto
-224.62109 15.259769 224.93359 15.207035 225.35156 15.15625 curveto
-226.20312 15.054691 226.83007 14.933598 227.23242 14.792969 curveto
-227.23632 14.648442 227.23828 14.556645 227.23828 14.517578 curveto
-227.23828 14.087895 227.13867 13.785161 226.93945 13.609375 curveto
-226.66992 13.371099 226.26953 13.251959 225.73828 13.251953 curveto
-225.24218 13.251959 224.87597 13.338873 224.63965 13.512695 curveto
-224.40332 13.686528 224.22851 13.994145 224.11523 14.435547 curveto
-223.08398 14.294922 lineto
-223.17773 13.853521 223.33203 13.497076 223.54688 13.225586 curveto
-223.76172 12.954107 224.07226 12.745123 224.47852 12.598633 curveto
-224.88476 12.452155 225.35547 12.378913 225.89063 12.378906 curveto
-226.42187 12.378913 226.85351 12.441413 227.18555 12.566406 curveto
-227.51757 12.691412 227.76171 12.848639 227.91797 13.038086 curveto
-228.07421 13.227545 228.18359 13.466802 228.24609 13.755859 curveto
-228.28124 13.935552 228.29882 14.25977 228.29883 14.728516 curveto
-228.29883 16.134766 lineto
-228.29882 17.115236 228.32128 17.735353 228.36621 17.995117 curveto
-228.41113 18.254883 228.49999 18.503906 228.63281 18.742188 curveto
-227.53125 18.742188 lineto
-227.42187 18.523438 227.35156 18.267579 227.32031 17.974609 curveto
-227.32031 17.974609 lineto
-227.23242 15.619141 moveto
-226.8496 15.775394 226.27539 15.908206 225.50977 16.017578 curveto
-225.07617 16.080081 224.76953 16.150393 224.58984 16.228516 curveto
-224.41015 16.306643 224.27148 16.420901 224.17383 16.571289 curveto
-224.07617 16.721682 224.02734 16.888674 224.02734 17.072266 curveto
-224.02734 17.353517 224.13379 17.587892 224.34668 17.775391 curveto
-224.55957 17.962891 224.87109 18.056641 225.28125 18.056641 curveto
-225.6875 18.056641 226.04882 17.967774 226.36523 17.790039 curveto
-226.68164 17.612306 226.91406 17.369142 227.0625 17.060547 curveto
-227.17578 16.822268 227.23242 16.470705 227.23242 16.005859 curveto
-227.23242 15.619141 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-229.93945 18.742188 moveto
-229.93945 12.519531 lineto
-230.88867 12.519531 lineto
-230.88867 13.404297 lineto
-231.3457 12.720709 232.00586 12.378913 232.86914 12.378906 curveto
-233.24414 12.378913 233.58886 12.446295 233.90332 12.581055 curveto
-234.21777 12.715826 234.45312 12.892584 234.60938 13.111328 curveto
-234.76562 13.330084 234.87499 13.589849 234.9375 13.890625 curveto
-234.97656 14.085942 234.99609 14.427739 234.99609 14.916016 curveto
-234.99609 18.742188 lineto
-233.94141 18.742188 lineto
-233.94141 14.957031 lineto
-233.9414 14.527348 233.90039 14.206059 233.81836 13.993164 curveto
-233.73632 13.780278 233.59082 13.610357 233.38184 13.483398 curveto
-233.17285 13.356451 232.92773 13.292974 232.64648 13.292969 curveto
-232.19726 13.292974 231.80957 13.435552 231.4834 13.720703 curveto
-231.15722 14.005864 230.99414 14.546879 230.99414 15.34375 curveto
-230.99414 18.742188 lineto
-229.93945 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-236.625 11.365234 moveto
-236.625 10.152344 lineto
-237.67969 10.152344 lineto
-237.67969 11.365234 lineto
-236.625 11.365234 lineto
-236.625 18.742188 moveto
-236.625 12.519531 lineto
-237.67969 12.519531 lineto
-237.67969 18.742188 lineto
-236.625 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-239.29688 18.742188 moveto
-239.29688 10.152344 lineto
-240.35156 10.152344 lineto
-240.35156 15.050781 lineto
-242.84766 12.519531 lineto
-244.21289 12.519531 lineto
-241.83398 14.828125 lineto
-244.45313 18.742188 lineto
-243.15234 18.742188 lineto
-241.0957 15.560547 lineto
-240.35156 16.275391 lineto
-240.35156 18.742188 lineto
-239.29688 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-249.35156 17.974609 moveto
-248.96093 18.306641 248.58496 18.541016 248.22363 18.677734 curveto
-247.8623 18.814453 247.47461 18.882812 247.06055 18.882813 curveto
-246.37695 18.882812 245.85156 18.71582 245.48438 18.381836 curveto
-245.11719 18.047852 244.93359 17.621095 244.93359 17.101563 curveto
-244.93359 16.796877 245.00293 16.518557 245.1416 16.266602 curveto
-245.28027 16.014651 245.46191 15.812503 245.68652 15.660156 curveto
-245.91113 15.507816 246.16406 15.392581 246.44531 15.314453 curveto
-246.65234 15.259769 246.96484 15.207035 247.38281 15.15625 curveto
-248.23437 15.054691 248.86132 14.933598 249.26367 14.792969 curveto
-249.26757 14.648442 249.26953 14.556645 249.26953 14.517578 curveto
-249.26953 14.087895 249.16992 13.785161 248.9707 13.609375 curveto
-248.70117 13.371099 248.30078 13.251959 247.76953 13.251953 curveto
-247.27343 13.251959 246.90722 13.338873 246.6709 13.512695 curveto
-246.43457 13.686528 246.25976 13.994145 246.14648 14.435547 curveto
-245.11523 14.294922 lineto
-245.20898 13.853521 245.36328 13.497076 245.57813 13.225586 curveto
-245.79297 12.954107 246.10351 12.745123 246.50977 12.598633 curveto
-246.91601 12.452155 247.38672 12.378913 247.92188 12.378906 curveto
-248.45312 12.378913 248.88476 12.441413 249.2168 12.566406 curveto
-249.54882 12.691412 249.79296 12.848639 249.94922 13.038086 curveto
-250.10546 13.227545 250.21484 13.466802 250.27734 13.755859 curveto
-250.31249 13.935552 250.33007 14.25977 250.33008 14.728516 curveto
-250.33008 16.134766 lineto
-250.33007 17.115236 250.35253 17.735353 250.39746 17.995117 curveto
-250.44238 18.254883 250.53124 18.503906 250.66406 18.742188 curveto
-249.5625 18.742188 lineto
-249.45312 18.523438 249.38281 18.267579 249.35156 17.974609 curveto
-249.35156 17.974609 lineto
-249.26367 15.619141 moveto
-248.88085 15.775394 248.30664 15.908206 247.54102 16.017578 curveto
-247.10742 16.080081 246.80078 16.150393 246.62109 16.228516 curveto
-246.4414 16.306643 246.30273 16.420901 246.20508 16.571289 curveto
-246.10742 16.721682 246.05859 16.888674 246.05859 17.072266 curveto
-246.05859 17.353517 246.16504 17.587892 246.37793 17.775391 curveto
-246.59082 17.962891 246.90234 18.056641 247.3125 18.056641 curveto
-247.71875 18.056641 248.08007 17.967774 248.39648 17.790039 curveto
-248.71289 17.612306 248.94531 17.369142 249.09375 17.060547 curveto
-249.20703 16.822268 249.26367 16.470705 249.26367 16.005859 curveto
-249.26367 15.619141 lineto
-247.20703 11.746094 moveto
-247.98633 10.105469 lineto
-249.36914 10.105469 lineto
-248.08008 11.746094 lineto
-247.20703 11.746094 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-252.24609 18.742188 moveto
-252.24609 17.541016 lineto
-253.44727 17.541016 lineto
-253.44727 18.742188 lineto
-253.44726 19.183593 253.36914 19.540038 253.21289 19.811523 curveto
-253.05664 20.083006 252.80859 20.292967 252.46875 20.441406 curveto
-252.17578 19.990234 lineto
-252.39844 19.892577 252.5625 19.749022 252.66797 19.55957 curveto
-252.77344 19.370117 252.83203 19.097656 252.84375 18.742188 curveto
-252.24609 18.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-111.78516 26.376953 moveto
-111.78516 25.152344 lineto
-112.83984 25.152344 lineto
-112.83984 26.376953 lineto
-111.78516 26.376953 lineto
-110.44922 36.15625 moveto
-110.64844 35.259766 lineto
-110.85938 35.314452 111.02539 35.341795 111.14648 35.341797 curveto
-111.36133 35.341795 111.52148 35.270506 111.62695 35.12793 curveto
-111.73242 34.98535 111.78516 34.628905 111.78516 34.058594 curveto
-111.78516 27.519531 lineto
-112.83984 27.519531 lineto
-112.83984 34.082031 lineto
-112.83984 34.847655 112.74023 35.380858 112.54102 35.681641 curveto
-112.28711 36.072263 111.86523 36.267576 111.27539 36.267578 curveto
-110.99023 36.267576 110.71484 36.230466 110.44922 36.15625 curveto
-110.44922 36.15625 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-118.72266 31.738281 moveto
-119.8125 31.873047 lineto
-119.64062 32.509767 119.32226 33.003907 118.85742 33.355469 curveto
-118.39257 33.707031 117.79882 33.882812 117.07617 33.882813 curveto
-116.16601 33.882812 115.44433 33.602539 114.91113 33.041992 curveto
-114.37793 32.481447 114.11133 31.695315 114.11133 30.683594 curveto
-114.11133 29.636723 114.38086 28.824224 114.91992 28.246094 curveto
-115.45898 27.667975 116.1582 27.378913 117.01758 27.378906 curveto
-117.84961 27.378913 118.52929 27.662115 119.05664 28.228516 curveto
-119.58398 28.794927 119.84765 29.591801 119.84766 30.619141 curveto
-119.84765 30.681644 119.8457 30.775394 119.8418 30.900391 curveto
-115.20117 30.900391 lineto
-115.24023 31.583987 115.43359 32.107424 115.78125 32.470703 curveto
-116.1289 32.833985 116.5625 33.015626 117.08203 33.015625 curveto
-117.46875 33.015626 117.79882 32.914063 118.07227 32.710938 curveto
-118.3457 32.507814 118.5625 32.183595 118.72266 31.738281 curveto
-118.72266 31.738281 lineto
-115.25977 30.033203 moveto
-118.73438 30.033203 lineto
-118.68749 29.50977 118.55468 29.117192 118.33594 28.855469 curveto
-118 28.449224 117.56445 28.246099 117.0293 28.246094 curveto
-116.54492 28.246099 116.13769 28.408208 115.80762 28.732422 curveto
-115.47754 29.056645 115.29492 29.490239 115.25977 30.033203 curveto
-115.25977 30.033203 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-124.4707 36.126953 moveto
-124.4707 27.519531 lineto
-125.43164 27.519531 lineto
-125.43164 28.328125 lineto
-125.6582 28.011724 125.91406 27.77442 126.19922 27.616211 curveto
-126.48437 27.458014 126.83007 27.378913 127.23633 27.378906 curveto
-127.76757 27.378913 128.23632 27.515631 128.64258 27.789063 curveto
-129.04882 28.062506 129.35546 28.448247 129.5625 28.946289 curveto
-129.76953 29.44434 129.87304 29.990238 129.87305 30.583984 curveto
-129.87304 31.220706 129.75878 31.793947 129.53027 32.303711 curveto
-129.30175 32.813477 128.96972 33.204102 128.53418 33.475586 curveto
-128.09863 33.74707 127.64062 33.882812 127.16016 33.882813 curveto
-126.80859 33.882812 126.49316 33.808594 126.21387 33.660156 curveto
-125.93457 33.511719 125.70508 33.324219 125.52539 33.097656 curveto
-125.52539 36.126953 lineto
-124.4707 36.126953 lineto
-125.42578 30.666016 moveto
-125.42578 31.466799 125.58789 32.058595 125.91211 32.441406 curveto
-126.23633 32.82422 126.6289 33.015626 127.08984 33.015625 curveto
-127.55859 33.015626 127.95996 32.817384 128.29395 32.420898 curveto
-128.62792 32.024416 128.79492 31.410159 128.79492 30.578125 curveto
-128.79492 29.78516 128.63183 29.191411 128.30566 28.796875 curveto
-127.97949 28.402349 127.58984 28.205084 127.13672 28.205078 curveto
-126.6875 28.205084 126.29004 28.415044 125.94434 28.834961 curveto
-125.59863 29.254887 125.42578 29.865238 125.42578 30.666016 curveto
-125.42578 30.666016 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-130.75781 30.630859 moveto
-130.75781 29.47852 131.07812 28.625005 131.71875 28.070313 curveto
-132.2539 27.609381 132.90625 27.378913 133.67578 27.378906 curveto
-134.53125 27.378913 135.23046 27.659186 135.77344 28.219727 curveto
-136.3164 28.780278 136.58788 29.554692 136.58789 30.542969 curveto
-136.58788 31.343752 136.46777 31.973635 136.22754 32.432617 curveto
-135.9873 32.891602 135.63769 33.248047 135.17871 33.501953 curveto
-134.71972 33.755859 134.21875 33.882812 133.67578 33.882813 curveto
-132.80469 33.882812 132.10058 33.603516 131.56348 33.044922 curveto
-131.02637 32.486329 130.75781 31.681643 130.75781 30.630859 curveto
-130.75781 30.630859 lineto
-131.8418 30.630859 moveto
-131.8418 31.427737 132.01562 32.024416 132.36328 32.420898 curveto
-132.71094 32.817384 133.14843 33.015626 133.67578 33.015625 curveto
-134.19921 33.015626 134.63476 32.816407 134.98242 32.417969 curveto
-135.33007 32.019533 135.5039 31.412112 135.50391 30.595703 curveto
-135.5039 29.826176 135.3291 29.243169 134.97949 28.84668 curveto
-134.62988 28.450201 134.19531 28.251959 133.67578 28.251953 curveto
-133.14843 28.251959 132.71094 28.449224 132.36328 28.84375 curveto
-132.01562 29.238286 131.8418 29.833988 131.8418 30.630859 curveto
-131.8418 30.630859 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-137.83008 33.742188 moveto
-137.83008 25.152344 lineto
-138.88477 25.152344 lineto
-138.88477 28.234375 lineto
-139.37695 27.664069 139.99804 27.378913 140.74805 27.378906 curveto
-141.20898 27.378913 141.60937 27.469733 141.94922 27.651367 curveto
-142.28906 27.833014 142.53222 28.08399 142.67871 28.404297 curveto
-142.82519 28.724614 142.89843 29.189458 142.89844 29.798828 curveto
-142.89844 33.742188 lineto
-141.84375 33.742188 lineto
-141.84375 29.798828 lineto
-141.84375 29.271489 141.72949 28.8877 141.50098 28.647461 curveto
-141.27246 28.407232 140.94921 28.287115 140.53125 28.287109 curveto
-140.21875 28.287115 139.9248 28.368169 139.64941 28.530273 curveto
-139.37402 28.692388 139.17773 28.912114 139.06055 29.189453 curveto
-138.94336 29.466801 138.88476 29.849613 138.88477 30.337891 curveto
-138.88477 33.742188 lineto
-137.83008 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-144.48633 33.742188 moveto
-144.48633 25.152344 lineto
-145.54102 25.152344 lineto
-145.54102 33.742188 lineto
-144.48633 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-151.24219 31.462891 moveto
-152.2793 31.597656 lineto
-152.16601 32.312501 151.87597 32.872071 151.40918 33.276367 curveto
-150.94238 33.680664 150.36914 33.882812 149.68945 33.882813 curveto
-148.83789 33.882812 148.15332 33.604492 147.63574 33.047852 curveto
-147.11816 32.491212 146.85937 31.693361 146.85938 30.654297 curveto
-146.85937 29.982426 146.9707 29.394536 147.19336 28.890625 curveto
-147.41601 28.386724 147.75488 28.008795 148.20996 27.756836 curveto
-148.66504 27.504889 149.16015 27.378913 149.69531 27.378906 curveto
-150.37109 27.378913 150.92382 27.549811 151.35352 27.891602 curveto
-151.7832 28.233404 152.05859 28.718755 152.17969 29.347656 curveto
-151.1543 29.505859 lineto
-151.05664 29.087895 150.88378 28.773442 150.63574 28.5625 curveto
-150.38769 28.351568 150.08789 28.246099 149.73633 28.246094 curveto
-149.20508 28.246099 148.77344 28.436529 148.44141 28.817383 curveto
-148.10937 29.198247 147.94336 29.800785 147.94336 30.625 curveto
-147.94336 31.46094 148.10351 32.068361 148.42383 32.447266 curveto
-148.74414 32.826173 149.16211 33.015626 149.67773 33.015625 curveto
-150.09179 33.015626 150.4375 32.888673 150.71484 32.634766 curveto
-150.99218 32.380861 151.16796 31.990236 151.24219 31.462891 curveto
-151.24219 31.462891 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-157.44141 31.738281 moveto
-158.53125 31.873047 lineto
-158.35937 32.509767 158.04101 33.003907 157.57617 33.355469 curveto
-157.11132 33.707031 156.51757 33.882812 155.79492 33.882813 curveto
-154.88476 33.882812 154.16308 33.602539 153.62988 33.041992 curveto
-153.09668 32.481447 152.83008 31.695315 152.83008 30.683594 curveto
-152.83008 29.636723 153.09961 28.824224 153.63867 28.246094 curveto
-154.17773 27.667975 154.87695 27.378913 155.73633 27.378906 curveto
-156.56836 27.378913 157.24804 27.662115 157.77539 28.228516 curveto
-158.30273 28.794927 158.5664 29.591801 158.56641 30.619141 curveto
-158.5664 30.681644 158.56445 30.775394 158.56055 30.900391 curveto
-153.91992 30.900391 lineto
-153.95898 31.583987 154.15234 32.107424 154.5 32.470703 curveto
-154.84765 32.833985 155.28125 33.015626 155.80078 33.015625 curveto
-156.1875 33.015626 156.51757 32.914063 156.79102 32.710938 curveto
-157.06445 32.507814 157.28125 32.183595 157.44141 31.738281 curveto
-157.44141 31.738281 lineto
-153.97852 30.033203 moveto
-157.45313 30.033203 lineto
-157.40624 29.50977 157.27343 29.117192 157.05469 28.855469 curveto
-156.71875 28.449224 156.2832 28.246099 155.74805 28.246094 curveto
-155.26367 28.246099 154.85644 28.408208 154.52637 28.732422 curveto
-154.19629 29.056645 154.01367 29.490239 153.97852 30.033203 curveto
-153.97852 30.033203 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-159.86133 33.742188 moveto
-159.86133 27.519531 lineto
-160.81055 27.519531 lineto
-160.81055 28.404297 lineto
-161.26758 27.720709 161.92773 27.378913 162.79102 27.378906 curveto
-163.16601 27.378913 163.51074 27.446295 163.8252 27.581055 curveto
-164.13964 27.715826 164.37499 27.892584 164.53125 28.111328 curveto
-164.68749 28.330084 164.79687 28.589849 164.85938 28.890625 curveto
-164.89843 29.085942 164.91796 29.427739 164.91797 29.916016 curveto
-164.91797 33.742188 lineto
-163.86328 33.742188 lineto
-163.86328 29.957031 lineto
-163.86328 29.527348 163.82226 29.206059 163.74023 28.993164 curveto
-163.6582 28.780278 163.51269 28.610357 163.30371 28.483398 curveto
-163.09472 28.356451 162.84961 28.292974 162.56836 28.292969 curveto
-162.11914 28.292974 161.73144 28.435552 161.40527 28.720703 curveto
-161.0791 29.005864 160.91601 29.546879 160.91602 30.34375 curveto
-160.91602 33.742188 lineto
-159.86133 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-170.60156 32.974609 moveto
-170.21093 33.306641 169.83496 33.541016 169.47363 33.677734 curveto
-169.1123 33.814453 168.72461 33.882812 168.31055 33.882813 curveto
-167.62695 33.882812 167.10156 33.71582 166.73438 33.381836 curveto
-166.36719 33.047852 166.18359 32.621095 166.18359 32.101563 curveto
-166.18359 31.796877 166.25293 31.518557 166.3916 31.266602 curveto
-166.53027 31.014651 166.71191 30.812503 166.93652 30.660156 curveto
-167.16113 30.507816 167.41406 30.392581 167.69531 30.314453 curveto
-167.90234 30.259769 168.21484 30.207035 168.63281 30.15625 curveto
-169.48437 30.054691 170.11132 29.933598 170.51367 29.792969 curveto
-170.51757 29.648442 170.51953 29.556645 170.51953 29.517578 curveto
-170.51953 29.087895 170.41992 28.785161 170.2207 28.609375 curveto
-169.95117 28.371099 169.55078 28.251959 169.01953 28.251953 curveto
-168.52343 28.251959 168.15722 28.338873 167.9209 28.512695 curveto
-167.68457 28.686528 167.50976 28.994145 167.39648 29.435547 curveto
-166.36523 29.294922 lineto
-166.45898 28.853521 166.61328 28.497076 166.82813 28.225586 curveto
-167.04297 27.954107 167.35351 27.745123 167.75977 27.598633 curveto
-168.16601 27.452155 168.63672 27.378913 169.17188 27.378906 curveto
-169.70312 27.378913 170.13476 27.441413 170.4668 27.566406 curveto
-170.79882 27.691412 171.04296 27.848639 171.19922 28.038086 curveto
-171.35546 28.227545 171.46484 28.466802 171.52734 28.755859 curveto
-171.56249 28.935552 171.58007 29.25977 171.58008 29.728516 curveto
-171.58008 31.134766 lineto
-171.58007 32.115236 171.60253 32.735353 171.64746 32.995117 curveto
-171.69238 33.254883 171.78124 33.503906 171.91406 33.742188 curveto
-170.8125 33.742188 lineto
-170.70312 33.523438 170.63281 33.267579 170.60156 32.974609 curveto
-170.60156 32.974609 lineto
-170.51367 30.619141 moveto
-170.13085 30.775394 169.55664 30.908206 168.79102 31.017578 curveto
-168.35742 31.080081 168.05078 31.150393 167.87109 31.228516 curveto
-167.6914 31.306643 167.55273 31.420901 167.45508 31.571289 curveto
-167.35742 31.721682 167.30859 31.888674 167.30859 32.072266 curveto
-167.30859 32.353517 167.41504 32.587892 167.62793 32.775391 curveto
-167.84082 32.962891 168.15234 33.056641 168.5625 33.056641 curveto
-168.96875 33.056641 169.33007 32.967774 169.64648 32.790039 curveto
-169.96289 32.612306 170.19531 32.369142 170.34375 32.060547 curveto
-170.45703 31.822268 170.51367 31.470705 170.51367 31.005859 curveto
-170.51367 30.619141 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-176.12695 31.884766 moveto
-177.16992 31.720703 lineto
-177.22851 32.138673 177.3916 32.458986 177.65918 32.681641 curveto
-177.92676 32.904298 178.30078 33.015626 178.78125 33.015625 curveto
-179.26562 33.015626 179.625 32.916993 179.85938 32.719727 curveto
-180.09375 32.522462 180.21093 32.291017 180.21094 32.025391 curveto
-180.21093 31.787111 180.10742 31.599612 179.90039 31.462891 curveto
-179.75586 31.369143 179.39648 31.250002 178.82227 31.105469 curveto
-178.04883 30.910159 177.51269 30.741214 177.21387 30.598633 curveto
-176.91504 30.456058 176.68848 30.258793 176.53418 30.006836 curveto
-176.37988 29.754887 176.30273 29.476567 176.30273 29.171875 curveto
-176.30273 28.894536 176.36621 28.6377 176.49316 28.401367 curveto
-176.62012 28.165045 176.79297 27.968756 177.01172 27.8125 curveto
-177.17578 27.691412 177.39941 27.588873 177.68262 27.504883 curveto
-177.96582 27.420905 178.26953 27.378913 178.59375 27.378906 curveto
-179.08203 27.378913 179.51074 27.449225 179.87988 27.589844 curveto
-180.24902 27.730475 180.52148 27.920904 180.69727 28.161133 curveto
-180.87304 28.401373 180.99414 28.722661 181.06055 29.125 curveto
-180.0293 29.265625 lineto
-179.98242 28.945317 179.84668 28.695318 179.62207 28.515625 curveto
-179.39746 28.335943 179.08007 28.246099 178.66992 28.246094 curveto
-178.18554 28.246099 177.83984 28.326177 177.63281 28.486328 curveto
-177.42578 28.646489 177.32226 28.833989 177.32227 29.048828 curveto
-177.32226 29.185551 177.36523 29.308598 177.45117 29.417969 curveto
-177.53711 29.531254 177.67187 29.625004 177.85547 29.699219 curveto
-177.96094 29.738285 178.27148 29.828129 178.78711 29.96875 curveto
-179.5332 30.167972 180.05371 30.331058 180.34863 30.458008 curveto
-180.64355 30.584964 180.87499 30.769534 181.04297 31.011719 curveto
-181.21093 31.253909 181.29492 31.55469 181.29492 31.914063 curveto
-181.29492 32.265626 181.19238 32.596681 180.9873 32.907227 curveto
-180.78222 33.217774 180.48632 33.458008 180.09961 33.62793 curveto
-179.71289 33.797852 179.27539 33.882812 178.78711 33.882813 curveto
-177.97851 33.882812 177.3623 33.714844 176.93848 33.378906 curveto
-176.51465 33.042969 176.24414 32.544923 176.12695 31.884766 curveto
-176.12695 31.884766 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-184.27734 33.742188 moveto
-181.91016 27.519531 lineto
-183.02344 27.519531 lineto
-184.35938 31.246094 lineto
-184.5039 31.64844 184.63672 32.066408 184.75781 32.5 curveto
-184.85156 32.171877 184.98242 31.777346 185.15039 31.316406 curveto
-186.5332 27.519531 lineto
-187.61719 27.519531 lineto
-185.26172 33.742188 lineto
-184.27734 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-188.50195 36.138672 moveto
-188.38477 35.148438 lineto
-188.61523 35.210936 188.81641 35.242186 188.98828 35.242188 curveto
-189.22265 35.242186 189.41015 35.203124 189.55078 35.125 curveto
-189.6914 35.046874 189.80664 34.937499 189.89648 34.796875 curveto
-189.96289 34.691405 190.07031 34.429687 190.21875 34.011719 curveto
-190.23828 33.953125 190.26953 33.867187 190.3125 33.753906 curveto
-187.95117 27.519531 lineto
-189.08789 27.519531 lineto
-190.38281 31.123047 lineto
-190.55078 31.58008 190.70117 32.060549 190.83398 32.564453 curveto
-190.95507 32.08008 191.09961 31.607424 191.26758 31.146484 curveto
-192.59766 27.519531 lineto
-193.65234 27.519531 lineto
-191.28516 33.847656 lineto
-191.03125 34.531249 190.83398 35.001952 190.69336 35.259766 curveto
-190.50586 35.60742 190.29101 35.862303 190.04883 36.024414 curveto
-189.80664 36.186521 189.51758 36.267576 189.18164 36.267578 curveto
-188.97851 36.267576 188.75195 36.224607 188.50195 36.138672 curveto
-188.50195 36.138672 lineto
-190.23047 26.746094 moveto
-191.00977 25.105469 lineto
-192.39258 25.105469 lineto
-191.10352 26.746094 lineto
-190.23047 26.746094 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-194.54883 33.742188 moveto
-194.54883 27.519531 lineto
-195.49219 27.519531 lineto
-195.49219 28.392578 lineto
-195.6875 28.087896 195.94726 27.842779 196.27148 27.657227 curveto
-196.5957 27.471686 196.96484 27.378913 197.37891 27.378906 curveto
-197.83984 27.378913 198.21777 27.474616 198.5127 27.666016 curveto
-198.80761 27.857428 199.01562 28.125006 199.13672 28.46875 curveto
-199.6289 27.742193 200.26952 27.378913 201.05859 27.378906 curveto
-201.67577 27.378913 202.15038 27.549811 202.48242 27.891602 curveto
-202.81444 28.233404 202.98046 28.759771 202.98047 29.470703 curveto
-202.98047 33.742188 lineto
-201.93164 33.742188 lineto
-201.93164 29.822266 lineto
-201.93163 29.400395 201.89745 29.096684 201.8291 28.911133 curveto
-201.76073 28.725591 201.63671 28.576177 201.45703 28.462891 curveto
-201.27734 28.349615 201.0664 28.292974 200.82422 28.292969 curveto
-200.38671 28.292974 200.02343 28.438482 199.73438 28.729492 curveto
-199.44531 29.020513 199.30078 29.486332 199.30078 30.126953 curveto
-199.30078 33.742188 lineto
-198.24609 33.742188 lineto
-198.24609 29.699219 lineto
-198.24609 29.230473 198.16015 28.878911 197.98828 28.644531 curveto
-197.8164 28.410162 197.53515 28.292974 197.14453 28.292969 curveto
-196.84765 28.292974 196.57324 28.371099 196.32129 28.527344 curveto
-196.06933 28.683599 195.88672 28.912114 195.77344 29.212891 curveto
-195.66015 29.513676 195.60351 29.947269 195.60352 30.513672 curveto
-195.60352 33.742188 lineto
-194.54883 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-204.5625 26.365234 moveto
-204.5625 25.152344 lineto
-205.61719 25.152344 lineto
-205.61719 26.365234 lineto
-204.5625 26.365234 lineto
-204.5625 33.742188 moveto
-204.5625 27.519531 lineto
-205.61719 27.519531 lineto
-205.61719 33.742188 lineto
-204.5625 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-210.13477 31.884766 moveto
-211.17773 31.720703 lineto
-211.23633 32.138673 211.39941 32.458986 211.66699 32.681641 curveto
-211.93457 32.904298 212.30859 33.015626 212.78906 33.015625 curveto
-213.27343 33.015626 213.63281 32.916993 213.86719 32.719727 curveto
-214.10156 32.522462 214.21875 32.291017 214.21875 32.025391 curveto
-214.21875 31.787111 214.11523 31.599612 213.9082 31.462891 curveto
-213.76367 31.369143 213.40429 31.250002 212.83008 31.105469 curveto
-212.05664 30.910159 211.52051 30.741214 211.22168 30.598633 curveto
-210.92285 30.456058 210.69629 30.258793 210.54199 30.006836 curveto
-210.38769 29.754887 210.31055 29.476567 210.31055 29.171875 curveto
-210.31055 28.894536 210.37402 28.6377 210.50098 28.401367 curveto
-210.62793 28.165045 210.80078 27.968756 211.01953 27.8125 curveto
-211.18359 27.691412 211.40722 27.588873 211.69043 27.504883 curveto
-211.97363 27.420905 212.27734 27.378913 212.60156 27.378906 curveto
-213.08984 27.378913 213.51855 27.449225 213.8877 27.589844 curveto
-214.25683 27.730475 214.52929 27.920904 214.70508 28.161133 curveto
-214.88085 28.401373 215.00195 28.722661 215.06836 29.125 curveto
-214.03711 29.265625 lineto
-213.99023 28.945317 213.85449 28.695318 213.62988 28.515625 curveto
-213.40527 28.335943 213.08789 28.246099 212.67773 28.246094 curveto
-212.19336 28.246099 211.84765 28.326177 211.64063 28.486328 curveto
-211.43359 28.646489 211.33008 28.833989 211.33008 29.048828 curveto
-211.33008 29.185551 211.37305 29.308598 211.45898 29.417969 curveto
-211.54492 29.531254 211.67969 29.625004 211.86328 29.699219 curveto
-211.96875 29.738285 212.27929 29.828129 212.79492 29.96875 curveto
-213.54101 30.167972 214.06152 30.331058 214.35645 30.458008 curveto
-214.65136 30.584964 214.88281 30.769534 215.05078 31.011719 curveto
-215.21874 31.253909 215.30273 31.55469 215.30273 31.914063 curveto
-215.30273 32.265626 215.20019 32.596681 214.99512 32.907227 curveto
-214.79003 33.217774 214.49414 33.458008 214.10742 33.62793 curveto
-213.7207 33.797852 213.2832 33.882812 212.79492 33.882813 curveto
-211.98633 33.882812 211.37012 33.714844 210.94629 33.378906 curveto
-210.52246 33.042969 210.25195 32.544923 210.13477 31.884766 curveto
-210.13477 31.884766 lineto
-212.73633 26.101563 moveto
-213.38086 25.105469 lineto
-214.57617 25.105469 lineto
-213.25781 26.746094 lineto
-212.13281 26.746094 lineto
-210.86719 25.105469 lineto
-212.07422 25.105469 lineto
-212.73633 26.101563 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-216.5625 26.365234 moveto
-216.5625 25.152344 lineto
-217.61719 25.152344 lineto
-217.61719 26.365234 lineto
-216.5625 26.365234 lineto
-216.5625 33.742188 moveto
-216.5625 27.519531 lineto
-217.61719 27.519531 lineto
-217.61719 33.742188 lineto
-216.5625 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-219.2168 33.742188 moveto
-219.2168 27.519531 lineto
-220.16602 27.519531 lineto
-220.16602 28.462891 lineto
-220.4082 28.02149 220.63183 27.730475 220.83691 27.589844 curveto
-221.04199 27.449225 221.26758 27.378913 221.51367 27.378906 curveto
-221.86914 27.378913 222.23046 27.492194 222.59766 27.71875 curveto
-222.23438 28.697266 lineto
-221.97656 28.544927 221.71875 28.468755 221.46094 28.46875 curveto
-221.23047 28.468755 221.02343 28.538091 220.83984 28.676758 curveto
-220.65625 28.815435 220.52539 29.007817 220.44727 29.253906 curveto
-220.33008 29.62891 220.27148 30.039066 220.27148 30.484375 curveto
-220.27148 33.742188 lineto
-219.2168 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-222.81445 31.884766 moveto
-223.85742 31.720703 lineto
-223.91601 32.138673 224.0791 32.458986 224.34668 32.681641 curveto
-224.61426 32.904298 224.98828 33.015626 225.46875 33.015625 curveto
-225.95312 33.015626 226.3125 32.916993 226.54688 32.719727 curveto
-226.78125 32.522462 226.89843 32.291017 226.89844 32.025391 curveto
-226.89843 31.787111 226.79492 31.599612 226.58789 31.462891 curveto
-226.44336 31.369143 226.08398 31.250002 225.50977 31.105469 curveto
-224.73633 30.910159 224.20019 30.741214 223.90137 30.598633 curveto
-223.60254 30.456058 223.37598 30.258793 223.22168 30.006836 curveto
-223.06738 29.754887 222.99023 29.476567 222.99023 29.171875 curveto
-222.99023 28.894536 223.05371 28.6377 223.18066 28.401367 curveto
-223.30762 28.165045 223.48047 27.968756 223.69922 27.8125 curveto
-223.86328 27.691412 224.08691 27.588873 224.37012 27.504883 curveto
-224.65332 27.420905 224.95703 27.378913 225.28125 27.378906 curveto
-225.76953 27.378913 226.19824 27.449225 226.56738 27.589844 curveto
-226.93652 27.730475 227.20898 27.920904 227.38477 28.161133 curveto
-227.56054 28.401373 227.68164 28.722661 227.74805 29.125 curveto
-226.7168 29.265625 lineto
-226.66992 28.945317 226.53418 28.695318 226.30957 28.515625 curveto
-226.08496 28.335943 225.76757 28.246099 225.35742 28.246094 curveto
-224.87304 28.246099 224.52734 28.326177 224.32031 28.486328 curveto
-224.11328 28.646489 224.00976 28.833989 224.00977 29.048828 curveto
-224.00976 29.185551 224.05273 29.308598 224.13867 29.417969 curveto
-224.22461 29.531254 224.35937 29.625004 224.54297 29.699219 curveto
-224.64844 29.738285 224.95898 29.828129 225.47461 29.96875 curveto
-226.2207 30.167972 226.74121 30.331058 227.03613 30.458008 curveto
-227.33105 30.584964 227.56249 30.769534 227.73047 31.011719 curveto
-227.89843 31.253909 227.98242 31.55469 227.98242 31.914063 curveto
-227.98242 32.265626 227.87988 32.596681 227.6748 32.907227 curveto
-227.46972 33.217774 227.17382 33.458008 226.78711 33.62793 curveto
-226.40039 33.797852 225.96289 33.882812 225.47461 33.882813 curveto
-224.66601 33.882812 224.0498 33.714844 223.62598 33.378906 curveto
-223.20215 33.042969 222.93164 32.544923 222.81445 31.884766 curveto
-222.81445 31.884766 lineto
-225.41602 26.101563 moveto
-226.06055 25.105469 lineto
-227.25586 25.105469 lineto
-225.9375 26.746094 lineto
-224.8125 26.746094 lineto
-223.54688 25.105469 lineto
-224.75391 25.105469 lineto
-225.41602 26.101563 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-229.60547 33.742188 moveto
-229.60547 27.519531 lineto
-230.66016 27.519531 lineto
-230.66016 33.742188 lineto
-229.60547 33.742188 lineto
-229.55859 26.746094 moveto
-230.33789 25.105469 lineto
-231.7207 25.105469 lineto
-230.43164 26.746094 lineto
-229.55859 26.746094 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-232.56445 33.742188 moveto
-232.56445 27.519531 lineto
-233.50781 27.519531 lineto
-233.50781 28.392578 lineto
-233.70312 28.087896 233.96289 27.842779 234.28711 27.657227 curveto
-234.61133 27.471686 234.98047 27.378913 235.39453 27.378906 curveto
-235.85546 27.378913 236.23339 27.474616 236.52832 27.666016 curveto
-236.82324 27.857428 237.03124 28.125006 237.15234 28.46875 curveto
-237.64453 27.742193 238.28515 27.378913 239.07422 27.378906 curveto
-239.6914 27.378913 240.16601 27.549811 240.49805 27.891602 curveto
-240.83007 28.233404 240.99608 28.759771 240.99609 29.470703 curveto
-240.99609 33.742188 lineto
-239.94727 33.742188 lineto
-239.94727 29.822266 lineto
-239.94726 29.400395 239.91308 29.096684 239.84473 28.911133 curveto
-239.77636 28.725591 239.65234 28.576177 239.47266 28.462891 curveto
-239.29296 28.349615 239.08202 28.292974 238.83984 28.292969 curveto
-238.40234 28.292974 238.03906 28.438482 237.75 28.729492 curveto
-237.46093 29.020513 237.3164 29.486332 237.31641 30.126953 curveto
-237.31641 33.742188 lineto
-236.26172 33.742188 lineto
-236.26172 29.699219 lineto
-236.26171 29.230473 236.17578 28.878911 236.00391 28.644531 curveto
-235.83203 28.410162 235.55078 28.292974 235.16016 28.292969 curveto
-234.86328 28.292974 234.58886 28.371099 234.33691 28.527344 curveto
-234.08496 28.683599 233.90234 28.912114 233.78906 29.212891 curveto
-233.67578 29.513676 233.61914 29.947269 233.61914 30.513672 curveto
-233.61914 33.742188 lineto
-232.56445 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-242.57813 26.365234 moveto
-242.57813 25.152344 lineto
-243.63281 25.152344 lineto
-243.63281 26.365234 lineto
-242.57813 26.365234 lineto
-242.57813 33.742188 moveto
-242.57813 27.519531 lineto
-243.63281 27.519531 lineto
-243.63281 33.742188 lineto
-242.57813 33.742188 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-248.15039 31.884766 moveto
-249.19336 31.720703 lineto
-249.25195 32.138673 249.41504 32.458986 249.68262 32.681641 curveto
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-251.28906 33.015626 251.64843 32.916993 251.88281 32.719727 curveto
-252.11718 32.522462 252.23437 32.291017 252.23438 32.025391 curveto
-252.23437 31.787111 252.13086 31.599612 251.92383 31.462891 curveto
-251.77929 31.369143 251.41992 31.250002 250.8457 31.105469 curveto
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-248.93848 30.456058 248.71191 30.258793 248.55762 30.006836 curveto
-248.40332 29.754887 248.32617 29.476567 248.32617 29.171875 curveto
-248.32617 28.894536 248.38965 28.6377 248.5166 28.401367 curveto
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-249.19922 27.691412 249.42285 27.588873 249.70605 27.504883 curveto
-249.98926 27.420905 250.29297 27.378913 250.61719 27.378906 curveto
-251.10547 27.378913 251.53418 27.449225 251.90332 27.589844 curveto
-252.27246 27.730475 252.54492 27.920904 252.7207 28.161133 curveto
-252.89648 28.401373 253.01757 28.722661 253.08398 29.125 curveto
-252.05273 29.265625 lineto
-252.00586 28.945317 251.87011 28.695318 251.64551 28.515625 curveto
-251.42089 28.335943 251.10351 28.246099 250.69336 28.246094 curveto
-250.20898 28.246099 249.86328 28.326177 249.65625 28.486328 curveto
-249.44922 28.646489 249.3457 28.833989 249.3457 29.048828 curveto
-249.3457 29.185551 249.38867 29.308598 249.47461 29.417969 curveto
-249.56055 29.531254 249.69531 29.625004 249.87891 29.699219 curveto
-249.98437 29.738285 250.29492 29.828129 250.81055 29.96875 curveto
-251.55664 30.167972 252.07714 30.331058 252.37207 30.458008 curveto
-252.66699 30.584964 252.89843 30.769534 253.06641 31.011719 curveto
-253.23437 31.253909 253.31835 31.55469 253.31836 31.914063 curveto
-253.31835 32.265626 253.21581 32.596681 253.01074 32.907227 curveto
-252.80566 33.217774 252.50976 33.458008 252.12305 33.62793 curveto
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-250.00195 33.882812 249.38574 33.714844 248.96191 33.378906 curveto
-248.53809 33.042969 248.26758 32.544923 248.15039 31.884766 curveto
-248.15039 31.884766 lineto
-0.9137255 0.58039218 0.031372551 setrgbcolor
-258.83203 31.738281 moveto
-259.92188 31.873047 lineto
-259.74999 32.509767 259.43163 33.003907 258.9668 33.355469 curveto
-258.50195 33.707031 257.9082 33.882812 257.18555 33.882813 curveto
-256.27539 33.882812 255.55371 33.602539 255.02051 33.041992 curveto
-254.4873 32.481447 254.2207 31.695315 254.2207 30.683594 curveto
-254.2207 29.636723 254.49023 28.824224 255.0293 28.246094 curveto
-255.56836 27.667975 256.26758 27.378913 257.12695 27.378906 curveto
-257.95898 27.378913 258.63867 27.662115 259.16602 28.228516 curveto
-259.69335 28.794927 259.95703 29.591801 259.95703 30.619141 curveto
-259.95703 30.681644 259.95507 30.775394 259.95117 30.900391 curveto
-255.31055 30.900391 lineto
-255.34961 31.583987 255.54297 32.107424 255.89063 32.470703 curveto
-256.23828 32.833985 256.67187 33.015626 257.19141 33.015625 curveto
-257.57812 33.015626 257.9082 32.914063 258.18164 32.710938 curveto
-258.45507 32.507814 258.67187 32.183595 258.83203 31.738281 curveto
-258.83203 31.738281 lineto
-255.36914 30.033203 moveto
-258.84375 30.033203 lineto
-258.79687 29.50977 258.66406 29.117192 258.44531 28.855469 curveto
-258.10937 28.449224 257.67382 28.246099 257.13867 28.246094 curveto
-256.65429 28.246099 256.24707 28.408208 255.91699 28.732422 curveto
-255.58691 29.056645 255.4043 29.490239 255.36914 30.033203 curveto
-255.36914 30.033203 lineto
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-260.83008 31.884766 moveto
-261.87305 31.720703 lineto
-261.93164 32.138673 262.09472 32.458986 262.3623 32.681641 curveto
-262.62988 32.904298 263.0039 33.015626 263.48438 33.015625 curveto
-263.96875 33.015626 264.32812 32.916993 264.5625 32.719727 curveto
-264.79687 32.522462 264.91406 32.291017 264.91406 32.025391 curveto
-264.91406 31.787111 264.81054 31.599612 264.60352 31.462891 curveto
-264.45898 31.369143 264.09961 31.250002 263.52539 31.105469 curveto
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-261.61816 30.456058 261.3916 30.258793 261.2373 30.006836 curveto
-261.08301 29.754887 261.00586 29.476567 261.00586 29.171875 curveto
-261.00586 28.894536 261.06934 28.6377 261.19629 28.401367 curveto
-261.32324 28.165045 261.49609 27.968756 261.71484 27.8125 curveto
-261.8789 27.691412 262.10254 27.588873 262.38574 27.504883 curveto
-262.66894 27.420905 262.97265 27.378913 263.29688 27.378906 curveto
-263.78515 27.378913 264.21386 27.449225 264.58301 27.589844 curveto
-264.95214 27.730475 265.2246 27.920904 265.40039 28.161133 curveto
-265.57617 28.401373 265.69726 28.722661 265.76367 29.125 curveto
-264.73242 29.265625 lineto
-264.68554 28.945317 264.5498 28.695318 264.3252 28.515625 curveto
-264.10058 28.335943 263.7832 28.246099 263.37305 28.246094 curveto
-262.88867 28.246099 262.54297 28.326177 262.33594 28.486328 curveto
-262.1289 28.646489 262.02539 28.833989 262.02539 29.048828 curveto
-262.02539 29.185551 262.06836 29.308598 262.1543 29.417969 curveto
-262.24023 29.531254 262.375 29.625004 262.55859 29.699219 curveto
-262.66406 29.738285 262.97461 29.828129 263.49023 29.96875 curveto
-264.23632 30.167972 264.75683 30.331058 265.05176 30.458008 curveto
-265.34667 30.584964 265.57812 30.769534 265.74609 31.011719 curveto
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-265.99804 32.265626 265.8955 32.596681 265.69043 32.907227 curveto
-265.48535 33.217774 265.18945 33.458008 264.80273 33.62793 curveto
-264.41601 33.797852 263.97851 33.882812 263.49023 33.882813 curveto
-262.68164 33.882812 262.06543 33.714844 261.6416 33.378906 curveto
-261.21777 33.042969 260.94727 32.544923 260.83008 31.884766 curveto
-260.83008 31.884766 lineto
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-269.70703 33.730469 lineto
-269.41015 33.792969 269.14453 33.824219 268.91016 33.824219 curveto
-268.52734 33.824219 268.23047 33.763672 268.01953 33.642578 curveto
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-267.48828 32.967774 267.44531 32.552736 267.44531 31.919922 curveto
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-266.67188 28.339844 lineto
-266.67188 27.519531 lineto
-267.44531 27.519531 lineto
-267.44531 25.978516 lineto
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-268.49414 27.519531 lineto
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-269.55469 28.339844 lineto
-268.49414 28.339844 lineto
-268.49414 31.978516 lineto
-268.49414 32.279298 268.51269 32.472658 268.5498 32.558594 curveto
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-269.20898 32.839845 269.36328 32.826173 269.55469 32.798828 curveto
-269.55469 32.798828 lineto
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-270.56836 33.742188 moveto
-270.56836 27.519531 lineto
-271.51758 27.519531 lineto
-271.51758 28.462891 lineto
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-273.2207 27.378913 273.58203 27.492194 273.94922 27.71875 curveto
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-273.32812 28.544927 273.07031 28.468755 272.8125 28.46875 curveto
-272.58203 28.468755 272.375 28.538091 272.19141 28.676758 curveto
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-270.56836 33.742188 lineto
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-278.5664 29.087895 278.46679 28.785161 278.26758 28.609375 curveto
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-276.57031 28.251959 276.2041 28.338873 275.96777 28.512695 curveto
-275.73144 28.686528 275.55664 28.994145 275.44336 29.435547 curveto
-274.41211 29.294922 lineto
-274.50586 28.853521 274.66016 28.497076 274.875 28.225586 curveto
-275.08984 27.954107 275.40039 27.745123 275.80664 27.598633 curveto
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-277.75 27.378913 278.18164 27.441413 278.51367 27.566406 curveto
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-279.60937 28.935552 279.62695 29.25977 279.62695 29.728516 curveto
-279.62695 31.134766 lineto
-279.62695 32.115236 279.64941 32.735353 279.69434 32.995117 curveto
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-278.85938 33.742188 lineto
-278.75 33.523438 278.67968 33.267579 278.64844 32.974609 curveto
-278.64844 32.974609 lineto
-278.56055 30.619141 moveto
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-276.40429 31.080081 276.09765 31.150393 275.91797 31.228516 curveto
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-275.4043 31.721682 275.35547 31.888674 275.35547 32.072266 curveto
-275.35547 32.353517 275.46191 32.587892 275.6748 32.775391 curveto
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-278.56055 30.619141 lineto
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-282.21094 27.519531 lineto
-282.21094 28.392578 lineto
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-288.65039 33.742188 lineto
-288.65039 29.822266 lineto
-288.65038 29.400395 288.6162 29.096684 288.54785 28.911133 curveto
-288.47948 28.725591 288.35546 28.576177 288.17578 28.462891 curveto
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-287.10546 28.292974 286.74218 28.438482 286.45313 28.729492 curveto
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-284.96484 33.742188 lineto
-284.96484 29.699219 lineto
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-292.33594 25.152344 lineto
-292.33594 26.365234 lineto
-291.28125 26.365234 lineto
-291.28125 33.742188 moveto
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-292.33594 27.519531 lineto
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-56.803536 187.31788 69.173942 185.06776 75 184 curveto
-74.347571 189.09394 74 193.75297 74 199 curveto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-72 188 moveto
-66.378583 191.18623 56.856196 202.67976 51 210 curveto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-28.240234 222 moveto
-28.240234 220.94531 lineto
-32.640625 215.44336 lineto
-32.95312 215.05274 33.249995 214.7129 33.53125 214.42383 curveto
-28.738281 214.42383 lineto
-28.738281 213.41016 lineto
-34.890625 213.41016 lineto
-34.890625 214.42383 lineto
-30.068359 220.38281 lineto
-29.546875 220.98633 lineto
-35.03125 220.98633 lineto
-35.03125 222 lineto
-28.240234 222 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-40.1875 221.23242 moveto
-39.796871 221.56445 39.420894 221.79883 39.05957 221.93555 curveto
-38.698239 222.07227 38.310544 222.14062 37.896484 222.14063 curveto
-37.212889 222.14062 36.687499 221.97363 36.320313 221.63965 curveto
-35.953124 221.30566 35.769531 220.87891 35.769531 220.35938 curveto
-35.769531 220.05469 35.838867 219.77637 35.977539 219.52441 curveto
-36.11621 219.27246 36.297851 219.07032 36.522461 218.91797 curveto
-36.747069 218.76563 36.999998 218.65039 37.28125 218.57227 curveto
-37.488279 218.51758 37.800779 218.46485 38.21875 218.41406 curveto
-39.070309 218.3125 39.697261 218.19141 40.099609 218.05078 curveto
-40.103511 217.90625 40.105464 217.81446 40.105469 217.77539 curveto
-40.105464 217.34571 40.005855 217.04297 39.806641 216.86719 curveto
-39.537105 216.62891 39.136715 216.50977 38.605469 216.50977 curveto
-38.109372 216.50977 37.743162 216.59669 37.506836 216.77051 curveto
-37.270506 216.94434 37.095701 217.25196 36.982422 217.69336 curveto
-35.951172 217.55273 lineto
-36.044921 217.11133 36.199218 216.75489 36.414063 216.4834 curveto
-36.628905 216.21192 36.939452 216.00294 37.345703 215.85645 curveto
-37.751951 215.70997 38.222653 215.63673 38.757813 215.63672 curveto
-39.289059 215.63673 39.720699 215.69923 40.052734 215.82422 curveto
-40.384761 215.94922 40.628901 216.10645 40.785156 216.2959 curveto
-40.941401 216.48536 41.050776 216.72461 41.113281 217.01367 curveto
-41.148432 217.19336 41.16601 217.51758 41.166016 217.98633 curveto
-41.166016 219.39258 lineto
-41.16601 220.37305 41.188471 220.99317 41.233398 221.25293 curveto
-41.278314 221.5127 41.367181 221.76172 41.5 222 curveto
-40.398438 222 lineto
-40.289058 221.78125 40.218745 221.52539 40.1875 221.23242 curveto
-40.1875 221.23242 lineto
-40.099609 218.87695 moveto
-39.716792 219.03321 39.142574 219.16602 38.376953 219.27539 curveto
-37.943357 219.33789 37.636716 219.40821 37.457031 219.48633 curveto
-37.277342 219.56446 37.13867 219.67871 37.041016 219.8291 curveto
-36.943358 219.97949 36.89453 220.14649 36.894531 220.33008 curveto
-36.89453 220.61133 37.000975 220.8457 37.213867 221.0332 curveto
-37.426756 221.2207 37.738279 221.31445 38.148438 221.31445 curveto
-38.554684 221.31445 38.916012 221.22559 39.232422 221.04785 curveto
-39.548824 220.87012 39.781246 220.62695 39.929688 220.31836 curveto
-40.042964 220.08008 40.099605 219.72852 40.099609 219.26367 curveto
-40.099609 218.87695 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-42.806641 222 moveto
-42.806641 215.77734 lineto
-43.75 215.77734 lineto
-43.75 216.65039 lineto
-43.945311 216.34571 44.205076 216.10059 44.529297 215.91504 curveto
-44.853513 215.7295 45.222653 215.63673 45.636719 215.63672 curveto
-46.097652 215.63673 46.475581 215.73243 46.770508 215.92383 curveto
-47.065425 216.11524 47.273432 216.38282 47.394531 216.72656 curveto
-47.886713 216.00001 48.527337 215.63673 49.316406 215.63672 curveto
-49.933586 215.63673 50.408195 215.80762 50.740234 216.14941 curveto
-51.072257 216.49122 51.238272 217.01758 51.238281 217.72852 curveto
-51.238281 222 lineto
-50.189453 222 lineto
-50.189453 218.08008 lineto
-50.189445 217.65821 50.155265 217.3545 50.086914 217.16895 curveto
-50.018547 216.9834 49.894523 216.83399 49.714844 216.7207 curveto
-49.535149 216.60743 49.324211 216.55079 49.082031 216.55078 curveto
-48.644525 216.55079 48.281244 216.69629 47.992188 216.9873 curveto
-47.703119 217.27833 47.558588 217.74414 47.558594 218.38477 curveto
-47.558594 222 lineto
-46.503906 222 lineto
-46.503906 217.95703 lineto
-46.503902 217.48829 46.417964 217.13672 46.246094 216.90234 curveto
-46.074215 216.66797 45.792965 216.55079 45.402344 216.55078 curveto
-45.105466 216.55079 44.831052 216.62891 44.579102 216.78516 curveto
-44.327146 216.94141 44.144529 217.16993 44.03125 217.4707 curveto
-43.917967 217.77149 43.861326 218.20508 43.861328 218.77148 curveto
-43.861328 222 lineto
-42.806641 222 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-57.074219 219.99609 moveto
-58.164063 220.13086 lineto
-57.992182 220.76758 57.673822 221.26172 57.208984 221.61328 curveto
-56.744136 221.96484 56.150386 222.14062 55.427734 222.14063 curveto
-54.517576 222.14062 53.795897 221.86035 53.262695 221.2998 curveto
-52.729491 220.73926 52.46289 219.95313 52.462891 218.94141 curveto
-52.46289 217.89454 52.732421 217.08204 53.271484 216.50391 curveto
-53.810545 215.92579 54.509763 215.63673 55.369141 215.63672 curveto
-56.201168 215.63673 56.880855 215.91993 57.408203 216.48633 curveto
-57.935541 217.05274 58.199213 217.84961 58.199219 218.87695 curveto
-58.199213 218.93946 58.197259 219.03321 58.193359 219.1582 curveto
-53.552734 219.1582 lineto
-53.591795 219.8418 53.785154 220.36524 54.132813 220.72852 curveto
-54.480466 221.0918 54.91406 221.27344 55.433594 221.27344 curveto
-55.820309 221.27344 56.150386 221.17188 56.423828 220.96875 curveto
-56.697261 220.76563 56.914058 220.44141 57.074219 219.99609 curveto
-57.074219 219.99609 lineto
-53.611328 218.29102 moveto
-57.085938 218.29102 lineto
-57.039057 217.76758 56.906245 217.375 56.6875 217.11328 curveto
-56.351558 216.70704 55.916012 216.50391 55.380859 216.50391 curveto
-54.896482 216.50391 54.489255 216.66602 54.15918 216.99023 curveto
-53.8291 217.31446 53.646483 217.74805 53.611328 218.29102 curveto
-53.611328 218.29102 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-61.796875 221.05664 moveto
-61.949219 221.98828 lineto
-61.652341 222.05078 61.386716 222.08203 61.152344 222.08203 curveto
-60.769529 222.08203 60.472654 222.02148 60.261719 221.90039 curveto
-60.05078 221.7793 59.902343 221.62012 59.816406 221.42285 curveto
-59.730468 221.22559 59.687499 220.81055 59.6875 220.17773 curveto
-59.6875 216.59766 lineto
-58.914063 216.59766 lineto
-58.914063 215.77734 lineto
-59.6875 215.77734 lineto
-59.6875 214.23633 lineto
-60.736328 213.60352 lineto
-60.736328 215.77734 lineto
-61.796875 215.77734 lineto
-61.796875 216.59766 lineto
-60.736328 216.59766 lineto
-60.736328 220.23633 lineto
-60.736326 220.53711 60.754881 220.73047 60.791992 220.81641 curveto
-60.829099 220.90234 60.889646 220.9707 60.973633 221.02148 curveto
-61.057615 221.07227 61.177732 221.09766 61.333984 221.09766 curveto
-61.451169 221.09766 61.605466 221.08399 61.796875 221.05664 curveto
-61.796875 221.05664 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-66.882813 221.23242 moveto
-66.492183 221.56445 66.116207 221.79883 65.754883 221.93555 curveto
-65.393551 222.07227 65.005856 222.14062 64.591797 222.14063 curveto
-63.908201 222.14062 63.382811 221.97363 63.015625 221.63965 curveto
-62.648437 221.30566 62.464843 220.87891 62.464844 220.35938 curveto
-62.464843 220.05469 62.534179 219.77637 62.672852 219.52441 curveto
-62.811523 219.27246 62.993163 219.07032 63.217773 218.91797 curveto
-63.442381 218.76563 63.695311 218.65039 63.976563 218.57227 curveto
-64.183592 218.51758 64.496091 218.46485 64.914063 218.41406 curveto
-65.765621 218.3125 66.392574 218.19141 66.794922 218.05078 curveto
-66.798823 217.90625 66.800776 217.81446 66.800781 217.77539 curveto
-66.800776 217.34571 66.701167 217.04297 66.501953 216.86719 curveto
-66.232418 216.62891 65.832027 216.50977 65.300781 216.50977 curveto
-64.804685 216.50977 64.438474 216.59669 64.202148 216.77051 curveto
-63.965818 216.94434 63.791014 217.25196 63.677734 217.69336 curveto
-62.646484 217.55273 lineto
-62.740234 217.11133 62.89453 216.75489 63.109375 216.4834 curveto
-63.324217 216.21192 63.634764 216.00294 64.041016 215.85645 curveto
-64.447263 215.70997 64.917966 215.63673 65.453125 215.63672 curveto
-65.984371 215.63673 66.416011 215.69923 66.748047 215.82422 curveto
-67.080073 215.94922 67.324213 216.10645 67.480469 216.2959 curveto
-67.636713 216.48536 67.746088 216.72461 67.808594 217.01367 curveto
-67.843744 217.19336 67.861322 217.51758 67.861328 217.98633 curveto
-67.861328 219.39258 lineto
-67.861322 220.37305 67.883783 220.99317 67.928711 221.25293 curveto
-67.973627 221.5127 68.062494 221.76172 68.195313 222 curveto
-67.09375 222 lineto
-66.98437 221.78125 66.914058 221.52539 66.882813 221.23242 curveto
-66.882813 221.23242 lineto
-66.794922 218.87695 moveto
-66.412105 219.03321 65.837887 219.16602 65.072266 219.27539 curveto
-64.638669 219.33789 64.332029 219.40821 64.152344 219.48633 curveto
-63.972654 219.56446 63.833983 219.67871 63.736328 219.8291 curveto
-63.63867 219.97949 63.589842 220.14649 63.589844 220.33008 curveto
-63.589842 220.61133 63.696287 220.8457 63.90918 221.0332 curveto
-64.122068 221.2207 64.433591 221.31445 64.84375 221.31445 curveto
-65.249997 221.31445 65.611325 221.22559 65.927734 221.04785 curveto
-66.244136 220.87012 66.476558 220.62695 66.625 220.31836 curveto
-66.738277 220.08008 66.794917 219.72852 66.794922 219.26367 curveto
-66.794922 218.87695 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-73.5625 219.7207 moveto
-74.599609 219.85547 lineto
-74.486322 220.57031 74.196284 221.12988 73.729492 221.53418 curveto
-73.262691 221.93848 72.689449 222.14062 72.009766 222.14063 curveto
-71.158201 222.14062 70.473631 221.8623 69.956055 221.30566 curveto
-69.438476 220.74902 69.179687 219.95117 69.179688 218.91211 curveto
-69.179687 218.24024 69.291015 217.65235 69.513672 217.14844 curveto
-69.736327 216.64454 70.075194 216.26661 70.530273 216.01465 curveto
-70.985349 215.7627 71.480466 215.63673 72.015625 215.63672 curveto
-72.691402 215.63673 73.244136 215.80762 73.673828 216.14941 curveto
-74.10351 216.49122 74.378901 216.97657 74.5 217.60547 curveto
-73.474609 217.76367 lineto
-73.376948 217.34571 73.204097 217.03125 72.956055 216.82031 curveto
-72.708004 216.60938 72.408199 216.50391 72.056641 216.50391 curveto
-71.525388 216.50391 71.093748 216.69434 70.761719 217.0752 curveto
-70.429686 217.45606 70.26367 218.0586 70.263672 218.88281 curveto
-70.26367 219.71875 70.423826 220.32617 70.744141 220.70508 curveto
-71.064451 221.08399 71.482419 221.27344 71.998047 221.27344 curveto
-72.412106 221.27344 72.757808 221.14649 73.035156 220.89258 curveto
-73.312495 220.63867 73.488276 220.24805 73.5625 219.7207 curveto
-73.5625 219.7207 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-75.871094 222 moveto
-75.871094 215.77734 lineto
-76.925781 215.77734 lineto
-76.925781 222 lineto
-75.871094 222 lineto
-75.824219 215.00391 moveto
-76.603516 213.36328 lineto
-77.986328 213.36328 lineto
-76.697266 215.00391 lineto
-75.824219 215.00391 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-28.791016 239.38477 moveto
-28.791016 230.77734 lineto
-29.751953 230.77734 lineto
-29.751953 231.58594 lineto
-29.978514 231.26954 30.234373 231.03223 30.519531 230.87402 curveto
-30.804685 230.71583 31.150387 230.63673 31.556641 230.63672 curveto
-32.087887 230.63673 32.556636 230.77344 32.962891 231.04688 curveto
-33.369135 231.32032 33.675776 231.70606 33.882813 232.2041 curveto
-34.089838 232.70215 34.193353 233.24805 34.193359 233.8418 curveto
-34.193353 234.47852 34.079095 235.05176 33.850586 235.56152 curveto
-33.622065 236.07129 33.290034 236.46191 32.854492 236.7334 curveto
-32.418941 237.00488 31.960934 237.14062 31.480469 237.14063 curveto
-31.128903 237.14062 30.813474 237.06641 30.53418 236.91797 curveto
-30.254881 236.76953 30.025389 236.58203 29.845703 236.35547 curveto
-29.845703 239.38477 lineto
-28.791016 239.38477 lineto
-29.746094 233.92383 moveto
-29.746092 234.72461 29.908201 235.31641 30.232422 235.69922 curveto
-30.556638 236.08203 30.949216 236.27344 31.410156 236.27344 curveto
-31.878902 236.27344 32.280269 236.0752 32.614258 235.67871 curveto
-32.948237 235.28223 33.115229 234.66797 33.115234 233.83594 curveto
-33.115229 233.04297 32.952143 232.44922 32.625977 232.05469 curveto
-32.2998 231.66016 31.910152 231.4629 31.457031 231.46289 curveto
-31.007809 231.4629 30.610349 231.67286 30.264648 232.09277 curveto
-29.918943 232.5127 29.746092 233.12305 29.746094 233.92383 curveto
-29.746094 233.92383 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-35.458984 237 moveto
-35.458984 230.77734 lineto
-36.408203 230.77734 lineto
-36.408203 231.7207 lineto
-36.650389 231.2793 36.874021 230.98829 37.079102 230.84766 curveto
-37.284177 230.70704 37.509763 230.63673 37.755859 230.63672 curveto
-38.111325 230.63673 38.472652 230.75001 38.839844 230.97656 curveto
-38.476563 231.95508 lineto
-38.218746 231.80274 37.960934 231.72657 37.703125 231.72656 curveto
-37.472653 231.72657 37.265622 231.7959 37.082031 231.93457 curveto
-36.898435 232.07325 36.767576 232.26563 36.689453 232.51172 curveto
-36.572264 232.88672 36.51367 233.29688 36.513672 233.74219 curveto
-36.513672 237 lineto
-35.458984 237 lineto
-36.900391 229.35938 moveto
-37.544922 228.36328 lineto
-38.740234 228.36328 lineto
-37.421875 230.00391 lineto
-36.296875 230.00391 lineto
-35.03125 228.36328 lineto
-36.238281 228.36328 lineto
-36.900391 229.35938 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-39.847656 237 moveto
-39.847656 230.77734 lineto
-40.902344 230.77734 lineto
-40.902344 237 lineto
-39.847656 237 lineto
-39.800781 230.00391 moveto
-40.580078 228.36328 lineto
-41.962891 228.36328 lineto
-40.673828 230.00391 lineto
-39.800781 230.00391 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-42.806641 237 moveto
-42.806641 230.77734 lineto
-43.75 230.77734 lineto
-43.75 231.65039 lineto
-43.945311 231.34571 44.205076 231.10059 44.529297 230.91504 curveto
-44.853513 230.7295 45.222653 230.63673 45.636719 230.63672 curveto
-46.097652 230.63673 46.475581 230.73243 46.770508 230.92383 curveto
-47.065425 231.11524 47.273432 231.38282 47.394531 231.72656 curveto
-47.886713 231.00001 48.527337 230.63673 49.316406 230.63672 curveto
-49.933586 230.63673 50.408195 230.80762 50.740234 231.14941 curveto
-51.072257 231.49122 51.238272 232.01758 51.238281 232.72852 curveto
-51.238281 237 lineto
-50.189453 237 lineto
-50.189453 233.08008 lineto
-50.189445 232.65821 50.155265 232.3545 50.086914 232.16895 curveto
-50.018547 231.9834 49.894523 231.83399 49.714844 231.7207 curveto
-49.535149 231.60743 49.324211 231.55079 49.082031 231.55078 curveto
-48.644525 231.55079 48.281244 231.69629 47.992188 231.9873 curveto
-47.703119 232.27833 47.558588 232.74414 47.558594 233.38477 curveto
-47.558594 237 lineto
-46.503906 237 lineto
-46.503906 232.95703 lineto
-46.503902 232.48829 46.417964 232.13672 46.246094 231.90234 curveto
-46.074215 231.66797 45.792965 231.55079 45.402344 231.55078 curveto
-45.105466 231.55079 44.831052 231.62891 44.579102 231.78516 curveto
-44.327146 231.94141 44.144529 232.16993 44.03125 232.4707 curveto
-43.917967 232.77149 43.861326 233.20508 43.861328 233.77148 curveto
-43.861328 237 lineto
-42.806641 237 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-52.820313 237 moveto
-52.820313 228.41016 lineto
-53.875 228.41016 lineto
-53.875 233.30859 lineto
-56.371094 230.77734 lineto
-57.736328 230.77734 lineto
-55.357422 233.08594 lineto
-57.976563 237 lineto
-56.675781 237 lineto
-54.619141 233.81836 lineto
-53.875 234.5332 lineto
-53.875 237 lineto
-52.820313 237 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-62.875 236.23242 moveto
-62.484371 236.56445 62.108394 236.79883 61.74707 236.93555 curveto
-61.385739 237.07227 60.998044 237.14062 60.583984 237.14063 curveto
-59.900389 237.14062 59.374999 236.97363 59.007813 236.63965 curveto
-58.640624 236.30566 58.457031 235.87891 58.457031 235.35938 curveto
-58.457031 235.05469 58.526367 234.77637 58.665039 234.52441 curveto
-58.80371 234.27246 58.985351 234.07032 59.209961 233.91797 curveto
-59.434569 233.76563 59.687498 233.65039 59.96875 233.57227 curveto
-60.175779 233.51758 60.488279 233.46485 60.90625 233.41406 curveto
-61.757809 233.3125 62.384761 233.19141 62.787109 233.05078 curveto
-62.791011 232.90625 62.792964 232.81446 62.792969 232.77539 curveto
-62.792964 232.34571 62.693355 232.04297 62.494141 231.86719 curveto
-62.224605 231.62891 61.824215 231.50977 61.292969 231.50977 curveto
-60.796872 231.50977 60.430662 231.59669 60.194336 231.77051 curveto
-59.958006 231.94434 59.783201 232.25196 59.669922 232.69336 curveto
-58.638672 232.55273 lineto
-58.732421 232.11133 58.886718 231.75489 59.101563 231.4834 curveto
-59.316405 231.21192 59.626952 231.00294 60.033203 230.85645 curveto
-60.439451 230.70997 60.910153 230.63673 61.445313 230.63672 curveto
-61.976559 230.63673 62.408199 230.69923 62.740234 230.82422 curveto
-63.072261 230.94922 63.316401 231.10645 63.472656 231.2959 curveto
-63.628901 231.48536 63.738276 231.72461 63.800781 232.01367 curveto
-63.835932 232.19336 63.85351 232.51758 63.853516 232.98633 curveto
-63.853516 234.39258 lineto
-63.85351 235.37305 63.875971 235.99317 63.920898 236.25293 curveto
-63.965814 236.5127 64.054681 236.76172 64.1875 237 curveto
-63.085938 237 lineto
-62.976558 236.78125 62.906245 236.52539 62.875 236.23242 curveto
-62.875 236.23242 lineto
-62.787109 233.87695 moveto
-62.404292 234.03321 61.830074 234.16602 61.064453 234.27539 curveto
-60.630857 234.33789 60.324216 234.40821 60.144531 234.48633 curveto
-59.964842 234.56446 59.82617 234.67871 59.728516 234.8291 curveto
-59.630858 234.97949 59.58203 235.14649 59.582031 235.33008 curveto
-59.58203 235.61133 59.688475 235.8457 59.901367 236.0332 curveto
-60.114256 236.2207 60.425779 236.31445 60.835938 236.31445 curveto
-61.242184 236.31445 61.603512 236.22559 61.919922 236.04785 curveto
-62.236324 235.87012 62.468746 235.62695 62.617188 235.31836 curveto
-62.730464 235.08008 62.787105 234.72852 62.787109 234.26367 curveto
-62.787109 233.87695 lineto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 4 24] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 104.5 24.5] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-0.86274511 0 0.015686275 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-111 20 moveto
-111 191 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-114 167 moveto
-120.01215 167.99936 119.49092 172.96369 121 179 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-115 172 moveto
-116 175 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-181.53906 210.24023 moveto
-182.61133 210.14648 lineto
-182.66211 210.57617 182.78027 210.92871 182.96582 211.2041 curveto
-183.15137 211.47949 183.43945 211.70215 183.83008 211.87207 curveto
-184.2207 212.04199 184.66015 212.12695 185.14844 212.12695 curveto
-185.58203 212.12695 185.96484 212.0625 186.29688 211.93359 curveto
-186.6289 211.80469 186.87597 211.62793 187.03809 211.40332 curveto
-187.20019 211.17871 187.28124 210.9336 187.28125 210.66797 curveto
-187.28124 210.39844 187.20312 210.16309 187.04688 209.96191 curveto
-186.89062 209.76075 186.63281 209.5918 186.27344 209.45508 curveto
-186.04296 209.36524 185.5332 209.22559 184.74414 209.03613 curveto
-183.95508 208.84668 183.40234 208.66797 183.08594 208.5 curveto
-182.67578 208.28516 182.37012 208.01856 182.16895 207.7002 curveto
-181.96777 207.38184 181.86719 207.0254 181.86719 206.63086 curveto
-181.86719 206.19727 181.99023 205.792 182.23633 205.41504 curveto
-182.48242 205.03809 182.8418 204.75196 183.31445 204.55664 curveto
-183.78711 204.36134 184.3125 204.26368 184.89063 204.26367 curveto
-185.52734 204.26368 186.08886 204.36622 186.5752 204.57129 curveto
-187.06152 204.77638 187.43554 205.07813 187.69727 205.47656 curveto
-187.95898 205.87501 188.0996 206.32618 188.11914 206.83008 curveto
-187.0293 206.91211 lineto
-186.9707 206.36915 186.77246 205.95899 186.43457 205.68164 curveto
-186.09667 205.4043 185.59765 205.26563 184.9375 205.26563 curveto
-184.25 205.26563 183.74902 205.39161 183.43457 205.64355 curveto
-183.12012 205.89551 182.96289 206.19923 182.96289 206.55469 curveto
-182.96289 206.86329 183.07422 207.11719 183.29688 207.31641 curveto
-183.51562 207.51563 184.08691 207.71973 185.01074 207.92871 curveto
-185.93457 208.1377 186.56835 208.32032 186.91211 208.47656 curveto
-187.4121 208.70704 187.78124 208.99903 188.01953 209.35254 curveto
-188.25781 209.70606 188.37695 210.11328 188.37695 210.57422 curveto
-188.37695 211.03125 188.24609 211.46192 187.98438 211.86621 curveto
-187.72265 212.27051 187.34667 212.58496 186.85645 212.80957 curveto
-186.36621 213.03418 185.81445 213.14648 185.20117 213.14648 curveto
-184.42382 213.14648 183.77246 213.0332 183.24707 212.80664 curveto
-182.72168 212.58008 182.30957 212.23926 182.01074 211.78418 curveto
-181.71191 211.3291 181.55469 210.81446 181.53906 210.24023 curveto
-181.53906 210.24023 lineto
-184.83789 203.27344 moveto
-185.48242 202.27734 lineto
-186.67773 202.27734 lineto
-185.35938 203.91797 lineto
-184.23438 203.91797 lineto
-182.96875 202.27734 lineto
-184.17578 202.27734 lineto
-184.83789 203.27344 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-189.8125 205.62305 moveto
-189.8125 204.41016 lineto
-190.86719 204.41016 lineto
-190.86719 205.62305 lineto
-189.8125 205.62305 lineto
-189.8125 213 moveto
-189.8125 206.77734 lineto
-190.86719 206.77734 lineto
-190.86719 213 lineto
-189.8125 213 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-192.47852 215.38477 moveto
-192.47852 206.77734 lineto
-193.43945 206.77734 lineto
-193.43945 207.58594 lineto
-193.66601 207.26954 193.92187 207.03223 194.20703 206.87402 curveto
-194.49218 206.71583 194.83789 206.63673 195.24414 206.63672 curveto
-195.77539 206.63673 196.24414 206.77344 196.65039 207.04688 curveto
-197.05664 207.32032 197.36328 207.70606 197.57031 208.2041 curveto
-197.77734 208.70215 197.88085 209.24805 197.88086 209.8418 curveto
-197.88085 210.47852 197.7666 211.05176 197.53809 211.56152 curveto
-197.30956 212.07129 196.97753 212.46191 196.54199 212.7334 curveto
-196.10644 213.00488 195.64843 213.14062 195.16797 213.14063 curveto
-194.8164 213.14062 194.50097 213.06641 194.22168 212.91797 curveto
-193.94238 212.76953 193.71289 212.58203 193.5332 212.35547 curveto
-193.5332 215.38477 lineto
-192.47852 215.38477 lineto
-193.43359 209.92383 moveto
-193.43359 210.72461 193.5957 211.31641 193.91992 211.69922 curveto
-194.24414 212.08203 194.63672 212.27344 195.09766 212.27344 curveto
-195.5664 212.27344 195.96777 212.0752 196.30176 211.67871 curveto
-196.63574 211.28223 196.80273 210.66797 196.80273 209.83594 curveto
-196.80273 209.04297 196.63964 208.44922 196.31348 208.05469 curveto
-195.9873 207.66016 195.59765 207.4629 195.14453 207.46289 curveto
-194.69531 207.4629 194.29785 207.67286 193.95215 208.09277 curveto
-193.60644 208.5127 193.43359 209.12305 193.43359 209.92383 curveto
-193.43359 209.92383 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-199.16406 213 moveto
-199.16406 204.41016 lineto
-200.21875 204.41016 lineto
-200.21875 209.30859 lineto
-202.71484 206.77734 lineto
-204.08008 206.77734 lineto
-201.70117 209.08594 lineto
-204.32031 213 lineto
-203.01953 213 lineto
-200.96289 209.81836 lineto
-200.21875 210.5332 lineto
-200.21875 213 lineto
-199.16406 213 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-205.11133 215.39648 moveto
-204.99414 214.40625 lineto
-205.22461 214.46875 205.42578 214.5 205.59766 214.5 curveto
-205.83203 214.5 206.01953 214.46094 206.16016 214.38281 curveto
-206.30078 214.30469 206.41601 214.19531 206.50586 214.05469 curveto
-206.57226 213.94922 206.67969 213.6875 206.82813 213.26953 curveto
-206.84765 213.21094 206.8789 213.125 206.92188 213.01172 curveto
-204.56055 206.77734 lineto
-205.69727 206.77734 lineto
-206.99219 210.38086 lineto
-207.16015 210.83789 207.31054 211.31836 207.44336 211.82227 curveto
-207.56445 211.33789 207.70898 210.86524 207.87695 210.4043 curveto
-209.20703 206.77734 lineto
-210.26172 206.77734 lineto
-207.89453 213.10547 lineto
-207.64062 213.78906 207.44336 214.25976 207.30273 214.51758 curveto
-207.11523 214.86523 206.90039 215.12012 206.6582 215.28223 curveto
-206.41601 215.44433 206.12695 215.52539 205.79102 215.52539 curveto
-205.58789 215.52539 205.36133 215.48242 205.11133 215.39648 curveto
-205.11133 215.39648 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-218.56445 213 moveto
-218.56445 212.08594 lineto
-218.08007 212.78906 217.42187 213.14062 216.58984 213.14063 curveto
-216.22265 213.14062 215.87988 213.07031 215.56152 212.92969 curveto
-215.24316 212.78906 215.00683 212.61231 214.85254 212.39941 curveto
-214.69824 212.18652 214.58984 211.92578 214.52734 211.61719 curveto
-214.48437 211.41016 214.46289 211.08203 214.46289 210.63281 curveto
-214.46289 206.77734 lineto
-215.51758 206.77734 lineto
-215.51758 210.22852 lineto
-215.51758 210.7793 215.53906 211.15039 215.58203 211.3418 curveto
-215.64844 211.61914 215.78906 211.83692 216.00391 211.99512 curveto
-216.21875 212.15332 216.48437 212.23242 216.80078 212.23242 curveto
-217.11718 212.23242 217.41406 212.15137 217.69141 211.98926 curveto
-217.96875 211.82715 218.16503 211.60645 218.28027 211.32715 curveto
-218.3955 211.04785 218.45312 210.64258 218.45313 210.11133 curveto
-218.45313 206.77734 lineto
-219.50781 206.77734 lineto
-219.50781 213 lineto
-218.56445 213 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-221.17188 213 moveto
-221.17188 204.41016 lineto
-222.22656 204.41016 lineto
-222.22656 209.30859 lineto
-224.72266 206.77734 lineto
-226.08789 206.77734 lineto
-223.70898 209.08594 lineto
-226.32813 213 lineto
-225.02734 213 lineto
-222.9707 209.81836 lineto
-222.22656 210.5332 lineto
-222.22656 213 lineto
-221.17188 213 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-231.22656 212.23242 moveto
-230.83593 212.56445 230.45996 212.79883 230.09863 212.93555 curveto
-229.7373 213.07227 229.34961 213.14062 228.93555 213.14063 curveto
-228.25195 213.14062 227.72656 212.97363 227.35938 212.63965 curveto
-226.99219 212.30566 226.80859 211.87891 226.80859 211.35938 curveto
-226.80859 211.05469 226.87793 210.77637 227.0166 210.52441 curveto
-227.15527 210.27246 227.33691 210.07032 227.56152 209.91797 curveto
-227.78613 209.76563 228.03906 209.65039 228.32031 209.57227 curveto
-228.52734 209.51758 228.83984 209.46485 229.25781 209.41406 curveto
-230.10937 209.3125 230.73632 209.19141 231.13867 209.05078 curveto
-231.14257 208.90625 231.14453 208.81446 231.14453 208.77539 curveto
-231.14453 208.34571 231.04492 208.04297 230.8457 207.86719 curveto
-230.57617 207.62891 230.17578 207.50977 229.64453 207.50977 curveto
-229.14843 207.50977 228.78222 207.59669 228.5459 207.77051 curveto
-228.30957 207.94434 228.13476 208.25196 228.02148 208.69336 curveto
-226.99023 208.55273 lineto
-227.08398 208.11133 227.23828 207.75489 227.45313 207.4834 curveto
-227.66797 207.21192 227.97851 207.00294 228.38477 206.85645 curveto
-228.79101 206.70997 229.26172 206.63673 229.79688 206.63672 curveto
-230.32812 206.63673 230.75976 206.69923 231.0918 206.82422 curveto
-231.42382 206.94922 231.66796 207.10645 231.82422 207.2959 curveto
-231.98046 207.48536 232.08984 207.72461 232.15234 208.01367 curveto
-232.18749 208.19336 232.20507 208.51758 232.20508 208.98633 curveto
-232.20508 210.39258 lineto
-232.20507 211.37305 232.22753 211.99317 232.27246 212.25293 curveto
-232.31738 212.5127 232.40624 212.76172 232.53906 213 curveto
-231.4375 213 lineto
-231.32812 212.78125 231.25781 212.52539 231.22656 212.23242 curveto
-231.22656 212.23242 lineto
-231.13867 209.87695 moveto
-230.75585 210.03321 230.18164 210.16602 229.41602 210.27539 curveto
-228.98242 210.33789 228.67578 210.40821 228.49609 210.48633 curveto
-228.3164 210.56446 228.17773 210.67871 228.08008 210.8291 curveto
-227.98242 210.97949 227.93359 211.14649 227.93359 211.33008 curveto
-227.93359 211.61133 228.04004 211.8457 228.25293 212.0332 curveto
-228.46582 212.2207 228.77734 212.31445 229.1875 212.31445 curveto
-229.59375 212.31445 229.95507 212.22559 230.27148 212.04785 curveto
-230.58789 211.87012 230.82031 211.62695 230.96875 211.31836 curveto
-231.08203 211.08008 231.13867 210.72852 231.13867 210.26367 curveto
-231.13867 209.87695 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-233.28906 213 moveto
-233.28906 212.14453 lineto
-237.25 207.59766 lineto
-236.80078 207.6211 236.40429 207.63282 236.06055 207.63281 curveto
-233.52344 207.63281 lineto
-233.52344 206.77734 lineto
-238.60938 206.77734 lineto
-238.60938 207.47461 lineto
-235.24023 211.42383 lineto
-234.58984 212.14453 lineto
-235.0625 212.10938 235.50586 212.0918 235.91992 212.0918 curveto
-238.79688 212.0918 lineto
-238.79688 213 lineto
-233.28906 213 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-243.92383 213 moveto
-243.92383 212.08594 lineto
-243.43945 212.78906 242.78125 213.14062 241.94922 213.14063 curveto
-241.58203 213.14062 241.23926 213.07031 240.9209 212.92969 curveto
-240.60254 212.78906 240.36621 212.61231 240.21191 212.39941 curveto
-240.05762 212.18652 239.94922 211.92578 239.88672 211.61719 curveto
-239.84375 211.41016 239.82226 211.08203 239.82227 210.63281 curveto
-239.82227 206.77734 lineto
-240.87695 206.77734 lineto
-240.87695 210.22852 lineto
-240.87695 210.7793 240.89844 211.15039 240.94141 211.3418 curveto
-241.00781 211.61914 241.14844 211.83692 241.36328 211.99512 curveto
-241.57812 212.15332 241.84375 212.23242 242.16016 212.23242 curveto
-242.47656 212.23242 242.77343 212.15137 243.05078 211.98926 curveto
-243.32812 211.82715 243.52441 211.60645 243.63965 211.32715 curveto
-243.75488 211.04785 243.8125 210.64258 243.8125 210.11133 curveto
-243.8125 206.77734 lineto
-244.86719 206.77734 lineto
-244.86719 213 lineto
-243.92383 213 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-246.51953 205.63477 moveto
-246.51953 204.41016 lineto
-247.57422 204.41016 lineto
-247.57422 205.63477 lineto
-246.51953 205.63477 lineto
-245.18359 215.41406 moveto
-245.38281 214.51758 lineto
-245.59375 214.57226 245.75977 214.59961 245.88086 214.59961 curveto
-246.0957 214.59961 246.25586 214.52832 246.36133 214.38574 curveto
-246.4668 214.24316 246.51953 213.88672 246.51953 213.31641 curveto
-246.51953 206.77734 lineto
-247.57422 206.77734 lineto
-247.57422 213.33984 lineto
-247.57422 214.10547 247.47461 214.63867 247.27539 214.93945 curveto
-247.02148 215.33008 246.59961 215.52539 246.00977 215.52539 curveto
-245.72461 215.52539 245.44922 215.48828 245.18359 215.41406 curveto
-245.18359 215.41406 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-249.56641 213 moveto
-249.56641 206.77734 lineto
-250.62109 206.77734 lineto
-250.62109 213 lineto
-249.56641 213 lineto
-249.51953 206.00391 moveto
-250.29883 204.36328 lineto
-251.68164 204.36328 lineto
-250.39258 206.00391 lineto
-249.51953 206.00391 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-252.80078 213 moveto
-252.80078 211.79883 lineto
-254.00195 211.79883 lineto
-254.00195 213 lineto
-254.00195 213.44141 253.92383 213.79785 253.76758 214.06934 curveto
-253.61133 214.34082 253.36328 214.55078 253.02344 214.69922 curveto
-252.73047 214.24805 lineto
-252.95312 214.15039 253.11719 214.00683 253.22266 213.81738 curveto
-253.32812 213.62793 253.38672 213.35547 253.39844 213 curveto
-252.80078 213 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-259.17578 205.63477 moveto
-259.17578 204.41016 lineto
-260.23047 204.41016 lineto
-260.23047 205.63477 lineto
-259.17578 205.63477 lineto
-257.83984 215.41406 moveto
-258.03906 214.51758 lineto
-258.25 214.57226 258.41602 214.59961 258.53711 214.59961 curveto
-258.75195 214.59961 258.91211 214.52832 259.01758 214.38574 curveto
-259.12305 214.24316 259.17578 213.88672 259.17578 213.31641 curveto
-259.17578 206.77734 lineto
-260.23047 206.77734 lineto
-260.23047 213.33984 lineto
-260.23047 214.10547 260.13086 214.63867 259.93164 214.93945 curveto
-259.67773 215.33008 259.25586 215.52539 258.66602 215.52539 curveto
-258.38086 215.52539 258.10547 215.48828 257.83984 215.41406 curveto
-257.83984 215.41406 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-265.91406 212.23242 moveto
-265.52343 212.56445 265.14746 212.79883 264.78613 212.93555 curveto
-264.4248 213.07227 264.03711 213.14062 263.62305 213.14063 curveto
-262.93945 213.14062 262.41406 212.97363 262.04688 212.63965 curveto
-261.67969 212.30566 261.49609 211.87891 261.49609 211.35938 curveto
-261.49609 211.05469 261.56543 210.77637 261.7041 210.52441 curveto
-261.84277 210.27246 262.02441 210.07032 262.24902 209.91797 curveto
-262.47363 209.76563 262.72656 209.65039 263.00781 209.57227 curveto
-263.21484 209.51758 263.52734 209.46485 263.94531 209.41406 curveto
-264.79687 209.3125 265.42382 209.19141 265.82617 209.05078 curveto
-265.83007 208.90625 265.83203 208.81446 265.83203 208.77539 curveto
-265.83203 208.34571 265.73242 208.04297 265.5332 207.86719 curveto
-265.26367 207.62891 264.86328 207.50977 264.33203 207.50977 curveto
-263.83593 207.50977 263.46972 207.59669 263.2334 207.77051 curveto
-262.99707 207.94434 262.82226 208.25196 262.70898 208.69336 curveto
-261.67773 208.55273 lineto
-261.77148 208.11133 261.92578 207.75489 262.14063 207.4834 curveto
-262.35547 207.21192 262.66601 207.00294 263.07227 206.85645 curveto
-263.47851 206.70997 263.94922 206.63673 264.48438 206.63672 curveto
-265.01562 206.63673 265.44726 206.69923 265.7793 206.82422 curveto
-266.11132 206.94922 266.35546 207.10645 266.51172 207.2959 curveto
-266.66796 207.48536 266.77734 207.72461 266.83984 208.01367 curveto
-266.87499 208.19336 266.89257 208.51758 266.89258 208.98633 curveto
-266.89258 210.39258 lineto
-266.89257 211.37305 266.91503 211.99317 266.95996 212.25293 curveto
-267.00488 212.5127 267.09374 212.76172 267.22656 213 curveto
-266.125 213 lineto
-266.01562 212.78125 265.94531 212.52539 265.91406 212.23242 curveto
-265.91406 212.23242 lineto
-265.82617 209.87695 moveto
-265.44335 210.03321 264.86914 210.16602 264.10352 210.27539 curveto
-263.66992 210.33789 263.36328 210.40821 263.18359 210.48633 curveto
-263.0039 210.56446 262.86523 210.67871 262.76758 210.8291 curveto
-262.66992 210.97949 262.62109 211.14649 262.62109 211.33008 curveto
-262.62109 211.61133 262.72754 211.8457 262.94043 212.0332 curveto
-263.15332 212.2207 263.46484 212.31445 263.875 212.31445 curveto
-264.28125 212.31445 264.64257 212.22559 264.95898 212.04785 curveto
-265.27539 211.87012 265.50781 211.62695 265.65625 211.31836 curveto
-265.76953 211.08008 265.82617 210.72852 265.82617 210.26367 curveto
-265.82617 209.87695 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-268.53906 213 moveto
-268.53906 204.41016 lineto
-269.59375 204.41016 lineto
-269.59375 209.30859 lineto
-272.08984 206.77734 lineto
-273.45508 206.77734 lineto
-271.07617 209.08594 lineto
-273.69531 213 lineto
-272.39453 213 lineto
-270.33789 209.81836 lineto
-269.59375 210.5332 lineto
-269.59375 213 lineto
-268.53906 213 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-277.43945 211.14258 moveto
-278.48242 210.97852 lineto
-278.54101 211.39649 278.7041 211.7168 278.97168 211.93945 curveto
-279.23926 212.16211 279.61328 212.27344 280.09375 212.27344 curveto
-280.57812 212.27344 280.9375 212.17481 281.17188 211.97754 curveto
-281.40625 211.78027 281.52343 211.54883 281.52344 211.2832 curveto
-281.52343 211.04492 281.41992 210.85742 281.21289 210.7207 curveto
-281.06836 210.62696 280.70898 210.50781 280.13477 210.36328 curveto
-279.36133 210.16797 278.82519 209.99903 278.52637 209.85645 curveto
-278.22754 209.71387 278.00098 209.51661 277.84668 209.26465 curveto
-277.69238 209.0127 277.61523 208.73438 277.61523 208.42969 curveto
-277.61523 208.15235 277.67871 207.89551 277.80566 207.65918 curveto
-277.93262 207.42286 278.10547 207.22657 278.32422 207.07031 curveto
-278.48828 206.94922 278.71191 206.84669 278.99512 206.7627 curveto
-279.27832 206.67872 279.58203 206.63673 279.90625 206.63672 curveto
-280.39453 206.63673 280.82324 206.70704 281.19238 206.84766 curveto
-281.56152 206.98829 281.83398 207.17872 282.00977 207.41895 curveto
-282.18554 207.65919 282.30664 207.98047 282.37305 208.38281 curveto
-281.3418 208.52344 lineto
-281.29492 208.20313 281.15918 207.95313 280.93457 207.77344 curveto
-280.70996 207.59376 280.39257 207.50391 279.98242 207.50391 curveto
-279.49804 207.50391 279.15234 207.58399 278.94531 207.74414 curveto
-278.73828 207.9043 278.63476 208.0918 278.63477 208.30664 curveto
-278.63476 208.44336 278.67773 208.56641 278.76367 208.67578 curveto
-278.84961 208.78907 278.98437 208.88282 279.16797 208.95703 curveto
-279.27344 208.9961 279.58398 209.08594 280.09961 209.22656 curveto
-280.8457 209.42578 281.36621 209.58887 281.66113 209.71582 curveto
-281.95605 209.84278 282.18749 210.02735 282.35547 210.26953 curveto
-282.52343 210.51172 282.60742 210.8125 282.60742 211.17188 curveto
-282.60742 211.52344 282.50488 211.85449 282.2998 212.16504 curveto
-282.09472 212.47559 281.79882 212.71582 281.41211 212.88574 curveto
-281.02539 213.05566 280.58789 213.14062 280.09961 213.14063 curveto
-279.29101 213.14062 278.6748 212.97266 278.25098 212.63672 curveto
-277.82715 212.30078 277.55664 211.80274 277.43945 211.14258 curveto
-277.43945 211.14258 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-288.12109 210.99609 moveto
-289.21094 211.13086 lineto
-289.03906 211.76758 288.7207 212.26172 288.25586 212.61328 curveto
-287.79101 212.96484 287.19726 213.14062 286.47461 213.14063 curveto
-285.56445 213.14062 284.84277 212.86035 284.30957 212.2998 curveto
-283.77637 211.73926 283.50977 210.95313 283.50977 209.94141 curveto
-283.50977 208.89454 283.7793 208.08204 284.31836 207.50391 curveto
-284.85742 206.92579 285.55664 206.63673 286.41602 206.63672 curveto
-287.24804 206.63673 287.92773 206.91993 288.45508 207.48633 curveto
-288.98242 208.05274 289.24609 208.84961 289.24609 209.87695 curveto
-289.24609 209.93946 289.24413 210.03321 289.24023 210.1582 curveto
-284.59961 210.1582 lineto
-284.63867 210.8418 284.83203 211.36524 285.17969 211.72852 curveto
-285.52734 212.0918 285.96093 212.27344 286.48047 212.27344 curveto
-286.86718 212.27344 287.19726 212.17188 287.4707 211.96875 curveto
-287.74414 211.76563 287.96093 211.44141 288.12109 210.99609 curveto
-288.12109 210.99609 lineto
-284.6582 209.29102 moveto
-288.13281 209.29102 lineto
-288.08593 208.76758 287.95312 208.375 287.73438 208.11328 curveto
-287.39843 207.70704 286.96289 207.50391 286.42773 207.50391 curveto
-285.94336 207.50391 285.53613 207.66602 285.20605 207.99023 curveto
-284.87597 208.31446 284.69336 208.74805 284.6582 209.29102 curveto
-284.6582 209.29102 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-182.76367 228 moveto
-181.78516 228 lineto
-181.78516 219.41016 lineto
-182.83984 219.41016 lineto
-182.83984 222.47461 lineto
-183.28515 221.91602 183.85351 221.63673 184.54492 221.63672 curveto
-184.92773 221.63673 185.29003 221.71387 185.63184 221.86816 curveto
-185.97363 222.02247 186.25488 222.23926 186.47559 222.51855 curveto
-186.69628 222.79786 186.86913 223.13477 186.99414 223.5293 curveto
-187.11913 223.92383 187.18163 224.34571 187.18164 224.79492 curveto
-187.18163 225.86133 186.91796 226.68555 186.39063 227.26758 curveto
-185.86328 227.84961 185.23046 228.14062 184.49219 228.14063 curveto
-183.75781 228.14062 183.18164 227.83398 182.76367 227.2207 curveto
-182.76367 228 lineto
-182.75195 224.8418 moveto
-182.75195 225.58789 182.85351 226.12695 183.05664 226.45898 curveto
-183.38867 227.00195 183.83789 227.27344 184.4043 227.27344 curveto
-184.86523 227.27344 185.26367 227.07324 185.59961 226.67285 curveto
-185.93554 226.27246 186.10351 225.67578 186.10352 224.88281 curveto
-186.10351 224.07032 185.94238 223.47071 185.62012 223.08398 curveto
-185.29785 222.69727 184.9082 222.50391 184.45117 222.50391 curveto
-183.99023 222.50391 183.59179 222.70411 183.25586 223.10449 curveto
-182.91992 223.50489 182.75195 224.08399 182.75195 224.8418 curveto
-182.75195 224.8418 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-192.54883 228 moveto
-192.54883 227.08594 lineto
-192.06445 227.78906 191.40625 228.14062 190.57422 228.14063 curveto
-190.20703 228.14062 189.86426 228.07031 189.5459 227.92969 curveto
-189.22754 227.78906 188.99121 227.61231 188.83691 227.39941 curveto
-188.68262 227.18652 188.57422 226.92578 188.51172 226.61719 curveto
-188.46875 226.41016 188.44726 226.08203 188.44727 225.63281 curveto
-188.44727 221.77734 lineto
-189.50195 221.77734 lineto
-189.50195 225.22852 lineto
-189.50195 225.7793 189.52344 226.15039 189.56641 226.3418 curveto
-189.63281 226.61914 189.77344 226.83692 189.98828 226.99512 curveto
-190.20312 227.15332 190.46875 227.23242 190.78516 227.23242 curveto
-191.10156 227.23242 191.39843 227.15137 191.67578 226.98926 curveto
-191.95312 226.82715 192.14941 226.60645 192.26465 226.32715 curveto
-192.37988 226.04785 192.4375 225.64258 192.4375 225.11133 curveto
-192.4375 221.77734 lineto
-193.49219 221.77734 lineto
-193.49219 228 lineto
-192.54883 228 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-199.1875 228 moveto
-199.1875 227.21484 lineto
-198.79296 227.83203 198.21289 228.14062 197.44727 228.14063 curveto
-196.95117 228.14062 196.49512 228.00391 196.0791 227.73047 curveto
-195.66308 227.45703 195.34082 227.0752 195.1123 226.58496 curveto
-194.88379 226.09473 194.76953 225.53125 194.76953 224.89453 curveto
-194.76953 224.27344 194.87305 223.70997 195.08008 223.2041 curveto
-195.28711 222.69825 195.59766 222.31055 196.01172 222.04102 curveto
-196.42578 221.77149 196.88867 221.63673 197.40039 221.63672 curveto
-197.77539 221.63673 198.10937 221.71583 198.40234 221.87402 curveto
-198.69531 222.03223 198.93359 222.23829 199.11719 222.49219 curveto
-199.11719 219.41016 lineto
-200.16602 219.41016 lineto
-200.16602 228 lineto
-199.1875 228 lineto
-195.85352 224.89453 moveto
-195.85351 225.69141 196.02148 226.28711 196.35742 226.68164 curveto
-196.69336 227.07617 197.08984 227.27344 197.54688 227.27344 curveto
-198.00781 227.27344 198.39941 227.08496 198.72168 226.70801 curveto
-199.04394 226.33106 199.20507 225.75586 199.20508 224.98242 curveto
-199.20507 224.13086 199.04101 223.50586 198.71289 223.10742 curveto
-198.38476 222.70899 197.98047 222.50977 197.5 222.50977 curveto
-197.03125 222.50977 196.63965 222.70118 196.3252 223.08398 curveto
-196.01074 223.4668 195.85351 224.07032 195.85352 224.89453 curveto
-195.85352 224.89453 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-206.08984 225.99609 moveto
-207.17969 226.13086 lineto
-207.00781 226.76758 206.68945 227.26172 206.22461 227.61328 curveto
-205.75976 227.96484 205.16601 228.14062 204.44336 228.14063 curveto
-203.5332 228.14062 202.81152 227.86035 202.27832 227.2998 curveto
-201.74512 226.73926 201.47852 225.95313 201.47852 224.94141 curveto
-201.47852 223.89454 201.74805 223.08204 202.28711 222.50391 curveto
-202.82617 221.92579 203.52539 221.63673 204.38477 221.63672 curveto
-205.21679 221.63673 205.89648 221.91993 206.42383 222.48633 curveto
-206.95117 223.05274 207.21484 223.84961 207.21484 224.87695 curveto
-207.21484 224.93946 207.21288 225.03321 207.20898 225.1582 curveto
-202.56836 225.1582 lineto
-202.60742 225.8418 202.80078 226.36524 203.14844 226.72852 curveto
-203.49609 227.0918 203.92968 227.27344 204.44922 227.27344 curveto
-204.83593 227.27344 205.16601 227.17188 205.43945 226.96875 curveto
-205.71289 226.76563 205.92968 226.44141 206.08984 225.99609 curveto
-206.08984 225.99609 lineto
-202.62695 224.29102 moveto
-206.10156 224.29102 lineto
-206.05468 223.76758 205.92187 223.375 205.70313 223.11328 curveto
-205.36718 222.70704 204.93164 222.50391 204.39648 222.50391 curveto
-203.91211 222.50391 203.50488 222.66602 203.1748 222.99023 curveto
-202.84472 223.31446 202.66211 223.74805 202.62695 224.29102 curveto
-202.62695 224.29102 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-211.41602 226.14258 moveto
-212.45898 225.97852 lineto
-212.51758 226.39649 212.68066 226.7168 212.94824 226.93945 curveto
-213.21582 227.16211 213.58984 227.27344 214.07031 227.27344 curveto
-214.55468 227.27344 214.91406 227.17481 215.14844 226.97754 curveto
-215.38281 226.78027 215.5 226.54883 215.5 226.2832 curveto
-215.5 226.04492 215.39648 225.85742 215.18945 225.7207 curveto
-215.04492 225.62696 214.68554 225.50781 214.11133 225.36328 curveto
-213.33789 225.16797 212.80176 224.99903 212.50293 224.85645 curveto
-212.2041 224.71387 211.97754 224.51661 211.82324 224.26465 curveto
-211.66894 224.0127 211.5918 223.73438 211.5918 223.42969 curveto
-211.5918 223.15235 211.65527 222.89551 211.78223 222.65918 curveto
-211.90918 222.42286 212.08203 222.22657 212.30078 222.07031 curveto
-212.46484 221.94922 212.68847 221.84669 212.97168 221.7627 curveto
-213.25488 221.67872 213.55859 221.63673 213.88281 221.63672 curveto
-214.37109 221.63673 214.7998 221.70704 215.16895 221.84766 curveto
-215.53808 221.98829 215.81054 222.17872 215.98633 222.41895 curveto
-216.1621 222.65919 216.2832 222.98047 216.34961 223.38281 curveto
-215.31836 223.52344 lineto
-215.27148 223.20313 215.13574 222.95313 214.91113 222.77344 curveto
-214.68652 222.59376 214.36914 222.50391 213.95898 222.50391 curveto
-213.47461 222.50391 213.1289 222.58399 212.92188 222.74414 curveto
-212.71484 222.9043 212.61133 223.0918 212.61133 223.30664 curveto
-212.61133 223.44336 212.6543 223.56641 212.74023 223.67578 curveto
-212.82617 223.78907 212.96094 223.88282 213.14453 223.95703 curveto
-213.25 223.9961 213.56054 224.08594 214.07617 224.22656 curveto
-214.82226 224.42578 215.34277 224.58887 215.6377 224.71582 curveto
-215.93261 224.84278 216.16406 225.02735 216.33203 225.26953 curveto
-216.49999 225.51172 216.58398 225.8125 216.58398 226.17188 curveto
-216.58398 226.52344 216.48144 226.85449 216.27637 227.16504 curveto
-216.07128 227.47559 215.77539 227.71582 215.38867 227.88574 curveto
-215.00195 228.05566 214.56445 228.14062 214.07617 228.14063 curveto
-213.26758 228.14062 212.65137 227.97266 212.22754 227.63672 curveto
-211.80371 227.30078 211.5332 226.80274 211.41602 226.14258 curveto
-211.41602 226.14258 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-217.84375 220.62305 moveto
-217.84375 219.41016 lineto
-218.89844 219.41016 lineto
-218.89844 220.62305 lineto
-217.84375 220.62305 lineto
-217.84375 228 moveto
-217.84375 221.77734 lineto
-218.89844 221.77734 lineto
-218.89844 228 lineto
-217.84375 228 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-222.8125 227.05664 moveto
-222.96484 227.98828 lineto
-222.66797 228.05078 222.40234 228.08203 222.16797 228.08203 curveto
-221.78515 228.08203 221.48828 228.02148 221.27734 227.90039 curveto
-221.0664 227.7793 220.91797 227.62012 220.83203 227.42285 curveto
-220.74609 227.22559 220.70312 226.81055 220.70313 226.17773 curveto
-220.70313 222.59766 lineto
-219.92969 222.59766 lineto
-219.92969 221.77734 lineto
-220.70313 221.77734 lineto
-220.70313 220.23633 lineto
-221.75195 219.60352 lineto
-221.75195 221.77734 lineto
-222.8125 221.77734 lineto
-222.8125 222.59766 lineto
-221.75195 222.59766 lineto
-221.75195 226.23633 lineto
-221.75195 226.53711 221.77051 226.73047 221.80762 226.81641 curveto
-221.84472 226.90234 221.90527 226.9707 221.98926 227.02148 curveto
-222.07324 227.07227 222.19336 227.09766 222.34961 227.09766 curveto
-222.46679 227.09766 222.62109 227.08399 222.8125 227.05664 curveto
-222.8125 227.05664 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-227.91602 228 moveto
-227.91602 227.08594 lineto
-227.43164 227.78906 226.77343 228.14062 225.94141 228.14063 curveto
-225.57422 228.14062 225.23144 228.07031 224.91309 227.92969 curveto
-224.59473 227.78906 224.3584 227.61231 224.2041 227.39941 curveto
-224.0498 227.18652 223.94141 226.92578 223.87891 226.61719 curveto
-223.83594 226.41016 223.81445 226.08203 223.81445 225.63281 curveto
-223.81445 221.77734 lineto
-224.86914 221.77734 lineto
-224.86914 225.22852 lineto
-224.86914 225.7793 224.89062 226.15039 224.93359 226.3418 curveto
-225 226.61914 225.14062 226.83692 225.35547 226.99512 curveto
-225.57031 227.15332 225.83593 227.23242 226.15234 227.23242 curveto
-226.46875 227.23242 226.76562 227.15137 227.04297 226.98926 curveto
-227.32031 226.82715 227.5166 226.60645 227.63184 226.32715 curveto
-227.74707 226.04785 227.80468 225.64258 227.80469 225.11133 curveto
-227.80469 221.77734 lineto
-228.85938 221.77734 lineto
-228.85938 228 lineto
-227.91602 228 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-234.57813 227.23242 moveto
-234.1875 227.56445 233.81152 227.79883 233.4502 227.93555 curveto
-233.08886 228.07227 232.70117 228.14062 232.28711 228.14063 curveto
-231.60351 228.14062 231.07812 227.97363 230.71094 227.63965 curveto
-230.34375 227.30566 230.16016 226.87891 230.16016 226.35938 curveto
-230.16016 226.05469 230.22949 225.77637 230.36816 225.52441 curveto
-230.50684 225.27246 230.68848 225.07032 230.91309 224.91797 curveto
-231.13769 224.76563 231.39062 224.65039 231.67188 224.57227 curveto
-231.8789 224.51758 232.1914 224.46485 232.60938 224.41406 curveto
-233.46093 224.3125 234.08789 224.19141 234.49023 224.05078 curveto
-234.49414 223.90625 234.49609 223.81446 234.49609 223.77539 curveto
-234.49609 223.34571 234.39648 223.04297 234.19727 222.86719 curveto
-233.92773 222.62891 233.52734 222.50977 232.99609 222.50977 curveto
-232.5 222.50977 232.13379 222.59669 231.89746 222.77051 curveto
-231.66113 222.94434 231.48633 223.25196 231.37305 223.69336 curveto
-230.3418 223.55273 lineto
-230.43555 223.11133 230.58984 222.75489 230.80469 222.4834 curveto
-231.01953 222.21192 231.33008 222.00294 231.73633 221.85645 curveto
-232.14258 221.70997 232.61328 221.63673 233.14844 221.63672 curveto
-233.67968 221.63673 234.11132 221.69923 234.44336 221.82422 curveto
-234.77539 221.94922 235.01953 222.10645 235.17578 222.2959 curveto
-235.33203 222.48536 235.4414 222.72461 235.50391 223.01367 curveto
-235.53906 223.19336 235.55663 223.51758 235.55664 223.98633 curveto
-235.55664 225.39258 lineto
-235.55663 226.37305 235.5791 226.99317 235.62402 227.25293 curveto
-235.66894 227.5127 235.75781 227.76172 235.89063 228 curveto
-234.78906 228 lineto
-234.67968 227.78125 234.60937 227.52539 234.57813 227.23242 curveto
-234.57813 227.23242 lineto
-234.49023 224.87695 moveto
-234.10742 225.03321 233.5332 225.16602 232.76758 225.27539 curveto
-232.33398 225.33789 232.02734 225.40821 231.84766 225.48633 curveto
-231.66797 225.56446 231.5293 225.67871 231.43164 225.8291 curveto
-231.33398 225.97949 231.28515 226.14649 231.28516 226.33008 curveto
-231.28515 226.61133 231.3916 226.8457 231.60449 227.0332 curveto
-231.81738 227.2207 232.1289 227.31445 232.53906 227.31445 curveto
-232.94531 227.31445 233.30664 227.22559 233.62305 227.04785 curveto
-233.93945 226.87012 234.17187 226.62695 234.32031 226.31836 curveto
-234.43359 226.08008 234.49023 225.72852 234.49023 225.26367 curveto
-234.49023 224.87695 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-241.25781 225.7207 moveto
-242.29492 225.85547 lineto
-242.18163 226.57031 241.8916 227.12988 241.4248 227.53418 curveto
-240.958 227.93848 240.38476 228.14062 239.70508 228.14063 curveto
-238.85351 228.14062 238.16894 227.8623 237.65137 227.30566 curveto
-237.13379 226.74902 236.875 225.95117 236.875 224.91211 curveto
-236.875 224.24024 236.98633 223.65235 237.20898 223.14844 curveto
-237.43164 222.64454 237.77051 222.26661 238.22559 222.01465 curveto
-238.68066 221.7627 239.17578 221.63673 239.71094 221.63672 curveto
-240.38671 221.63673 240.93945 221.80762 241.36914 222.14941 curveto
-241.79882 222.49122 242.07421 222.97657 242.19531 223.60547 curveto
-241.16992 223.76367 lineto
-241.07226 223.34571 240.89941 223.03125 240.65137 222.82031 curveto
-240.40332 222.60938 240.10351 222.50391 239.75195 222.50391 curveto
-239.2207 222.50391 238.78906 222.69434 238.45703 223.0752 curveto
-238.125 223.45606 237.95898 224.0586 237.95898 224.88281 curveto
-237.95898 225.71875 238.11914 226.32617 238.43945 226.70508 curveto
-238.75976 227.08399 239.17773 227.27344 239.69336 227.27344 curveto
-240.10742 227.27344 240.45312 227.14649 240.73047 226.89258 curveto
-241.00781 226.63867 241.18359 226.24805 241.25781 225.7207 curveto
-241.25781 225.7207 lineto
-0 0.44705883 0 setrgbcolor
-247.45703 225.99609 moveto
-248.54688 226.13086 lineto
-248.37499 226.76758 248.05663 227.26172 247.5918 227.61328 curveto
-247.12695 227.96484 246.5332 228.14062 245.81055 228.14063 curveto
-244.90039 228.14062 244.17871 227.86035 243.64551 227.2998 curveto
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-32.948237 235.28223 33.115229 234.66797 33.115234 233.83594 curveto
-33.115229 233.04297 32.952143 232.44922 32.625977 232.05469 curveto
-32.2998 231.66016 31.910152 231.4629 31.457031 231.46289 curveto
-31.007809 231.4629 30.610349 231.67286 30.264648 232.09277 curveto
-29.918943 232.5127 29.746092 233.12305 29.746094 233.92383 curveto
-29.746094 233.92383 lineto
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-35.458984 237 moveto
-35.458984 230.77734 lineto
-36.408203 230.77734 lineto
-36.408203 231.7207 lineto
-36.650389 231.2793 36.874021 230.98829 37.079102 230.84766 curveto
-37.284177 230.70704 37.509763 230.63673 37.755859 230.63672 curveto
-38.111325 230.63673 38.472652 230.75001 38.839844 230.97656 curveto
-38.476563 231.95508 lineto
-38.218746 231.80274 37.960934 231.72657 37.703125 231.72656 curveto
-37.472653 231.72657 37.265622 231.7959 37.082031 231.93457 curveto
-36.898435 232.07325 36.767576 232.26563 36.689453 232.51172 curveto
-36.572264 232.88672 36.51367 233.29688 36.513672 233.74219 curveto
-36.513672 237 lineto
-35.458984 237 lineto
-36.900391 229.35938 moveto
-37.544922 228.36328 lineto
-38.740234 228.36328 lineto
-37.421875 230.00391 lineto
-36.296875 230.00391 lineto
-35.03125 228.36328 lineto
-36.238281 228.36328 lineto
-36.900391 229.35938 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-39.847656 237 moveto
-39.847656 230.77734 lineto
-40.902344 230.77734 lineto
-40.902344 237 lineto
-39.847656 237 lineto
-39.800781 230.00391 moveto
-40.580078 228.36328 lineto
-41.962891 228.36328 lineto
-40.673828 230.00391 lineto
-39.800781 230.00391 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-42.806641 237 moveto
-42.806641 230.77734 lineto
-43.75 230.77734 lineto
-43.75 231.65039 lineto
-43.945311 231.34571 44.205076 231.10059 44.529297 230.91504 curveto
-44.853513 230.7295 45.222653 230.63673 45.636719 230.63672 curveto
-46.097652 230.63673 46.475581 230.73243 46.770508 230.92383 curveto
-47.065425 231.11524 47.273432 231.38282 47.394531 231.72656 curveto
-47.886713 231.00001 48.527337 230.63673 49.316406 230.63672 curveto
-49.933586 230.63673 50.408195 230.80762 50.740234 231.14941 curveto
-51.072257 231.49122 51.238272 232.01758 51.238281 232.72852 curveto
-51.238281 237 lineto
-50.189453 237 lineto
-50.189453 233.08008 lineto
-50.189445 232.65821 50.155265 232.3545 50.086914 232.16895 curveto
-50.018547 231.9834 49.894523 231.83399 49.714844 231.7207 curveto
-49.535149 231.60743 49.324211 231.55079 49.082031 231.55078 curveto
-48.644525 231.55079 48.281244 231.69629 47.992188 231.9873 curveto
-47.703119 232.27833 47.558588 232.74414 47.558594 233.38477 curveto
-47.558594 237 lineto
-46.503906 237 lineto
-46.503906 232.95703 lineto
-46.503902 232.48829 46.417964 232.13672 46.246094 231.90234 curveto
-46.074215 231.66797 45.792965 231.55079 45.402344 231.55078 curveto
-45.105466 231.55079 44.831052 231.62891 44.579102 231.78516 curveto
-44.327146 231.94141 44.144529 232.16993 44.03125 232.4707 curveto
-43.917967 232.77149 43.861326 233.20508 43.861328 233.77148 curveto
-43.861328 237 lineto
-42.806641 237 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-52.820313 237 moveto
-52.820313 228.41016 lineto
-53.875 228.41016 lineto
-53.875 233.30859 lineto
-56.371094 230.77734 lineto
-57.736328 230.77734 lineto
-55.357422 233.08594 lineto
-57.976563 237 lineto
-56.675781 237 lineto
-54.619141 233.81836 lineto
-53.875 234.5332 lineto
-53.875 237 lineto
-52.820313 237 lineto
-0 0.59607846 0.71372551 setrgbcolor
-62.875 236.23242 moveto
-62.484371 236.56445 62.108394 236.79883 61.74707 236.93555 curveto
-61.385739 237.07227 60.998044 237.14062 60.583984 237.14063 curveto
-59.900389 237.14062 59.374999 236.97363 59.007813 236.63965 curveto
-58.640624 236.30566 58.457031 235.87891 58.457031 235.35938 curveto
-58.457031 235.05469 58.526367 234.77637 58.665039 234.52441 curveto
-58.80371 234.27246 58.985351 234.07032 59.209961 233.91797 curveto
-59.434569 233.76563 59.687498 233.65039 59.96875 233.57227 curveto
-60.175779 233.51758 60.488279 233.46485 60.90625 233.41406 curveto
-61.757809 233.3125 62.384761 233.19141 62.787109 233.05078 curveto
-62.791011 232.90625 62.792964 232.81446 62.792969 232.77539 curveto
-62.792964 232.34571 62.693355 232.04297 62.494141 231.86719 curveto
-62.224605 231.62891 61.824215 231.50977 61.292969 231.50977 curveto
-60.796872 231.50977 60.430662 231.59669 60.194336 231.77051 curveto
-59.958006 231.94434 59.783201 232.25196 59.669922 232.69336 curveto
-58.638672 232.55273 lineto
-58.732421 232.11133 58.886718 231.75489 59.101563 231.4834 curveto
-59.316405 231.21192 59.626952 231.00294 60.033203 230.85645 curveto
-60.439451 230.70997 60.910153 230.63673 61.445313 230.63672 curveto
-61.976559 230.63673 62.408199 230.69923 62.740234 230.82422 curveto
-63.072261 230.94922 63.316401 231.10645 63.472656 231.2959 curveto
-63.628901 231.48536 63.738276 231.72461 63.800781 232.01367 curveto
-63.835932 232.19336 63.85351 232.51758 63.853516 232.98633 curveto
-63.853516 234.39258 lineto
-63.85351 235.37305 63.875971 235.99317 63.920898 236.25293 curveto
-63.965814 236.5127 64.054681 236.76172 64.1875 237 curveto
-63.085938 237 lineto
-62.976558 236.78125 62.906245 236.52539 62.875 236.23242 curveto
-62.875 236.23242 lineto
-62.787109 233.87695 moveto
-62.404292 234.03321 61.830074 234.16602 61.064453 234.27539 curveto
-60.630857 234.33789 60.324216 234.40821 60.144531 234.48633 curveto
-59.964842 234.56446 59.82617 234.67871 59.728516 234.8291 curveto
-59.630858 234.97949 59.58203 235.14649 59.582031 235.33008 curveto
-59.58203 235.61133 59.688475 235.8457 59.901367 236.0332 curveto
-60.114256 236.2207 60.425779 236.31445 60.835938 236.31445 curveto
-61.242184 236.31445 61.603512 236.22559 61.919922 236.04785 curveto
-62.236324 235.87012 62.468746 235.62695 62.617188 235.31836 curveto
-62.730464 235.08008 62.787105 234.72852 62.787109 234.26367 curveto
-62.787109 233.87695 lineto
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-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 104.5 24.5] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86 106.5 moveto
-86 107.88 84.88 109 83.5 109 curveto
-82.12 109 81 107.88 81 106.5 curveto
-81 105.12 82.12 104 83.5 104 curveto
-84.88 104 86 105.12 86 106.5 curveto
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-0 setlinecap
-222 151 moveto
-222 143.87623 223.73773 133.07547 223 129 curveto
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-225 129 moveto
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-224.55078 155.41016 lineto
-225.75195 155.41016 lineto
-225.75195 156.81641 lineto
-225.48828 158.45117 lineto
-224.84375 158.45117 lineto
-226.7832 158.45117 moveto
-226.49609 156.81641 lineto
-226.49609 155.41016 lineto
-227.69727 155.41016 lineto
-227.69727 156.81641 lineto
-227.41602 158.45117 lineto
-226.7832 158.45117 lineto
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-229.19141 155.41016 lineto
-232.43164 155.41016 lineto
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-235.74804 158.62501 235.51562 159.24317 235.05078 159.74902 curveto
-234.58593 160.25489 233.74609 160.50782 232.53125 160.50781 curveto
-230.32813 160.50781 lineto
-230.32813 164 lineto
-229.19141 164 lineto
-230.32813 159.49414 moveto
-232.54883 159.49414 lineto
-233.2832 159.49415 233.80468 159.35743 234.11328 159.08398 curveto
-234.42187 158.81055 234.57617 158.42579 234.57617 157.92969 curveto
-234.57617 157.57032 234.48535 157.2627 234.30371 157.00684 curveto
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-233.39453 156.44923 233.04101 156.42384 232.52539 156.42383 curveto
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-230.32813 159.49414 lineto
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-236.67969 159.73633 237 158.88282 237.64063 158.32813 curveto
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-240.45312 157.63673 241.15234 157.917 241.69531 158.47754 curveto
-242.23828 159.03809 242.50976 159.8125 242.50977 160.80078 curveto
-242.50976 161.60156 242.38964 162.23145 242.14941 162.69043 curveto
-241.90917 163.14941 241.55957 163.50586 241.10059 163.75977 curveto
-240.6416 164.01367 240.14062 164.14062 239.59766 164.14063 curveto
-238.72656 164.14062 238.02246 163.86133 237.48535 163.30273 curveto
-236.94824 162.74414 236.67969 161.93946 236.67969 160.88867 curveto
-236.67969 160.88867 lineto
-237.76367 160.88867 moveto
-237.76367 161.68555 237.9375 162.28223 238.28516 162.67871 curveto
-238.63281 163.0752 239.07031 163.27344 239.59766 163.27344 curveto
-240.12109 163.27344 240.55664 163.07422 240.9043 162.67578 curveto
-241.25195 162.27735 241.42578 161.66992 241.42578 160.85352 curveto
-241.42578 160.08399 241.25097 159.50098 240.90137 159.10449 curveto
-240.55175 158.70801 240.11718 158.50977 239.59766 158.50977 curveto
-239.07031 158.50977 238.63281 158.70704 238.28516 159.10156 curveto
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-237.76367 160.88867 lineto
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-243.74609 155.41016 lineto
-244.80078 155.41016 lineto
-244.80078 158.47461 lineto
-245.24609 157.91602 245.81445 157.63673 246.50586 157.63672 curveto
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-247.93457 158.02247 248.21582 158.23926 248.43652 158.51855 curveto
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-249.14257 161.86133 248.8789 162.68555 248.35156 163.26758 curveto
-247.82421 163.84961 247.1914 164.14062 246.45313 164.14063 curveto
-245.71875 164.14062 245.14258 163.83398 244.72461 163.2207 curveto
-244.72461 164 lineto
-244.71289 160.8418 moveto
-244.71289 161.58789 244.81445 162.12695 245.01758 162.45898 curveto
-245.34961 163.00195 245.79883 163.27344 246.36523 163.27344 curveto
-246.82617 163.27344 247.22461 163.07324 247.56055 162.67285 curveto
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-248.06445 160.07032 247.90332 159.47071 247.58105 159.08398 curveto
-247.25878 158.69727 246.86914 158.50391 246.41211 158.50391 curveto
-245.95117 158.50391 245.55273 158.70411 245.2168 159.10449 curveto
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-244.71289 160.8418 lineto
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-251.36914 158.7207 lineto
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-253.17968 158.80274 252.92187 158.72657 252.66406 158.72656 curveto
-252.43359 158.72657 252.22656 158.7959 252.04297 158.93457 curveto
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-250.41992 164 lineto
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-252.50586 155.36328 lineto
-253.70117 155.36328 lineto
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-251.25781 157.00391 lineto
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-251.19922 155.36328 lineto
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-259.82421 160.93946 259.82226 161.03321 259.81836 161.1582 curveto
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-255.2168 161.8418 255.41015 162.36524 255.75781 162.72852 curveto
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-258.69922 161.99609 lineto
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-258.71094 160.29102 lineto
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-260.79688 157.77734 lineto
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-265.88281 158.47461 lineto
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-266.07031 164 lineto
-260.5625 164 lineto
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-265.34961 155.36328 lineto
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-268.54297 164 lineto
-267.48828 164 lineto
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-267.44141 157.00391 lineto
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-270.5 158.45117 lineto
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-272.15234 155.41016 lineto
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-228.99219 172.77734 lineto
-228.99219 171.23633 lineto
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-230.04102 172.77734 lineto
-231.10156 172.77734 lineto
-231.10156 173.59766 lineto
-230.04102 173.59766 lineto
-230.04102 177.23633 lineto
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-232.60156 172.77734 lineto
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-238.81836 176.68555 238.99219 177.28223 239.33984 177.67871 curveto
-239.6875 178.0752 240.125 178.27344 240.65234 178.27344 curveto
-241.17578 178.27344 241.61132 178.07422 241.95898 177.67578 curveto
-242.30664 177.27735 242.48046 176.66992 242.48047 175.85352 curveto
-242.48046 175.08399 242.30566 174.50098 241.95605 174.10449 curveto
-241.60644 173.70801 241.17187 173.50977 240.65234 173.50977 curveto
-240.125 173.50977 239.6875 173.70704 239.33984 174.10156 curveto
-238.99219 174.4961 238.81836 175.0918 238.81836 175.88867 curveto
-238.81836 175.88867 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-244.79492 179 moveto
-244.79492 172.77734 lineto
-245.74414 172.77734 lineto
-245.74414 173.7207 lineto
-245.98633 173.2793 246.20996 172.98829 246.41504 172.84766 curveto
-246.62011 172.70704 246.8457 172.63673 247.0918 172.63672 curveto
-247.44726 172.63673 247.80859 172.75001 248.17578 172.97656 curveto
-247.8125 173.95508 lineto
-247.55468 173.80274 247.29687 173.72657 247.03906 173.72656 curveto
-246.80859 173.72657 246.60156 173.7959 246.41797 173.93457 curveto
-246.23437 174.07325 246.10351 174.26563 246.02539 174.51172 curveto
-245.9082 174.88672 245.84961 175.29688 245.84961 175.74219 curveto
-245.84961 179 lineto
-244.79492 179 lineto
-246.23633 171.35938 moveto
-246.88086 170.36328 lineto
-248.07617 170.36328 lineto
-246.75781 172.00391 lineto
-245.63281 172.00391 lineto
-244.36719 170.36328 lineto
-245.57422 170.36328 lineto
-246.23633 171.35938 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-253.07422 176.99609 moveto
-254.16406 177.13086 lineto
-253.99218 177.76758 253.67382 178.26172 253.20898 178.61328 curveto
-252.74414 178.96484 252.15039 179.14062 251.42773 179.14063 curveto
-250.51758 179.14062 249.7959 178.86035 249.2627 178.2998 curveto
-248.72949 177.73926 248.46289 176.95313 248.46289 175.94141 curveto
-248.46289 174.89454 248.73242 174.08204 249.27148 173.50391 curveto
-249.81055 172.92579 250.50976 172.63673 251.36914 172.63672 curveto
-252.20117 172.63673 252.88085 172.91993 253.4082 173.48633 curveto
-253.93554 174.05274 254.19921 174.84961 254.19922 175.87695 curveto
-254.19921 175.93946 254.19726 176.03321 254.19336 176.1582 curveto
-249.55273 176.1582 lineto
-249.5918 176.8418 249.78515 177.36524 250.13281 177.72852 curveto
-250.48047 178.0918 250.91406 178.27344 251.43359 178.27344 curveto
-251.82031 178.27344 252.15039 178.17188 252.42383 177.96875 curveto
-252.69726 177.76563 252.91406 177.44141 253.07422 176.99609 curveto
-253.07422 176.99609 lineto
-249.61133 175.29102 moveto
-253.08594 175.29102 lineto
-253.03906 174.76758 252.90625 174.375 252.6875 174.11328 curveto
-252.35156 173.70704 251.91601 173.50391 251.38086 173.50391 curveto
-250.89648 173.50391 250.48926 173.66602 250.15918 173.99023 curveto
-249.8291 174.31446 249.64648 174.74805 249.61133 175.29102 curveto
-249.61133 175.29102 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-255.49414 179 moveto
-255.49414 172.77734 lineto
-256.44336 172.77734 lineto
-256.44336 173.66211 lineto
-256.90039 172.97852 257.56054 172.63673 258.42383 172.63672 curveto
-258.79882 172.63673 259.14355 172.70411 259.45801 172.83887 curveto
-259.77246 172.97364 260.00781 173.1504 260.16406 173.36914 curveto
-260.32031 173.5879 260.42968 173.84766 260.49219 174.14844 curveto
-260.53124 174.34375 260.55078 174.68555 260.55078 175.17383 curveto
-260.55078 179 lineto
-259.49609 179 lineto
-259.49609 175.21484 lineto
-259.49609 174.78516 259.45507 174.46387 259.37305 174.25098 curveto
-259.29101 174.03809 259.1455 173.86817 258.93652 173.74121 curveto
-258.72754 173.61426 258.48242 173.55079 258.20117 173.55078 curveto
-257.75195 173.55079 257.36426 173.69336 257.03809 173.97852 curveto
-256.71191 174.26368 256.54883 174.80469 256.54883 175.60156 curveto
-256.54883 179 lineto
-255.49414 179 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-261.78125 175.88867 moveto
-261.78125 174.73633 262.10156 173.88282 262.74219 173.32813 curveto
-263.27734 172.86719 263.92968 172.63673 264.69922 172.63672 curveto
-265.55468 172.63673 266.2539 172.917 266.79688 173.47754 curveto
-267.33984 174.03809 267.61132 174.8125 267.61133 175.80078 curveto
-267.61132 176.60156 267.4912 177.23145 267.25098 177.69043 curveto
-267.01074 178.14941 266.66113 178.50586 266.20215 178.75977 curveto
-265.74316 179.01367 265.24218 179.14062 264.69922 179.14063 curveto
-263.82812 179.14062 263.12402 178.86133 262.58691 178.30273 curveto
-262.0498 177.74414 261.78125 176.93946 261.78125 175.88867 curveto
-261.78125 175.88867 lineto
-262.86523 175.88867 moveto
-262.86523 176.68555 263.03906 177.28223 263.38672 177.67871 curveto
-263.73437 178.0752 264.17187 178.27344 264.69922 178.27344 curveto
-265.22265 178.27344 265.6582 178.07422 266.00586 177.67578 curveto
-266.35351 177.27735 266.52734 176.66992 266.52734 175.85352 curveto
-266.52734 175.08399 266.35253 174.50098 266.00293 174.10449 curveto
-265.65332 173.70801 265.21875 173.50977 264.69922 173.50977 curveto
-264.17187 173.50977 263.73437 173.70704 263.38672 174.10156 curveto
-263.03906 174.4961 262.86523 175.0918 262.86523 175.88867 curveto
-262.86523 175.88867 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-224.79102 196.38477 moveto
-224.79102 187.77734 lineto
-225.75195 187.77734 lineto
-225.75195 188.58594 lineto
-225.97851 188.26954 226.23437 188.03223 226.51953 187.87402 curveto
-226.80468 187.71583 227.15039 187.63673 227.55664 187.63672 curveto
-228.08789 187.63673 228.55664 187.77344 228.96289 188.04688 curveto
-229.36914 188.32032 229.67578 188.70606 229.88281 189.2041 curveto
-230.08984 189.70215 230.19335 190.24805 230.19336 190.8418 curveto
-230.19335 191.47852 230.0791 192.05176 229.85059 192.56152 curveto
-229.62206 193.07129 229.29003 193.46191 228.85449 193.7334 curveto
-228.41894 194.00488 227.96093 194.14062 227.48047 194.14063 curveto
-227.1289 194.14062 226.81347 194.06641 226.53418 193.91797 curveto
-226.25488 193.76953 226.02539 193.58203 225.8457 193.35547 curveto
-225.8457 196.38477 lineto
-224.79102 196.38477 lineto
-225.74609 190.92383 moveto
-225.74609 191.72461 225.9082 192.31641 226.23242 192.69922 curveto
-226.55664 193.08203 226.94922 193.27344 227.41016 193.27344 curveto
-227.8789 193.27344 228.28027 193.0752 228.61426 192.67871 curveto
-228.94824 192.28223 229.11523 191.66797 229.11523 190.83594 curveto
-229.11523 190.04297 228.95214 189.44922 228.62598 189.05469 curveto
-228.2998 188.66016 227.91015 188.4629 227.45703 188.46289 curveto
-227.00781 188.4629 226.61035 188.67286 226.26465 189.09277 curveto
-225.91894 189.5127 225.74609 190.12305 225.74609 190.92383 curveto
-225.74609 190.92383 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-235.53125 193.23242 moveto
-235.14062 193.56445 234.76464 193.79883 234.40332 193.93555 curveto
-234.04199 194.07227 233.65429 194.14062 233.24023 194.14063 curveto
-232.55664 194.14062 232.03125 193.97363 231.66406 193.63965 curveto
-231.29687 193.30566 231.11328 192.87891 231.11328 192.35938 curveto
-231.11328 192.05469 231.18262 191.77637 231.32129 191.52441 curveto
-231.45996 191.27246 231.6416 191.07032 231.86621 190.91797 curveto
-232.09082 190.76563 232.34375 190.65039 232.625 190.57227 curveto
-232.83203 190.51758 233.14453 190.46485 233.5625 190.41406 curveto
-234.41406 190.3125 235.04101 190.19141 235.44336 190.05078 curveto
-235.44726 189.90625 235.44921 189.81446 235.44922 189.77539 curveto
-235.44921 189.34571 235.3496 189.04297 235.15039 188.86719 curveto
-234.88086 188.62891 234.48046 188.50977 233.94922 188.50977 curveto
-233.45312 188.50977 233.08691 188.59669 232.85059 188.77051 curveto
-232.61426 188.94434 232.43945 189.25196 232.32617 189.69336 curveto
-231.29492 189.55273 lineto
-231.38867 189.11133 231.54297 188.75489 231.75781 188.4834 curveto
-231.97265 188.21192 232.2832 188.00294 232.68945 187.85645 curveto
-233.0957 187.70997 233.5664 187.63673 234.10156 187.63672 curveto
-234.63281 187.63673 235.06445 187.69923 235.39648 187.82422 curveto
-235.72851 187.94922 235.97265 188.10645 236.12891 188.2959 curveto
-236.28515 188.48536 236.39453 188.72461 236.45703 189.01367 curveto
-236.49218 189.19336 236.50976 189.51758 236.50977 189.98633 curveto
-236.50977 191.39258 lineto
-236.50976 192.37305 236.53222 192.99317 236.57715 193.25293 curveto
-236.62206 193.5127 236.71093 193.76172 236.84375 194 curveto
-235.74219 194 lineto
-235.63281 193.78125 235.5625 193.52539 235.53125 193.23242 curveto
-235.53125 193.23242 lineto
-235.44336 190.87695 moveto
-235.06054 191.03321 234.48632 191.16602 233.7207 191.27539 curveto
-233.28711 191.33789 232.98047 191.40821 232.80078 191.48633 curveto
-232.62109 191.56446 232.48242 191.67871 232.38477 191.8291 curveto
-232.28711 191.97949 232.23828 192.14649 232.23828 192.33008 curveto
-232.23828 192.61133 232.34472 192.8457 232.55762 193.0332 curveto
-232.77051 193.2207 233.08203 193.31445 233.49219 193.31445 curveto
-233.89843 193.31445 234.25976 193.22559 234.57617 193.04785 curveto
-234.89257 192.87012 235.125 192.62695 235.27344 192.31836 curveto
-235.38671 192.08008 235.44335 191.72852 235.44336 191.26367 curveto
-235.44336 190.87695 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-238.13867 194 moveto
-238.13867 187.77734 lineto
-239.08789 187.77734 lineto
-239.08789 188.7207 lineto
-239.33008 188.2793 239.55371 187.98829 239.75879 187.84766 curveto
-239.96386 187.70704 240.18945 187.63673 240.43555 187.63672 curveto
-240.79101 187.63673 241.15234 187.75001 241.51953 187.97656 curveto
-241.15625 188.95508 lineto
-240.89843 188.80274 240.64062 188.72657 240.38281 188.72656 curveto
-240.15234 188.72657 239.94531 188.7959 239.76172 188.93457 curveto
-239.57812 189.07325 239.44726 189.26563 239.36914 189.51172 curveto
-239.25195 189.88672 239.19336 190.29688 239.19336 190.74219 curveto
-239.19336 194 lineto
-238.13867 194 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-246.21875 193.23242 moveto
-245.82812 193.56445 245.45214 193.79883 245.09082 193.93555 curveto
-244.72949 194.07227 244.34179 194.14062 243.92773 194.14063 curveto
-243.24414 194.14062 242.71875 193.97363 242.35156 193.63965 curveto
-241.98437 193.30566 241.80078 192.87891 241.80078 192.35938 curveto
-241.80078 192.05469 241.87012 191.77637 242.00879 191.52441 curveto
-242.14746 191.27246 242.3291 191.07032 242.55371 190.91797 curveto
-242.77832 190.76563 243.03125 190.65039 243.3125 190.57227 curveto
-243.51953 190.51758 243.83203 190.46485 244.25 190.41406 curveto
-245.10156 190.3125 245.72851 190.19141 246.13086 190.05078 curveto
-246.13476 189.90625 246.13671 189.81446 246.13672 189.77539 curveto
-246.13671 189.34571 246.0371 189.04297 245.83789 188.86719 curveto
-245.56836 188.62891 245.16796 188.50977 244.63672 188.50977 curveto
-244.14062 188.50977 243.77441 188.59669 243.53809 188.77051 curveto
-243.30176 188.94434 243.12695 189.25196 243.01367 189.69336 curveto
-241.98242 189.55273 lineto
-242.07617 189.11133 242.23047 188.75489 242.44531 188.4834 curveto
-242.66015 188.21192 242.9707 188.00294 243.37695 187.85645 curveto
-243.7832 187.70997 244.2539 187.63673 244.78906 187.63672 curveto
-245.32031 187.63673 245.75195 187.69923 246.08398 187.82422 curveto
-246.41601 187.94922 246.66015 188.10645 246.81641 188.2959 curveto
-246.97265 188.48536 247.08203 188.72461 247.14453 189.01367 curveto
-247.17968 189.19336 247.19726 189.51758 247.19727 189.98633 curveto
-247.19727 191.39258 lineto
-247.19726 192.37305 247.21972 192.99317 247.26465 193.25293 curveto
-247.30956 193.5127 247.39843 193.76172 247.53125 194 curveto
-246.42969 194 lineto
-246.32031 193.78125 246.25 193.52539 246.21875 193.23242 curveto
-246.21875 193.23242 lineto
-246.13086 190.87695 moveto
-245.74804 191.03321 245.17382 191.16602 244.4082 191.27539 curveto
-243.97461 191.33789 243.66797 191.40821 243.48828 191.48633 curveto
-243.30859 191.56446 243.16992 191.67871 243.07227 191.8291 curveto
-242.97461 191.97949 242.92578 192.14649 242.92578 192.33008 curveto
-242.92578 192.61133 243.03222 192.8457 243.24512 193.0332 curveto
-243.45801 193.2207 243.76953 193.31445 244.17969 193.31445 curveto
-244.58593 193.31445 244.94726 193.22559 245.26367 193.04785 curveto
-245.58007 192.87012 245.8125 192.62695 245.96094 192.31836 curveto
-246.07421 192.08008 246.13085 191.72852 246.13086 191.26367 curveto
-246.13086 190.87695 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-249.81055 194 moveto
-248.83203 194 lineto
-248.83203 185.41016 lineto
-249.88672 185.41016 lineto
-249.88672 188.47461 lineto
-250.33203 187.91602 250.90039 187.63673 251.5918 187.63672 curveto
-251.97461 187.63673 252.33691 187.71387 252.67871 187.86816 curveto
-253.0205 188.02247 253.30175 188.23926 253.52246 188.51855 curveto
-253.74316 188.79786 253.91601 189.13477 254.04102 189.5293 curveto
-254.16601 189.92383 254.22851 190.34571 254.22852 190.79492 curveto
-254.22851 191.86133 253.96484 192.68555 253.4375 193.26758 curveto
-252.91015 193.84961 252.27734 194.14062 251.53906 194.14063 curveto
-250.80468 194.14062 250.22851 193.83398 249.81055 193.2207 curveto
-249.81055 194 lineto
-249.79883 190.8418 moveto
-249.79883 191.58789 249.90039 192.12695 250.10352 192.45898 curveto
-250.43554 193.00195 250.88476 193.27344 251.45117 193.27344 curveto
-251.91211 193.27344 252.31054 193.07324 252.64648 192.67285 curveto
-252.98242 192.27246 253.15039 191.67578 253.15039 190.88281 curveto
-253.15039 190.07032 252.98925 189.47071 252.66699 189.08398 curveto
-252.34472 188.69727 251.95507 188.50391 251.49805 188.50391 curveto
-251.03711 188.50391 250.63867 188.70411 250.30273 189.10449 curveto
-249.96679 189.50489 249.79883 190.08399 249.79883 190.8418 curveto
-249.79883 190.8418 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-255.125 190.88867 moveto
-255.125 189.73633 255.44531 188.88282 256.08594 188.32813 curveto
-256.62109 187.86719 257.27343 187.63673 258.04297 187.63672 curveto
-258.89843 187.63673 259.59765 187.917 260.14063 188.47754 curveto
-260.68359 189.03809 260.95507 189.8125 260.95508 190.80078 curveto
-260.95507 191.60156 260.83495 192.23145 260.59473 192.69043 curveto
-260.35449 193.14941 260.00488 193.50586 259.5459 193.75977 curveto
-259.08691 194.01367 258.58593 194.14062 258.04297 194.14063 curveto
-257.17187 194.14062 256.46777 193.86133 255.93066 193.30273 curveto
-255.39355 192.74414 255.125 191.93946 255.125 190.88867 curveto
-255.125 190.88867 lineto
-256.20898 190.88867 moveto
-256.20898 191.68555 256.38281 192.28223 256.73047 192.67871 curveto
-257.07812 193.0752 257.51562 193.27344 258.04297 193.27344 curveto
-258.5664 193.27344 259.00195 193.07422 259.34961 192.67578 curveto
-259.69726 192.27735 259.87109 191.66992 259.87109 190.85352 curveto
-259.87109 190.08399 259.69628 189.50098 259.34668 189.10449 curveto
-258.99707 188.70801 258.5625 188.50977 258.04297 188.50977 curveto
-257.51562 188.50977 257.07812 188.70704 256.73047 189.10156 curveto
-256.38281 189.4961 256.20898 190.0918 256.20898 190.88867 curveto
-256.20898 190.88867 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-262.17383 194 moveto
-262.17383 185.41016 lineto
-263.22852 185.41016 lineto
-263.22852 194 lineto
-262.17383 194 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-264.875 186.62305 moveto
-264.875 185.41016 lineto
-265.92969 185.41016 lineto
-265.92969 186.62305 lineto
-264.875 186.62305 lineto
-264.875 194 moveto
-264.875 187.77734 lineto
-265.92969 187.77734 lineto
-265.92969 194 lineto
-264.875 194 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-271.60156 191.7207 moveto
-272.63867 191.85547 lineto
-272.52538 192.57031 272.23535 193.12988 271.76855 193.53418 curveto
-271.30175 193.93848 270.72851 194.14062 270.04883 194.14063 curveto
-269.19726 194.14062 268.51269 193.8623 267.99512 193.30566 curveto
-267.47754 192.74902 267.21875 191.95117 267.21875 190.91211 curveto
-267.21875 190.24024 267.33008 189.65235 267.55273 189.14844 curveto
-267.77539 188.64454 268.11426 188.26661 268.56934 188.01465 curveto
-269.02441 187.7627 269.51953 187.63673 270.05469 187.63672 curveto
-270.73046 187.63673 271.2832 187.80762 271.71289 188.14941 curveto
-272.14257 188.49122 272.41796 188.97657 272.53906 189.60547 curveto
-271.51367 189.76367 lineto
-271.41601 189.34571 271.24316 189.03125 270.99512 188.82031 curveto
-270.74707 188.60938 270.44726 188.50391 270.0957 188.50391 curveto
-269.56445 188.50391 269.13281 188.69434 268.80078 189.0752 curveto
-268.46875 189.45606 268.30273 190.0586 268.30273 190.88281 curveto
-268.30273 191.71875 268.46289 192.32617 268.7832 192.70508 curveto
-269.10351 193.08399 269.52148 193.27344 270.03711 193.27344 curveto
-270.45117 193.27344 270.79687 193.14649 271.07422 192.89258 curveto
-271.35156 192.63867 271.52734 192.24805 271.60156 191.7207 curveto
-271.60156 191.7207 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-273.54688 194 moveto
-273.54688 185.41016 lineto
-274.60156 185.41016 lineto
-274.60156 190.30859 lineto
-277.09766 187.77734 lineto
-278.46289 187.77734 lineto
-276.08398 190.08594 lineto
-278.70313 194 lineto
-277.40234 194 lineto
-275.3457 190.81836 lineto
-274.60156 191.5332 lineto
-274.60156 194 lineto
-273.54688 194 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-279.49414 196.39648 moveto
-279.37695 195.40625 lineto
-279.60742 195.46875 279.80859 195.5 279.98047 195.5 curveto
-280.21484 195.5 280.40234 195.46094 280.54297 195.38281 curveto
-280.68359 195.30469 280.79883 195.19531 280.88867 195.05469 curveto
-280.95508 194.94922 281.0625 194.6875 281.21094 194.26953 curveto
-281.23047 194.21094 281.26172 194.125 281.30469 194.01172 curveto
-278.94336 187.77734 lineto
-280.08008 187.77734 lineto
-281.375 191.38086 lineto
-281.54297 191.83789 281.69336 192.31836 281.82617 192.82227 curveto
-281.94726 192.33789 282.09179 191.86524 282.25977 191.4043 curveto
-283.58984 187.77734 lineto
-284.64453 187.77734 lineto
-282.27734 194.10547 lineto
-282.02343 194.78906 281.82617 195.25976 281.68555 195.51758 curveto
-281.49804 195.86523 281.2832 196.12012 281.04102 196.28223 curveto
-280.79883 196.44433 280.50976 196.52539 280.17383 196.52539 curveto
-279.9707 196.52539 279.74414 196.48242 279.49414 196.39648 curveto
-279.49414 196.39648 lineto
-281.22266 187.00391 moveto
-282.00195 185.36328 lineto
-283.38477 185.36328 lineto
-282.0957 187.00391 lineto
-281.22266 187.00391 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-285.54102 194 moveto
-285.54102 187.77734 lineto
-286.48438 187.77734 lineto
-286.48438 188.65039 lineto
-286.67969 188.34571 286.93945 188.10059 287.26367 187.91504 curveto
-287.58789 187.7295 287.95703 187.63673 288.37109 187.63672 curveto
-288.83203 187.63673 289.20996 187.73243 289.50488 187.92383 curveto
-289.7998 188.11524 290.00781 188.38282 290.12891 188.72656 curveto
-290.62109 188.00001 291.26171 187.63673 292.05078 187.63672 curveto
-292.66796 187.63673 293.14257 187.80762 293.47461 188.14941 curveto
-293.80663 188.49122 293.97265 189.01758 293.97266 189.72852 curveto
-293.97266 194 lineto
-292.92383 194 lineto
-292.92383 190.08008 lineto
-292.92382 189.65821 292.88964 189.3545 292.82129 189.16895 curveto
-292.75292 188.9834 292.6289 188.83399 292.44922 188.7207 curveto
-292.26952 188.60743 292.05859 188.55079 291.81641 188.55078 curveto
-291.3789 188.55079 291.01562 188.69629 290.72656 188.9873 curveto
-290.43749 189.27833 290.29296 189.74414 290.29297 190.38477 curveto
-290.29297 194 lineto
-289.23828 194 lineto
-289.23828 189.95703 lineto
-289.23828 189.48829 289.15234 189.13672 288.98047 188.90234 curveto
-288.80859 188.66797 288.52734 188.55079 288.13672 188.55078 curveto
-287.83984 188.55079 287.56543 188.62891 287.31348 188.78516 curveto
-287.06152 188.94141 286.8789 189.16993 286.76563 189.4707 curveto
-286.65234 189.77149 286.5957 190.20508 286.5957 190.77148 curveto
-286.5957 194 lineto
-285.54102 194 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-295.55469 186.62305 moveto
-295.55469 185.41016 lineto
-296.60938 185.41016 lineto
-296.60938 186.62305 lineto
-295.55469 186.62305 lineto
-295.55469 194 moveto
-295.55469 187.77734 lineto
-296.60938 187.77734 lineto
-296.60938 194 lineto
-295.55469 194 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-224.39844 205.88867 moveto
-224.39844 204.73633 224.71875 203.88282 225.35938 203.32813 curveto
-225.89453 202.86719 226.54687 202.63673 227.31641 202.63672 curveto
-228.17187 202.63673 228.87109 202.917 229.41406 203.47754 curveto
-229.95703 204.03809 230.22851 204.8125 230.22852 205.80078 curveto
-230.22851 206.60156 230.10839 207.23145 229.86816 207.69043 curveto
-229.62792 208.14941 229.27832 208.50586 228.81934 208.75977 curveto
-228.36035 209.01367 227.85937 209.14062 227.31641 209.14063 curveto
-226.44531 209.14062 225.74121 208.86133 225.2041 208.30273 curveto
-224.66699 207.74414 224.39844 206.93946 224.39844 205.88867 curveto
-224.39844 205.88867 lineto
-225.48242 205.88867 moveto
-225.48242 206.68555 225.65625 207.28223 226.00391 207.67871 curveto
-226.35156 208.0752 226.78906 208.27344 227.31641 208.27344 curveto
-227.83984 208.27344 228.27539 208.07422 228.62305 207.67578 curveto
-228.9707 207.27735 229.14453 206.66992 229.14453 205.85352 curveto
-229.14453 205.08399 228.96972 204.50098 228.62012 204.10449 curveto
-228.2705 203.70801 227.83593 203.50977 227.31641 203.50977 curveto
-226.78906 203.50977 226.35156 203.70704 226.00391 204.10156 curveto
-225.65625 204.4961 225.48242 205.0918 225.48242 205.88867 curveto
-225.48242 205.88867 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-232.44336 209 moveto
-231.46484 209 lineto
-231.46484 200.41016 lineto
-232.51953 200.41016 lineto
-232.51953 203.47461 lineto
-232.96484 202.91602 233.5332 202.63673 234.22461 202.63672 curveto
-234.60742 202.63673 234.96972 202.71387 235.31152 202.86816 curveto
-235.65332 203.02247 235.93457 203.23926 236.15527 203.51855 curveto
-236.37597 203.79786 236.54882 204.13477 236.67383 204.5293 curveto
-236.79882 204.92383 236.86132 205.34571 236.86133 205.79492 curveto
-236.86132 206.86133 236.59765 207.68555 236.07031 208.26758 curveto
-235.54296 208.84961 234.91015 209.14062 234.17188 209.14063 curveto
-233.4375 209.14062 232.86133 208.83398 232.44336 208.2207 curveto
-232.44336 209 lineto
-232.43164 205.8418 moveto
-232.43164 206.58789 232.5332 207.12695 232.73633 207.45898 curveto
-233.06836 208.00195 233.51758 208.27344 234.08398 208.27344 curveto
-234.54492 208.27344 234.94336 208.07324 235.2793 207.67285 curveto
-235.61523 207.27246 235.7832 206.67578 235.7832 205.88281 curveto
-235.7832 205.07032 235.62207 204.47071 235.2998 204.08398 curveto
-234.97753 203.69727 234.58789 203.50391 234.13086 203.50391 curveto
-233.66992 203.50391 233.27148 203.70411 232.93555 204.10449 curveto
-232.59961 204.50489 232.43164 205.08399 232.43164 205.8418 curveto
-232.43164 205.8418 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-238.12695 209 moveto
-238.12695 200.41016 lineto
-239.18164 200.41016 lineto
-239.18164 209 lineto
-238.12695 209 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-240.42969 205.88867 moveto
-240.42969 204.73633 240.75 203.88282 241.39063 203.32813 curveto
-241.92578 202.86719 242.57812 202.63673 243.34766 202.63672 curveto
-244.20312 202.63673 244.90234 202.917 245.44531 203.47754 curveto
-245.98828 204.03809 246.25976 204.8125 246.25977 205.80078 curveto
-246.25976 206.60156 246.13964 207.23145 245.89941 207.69043 curveto
-245.65917 208.14941 245.30957 208.50586 244.85059 208.75977 curveto
-244.3916 209.01367 243.89062 209.14062 243.34766 209.14063 curveto
-242.47656 209.14062 241.77246 208.86133 241.23535 208.30273 curveto
-240.69824 207.74414 240.42969 206.93946 240.42969 205.88867 curveto
-240.42969 205.88867 lineto
-241.51367 205.88867 moveto
-241.51367 206.68555 241.6875 207.28223 242.03516 207.67871 curveto
-242.38281 208.0752 242.82031 208.27344 243.34766 208.27344 curveto
-243.87109 208.27344 244.30664 208.07422 244.6543 207.67578 curveto
-245.00195 207.27735 245.17578 206.66992 245.17578 205.85352 curveto
-245.17578 205.08399 245.00097 204.50098 244.65137 204.10449 curveto
-244.30175 203.70801 243.86718 203.50977 243.34766 203.50977 curveto
-242.82031 203.50977 242.38281 203.70704 242.03516 204.10156 curveto
-241.6875 204.4961 241.51367 205.0918 241.51367 205.88867 curveto
-241.51367 205.88867 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-251.58008 209 moveto
-251.58008 208.08594 lineto
-251.0957 208.78906 250.4375 209.14062 249.60547 209.14063 curveto
-249.23828 209.14062 248.89551 209.07031 248.57715 208.92969 curveto
-248.25879 208.78906 248.02246 208.61231 247.86816 208.39941 curveto
-247.71387 208.18652 247.60547 207.92578 247.54297 207.61719 curveto
-247.5 207.41016 247.47851 207.08203 247.47852 206.63281 curveto
-247.47852 202.77734 lineto
-248.5332 202.77734 lineto
-248.5332 206.22852 lineto
-248.5332 206.7793 248.55469 207.15039 248.59766 207.3418 curveto
-248.66406 207.61914 248.80469 207.83692 249.01953 207.99512 curveto
-249.23437 208.15332 249.5 208.23242 249.81641 208.23242 curveto
-250.13281 208.23242 250.42968 208.15137 250.70703 207.98926 curveto
-250.98437 207.82715 251.18066 207.60645 251.2959 207.32715 curveto
-251.41113 207.04785 251.46875 206.64258 251.46875 206.11133 curveto
-251.46875 202.77734 lineto
-252.52344 202.77734 lineto
-252.52344 209 lineto
-251.58008 209 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-254.1875 209 moveto
-254.1875 200.41016 lineto
-255.24219 200.41016 lineto
-255.24219 205.30859 lineto
-257.73828 202.77734 lineto
-259.10352 202.77734 lineto
-256.72461 205.08594 lineto
-259.34375 209 lineto
-258.04297 209 lineto
-255.98633 205.81836 lineto
-255.24219 206.5332 lineto
-255.24219 209 lineto
-254.1875 209 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-260.13477 211.39648 moveto
-260.01758 210.40625 lineto
-260.24805 210.46875 260.44922 210.5 260.62109 210.5 curveto
-260.85547 210.5 261.04297 210.46094 261.18359 210.38281 curveto
-261.32422 210.30469 261.43945 210.19531 261.5293 210.05469 curveto
-261.5957 209.94922 261.70312 209.6875 261.85156 209.26953 curveto
-261.87109 209.21094 261.90234 209.125 261.94531 209.01172 curveto
-259.58398 202.77734 lineto
-260.7207 202.77734 lineto
-262.01563 206.38086 lineto
-262.18359 206.83789 262.33398 207.31836 262.4668 207.82227 curveto
-262.58789 207.33789 262.73242 206.86524 262.90039 206.4043 curveto
-264.23047 202.77734 lineto
-265.28516 202.77734 lineto
-262.91797 209.10547 lineto
-262.66406 209.78906 262.46679 210.25976 262.32617 210.51758 curveto
-262.13867 210.86523 261.92383 211.12012 261.68164 211.28223 curveto
-261.43945 211.44433 261.15039 211.52539 260.81445 211.52539 curveto
-260.61133 211.52539 260.38476 211.48242 260.13477 211.39648 curveto
-260.13477 211.39648 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-266.87305 211.52539 moveto
-266.11719 211.52539 lineto
-267.28515 209.65039 267.86914 207.77344 267.86914 205.89453 curveto
-267.86914 205.16016 267.78515 204.43165 267.61719 203.70898 curveto
-267.48437 203.12305 267.29883 202.56055 267.06055 202.02148 curveto
-266.9082 201.66993 266.59375 201.08399 266.11719 200.26367 curveto
-266.87305 200.26367 lineto
-267.60742 201.24415 268.15039 202.22852 268.50195 203.2168 curveto
-268.80273 204.06836 268.95312 204.95899 268.95313 205.88867 curveto
-268.95312 206.94336 268.75097 207.96289 268.34668 208.94727 curveto
-267.94238 209.93164 267.45117 210.79101 266.87305 211.52539 curveto
-266.87305 211.52539 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-150 66 moveto
-194 63 219 61 219 61 curveto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-159.45486 94.545143 moveto
-195.22258 91.490971 215.54514 89.454857 215.54514 89.454857 curveto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-155.46577 78.534225 moveto
-193.13261 75.493155 214.53423 73.465775 214.53423 73.465775 curveto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-0.84798157 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-164.42399 110.57601 moveto
-195.12963 107.4848 212.57601 105.42399 212.57601 105.42399 curveto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-166 50 moveto
-176 122 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-181 48 moveto
-191 120 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
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-0 setlinecap
-195 46 moveto
-205 118 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-205 27 moveto
-208 52 lineto
-233 31 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
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-208 52 moveto
-208.85183 47.434905 213.69484 39.740216 218 34 curveto
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-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-213.38086 17 moveto
-210.05273 8.4101563 lineto
-211.2832 8.4101563 lineto
-213.51563 14.650391 lineto
-213.69531 15.150392 213.8457 15.619142 213.9668 16.056641 curveto
-214.09961 15.587892 214.2539 15.119143 214.42969 14.650391 curveto
-216.75 8.4101563 lineto
-217.91016 8.4101563 lineto
-214.54688 17 lineto
-213.38086 17 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-218.80664 17 moveto
-218.80664 10.777344 lineto
-219.75586 10.777344 lineto
-219.75586 11.662109 lineto
-220.21289 10.978522 220.87304 10.636725 221.73633 10.636719 curveto
-222.11132 10.636725 222.45605 10.704108 222.77051 10.838867 curveto
-223.08496 10.973639 223.32031 11.150396 223.47656 11.369141 curveto
-223.63281 11.587896 223.74218 11.847661 223.80469 12.148438 curveto
-223.84374 12.343755 223.86328 12.685551 223.86328 13.173828 curveto
-223.86328 17 lineto
-222.80859 17 lineto
-222.80859 13.214844 lineto
-222.80859 12.78516 222.76757 12.463872 222.68555 12.250977 curveto
-222.60351 12.038091 222.458 11.868169 222.24902 11.741211 curveto
-222.04004 11.614263 221.79492 11.550787 221.51367 11.550781 curveto
-221.06445 11.550787 220.67676 11.693365 220.35059 11.978516 curveto
-220.02441 12.263677 219.86133 12.804692 219.86133 13.601563 curveto
-219.86133 17 lineto
-218.80664 17 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-225.49219 9.6230469 moveto
-225.49219 8.4101563 lineto
-226.54688 8.4101563 lineto
-226.54688 9.6230469 lineto
-225.49219 9.6230469 lineto
-225.49219 17 moveto
-225.49219 10.777344 lineto
-226.54688 10.777344 lineto
-226.54688 17 lineto
-225.49219 17 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-230.46094 16.056641 moveto
-230.61328 16.988281 lineto
-230.3164 17.050781 230.05078 17.082031 229.81641 17.082031 curveto
-229.43359 17.082031 229.13672 17.021484 228.92578 16.900391 curveto
-228.71484 16.779297 228.56641 16.620118 228.48047 16.422852 curveto
-228.39453 16.225587 228.35156 15.810548 228.35156 15.177734 curveto
-228.35156 11.597656 lineto
-227.57813 11.597656 lineto
-227.57813 10.777344 lineto
-228.35156 10.777344 lineto
-228.35156 9.2363281 lineto
-229.40039 8.6035156 lineto
-229.40039 10.777344 lineto
-230.46094 10.777344 lineto
-230.46094 11.597656 lineto
-229.40039 11.597656 lineto
-229.40039 15.236328 lineto
-229.40039 15.537111 229.41894 15.73047 229.45605 15.816406 curveto
-229.49316 15.902345 229.55371 15.970704 229.6377 16.021484 curveto
-229.72168 16.072267 229.84179 16.097657 229.99805 16.097656 curveto
-230.11523 16.097657 230.26953 16.083985 230.46094 16.056641 curveto
-230.46094 16.056641 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-231.47461 17 moveto
-231.47461 10.777344 lineto
-232.42383 10.777344 lineto
-232.42383 11.720703 lineto
-232.66601 11.279303 232.88965 10.988287 233.09473 10.847656 curveto
-233.2998 10.707038 233.52539 10.636725 233.77148 10.636719 curveto
-234.12695 10.636725 234.48828 10.750006 234.85547 10.976563 curveto
-234.49219 11.955078 lineto
-234.23437 11.80274 233.97656 11.726568 233.71875 11.726563 curveto
-233.48828 11.726568 233.28125 11.795904 233.09766 11.93457 curveto
-232.91406 12.073247 232.7832 12.26563 232.70508 12.511719 curveto
-232.58789 12.886723 232.5293 13.296879 232.5293 13.742188 curveto
-232.5293 17 lineto
-231.47461 17 lineto
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-233.56055 8.3632813 lineto
-234.75586 8.3632813 lineto
-233.4375 10.003906 lineto
-232.3125 10.003906 lineto
-231.04688 8.3632813 lineto
-232.25391 8.3632813 lineto
-232.91602 9.359375 lineto
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-239.75391 14.996094 moveto
-240.84375 15.130859 lineto
-240.67187 15.767579 240.35351 16.261719 239.88867 16.613281 curveto
-239.42382 16.964844 238.83007 17.140625 238.10742 17.140625 curveto
-237.19726 17.140625 236.47558 16.860352 235.94238 16.299805 curveto
-235.40918 15.739259 235.14258 14.953127 235.14258 13.941406 curveto
-235.14258 12.894535 235.41211 12.082036 235.95117 11.503906 curveto
-236.49023 10.925787 237.18945 10.636725 238.04883 10.636719 curveto
-238.88086 10.636725 239.56054 10.919928 240.08789 11.486328 curveto
-240.61523 12.052739 240.8789 12.849614 240.87891 13.876953 curveto
-240.8789 13.939456 240.87695 14.033206 240.87305 14.158203 curveto
-236.23242 14.158203 lineto
-236.27148 14.841799 236.46484 15.365236 236.8125 15.728516 curveto
-237.16015 16.091798 237.59375 16.273438 238.11328 16.273438 curveto
-238.5 16.273438 238.83007 16.171876 239.10352 15.96875 curveto
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-239.75391 14.996094 lineto
-236.29102 13.291016 moveto
-239.76563 13.291016 lineto
-239.71874 12.767582 239.58593 12.375005 239.36719 12.113281 curveto
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-237.57617 11.503912 237.16894 11.666021 236.83887 11.990234 curveto
-236.50879 12.314458 236.32617 12.748051 236.29102 13.291016 curveto
-236.29102 13.291016 lineto
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-243.23438 8.4101563 lineto
-243.23438 13.308594 lineto
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-247.0957 10.777344 lineto
-244.7168 13.085938 lineto
-247.33594 17 lineto
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-243.23438 14.533203 lineto
-243.23438 17 lineto
-242.17969 17 lineto
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-73.462891 28.525391 moveto
-72.880857 27.791014 72.38867 26.93164 71.986328 25.947266 curveto
-71.583983 24.962892 71.382812 23.943361 71.382813 22.888672 curveto
-71.382812 21.958988 71.533202 21.068364 71.833984 20.216797 curveto
-72.185545 19.228522 72.728514 18.244148 73.462891 17.263672 curveto
-74.21875 17.263672 lineto
-73.746091 18.07618 73.433591 18.656257 73.28125 19.003906 curveto
-73.042966 19.542975 72.855467 20.105475 72.71875 20.691406 curveto
-72.550779 21.42188 72.466795 22.156254 72.466797 22.894531 curveto
-72.466795 24.773439 73.050779 26.65039 74.21875 28.525391 curveto
-73.462891 28.525391 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-77.757813 25.056641 moveto
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-77.613278 26.050781 77.347654 26.082031 77.113281 26.082031 curveto
-76.730467 26.082031 76.433592 26.021484 76.222656 25.900391 curveto
-76.011717 25.779297 75.86328 25.620118 75.777344 25.422852 curveto
-75.691405 25.225587 75.648437 24.810548 75.648438 24.177734 curveto
-75.648438 20.597656 lineto
-74.875 20.597656 lineto
-74.875 19.777344 lineto
-75.648438 19.777344 lineto
-75.648438 18.236328 lineto
-76.697266 17.603516 lineto
-76.697266 19.777344 lineto
-77.757813 19.777344 lineto
-77.757813 20.597656 lineto
-76.697266 20.597656 lineto
-76.697266 24.236328 lineto
-76.697264 24.537111 76.715818 24.73047 76.75293 24.816406 curveto
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-77.018552 25.072267 77.138669 25.097657 77.294922 25.097656 curveto
-77.412107 25.097657 77.566403 25.083985 77.757813 25.056641 curveto
-77.757813 25.056641 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-82.84375 25.232422 moveto
-82.453121 25.564454 82.077144 25.798828 81.71582 25.935547 curveto
-81.354489 26.072266 80.966794 26.140625 80.552734 26.140625 curveto
-79.869139 26.140625 79.343749 25.973633 78.976563 25.639648 curveto
-78.609374 25.305665 78.425781 24.878907 78.425781 24.359375 curveto
-78.425781 24.054689 78.495117 23.776369 78.633789 23.524414 curveto
-78.77246 23.272464 78.954101 23.070315 79.178711 22.917969 curveto
-79.403319 22.765628 79.656248 22.650394 79.9375 22.572266 curveto
-80.144529 22.517582 80.457029 22.464847 80.875 22.414063 curveto
-81.726559 22.312504 82.353511 22.19141 82.755859 22.050781 curveto
-82.759761 21.906254 82.761714 21.814457 82.761719 21.775391 curveto
-82.761714 21.345708 82.662105 21.042974 82.462891 20.867188 curveto
-82.193355 20.628912 81.792965 20.509771 81.261719 20.509766 curveto
-80.765622 20.509771 80.399412 20.596685 80.163086 20.770508 curveto
-79.926756 20.944341 79.751951 21.251958 79.638672 21.693359 curveto
-78.607422 21.552734 lineto
-78.701171 21.111333 78.855468 20.754888 79.070313 20.483398 curveto
-79.285155 20.21192 79.595702 20.002936 80.001953 19.856445 curveto
-80.408201 19.709967 80.878903 19.636725 81.414063 19.636719 curveto
-81.945309 19.636725 82.376949 19.699225 82.708984 19.824219 curveto
-83.041011 19.949225 83.285151 20.106451 83.441406 20.295898 curveto
-83.597651 20.485357 83.707026 20.724615 83.769531 21.013672 curveto
-83.804682 21.193364 83.82226 21.517583 83.822266 21.986328 curveto
-83.822266 23.392578 lineto
-83.82226 24.373049 83.844721 24.993165 83.889648 25.25293 curveto
-83.934564 25.512696 84.023431 25.761719 84.15625 26 curveto
-83.054688 26 lineto
-82.945308 25.78125 82.874995 25.525391 82.84375 25.232422 curveto
-82.84375 25.232422 lineto
-82.755859 22.876953 moveto
-82.373042 23.033206 81.798824 23.166018 81.033203 23.275391 curveto
-80.599607 23.337893 80.292966 23.408206 80.113281 23.486328 curveto
-79.933592 23.564456 79.79492 23.678713 79.697266 23.829102 curveto
-79.599608 23.979494 79.55078 24.146486 79.550781 24.330078 curveto
-79.55078 24.61133 79.657225 24.845704 79.870117 25.033203 curveto
-80.083006 25.220704 80.394529 25.314454 80.804688 25.314453 curveto
-81.210934 25.314454 81.572262 25.225587 81.888672 25.047852 curveto
-82.205074 24.870118 82.437496 24.626954 82.585938 24.318359 curveto
-82.699214 24.08008 82.755855 23.728518 82.755859 23.263672 curveto
-82.755859 22.876953 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-89.5 26 moveto
-89.5 25.214844 lineto
-89.105464 25.832031 88.525387 26.140625 87.759766 26.140625 curveto
-87.263669 26.140625 86.807615 26.003906 86.391602 25.730469 curveto
-85.975585 25.457032 85.653319 25.075196 85.424805 24.584961 curveto
-85.196289 24.094728 85.082031 23.531252 85.082031 22.894531 curveto
-85.082031 22.273441 85.185546 21.709965 85.392578 21.204102 curveto
-85.599608 20.698247 85.910155 20.310553 86.324219 20.041016 curveto
-86.738279 19.771491 87.201169 19.636725 87.712891 19.636719 curveto
-88.087887 19.636725 88.421871 19.715827 88.714844 19.874023 curveto
-89.007808 20.032233 89.246089 20.238287 89.429688 20.492188 curveto
-89.429688 17.410156 lineto
-90.478516 17.410156 lineto
-90.478516 26 lineto
-89.5 26 lineto
-86.166016 22.894531 moveto
-86.166014 23.691409 86.333983 24.287111 86.669922 24.681641 curveto
-87.005857 25.076173 87.402341 25.273438 87.859375 25.273438 curveto
-88.320309 25.273438 88.71191 25.084962 89.03418 24.708008 curveto
-89.356441 24.331056 89.517573 23.755862 89.517578 22.982422 curveto
-89.517573 22.130863 89.353511 21.505864 89.025391 21.107422 curveto
-88.697262 20.70899 88.292965 20.509771 87.8125 20.509766 curveto
-87.343747 20.509771 86.952146 20.701177 86.637695 21.083984 curveto
-86.323241 21.466801 86.166014 22.070316 86.166016 22.894531 curveto
-86.166016 22.894531 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-92.095703 28.396484 moveto
-91.978516 27.40625 lineto
-92.208984 27.468749 92.410155 27.499999 92.582031 27.5 curveto
-92.816405 27.499999 93.003905 27.460936 93.144531 27.382813 curveto
-93.285154 27.304686 93.400389 27.195311 93.490234 27.054688 curveto
-93.556638 26.949218 93.66406 26.687499 93.8125 26.269531 curveto
-93.832029 26.210937 93.863279 26.125 93.90625 26.011719 curveto
-91.544922 19.777344 lineto
-92.681641 19.777344 lineto
-93.976563 23.380859 lineto
-94.144528 23.837893 94.294919 24.318361 94.427734 24.822266 curveto
-94.548825 24.337892 94.693356 23.865237 94.861328 23.404297 curveto
-96.191406 19.777344 lineto
-97.246094 19.777344 lineto
-94.878906 26.105469 lineto
-94.624997 26.789062 94.427731 27.259764 94.287109 27.517578 curveto
-94.099607 27.865233 93.884763 28.120115 93.642578 28.282227 curveto
-93.400389 28.444333 93.111326 28.525388 92.775391 28.525391 curveto
-92.572264 28.525388 92.345702 28.482419 92.095703 28.396484 curveto
-92.095703 28.396484 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-105.54883 26 moveto
-105.54883 25.085938 lineto
-105.06445 25.789063 104.40625 26.140625 103.57422 26.140625 curveto
-103.20703 26.140625 102.86426 26.070312 102.5459 25.929688 curveto
-102.22754 25.789063 101.99121 25.612305 101.83691 25.399414 curveto
-101.68262 25.186524 101.57422 24.925782 101.51172 24.617188 curveto
-101.46875 24.410158 101.44726 24.082033 101.44727 23.632813 curveto
-101.44727 19.777344 lineto
-102.50195 19.777344 lineto
-102.50195 23.228516 lineto
-102.50195 23.779299 102.52344 24.150392 102.56641 24.341797 curveto
-102.63281 24.619142 102.77344 24.836915 102.98828 24.995117 curveto
-103.20312 25.153321 103.46875 25.232423 103.78516 25.232422 curveto
-104.10156 25.232423 104.39843 25.151368 104.67578 24.989258 curveto
-104.95312 24.82715 105.14941 24.606447 105.26465 24.327148 curveto
-105.37988 24.047854 105.4375 23.64258 105.4375 23.111328 curveto
-105.4375 19.777344 lineto
-106.49219 19.777344 lineto
-106.49219 26 lineto
-105.54883 26 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-107.59375 26 moveto
-107.59375 25.144531 lineto
-111.55469 20.597656 lineto
-111.10547 20.621099 110.70898 20.632818 110.36523 20.632813 curveto
-107.82813 20.632813 lineto
-107.82813 19.777344 lineto
-112.91406 19.777344 lineto
-112.91406 20.474609 lineto
-109.54492 24.423828 lineto
-108.89453 25.144531 lineto
-109.36719 25.109376 109.81054 25.091798 110.22461 25.091797 curveto
-113.10156 25.091797 lineto
-113.10156 26 lineto
-107.59375 26 lineto
-110.54102 18.359375 moveto
-111.18555 17.363281 lineto
-112.38086 17.363281 lineto
-111.0625 19.003906 lineto
-109.9375 19.003906 lineto
-108.67188 17.363281 lineto
-109.87891 17.363281 lineto
-110.54102 18.359375 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-117.47852 26 moveto
-117.47852 19.777344 lineto
-118.42773 19.777344 lineto
-118.42773 20.662109 lineto
-118.88476 19.978522 119.54492 19.636725 120.4082 19.636719 curveto
-120.7832 19.636725 121.12793 19.704108 121.44238 19.838867 curveto
-121.75683 19.973639 121.99218 20.150396 122.14844 20.369141 curveto
-122.30468 20.587896 122.41406 20.847661 122.47656 21.148438 curveto
-122.51562 21.343755 122.53515 21.685551 122.53516 22.173828 curveto
-122.53516 26 lineto
-121.48047 26 lineto
-121.48047 22.214844 lineto
-121.48046 21.78516 121.43945 21.463872 121.35742 21.250977 curveto
-121.27539 21.038091 121.12988 20.868169 120.9209 20.741211 curveto
-120.71191 20.614263 120.46679 20.550787 120.18555 20.550781 curveto
-119.73633 20.550787 119.34863 20.693365 119.02246 20.978516 curveto
-118.69629 21.263677 118.5332 21.804692 118.5332 22.601563 curveto
-118.5332 26 lineto
-117.47852 26 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-124.16406 18.623047 moveto
-124.16406 17.410156 lineto
-125.21875 17.410156 lineto
-125.21875 18.623047 lineto
-124.16406 18.623047 lineto
-124.16406 26 moveto
-124.16406 19.777344 lineto
-125.21875 19.777344 lineto
-125.21875 26 lineto
-124.16406 26 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-130.89063 23.720703 moveto
-131.92773 23.855469 lineto
-131.81445 24.570314 131.52441 25.129884 131.05762 25.53418 curveto
-130.59082 25.938477 130.01757 26.140625 129.33789 26.140625 curveto
-128.48633 26.140625 127.80176 25.862305 127.28418 25.305664 curveto
-126.7666 24.749025 126.50781 23.951174 126.50781 22.912109 curveto
-126.50781 22.240238 126.61914 21.652348 126.8418 21.148438 curveto
-127.06445 20.644537 127.40332 20.266607 127.8584 20.014648 curveto
-128.31347 19.762702 128.80859 19.636725 129.34375 19.636719 curveto
-130.01953 19.636725 130.57226 19.807623 131.00195 20.149414 curveto
-131.43164 20.491216 131.70703 20.976568 131.82813 21.605469 curveto
-130.80273 21.763672 lineto
-130.70507 21.345708 130.53222 21.031255 130.28418 20.820313 curveto
-130.03613 20.60938 129.73632 20.503912 129.38477 20.503906 curveto
-128.85351 20.503912 128.42187 20.694341 128.08984 21.075195 curveto
-127.75781 21.456059 127.5918 22.058598 127.5918 22.882813 curveto
-127.5918 23.718752 127.75195 24.326174 128.07227 24.705078 curveto
-128.39258 25.083985 128.81054 25.273438 129.32617 25.273438 curveto
-129.74023 25.273438 130.08593 25.146485 130.36328 24.892578 curveto
-130.64062 24.638673 130.8164 24.248049 130.89063 23.720703 curveto
-130.89063 23.720703 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-136.1582 26 moveto
-136.1582 19.777344 lineto
-137.10742 19.777344 lineto
-137.10742 20.662109 lineto
-137.56445 19.978522 138.22461 19.636725 139.08789 19.636719 curveto
-139.46289 19.636725 139.80761 19.704108 140.12207 19.838867 curveto
-140.43652 19.973639 140.67187 20.150396 140.82813 20.369141 curveto
-140.98437 20.587896 141.09374 20.847661 141.15625 21.148438 curveto
-141.19531 21.343755 141.21484 21.685551 141.21484 22.173828 curveto
-141.21484 26 lineto
-140.16016 26 lineto
-140.16016 22.214844 lineto
-140.16015 21.78516 140.11914 21.463872 140.03711 21.250977 curveto
-139.95507 21.038091 139.80957 20.868169 139.60059 20.741211 curveto
-139.3916 20.614263 139.14648 20.550787 138.86523 20.550781 curveto
-138.41601 20.550787 138.02832 20.693365 137.70215 20.978516 curveto
-137.37597 21.263677 137.21289 21.804692 137.21289 22.601563 curveto
-137.21289 26 lineto
-136.1582 26 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-147.09766 23.996094 moveto
-148.1875 24.130859 lineto
-148.01562 24.767579 147.69726 25.261719 147.23242 25.613281 curveto
-146.76757 25.964844 146.17382 26.140625 145.45117 26.140625 curveto
-144.54101 26.140625 143.81933 25.860352 143.28613 25.299805 curveto
-142.75293 24.739259 142.48633 23.953127 142.48633 22.941406 curveto
-142.48633 21.894535 142.75586 21.082036 143.29492 20.503906 curveto
-143.83398 19.925787 144.5332 19.636725 145.39258 19.636719 curveto
-146.22461 19.636725 146.90429 19.919928 147.43164 20.486328 curveto
-147.95898 21.052739 148.22265 21.849614 148.22266 22.876953 curveto
-148.22265 22.939456 148.2207 23.033206 148.2168 23.158203 curveto
-143.57617 23.158203 lineto
-143.61523 23.841799 143.80859 24.365236 144.15625 24.728516 curveto
-144.5039 25.091798 144.9375 25.273438 145.45703 25.273438 curveto
-145.84375 25.273438 146.17382 25.171876 146.44727 24.96875 curveto
-146.7207 24.765626 146.9375 24.441408 147.09766 23.996094 curveto
-147.09766 23.996094 lineto
-143.63477 22.291016 moveto
-147.10938 22.291016 lineto
-147.06249 21.767582 146.92968 21.375005 146.71094 21.113281 curveto
-146.375 20.707037 145.93945 20.503912 145.4043 20.503906 curveto
-144.91992 20.503912 144.51269 20.666021 144.18262 20.990234 curveto
-143.85254 21.314458 143.66992 21.748051 143.63477 22.291016 curveto
-143.63477 22.291016 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-149.51758 26 moveto
-149.51758 19.777344 lineto
-150.46094 19.777344 lineto
-150.46094 20.650391 lineto
-150.65625 20.345709 150.91601 20.100592 151.24023 19.915039 curveto
-151.56445 19.729498 151.93359 19.636725 152.34766 19.636719 curveto
-152.80859 19.636725 153.18652 19.732428 153.48145 19.923828 curveto
-153.77636 20.11524 153.98437 20.382818 154.10547 20.726563 curveto
-154.59765 20.000006 155.23827 19.636725 156.02734 19.636719 curveto
-156.64452 19.636725 157.11913 19.807623 157.45117 20.149414 curveto
-157.78319 20.491216 157.94921 21.017583 157.94922 21.728516 curveto
-157.94922 26 lineto
-156.90039 26 lineto
-156.90039 22.080078 lineto
-156.90038 21.658207 156.8662 21.354497 156.79785 21.168945 curveto
-156.72948 20.983403 156.60546 20.83399 156.42578 20.720703 curveto
-156.24609 20.607427 156.03515 20.550787 155.79297 20.550781 curveto
-155.35546 20.550787 154.99218 20.696294 154.70313 20.987305 curveto
-154.41406 21.278325 154.26953 21.744145 154.26953 22.384766 curveto
-154.26953 26 lineto
-153.21484 26 lineto
-153.21484 21.957031 lineto
-153.21484 21.488286 153.1289 21.136724 152.95703 20.902344 curveto
-152.78515 20.667974 152.5039 20.550787 152.11328 20.550781 curveto
-151.8164 20.550787 151.54199 20.628912 151.29004 20.785156 curveto
-151.03808 20.941411 150.85547 21.169927 150.74219 21.470703 curveto
-150.6289 21.771489 150.57226 22.205082 150.57227 22.771484 curveto
-150.57227 26 lineto
-149.51758 26 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-163.78516 23.996094 moveto
-164.875 24.130859 lineto
-164.70312 24.767579 164.38476 25.261719 163.91992 25.613281 curveto
-163.45507 25.964844 162.86132 26.140625 162.13867 26.140625 curveto
-161.22851 26.140625 160.50683 25.860352 159.97363 25.299805 curveto
-159.44043 24.739259 159.17383 23.953127 159.17383 22.941406 curveto
-159.17383 21.894535 159.44336 21.082036 159.98242 20.503906 curveto
-160.52148 19.925787 161.2207 19.636725 162.08008 19.636719 curveto
-162.91211 19.636725 163.59179 19.919928 164.11914 20.486328 curveto
-164.64648 21.052739 164.91015 21.849614 164.91016 22.876953 curveto
-164.91015 22.939456 164.9082 23.033206 164.9043 23.158203 curveto
-160.26367 23.158203 lineto
-160.30273 23.841799 160.49609 24.365236 160.84375 24.728516 curveto
-161.1914 25.091798 161.625 25.273438 162.14453 25.273438 curveto
-162.53125 25.273438 162.86132 25.171876 163.13477 24.96875 curveto
-163.4082 24.765626 163.625 24.441408 163.78516 23.996094 curveto
-163.78516 23.996094 lineto
-160.32227 22.291016 moveto
-163.79688 22.291016 lineto
-163.74999 21.767582 163.61718 21.375005 163.39844 21.113281 curveto
-163.0625 20.707037 162.62695 20.503912 162.0918 20.503906 curveto
-161.60742 20.503912 161.20019 20.666021 160.87012 20.990234 curveto
-160.54004 21.314458 160.35742 21.748051 160.32227 22.291016 curveto
-160.32227 22.291016 lineto
-162.15039 18.359375 moveto
-162.79492 17.363281 lineto
-163.99023 17.363281 lineto
-162.67188 19.003906 lineto
-161.54688 19.003906 lineto
-160.28125 17.363281 lineto
-161.48828 17.363281 lineto
-162.15039 18.359375 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-166.20508 26 moveto
-166.20508 19.777344 lineto
-167.1543 19.777344 lineto
-167.1543 20.662109 lineto
-167.61133 19.978522 168.27148 19.636725 169.13477 19.636719 curveto
-169.50976 19.636725 169.85449 19.704108 170.16895 19.838867 curveto
-170.48339 19.973639 170.71874 20.150396 170.875 20.369141 curveto
-171.03124 20.587896 171.14062 20.847661 171.20313 21.148438 curveto
-171.24218 21.343755 171.26171 21.685551 171.26172 22.173828 curveto
-171.26172 26 lineto
-170.20703 26 lineto
-170.20703 22.214844 lineto
-170.20703 21.78516 170.16601 21.463872 170.08398 21.250977 curveto
-170.00195 21.038091 169.85644 20.868169 169.64746 20.741211 curveto
-169.43847 20.614263 169.19336 20.550787 168.91211 20.550781 curveto
-168.46289 20.550787 168.07519 20.693365 167.74902 20.978516 curveto
-167.42285 21.263677 167.25976 21.804692 167.25977 22.601563 curveto
-167.25977 26 lineto
-166.20508 26 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-173.25391 26 moveto
-173.25391 19.777344 lineto
-174.30859 19.777344 lineto
-174.30859 26 lineto
-173.25391 26 lineto
-173.20703 19.003906 moveto
-173.98633 17.363281 lineto
-175.36914 17.363281 lineto
-174.08008 19.003906 lineto
-173.20703 19.003906 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-176.21289 26 moveto
-176.21289 19.777344 lineto
-177.15625 19.777344 lineto
-177.15625 20.650391 lineto
-177.35156 20.345709 177.61133 20.100592 177.93555 19.915039 curveto
-178.25976 19.729498 178.6289 19.636725 179.04297 19.636719 curveto
-179.5039 19.636725 179.88183 19.732428 180.17676 19.923828 curveto
-180.47167 20.11524 180.67968 20.382818 180.80078 20.726563 curveto
-181.29296 20.000006 181.93359 19.636725 182.72266 19.636719 curveto
-183.33984 19.636725 183.81444 19.807623 184.14648 20.149414 curveto
-184.47851 20.491216 184.64452 21.017583 184.64453 21.728516 curveto
-184.64453 26 lineto
-183.5957 26 lineto
-183.5957 22.080078 lineto
-183.59569 21.658207 183.56152 21.354497 183.49316 21.168945 curveto
-183.4248 20.983403 183.30077 20.83399 183.12109 20.720703 curveto
-182.9414 20.607427 182.73046 20.550787 182.48828 20.550781 curveto
-182.05077 20.550787 181.68749 20.696294 181.39844 20.987305 curveto
-181.10937 21.278325 180.96484 21.744145 180.96484 22.384766 curveto
-180.96484 26 lineto
-179.91016 26 lineto
-179.91016 21.957031 lineto
-179.91015 21.488286 179.82421 21.136724 179.65234 20.902344 curveto
-179.48046 20.667974 179.19921 20.550787 178.80859 20.550781 curveto
-178.51172 20.550787 178.2373 20.628912 177.98535 20.785156 curveto
-177.7334 20.941411 177.55078 21.169927 177.4375 21.470703 curveto
-177.32422 21.771489 177.26758 22.205082 177.26758 22.771484 curveto
-177.26758 26 lineto
-176.21289 26 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-190.48047 23.996094 moveto
-191.57031 24.130859 lineto
-191.39843 24.767579 191.08007 25.261719 190.61523 25.613281 curveto
-190.15039 25.964844 189.55664 26.140625 188.83398 26.140625 curveto
-187.92383 26.140625 187.20215 25.860352 186.66895 25.299805 curveto
-186.13574 24.739259 185.86914 23.953127 185.86914 22.941406 curveto
-185.86914 21.894535 186.13867 21.082036 186.67773 20.503906 curveto
-187.2168 19.925787 187.91601 19.636725 188.77539 19.636719 curveto
-189.60742 19.636725 190.2871 19.919928 190.81445 20.486328 curveto
-191.34179 21.052739 191.60546 21.849614 191.60547 22.876953 curveto
-191.60546 22.939456 191.60351 23.033206 191.59961 23.158203 curveto
-186.95898 23.158203 lineto
-186.99805 23.841799 187.1914 24.365236 187.53906 24.728516 curveto
-187.88672 25.091798 188.32031 25.273438 188.83984 25.273438 curveto
-189.22656 25.273438 189.55664 25.171876 189.83008 24.96875 curveto
-190.10351 24.765626 190.32031 24.441408 190.48047 23.996094 curveto
-190.48047 23.996094 lineto
-187.01758 22.291016 moveto
-190.49219 22.291016 lineto
-190.44531 21.767582 190.3125 21.375005 190.09375 21.113281 curveto
-189.75781 20.707037 189.32226 20.503912 188.78711 20.503906 curveto
-188.30273 20.503912 187.89551 20.666021 187.56543 20.990234 curveto
-187.23535 21.314458 187.05273 21.748051 187.01758 22.291016 curveto
-187.01758 22.291016 lineto
-0.71372551 0 0 setrgbcolor
-193.5918 28.525391 moveto
-192.83594 28.525391 lineto
-194.0039 26.65039 194.58789 24.773439 194.58789 22.894531 curveto
-194.58789 22.16016 194.5039 21.431645 194.33594 20.708984 curveto
-194.20312 20.123053 194.01758 19.560553 193.7793 19.021484 curveto
-193.62695 18.669929 193.3125 18.083992 192.83594 17.263672 curveto
-193.5918 17.263672 lineto
-194.32617 18.244148 194.86914 19.228522 195.2207 20.216797 curveto
-195.52148 21.068364 195.67187 21.958988 195.67188 22.888672 curveto
-195.67187 23.943361 195.46972 24.962892 195.06543 25.947266 curveto
-194.66113 26.93164 194.16992 27.791014 193.5918 28.525391 curveto
-193.5918 28.525391 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-131 37 moveto
-115 208 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-144 218.02596 moveto
-144.0643 218.02596 143.67337 221.34254 145 218.02596 curveto
-149.83331 205.94267 151.57159 184.88391 149 172.02596 curveto
-143.91204 146.58614 139.6765 113.69779 134 92.025964 curveto
-131.57127 98.097792 128.6486 105.43155 127 112.02596 curveto
-0 0.60392159 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-134 92 moveto
-149 111 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-120.92578 231 moveto
-120.92578 222.41016 lineto
-124.16602 222.41016 lineto
-124.73632 222.41016 125.17187 222.43751 125.47266 222.49219 curveto
-125.89453 222.56251 126.24804 222.6963 126.5332 222.89355 curveto
-126.81835 223.09083 127.04784 223.3672 127.22168 223.72266 curveto
-127.3955 224.07813 127.48241 224.46876 127.48242 224.89453 curveto
-127.48241 225.62501 127.24999 226.24317 126.78516 226.74902 curveto
-126.32031 227.25489 125.48046 227.50782 124.26563 227.50781 curveto
-122.0625 227.50781 lineto
-122.0625 231 lineto
-120.92578 231 lineto
-122.0625 226.49414 moveto
-124.2832 226.49414 lineto
-125.01757 226.49415 125.53906 226.35743 125.84766 226.08398 curveto
-126.15624 225.81055 126.31054 225.42579 126.31055 224.92969 curveto
-126.31054 224.57032 126.21972 224.2627 126.03809 224.00684 curveto
-125.85644 223.75098 125.61718 223.58204 125.32031 223.5 curveto
-125.1289 223.44923 124.77539 223.42384 124.25977 223.42383 curveto
-122.0625 223.42383 lineto
-122.0625 226.49414 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-128.79492 231 moveto
-128.79492 224.77734 lineto
-129.74414 224.77734 lineto
-129.74414 225.7207 lineto
-129.98633 225.2793 130.20996 224.98829 130.41504 224.84766 curveto
-130.62011 224.70704 130.8457 224.63673 131.0918 224.63672 curveto
-131.44726 224.63673 131.80859 224.75001 132.17578 224.97656 curveto
-131.8125 225.95508 lineto
-131.55468 225.80274 131.29687 225.72657 131.03906 225.72656 curveto
-130.80859 225.72657 130.60156 225.7959 130.41797 225.93457 curveto
-130.23437 226.07325 130.10351 226.26563 130.02539 226.51172 curveto
-129.9082 226.88672 129.84961 227.29688 129.84961 227.74219 curveto
-129.84961 231 lineto
-128.79492 231 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-136.89258 231 moveto
-136.89258 230.08594 lineto
-136.4082 230.78906 135.75 231.14062 134.91797 231.14063 curveto
-134.55078 231.14062 134.20801 231.07031 133.88965 230.92969 curveto
-133.57129 230.78906 133.33496 230.61231 133.18066 230.39941 curveto
-133.02637 230.18652 132.91797 229.92578 132.85547 229.61719 curveto
-132.8125 229.41016 132.79101 229.08203 132.79102 228.63281 curveto
-132.79102 224.77734 lineto
-133.8457 224.77734 lineto
-133.8457 228.22852 lineto
-133.8457 228.7793 133.86719 229.15039 133.91016 229.3418 curveto
-133.97656 229.61914 134.11719 229.83692 134.33203 229.99512 curveto
-134.54687 230.15332 134.8125 230.23242 135.12891 230.23242 curveto
-135.44531 230.23242 135.74218 230.15137 136.01953 229.98926 curveto
-136.29687 229.82715 136.49316 229.60645 136.6084 229.32715 curveto
-136.72363 229.04785 136.78125 228.64258 136.78125 228.11133 curveto
-136.78125 224.77734 lineto
-137.83594 224.77734 lineto
-137.83594 231 lineto
-136.89258 231 lineto
-134.26172 223.16016 moveto
-134.26172 222.87501 134.36621 222.62891 134.5752 222.42188 curveto
-134.78418 222.21485 135.03125 222.11134 135.31641 222.11133 curveto
-135.60547 222.11134 135.85351 222.21583 136.06055 222.4248 curveto
-136.26757 222.6338 136.37109 222.88673 136.37109 223.18359 curveto
-136.37109 223.48438 136.26757 223.73829 136.06055 223.94531 curveto
-135.85351 224.15235 135.60742 224.25587 135.32227 224.25586 curveto
-135.02929 224.25587 134.77929 224.15137 134.57227 223.94238 curveto
-134.36523 223.73341 134.26172 223.47266 134.26172 223.16016 curveto
-134.26172 223.16016 lineto
-134.70703 223.16602 moveto
-134.70703 223.34962 134.76855 223.50391 134.8916 223.62891 curveto
-135.01465 223.75391 135.16015 223.81641 135.32813 223.81641 curveto
-135.49609 223.81641 135.6416 223.75391 135.76465 223.62891 curveto
-135.88769 223.50391 135.94921 223.35352 135.94922 223.17773 curveto
-135.94921 223.00196 135.88867 222.85157 135.76758 222.72656 curveto
-135.64648 222.60157 135.5 222.53907 135.32813 222.53906 curveto
-135.16015 222.53907 135.01465 222.60059 134.8916 222.72363 curveto
-134.76855 222.84669 134.70703 222.99415 134.70703 223.16602 curveto
-134.70703 223.16602 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-139.07227 229.14258 moveto
-140.11523 228.97852 lineto
-140.17383 229.39649 140.33691 229.7168 140.60449 229.93945 curveto
-140.87207 230.16211 141.24609 230.27344 141.72656 230.27344 curveto
-142.21093 230.27344 142.57031 230.17481 142.80469 229.97754 curveto
-143.03906 229.78027 143.15625 229.54883 143.15625 229.2832 curveto
-143.15625 229.04492 143.05273 228.85742 142.8457 228.7207 curveto
-142.70117 228.62696 142.34179 228.50781 141.76758 228.36328 curveto
-140.99414 228.16797 140.45801 227.99903 140.15918 227.85645 curveto
-139.86035 227.71387 139.63379 227.51661 139.47949 227.26465 curveto
-139.32519 227.0127 139.24805 226.73438 139.24805 226.42969 curveto
-139.24805 226.15235 139.31152 225.89551 139.43848 225.65918 curveto
-139.56543 225.42286 139.73828 225.22657 139.95703 225.07031 curveto
-140.12109 224.94922 140.34472 224.84669 140.62793 224.7627 curveto
-140.91113 224.67872 141.21484 224.63673 141.53906 224.63672 curveto
-142.02734 224.63673 142.45605 224.70704 142.8252 224.84766 curveto
-143.19433 224.98829 143.46679 225.17872 143.64258 225.41895 curveto
-143.81835 225.65919 143.93945 225.98047 144.00586 226.38281 curveto
-142.97461 226.52344 lineto
-142.92773 226.20313 142.79199 225.95313 142.56738 225.77344 curveto
-142.34277 225.59376 142.02539 225.50391 141.61523 225.50391 curveto
-141.13086 225.50391 140.78515 225.58399 140.57813 225.74414 curveto
-140.37109 225.9043 140.26758 226.0918 140.26758 226.30664 curveto
-140.26758 226.44336 140.31055 226.56641 140.39648 226.67578 curveto
-140.48242 226.78907 140.61719 226.88282 140.80078 226.95703 curveto
-140.90625 226.9961 141.21679 227.08594 141.73242 227.22656 curveto
-142.47851 227.42578 142.99902 227.58887 143.29395 227.71582 curveto
-143.58886 227.84278 143.82031 228.02735 143.98828 228.26953 curveto
-144.15624 228.51172 144.24023 228.8125 144.24023 229.17188 curveto
-144.24023 229.52344 144.13769 229.85449 143.93262 230.16504 curveto
-143.72753 230.47559 143.43164 230.71582 143.04492 230.88574 curveto
-142.6582 231.05566 142.2207 231.14062 141.73242 231.14063 curveto
-140.92383 231.14062 140.30762 230.97266 139.88379 230.63672 curveto
-139.45996 230.30078 139.18945 229.80274 139.07227 229.14258 curveto
-139.07227 229.14258 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-149.75391 228.99609 moveto
-150.84375 229.13086 lineto
-150.67187 229.76758 150.35351 230.26172 149.88867 230.61328 curveto
-149.42382 230.96484 148.83007 231.14062 148.10742 231.14063 curveto
-147.19726 231.14062 146.47558 230.86035 145.94238 230.2998 curveto
-145.40918 229.73926 145.14258 228.95313 145.14258 227.94141 curveto
-145.14258 226.89454 145.41211 226.08204 145.95117 225.50391 curveto
-146.49023 224.92579 147.18945 224.63673 148.04883 224.63672 curveto
-148.88086 224.63673 149.56054 224.91993 150.08789 225.48633 curveto
-150.61523 226.05274 150.8789 226.84961 150.87891 227.87695 curveto
-150.8789 227.93946 150.87695 228.03321 150.87305 228.1582 curveto
-146.23242 228.1582 lineto
-146.27148 228.8418 146.46484 229.36524 146.8125 229.72852 curveto
-147.16015 230.0918 147.59375 230.27344 148.11328 230.27344 curveto
-148.5 230.27344 148.83007 230.17188 149.10352 229.96875 curveto
-149.37695 229.76563 149.59375 229.44141 149.75391 228.99609 curveto
-149.75391 228.99609 lineto
-146.29102 227.29102 moveto
-149.76563 227.29102 lineto
-149.71874 226.76758 149.58593 226.375 149.36719 226.11328 curveto
-149.03125 225.70704 148.5957 225.50391 148.06055 225.50391 curveto
-147.57617 225.50391 147.16894 225.66602 146.83887 225.99023 curveto
-146.50879 226.31446 146.32617 226.74805 146.29102 227.29102 curveto
-146.29102 227.29102 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-156.23438 228.7207 moveto
-157.27148 228.85547 lineto
-157.1582 229.57031 156.86816 230.12988 156.40137 230.53418 curveto
-155.93457 230.93848 155.36132 231.14062 154.68164 231.14063 curveto
-153.83008 231.14062 153.14551 230.8623 152.62793 230.30566 curveto
-152.11035 229.74902 151.85156 228.95117 151.85156 227.91211 curveto
-151.85156 227.24024 151.96289 226.65235 152.18555 226.14844 curveto
-152.4082 225.64454 152.74707 225.26661 153.20215 225.01465 curveto
-153.65722 224.7627 154.15234 224.63673 154.6875 224.63672 curveto
-155.36328 224.63673 155.91601 224.80762 156.3457 225.14941 curveto
-156.77539 225.49122 157.05078 225.97657 157.17188 226.60547 curveto
-156.14648 226.76367 lineto
-156.04882 226.34571 155.87597 226.03125 155.62793 225.82031 curveto
-155.37988 225.60938 155.08007 225.50391 154.72852 225.50391 curveto
-154.19726 225.50391 153.76562 225.69434 153.43359 226.0752 curveto
-153.10156 226.45606 152.93555 227.0586 152.93555 227.88281 curveto
-152.93555 228.71875 153.0957 229.32617 153.41602 229.70508 curveto
-153.73633 230.08399 154.15429 230.27344 154.66992 230.27344 curveto
-155.08398 230.27344 155.42968 230.14649 155.70703 229.89258 curveto
-155.98437 229.63867 156.16015 229.24805 156.23438 228.7207 curveto
-156.23438 228.7207 lineto
-154.68164 223.35938 moveto
-155.32617 222.36328 lineto
-156.52148 222.36328 lineto
-155.20313 224.00391 lineto
-154.07813 224.00391 lineto
-152.8125 222.36328 lineto
-154.01953 222.36328 lineto
-154.68164 223.35938 lineto
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-158.54297 224.77734 lineto
-159.59766 224.77734 lineto
-159.59766 231 lineto
-158.54297 231 lineto
-158.49609 224.00391 moveto
-159.27539 222.36328 lineto
-160.6582 222.36328 lineto
-159.36914 224.00391 lineto
-158.49609 224.00391 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-161.50781 231 moveto
-161.50781 222.41016 lineto
-162.5625 222.41016 lineto
-162.5625 227.30859 lineto
-165.05859 224.77734 lineto
-166.42383 224.77734 lineto
-164.04492 227.08594 lineto
-166.66406 231 lineto
-165.36328 231 lineto
-163.30664 227.81836 lineto
-162.5625 228.5332 lineto
-162.5625 231 lineto
-161.50781 231 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-167.45508 233.39648 moveto
-167.33789 232.40625 lineto
-167.56836 232.46875 167.76953 232.5 167.94141 232.5 curveto
-168.17578 232.5 168.36328 232.46094 168.50391 232.38281 curveto
-168.64453 232.30469 168.75976 232.19531 168.84961 232.05469 curveto
-168.91601 231.94922 169.02344 231.6875 169.17188 231.26953 curveto
-169.1914 231.21094 169.22265 231.125 169.26563 231.01172 curveto
-166.9043 224.77734 lineto
-168.04102 224.77734 lineto
-169.33594 228.38086 lineto
-169.5039 228.83789 169.65429 229.31836 169.78711 229.82227 curveto
-169.9082 229.33789 170.05273 228.86524 170.2207 228.4043 curveto
-171.55078 224.77734 lineto
-172.60547 224.77734 lineto
-170.23828 231.10547 lineto
-169.98437 231.78906 169.78711 232.25976 169.64648 232.51758 curveto
-169.45898 232.86523 169.24414 233.12012 169.00195 233.28223 curveto
-168.75976 233.44433 168.4707 233.52539 168.13477 233.52539 curveto
-167.93164 233.52539 167.70508 233.48242 167.45508 233.39648 curveto
-167.45508 233.39648 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-176.83008 233.38477 moveto
-176.83008 224.77734 lineto
-177.79102 224.77734 lineto
-177.79102 225.58594 lineto
-178.01758 225.26954 178.27344 225.03223 178.55859 224.87402 curveto
-178.84375 224.71583 179.18945 224.63673 179.5957 224.63672 curveto
-180.12695 224.63673 180.5957 224.77344 181.00195 225.04688 curveto
-181.4082 225.32032 181.71484 225.70606 181.92188 226.2041 curveto
-182.1289 226.70215 182.23242 227.24805 182.23242 227.8418 curveto
-182.23242 228.47852 182.11816 229.05176 181.88965 229.56152 curveto
-181.66113 230.07129 181.3291 230.46191 180.89355 230.7334 curveto
-180.458 231.00488 180 231.14062 179.51953 231.14063 curveto
-179.16797 231.14062 178.85254 231.06641 178.57324 230.91797 curveto
-178.29394 230.76953 178.06445 230.58203 177.88477 230.35547 curveto
-177.88477 233.38477 lineto
-176.83008 233.38477 lineto
-177.78516 227.92383 moveto
-177.78515 228.72461 177.94726 229.31641 178.27148 229.69922 curveto
-178.5957 230.08203 178.98828 230.27344 179.44922 230.27344 curveto
-179.91796 230.27344 180.31933 230.0752 180.65332 229.67871 curveto
-180.9873 229.28223 181.15429 228.66797 181.1543 227.83594 curveto
-181.15429 227.04297 180.99121 226.44922 180.66504 226.05469 curveto
-180.33886 225.66016 179.94921 225.4629 179.49609 225.46289 curveto
-179.04687 225.4629 178.64941 225.67286 178.30371 226.09277 curveto
-177.95801 226.5127 177.78515 227.12305 177.78516 227.92383 curveto
-177.78516 227.92383 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-187.57031 230.23242 moveto
-187.17968 230.56445 186.80371 230.79883 186.44238 230.93555 curveto
-186.08105 231.07227 185.69336 231.14062 185.2793 231.14063 curveto
-184.5957 231.14062 184.07031 230.97363 183.70313 230.63965 curveto
-183.33594 230.30566 183.15234 229.87891 183.15234 229.35938 curveto
-183.15234 229.05469 183.22168 228.77637 183.36035 228.52441 curveto
-183.49902 228.27246 183.68066 228.07032 183.90527 227.91797 curveto
-184.12988 227.76563 184.38281 227.65039 184.66406 227.57227 curveto
-184.87109 227.51758 185.18359 227.46485 185.60156 227.41406 curveto
-186.45312 227.3125 187.08007 227.19141 187.48242 227.05078 curveto
-187.48632 226.90625 187.48828 226.81446 187.48828 226.77539 curveto
-187.48828 226.34571 187.38867 226.04297 187.18945 225.86719 curveto
-186.91992 225.62891 186.51953 225.50977 185.98828 225.50977 curveto
-185.49218 225.50977 185.12597 225.59669 184.88965 225.77051 curveto
-184.65332 225.94434 184.47851 226.25196 184.36523 226.69336 curveto
-183.33398 226.55273 lineto
-183.42773 226.11133 183.58203 225.75489 183.79688 225.4834 curveto
-184.01172 225.21192 184.32226 225.00294 184.72852 224.85645 curveto
-185.13476 224.70997 185.60547 224.63673 186.14063 224.63672 curveto
-186.67187 224.63673 187.10351 224.69923 187.43555 224.82422 curveto
-187.76757 224.94922 188.01171 225.10645 188.16797 225.2959 curveto
-188.32421 225.48536 188.43359 225.72461 188.49609 226.01367 curveto
-188.53124 226.19336 188.54882 226.51758 188.54883 226.98633 curveto
-188.54883 228.39258 lineto
-188.54882 229.37305 188.57128 229.99317 188.61621 230.25293 curveto
-188.66113 230.5127 188.74999 230.76172 188.88281 231 curveto
-187.78125 231 lineto
-187.67187 230.78125 187.60156 230.52539 187.57031 230.23242 curveto
-187.57031 230.23242 lineto
-187.48242 227.87695 moveto
-187.0996 228.03321 186.52539 228.16602 185.75977 228.27539 curveto
-185.32617 228.33789 185.01953 228.40821 184.83984 228.48633 curveto
-184.66015 228.56446 184.52148 228.67871 184.42383 228.8291 curveto
-184.32617 228.97949 184.27734 229.14649 184.27734 229.33008 curveto
-184.27734 229.61133 184.38379 229.8457 184.59668 230.0332 curveto
-184.80957 230.2207 185.12109 230.31445 185.53125 230.31445 curveto
-185.9375 230.31445 186.29882 230.22559 186.61523 230.04785 curveto
-186.93164 229.87012 187.16406 229.62695 187.3125 229.31836 curveto
-187.42578 229.08008 187.48242 228.72852 187.48242 228.26367 curveto
-187.48242 227.87695 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-190.17773 231 moveto
-190.17773 224.77734 lineto
-191.12695 224.77734 lineto
-191.12695 225.7207 lineto
-191.36914 225.2793 191.59277 224.98829 191.79785 224.84766 curveto
-192.00293 224.70704 192.22851 224.63673 192.47461 224.63672 curveto
-192.83007 224.63673 193.1914 224.75001 193.55859 224.97656 curveto
-193.19531 225.95508 lineto
-192.9375 225.80274 192.67968 225.72657 192.42188 225.72656 curveto
-192.1914 225.72657 191.98437 225.7959 191.80078 225.93457 curveto
-191.61719 226.07325 191.48633 226.26563 191.4082 226.51172 curveto
-191.29101 226.88672 191.23242 227.29688 191.23242 227.74219 curveto
-191.23242 231 lineto
-190.17773 231 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-198.25781 230.23242 moveto
-197.86718 230.56445 197.49121 230.79883 197.12988 230.93555 curveto
-196.76855 231.07227 196.38086 231.14062 195.9668 231.14063 curveto
-195.2832 231.14062 194.75781 230.97363 194.39063 230.63965 curveto
-194.02344 230.30566 193.83984 229.87891 193.83984 229.35938 curveto
-193.83984 229.05469 193.90918 228.77637 194.04785 228.52441 curveto
-194.18652 228.27246 194.36816 228.07032 194.59277 227.91797 curveto
-194.81738 227.76563 195.07031 227.65039 195.35156 227.57227 curveto
-195.55859 227.51758 195.87109 227.46485 196.28906 227.41406 curveto
-197.14062 227.3125 197.76757 227.19141 198.16992 227.05078 curveto
-198.17382 226.90625 198.17578 226.81446 198.17578 226.77539 curveto
-198.17578 226.34571 198.07617 226.04297 197.87695 225.86719 curveto
-197.60742 225.62891 197.20703 225.50977 196.67578 225.50977 curveto
-196.17968 225.50977 195.81347 225.59669 195.57715 225.77051 curveto
-195.34082 225.94434 195.16601 226.25196 195.05273 226.69336 curveto
-194.02148 226.55273 lineto
-194.11523 226.11133 194.26953 225.75489 194.48438 225.4834 curveto
-194.69922 225.21192 195.00976 225.00294 195.41602 224.85645 curveto
-195.82226 224.70997 196.29297 224.63673 196.82813 224.63672 curveto
-197.35937 224.63673 197.79101 224.69923 198.12305 224.82422 curveto
-198.45507 224.94922 198.69921 225.10645 198.85547 225.2959 curveto
-199.01171 225.48536 199.12109 225.72461 199.18359 226.01367 curveto
-199.21874 226.19336 199.23632 226.51758 199.23633 226.98633 curveto
-199.23633 228.39258 lineto
-199.23632 229.37305 199.25878 229.99317 199.30371 230.25293 curveto
-199.34863 230.5127 199.43749 230.76172 199.57031 231 curveto
-198.46875 231 lineto
-198.35937 230.78125 198.28906 230.52539 198.25781 230.23242 curveto
-198.25781 230.23242 lineto
-198.16992 227.87695 moveto
-197.7871 228.03321 197.21289 228.16602 196.44727 228.27539 curveto
-196.01367 228.33789 195.70703 228.40821 195.52734 228.48633 curveto
-195.34765 228.56446 195.20898 228.67871 195.11133 228.8291 curveto
-195.01367 228.97949 194.96484 229.14649 194.96484 229.33008 curveto
-194.96484 229.61133 195.07129 229.8457 195.28418 230.0332 curveto
-195.49707 230.2207 195.80859 230.31445 196.21875 230.31445 curveto
-196.625 230.31445 196.98632 230.22559 197.30273 230.04785 curveto
-197.61914 229.87012 197.85156 229.62695 198 229.31836 curveto
-198.11328 229.08008 198.16992 228.72852 198.16992 228.26367 curveto
-198.16992 227.87695 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-201.84961 231 moveto
-200.87109 231 lineto
-200.87109 222.41016 lineto
-201.92578 222.41016 lineto
-201.92578 225.47461 lineto
-202.37109 224.91602 202.93945 224.63673 203.63086 224.63672 curveto
-204.01367 224.63673 204.37597 224.71387 204.71777 224.86816 curveto
-205.05957 225.02247 205.34082 225.23926 205.56152 225.51855 curveto
-205.78222 225.79786 205.95507 226.13477 206.08008 226.5293 curveto
-206.20507 226.92383 206.26757 227.34571 206.26758 227.79492 curveto
-206.26757 228.86133 206.0039 229.68555 205.47656 230.26758 curveto
-204.94921 230.84961 204.3164 231.14062 203.57813 231.14063 curveto
-202.84375 231.14062 202.26758 230.83398 201.84961 230.2207 curveto
-201.84961 231 lineto
-201.83789 227.8418 moveto
-201.83789 228.58789 201.93945 229.12695 202.14258 229.45898 curveto
-202.47461 230.00195 202.92383 230.27344 203.49023 230.27344 curveto
-203.95117 230.27344 204.34961 230.07324 204.68555 229.67285 curveto
-205.02148 229.27246 205.18945 228.67578 205.18945 227.88281 curveto
-205.18945 227.07032 205.02832 226.47071 204.70605 226.08398 curveto
-204.38378 225.69727 203.99414 225.50391 203.53711 225.50391 curveto
-203.07617 225.50391 202.67773 225.70411 202.3418 226.10449 curveto
-202.00586 226.50489 201.83789 227.08399 201.83789 227.8418 curveto
-201.83789 227.8418 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-207.16406 227.88867 moveto
-207.16406 226.73633 207.48437 225.88282 208.125 225.32813 curveto
-208.66015 224.86719 209.3125 224.63673 210.08203 224.63672 curveto
-210.9375 224.63673 211.63671 224.917 212.17969 225.47754 curveto
-212.72265 226.03809 212.99413 226.8125 212.99414 227.80078 curveto
-212.99413 228.60156 212.87402 229.23145 212.63379 229.69043 curveto
-212.39355 230.14941 212.04394 230.50586 211.58496 230.75977 curveto
-211.12597 231.01367 210.625 231.14062 210.08203 231.14063 curveto
-209.21094 231.14062 208.50683 230.86133 207.96973 230.30273 curveto
-207.43262 229.74414 207.16406 228.93946 207.16406 227.88867 curveto
-207.16406 227.88867 lineto
-208.24805 227.88867 moveto
-208.24805 228.68555 208.42187 229.28223 208.76953 229.67871 curveto
-209.11719 230.0752 209.55468 230.27344 210.08203 230.27344 curveto
-210.60546 230.27344 211.04101 230.07422 211.38867 229.67578 curveto
-211.73632 229.27735 211.91015 228.66992 211.91016 227.85352 curveto
-211.91015 227.08399 211.73535 226.50098 211.38574 226.10449 curveto
-211.03613 225.70801 210.60156 225.50977 210.08203 225.50977 curveto
-209.55468 225.50977 209.11719 225.70704 208.76953 226.10156 curveto
-208.42187 226.4961 208.24805 227.0918 208.24805 227.88867 curveto
-208.24805 227.88867 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-214.21289 231 moveto
-214.21289 222.41016 lineto
-215.26758 222.41016 lineto
-215.26758 231 lineto
-214.21289 231 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-122.51953 246 moveto
-120.15234 239.77734 lineto
-121.26563 239.77734 lineto
-122.60156 243.50391 lineto
-122.74609 243.90625 122.8789 244.32422 123 244.75781 curveto
-123.09375 244.42969 123.22461 244.03516 123.39258 243.57422 curveto
-124.77539 239.77734 lineto
-125.85938 239.77734 lineto
-123.50391 246 lineto
-122.51953 246 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-126.74414 248.39648 moveto
-126.62695 247.40625 lineto
-126.85742 247.46875 127.05859 247.5 127.23047 247.5 curveto
-127.46484 247.5 127.65234 247.46094 127.79297 247.38281 curveto
-127.93359 247.30469 128.04883 247.19531 128.13867 247.05469 curveto
-128.20508 246.94922 128.3125 246.6875 128.46094 246.26953 curveto
-128.48047 246.21094 128.51172 246.125 128.55469 246.01172 curveto
-126.19336 239.77734 lineto
-127.33008 239.77734 lineto
-128.625 243.38086 lineto
-128.79297 243.83789 128.94336 244.31836 129.07617 244.82227 curveto
-129.19726 244.33789 129.34179 243.86524 129.50977 243.4043 curveto
-130.83984 239.77734 lineto
-131.89453 239.77734 lineto
-129.52734 246.10547 lineto
-129.27343 246.78906 129.07617 247.25976 128.93555 247.51758 curveto
-128.74804 247.86523 128.5332 248.12012 128.29102 248.28223 curveto
-128.04883 248.44433 127.75976 248.52539 127.42383 248.52539 curveto
-127.2207 248.52539 126.99414 248.48242 126.74414 248.39648 curveto
-126.74414 248.39648 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-132.79688 246 moveto
-132.79688 237.41016 lineto
-133.85156 237.41016 lineto
-133.85156 242.30859 lineto
-136.34766 239.77734 lineto
-137.71289 239.77734 lineto
-135.33398 242.08594 lineto
-137.95313 246 lineto
-136.65234 246 lineto
-134.5957 242.81836 lineto
-133.85156 243.5332 lineto
-133.85156 246 lineto
-132.79688 246 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-138.7793 246 moveto
-138.7793 239.77734 lineto
-139.72852 239.77734 lineto
-139.72852 240.7207 lineto
-139.9707 240.2793 140.19433 239.98829 140.39941 239.84766 curveto
-140.60449 239.70704 140.83008 239.63673 141.07617 239.63672 curveto
-141.43164 239.63673 141.79296 239.75001 142.16016 239.97656 curveto
-141.79688 240.95508 lineto
-141.53906 240.80274 141.28125 240.72657 141.02344 240.72656 curveto
-140.79297 240.72657 140.58593 240.7959 140.40234 240.93457 curveto
-140.21875 241.07325 140.08789 241.26563 140.00977 241.51172 curveto
-139.89258 241.88672 139.83398 242.29688 139.83398 242.74219 curveto
-139.83398 246 lineto
-138.7793 246 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-147.05859 243.99609 moveto
-148.14844 244.13086 lineto
-147.97656 244.76758 147.6582 245.26172 147.19336 245.61328 curveto
-146.72851 245.96484 146.13476 246.14062 145.41211 246.14063 curveto
-144.50195 246.14062 143.78027 245.86035 143.24707 245.2998 curveto
-142.71387 244.73926 142.44727 243.95313 142.44727 242.94141 curveto
-142.44727 241.89454 142.7168 241.08204 143.25586 240.50391 curveto
-143.79492 239.92579 144.49414 239.63673 145.35352 239.63672 curveto
-146.18554 239.63673 146.86523 239.91993 147.39258 240.48633 curveto
-147.91992 241.05274 148.18359 241.84961 148.18359 242.87695 curveto
-148.18359 242.93946 148.18163 243.03321 148.17773 243.1582 curveto
-143.53711 243.1582 lineto
-143.57617 243.8418 143.76953 244.36524 144.11719 244.72852 curveto
-144.46484 245.0918 144.89843 245.27344 145.41797 245.27344 curveto
-145.80468 245.27344 146.13476 245.17188 146.4082 244.96875 curveto
-146.68164 244.76563 146.89843 244.44141 147.05859 243.99609 curveto
-147.05859 243.99609 lineto
-143.5957 242.29102 moveto
-147.07031 242.29102 lineto
-147.02343 241.76758 146.89062 241.375 146.67188 241.11328 curveto
-146.33593 240.70704 145.90039 240.50391 145.36523 240.50391 curveto
-144.88086 240.50391 144.47363 240.66602 144.14355 240.99023 curveto
-143.81347 241.31446 143.63086 241.74805 143.5957 242.29102 curveto
-143.5957 242.29102 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-149.05664 244.14258 moveto
-150.09961 243.97852 lineto
-150.1582 244.39649 150.32129 244.7168 150.58887 244.93945 curveto
-150.85644 245.16211 151.23047 245.27344 151.71094 245.27344 curveto
-152.19531 245.27344 152.55468 245.17481 152.78906 244.97754 curveto
-153.02343 244.78027 153.14062 244.54883 153.14063 244.2832 curveto
-153.14062 244.04492 153.03711 243.85742 152.83008 243.7207 curveto
-152.68554 243.62696 152.32617 243.50781 151.75195 243.36328 curveto
-150.97851 243.16797 150.44238 242.99903 150.14355 242.85645 curveto
-149.84473 242.71387 149.61816 242.51661 149.46387 242.26465 curveto
-149.30957 242.0127 149.23242 241.73438 149.23242 241.42969 curveto
-149.23242 241.15235 149.2959 240.89551 149.42285 240.65918 curveto
-149.5498 240.42286 149.72266 240.22657 149.94141 240.07031 curveto
-150.10547 239.94922 150.3291 239.84669 150.6123 239.7627 curveto
-150.89551 239.67872 151.19922 239.63673 151.52344 239.63672 curveto
-152.01172 239.63673 152.44043 239.70704 152.80957 239.84766 curveto
-153.17871 239.98829 153.45117 240.17872 153.62695 240.41895 curveto
-153.80273 240.65919 153.92382 240.98047 153.99023 241.38281 curveto
-152.95898 241.52344 lineto
-152.91211 241.20313 152.77636 240.95313 152.55176 240.77344 curveto
-152.32714 240.59376 152.00976 240.50391 151.59961 240.50391 curveto
-151.11523 240.50391 150.76953 240.58399 150.5625 240.74414 curveto
-150.35547 240.9043 150.25195 241.0918 150.25195 241.30664 curveto
-150.25195 241.44336 150.29492 241.56641 150.38086 241.67578 curveto
-150.4668 241.78907 150.60156 241.88282 150.78516 241.95703 curveto
-150.89062 241.9961 151.20117 242.08594 151.7168 242.22656 curveto
-152.46289 242.42578 152.98339 242.58887 153.27832 242.71582 curveto
-153.57324 242.84278 153.80468 243.02735 153.97266 243.26953 curveto
-154.14062 243.51172 154.2246 243.8125 154.22461 244.17188 curveto
-154.2246 244.52344 154.12206 244.85449 153.91699 245.16504 curveto
-153.71191 245.47559 153.41601 245.71582 153.0293 245.88574 curveto
-152.64257 246.05566 152.20507 246.14062 151.7168 246.14063 curveto
-150.9082 246.14062 150.29199 245.97266 149.86816 245.63672 curveto
-149.44434 245.30078 149.17383 244.80274 149.05664 244.14258 curveto
-149.05664 244.14258 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-155.45508 246 moveto
-155.45508 237.41016 lineto
-156.50977 237.41016 lineto
-156.50977 246 lineto
-155.45508 246 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-162.22852 246 moveto
-162.22852 245.08594 lineto
-161.74414 245.78906 161.08593 246.14062 160.25391 246.14063 curveto
-159.88672 246.14062 159.54394 246.07031 159.22559 245.92969 curveto
-158.90723 245.78906 158.6709 245.61231 158.5166 245.39941 curveto
-158.3623 245.18652 158.25391 244.92578 158.19141 244.61719 curveto
-158.14844 244.41016 158.12695 244.08203 158.12695 243.63281 curveto
-158.12695 239.77734 lineto
-159.18164 239.77734 lineto
-159.18164 243.22852 lineto
-159.18164 243.7793 159.20312 244.15039 159.24609 244.3418 curveto
-159.3125 244.61914 159.45312 244.83692 159.66797 244.99512 curveto
-159.88281 245.15332 160.14843 245.23242 160.46484 245.23242 curveto
-160.78125 245.23242 161.07812 245.15137 161.35547 244.98926 curveto
-161.63281 244.82715 161.8291 244.60645 161.94434 244.32715 curveto
-162.05957 244.04785 162.11718 243.64258 162.11719 243.11133 curveto
-162.11719 239.77734 lineto
-163.17188 239.77734 lineto
-163.17188 246 lineto
-162.22852 246 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-164.82422 238.63477 moveto
-164.82422 237.41016 lineto
-165.87891 237.41016 lineto
-165.87891 238.63477 lineto
-164.82422 238.63477 lineto
-163.48828 248.41406 moveto
-163.6875 247.51758 lineto
-163.89844 247.57226 164.06445 247.59961 164.18555 247.59961 curveto
-164.40039 247.59961 164.56055 247.52832 164.66602 247.38574 curveto
-164.77148 247.24316 164.82422 246.88672 164.82422 246.31641 curveto
-164.82422 239.77734 lineto
-165.87891 239.77734 lineto
-165.87891 246.33984 lineto
-165.8789 247.10547 165.7793 247.63867 165.58008 247.93945 curveto
-165.32617 248.33008 164.9043 248.52539 164.31445 248.52539 curveto
-164.0293 248.52539 163.75391 248.48828 163.48828 248.41406 curveto
-163.48828 248.41406 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-167.87109 246 moveto
-167.87109 239.77734 lineto
-168.92578 239.77734 lineto
-168.92578 246 lineto
-167.87109 246 lineto
-167.82422 239.00391 moveto
-168.60352 237.36328 lineto
-169.98633 237.36328 lineto
-168.69727 239.00391 lineto
-167.82422 239.00391 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-174.1582 246 moveto
-174.1582 237.41016 lineto
-175.21289 237.41016 lineto
-175.21289 240.49219 lineto
-175.70508 239.92188 176.32617 239.63673 177.07617 239.63672 curveto
-177.53711 239.63673 177.9375 239.72755 178.27734 239.90918 curveto
-178.61718 240.09083 178.86035 240.3418 179.00684 240.66211 curveto
-179.15331 240.98243 179.22656 241.44727 179.22656 242.05664 curveto
-179.22656 246 lineto
-178.17188 246 lineto
-178.17188 242.05664 lineto
-178.17187 241.5293 178.05761 241.14551 177.8291 240.90527 curveto
-177.60058 240.66504 177.27734 240.54493 176.85938 240.54492 curveto
-176.54687 240.54493 176.25293 240.62598 175.97754 240.78809 curveto
-175.70215 240.9502 175.50586 241.16993 175.38867 241.44727 curveto
-175.27148 241.72461 175.21289 242.10743 175.21289 242.5957 curveto
-175.21289 246 lineto
-174.1582 246 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-180.82617 246 moveto
-180.82617 239.77734 lineto
-181.77539 239.77734 lineto
-181.77539 240.7207 lineto
-182.01758 240.2793 182.24121 239.98829 182.44629 239.84766 curveto
-182.65136 239.70704 182.87695 239.63673 183.12305 239.63672 curveto
-183.47851 239.63673 183.83984 239.75001 184.20703 239.97656 curveto
-183.84375 240.95508 lineto
-183.58593 240.80274 183.32812 240.72657 183.07031 240.72656 curveto
-182.83984 240.72657 182.63281 240.7959 182.44922 240.93457 curveto
-182.26562 241.07325 182.13476 241.26563 182.05664 241.51172 curveto
-181.93945 241.88672 181.88086 242.29688 181.88086 242.74219 curveto
-181.88086 246 lineto
-180.82617 246 lineto
-0 0.5529412 0 setrgbcolor
-188.90625 245.23242 moveto
-188.51562 245.56445 188.13964 245.79883 187.77832 245.93555 curveto
-187.41699 246.07227 187.02929 246.14062 186.61523 246.14063 curveto
-185.93164 246.14062 185.40625 245.97363 185.03906 245.63965 curveto
-184.67187 245.30566 184.48828 244.87891 184.48828 244.35938 curveto
-184.48828 244.05469 184.55762 243.77637 184.69629 243.52441 curveto
-184.83496 243.27246 185.0166 243.07032 185.24121 242.91797 curveto
-185.46582 242.76563 185.71875 242.65039 186 242.57227 curveto
-186.20703 242.51758 186.51953 242.46485 186.9375 242.41406 curveto
-187.78906 242.3125 188.41601 242.19141 188.81836 242.05078 curveto
-188.82226 241.90625 188.82421 241.81446 188.82422 241.77539 curveto
-188.82421 241.34571 188.7246 241.04297 188.52539 240.86719 curveto
-188.25586 240.62891 187.85546 240.50977 187.32422 240.50977 curveto
-186.82812 240.50977 186.46191 240.59669 186.22559 240.77051 curveto
-185.98926 240.94434 185.81445 241.25196 185.70117 241.69336 curveto
-184.66992 241.55273 lineto
-184.76367 241.11133 184.91797 240.75489 185.13281 240.4834 curveto
-185.34765 240.21192 185.6582 240.00294 186.06445 239.85645 curveto
-186.4707 239.70997 186.9414 239.63673 187.47656 239.63672 curveto
-188.00781 239.63673 188.43945 239.69923 188.77148 239.82422 curveto
-189.10351 239.94922 189.34765 240.10645 189.50391 240.2959 curveto
-189.66015 240.48536 189.76953 240.72461 189.83203 241.01367 curveto
-189.86718 241.19336 189.88476 241.51758 189.88477 241.98633 curveto
-189.88477 243.39258 lineto
-189.88476 244.37305 189.90722 244.99317 189.95215 245.25293 curveto
-189.99706 245.5127 190.08593 245.76172 190.21875 246 curveto
-189.11719 246 lineto
-189.00781 245.78125 188.9375 245.52539 188.90625 245.23242 curveto
-188.90625 245.23242 lineto
-188.81836 242.87695 moveto
-188.43554 243.03321 187.86132 243.16602 187.0957 243.27539 curveto
-186.66211 243.33789 186.35547 243.40821 186.17578 243.48633 curveto
-185.99609 243.56446 185.85742 243.67871 185.75977 243.8291 curveto
-185.66211 243.97949 185.61328 244.14649 185.61328 244.33008 curveto
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-88.13208 185.5946 lineto
-86.866455 183.95398 lineto
-88.073486 183.95398 lineto
-88.735596 184.95007 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-92.233643 192.5907 moveto
-92.233643 184.00085 lineto
-93.28833 184.00085 lineto
-93.28833 188.89929 lineto
-95.784424 186.36804 lineto
-97.149658 186.36804 lineto
-94.770752 188.67664 lineto
-97.389893 192.5907 lineto
-96.089111 192.5907 lineto
-94.032471 189.40906 lineto
-93.28833 190.1239 lineto
-93.28833 192.5907 lineto
-92.233643 192.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-98.180908 194.98718 moveto
-98.063721 193.99695 lineto
-98.294189 194.05945 98.49536 194.0907 98.667236 194.0907 curveto
-98.90161 194.0907 99.08911 194.05163 99.229736 193.97351 curveto
-99.370359 193.89538 99.485594 193.78601 99.575439 193.64539 curveto
-99.641843 193.53992 99.749265 193.2782 99.897705 192.86023 curveto
-99.917234 192.80164 99.948484 192.7157 99.991455 192.60242 curveto
-97.630127 186.36804 lineto
-98.766846 186.36804 lineto
-100.06177 189.97156 lineto
-100.22973 190.42859 100.38012 190.90906 100.51294 191.41296 curveto
-100.63403 190.92859 100.77856 190.45593 100.94653 189.995 curveto
-102.27661 186.36804 lineto
-103.3313 186.36804 lineto
-100.96411 192.69617 lineto
-100.7102 193.37976 100.51294 193.85046 100.37231 194.10828 curveto
-100.18481 194.45593 99.969968 194.71081 99.727783 194.87292 curveto
-99.485594 195.03503 99.196531 195.11609 98.860596 195.11609 curveto
-98.657469 195.11609 98.430907 195.07312 98.180908 194.98718 curveto
-98.180908 194.98718 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-107.13403 190.73328 moveto
-108.177 190.56921 lineto
-108.23559 190.98718 108.39868 191.3075 108.66626 191.53015 curveto
-108.93384 191.75281 109.30786 191.86414 109.78833 191.86414 curveto
-110.2727 191.86414 110.63208 191.7655 110.86646 191.56824 curveto
-111.10083 191.37097 111.21801 191.13953 111.21802 190.8739 curveto
-111.21801 190.63562 111.1145 190.44812 110.90747 190.3114 curveto
-110.76294 190.21765 110.40356 190.09851 109.82935 189.95398 curveto
-109.05591 189.75867 108.51977 189.58972 108.22095 189.44714 curveto
-107.92212 189.30457 107.69556 189.1073 107.54126 188.85535 curveto
-107.38696 188.6034 107.30981 188.32508 107.30981 188.02039 curveto
-107.30981 187.74305 107.37329 187.48621 107.50024 187.24988 curveto
-107.6272 187.01356 107.80005 186.81727 108.0188 186.66101 curveto
-108.18286 186.53992 108.40649 186.43738 108.6897 186.35339 curveto
-108.9729 186.26942 109.27661 186.22742 109.60083 186.22742 curveto
-110.08911 186.22742 110.51782 186.29774 110.88696 186.43835 curveto
-111.2561 186.57899 111.52856 186.76942 111.70435 187.00964 curveto
-111.88012 187.24988 112.00122 187.57117 112.06763 187.97351 curveto
-111.03638 188.11414 lineto
-110.9895 187.79383 110.85376 187.54383 110.62915 187.36414 curveto
-110.40454 187.18445 110.08715 187.09461 109.677 187.0946 curveto
-109.19262 187.09461 108.84692 187.17469 108.63989 187.33484 curveto
-108.43286 187.495 108.32934 187.6825 108.32935 187.89734 curveto
-108.32934 188.03406 108.37231 188.15711 108.45825 188.26648 curveto
-108.54419 188.37976 108.67895 188.47351 108.86255 188.54773 curveto
-108.96802 188.5868 109.27856 188.67664 109.79419 188.81726 curveto
-110.54028 189.01648 111.06079 189.17957 111.35571 189.30652 curveto
-111.65063 189.43347 111.88207 189.61804 112.05005 189.86023 curveto
-112.21801 190.10242 112.302 190.4032 112.302 190.76257 curveto
-112.302 191.11414 112.19946 191.44519 111.99438 191.75574 curveto
-111.7893 192.06628 111.4934 192.30652 111.10669 192.47644 curveto
-110.71997 192.64636 110.28247 192.73132 109.79419 192.73132 curveto
-108.98559 192.73132 108.36938 192.56335 107.94556 192.22742 curveto
-107.52173 191.89148 107.25122 191.39343 107.13403 190.73328 curveto
-107.13403 190.73328 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-113.55591 194.97546 moveto
-113.55591 186.36804 lineto
-114.51685 186.36804 lineto
-114.51685 187.17664 lineto
-114.74341 186.86024 114.99927 186.62293 115.28442 186.46472 curveto
-115.56958 186.30652 115.91528 186.22742 116.32153 186.22742 curveto
-116.85278 186.22742 117.32153 186.36414 117.72778 186.63757 curveto
-118.13403 186.91102 118.44067 187.29676 118.64771 187.7948 curveto
-118.85473 188.29285 118.95825 188.83875 118.95825 189.4325 curveto
-118.95825 190.06922 118.84399 190.64246 118.61548 191.15222 curveto
-118.38696 191.66199 118.05493 192.05261 117.61938 192.3241 curveto
-117.18383 192.59558 116.72583 192.73132 116.24536 192.73132 curveto
-115.8938 192.73132 115.57837 192.6571 115.29907 192.50867 curveto
-115.01977 192.36023 114.79028 192.17273 114.6106 191.94617 curveto
-114.6106 194.97546 lineto
-113.55591 194.97546 lineto
-114.51099 189.51453 moveto
-114.51098 190.31531 114.67309 190.90711 114.99731 191.28992 curveto
-115.32153 191.67273 115.71411 191.86414 116.17505 191.86414 curveto
-116.64379 191.86414 117.04516 191.66589 117.37915 191.26941 curveto
-117.71313 190.87293 117.88012 190.25867 117.88013 189.42664 curveto
-117.88012 188.63367 117.71704 188.03992 117.39087 187.64539 curveto
-117.06469 187.25086 116.67504 187.05359 116.22192 187.05359 curveto
-115.7727 187.05359 115.37524 187.26356 115.02954 187.68347 curveto
-114.68384 188.1034 114.51098 188.71375 114.51099 189.51453 curveto
-114.51099 189.51453 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-119.84302 189.47937 moveto
-119.84302 188.32703 120.16333 187.47352 120.80396 186.91882 curveto
-121.33911 186.45789 121.99145 186.22742 122.76099 186.22742 curveto
-123.61645 186.22742 124.31567 186.5077 124.85864 187.06824 curveto
-125.40161 187.62879 125.67309 188.4032 125.6731 189.39148 curveto
-125.67309 190.19226 125.55297 190.82215 125.31274 191.28113 curveto
-125.0725 191.74011 124.7229 192.09656 124.26392 192.35046 curveto
-123.80493 192.60437 123.30395 192.73132 122.76099 192.73132 curveto
-121.88989 192.73132 121.18579 192.45203 120.64868 191.89343 curveto
-120.11157 191.33484 119.84302 190.53015 119.84302 189.47937 curveto
-119.84302 189.47937 lineto
-120.927 189.47937 moveto
-120.927 190.27625 121.10083 190.87293 121.44849 191.26941 curveto
-121.79614 191.66589 122.23364 191.86414 122.76099 191.86414 curveto
-123.28442 191.86414 123.71997 191.66492 124.06763 191.26648 curveto
-124.41528 190.86804 124.58911 190.26062 124.58911 189.44421 curveto
-124.58911 188.67469 124.4143 188.09168 124.0647 187.69519 curveto
-123.71508 187.29871 123.28051 187.10047 122.76099 187.10046 curveto
-122.23364 187.10047 121.79614 187.29773 121.44849 187.69226 curveto
-121.10083 188.0868 120.927 188.6825 120.927 189.47937 curveto
-120.927 189.47937 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-126.90942 185.22546 moveto
-126.90942 184.00085 lineto
-127.96411 184.00085 lineto
-127.96411 185.22546 lineto
-126.90942 185.22546 lineto
-125.57349 195.00476 moveto
-125.77271 194.10828 lineto
-125.98364 194.16296 126.14966 194.19031 126.27075 194.19031 curveto
-126.4856 194.19031 126.64575 194.11902 126.75122 193.97644 curveto
-126.85669 193.83386 126.90942 193.47742 126.90942 192.9071 curveto
-126.90942 186.36804 lineto
-127.96411 186.36804 lineto
-127.96411 192.93054 lineto
-127.96411 193.69617 127.8645 194.22937 127.66528 194.53015 curveto
-127.41138 194.92077 126.9895 195.11609 126.39966 195.11609 curveto
-126.1145 195.11609 125.83911 195.07898 125.57349 195.00476 curveto
-125.57349 195.00476 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-133.66528 192.5907 moveto
-133.66528 191.67664 lineto
-133.1809 192.37976 132.5227 192.73132 131.69067 192.73132 curveto
-131.32348 192.73132 130.98071 192.66101 130.66235 192.52039 curveto
-130.34399 192.37976 130.10766 192.203 129.95337 191.99011 curveto
-129.79907 191.77722 129.69067 191.51648 129.62817 191.20789 curveto
-129.5852 191.00086 129.56372 190.67273 129.56372 190.22351 curveto
-129.56372 186.36804 lineto
-130.61841 186.36804 lineto
-130.61841 189.81921 lineto
-130.61841 190.37 130.63989 190.74109 130.68286 190.9325 curveto
-130.74927 191.20984 130.88989 191.42761 131.10474 191.58582 curveto
-131.31958 191.74402 131.5852 191.82312 131.90161 191.82312 curveto
-132.21801 191.82312 132.51489 191.74207 132.79224 191.57996 curveto
-133.06958 191.41785 133.26586 191.19714 133.3811 190.91785 curveto
-133.49633 190.63855 133.55395 190.23328 133.55396 189.70203 curveto
-133.55396 186.36804 lineto
-134.60864 186.36804 lineto
-134.60864 192.5907 lineto
-133.66528 192.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-136.26099 185.22546 moveto
-136.26099 184.00085 lineto
-137.31567 184.00085 lineto
-137.31567 185.22546 lineto
-136.26099 185.22546 lineto
-134.92505 195.00476 moveto
-135.12427 194.10828 lineto
-135.33521 194.16296 135.50122 194.19031 135.62231 194.19031 curveto
-135.83716 194.19031 135.99731 194.11902 136.10278 193.97644 curveto
-136.20825 193.83386 136.26099 193.47742 136.26099 192.9071 curveto
-136.26099 186.36804 lineto
-137.31567 186.36804 lineto
-137.31567 192.93054 lineto
-137.31567 193.69617 137.21606 194.22937 137.01685 194.53015 curveto
-136.76294 194.92077 136.34106 195.11609 135.75122 195.11609 curveto
-135.46606 195.11609 135.19067 195.07898 134.92505 195.00476 curveto
-134.92505 195.00476 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-139.30786 192.5907 moveto
-139.30786 186.36804 lineto
-140.36255 186.36804 lineto
-140.36255 192.5907 lineto
-139.30786 192.5907 lineto
-139.26099 185.5946 moveto
-140.04028 183.95398 lineto
-141.4231 183.95398 lineto
-140.13403 185.5946 lineto
-139.26099 185.5946 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-146.32739 190.3114 moveto
-147.3645 190.44617 lineto
-147.25121 191.16101 146.96118 191.72058 146.49438 192.12488 curveto
-146.02758 192.52917 145.45434 192.73132 144.77466 192.73132 curveto
-143.92309 192.73132 143.23852 192.453 142.72095 191.89636 curveto
-142.20337 191.33972 141.94458 190.54187 141.94458 189.50281 curveto
-141.94458 188.83094 142.05591 188.24305 142.27856 187.73914 curveto
-142.50122 187.23523 142.84009 186.85731 143.29517 186.60535 curveto
-143.75024 186.3534 144.24536 186.22742 144.78052 186.22742 curveto
-145.45629 186.22742 146.00903 186.39832 146.43872 186.74011 curveto
-146.8684 187.08191 147.14379 187.56727 147.26489 188.19617 curveto
-146.2395 188.35437 lineto
-146.14184 187.93641 145.96899 187.62195 145.72095 187.41101 curveto
-145.4729 187.20008 145.17309 187.09461 144.82153 187.0946 curveto
-144.29028 187.09461 143.85864 187.28504 143.52661 187.66589 curveto
-143.19458 188.04676 143.02856 188.6493 143.02856 189.47351 curveto
-143.02856 190.30945 143.18872 190.91687 143.50903 191.29578 curveto
-143.82934 191.67468 144.24731 191.86414 144.76294 191.86414 curveto
-145.177 191.86414 145.5227 191.73718 145.80005 191.48328 curveto
-146.07739 191.22937 146.25317 190.83875 146.32739 190.3114 curveto
-146.32739 190.3114 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-148.63599 192.5907 moveto
-148.63599 186.36804 lineto
-149.69067 186.36804 lineto
-149.69067 192.5907 lineto
-148.63599 192.5907 lineto
-148.58911 185.5946 moveto
-149.36841 183.95398 lineto
-150.75122 183.95398 lineto
-149.46216 185.5946 lineto
-148.58911 185.5946 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-158.96021 192.5907 moveto
-158.96021 191.80554 lineto
-158.56567 192.42273 157.98559 192.73132 157.21997 192.73132 curveto
-156.72387 192.73132 156.26782 192.5946 155.85181 192.32117 curveto
-155.43579 192.04773 155.11352 191.66589 154.88501 191.17566 curveto
-154.65649 190.68543 154.54224 190.12195 154.54224 189.48523 curveto
-154.54224 188.86414 154.64575 188.30066 154.85278 187.7948 curveto
-155.05981 187.28895 155.37036 186.90125 155.78442 186.63171 curveto
-156.19848 186.36219 156.66137 186.22742 157.1731 186.22742 curveto
-157.54809 186.22742 157.88208 186.30652 158.17505 186.46472 curveto
-158.46801 186.62293 158.70629 186.82899 158.88989 187.08289 curveto
-158.88989 184.00085 lineto
-159.93872 184.00085 lineto
-159.93872 192.5907 lineto
-158.96021 192.5907 lineto
-155.62622 189.48523 moveto
-155.62622 190.28211 155.79419 190.87781 156.13013 191.27234 curveto
-156.46606 191.66687 156.86255 191.86414 157.31958 191.86414 curveto
-157.78051 191.86414 158.17212 191.67566 158.49438 191.29871 curveto
-158.81665 190.92175 158.97778 190.34656 158.97778 189.57312 curveto
-158.97778 188.72156 158.81372 188.09656 158.4856 187.69812 curveto
-158.15747 187.29969 157.75317 187.10047 157.27271 187.10046 curveto
-156.80395 187.10047 156.41235 187.29188 156.0979 187.67468 curveto
-155.78345 188.0575 155.62622 188.66101 155.62622 189.48523 curveto
-155.62622 189.48523 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-163.3313 192.5907 moveto
-160.96411 186.36804 lineto
-162.07739 186.36804 lineto
-163.41333 190.0946 lineto
-163.55786 190.49695 163.69067 190.91492 163.81177 191.34851 curveto
-163.90551 191.02039 164.03637 190.62586 164.20435 190.16492 curveto
-165.58716 186.36804 lineto
-166.67114 186.36804 lineto
-164.31567 192.5907 lineto
-163.3313 192.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-171.86255 190.58679 moveto
-172.95239 190.72156 lineto
-172.78051 191.35828 172.46215 191.85242 171.99731 192.20398 curveto
-171.53247 192.55554 170.93872 192.73132 170.21606 192.73132 curveto
-169.30591 192.73132 168.58423 192.45105 168.05103 191.8905 curveto
-167.51782 191.32996 167.25122 190.54383 167.25122 189.5321 curveto
-167.25122 188.48523 167.52075 187.67273 168.05981 187.0946 curveto
-168.59888 186.51649 169.29809 186.22742 170.15747 186.22742 curveto
-170.9895 186.22742 171.66918 186.51063 172.19653 187.07703 curveto
-172.72387 187.64344 172.98754 188.44031 172.98755 189.46765 curveto
-172.98754 189.53015 172.98559 189.6239 172.98169 189.7489 curveto
-168.34106 189.7489 lineto
-168.38013 190.4325 168.57348 190.95593 168.92114 191.31921 curveto
-169.2688 191.6825 169.70239 191.86414 170.22192 191.86414 curveto
-170.60864 191.86414 170.93872 191.76257 171.21216 191.55945 curveto
-171.48559 191.35632 171.70239 191.03211 171.86255 190.58679 curveto
-171.86255 190.58679 lineto
-168.39966 188.88171 moveto
-171.87427 188.88171 lineto
-171.82739 188.35828 171.69458 187.9657 171.47583 187.70398 curveto
-171.13989 187.29773 170.70434 187.09461 170.16919 187.0946 curveto
-169.68481 187.09461 169.27759 187.25672 168.94751 187.58093 curveto
-168.61743 187.90516 168.43481 188.33875 168.39966 188.88171 curveto
-168.39966 188.88171 lineto
-170.22778 184.95007 moveto
-170.87231 183.95398 lineto
-172.06763 183.95398 lineto
-170.74927 185.5946 lineto
-169.62427 185.5946 lineto
-168.35864 183.95398 lineto
-169.56567 183.95398 lineto
-170.22778 184.95007 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-177.6106 192.5907 moveto
-177.6106 186.36804 lineto
-178.55396 186.36804 lineto
-178.55396 187.24109 lineto
-178.74927 186.93641 179.00903 186.69129 179.33325 186.50574 curveto
-179.65747 186.3202 180.02661 186.22742 180.44067 186.22742 curveto
-180.90161 186.22742 181.27954 186.32313 181.57446 186.51453 curveto
-181.86938 186.70594 182.07739 186.97352 182.19849 187.31726 curveto
-182.69067 186.5907 183.33129 186.22742 184.12036 186.22742 curveto
-184.73754 186.22742 185.21215 186.39832 185.54419 186.74011 curveto
-185.87621 187.08191 186.04223 187.60828 186.04224 188.31921 curveto
-186.04224 192.5907 lineto
-184.99341 192.5907 lineto
-184.99341 188.67078 lineto
-184.9934 188.24891 184.95922 187.9452 184.89087 187.75964 curveto
-184.8225 187.5741 184.69848 187.42469 184.5188 187.3114 curveto
-184.3391 187.19813 184.12817 187.14148 183.88599 187.14148 curveto
-183.44848 187.14148 183.0852 187.28699 182.79614 187.578 curveto
-182.50707 187.86902 182.36254 188.33484 182.36255 188.97546 curveto
-182.36255 192.5907 lineto
-181.30786 192.5907 lineto
-181.30786 188.54773 lineto
-181.30786 188.07898 181.22192 187.72742 181.05005 187.49304 curveto
-180.87817 187.25867 180.59692 187.14148 180.2063 187.14148 curveto
-179.90942 187.14148 179.63501 187.21961 179.38306 187.37585 curveto
-179.1311 187.53211 178.94848 187.76062 178.83521 188.0614 curveto
-178.72192 188.36219 178.66528 188.79578 178.66528 189.36218 curveto
-178.66528 192.5907 lineto
-177.6106 192.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-187.98755 192.5907 moveto
-187.98755 186.36804 lineto
-189.04224 186.36804 lineto
-189.04224 192.5907 lineto
-187.98755 192.5907 lineto
-187.94067 185.5946 moveto
-188.71997 183.95398 lineto
-190.10278 183.95398 lineto
-188.81372 185.5946 lineto
-187.94067 185.5946 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-190.52466 190.73328 moveto
-191.56763 190.56921 lineto
-191.62622 190.98718 191.78931 191.3075 192.05688 191.53015 curveto
-192.32446 191.75281 192.69848 191.86414 193.17896 191.86414 curveto
-193.66333 191.86414 194.0227 191.7655 194.25708 191.56824 curveto
-194.49145 191.37097 194.60864 191.13953 194.60864 190.8739 curveto
-194.60864 190.63562 194.50512 190.44812 194.2981 190.3114 curveto
-194.15356 190.21765 193.79419 190.09851 193.21997 189.95398 curveto
-192.44653 189.75867 191.9104 189.58972 191.61157 189.44714 curveto
-191.31274 189.30457 191.08618 189.1073 190.93188 188.85535 curveto
-190.77759 188.6034 190.70044 188.32508 190.70044 188.02039 curveto
-190.70044 187.74305 190.76392 187.48621 190.89087 187.24988 curveto
-191.01782 187.01356 191.19067 186.81727 191.40942 186.66101 curveto
-191.57348 186.53992 191.79712 186.43738 192.08032 186.35339 curveto
-192.36352 186.26942 192.66723 186.22742 192.99146 186.22742 curveto
-193.47973 186.22742 193.90844 186.29774 194.27759 186.43835 curveto
-194.64672 186.57899 194.91918 186.76942 195.09497 187.00964 curveto
-195.27075 187.24988 195.39184 187.57117 195.45825 187.97351 curveto
-194.427 188.11414 lineto
-194.38012 187.79383 194.24438 187.54383 194.01978 187.36414 curveto
-193.79516 187.18445 193.47778 187.09461 193.06763 187.0946 curveto
-192.58325 187.09461 192.23755 187.17469 192.03052 187.33484 curveto
-191.82348 187.495 191.71997 187.6825 191.71997 187.89734 curveto
-191.71997 188.03406 191.76294 188.15711 191.84888 188.26648 curveto
-191.93481 188.37976 192.06958 188.47351 192.25317 188.54773 curveto
-192.35864 188.5868 192.66919 188.67664 193.18481 188.81726 curveto
-193.9309 189.01648 194.45141 189.17957 194.74634 189.30652 curveto
-195.04125 189.43347 195.2727 189.61804 195.44067 189.86023 curveto
-195.60864 190.10242 195.69262 190.4032 195.69263 190.76257 curveto
-195.69262 191.11414 195.59008 191.44519 195.38501 191.75574 curveto
-195.17993 192.06628 194.88403 192.30652 194.49731 192.47644 curveto
-194.11059 192.64636 193.67309 192.73132 193.18481 192.73132 curveto
-192.37622 192.73132 191.76001 192.56335 191.33618 192.22742 curveto
-190.91235 191.89148 190.64185 191.39343 190.52466 190.73328 curveto
-190.52466 190.73328 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-199.24927 191.64734 moveto
-199.40161 192.57898 lineto
-199.10473 192.64148 198.83911 192.67273 198.60474 192.67273 curveto
-198.22192 192.67273 197.92505 192.61218 197.71411 192.49109 curveto
-197.50317 192.37 197.35474 192.21082 197.2688 192.01355 curveto
-197.18286 191.81628 197.13989 191.40125 197.13989 190.76843 curveto
-197.13989 187.18835 lineto
-196.36646 187.18835 lineto
-196.36646 186.36804 lineto
-197.13989 186.36804 lineto
-197.13989 184.82703 lineto
-198.18872 184.19421 lineto
-198.18872 186.36804 lineto
-199.24927 186.36804 lineto
-199.24927 187.18835 lineto
-198.18872 187.18835 lineto
-198.18872 190.82703 lineto
-198.18872 191.12781 198.20727 191.32117 198.24438 191.4071 curveto
-198.28149 191.49304 198.34204 191.5614 198.42603 191.61218 curveto
-198.51001 191.66296 198.63012 191.68836 198.78638 191.68835 curveto
-198.90356 191.68836 199.05786 191.67468 199.24927 191.64734 curveto
-199.24927 191.64734 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-204.33521 191.82312 moveto
-203.94458 192.15515 203.5686 192.38953 203.20728 192.52625 curveto
-202.84594 192.66296 202.45825 192.73132 202.04419 192.73132 curveto
-201.36059 192.73132 200.8352 192.56433 200.46802 192.23035 curveto
-200.10083 191.89636 199.91724 191.46961 199.91724 190.95007 curveto
-199.91724 190.64539 199.98657 190.36707 200.12524 190.11511 curveto
-200.26392 189.86316 200.44556 189.66101 200.67017 189.50867 curveto
-200.89477 189.35633 201.1477 189.24109 201.42896 189.16296 curveto
-201.63598 189.10828 201.94848 189.05555 202.36646 189.00476 curveto
-203.21801 188.9032 203.84497 188.78211 204.24731 188.64148 curveto
-204.25122 188.49695 204.25317 188.40516 204.25317 188.36609 curveto
-204.25317 187.93641 204.15356 187.63367 203.95435 187.45789 curveto
-203.68481 187.21961 203.28442 187.10047 202.75317 187.10046 curveto
-202.25708 187.10047 201.89087 187.18738 201.65454 187.36121 curveto
-201.41821 187.53504 201.24341 187.84266 201.13013 188.28406 curveto
-200.09888 188.14343 lineto
-200.19263 187.70203 200.34692 187.34559 200.56177 187.0741 curveto
-200.77661 186.80262 201.08716 186.59363 201.49341 186.44714 curveto
-201.89966 186.30067 202.37036 186.22742 202.90552 186.22742 curveto
-203.43676 186.22742 203.8684 186.28992 204.20044 186.41492 curveto
-204.53247 186.53992 204.77661 186.69715 204.93286 186.8866 curveto
-205.08911 187.07606 205.19848 187.31531 205.26099 187.60437 curveto
-205.29614 187.78406 205.31371 188.10828 205.31372 188.57703 curveto
-205.31372 189.98328 lineto
-205.31371 190.96375 205.33618 191.58386 205.3811 191.84363 curveto
-205.42602 192.10339 205.51489 192.35242 205.64771 192.5907 curveto
-204.54614 192.5907 lineto
-204.43676 192.37195 204.36645 192.11609 204.33521 191.82312 curveto
-204.33521 191.82312 lineto
-204.24731 189.46765 moveto
-203.8645 189.6239 203.29028 189.75672 202.52466 189.86609 curveto
-202.09106 189.92859 201.78442 189.9989 201.60474 190.07703 curveto
-201.42505 190.15515 201.28638 190.26941 201.18872 190.4198 curveto
-201.09106 190.57019 201.04223 190.73718 201.04224 190.92078 curveto
-201.04223 191.20203 201.14868 191.4364 201.36157 191.6239 curveto
-201.57446 191.8114 201.88598 191.90515 202.29614 191.90515 curveto
-202.70239 191.90515 203.06372 191.81628 203.38013 191.63855 curveto
-203.69653 191.46082 203.92895 191.21765 204.07739 190.90906 curveto
-204.19067 190.67078 204.24731 190.31922 204.24731 189.85437 curveto
-204.24731 189.46765 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-43.260986 207.5907 moveto
-40.893799 201.36804 lineto
-42.00708 201.36804 lineto
-43.343018 205.0946 lineto
-43.487546 205.49695 43.620358 205.91492 43.741455 206.34851 curveto
-43.835202 206.02039 43.966061 205.62586 44.134033 205.16492 curveto
-45.516846 201.36804 lineto
-46.60083 201.36804 lineto
-44.245361 207.5907 lineto
-43.260986 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-47.485596 209.98718 moveto
-47.368408 208.99695 lineto
-47.598876 209.05945 47.800048 209.0907 47.971924 209.0907 curveto
-48.206297 209.0907 48.393797 209.05163 48.534424 208.97351 curveto
-48.675047 208.89538 48.790281 208.78601 48.880127 208.64539 curveto
-48.946531 208.53992 49.053953 208.2782 49.202393 207.86023 curveto
-49.221921 207.80164 49.253171 207.7157 49.296143 207.60242 curveto
-46.934814 201.36804 lineto
-48.071533 201.36804 lineto
-49.366455 204.97156 lineto
-49.534421 205.42859 49.684812 205.90906 49.817627 206.41296 curveto
-49.938718 205.92859 50.083249 205.45593 50.251221 204.995 curveto
-51.581299 201.36804 lineto
-52.635986 201.36804 lineto
-50.268799 207.69617 lineto
-50.014889 208.37976 49.817624 208.85046 49.677002 209.10828 curveto
-49.489499 209.45593 49.274656 209.71081 49.032471 209.87292 curveto
-48.790281 210.03503 48.501219 210.11609 48.165283 210.11609 curveto
-47.962157 210.11609 47.735595 210.07312 47.485596 209.98718 curveto
-47.485596 209.98718 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-55.835205 206.64734 moveto
-55.987549 207.57898 lineto
-55.690671 207.64148 55.425046 207.67273 55.190674 207.67273 curveto
-54.807859 207.67273 54.510985 207.61218 54.300049 207.49109 curveto
-54.08911 207.37 53.940673 207.21082 53.854736 207.01355 curveto
-53.768798 206.81628 53.725829 206.40125 53.72583 205.76843 curveto
-53.72583 202.18835 lineto
-52.952393 202.18835 lineto
-52.952393 201.36804 lineto
-53.72583 201.36804 lineto
-53.72583 199.82703 lineto
-54.774658 199.19421 lineto
-54.774658 201.36804 lineto
-55.835205 201.36804 lineto
-55.835205 202.18835 lineto
-54.774658 202.18835 lineto
-54.774658 205.82703 lineto
-54.774656 206.12781 54.793211 206.32117 54.830322 206.4071 curveto
-54.86743 206.49304 54.927976 206.5614 55.011963 206.61218 curveto
-55.095945 206.66296 55.216062 206.68836 55.372314 206.68835 curveto
-55.489499 206.68836 55.643796 206.67468 55.835205 206.64734 curveto
-55.835205 206.64734 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-58.589111 207.5907 moveto
-56.221924 201.36804 lineto
-57.335205 201.36804 lineto
-58.671143 205.0946 lineto
-58.815671 205.49695 58.948483 205.91492 59.06958 206.34851 curveto
-59.163327 206.02039 59.294186 205.62586 59.462158 205.16492 curveto
-60.844971 201.36804 lineto
-61.928955 201.36804 lineto
-59.573486 207.5907 lineto
-58.589111 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-66.921143 206.82312 moveto
-66.530513 207.15515 66.154537 207.38953 65.793213 207.52625 curveto
-65.431881 207.66296 65.044186 207.73132 64.630127 207.73132 curveto
-63.946531 207.73132 63.421141 207.56433 63.053955 207.23035 curveto
-62.686767 206.89636 62.503173 206.46961 62.503174 205.95007 curveto
-62.503173 205.64539 62.572509 205.36707 62.711182 205.11511 curveto
-62.849853 204.86316 63.031493 204.66101 63.256104 204.50867 curveto
-63.480711 204.35633 63.733641 204.24109 64.014893 204.16296 curveto
-64.221922 204.10828 64.534421 204.05555 64.952393 204.00476 curveto
-65.803951 203.9032 66.430904 203.78211 66.833252 203.64148 curveto
-66.837153 203.49695 66.839107 203.40516 66.839111 203.36609 curveto
-66.839107 202.93641 66.739497 202.63367 66.540283 202.45789 curveto
-66.270748 202.21961 65.870358 202.10047 65.339111 202.10046 curveto
-64.843015 202.10047 64.476804 202.18738 64.240479 202.36121 curveto
-64.004148 202.53504 63.829344 202.84266 63.716064 203.28406 curveto
-62.684814 203.14343 lineto
-62.778564 202.70203 62.93286 202.34559 63.147705 202.0741 curveto
-63.362548 201.80262 63.673094 201.59363 64.079346 201.44714 curveto
-64.485593 201.30067 64.956296 201.22742 65.491455 201.22742 curveto
-66.022701 201.22742 66.454341 201.28992 66.786377 201.41492 curveto
-67.118403 201.53992 67.362544 201.69715 67.518799 201.8866 curveto
-67.675043 202.07606 67.784418 202.31531 67.846924 202.60437 curveto
-67.882074 202.78406 67.899652 203.10828 67.899658 203.57703 curveto
-67.899658 204.98328 lineto
-67.899652 205.96375 67.922113 206.58386 67.967041 206.84363 curveto
-68.011957 207.10339 68.100824 207.35242 68.233643 207.5907 curveto
-67.13208 207.5907 lineto
-67.0227 207.37195 66.952388 207.11609 66.921143 206.82312 curveto
-66.921143 206.82312 lineto
-66.833252 204.46765 moveto
-66.450435 204.6239 65.876217 204.75672 65.110596 204.86609 curveto
-64.676999 204.92859 64.370359 204.9989 64.190674 205.07703 curveto
-64.010984 205.15515 63.872313 205.26941 63.774658 205.4198 curveto
-63.677 205.57019 63.628172 205.73718 63.628174 205.92078 curveto
-63.628172 206.20203 63.734617 206.4364 63.94751 206.6239 curveto
-64.160398 206.8114 64.471921 206.90515 64.88208 206.90515 curveto
-65.288327 206.90515 65.649655 206.81628 65.966064 206.63855 curveto
-66.282466 206.46082 66.514888 206.21765 66.66333 205.90906 curveto
-66.776607 205.67078 66.833247 205.31922 66.833252 204.85437 curveto
-66.833252 204.46765 lineto
-64.776611 200.5946 moveto
-65.555908 198.95398 lineto
-66.938721 198.95398 lineto
-65.649658 200.5946 lineto
-64.776611 200.5946 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-69.528564 207.5907 moveto
-69.528564 201.36804 lineto
-70.477783 201.36804 lineto
-70.477783 202.3114 lineto
-70.719969 201.87 70.943601 201.57899 71.148682 201.43835 curveto
-71.353757 201.29774 71.579343 201.22742 71.825439 201.22742 curveto
-72.180905 201.22742 72.542233 201.3407 72.909424 201.56726 curveto
-72.546143 202.54578 lineto
-72.288327 202.39344 72.030514 202.31727 71.772705 202.31726 curveto
-71.542234 202.31727 71.335202 202.3866 71.151611 202.52527 curveto
-70.968015 202.66395 70.837156 202.85633 70.759033 203.10242 curveto
-70.641844 203.47742 70.58325 203.88758 70.583252 204.33289 curveto
-70.583252 207.5907 lineto
-69.528564 207.5907 lineto
-70.969971 199.95007 moveto
-71.614502 198.95398 lineto
-72.809814 198.95398 lineto
-71.491455 200.5946 lineto
-70.366455 200.5946 lineto
-69.10083 198.95398 lineto
-70.307861 198.95398 lineto
-70.969971 199.95007 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-73.917236 207.5907 moveto
-73.917236 201.36804 lineto
-74.971924 201.36804 lineto
-74.971924 207.5907 lineto
-73.917236 207.5907 lineto
-73.870361 200.5946 moveto
-74.649658 198.95398 lineto
-76.032471 198.95398 lineto
-74.743408 200.5946 lineto
-73.870361 200.5946 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-80.204346 207.5907 moveto
-80.204346 199.00085 lineto
-81.259033 199.00085 lineto
-81.259033 202.08289 lineto
-81.751218 201.51258 82.372311 201.22742 83.122314 201.22742 curveto
-83.583248 201.22742 83.983638 201.31824 84.323486 201.49988 curveto
-84.663325 201.68152 84.906489 201.9325 85.052979 202.25281 curveto
-85.199457 202.57313 85.272699 203.03797 85.272705 203.64734 curveto
-85.272705 207.5907 lineto
-84.218018 207.5907 lineto
-84.218018 203.64734 lineto
-84.218013 203.12 84.103755 202.73621 83.875244 202.49597 curveto
-83.646724 202.25574 83.323482 202.13563 82.905518 202.13562 curveto
-82.593014 202.13563 82.299069 202.21668 82.023682 202.37878 curveto
-81.748289 202.5409 81.552 202.76062 81.434814 203.03796 curveto
-81.317625 203.31531 81.259031 203.69812 81.259033 204.1864 curveto
-81.259033 207.5907 lineto
-80.204346 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86.872314 207.5907 moveto
-86.872314 201.36804 lineto
-87.821533 201.36804 lineto
-87.821533 202.3114 lineto
-88.063719 201.87 88.287351 201.57899 88.492432 201.43835 curveto
-88.697507 201.29774 88.923093 201.22742 89.169189 201.22742 curveto
-89.524655 201.22742 89.885983 201.3407 90.253174 201.56726 curveto
-89.889893 202.54578 lineto
-89.632077 202.39344 89.374264 202.31727 89.116455 202.31726 curveto
-88.885984 202.31727 88.678952 202.3866 88.495361 202.52527 curveto
-88.311765 202.66395 88.180906 202.85633 88.102783 203.10242 curveto
-87.985594 203.47742 87.927 203.88758 87.927002 204.33289 curveto
-87.927002 207.5907 lineto
-86.872314 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-94.952393 206.82312 moveto
-94.561763 207.15515 94.185787 207.38953 93.824463 207.52625 curveto
-93.463131 207.66296 93.075436 207.73132 92.661377 207.73132 curveto
-91.977781 207.73132 91.452391 207.56433 91.085205 207.23035 curveto
-90.718017 206.89636 90.534423 206.46961 90.534424 205.95007 curveto
-90.534423 205.64539 90.603759 205.36707 90.742432 205.11511 curveto
-90.881103 204.86316 91.062743 204.66101 91.287354 204.50867 curveto
-91.511961 204.35633 91.764891 204.24109 92.046143 204.16296 curveto
-92.253172 204.10828 92.565671 204.05555 92.983643 204.00476 curveto
-93.835201 203.9032 94.462154 203.78211 94.864502 203.64148 curveto
-94.868403 203.49695 94.870357 203.40516 94.870361 203.36609 curveto
-94.870357 202.93641 94.770747 202.63367 94.571533 202.45789 curveto
-94.301998 202.21961 93.901608 202.10047 93.370361 202.10046 curveto
-92.874265 202.10047 92.508054 202.18738 92.271729 202.36121 curveto
-92.035398 202.53504 91.860594 202.84266 91.747314 203.28406 curveto
-90.716064 203.14343 lineto
-90.809814 202.70203 90.96411 202.34559 91.178955 202.0741 curveto
-91.393798 201.80262 91.704344 201.59363 92.110596 201.44714 curveto
-92.516843 201.30067 92.987546 201.22742 93.522705 201.22742 curveto
-94.053951 201.22742 94.485591 201.28992 94.817627 201.41492 curveto
-95.149653 201.53992 95.393794 201.69715 95.550049 201.8866 curveto
-95.706293 202.07606 95.815668 202.31531 95.878174 202.60437 curveto
-95.913324 202.78406 95.930902 203.10828 95.930908 203.57703 curveto
-95.930908 204.98328 lineto
-95.930902 205.96375 95.953363 206.58386 95.998291 206.84363 curveto
-96.043207 207.10339 96.132074 207.35242 96.264893 207.5907 curveto
-95.16333 207.5907 lineto
-95.05395 207.37195 94.983638 207.11609 94.952393 206.82312 curveto
-94.952393 206.82312 lineto
-94.864502 204.46765 moveto
-94.481685 204.6239 93.907467 204.75672 93.141846 204.86609 curveto
-92.708249 204.92859 92.401609 204.9989 92.221924 205.07703 curveto
-92.042234 205.15515 91.903563 205.26941 91.805908 205.4198 curveto
-91.70825 205.57019 91.659422 205.73718 91.659424 205.92078 curveto
-91.659422 206.20203 91.765867 206.4364 91.97876 206.6239 curveto
-92.191648 206.8114 92.503171 206.90515 92.91333 206.90515 curveto
-93.319577 206.90515 93.680905 206.81628 93.997314 206.63855 curveto
-94.313716 206.46082 94.546138 206.21765 94.69458 205.90906 curveto
-94.807857 205.67078 94.864497 205.31922 94.864502 204.85437 curveto
-94.864502 204.46765 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-97.571533 207.5907 moveto
-97.571533 201.36804 lineto
-98.520752 201.36804 lineto
-98.520752 202.25281 lineto
-98.977781 201.56922 99.637937 201.22742 100.50122 201.22742 curveto
-100.87622 201.22742 101.22094 201.29481 101.5354 201.42957 curveto
-101.84985 201.56434 102.0852 201.74109 102.24146 201.95984 curveto
-102.3977 202.17859 102.50707 202.43836 102.56958 202.73914 curveto
-102.60864 202.93445 102.62817 203.27625 102.62817 203.76453 curveto
-102.62817 207.5907 lineto
-101.57349 207.5907 lineto
-101.57349 203.80554 lineto
-101.57348 203.37586 101.53247 203.05457 101.45044 202.84167 curveto
-101.3684 202.62879 101.2229 202.45887 101.01392 202.33191 curveto
-100.80493 202.20496 100.55981 202.14148 100.27856 202.14148 curveto
-99.829343 202.14148 99.441648 202.28406 99.115479 202.56921 curveto
-98.789305 202.85437 98.626219 203.39539 98.626221 204.19226 curveto
-98.626221 207.5907 lineto
-97.571533 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-108.32935 207.5907 moveto
-108.32935 206.67664 lineto
-107.84497 207.37976 107.18676 207.73132 106.35474 207.73132 curveto
-105.98755 207.73132 105.64477 207.66101 105.32642 207.52039 curveto
-105.00806 207.37976 104.77173 207.203 104.61743 206.99011 curveto
-104.46313 206.77722 104.35474 206.51648 104.29224 206.20789 curveto
-104.24927 206.00086 104.22778 205.67273 104.22778 205.22351 curveto
-104.22778 201.36804 lineto
-105.28247 201.36804 lineto
-105.28247 204.81921 lineto
-105.28247 205.37 105.30395 205.74109 105.34692 205.9325 curveto
-105.41333 206.20984 105.55395 206.42761 105.7688 206.58582 curveto
-105.98364 206.74402 106.24926 206.82312 106.56567 206.82312 curveto
-106.88208 206.82312 107.17895 206.74207 107.4563 206.57996 curveto
-107.73364 206.41785 107.92993 206.19714 108.04517 205.91785 curveto
-108.1604 205.63855 108.21801 205.23328 108.21802 204.70203 curveto
-108.21802 201.36804 lineto
-109.27271 201.36804 lineto
-109.27271 207.5907 lineto
-108.32935 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-114.25317 200.22546 moveto
-114.25317 199.00085 lineto
-115.30786 199.00085 lineto
-115.30786 200.22546 lineto
-114.25317 200.22546 lineto
-112.91724 210.00476 moveto
-113.11646 209.10828 lineto
-113.32739 209.16296 113.49341 209.19031 113.6145 209.19031 curveto
-113.82935 209.19031 113.9895 209.11902 114.09497 208.97644 curveto
-114.20044 208.83386 114.25317 208.47742 114.25317 207.9071 curveto
-114.25317 201.36804 lineto
-115.30786 201.36804 lineto
-115.30786 207.93054 lineto
-115.30786 208.69617 115.20825 209.22937 115.00903 209.53015 curveto
-114.75513 209.92077 114.33325 210.11609 113.74341 210.11609 curveto
-113.45825 210.11609 113.18286 210.07898 112.91724 210.00476 curveto
-112.91724 210.00476 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-121.19067 205.58679 moveto
-122.28052 205.72156 lineto
-122.10864 206.35828 121.79028 206.85242 121.32544 207.20398 curveto
-120.86059 207.55554 120.26684 207.73132 119.54419 207.73132 curveto
-118.63403 207.73132 117.91235 207.45105 117.37915 206.8905 curveto
-116.84595 206.32996 116.57935 205.54383 116.57935 204.5321 curveto
-116.57935 203.48523 116.84888 202.67273 117.38794 202.0946 curveto
-117.927 201.51649 118.62622 201.22742 119.4856 201.22742 curveto
-120.31762 201.22742 120.99731 201.51063 121.52466 202.07703 curveto
-122.052 202.64344 122.31567 203.44031 122.31567 204.46765 curveto
-122.31567 204.53015 122.31371 204.6239 122.30981 204.7489 curveto
-117.66919 204.7489 lineto
-117.70825 205.4325 117.90161 205.95593 118.24927 206.31921 curveto
-118.59692 206.6825 119.03051 206.86414 119.55005 206.86414 curveto
-119.93676 206.86414 120.26684 206.76257 120.54028 206.55945 curveto
-120.81372 206.35632 121.03051 206.03211 121.19067 205.58679 curveto
-121.19067 205.58679 lineto
-117.72778 203.88171 moveto
-121.20239 203.88171 lineto
-121.15551 203.35828 121.0227 202.9657 120.80396 202.70398 curveto
-120.46801 202.29773 120.03247 202.09461 119.49731 202.0946 curveto
-119.01294 202.09461 118.60571 202.25672 118.27563 202.58093 curveto
-117.94555 202.90516 117.76294 203.33875 117.72778 203.88171 curveto
-117.72778 203.88171 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-127.64771 207.5907 moveto
-127.64771 206.80554 lineto
-127.25317 207.42273 126.67309 207.73132 125.90747 207.73132 curveto
-125.41137 207.73132 124.95532 207.5946 124.53931 207.32117 curveto
-124.12329 207.04773 123.80102 206.66589 123.57251 206.17566 curveto
-123.34399 205.68543 123.22974 205.12195 123.22974 204.48523 curveto
-123.22974 203.86414 123.33325 203.30066 123.54028 202.7948 curveto
-123.74731 202.28895 124.05786 201.90125 124.47192 201.63171 curveto
-124.88598 201.36219 125.34887 201.22742 125.8606 201.22742 curveto
-126.23559 201.22742 126.56958 201.30652 126.86255 201.46472 curveto
-127.15551 201.62293 127.39379 201.82899 127.57739 202.08289 curveto
-127.57739 199.00085 lineto
-128.62622 199.00085 lineto
-128.62622 207.5907 lineto
-127.64771 207.5907 lineto
-124.31372 204.48523 moveto
-124.31372 205.28211 124.48169 205.87781 124.81763 206.27234 curveto
-125.15356 206.66687 125.55005 206.86414 126.00708 206.86414 curveto
-126.46801 206.86414 126.85962 206.67566 127.18188 206.29871 curveto
-127.50415 205.92175 127.66528 205.34656 127.66528 204.57312 curveto
-127.66528 203.72156 127.50122 203.09656 127.1731 202.69812 curveto
-126.84497 202.29969 126.44067 202.10047 125.96021 202.10046 curveto
-125.49145 202.10047 125.09985 202.29188 124.7854 202.67468 curveto
-124.47095 203.0575 124.31372 203.66101 124.31372 204.48523 curveto
-124.31372 204.48523 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-130.29028 207.5907 moveto
-130.29028 201.36804 lineto
-131.2395 201.36804 lineto
-131.2395 202.25281 lineto
-131.69653 201.56922 132.35669 201.22742 133.21997 201.22742 curveto
-133.59497 201.22742 133.93969 201.29481 134.25415 201.42957 curveto
-134.5686 201.56434 134.80395 201.74109 134.96021 201.95984 curveto
-135.11645 202.17859 135.22582 202.43836 135.28833 202.73914 curveto
-135.32739 202.93445 135.34692 203.27625 135.34692 203.76453 curveto
-135.34692 207.5907 lineto
-134.29224 207.5907 lineto
-134.29224 203.80554 lineto
-134.29223 203.37586 134.25122 203.05457 134.16919 202.84167 curveto
-134.08715 202.62879 133.94165 202.45887 133.73267 202.33191 curveto
-133.52368 202.20496 133.27856 202.14148 132.99731 202.14148 curveto
-132.54809 202.14148 132.1604 202.28406 131.83423 202.56921 curveto
-131.50805 202.85437 131.34497 203.39539 131.34497 204.19226 curveto
-131.34497 207.5907 lineto
-130.29028 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-136.57739 204.47937 moveto
-136.57739 203.32703 136.8977 202.47352 137.53833 201.91882 curveto
-138.07348 201.45789 138.72583 201.22742 139.49536 201.22742 curveto
-140.35083 201.22742 141.05004 201.5077 141.59302 202.06824 curveto
-142.13598 202.62879 142.40746 203.4032 142.40747 204.39148 curveto
-142.40746 205.19226 142.28735 205.82215 142.04712 206.28113 curveto
-141.80688 206.74011 141.45727 207.09656 140.99829 207.35046 curveto
-140.5393 207.60437 140.03833 207.73132 139.49536 207.73132 curveto
-138.62427 207.73132 137.92016 207.45203 137.38306 206.89343 curveto
-136.84595 206.33484 136.57739 205.53015 136.57739 204.47937 curveto
-136.57739 204.47937 lineto
-137.66138 204.47937 moveto
-137.66138 205.27625 137.8352 205.87293 138.18286 206.26941 curveto
-138.53052 206.66589 138.96801 206.86414 139.49536 206.86414 curveto
-140.01879 206.86414 140.45434 206.66492 140.802 206.26648 curveto
-141.14965 205.86804 141.32348 205.26062 141.32349 204.44421 curveto
-141.32348 203.67469 141.14868 203.09168 140.79907 202.69519 curveto
-140.44946 202.29871 140.01489 202.10047 139.49536 202.10046 curveto
-138.96801 202.10047 138.53052 202.29773 138.18286 202.69226 curveto
-137.8352 203.0868 137.66138 203.6825 137.66138 204.47937 curveto
-137.66138 204.47937 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-147.68677 207.5907 moveto
-147.68677 206.80554 lineto
-147.29223 207.42273 146.71215 207.73132 145.94653 207.73132 curveto
-145.45044 207.73132 144.99438 207.5946 144.57837 207.32117 curveto
-144.16235 207.04773 143.84009 206.66589 143.61157 206.17566 curveto
-143.38306 205.68543 143.2688 205.12195 143.2688 204.48523 curveto
-143.2688 203.86414 143.37231 203.30066 143.57935 202.7948 curveto
-143.78638 202.28895 144.09692 201.90125 144.51099 201.63171 curveto
-144.92505 201.36219 145.38794 201.22742 145.89966 201.22742 curveto
-146.27465 201.22742 146.60864 201.30652 146.90161 201.46472 curveto
-147.19458 201.62293 147.43286 201.82899 147.61646 202.08289 curveto
-147.61646 199.00085 lineto
-148.66528 199.00085 lineto
-148.66528 207.5907 lineto
-147.68677 207.5907 lineto
-144.35278 204.48523 moveto
-144.35278 205.28211 144.52075 205.87781 144.85669 206.27234 curveto
-145.19262 206.66687 145.58911 206.86414 146.04614 206.86414 curveto
-146.50708 206.86414 146.89868 206.67566 147.22095 206.29871 curveto
-147.54321 205.92175 147.70434 205.34656 147.70435 204.57312 curveto
-147.70434 203.72156 147.54028 203.09656 147.21216 202.69812 curveto
-146.88403 202.29969 146.47973 202.10047 145.99927 202.10046 curveto
-145.53051 202.10047 145.13891 202.29188 144.82446 202.67468 curveto
-144.51001 203.0575 144.35278 203.66101 144.35278 204.48523 curveto
-144.35278 204.48523 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-154.40747 207.5907 moveto
-154.40747 206.67664 lineto
-153.92309 207.37976 153.26489 207.73132 152.43286 207.73132 curveto
-152.06567 207.73132 151.7229 207.66101 151.40454 207.52039 curveto
-151.08618 207.37976 150.84985 207.203 150.69556 206.99011 curveto
-150.54126 206.77722 150.43286 206.51648 150.37036 206.20789 curveto
-150.32739 206.00086 150.30591 205.67273 150.30591 205.22351 curveto
-150.30591 201.36804 lineto
-151.3606 201.36804 lineto
-151.3606 204.81921 lineto
-151.36059 205.37 151.38208 205.74109 151.42505 205.9325 curveto
-151.49145 206.20984 151.63208 206.42761 151.84692 206.58582 curveto
-152.06177 206.74402 152.32739 206.82312 152.6438 206.82312 curveto
-152.9602 206.82312 153.25708 206.74207 153.53442 206.57996 curveto
-153.81176 206.41785 154.00805 206.19714 154.12329 205.91785 curveto
-154.23852 205.63855 154.29614 205.23328 154.29614 204.70203 curveto
-154.29614 201.36804 lineto
-155.35083 201.36804 lineto
-155.35083 207.5907 lineto
-154.40747 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-161.06958 205.3114 moveto
-162.10669 205.44617 lineto
-161.9934 206.16101 161.70336 206.72058 161.23657 207.12488 curveto
-160.76977 207.52917 160.19653 207.73132 159.51685 207.73132 curveto
-158.66528 207.73132 157.98071 207.453 157.46313 206.89636 curveto
-156.94556 206.33972 156.68677 205.54187 156.68677 204.50281 curveto
-156.68677 203.83094 156.7981 203.24305 157.02075 202.73914 curveto
-157.24341 202.23523 157.58227 201.85731 158.03735 201.60535 curveto
-158.49243 201.3534 158.98755 201.22742 159.52271 201.22742 curveto
-160.19848 201.22742 160.75122 201.39832 161.18091 201.74011 curveto
-161.61059 202.08191 161.88598 202.56727 162.00708 203.19617 curveto
-160.98169 203.35437 lineto
-160.88403 202.93641 160.71118 202.62195 160.46313 202.41101 curveto
-160.21508 202.20008 159.91528 202.09461 159.56372 202.0946 curveto
-159.03247 202.09461 158.60083 202.28504 158.2688 202.66589 curveto
-157.93677 203.04676 157.77075 203.6493 157.77075 204.47351 curveto
-157.77075 205.30945 157.93091 205.91687 158.25122 206.29578 curveto
-158.57153 206.67468 158.9895 206.86414 159.50513 206.86414 curveto
-159.91919 206.86414 160.26489 206.73718 160.54224 206.48328 curveto
-160.81958 206.22937 160.99536 205.83875 161.06958 205.3114 curveto
-161.06958 205.3114 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-163.00903 207.5907 moveto
-163.00903 199.00085 lineto
-164.06372 199.00085 lineto
-164.06372 202.08289 lineto
-164.55591 201.51258 165.177 201.22742 165.927 201.22742 curveto
-166.38794 201.22742 166.78833 201.31824 167.12817 201.49988 curveto
-167.46801 201.68152 167.71118 201.9325 167.85767 202.25281 curveto
-168.00414 202.57313 168.07739 203.03797 168.07739 203.64734 curveto
-168.07739 207.5907 lineto
-167.02271 207.5907 lineto
-167.02271 203.64734 lineto
-167.0227 203.12 166.90844 202.73621 166.67993 202.49597 curveto
-166.45141 202.25574 166.12817 202.13563 165.71021 202.13562 curveto
-165.3977 202.13563 165.10376 202.21668 164.82837 202.37878 curveto
-164.55298 202.5409 164.35669 202.76062 164.2395 203.03796 curveto
-164.12231 203.31531 164.06372 203.69812 164.06372 204.1864 curveto
-164.06372 207.5907 lineto
-163.00903 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-173.94849 205.58679 moveto
-175.03833 205.72156 lineto
-174.86645 206.35828 174.54809 206.85242 174.08325 207.20398 curveto
-173.6184 207.55554 173.02465 207.73132 172.302 207.73132 curveto
-171.39184 207.73132 170.67016 207.45105 170.13696 206.8905 curveto
-169.60376 206.32996 169.33716 205.54383 169.33716 204.5321 curveto
-169.33716 203.48523 169.60669 202.67273 170.14575 202.0946 curveto
-170.68481 201.51649 171.38403 201.22742 172.24341 201.22742 curveto
-173.07544 201.22742 173.75512 201.51063 174.28247 202.07703 curveto
-174.80981 202.64344 175.07348 203.44031 175.07349 204.46765 curveto
-175.07348 204.53015 175.07153 204.6239 175.06763 204.7489 curveto
-170.427 204.7489 lineto
-170.46606 205.4325 170.65942 205.95593 171.00708 206.31921 curveto
-171.35473 206.6825 171.78833 206.86414 172.30786 206.86414 curveto
-172.69458 206.86414 173.02465 206.76257 173.2981 206.55945 curveto
-173.57153 206.35632 173.78833 206.03211 173.94849 205.58679 curveto
-173.94849 205.58679 lineto
-170.4856 203.88171 moveto
-173.96021 203.88171 lineto
-173.91333 203.35828 173.78051 202.9657 173.56177 202.70398 curveto
-173.22583 202.29773 172.79028 202.09461 172.25513 202.0946 curveto
-171.77075 202.09461 171.36352 202.25672 171.03345 202.58093 curveto
-170.70337 202.90516 170.52075 203.33875 170.4856 203.88171 curveto
-170.4856 203.88171 lineto
-171.62817 200.5946 moveto
-172.40747 198.95398 lineto
-173.79028 198.95398 lineto
-172.50122 200.5946 lineto
-171.62817 200.5946 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-176.36841 207.5907 moveto
-176.36841 199.00085 lineto
-177.4231 199.00085 lineto
-177.4231 202.08289 lineto
-177.91528 201.51258 178.53637 201.22742 179.28638 201.22742 curveto
-179.74731 201.22742 180.1477 201.31824 180.48755 201.49988 curveto
-180.82739 201.68152 181.07055 201.9325 181.21704 202.25281 curveto
-181.36352 202.57313 181.43676 203.03797 181.43677 203.64734 curveto
-181.43677 207.5907 lineto
-180.38208 207.5907 lineto
-180.38208 203.64734 lineto
-180.38208 203.12 180.26782 202.73621 180.03931 202.49597 curveto
-179.81079 202.25574 179.48754 202.13563 179.06958 202.13562 curveto
-178.75708 202.13563 178.46313 202.21668 178.18774 202.37878 curveto
-177.91235 202.5409 177.71606 202.76062 177.59888 203.03796 curveto
-177.48169 203.31531 177.42309 203.69812 177.4231 204.1864 curveto
-177.4231 207.5907 lineto
-176.36841 207.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-182.65552 204.47937 moveto
-182.65552 203.32703 182.97583 202.47352 183.61646 201.91882 curveto
-184.15161 201.45789 184.80395 201.22742 185.57349 201.22742 curveto
-186.42895 201.22742 187.12817 201.5077 187.67114 202.06824 curveto
-188.21411 202.62879 188.48559 203.4032 188.4856 204.39148 curveto
-188.48559 205.19226 188.36547 205.82215 188.12524 206.28113 curveto
-187.885 206.74011 187.5354 207.09656 187.07642 207.35046 curveto
-186.61743 207.60437 186.11645 207.73132 185.57349 207.73132 curveto
-184.70239 207.73132 183.99829 207.45203 183.46118 206.89343 curveto
-182.92407 206.33484 182.65552 205.53015 182.65552 204.47937 curveto
-182.65552 204.47937 lineto
-183.7395 204.47937 moveto
-183.7395 205.27625 183.91333 205.87293 184.26099 206.26941 curveto
-184.60864 206.66589 185.04614 206.86414 185.57349 206.86414 curveto
-186.09692 206.86414 186.53247 206.66492 186.88013 206.26648 curveto
-187.22778 205.86804 187.40161 205.26062 187.40161 204.44421 curveto
-187.40161 203.67469 187.2268 203.09168 186.8772 202.69519 curveto
-186.52758 202.29871 186.09301 202.10047 185.57349 202.10046 curveto
-185.04614 202.10047 184.60864 202.29773 184.26099 202.69226 curveto
-183.91333 203.0868 183.7395 203.6825 183.7395 204.47937 curveto
-183.7395 204.47937 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-44.122314 222.5907 moveto
-40.794189 214.00085 lineto
-42.024658 214.00085 lineto
-44.25708 220.24109 lineto
-44.436764 220.74109 44.587154 221.20984 44.708252 221.64734 curveto
-44.84106 221.17859 44.995357 220.70984 45.171143 220.24109 curveto
-47.491455 214.00085 lineto
-48.651611 214.00085 lineto
-45.28833 222.5907 lineto
-44.122314 222.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-49.155518 219.47937 moveto
-49.155517 218.32703 49.475829 217.47352 50.116455 216.91882 curveto
-50.651609 216.45789 51.303953 216.22742 52.073486 216.22742 curveto
-52.928951 216.22742 53.628169 216.5077 54.171143 217.06824 curveto
-54.714105 217.62879 54.985589 218.4032 54.985596 219.39148 curveto
-54.985589 220.19226 54.865472 220.82215 54.625244 221.28113 curveto
-54.385004 221.74011 54.035395 222.09656 53.576416 222.35046 curveto
-53.117427 222.60437 52.616451 222.73132 52.073486 222.73132 curveto
-51.20239 222.73132 50.498289 222.45203 49.961182 221.89343 curveto
-49.424072 221.33484 49.155517 220.53015 49.155518 219.47937 curveto
-49.155518 219.47937 lineto
-50.239502 219.47937 moveto
-50.2395 220.27625 50.413328 220.87293 50.760986 221.26941 curveto
-51.10864 221.66589 51.54614 221.86414 52.073486 221.86414 curveto
-52.59692 221.86414 53.032466 221.66492 53.380127 221.26648 curveto
-53.727778 220.86804 53.901606 220.26062 53.901611 219.44421 curveto
-53.901606 218.67469 53.726802 218.09168 53.377197 217.69519 curveto
-53.027584 217.29871 52.593014 217.10047 52.073486 217.10046 curveto
-51.54614 217.10047 51.10864 217.29773 50.760986 217.69226 curveto
-50.413328 218.0868 50.2395 218.6825 50.239502 219.47937 curveto
-50.239502 219.47937 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-56.216064 222.5907 moveto
-56.216064 216.36804 lineto
-57.165283 216.36804 lineto
-57.165283 217.3114 lineto
-57.407469 216.87 57.631101 216.57899 57.836182 216.43835 curveto
-58.041257 216.29774 58.266843 216.22742 58.512939 216.22742 curveto
-58.868405 216.22742 59.229733 216.3407 59.596924 216.56726 curveto
-59.233643 217.54578 lineto
-58.975827 217.39344 58.718014 217.31727 58.460205 217.31726 curveto
-58.229734 217.31727 58.022702 217.3866 57.839111 217.52527 curveto
-57.655515 217.66395 57.524656 217.85633 57.446533 218.10242 curveto
-57.329344 218.47742 57.27075 218.88758 57.270752 219.33289 curveto
-57.270752 222.5907 lineto
-56.216064 222.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-59.843018 219.47937 moveto
-59.843017 218.32703 60.163329 217.47352 60.803955 216.91882 curveto
-61.339109 216.45789 61.991453 216.22742 62.760986 216.22742 curveto
-63.616451 216.22742 64.315669 216.5077 64.858643 217.06824 curveto
-65.401605 217.62879 65.673089 218.4032 65.673096 219.39148 curveto
-65.673089 220.19226 65.552972 220.82215 65.312744 221.28113 curveto
-65.072504 221.74011 64.722895 222.09656 64.263916 222.35046 curveto
-63.804927 222.60437 63.303951 222.73132 62.760986 222.73132 curveto
-61.88989 222.73132 61.185789 222.45203 60.648682 221.89343 curveto
-60.111572 221.33484 59.843017 220.53015 59.843018 219.47937 curveto
-59.843018 219.47937 lineto
-60.927002 219.47937 moveto
-60.927 220.27625 61.100828 220.87293 61.448486 221.26941 curveto
-61.79614 221.66589 62.23364 221.86414 62.760986 221.86414 curveto
-63.28442 221.86414 63.719966 221.66492 64.067627 221.26648 curveto
-64.415278 220.86804 64.589106 220.26062 64.589111 219.44421 curveto
-64.589106 218.67469 64.414302 218.09168 64.064697 217.69519 curveto
-63.715084 217.29871 63.280514 217.10047 62.760986 217.10046 curveto
-62.23364 217.10047 61.79614 217.29773 61.448486 217.69226 curveto
-61.100828 218.0868 60.927 218.6825 60.927002 219.47937 curveto
-60.927002 219.47937 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-66.915283 222.5907 moveto
-66.915283 216.36804 lineto
-67.864502 216.36804 lineto
-67.864502 217.25281 lineto
-68.321531 216.56922 68.981687 216.22742 69.844971 216.22742 curveto
-70.219967 216.22742 70.564693 216.29481 70.87915 216.42957 curveto
-71.193598 216.56434 71.42895 216.74109 71.585205 216.95984 curveto
-71.741449 217.17859 71.850824 217.43836 71.91333 217.73914 curveto
-71.952387 217.93445 71.971918 218.27625 71.971924 218.76453 curveto
-71.971924 222.5907 lineto
-70.917236 222.5907 lineto
-70.917236 218.80554 lineto
-70.917232 218.37586 70.876216 218.05457 70.794189 217.84167 curveto
-70.712154 217.62879 70.566646 217.45887 70.357666 217.33191 curveto
-70.148678 217.20496 69.903561 217.14148 69.622314 217.14148 curveto
-69.173093 217.14148 68.785398 217.28406 68.459229 217.56921 curveto
-68.133055 217.85437 67.969969 218.39539 67.969971 219.19226 curveto
-67.969971 222.5907 lineto
-66.915283 222.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-77.854736 220.58679 moveto
-78.94458 220.72156 lineto
-78.772699 221.35828 78.45434 221.85242 77.989502 222.20398 curveto
-77.524653 222.55554 76.930904 222.73132 76.208252 222.73132 curveto
-75.298093 222.73132 74.576414 222.45105 74.043213 221.8905 curveto
-73.510009 221.32996 73.243408 220.54383 73.243408 219.5321 curveto
-73.243408 218.48523 73.512939 217.67273 74.052002 217.0946 curveto
-74.591063 216.51649 75.290281 216.22742 76.149658 216.22742 curveto
-76.981685 216.22742 77.661372 216.51063 78.188721 217.07703 curveto
-78.716059 217.64344 78.97973 218.44031 78.979736 219.46765 curveto
-78.97973 219.53015 78.977777 219.6239 78.973877 219.7489 curveto
-74.333252 219.7489 lineto
-74.372313 220.4325 74.565672 220.95593 74.91333 221.31921 curveto
-75.260984 221.6825 75.694577 221.86414 76.214111 221.86414 curveto
-76.600826 221.86414 76.930904 221.76257 77.204346 221.55945 curveto
-77.477779 221.35632 77.694575 221.03211 77.854736 220.58679 curveto
-77.854736 220.58679 lineto
-74.391846 218.88171 moveto
-77.866455 218.88171 lineto
-77.819575 218.35828 77.686763 217.9657 77.468018 217.70398 curveto
-77.132076 217.29773 76.696529 217.09461 76.161377 217.0946 curveto
-75.676999 217.09461 75.269773 217.25672 74.939697 217.58093 curveto
-74.609617 217.90516 74.427 218.33875 74.391846 218.88171 curveto
-74.391846 218.88171 lineto
-75.534424 215.5946 moveto
-76.313721 213.95398 lineto
-77.696533 213.95398 lineto
-76.407471 215.5946 lineto
-75.534424 215.5946 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-80.274658 222.5907 moveto
-80.274658 214.00085 lineto
-81.329346 214.00085 lineto
-81.329346 217.08289 lineto
-81.821531 216.51258 82.442624 216.22742 83.192627 216.22742 curveto
-83.65356 216.22742 84.053951 216.31824 84.393799 216.49988 curveto
-84.733637 216.68152 84.976801 216.9325 85.123291 217.25281 curveto
-85.26977 217.57313 85.343012 218.03797 85.343018 218.64734 curveto
-85.343018 222.5907 lineto
-84.28833 222.5907 lineto
-84.28833 218.64734 lineto
-84.288325 218.12 84.174068 217.73621 83.945557 217.49597 curveto
-83.717037 217.25574 83.393795 217.13563 82.97583 217.13562 curveto
-82.663327 217.13563 82.369382 217.21668 82.093994 217.37878 curveto
-81.818601 217.5409 81.622312 217.76062 81.505127 218.03796 curveto
-81.387938 218.31531 81.329344 218.69812 81.329346 219.1864 curveto
-81.329346 222.5907 lineto
-80.274658 222.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-86.561768 219.47937 moveto
-86.561767 218.32703 86.882079 217.47352 87.522705 216.91882 curveto
-88.057859 216.45789 88.710203 216.22742 89.479736 216.22742 curveto
-90.335201 216.22742 91.034419 216.5077 91.577393 217.06824 curveto
-92.120355 217.62879 92.391839 218.4032 92.391846 219.39148 curveto
-92.391839 220.19226 92.271722 220.82215 92.031494 221.28113 curveto
-91.791254 221.74011 91.441645 222.09656 90.982666 222.35046 curveto
-90.523677 222.60437 90.022701 222.73132 89.479736 222.73132 curveto
-88.60864 222.73132 87.904539 222.45203 87.367432 221.89343 curveto
-86.830322 221.33484 86.561767 220.53015 86.561768 219.47937 curveto
-86.561768 219.47937 lineto
-87.645752 219.47937 moveto
-87.64575 220.27625 87.819578 220.87293 88.167236 221.26941 curveto
-88.51489 221.66589 88.95239 221.86414 89.479736 221.86414 curveto
-90.00317 221.86414 90.438716 221.66492 90.786377 221.26648 curveto
-91.134028 220.86804 91.307856 220.26062 91.307861 219.44421 curveto
-91.307856 218.67469 91.133052 218.09168 90.783447 217.69519 curveto
-90.433834 217.29871 89.999264 217.10047 89.479736 217.10046 curveto
-88.95239 217.10047 88.51489 217.29773 88.167236 217.69226 curveto
-87.819578 218.0868 87.64575 218.6825 87.645752 219.47937 curveto
-87.645752 219.47937 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-100.99927 222.5907 moveto
-100.99927 221.80554 lineto
-100.60473 222.42273 100.02465 222.73132 99.259033 222.73132 curveto
-98.762937 222.73132 98.306883 222.5946 97.890869 222.32117 curveto
-97.474852 222.04773 97.152587 221.66589 96.924072 221.17566 curveto
-96.695556 220.68543 96.581298 220.12195 96.581299 219.48523 curveto
-96.581298 218.86414 96.684814 218.30066 96.891846 217.7948 curveto
-97.098876 217.28895 97.409423 216.90125 97.823486 216.63171 curveto
-98.237547 216.36219 98.700437 216.22742 99.212158 216.22742 curveto
-99.587155 216.22742 99.921139 216.30652 100.21411 216.46472 curveto
-100.50708 216.62293 100.74536 216.82899 100.92896 217.08289 curveto
-100.92896 214.00085 lineto
-101.97778 214.00085 lineto
-101.97778 222.5907 lineto
-100.99927 222.5907 lineto
-97.665283 219.48523 moveto
-97.665282 220.28211 97.83325 220.87781 98.169189 221.27234 curveto
-98.505125 221.66687 98.901609 221.86414 99.358643 221.86414 curveto
-99.819576 221.86414 100.21118 221.67566 100.53345 221.29871 curveto
-100.85571 220.92175 101.01684 220.34656 101.01685 219.57312 curveto
-101.01684 218.72156 100.85278 218.09656 100.52466 217.69812 curveto
-100.19653 217.29969 99.792233 217.10047 99.311768 217.10046 curveto
-98.843015 217.10047 98.451414 217.29188 98.136963 217.67468 curveto
-97.822508 218.0575 97.665282 218.66101 97.665283 219.48523 curveto
-97.665283 219.48523 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-103.64771 215.21375 moveto
-103.64771 214.00085 lineto
-104.70239 214.00085 lineto
-104.70239 215.21375 lineto
-103.64771 215.21375 lineto
-103.64771 222.5907 moveto
-103.64771 216.36804 lineto
-104.70239 216.36804 lineto
-104.70239 222.5907 lineto
-103.64771 222.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-110.37427 221.82312 moveto
-109.98364 222.15515 109.60766 222.38953 109.24634 222.52625 curveto
-108.88501 222.66296 108.49731 222.73132 108.08325 222.73132 curveto
-107.39966 222.73132 106.87427 222.56433 106.50708 222.23035 curveto
-106.13989 221.89636 105.9563 221.46961 105.9563 220.95007 curveto
-105.9563 220.64539 106.02563 220.36707 106.16431 220.11511 curveto
-106.30298 219.86316 106.48462 219.66101 106.70923 219.50867 curveto
-106.93384 219.35633 107.18677 219.24109 107.46802 219.16296 curveto
-107.67505 219.10828 107.98755 219.05555 108.40552 219.00476 curveto
-109.25708 218.9032 109.88403 218.78211 110.28638 218.64148 curveto
-110.29028 218.49695 110.29223 218.40516 110.29224 218.36609 curveto
-110.29223 217.93641 110.19262 217.63367 109.99341 217.45789 curveto
-109.72387 217.21961 109.32348 217.10047 108.79224 217.10046 curveto
-108.29614 217.10047 107.92993 217.18738 107.6936 217.36121 curveto
-107.45727 217.53504 107.28247 217.84266 107.16919 218.28406 curveto
-106.13794 218.14343 lineto
-106.23169 217.70203 106.38599 217.34559 106.60083 217.0741 curveto
-106.81567 216.80262 107.12622 216.59363 107.53247 216.44714 curveto
-107.93872 216.30067 108.40942 216.22742 108.94458 216.22742 curveto
-109.47583 216.22742 109.90747 216.28992 110.2395 216.41492 curveto
-110.57153 216.53992 110.81567 216.69715 110.97192 216.8866 curveto
-111.12817 217.07606 111.23754 217.31531 111.30005 217.60437 curveto
-111.3352 217.78406 111.35278 218.10828 111.35278 218.57703 curveto
-111.35278 219.98328 lineto
-111.35278 220.96375 111.37524 221.58386 111.42017 221.84363 curveto
-111.46508 222.10339 111.55395 222.35242 111.68677 222.5907 curveto
-110.58521 222.5907 lineto
-110.47583 222.37195 110.40551 222.11609 110.37427 221.82312 curveto
-110.37427 221.82312 lineto
-110.28638 219.46765 moveto
-109.90356 219.6239 109.32934 219.75672 108.56372 219.86609 curveto
-108.13012 219.92859 107.82348 219.9989 107.6438 220.07703 curveto
-107.46411 220.15515 107.32544 220.26941 107.22778 220.4198 curveto
-107.13013 220.57019 107.0813 220.73718 107.0813 220.92078 curveto
-107.0813 221.20203 107.18774 221.4364 107.40063 221.6239 curveto
-107.61352 221.8114 107.92505 221.90515 108.33521 221.90515 curveto
-108.74145 221.90515 109.10278 221.81628 109.41919 221.63855 curveto
-109.73559 221.46082 109.96801 221.21765 110.11646 220.90906 curveto
-110.22973 220.67078 110.28637 220.31922 110.28638 219.85437 curveto
-110.28638 219.46765 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-112.80005 223.10632 moveto
-113.82544 223.25867 lineto
-113.86841 223.57507 113.98755 223.80554 114.18286 223.95007 curveto
-114.44458 224.14538 114.802 224.24304 115.25513 224.24304 curveto
-115.7434 224.24304 116.12036 224.14538 116.38599 223.95007 curveto
-116.65161 223.75476 116.83129 223.48132 116.92505 223.12976 curveto
-116.97973 222.91492 117.00512 222.46375 117.00122 221.77625 curveto
-116.54028 222.31921 115.96606 222.5907 115.27856 222.5907 curveto
-114.42309 222.5907 113.76098 222.2821 113.29224 221.66492 curveto
-112.82349 221.04773 112.58911 220.3075 112.58911 219.44421 curveto
-112.58911 218.85047 112.69653 218.30262 112.91138 217.80066 curveto
-113.12622 217.29871 113.43774 216.91102 113.84595 216.63757 curveto
-114.25415 216.36414 114.73364 216.22742 115.28442 216.22742 curveto
-116.0188 216.22742 116.62426 216.5243 117.10083 217.11804 curveto
-117.10083 216.36804 lineto
-118.07349 216.36804 lineto
-118.07349 221.74695 lineto
-118.07348 222.7157 117.97485 223.40222 117.77759 223.80652 curveto
-117.58032 224.21081 117.26782 224.53015 116.84009 224.76453 curveto
-116.41235 224.9989 115.88598 225.11609 115.26099 225.11609 curveto
-114.5188 225.11609 113.91919 224.94909 113.46216 224.61511 curveto
-113.00513 224.28113 112.78442 223.7782 112.80005 223.10632 curveto
-112.80005 223.10632 lineto
-113.6731 219.36804 moveto
-113.67309 220.18445 113.8352 220.78015 114.15942 221.15515 curveto
-114.48364 221.53015 114.88989 221.71765 115.37817 221.71765 curveto
-115.86255 221.71765 116.26879 221.53113 116.59692 221.15808 curveto
-116.92504 220.78504 117.08911 220.20008 117.08911 219.4032 curveto
-117.08911 218.64148 116.92016 218.06727 116.58228 217.68054 curveto
-116.24438 217.29383 115.83715 217.10047 115.3606 217.10046 curveto
-114.89184 217.10047 114.49341 217.2909 114.16528 217.67175 curveto
-113.83716 218.05262 113.67309 218.61805 113.6731 219.36804 curveto
-113.6731 219.36804 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-119.66138 222.5907 moveto
-119.66138 216.36804 lineto
-120.6106 216.36804 lineto
-120.6106 217.3114 lineto
-120.85278 216.87 121.07641 216.57899 121.28149 216.43835 curveto
-121.48657 216.29774 121.71216 216.22742 121.95825 216.22742 curveto
-122.31372 216.22742 122.67505 216.3407 123.04224 216.56726 curveto
-122.67896 217.54578 lineto
-122.42114 217.39344 122.16333 217.31727 121.90552 217.31726 curveto
-121.67505 217.31727 121.46801 217.3866 121.28442 217.52527 curveto
-121.10083 217.66395 120.96997 217.85633 120.89185 218.10242 curveto
-120.77466 218.47742 120.71606 218.88758 120.71606 219.33289 curveto
-120.71606 222.5907 lineto
-119.66138 222.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-127.74146 221.82312 moveto
-127.35083 222.15515 126.97485 222.38953 126.61353 222.52625 curveto
-126.25219 222.66296 125.8645 222.73132 125.45044 222.73132 curveto
-124.76684 222.73132 124.24145 222.56433 123.87427 222.23035 curveto
-123.50708 221.89636 123.32349 221.46961 123.32349 220.95007 curveto
-123.32349 220.64539 123.39282 220.36707 123.53149 220.11511 curveto
-123.67017 219.86316 123.85181 219.66101 124.07642 219.50867 curveto
-124.30102 219.35633 124.55395 219.24109 124.83521 219.16296 curveto
-125.04223 219.10828 125.35473 219.05555 125.77271 219.00476 curveto
-126.62426 218.9032 127.25122 218.78211 127.65356 218.64148 curveto
-127.65747 218.49695 127.65942 218.40516 127.65942 218.36609 curveto
-127.65942 217.93641 127.55981 217.63367 127.3606 217.45789 curveto
-127.09106 217.21961 126.69067 217.10047 126.15942 217.10046 curveto
-125.66333 217.10047 125.29712 217.18738 125.06079 217.36121 curveto
-124.82446 217.53504 124.64966 217.84266 124.53638 218.28406 curveto
-123.50513 218.14343 lineto
-123.59888 217.70203 123.75317 217.34559 123.96802 217.0741 curveto
-124.18286 216.80262 124.49341 216.59363 124.89966 216.44714 curveto
-125.30591 216.30067 125.77661 216.22742 126.31177 216.22742 curveto
-126.84301 216.22742 127.27465 216.28992 127.60669 216.41492 curveto
-127.93872 216.53992 128.18286 216.69715 128.33911 216.8866 curveto
-128.49536 217.07606 128.60473 217.31531 128.66724 217.60437 curveto
-128.70239 217.78406 128.71996 218.10828 128.71997 218.57703 curveto
-128.71997 219.98328 lineto
-128.71996 220.96375 128.74243 221.58386 128.78735 221.84363 curveto
-128.83227 222.10339 128.92114 222.35242 129.05396 222.5907 curveto
-127.95239 222.5907 lineto
-127.84301 222.37195 127.7727 222.11609 127.74146 221.82312 curveto
-127.74146 221.82312 lineto
-127.65356 219.46765 moveto
-127.27075 219.6239 126.69653 219.75672 125.93091 219.86609 curveto
-125.49731 219.92859 125.19067 219.9989 125.01099 220.07703 curveto
-124.8313 220.15515 124.69263 220.26941 124.59497 220.4198 curveto
-124.49731 220.57019 124.44848 220.73718 124.44849 220.92078 curveto
-124.44848 221.20203 124.55493 221.4364 124.76782 221.6239 curveto
-124.98071 221.8114 125.29223 221.90515 125.70239 221.90515 curveto
-126.10864 221.90515 126.46997 221.81628 126.78638 221.63855 curveto
-127.10278 221.46082 127.3352 221.21765 127.48364 220.90906 curveto
-127.59692 220.67078 127.65356 220.31922 127.65356 219.85437 curveto
-127.65356 219.46765 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-130.3606 222.5907 moveto
-130.3606 216.36804 lineto
-131.30396 216.36804 lineto
-131.30396 217.24109 lineto
-131.49927 216.93641 131.75903 216.69129 132.08325 216.50574 curveto
-132.40747 216.3202 132.77661 216.22742 133.19067 216.22742 curveto
-133.65161 216.22742 134.02954 216.32313 134.32446 216.51453 curveto
-134.61938 216.70594 134.82739 216.97352 134.94849 217.31726 curveto
-135.44067 216.5907 136.08129 216.22742 136.87036 216.22742 curveto
-137.48754 216.22742 137.96215 216.39832 138.29419 216.74011 curveto
-138.62621 217.08191 138.79223 217.60828 138.79224 218.31921 curveto
-138.79224 222.5907 lineto
-137.74341 222.5907 lineto
-137.74341 218.67078 lineto
-137.7434 218.24891 137.70922 217.9452 137.64087 217.75964 curveto
-137.5725 217.5741 137.44848 217.42469 137.2688 217.3114 curveto
-137.0891 217.19813 136.87817 217.14148 136.63599 217.14148 curveto
-136.19848 217.14148 135.8352 217.28699 135.54614 217.578 curveto
-135.25707 217.86902 135.11254 218.33484 135.11255 218.97546 curveto
-135.11255 222.5907 lineto
-134.05786 222.5907 lineto
-134.05786 218.54773 lineto
-134.05786 218.07898 133.97192 217.72742 133.80005 217.49304 curveto
-133.62817 217.25867 133.34692 217.14148 132.9563 217.14148 curveto
-132.65942 217.14148 132.38501 217.21961 132.13306 217.37585 curveto
-131.8811 217.53211 131.69848 217.76062 131.58521 218.0614 curveto
-131.47192 218.36219 131.41528 218.79578 131.41528 219.36218 curveto
-131.41528 222.5907 lineto
-130.3606 222.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-144.44653 222.5907 moveto
-144.44653 221.67664 lineto
-143.96215 222.37976 143.30395 222.73132 142.47192 222.73132 curveto
-142.10473 222.73132 141.76196 222.66101 141.4436 222.52039 curveto
-141.12524 222.37976 140.88891 222.203 140.73462 221.99011 curveto
-140.58032 221.77722 140.47192 221.51648 140.40942 221.20789 curveto
-140.36645 221.00086 140.34497 220.67273 140.34497 220.22351 curveto
-140.34497 216.36804 lineto
-141.39966 216.36804 lineto
-141.39966 219.81921 lineto
-141.39966 220.37 141.42114 220.74109 141.46411 220.9325 curveto
-141.53052 221.20984 141.67114 221.42761 141.88599 221.58582 curveto
-142.10083 221.74402 142.36645 221.82312 142.68286 221.82312 curveto
-142.99926 221.82312 143.29614 221.74207 143.57349 221.57996 curveto
-143.85083 221.41785 144.04711 221.19714 144.16235 220.91785 curveto
-144.27758 220.63855 144.3352 220.23328 144.33521 219.70203 curveto
-144.33521 216.36804 lineto
-145.38989 216.36804 lineto
-145.38989 222.5907 lineto
-144.44653 222.5907 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-147.34692 222.5907 moveto
-147.34692 221.38953 lineto
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-148.5481 222.5907 lineto
-147.34692 222.5907 lineto
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-81.160004 263.70306 moveto
-77.831879 255.11322 lineto
-79.062347 255.11322 lineto
-81.294769 261.35345 lineto
-81.474453 261.85346 81.624844 262.32221 81.745941 262.7597 curveto
-81.87875 262.29096 82.033046 261.82221 82.208832 261.35345 curveto
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-85.689301 255.11322 lineto
-82.326019 263.70306 lineto
-81.160004 263.70306 lineto
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-90.845551 261.69916 moveto
-91.935394 261.83392 lineto
-91.763513 262.47064 91.445154 262.96478 90.980316 263.31635 curveto
-90.515468 263.66791 89.921718 263.84369 89.199066 263.84369 curveto
-88.288907 263.84369 87.567228 263.56342 87.034027 263.00287 curveto
-86.500823 262.44232 86.234222 261.65619 86.234222 260.64447 curveto
-86.234222 259.5976 86.503753 258.7851 87.042816 258.20697 curveto
-87.581877 257.62885 88.281095 257.33979 89.140472 257.33978 curveto
-89.972499 257.33979 90.652186 257.62299 91.179535 258.18939 curveto
-91.706873 258.7558 91.970544 259.55268 91.970551 260.58002 curveto
-91.970544 260.64252 91.968591 260.73627 91.964691 260.86127 curveto
-87.324066 260.86127 lineto
-87.363127 261.54486 87.556486 262.0683 87.904144 262.43158 curveto
-88.251798 262.79486 88.685391 262.9765 89.204926 262.9765 curveto
-89.59164 262.9765 89.921718 262.87494 90.19516 262.67181 curveto
-90.468593 262.46869 90.685389 262.14447 90.845551 261.69916 curveto
-90.845551 261.69916 lineto
-87.38266 259.99408 moveto
-90.857269 259.99408 lineto
-90.810389 259.47065 90.677577 259.07807 90.458832 258.81635 curveto
-90.12289 258.4101 89.687344 258.20698 89.152191 258.20697 curveto
-88.667813 258.20698 88.260587 258.36908 87.930511 258.6933 curveto
-87.600432 259.01752 87.417815 259.45112 87.38266 259.99408 curveto
-87.38266 259.99408 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-96.171722 261.84564 moveto
-97.214691 261.68158 lineto
-97.273283 262.09955 97.436369 262.41986 97.703949 262.64252 curveto
-97.971525 262.86517 98.345548 262.9765 98.826019 262.9765 curveto
-99.310391 262.9765 99.669765 262.87787 99.904144 262.6806 curveto
-100.13851 262.48334 100.2557 262.25189 100.25571 261.98627 curveto
-100.2557 261.74799 100.15219 261.56049 99.94516 261.42377 curveto
-99.800625 261.33002 99.44125 261.21088 98.867035 261.06635 curveto
-98.093595 260.87104 97.557463 260.70209 97.258636 260.55951 curveto
-96.959807 260.41693 96.733245 260.21967 96.578949 259.96771 curveto
-96.424651 259.71576 96.347503 259.43744 96.347504 259.13275 curveto
-96.347503 258.85541 96.41098 258.59858 96.537933 258.36224 curveto
-96.664886 258.12592 96.837737 257.92963 97.056488 257.77338 curveto
-97.220549 257.65229 97.444182 257.54975 97.727386 257.46576 curveto
-98.010587 257.38178 98.314298 257.33979 98.638519 257.33978 curveto
-99.126797 257.33979 99.555508 257.4101 99.924652 257.55072 curveto
-100.29379 257.69135 100.56625 257.88178 100.74203 258.12201 curveto
-100.91781 258.36225 101.0389 258.68354 101.10532 259.08588 curveto
-100.07407 259.2265 lineto
-100.02719 258.90619 99.891445 258.65619 99.66684 258.4765 curveto
-99.442227 258.29682 99.124844 258.20698 98.714691 258.20697 curveto
-98.230314 258.20698 97.884611 258.28705 97.677582 258.4472 curveto
-97.470549 258.60737 97.367033 258.79487 97.367035 259.0097 curveto
-97.367033 259.14643 97.410002 259.26947 97.495941 259.37885 curveto
-97.581877 259.49213 97.716642 259.58588 97.900238 259.6601 curveto
-98.005705 259.69916 98.316251 259.78901 98.831879 259.92963 curveto
-99.577969 260.12885 100.09848 260.29193 100.3934 260.41888 curveto
-100.68832 260.54584 100.91976 260.73041 101.08774 260.9726 curveto
-101.2557 261.21479 101.33969 261.51557 101.33969 261.87494 curveto
-101.33969 262.2265 101.23715 262.55756 101.03207 262.8681 curveto
-100.82699 263.17865 100.53109 263.41888 100.14438 263.58881 curveto
-99.757656 263.75873 99.320156 263.84369 98.831879 263.84369 curveto
-98.023283 263.84369 97.407072 263.67572 96.983246 263.33978 curveto
-96.559417 263.00385 96.288909 262.5058 96.171722 261.84564 curveto
-96.171722 261.84564 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-102.57016 263.70306 moveto
-102.57016 255.11322 lineto
-103.62485 255.11322 lineto
-103.62485 263.70306 lineto
-102.57016 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-104.87289 260.59174 moveto
-104.87289 259.4394 105.19321 258.58588 105.83383 258.03119 curveto
-106.36899 257.57026 107.02133 257.33979 107.79086 257.33978 curveto
-108.64633 257.33979 109.34555 257.62006 109.88852 258.1806 curveto
-110.43148 258.74115 110.70297 259.51557 110.70297 260.50385 curveto
-110.70297 261.30463 110.58285 261.93451 110.34262 262.39349 curveto
-110.10238 262.85248 109.75277 263.20892 109.29379 263.46283 curveto
-108.8348 263.71674 108.33383 263.84369 107.79086 263.84369 curveto
-106.91977 263.84369 106.21567 263.56439 105.67856 263.0058 curveto
-105.14145 262.44721 104.87289 261.64252 104.87289 260.59174 curveto
-104.87289 260.59174 lineto
-105.95688 260.59174 moveto
-105.95688 261.38861 106.13071 261.98529 106.47836 262.38177 curveto
-106.82602 262.77826 107.26352 262.9765 107.79086 262.9765 curveto
-108.3143 262.9765 108.74984 262.77728 109.0975 262.37885 curveto
-109.44515 261.98041 109.61898 261.37299 109.61899 260.55658 curveto
-109.61898 259.78705 109.44418 259.20405 109.09457 258.80756 curveto
-108.74496 258.41108 108.31039 258.21284 107.79086 258.21283 curveto
-107.26352 258.21284 106.82602 258.4101 106.47836 258.80463 curveto
-106.13071 259.19916 105.95688 259.79486 105.95688 260.59174 curveto
-105.95688 260.59174 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-111.38852 263.70306 moveto
-111.38852 262.8476 lineto
-115.34946 258.30072 lineto
-114.90023 258.32416 114.50375 258.33588 114.16 258.33588 curveto
-111.62289 258.33588 lineto
-111.62289 257.48041 lineto
-116.70883 257.48041 lineto
-116.70883 258.17767 lineto
-113.33969 262.12689 lineto
-112.6893 262.8476 lineto
-113.16195 262.81244 113.60531 262.79486 114.01938 262.79486 curveto
-116.89633 262.79486 lineto
-116.89633 263.70306 lineto
-111.38852 263.70306 lineto
-114.33578 256.06244 moveto
-114.98032 255.06635 lineto
-116.17563 255.06635 lineto
-114.85727 256.70697 lineto
-113.73227 256.70697 lineto
-112.46664 255.06635 lineto
-113.67368 255.06635 lineto
-114.33578 256.06244 lineto
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-117.95102 256.32611 moveto
-117.95102 255.11322 lineto
-119.00571 255.11322 lineto
-119.00571 256.32611 lineto
-117.95102 256.32611 lineto
-117.95102 263.70306 moveto
-117.95102 257.48041 lineto
-119.00571 257.48041 lineto
-119.00571 263.70306 lineto
-117.95102 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-122.91977 262.7597 moveto
-123.07211 263.69135 lineto
-122.77524 263.75385 122.50961 263.7851 122.27524 263.7851 curveto
-121.89242 263.7851 121.59555 263.72455 121.38461 263.60345 curveto
-121.17367 263.48236 121.02524 263.32318 120.9393 263.12592 curveto
-120.85336 262.92865 120.81039 262.51361 120.81039 261.8808 curveto
-120.81039 258.30072 lineto
-120.03696 258.30072 lineto
-120.03696 257.48041 lineto
-120.81039 257.48041 lineto
-120.81039 255.93939 lineto
-121.85922 255.30658 lineto
-121.85922 257.48041 lineto
-122.91977 257.48041 lineto
-122.91977 258.30072 lineto
-121.85922 258.30072 lineto
-121.85922 261.93939 lineto
-121.85922 262.24017 121.87778 262.43353 121.91489 262.51947 curveto
-121.95199 262.60541 122.01254 262.67377 122.09653 262.72455 curveto
-122.18051 262.77533 122.30063 262.80072 122.45688 262.80072 curveto
-122.57406 262.80072 122.72836 262.78705 122.91977 262.7597 curveto
-122.91977 262.7597 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-128.20493 261.69916 moveto
-129.29477 261.83392 lineto
-129.12289 262.47064 128.80453 262.96478 128.33969 263.31635 curveto
-127.87484 263.66791 127.28109 263.84369 126.55844 263.84369 curveto
-125.64828 263.84369 124.9266 263.56342 124.3934 263.00287 curveto
-123.8602 262.44232 123.5936 261.65619 123.5936 260.64447 curveto
-123.5936 259.5976 123.86313 258.7851 124.40219 258.20697 curveto
-124.94125 257.62885 125.64047 257.33979 126.49985 257.33978 curveto
-127.33187 257.33979 128.01156 257.62299 128.53891 258.18939 curveto
-129.06625 258.7558 129.32992 259.55268 129.32993 260.58002 curveto
-129.32992 260.64252 129.32797 260.73627 129.32407 260.86127 curveto
-124.68344 260.86127 lineto
-124.7225 261.54486 124.91586 262.0683 125.26352 262.43158 curveto
-125.61117 262.79486 126.04477 262.9765 126.5643 262.9765 curveto
-126.95102 262.9765 127.28109 262.87494 127.55453 262.67181 curveto
-127.82797 262.46869 128.04476 262.14447 128.20493 261.69916 curveto
-128.20493 261.69916 lineto
-124.74203 259.99408 moveto
-128.21664 259.99408 lineto
-128.16976 259.47065 128.03695 259.07807 127.81821 258.81635 curveto
-127.48226 258.4101 127.04672 258.20698 126.51157 258.20697 curveto
-126.02719 258.20698 125.61996 258.36908 125.28989 258.6933 curveto
-124.95981 259.01752 124.77719 259.45112 124.74203 259.99408 curveto
-124.74203 259.99408 lineto
-126.57016 256.06244 moveto
-127.21469 255.06635 lineto
-128.41 255.06635 lineto
-127.09164 256.70697 lineto
-125.96664 256.70697 lineto
-124.70102 255.06635 lineto
-125.90805 255.06635 lineto
-126.57016 256.06244 lineto
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-130.61899 256.33783 moveto
-130.61899 255.11322 lineto
-131.67368 255.11322 lineto
-131.67368 256.33783 lineto
-130.61899 256.33783 lineto
-129.28305 266.11713 moveto
-129.48227 265.22064 lineto
-129.69321 265.27533 129.85922 265.30267 129.98032 265.30267 curveto
-130.19516 265.30267 130.35532 265.23138 130.46078 265.08881 curveto
-130.56625 264.94623 130.61899 264.58978 130.61899 264.01947 curveto
-130.61899 257.48041 lineto
-131.67368 257.48041 lineto
-131.67368 264.04291 lineto
-131.67367 264.80853 131.57406 265.34173 131.37485 265.64252 curveto
-131.12094 266.03314 130.69907 266.22845 130.10922 266.22845 curveto
-129.82407 266.22845 129.54868 266.19134 129.28305 266.11713 curveto
-129.28305 266.11713 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-132.87485 261.84564 moveto
-133.91782 261.68158 lineto
-133.97641 262.09955 134.13949 262.41986 134.40707 262.64252 curveto
-134.67465 262.86517 135.04867 262.9765 135.52914 262.9765 curveto
-136.01352 262.9765 136.37289 262.87787 136.60727 262.6806 curveto
-136.84164 262.48334 136.95883 262.25189 136.95883 261.98627 curveto
-136.95883 261.74799 136.85531 261.56049 136.64828 261.42377 curveto
-136.50375 261.33002 136.14438 261.21088 135.57016 261.06635 curveto
-134.79672 260.87104 134.26059 260.70209 133.96176 260.55951 curveto
-133.66293 260.41693 133.43637 260.21967 133.28207 259.96771 curveto
-133.12778 259.71576 133.05063 259.43744 133.05063 259.13275 curveto
-133.05063 258.85541 133.1141 258.59858 133.24106 258.36224 curveto
-133.36801 258.12592 133.54086 257.92963 133.75961 257.77338 curveto
-133.92367 257.65229 134.14731 257.54975 134.43051 257.46576 curveto
-134.71371 257.38178 135.01742 257.33979 135.34164 257.33978 curveto
-135.82992 257.33979 136.25863 257.4101 136.62778 257.55072 curveto
-136.99691 257.69135 137.26937 257.88178 137.44516 258.12201 curveto
-137.62094 258.36225 137.74203 258.68354 137.80844 259.08588 curveto
-136.77719 259.2265 lineto
-136.73031 258.90619 136.59457 258.65619 136.36996 258.4765 curveto
-136.14535 258.29682 135.82797 258.20698 135.41782 258.20697 curveto
-134.93344 258.20698 134.58774 258.28705 134.38071 258.4472 curveto
-134.17367 258.60737 134.07016 258.79487 134.07016 259.0097 curveto
-134.07016 259.14643 134.11313 259.26947 134.19907 259.37885 curveto
-134.285 259.49213 134.41977 259.58588 134.60336 259.6601 curveto
-134.70883 259.69916 135.01938 259.78901 135.535 259.92963 curveto
-136.28109 260.12885 136.8016 260.29193 137.09653 260.41888 curveto
-137.39144 260.54584 137.62289 260.73041 137.79086 260.9726 curveto
-137.95883 261.21479 138.04281 261.51557 138.04282 261.87494 curveto
-138.04281 262.2265 137.94027 262.55756 137.7352 262.8681 curveto
-137.53012 263.17865 137.23422 263.41888 136.8475 263.58881 curveto
-136.46078 263.75873 136.02328 263.84369 135.535 263.84369 curveto
-134.72641 263.84369 134.1102 263.67572 133.68637 263.33978 curveto
-133.26254 263.00385 132.99203 262.5058 132.87485 261.84564 curveto
-132.87485 261.84564 lineto
-135.47641 256.06244 moveto
-136.12094 255.06635 lineto
-137.31625 255.06635 lineto
-135.99789 256.70697 lineto
-134.87289 256.70697 lineto
-133.60727 255.06635 lineto
-134.8143 255.06635 lineto
-135.47641 256.06244 lineto
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-139.66586 263.70306 moveto
-139.66586 257.48041 lineto
-140.72055 257.48041 lineto
-140.72055 263.70306 lineto
-139.66586 263.70306 lineto
-139.61899 256.70697 moveto
-140.39828 255.06635 lineto
-141.7811 255.06635 lineto
-140.49203 256.70697 lineto
-139.61899 256.70697 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-142.62485 263.70306 moveto
-142.62485 257.48041 lineto
-143.56821 257.48041 lineto
-143.56821 258.35345 lineto
-143.76352 258.04877 144.02328 257.80366 144.3475 257.6181 curveto
-144.67172 257.43256 145.04086 257.33979 145.45493 257.33978 curveto
-145.91586 257.33979 146.29379 257.43549 146.58871 257.62689 curveto
-146.88363 257.8183 147.09164 258.08588 147.21274 258.42963 curveto
-147.70492 257.70307 148.34554 257.33979 149.13461 257.33978 curveto
-149.75179 257.33979 150.2264 257.51069 150.55844 257.85248 curveto
-150.89046 258.19428 151.05648 258.72065 151.05649 259.43158 curveto
-151.05649 263.70306 lineto
-150.00766 263.70306 lineto
-150.00766 259.78314 lineto
-150.00765 259.36127 149.97347 259.05756 149.90512 258.87201 curveto
-149.83675 258.68647 149.71273 258.53705 149.53305 258.42377 curveto
-149.35336 258.31049 149.14242 258.25385 148.90024 258.25385 curveto
-148.46273 258.25385 148.09945 258.39936 147.81039 258.69037 curveto
-147.52133 258.98139 147.37679 259.44721 147.3768 260.08783 curveto
-147.3768 263.70306 lineto
-146.32211 263.70306 lineto
-146.32211 259.6601 lineto
-146.32211 259.19135 146.23617 258.83979 146.0643 258.60541 curveto
-145.89242 258.37104 145.61117 258.25385 145.22055 258.25385 curveto
-144.92367 258.25385 144.64926 258.33198 144.39731 258.48822 curveto
-144.14535 258.64448 143.96274 258.87299 143.84946 259.17377 curveto
-143.73617 259.47455 143.67953 259.90815 143.67953 260.47455 curveto
-143.67953 263.70306 lineto
-142.62485 263.70306 lineto
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-159.99789 263.70306 moveto
-159.99789 262.91791 lineto
-159.60336 263.5351 159.02328 263.84369 158.25766 263.84369 curveto
-157.76156 263.84369 157.30551 263.70697 156.8895 263.43353 curveto
-156.47348 263.1601 156.15121 262.77826 155.9227 262.28802 curveto
-155.69418 261.79779 155.57993 261.23432 155.57993 260.5976 curveto
-155.57993 259.97651 155.68344 259.41303 155.89047 258.90717 curveto
-156.0975 258.40131 156.40805 258.01362 156.82211 257.74408 curveto
-157.23617 257.47455 157.69906 257.33979 158.21078 257.33978 curveto
-158.58578 257.33979 158.91977 257.41889 159.21274 257.57709 curveto
-159.5057 257.7353 159.74398 257.94135 159.92758 258.19525 curveto
-159.92758 255.11322 lineto
-160.97641 255.11322 lineto
-160.97641 263.70306 lineto
-159.99789 263.70306 lineto
-156.66391 260.5976 moveto
-156.66391 261.39447 156.83188 261.99018 157.16782 262.3847 curveto
-157.50375 262.77924 157.90024 262.9765 158.35727 262.9765 curveto
-158.8182 262.9765 159.2098 262.78803 159.53207 262.41107 curveto
-159.85433 262.03412 160.01547 261.45893 160.01547 260.68549 curveto
-160.01547 259.83393 159.85141 259.20893 159.52328 258.81049 curveto
-159.19516 258.41205 158.79086 258.21284 158.31039 258.21283 curveto
-157.84164 258.21284 157.45004 258.40424 157.13559 258.78705 curveto
-156.82113 259.16987 156.66391 259.77338 156.66391 260.5976 curveto
-156.66391 260.5976 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-162.64633 256.32611 moveto
-162.64633 255.11322 lineto
-163.70102 255.11322 lineto
-163.70102 256.32611 lineto
-162.64633 256.32611 lineto
-162.64633 263.70306 moveto
-162.64633 257.48041 lineto
-163.70102 257.48041 lineto
-163.70102 263.70306 lineto
-162.64633 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-169.37289 262.93549 moveto
-168.98226 263.26752 168.60629 263.50189 168.24496 263.63861 curveto
-167.88363 263.77533 167.49594 263.84369 167.08188 263.84369 curveto
-166.39828 263.84369 165.87289 263.6767 165.50571 263.34271 curveto
-165.13852 263.00873 164.95493 262.58197 164.95493 262.06244 curveto
-164.95493 261.75775 165.02426 261.47943 165.16293 261.22748 curveto
-165.3016 260.97553 165.48324 260.77338 165.70786 260.62103 curveto
-165.93246 260.46869 166.18539 260.35346 166.46664 260.27533 curveto
-166.67367 260.22065 166.98617 260.16791 167.40414 260.11713 curveto
-168.2557 260.01557 168.88266 259.89447 169.285 259.75385 curveto
-169.28891 259.60932 169.29086 259.51752 169.29086 259.47845 curveto
-169.29086 259.04877 169.19125 258.74604 168.99203 258.57025 curveto
-168.7225 258.33198 168.32211 258.21284 167.79086 258.21283 curveto
-167.29477 258.21284 166.92856 258.29975 166.69223 258.47357 curveto
-166.4559 258.6474 166.2811 258.95502 166.16782 259.39642 curveto
-165.13657 259.2558 lineto
-165.23032 258.8144 165.38461 258.45795 165.59946 258.18646 curveto
-165.8143 257.91498 166.12485 257.706 166.5311 257.55951 curveto
-166.93734 257.41303 167.40805 257.33979 167.94321 257.33978 curveto
-168.47445 257.33979 168.90609 257.40229 169.23813 257.52728 curveto
-169.57015 257.65229 169.8143 257.80952 169.97055 257.99896 curveto
-170.12679 258.18842 170.23617 258.42768 170.29868 258.71674 curveto
-170.33383 258.89643 170.3514 259.22065 170.35141 259.68939 curveto
-170.35141 261.09564 lineto
-170.3514 262.07611 170.37386 262.69623 170.41879 262.95599 curveto
-170.46371 263.21576 170.55258 263.46478 170.68539 263.70306 curveto
-169.58383 263.70306 lineto
-169.47445 263.48431 169.40414 263.22846 169.37289 262.93549 curveto
-169.37289 262.93549 lineto
-169.285 260.58002 moveto
-168.90219 260.73627 168.32797 260.86908 167.56235 260.97845 curveto
-167.12875 261.04096 166.82211 261.11127 166.64243 261.18939 curveto
-166.46274 261.26752 166.32406 261.38178 166.22641 261.53217 curveto
-166.12875 261.68256 166.07992 261.84955 166.07993 262.03314 curveto
-166.07992 262.31439 166.18637 262.54877 166.39926 262.73627 curveto
-166.61215 262.92377 166.92367 263.01752 167.33383 263.01752 curveto
-167.74008 263.01752 168.10141 262.92865 168.41782 262.75092 curveto
-168.73422 262.57318 168.96664 262.33002 169.11508 262.02142 curveto
-169.22836 261.78314 169.285 261.43158 169.285 260.96674 curveto
-169.285 260.58002 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-171.79868 264.21869 moveto
-172.82407 264.37103 lineto
-172.86703 264.68744 172.98617 264.91791 173.18149 265.06244 curveto
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-174.74203 265.35541 175.11898 265.25775 175.38461 265.06244 curveto
-175.65023 264.86713 175.82992 264.59369 175.92368 264.24213 curveto
-175.97836 264.02728 176.00375 263.57611 175.99985 262.88861 curveto
-175.53891 263.43158 174.96469 263.70306 174.27719 263.70306 curveto
-173.42172 263.70306 172.75961 263.39447 172.29086 262.77728 curveto
-171.82211 262.1601 171.58774 261.41986 171.58774 260.55658 curveto
-171.58774 259.96283 171.69516 259.41498 171.91 258.91302 curveto
-172.12485 258.41108 172.43637 258.02338 172.84457 257.74994 curveto
-173.25278 257.47651 173.73227 257.33979 174.28305 257.33978 curveto
-175.01742 257.33979 175.62289 257.63666 176.09946 258.23041 curveto
-176.09946 257.48041 lineto
-177.07211 257.48041 lineto
-177.07211 262.85931 lineto
-177.07211 263.82806 176.97347 264.51459 176.77621 264.91888 curveto
-176.57894 265.32318 176.26644 265.64252 175.83871 265.87689 curveto
-175.41098 266.11126 174.88461 266.22845 174.25961 266.22845 curveto
-173.51742 266.22845 172.91781 266.06146 172.46078 265.72748 curveto
-172.00375 265.39349 171.78305 264.89056 171.79868 264.21869 curveto
-171.79868 264.21869 lineto
-172.67172 260.48041 moveto
-172.67172 261.29682 172.83383 261.89252 173.15805 262.26752 curveto
-173.48227 262.64252 173.88852 262.83002 174.3768 262.83002 curveto
-174.86117 262.83002 175.26742 262.64349 175.59555 262.27045 curveto
-175.92367 261.8974 176.08773 261.31244 176.08774 260.51556 curveto
-176.08773 259.75385 175.91879 259.17963 175.5809 258.79291 curveto
-175.24301 258.40619 174.83578 258.21284 174.35922 258.21283 curveto
-173.89047 258.21284 173.49203 258.40326 173.16391 258.78412 curveto
-172.83578 259.16498 172.67172 259.73041 172.67172 260.48041 curveto
-172.67172 260.48041 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-178.66 263.70306 moveto
-178.66 257.48041 lineto
-179.60922 257.48041 lineto
-179.60922 258.42377 lineto
-179.85141 257.98237 180.07504 257.69135 180.28012 257.55072 curveto
-180.4852 257.4101 180.71078 257.33979 180.95688 257.33978 curveto
-181.31234 257.33979 181.67367 257.45307 182.04086 257.67963 curveto
-181.67758 258.65814 lineto
-181.41977 258.5058 181.16195 258.42963 180.90414 258.42963 curveto
-180.67367 258.42963 180.46664 258.49897 180.28305 258.63763 curveto
-180.09945 258.77631 179.9686 258.96869 179.89047 259.21478 curveto
-179.77328 259.58979 179.71469 259.99994 179.71469 260.44525 curveto
-179.71469 263.70306 lineto
-178.66 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-186.74008 262.93549 moveto
-186.34945 263.26752 185.97348 263.50189 185.61215 263.63861 curveto
-185.25082 263.77533 184.86313 263.84369 184.44907 263.84369 curveto
-183.76547 263.84369 183.24008 263.6767 182.87289 263.34271 curveto
-182.50571 263.00873 182.32211 262.58197 182.32211 262.06244 curveto
-182.32211 261.75775 182.39145 261.47943 182.53012 261.22748 curveto
-182.66879 260.97553 182.85043 260.77338 183.07504 260.62103 curveto
-183.29965 260.46869 183.55258 260.35346 183.83383 260.27533 curveto
-184.04086 260.22065 184.35336 260.16791 184.77133 260.11713 curveto
-185.62289 260.01557 186.24984 259.89447 186.65219 259.75385 curveto
-186.65609 259.60932 186.65805 259.51752 186.65805 259.47845 curveto
-186.65805 259.04877 186.55844 258.74604 186.35922 258.57025 curveto
-186.08969 258.33198 185.6893 258.21284 185.15805 258.21283 curveto
-184.66195 258.21284 184.29574 258.29975 184.05942 258.47357 curveto
-183.82309 258.6474 183.64828 258.95502 183.535 259.39642 curveto
-182.50375 259.2558 lineto
-182.5975 258.8144 182.7518 258.45795 182.96664 258.18646 curveto
-183.18149 257.91498 183.49203 257.706 183.89828 257.55951 curveto
-184.30453 257.41303 184.77524 257.33979 185.31039 257.33978 curveto
-185.84164 257.33979 186.27328 257.40229 186.60532 257.52728 curveto
-186.93734 257.65229 187.18148 257.80952 187.33774 257.99896 curveto
-187.49398 258.18842 187.60336 258.42768 187.66586 258.71674 curveto
-187.70101 258.89643 187.71859 259.22065 187.7186 259.68939 curveto
-187.7186 261.09564 lineto
-187.71859 262.07611 187.74105 262.69623 187.78598 262.95599 curveto
-187.8309 263.21576 187.91976 263.46478 188.05258 263.70306 curveto
-186.95102 263.70306 lineto
-186.84164 263.48431 186.77133 263.22846 186.74008 262.93549 curveto
-186.74008 262.93549 lineto
-186.65219 260.58002 moveto
-186.26937 260.73627 185.69516 260.86908 184.92953 260.97845 curveto
-184.49594 261.04096 184.1893 261.11127 184.00961 261.18939 curveto
-183.82992 261.26752 183.69125 261.38178 183.5936 261.53217 curveto
-183.49594 261.68256 183.44711 261.84955 183.44711 262.03314 curveto
-183.44711 262.31439 183.55356 262.54877 183.76645 262.73627 curveto
-183.97934 262.92377 184.29086 263.01752 184.70102 263.01752 curveto
-185.10727 263.01752 185.46859 262.92865 185.785 262.75092 curveto
-186.10141 262.57318 186.33383 262.33002 186.48227 262.02142 curveto
-186.59555 261.78314 186.65219 261.43158 186.65219 260.96674 curveto
-186.65219 260.58002 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-189.35922 263.70306 moveto
-189.35922 257.48041 lineto
-190.30258 257.48041 lineto
-190.30258 258.35345 lineto
-190.49789 258.04877 190.75766 257.80366 191.08188 257.6181 curveto
-191.40609 257.43256 191.77523 257.33979 192.1893 257.33978 curveto
-192.65023 257.33979 193.02816 257.43549 193.32309 257.62689 curveto
-193.61801 257.8183 193.82601 258.08588 193.94711 258.42963 curveto
-194.43929 257.70307 195.07992 257.33979 195.86899 257.33978 curveto
-196.48617 257.33979 196.96078 257.51069 197.29282 257.85248 curveto
-197.62484 258.19428 197.79085 258.72065 197.79086 259.43158 curveto
-197.79086 263.70306 lineto
-196.74203 263.70306 lineto
-196.74203 259.78314 lineto
-196.74203 259.36127 196.70785 259.05756 196.6395 258.87201 curveto
-196.57113 258.68647 196.44711 258.53705 196.26743 258.42377 curveto
-196.08773 258.31049 195.87679 258.25385 195.63461 258.25385 curveto
-195.19711 258.25385 194.83383 258.39936 194.54477 258.69037 curveto
-194.2557 258.98139 194.11117 259.44721 194.11118 260.08783 curveto
-194.11118 263.70306 lineto
-193.05649 263.70306 lineto
-193.05649 259.6601 lineto
-193.05648 259.19135 192.97055 258.83979 192.79868 258.60541 curveto
-192.6268 258.37104 192.34555 258.25385 191.95493 258.25385 curveto
-191.65805 258.25385 191.38363 258.33198 191.13168 258.48822 curveto
-190.87973 258.64448 190.69711 258.87299 190.58383 259.17377 curveto
-190.47055 259.47455 190.41391 259.90815 190.41391 260.47455 curveto
-190.41391 263.70306 lineto
-189.35922 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-203.44516 263.70306 moveto
-203.44516 262.789 lineto
-202.96078 263.49213 202.30258 263.84369 201.47055 263.84369 curveto
-201.10336 263.84369 200.76059 263.77338 200.44223 263.63275 curveto
-200.12387 263.49213 199.88754 263.31537 199.73325 263.10248 curveto
-199.57895 262.88959 199.47055 262.62885 199.40805 262.32025 curveto
-199.36508 262.11322 199.3436 261.7851 199.3436 261.33588 curveto
-199.3436 257.48041 lineto
-200.39828 257.48041 lineto
-200.39828 260.93158 lineto
-200.39828 261.48236 200.41977 261.85346 200.46274 262.04486 curveto
-200.52914 262.32221 200.66977 262.53998 200.88461 262.69818 curveto
-201.09945 262.85639 201.36508 262.93549 201.68149 262.93549 curveto
-201.99789 262.93549 202.29477 262.85443 202.57211 262.69232 curveto
-202.84945 262.53021 203.04574 262.30951 203.16098 262.03021 curveto
-203.27621 261.75092 203.33383 261.34564 203.33383 260.81439 curveto
-203.33383 257.48041 lineto
-204.38852 257.48041 lineto
-204.38852 263.70306 lineto
-203.44516 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-209.37485 266.08783 moveto
-209.37485 257.48041 lineto
-210.33578 257.48041 lineto
-210.33578 258.289 lineto
-210.56235 257.9726 210.8182 257.7353 211.10336 257.57709 curveto
-211.38852 257.41889 211.73422 257.33979 212.14047 257.33978 curveto
-212.67172 257.33979 213.14047 257.47651 213.54672 257.74994 curveto
-213.95297 258.02338 214.25961 258.40912 214.46664 258.90717 curveto
-214.67367 259.40522 214.77718 259.95111 214.77719 260.54486 curveto
-214.77718 261.18158 214.66293 261.75482 214.43442 262.26459 curveto
-214.2059 262.77435 213.87387 263.16498 213.43832 263.43646 curveto
-213.00277 263.70795 212.54477 263.84369 212.0643 263.84369 curveto
-211.71273 263.84369 211.39731 263.76947 211.11801 263.62103 curveto
-210.83871 263.4726 210.60922 263.2851 210.42953 263.05853 curveto
-210.42953 266.08783 lineto
-209.37485 266.08783 lineto
-210.32993 260.62689 moveto
-210.32992 261.42768 210.49203 262.01947 210.81625 262.40228 curveto
-211.14047 262.7851 211.53305 262.9765 211.99399 262.9765 curveto
-212.46273 262.9765 212.8641 262.77826 213.19809 262.38177 curveto
-213.53207 261.98529 213.69906 261.37104 213.69907 260.539 curveto
-213.69906 259.74604 213.53598 259.15229 213.20981 258.75775 curveto
-212.88363 258.36323 212.49398 258.16596 212.04086 258.16595 curveto
-211.59164 258.16596 211.19418 258.37592 210.84848 258.79584 curveto
-210.50278 259.21576 210.32992 259.82611 210.32993 260.62689 curveto
-210.32993 260.62689 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-220.11508 262.93549 moveto
-219.72445 263.26752 219.34848 263.50189 218.98715 263.63861 curveto
-218.62582 263.77533 218.23813 263.84369 217.82407 263.84369 curveto
-217.14047 263.84369 216.61508 263.6767 216.24789 263.34271 curveto
-215.88071 263.00873 215.69711 262.58197 215.69711 262.06244 curveto
-215.69711 261.75775 215.76645 261.47943 215.90512 261.22748 curveto
-216.04379 260.97553 216.22543 260.77338 216.45004 260.62103 curveto
-216.67465 260.46869 216.92758 260.35346 217.20883 260.27533 curveto
-217.41586 260.22065 217.72836 260.16791 218.14633 260.11713 curveto
-218.99789 260.01557 219.62484 259.89447 220.02719 259.75385 curveto
-220.03109 259.60932 220.03305 259.51752 220.03305 259.47845 curveto
-220.03305 259.04877 219.93344 258.74604 219.73422 258.57025 curveto
-219.46469 258.33198 219.0643 258.21284 218.53305 258.21283 curveto
-218.03695 258.21284 217.67074 258.29975 217.43442 258.47357 curveto
-217.19809 258.6474 217.02328 258.95502 216.91 259.39642 curveto
-215.87875 259.2558 lineto
-215.9725 258.8144 216.1268 258.45795 216.34164 258.18646 curveto
-216.55649 257.91498 216.86703 257.706 217.27328 257.55951 curveto
-217.67953 257.41303 218.15024 257.33979 218.68539 257.33978 curveto
-219.21664 257.33979 219.64828 257.40229 219.98032 257.52728 curveto
-220.31234 257.65229 220.55648 257.80952 220.71274 257.99896 curveto
-220.86898 258.18842 220.97836 258.42768 221.04086 258.71674 curveto
-221.07601 258.89643 221.09359 259.22065 221.0936 259.68939 curveto
-221.0936 261.09564 lineto
-221.09359 262.07611 221.11605 262.69623 221.16098 262.95599 curveto
-221.2059 263.21576 221.29476 263.46478 221.42758 263.70306 curveto
-220.32602 263.70306 lineto
-220.21664 263.48431 220.14633 263.22846 220.11508 262.93549 curveto
-220.11508 262.93549 lineto
-220.02719 260.58002 moveto
-219.64437 260.73627 219.07016 260.86908 218.30453 260.97845 curveto
-217.87094 261.04096 217.5643 261.11127 217.38461 261.18939 curveto
-217.20492 261.26752 217.06625 261.38178 216.9686 261.53217 curveto
-216.87094 261.68256 216.82211 261.84955 216.82211 262.03314 curveto
-216.82211 262.31439 216.92856 262.54877 217.14145 262.73627 curveto
-217.35434 262.92377 217.66586 263.01752 218.07602 263.01752 curveto
-218.48227 263.01752 218.84359 262.92865 219.16 262.75092 curveto
-219.47641 262.57318 219.70883 262.33002 219.85727 262.02142 curveto
-219.97055 261.78314 220.02719 261.43158 220.02719 260.96674 curveto
-220.02719 260.58002 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-222.74008 263.70306 moveto
-222.74008 255.11322 lineto
-223.79477 255.11322 lineto
-223.79477 260.01166 lineto
-226.29086 257.48041 lineto
-227.6561 257.48041 lineto
-225.27719 259.789 lineto
-227.89633 263.70306 lineto
-226.59555 263.70306 lineto
-224.53891 260.52142 lineto
-223.79477 261.23627 lineto
-223.79477 263.70306 lineto
-222.74008 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-232.06821 263.70306 moveto
-232.06821 255.11322 lineto
-233.12289 255.11322 lineto
-233.12289 260.01166 lineto
-235.61899 257.48041 lineto
-236.98422 257.48041 lineto
-234.60532 259.789 lineto
-237.22446 263.70306 lineto
-235.92368 263.70306 lineto
-233.86703 260.52142 lineto
-233.12289 261.23627 lineto
-233.12289 263.70306 lineto
-232.06821 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-242.14047 263.70306 moveto
-242.14047 262.789 lineto
-241.65609 263.49213 240.99789 263.84369 240.16586 263.84369 curveto
-239.79867 263.84369 239.4559 263.77338 239.13754 263.63275 curveto
-238.81918 263.49213 238.58285 263.31537 238.42856 263.10248 curveto
-238.27426 262.88959 238.16586 262.62885 238.10336 262.32025 curveto
-238.06039 262.11322 238.03891 261.7851 238.03891 261.33588 curveto
-238.03891 257.48041 lineto
-239.0936 257.48041 lineto
-239.0936 260.93158 lineto
-239.0936 261.48236 239.11508 261.85346 239.15805 262.04486 curveto
-239.22445 262.32221 239.36508 262.53998 239.57993 262.69818 curveto
-239.79477 262.85639 240.06039 262.93549 240.3768 262.93549 curveto
-240.6932 262.93549 240.99008 262.85443 241.26743 262.69232 curveto
-241.54477 262.53021 241.74105 262.30951 241.85629 262.03021 curveto
-241.97152 261.75092 242.02914 261.34564 242.02914 260.81439 curveto
-242.02914 257.48041 lineto
-243.08383 257.48041 lineto
-243.08383 263.70306 lineto
-242.14047 263.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-244.32016 261.84564 moveto
-245.36313 261.68158 lineto
-245.42172 262.09955 245.58481 262.41986 245.85239 262.64252 curveto
-246.11996 262.86517 246.49399 262.9765 246.97446 262.9765 curveto
-247.45883 262.9765 247.8182 262.87787 248.05258 262.6806 curveto
-248.28695 262.48334 248.40414 262.25189 248.40414 261.98627 curveto
-248.40414 261.74799 248.30062 261.56049 248.0936 261.42377 curveto
-247.94906 261.33002 247.58969 261.21088 247.01547 261.06635 curveto
-246.24203 260.87104 245.7059 260.70209 245.40707 260.55951 curveto
-245.10824 260.41693 244.88168 260.21967 244.72739 259.96771 curveto
-244.57309 259.71576 244.49594 259.43744 244.49594 259.13275 curveto
-244.49594 258.85541 244.55942 258.59858 244.68637 258.36224 curveto
-244.81332 258.12592 244.98617 257.92963 245.20493 257.77338 curveto
-245.36899 257.65229 245.59262 257.54975 245.87582 257.46576 curveto
-246.15902 257.38178 246.46274 257.33979 246.78696 257.33978 curveto
-247.27523 257.33979 247.70395 257.4101 248.07309 257.55072 curveto
-248.44223 257.69135 248.71469 257.88178 248.89047 258.12201 curveto
-249.06625 258.36225 249.18734 258.68354 249.25375 259.08588 curveto
-248.2225 259.2265 lineto
-248.17562 258.90619 248.03988 258.65619 247.81528 258.4765 curveto
-247.59066 258.29682 247.27328 258.20698 246.86313 258.20697 curveto
-246.37875 258.20698 246.03305 258.28705 245.82602 258.4472 curveto
-245.61899 258.60737 245.51547 258.79487 245.51547 259.0097 curveto
-245.51547 259.14643 245.55844 259.26947 245.64438 259.37885 curveto
-245.73031 259.49213 245.86508 259.58588 246.04868 259.6601 curveto
-246.15414 259.69916 246.46469 259.78901 246.98032 259.92963 curveto
-247.72641 260.12885 248.24691 260.29193 248.54184 260.41888 curveto
-248.83676 260.54584 249.0682 260.73041 249.23618 260.9726 curveto
-249.40414 261.21479 249.48812 261.51557 249.48813 261.87494 curveto
-249.48812 262.2265 249.38558 262.55756 249.18051 262.8681 curveto
-248.97543 263.17865 248.67953 263.41888 248.29282 263.58881 curveto
-247.90609 263.75873 247.46859 263.84369 246.98032 263.84369 curveto
-246.17172 263.84369 245.55551 263.67572 245.13168 263.33978 curveto
-244.70785 263.00385 244.43735 262.5058 244.32016 261.84564 curveto
-244.32016 261.84564 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-250.69516 266.09955 moveto
-250.57797 265.10931 lineto
-250.80844 265.17181 251.00961 265.20306 251.18149 265.20306 curveto
-251.41586 265.20306 251.60336 265.164 251.74399 265.08588 curveto
-251.88461 265.00775 251.99985 264.89838 252.08969 264.75775 curveto
-252.1561 264.65228 252.26352 264.39056 252.41196 263.9726 curveto
-252.43149 263.914 252.46274 263.82806 252.50571 263.71478 curveto
-250.14438 257.48041 lineto
-251.2811 257.48041 lineto
-252.57602 261.08392 lineto
-252.74399 261.54096 252.89438 262.02143 253.02719 262.52533 curveto
-253.14828 262.04096 253.29281 261.5683 253.46078 261.10736 curveto
-254.79086 257.48041 lineto
-255.84555 257.48041 lineto
-253.47836 263.80853 lineto
-253.22445 264.49213 253.02719 264.96283 252.88657 265.22064 curveto
-252.69906 265.5683 252.48422 265.82318 252.24203 265.98529 curveto
-251.99985 266.1474 251.71078 266.22845 251.37485 266.22845 curveto
-251.17172 266.22845 250.94516 266.18548 250.69516 266.09955 curveto
-250.69516 266.09955 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-259.67758 260.59174 moveto
-259.67758 259.4394 259.99789 258.58588 260.63852 258.03119 curveto
-261.17367 257.57026 261.82602 257.33979 262.59555 257.33978 curveto
-263.45102 257.33979 264.15023 257.62006 264.69321 258.1806 curveto
-265.23617 258.74115 265.50765 259.51557 265.50766 260.50385 curveto
-265.50765 261.30463 265.38754 261.93451 265.14731 262.39349 curveto
-264.90707 262.85248 264.55746 263.20892 264.09848 263.46283 curveto
-263.63949 263.71674 263.13852 263.84369 262.59555 263.84369 curveto
-261.72445 263.84369 261.02035 263.56439 260.48325 263.0058 curveto
-259.94614 262.44721 259.67758 261.64252 259.67758 260.59174 curveto
-259.67758 260.59174 lineto
-260.76157 260.59174 moveto
-260.76156 261.38861 260.93539 261.98529 261.28305 262.38177 curveto
-261.6307 262.77826 262.0682 262.9765 262.59555 262.9765 curveto
-263.11898 262.9765 263.55453 262.77728 263.90219 262.37885 curveto
-264.24984 261.98041 264.42367 261.37299 264.42368 260.55658 curveto
-264.42367 259.78705 264.24887 259.20405 263.89926 258.80756 curveto
-263.54965 258.41108 263.11508 258.21284 262.59555 258.21283 curveto
-262.0682 258.21284 261.6307 258.4101 261.28305 258.80463 curveto
-260.93539 259.19916 260.76156 259.79486 260.76157 260.59174 curveto
-260.76157 260.59174 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-266.32797 261.84564 moveto
-267.37094 261.68158 lineto
-267.42953 262.09955 267.59262 262.41986 267.8602 262.64252 curveto
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-269.46664 262.9765 269.82602 262.87787 270.06039 262.6806 curveto
-270.29476 262.48334 270.41195 262.25189 270.41196 261.98627 curveto
-270.41195 261.74799 270.30844 261.56049 270.10141 261.42377 curveto
-269.95687 261.33002 269.5975 261.21088 269.02328 261.06635 curveto
-268.24985 260.87104 267.71371 260.70209 267.41489 260.55951 curveto
-267.11606 260.41693 266.88949 260.21967 266.7352 259.96771 curveto
-266.5809 259.71576 266.50375 259.43744 266.50375 259.13275 curveto
-266.50375 258.85541 266.56723 258.59858 266.69418 258.36224 curveto
-266.82114 258.12592 266.99399 257.92963 267.21274 257.77338 curveto
-267.3768 257.65229 267.60043 257.54975 267.88364 257.46576 curveto
-268.16684 257.38178 268.47055 257.33979 268.79477 257.33978 curveto
-269.28305 257.33979 269.71176 257.4101 270.0809 257.55072 curveto
-270.45004 257.69135 270.7225 257.88178 270.89828 258.12201 curveto
-271.07406 258.36225 271.19515 258.68354 271.26157 259.08588 curveto
-270.23032 259.2265 lineto
-270.18344 258.90619 270.04769 258.65619 269.82309 258.4765 curveto
-269.59848 258.29682 269.28109 258.20698 268.87094 258.20697 curveto
-268.38656 258.20698 268.04086 258.28705 267.83383 258.4472 curveto
-267.6268 258.60737 267.52328 258.79487 267.52328 259.0097 curveto
-267.52328 259.14643 267.56625 259.26947 267.65219 259.37885 curveto
-267.73813 259.49213 267.87289 259.58588 268.05649 259.6601 curveto
-268.16195 259.69916 268.4725 259.78901 268.98813 259.92963 curveto
-269.73422 260.12885 270.25473 260.29193 270.54965 260.41888 curveto
-270.84457 260.54584 271.07601 260.73041 271.24399 260.9726 curveto
-271.41195 261.21479 271.49594 261.51557 271.49594 261.87494 curveto
-271.49594 262.2265 271.3934 262.55756 271.18832 262.8681 curveto
-270.98324 263.17865 270.68734 263.41888 270.30063 263.58881 curveto
-269.91391 263.75873 269.47641 263.84369 268.98813 263.84369 curveto
-268.17953 263.84369 267.56332 263.67572 267.1395 263.33978 curveto
-266.71567 263.00385 266.44516 262.5058 266.32797 261.84564 curveto
-266.32797 261.84564 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-80.872894 277.7597 moveto
-81.025238 278.69135 lineto
-80.72836 278.75385 80.462735 278.7851 80.228363 278.7851 curveto
-79.845548 278.7851 79.548674 278.72455 79.337738 278.60345 curveto
-79.126799 278.48236 78.978362 278.32318 78.892426 278.12592 curveto
-78.806487 277.92865 78.763518 277.51361 78.763519 276.8808 curveto
-78.763519 273.30072 lineto
-77.990082 273.30072 lineto
-77.990082 272.48041 lineto
-78.763519 272.48041 lineto
-78.763519 270.93939 lineto
-79.812347 270.30658 lineto
-79.812347 272.48041 lineto
-80.872894 272.48041 lineto
-80.872894 273.30072 lineto
-79.812347 273.30072 lineto
-79.812347 276.93939 lineto
-79.812345 277.24017 79.8309 277.43353 79.868011 277.51947 curveto
-79.905119 277.60541 79.965666 277.67377 80.049652 277.72455 curveto
-80.133634 277.77533 80.253751 277.80072 80.410004 277.80072 curveto
-80.527188 277.80072 80.681485 277.78705 80.872894 277.7597 curveto
-80.872894 277.7597 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-85.958832 277.93549 moveto
-85.568202 278.26752 85.192226 278.50189 84.830902 278.63861 curveto
-84.469571 278.77533 84.081876 278.84369 83.667816 278.84369 curveto
-82.984221 278.84369 82.45883 278.6767 82.091644 278.34271 curveto
-81.724456 278.00873 81.540863 277.58197 81.540863 277.06244 curveto
-81.540863 276.75775 81.610198 276.47943 81.748871 276.22748 curveto
-81.887542 275.97553 82.069182 275.77338 82.293793 275.62103 curveto
-82.518401 275.46869 82.77133 275.35346 83.052582 275.27533 curveto
-83.259611 275.22065 83.572111 275.16791 83.990082 275.11713 curveto
-84.841641 275.01557 85.468593 274.89447 85.870941 274.75385 curveto
-85.874843 274.60932 85.876796 274.51752 85.876801 274.47845 curveto
-85.876796 274.04877 85.777186 273.74604 85.577972 273.57025 curveto
-85.308437 273.33198 84.908047 273.21284 84.376801 273.21283 curveto
-83.880704 273.21284 83.514493 273.29975 83.278168 273.47357 curveto
-83.041838 273.6474 82.867033 273.95502 82.753754 274.39642 curveto
-81.722504 274.2558 lineto
-81.816253 273.8144 81.97055 273.45795 82.185394 273.18646 curveto
-82.400237 272.91498 82.710783 272.706 83.117035 272.55951 curveto
-83.523282 272.41303 83.993985 272.33979 84.529144 272.33978 curveto
-85.06039 272.33979 85.492031 272.40229 85.824066 272.52728 curveto
-86.156092 272.65229 86.400233 272.80952 86.556488 272.99896 curveto
-86.712732 273.18842 86.822107 273.42768 86.884613 273.71674 curveto
-86.919763 273.89643 86.937342 274.22065 86.937347 274.68939 curveto
-86.937347 276.09564 lineto
-86.937342 277.07611 86.959802 277.69623 87.00473 277.95599 curveto
-87.049646 278.21576 87.138513 278.46478 87.271332 278.70306 curveto
-86.169769 278.70306 lineto
-86.060389 278.48431 85.990077 278.22846 85.958832 277.93549 curveto
-85.958832 277.93549 lineto
-85.870941 275.58002 moveto
-85.488124 275.73627 84.913906 275.86908 84.148285 275.97845 curveto
-83.714689 276.04096 83.408048 276.11127 83.228363 276.18939 curveto
-83.048674 276.26752 82.910002 276.38178 82.812347 276.53217 curveto
-82.71469 276.68256 82.665861 276.84955 82.665863 277.03314 curveto
-82.665861 277.31439 82.772307 277.54877 82.985199 277.73627 curveto
-83.198088 277.92377 83.509611 278.01752 83.919769 278.01752 curveto
-84.326016 278.01752 84.687344 277.92865 85.003754 277.75092 curveto
-85.320156 277.57318 85.552577 277.33002 85.701019 277.02142 curveto
-85.814296 276.78314 85.870936 276.43158 85.870941 275.96674 curveto
-85.870941 275.58002 lineto
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-88.583832 278.70306 moveto
-88.583832 270.11322 lineto
-89.638519 270.11322 lineto
-89.638519 275.01166 lineto
-92.134613 272.48041 lineto
-93.499847 272.48041 lineto
-91.120941 274.789 lineto
-93.740082 278.70306 lineto
-92.439301 278.70306 lineto
-90.38266 275.52142 lineto
-89.638519 276.23627 lineto
-89.638519 278.70306 lineto
-88.583832 278.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-94.185394 275.59174 moveto
-94.185394 274.4394 94.505706 273.58588 95.146332 273.03119 curveto
-95.681486 272.57026 96.333829 272.33979 97.103363 272.33978 curveto
-97.958828 272.33979 98.658046 272.62006 99.201019 273.1806 curveto
-99.743982 273.74115 100.01547 274.51557 100.01547 275.50385 curveto
-100.01547 276.30463 99.895349 276.93451 99.655121 277.39349 curveto
-99.414881 277.85248 99.065272 278.20892 98.606293 278.46283 curveto
-98.147304 278.71674 97.646328 278.84369 97.103363 278.84369 curveto
-96.232267 278.84369 95.528166 278.56439 94.991058 278.0058 curveto
-94.453948 277.44721 94.185394 276.64252 94.185394 275.59174 curveto
-94.185394 275.59174 lineto
-95.269379 275.59174 moveto
-95.269377 276.38861 95.443205 276.98529 95.790863 277.38177 curveto
-96.138517 277.77826 96.576016 277.9765 97.103363 277.9765 curveto
-97.626797 277.9765 98.062343 277.77728 98.410004 277.37885 curveto
-98.757655 276.98041 98.931483 276.37299 98.931488 275.55658 curveto
-98.931483 274.78705 98.756678 274.20405 98.407074 273.80756 curveto
-98.05746 273.41108 97.62289 273.21284 97.103363 273.21283 curveto
-96.576016 273.21284 96.138517 273.4101 95.790863 273.80463 curveto
-95.443205 274.19916 95.269377 274.79486 95.269379 275.59174 curveto
-95.269379 275.59174 lineto
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-102.98618 278.70306 moveto
-100.61899 272.48041 lineto
-101.73227 272.48041 lineto
-103.06821 276.20697 lineto
-103.21274 276.60932 103.34555 277.02728 103.46664 277.46088 curveto
-103.56039 277.13275 103.69125 276.73822 103.85922 276.27728 curveto
-105.24203 272.48041 lineto
-106.32602 272.48041 lineto
-103.97055 278.70306 lineto
-102.98618 278.70306 lineto
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-107.21078 281.09955 moveto
-107.0936 280.10931 lineto
-107.32407 280.17181 107.52524 280.20306 107.69711 280.20306 curveto
-107.93149 280.20306 108.11899 280.164 108.25961 280.08588 curveto
-108.40024 280.00775 108.51547 279.89838 108.60532 279.75775 curveto
-108.67172 279.65228 108.77914 279.39056 108.92758 278.9726 curveto
-108.94711 278.914 108.97836 278.82806 109.02133 278.71478 curveto
-106.66 272.48041 lineto
-107.79672 272.48041 lineto
-109.09164 276.08392 lineto
-109.25961 276.54096 109.41 277.02143 109.54282 277.52533 curveto
-109.66391 277.04096 109.80844 276.5683 109.97641 276.10736 curveto
-111.30649 272.48041 lineto
-112.36118 272.48041 lineto
-109.99399 278.80853 lineto
-109.74008 279.49213 109.54281 279.96283 109.40219 280.22064 curveto
-109.21469 280.5683 108.99984 280.82318 108.75766 280.98529 curveto
-108.51547 281.1474 108.22641 281.22845 107.89047 281.22845 curveto
-107.68735 281.22845 107.46078 281.18548 107.21078 281.09955 curveto
-107.21078 281.09955 lineto
-108.9393 271.70697 moveto
-109.7186 270.06635 lineto
-111.10141 270.06635 lineto
-109.81235 271.70697 lineto
-108.9393 271.70697 lineto
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-117.31821 276.42377 moveto
-118.35532 276.55853 lineto
-118.24203 277.27338 117.95199 277.83295 117.4852 278.23724 curveto
-117.0184 278.64154 116.44516 278.84369 115.76547 278.84369 curveto
-114.91391 278.84369 114.22934 278.56537 113.71176 278.00873 curveto
-113.19418 277.45209 112.93539 276.65424 112.93539 275.61517 curveto
-112.93539 274.9433 113.04672 274.35541 113.26938 273.8515 curveto
-113.49203 273.3476 113.8309 272.96967 114.28598 272.71771 curveto
-114.74106 272.46577 115.23617 272.33979 115.77133 272.33978 curveto
-116.44711 272.33979 116.99984 272.51069 117.42953 272.85248 curveto
-117.85922 273.19428 118.13461 273.67963 118.25571 274.30853 curveto
-117.23032 274.46674 lineto
-117.13266 274.04877 116.9598 273.73432 116.71176 273.52338 curveto
-116.46371 273.31244 116.16391 273.20698 115.81235 273.20697 curveto
-115.28109 273.20698 114.84945 273.39741 114.51743 273.77826 curveto
-114.18539 274.15912 114.01938 274.76166 114.01938 275.58588 curveto
-114.01938 276.42182 114.17953 277.02924 114.49985 277.40814 curveto
-114.82016 277.78705 115.23813 277.9765 115.75375 277.9765 curveto
-116.16781 277.9765 116.51352 277.84955 116.79086 277.59564 curveto
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-117.31821 276.42377 lineto
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-119.25766 278.70306 moveto
-119.25766 270.11322 lineto
-120.31235 270.11322 lineto
-120.31235 273.19525 lineto
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-122.63656 272.33979 123.03695 272.43061 123.3768 272.61224 curveto
-123.71664 272.79389 123.9598 273.04487 124.10629 273.36517 curveto
-124.25277 273.68549 124.32601 274.15033 124.32602 274.7597 curveto
-124.32602 278.70306 lineto
-123.27133 278.70306 lineto
-123.27133 274.7597 lineto
-123.27133 274.23237 123.15707 273.84858 122.92856 273.60834 curveto
-122.70004 273.36811 122.3768 273.24799 121.95883 273.24799 curveto
-121.64633 273.24799 121.35238 273.32905 121.077 273.49115 curveto
-120.8016 273.65326 120.60531 273.87299 120.48813 274.15033 curveto
-120.37094 274.42768 120.31235 274.81049 120.31235 275.29877 curveto
-120.31235 278.70306 lineto
-119.25766 278.70306 lineto
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-128.24008 277.7597 moveto
-128.39243 278.69135 lineto
-128.09555 278.75385 127.82992 278.7851 127.59555 278.7851 curveto
-127.21274 278.7851 126.91586 278.72455 126.70493 278.60345 curveto
-126.49399 278.48236 126.34555 278.32318 126.25961 278.12592 curveto
-126.17367 277.92865 126.13071 277.51361 126.13071 276.8808 curveto
-126.13071 273.30072 lineto
-125.35727 273.30072 lineto
-125.35727 272.48041 lineto
-126.13071 272.48041 lineto
-126.13071 270.93939 lineto
-127.17953 270.30658 lineto
-127.17953 272.48041 lineto
-128.24008 272.48041 lineto
-128.24008 273.30072 lineto
-127.17953 273.30072 lineto
-127.17953 276.93939 lineto
-127.17953 277.24017 127.19809 277.43353 127.2352 277.51947 curveto
-127.27231 277.60541 127.33285 277.67377 127.41684 277.72455 curveto
-127.50082 277.77533 127.62094 277.80072 127.77719 277.80072 curveto
-127.89438 277.80072 128.04867 277.78705 128.24008 277.7597 curveto
-128.24008 277.7597 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-128.87289 275.59174 moveto
-128.87289 274.4394 129.19321 273.58588 129.83383 273.03119 curveto
-130.36899 272.57026 131.02133 272.33979 131.79086 272.33978 curveto
-132.64633 272.33979 133.34555 272.62006 133.88852 273.1806 curveto
-134.43148 273.74115 134.70297 274.51557 134.70297 275.50385 curveto
-134.70297 276.30463 134.58285 276.93451 134.34262 277.39349 curveto
-134.10238 277.85248 133.75277 278.20892 133.29379 278.46283 curveto
-132.8348 278.71674 132.33383 278.84369 131.79086 278.84369 curveto
-130.91977 278.84369 130.21567 278.56439 129.67856 278.0058 curveto
-129.14145 277.44721 128.87289 276.64252 128.87289 275.59174 curveto
-128.87289 275.59174 lineto
-129.95688 275.59174 moveto
-129.95688 276.38861 130.13071 276.98529 130.47836 277.38177 curveto
-130.82602 277.77826 131.26352 277.9765 131.79086 277.9765 curveto
-132.3143 277.9765 132.74984 277.77728 133.0975 277.37885 curveto
-133.44515 276.98041 133.61898 276.37299 133.61899 275.55658 curveto
-133.61898 274.78705 133.44418 274.20405 133.09457 273.80756 curveto
-132.74496 273.41108 132.31039 273.21284 131.79086 273.21283 curveto
-131.26352 273.21284 130.82602 273.4101 130.47836 273.80463 curveto
-130.13071 274.19916 129.95688 274.79486 129.95688 275.59174 curveto
-129.95688 275.59174 lineto
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-143.35141 277.789 lineto
-142.86703 278.49213 142.20883 278.84369 141.3768 278.84369 curveto
-141.00961 278.84369 140.66684 278.77338 140.34848 278.63275 curveto
-140.03012 278.49213 139.79379 278.31537 139.6395 278.10248 curveto
-139.4852 277.88959 139.3768 277.62885 139.3143 277.32025 curveto
-139.27133 277.11322 139.24985 276.7851 139.24985 276.33588 curveto
-139.24985 272.48041 lineto
-140.30453 272.48041 lineto
-140.30453 275.93158 lineto
-140.30453 276.48236 140.32602 276.85346 140.36899 277.04486 curveto
-140.43539 277.32221 140.57602 277.53998 140.79086 277.69818 curveto
-141.0057 277.85639 141.27133 277.93549 141.58774 277.93549 curveto
-141.90414 277.93549 142.20102 277.85443 142.47836 277.69232 curveto
-142.7557 277.53021 142.95199 277.30951 143.06723 277.03021 curveto
-143.18246 276.75092 143.24008 276.34564 143.24008 275.81439 curveto
-143.24008 272.48041 lineto
-144.29477 272.48041 lineto
-144.29477 278.70306 lineto
-143.35141 278.70306 lineto
-141.14243 271.70697 moveto
-141.92172 270.06635 lineto
-143.30453 270.06635 lineto
-142.01547 271.70697 lineto
-141.14243 271.70697 lineto
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-145.5311 276.84564 moveto
-146.57407 276.68158 lineto
-146.63266 277.09955 146.79574 277.41986 147.06332 277.64252 curveto
-147.3309 277.86517 147.70492 277.9765 148.18539 277.9765 curveto
-148.66977 277.9765 149.02914 277.87787 149.26352 277.6806 curveto
-149.49789 277.48334 149.61508 277.25189 149.61508 276.98627 curveto
-149.61508 276.74799 149.51156 276.56049 149.30453 276.42377 curveto
-149.16 276.33002 148.80063 276.21088 148.22641 276.06635 curveto
-147.45297 275.87104 146.91684 275.70209 146.61801 275.55951 curveto
-146.31918 275.41693 146.09262 275.21967 145.93832 274.96771 curveto
-145.78403 274.71576 145.70688 274.43744 145.70688 274.13275 curveto
-145.70688 273.85541 145.77035 273.59858 145.89731 273.36224 curveto
-146.02426 273.12592 146.19711 272.92963 146.41586 272.77338 curveto
-146.57992 272.65229 146.80356 272.54975 147.08676 272.46576 curveto
-147.36996 272.38178 147.67367 272.33979 147.99789 272.33978 curveto
-148.48617 272.33979 148.91488 272.4101 149.28403 272.55072 curveto
-149.65316 272.69135 149.92562 272.88178 150.10141 273.12201 curveto
-150.27719 273.36225 150.39828 273.68354 150.46469 274.08588 curveto
-149.43344 274.2265 lineto
-149.38656 273.90619 149.25082 273.65619 149.02621 273.4765 curveto
-148.8016 273.29682 148.48422 273.20698 148.07407 273.20697 curveto
-147.58969 273.20698 147.24399 273.28705 147.03696 273.4472 curveto
-146.82992 273.60737 146.72641 273.79487 146.72641 274.0097 curveto
-146.72641 274.14643 146.76938 274.26947 146.85532 274.37885 curveto
-146.94125 274.49213 147.07602 274.58588 147.25961 274.6601 curveto
-147.36508 274.69916 147.67563 274.78901 148.19125 274.92963 curveto
-148.93734 275.12885 149.45785 275.29193 149.75278 275.41888 curveto
-150.04769 275.54584 150.27914 275.73041 150.44711 275.9726 curveto
-150.61508 276.21479 150.69906 276.51557 150.69907 276.87494 curveto
-150.69906 277.2265 150.59652 277.55756 150.39145 277.8681 curveto
-150.18637 278.17865 149.89047 278.41888 149.50375 278.58881 curveto
-149.11703 278.75873 148.67953 278.84369 148.19125 278.84369 curveto
-147.38266 278.84369 146.76645 278.67572 146.34262 278.33978 curveto
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-145.5311 276.84564 lineto
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-156.21274 276.69916 moveto
-157.30258 276.83392 lineto
-157.1307 277.47064 156.81234 277.96478 156.3475 278.31635 curveto
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-153.65609 278.84369 152.93442 278.56342 152.40121 278.00287 curveto
-151.86801 277.44232 151.60141 276.65619 151.60141 275.64447 curveto
-151.60141 274.5976 151.87094 273.7851 152.41 273.20697 curveto
-152.94906 272.62885 153.64828 272.33979 154.50766 272.33978 curveto
-155.33969 272.33979 156.01937 272.62299 156.54672 273.18939 curveto
-157.07406 273.7558 157.33773 274.55268 157.33774 275.58002 curveto
-157.33773 275.64252 157.33578 275.73627 157.33188 275.86127 curveto
-152.69125 275.86127 lineto
-152.73031 276.54486 152.92367 277.0683 153.27133 277.43158 curveto
-153.61899 277.79486 154.05258 277.9765 154.57211 277.9765 curveto
-154.95883 277.9765 155.28891 277.87494 155.56235 277.67181 curveto
-155.83578 277.46869 156.05258 277.14447 156.21274 276.69916 curveto
-156.21274 276.69916 lineto
-152.74985 274.99408 moveto
-156.22446 274.99408 lineto
-156.17758 274.47065 156.04476 274.07807 155.82602 273.81635 curveto
-155.49008 273.4101 155.05453 273.20698 154.51938 273.20697 curveto
-154.035 273.20698 153.62777 273.36908 153.2977 273.6933 curveto
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-152.74985 274.99408 lineto
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-163.73032 276.55853 lineto
-163.61703 277.27338 163.32699 277.83295 162.8602 278.23724 curveto
-162.3934 278.64154 161.82016 278.84369 161.14047 278.84369 curveto
-160.28891 278.84369 159.60434 278.56537 159.08676 278.00873 curveto
-158.56918 277.45209 158.31039 276.65424 158.31039 275.61517 curveto
-158.31039 274.9433 158.42172 274.35541 158.64438 273.8515 curveto
-158.86703 273.3476 159.2059 272.96967 159.66098 272.71771 curveto
-160.11606 272.46577 160.61117 272.33979 161.14633 272.33978 curveto
-161.82211 272.33979 162.37484 272.51069 162.80453 272.85248 curveto
-163.23422 273.19428 163.50961 273.67963 163.63071 274.30853 curveto
-162.60532 274.46674 lineto
-162.50766 274.04877 162.3348 273.73432 162.08676 273.52338 curveto
-161.83871 273.31244 161.53891 273.20698 161.18735 273.20697 curveto
-160.65609 273.20698 160.22445 273.39741 159.89243 273.77826 curveto
-159.56039 274.15912 159.39438 274.76166 159.39438 275.58588 curveto
-159.39438 276.42182 159.55453 277.02924 159.87485 277.40814 curveto
-160.19516 277.78705 160.61313 277.9765 161.12875 277.9765 curveto
-161.54281 277.9765 161.88852 277.84955 162.16586 277.59564 curveto
-162.4432 277.34174 162.61898 276.95111 162.69321 276.42377 curveto
-162.69321 276.42377 lineto
-161.14047 271.06244 moveto
-161.785 270.06635 lineto
-162.98032 270.06635 lineto
-161.66196 271.70697 lineto
-160.53696 271.70697 lineto
-159.27133 270.06635 lineto
-160.47836 270.06635 lineto
-161.14047 271.06244 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-168.89243 276.69916 moveto
-169.98227 276.83392 lineto
-169.81039 277.47064 169.49203 277.96478 169.02719 278.31635 curveto
-168.56234 278.66791 167.96859 278.84369 167.24594 278.84369 curveto
-166.33578 278.84369 165.6141 278.56342 165.0809 278.00287 curveto
-164.5477 277.44232 164.2811 276.65619 164.2811 275.64447 curveto
-164.2811 274.5976 164.55063 273.7851 165.08969 273.20697 curveto
-165.62875 272.62885 166.32797 272.33979 167.18735 272.33978 curveto
-168.01937 272.33979 168.69906 272.62299 169.22641 273.18939 curveto
-169.75375 273.7558 170.01742 274.55268 170.01743 275.58002 curveto
-170.01742 275.64252 170.01547 275.73627 170.01157 275.86127 curveto
-165.37094 275.86127 lineto
-165.41 276.54486 165.60336 277.0683 165.95102 277.43158 curveto
-166.29867 277.79486 166.73227 277.9765 167.2518 277.9765 curveto
-167.63852 277.9765 167.96859 277.87494 168.24203 277.67181 curveto
-168.51547 277.46869 168.73226 277.14447 168.89243 276.69916 curveto
-168.89243 276.69916 lineto
-165.42953 274.99408 moveto
-168.90414 274.99408 lineto
-168.85726 274.47065 168.72445 274.07807 168.50571 273.81635 curveto
-168.16976 273.4101 167.73422 273.20698 167.19907 273.20697 curveto
-166.71469 273.20698 166.30746 273.36908 165.97739 273.6933 curveto
-165.64731 274.01752 165.46469 274.45112 165.42953 274.99408 curveto
-165.42953 274.99408 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-171.31821 278.70306 moveto
-171.31821 270.11322 lineto
-172.37289 270.11322 lineto
-172.37289 275.01166 lineto
-174.86899 272.48041 lineto
-176.23422 272.48041 lineto
-173.85532 274.789 lineto
-176.47446 278.70306 lineto
-175.17368 278.70306 lineto
-173.11703 275.52142 lineto
-172.37289 276.23627 lineto
-172.37289 278.70306 lineto
-171.31821 278.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-180.89243 278.70306 moveto
-180.89243 273.30072 lineto
-179.96078 273.30072 lineto
-179.96078 272.48041 lineto
-180.89243 272.48041 lineto
-180.89243 271.8183 lineto
-180.89242 271.40034 180.92953 271.08979 181.00375 270.88666 curveto
-181.10531 270.61323 181.28403 270.39155 181.53989 270.22162 curveto
-181.79574 270.05171 182.15414 269.96674 182.61508 269.96674 curveto
-182.91195 269.96674 183.24008 270.0019 183.59946 270.0722 curveto
-183.44125 270.99213 lineto
-183.2225 270.95307 183.01547 270.93354 182.82016 270.93353 curveto
-182.49984 270.93354 182.27328 271.0019 182.14047 271.13861 curveto
-182.00766 271.27534 181.94125 271.5312 181.94125 271.90619 curveto
-181.94125 272.48041 lineto
-183.15414 272.48041 lineto
-183.15414 273.30072 lineto
-181.94125 273.30072 lineto
-181.94125 278.70306 lineto
-180.89243 278.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-183.57602 275.59174 moveto
-183.57602 274.4394 183.89633 273.58588 184.53696 273.03119 curveto
-185.07211 272.57026 185.72445 272.33979 186.49399 272.33978 curveto
-187.34945 272.33979 188.04867 272.62006 188.59164 273.1806 curveto
-189.13461 273.74115 189.40609 274.51557 189.4061 275.50385 curveto
-189.40609 276.30463 189.28597 276.93451 189.04575 277.39349 curveto
-188.80551 277.85248 188.4559 278.20892 187.99692 278.46283 curveto
-187.53793 278.71674 187.03695 278.84369 186.49399 278.84369 curveto
-185.62289 278.84369 184.91879 278.56439 184.38168 278.0058 curveto
-183.84457 277.44721 183.57602 276.64252 183.57602 275.59174 curveto
-183.57602 275.59174 lineto
-184.66 275.59174 moveto
-184.66 276.38861 184.83383 276.98529 185.18149 277.38177 curveto
-185.52914 277.77826 185.96664 277.9765 186.49399 277.9765 curveto
-187.01742 277.9765 187.45297 277.77728 187.80063 277.37885 curveto
-188.14828 276.98041 188.32211 276.37299 188.32211 275.55658 curveto
-188.32211 274.78705 188.1473 274.20405 187.7977 273.80756 curveto
-187.44809 273.41108 187.01352 273.21284 186.49399 273.21283 curveto
-185.96664 273.21284 185.52914 273.4101 185.18149 273.80463 curveto
-184.83383 274.19916 184.66 274.79486 184.66 275.59174 curveto
-184.66 275.59174 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-190.63657 278.70306 moveto
-190.63657 272.48041 lineto
-191.58578 272.48041 lineto
-191.58578 273.42377 lineto
-191.82797 272.98237 192.0516 272.69135 192.25668 272.55072 curveto
-192.46176 272.4101 192.68734 272.33979 192.93344 272.33978 curveto
-193.28891 272.33979 193.65023 272.45307 194.01743 272.67963 curveto
-193.65414 273.65814 lineto
-193.39633 273.5058 193.13852 273.42963 192.88071 273.42963 curveto
-192.65024 273.42963 192.4432 273.49897 192.25961 273.63763 curveto
-192.07602 273.77631 191.94516 273.96869 191.86703 274.21478 curveto
-191.74985 274.58979 191.69125 274.99994 191.69125 275.44525 curveto
-191.69125 278.70306 lineto
-190.63657 278.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-194.6561 278.70306 moveto
-194.6561 272.48041 lineto
-195.59946 272.48041 lineto
-195.59946 273.35345 lineto
-195.79477 273.04877 196.05453 272.80366 196.37875 272.6181 curveto
-196.70297 272.43256 197.07211 272.33979 197.48618 272.33978 curveto
-197.94711 272.33979 198.32504 272.43549 198.61996 272.62689 curveto
-198.91488 272.8183 199.12289 273.08588 199.24399 273.42963 curveto
-199.73617 272.70307 200.37679 272.33979 201.16586 272.33978 curveto
-201.78304 272.33979 202.25765 272.51069 202.58969 272.85248 curveto
-202.92171 273.19428 203.08773 273.72065 203.08774 274.43158 curveto
-203.08774 278.70306 lineto
-202.03891 278.70306 lineto
-202.03891 274.78314 lineto
-202.0389 274.36127 202.00472 274.05756 201.93637 273.87201 curveto
-201.868 273.68647 201.74398 273.53705 201.5643 273.42377 curveto
-201.38461 273.31049 201.17367 273.25385 200.93149 273.25385 curveto
-200.49398 273.25385 200.1307 273.39936 199.84164 273.69037 curveto
-199.55258 273.98139 199.40804 274.44721 199.40805 275.08783 curveto
-199.40805 278.70306 lineto
-198.35336 278.70306 lineto
-198.35336 274.6601 lineto
-198.35336 274.19135 198.26742 273.83979 198.09555 273.60541 curveto
-197.92367 273.37104 197.64242 273.25385 197.2518 273.25385 curveto
-196.95492 273.25385 196.68051 273.33198 196.42856 273.48822 curveto
-196.1766 273.64448 195.99399 273.87299 195.88071 274.17377 curveto
-195.76742 274.47455 195.71078 274.90815 195.71078 275.47455 curveto
-195.71078 278.70306 lineto
-194.6561 278.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-208.74203 278.70306 moveto
-208.74203 277.789 lineto
-208.25766 278.49213 207.59945 278.84369 206.76743 278.84369 curveto
-206.40024 278.84369 206.05746 278.77338 205.73911 278.63275 curveto
-205.42074 278.49213 205.18442 278.31537 205.03012 278.10248 curveto
-204.87582 277.88959 204.76742 277.62885 204.70493 277.32025 curveto
-204.66196 277.11322 204.64047 276.7851 204.64047 276.33588 curveto
-204.64047 272.48041 lineto
-205.69516 272.48041 lineto
-205.69516 275.93158 lineto
-205.69516 276.48236 205.71664 276.85346 205.75961 277.04486 curveto
-205.82602 277.32221 205.96664 277.53998 206.18149 277.69818 curveto
-206.39633 277.85639 206.66195 277.93549 206.97836 277.93549 curveto
-207.29477 277.93549 207.59164 277.85443 207.86899 277.69232 curveto
-208.14633 277.53021 208.34262 277.30951 208.45786 277.03021 curveto
-208.57308 276.75092 208.6307 276.34564 208.63071 275.81439 curveto
-208.63071 272.48041 lineto
-209.68539 272.48041 lineto
-209.68539 278.70306 lineto
-208.74203 278.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-211.33774 271.33783 moveto
-211.33774 270.11322 lineto
-212.39243 270.11322 lineto
-212.39243 271.33783 lineto
-211.33774 271.33783 lineto
-210.0018 281.11713 moveto
-210.20102 280.22064 lineto
-210.41196 280.27533 210.57797 280.30267 210.69907 280.30267 curveto
-210.91391 280.30267 211.07407 280.23138 211.17953 280.08881 curveto
-211.285 279.94623 211.33774 279.58978 211.33774 279.01947 curveto
-211.33774 272.48041 lineto
-212.39243 272.48041 lineto
-212.39243 279.04291 lineto
-212.39242 279.80853 212.29281 280.34173 212.0936 280.64252 curveto
-211.83969 281.03314 211.41782 281.22845 210.82797 281.22845 curveto
-210.54282 281.22845 210.26743 281.19134 210.0018 281.11713 curveto
-210.0018 281.11713 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-214.38461 278.70306 moveto
-214.38461 272.48041 lineto
-215.4393 272.48041 lineto
-215.4393 278.70306 lineto
-214.38461 278.70306 lineto
-214.33774 271.70697 moveto
-215.11703 270.06635 lineto
-216.49985 270.06635 lineto
-215.21078 271.70697 lineto
-214.33774 271.70697 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-220.66586 271.33783 moveto
-220.66586 270.11322 lineto
-221.72055 270.11322 lineto
-221.72055 271.33783 lineto
-220.66586 271.33783 lineto
-219.32993 281.11713 moveto
-219.52914 280.22064 lineto
-219.74008 280.27533 219.9061 280.30267 220.02719 280.30267 curveto
-220.24203 280.30267 220.40219 280.23138 220.50766 280.08881 curveto
-220.61313 279.94623 220.66586 279.58978 220.66586 279.01947 curveto
-220.66586 272.48041 lineto
-221.72055 272.48041 lineto
-221.72055 279.04291 lineto
-221.72055 279.80853 221.62094 280.34173 221.42172 280.64252 curveto
-221.16781 281.03314 220.74594 281.22845 220.1561 281.22845 curveto
-219.87094 281.22845 219.59555 281.19134 219.32993 281.11713 curveto
-219.32993 281.11713 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-227.60336 276.69916 moveto
-228.69321 276.83392 lineto
-228.52133 277.47064 228.20297 277.96478 227.73813 278.31635 curveto
-227.27328 278.66791 226.67953 278.84369 225.95688 278.84369 curveto
-225.04672 278.84369 224.32504 278.56342 223.79184 278.00287 curveto
-223.25864 277.44232 222.99203 276.65619 222.99203 275.64447 curveto
-222.99203 274.5976 223.26157 273.7851 223.80063 273.20697 curveto
-224.33969 272.62885 225.03891 272.33979 225.89828 272.33978 curveto
-226.73031 272.33979 227.41 272.62299 227.93735 273.18939 curveto
-228.46469 273.7558 228.72836 274.55268 228.72836 275.58002 curveto
-228.72836 275.64252 228.7264 275.73627 228.7225 275.86127 curveto
-224.08188 275.86127 lineto
-224.12094 276.54486 224.3143 277.0683 224.66196 277.43158 curveto
-225.00961 277.79486 225.4432 277.9765 225.96274 277.9765 curveto
-226.34945 277.9765 226.67953 277.87494 226.95297 277.67181 curveto
-227.22641 277.46869 227.4432 277.14447 227.60336 276.69916 curveto
-227.60336 276.69916 lineto
-224.14047 274.99408 moveto
-227.61508 274.99408 lineto
-227.5682 274.47065 227.43539 274.07807 227.21664 273.81635 curveto
-226.8807 273.4101 226.44516 273.20698 225.91 273.20697 curveto
-225.42563 273.20698 225.0184 273.36908 224.68832 273.6933 curveto
-224.35824 274.01752 224.17563 274.45112 224.14047 274.99408 curveto
-224.14047 274.99408 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-230.02328 278.70306 moveto
-230.02328 270.11322 lineto
-231.07797 270.11322 lineto
-231.07797 273.19525 lineto
-231.57016 272.62495 232.19125 272.33979 232.94125 272.33978 curveto
-233.40219 272.33979 233.80258 272.43061 234.14243 272.61224 curveto
-234.48226 272.79389 234.72543 273.04487 234.87192 273.36517 curveto
-235.0184 273.68549 235.09164 274.15033 235.09164 274.7597 curveto
-235.09164 278.70306 lineto
-234.03696 278.70306 lineto
-234.03696 274.7597 lineto
-234.03695 274.23237 233.92269 273.84858 233.69418 273.60834 curveto
-233.46566 273.36811 233.14242 273.24799 232.72446 273.24799 curveto
-232.41195 273.24799 232.11801 273.32905 231.84262 273.49115 curveto
-231.56723 273.65326 231.37094 273.87299 231.25375 274.15033 curveto
-231.13656 274.42768 231.07797 274.81049 231.07797 275.29877 curveto
-231.07797 278.70306 lineto
-230.02328 278.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-236.31039 275.59174 moveto
-236.31039 274.4394 236.63071 273.58588 237.27133 273.03119 curveto
-237.80649 272.57026 238.45883 272.33979 239.22836 272.33978 curveto
-240.08383 272.33979 240.78305 272.62006 241.32602 273.1806 curveto
-241.86898 273.74115 242.14047 274.51557 242.14047 275.50385 curveto
-242.14047 276.30463 242.02035 276.93451 241.78012 277.39349 curveto
-241.53988 277.85248 241.19027 278.20892 240.73129 278.46283 curveto
-240.2723 278.71674 239.77133 278.84369 239.22836 278.84369 curveto
-238.35727 278.84369 237.65317 278.56439 237.11606 278.0058 curveto
-236.57895 277.44721 236.31039 276.64252 236.31039 275.59174 curveto
-236.31039 275.59174 lineto
-237.39438 275.59174 moveto
-237.39438 276.38861 237.56821 276.98529 237.91586 277.38177 curveto
-238.26352 277.77826 238.70102 277.9765 239.22836 277.9765 curveto
-239.7518 277.9765 240.18734 277.77728 240.535 277.37885 curveto
-240.88265 276.98041 241.05648 276.37299 241.05649 275.55658 curveto
-241.05648 274.78705 240.88168 274.20405 240.53207 273.80756 curveto
-240.18246 273.41108 239.74789 273.21284 239.22836 273.21283 curveto
-238.70102 273.21284 238.26352 273.4101 237.91586 273.80463 curveto
-237.56821 274.19916 237.39438 274.79486 237.39438 275.59174 curveto
-237.39438 275.59174 lineto
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-246.71078 278.70306 moveto
-246.71078 270.11322 lineto
-247.76547 270.11322 lineto
-247.76547 273.19525 lineto
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-250.08969 272.33979 250.49008 272.43061 250.82993 272.61224 curveto
-251.16976 272.79389 251.41293 273.04487 251.55942 273.36517 curveto
-251.7059 273.68549 251.77914 274.15033 251.77914 274.7597 curveto
-251.77914 278.70306 lineto
-250.72446 278.70306 lineto
-250.72446 274.7597 lineto
-250.72445 274.23237 250.61019 273.84858 250.38168 273.60834 curveto
-250.15316 273.36811 249.82992 273.24799 249.41196 273.24799 curveto
-249.09945 273.24799 248.80551 273.32905 248.53012 273.49115 curveto
-248.25473 273.65326 248.05844 273.87299 247.94125 274.15033 curveto
-247.82406 274.42768 247.76547 274.81049 247.76547 275.29877 curveto
-247.76547 278.70306 lineto
-246.71078 278.70306 lineto
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-253.37875 278.70306 moveto
-253.37875 272.48041 lineto
-254.32797 272.48041 lineto
-254.32797 273.42377 lineto
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-255.20395 272.4101 255.42953 272.33979 255.67563 272.33978 curveto
-256.03109 272.33979 256.39242 272.45307 256.75961 272.67963 curveto
-256.39633 273.65814 lineto
-256.13852 273.5058 255.8807 273.42963 255.62289 273.42963 curveto
-255.39242 273.42963 255.18539 273.49897 255.0018 273.63763 curveto
-254.8182 273.77631 254.68735 273.96869 254.60922 274.21478 curveto
-254.49203 274.58979 254.43344 274.99994 254.43344 275.44525 curveto
-254.43344 278.70306 lineto
-253.37875 278.70306 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-261.45883 277.93549 moveto
-261.0682 278.26752 260.69223 278.50189 260.3309 278.63861 curveto
-259.96957 278.77533 259.58188 278.84369 259.16782 278.84369 curveto
-258.48422 278.84369 257.95883 278.6767 257.59164 278.34271 curveto
-257.22446 278.00873 257.04086 277.58197 257.04086 277.06244 curveto
-257.04086 276.75775 257.1102 276.47943 257.24887 276.22748 curveto
-257.38754 275.97553 257.56918 275.77338 257.79379 275.62103 curveto
-258.0184 275.46869 258.27133 275.35346 258.55258 275.27533 curveto
-258.75961 275.22065 259.07211 275.16791 259.49008 275.11713 curveto
-260.34164 275.01557 260.96859 274.89447 261.37094 274.75385 curveto
-261.37484 274.60932 261.3768 274.51752 261.3768 274.47845 curveto
-261.3768 274.04877 261.27719 273.74604 261.07797 273.57025 curveto
-260.80844 273.33198 260.40805 273.21284 259.8768 273.21283 curveto
-259.3807 273.21284 259.01449 273.29975 258.77817 273.47357 curveto
-258.54184 273.6474 258.36703 273.95502 258.25375 274.39642 curveto
-257.2225 274.2558 lineto
-257.31625 273.8144 257.47055 273.45795 257.68539 273.18646 curveto
-257.90024 272.91498 258.21078 272.706 258.61703 272.55951 curveto
-259.02328 272.41303 259.49399 272.33979 260.02914 272.33978 curveto
-260.56039 272.33979 260.99203 272.40229 261.32407 272.52728 curveto
-261.65609 272.65229 261.90023 272.80952 262.05649 272.99896 curveto
-262.21273 273.18842 262.32211 273.42768 262.38461 273.71674 curveto
-262.41976 273.89643 262.43734 274.22065 262.43735 274.68939 curveto
-262.43735 276.09564 lineto
-262.43734 277.07611 262.4598 277.69623 262.50473 277.95599 curveto
-262.54965 278.21576 262.63851 278.46478 262.77133 278.70306 curveto
-261.66977 278.70306 lineto
-261.56039 278.48431 261.49008 278.22846 261.45883 277.93549 curveto
-261.45883 277.93549 lineto
-261.37094 275.58002 moveto
-260.98812 275.73627 260.41391 275.86908 259.64828 275.97845 curveto
-259.21469 276.04096 258.90805 276.11127 258.72836 276.18939 curveto
-258.54867 276.26752 258.41 276.38178 258.31235 276.53217 curveto
-258.21469 276.68256 258.16586 276.84955 258.16586 277.03314 curveto
-258.16586 277.31439 258.27231 277.54877 258.4852 277.73627 curveto
-258.69809 277.92377 259.00961 278.01752 259.41977 278.01752 curveto
-259.82602 278.01752 260.18734 277.92865 260.50375 277.75092 curveto
-260.82016 277.57318 261.05258 277.33002 261.20102 277.02142 curveto
-261.3143 276.78314 261.37094 276.43158 261.37094 275.96674 curveto
-261.37094 275.58002 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-264.07797 278.70306 moveto
-264.07797 272.48041 lineto
-265.02719 272.48041 lineto
-265.02719 273.36517 lineto
-265.48422 272.68159 266.14438 272.33979 267.00766 272.33978 curveto
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-157.72168 100.47415 157.84179 100.49954 157.99805 100.49954 curveto
-158.11523 100.49954 158.26953 100.48587 158.46094 100.45852 curveto
-158.46094 100.45852 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-163.54688 100.6343 moveto
-163.15625 100.96634 162.78027 101.20071 162.41895 101.33743 curveto
-162.05761 101.47415 161.66992 101.54251 161.25586 101.54251 curveto
-160.57226 101.54251 160.04687 101.37551 159.67969 101.04153 curveto
-159.3125 100.70755 159.12891 100.28079 159.12891 99.761257 curveto
-159.12891 99.456571 159.19824 99.178251 159.33691 98.926296 curveto
-159.47559 98.674345 159.65723 98.472197 159.88184 98.31985 curveto
-160.10644 98.16751 160.35937 98.052276 160.64063 97.974147 curveto
-160.84765 97.919463 161.16015 97.866729 161.57813 97.815944 curveto
-162.42968 97.714385 163.05664 97.593292 163.45898 97.452663 curveto
-163.46289 97.308136 163.46484 97.216339 163.46484 97.177272 curveto
-163.46484 96.747589 163.36523 96.444855 163.16602 96.269069 curveto
-162.89648 96.030793 162.49609 95.911653 161.96484 95.911647 curveto
-161.46875 95.911653 161.10254 95.998567 160.86621 96.17239 curveto
-160.62988 96.346223 160.45508 96.65384 160.3418 97.095241 curveto
-159.31055 96.954616 lineto
-159.4043 96.513215 159.55859 96.15677 159.77344 95.88528 curveto
-159.98828 95.613802 160.29883 95.404817 160.70508 95.258327 curveto
-161.11133 95.111849 161.58203 95.038607 162.11719 95.0386 curveto
-162.64843 95.038607 163.08007 95.101107 163.41211 95.2261 curveto
-163.74414 95.351107 163.98828 95.508333 164.14453 95.69778 curveto
-164.30078 95.887239 164.41015 96.126496 164.47266 96.415554 curveto
-164.50781 96.595246 164.52538 96.919464 164.52539 97.38821 curveto
-164.52539 98.79446 lineto
-164.52538 99.77493 164.54785 100.39505 164.59277 100.65481 curveto
-164.63769 100.91458 164.72656 101.1636 164.85938 101.40188 curveto
-163.75781 101.40188 lineto
-163.64843 101.18313 163.57812 100.92727 163.54688 100.6343 curveto
-163.54688 100.6343 lineto
-163.45898 98.278835 moveto
-163.07617 98.435088 162.50195 98.5679 161.73633 98.677272 curveto
-161.30273 98.739775 160.99609 98.810087 160.81641 98.88821 curveto
-160.63672 98.966337 160.49805 99.080595 160.40039 99.230983 curveto
-160.30273 99.381376 160.2539 99.548368 160.25391 99.73196 curveto
-160.2539 100.01321 160.36035 100.24759 160.57324 100.43508 curveto
-160.78613 100.62259 161.09765 100.71634 161.50781 100.71633 curveto
-161.91406 100.71634 162.27539 100.62747 162.5918 100.44973 curveto
-162.9082 100.272 163.14062 100.02884 163.28906 99.720241 curveto
-163.40234 99.481962 163.45898 99.1304 163.45898 98.665554 curveto
-163.45898 98.278835 lineto
-gsave [1.7882996 0 0 1.7882996 -93.222894 -17.048977] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-115.22852 146.90188 moveto
-115.22852 138.31204 lineto
-116.2832 138.31204 lineto
-116.2832 141.39407 lineto
-116.77539 140.82376 117.39648 140.53861 118.14648 140.5386 curveto
-118.60742 140.53861 119.00781 140.62943 119.34766 140.81106 curveto
-119.68749 140.99271 119.93066 141.24368 120.07715 141.56399 curveto
-120.22363 141.88431 120.29687 142.34915 120.29688 142.95852 curveto
-120.29688 146.90188 lineto
-119.24219 146.90188 lineto
-119.24219 142.95852 lineto
-119.24218 142.43118 119.12792 142.04739 118.89941 141.80716 curveto
-118.67089 141.56693 118.34765 141.44681 117.92969 141.4468 curveto
-117.61718 141.44681 117.32324 141.52786 117.04785 141.68997 curveto
-116.77246 141.85208 116.57617 142.07181 116.45898 142.34915 curveto
-116.34179 142.6265 116.2832 143.00931 116.2832 143.49758 curveto
-116.2832 146.90188 lineto
-115.22852 146.90188 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-121.89648 146.90188 moveto
-121.89648 140.67923 lineto
-122.8457 140.67923 lineto
-122.8457 141.62258 lineto
-123.08789 141.18118 123.31152 140.89017 123.5166 140.74954 curveto
-123.72168 140.60892 123.94726 140.53861 124.19336 140.5386 curveto
-124.54882 140.53861 124.91015 140.65189 125.27734 140.87844 curveto
-124.91406 141.85696 lineto
-124.65625 141.70462 124.39843 141.62845 124.14063 141.62844 curveto
-123.91015 141.62845 123.70312 141.69779 123.51953 141.83645 curveto
-123.33594 141.97513 123.20508 142.16751 123.12695 142.4136 curveto
-123.00976 142.7886 122.95117 143.19876 122.95117 143.64407 curveto
-122.95117 146.90188 lineto
-121.89648 146.90188 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-129.97656 146.1343 moveto
-129.58593 146.46634 129.20996 146.70071 128.84863 146.83743 curveto
-128.4873 146.97415 128.09961 147.04251 127.68555 147.04251 curveto
-127.00195 147.04251 126.47656 146.87551 126.10938 146.54153 curveto
-125.74219 146.20755 125.55859 145.78079 125.55859 145.26126 curveto
-125.55859 144.95657 125.62793 144.67825 125.7666 144.4263 curveto
-125.90527 144.17435 126.08691 143.9722 126.31152 143.81985 curveto
-126.53613 143.66751 126.78906 143.55228 127.07031 143.47415 curveto
-127.27734 143.41946 127.58984 143.36673 128.00781 143.31594 curveto
-128.85937 143.21439 129.48632 143.09329 129.88867 142.95266 curveto
-129.89257 142.80814 129.89453 142.71634 129.89453 142.67727 curveto
-129.89453 142.24759 129.79492 141.94486 129.5957 141.76907 curveto
-129.32617 141.53079 128.92578 141.41165 128.39453 141.41165 curveto
-127.89843 141.41165 127.53222 141.49857 127.2959 141.67239 curveto
-127.05957 141.84622 126.88476 142.15384 126.77148 142.59524 curveto
-125.74023 142.45462 lineto
-125.83398 142.01321 125.98828 141.65677 126.20313 141.38528 curveto
-126.41797 141.1138 126.72851 140.90482 127.13477 140.75833 curveto
-127.54101 140.61185 128.01172 140.53861 128.54688 140.5386 curveto
-129.07812 140.53861 129.50976 140.60111 129.8418 140.7261 curveto
-130.17382 140.85111 130.41796 141.00833 130.57422 141.19778 curveto
-130.73046 141.38724 130.83984 141.6265 130.90234 141.91555 curveto
-130.93749 142.09525 130.95507 142.41946 130.95508 142.88821 curveto
-130.95508 144.29446 lineto
-130.95507 145.27493 130.97753 145.89505 131.02246 146.15481 curveto
-131.06738 146.41458 131.15624 146.6636 131.28906 146.90188 curveto
-130.1875 146.90188 lineto
-130.07812 146.68313 130.00781 146.42727 129.97656 146.1343 curveto
-129.97656 146.1343 lineto
-129.88867 143.77883 moveto
-129.50585 143.93509 128.93164 144.0679 128.16602 144.17727 curveto
-127.73242 144.23978 127.42578 144.31009 127.24609 144.38821 curveto
-127.0664 144.46634 126.92773 144.58059 126.83008 144.73098 curveto
-126.73242 144.88138 126.68359 145.04837 126.68359 145.23196 curveto
-126.68359 145.51321 126.79004 145.74759 127.00293 145.93508 curveto
-127.21582 146.12259 127.52734 146.21634 127.9375 146.21633 curveto
-128.34375 146.21634 128.70507 146.12747 129.02148 145.94973 curveto
-129.33789 145.772 129.57031 145.52884 129.71875 145.22024 curveto
-129.83203 144.98196 129.88867 144.6304 129.88867 144.16555 curveto
-129.88867 143.77883 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-132.5957 146.90188 moveto
-132.5957 140.67923 lineto
-133.54492 140.67923 lineto
-133.54492 141.56399 lineto
-134.00195 140.8804 134.66211 140.53861 135.52539 140.5386 curveto
-135.90039 140.53861 136.24511 140.60599 136.55957 140.74075 curveto
-136.87402 140.87552 137.10937 141.05228 137.26563 141.27102 curveto
-137.42187 141.48978 137.53124 141.74954 137.59375 142.05032 curveto
-137.63281 142.24564 137.65234 142.58743 137.65234 143.07571 curveto
-137.65234 146.90188 lineto
-136.59766 146.90188 lineto
-136.59766 143.11673 lineto
-136.59765 142.68704 136.55664 142.36575 136.47461 142.15286 curveto
-136.39257 141.93997 136.24707 141.77005 136.03809 141.64309 curveto
-135.8291 141.51614 135.58398 141.45267 135.30273 141.45266 curveto
-134.85351 141.45267 134.46582 141.59525 134.13965 141.8804 curveto
-133.81347 142.16556 133.65039 142.70657 133.65039 143.50344 curveto
-133.65039 146.90188 lineto
-132.5957 146.90188 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-139.22852 149.29837 moveto
-139.11133 148.30813 lineto
-139.3418 148.37063 139.54297 148.40188 139.71484 148.40188 curveto
-139.94922 148.40188 140.13672 148.36282 140.27734 148.28469 curveto
-140.41797 148.20657 140.5332 148.09719 140.62305 147.95657 curveto
-140.68945 147.8511 140.79687 147.58938 140.94531 147.17141 curveto
-140.96484 147.11282 140.99609 147.02688 141.03906 146.9136 curveto
-138.67773 140.67923 lineto
-139.81445 140.67923 lineto
-141.10938 144.28274 lineto
-141.27734 144.73977 141.42773 145.22024 141.56055 145.72415 curveto
-141.68164 145.23977 141.82617 144.76712 141.99414 144.30618 curveto
-143.32422 140.67923 lineto
-144.37891 140.67923 lineto
-142.01172 147.00735 lineto
-141.75781 147.69094 141.56054 148.16165 141.41992 148.41946 curveto
-141.23242 148.76711 141.01758 149.022 140.77539 149.18411 curveto
-140.5332 149.34622 140.24414 149.42727 139.9082 149.42727 curveto
-139.70508 149.42727 139.47851 149.3843 139.22852 149.29837 curveto
-139.22852 149.29837 lineto
-gsave [1.7996795 0 0 1.7996795 -574.04947 -40.110778] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-453.83203 139.55813 moveto
-451.46484 133.33548 lineto
-452.57813 133.33548 lineto
-453.91406 137.06204 lineto
-454.05859 137.46438 454.1914 137.88235 454.3125 138.31594 curveto
-454.40625 137.98782 454.53711 137.59329 454.70508 137.13235 curveto
-456.08789 133.33548 lineto
-457.17188 133.33548 lineto
-454.81641 139.55813 lineto
-453.83203 139.55813 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-458.0918 139.55813 moveto
-458.0918 133.33548 lineto
-459.04102 133.33548 lineto
-459.04102 134.27883 lineto
-459.2832 133.83743 459.50683 133.54642 459.71191 133.40579 curveto
-459.91699 133.26517 460.14258 133.19486 460.38867 133.19485 curveto
-460.74414 133.19486 461.10546 133.30814 461.47266 133.53469 curveto
-461.10938 134.51321 lineto
-460.85156 134.36087 460.59375 134.2847 460.33594 134.28469 curveto
-460.10547 134.2847 459.89843 134.35404 459.71484 134.4927 curveto
-459.53125 134.63138 459.40039 134.82376 459.32227 135.06985 curveto
-459.20508 135.44485 459.14648 135.85501 459.14648 136.30032 curveto
-459.14648 139.55813 lineto
-458.0918 139.55813 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-466.17188 137.27883 moveto
-467.20898 137.4136 lineto
-467.0957 138.12845 466.80566 138.68802 466.33887 139.09231 curveto
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-463.76758 139.69876 463.08301 139.42044 462.56543 138.8638 curveto
-462.04785 138.30716 461.78906 137.50931 461.78906 136.47024 curveto
-461.78906 135.79837 461.90039 135.21048 462.12305 134.70657 curveto
-462.3457 134.20267 462.68457 133.82474 463.13965 133.57278 curveto
-463.59472 133.32083 464.08984 133.19486 464.625 133.19485 curveto
-465.30078 133.19486 465.85351 133.36576 466.2832 133.70755 curveto
-466.71289 134.04935 466.98828 134.5347 467.10938 135.1636 curveto
-466.08398 135.3218 lineto
-465.98632 134.90384 465.81347 134.58939 465.56543 134.37844 curveto
-465.31738 134.16751 465.01757 134.06204 464.66602 134.06204 curveto
-464.13476 134.06204 463.70312 134.25247 463.37109 134.63333 curveto
-463.03906 135.01419 462.87305 135.61673 462.87305 136.44094 curveto
-462.87305 137.27688 463.0332 137.88431 463.35352 138.26321 curveto
-463.67383 138.64212 464.09179 138.83157 464.60742 138.83157 curveto
-465.02148 138.83157 465.36718 138.70462 465.64453 138.45071 curveto
-465.92187 138.1968 466.09765 137.80618 466.17188 137.27883 curveto
-466.17188 137.27883 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-468.11133 139.55813 moveto
-468.11133 130.96829 lineto
-469.16602 130.96829 lineto
-469.16602 134.05032 lineto
-469.6582 133.48001 470.27929 133.19486 471.0293 133.19485 curveto
-471.49023 133.19486 471.89062 133.28568 472.23047 133.46731 curveto
-472.57031 133.64896 472.81347 133.89993 472.95996 134.22024 curveto
-473.10644 134.54056 473.17968 135.0054 473.17969 135.61477 curveto
-473.17969 139.55813 lineto
-472.125 139.55813 lineto
-472.125 135.61477 lineto
-472.125 135.08743 472.01074 134.70364 471.78223 134.46341 curveto
-471.55371 134.22318 471.23046 134.10306 470.8125 134.10305 curveto
-470.5 134.10306 470.20605 134.18411 469.93066 134.34622 curveto
-469.65527 134.50833 469.45898 134.72806 469.3418 135.0054 curveto
-469.22461 135.28275 469.16601 135.66556 469.16602 136.15383 curveto
-469.16602 139.55813 lineto
-468.11133 139.55813 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-474.39844 136.4468 moveto
-474.39844 135.29446 474.71875 134.44095 475.35938 133.88626 curveto
-475.89453 133.42533 476.54687 133.19486 477.31641 133.19485 curveto
-478.17187 133.19486 478.87109 133.47513 479.41406 134.03567 curveto
-479.95703 134.59622 480.22851 135.37064 480.22852 136.35891 curveto
-480.22851 137.1597 480.10839 137.78958 479.86816 138.24856 curveto
-479.62792 138.70755 479.27832 139.06399 478.81934 139.3179 curveto
-478.36035 139.5718 477.85937 139.69876 477.31641 139.69876 curveto
-476.44531 139.69876 475.74121 139.41946 475.2041 138.86087 curveto
-474.66699 138.30227 474.39844 137.49759 474.39844 136.4468 curveto
-474.39844 136.4468 lineto
-475.48242 136.4468 moveto
-475.48242 137.24368 475.65625 137.84036 476.00391 138.23684 curveto
-476.35156 138.63333 476.78906 138.83157 477.31641 138.83157 curveto
-477.83984 138.83157 478.27539 138.63235 478.62305 138.23391 curveto
-478.9707 137.83548 479.14453 137.22806 479.14453 136.41165 curveto
-479.14453 135.64212 478.96972 135.05911 478.62012 134.66262 curveto
-478.2705 134.26614 477.83593 134.0679 477.31641 134.0679 curveto
-476.78906 134.0679 476.35156 134.26517 476.00391 134.65969 curveto
-475.65625 135.05423 475.48242 135.64993 475.48242 136.4468 curveto
-475.48242 136.4468 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-481.44727 139.55813 moveto
-481.44727 130.96829 lineto
-482.50195 130.96829 lineto
-482.50195 139.55813 lineto
-481.44727 139.55813 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-147.21037 86.218599 moveto
-143.44772 66.473969 lineto
-gsave [-0.074878797 -0.39292896 0.39292896 -0.074878797 146.46158 82.289309] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
--12.5 0 lineto
-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
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-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-240.62335 140.63838 moveto
-143.17363 66.376309 lineto
-gsave [-0.31814961 -0.24244758 0.24244758 -0.31814961 237.44185 138.2139] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
--12.5 0 lineto
-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-0 setlinecap
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
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-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-192.59038 152.13131 moveto
-259.88564 192.35264 lineto
-gsave [0.34334743 0.20521341 -0.20521341 0.34334743 196.02385 154.18344] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
--12.5 0 lineto
-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-0 setlinecap
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
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-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-92.403315 196.7841 moveto
-131.9976 224.86346 lineto
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
--12.5 0 lineto
-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-0 setlinecap
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
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-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-195.5651 177.32881 moveto
-131.41318 224.87518 lineto
-gsave [-0.32135954 0.2381765 -0.2381765 -0.32135954 192.3515 179.71057] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
--12.5 0 lineto
-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
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-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-126.42895 156.16332 moveto
-131.76144 224.61128 lineto
-gsave [0.031068164 0.39879164 -0.39879164 0.031068164 126.73963 160.15124] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
--12.5 0 lineto
-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-0 0 moveto
-5 -5 lineto
--12.5 0 lineto
-5 5 lineto
-0 0 lineto
-gsave [0.7354199 0 0 0.7354201 -9.2628045 108.68849] concat
-0 0 1 setrgbcolor
-163.79385 56.318527 moveto
-163.79385 58.762154 161.81062 60.745388 159.36699 60.745388 curveto
-156.92336 60.745388 154.94013 58.762154 154.94013 56.318527 curveto
-154.94013 53.8749 156.92336 51.891666 159.36699 51.891666 curveto
-161.81062 51.891666 163.79385 53.8749 163.79385 56.318527 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-163.79385 56.318527 moveto
-163.79385 58.762154 161.81062 60.745388 159.36699 60.745388 curveto
-156.92336 60.745388 154.94013 58.762154 154.94013 56.318527 curveto
-154.94013 53.8749 156.92336 51.891666 159.36699 51.891666 curveto
-161.81062 51.891666 163.79385 53.8749 163.79385 56.318527 curveto
-gsave [1 0 0 1 -110.75688 90.116479] concat
-1 1 0 setrgbcolor
-163.79385 56.318527 moveto
-163.79385 58.762154 161.81062 60.745388 159.36699 60.745388 curveto
-156.92336 60.745388 154.94013 58.762154 154.94013 56.318527 curveto
-154.94013 53.8749 156.92336 51.891666 159.36699 51.891666 curveto
-161.81062 51.891666 163.79385 53.8749 163.79385 56.318527 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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-2 setlinewidth
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