The Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm computes the MST of a~given graph in time $\O(m\log n)$.
-We will show several faster implementations in section \ref{iteralg}.
+We will show several faster implementations in Section \ref{iteralg}.
\paran{Kruskal's algorithm}%
The last of the three classical algorithms processes the edges of the
vector operations and calculations of ranks. The ranks are computed
in $\O(1)$ steps involving again $\O(1)$ vector operations, binary
logarithms and bit extraction. All these can be calculated in constant
-time using the results of section \ref{bitsect} and Lemma \ref{qhxtract}.
+time using the results of Section \ref{bitsect} and Lemma \ref{qhxtract}.
\paran{Combining Q-heaps}%
orientations which runs in time $\O(n^3)$.
It has been recently extended to arbitrary surfaces by Yuster and Zwick
\cite{yuster:matching} and sped up to $\O(n^{2.19})$. The counting problem
-for arbitrary minor-closed classes (cf.~section \ref{minorclosed}) is still
+for arbitrary minor-closed classes (cf.~Section \ref{minorclosed}) is still