-CHAPTERS=cover mst notation ram
+CHAPTERS=cover mst notation ram adv
%.dvi: %.tex macros.tex biblio.bib
tex $< && if grep -q citation $*.aux ; then bibtex $* && tex $< && tex $< ; fi
-* Minimum spanning trees
+* Minimum Spanning Trees
+ o The Problem
o Basic properties
o Red/Blue meta-algorithm
o Classical algorithms
- o Fredman-Tarjan algorithm
- o ?? Chazelle ??
- o ?? Pettie ??
- o Minor-closed classes
- o MST verification
- o Randomized algorithms
+ o Contractive algorithms
+* Fine Details of Computation
-* Integer data structures
+ o Models and machines
+ . Bit tricks
+ . Ranking sets
+ . Bitwise B-trees
+ . Q-Heaps
- o Models of computation
- o Bit tricks
- o Ranking sets
- o Bitwise B-trees
- o Q-Heaps
+* Advanced MST Algorithms
+ o Minor-closed classes
+ o Fredman-Tarjan algorithm
+ . ?? Chazelle ??
+ . ?? Pettie ??
+ . MST verification
+ . Randomized algorithms
* Ranking combinatorial objects
- o Ranking of permutations: history
- o Linear-time algorithm
- o k-permutations
- o Permutations with no fixed point
- o ?? other objects ??
+ . Ranking of permutations: history
+ . Linear-time algorithm
+ . k-permutations
+ . Permutations with no fixed point
+ . ?? other objects ??
* Dynamic MST algorithms
- o (Semi-)dynamic algorithms
- o Sleator-Tarjan trees
- o ET-trees
- o Fully dynamic connectivity
- o Semi-dynamic MST
- o Fully dynamic MST
+ . (Semi-)dynamic algorithms
+ . Sleator-Tarjan trees
+ . ET-trees
+ . Fully dynamic connectivity
+ . Semi-dynamic MST
+ . Fully dynamic MST
+- cite Eisner's tutorial \cite{eisner:tutorial}
+- \cite{pettie:onlineverify} online lower bound
+- mention Steiner trees
+- mention matroids
+- sorted weights
+- mention disconnected graphs
+- Euclidean MST
+- Some algorithms (most notably Fredman-Tarjan) do not need flattening
+- \O(...) as a set?
+- G has to be connected, so m=O(n)
+- impedance mismatch in terminology: contraction of G along e vs. contraction of e.
+- use \delta(X) notation
+- unify use of n(G) vs. n
--- /dev/null
+\input macros.tex
+\chapter{Advanced MST Algorithms}
+\section{Minor-closed graph classes}
+The contractive algorithm given in section~\ref{contalg} has been found to perform
+well on planar graphs, but in the general case its time complexity was not linear.
+Can we find any broader class of graphs where the algorithm is still efficient?
+The right context turns out to be the minor-closed graph classes, which are
+closed under contractions and have bounded density.
+A~graph~$H$ is a \df{minor} of a~graph~$G$ iff it can be obtained
+from a subgraph of~$G$ by a sequence of simple graph contractions (see \ref{simpcont}).
+A~class~$\cal C$ of graphs is \df{minor-closed}, when for every $G\in\cal C$ and
+its every minor~$H$, the graph~$H$ lies in~$\cal C$ as well. A~class~$\cal C$ is called
+\df{non-trivial} if at least one graph lies in~$\cal C$ and at least one lies outside~$\cal C$.
+Non-trivial minor-closed classes include planar graphs and more generally graphs
+embeddable in any fixed surface. Many nice properties of planar graphs extend
+to these classes, too, most notably the linearity of the number of edges.
+Let $\cal C$ be a class of graphs. We define its \df{edge density} $\varrho(\cal C)$
+to be the infimum of all~$\varrho$'s such that $m(G) \le \varrho\cdot n(G)$
+holds for every $G\in\cal C$.
+\thmn{Density of minor-closed classes}
+A~minor-closed class of graphs has finite edge density if and only if it is
+a non-trivial class.
+See Theorem 6.1 in \cite{nesetril:minors}, which also lists some other equivalent conditions.
+\thmn{MST on minor-closed classes \cite{mm:mst}}\id{mstmcc}%
+For any fixed non-trivial minor-closed class~$\cal C$ of graphs, Algorithm \ref{contbor} finds
+the MST of any graph in this class in time $\O(n)$. (The constant hidden in the~$\O$
+depends on the class.)
+Following the proof for planar graphs (\ref{planarbor}), we denote the graph considered
+by the algorithm at the beginning of the $i$-th iteration by~$G_i$ and its number of vertices
+and edges by $n_i$ and $m_i$ respectively. Again the $i$-th phase runs in time $\O(m_i)$
+and $n_i \le n/2^i$, so it remains to show a linear bound for the $m_i$'s.
+Since each $G_i$ is produced from~$G_{i-1}$ by a sequence of edge contractions,
+all $G_i$'s are minors of~$G$.\foot{Technically, these are multigraph contractions,
+but followed by flattening, so they are equivalent to contractions on simple graphs.}
+So they also belong to~$\cal C$ and by the previous theorem $m_i\le \varrho({\cal C})\cdot n_i$.
+The contractive algorithm uses ``batch processing'' to perform many contractions
+in a single step. It is also possible to perform contractions one edge at a~time,
+batching only the flattenings. A~contraction of an edge~$uv$ can be done
+in time~$\O(\deg(u))$ by removing all edges incident with~$u$ and inserting them back
+with $u$ replaced by~$v$. Therefore we need to find a lot of vertices with small
+degrees. The following lemma shows that this is always the case in minor-closed
+\lemman{Low-degree vertices}\id{lowdeg}%
+Let $\cal C$ be a graph class with density~$\varrho$ and $G\in\cal C$ a~graph
+with $n$~vertices. Then at least $n/2$ vertices of~$G$ have degree at most~$4\varrho$.
+Assume the contrary: Let there be at least $n/2$ vertices with degree
+greater than~$4\varrho$. Then $\sum_v \deg(v) > n/2
+\cdot 4\varrho = 2\varrho n$, which is in contradiction with the number
+of edges being at most $\varrho n$.
+The proof can be also viewed
+probabilistically: let $X$ be the degree of a vertex of~$G$ chosen uniformly at
+random. Then ${\bb E}X \le 2\varrho$, hence by the Markov's inequality
+${\rm Pr}[X > 4\varrho] < 1/2$, so for at least $n/2$ vertices~$v$ we have
+$\deg(v)\le 4\varrho$.
+\algn{Local Bor\o{u}vka's Algorithm \cite{mm:mst}}%
+\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle and a~parameter~$t\in{\bb N}$.
+\:$\ell(e)\=e$ for all edges~$e$.
+\:While $n(G)>1$:
+\::While there exists a~vertex~$v$ such that $\deg(v)\le t$:
+\:::Select the lightest edge~$e$ incident with~$v$.
+\:::Contract~$G$ along~$e$.
+\:::$T\=T + \ell(e)$.
+\::Flatten $G$, removing parallel edges and loops.
+\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
+When $\cal C$ is a minor-closed class of graphs with density~$\varrho$, the
+Local Bor\o{u}vka's Algorithm with the parameter~$t$ set to~$4\varrho$
+finds the MST of any graph from this class in time $\O(n)$. (The constant
+in the~$\O$ depends on~the class.)
+Let us denote by $G_i$, $n_i$ and $m_i$ the graph considered by the
+algorithm at the beginning of the $i$-th iteration of the outer loop,
+and the number of its vertices and edges respectively. As in the proof
+of the previous algorithm (\ref{mstmcc}), we observe that all the $G_i$'s
+are minors of the graph~$G$ given as the input.
+For the choice $t=4\varrho$, the Lemma on low-degree vertices (\ref{lowdeg})
+guarantees that at least $n_i/2$ edges get selected in the $i$-th iteration.
+Hence at least a half of the vertices participates in contractions, so
+$n_i\le 3/4\cdot n_{i-1}$. Therefore $n_i\le n\cdot (3/4)^i$ and the algorithm terminates
+after $\O(\log n)$ iterations.
+Each selected edge belongs to $\mst(G)$, because it is the lightest edge of
+the trivial cut $\delta(v)$ (see the Blue Rule in \ref{rbma}).
+The steps 6 and~7 therefore correspond to the operation
+described by the Lemma on contraction of MST edges (\ref{contlemma}) and when
+the algorithm stops, $T$~is indeed the minimum spanning tree.
+It remains to analyse the time complexity of the algorithm. Since $G_i\in{\cal C}$, we have
+$m_i\le \varrho n_i \le \varrho n/2^i$.
+We will show that the $i$-th iteration is carried out in time $\O(m_i)$.
+Steps 5 and~6 run in time $\O(\deg(v))=\O(t)$ for each~$v$, so summed
+over all $v$'s they take $\O(tn_i)$, which is linear for a fixed class~$\cal C$.
+Flattening takes $\O(m_i)$, as already noted in the analysis of the Contracting
+Bor\o{u}vka's Algorithm (see \ref{contiter}).
+The whole algorithm therefore runs in time $\O(\sum_i m_i) = \O(\sum_i n/2^i) = \O(n)$.
+For planar graphs, we can get a sharper version of the low-degree lemma,
+showing that the algorithm works with $t=8$ as well (we had $t=12$ as
+$\varrho=3$). While this does not change the asymptotic time complexity
+of the algorithm, the constant-factor speedup can still delight the hearts of
+its practical users.
+\lemman{Low-degree vertices in planar graphs}%
+Let $G$ be a planar graph with $n$~vertices. Then at least $n/2$ vertices of~$v$
+have degree at most~8.
+It suffices to show that the lemma holds for triangulations (if there
+are any edges missing, the situation can only get better) with at
+least 3 vertices. Since $G$ is planar, $\sum_v \deg(v) < 6n$.
+The numbers $d(v):=\deg(v)-3$ are non-negative and $\sum_v d(v) < 3n$,
+so by the same argument as in the proof of the general lemma, for at least $n/2$
+vertices~$v$ it holds that $d(v) < 6$, hence $\deg(v) \le 8$.
+The constant~8 in the previous lemma is the best we can have.
+Consider a $k\times k$ triangular grid. It has $n=k^2$ vertices, $\O(k)$ of them
+lie on the outer face and have degrees at most~6, the remaining $n-\O(k)$ interior
+vertices have degree exactly~6. Therefore the number of faces~$f$ is $6/3\cdot n=2n$,
+ignoring terms of order $\O(k)$. All interior triangles can be properly colored with
+two colors, black and white. Now add a~new vertex inside each white face and connect
+it to all three vertices on the boundary of that face. This adds $f/2 \approx n$
+vertices of degree~3 and it increases the degrees of the original $\approx n$ interior
+vertices to~9, therefore about a half of the vertices of the new planar graph
+has degree~9.
+\figure{hexangle.eps}{\epsfxsize}{The construction from Remark~\ref{hexa}}
+\section{Using Fibonacci heaps}
+We have seen that the Jarn\'\i{}k's Algorithm \ref{jarnik} runs in $\O(m\log n)$ time
+(and this bound can be easily shown to be tight). Fredman and Tarjan have shown a~faster
+implementation in~\cite{ft:fibonacci} using their Fibonacci heaps. In this section,
+we convey their results and we show several interesting consequences.
+The previous implementation of the algorithm used a binary heap to store all neighboring
+edges of the cut~$\delta(T)$. Instead of that, we will remember the vertices adjacent
+to~$T$ and for each such vertex~$v$ we will keep the lightest edge~$uv$ such that $u$~lies
+in~$T$. We will call these edges \df{active edges} and keep them in a~heap, ordered by weight.
+When we want to extend~$T$ by the lightest edge of~$\delta(T)$, it is sufficient to
+find the lightest active edge~$uv$ and add this edge to~$T$ together with a new vertex~$v$.
+Then we have to update the active edges as follows. The edge~$uv$ has just ceased to
+be active. We scan all neighbors~$w$ of the vertex~$v$. When $w$~is in~$T$, no action
+is needed. If $w$~is outside~$T$ and it was not adjacent to~$T$ (there is no active edge
+remembered for it so far), we set the edge~$vw$ as active. Otherwise we check the existing
+active edge for~$w$ and replace it by~$vw$ if the new edge is lighter.
+The following algorithm shows how these operations translate to insertions, decreases
+and deletions on the heap.
+\algn{Jarn\'\i{}k with active edges; Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci}}\id{jarniktwo}%
+\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle.
+\:$v_0\=$ an~arbitrary vertex of~$G$.
+\:$T\=$ a tree containing just the vertex~$v_0$.
+\:$H\=$ a~heap of active edges stored as pairs $(u,v)$ where $u\in T,v\not\in T$, ordered by the weights $w(vw)$, initially empty.
+\:$A\=$ an~auxiliary array mapping vertices outside~$T$ to their active edges in the heap; initially all elements undefined.
+\:\<Insert> all edges incident with~$v_0$ to~$H$ and update~$A$ accordingly.
+\:While $H$ is not empty:
+\::For all edges $vw$ such that $w\not\in T$:
+\:::If there exists an~active edge~$A(w)$:
+\::::If $vw$ is lighter than~$A(w)$, \<Decrease> $A(w)$ to~$(v,w)$ in~$H$.
+\:::If there is no such edge, then \<Insert> $(v,w)$ to~$H$ and set~$A(w)$.
+\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
+\thmn{Fibonacci heaps} The~Fibonacci heap performs the following operations
+with the indicated amortized time complexities:
+\:\<Insert> (insertion of a~new element) in $\O(1)$,
+\:\<Decrease> (decreasing value of an~existing element) in $\O(1)$,
+\:\<Merge> (merging of two heaps into one) in $\O(1)$,
+\:\<DeleteMin> (deletion of the minimal element) in $\O(\log n)$,
+\:\<Delete> (deletion of an~arbitrary element) in $\O(\log n)$,
+\>where $n$ is the maximum number of elements present in the heap at the time of
+the operation.
+See Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci} for both the description of the Fibonacci
+heap and the proof of this theorem.
+Algorithm~\ref{jarniktwo} with a~Fibonacci heap finds the MST of the input graph in time~$\O(m+n\log n)$.
+The algorithm always stops, because every edge enters the heap~$H$ at most once.
+As it selects exactly the same edges as the original Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm,
+it gives the correct answer.
+The time complexity is $\O(m)$ plus the cost of the heap operations. The algorithm
+performs at most one \<Insert> or \<Decrease> per edge and exactly one \<DeleteMin>
+per vertex and there are at most $n$ elements in the heap at any given time,
+so by the previous theorem the operations take $\O(m+n\log n)$ time in total.
+For graphs with edge density at least $\log n$, this algorithm runs in linear time.
+We can consider using other kinds of heaps which have the property that inserts
+and decreases are faster than deletes. Of course, the Fibonacci heaps are asymptotically
+optimal (by the standard $\Omega(n\log n)$ lower bound on sorting by comparisons, see
+for example \cite{clrs}), so the other data structures can improve only
+multiplicative constants or offer an~easier implementation.
+A~nice example is a~\df{$d$-regular heap} --- a~variant of the usual binary heap
+in the form of a~complete $d$-regular tree. \<Insert>, \<Decrease> and other operations
+involving bubbling the values up spend $\O(1)$ time at a~single level, so they run
+in~$\O(\log_d n)$ time. \<Delete> and \<DeleteMin> require bubbling down, which incurs
+comparison with all~$d$ sons at every level, so they run in~$\O(d\log_d n)$.
+With this structure, the time complexity of the whole algorithm
+is $\O(nd\log_d n + m\log_d n)$, which suggests setting $d=m/n$, giving $\O(m\log_{m/n}n)$.
+This is still linear for graphs with density at~least~$n^{1+\varepsilon}$.
+Another possibility is to use the 2-3-heaps \cite{takaoka:twothree} or Trinomial
+heaps \cite{takaoka:trinomial}. Both have the same asymptotic complexity as Fibonacci
+heaps (the latter even in worst case, but it does not matter here) and their
+authors claim implementation advantages.
+\FIXME{Mention Thorup's Fibonacci-like heaps for integers?}
+As we already noted, the improved Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm runs in linear time
+for sufficiently dense graphs. In some cases, it is useful to combine it with
+another MST algorithm, which identifies a~part of the MST edges and contracts
+the graph to increase its density. For example, we can perform several
+iterations of the Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm and find the rest of the
+MST by the above version of Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm.
+\algn{Mixed Bor\o{u}vka-Jarn\'\i{}k}
+\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle.
+\:Run $\log\log n$ iterations of the Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm (\ref{contbor}),
+ getting a~MST~$T_1$.
+\:Run the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm with active edges (\ref{jarniktwo}) on the resulting
+ graph, getting a~MST~$T_2$.
+\:Combine $T_1$ and~$T_2$ to~$T$ as in the Contraction lemma (\ref{contlemma}).
+\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
+The Mixed Bor\o{u}vka-Jarn\'\i{}k algorithm finds the MST of the input graph in time $\O(m\log\log n)$.
+Correctness follows from the Contraction lemma and from the proofs of correctness of the respective algorithms.
+As~for time complexity: The first step takes $\O(m\log\log n)$ time
+(by Lemma~\ref{contiter}) and it gradually contracts~$G$ to a~graph~$G'$ of size
+$m'\le m$ and $n'\le n/\log n$. The second step then runs in time $\O(m'+n'\log n') = \O(m)$
+and both trees can be combined in linear time, too.
+Actually, there is a~much better choice of the algorithms to combine: use the
+improved Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm multiple times, each time stopping after a~while.
+The good choice of the stopping condition is to place a~limit on the size of the heap.
+Start with an~arbitrary vertex, grow the tree as usually and once the heap gets too large,
+conserve the current tree and start with a~different vertex and an~empty heap. When this
+process runs out of vertices, it has identified a~sub-forest of the MST, so we can
+contract the graph along the edges of~this forest and iterate.
+\algn{Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k; Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci}}
+\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle.
+\:$T\=\emptyset$. \cmt{edges of the MST}
+\:$\ell(e)\=e$ for all edges~$e$. \cmt{edge labels as usually}
+\:While $n>1$: \cmt{We will call iterations of this loop \df{phases}.}
+\::$F\=\emptyset$. \cmt{forest built in the current phase}
+\::$t\=2^{2m_0/n}$. \cmt{the limit on heap size}
+\::While there is a~vertex $v_0\not\in F$:
+\:::Run the improved Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm (\ref{jarniktwo}) from~$v_0$, stop when:
+\::::all vertices have been processed, or
+\::::a~vertex of~$F$ has been added to the tree, or
+\::::the heap had more than~$t$ elements.
+\:::Denote the resulting tree~$R$.
+\:::$F\=F\cup R$.
+\::$T\=T\cup \ell[F]$. \cmt{Remember MST edges found in this phase.}
+\::Contract~$G$ along all edges of~$F$ and flatten it.
+\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
+For analysis of the algorithm, let us denote the graph entering the $i$-th
+phase by~$G_i$ and likewise with the other parameters. The trees from which
+$F_i$~has been constructed will be called $R_i^1, \ldots, R_i^{z_i}$. The
+non-indexed $G$, $m$ and~$n$ will correspond to the graph given as~input.
+However the choice of the parameter~$t$ can seem mysterious, the following
+lemma makes the reason clear:
+The $i$-th phase of the Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm runs in time~$\O(m)$.
+During the phase, the heap always contains at most~$t_i$ elements, so it takes
+time~$\O(\log t_i)=\O(m/n_i)$ to delete an~element from the heap. The trees~$R_i^j$
+are disjoint, so there are at most~$n_i$ \<DeleteMin>'s over the course of the phase.
+Each edge is considered at most twice (once per its endpoint), so the number
+of the other heap operations is~$\O(m_i)$. Together, it equals $\O(m_i + n_i\log t_i) = \O(m_i+m) = \O(m)$.
+Unless the $i$-th phase is final, the forest~$F_i$ consists of at most $2m_i/t_i$ trees.
+As every edge of~$G_i$ is incident with at most two trees of~$F_i$, it is sufficient
+to establish that there are at least~$t_i$ edges incident with the vertices of every
+such tree~(*).
+The forest~$F_i$ evolves by additions of the trees~$R_i^j$. Let us consider the possibilities
+how the algorithm could have stopped growing the tree~$R_i^j$:
+\:the heap had more than~$t_i$ elements (step~10): since the elements stored in the heap correspond
+ to some of the edges incident with vertices of~$R_i^j$, the condition~(*) is fulfilled;
+\:the algorithm just added a~vertex of~$F_i$ to~$R_i^j$ (step~9): in this case, an~existing
+ tree of~$F_i$ is extended, so the number of edges incident with it cannot decrease;\foot{%
+ To make this true, we counted the edges incident with the \em{vertices} of the tree
+ instead of edges incident with the tree itself, because we needed the tree edges
+ to be counted as well.}
+\:all vertices have been processed (step~8): this can happen only in the final phase.
+The Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm finds the MST of the input graph in time
+$\O(m\timesbeta(m,n))$, where $\beta(m,n):=\min\{ i: \log^{(i)}n < m/n \}$.
+Phases are finite and in every phase at least one edge is contracted, so the outer
+loop is eventually terminated. The resulting subgraph~$T$ is equal to $\mst(G)$, because each $F_i$ is
+a~subgraph of~$\mst(G_i)$ and the $F_i$'s are glued together according to the Contraction
+lemma (\ref{contlemma}).
+Let us bound the sizes of the graphs processed in individual phases. As the vertices
+of~$G_{i+1}$ correspond to the components of~$F_i$, by the previous lemma $n_{i+1}\le
+2m_i/t_i$. Then $t_{i+1} = 2^{2m/n_{i+1}} \ge 2^{2m/(2m_i/t_i)} = 2^{(m/m_i)\cdot t_i} \ge 2^{t_i}$,
+\left. \vcenter{\hbox{$\displaystyle t_i \ge 2^{2^{\scriptstyle 2^{\scriptstyle\vdots^{\scriptstyle m/n}}}} $}}\;\right\}
+\,\hbox{a~tower of~$i$ exponentials.}
+As soon as~$t_i\ge n$, the $i$-th phase must be final, because at that time
+there is enough space in the heap to process the whole graph. So~there are
+at most~$\beta(m,n)$ phases and we already know (Lemma~\ref{ijphase}) that each
+phase runs in linear time.
+The Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm runs in time $\O(m\log^* n)$.
+$\beta(m,n) \le \beta(1,n) = \log^* n$.
+When we use the Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm on graphs with edge density
+at least~$\log^{(k)} n$ for some $k\in{\bb N}^+$, it runs in time~$\O(km)$.
+If $m/n \ge \log^{(k)} n$, then $\beta(m,n)\le k$.
+Gabow et al.~\cite{gabow:mst} have shown how to speed this algorithm up to~$\O(m\log\beta(m,n))$.
+They split the adjacency lists of the vertices to small buckets, keep each bucket
+sorted and consider only the lightest edge in each bucket until it is removed.
+The mechanics of the algorithm is complex and there is a~lot of technical details
+which need careful handling, so we omit the description of this algorithm.
+\FIXME{Reference to Chazelle.}
+\FIXME{Reference to Q-Heaps.}
+\section{Verification of minimality}
\advance\chapcount by 1
\leftline{\chapfont\currentid. #1}
-\section{Basic Properties}
+\section{Basic properties}
In this section, we will examine the basic properties of spanning trees and prove
several important theorems to base the algorithms upon. We will follow the theory
-\section{The Red-Blue Meta-Algorithm}
+\section{The Red-Blue meta-algorithm}
Most MST algorithms can be described as special cases of the following procedure
(again following \cite{tarjan:dsna}):
-\section{Contractive algorithms}
+\section{Contractive algorithms}\id{contalg}%
While the classical algorithms are based on growing suitable trees, they
can be also reformulated in terms of edge contraction. Instead of keeping
edges as every $H_{a,k}$ contains a complete graph on~$a$ vertices.
-\section{Minor-closed graph classes}
-The contracting algorithm given in the previous section has been found to perform
-well on planar graphs, but in the general case its time complexity was not linear.
-Can we find any broader class of graphs where the algorithm is still efficient?
-The right context turns out to be the minor-closed graph classes, which are
-closed under contractions and have bounded density.
-A~graph~$H$ is a \df{minor} of a~graph~$G$ iff it can be obtained
-from a subgraph of~$G$ by a sequence of simple graph contractions (see \ref{simpcont}).
-A~class~$\cal C$ of graphs is \df{minor-closed}, when for every $G\in\cal C$ and
-its every minor~$H$, the graph~$H$ lies in~$\cal C$ as well. A~class~$\cal C$ is called
-\df{non-trivial} if at least one graph lies in~$\cal C$ and at least one lies outside~$\cal C$.
-Non-trivial minor-closed classes include planar graphs and more generally graphs
-embeddable in any fixed surface. Many nice properties of planar graphs extend
-to these classes, too, most notably the linearity of the number of edges.
-Let $\cal C$ be a class of graphs. We define its \df{edge density} $\varrho(\cal C)$
-to be the infimum of all~$\varrho$'s such that $m(G) \le \varrho\cdot n(G)$
-holds for every $G\in\cal C$.
-\thmn{Density of minor-closed classes}
-A~minor-closed class of graphs has finite edge density if and only if it is
-a non-trivial class.
-See Theorem 6.1 in \cite{nesetril:minors}, which also lists some other equivalent conditions.
-\thmn{MST on minor-closed classes \cite{mm:mst}}\id{mstmcc}%
-For any fixed non-trivial minor-closed class~$\cal C$ of graphs, Algorithm \ref{contbor} finds
-the MST of any graph in this class in time $\O(n)$. (The constant hidden in the~$\O$
-depends on the class.)
-Following the proof for planar graphs (\ref{planarbor}), we denote the graph considered
-by the algorithm at the beginning of the $i$-th iteration by~$G_i$ and its number of vertices
-and edges by $n_i$ and $m_i$ respectively. Again the $i$-th phase runs in time $\O(m_i)$
-and $n_i \le n/2^i$, so it remains to show a linear bound for the $m_i$'s.
-Since each $G_i$ is produced from~$G_{i-1}$ by a sequence of edge contractions,
-all $G_i$'s are minors of~$G$.\foot{Technically, these are multigraph contractions,
-but followed by flattening, so they are equivalent to contractions on simple graphs.}
-So they also belong to~$\cal C$ and by the previous theorem $m_i\le \varrho({\cal C})\cdot n_i$.
-The contractive algorithm uses ``batch processing'' to perform many contractions
-in a single step. It is also possible to perform contractions one edge at a~time,
-batching only the flattenings. A~contraction of an edge~$uv$ can be done
-in time~$\O(\deg(u))$ by removing all edges incident with~$u$ and inserting them back
-with $u$ replaced by~$v$. Therefore we need to find a lot of vertices with small
-degrees. The following lemma shows that this is always the case in minor-closed
-\lemman{Low-degree vertices}\id{lowdeg}%
-Let $\cal C$ be a graph class with density~$\varrho$ and $G\in\cal C$ a~graph
-with $n$~vertices. Then at least $n/2$ vertices of~$G$ have degree at most~$4\varrho$.
-Assume the contrary: Let there be at least $n/2$ vertices with degree
-greater than~$4\varrho$. Then $\sum_v \deg(v) > n/2
-\cdot 4\varrho = 2\varrho n$, which is in contradiction with the number
-of edges being at most $\varrho n$.
-The proof can be also viewed
-probabilistically: let $X$ be the degree of a vertex of~$G$ chosen uniformly at
-random. Then ${\bb E}X \le 2\varrho$, hence by the Markov's inequality
-${\rm Pr}[X > 4\varrho] < 1/2$, so for at least $n/2$ vertices~$v$ we have
-$\deg(v)\le 4\varrho$.
-\algn{Local Bor\o{u}vka's Algorithm \cite{mm:mst}}%
-\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle and a~parameter~$t\in{\bb N}$.
-\:$\ell(e)\=e$ for all edges~$e$.
-\:While $n(G)>1$:
-\::While there exists a~vertex~$v$ such that $\deg(v)\le t$:
-\:::Select the lightest edge~$e$ incident with~$v$.
-\:::Contract~$G$ along~$e$.
-\:::$T\=T + \ell(e)$.
-\::Flatten $G$, removing parallel edges and loops.
-\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
-When $\cal C$ is a minor-closed class of graphs with density~$\varrho$, the
-Local Bor\o{u}vka's Algorithm with the parameter~$t$ set to~$4\varrho$
-finds the MST of any graph from this class in time $\O(n)$. (The constant
-in the~$\O$ depends on~the class.)
-Let us denote by $G_i$, $n_i$ and $m_i$ the graph considered by the
-algorithm at the beginning of the $i$-th iteration of the outer loop,
-and the number of its vertices and edges respectively. As in the proof
-of the previous algorithm (\ref{mstmcc}), we observe that all the $G_i$'s
-are minors of the graph~$G$ given as the input.
-For the choice $t=4\varrho$, the Lemma on low-degree vertices (\ref{lowdeg})
-guarantees that at least $n_i/2$ edges get selected in the $i$-th iteration.
-Hence at least a half of the vertices participates in contractions, so
-$n_i\le 3/4\cdot n_{i-1}$. Therefore $n_i\le n\cdot (3/4)^i$ and the algorithm terminates
-after $\O(\log n)$ iterations.
-Each selected edge belongs to $\mst(G)$, because it is the lightest edge of
-the trivial cut $\delta(v)$ (see the Blue Rule in \ref{rbma}).
-The steps 6 and~7 therefore correspond to the operation
-described by the Lemma on contraction of MST edges (\ref{contlemma}) and when
-the algorithm stops, $T$~is indeed the minimum spanning tree.
-It remains to analyse the time complexity of the algorithm. Since $G_i\in{\cal C}$, we have
-$m_i\le \varrho n_i \le \varrho n/2^i$.
-We will show that the $i$-th iteration is carried out in time $\O(m_i)$.
-Steps 5 and~6 run in time $\O(\deg(v))=\O(t)$ for each~$v$, so summed
-over all $v$'s they take $\O(tn_i)$, which is linear for a fixed class~$\cal C$.
-Flattening takes $\O(m_i)$, as already noted in the analysis of the Contracting
-Bor\o{u}vka's Algorithm (see \ref{contiter}).
-The whole algorithm therefore runs in time $\O(\sum_i m_i) = \O(\sum_i n/2^i) = \O(n)$.
-For planar graphs, we can get a sharper version of the low-degree lemma,
-showing that the algorithm works with $t=8$ as well (we had $t=12$ as
-$\varrho=3$). While this does not change the asymptotic time complexity
-of the algorithm, the constant-factor speedup can still delight the hearts of
-its practical users.
-\lemman{Low-degree vertices in planar graphs}%
-Let $G$ be a planar graph with $n$~vertices. Then at least $n/2$ vertices of~$v$
-have degree at most~8.
-It suffices to show that the lemma holds for triangulations (if there
-are any edges missing, the situation can only get better) with at
-least 3 vertices. Since $G$ is planar, $\sum_v \deg(v) < 6n$.
-The numbers $d(v):=\deg(v)-3$ are non-negative and $\sum_v d(v) < 3n$,
-so by the same argument as in the proof of the general lemma, for at least $n/2$
-vertices~$v$ it holds that $d(v) < 6$, hence $\deg(v) \le 8$.
-The constant~8 in the previous lemma is the best we can have.
-Consider a $k\times k$ triangular grid. It has $n=k^2$ vertices, $\O(k)$ of them
-lie on the outer face and have degrees at most~6, the remaining $n-\O(k)$ interior
-vertices have degree exactly~6. Therefore the number of faces~$f$ is $6/3\cdot n=2n$,
-ignoring terms of order $\O(k)$. All interior triangles can be properly colored with
-two colors, black and white. Now add a~new vertex inside each white face and connect
-it to all three vertices on the boundary of that face. This adds $f/2 \approx n$
-vertices of degree~3 and it increases the degrees of the original $\approx n$ interior
-vertices to~9, therefore about a half of the vertices of the new planar graph
-has degree~9.
-\figure{hexangle.eps}{\epsfxsize}{The construction from Remark~\ref{hexa}}
-\section{Using Fibonacci heaps}
-We have seen that the Jarn\'\i{}k's Algorithm \ref{jarnik} runs in $\O(m\log n)$ time
-(and this bound can be easily shown to be tight). Fredman and Tarjan have shown a~faster
-implementation in~\cite{ft:fibonacci} using their Fibonacci heaps. In this section,
-we convey their results and we show several interesting consequences.
-The previous implementation of the algorithm used a binary heap to store all neighboring
-edges of the cut~$\delta(T)$. Instead of that, we will remember the vertices adjacent
-to~$T$ and for each such vertex~$v$ we will keep the lightest edge~$uv$ such that $u$~lies
-in~$T$. We will call these edges \df{active edges} and keep them in a~heap, ordered by weight.
-When we want to extend~$T$ by the lightest edge of~$\delta(T)$, it is sufficient to
-find the lightest active edge~$uv$ and add this edge to~$T$ together with a new vertex~$v$.
-Then we have to update the active edges as follows. The edge~$uv$ has just ceased to
-be active. We scan all neighbors~$w$ of the vertex~$v$. When $w$~is in~$T$, no action
-is needed. If $w$~is outside~$T$ and it was not adjacent to~$T$ (there is no active edge
-remembered for it so far), we set the edge~$vw$ as active. Otherwise we check the existing
-active edge for~$w$ and replace it by~$vw$ if the new edge is lighter.
-The following algorithm shows how these operations translate to insertions, decreases
-and deletions on the heap.
-\algn{Jarn\'\i{}k with active edges; Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci}}\id{jarniktwo}%
-\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle.
-\:$v_0\=$ an~arbitrary vertex of~$G$.
-\:$T\=$ a tree containing just the vertex~$v_0$.
-\:$H\=$ a~heap of active edges stored as pairs $(u,v)$ where $u\in T,v\not\in T$, ordered by the weights $w(vw)$, initially empty.
-\:$A\=$ an~auxiliary array mapping vertices outside~$T$ to their active edges in the heap; initially all elements undefined.
-\:\<Insert> all edges incident with~$v_0$ to~$H$ and update~$A$ accordingly.
-\:While $H$ is not empty:
-\::For all edges $vw$ such that $w\not\in T$:
-\:::If there exists an~active edge~$A(w)$:
-\::::If $vw$ is lighter than~$A(w)$, \<Decrease> $A(w)$ to~$(v,w)$ in~$H$.
-\:::If there is no such edge, then \<Insert> $(v,w)$ to~$H$ and set~$A(w)$.
-\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
-\thmn{Fibonacci heaps} The~Fibonacci heap performs the following operations
-with the indicated amortized time complexities:
-\:\<Insert> (insertion of a~new element) in $\O(1)$,
-\:\<Decrease> (decreasing value of an~existing element) in $\O(1)$,
-\:\<Merge> (merging of two heaps into one) in $\O(1)$,
-\:\<DeleteMin> (deletion of the minimal element) in $\O(\log n)$,
-\:\<Delete> (deletion of an~arbitrary element) in $\O(\log n)$,
-\>where $n$ is the maximum number of elements present in the heap at the time of
-the operation.
-See Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci} for both the description of the Fibonacci
-heap and the proof of this theorem.
-Algorithm~\ref{jarniktwo} with a~Fibonacci heap finds the MST of the input graph in time~$\O(m+n\log n)$.
-The algorithm always stops, because every edge enters the heap~$H$ at most once.
-As it selects exactly the same edges as the original Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm,
-it gives the correct answer.
-The time complexity is $\O(m)$ plus the cost of the heap operations. The algorithm
-performs at most one \<Insert> or \<Decrease> per edge and exactly one \<DeleteMin>
-per vertex and there are at most $n$ elements in the heap at any given time,
-so by the previous theorem the operations take $\O(m+n\log n)$ time in total.
-For graphs with edge density at least $\log n$, this algorithm runs in linear time.
-We can consider using other kinds of heaps which have the property that inserts
-and decreases are faster than deletes. Of course, the Fibonacci heaps are asymptotically
-optimal (by the standard $\Omega(n\log n)$ lower bound on sorting by comparisons, see
-for example \cite{clrs}), so the other data structures can improve only
-multiplicative constants or offer an~easier implementation.
-A~nice example is a~\df{$d$-regular heap} --- a~variant of the usual binary heap
-in the form of a~complete $d$-regular tree. \<Insert>, \<Decrease> and other operations
-involving bubbling the values up spend $\O(1)$ time at a~single level, so they run
-in~$\O(\log_d n)$ time. \<Delete> and \<DeleteMin> require bubbling down, which incurs
-comparison with all~$d$ sons at every level, so they run in~$\O(d\log_d n)$.
-With this structure, the time complexity of the whole algorithm
-is $\O(nd\log_d n + m\log_d n)$, which suggests setting $d=m/n$, giving $\O(m\log_{m/n}n)$.
-This is still linear for graphs with density at~least~$n^{1+\varepsilon}$.
-Another possibility is to use the 2-3-heaps \cite{takaoka:twothree} or Trinomial
-heaps \cite{takaoka:trinomial}. Both have the same asymptotic complexity as Fibonacci
-heaps (the latter even in worst case, but it does not matter here) and their
-authors claim implementation advantages.
-\FIXME{Mention Thorup's Fibonacci-like heaps for integers?}
-As we already noted, the improved Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm runs in linear time
-for sufficiently dense graphs. In some cases, it is useful to combine it with
-another MST algorithm, which identifies a~part of the MST edges and contracts
-the graph to increase its density. For example, we can perform several
-iterations of the Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm and find the rest of the
-MST by the above version of Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm.
-\algn{Mixed Bor\o{u}vka-Jarn\'\i{}k}
-\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle.
-\:Run $\log\log n$ iterations of the Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm (\ref{contbor}),
- getting a~MST~$T_1$.
-\:Run the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm with active edges (\ref{jarniktwo}) on the resulting
- graph, getting a~MST~$T_2$.
-\:Combine $T_1$ and~$T_2$ to~$T$ as in the Contraction lemma (\ref{contlemma}).
-\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
-The Mixed Bor\o{u}vka-Jarn\'\i{}k algorithm finds the MST of the input graph in time $\O(m\log\log n)$.
-Correctness follows from the Contraction lemma and from the proofs of correctness of the respective algorithms.
-As~for time complexity: The first step takes $\O(m\log\log n)$ time
-(by Lemma~\ref{contiter}) and it gradually contracts~$G$ to a~graph~$G'$ of size
-$m'\le m$ and $n'\le n/\log n$. The second step then runs in time $\O(m'+n'\log n') = \O(m)$
-and both trees can be combined in linear time, too.
-Actually, there is a~much better choice of the algorithms to combine: use the
-improved Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm multiple times, each time stopping after a~while.
-The good choice of the stopping condition is to place a~limit on the size of the heap.
-Start with an~arbitrary vertex, grow the tree as usually and once the heap gets too large,
-conserve the current tree and start with a~different vertex and an~empty heap. When this
-process runs out of vertices, it has identified a~sub-forest of the MST, so we can
-contract the graph along the edges of~this forest and iterate.
-\algn{Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k; Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci}}
-\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle.
-\:$T\=\emptyset$. \cmt{edges of the MST}
-\:$\ell(e)\=e$ for all edges~$e$. \cmt{edge labels as usually}
-\:While $n>1$: \cmt{We will call iterations of this loop \df{phases}.}
-\::$F\=\emptyset$. \cmt{forest built in the current phase}
-\::$t\=2^{2m_0/n}$. \cmt{the limit on heap size}
-\::While there is a~vertex $v_0\not\in F$:
-\:::Run the improved Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm (\ref{jarniktwo}) from~$v_0$, stop when:
-\::::all vertices have been processed, or
-\::::a~vertex of~$F$ has been added to the tree, or
-\::::the heap had more than~$t$ elements.
-\:::Denote the resulting tree~$R$.
-\:::$F\=F\cup R$.
-\::$T\=T\cup \ell[F]$. \cmt{Remember MST edges found in this phase.}
-\::Contract~$G$ along all edges of~$F$ and flatten it.
-\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
-For analysis of the algorithm, let us denote the graph entering the $i$-th
-phase by~$G_i$ and likewise with the other parameters. The trees from which
-$F_i$~has been constructed will be called $R_i^1, \ldots, R_i^{z_i}$. The
-non-indexed $G$, $m$ and~$n$ will correspond to the graph given as~input.
-However the choice of the parameter~$t$ can seem mysterious, the following
-lemma makes the reason clear:
-The $i$-th phase of the Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm runs in time~$\O(m)$.
-During the phase, the heap always contains at most~$t_i$ elements, so it takes
-time~$\O(\log t_i)=\O(m/n_i)$ to delete an~element from the heap. The trees~$R_i^j$
-are disjoint, so there are at most~$n_i$ \<DeleteMin>'s over the course of the phase.
-Each edge is considered at most twice (once per its endpoint), so the number
-of the other heap operations is~$\O(m_i)$. Together, it equals $\O(m_i + n_i\log t_i) = \O(m_i+m) = \O(m)$.
-Unless the $i$-th phase is final, the forest~$F_i$ consists of at most $2m_i/t_i$ trees.
-As every edge of~$G_i$ is incident with at most two trees of~$F_i$, it is sufficient
-to establish that there are at least~$t_i$ edges incident with the vertices of every
-such tree~(*).
-The forest~$F_i$ evolves by additions of the trees~$R_i^j$. Let us consider the possibilities
-how the algorithm could have stopped growing the tree~$R_i^j$:
-\:the heap had more than~$t_i$ elements (step~10): since the elements stored in the heap correspond
- to some of the edges incident with vertices of~$R_i^j$, the condition~(*) is fulfilled;
-\:the algorithm just added a~vertex of~$F_i$ to~$R_i^j$ (step~9): in this case, an~existing
- tree of~$F_i$ is extended, so the number of edges incident with it cannot decrease;\foot{%
- To make this true, we counted the edges incident with the \em{vertices} of the tree
- instead of edges incident with the tree itself, because we needed the tree edges
- to be counted as well.}
-\:all vertices have been processed (step~8): this can happen only in the final phase.
-The Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm finds the MST of the input graph in time
-$\O(m\timesbeta(m,n))$, where $\beta(m,n):=\min\{ i: \log^{(i)}n < m/n \}$.
-Phases are finite and in every phase at least one edge is contracted, so the outer
-loop is eventually terminated. The resulting subgraph~$T$ is equal to $\mst(G)$, because each $F_i$ is
-a~subgraph of~$\mst(G_i)$ and the $F_i$'s are glued together according to the Contraction
-lemma (\ref{contlemma}).
-Let us bound the sizes of the graphs processed in individual phases. As the vertices
-of~$G_{i+1}$ correspond to the components of~$F_i$, by the previous lemma $n_{i+1}\le
-2m_i/t_i$. Then $t_{i+1} = 2^{2m/n_{i+1}} \ge 2^{2m/(2m_i/t_i)} = 2^{(m/m_i)\cdot t_i} \ge 2^{t_i}$,
-\left. \vcenter{\hbox{$\displaystyle t_i \ge 2^{2^{\scriptstyle 2^{\scriptstyle\vdots^{\scriptstyle m/n}}}} $}}\;\right\}
-\,\hbox{a~tower of~$i$ exponentials.}
-As soon as~$t_i\ge n$, the $i$-th phase must be final, because at that time
-there is enough space in the heap to process the whole graph. So~there are
-at most~$\beta(m,n)$ phases and we already know (Lemma~\ref{ijphase}) that each
-phase runs in linear time.
-The Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm runs in time $\O(m\log^* n)$.
-$\beta(m,n) \le \beta(1,n) = \log^* n$.
-When we use the Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm on graphs with edge density
-at least~$\log^{(k)} n$ for some $k\in{\bb N}^+$, it runs in time~$\O(km)$.
-If $m/n \ge \log^{(k)} n$, then $\beta(m,n)\le k$.
-Gabow et al.~\cite{gabow:mst} have shown how to speed this algorithm up to~$\O(m\log\beta(m,n))$.
-They split the adjacency lists of the vertices to small buckets, keep each bucket
-sorted and consider only the lightest edge in each bucket until it is removed.
-The mechanics of the algorithm is complex and there is a~lot of technical details
-which need careful handling, so we omit the description of this algorithm.
-\FIXME{Reference to Chazelle.}
-\FIXME{Reference to Q-Heaps.}
-\section{Verification of minimality}
-\section{What we ought to cite}
-Eisner's tutorial \cite{eisner:tutorial}
-\cite{pettie:onlineverify} online lower bound
-% use \para
-% G has to be connected, so m=O(n)
-% mention Steiner trees
-% mention matroids
-% sorted weights
-% \O(...) as a set?
-% impedance mismatch in terminology: contraction of G along e vs. contraction of e.
-% use \delta(X) notation
-% mention disconnected graphs
-% unify use of n(G) vs. n
-% Euclidean MST
-% Some algorithms (most notably Fredman-Tarjan) do not need flattening
-% more references to RAM
can therefore be done in~$\O(W)$ time. Use standard algorithms for arithmetic
on big numbers: $\O(W)$ per operation except for multiplication, division and
remainders which take $\O(W^2)$.\foot{We could use more efficient arithmetic
-algorithms, of course, but the quadratic bound it good enough for our purposes.}
+algorithms, but the quadratic bound it good enough for our purposes.}
\FIXME{Add references.}
\input cover.tex
\input mst.tex
\input ram.tex
+\input adv.tex
\input notation.tex