-Usage: image-sim-test [options] image1 image2 \n\
+Usage: image-sim-test [options] image1 [image2] \n\
-q --quiet no progress messages\n\
-f --format-1 image1 format (jpeg, gif, png)\n\
-F --format-2 image2 format\n\
-g --background background color (hexadecimal RRGGBB)\n\
+-s --segmentation-1 writes image1 segmentation to given file\n\
+-S --segmentation-2 writes image2 segmentation to given file\n\
", stderr);
-static char *shortopts = "qf:F:g:t:" CF_SHORT_OPTS;
+static char *shortopts = "qf:F:g:t:s:S:" CF_SHORT_OPTS;
static struct option longopts[] =
{ "format-1", 0, 0, 'f' },
{ "format-2", 0, 0, 'F' },
{ "background", 0, 0, 'g' },
+ { "segmentation-1", 0, 0, 's' },
+ { "segmentation-2", 0, 0, 'S' },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
static uns verbose = 1;
static byte *file_name_1;
static byte *file_name_2;
static enum image_format format_1;
static enum image_format format_2;
static struct color background_color;
+static byte *segmentation_name_1;
+static byte *segmentation_name_2;
#define MSG(x...) do{ if (verbose) log(L_INFO, ##x); }while(0)
+#define TRY(x) do{ if (!(x)) die("Error: %s", it.err_msg); }while(0)
static void
dump_signature(struct image_signature *sig)
+static struct image_thread it;
+static struct image_io io;
+static void
+write_segmentation(struct image_sig_data *data, byte *fn)
+ MSG("Writing segmentation to %s", fn);
+ struct fastbuf *fb = bopen(fn, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 4096);
+ struct image *img;
+ TRY(img = image_new(&it, data->image->cols, data->image->rows, COLOR_SPACE_RGB, NULL));
+ image_clear(&it, img);
+ for (uns i = 0; i < data->regions_count; i++)
+ {
+ byte c[3];
+ // FIXME: convert from Luv to RGB
+ c[0] = data->regions[i].a[0];
+ c[1] = data->regions[i].a[1];
+ c[2] = data->regions[i].a[2];
+ for (struct image_sig_block *block = data->regions[i].blocks; block; block = block->next)
+ {
+ uns x1 = block->x * 4;
+ uns y1 = block->y * 4;
+ uns x2 = MIN(x1 + 4, img->cols);
+ uns y2 = MIN(y1 + 4, img->rows);
+ byte *p = img->pixels + x1 * 3 + y1 * img->row_size;
+ for (uns y = y1; y < y2; y++, p += img->row_size)
+ {
+ byte *p2 = p;
+ for (uns x = x1; x < x2; x++, p2 += 3)
+ {
+ p2[0] = c[0];
+ p2[1] = c[1];
+ p2[2] = c[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ io.fastbuf = fb;
+ io.image = img;
+ io.format = image_file_name_to_format(fn);
+ TRY(image_io_write(&io));
+ image_io_reset(&io);
+ image_destroy(img);
+ bclose(fb);
main(int argc, char **argv)
color_make_rgb(&background_color, (v >> 16) & 255, (v >> 8) & 255, v & 255);
+ case 's':
+ segmentation_name_1 = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ segmentation_name_2 = optarg;
+ break;
- if (argc != optind + 2)
+ if (argc != optind + 2 && argc != optind + 1)
file_name_1 = argv[optind++];
- file_name_2 = argv[optind];
-#define TRY(x) do{ if (!(x)) die("Error: %s", it.err_msg); }while(0)
+ if (argc > optind)
+ file_name_2 = argv[optind++];
MSG("Initializing image library");
srandom(time(NULL) ^ getpid());
- struct image_thread it;
- struct image_io io;
struct image *img1, *img2;
if (!image_io_init(&it, &io))
die("Cannot initialize image I/O (%s)", it.err_msg);
- MSG("Reading %s", file_name_1);
- io.fastbuf = bopen(file_name_1, O_RDONLY, 1 << 18);
- io.format = format_1 ? : image_file_name_to_format(file_name_1);
- TRY(image_io_read_header(&io));
- if (background_color.color_space)
- io.background_color = background_color;
- else if (!io.background_color.color_space)
- io.background_color = color_black;
- TRY(image_io_read_data(&io, 1));
- bclose(io.fastbuf);
- img1 = io.image;
- MSG("Image size=%ux%u", img1->cols, img1->rows);
- image_io_reset(&io);
- MSG("Reading %s", file_name_2);
- io.fastbuf = bopen(file_name_2, O_RDONLY, 1 << 18);
- io.format = format_2 ? : image_file_name_to_format(file_name_2);
- TRY(image_io_read_header(&io));
- if (background_color.color_space)
- io.background_color = background_color;
- else if (!io.background_color.color_space)
- io.background_color = color_black;
- TRY(image_io_read_data(&io, 1));
- bclose(io.fastbuf);
- img2 = io.image;
- image_io_cleanup(&io);
- MSG("Image size=%ux%u", img2->cols, img2->rows);
- MSG("Computing signatures");
+ if (file_name_1)
+ {
+ MSG("Reading %s", file_name_1);
+ io.fastbuf = bopen(file_name_1, O_RDONLY, 1 << 18);
+ io.format = format_1 ? : image_file_name_to_format(file_name_1);
+ TRY(image_io_read_header(&io));
+ if (background_color.color_space)
+ io.background_color = background_color;
+ else if (!io.background_color.color_space)
+ io.background_color = color_black;
+ TRY(image_io_read_data(&io, 1));
+ bclose(io.fastbuf);
+ img1 = io.image;
+ MSG("Image size=%ux%u", img1->cols, img1->rows);
+ image_io_reset(&io);
+ }
+ else
+ img1 = NULL;
+ if (file_name_2)
+ {
+ MSG("Reading %s", file_name_2);
+ io.fastbuf = bopen(file_name_2, O_RDONLY, 1 << 18);
+ io.format = format_2 ? : image_file_name_to_format(file_name_2);
+ TRY(image_io_read_header(&io));
+ if (background_color.color_space)
+ io.background_color = background_color;
+ else if (!io.background_color.color_space)
+ io.background_color = color_black;
+ TRY(image_io_read_data(&io, 1));
+ bclose(io.fastbuf);
+ img2 = io.image;
+ MSG("Image size=%ux%u", img2->cols, img2->rows);
+ image_io_reset(&io);
+ }
+ else
+ img2 = NULL;
struct image_signature sig1, sig2;
- TRY(compute_image_signature(&it, &sig1, img1));
- TRY(compute_image_signature(&it, &sig2, img2));
- dump_signature(&sig1);
- dump_signature(&sig2);
+ MSG("Computing signatures");
+ if (img1)
+ {
+ struct image_sig_data data;
+ TRY(image_sig_init(&it, &data, img1));
+ image_sig_preprocess(&data);
+ if (data.valid)
+ image_sig_segmentation(&data);
+ if (segmentation_name_1)
+ write_segmentation(&data, segmentation_name_1);
+ image_sig_finish(&data, &sig1);
+ image_sig_cleanup(&data);
+ dump_signature(&sig1);
+ }
+ if (img2)
+ {
+ struct image_sig_data data;
+ TRY(image_sig_init(&it, &data, img2));
+ image_sig_preprocess(&data);
+ if (data.valid)
+ image_sig_segmentation(&data);
+ if (segmentation_name_2)
+ write_segmentation(&data, segmentation_name_2);
+ image_sig_finish(&data, &sig2);
+ image_sig_cleanup(&data);
+ dump_signature(&sig2);
+ }
- uns dist = image_signatures_dist(&sig1, &sig2);
- MSG("dist=%.6f", dist / (double)(1 << IMAGE_SIG_DIST_SCALE));
- image_destroy(img1);
- image_destroy(img2);
+ if (img1 && img2)
+ {
+ uns dist = image_signatures_dist(&sig1, &sig2);
+ MSG("dist=%.6f", dist / (double)(1 << IMAGE_SIG_DIST_SCALE));
+ }
+ if (img1)
+ image_destroy(img1);
+ if (img2)
+ image_destroy(img2);
+ image_io_cleanup(&io);
return 0;
#include "lib/math.h"
#include "lib/fastbuf.h"
#include "lib/conf.h"
-#include "lib/heap.h"
#include "images/math.h"
#include "images/images.h"
#include "images/color.h"
#include <alloca.h>
-static double image_sig_inertia_scale[3] = { 3, 1, 0.3 };
-struct block {
- u32 area; /* block area in pixels (usually 16) */
- u32 v[IMAGE_VEC_F];
- u32 x, y; /* block position */
- struct block *next;
-compute_image_signature(struct image_thread *thread UNUSED, struct image_signature *sig, struct image *image)
+image_sig_init(struct image_thread *thread UNUSED, struct image_sig_data *data, struct image *image)
- bzero(sig, sizeof(*sig));
- uns cols = image->cols;
- uns rows = image->rows;
- uns row_size = image->row_size;
- uns w = (cols + 3) >> 2;
- uns h = (rows + 3) >> 2;
- DBG("Computing signature for image of %ux%u pixels (%ux%u blocks)", cols, rows, w, h);
+ data->image = image;
+ data->cols = (image->cols + 3) >> 2;
+ data->rows = (image->rows + 3) >> 2;
+ data->full_cols = image->cols >> 2;
+ data->full_rows = image->rows >> 2;
+ data->blocks_count = data->cols * data->rows;
+ data->blocks = xmalloc(data->blocks_count * sizeof(struct image_sig_block));
+ data->area = image->cols * image->rows;
+ DBG("Computing signature for image of %ux%u pixels (%ux%u blocks)",
+ image->cols, image->rows, data->cols, data->rows);
+ return 1;
- uns blocks_count = w * h;
- struct image_sig_block *blocks = xmalloc(blocks_count * sizeof(struct image_sig_block)), *block = blocks;
+image_sig_preprocess(struct image_sig_data *data)
+ struct image *image = data->image;
+ struct image_sig_block *block = data->blocks;
+ uns sum[IMAGE_VEC_F];
+ bzero(sum, sizeof(sum));
/* Every block of 4x4 pixels */
byte *row_start = image->pixels;
- for (uns block_y = 0; block_y < h; block_y++, row_start += row_size * 4)
+ for (uns block_y = 0; block_y < data->rows; block_y++, row_start += image->row_size * 4)
byte *p = row_start;
- for (uns block_x = 0; block_x < w; block_x++, p += 12, block++)
+ for (uns block_x = 0; block_x < data->cols; block_x++, p += 12, block++)
int t[16], s[16], *tp = t;
block->x = block_x;
block->y = block_y;
/* Convert pixels to Luv color space and compute average coefficients */
- uns l_sum = 0;
- uns u_sum = 0;
- uns v_sum = 0;
+ uns l_sum = 0, u_sum = 0, v_sum = 0;
byte *p2 = p;
- if ((!(cols & 3) || block_x < w - 1) && (!(rows & 3) || block_y < h - 1))
+ if (block_x < data->full_cols && block_y < data->full_rows)
- for (uns y = 0; y < 4; y++, p2 += row_size - 12)
+ for (uns y = 0; y < 4; y++, p2 += image->row_size - 12)
for (uns x = 0; x < 4; x++, p2 += 3)
byte luv[3];
v_sum += luv[2];
block->area = 16;
+ sum[0] += l_sum;
+ sum[1] += u_sum;
+ sum[2] += v_sum;
block->v[0] = (l_sum >> 4);
block->v[1] = (u_sum >> 4);
block->v[2] = (v_sum >> 4);
uns x, y;
- uns square_cols = (block_x < w - 1 || !(cols & 3)) ? 4 : cols & 3;
- uns square_rows = (block_y < h - 1 || !(rows & 3)) ? 4 : rows & 3;
- for (y = 0; y < square_rows; y++, p2 += row_size)
+ uns square_cols = (block_x < data->full_cols) ? 4 : image->cols & 3;
+ uns square_rows = (block_y < data->full_rows) ? 4 : image->rows & 3;
+ for (y = 0; y < square_rows; y++, p2 += image->row_size)
byte *p3 = p2;
for (x = 0; x < square_cols; x++, p3 += 3)
block->area = square_cols * square_rows;
- uns div = 0x10000 / block->area;
- block->v[0] = (l_sum * div) >> 16;
- block->v[1] = (u_sum * div) >> 16;
- block->v[2] = (v_sum * div) >> 16;
+ uns inv = 0x10000 / block->area;
+ sum[0] += l_sum;
+ sum[1] += u_sum;
+ sum[2] += v_sum;
+ block->v[0] = (l_sum * inv) >> 16;
+ block->v[1] = (u_sum * inv) >> 16;
+ block->v[2] = (v_sum * inv) >> 16;
/* Apply Daubechies wavelet transformation */
block->v[3] = fast_sqrt_u16(isqr(t[8]) + isqr(t[9]) + isqr(t[12]) + isqr(t[13]));
block->v[4] = fast_sqrt_u16(isqr(t[2]) + isqr(t[3]) + isqr(t[6]) + isqr(t[7]));
block->v[5] = fast_sqrt_u16(isqr(t[10]) + isqr(t[11]) + isqr(t[14]) + isqr(t[15]));
+ sum[3] += block->v[3] * block->area;
+ sum[4] += block->v[4] * block->area;
+ sum[5] += block->v[5] * block->area;
- /* FIXME: simple average is for testing pusposes only */
- uns l_sum = 0;
- uns u_sum = 0;
- uns v_sum = 0;
- uns lh_sum = 0;
- uns hl_sum = 0;
- uns hh_sum = 0;
- for (uns i = 0; i < blocks_count; i++)
- {
- l_sum += blocks[i].v[0];
- u_sum += blocks[i].v[1];
- v_sum += blocks[i].v[2];
- lh_sum += blocks[i].v[3];
- hl_sum += blocks[i].v[4];
- hh_sum += blocks[i].v[5];
- }
- sig->vec.f[0] = l_sum / blocks_count;
- sig->vec.f[1] = u_sum / blocks_count;
- sig->vec.f[2] = v_sum / blocks_count;
- sig->vec.f[3] = lh_sum / blocks_count;
- sig->vec.f[4] = hl_sum / blocks_count;
- sig->vec.f[5] = hh_sum / blocks_count;
+ /* Compute featrures average */
+ uns inv = 0xffffffffU / data->area;
+ for (uns i = 0; i < IMAGE_VEC_F; i++)
+ data->f[i] = ((u64)sum[i] * inv) >> 32;
- if (cols < image_sig_min_width || rows < image_sig_min_height)
+ if (image->cols < image_sig_min_width || image->rows < image_sig_min_height)
- xfree(blocks);
- return 1;
+ data->valid = 0;
+ data->regions_count = 0;
+ else
+ data->valid = 1;
- /* Quantize blocks to image regions */
- struct image_sig_region regions[IMAGE_REG_MAX];
- sig->len = image_sig_segmentation(blocks, blocks_count, regions);
+static double image_sig_inertia_scale[3] = { 3, 1, 0.3 };
+image_sig_finish(struct image_sig_data *data, struct image_signature *sig)
+ for (uns i = 0; i < IMAGE_VEC_F; i++)
+ sig->vec.f[i] = data->f[i];
+ sig->len = data->regions_count;
+ if (!sig->len)
+ return;
/* For each region */
u64 w_total = 0;
- uns w_border = (MIN(w, h) + 3) / 4;
+ uns w_border = (MIN(data->cols, data->rows) + 3) / 4;
uns w_mul = 127 * 256 / w_border;
for (uns i = 0; i < sig->len; i++)
- struct image_sig_region *r = regions + i;
+ struct image_sig_region *r = data->regions + i;
DBG("Processing region %u: count=%u", i, r->count);
y_avg += b->y;
uns d = b->x;
d = MIN(d, b->y);
- d = MIN(d, w - b->x - 1);
- d = MIN(d, h - b->y - 1);
+ d = MIN(d, data->cols - b->x - 1);
+ d = MIN(d, data->rows - b->y - 1);
if (d >= w_border)
w_sum += 128;
uns wa = 128, wb = 128;
for (uns i = sig->len; --i > 0; )
- struct image_sig_region *r = regions + i;
- wa -= sig->reg[i].wa = CLAMP(r->count * 128 / blocks_count, 1, (int)(wa - i));
+ struct image_sig_region *r = data->regions + i;
+ wa -= sig->reg[i].wa = CLAMP(r->count * 128 / data->blocks_count, 1, (int)(wa - i));
wb -= sig->reg[i].wb = CLAMP(r->w_sum * 128 / w_total, 1, (int)(wa - i));
sig->reg[0].wa = wa;
DBG("region %u: features=%s", i, buf);
- xfree(blocks);
- return 1;
+image_sig_cleanup(struct image_sig_data *data)
+ xfree(data->blocks);
+compute_image_signature(struct image_thread *thread, struct image_signature *sig, struct image *image)
+ struct image_sig_data data;
+ if (!image_sig_init(thread, &data, image))
+ return 0;
+ image_sig_preprocess(&data);
+ if (data.valid)
+ image_sig_segmentation(&data);
+ image_sig_finish(&data, sig);
+ image_sig_cleanup(&data);
return regions_end - regions;
-image_sig_segmentation(struct image_sig_block *blocks, uns blocks_count, struct image_sig_region *regions)
+image_sig_segmentation(struct image_sig_data *data)
- uns regions_count;
- regions_count = prequant(blocks, blocks_count, regions);
+ data->regions_count = prequant(data->blocks, data->blocks_count, data->regions);
- dump_segmentation(regions, regions_count);
+ dump_segmentation(data->regions, data->regions_count);
- regions_count = postquant(blocks, blocks_count, regions, regions_count);
+ data->regions_count = postquant(data->blocks, data->blocks_count, data->regions, data->regions_count);
- dump_segmentation(regions, regions_count);
+ dump_segmentation(data->regions, data->regions_count);
- return regions_count;
u64 w_sum;
-/* sig-seg.c */
-uns image_sig_segmentation(struct image_sig_block *blocks, uns blocks_count, struct image_sig_region *regions);
+struct image_sig_data {
+ struct image *image;
+ struct image_sig_block *blocks;
+ struct image_sig_region regions[IMAGE_REG_MAX];
+ u32 cols;
+ u32 rows;
+ u32 full_cols;
+ u32 full_rows;
+ u32 area;
+ u32 valid;
+ u32 blocks_count;
+ u32 regions_count;
+ u32 f[IMAGE_VEC_F];
/* sig-init.c */
int compute_image_signature(struct image_thread *thread, struct image_signature *sig, struct image *image);
+int image_sig_init(struct image_thread *thread, struct image_sig_data *data, struct image *image);
+void image_sig_preprocess(struct image_sig_data *data);
+void image_sig_finish(struct image_sig_data *data, struct image_signature *sig);
+void image_sig_cleanup(struct image_sig_data *data);
+/* sig-seg.c */
+void image_sig_segmentation(struct image_sig_data *data);
/* sig-cmp.c */
#define IMAGE_SIG_DIST_SCALE (3 + 3 + 8 + 16)