genHtmlHead( $req, "$prettyAddr - add new item", undef );
print "<h1>$prettyAddr - add new item</h1>\n";
print "<div class='error'>$error</div>\n" if( defined $error );
- print "<form name='newitem' id='newitem' method='POST' action='".setAddrPrefix( $req->uri(), "mods" ).buildExcept( 'action', $args )."?action=newitem'>\n<table>";
+ print "<form name='newitem' id='newitem' method='POST' action=''>\n<table>";
genFormEx( [ [ 'input', 'Id:', 'text', 'id', 'maxlength="50"' ],
[ 'input', 'Name:', 'text', 'name', 'maxlength="200"' ],
[ 'input', 'Description*:', 'text', 'description', 'maxlength="1024"' ],
genHtmlHead( $req, "$prettyAddr - add a comment to discussion", undef );
print "<h1>$prettyAddr - add a comment to discussion</h1>\n";
print "<div class='error'>$error</div>\n" if( defined $error );
- print "<form name='newcomment' id='newitem' method='POST' action='".setAddrPrefix( $req->uri(), "mods" ).buildExcept( 'action', $args )."?action=newcomment'>\n<table>";
+ print "<form name='newcomment' id='newitem' method='POST' action=''>\n<table>";
genFormEx( [ [ 'textarea', 'Text:', undef, 'text', 'rows="5" cols="50"' ],
[ 'input', 'Name*:', 'text', 'name', 'maxlength="200"' ],
[ 'input', 'Description*:', 'text', 'description', 'maxlength="1024"' ],
genHtmlHead( $req, 'Register a new user', undef );
print '<h1>Register a new user</h1>';
print '<div class="error">'.$error.'</div>' if( defined $error );
- print '<form name="register" id="register" method="POST" action="'.setAddrPrefix( $req->uri(), 'mods' ).buildExcept( 'action', $args ).'?action=register">
+ print '<form name="register" id="register" method="POST" action="">
genForm( [ [ 'Email:', 'text', 'email', 'maxlength="255"' ],
[ '', 'submit', 'register', 'value="Register"' ] ], $values );
print '<h1>Confirm registration</h1>';
print '<div class="error">'.$error.'</div>' if( defined $error );
print '<p>Email address: '.encode( $values->{'email'} );
- print '<form name="register-confirm" id="register-confirm" method="POST" action="'.setAddrPrefix( $req->uri(), 'mods' ).'?action=register-confirm">';
+ print '<form name="register-confirm" id="register-confirm" method="POST" action="">';
print '<div class="hidden"><p><input type="hidden" value="'.encode( $values->{'email'} ).'" name="email"><input type="hidden" value="'.encode( $values->{'confirm'} ).'" name="confirm"></div>';
print '<table>';
genForm( [ [ 'Login (Optional):', 'text', 'login', 'maxlength="50"' ],
my $addr = PciIds::Address::new( $req->uri() );
genCustomMenu( $addr, $args, [ [ 'Register', 'register' ], [ 'Reset password', 'respass' ] ] );
print '<div class="error"><p>'.$error.'</div>' if( defined $error );
- print '<form name="login" id="login" method="POST" action="'.setAddrPrefix( $req->uri(), 'mods' ).buildExcept( 'action', $args ).'?action=login"><table>';
+ print '<form name="login" id="login" method="POST" action=""><table>';
genForm( [ [ 'Login name or email:', 'text', 'login', 'maxlength="255"' ],
[ 'Password:', 'password', 'password' ],
[ '', 'submit', 'login', 'value="Login"' ] ], $values );
print "<p>If you forgot your password (or didn't create one yet), you can reset it to a new value here.\n";
print "Provide your email address here and further instructions will be sent to you.\n";
print '<div class="error">'.$error.'</div>' if( defined $error );
- print '<form name="respass" id="respass" method="POST" action="'.setAddrPrefix( $req->uri(), 'mods' ).buildExcept( 'action', $args ).'?action=respass">
+ print '<form name="respass" id="respass" method="POST" action="">
genForm( [ [ 'Email:', 'text', 'email', 'maxlength="255"' ],
[ '', 'submit', 'respass', 'value="Send"' ] ], $values );
print "<h1>Reset password</h1>\n";
print '<div class="error">'.$error.'</div>' if( defined $error );
print "<p>You can enter new password here:\n";
- print '<form name="respass-confirm" id="respass-confirm" method="POST" action="'.setAddrPrefix( $req->uri(), 'mods' ).buildExcept( 'action', $args ).'?action=respass-confirm">
+ print '<form name="respass-confirm" id="respass-confirm" method="POST" action="">
genForm( [ [ 'Password:', 'password', 'password' ],
[ 'Confirm password:', 'password', 'confirm_password' ],
print "<h1>User profile</h1>\n";
print '<div class="error"><p>'.$error.'</div>' if defined $error;
print "<div class='info'><p>$info</div>\n" if defined $info;
- print '<form name="profile" id="profile" method="POST" action="'.setAddrPrefix( $req->uri(), 'mods' ).buildExcept( 'action', $args ).'?action=profile"><table>';
+ print '<form name="profile" id="profile" method="POST" action=""><table>';
genForm( [ [ 'Email:', 'text', 'email', 'maxlength="255"' ],
[ 'Login:', 'text', 'login', 'maxlength="50"' ],
[ 'Xmpp:', 'text', 'xmpp', 'maxlength="255"' ],