This lemma implies that the second best spanning tree~$T_2$ differs from~$T_1$ by a~single
-edge. It remains to find which exchange it is. Let us consider the exchange
+edge exchange. It remains to find which exchange it is. Let us consider the exchange
of an~edge $f\in E\setminus T_1$ with an~edge $e\in T_1[f]$. We get a~tree $T_1-e+f$
of weight $w(T_1)-w(e)+w(f)$. To obtain~$T_2$, we have to find~$e$ and~$f$ such that the
difference $w(f)-w(e)$ is the minimum possible. Thus for every~$f$, the edge $e$~must be always
the heaviest on the path $T_1[f]$. We can now apply the algorithm from Corollary \ref{rampeaks}
-to find the heaviest edges (peaks) of all such paths and thus examine all possible choices of~$f$
-in linear time. This implies the following:
+and find the heaviest edges (peaks) of all such paths and thus examine all possible choices of~$f$
+in linear time. So we get:
+For every graph~$H$ and a~MST $T$ of~$H$, linear time is sufficient to find
+edges $e\in T$ and $f\in H\setminus T$ such that $w(f)-w(e)$ is minimum.
+We will call this \df{finding the best exchange in $(H,T)$.}
Given~$G$ and~$T_1$, we can find~$T_2$ in time $\O(m)$.
\paran{Third lightest spanning tree}%
\paran{Further spanning trees}%
The construction of auxiliary graphs can be iterated to obtain $T_1,\ldots,T_K$
for an~arbitrary~$K$. We will build a~\df{meta-tree} of auxiliary graphs. Each node of this meta-tree
-is assigned a~minor of~$G$ and its minimum spanning tree. The root node contains~$(G,T_1)$,
+is assigned a~graph\foot{This graph is always derived from~$G$ by a~sequence of edge deletions
+and contractions. It is tempting to say that it is a~minor of~$G$, but this is not true as we
+preserve multiple edges.} and its minimum spanning tree. The root node contains~$(G,T_1)$,
its sons have $(G_1,T_1/e)$ and $(G_2,T_2)$. When $T_3$ is obtained by an~exchange
in one of these sons, we attach two new leaves to that son and we assign to them the two auxiliary
graphs derived by contracting or deleting the exchanged edge. Then we find the best
\:$R\=$ a~meta tree whose vertices carry triples $(G',T',F')$. Initially
it contains just a~root with $(G,T_1,\emptyset)$.
- \cmt{$G'$ is a~minor of~$G$, $T'$~is its MST, and~$F'$ is a~set of edges of~$G$
+ \cmt{$G'$ is a~graph, $T'$~is its MST, and~$F'$ is a~set of edges of~$G$
that are contracted in~$G'$.}
\:$H\=$ a~heap of quadruples $(\delta,r,e,f)$ ordered on~$\delta$, initially empty.