--- /dev/null
+LIBUCW:=$(shell cd /home/mj/src/libucw/run && pwd)
+UCWCF:=$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(LIBUCW)/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --cflags libucw libucw-charset libucw-xml)
+UCWLF:=$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(LIBUCW)/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --libs libucw libucw-charset libucw-xml)
+FTCF:=$(shell freetype-config --cflags)
+FTLF:=$(shell freetype-config --libs)
+PANGOCF:=$(shell pkg-config pangoft2 --cflags)
+PANGOLF:=$(shell pkg-config pangoft2 --libs)
+CFLAGS=$(COPT) -Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wundef -Wredundant-decls -Wno-missing-field-initializers -std=gnu99 $(UCWCF) -ggdb -DDEBUG_ASSERTS
+all: leo
+leo: leo.o xml.o osm.o svg.o svg-icon.o css-parse.o css-lex.o style.o css.o dict.o sym.o sym-point.o sym-line.o sym-text.o map.o shp.o
+INC=leo.h dict-keys.h dict-values.h dict-props.h osm.h svg.h style.h css.h dict.h map.h sym.h
+leo.o: leo.c $(INC)
+xml.o: xml.c $(INC)
+osm.o: osm.c $(INC)
+svg.o: svg.c $(INC)
+svg-icon.o: svg-icon.c $(INC)
+style.o: style.c $(INC)
+css.o: css.c $(INC)
+dict.o: dict.c $(INC)
+sym.o: sym.c $(INC)
+sym-point.o: sym-point.c $(INC)
+sym-line.o: sym-line.c $(INC)
+sym-text.o: sym-text.c $(INC)
+css-parse.o: css-parse.c $(INC)
+css-lex.o: css-lex.c $(INC) css-parse.c
+map.o: map.c $(INC)
+shp.o: shp.c $(INC)
+sym-text.o: CFLAGS+=$(FTCF) $(PANGOCF)
+css-parse.c: css-parse.y
+ bison --name-prefix=css_ --token-table --verbose --defines -o $@ $^
+dict-%.h: dict-%.t gen-dict
+ ./gen-dict <$< >$@
+ rm -f leo *.o css-parse.c css-parse.h css-parse.output tags
+ rm -f dict-keys.h dict-values.h dict-props.h
+ ctags *.[chy]
+ rs output.pdf ps:poskole-beta/www/tmp/2014/mapa.pdf
+ rs . camelot:a/priv/poskole/map/new/$$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')/
+output.svg: leo dump.osm poskole.css
+ ./leo
+output.pdf: output.svg
+ inkscape --export-pdf=output.pdf output.svg
--- /dev/null
+- bring CSS lexer to the CSS2.1 spec (http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html)
+- CSS override rules are broken. For example, text-offset-y and text-offset
+ should override each other, but currently they are mixed upon rendering.
+ Does it matter?
+- Fixing of label positions should include some margin
+- Interesting tags:
+amenity = kindergarten
+bridge = yes
+historic = archaeological_site
+place = islet
+railway = crossing
+railway = level_crossing
+tunnel = culvert
+tunnel = yes
+=== Opravit v OSM ===
+* RozliĆĄovat kostely a kaple
--- /dev/null
+ * Experimenta lMai Renderer -- MapCSS Lexer
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/chartype.h>
+#include <ucw/fastbuf.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "style.h"
+#include "css.h"
+#include "css-parse.h"
+static struct fastbuf *fb;
+static int lino;
+void css_error(char *err, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, err);
+ char *msg = mp_vprintf(css_this->pool, err, args);
+ die("Error in %s, line %d: %s", css_this->filename, lino, msg);
+void css_lex_open(void)
+ fb = bopen_file(css_this->filename, O_RDONLY, NULL);
+ lino = 1;
+void css_lex_close(void)
+ bclose(fb);
+int css_lex(void)
+ struct mempool *mp = css_this->pool;
+ char *p;
+ int c, next, len;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ if (c < 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (c == '\n')
+ {
+ lino++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
+ continue;
+ next = bpeekc(fb);
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c == '-' && next >= '0' && next <= '9')
+ {
+ // Number
+ p = mp_start(mp, 1);
+ if (c == '-')
+ {
+ p = mp_append_char(mp, p, c);
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ }
+ while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ {
+ p = mp_append_char(mp, p, c);
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ }
+ if (c == '.')
+ {
+ p = mp_append_char(mp, p, c);
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ {
+ p = mp_append_char(mp, p, c);
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ }
+ }
+ p = mp_end_string(mp, p);
+ if (c >= 0)
+ bungetc(fb);
+ css_lval.s = p;
+ return NUMBER;
+ }
+ if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c == '_')
+ {
+ // Alphabetical identifier
+ // FIXME: Identifiers starting with "-" are not supported
+ // FIXME: Unquoted identifiers should be always case-insensitive
+ p = mp_start(mp, 1);
+ while (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c == '-' || c == '_')
+ {
+ p = mp_append_char(mp, p, c);
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ }
+ p = mp_end_string(mp, p);
+ if (c >= 0)
+ bungetc(fb);
+ css_lval.s = p;
+ return IDENT;
+ }
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '"':
+ // Quoted string
+ p = mp_start(mp, 1);
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ while (c != '"')
+ {
+ if (c < 0)
+ css_error("Unterminated string literal");
+ if (c == '\\')
+ {
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ if (c == '\\' || c == '"')
+ ;
+ else if (c == 'n')
+ c = '\n';
+ else
+ css_error("Unknown backslash sequence \"\\%c\" in string literal", c);
+ }
+ p = mp_append_char(mp, p, c);
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ }
+ css_lval.s = mp_end_string(mp, p);
+ return QUOTED;
+ case '/':
+ if (next == '*')
+ {
+ // C comment
+ bgetc(fb);
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (c < 0)
+ css_error("Unterminated comment");
+ if (c == '\n')
+ {
+ lino++;
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ }
+ else if (c == '*')
+ {
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ if (c == '/')
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (next == '/')
+ {
+ // C++ comment
+ do
+ c = bgetc(fb);
+ while (c >= 0 && c != '\n');
+ lino++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ return '/';
+ case '#':
+ p = mp_start(mp, 1);
+ while (next >= '0' && next <= '9' || next >= 'a' && next <= 'f' || next >= 'A' && next <= 'F')
+ {
+ p = mp_append_char(mp, p, bgetc(fb));
+ next = bpeekc(fb);
+ }
+ p = mp_end_string(mp, p);
+ len = strlen(p);
+ if (len != 3 && len != 6)
+ css_error("Invalid RGB literal");
+ css_lval.s = p;
+ return RGB;
+ // One-character operators
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ case '[':
+ case ']':
+ case ';':
+ case ',':
+ case '*':
+ case '.':
+ case '=':
+ case '?':
+ return c;
+ // Two-character operators
+ case '!':
+ if (next == '=')
+ {
+ bgetc(fb);
+ return NE;
+ }
+ return '!';
+ case '<':
+ if (next == '=')
+ {
+ bgetc(fb);
+ return LE;
+ }
+ return '<';
+ case '>':
+ if (next == '=')
+ {
+ bgetc(fb);
+ return GE;
+ }
+ return '>';
+ case ':':
+ if (next == ':')
+ {
+ bgetc(fb);
+ return CC;
+ }
+ return ':';
+ default:
+ css_error("Invalid character \"%c\"", c);
+ }
+ }
+color_t css_rgb_to_color(const char *rgb)
+ uns n = strlen(rgb);
+ ASSERT(n == 3 || n == 6);
+ color_t color = 0;
+ for (uns i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ uns j = Cxvalue(rgb[i]);
+ if (n == 6)
+ color = (color << 4) | j;
+ else
+ color = (color << 8) | (j * 17);
+ }
+ return color;
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- MapCSS Parser
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "css.h"
+static void *css_alloc(size_t n)
+ return mp_alloc_zero(css_this->pool, n);
+static struct css_path *css_new_path(void)
+ struct css_path *p = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_path));
+ clist_init(&p->conditions);
+ return p;
+static void css_add_to_val_list(struct style_prop *list, struct style_prop *elt)
+ struct style_val_list_entry *e = css_alloc(sizeof(*e));
+ clist_add_tail(list->val.list, &e->n);
+ e->val = *elt;
+%union {
+ char *s;
+ struct css_rule *rule;
+ struct css_selector *selector;
+ struct css_path *path;
+ struct css_condition *condition;
+ struct css_action *action;
+ struct style_prop prop;
+ enum css_cond_op cond_op;
+%token LE GE NE CC
+%type <s> ident_or_quoted
+%type <rule> rule rule_start rule_selectors rule_start_actions rule_actions
+%type <selector> selector selector_start
+%type <path> path path_start path_conditions
+%type <condition> condition
+%type <action> action
+%type <prop> prop_value prop_value_single prop_value_list
+%type <cond_op> binary_op
+ /* empty */
+ | input rule { clist_add_tail(&css_this->rules, &$2->n); }
+ ;
+ /* empty */
+ {
+ $$ = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_rule));
+ clist_init(&$$->selectors);
+ clist_init(&$$->actions);
+ }
+ ;
+ rule_start selector
+ {
+ clist_add_tail(&$1->selectors, &$2->n);
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | rule_selectors ',' selector
+ {
+ clist_add_tail(&$1->selectors, &$3->n);
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ rule_start
+ | rule_selectors
+ ;
+ rule_start_actions '{'
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | rule_actions action ';'
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ clist_add_tail(&$$->actions, &$2->n);
+ }
+ ;
+rule: rule_actions '}' ;
+ /* empty */
+ {
+ $$ = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_selector));
+ clist_init(&$$->path);
+ }
+ ;
+ selector_start path
+ {
+ clist_add_tail(&$1->path, &$2->n);
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | selector path
+ {
+ // FIXME: Descendant operator
+ clist_add_tail(&$1->path, &$2->n);
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ {
+ $$ = css_new_path();
+ if (!strcmp($1, "node"))
+ $$->type = CSS_TYPE_NODE;
+ else if (!strcmp($1, "way"))
+ $$->type = CSS_TYPE_WAY;
+ else if (!strcmp($1, "relation"))
+ $$->type = CSS_TYPE_RELATION;
+ else if (!strcmp($1, "area"))
+ $$->type = CSS_TYPE_AREA;
+ else if (!strcmp($1, "meta"))
+ $$->type = CSS_TYPE_META;
+ else
+ die("Invalid selector %s", $1);
+ }
+ | '*'
+ {
+ $$ = css_new_path();
+ $$->type = CSS_TYPE_ANY;
+ }
+ ;
+ path_start
+ | path_conditions '[' condition ']'
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ clist_add_tail(&$$->conditions, &$3->n);
+ }
+ ;
+ path_conditions
+ | path ':' IDENT
+ {
+ // So far, no modifiers are supported, so a rule with modifiers never matches
+ $$ = $1;
+ $$->modifiers |= PATH_MOD_NEVER;
+ }
+ | path CC IDENT
+ {
+ // Layer
+ $$ = $1;
+ $$->layer = style_layer_encode($3);
+ }
+ | path CC '*'
+ {
+ // All layers
+ $$ = $1;
+ $$->layer = STYLE_LAYER_ALL;
+ }
+ ;
+ ident_or_quoted binary_op ident_or_quoted
+ {
+ $$ = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_condition));
+ $$->op = $2;
+ $$->key = osm_key_encode($1);
+ $$->val = osm_val_encode($3);
+ }
+ | ident_or_quoted
+ {
+ $$ = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_condition));
+ $$->op = COND_OP_IS_SET;
+ $$->key = osm_key_encode($1);
+ }
+ | '!' ident_or_quoted
+ {
+ $$ = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_condition));
+ $$->op = COND_OP_IS_UNSET;
+ $$->key = osm_key_encode($2);
+ }
+ | ident_or_quoted '?'
+ {
+ $$ = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_condition));
+ $$->op = COND_OP_IS_TRUE;
+ $$->key = osm_key_encode($1);
+ }
+ | ident_or_quoted '?' '!'
+ {
+ $$ = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_condition));
+ $$->op = COND_OP_IS_FALSE;
+ $$->key = osm_key_encode($1);
+ }
+ ;
+ '=' { $$ = COND_OP_EQ; }
+ | '<' { $$ = COND_OP_LT; }
+ | '>' { $$ = COND_OP_GT; }
+ | LE { $$ = COND_OP_LE; }
+ | GE { $$ = COND_OP_GE; }
+ | NE { $$ = COND_OP_NE; }
+ ;
+ ident_or_quoted ':' prop_value
+ {
+ $$ = css_alloc(sizeof(struct css_action));
+ $$->prop = $3;
+ $$->prop.key = style_prop_encode($1);
+ }
+ ;
+ prop_value_single
+ | prop_value_list
+ ;
+ {
+ $$.type = PROP_TYPE_IDENT;
+ $$.val.id = osm_val_encode($1);
+ }
+ {
+ $$.type = PROP_TYPE_STRING;
+ $$.val.id = osm_val_encode($1);
+ }
+ {
+ $$.type = PROP_TYPE_NUMBER;
+ $$.val.number = atof($1);
+ }
+ | RGB
+ {
+ $$.type = PROP_TYPE_COLOR;
+ $$.val.color = css_rgb_to_color($1);
+ }
+ ;
+ prop_value_single ',' prop_value_single
+ {
+ $$.type = PROP_TYPE_LIST;
+ $$.val.list = css_alloc(sizeof(clist));
+ clist_init($$.val.list);
+ css_add_to_val_list(&$$, &$1);
+ css_add_to_val_list(&$$, &$3);
+ }
+ | prop_value_list ',' prop_value_single
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ css_add_to_val_list(&$$, &$3);
+ }
+ ;
+ident_or_quoted: IDENT | QUOTED ;
+struct css_sheet *css_this;
+struct css_sheet *css_load(char *filename)
+ struct mempool *mp = mp_new(4096);
+ struct css_sheet *ss = mp_alloc_zero(mp, sizeof(*ss));
+ ss->pool = mp;
+ clist_init(&ss->rules);
+ ss->filename = mp_strdup(mp, filename);
+ css_this = ss;
+ css_lex_open();
+ css_parse();
+ css_lex_close();
+ css_this = NULL;
+ return ss;
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- MapCSS Stylesheets
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "style.h"
+#include "css.h"
+void css_dump(struct css_sheet *ss)
+ printf("Style sheet <%s>:\n", ss->filename);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_rule *, r, ss->rules)
+ css_dump_rule(r);
+void css_dump_rule(struct css_rule *r)
+ printf("Rule:\n");
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_selector *, s, r->selectors)
+ css_dump_selector(s);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_action *, a, r->actions)
+ css_dump_action(a);
+void css_dump_selector(struct css_selector *s)
+ printf("\tSelector:\n");
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_path *, p, s->path)
+ {
+ printf("\t\tMatch type=%u layer=%u role=%u mod=%u\n", p->type, p->layer, p->role, p->modifiers);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_condition *, c, p->conditions)
+ {
+ printf("\t\t\tCondition %u key=%s val=%s\n", c->op, osm_key_decode(c->key), osm_val_decode(c->val));
+ }
+ }
+void css_dump_action(struct css_action *a)
+ printf("\tAction: ");
+ style_dump_prop(&a->prop);
+static bool css_match_condition(struct css_condition *c, struct osm_object *o)
+ osm_val_t val = osm_obj_find_tag(o, c->key);
+ switch (c->op)
+ {
+ case COND_OP_EQ:
+ return (val == c->val); // FIXME: Case sensitivity?
+ case COND_OP_NE:
+ return (val != c->val);
+ case COND_OP_LT:
+ // FIXME
+ return 0;
+ case COND_OP_GT:
+ // FIXME
+ return 0;
+ case COND_OP_LE:
+ // FIXME
+ return 0;
+ case COND_OP_GE:
+ // FIXME
+ return 0;
+ case COND_OP_IS_SET:
+ return val;
+ return !val;
+ return (val == VALUE_1 || val == VALUE_YES || val == VALUE_TRUE);
+ return !(val == VALUE_1 || val == VALUE_YES || val == VALUE_TRUE);
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+static bool css_match_path_component(struct css_path *p, struct osm_object *o)
+ switch (p->type)
+ {
+ case CSS_TYPE_ANY:
+ break;
+ case CSS_TYPE_WAY:
+ if (o->type != p->type)
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ if (o->type == OSM_TYPE_WAY && osm_way_cyclic_p((struct osm_way *) o))
+ break;
+ if (o->type == OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON)
+ break;
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (p->modifiers & PATH_MOD_NEVER)
+ return 0;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_condition *, c, p->conditions)
+ if (!css_match_condition(c, o))
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static bool css_match_path(struct css_selector *s, struct css_path *p, struct osm_object *o);
+static bool css_match_path_subtree(struct css_selector *s, struct css_path *p, struct osm_object *o)
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_ref *, ref, o->backrefs)
+ if (css_match_path(s, p, ref->o))
+ return 1;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_ref *, ref, o->backrefs)
+ if (css_match_path_subtree(s, p, ref->o))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static bool css_match_path(struct css_selector *s, struct css_path *p, struct osm_object *o)
+ if (!css_match_path_component(p, o))
+ return 0;
+ p = clist_prev(&s->path, &p->n);
+ if (!p)
+ return 1;
+ return css_match_path_subtree(s, p, o);
+static bool css_match_selector(struct css_selector *s, struct style_results *r)
+ struct css_path *p = clist_tail(&s->path);
+ ASSERT(p);
+ return css_match_path(s, p, r->obj);
+static void css_apply_action(struct css_action *sa, struct style_results *r, layer_t layer)
+ style_set_by_layer(r, layer, &sa->prop);
+void css_apply(struct css_sheet *ss, struct style_results *r)
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_rule *, sr, ss->rules)
+ {
+ layer_t last_layer = ~0U;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_selector *, sel, sr->selectors)
+ {
+ if (css_match_selector(sel, r))
+ {
+ // XXX: Rules with selectors in multiple layers could be further optimized
+ struct css_path *cp = clist_tail(&sel->path);
+ layer_t layer = cp ? cp->layer : STYLE_LAYER_DEFAULT;
+ if (layer != last_layer)
+ {
+ last_layer = layer;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct css_action *, sa, sr->actions)
+ css_apply_action(sa, r, layer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- MapCSS Stylesheets
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#ifndef _BRUM_CSS_H
+#define _BRUM_CSS_H
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "style.h"
+struct css_sheet {
+ struct mempool *pool;
+ clist rules;
+ char *filename;
+struct css_rule {
+ cnode n; // In the list of rules
+ clist selectors; // Alternative selectors
+ clist actions;
+struct css_selector {
+ cnode n;
+ clist path; // Element path
+enum css_object_type {
+struct css_path {
+ cnode n;
+ enum osm_object_type type; // Object type or OSM_TYPE_ANY
+ clist conditions; // Attribute conditions
+ layer_t layer; // STYLE_LAYER_xxx or more
+ osm_val_t role;
+ uns modifiers;
+enum css_path_modifier {
+ PATH_MOD_NEVER = 1, // Unknown modifier, never match
+enum css_cond_op {
+struct css_condition {
+ cnode n;
+ enum css_cond_op op;
+ osm_key_t key;
+ osm_val_t val;
+struct css_action {
+ cnode n;
+ struct style_prop prop;
+/* css-parse.y */
+extern struct css_sheet *css_this;
+struct css_sheet *css_load(char *filename);
+/* css-lex.c */
+void css_error(char *err, ...);
+int css_lex(void);
+void css_lex_open(void);
+void css_lex_close(void);
+color_t css_rgb_to_color(const char *rgb);
+/* css.c */
+void css_dump(struct css_sheet *ss);
+void css_dump_rule(struct css_rule *r);
+void css_dump_selector(struct css_selector *s);
+void css_dump_action(struct css_action *a);
+void css_apply(struct css_sheet *ss, struct style_results *r);
--- /dev/null
+osmosis --read-xml file=czech_republic-2014-05-18.osm.gz --log-progress --bounding-box top=50.17 bottom=50.12 left=14.50 right=14.60 completeWays=yes --write-xml
+# maybe also completeRelations=yes
--- /dev/null
+# List of OSM tag keys, parsed by ./gen-dict
+# Please keep sorted
--- /dev/null
+# List of style property keys, parsed by ./gen-dict
+# Please keep sorted
+# The following properties come in couples, which must not be split
+# (for reasons, see their use in sym-gen.c)
--- /dev/null
+# List of OSM tag values, parsed by ./gen-dict
+# Please keep sorted
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Universal Dictionaries
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "dict.h"
+struct kv_map {
+ u32 id;
+ char *name;
+#define HASH_NODE struct kv_map
+#define HASH_PREFIX(x) kv_map_##x
+#define HASH_KEY_STRING name
+#define HASH_AUTO_POOL 4096
+#define HASH_TABLE_VARS struct mempool *kv_pool;
+static void *kv_map_alloc(struct kv_map_table *table, uns size);
+#include <ucw/hashtable.h>
+static void *kv_map_alloc(struct kv_map_table *table, uns size)
+ return mp_alloc(table->kv_pool, size);
+void dict_init(struct dict *dict, const char * const *init)
+ GARY_INIT(dict->names, 1);
+ dict->pool = mp_new(4096);
+ dict->hash = mp_alloc_zero(dict->pool, sizeof(struct kv_map_table));
+ dict->hash->kv_pool = dict->pool;
+ kv_map_init(dict->hash);
+ if (init)
+ {
+ for (uns i=1; init[i]; i++)
+ {
+ u32 id = dict_encode(dict, init[i]);
+ ASSERT(id == i);
+ }
+ }
+u32 dict_encode(struct dict *d, const char *key)
+ struct kv_map *k = kv_map_lookup(d->hash, (char *) key);
+ if (k->id)
+ return k->id;
+ k->id = GARY_SIZE(d->names);
+ k->name = mp_strdup(d->pool, key);
+ *GARY_PUSH(d->names) = k->name;
+ return k->id;
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Universal Dictionaries
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#ifndef _BRUM_DICT_H
+#define _BRUM_DICT_H
+#include <ucw/gary.h>
+struct dict {
+ const char **names; // Growing array of names
+ struct kv_map_table *hash; // Hash table mapping name -> ID
+ struct mempool *pool;
+void dict_init(struct dict *dict, const char * const * init);
+static inline const char *dict_decode(struct dict *d, u32 id)
+ ASSERT(id < GARY_SIZE(d->names));
+ return d->names[id];
+u32 dict_encode(struct dict *d, const char *key);
+static inline u32 dict_size(struct dict *d)
+ return GARY_SIZE(d->names);
--- /dev/null
+# Generate dict-*.h from dict-*.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+print "// Auto-generated by gen-dict\n";
+while (<STDIN>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if /^$/ or /^#/;
+ my $prop = $_;
+ my $sym = $_;
+ $sym =~ s{[^A-Za-z0-9_]}{_}g;
+ $sym =~ tr{a-z}{A-Z};
+ print "P($sym, \"$prop\")\n";
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+ Info: http://www.roitsystems.com/
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+ Info: http://www.roitsystems.com/
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+ * Hic Est Leo -- Main Program
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
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+ svg_pop(svg);
+ }
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ }
+ scale_text(svg, 0, 5, osm_val_encode("0"));
+ scale_text(svg, width, 5, osm_val_encode("1 km"));
+ svg_pop(svg);
+int main(int argc UNUSED, char **argv)
+ cf_def_file = "map.cf";
+ cf_declare_section("Debug", &debug_cf, 0);
+ opt_parse(&options, argv+1);
+ osm_init();
+ styles_init();
+ msg(L_INFO, "Parsing OSM");
+ osm_xml_parse(map_xml_input);
+ if (debug_dump_source)
+ {
+ puts("=== Source data ===");
+ osm_dump();
+ }
+ osm_make_multipolygons();
+ msg(L_INFO, "Projecting");
+ osm_project(map_projection);
+ if (debug_dump_after_proj)
+ {
+ puts("=== Map after projection ===");
+ osm_dump();
+ }
+ map_set_scale();
+ if (debug_dump_after_scaling)
+ {
+ puts("=== Map after scaling ===");
+ osm_dump();
+ }
+ struct css_sheet *ss = css_load(map_style_sheet);
+ if (debug_dump_css)
+ {
+ puts("=== Stylesheet ===");
+ css_dump(ss);
+ }
+ struct svg *svg = svg_open(map_svg_output);
+#ifndef ROTATE
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "width", page_width);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "height", page_height);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "width", page_height);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "height", page_width);
+ struct style_results r;
+ style_init(&r);
+ sym_init();
+ msg(L_INFO, "Applying stylesheet");
+ for (uns i = OSM_TYPE_NODE; i <= OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON; i++)
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_object *, o, osm_obj_list[i])
+ {
+ if (debug_dump_styling)
+ {
+ puts("===============================");
+ osm_obj_dump(o);
+ }
+ if (!map_object_visible_p(o))
+ {
+ if (debug_dump_styling)
+ printf("--> invisible\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ style_begin(&r, o);
+ css_apply(ss, &r);
+ if (debug_dump_styling)
+ style_dump(&r);
+ sym_from_style(o, &r, svg);
+ style_end(&r);
+ }
+ if (map_clip)
+ {
+ svg_push_element(svg, "defs");
+ svg_push_element(svg, "clipPath");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "id", "boundary");
+ svg_push_path(svg);
+ svg_path_move_to(svg, page_offset_x, page_offset_y);
+ svg_path_line_to_rel(svg, page_map_width, 0);
+ svg_path_line_to_rel(svg, 0, page_map_height);
+ svg_path_line_to_rel(svg, -page_map_width, 0);
+ svg_path_close(svg);
+ svg_path_end(svg);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ svg_push_element(svg, "g");
+ svg_set_attr_format(svg, "clip-path", "url(#boundary)");
+#ifdef ROTATE
+ svg_set_attr_format(svg, "transform", "translate(%.6g,0) rotate(90)", page_height * svg->scale);
+ }
+ // FIXME: Replace by generic logo drawing facility
+ struct svg_icon *logo = svg_icon_load(svg, "../logo/kocka-s-okrajem.svg");
+ sym_draw_all(svg);
+ // Draw logo
+ double logo_width = 36.12;
+ double logo_height = 36.12 / logo->width * logo->height;
+ struct svg_icon_request sir = {
+ .icon = logo,
+ .x = page_width - 12 - logo_width / 2,
+ .y = 10 + logo_height / 2,
+ .width = logo_width,
+ .height = logo_height,
+ };
+ svg_icon_put(svg, &sir);
+ draw_scale(svg);
+ if (map_clip)
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ if (map_draw_border)
+ {
+ svg_push_element(svg, "rect");
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "x", page_offset_x);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "y", page_offset_y);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "width", page_map_width);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "height", page_map_height);
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "fill", "none");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "stroke", "blue");
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "stroke-width", 0.2);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ }
+ svg_close(svg);
+ msg(L_INFO, "Finished");
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/clists.h>
+typedef u32 color_t; // 0x00RRGGBB
+#define COLOR_NONE 0xffffffff
+/* Debug options */
+extern uns debug_dump_source, debug_dump_after_proj, debug_dump_after_scaling;
+extern uns debug_dump_multipolygons, debug_dump_css, debug_dump_styling, debug_dump_symbols;
+/* xml.c */
+void osm_xml_parse(const char *name);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Global Map Operations
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/conf.h>
+#include <ucw/gary.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "map.h"
+double map_min_x, map_min_y;
+double map_max_x, map_max_y;
+double page_width, page_height;
+uns map_clip, map_draw_border;
+char *map_xml_input;
+char *map_projection;
+char *map_style_sheet;
+char *map_svg_output;
+static struct cf_section map_cf = {
+ CF_DOUBLE("MinX", &map_min_x),
+ CF_DOUBLE("MinY", &map_min_y),
+ CF_DOUBLE("MaxX", &map_max_x),
+ CF_DOUBLE("MaxY", &map_max_y),
+ CF_DOUBLE("PageWidth", &page_width),
+ CF_DOUBLE("PageHeight", &page_height),
+ CF_UNS("Clip", &map_clip),
+ CF_UNS("DrawBorder", &map_draw_border),
+ CF_STRING("XMLInput", &map_xml_input),
+ CF_STRING("Projection", &map_projection),
+ CF_STRING("StyleSheet", &map_style_sheet),
+ CF_STRING("SVGOutput", &map_svg_output),
+ }
+static void CONSTRUCTOR map_preinit(void)
+ cf_declare_section("Map", &map_cf, 0);
+// Calculated
+double map_scale;
+double page_offset_x, page_offset_y;
+double page_map_width, page_map_height;
+void map_set_scale(void)
+ double x_range = map_max_x - map_min_x;
+ double y_range = map_max_y - map_min_y;
+ double x_scale = page_width / x_range;
+ double y_scale = page_height / y_range;
+ map_scale = MIN(x_scale, y_scale);
+ page_map_width = x_range * map_scale;
+ page_map_height = y_range * map_scale;
+ page_offset_x = (page_width - page_map_width) / 2;
+ page_offset_y = (page_height - page_map_height) / 2;
+ msg(L_INFO, "Setting scale %.3g (orig window [%.6g,%.6g], page window [%.6g,%.6g]+[%.6g,%.6g] on [%.6g,%.6g])",
+ map_scale,
+ x_range, y_range,
+ page_map_width, page_map_height,
+ page_offset_x, page_offset_y,
+ page_width, page_height);
+ double pmin_x = INFINITY, pmax_x = -INFINITY;
+ double pmin_y = INFINITY, pmax_y = -INFINITY;
+ double rmin_x = INFINITY, rmax_x = -INFINITY;
+ double rmin_y = INFINITY, rmax_y = -INFINITY;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_node *, n, osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_NODE])
+ {
+ pmin_x = MIN(pmin_x, n->x);
+ pmax_x = MAX(pmax_x, n->x);
+ pmin_y = MIN(pmin_y, n->y);
+ pmax_y = MAX(pmax_y, n->y);
+ n->x = (n->x - map_min_x) * map_scale + page_offset_x;
+ n->y = page_height - page_offset_y - (n->y - map_min_y) * map_scale;
+ rmin_x = MIN(rmin_x, n->x);
+ rmax_x = MAX(rmax_x, n->x);
+ rmin_y = MIN(rmin_y, n->y);
+ rmax_y = MAX(rmax_y, n->y);
+ }
+ msg(L_INFO, "Bounds before scaling: [%.10g,%.10g] x [%.10g,%.10g]", pmin_x, pmax_x, pmin_y, pmax_y);
+ msg(L_INFO, "Bounds after scaling: [%.10g,%.10g] x [%.10g,%.10g]", rmin_x, rmax_x, rmin_y, rmax_y);
+bool map_object_visible_p(struct osm_object *o)
+ double margin = 10;
+ switch (o->type)
+ {
+ {
+ struct osm_node *n = (struct osm_node *) o;
+ return (n->x >= page_offset_x - margin && n->x <= page_offset_x + page_map_width + margin &&
+ n->y >= page_offset_y - margin && n->y <= page_offset_y + page_map_height + margin);
+ }
+ case OSM_TYPE_WAY:
+ {
+ struct osm_way *w = (struct osm_way *) o;
+ bool ok = 0;
+ OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(struct osm_object *, n, w->nodes)
+ {
+ ok |= map_object_visible_p(n);
+ }
+ return ok;
+ }
+ {
+ struct osm_relation *r = (struct osm_relation *) o;
+ bool ok = 0;
+ OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(struct osm_object *, n, r->members)
+ {
+ ok |= map_object_visible_p(n);
+ }
+ return ok;
+ }
+ return map_object_visible_p(&((struct osm_multipolygon *) o)->rel->o);
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Map {
+ # Source file with XML map of OSM data
+ XMLInput dump.osm
+ # Projection of our map
+ Projection "+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84"
+ # Which part of the map should drawn (in projected coordinates)
+ MinX 464737
+ MaxX 471140
+ MinY 5552849
+ MaxY 5557376
+ # Draw on A3 paper
+ PageWidth 420
+ PageHeight 297
+ # Draw on A4 paper
+ # PageWidth 297
+ # PageHeight 210
+ # Clip output to the requested rectangle
+ Clip 1
+ # Draw blue border around the requested rectangle
+ DrawBorder 0
+ # MapCSS stylesheet to apply
+ StyleSheet poskole.css
+ # Write SVG output here
+ SVGOutput output.svg
+Debug {
+ # Dump map data exactly as parsed
+ DumpSource 0
+ # Dump map data after projection to Map.Projection
+ DumpAfterProj 0
+ # Dump map data after conversion to on-paper coordinates
+ DumpAfterScaling 0
+ # Dump intermediate representations of multipolygons
+ DumpMultipolygons 0
+ # Dump stylesheet as parsed
+ DumpCSS 0
+ # Dump styling decisions
+ DumpStyling 0
+ # Dump planning and drawing of symbols
+ DumpSymbols 0
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Global Map Operations
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#ifndef _BRUM_MAP_H
+#define _BRUM_MAP_H
+/* Map configuration */
+extern double map_min_x, map_min_y;
+extern double map_max_x, map_max_y;
+extern double page_width, page_height;
+extern uns map_clip, map_draw_border;
+extern char *map_xml_input;
+extern char *map_projection;
+extern char *map_style_sheet;
+extern char *map_svg_output;
+/* Calculated by map_set_scale() */
+extern double map_scale;
+extern double page_offset_x, page_offset_y;
+extern double page_map_width, page_map_height;
+void map_set_scale(void);
+bool map_object_visible_p(struct osm_object *o);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- OSM Data Representation
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/gary.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <ucw/stkstring.h>
+#include <ucw/strtonum.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <proj_api.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+static struct mempool *osm_pool;
+/*** Generic objects ***/
+struct osm_id_to_obj {
+ osm_id_t id;
+ struct osm_object *o;
+clist osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_MAX];
+#define P(x) [OSM_TYPE_##x] = #x,
+const char * const osm_obj_type_names[OSM_TYPE_MAX] = {
+ [OSM_TYPE_INVALID] = "Invalid",
+ [OSM_TYPE_NODE] = "Node",
+ [OSM_TYPE_WAY] = "Way",
+ [OSM_TYPE_RELATION] = "Relation",
+ [OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON] = "Multipolygon",
+#undef P
+#define HASH_NODE struct osm_id_to_obj
+#define HASH_PREFIX(x) osm_id_hash_##x
+#define HASH_KEY_ATOMIC id
+#define HASH_ATOMIC_TYPE osm_id_t
+#define HASH_USE_POOL osm_pool
+#include <ucw/hashtable.h>
+static struct osm_id_hash_table osm_id_hash[OSM_TYPE_MAX];
+osm_id_t osm_parse_id(const char *str)
+ uintmax_t id;
+ const char *err = str_to_uintmax(&id, str, NULL, STN_WHOLE | STN_MINUS | 10);
+ if (err || id != (osm_id_t)id)
+ return OSM_INVALID_ID;
+ else
+ return id;
+struct osm_object *osm_obj_find_by_id(enum osm_object_type type, osm_id_t id)
+ struct osm_id_to_obj *ii = osm_id_hash_find(&osm_id_hash[type], id);
+ return ii ? ii->o : NULL;
+static void *osm_obj_new(enum osm_object_type type, osm_id_t id, uns size)
+ struct osm_id_to_obj *ii = osm_id_hash_lookup(&osm_id_hash[type], id);
+ if (ii->o)
+ die("Id %ju for type %s defined twice", (uintmax_t) id, osm_obj_type_names[type]);
+ struct osm_object *o = mp_alloc_zero(osm_pool, size);
+ clist_add_tail(&osm_obj_list[type], &o->n);
+ o->type = type;
+ o->id = id;
+ clist_init(&o->tags);
+ clist_init(&o->backrefs);
+ ii->o = o;
+ return o;
+void osm_ref_add(struct osm_object *parent, clist *list, struct osm_object *son, osm_val_t role)
+ ASSERT(parent != son);
+ struct osm_ref *ref = mp_alloc(osm_pool, sizeof(*ref));
+ ref->o = son;
+ ref->role = role;
+ clist_add_tail(list, &ref->n);
+ struct osm_ref *backref = mp_alloc(osm_pool, sizeof(*ref));
+ backref->o = parent;
+ backref->role = 0;
+ clist_add_tail(&son->backrefs, &backref->n);
+void osm_obj_dump(struct osm_object *o)
+ switch (o->type)
+ {
+ osm_node_dump((struct osm_node *) o);
+ break;
+ case OSM_TYPE_WAY:
+ osm_way_dump((struct osm_way *) o);
+ break;
+ osm_relation_dump((struct osm_relation *) o);
+ break;
+ osm_multipolygon_dump((struct osm_multipolygon *) o);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+void osm_obj_warn(struct osm_object *o, const char *mesg, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, mesg);
+ msg(L_WARN, "%s: %s", STK_OSM_NAME(o), stk_vprintf(mesg, args));
+ va_end(args);
+/*** Tags ***/
+struct dict osm_key_dict, osm_value_dict;
+void osm_obj_add_tag_raw(struct osm_object *o, osm_key_t key, osm_val_t val)
+ struct osm_tag *t = mp_alloc(osm_pool, sizeof(*t));
+ t->key = key;
+ t->val = val;
+ clist_add_tail(&o->tags, &t->n);
+void osm_obj_add_tag(struct osm_object *o, const char *key, const char *val)
+ osm_obj_add_tag_raw(o, osm_key_encode(key), osm_val_encode(val));
+osm_val_t osm_obj_find_tag(struct osm_object *o, osm_key_t key)
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_tag *, t, o->tags)
+ if (t->key == key)
+ return t->val;
+ return 0;
+void osm_tag_dump(struct osm_tag *t)
+ printf("\t%s = %s\n", osm_key_decode(t->key), osm_val_decode(t->val));
+static const char * const osm_wk_keys[] = {
+#define P(x,y) [KEY_##x] = y,
+#include "dict-keys.h"
+#undef P
+static const char * const osm_wk_values[] = {
+#define P(x,y) [VALUE_##x] = y,
+#include "dict-values.h"
+#undef P
+static void osm_tag_init(void)
+ dict_init(&osm_key_dict, osm_wk_keys);
+ dict_init(&osm_value_dict, osm_wk_values);
+/*** Nodes ***/
+struct osm_node *osm_node_new(osm_id_t id)
+ struct osm_node *n = osm_obj_new(OSM_TYPE_NODE, id, sizeof(*n));
+ return n;
+void osm_node_dump(struct osm_node *n)
+ printf("Node %ju: (%f,%f)\n", (uintmax_t) n->o.id, n->x, n->y);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_tag *, t, n->o.tags)
+ osm_tag_dump(t);
+void osm_node_dump_all(void)
+ printf("Known nodes:\n");
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_node *, n, osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_NODE])
+ osm_node_dump(n);
+ putchar('\n');
+/*** Ways ***/
+struct osm_way *osm_way_new(osm_id_t id)
+ struct osm_way *w = osm_obj_new(OSM_TYPE_WAY, id, sizeof(*w));
+ clist_init(&w->nodes);
+ return w;
+void osm_way_add_node(struct osm_way *w, struct osm_node *n)
+ osm_ref_add(&w->o, &w->nodes, &n->o, 0);
+void osm_way_dump(struct osm_way *w)
+ printf("Way %ju%s\n", (uintmax_t) w->o.id, (osm_way_cyclic_p(w) ? " (cyclic)" : ""));
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_tag *, t, w->o.tags)
+ osm_tag_dump(t);
+ OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(struct osm_node *, n, w->nodes)
+ {
+ printf("\tNode %ju\n", (uintmax_t) n->o.id);
+ }
+void osm_way_dump_all(void)
+ printf("Known ways:\n");
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_way *, w, osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_WAY])
+ osm_way_dump(w);
+ putchar('\n');
+bool osm_way_cyclic_p(struct osm_way *w)
+ struct osm_ref *first_ref = clist_head(&w->nodes);
+ struct osm_ref *last_ref = clist_tail(&w->nodes);
+ return (first_ref && last_ref &&
+ first_ref != last_ref &&
+ first_ref->o == last_ref->o);
+/*** Relations ***/
+struct osm_relation *osm_relation_new(osm_id_t id)
+ struct osm_relation *r = osm_obj_new(OSM_TYPE_RELATION, id, sizeof(*r));
+ clist_init(&r->members);
+ return r;
+void osm_relation_add_member(struct osm_relation *r, struct osm_object *o, const char *role)
+ osm_ref_add(&r->o, &r->members, o, (role && role[0] ? osm_val_encode(role) : 0));
+void osm_relation_dump(struct osm_relation *r)
+ printf("Relation %ju\n", (uintmax_t) r->o.id);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_tag *, t, r->o.tags)
+ osm_tag_dump(t);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_ref *, f, r->members)
+ printf("\tRole %s: %s %ju\n", (f->role ? osm_val_decode(f->role) : "<none>"), osm_obj_type_names[f->o->type], (uintmax_t) f->o->id);
+void osm_relation_dump_all(void)
+ printf("Known relations:\n");
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_relation *, r, osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_RELATION])
+ osm_relation_dump(r);
+ putchar('\n');
+/*** Multipolygons ***/
+void osm_multipolygon_dump(struct osm_multipolygon *m)
+ printf("Multipolygon %ju\n", (uintmax_t) m->o.id);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_tag *, t, m->o.tags)
+ osm_tag_dump(t);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_mpg_boundary *, b, m->boundaries)
+ {
+ printf("\tBoundary inner=%u\n", b->inner);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_ref *, f, b->nodes)
+ printf("\t\tNode %ju\n", (uintmax_t) f->o->id);
+ }
+void osm_multipolygon_dump_all(void)
+ printf("Known multipolygons:\n");
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_multipolygon *, r, osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON])
+ osm_multipolygon_dump(r);
+ putchar('\n');
+static struct mempool *mpg_pool;
+static struct osm_multipolygon *mpg_current;
+struct mpg_vertex {
+ osm_id_t id;
+ struct osm_object *o;
+ clist edges; // of mpg_edge's
+ bool visited;
+struct mpg_edge {
+ cnode n;
+ struct mpg_edge *twin;
+ struct mpg_vertex *dest;
+ bool used;
+#define HASH_NODE struct mpg_vertex
+#define HASH_PREFIX(x) mpg_vertex_hash_##x
+#define HASH_KEY_ATOMIC id
+#define HASH_ATOMIC_TYPE osm_id_t
+#define HASH_USE_POOL mpg_pool
+#include <ucw/hashtable.h>
+static void mpg_insert_way(struct osm_way *w)
+ struct mpg_vertex *prev = NULL;
+ OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(struct osm_node *, n, w->nodes)
+ {
+ int new = 0;
+ struct mpg_vertex *v = mpg_vertex_hash_lookup(n->o.id, &new);
+ if (new)
+ {
+ clist_init(&v->edges);
+ v->visited = 0;
+ v->o = &n->o;
+ }
+ if (prev)
+ {
+ struct mpg_edge *e1 = mp_alloc_zero(mpg_pool, sizeof(*e1));
+ struct mpg_edge *e2 = mp_alloc_zero(mpg_pool, sizeof(*e2));
+ e1->twin = e2;
+ e1->dest = v;
+ clist_add_tail(&prev->edges, &e1->n);
+ e2->twin = e1;
+ e2->dest = prev;
+ clist_add_tail(&v->edges, &e2->n);
+ }
+ prev = v;
+ }
+static void UNUSED mpg_dump(void)
+ printf("=== Multipolygon graph for relation %ju ===\n", (uintmax_t) mpg_current->o.id);
+ HASH_FOR_ALL(mpg_vertex_hash, v)
+ {
+ printf("Vertex %ju\n", (uintmax_t) v->id);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct mpg_edge *, e, v->edges)
+ printf("\t-> %ju\n", (uintmax_t) e->dest->id);
+ }
+ puts("=== End ===");
+static void mpg_walk_boundary(struct osm_multipolygon *m, bool inner)
+ // FIXME: Replace by a better algorithm, which respects geometry
+ // and is able to cope with higher degree vertices.
+ HASH_FOR_ALL(mpg_vertex_hash, v)
+ {
+ if (!v->visited)
+ {
+ struct osm_mpg_boundary *b = mp_alloc(osm_pool, sizeof(*b));
+ clist_add_tail(&m->boundaries, &b->n);
+ b->inner = inner;
+ clist_init(&b->nodes);
+ struct mpg_vertex *w = v;
+ while (!w->visited)
+ {
+ w->visited = 1;
+ struct osm_ref *f = mp_alloc(osm_pool, sizeof(*f));
+ clist_add_tail(&b->nodes, &f->n);
+ f->o = w->o;
+ f->role = 0;
+ struct mpg_vertex *dest = NULL;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct mpg_edge *, e, w->edges)
+ {
+ if (e->used)
+ continue;
+ if (dest)
+ {
+ if (w != v)
+ osm_obj_warn(&mpg_current->o, "Suspicious vertex degree of node %ju", (uintmax_t) w->o->id);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dest = e->dest;
+ e->used = 1;
+ e->twin->used = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ w = dest;
+ }
+ if (w != v)
+ osm_obj_warn(&mpg_current->o, "Boundary not closed at node %ju", (uintmax_t) w->o->id);
+ struct osm_ref *f = mp_alloc(osm_pool, sizeof(*f));
+ clist_add_tail(&b->nodes, &f->n);
+ f->o = v->o;
+ f->role = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static void osm_multipolygon_make(struct osm_relation *r)
+ struct osm_multipolygon *m = osm_obj_new(OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON, r->o.id, sizeof(*m));
+ mpg_current = m;
+ m->rel = r;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_tag *, t, r->o.tags)
+ osm_obj_add_tag_raw(&m->o, t->key, t->val);
+ clist_init(&m->boundaries);
+ for (int inner=0; inner<2; inner++)
+ {
+ if (!mpg_pool)
+ mpg_pool = mp_new(4096);
+ mpg_vertex_hash_init();
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_ref *, f, r->members)
+ {
+ struct osm_object *o = f->o;
+ if (f->role != VALUE_INNER && f->role != VALUE_OUTER)
+ {
+ if (!inner)
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Unknown role %s in multipolygon relation", osm_val_decode(f->role));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((f->role == VALUE_INNER) != inner)
+ continue;
+ if (o->type == OSM_TYPE_WAY)
+ mpg_insert_way((struct osm_way *) o);
+ else
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Only ways are supported in multipolygon boundaries");
+ }
+ if (debug_dump_multipolygons)
+ mpg_dump();
+ mpg_walk_boundary(m, inner);
+ mp_flush(mpg_pool);
+ }
+void osm_make_multipolygons(void)
+ uns mpg_cnt = 0;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_relation *, r, osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_RELATION])
+ if (osm_obj_find_tag(&r->o, KEY_TYPE) == VALUE_MULTIPOLYGON)
+ {
+ osm_multipolygon_make(r);
+ mpg_cnt++;
+ }
+ msg(L_INFO, "Converted %u relations to multipolygons", mpg_cnt);
+/*** Projection ***/
+static projPJ osm_pj;
+void osm_project(const char *spec)
+ osm_pj = pj_init_plus(spec);
+ if (!osm_pj)
+ die("Unable to initialize projection %s", spec);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_node *, n, osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_NODE])
+ {
+ projUV p;
+ p.u = n->x * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ p.v = n->y * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ p = pj_fwd(p, osm_pj);
+ n->x = p.u;
+ n->y = p.v;
+ }
+/*** Object centers ***/
+bool osm_obj_center(struct osm_object *o, double *xp, double *yp)
+ switch (o->type)
+ {
+ {
+ struct osm_node *n = (struct osm_node *) o;
+ *xp = n->x;
+ *yp = n->y;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ case OSM_TYPE_WAY:
+ {
+ struct osm_way *w = (struct osm_way *) o;
+ double sx = 0, sy = 0;
+ uns nn = 0;
+ OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(struct osm_node *, n, w->nodes)
+ {
+ sx += n->x;
+ sy += n->y;
+ nn++;
+ }
+ if (!nn)
+ return 0;
+ *xp = sx / nn;
+ *yp = sy / nn;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ struct osm_multipolygon *m = (struct osm_multipolygon *) o;
+ double sx = 0, sy = 0;
+ uns nn = 0;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_mpg_boundary *, b, m->boundaries)
+ {
+ if (b->inner)
+ continue;
+ OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(struct osm_node *, n, b->nodes)
+ {
+ sx += n->x;
+ sy += n->y;
+ nn++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!nn)
+ return 0;
+ *xp = sx / nn;
+ *yp = sy / nn;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+/*** Globals ***/
+void osm_init(void)
+ osm_pool = mp_new(65536);
+ for (int i=0; i<OSM_TYPE_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ clist_init(&osm_obj_list[i]);
+ osm_id_hash_init(&osm_id_hash[i]);
+ }
+ osm_tag_init();
+void osm_dump(void)
+ osm_node_dump_all();
+ osm_way_dump_all();
+ osm_relation_dump_all();
+ osm_multipolygon_dump_all();
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Representation of OSM Data
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#ifndef _BRUM_OSM_H
+#define _BRUM_OSM_H
+#include "dict.h"
+typedef u64 osm_id_t;
+#define OSM_INVALID_ID ~(osm_id_t)0
+typedef u32 osm_key_t, osm_val_t;
+struct osm_object {
+ cnode n; // In the per-type list
+ byte type; // OSM_TYPE_xxx
+ byte pad[3];
+ osm_id_t id;
+ clist tags;
+ clist backrefs; // Objects pointing to this one
+enum osm_object_type {
+ // Remember to update osm_obj_type_names[], too
+struct osm_tag {
+ cnode n; // In object->tags
+ osm_key_t key;
+ osm_val_t val;
+struct osm_ref {
+ cnode n;
+ struct osm_object *o;
+ osm_val_t role;
+struct osm_node {
+ struct osm_object o;
+ double x, y;
+ /*
+ * For WGS84 coordinates, x is longitude and y latitude.
+ * For UTM, x is easting and y northing.
+ * After map scaling, x is horizontal (left-to-right) and y vertical (top-to-bottom) on the paper.
+ */
+struct osm_way {
+ struct osm_object o;
+ clist nodes; // List of osm_ref's
+struct osm_relation {
+ struct osm_object o;
+ clist members; // List of osm_ref's
+struct osm_multipolygon { // Virtual object constructed from multipolygon relations
+ struct osm_object o;
+ struct osm_relation *rel; // Original relation
+ clist boundaries; // List of osm_mpg_boundary's
+struct osm_mpg_boundary {
+ cnode n;
+ bool inner;
+ clist nodes; // List of osm_ref's (without back-references, since the boundary is not a regular object)
+void osm_init(void);
+void osm_dump(void);
+extern clist osm_obj_list[OSM_TYPE_MAX];
+osm_id_t osm_parse_id(const char *str);
+struct osm_object *osm_obj_find_by_id(enum osm_object_type type, osm_id_t id);
+void osm_obj_add_tag(struct osm_object *o, const char *key, const char *val);
+void osm_obj_add_tag_raw(struct osm_object *o, osm_key_t key, osm_val_t val);
+osm_val_t osm_obj_find_tag(struct osm_object *o, osm_val_t key);
+void osm_obj_dump(struct osm_object *o);
+void osm_obj_warn(struct osm_object *o, const char *msg, ...);
+extern const char * const osm_obj_type_names[OSM_TYPE_MAX];
+#define STK_OSM_NAME(o) stk_printf("%s:%ju", osm_obj_type_names[(o)->type], (uintmax_t) (o)->id)
+void osm_ref_add(struct osm_object *parent, clist *list, struct osm_object *son, osm_val_t role);
+#define OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(_type, _var, _list) CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_ref *, _ref, _list) { _type _var = (_type) _ref->o;
+#define OSM_FOR_EACH_END }
+struct osm_node *osm_node_new(osm_id_t id);
+void osm_node_dump(struct osm_node *n);
+void osm_node_dump_all(void);
+struct osm_way *osm_way_new(osm_id_t id);
+void osm_way_add_node(struct osm_way *w, struct osm_node *n);
+void osm_way_dump(struct osm_way *w);
+void osm_way_dump_all(void);
+bool osm_way_cyclic_p(struct osm_way *w);
+struct osm_relation *osm_relation_new(osm_id_t id);
+void osm_relation_add_member(struct osm_relation *r, struct osm_object *o, const char *role);
+void osm_relation_dump(struct osm_relation *w);
+void osm_relation_dump_all(void);
+void osm_multipolygon_dump(struct osm_multipolygon *w);
+void osm_multipolygon_dump_all(void);
+void osm_make_multipolygons(void);
+void osm_project(const char *spec);
+bool osm_obj_center(struct osm_object *o, double *xp, double *yp);
+/* Tags */
+extern struct dict osm_key_dict, osm_value_dict;
+static inline osm_key_t osm_key_encode(const char *key)
+ return dict_encode(&osm_key_dict, key);
+static inline const char *osm_key_decode(osm_key_t key)
+ return dict_decode(&osm_key_dict, key);
+static inline osm_val_t osm_val_encode(const char *val)
+ return dict_encode(&osm_value_dict, val);
+static inline const char *osm_val_decode(osm_val_t key)
+ return dict_decode(&osm_value_dict, key);
+void osm_tag_dump(struct osm_tag *t);
+/* Well-known tags and values */
+enum tag_keys {
+#define P(x,y) KEY_##x,
+#include "dict-keys.h"
+#undef P
+enum value_names {
+#define P(x,y) VALUE_##x,
+#include "dict-values.h"
+#undef P
--- /dev/null
+/*** General settings ***/
+way::* {
+ linejoin: round;
+ linecap: round;
+ casing-linejoin: round;
+ casing-linecap: round;
+ * Assignment of z-indices:
+ *
+ * 0 default
+ * 0.1 subtypes of landuse
+ * 1.x highways
+ * 2.x railways
+ * 4 tourist routes
+ * 5 icons
+ * 9 hack:front
+ * 10 power lines and similar overhead objects
+ *
+ * Assignment of major-z-indices:
+ *
+ * 1 (default for areas}
+ * 1.1 water way casing
+ * 1.2 water ways
+ * 1.3 water areas
+ * 2 (default for casing)
+ * 2.9 (default for line patterns)
+ * 3 (default for lines)
+ * 4 (default for points)
+ * 4.9 (default for line text)
+ * 5 (default for point text)
+ */
+/*** Landuse ***/
+area[landuse], area[leisure] {
+ fill-color: #f00;
+area[leisure=swimming_pool][access!=private] {
+ fill-color: #b5d0d0;
+ color: #00f;
+ width: 0.5;
+area[leisure=playground] {
+ fill-color: #ccfff1;
+ color: #666;
+ width: 0.3;
+area[leisure=attraction] {
+ fill-color: #f2caea;
+ // width: 0.3;
+area[landuse=cemetery], area[landuse=grave_yard], area[amenity=grave_yard] {
+ fill-color: #aacbaf;
+ fill-pattern: "icons/cemetery.svg";
+ fill-pattern-width: 2;
+ // FIXME: Switch patterns according to religion=* ?
+area[landuse=residential] {
+ fill-color: #ddd;
+area[landuse=village_green] {
+ fill-color: #cfeca8;
+area[leisure=golf_course] {
+ fill-color: #b5e3b5;
+ z-index: 0.1;
+area[leisure=recreation_ground] {
+ fill-color: #b6fdb6;
+ z-index: 0.1;
+area[landuse=forest] {
+ fill-color: #8dc56c;
+ // FIXME: Pattern fill
+area[landuse=allotments] {
+ fill-color: #e5c7ab;
+ // FIXME: Pattern fill
+area[landuse=retail] {
+ fill-color: #f1dada;
+ color: #f00;
+ width: 0.3;
+area[landuse=railway] {
+ fill-color: #dfd1d6;
+area[landuse=farmland] {
+ fill-color: #ead8bd;
+area[landuse=construction] {
+ fill-color: #9d9d6c;
+area[landuse=military] {
+ fill-color: #65841b;
+ color: #f55;
+ width: 0.3;
+ // FIXME: Pattern
+area[landuse=parking] {
+ fill-color: #f7efb7;
+ color: #eeeed1;
+ width: 0.3;
+area[aeroway=apron] {
+ fill-color: #e9d1ff;
+area[aeroway=aerodrome] {
+ fill-color: #ccc;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ color: #666;
+ width: 0.2;
+area[highway=rest_area] {
+ fill-color: #efc8c8;
+area[landuse=garages] {
+ fill-color: #996;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+area[leisure=nature_reserve] {
+ fill-color: #6c3;
+ color: #6c3;
+ width: 0.3;
+ // FIXME: Pattern?
+area[leisure=pitch] {
+ fill-color: #8ad3af;
+ color: #888;
+ width: 0.3;
+ z-index: 0.1;
+area[leisure=track] {
+ fill-color: #74dcba;
+ color: #888;
+ width: 0.3;
+ z-index: 0.1;
+way[barrier] {
+ color: #666;
+ width: 0.2;
+/*** Water ***/
+way[waterway] {
+ color: #f00;
+area[waterway=riverbank] {
+ fill-color: #b5d0d0;
+ major-z-index: 1.3; // Above normal areas and waterways
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 0.5;
+ text-color: #3030a5;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-position: center;
+ font-family: Times;
+ font-size: 2.5;
+ font-style: italic;
+area[natural=wetland] {
+ fill-pattern: "icons/wetland.svg";
+ fill-pattern-width: 2;
+ fill-pattern-height: 1.5;
+ major-z-index: 1.3;
+way[waterway=drain] {
+ color: #b5d0d0;
+ width: 0.3;
+ casing-width: 0.2;
+ casing-color: #fff;
+ major-z-index: 1.2; // Above normal areas, below water areas
+ casing-major-z-index: 1.1;
+ casing-opacity: 0.5;
+way[waterway=river] {
+ color: #b5d0d0;
+ width: 0.6;
+ casing-color: #fff;
+ casing-width: 1;
+ major-z-index: 1.2; // Above normal areas, below water areas
+ casing-major-z-index: 1.1;
+ casing-opacity: 0.5;
+// FIXME: waterway=river && tunnel=yes
+/*** Power lines ***/
+way[power=line] {
+ color: #777;
+ width: 0.3;
+ z-index: 10;
+way[power=minor_line] {
+ color: #777;
+ width: 0.15;
+ z-index: 10;
+node[power=pole] {
+ symbol-shape: circle; // FIXME
+ symbol-size: 0.7;
+ symbol-stroke-color: #777;
+ symbol-stroke-width: 0.3;
+ z-index: 10;
+/*** Highways ***/
+way[highway][area?!] {
+ color: #f00;
+ width: 0.3;
+area[highway=service] {
+ fill-color: #fff;
+area[highway=path] {
+ fill-color: #ededed;
+area[highway=track] {
+ fill-color: #dfcc66;
+area[railway=platform] {
+ fill-color: #bbbbbb;
+area[aeroway=helipad] {
+ fill-color: #bbc;
+ z-index: 1;
+way[highway=motorway_link] {
+ color: #809bc0;
+ width: 5;
+ casing-color: #506077;
+ casing-width: 1;
+ z-index: 1.9;
+way[highway=trunk_link] {
+ color: #a9dba9;
+ width: 2.5;
+ casing-color: #477147;
+ casing-width: 0.8;
+ z-index: 1.8;
+way[highway=primary_link] {
+ color: #ec989a;
+ width: 1.5;
+ casing-color: #8d4346;
+ casing-width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 1.7;
+way[highway=secondary_link] {
+ color: #fed7a5;
+ width: 1;
+ casing-color: #a37b48;
+ casing-width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 1.6;
+way[highway=tertiary_link] {
+ color: #ffffb3;
+ width: 0.7;
+ casing-color: #bbb;
+ casing-width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 1.5;
+way[highway=motorway] {
+ color: #809bc0;
+ width: 5;
+ casing-color: #506077;
+ casing-width: 1;
+ z-index: 1.9;
+way[highway=trunk] {
+ color: #a9dba9;
+ width: 2.5;
+ casing-color: #477147;
+ casing-width: 0.8;
+ z-index: 1.8;
+way[highway=primary] {
+ color: #ec989a;
+ width: 1.5;
+ casing-color: #8d4346;
+ casing-width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 1.7;
+way[highway=secondary] {
+ color: #fed7a5;
+ width: 1;
+ casing-color: #a37b48;
+ casing-width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 1.6;
+way[highway=tertiary] {
+ color: #ffffb3;
+ width: 0.7;
+ casing-color: #bbb;
+ casing-width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 1.5;
+way[highway=road] {
+ color: #ddd;
+ width: 0.7;
+ casing-color: #999;
+ casing-width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 1;
+way[highway=living_street] {
+ color: #fff;
+ width: 0.7;
+ casing-color: #999;
+ casing-width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 1;
+way[highway=service] {
+ color: #fff;
+ width: 0.5;
+ casing-color: #999;
+ casing-width: 0.3;
+ z-index: 1;
+way[highway=pedestrian] {
+ color: #ededed;
+ width: 0.3;
+ casing-color: #808080;
+ casing-width: 0.3;
+// In this scale, steps cannot be displayed nicely
+way[highway=steps] {
+ color: #fa8072;
+ width: 0.8;
+ dashes: 0.2, 0.2;
+way[highway=path][foot=designated] {
+// color: #888;
+ color: #996600;
+ width: 0.3;
+ casing-color: #fff;
+ casing-width: 0.1;
+ casing-opacity: 0.5;
+way[highway=bridleway] {
+ color: #996600;
+ width: 0.3;
+ dashes: 5, 3;
+ casing-color: #fff;
+ casing-width: 0.1;
+ casing-opacity: 0.5;
+way[highway=path][bicycle=designated] {
+ color: #5e5eff;
+ width: 0.3;
+ dashes: 5, 3;
+// color: #888;
+ color: #996600;
+ width: 0.3;
+ casing-color: #fff;
+ casing-width: 0.1;
+ casing-opacity: 0.5;
+way[highway=proposed] {
+ width: 0;
+way[aeroway=taxiway] {
+ color: #bbc;
+ width: 0.3;
+/*** Railway ***/
+way[railway][area?!] {
+ color: #f0f;
+ width: 0.3;
+way[railway=rail] {
+ color: #999;
+ width: 0.6;
+ casing-color: #444;
+ casing-width: 0.2;
+ z-index: 2.5;
+way[railway=rail]::rwint {
+ color: #fff;
+ width: 0.5;
+ dashes: 9, 9;
+ z-index: 2.6;
+way[railway=rail][service=yard] {
+ width: 0.3;
+ z-index: 2;
+way[railway=rail][service=yard]::rwint {
+ width: 0.2;
+ z-index: 2.1;
+/*** Buildings ***/
+area[building] {
+ fill-color: #bca9a9;
+ color: #330066;
+ width: 0.1;
+/*** Tourist routes ***/
+relation[type=route][route=foot][kct_yellow] way::routes {
+ color: #ee3;
+ width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 4;
+relation[type=route][route=foot][kct_red] way::routes {
+ color: #e33;
+ width: 0.5;
+ z-index: 4;
+way[highway=track]::routes {
+ opacity: 0.7;
+/*** Icons ***/
+node[tourism=viewpoint] {
+ icon-image: "icons/view_point.svg";
+ icon-width: 4;
+ z-index: 5;
+area[amenity=place_of_worship][religion=christian] {
+ icon-image: "icons/cross.svg";
+ icon-width: 1.5;
+ z-index: 5;
+area[historic=wayside_shrine][amenity=place_of_worship][religion=christian] {
+ icon-image: "icons/church.svg";
+ icon-width: 2;
+ z-index: 5;
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 0.8;
+ text-color: #000000;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-position: center;
+ text-offset: -3;
+ font-family: Times;
+ font-size: 2.5;
+ font-style: italic;
+node[natural=cave_entrance] {
+ icon-image: "icons/cave2.svg";
+ icon-width: 3;
+ z-index: 5;
+node[natural=tree][monument=yes][type=broad_leaved] {
+ icon-image: "icons/deciduous.svg";
+ icon-width: 3;
+ z-index: 5;
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 0.5;
+ text-color: #006322;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-anchor-horizontal: center;
+ text-anchor-vertical: bottom;
+ text-offset: -1;
+ font-family: Times;
+ font-size: 2.5;
+ font-style: italic;
+node[hack=parkname] {
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 0.5;
+ text-color: #006322;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-anchor-horizontal: center;
+ text-anchor-vertical: center;
+ text-offset: -1;
+ font-family: Times;
+ font-size: 2.5;
+ font-style: italic;
+node[hack=suburbname] {
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 1;
+ text-color: #888888;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-anchor-horizontal: center;
+ text-anchor-vertical: center;
+ font-family: Helvetica;
+ font-size: 6;
+ font-style: italic;
+node[barrier=gate] {
+ icon-image: "icons/gate.svg";
+ icon-width: 1.5;
+ z-index: 5;
+node[railway=halt] {
+ icon-image: "icons/train.svg";
+ icon-width: 3;
+ z-index: 5;
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 0.5;
+ text-color: #000000;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-anchor-horizontal: center;
+ text-anchor-vertical: bottom;
+ text-offset: -2;
+ font-family: Times;
+ font-size: 2.5;
+ font-style: italic;
+area[railway=halt] {
+ icon-image: "icons/train.svg";
+ icon-width: 3;
+ z-index: 5;
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 0.5;
+ text-color: #000000;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-position: center;
+ text-offset: -4;
+ font-family: Times;
+ font-size: 2.5;
+ font-style: italic;
+node[highway=bus_stop] {
+// icon-image: "icons/bus_stop2.svg";
+// icon-width: 3;
+ symbol-shape: circle;
+ symbol-size: 0.8;
+ symbol-fill-color: #f55;
+ z-index: 5;
+node[tourism=artwork][artwork_type=statue] {
+ icon-image: "icons/memorial.svg";
+ icon-width: 1;
+ z-index: 5;
+way[natural=tree_row] {
+ repeat-image: "icons/deciduous.svg";
+ repeat-image-width: 2;
+ repeat-image-spacing: 2;
+ z-index: 5;
+/*** Hacks ***/
+way[hack=front] {
+ z-index: 9;
+way[hack=raisetext] {
+ text-offset: 3;
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Reading ESRI Shape Files
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * FIXME: Currently, this parser handles only the subset
+ * of shape file syntax which is used by gdal_contours.
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/conf.h>
+#include <ucw/fastbuf.h>
+#include <ucw/gary.h>
+#include <ucw/unaligned.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "shp.h"
+// FIXME: Hack
+static osm_id_t shp_id_counter = 1000000000000;
+static double shp_get_double(byte *p)
+ // FIXME: This is non-portable!
+ double x = 0;
+ memcpy(&x, p, 8);
+ return x;
+static void shp_record_polyline(byte *buf, u32 len)
+ if (len < 44)
+ die("Polyline record too short: %u bytes", len);
+ u32 num_parts = get_u32_le(buf+36);
+ u32 num_points = get_u32_le(buf+40);
+ DBG("%u parts, %u points", num_parts, num_points);
+ if (num_parts != 1)
+ die("Polylines with multiple parts are not supported yet");
+ if (len < 44 + 4*num_parts + 16*num_points)
+ die("Polyline record too short for %u parts and %u points: %u bytes", num_parts, num_points, len);
+ struct osm_way *w = osm_way_new(shp_id_counter++);
+ osm_obj_add_tag(&w->o, "shape", "contour");
+ byte *p = buf + 44 + 4*num_parts;
+ for (uint i=0; i < num_points; i++)
+ {
+ double x = shp_get_double(p);
+ double y = shp_get_double(p+8);
+ DBG(">>> x=%.10g y=%.10g", x, y);
+ struct osm_node *n = osm_node_new(shp_id_counter++);
+ n->x = x;
+ n->y = y;
+ osm_way_add_node(w, n);
+ p += 16;
+ }
+void shp_parse(const char *name)
+ msg(L_INFO, "Loading shape file %s", name);
+ struct fastbuf *fb = bopen_file(name, O_RDONLY, NULL);
+ byte *buf;
+ GARY_INIT(buf, 100);
+ uns len = bread(fb, buf, 100);
+ if (len != 100 || get_u32_be(buf) != 9994)
+ die("Invalid shape file header");
+ u32 version = get_u32_le(buf+28);
+ if (version != 1000)
+ die("Unknown shape file version %u", version);
+ u32 type = get_u32_le(buf+32);
+ if (type != 3)
+ die("Unsupported shape file type %u", type);
+ u32 last_recno = 0;
+ while (len = bread(fb, buf, 8))
+ {
+ if (len != 8)
+ die("Truncated record header");
+ u32 recno = get_u32_be(buf);
+ u32 reclen = get_u32_be(buf+4) * 2;
+ DBG("@%ju: recno %u len %u", (uintmax_t) btell(fb) - 8, recno, reclen);
+ if (recno != ++last_recno)
+ die("Unexpected record #%u, should be #%u", recno, last_recno);
+ if (reclen > GARY_SIZE(buf))
+ GARY_RESIZE(buf, reclen);
+ len = bread(fb, buf, reclen);
+ if (len != reclen)
+ die("Truncated record: %u < %u", len, reclen);
+ if (len < 4)
+ die("Record too short: %u bytes", reclen);
+ u32 rectype = get_u32_le(buf);
+ if (rectype == 3)
+ shp_record_polyline(buf, len);
+ }
+ GARY_FREE(buf);
+ bclose(fb);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Reading ESRI Shape Files
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#ifndef _BRUM_SHP_H
+#define _BRUM_SHP_H
+void shp_parse(const char *name);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Styling
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "style.h"
+struct dict style_prop_dict, style_layer_dict;
+static const char * const style_wk_props[] = {
+#define P(x,y) [PROP_##x] = y,
+#include "dict-props.h"
+#undef P
+static const char * const style_wk_layers[] = {
+ "default",
+void styles_init(void)
+ dict_init(&style_prop_dict, style_wk_props);
+ dict_init(&style_layer_dict, style_wk_layers);
+#define HASH_NODE struct style_prop
+#define HASH_PREFIX(x) style_prop_##x
+#define HASH_KEY_ATOMIC key
+// FIXME: Make <ucw/hashtable.h> accept our pool
+#define HASH_TABLE_VARS struct mempool *pool;
+static void *style_prop_alloc(struct style_prop_table *table, uns size);
+static inline void style_prop_free(struct style_prop_table *table UNUSED, void *x UNUSED) { }
+#include <ucw/hashtable.h>
+static void *style_prop_alloc(struct style_prop_table *table, uns size)
+ return mp_alloc_fast(table->pool, size);
+void style_init(struct style_results *r)
+ r->pool = mp_new(4096);
+ r->num_layers = dict_size(&style_layer_dict);
+ r->layers = mp_alloc_zero(r->pool, r->num_layers * sizeof(struct style_info *));
+ r->num_active_layers = 0;
+ r->active_layers = mp_alloc_zero(r->pool, r->num_layers * sizeof(layer_t));
+void style_begin(struct style_results *r, struct osm_object *o)
+ ASSERT(!r->num_active_layers);
+ mp_push(r->pool);
+ r->obj = o;
+void style_end(struct style_results *r)
+ for (uns i=0; i<r->num_active_layers; i++)
+ r->layers[r->active_layers[i]] = NULL;
+ r->layers[0] = NULL;
+ r->num_active_layers = 0;
+ mp_pop(r->pool);
+static inline void style_assign(struct style_prop *dest, struct style_prop *src)
+ dest->type = src->type;
+ dest->val = src->val;
+static struct style_info *style_get_info(struct style_results *r, layer_t layer)
+ ASSERT(layer < r->num_layers);
+ if (!r->layers[layer])
+ {
+ struct style_info *si = mp_alloc_zero(r->pool, sizeof(*si));
+ r->layers[layer] = si;
+ si->hash = mp_alloc_zero(r->pool, sizeof(struct style_prop_table));
+ si->hash->pool = r->pool;
+ style_prop_init(si->hash);
+ if (layer != STYLE_LAYER_ALL)
+ {
+ r->active_layers[r->num_active_layers++] = layer;
+ // Copy all properties which have been set for all layers
+ struct style_info *si_all = r->layers[STYLE_LAYER_ALL];
+ if (si_all)
+ {
+ /*
+ * CAVEAT: This is probably wrong. When no properties are set explicitly
+ * set for a layer, all-layer properties are not propagated. Hopefully harmless.
+ */
+ HASH_FOR_ALL_DYNAMIC(style_prop, si_all->hash, s)
+ {
+ style_assign(style_prop_lookup(si->hash, s->key), s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return r->layers[layer];
+void style_set_by_layer(struct style_results *r, layer_t layer, struct style_prop *p)
+ if (layer == STYLE_LAYER_ALL)
+ {
+ // Set in all existing layers
+ for (uns i=0; i < r->num_active_layers; i++)
+ style_assign(style_prop_lookup(r->layers[r->active_layers[i]]->hash, p->key), p);
+ // ... and let it propagate to STYLE_LAYER_ALL
+ }
+ struct style_info *si = style_get_info(r, layer);
+ style_assign(style_prop_lookup(si->hash, p->key), p);
+void style_set(struct style_info *si, struct style_prop *p)
+ style_assign(style_prop_lookup(si->hash, p->key), p);
+struct style_prop *style_get(struct style_info *si, prop_t key)
+ return style_prop_find(si->hash, key);
+struct style_prop *style_get_and_check(struct style_info *si, prop_t key, uns allowed_types)
+ struct style_prop *p = style_prop_find(si->hash, key);
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!(allowed_types & (1 << p->type)))
+ {
+ // XXX: Better diagnostics?
+ msg(L_WARN, "Style property %s set to invalid type #%u", style_prop_decode(p->key), p->type);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return p;
+osm_val_t style_get_ident(struct style_info *si, prop_t key)
+ struct style_prop *p = style_get_and_check(si, key, 1 << PROP_TYPE_IDENT);
+ return p ? p->val.id : 0;
+osm_val_t style_get_string(struct style_info *si, prop_t key)
+ struct style_prop *p = style_get_and_check(si, key, (1 << PROP_TYPE_STRING) | (1 << PROP_TYPE_IDENT));
+ return p ? p->val.id : 0;
+bool style_get_number(struct style_info *si, prop_t key, double *dp)
+ struct style_prop *p = style_get_and_check(si, key, 1 << PROP_TYPE_NUMBER);
+ if (!p)
+ return 0;
+ *dp = p->val.number;
+ return 1;
+bool style_get_color(struct style_info *si, prop_t key, color_t *colorp)
+ struct style_prop *p = style_get_and_check(si, key, 1 << PROP_TYPE_COLOR);
+ if (!p)
+ return 0;
+ *colorp = p->val.color;
+ return 1;
+void style_dump(struct style_results *r)
+ for (uns i=0; i < r->num_active_layers; i++)
+ {
+ layer_t layer = r->active_layers[i];
+ printf("Layer %s (%u)\n", style_layer_decode(layer), layer);
+ struct style_info *si = r->layers[layer];
+ HASH_FOR_ALL_DYNAMIC(style_prop, si->hash, s)
+ {
+ printf("\t");
+ style_dump_prop(s);
+ }
+ }
+static void style_dump_val(struct style_prop *s)
+ uns cnt = 0;
+ switch (s->type)
+ {
+ printf("%s [string]", osm_val_decode(s->val.id));
+ break;
+ printf("%s [ident]", osm_val_decode(s->val.id));
+ break;
+ printf("%.6g [number]", s->val.number);
+ break;
+ printf("%06x [color]", s->val.color);
+ break;
+ putchar('(');
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct style_val_list_entry *, e, *s->val.list)
+ {
+ if (cnt++)
+ printf(", ");
+ style_dump_val(&e->val);
+ }
+ printf(") [list]");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("[unknown type %u]", s->type);
+ }
+void style_dump_prop(struct style_prop *s)
+ printf("%s = ", style_prop_decode(s->key));
+ style_dump_val(s);
+ putchar('\n');
+void style_scale(struct style_info *si, double *wp, double *hp, prop_t width_prop, prop_t height_prop)
+ double w, h;
+ bool got_width = style_get_number(si, width_prop, &w);
+ bool got_height = style_get_number(si, height_prop, &h);
+ if (got_width + got_height == 2)
+ {
+ *wp = w;
+ *hp = h;
+ }
+ else if (got_width + got_height == 1)
+ {
+ if (got_width)
+ {
+ *hp *= w / *wp;
+ *wp = w;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *wp *= h / *hp;
+ *hp = h;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Styling
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#ifndef _BRUM_STYLE_H
+#define _BRUM_STYLE_H
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "dict.h"
+typedef u32 prop_t, layer_t; // See dictionaries below
+enum style_layer {
+ // The other style are defined by style_layer_dict
+struct style_results { // Computed style information for a given object in all layers
+ struct osm_object *obj;
+ uns num_layers;
+ struct style_info **layers;
+ uns num_active_layers;
+ layer_t *active_layers;
+ struct mempool *pool;
+struct style_info { // Computed style information per layer
+ struct style_prop_table *hash; // Hash table of style properties
+enum style_prop_type {
+ PROP_TYPE_STRING, // Quoted string hashed in osm_value_dict
+ PROP_TYPE_IDENT, // Unquoted string hashed in osm_value_dict
+ PROP_TYPE_NUMBER, // Floating-point number
+ PROP_TYPE_COLOR, // Color represented in RGB
+ PROP_TYPE_LIST, // List of values
+struct style_prop {
+ prop_t key; // From style_prop_dict
+ enum style_prop_type type; // PROP_TYPE_xxx
+ union {
+ osm_val_t id;
+ color_t color;
+ double number;
+ clist *list; // Of style_val_list_entry
+ } val;
+struct style_val_list_entry {
+ cnode n;
+ struct style_prop val; // val.key is unused
+enum prop_keys { // Well-known properties
+#define P(x,y) PROP_##x,
+#include "dict-props.h"
+#undef P
+void styles_init(void);
+void style_init(struct style_results *r);
+void style_begin(struct style_results *r, struct osm_object *o);
+void style_end(struct style_results *r);
+void style_set_by_layer(struct style_results *r, layer_t layer, struct style_prop *p);
+void style_set(struct style_info *si, struct style_prop *p);
+struct style_prop *style_get(struct style_info *si, prop_t key);
+osm_val_t style_get_ident(struct style_info *si, prop_t key);
+osm_val_t style_get_string(struct style_info *si, prop_t key);
+bool style_get_number(struct style_info *si, prop_t key, double *dp);
+bool style_get_color(struct style_info *si, prop_t key, color_t *colorp);
+struct style_prop *style_get_and_check(struct style_info *si, prop_t key, uns allowed_types);
+extern struct dict style_prop_dict, style_layer_dict;
+static inline prop_t style_prop_encode(const char *key)
+ return dict_encode(&style_prop_dict, key);
+static inline const char *style_prop_decode(prop_t id)
+ return dict_decode(&style_prop_dict, id);
+static inline layer_t style_layer_encode(const char *key)
+ return dict_encode(&style_layer_dict, key);
+static inline const char *style_layer_decode(layer_t id)
+ return dict_decode(&style_layer_dict, id);
+void style_dump(struct style_results *r);
+void style_dump_prop(struct style_prop *p);
+void style_scale(struct style_info *si, double *wp, double *hp, prop_t width_prop, prop_t height_prop);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- SVG Icon Embedder
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/fastbuf.h>
+#include <xml/xml.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "svg.h"
+#define HASH_NODE struct svg_icon
+#define HASH_PREFIX(x) icon_##x
+#define HASH_KEY_ENDSTRING name
+#include <ucw/hashtable.h>
+static void svg_icon_error(struct xml_context *ctx)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s at %u: %s\n", (ctx->err_code < XML_ERR_ERROR) ? "warn" : "error", xml_row(ctx), ctx->err_msg);
+struct svg_icon *svg_icon_load(struct svg *svg, const char *name)
+ struct svg_icon *icon = icon_lookup(svg->icon_hash, (char *) name);
+ if (icon->id)
+ return icon;
+ icon->id = ++svg->icon_counter;
+ clist_init(&icon->patterns);
+ struct xml_context *ctx = xmalloc(sizeof(*ctx));
+ xml_init(ctx);
+ ctx->h_warn = ctx->h_error = ctx->h_fatal = svg_icon_error;
+ xml_push_fastbuf(ctx, bopen_file(name, O_RDONLY, NULL));
+ xml_parse(ctx);
+ if (ctx->err_code)
+ die("Error reading icon %s: Fatal error in XML parser", name);
+ icon->ctx = ctx;
+ icon->root = ctx->dom;
+ struct xml_node *root = icon->root;
+ ASSERT(root);
+ if (strcmp(root->name, "svg"))
+ die("Error reading icon %s: root element is <%s>, not <svg>", name, root->name);
+ struct xml_attr *a_width = xml_attr_find(ctx, root, "width");
+ struct xml_attr *a_height = xml_attr_find(ctx, root, "height");
+ if (!a_width || !a_height)
+ die("Error reading icon %s: cannot determine image dimensions", name);
+ icon->width = atof(a_width->val) / svg->scale;
+ icon->height = atof(a_height->val) / svg->scale;
+ if (icon->width < 0.01 || icon->height < 0.01)
+ die("Error reading icon %s: invalid icon dimensions", name);
+ // FIXME: What if dimensions are given in absolute units?
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Loaded icon %s (%.5g x %.5g)", name, icon->width, icon->height);
+ return icon;
+static void svg_icon_unload(struct svg_icon *icon)
+ xml_cleanup(icon->ctx);
+ xfree(icon->ctx);
+static bool is_white(int c)
+ return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n';
+static void normalize_white(char *r)
+ char *w = r;
+ while (is_white(*r))
+ r++;
+ while (*r)
+ {
+ if (is_white(*r))
+ {
+ while (is_white(*r))
+ r++;
+ if (*r)
+ *w++ = *r++;
+ }
+ else
+ *w++ = *r++;
+ }
+ *w = 0;
+static void svg_embed(struct svg *svg, struct svg_icon *icon, struct xml_node *n)
+ if (n->type == XML_NODE_CHARS)
+ {
+ char *t = mp_strdup(svg->pool, n->text);
+ normalize_white(t);
+ if (*t)
+ {
+ svg_push_chars(svg)->name = n->text;
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ASSERT(n->type == XML_NODE_ELEM);
+ svg_push_element(svg, n->name);
+ {
+ char *val = a->val;
+ if (!strcmp(a->name, "id"))
+ val = mp_printf(svg->pool, "i%u-%s", icon->id, val);
+ else if (!strcmp(a->name, "xlink:href") && val[0] == '#')
+ val = mp_printf(svg->pool, "#i%u-%s", icon->id, val+1);
+ // FIXME: Some attributes can have values "url(#id)"
+ svg_set_attr(svg, a->name, val);
+ }
+ svg_embed(svg, icon, e);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+static void svg_icon_embed(struct svg *svg, struct svg_icon *icon)
+ svg_push_element(svg, "g");
+ svg_set_attr_format(svg, "id", "icon%u", icon->id);
+ svg_push_comment(svg)->name = mp_printf(svg->pool, "Embedded %s", icon->name);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ svg_embed(svg, icon, icon->root);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+void svg_icon_init(struct svg *svg)
+ svg->icon_hash = mp_alloc_zero(svg->pool, sizeof(struct icon_table));
+ icon_init(svg->icon_hash);
+void svg_icon_cleanup(struct svg *svg)
+ HASH_FOR_ALL_DYNAMIC(icon, svg->icon_hash, icon)
+ {
+ svg_icon_unload(icon);
+ }
+ icon_cleanup(svg->icon_hash);
+void svg_icon_put(struct svg *svg, struct svg_icon_request *sir)
+ struct svg_icon *icon = sir->icon;
+ double scale_x = sir->width / icon->width;
+ double scale_y = sir->height / icon->height;
+ // Center
+ // FIXME: More alignment modes?
+ double x = sir->x - sir->width / 2;
+ double y = sir->y - sir->height / 2;
+ svg_push_element(svg, "use");
+ svg_set_attr_format(svg, "xlink:href", "#icon%u", icon->id);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "x", x / scale_x);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "y", y / scale_y);
+ if (fabs(scale_x - 1) > 1e-10 || fabs(scale_y - 1) > 1e-10)
+ svg_set_attr_format(svg, "transform", "scale(%.5g %.5g)", scale_x, scale_y);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+struct svg_pattern *svg_icon_to_pattern(struct svg *svg, struct svg_pattern_request *spr)
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct svg_pattern *, patt, spr->icon->patterns)
+ {
+ if (fabs(patt->width - spr->width) < 1e-10 &&
+ fabs(patt->height - spr->height) < 1e-10)
+ return patt;
+ }
+ struct svg_pattern *patt = mp_alloc_zero(svg->pool, sizeof(*patt));
+ clist_add_tail(&spr->icon->patterns, &patt->n);
+ patt->id = ++svg->pattern_counter;
+ patt->icon = spr->icon;
+ patt->width = spr->width;
+ patt->height = spr->height;
+ patt->paint_server = mp_printf(svg->pool, "url(#patt%u)", patt->id);
+ return patt;
+static void svg_pattern_embed(struct svg *svg, struct svg_pattern *patt)
+ struct svg_icon *icon = patt->icon;
+ svg_push_element(svg, "pattern");
+ svg_set_attr_format(svg, "id", "patt%u", patt->id);
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "patternContentUnits", "userSpaceOnUse");
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "width", patt->width);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "height", patt->height);
+ struct svg_icon_request sir = {
+ .icon = icon,
+ .x = patt->width / 2,
+ .y = patt->height / 2,
+ .width = patt->width,
+ .height = patt->height,
+ };
+ svg_icon_put(svg, &sir);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+void svg_icon_dump_library(struct svg *svg)
+ svg_push_element(svg, "defs");
+ HASH_FOR_ALL_DYNAMIC(icon, svg->icon_hash, icon)
+ {
+ svg_icon_embed(svg, icon);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct svg_pattern *, patt, icon->patterns)
+ svg_pattern_embed(svg, patt);
+ }
+ svg_pop(svg);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- SVG Generator
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/gary.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <xml/xml.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "svg.h"
+static void svg_start_tag(struct svg *svg, struct svg_element *e);
+static void svg_escape_string(struct svg *svg, const char *str);
+struct svg *svg_open(char *filename)
+ struct mempool *mp = mp_new(4096);
+ struct svg *svg = mp_alloc_zero(mp, sizeof(*svg));
+ svg->pool = mp;
+ svg->fb = bopen_file(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, NULL);
+ svg->scale = 90 / 25.4;
+ // FIXME: Use scale for all operations with dimensions?
+ GARY_INIT(svg->stack, 0);
+ svg->fb_pool = mp_alloc_zero(svg->pool, sizeof(*svg->fb_pool));
+ fbpool_init(svg->fb_pool);
+ svg_icon_init(svg);
+ bputsn(svg->fb, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>");
+ bputsn(svg->fb, "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd\">");
+ svg_push_element(svg, "svg");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "version", "1.1");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
+ return svg;
+void svg_close(struct svg *svg)
+ ASSERT(GARY_SIZE(svg->stack) == 1);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ bclose(svg->fb);
+ GARY_FREE(svg->stack);
+ svg_icon_cleanup(svg);
+ mp_delete(svg->pool);
+static inline struct svg_element *svg_element_this_or_null(struct svg *svg)
+ uns n = GARY_SIZE(svg->stack);
+ return n ? svg->stack[n-1] : NULL;
+static inline struct svg_element *svg_element_this(struct svg *svg)
+ struct svg_element *e = svg_element_this_or_null(svg);
+ ASSERT(e);
+ return e;
+enum svg_indent_mode {
+static void svg_indent_start(struct svg *svg, struct svg_element *e, enum svg_indent_mode mode)
+ if (e->indent < 0 || (e->flags & SVG_EF_FLAT) && mode != SVG_INDENT_OPEN)
+ return;
+ for (int i=0; i<e->indent; i++)
+ bputc(svg->fb, '\t');
+static void svg_indent_end(struct svg *svg, struct svg_element *e, enum svg_indent_mode mode)
+ if (e->indent < 0 || (e->flags & SVG_EF_FLAT) && mode != SVG_INDENT_CLOSE)
+ return;
+ bputc(svg->fb, '\n');
+static struct svg_element *svg_push_internal(struct svg *svg, uns type)
+ ASSERT(!svg->str_fb);
+ struct svg_element *parent = svg_element_this_or_null(svg);
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ ASSERT(parent->type == XML_NODE_ELEM);
+ parent->flags |= SVG_EF_HAS_CHILDREN;
+ if (!(parent->flags & SVG_EF_START_TAG))
+ svg_start_tag(svg, parent);
+ }
+ mp_push(svg->pool);
+ struct svg_element *e = mp_alloc(svg->pool, sizeof(*e));
+ e->type = type;
+ e->flags = 0;
+ e->name = NULL;
+ clist_init(&e->attrs);
+ *GARY_PUSH(svg->stack) = e;
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ if (parent->indent < 0 || (parent->flags & SVG_EF_FLAT))
+ e->indent = -1;
+ else
+ e->indent = parent->indent + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ e->indent = 0;
+ return e;
+struct svg_element *svg_push_element(struct svg *svg, const char *name)
+ struct svg_element *e = svg_push_internal(svg, XML_NODE_ELEM);
+ e->name = mp_strdup(svg->pool, name);
+ return e;
+struct svg_element *svg_push_chars(struct svg *svg)
+ return svg_push_internal(svg, XML_NODE_CHARS);
+struct svg_element *svg_push_comment(struct svg *svg)
+ return svg_push_internal(svg, XML_NODE_COMMENT);
+void svg_pop(struct svg *svg)
+ struct svg_element *e = svg_element_this(svg);
+ ASSERT(!svg->str_fb);
+ switch (e->type)
+ {
+ if (!(e->flags & SVG_EF_START_TAG))
+ {
+ // Will recognize that the element has no children and an auto-closing tag
+ svg_start_tag(svg, e);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ svg_indent_start(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_CLOSE);
+ bprintf(svg->fb, "</%s>", e->name);
+ svg_indent_end(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_CLOSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ ASSERT(e->name);
+ svg_indent_start(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_OPEN);
+ svg_escape_string(svg, e->name);
+ svg_indent_end(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_CLOSE);
+ break;
+ ASSERT(e->name);
+ svg_indent_start(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_OPEN);
+ bputs(svg->fb, "<!-- ");
+ bputs(svg->fb, e->name);
+ bputs(svg->fb, " -->");
+ svg_indent_end(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_CLOSE);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ mp_pop(svg->pool);
+ GARY_POP(svg->stack);
+static void svg_escape_string(struct svg *svg, const char *str)
+ for (const char *c = str; *c; c++)
+ switch (*c)
+ {
+ case '"':
+ bputs(svg->fb, """);
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ bputs(svg->fb, "'");
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ bputs(svg->fb, "<");
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ bputs(svg->fb, ">");
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ bputs(svg->fb, "&");
+ break;
+ default:
+ bputc(svg->fb, *c);
+ }
+static void svg_start_tag(struct svg *svg, struct svg_element *e)
+ ASSERT(!(e->flags & SVG_EF_START_TAG));
+ e->flags |= SVG_EF_START_TAG;
+ svg_indent_start(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_OPEN);
+ bputc(svg->fb, '<');
+ bputs(svg->fb, e->name);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct svg_attr *, a, e->attrs)
+ {
+ bputc(svg->fb, ' ');
+ bputs(svg->fb, a->key);
+ bputs(svg->fb, "=\"");
+ svg_escape_string(svg, a->val);
+ bputc(svg->fb, '"');
+ }
+ if (e->flags & SVG_EF_HAS_CHILDREN)
+ {
+ bputc(svg->fb, '>');
+ svg_indent_end(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_OPEN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bputs(svg->fb, " />");
+ svg_indent_end(svg, e, SVG_INDENT_CLOSE);
+ }
+void svg_set_attr_ref(struct svg *svg, const char *key, const char *val)
+ struct svg_element *e = svg_element_this(svg);
+ ASSERT(e->type == XML_NODE_ELEM);
+ ASSERT(!(e->flags & SVG_EF_START_TAG));
+ ASSERT(!svg->str_fb);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct svg_attr *, a, e->attrs)
+ if (!strcmp(a->key, key))
+ {
+ a->val = val;
+ return;
+ }
+ struct svg_attr *a = mp_alloc(svg->pool, sizeof(*a));
+ a->key = mp_strdup(svg->pool, key);
+ a->val = val;
+ clist_add_tail(&e->attrs, &a->n);
+void svg_set_attr(struct svg *svg, const char *key, const char *val)
+ svg_set_attr_ref(svg, key, mp_strdup(svg->pool, val));
+void svg_set_attr_int(struct svg *svg, const char *key, int val)
+ svg_set_attr_ref(svg, key, mp_printf(svg->pool, "%d", val));
+void svg_set_attr_float(struct svg *svg, const char *key, double val)
+ svg_set_attr_ref(svg, key, mp_printf(svg->pool, "%.6g", val));
+void svg_set_attr_dimen(struct svg *svg, const char *key, double val)
+ svg_set_attr_ref(svg, key, mp_printf(svg->pool, "%.6g", val * svg->scale));
+void svg_set_attr_color(struct svg *svg, const char *key, color_t color)
+ svg_set_attr_ref(svg, key, mp_printf(svg->pool, "#%06x", color));
+void svg_set_attr_format(struct svg *svg, const char *key, const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ svg_set_attr_ref(svg, key, mp_vprintf(svg->pool, fmt, args));
+ va_end(args);
+struct fastbuf *svg_fb_open(struct svg *svg)
+ ASSERT(!svg->str_fb);
+ fbpool_start(svg->fb_pool, svg->pool, 0);
+ svg->str_fb = (struct fastbuf *) svg->fb_pool;
+ return svg->str_fb;
+const char *svg_fb_close(struct svg *svg)
+ ASSERT(svg->str_fb);
+ bputc(svg->str_fb, 0);
+ const char *str = fbpool_end(svg->fb_pool);
+ svg->str_fb = NULL;
+ return str;
+void svg_fb_close_as_attr(struct svg *svg, const char *key)
+ const char *val = svg_fb_close(svg);
+ svg_set_attr_ref(svg, key, val);
+struct svg_element *svg_push_path(struct svg *svg)
+ struct svg_element *e = svg_push_element(svg, "path");
+ svg_fb_open(svg);
+ // Construct the path, then call svg_path_end() and finally svg_pop()
+ // CAVEAT: Do not set attributes before calling svg_path_end()
+ return e;
+void svg_path_end(struct svg *svg)
+ svg_fb_close_as_attr(svg, "d");
+static void svg_path_printf(struct svg *svg, const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ if (btell(svg->str_fb))
+ bputc(svg->str_fb, ' ');
+ vbprintf(svg->str_fb, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+void svg_path_move_to(struct svg *svg, double x, double y)
+ svg_path_printf(svg, "M %.6g %.6g", x * svg->scale, y * svg->scale);
+void svg_path_move_to_rel(struct svg *svg, double x, double y)
+ svg_path_printf(svg, "m %.6g %.6g", x * svg->scale, y * svg->scale);
+void svg_path_line_to(struct svg *svg, double x, double y)
+ svg_path_printf(svg, "L %.6g %.6g", x * svg->scale, y * svg->scale);
+void svg_path_line_to_rel(struct svg *svg, double x, double y)
+ svg_path_printf(svg, "l %.6g %.6g", x * svg->scale, y * svg->scale);
+void svg_path_close(struct svg *svg)
+ svg_path_printf(svg, "Z");
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- SVG Output
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#ifndef _BRUM_SVG_H
+#define _BRUM_SVG_H
+// FIXME: Passing SVG pointers everywhere is ugly, using global context less so.
+struct svg {
+ struct fastbuf *fb;
+ struct svg_element **stack;
+ struct mempool *pool;
+ struct fbpool *fb_pool;
+ struct fastbuf *str_fb; // fb_pool cast to the right type
+ double scale; // 1mm is converted to this many px
+ uns icon_counter;
+ struct icon_table *icon_hash;
+ uns pattern_counter;
+struct svg_element {
+ byte type; // XML_NODE_xxx
+ byte flags; // SVG_EF_xxx
+ byte rfu[2];
+ int indent; // -1 = inline
+ const char *name;
+ clist attrs;
+struct svg_attr {
+ cnode n;
+ const char *key, *val;
+enum svg_element_flags {
+ SVG_EF_FLAT = 1,
+ SVG_EF_START_TAG = 2, // Internal: start tag has been already printed
+struct svg *svg_open(char *filename);
+void svg_close(struct svg *svg);
+struct svg_element *svg_push_element(struct svg *svg, const char *name);
+struct svg_element *svg_push_chars(struct svg *svg);
+struct svg_element *svg_push_comment(struct svg *svg);
+void svg_pop(struct svg *svg);
+void svg_set_attr(struct svg *svg, const char *key, const char *val);
+void svg_set_attr_ref(struct svg *svg, const char *key, const char *val);
+void svg_set_attr_int(struct svg *svg, const char *key, int val);
+void svg_set_attr_float(struct svg *svg, const char *key, double val);
+void svg_set_attr_dimen(struct svg *svg, const char *key, double val);
+void svg_set_attr_color(struct svg *svg, const char *key, color_t color);
+void svg_set_attr_format(struct svg *svg, const char *key, const char *fmt, ...) FORMAT_CHECK(printf,3,4);
+struct fastbuf *svg_fb_open(struct svg *svg);
+const char *svg_fb_close(struct svg *svg);
+void svg_fb_close_as_attr(struct svg *svg, const char *key);
+struct svg_element *svg_push_path(struct svg *svg);
+void svg_path_end(struct svg *svg);
+void svg_path_move_to(struct svg *svg, double x, double y);
+void svg_path_move_to_rel(struct svg *svg, double x, double y);
+void svg_path_line_to(struct svg *svg, double x, double y);
+void svg_path_line_to_rel(struct svg *svg, double x, double y);
+void svg_path_close(struct svg *svg);
+/* svg-icon.c */
+struct svg_icon {
+ uns id;
+ double width, height;
+ struct xml_context *ctx;
+ struct xml_node *root;
+ clist patterns;
+ char name[1];
+struct svg_icon *svg_icon_load(struct svg *svg, const char *name);
+void svg_icon_dump_library(struct svg *svg);
+void svg_icon_init(struct svg *svg); // Called from svg_open()
+void svg_icon_cleanup(struct svg *svg); // Called from svg_close()
+struct svg_icon_request {
+ struct svg_icon *icon;
+ double x, y;
+ double width, height;
+void svg_icon_put(struct svg *svg, struct svg_icon_request *sir);
+struct svg_pattern_request {
+ struct svg_icon *icon;
+ double width, height;
+struct svg_pattern {
+ cnode n;
+ uns id;
+ struct svg_icon *icon;
+ double width, height;
+ char *paint_server;
+struct svg_pattern *svg_icon_to_pattern(struct svg *svg, struct svg_pattern_request *spr);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Line and Area Symbolizer
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/fastbuf.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "sym.h"
+static void sym_line_attrs(struct sym_line *l, struct svg *svg)
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "fill", "none");
+ svg_set_attr_color(svg, "stroke", l->color);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "stroke-width", l->width);
+ if (l->opacity != 1)
+ svg_set_attr_float(svg, "stroke-opacity", l->opacity);
+ switch (l->line_cap)
+ {
+ case VALUE_NONE:
+ // This is the default (butt)
+ break;
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "stroke-linecap", osm_val_decode(l->line_cap));
+ break;
+ default:
+ osm_obj_warn(l->s.o, "Unknown stroke-linecap: %s", osm_val_decode(l->line_cap));
+ }
+ switch (l->line_join)
+ {
+ // This is the default
+ if (l->miter_limit != 4)
+ svg_set_attr_float(svg, "stroke-miterlimit", l->miter_limit);
+ break;
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "stroke-linejoin", osm_val_decode(l->line_join));
+ break;
+ default:
+ osm_obj_warn(l->s.o, "Unknown stroke-linejoin: %s", osm_val_decode(l->line_join));
+ }
+ if (l->dash_pattern)
+ {
+ struct fastbuf *fb = svg_fb_open(svg);
+ for (uns i=0; i < GARY_SIZE(l->dash_pattern); i++)
+ {
+ if (i)
+ bputc(fb, ',');
+ // FIXME: This is dimension-sensitive
+ // FIXME: Also, inkscape doesn't handle units in dash lengths
+ bprintf(fb, "%.6g", l->dash_pattern[i]);
+ }
+ svg_fb_close_as_attr(svg, "stroke-dasharray");
+ if (l->dash_offset)
+ svg_set_attr_float(svg, "stroke-dashoffset", l->dash_offset);
+ }
+static void append_node_list(struct svg *svg, clist *list)
+ struct osm_node *first = NULL;
+ OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(struct osm_node *, n, *list)
+ {
+ if (!first)
+ {
+ first = n;
+ svg_path_move_to(svg, n->x, n->y);
+ }
+ else if (n == first)
+ svg_path_close(svg);
+ else
+ svg_path_line_to(svg, n->x, n->y);
+ }
+static void make_path(struct osm_object *o, struct svg *svg)
+ svg_push_path(svg);
+ switch (o->type)
+ {
+ case OSM_TYPE_WAY:
+ {
+ struct osm_way *w = (struct osm_way *) o;
+ append_node_list(svg, &w->nodes);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ struct osm_multipolygon *m = (struct osm_multipolygon *) o;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_mpg_boundary *, b, m->boundaries)
+ append_node_list(svg, &b->nodes);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ svg_path_end(svg);
+static void sym_line_draw(struct symbol *sym, struct svg *svg)
+ struct sym_line *l = (struct sym_line *) sym;
+ make_path(sym->o, svg);
+ sym_line_attrs(l, svg);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+static void sym_line_gen(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, struct svg *svg UNUSED)
+ if (o->type != OSM_TYPE_WAY && o->type != OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON)
+ return;
+ struct sym_line *main_sl = NULL;
+ // Line and its casing are two similar objects
+ for (uns casing=0; casing<2; casing++)
+ {
+ double w;
+ if (!style_get_number(si, PROP_WIDTH + casing, &w))
+ continue;
+ struct sym_line *sl = sym_line_new(o);
+ sl->width = w;
+ if (casing)
+ {
+ if (!main_sl)
+ {
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Casing around no line");
+ continue;
+ }
+ sl->width += main_sl->width;
+ }
+ else
+ main_sl = sl;
+ sl->color = 0x808080;
+ style_get_color(si, PROP_FILL_COLOR, &sl->color);
+ style_get_color(si, PROP_COLOR + casing, &sl->color);
+ sl->opacity = 1;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_OPACITY + casing, &sl->opacity);
+ sl->line_cap = style_get_ident(si, PROP_LINECAP + casing) ? : VALUE_NONE;
+ sl->line_join = style_get_ident(si, PROP_LINEJOIN + casing) ? : VALUE_ROUND;
+ sl->miter_limit = 10;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_MITERLIMIT + casing, &sl->miter_limit);
+ struct style_prop *dashes = style_get(si, PROP_DASHES + casing);
+ if (!dashes || dashes->type == PROP_TYPE_IDENT && dashes->val.id == VALUE_NONE)
+ ;
+ else if (dashes->type == PROP_TYPE_LIST)
+ {
+ GARY_INIT_ALLOC(sl->dash_pattern, 0, mp_get_allocator(sym_mp));
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct style_val_list_entry *, e, *dashes->val.list)
+ {
+ if (e->val.type == PROP_TYPE_NUMBER)
+ *GARY_PUSH(sl->dash_pattern) = e->val.val.number;
+ else
+ {
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Invalid dash pattern");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_DASHES_OFFSET + casing, &sl->dash_offset);
+ }
+ else
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Invalid dash pattern");
+ sym_plan(&sl->s, sym_zindex(o, si, casing ? 2 : 3));
+ }
+struct symbolizer symbolizer_line = {
+ .name = "line",
+ .draw = sym_line_draw,
+ .gen = sym_line_gen,
+struct sym_line *sym_line_new(struct osm_object *o)
+ return sym_new(SYMBOLIZER_LINE, o, sizeof(struct sym_line));
+/*** Images along line ***/
+static void lineimg_node_list(struct sym_lineimg *sli, clist *nodes, struct svg *svg)
+ double phase = sli->phase;
+ double step = sli->sir.width + sli->spacing;
+ struct osm_node *prev = NULL;
+ OSM_FOR_EACH_BEGIN(struct osm_node *, n, *nodes)
+ {
+ if (prev)
+ {
+ double dx = n->x - prev->x;
+ double dy = n->y - prev->y;
+ double len = hypot(dx, dy);
+ double dist = 0;
+ while (len - dist > 1e-10)
+ {
+ // FIXME: Rotate images along the path?
+ double next = MIN(len - dist, step - phase);
+ dist += next;
+ phase += next;
+ if (step - phase < 1e-10)
+ {
+ struct svg_icon_request sir = sli->sir;
+ sir.x = prev->x + dx * dist / len;
+ sir.y = prev->y + dy * dist / len;
+ svg_icon_put(svg, &sir);
+ phase -= step;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prev = n;
+ }
+static void sym_lineimg_draw(struct symbol *sym, struct svg *svg)
+ struct sym_lineimg *li = (struct sym_lineimg *) sym;
+ struct osm_object *o = li->s.o;
+ switch (o->type)
+ {
+ case OSM_TYPE_WAY:
+ {
+ struct osm_way *w = (struct osm_way *) o;
+ lineimg_node_list(li, &w->nodes, svg);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ struct osm_multipolygon *m = (struct osm_multipolygon *) o;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct osm_mpg_boundary *, b, m->boundaries)
+ lineimg_node_list(li, &b->nodes, svg);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+static void sym_lineimg_gen(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, struct svg *svg UNUSED)
+ if (o->type != OSM_TYPE_WAY && o->type != OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON)
+ return;
+ osm_val_t icon_name = style_get_string(si, PROP_REPEAT_IMAGE);
+ if (!icon_name)
+ return;
+ struct sym_lineimg *sli = sym_lineimg_new(o);
+ struct svg_icon *icon = svg_icon_load(svg, osm_val_decode(icon_name));
+ sli->sir.icon = icon;
+ sli->sir.width = icon->width;
+ sli->sir.height = icon->height;
+ style_scale(si, &sli->sir.width, &sli->sir.height, PROP_REPEAT_IMAGE_WIDTH, PROP_REPEAT_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
+ // FIXME: Better handling of defaults in style_get_number()
+#if 0
+ // FIXME: align and offset are not supported yet
+ sli->align = style_get_ident(si, PROP_REPEAT_IMAGE_ALIGN);
+ sli->offset = 0;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_REPEAT_IMAGE_OFFSET, &sli->offset);
+ sli->spacing = 0;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_REPEAT_IMAGE_SPACING, &sli->spacing);
+ sli->phase = 0;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_REPEAT_IMAGE_PHASE, &sli->phase);
+ sym_plan(&sli->s, sym_zindex(o, si, 3));
+struct symbolizer symbolizer_lineimg = {
+ .name = "lineimg",
+ .draw = sym_lineimg_draw,
+ .gen = sym_lineimg_gen,
+struct sym_lineimg *sym_lineimg_new(struct osm_object *o)
+ return sym_new(SYMBOLIZER_LINEIMG, o, sizeof(struct sym_lineimg));
+/*** Areas ***/
+static void sym_area_draw(struct symbol *sym, struct svg *svg)
+ struct sym_area *a = (struct sym_area *) sym;
+ for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
+ {
+ if (!i)
+ {
+ if (a->fill_color == COLOR_NONE)
+ continue;
+ make_path(sym->o, svg);
+ svg_set_attr_color(svg, "fill", a->fill_color);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!a->fill_pattern)
+ continue;
+ make_path(sym->o, svg);
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "fill", a->fill_pattern->paint_server);
+ }
+ if (a->fill_opacity != 1)
+ svg_set_attr_float(svg, "opacity", a->fill_opacity);
+ if (sym->o->type == OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON)
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "fill-rule", "evenodd");
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ }
+static void sym_area_gen(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, struct svg *svg UNUSED)
+ if (!(o->type == OSM_TYPE_WAY && osm_way_cyclic_p((struct osm_way *) o) ||
+ return;
+ color_t color;
+ if (!style_get_color(si, PROP_FILL_COLOR, &color))
+ color = COLOR_NONE;
+ osm_val_t pattern = style_get_string(si, PROP_FILL_PATTERN);
+ struct svg_pattern *patt = NULL;
+ if (pattern)
+ {
+ struct svg_icon *icon = svg_icon_load(svg, osm_val_decode(pattern));
+ struct svg_pattern_request spr = {
+ .icon = icon,
+ .width = icon->width,
+ .height = icon->height
+ };
+ style_scale(si, &spr.width, &spr.height, PROP_FILL_PATTERN_WIDTH, PROP_FILL_PATTERN_HEIGHT);
+ patt = svg_icon_to_pattern(svg, &spr);
+ }
+ if (color == COLOR_NONE && !patt)
+ return;
+ struct sym_area *sa = sym_area_new(o);
+ sa->fill_color = color;
+ sa->fill_pattern = patt;
+ sa->fill_opacity = 1;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_FILL_OPACITY, &sa->fill_opacity);
+ sym_plan(&sa->s, sym_zindex(o, si, 1));
+struct symbolizer symbolizer_area = {
+ .name = "area",
+ .draw = sym_area_draw,
+ .gen = sym_area_gen,
+struct sym_area *sym_area_new(struct osm_object *o)
+ return sym_new(SYMBOLIZER_AREA, o, sizeof(struct sym_area));
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Point and Icon Symbolizer
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "sym.h"
+#include "svg.h"
+static void sym_point_draw(struct symbol *sym, struct svg *svg)
+ struct sym_point *p = (struct sym_point *) sym;
+ struct osm_object *o = sym->o;
+ struct osm_node *n = (struct osm_node *) o;
+ if (o->type != OSM_TYPE_NODE)
+ {
+ msg(L_ERROR, "Point symbolizer works only on nodes. It's a bug, isn't it?");
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (p->shape)
+ {
+ svg_push_element(svg, "circle");
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "cx", n->x);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "cy", n->y);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "r", p->size / 2);
+ break;
+ // FIXME: Other shapes
+ default:
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Unknown symbol-shape %s", osm_val_decode(p->shape));
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIMXE: Use COLOR_NONE instead of do_stroke and do_fill
+ if (p->do_stroke)
+ {
+ svg_set_attr_color(svg, "stroke", p->stroke_color);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "stroke-width", p->stroke_width);
+ if (p->stroke_opacity != 1)
+ svg_set_attr_float(svg, "stroke-opacity", p->stroke_opacity);
+ }
+ if (p->do_fill)
+ {
+ svg_set_attr_color(svg, "fill", p->fill_color);
+ if (p->fill_opacity != 1)
+ svg_set_attr_float(svg, "fill-opacity", p->fill_opacity);
+ }
+ else
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "fill", "none");
+ svg_pop(svg);
+static void sym_point_gen(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, struct svg *svg UNUSED)
+ if (o->type != OSM_TYPE_NODE)
+ return;
+ osm_val_t shape = style_get_ident(si, PROP_SYMBOL_SHAPE);
+ if (!shape)
+ return;
+ struct sym_point *sp = sym_point_new(o);
+ sp->shape = shape;
+ sp->size = 1;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_SYMBOL_SIZE, &sp->size);
+ sp->stroke_width = 0.1;
+ sp->stroke_color = 0xffc800;
+ sp->stroke_opacity = 1;
+ if (style_get_color(si, PROP_SYMBOL_STROKE_COLOR, &sp->stroke_color) |
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_SYMBOL_STROKE_WIDTH, &sp->stroke_width))
+ {
+ sp->do_stroke = 1;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_SYMBOL_STROKE_OPACITY, &sp->stroke_opacity);
+ }
+ sp->fill_color = 0x0000ff;
+ sp->fill_opacity = 1;
+ if (style_get_color(si, PROP_SYMBOL_FILL_COLOR, &sp->fill_color) || !sp->do_stroke)
+ {
+ sp->do_fill = 1;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_SYMBOL_FILL_OPACITY, &sp->fill_opacity);
+ }
+ sym_plan(&sp->s, sym_zindex(o, si, 4));
+struct symbolizer symbolizer_point = {
+ .name = "point",
+ .draw = sym_point_draw,
+ .gen = sym_point_gen,
+struct sym_point *sym_point_new(struct osm_object *o)
+ return sym_new(SYMBOLIZER_POINT, o, sizeof(struct sym_point));
+/*** Icons ***/
+static void sym_icon_draw(struct symbol *sym, struct svg *svg)
+ struct sym_icon *i = (struct sym_icon *) sym;
+ svg_icon_put(svg, &i->sir);
+static void sym_icon_gen(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, struct svg *svg)
+ if (o->type != OSM_TYPE_NODE && o->type != OSM_TYPE_WAY && o->type != OSM_TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON)
+ return;
+ osm_val_t image = style_get_string(si, PROP_ICON_IMAGE);
+ if (!image)
+ return;
+ struct sym_icon *sic = sym_icon_new(o);
+ struct svg_icon *icon = svg_icon_load(svg, osm_val_decode(image));
+ struct svg_icon_request *sir = &sic->sir;
+ sir->icon = icon;
+ if (!osm_obj_center(o, &sir->x, &sir->y))
+ return;
+ sir->width = icon->width;
+ sir->height = icon->height;
+ style_scale(si, &sir->width, &sir->height, PROP_ICON_WIDTH, PROP_ICON_HEIGHT);
+ // FIXME
+ // sir->opacity = 1;
+ // style_get_number(si, PROP_ICON_OPACITY, &sir->opacity);
+ sym_plan(&sic->s, sym_zindex(o, si, 4));
+struct symbolizer symbolizer_icon = {
+ .name = "icon",
+ .draw = sym_icon_draw,
+ .gen = sym_icon_gen,
+struct sym_icon *sym_icon_new(struct osm_object *o)
+ return sym_new(SYMBOLIZER_ICON, o, sizeof(struct sym_icon));
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Text Symbolizer
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/stkstring.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+#include <pango/pangoft2.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "sym.h"
+#include "map.h"
+/*** Fonts ***/
+struct text_font {
+ const char *family;
+ double size;
+ osm_val_t weight;
+ osm_val_t style;
+ PangoFontDescription *pango_font_desc;
+ char key[1];
+#define HASH_NODE struct text_font
+#define HASH_PREFIX(x) text_font_##x
+#define HASH_USE_POOL sym_mp
+#include <ucw/hashtable.h>
+static PangoFontMap *pango_font_map;
+static PangoContext *pango_context;
+static double pt_to_mm(double pt)
+ return pt / 72 * 25.4;
+static double mm_to_pt(double mm)
+ return mm / 25.4 * 72;
+static double pango_to_mm(double pango)
+ return pt_to_mm(pango / PANGO_SCALE);
+static double mm_to_pango(double mm)
+ return mm_to_pt(mm) * PANGO_SCALE;
+ * Pango tries to do pixel-based optimizations in low resolutions.
+ * Work around it by scaling everything up.
+ */
+#define FONT_HACK_FACTOR 30
+static struct text_font *font_get(struct text_font *req)
+ char *key = stk_printf("%s:%.6g:%u:%u", req->family, req->size, req->weight, req->style);
+ int is_new = 0;
+ struct text_font *font = text_font_lookup(key, &is_new);
+ if (is_new)
+ {
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Loading font %s (size %.6g, weight %s, style %s)", req->family, req->size, osm_val_decode(req->weight), osm_val_decode(req->style));
+ font->family = mp_strdup(sym_mp, req->family);
+ font->size = req->size;
+ font->weight = req->weight;
+ font->style = req->style;
+ PangoFontDescription *desc;
+ desc = pango_font_description_new();
+ ASSERT(desc);
+ pango_font_description_set_family(desc, font->family);
+ if (font->weight != VALUE_NORMAL)
+ pango_font_description_set_weight(desc, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD);
+ if (font->style != VALUE_NORMAL)
+ pango_font_description_set_style(desc, PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC);
+ pango_font_description_set_size(desc, mm_to_pango(font->size));
+ font->pango_font_desc = desc;
+#if 1
+ // FIXME
+ PangoFont *pfont = pango_font_map_load_font(pango_font_map, pango_context, desc);
+ ASSERT(pfont);
+ PangoFontDescription *d2 = pango_font_describe(pfont);
+ ASSERT(d2);
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Font desc: %s", pango_font_description_to_string(d2));
+ PangoFontMetrics *fm = pango_font_get_metrics(pfont, NULL);
+ ASSERT(fm);
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Font metrics: asc=%.6g desc=%.6g", pango_to_mm(pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(fm)), pango_to_mm(pango_font_metrics_get_descent(fm)));
+ }
+ return font;
+static void font_init(void)
+ text_font_init();
+ pango_font_map = pango_ft2_font_map_new();
+ ASSERT(pango_font_map);
+ pango_ft2_font_map_set_resolution((PangoFT2FontMap *) pango_font_map, 72 * FONT_HACK_FACTOR, 72 * FONT_HACK_FACTOR);
+ pango_context = pango_font_map_create_context(PANGO_FONT_MAP(pango_font_map));
+ ASSERT(pango_context);
+static void text_size(struct sym_text *st)
+ PangoLayout *layout = pango_layout_new(pango_context);
+ pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, st->font->pango_font_desc);
+ pango_layout_set_text(layout, osm_val_decode(st->text), -1);
+ pango_layout_context_changed(layout);
+ PangoRectangle ext;
+ pango_layout_get_extents(layout, NULL, &ext);
+ // st->tx = pango_to_mm(ext.x) / FONT_HACK_FACTOR;
+ // st->ty = pango_to_mm(ext.y) / FONT_HACK_FACTOR;
+ st->tw = pango_to_mm(ext.width) / FONT_HACK_FACTOR;
+ st->th = pango_to_mm(pango_layout_get_baseline(layout)) / FONT_HACK_FACTOR;
+ st->td = pango_to_mm(ext.height) / FONT_HACK_FACTOR - st->th;
+ g_object_unref(layout);
+/*** Elimination of duplicate texts ***/
+// FIXME: Get rid of globals
+#define DUP_TILE_SIZE 10
+static int dup_tiles_w, dup_tiles_h;
+static struct sym_text **dup_tiles;
+static void text_dup_init(void)
+ dup_tiles_w = 1 + page_map_width / DUP_TILE_SIZE;
+ dup_tiles_h = 1 + page_map_height / DUP_TILE_SIZE;
+ dup_tiles = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(struct sym_text *) * dup_tiles_w * dup_tiles_h);
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Allocated text tiles: %u x %u", dup_tiles_w, dup_tiles_h);
+static int text_dup_coord(int x, int y)
+ ASSERT(x >= 0 && x < dup_tiles_w && y >= 0 && y < dup_tiles_h);
+ return x + y * dup_tiles_w;
+static double text_quad_dist(struct sym_text *a, struct sym_text *b)
+ double dx = a->x - b->x;
+ double dy = a->y - b->y;
+ return dx*dx + dy*dy;
+static bool text_dup_detect(struct sym_text *t, struct style_info *si)
+ // Out-of-frame texts are dropped immediately
+ double x = t->x - page_offset_x;
+ double y = t->y - page_offset_y;
+ if (x < 0 || x >= page_map_width ||
+ y < 0 || y >= page_map_height)
+ return 0;
+ int tile_x = x / DUP_TILE_SIZE;
+ int tile_y = y / DUP_TILE_SIZE;
+ double radius = 0;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_TEXT_DUP_THRESHOLD, &radius);
+ if (radius)
+ {
+ // A rather simple-minded algorithm, but believed to be efficient enough.
+ int r_tiles = 1 + radius / DUP_TILE_SIZE;
+ int x_start = MAX(0, tile_x - r_tiles);
+ int x_stop = MIN(dup_tiles_w - 1, tile_x + r_tiles);
+ int y_start = MAX(0, tile_y - r_tiles);
+ int y_stop = MIN(dup_tiles_h - 1, tile_y + r_tiles);
+ for (int x = x_start; x <= x_stop; x++)
+ for (int y = y_start; y <= y_stop; y++)
+ {
+ for (struct sym_text *d = dup_tiles[text_dup_coord(x, y)]; d; d = d->next_in_tile)
+ if (d->text == t->text &&
+ text_quad_dist(d, t) <= radius*radius &&
+ d->text_color == t->text_color &&
+ d->font == t->font)
+ {
+ t->next_duplicate = d->next_duplicate;
+ d->next_duplicate = t;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int tile_i = text_dup_coord(tile_x, tile_y);
+ t->next_in_tile = dup_tiles[tile_i];
+ dup_tiles[tile_i] = t;
+ return 1;
+/*** Core of the symbolizer ***/
+static void prepare_text_element(struct sym_text *t, struct svg *svg)
+ struct text_font *font = t->font;
+ svg_push_element(svg, "text");
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "x", t->x);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "y", t->y);
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "font-family", font->family);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "font-size", font->size);
+ if (font->weight != VALUE_NORMAL)
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "font-weight", osm_val_decode(font->weight));
+ if (font->style != VALUE_NORMAL)
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "font-style", osm_val_decode(font->style));
+static void sym_text_draw(struct symbol *sym, struct svg *svg)
+ struct sym_text *t = (struct sym_text *) sym;
+ if (t->next_duplicate)
+ {
+ // If there is a cluster of duplicate texts, average their positions
+ double sx = 0, sy = 0;
+ uns nn = 0;
+ for (struct sym_text *u = t; u; u = u->next_duplicate)
+ {
+ sx += u->x;
+ sy += u->y;
+ nn++;
+ }
+ t->x = sx / nn;
+ t->y = sy / nn;
+ }
+ if (t->opacity != 1)
+ {
+ svg_push_element(svg, "g");
+ svg_set_attr_float(svg, "opacity", t->opacity);
+ }
+ if (t->halo_radius)
+ {
+ prepare_text_element(t, svg);
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "fill", "none");
+ svg_set_attr_color(svg, "stroke", t->halo_color);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "stroke-width", t->halo_radius);
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "stroke-linecap", "round");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
+ if (t->halo_opacity != 1)
+ svg_set_attr_float(svg, "stroke-opacity", t->halo_opacity);
+ svg_push_chars(svg)->name = osm_val_decode(t->text);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ }
+ prepare_text_element(t, svg);
+ svg_set_attr_color(svg, "fill", t->text_color);
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "stroke", "none");
+ svg_push_chars(svg)->name = osm_val_decode(t->text);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+#if 0
+ // Draw bounding box for debugging
+ svg_push_element(svg, "rect");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "fill", "none");
+ svg_set_attr_color(svg, "stroke", 0x0000ff);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "stroke-width", 0.2);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "x", t->x);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "y", t->y - t->th);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "width", t->tw);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "height", t->th + t->td);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ svg_push_element(svg, "line");
+ svg_set_attr(svg, "fill", "none");
+ svg_set_attr_color(svg, "stroke", 0x0000ff);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "stroke-width", 0.2);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "x1", t->x);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "y1", t->y);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "x2", t->x + t->tw);
+ svg_set_attr_dimen(svg, "y2", t->y);
+ svg_pop(svg);
+ if (t->opacity != 1)
+ svg_pop(svg);
+static osm_val_t get_text(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si)
+ struct style_prop *prop = style_get_and_check(si, PROP_TEXT, (1 << PROP_TYPE_STRING) | (1 << PROP_TYPE_IDENT));
+ if (!prop)
+ return 0;
+ if (prop->type == PROP_TYPE_IDENT && prop->val.id == VALUE_AUTO)
+ {
+ static const osm_key_t auto_text_keys[] = {
+ KEY_NAME_CZ, // FIXME: This should be configurable
+ };
+ for (uns i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(auto_text_keys); i++)
+ {
+ osm_val_t val = osm_obj_find_tag(o, auto_text_keys[i]);
+ if (val)
+ return val;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return osm_obj_find_tag(o, osm_key_encode(osm_val_decode(prop->val.id)));
+static void get_text_attrs(struct sym_text *st, struct style_info *si)
+ struct osm_object *o = st->s.o;
+ if (o->type == OSM_TYPE_WAY && osm_way_cyclic_p((struct osm_way *) o))
+ st->text_color = 0xc0c0c0; // FIXME: This is an ugly hack, do we need it?
+ else
+ st->text_color = 0xffffff;
+ style_get_color(si, PROP_TEXT_COLOR, &st->text_color);
+ struct text_font f = {
+ .family = "Helvetica",
+ .size = pt_to_mm(8),
+ };
+ osm_val_t fam = style_get_string(si, PROP_FONT_FAMILY);
+ if (fam)
+ f.family = osm_val_decode(fam);
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_FONT_SIZE, &f.size);
+ f.weight = style_get_ident(si, PROP_FONT_WEIGHT);
+ if (!f.weight)
+ f.weight = VALUE_NORMAL;
+ if (f.weight != VALUE_NORMAL && f.weight != VALUE_BOLD)
+ {
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Unknown font-weight %s", osm_val_decode(f.weight));
+ f.weight = VALUE_NORMAL;
+ }
+ f.style = style_get_ident(si, PROP_FONT_STYLE);
+ if (!f.style)
+ f.style = VALUE_NORMAL;
+ if (f.style != VALUE_NORMAL && f.style != VALUE_ITALIC)
+ {
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Unknown font-style %s", osm_val_decode(f.weight));
+ f.style = VALUE_NORMAL;
+ }
+ st->font = font_get(&f);
+ st->opacity = 1;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_TEXT_OPACITY, &st->opacity);
+ st->halo_color = st->text_color ^ 0xffffff;
+ style_get_color(si, PROP_TEXT_HALO_COLOR, &st->halo_color);
+ st->halo_radius = 0;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_TEXT_HALO_RADIUS, &st->halo_radius);
+ st->halo_opacity = 1;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_TEXT_HALO_OPACITY, &st->halo_opacity);
+ double dx = 0, dy = 0;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_TEXT_OFFSET_X, &dx);
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_TEXT_OFFSET_Y, &dy);
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_TEXT_OFFSET, &dy);
+ st->x += dx;
+ st->y -= dy;
+static void text_fix_placement(struct sym_text *st)
+ // Fix texts which do not fit on the paper
+ st->x = MIN(st->x, page_offset_x + page_map_width - st->tw);
+ st->x = MAX(st->x, page_offset_x);
+ st->y = MIN(st->y, page_offset_y + page_map_height - st->th);
+ st->y = MAX(st->y, page_offset_y + st->td);
+static void sym_text_node(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, osm_val_t text)
+ struct osm_node *n = (struct osm_node *) o;
+ struct sym_text *st = sym_text_new(o);
+ st->text = text;
+ st->x = n->x;
+ st->y = n->y;
+ get_text_attrs(st, si);
+ text_size(st);
+ osm_val_t ah = style_get_ident(si, PROP_TEXT_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL);
+ switch (ah)
+ {
+ case VALUE_LEFT:
+ st->x -= st->tw;
+ break;
+ st->x -= st->tw / 2;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ default:
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Unknown text-anchor-horizontal: %s", osm_val_decode(ah));
+ }
+ osm_val_t av = style_get_ident(si, PROP_TEXT_ANCHOR_VERTICAL);
+ switch (av)
+ {
+ case VALUE_ABOVE: // FIXME: What's the difference between above and top?
+ case VALUE_TOP:
+ st->y -= st->td;
+ break;
+ st->y -= (st->th + st->td) / 2;
+ // Fall thru
+ case 0:
+ st->y += st->th;
+ break;
+ default:
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Unknown text-anchor-vertical: %s", osm_val_decode(av));
+ }
+ text_fix_placement(st);
+ if (!text_dup_detect(st, si))
+ {
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Text <%s> dropped as duplicate", osm_val_decode(text));
+ return;
+ }
+ sym_plan(&st->s, sym_zindex(o, si, 5));
+static void sym_text_center(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, osm_val_t text, double x, double y)
+ struct sym_text *st = sym_text_new(o);
+ st->text = text;
+ st->x = x;
+ st->y = y;
+ get_text_attrs(st, si);
+ text_size(st);
+ st->x -= st->tw / 2;
+ st->y += st->th - (st->th + st->td) / 2;
+ text_fix_placement(st);
+ sym_plan(&st->s, sym_zindex(o, si, 4.9));
+static void sym_text_way(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, osm_val_t text)
+ double x, y;
+ osm_val_t tp = style_get_ident(si, PROP_TEXT_POSITION);
+ switch (tp)
+ {
+ if (osm_obj_center(o, &x, &y))
+ sym_text_center(o, si, text, x, y);
+ break;
+ case VALUE_LINE:
+ // FIXME
+ default:
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Unknown text-position: %s", osm_val_decode(tp));
+ }
+static void sym_text_mpg(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, osm_val_t text)
+ double x, y;
+ osm_val_t tp = style_get_ident(si, PROP_TEXT_POSITION);
+ switch (tp)
+ {
+ if (osm_obj_center(o, &x, &y))
+ sym_text_center(o, si, text, x, y);
+ break;
+ case VALUE_LINE:
+ // FIXME
+ default:
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Unknown text-position: %s", osm_val_decode(tp));
+ }
+static void sym_text_gen(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, struct svg *svg UNUSED)
+ osm_val_t text = get_text(o, si);
+ if (!text)
+ return;
+ switch (o->type)
+ {
+ sym_text_node(o, si, text);
+ break;
+ case OSM_TYPE_WAY:
+ sym_text_way(o, si, text);
+ break;
+ sym_text_mpg(o, si, text);
+ break;
+ default:
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "Text symbolizer does not support this object type");
+ return;
+ }
+static void sym_text_init(void)
+ font_init();
+ text_dup_init();
+struct symbolizer symbolizer_text = {
+ .name = "text",
+ .draw = sym_text_draw,
+ .gen = sym_text_gen,
+ .init = sym_text_init,
+struct sym_text *sym_text_new(struct osm_object *o)
+ return sym_new(SYMBOLIZER_TEXT, o, sizeof(struct sym_text));
+// FIXME: Hack
+void scale_text(struct svg *svg, double x, double y, osm_val_t text)
+ struct sym_text *st = sym_text_new(NULL);
+ struct text_font f = {
+ .family = "Times",
+ .weight = VALUE_NORMAL,
+ .style = VALUE_NORMAL,
+ .size = pt_to_mm(10),
+ };
+ st->text = text;
+ st->text_color = 0;
+ st->x = x;
+ st->y = y;
+ st->font = font_get(&f);
+ st->opacity = 1;
+ st->halo_color = 0xffffff;
+ st->halo_radius = 0.8;
+ st->halo_opacity = 1;
+ text_size(st);
+ st->x -= st->tw / 2;
+ sym_text_draw(&st->s, svg);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Symbols
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/gary.h>
+#include <ucw/mempool.h>
+#include <ucw/stkstring.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "style.h"
+#include "sym.h"
+#undef CLAMP // FIXME: Fix in libucw?
+#define CLAMP(x,min,max) ({ typeof(x) _t=x; (_t < min) ? min : (_t > max) ? max : _t; }) /** Clip a number @x to interval [@min,@max] **/
+static struct symbolizer *symbolizers[] = {
+ [SYMBOLIZER_POINT] = &symbolizer_point,
+ [SYMBOLIZER_ICON] = &symbolizer_icon,
+ [SYMBOLIZER_LINE] = &symbolizer_line,
+ [SYMBOLIZER_AREA] = &symbolizer_area,
+ [SYMBOLIZER_TEXT] = &symbolizer_text,
+ [SYMBOLIZER_LINEIMG] = &symbolizer_lineimg,
+struct mempool *sym_mp;
+struct sym_planned {
+ struct symbol *sym;
+ z_index_t zindex;
+static struct sym_planned *sym_planned;
+static inline bool sym_before(struct sym_planned *x, struct sym_planned *y)
+ COMPARE_LT(x->zindex, y->zindex);
+ COMPARE_LT(x->sym->o->type, y->sym->o->type);
+ COMPARE_LT(x->sym->o->id, y->sym->o->id);
+ return 0;
+#define ASORT_PREFIX(x) sym_##x
+#define ASORT_KEY_TYPE struct sym_planned
+#define ASORT_LT(_x,_y) sym_before(&(_x), &(_y))
+#include <ucw/sorter/array-simple.h>
+void sym_init(void)
+ sym_mp = mp_new(65536);
+ GARY_INIT(sym_planned, 0);
+ for (uns i = SYMBOLIZER_INVALID + 1; i < SYMBOLIZER_MAX; i++)
+ if (symbolizers[i]->init)
+ (*symbolizers[i]->init)();
+void *sym_new(enum symbolizer_type type, struct osm_object *o, size_t size)
+ struct symbol *s = mp_alloc_zero(sym_mp, size);
+ s->type = type;
+ s->o = o;
+ return s;
+void sym_plan(struct symbol *sym, z_index_t zindex)
+ struct sym_planned *p = GARY_PUSH(sym_planned);
+ p->sym = sym;
+ p->zindex = zindex;
+ if (debug_dump_symbols)
+ printf("--> planning symbol <%s> with z-index %u for %s\n",
+ symbolizers[sym->type]->name, zindex, STK_OSM_NAME(sym->o));
+z_index_t sym_zindex(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, double default_mzi)
+ double zi = 0;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_Z_INDEX, &zi);
+ double zi2 = CLAMP(zi, -100, 100);
+ if (zi2 != zi)
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "z-index clipped from %.6g to %.6g", zi, zi2);
+#if 0
+ // FIXME: object-z-index not used yet
+ double ozi = 0;
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_OBJECT_Z_INDEX, &ozi);
+ double ozi2 = CLAMP(ozi, -100, 100);
+ if (ozi2 != ozi)
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "object-z-index clipped from %.6g to %.6g", ozi, ozi2);
+ double mzi = default_mzi;
+ if (mzi == 2)
+ {
+ // FIXME: This is a terrible hack.
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_CASING_MAJOR_Z_INDEX, &mzi);
+ }
+ else if (mzi == 4.9 || mzi == 5)
+ {
+ // FIXME: This is another terrible hack.
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_TEXT_MAJOR_Z_INDEX, &mzi);
+ }
+ else
+ style_get_number(si, PROP_MAJOR_Z_INDEX, &mzi);
+ double mzi2 = CLAMP(mzi, -100, 100);
+ if (mzi2 != mzi)
+ osm_obj_warn(o, "major-z-index clipped from %.6g to %.6g", mzi, mzi2);
+ return (z_index_t)(10000 + (z_index_t)(zi2 * 100) + 10000*( 10000 + (z_index_t)(mzi2 * 100) ));
+void sym_from_style(struct osm_object *o, struct style_results *sr, struct svg *svg)
+ for (uns i=0; i < sr->num_active_layers; i++)
+ {
+ for (uns j = SYMBOLIZER_INVALID + 1; j < SYMBOLIZER_MAX; j++)
+ if (symbolizers[j]->gen)
+ (symbolizers[j]->gen)(o, sr->layers[sr->active_layers[i]], svg);
+ }
+static void sym_draw(struct symbol *sym, z_index_t zindex, struct svg *svg)
+ ASSERT(sym->type && sym->type < SYMBOLIZER_MAX);
+ if (debug_dump_symbols)
+ printf("Drawing symbol <%s> at z-index %u for %s\n", symbolizers[sym->type]->name, zindex, STK_OSM_NAME(sym->o));
+ symbolizers[sym->type]->draw(sym, svg);
+void sym_draw_all(struct svg *svg)
+ msg(L_INFO, "Sorting %u symbols by depth", (uns) GARY_SIZE(sym_planned));
+ sym_sort(sym_planned, GARY_SIZE(sym_planned));
+ msg(L_INFO, "Dumping icon library");
+ svg_icon_dump_library(svg);
+ msg(L_INFO, "Drawing symbols");
+ for (uns i = 0; i < GARY_SIZE(sym_planned); i++)
+ sym_draw(sym_planned[i].sym, sym_planned[i].zindex, svg);
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- Symbolizers
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#ifndef _BRUM_SYM_H
+#define _BRUM_SYM_H
+#include "osm.h"
+#include "style.h"
+#include "svg.h"
+enum symbolizer_type {
+struct symbol {
+ enum symbolizer_type type;
+ struct osm_object *o;
+ // Symbolizer-dependent data follow
+struct symbolizer {
+ const char *name;
+ void (*draw)(struct symbol *sym, struct svg *svg);
+ void (*gen)(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, struct svg *svg);
+ void (*init)(void);
+extern struct mempool *sym_mp;
+ * Default values for major-z-index:
+ *
+ * 1 area
+ * 2 casing
+ * 2.1 left/right casing
+ * 2.9 line pattern
+ * 3 line
+ * 4 point
+ * 4.9 line-text
+ * 5 point-text
+ */
+typedef u32 z_index_t;
+void sym_init(void);
+void *sym_new(enum symbolizer_type type, struct osm_object *o, size_t size);
+void sym_plan(struct symbol *sym, z_index_t zindex);
+void sym_draw_all(struct svg *svg);
+void sym_from_style(struct osm_object *o, struct style_results *sr, struct svg *svg);
+z_index_t sym_zindex(struct osm_object *o, struct style_info *si, double default_mzi);
+/* sym-point.c handles point symbols and icons */
+struct sym_point {
+ struct symbol s;
+ osm_val_t shape;
+ double size;
+ color_t stroke_color;
+ double stroke_width;
+ double stroke_opacity;
+ color_t fill_color;
+ double fill_opacity;
+ bool do_stroke;
+ bool do_fill;
+// FIXME: Make sym_*_new() and symbolizer structs internal
+extern struct symbolizer symbolizer_point;
+struct sym_point *sym_point_new(struct osm_object *o);
+struct sym_icon {
+ struct symbol s;
+ struct svg_icon_request sir;
+extern struct symbolizer symbolizer_icon;
+struct sym_icon *sym_icon_new(struct osm_object *o);
+/* sym-line.c handles lines and areas */
+struct sym_line {
+ struct symbol s;
+ double width;
+ color_t color;
+ double opacity;
+ osm_val_t line_cap;
+ osm_val_t line_join;
+ double miter_limit;
+ double *dash_pattern; // Growing array
+ double dash_offset;
+extern struct symbolizer symbolizer_line;
+struct sym_line *sym_line_new(struct osm_object *o);
+struct sym_area {
+ struct symbol s;
+ color_t fill_color;
+ double fill_opacity;
+ struct svg_pattern *fill_pattern;
+extern struct symbolizer symbolizer_area;
+struct sym_area *sym_area_new(struct osm_object *o);
+struct sym_lineimg { // Images along line
+ struct symbol s;
+ struct svg_icon_request sir;
+ osm_val_t align;
+ double offset;
+ double spacing;
+ double phase;
+extern struct symbolizer symbolizer_lineimg;
+struct sym_lineimg *sym_lineimg_new(struct osm_object *o);
+/* sym-text.c */
+struct sym_text {
+ struct symbol s;
+ osm_val_t text;
+ color_t text_color;
+ double x;
+ double y;
+ struct text_font *font;
+ double opacity;
+ color_t halo_color;
+ double halo_radius;
+ double halo_opacity;
+ struct sym_text *next_in_tile; // See text_by_tile[]
+ struct sym_text *next_duplicate;
+ double tw, th, td;
+extern struct symbolizer symbolizer_text;
+struct sym_text *sym_text_new(struct osm_object *o);
+void scale_text(struct svg *svg, double x, double y, osm_val_t text);
--- /dev/null
+./leo -SDebug.DumpSource=1 | sed 's@^[[:space:]]*\(.* = .*\)@\1@p;d' | sort -u
--- /dev/null
+// relation, area way[highway=path][magic?][!troll] { visibility: none; width: 1; }
+// *[water=river] { }
+node[highway=crossing] {
+// symbol-shape: circle;
+// symbol-stroke-width: 1;
+// symbol-stroke-color: #ff0000;
+// symbol-stroke-opacity: 0.5;
+// symbol-fill-color: #00ff00;
+// icon-image: "symbols/mj/view_point.svg";
+// icon-width: 2;
+way[highway] {
+ width: 0.6;
+ color: #fff;
+ linecap: round;
+ casing-width: 1;
+ casing-color: #888;
+ casing-linecap: round;
+ z-index: 1;
+way[highway=track], way[highway=footway] {
+ casing-width: 0;
+ width: 0.3;
+ color: #888;
+ z-index: 0;
+area {
+ fill-color: #cfc;
+ width: 0.2;
+ color: #080;
+area[natural=water] {
+ fill-color: #77f;
+ color: #00f;
+ width: 0.2;
+ z-index: 3;
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 1;
+ text-color: #000000;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-position: center;
+ font-family: Times;
+ font-size: 3;
+ font-style: italic;
+node[highway=bus_stop] {
+ text: name;
+ text-halo-radius: 1;
+ text-color: #000000;
+ text-halo-color: #ffffff;
+ text-halo-opacity: 0.8;
+ text-dup-threshold: 20;
+ text-anchor-horizontal: center;
+ text-anchor-vertical: center;
+ font-family: Times;
+ font-size: 3;
+ font-style: italic;
+// icon-image: "symbols/mj/view_point.svg";
+// icon-width: 2;
+ symbol-shape: circle;
+ symbol-fill-color: #ff00ff;
--- /dev/null
+ * Hic Est Leo -- OSM XML Parser
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/fastbuf.h>
+#include <xml/xml.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "leo.h"
+#include "osm.h"
+static void parse_tag(struct xml_context *ctx, struct osm_object *o, struct xml_node *t)
+ char *tag_k = xml_attr_value(ctx, t, "k");
+ char *tag_v = xml_attr_value(ctx, t, "v");
+ if (!tag_k || !tag_v)
+ die("Object %ju has malformed tag", (uintmax_t) o->id);
+ osm_obj_add_tag(o, tag_k, tag_v);
+static void parse_node(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *e)
+ char *attr_id = xml_attr_value(ctx, e, "id");
+ if (!attr_id)
+ die("Node with no id");
+ char *attr_vis = xml_attr_value(ctx, e, "visible");
+ if (attr_vis && strcmp(attr_vis, "true"))
+ {
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Node %s invisible", attr_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ char *attr_lat = xml_attr_value(ctx, e, "lat");
+ char *attr_lon = xml_attr_value(ctx, e, "lon");
+ if (!attr_lat || !attr_lon)
+ die("Node %s has mandatory attributes missing", attr_id);
+ struct osm_node *n = osm_node_new(osm_parse_id(attr_id));
+ n->x = atof(attr_lon);
+ n->y = atof(attr_lat);
+ if (t->type == XML_NODE_ELEM && !strcmp(t->name, "tag"))
+ parse_tag(ctx, &n->o, t);
+static void parse_way(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *e)
+ char *attr_id = xml_attr_value(ctx, e, "id");
+ if (!attr_id)
+ die("Way with no id");
+ char *attr_vis = xml_attr_value(ctx, e, "visible");
+ if (attr_vis && strcmp(attr_vis, "true"))
+ {
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Way %s invisible", attr_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct osm_way *w = osm_way_new(osm_parse_id(attr_id));
+ if (t->type == XML_NODE_ELEM)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(t->name, "tag"))
+ parse_tag(ctx, &w->o, t);
+ else if (!strcmp(t->name, "nd"))
+ {
+ char *nd_ref = xml_attr_value(ctx, t, "ref");
+ if (!nd_ref)
+ die("Way %s has malformed ref", attr_id);
+ struct osm_object *o = osm_obj_find_by_id(OSM_TYPE_NODE, osm_parse_id(nd_ref));
+ if (!o)
+ die("Way %ju refers to unknown node %s", (uintmax_t) w->o.id, nd_ref);
+ osm_way_add_node(w, (struct osm_node *) o);
+ }
+ }
+static void parse_relation(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *e)
+ char *attr_id = xml_attr_value(ctx, e, "id");
+ if (!attr_id)
+ die("Relation with no id");
+ char *attr_vis = xml_attr_value(ctx, e, "visible");
+ if (attr_vis && strcmp(attr_vis, "true"))
+ {
+ msg(L_DEBUG, "Relation %s invisible", attr_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct osm_relation *r = osm_relation_new(osm_parse_id(attr_id));
+ if (t->type == XML_NODE_ELEM)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(t->name, "tag"))
+ parse_tag(ctx, &r->o, t);
+ else if (!strcmp(t->name, "member"))
+ {
+ char *m_role = xml_attr_value(ctx, t, "role");
+ char *m_ref = xml_attr_value(ctx, t, "ref");
+ char *m_type = xml_attr_value(ctx, t, "type");
+ if (!m_role || !m_ref || !m_type)
+ die("Relation %ju has malformed member", (uintmax_t) r->o.id);
+ osm_id_t ref = osm_parse_id(m_ref);
+ enum osm_object_type type;
+ if (!strcmp(m_type, "node"))
+ type = OSM_TYPE_NODE;
+ else if (!strcmp(m_type, "way"))
+ type = OSM_TYPE_WAY;
+ else if (!strcmp(m_type, "relation"))
+ {
+ // Since the order of objects is topological, we need not worry about cycles
+ // msg(L_DEBUG, "Relation inside relation (%ju inside %ju)", (uintmax_t) o->id, (uintmax_t) r->o.id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg(L_WARN, "Relation %ju refers to member %ju of unknown type %s", (uintmax_t) r->o.id, (uintmax_t) ref, m_type);
+ continue;
+ }
+ struct osm_object *o = osm_obj_find_by_id(type, ref);
+ if (!o)
+ {
+ // This is a standard situation, so warn only when debugging
+ // msg(L_WARN, "Relation %ju refers to unknown member node %s", (uintmax_t) ref, m_ref);
+ continue;
+ }
+ osm_relation_add_member(r, o, m_role);
+ }
+ }
+static void h_error(struct xml_context *ctx)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s at %u: %s\n", (ctx->err_code < XML_ERR_ERROR) ? "warn" : "error", xml_row(ctx), ctx->err_msg);
+#if 0
+static void h_stag(struct xml_context *ctx)
+ printf("STAG %s\n", ctx->node->name);
+ if (!strcmp(ctx->node->name, "node"))
+ {
+ ctx->flags &= ~XML_REPORT_TAGS;
+ ctx->flags |= XML_ALLOC_ALL;
+ }
+static void h_etag(struct xml_context *ctx)
+ printf("ETAG %s\n", ctx->node->name);
+void osm_xml_parse(const char *name)
+ msg(L_INFO, "Loading %s", name);
+ struct xml_context ctx;
+ xml_init(&ctx);
+ ctx.h_warn = ctx.h_error = ctx.h_fatal = h_error;
+ xml_push_fastbuf(&ctx, bopen_file(name, O_RDONLY, NULL));
+#if 0
+ ctx.flags |= XML_REPORT_TAGS;
+ ctx.h_stag = h_stag;
+ ctx.h_etag = h_etag;
+ xml_parse(&ctx);
+#if 0
+ uns state;
+ while (state = xml_next(&ctx))
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ printf("STAG %s\n", ctx.node->name);
+ if (!strcmp(ctx.node->name, "node"))
+ {
+ ctx.pull = XML_PULL_ETAG;
+ }
+ break;
+ printf("ETAG %s\n", ctx.node->name);
+ if (!strcmp(ctx.node->name, "node"))
+ {
+ ctx.flags &= ~(XML_ALLOC_CHARS | XML_ALLOC_TAGS);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ctx.flags |= XML_ALLOC_ALL;
+ xml_parse(&ctx);
+ if (ctx.err_code)
+ die("Fatal error in XML parser");
+ struct xml_node *root = ctx.dom;
+ ASSERT(root);
+ XML_NODE_FOR_EACH(e, root)
+ if (e->type == XML_NODE_ELEM)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(e->name, "node"))
+ parse_node(&ctx, e);
+ else if (!strcmp(e->name, "way"))
+ parse_way(&ctx, e);
+ else if (!strcmp(e->name, "relation"))
+ parse_relation(&ctx, e);
+ }
+ xml_cleanup(&ctx);