--- /dev/null
+ * Glue between PulseAudio and LibUCW Mainloop
+ *
+ * (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ */
+#include <ucw/lib.h>
+#include <ucw/clists.h>
+#include <ucw/mainloop.h>
+#include <sys/poll.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <pulse/pulseaudio.h>
+#include "ursaryd.h"
+struct pmain_io {
+ cnode n;
+ struct main_file f;
+ clist io_events;
+static clist pmain_io_list;
+struct pa_io_event {
+ cnode n;
+ cnode gc_n;
+ struct pmain_io *io;
+ pa_io_event_flags_t events;
+ pa_io_event_cb_t callback;
+ pa_io_event_destroy_cb_t destroy_callback;
+ void *userdata;
+static clist pmain_io_gc_list;
+static pa_io_event *pmain_io_new(pa_mainloop_api *api, int fd, pa_io_event_flags_t events, pa_io_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
+static void pmain_io_enable(pa_io_event *e, pa_io_event_flags_t events);
+static void pmain_io_free(pa_io_event *e);
+static void pmain_io_set_destroy(pa_io_event *e, pa_io_event_destroy_cb_t cb);
+struct pa_time_event {
+ cnode n;
+ struct main_timer t;
+ pa_time_event_cb_t callback;
+ pa_time_event_destroy_cb_t destroy_callback;
+ void *userdata;
+ struct timeval tv;
+static clist pmain_time_gc_list;
+static pa_time_event *pmain_time_new(pa_mainloop_api *api, const struct timeval *tv, pa_time_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
+static void pmain_time_restart(pa_time_event *e, const struct timeval *tv);
+static void pmain_time_free(pa_time_event *e);
+static void pmain_time_set_destroy(pa_time_event *e, pa_time_event_destroy_cb_t cb);
+struct pa_defer_event {
+ cnode n;
+ struct main_hook h;
+ pa_defer_event_cb_t callback;
+ pa_defer_event_destroy_cb_t destroy_callback;
+ void *userdata;
+static clist pmain_defer_gc_list;
+static pa_defer_event *pmain_defer_new(pa_mainloop_api *api, pa_defer_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
+static void pmain_defer_enable(pa_defer_event *e, int b);
+static void pmain_defer_free(pa_defer_event *e);
+static void pmain_defer_set_destroy(pa_defer_event *e, pa_defer_event_destroy_cb_t cb);
+static void pmain_quit(pa_mainloop_api *a, int retval);
+static struct main_hook pmain_gc_hook;
+static void pmain_trigger_gc(void);
+struct pa_mainloop_api pmain_api = {
+ .io_new = pmain_io_new,
+ .io_enable = pmain_io_enable,
+ .io_free = pmain_io_free,
+ .io_set_destroy = pmain_io_set_destroy,
+ .time_new = pmain_time_new,
+ .time_restart = pmain_time_restart,
+ .time_free = pmain_time_free,
+ .time_set_destroy = pmain_time_set_destroy,
+ .defer_new = pmain_defer_new,
+ .defer_enable = pmain_defer_enable,
+ .defer_free = pmain_defer_free,
+ .defer_set_destroy = pmain_defer_set_destroy,
+ .quit = pmain_quit,
+static struct pmain_io *pmain_get_io(int fd)
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct pmain_io *, io, pmain_io_list)
+ if (io->f.fd == fd)
+ {
+ DBG("Pulse: Recycling IO master");
+ return io;
+ }
+ struct pmain_io *io = xmalloc(sizeof(*io));
+ io->f.fd = fd;
+ io->f.data = io;
+ clist_add_tail(&pmain_io_list, &io->n);
+ clist_init(&io->io_events);
+ return io;
+static pa_io_event *pmain_io_new(pa_mainloop_api *api UNUSED, int fd, pa_io_event_flags_t events, pa_io_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
+ struct pa_io_event *e = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(*e));
+ DBG("Pulse: Creating new IO %p for fd %u", e, fd);
+ e->io = pmain_get_io(fd);
+ e->callback = cb;
+ e->userdata = userdata;
+ clist_add_head(&e->io->io_events, &e->n); // Do not call the new IO if created from another IO on the same fd
+ pmain_io_enable(e, events);
+ return e;
+static int pmain_io_read(struct main_file *f)
+ struct pmain_io *io = f->data;
+ DBG("Pulse: fd %d ready for read", io->f.fd);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct pa_io_event *, e, io->io_events)
+ if (e->events & PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT)
+ {
+ DBG("Pulse: Callback on IO %p", e);
+ e->callback(&pmain_api, e, io->f.fd, PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT, e->userdata);
+ }
+ DBG("Pulse: fd %d read done", io->f.fd);
+ return HOOK_IDLE;
+static int pmain_io_write(struct main_file *f)
+ struct pmain_io *io = f->data;
+ DBG("Pulse: fd %d ready for write", io->f.fd);
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct pa_io_event *, e, io->io_events)
+ if (e->events & PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT)
+ {
+ DBG("Pulse: Callback on IO %p", e);
+ e->callback(&pmain_api, e, io->f.fd, PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT, e->userdata);
+ }
+ DBG("Pulse: fd %d write done", io->f.fd);
+ return HOOK_IDLE;
+static void pmain_io_enable(pa_io_event *e, pa_io_event_flags_t events)
+ struct pmain_io *io = e->io;
+ DBG("Pulse: Changing IO event mask for IO %p on fd %d to %02x", e, io->f.fd, events);
+ e->events = events;
+ pa_io_event_flags_t mask = 0;
+ CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct pa_io_event *, f, io->io_events)
+ mask |= f->events;
+ DBG("Pulse: Recalculated IO mask for fd %d to %02x", io->f.fd, mask);
+ if (mask)
+ {
+ io->f.read_handler = (mask & PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT) ? pmain_io_read : NULL;
+ io->f.write_handler = (mask & PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT) ? pmain_io_write : NULL;
+ if (file_is_active(&io->f))
+ file_chg(&io->f);
+ else
+ file_add(&io->f);
+ }
+ else
+ file_del(&io->f);
+static void pmain_io_free(pa_io_event *e)
+ DBG("Pulse: Deleting IO %p for fd %d", e, e->io->f.fd);
+ pmain_io_enable(e, 0);
+ clist_add_tail(&pmain_io_gc_list, &e->gc_n);
+ pmain_trigger_gc();
+static void pmain_io_set_destroy(pa_io_event *e, pa_io_event_destroy_cb_t cb)
+ e->destroy_callback = cb;
+static void pmain_time_handler(struct main_timer *t)
+ struct pa_time_event *e = t->data;
+ DBG("Pulse: Timer %p triggered", e);
+ timer_del(t);
+ e->callback(&pmain_api, e, &e->tv, e->userdata);
+ DBG("Pulse: Timer %p done", e);
+static pa_time_event *pmain_time_new(pa_mainloop_api *api UNUSED, const struct timeval *tv, pa_time_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
+ struct pa_time_event *e = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(*e));
+ DBG("Pulse: Creating timer %p", e);
+ e->callback = cb;
+ e->userdata = userdata;
+ e->t.handler = pmain_time_handler;
+ e->t.data = e;
+ pmain_time_restart(e, tv);
+ return e;
+static timestamp_t timeval_to_timestamp(const struct timeval *tv)
+ return 1000 * (timestamp_t) tv->tv_sec + tv->tv_usec / 1000;
+static void pmain_time_restart(pa_time_event *e, const struct timeval *tv)
+ struct timeval now;
+ gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+ timestamp_t ts_now = timeval_to_timestamp(&now);
+ timestamp_t ts_fire = timeval_to_timestamp(tv);
+ timestamp_t ts_delta = ts_fire - ts_now;
+ DBG("Pulse: Setting timer %p to %+d", e, (int) ts_delta);
+ timer_del(&e->t);
+ e->tv = *tv;
+ timer_add_rel(&e->t, ts_delta);
+static void pmain_time_free(pa_time_event *e)
+ DBG("Pulse: Timer %p deleted", e);
+ timer_del(&e->t);
+ clist_add_tail(&pmain_time_gc_list, &e->n);
+ pmain_trigger_gc();
+static void pmain_time_set_destroy(pa_time_event *e, pa_time_event_destroy_cb_t cb)
+ e->destroy_callback = cb;
+static int pmain_defer_handler(struct main_hook *h)
+ struct pa_defer_event *e = h->data;
+ DBG("Pulse: Deferred event %p triggered", e);
+ e->callback(&pmain_api, e, e->userdata);
+ DBG("Pulse: Deferred event done");
+ return hook_is_active(&e->h) ? HOOK_RETRY : HOOK_IDLE;
+static pa_defer_event *pmain_defer_new(pa_mainloop_api *api UNUSED, pa_defer_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
+ struct pa_defer_event *e = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(*e));
+ DBG("Pulse: Creating defer %p", e);
+ e->callback = cb;
+ e->userdata = userdata;
+ e->h.handler = pmain_defer_handler;
+ e->h.data = e;
+ pmain_defer_enable(e, 1);
+ return e;
+static void pmain_defer_enable(pa_defer_event *e, int b)
+ DBG("Pulse: %sabling defer %p", (b ? "En" : "Dis"), e);
+ if (b)
+ hook_add(&e->h);
+ else
+ hook_del(&e->h);
+static void pmain_defer_free(pa_defer_event *e)
+ DBG("Pulse: Deferred event %p deleted", e);
+ hook_del(&e->h);
+ clist_add_tail(&pmain_defer_gc_list, &e->n);
+ pmain_trigger_gc();
+static void pmain_defer_set_destroy(pa_defer_event *e, pa_defer_event_destroy_cb_t cb)
+ e->destroy_callback = cb;
+static void pmain_quit(pa_mainloop_api *a UNUSED, int retval UNUSED)
+ DBG("Pulse: Main loop quit not implemented");
+static int pmain_gc_handler(struct main_hook *h)
+ DBG("Pulse: Garbage collector");
+ hook_del(h);
+ cnode *n;
+ while (n = clist_remove_head(&pmain_io_gc_list))
+ {
+ struct pa_io_event *ei = SKIP_BACK(struct pa_io_event, gc_n, n);
+ struct pmain_io *io = ei->io;
+ DBG("Pulse: GC of IO event %p on fd %d", ei, io->f.fd);
+ if (ei->destroy_callback)
+ ei->destroy_callback(&pmain_api, ei, ei->userdata);
+ clist_remove(&ei->n);
+ if (clist_empty(&io->io_events))
+ {
+ ASSERT(!file_is_active(&io->f));
+ DBG("Pulse: GC of IO master for fd %d", io->f.fd);
+ clist_remove(&io->n);
+ xfree(io);
+ }
+ xfree(ei);
+ }
+ struct pa_time_event *et;
+ while (et = (struct pa_time_event *) clist_remove_head(&pmain_time_gc_list))
+ {
+ DBG("Pulse: GC for timer %p", et);
+ if (et->destroy_callback)
+ et->destroy_callback(&pmain_api, et, et->userdata);
+ xfree(et);
+ }
+ struct pa_defer_event *ed;
+ while (ed = (struct pa_defer_event *) clist_remove_head(&pmain_defer_gc_list))
+ {
+ DBG("Pulse: GC for defer %p", ed);
+ if (ed->destroy_callback)
+ ed->destroy_callback(&pmain_api, ed, ed->userdata);
+ xfree(ed);
+ }
+ DBG("Pulse: Garbage collector done");
+ return HOOK_RETRY;
+static void pmain_trigger_gc(void)
+ hook_add(&pmain_gc_hook);
+void pmain_init(void)
+ clist_init(&pmain_io_list);
+ clist_init(&pmain_io_gc_list);
+ clist_init(&pmain_time_gc_list);
+ clist_init(&pmain_defer_gc_list);
+ pmain_gc_hook.handler = pmain_gc_handler;
#include <libusb.h>
#include <pulse/pulseaudio.h>
+#include "ursaryd.h"
* Interface to Novation Nocturn
-struct pmain_io {
- cnode n;
- struct main_file f;
- clist io_events;
-static clist pmain_io_list;
-struct pa_io_event {
- cnode n;
- cnode gc_n;
- struct pmain_io *io;
- pa_io_event_flags_t events;
- pa_io_event_cb_t callback;
- pa_io_event_destroy_cb_t destroy_callback;
- void *userdata;
-static clist pmain_io_gc_list;
-static pa_io_event *pmain_io_new(pa_mainloop_api *api, int fd, pa_io_event_flags_t events, pa_io_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-static void pmain_io_enable(pa_io_event *e, pa_io_event_flags_t events);
-static void pmain_io_free(pa_io_event *e);
-static void pmain_io_set_destroy(pa_io_event *e, pa_io_event_destroy_cb_t cb);
+static pa_context *pulse_ctx;
-struct pa_time_event {
- cnode n;
- struct main_timer t;
- pa_time_event_cb_t callback;
- pa_time_event_destroy_cb_t destroy_callback;
- void *userdata;
- struct timeval tv;
+enum pulse_state {
-static clist pmain_time_gc_list;
-static pa_time_event *pmain_time_new(pa_mainloop_api *api, const struct timeval *tv, pa_time_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-static void pmain_time_restart(pa_time_event *e, const struct timeval *tv);
-static void pmain_time_free(pa_time_event *e);
-static void pmain_time_set_destroy(pa_time_event *e, pa_time_event_destroy_cb_t cb);
+static enum pulse_state pulse_state;
+#define PULSE_STATE(s) do { pulse_state = s; DBG("Pulse: " #s); } while (0)
-struct pa_defer_event {
+// Tracking of currently running asynchronous operations
+struct pulse_op {
cnode n;
- struct main_hook h;
- pa_defer_event_cb_t callback;
- pa_defer_event_destroy_cb_t destroy_callback;
- void *userdata;
+ pa_operation *o;
+ bool is_init;
-static clist pmain_defer_gc_list;
-static pa_defer_event *pmain_defer_new(pa_mainloop_api *api, pa_defer_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-static void pmain_defer_enable(pa_defer_event *e, int b);
-static void pmain_defer_free(pa_defer_event *e);
-static void pmain_defer_set_destroy(pa_defer_event *e, pa_defer_event_destroy_cb_t cb);
+static clist pulse_op_list;
-static void pmain_quit(pa_mainloop_api *a, int retval);
-static struct main_hook pmain_gc_hook;
-static void pmain_trigger_gc(void);
-static struct pa_mainloop_api pmainloop_api = {
- .io_new = pmain_io_new,
- .io_enable = pmain_io_enable,
- .io_free = pmain_io_free,
- .io_set_destroy = pmain_io_set_destroy,
- .time_new = pmain_time_new,
- .time_restart = pmain_time_restart,
- .time_free = pmain_time_free,
- .time_set_destroy = pmain_time_set_destroy,
- .defer_new = pmain_defer_new,
- .defer_enable = pmain_defer_enable,
- .defer_free = pmain_defer_free,
- .defer_set_destroy = pmain_defer_set_destroy,
- .quit = pmain_quit,
-static struct pmain_io *pmain_get_io(int fd)
+static struct pulse_op *pulse_op_new(void)
- CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct pmain_io *, io, pmain_io_list)
- if (io->f.fd == fd)
- {
- DBG("Pulse: Recycling IO master");
- return io;
- }
- struct pmain_io *io = xmalloc(sizeof(*io));
- io->f.fd = fd;
- io->f.data = io;
- clist_add_tail(&pmain_io_list, &io->n);
- clist_init(&io->io_events);
- return io;
+ struct pulse_op *op = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(*op));
+ clist_add_tail(&pulse_op_list, &op->n);
+ return op;
-static pa_io_event *pmain_io_new(pa_mainloop_api *api UNUSED, int fd, pa_io_event_flags_t events, pa_io_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
+static void pulse_op_done(struct pulse_op *op)
- struct pa_io_event *e = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(*e));
- DBG("Pulse: Creating new IO %p for fd %u", e, fd);
- e->io = pmain_get_io(fd);
- e->callback = cb;
- e->userdata = userdata;
- clist_add_head(&e->io->io_events, &e->n); // Do not call the new IO if created from another IO on the same fd
- pmain_io_enable(e, events);
- return e;
+ if (op->o)
+ pa_operation_unref(op->o);
+ clist_remove(&op->n);
+ xfree(op);
-static int pmain_io_read(struct main_file *f)
+static void pulse_op_cancel_all(void)
- struct pmain_io *io = f->data;
- DBG("Pulse: fd %d ready for read", io->f.fd);
- CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct pa_io_event *, e, io->io_events)
- if (e->events & PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT)
- {
- DBG("Pulse: Callback on IO %p", e);
- e->callback(&pmainloop_api, e, io->f.fd, PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT, e->userdata);
- }
- DBG("Pulse: fd %d read done", io->f.fd);
- return HOOK_IDLE;
-static int pmain_io_write(struct main_file *f)
- struct pmain_io *io = f->data;
- DBG("Pulse: fd %d ready for write", io->f.fd);
- CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct pa_io_event *, e, io->io_events)
- if (e->events & PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT)
- {
- DBG("Pulse: Callback on IO %p", e);
- e->callback(&pmainloop_api, e, io->f.fd, PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT, e->userdata);
- }
- DBG("Pulse: fd %d write done", io->f.fd);
- return HOOK_IDLE;
-static void pmain_io_enable(pa_io_event *e, pa_io_event_flags_t events)
- struct pmain_io *io = e->io;
- DBG("Pulse: Changing IO event mask for IO %p on fd %d to %02x", e, io->f.fd, events);
- e->events = events;
- pa_io_event_flags_t mask = 0;
- CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct pa_io_event *, f, io->io_events)
- mask |= f->events;
- DBG("Pulse: Recalculated IO mask for fd %d to %02x", io->f.fd, mask);
- if (mask)
+ struct pulse_op *op;
+ while (op = (struct pulse_op *) clist_head(&pulse_op_list))
- io->f.read_handler = (mask & PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT) ? pmain_io_read : NULL;
- io->f.write_handler = (mask & PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT) ? pmain_io_write : NULL;
- if (file_is_active(&io->f))
- file_chg(&io->f);
- else
- file_add(&io->f);
+ DBG("Pulse: Cancelling pending operation");
+ pa_operation_cancel(op->o);
+ pulse_op_done(op);
- else
- file_del(&io->f);
-static void pmain_io_free(pa_io_event *e)
- DBG("Pulse: Deleting IO %p for fd %d", e, e->io->f.fd);
- pmain_io_enable(e, 0);
- clist_add_tail(&pmain_io_gc_list, &e->gc_n);
- pmain_trigger_gc();
-static void pmain_io_set_destroy(pa_io_event *e, pa_io_event_destroy_cb_t cb)
- e->destroy_callback = cb;
-static void pmain_time_handler(struct main_timer *t)
- struct pa_time_event *e = t->data;
- DBG("Pulse: Timer %p triggered", e);
- timer_del(t);
- e->callback(&pmainloop_api, e, &e->tv, e->userdata);
- DBG("Pulse: Timer %p done", e);
-static pa_time_event *pmain_time_new(pa_mainloop_api *api UNUSED, const struct timeval *tv, pa_time_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
- struct pa_time_event *e = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(*e));
- DBG("Pulse: Creating timer %p", e);
- e->callback = cb;
- e->userdata = userdata;
- e->t.handler = pmain_time_handler;
- e->t.data = e;
- pmain_time_restart(e, tv);
- return e;
-static timestamp_t timeval_to_timestamp(const struct timeval *tv)
- return 1000 * (timestamp_t) tv->tv_sec + tv->tv_usec / 1000;
+#define PULSE_ASYNC_RUN(name, ...) do { struct pulse_op *_op = pulse_op_new(); _op->o = name(__VA_ARGS__, _op); } while (0)
+#define PULSE_ASYNC_INIT_RUN(name, ...) do { struct pulse_op *_op = pulse_op_new(); _op->is_init = 1; _op->o = name(__VA_ARGS__, _op); } while (0)
-static void pmain_time_restart(pa_time_event *e, const struct timeval *tv)
+static void pulse_sink_input_cb(pa_context *ctx UNUSED, const pa_sink_input_info *i, int eol, void *userdata)
- struct timeval now;
- gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
- timestamp_t ts_now = timeval_to_timestamp(&now);
- timestamp_t ts_fire = timeval_to_timestamp(tv);
- timestamp_t ts_delta = ts_fire - ts_now;
- DBG("Pulse: Setting timer %p to %+d", e, (int) ts_delta);
- timer_del(&e->t);
- e->tv = *tv;
- timer_add_rel(&e->t, ts_delta);
+ struct pulse_op *op = userdata;
-static void pmain_time_free(pa_time_event *e)
- DBG("Pulse: Timer %p deleted", e);
- timer_del(&e->t);
- clist_add_tail(&pmain_time_gc_list, &e->n);
- pmain_trigger_gc();
-static void pmain_time_set_destroy(pa_time_event *e, pa_time_event_destroy_cb_t cb)
- e->destroy_callback = cb;
-static int pmain_defer_handler(struct main_hook *h)
- struct pa_defer_event *e = h->data;
- DBG("Pulse: Deferred event %p triggered", e);
- e->callback(&pmainloop_api, e, e->userdata);
- DBG("Pulse: Deferred event done");
- return hook_is_active(&e->h) ? HOOK_RETRY : HOOK_IDLE;
-static pa_defer_event *pmain_defer_new(pa_mainloop_api *api UNUSED, pa_defer_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
- struct pa_defer_event *e = xmalloc_zero(sizeof(*e));
- DBG("Pulse: Creating defer %p", e);
- e->callback = cb;
- e->userdata = userdata;
- e->h.handler = pmain_defer_handler;
- e->h.data = e;
- pmain_defer_enable(e, 1);
- return e;
+ if (eol)
+ {
+ if (op->is_init)
+ pulse_op_done(op);
+ return;
+ }
-static void pmain_defer_enable(pa_defer_event *e, int b)
- DBG("Pulse: %sabling defer %p", (b ? "En" : "Dis"), e);
- if (b)
- hook_add(&e->h);
- else
- hook_del(&e->h);
+ DBG("Pulse: SINK INPUT #%u: %s client=%d sink=%d", i->index, i->name, i->client, i->sink);
-static void pmain_defer_free(pa_defer_event *e)
+static void pulse_sink_cb(pa_context *ctx, const pa_sink_info *i, int eol, void *userdata)
- DBG("Pulse: Deferred event %p deleted", e);
- hook_del(&e->h);
- clist_add_tail(&pmain_defer_gc_list, &e->n);
- pmain_trigger_gc();
+ struct pulse_op *op = userdata;
-static void pmain_defer_set_destroy(pa_defer_event *e, pa_defer_event_destroy_cb_t cb)
- e->destroy_callback = cb;
+ if (eol)
+ {
+ if (op->is_init)
+ {
+ PULSE_ASYNC_INIT_RUN(pa_context_get_sink_input_info_list, ctx, pulse_sink_input_cb);
+ }
+ pulse_op_done(op);
+ return;
+ }
-static void pmain_quit(pa_mainloop_api *a UNUSED, int retval UNUSED)
- DBG("Pulse: Main loop quit not implemented");
+ DBG("Pulse: SINK #%u: %s (%s)", i->index, i->name, i->description);
-static int pmain_gc_handler(struct main_hook *h)
+static void pulse_client_cb(pa_context *ctx, const pa_client_info *i, int eol, void *userdata)
- DBG("Pulse: Garbage collector");
- hook_del(h);
+ struct pulse_op *op = userdata;
- cnode *n;
- while (n = clist_remove_head(&pmain_io_gc_list))
+ if (eol)
- struct pa_io_event *ei = SKIP_BACK(struct pa_io_event, gc_n, n);
- struct pmain_io *io = ei->io;
- DBG("Pulse: GC of IO event %p on fd %d", ei, io->f.fd);
- if (ei->destroy_callback)
- ei->destroy_callback(&pmainloop_api, ei, ei->userdata);
- clist_remove(&ei->n);
- if (clist_empty(&io->io_events))
+ if (op->is_init)
- ASSERT(!file_is_active(&io->f));
- DBG("Pulse: GC of IO master for fd %d", io->f.fd);
- clist_remove(&io->n);
- xfree(io);
+ PULSE_ASYNC_INIT_RUN(pa_context_get_sink_info_list, ctx, pulse_sink_cb);
- xfree(ei);
- }
- struct pa_time_event *et;
- while (et = (struct pa_time_event *) clist_remove_head(&pmain_time_gc_list))
- {
- DBG("Pulse: GC for timer %p", et);
- if (et->destroy_callback)
- et->destroy_callback(&pmainloop_api, et, et->userdata);
- xfree(et);
- }
- struct pa_defer_event *ed;
- while (ed = (struct pa_defer_event *) clist_remove_head(&pmain_defer_gc_list))
- {
- DBG("Pulse: GC for defer %p", ed);
- if (ed->destroy_callback)
- ed->destroy_callback(&pmainloop_api, ed, ed->userdata);
- xfree(ed);
+ pulse_op_done(op);
+ return;
- DBG("Pulse: Garbage collector done");
- return HOOK_RETRY;
+ DBG("Pulse: CLIENT #%u: %s mod=%u drv=%s", i->index, i->name, i->owner_module, i->driver);
-static void pmain_trigger_gc(void)
+static void pulse_subscribe_done_cb(pa_context *ctx, int success, void *userdata)
- hook_add(&pmain_gc_hook);
+ pulse_op_done(userdata);
-static pa_context *pulse_ctx;
-static bool pulse_ready;
+ if (!success)
+ msg(L_ERROR, "pa_context_subscribe failed: success=%d", success);
+ PULSE_ASYNC_INIT_RUN(pa_context_get_client_info_list, ctx, pulse_client_cb);
-static void pulse_client_info_cb(pa_context *ctx, const pa_client_info *i, int eol, void *userdata)
+static void pulse_event_cb(pa_context *ctx, pa_subscription_event_type_t type, uint32_t idx, void *userdata UNUSED)
- if (eol)
+ DBG("Pulse: SUBSCRIBE EVENT type=%08x idx=%u", type, idx);
+ uns action = type & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_TYPE_MASK;
+ switch (object)
- DBG("Pulse: CLIENT DONE");
- return;
+ PULSE_ASYNC_RUN(pa_context_get_client_info, ctx, idx, pulse_client_cb);
+ else if (action == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_REMOVE)
+ DBG("Pulse: REMOVE CLIENT #%u", idx);
+ break;
+ PULSE_ASYNC_RUN(pa_context_get_sink_info_by_index, ctx, idx, pulse_sink_cb);
+ else if (action == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_REMOVE)
+ DBG("Pulse: REMOVE SINK #%u", idx);
+ break;
+ PULSE_ASYNC_RUN(pa_context_get_sink_input_info, ctx, idx, pulse_sink_input_cb);
+ else if (action == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_REMOVE)
+ DBG("Pulse: REMOVE SINK INPUT #%u", idx);
+ break;
- DBG("Pulse: CLIENT #%u: %s mod=%u drv=%s", i->index, i->name, i->owner_module, i->driver);
static void pulse_state_cb(pa_context *ctx, void *userdata UNUSED)
DBG("Pulse: State callback, new state = %d", state);
if (state == PA_CONTEXT_READY)
- if (!pulse_ready)
+ if (pulse_state == PS_OFFLINE)
- pulse_ready = 1;
- DBG("Pulse: ONLINE");
- pa_context_get_client_info_list(ctx, pulse_client_info_cb, NULL);
- // FIXME: Discard the operation when server goes offline
+ pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(ctx, pulse_event_cb, NULL);
+ PULSE_ASYNC_INIT_RUN(pa_context_subscribe, ctx, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_ALL, pulse_subscribe_done_cb);
- if (pulse_ready)
+ if (pulse_state != PS_OFFLINE)
- pulse_ready = 0;
- DBG("Pulse: OFFLINE");
+ pulse_op_cancel_all();
static void pulse_init(void)
- clist_init(&pmain_io_list);
- clist_init(&pmain_io_gc_list);
- clist_init(&pmain_time_gc_list);
- clist_init(&pmain_defer_gc_list);
- pmain_gc_hook.handler = pmain_gc_handler;
- pulse_ctx = pa_context_new(&pmainloop_api, "ursaryd");
+ pmain_init();
+ clist_init(&pulse_op_list);
+ pulse_ctx = pa_context_new(&pmain_api, "ursaryd");
pa_context_set_state_callback(pulse_ctx, pulse_state_cb, NULL);
pa_context_connect(pulse_ctx, NULL, PA_CONTEXT_NOAUTOSPAWN, NULL);