# @ at end of line is ignored and eats the end of line
} elsif ($t =~ /\G\@#[^\n]*\n/cgs) {
# a comment, which is ignored
+ } elsif ($t =~ /\G\@\@/cgs) {
+ print "\@";
} elsif ($t =~ /\G\@{/cgs) {
my $x = get_nested(\$t, "{", "}");
print eval_if_ok($x);
} elsif ($t =~ /\G\@(\$\w+)/cgs) {
print eval_if_ok($1);
} elsif ($t =~ /\G(\@[^\n]*)/cgs) {
- die "Unknown directive $1";
+ die "Unknown control sequence $1";
} elsif ($t =~ /\G$/cgs) {
} elsif ($t =~ /\G([^\n]*)/cgs) {
--- /dev/null
+@# A test program for Temple
+@# starts with a couple of comments
+@# The language is very simple -- everything except the "@" character
+@# gets passed to the output verbatim:
+@# The "@" starts a control sequence. Arguments of control sequences
+@# are either everything to the end of the current line (as in case
+@# of the comment command you are looking at) balanced parenthesized
+@# string.
+@# If we want to ignore and end of line character, just prefix it by "@":
+This line @
+won't be broken@
+@# If you want to write the "@" character, just write it twice:
+@# You can embed any perl code in your text:
+@[foreach $x (1..10) { print "$x "; } ]
+@# Or if you use @{...}, then the value of the last expression executed
+@# gets printed automatically:
+@{"1+2+3 = " . (1+2+3)}
+@# You can also interpolate perl variables by using @$variable:
+I was run as @$0.
+@# It is possible to call any perl functions (result will be discarded):
+@print("One", "Two", "Three\n")
+@# Or do the same with parameters running up to the end of the line:
+@print "Four", "Five", "Six\n"
+@# There are also some conditionals (you can use any perl expressions):
+@if 1
+@if 0
+@elif 0
+@elif 1
+@# Or you can use the parenthesized form:
+@# To include another file (and possibly change some variables), use:
+@include("test2", "a" => "HOWDY", "b" => "HULLO", "c" => "AHOY")
+@include "test2", "a" => "howdy", "b" => "hullo", "c" => "ahoy"
+@# And to load a perl file:
+@load "test3"
+@# This one is tricky:
+@print("z\n", <<EOF
+@# We are done: