% \linkpage{page}{text}
\def\linkpage#1#2{\ifclickable\pdfstartlink\commonlinkargs goto page #1 {/Fit}\relax #2\pdfendlink\else #2\fi}
+% Typesetting of URLs is tricky:
+% - They can contain various characters considered special by TeX.
+% - We want to adjust appearance of "//", "_", "~" according to font.
+% - We want to insert a breakpoint after "/", "?", "&".
+% - We need the raw form of the URL for PDF links.
+% - We cannot rely purely on changing catcodes, as we sometimes need
+% to parse URLs given as arguments of macros.
+% - Sometimes, it is useful to insert a manual line break to the URL.
+% Therefore:
+% - In our front-end macros (\url, \linkurl) we switch catcodes
+% to accept '%' and '#' as normal characters; if the macros are
+% called indirectly, these characters must be escaped as '\%' and '\#'.
+% - The URL is preprocessed: special characters (with their original
+% catcode) are replaced by calls of auxiliary macros.
+% - When producing PDF links, the auxiliary macros expand to ordinary
+% ASCII characters.
+% - When typesetting the URL, the auxiliary macros expand differently.
+% Furthermore, they can be temporarily re-defined in the \urlprefix macro.
+% - "\\" (which is usually called to produce a line break) disappears in PDF links.
+% - If you call a custom macro in the URL, you can modify its definition
+% for typesetting in \urlprefix and for PDF links by appending to \urlplainascii.
% Typeset a clickable URL
% \url{http://example.com/}
-\def\urlaux#1{\linkurlaux{#1}{\displayurl #1^^X}}
% Typeset a clickable link to the given URL
% \linkurl{http://example.com/}{text}
- \pdfstartlink\commonlinkargs user {/Subtype/Link /A << /Type/Action /S/URI /URI(#1) >>}\relax
+ {%
+ \urlplainascii
+ \pdfstartlink\commonlinkargs user {/Subtype/Link /A << /Type/Action /S/URI /URI(\tmpb) >>}\relax
+ }%
- #2%
+ #1%
+ \endgroup % opened in \url or \linkurl
-% Catcode each special character valid in URL to 'other'
+% Catcode '%' and '#' to 'other'
+ \endgroup % opened in \url or \linkurl
+ \toks0={#1}\edef\tmpb{\the\toks0}%
+ \replacestrings{//}{\urlslashslash}%
+ \replacestrings{_}{\urlunderscore}%
+ \replacestrings{~}{\urltilde}%
+ \replacestrings{/}{\urlslash}%
+ \replacestrings{?}{\urlquestion}%
+ \replacestrings{&}{\urlamp}%
+ \replacestrings{=}{\urlequal}%
-% Style switches and the beginning/end of an URL
+% Style switches at the beginning/end of an URL (feel free to re-define them)
+% Default appearance of characters special in URLs
% Kern to place between "//" in an URL
-% Internal macro for typesetting of URLs
-\def\displayurl#1:#2#3^^X{{\urlprefix #1:#2\ifx#2/\kern\urlinterslashkern\fi#3\urlsuffix}}
+% Switch auxiliary macros, so special characters expand to plain ASCII characters
+% (since we need to replace them in the expand processor, we cannot use \let for that)
+% If you want to modify expansion of your macros, extend \urlplainascii using \appendef.
+ \def\urlslashslash{//}%
+ \def\urlunderscore{A}%
+ \def\urltilde{B}%
+ \def\urlslash{/}%
+ \def\urlquestion{?}%
+ \def\urlamp{C}%
+ \def\urlequal{=}%
+ \def\%{D}%
+ \def\#{E}%
+ \def\\{}%
+% Typeset the URL stored in \tmpb. In most cases, this is used internally by \url,
+% but you can call it explicity from the second argument of \linkurl to typeset the current URL.