title={{Dynamick\'e grafov\'e algoritmy}},
author={Martin Mare\v{s}},
school={Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Math and Physics},
- year={2000}
+ year={2000},
+ notes={In Czech}
@techreport{ henzinger:twoec,
publisher={Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Redwood City, CA, USA}
+@techreport { mm:ga,
+ author = "Martin Mare\v{s}",
+ title = "{Krajinou grafov\'ych algoritm\accent23u}",
+ institution = "Institut Teoretick\'e Informatiky",
+ address = "Praha, Czech Republic",
+ year = "2007",
+ number = "2007--330",
+ type = "ITI series",
+ note = {In Czech},
+@book { horak:mofivefour,
+ author = {Hor\'ak, Karel and Mare\v{s}, Martin and Novotn\'y, Peter and \v{S}im\v{s}a, Jarom\'\i{}r and \v{S}vr\v{c}ek, Jaroslav and T\"opfer, Pavel and Zhouf, Jaroslav},
+ title = {54.~ro\v{c}n\'\i{}k matematick\'e olympi\'ady na st\v{r}edn\'\i{}ch \v{s}kol\'ach},
+ publisher = {Jednota \v{c}esk\'ych matematik\accent23u a fyzik\accent23u},
+ address = {Praha},
+ year = {2007},
+ note = {In Czech},
+ isbn = {80-7015-109-9},
also the relationship with computational models. No previous work covering
the ranking problems in entirety is known.
-\FIXME{GA booklet}
+The early parts of this thesis also served as a~basis for the course on graph
+algorithms which I was teaching at our faculty during 2006 and~2007. They are
+included in the textbook \cite{mm:ga} which I have written for this course.
-\def\ss#1{\medskip\>{\bo #1.}\enspace\eatspaces}
+\def\ss#1{\medskip\>{\bo #1}\enspace\eatspaces}
-\ss{My results}
+\ss{My original results}
\:The lower bound in Section \ref{contalg}. Not published yet.
\:The linear-time verification algorithm in Section \ref{verifysect} is a~simplification
of the algorithm of King \cite{king:verify} and it corrects many omissions
in the original paper. Not published yet.
-\:The dynamic MST algorithm for graphs with limited edge weights in Section \ref{dynmstsect}.
-\:The ranking algorithms in Sections \ref{ranksect} to \ref{kpranksect} are joint research with Milan Straka,
- published in \cite{mm:rank}.
+\:The ranking algorithms in Sections \ref{ranksect} to \ref{kpranksect} are results of joint research with Milan Straka.
+ Published in \cite{mm:rank}.
\:The remaining sections of Chapter \ref{rankchap} contain unpublished original research.
\:The flattening procedure in Section \ref{bucketsort}. Published in \cite{mm:mst}.
-\:The unified view of vector computations in Section \ref{bitsect}. XXXX: MO
+\:The unified view of vector computations in Section \ref{bitsect}. Published
+ in the textbook \cite{mm:ga}. The main ideas of this section were also published
+ in the yearbook of the Czech Mathematical Olympiad \cite{horak:mofivefour}.
\:Several simplifications of the soft heaps in Section \ref{shsect}.
+\:The dynamic MST algorithm for graphs with limited edge weights in Section \ref{dynmstsect}.
+First of all, I~would like to thank my supervisor, Jaroslav Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il, for
+introducing me to the world of discrete mathematics and gently guiding my attempts
+to explore it with his deep insight. I~am very grateful to all members of the
+Department of Applied Mathematics and of the Institute for Theoretical Computer
+Science for the work environment which was both friendly and highly inspiring.
+I~also send my acknowledgements to the members of the Math department at ETH Z\"urich and of DIMACS
+at the Rutgers University (especially to J\'anos Koml\'os) where I~spent several
+pleasant months working on what finally become a~part of this thesis.
+I~also thank to my family for supporting me during the plentiful years of my study,
+to my girlfriend Ani\v{c}ka for lots of patience when I~was caught by my work and
+hardly speaking, to all the polar bears of Kobylisy for their furry presence, and
+finally to our cats Minuta and Dami\'an for their mastership in hiding my
+papers, which has frequently forced me to think of new ways of looking at problems
+when the old ones were impossible to find.