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+\input macros.tex
+\chapter{Dynamic Spanning Trees}\id{dynchap}%
+\section{Dynamic graph algorithms}
+In many applications, we often need to solve a~certain graph problem for a~sequence
+of graphs that differ only a~little, so recomputing the solution from scratch for
+every graph would be a~waste of time. In such cases, we usually turn our attention
+to \df{dynamic graph algorithms.} A~dynamic algorithm is in fact a~data structure
+that remembers a~graph and offers operations that modify the structure of the graph
+(let's say by insertion and deletion of edges) and also operations that query the
+result of the problem for the current state of the graph.
+A~typical example of a~problem solved by such algorithms is dynamic maintenance of
+connected components:
+\problemn{Dynamic connectivity}
+Maintain an~undirected graph under a~sequence of the following operations:
+\:$\<Init>(n)$ --- create a~graph with $n$~isolated vertices,\foot{%
+The structure could support dynamic additional and removal of vertices, too,
+but this is easy to add and infrequently used, so we will rather use a~fixed
+set of vertices for clarity.}
+\:$\<Insert>(G,u,v)$ --- insert an~edge $uv$ to~$G$ and return its unique
+identifier (assuming that the edge did not exist yet),
+\:$\<Delete>(G,e)$ --- delete an~edge specified by its identifier from~$G$,
+\:$\<Connected>(G,u,v)$ --- test if $u$ and~$v$ are in the same connected component of~$G$.
+We have already encountered a~special case of dynamic connectivity when implementing the
+Kruskal's algorithm in Section \ref{classalg}. At that time, we did not need to delete
+any edges from the graph (this is sometimes called a~\df{semidynamic graph algorithm}),
+which makes the problem substantially easier. We mentioned the Union-Find data structure
+of Tarjan and van Leeuwen ....
+\section{Sleator-Tarjan trees}
-\section{Classical algorithms}
+\section{Classical algorithms}\id{classalg}%
The three classical MST algorithms can be easily stated in terms of the Red-Blue meta-algorithm.
For each of them, we first show the general version of the algorithm, then we prove that
Proven by Tarjan and van Leeuwen in \cite{tarjan:setunion}.
+See Chapter~\ref{dynchap} for more context.
\FIXME{Define Ackermann's function. Use $\alpha(m,n)$?}