-static byte *log_name;
+static char *log_name;
static uns port = 8888;
static uns dh_bits = 1024;
static uns max_conn = 10;
static uns session_timeout;
uns max_versions;
-static byte *ca_cert_name = "?";
-static byte *server_cert_name = "?";
-static byte *server_key_name = "?";
-byte *history_format;
+static char *ca_cert_name = "?";
+static char *server_cert_name = "?";
+static char *server_key_name = "?";
+char *history_format;
static clist access_rules;
static uns trace_tls;
uns max_request_size;
// Set up by the master process
cnode n;
u32 ip;
- byte *ip_string; // (xmalloced)
+ char *ip_string; // (xmalloced)
pid_t pid;
uns id;
struct access_rule *rule; // Rule matched by this connection
int sk; // Client socket
- byte *cert_name; // Client name from the certificate (NULL if no TLS) (xmalloced)
+ char *cert_name; // Client name from the certificate (NULL if no TLS) (xmalloced)
// Used by the child process
gnutls_session_t tls; // TLS session
struct odes *reply;
struct odes *task_status;
int task_lock_fd;
- byte *user;
+ char *user;
extern uns max_request_size, max_attachment_size, trace_commands;
extern uns max_versions;
-extern byte *history_format;
+extern char *history_format;
/* submitd.c */
struct task {
cnode n;
- byte *name;
+ char *name;
uns open_data; // Number of parts for open-data tasks
uns max_size; // Maximum size (0=use global default)
clist parts; // List of parts of this task (simp_nodes)