--- /dev/null
+/* Test for configuration parser */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include "lib/lib.h"
+#include "lib/conf.h"
+static int robert=14;
+static int spalek=-3;
+static char *heslo="prazdne";
+static int nastaveni1=0,nastaveni2=1;
+static byte *set_nastaveni(struct cfitem *item, byte *value)
+ int id;
+ if(!strcasecmp(value,"one"))
+ id=1;
+ else if(!strcasecmp(value,"two"))
+ id=2;
+ else if(!strcasecmp(value,"three"))
+ id=3;
+ else if(!strcasecmp(value,"four"))
+ id=4;
+ else
+ return "Invalid value of nastaveni";
+ if(!strcasecmp(item->name,"nastaveni1"))
+ nastaveni1=id;
+ else if(!strcasecmp(item->name,"nastaveni2"))
+ nastaveni2=id;
+ else
+ return "Internal error of nastaveni";
+ return NULL;
+static struct cfitem jmeno[]={
+ {"robert", ct_int, &robert},
+ {"spalek", ct_int, &spalek},
+ {"heslo", ct_string, &heslo},
+ {"nastaveni1", ct_function, &set_nastaveni},
+ {"nastaveni2", ct_function, &set_nastaveni},
+ {NULL, 0, NULL}
+static int vek=22;
+static int vyska=178;
+static int vaha=66;
+static struct cfitem telo[]={
+ {"vek", ct_int, &vek},
+ {"vyska", ct_int, &vyska},
+ {"vaha", ct_int, &vaha},
+ {NULL, 0, NULL}
+static byte shortopts[] = "abcp:q:r::";
+static struct option longopts[] =
+ {"ahoj", 0, 0, 'a'},
+ {"bida", 0, 0, 'b'},
+ {"citron", 0, 0, 'c'},
+ {"pivo", 1, 0, 'p'},
+ {"qwerty", 1, 0, 'q'},
+ {"rada", 2, 0, 'r'},
+ {NULL, 0, 0, 0}
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int c;
+ cf_register("jmeno",jmeno);
+ cf_register("telo",telo);
+ cf_register_opts(shortopts,longopts);
+ while(1){
+ c=cf_getopt(argc,argv,NULL);
+ if(c==-1)
+ break;
+ else switch(c){
+ case 'a':
+ case 'b':
+ case 'c':
+ printf("option %c\n",c);
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'q':
+ printf("option %c with parameter %s\n",c,optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if(optarg)
+ printf("option r with optional parameter %s\n",optarg);
+ else
+ printf("option r without optional parameter\n");
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ //printf("invalid parameter %d: %s\n",optind,argv[optind]);
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ //printf("missing parameter for %d: %s\n",optind,argv[optind]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("getopt is confused, it returns %c\n",c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (optind < argc)
+ {
+ printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
+ while (optind < argc)
+ printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]);
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+ printf("robert=%d, spalek=%d, heslo=%s, nastaveni1/2=%d/%d\n",
+ robert,spalek,heslo,nastaveni1,nastaveni2);
+ printf("vek=%d, vyska=%d, vaha=%d\n",
+ vek,vyska,vaha);
+ return 0;