An~important stop on the road to fully dynamic algorithms has the name \df{Eulerian Tour trees} or
simply \df{ET-trees}. It is a~representation of forests introduced by Henzinger and King
\cite{henzinger:randdyn} in their randomized dynamic algorithms. It is similar to the one by Sleator
-and Tarjan, but without orientation and without the path operations. Their advantage lies in
-simplicity and also in their ease of extension to contain various auxiliary data attached to
-vertices and edges of the original tree.
+and Tarjan, but it is much simpler and instead of path operations it offers efficient operations on
+subtrees. It is also possible to attach auxiliary data to vertices and edges of the original tree.
The \df{Eulerian Tour sequence} $\Eul(T)$ of a~rooted tree~$T$ is the sequence of vertices of~$T$ as visited
\::Call $\<ET>(w)$ recursively.
-\>One of the occurrences of each vertex is defined as its \df{designated occurrence} and it will
+\>One of the occurrences of each vertex is defined as its \df{active occurrence} and it will
be used to store auxiliary data associated with the vertex.
If there was only a~single occurrence of~$v$, it corresponded to a~leaf and thus the second
sequence should consist of $v$~alone.
-\em{Changing the root} of the tree~$T$ from~$v$ to~$w$ changes $\Eul(T) = vAwBwCv$ (no~$w$ in~$B$)
-to $wBwCvAw$. If $w$~was a~leaf, the sequence changes from $vAwCv$ to $wCvAw$. If $vw$ was the only
-edge of~$T$, the sequence $vw$ becomes $wv$.
+\em{Changing the root} of the tree~$T$ from~$v$ to~$w$ changes $\Eul(T)$ from $vAwBwCv$ to $wBwCvAw$.
+If $w$~was a~leaf, the sequence changes from $vAwCv$ to $wCvAw$. If $vw$ was the only edge of~$T$,
+the sequence $vw$ becomes $wv$. Note that this works regardless of the presence of~$w$ inside~$B$.
\em{Joining} the roots of two trees by a~new edge makes their ET-sequences $vAv$ and~$wBw$
combine to $vAvwBwv$. Again, we have to handle the cases when $v$ or~$w$ has degree~1 separately:
$v$~and~$wBw$ combine to $vwBwv$, and $v$~with~$w$ makes $vwv$.
-If any of the occurrences that we have removed from the sequence was designated, there is always
+If any of the occurrences that we have removed from the sequence was active, there is always
a~new occurrence of the same vertex that can stand in its place and inherit the auxiliary data.
The ET-trees will represent the ET-sequences by $(a,b)$-trees with the parameter~$a$ set upon
forest. Such edges are usually called the \df{non-tree edges.}
-An~\df{Eulerian Tour tree} is a~data structure that represents a~tree~$T$ and a~set of non-tree
-edges associated with the vertices of the tree. It contains:
+\df{Eulerian Tour trees} are a~data structure that represents a~forest of trees and a~set of non-tree
+edges associated with the vertices of the forest. To avoid confusion, we will distinguish between
+\df{original} vertices and edges (of the original trees) and the vertices and edges of the
+data structure. The structure consists of:
-\:An~$(a,b)$-tree~$Q$ whose leaves (in the usual tree order) correspond to the elements
+\:A~collection of $(a,b)$-trees with some fixed parameters $a$ and~$b$.
+ Each such tree corresponds to one of the original trees~$T$. Its
+ leaves (in the usual tree order) correspond to the elements
of the ET-sequence $\Eul(T)$. Each two consecutive leaves $u$ and~$v$ are separated
- by a~unique key stored in an~internal vertex of~$Q$ which is used to represent the
- edge~$uv$. This way, each edge is stored in both its orientations.
-\:A~mapping $\<dsg>(v)$ which maps each vertex of~$T$ to the leaf of~$Q$ containing its
- designated occurence.
-\:Mappings $\<edge>_1(e)$ and $\<edge>_2(e)$ that map each edge of~$T$ to one of the keys inside~$Q$
+ by a~unique key stored in an~internal vertex of the $(a,b)$-tree. This key is used to represent
+ the original edge~$uv$. Each original edge is therefore kept in both its orientations.
+\:A~mapping $\<act>(v)$ that maps each original vertex to the leaf containing its active occurrence.
+\:A~mapping $\<edge>(e)$ that maps an~original edge~$e$ to one of the internal keys representing it.
+\:A~mapping $\<twin>(k)$ that maps an~internal key~$k$ to the other internal key of the same
+ original edge.
+\:A~list of non-tree edges placed in each leaf. The lists are allowed to be non-empty only
+ in the leaves that represent active occurrences of original vertices.
+\:Boolean \df{markers} in the internal vertices that signal presence of a~non-tree
+ edge anywhere in the subtree rooted at that internal vertex.
+\>The structure supports the following operations on the original trees:
+\:\<Create> --- Create a~single-vertex tree.
+\:$\<Link>(u,v)$ --- Join two different trees by an~edge~$uv$ and return a~unique identifier
+ of this edge.
+\:$\<Cut>(e)$ --- Split a~tree by removing the edge~$e$ given by its identifier.
+\:$\<Root>(v)$ --- Return the root of the ET-tree containing the vertex~$v$. This can be used
+ to test whether two vertices lie in the same tree. However, the root is not guaranteed
+ to stay the same when the tree is modified by a~\<Link> or \<Cut>.
+\:$\<InsertNontree>(v,e)$ --- Add a~non-tree edge~$e$ to the list at~$v$ and return a~unique
+ identifier of this edge.
+\:$\<DeleteNontree>(e)$ --- Delete a~non-tree edge~$e$ given by its identifier.
+\:$\<ScanNontree>(v)$ --- Return non-tree edges stored in the same tree as~$v$.
+We will implement the operations on the ET-trees by translating the intended changes of the
+ET-sequences to operations on the $(a,b)$-trees. The role of identifiers of the original vertices
+and edges will be of course played by pointers to the respective leaves and internal keys of
+the $(a,b)$-trees.
+\<Cut> of an~edge splits the $(a,b)$-tree at both internal keys representing the given edge
+and joins them back in the different order.
+\<Link> of two trees can be accomplished by making both vertices the roots of their trees first
+and joining the roots by an~edge afterwards. Re-rooting again involves splits and joins of $(a,b)$-trees.
+As we can split at any occurrence of the new root vertex, we will use the active occurrence
+which we remember. Joining of the roots translated to joining of the $(a,b)$-trees.
+\<Root> just follows parent pointers in the $(a,b)$-tree and it walks the path from the leaf
+to the root.
+\<InsertNontree> finds the leaf $\<act>(v)$ containing the list of $v$'s non-tree edges
+and inserts the new edge there. The returned identifier will consist from the pointer to
+the edge and the vertex in whose list it is stored. Then we have to recalculate the markers
+on the path from $\<act>(v)$ to the root. \<DeleteNontree> is analogous. Whenever any
+other operation changes a~vertex of the tree, it will also update its marker and, if necessary,
+the markers on the path to the root.
+\<ScanNontree> traverses the tree recursively from the root, but it does not enter the
+subtrees whose roots are not marked.
+Analysis of the time complexity is now straightforward:
+\thmn{Eulerian Tour trees, Henzinger and Rauch \cite{henzinger:randdyn}}
+The ET-trees perform the operations \<Link> and \<Cut> in time $\O(a\log_a n)$, \<Create>
+in $\O(1)$, \<Root>, \<InsertNontree>, and \<DeleteNontree> in $\O(\log_a n)$, and
+\<ScanNontree> in $\O(a\log_a n)$ per edge reported. Here $n$~is the number of vertices
+in the original forest and $a\ge 2$ is an~arbitrary constant.
+We set $b=2a$. Our implementation performs $\O(1)$ operations on the $(a,b)$-trees
+per operation on the ET-tree, plus $\O(1)$ other operations. We apply the standard theorems
+on the complexity of $(a,b)$-trees \cite{clrs}.
+\examplen{Connectivity acceleration}
+In most cases, the ET-trees are used with $a$~constant, but sometimes choosing~$a$ as a~function
+of~$n$ can also have its beauty. Suppose that there is a~data structure which maintains an~arbitrary
+spanning forest of a~dynamic graph. Suppose also that the structure works in time $\O(\log^k n)$
+per operation and that it reports $\O(1)$ changes in the spanning forest for every change
+in the graph. If we keep the spanning forest in ET-trees with $a=\log n$, the updates of the
+data structure cost an~extra $\O(\log^2 n / \log\log n)$, but queries accelerate to $\O(\log
+n/\log\log n)$.