/* Memory allocation */
+struct mempool *cf_pool; // current pool for loading new configuration
static struct old_pools {
struct old_pools *prev;
struct mempool *pool;
-} *pools;
+} *pools; // link-list of older cf_pool's
void *
cf_malloc(uns size)
- return mp_alloc(pools->pool, size);
+ return mp_alloc(cf_pool, size);
void *
cf_malloc_zero(uns size)
- return mp_alloc_zero(pools->pool, size);
+ return mp_alloc_zero(cf_pool, size);
byte *
cf_strdup(byte *s)
- return mp_strdup(pools->pool, s);
+ return mp_strdup(cf_pool, s);
byte *
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
- byte *res = mp_vprintf(pools->pool, fmt, args);
+ byte *res = mp_vprintf(cf_pool, fmt, args);
return res;
/* Undo journal */
+uns cf_need_journal; // some programs do not need journal
static struct journal_item {
struct journal_item *prev;
- void *ptr;
+ byte *ptr;
uns len;
byte copy[0];
} *journal;
cf_journal_block(void *ptr, uns len)
+ if (!cf_need_journal)
+ return;
struct journal_item *ji = cf_malloc(sizeof(struct journal_item) + len);
ji->prev = journal;
ji->ptr = ptr;
// swaps the contents of the memory and the journal, and reverses the list
struct journal_item *curr, *prev, *next;
- uns max_len = 0;
- for (curr=journal; curr; curr=curr->prev)
- max_len = MAX(max_len, curr->len);
- byte *buf = xmalloc(max_len);
for (next=NULL, curr=journal; curr; next=curr, curr=prev)
prev = curr->prev;
curr->prev = next;
- memcpy(buf, curr->copy, curr->len);
- memcpy(curr->copy, curr->ptr, curr->len);
- memcpy(curr->ptr, buf, curr->len);
+ for (uns i=0; i<curr->len; i++)
+ {
+ byte x = curr->copy[i];
+ curr->copy[i] = curr->ptr[i];
+ curr->ptr[i] = x;
+ }
journal = next;
- xfree(buf);
static struct journal_item *
journal_new_section(uns new_pool)
if (new_pool)
- {
- struct old_pools *oldp = pools;
- struct mempool *mp = mp_new(1<<14);
- pools = mp_alloc(mp, sizeof(struct old_pools));
- pools->prev = oldp;
- pools->pool = mp;
- }
+ cf_pool = mp_new(1<<14);
struct journal_item *oldj = journal;
journal = NULL;
return oldj;
static void
-journal_commit_section(struct journal_item *oldj)
+journal_commit_section(uns new_pool, struct journal_item *oldj)
- struct journal_item **j = &journal;
- while (*j)
- j = &(*j)->prev;
- *j = oldj;
+ if (new_pool)
+ {
+ struct old_pools *p = cf_malloc(sizeof(struct old_pools));
+ p->prev = pools;
+ p->pool = cf_pool;
+ pools = p;
+ }
+ if (oldj)
+ {
+ struct journal_item **j = &journal;
+ while (*j)
+ j = &(*j)->prev;
+ *j = oldj;
+ }
static void
-journal_rollback_section(uns new_pool, struct journal_item *oldj)
+journal_rollback_section(uns new_pool, struct journal_item *oldj, byte *msg)
+ if (!cf_need_journal)
+ die("Cannot rollback the configuration, because the journal is disabled. Error: %s", msg);
journal = oldj;
if (new_pool)
- struct old_pools *oldp = pools;
- pools = pools->prev;
- mp_delete(oldp->pool);
+ mp_delete(cf_pool);
+ cf_pool = pools ? pools->pool : NULL;
cf_reload(byte *file)
- struct old_pools *oldp = pools;
- pools = NULL;
struct journal_item *oldj = journal_new_section(1);
byte *msg = load_file(file);
- if (msg)
+ if (!msg)
- journal_rollback_section(1, oldj);
- pools = oldp;
- journal_swap();
- }
- else
- for (struct old_pools *p=oldp; p; p=oldp)
+ for (struct old_pools *p=pools; p; p=pools)
- oldp = p->prev;
+ pools = p->prev;
+ journal_commit_section(1, NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ journal_rollback_section(1, oldj, msg);
+ journal_swap();
+ }
return msg;
struct journal_item *oldj = journal_new_section(1);
byte *msg = load_file(file);
if (!msg)
- journal_commit_section(oldj);
+ journal_commit_section(1, oldj);
- journal_rollback_section(1, oldj);
+ journal_rollback_section(1, oldj, msg);
return msg;
struct journal_item *oldj = journal_new_section(0);
byte *msg = load_string(string);
if (!msg)
- journal_commit_section(oldj);
+ journal_commit_section(0, oldj);
- journal_rollback_section(0, oldj);
+ journal_rollback_section(0, oldj, msg);
return msg;