- K best trees
- degree-restricted cases and arborescences
- bounded expansion classes?
-- mention matroids
-- add references to the C language
-- all data structures should mention space complexity
Theorem \ref{mstthm}), so it is the heaviest edge on the cycle $T_{min}[e]+e$.
+The MST problem is a~special case of the problem of finding the minimum basis
+of a~weighted matroid. Surprisingly, when we modify the Red-Blue procedure to
+use the standard definitions of cycles and cuts in matroids, it will always
+find the minimum basis. Some of the other MST algorithms also easily generalize to
+matroids and in some sense matroids are exactly the objects where ``the greedy approach works''. We
+will however not pursue this direction in our work, referring the reader to the Oxley's monograph
+\cite{oxley:matroids} instead.
\section{Classical algorithms}\id{classalg}%