'name' => "$OID_basic.5",
'location' => "$OID_basic.6",
-print Dumper($basics) if $debug;
+print "# Basics:\n", Dumper($basics) if $debug;
my $bas = $basics->{0} or die "Cannot find basic info";
for (values %$bas) {
$if->{mac} = join(':', map { sprintf "%02x", ord $_ } split(//, $if->{mac}));
$if_macs{$if->{mac}} = 1;
-print Dumper($if_table) if $debug;
+print "# Interface table:\n", Dumper($if_table) if $debug;
my @ifaces = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$if_table;
print "MAC addr: ", join(" ", sort keys %if_macs), "\n";
'iface' => "$OID_ipTable.1.2",
'mask' => "$OID_ipTable.1.3",
-print Dumper($ip_table) if $debug;
+print "# IP table:\n", Dumper($ip_table) if $debug;
# XXX: IPv6 not supported yet
for my $ipa (keys %$ip_table) {
my $nm = Net::Netmask->new2($ipa, $ip->{mask}) or die "Cannot parse IP prefix";
push @{$if->{ip_addrs}}, $ipa . '/' . $nm->bits;
-print Dumper($if_table) if $debug;
+# Switch ports
+my $OID_1dBasePortTable = '';
+my $port_table = my_get_table({
+ 'ifindex' => "$OID_1dBasePortTable.1.2",
+print "# Switch ports:\n", Dumper($port_table) if $debug;
+for my $port (keys %$port_table) {
+ my $if = $if_table->{$port_table->{$port}->{ifindex}} or die "Port table refers to unknown iface";
+ $if->{switch_port} = $port;
+print "# Extended interface table:\n", Dumper($if_table) if $debug;
if ($mac) {
my $OID_1qTpFdbTable = '';
'port' => "$OID_1qTpFdbTable.1.2",
'status' => "$OID_1qTpFdbTable.1.3",
- print Dumper($vlan_fdb_table) if $debug;
+ print "# VLAN FDB:\n", Dumper($vlan_fdb_table) if $debug;
if (%$vlan_fdb_table) {
for my $m (keys %$vlan_fdb_table) {
my $fdb = $vlan_fdb_table->{$m};
$fdb->{status} == 3 or next; # Only learned MACs
- my $port = $if_table->{$fdb->{port}} or die "Forwarding DB refers to unknown iface";
+ my $port = $port_table->{$fdb->{port}} or die "Forwarding DB refers to unknown port";
+ my $if = $if_table->{$port->{ifindex}} or die "Forwarding DB refers to unknown iface";
my @m = split /\./, $m;
my $vlan = shift @m;
my $mac = join(':', map { sprintf('%02x', $_) } @m);
- push @{$port->{macs}}, $mac;
+ push @{$if->{macs}}, $mac;
} else {
print "# Trying fall-fack to .1d FDB\n" if $debug;
'port' => "$OID_1dTpFdbTable.1.2",
'status' => "$OID_1dTpFdbTable.1.3",
- print Dumper($fdb_table) if $debug;
+ print "# Non-VLAN FDB:\n", Dumper($fdb_table) if $debug;
for my $m (keys %$fdb_table) {
my $fdb = $fdb_table->{$m};
$fdb->{status} == 3 or next; # Only learned MACs
- my $port = $if_table->{$fdb->{port}} or die "Forwarding DB refers to unknown iface";
+ my $port = $port_table->{$fdb->{port}} or die "Forwarding DB refers to unknown port";
+ my $if = $if_table->{$port->{ifindex}} or die "Forwarding DB refers to unknown iface";
my @m = split /\./, $m;
my $mac = join(':', map { sprintf('%02x', $_) } @m);
- push @{$port->{macs}}, $mac;
+ push @{$if->{macs}}, $mac;
$vlan->{$k} = [ split //, unpack("B*", $vlan->{$k} // "") ];
-print Dumper($vlan_table) if $debug;
+print "# VLAN table\n", Dumper($vlan_table) if $debug;
my @vlans = sort { $a <=> $b } grep { $vlan_table->{$_}->{'row-status'} == 1 } keys %$vlan_table;
print "\n### VLANs ###\n\n";
print "\n### Ports ###\n\n";
-# XXX: We assume that 802.1d switch ports IDs are equal to interface IDs
-for my $port (@ifaces) {
- my $if = $if_table->{$port};
+for my $ifindex (@ifaces) {
+ my $if = $if_table->{$ifindex};
+ my $port = $if->{switch_port};
my $state;
my $scolor = $t_norm;
if ($if->{'admin'} != 1) {
$speed = int($speed/1000);
$speed = "${speed}G";
- printf "%-4d %-15.15s %s%-4s %-5s %s%-25.25s%s", $port, $if->{name}, $scolor, $state, $speed, $t_yellow, $if->{alias}, $t_norm;
+ printf "%-4d %-15.15s %s%-4s %-5s %s%-25.25s%s", $ifindex, $if->{name}, $scolor, $state, $speed, $t_yellow, $if->{alias}, $t_norm;
if ($mac) {
my $show_mac = "";