### Cookies
-sub cookie_esc($) {
- my $x = shift @_;
- if ($x !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9%]+$/) {
- $x =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g;
- $x = "\"$x\"";
- }
- return $x;
sub set_cookie($$@) {
+ #
+ # Unfortunately, the support for the new cookie standard (RFC 2965) among
+ # web browsers is still very scarce, so we are still using the old Netscape
+ # specification.
+ #
+ # Usage: set_cookie(name, value, option => value...), where options are:
+ #
+ # max-age maximal age in seconds
+ # domain domain name scope
+ # path path name scope
+ # secure if non-zero, cookie applies only to SSL connections
+ #
my $key = shift @_;
my $value = shift @_;
my %other = @_;
- $other{'version'} = 1 unless defined $other{'version'};
- print "Set-Cookie: $key=", cookie_esc($value);
+ if (my $age = $other{'max-age'}) {
+ delete $other{'max-age'};
+ my $exp = ($age ? (time + $age) : 0);
+ # Avoid problems with locales
+ my ($S,$M,$H,$d,$m,$y,$wd) = gmtime $exp;
+ my @wdays = ( 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' );
+ my @mons = ( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' );
+ $other{'expires'} = sprintf("%s, %02d-%s-%d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",
+ $wdays[$wd], $d, $mons[$m], $y+1900, $H, $M, $S);
+ }
+ my $secure = $other{'secure'};
+ delete $other{'secure'};
+ print "Set-Cookie: $key=", url_escape($value);
foreach my $k (keys %other) {
- print ";$k=", cookie_esc($other{$k});
+ print "; $k=", $other{$k};
+ print "; secure" if $secure;
print "\n";
sub parse_cookies() {
my $h = http_get("Cookie") or return ();
my @cook = ();
- while (my ($padding,$name,$val,$xx,$rest) = ($h =~ /\s*([,;]\s*)*([^ =]+)=([^ =,;\"]*|\"([^\"\\]|\\.)*\")(\s.*|;.*|$)/)) {
- if ($val =~ /^\"/) {
- $val =~ s/^\"//;
- $val =~ s/\"$//;
- $val =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
- }
- push @cook, $name, $val;
- $h = $rest;
+ foreach my $x (split /;\s*/, $h) {
+ my ($k,$v) = split /=/, $x;
+ push @cook, $k => url_deescape($v);
return @cook;