delete $data->{'confirm_password'};
delete $data->{'password'};
print "<h1>User profile</h1>\n";
- genLocMenu( $req, $args, [ logItem( $auth ), [ 'Notifications', 'notifications' ] ] );
+ genLocMenu( $req, $args, [ logItem( $auth ), [ 'Notifications', 'notifications' ], [ 'Help', 'help', 'profile' ] ] );
print '<div class="error"><p>'.$error.'</div>' if defined $error;
print "<div class='info'><p>$info</div>\n" if defined $info;
print '<form name="profile" id="profile" method="POST" action=""><table>';
--- /dev/null
+User profile
+When you are logged in, you can find a <a href='$AC_URL$profile'>profile</a> link.
+You can set various information about your account.
+ <li><strong>Email</strong> ‒ this is the address email notifications about changes in database will be sent.
+ It is used for resetting password and you can log in using it.
+ <li><strong>Login</strong> ‒ you can log in using this one instead of your email address.
+ Furthermore, it is showed with discussion comments you wrote.
+ <li><strong>Xmpp</strong> ‒ you can get notifications using xmpp (aka jabber) as well as email.
+ <li><strong>Password</strong> ‒ if you want to set new password, fill in both new password and confirm password boxes.
+ <li><strong>Batch times</strong> ‒ if you want to group notifications together, so you receive less messages.
+ This is the time in minutes, for how long the system will gather notifications before it sends them by email or xmpp respectively.
+<h2>Password protected values</h2>
+Email, login and new password are protected by the old password.
+If you want to change any of these, you must provide the old password to unlock them.
+<h2>See also</h2>
+You can get a profile by <a href='$HELP_URL$account'>registering it</a>.
+To receive any notifications, you need to <a href='$HELP_URL$notifications'>set them up</a>.