chapter could be modified to bring the complexity of finding the next tree down
to polylogarithmic.
+\paran{Multiple minimum trees}%
+Another nice application of Theorem \ref{kbestthm} is finding all minimum spanning
+trees in a~graph that does not have distinct edge weights.
In case the weights are not distinct, we can easily break ties by comparing some
unique identifiers of edges. According to our characterization of minimum spanning
trees, the unique MST of the new graph will still be a~MST of the original graph.
+Sometimes, we could be interested in finding all solutions, but as this is an~uncommon
+problem, we will postpone it until Section \ref{kbestsect}. For the time being,
+we will always assume distinct weights.
If all edge weights are distinct and $T$~is an~arbitrary tree, then for every tree~$T$ all edges are