+++ /dev/null
-% MJ's TeX Macro Collection
-% (c) 1995--2004 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-% Freely distributable as long as the author's copyright is left intact
-% History:
-% 2.0 (05-11-95) Itemization and list system completely rewritten. Hopefully
-% it's usable now.
-% 2.1 (11-05-96) Added \fixfont.
-% 2.2 (15-02-97) Modified \fixfont not to leave extra spaces.
-% Added \relax at the end of \tt.
-% Added a very limited support for picture drawing.
-% 2.3 (21-05-01) Modified \fixfont to use \fntdesignsize,
-% Added \fntmath(|s|ss)size and used it in \setmath
-% Added \twelvepoint
-% 2.4 (10-07-03) Added \bo
-% 2.5 (27-09-03) Added \verblocaldefs
-% 2.6 (21-03-04) Added \itemspacingrules
-% 2.7 (10-04-04) There were collisions between our \[bB]ig and the same
-% macro used in plain to implement \bigl et al. Now we rename
-% the original \[bB]ig to \plain[bB]ig and re-define \[bB]ig[lrm]
-% to call the renamed version instead.
-% We'll use internal macros of plain TeX
-% Page size definition
-% --------------------
-% Standard A4 dimensions are used. For different set of dimensions, redefine the
-% \setpagesize macro to set everything you want in true units. Don't forget to
-% call the macro immediately to refresh current setting. \magnification can be
-% set prior to inclusion of these macros.
-% Spacing
-% -------
-\parskip=3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
-% We want to override \[bB]ig in plain, so save the original definition
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Font selection system
-% ---------------------
-% The heart of the font selection system is the \setfont macro which selects
-% the current font according to the following settings:
-% \fntprefix - font name prefix (usually cm or cs)
-% \fntdesignsize - font design size in points (normally 10)
-% \fnttokprefix - prefix of control sequence the font is assigned to ('ten')
-% \fntmag - font magnification factor
-% \fnttoksuffix - control sequence suffix ('A' to 'G' according to mag)
-% \fntstyle - font name suffix determining font style ('bx', 'r' etc.)
-%\immediate\write-1{aa \the\toks0=\fntprefix\fntstyle\fntdesignsize\space scaled \fntmag}%
-\global\expandafter\font\the\toks0=\fntprefix\fntstyle\fntdesignsize\space scaled \fntmag%
-\setfont % Initialize the whole mechanism
-%\immediate\write-1{bb \the\toks0=#4#2#3\space scaled \fntmag}%
-\global\expandafter\font\the\toks0=#4#2#3\space scaled \fntmag%
-% Call \fixfont to fix lineskip, math fonts and the strut box
-\multiply\mjtempcount by \fntmag
-\multiply\normalbaselineskip by \mjtempcount
-\divide\normalbaselineskip by 100
-\multiply\normallineskip by \mjtempcount
-\divide\normallineskip by 100
-\multiply\dimen0 by \mjtempcount
-\divide\dimen0 by 100
-\multiply\dimen1 by \mjtempcount
-\divide\dimen1 by 100
-\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height\dimen0 depth\dimen1 width\z@}}
-% You can use the following macros to change the magnification:
-\def\normal{\def\fntmag{\magstep0}\def\fnttoksuffix{A}\setfont} % Normal size
-\def\halflarge{\def\fntmag{\magstephalf}\def\fnttoksuffix{b}\setfont} % Magstephalf
-\def\large{\def\fntmag{\magstep1}\def\fnttoksuffix{B}\setfont} % Magstep 1
-\def\Huge{\def\fntmag{\magstep6}\def\fnttoksuffix{G}\setfont} % Magstep 6
-\def\fm#1{\def\fntmag{\magstep#1}\edef\fnttoksuffix{\ifcase #1 A\or B\or C%
-\or D\or E\or F\or G\fi}\setfont} % User mag
-% And to change the style:
-\def\rm{\fam\z@\def\fntstyle{r}\setfont} % Roman
-\def\it{\fam\itfam\def\fntstyle{ti}\setfont} % Italic
-\def\bo{\fam\bffam\def\fntstyle{b}\setfont} % Bold
-\def\bf{\fam\bffam\def\fntstyle{bx}\setfont} % Bold extended
-\def\ss{\def\fntstyle{ss}\setfont} % Sans serif
-\hyphenchar\currentfont=-1\relax} % Typewriter
-\def\sc{\def\fntstyle{csc}\setfont} % Caps and small caps
-\def\ssi{\def\fntstyle{ssi}\setfont} % Sans serif italic
-\def\sl{\fam\slfam\def\fntstyle{sl}\setfont} % Slanted
-\def\ssbf{\def\fntstyle{ssbx}\setfont} % Sans serif bold
-\def\ssdc{\def\fntstyle{ssdc}\setfont} % Sans serif demi condensed
-% Switch to large font set
-% Itemization
-% -----------
-\def\interlistskip{\vskip 3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
-\def\itemspacingrules{\ifitem\advance\leftskip by \parindent\parindent=0pt\itemfalse\fi
-\advance\leftskip by 2.5em}
-\parskip=1pt plus 0.3pt minus 0.1pt
-\def\itemize#1{\inititemize\setbox\itembox\llap{#1\hskip 0.4em}%
-\def\ibull{\raise0.2ex\hbox{$\bullet$}} % Signs frequently used for \itemize
-\def\numbereditem{\par\leavevmode\advance\itemcount by 1
-\llap{\itemnumbering\hskip 0.4em}}
-\def\nalpha{\count@=96\advance\count@ by\itemcount\char\count@)}
-\def\nAlpha{\count@=64\advance\count@ by\itemcount\char\count@)}
-% Additional math functions
-% -------------------------
-\def\mod{\;{\rm mod}\;}
-\def\div{\;{\rm div}\;}
-\def\xor{\;{\rm xor}\;}
-\def\mathbox#1{ % Typeset math formula enclosed in a box.
-\hbox{\vrule height 10pt depth 5pt\hskip3mm\hbox{$#1$}\hskip3mm\vrule }
-% Italic typesetting (automatic \/)
-% ------------------
-% New \frenchspacing, which doesn't leave unwanted spaces in text.
-\def\frenchsp@cing{\sfcode`\.\@m \sfcode`\?\@m \sfcode`\!\@m%
-\sfcode`\:\@m \sfcode`\;\@m \sfcode`\,\@m}
-% Typesetting of one verbatim word
-% --------------------------------
-\gdef\showspaces{\let =\sp@ce}
-\global\let =\ }
-\catcode124=\active % Make | active
-% Typesetting of verbatim text (enclosed in { } )
-% ----------------------------
-\verbglue=3pt plus 1pt minus 0.3pt
-\verblineglue=0pt plus 1.5pt
-\def\v@rbl{\ifnum\vercnt>0\{\fi\global\advance\vercnt by 1\relax}
-\def\v@rbr{\ifnum\vercnt>1\}\else\v@rbend\fi\global\advance\vercnt by -1\relax}
-\rightskip\z@ plus1fil\pretolerance=10000\tolerance=10000\vercnt=0%
-\setbox0=\hbox{\tt\ }\tabwidth=\wd0\multiply\tabwidth by \tabsize
-\def^^I{\leavevmode\egroup\t@b=\wd0\divide\t@b by \tabwidth%
-\multiply\t@b by \tabwidth%
-\advance\t@b by \tabwidth\advance\t@b by -\wd0\box0\hbox to \t@b{}\startb@x}
-% Input file verbatim
-% -------------------
-\def\verbinput#1{\begingroup\v@rbparams\input #1\endgroup}
-% Pictures
-% --------
-% Allowed direction vectors are 0<=x<=6, -6<=y<=6, GCD(x,y)=1
-\def\linechar#1#2{\ifnum #1=0 \hbox to 0pt{\hss\vrule height 10pt\hss}\else
-\ifnum #2=0 \vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width 10pt\vss}\else
-{\count255=#1\multiply\count255 by 8
-\ifnum #2>0 \advance\count255 by #2 \advance\count255 by -9
-\else\advance\count255 by -#2 \advance\count255 by 55\fi
-\def\picture#1#2#3{\initlines\medskip\centerline{\vbox to #2{\hbox to #1{#3\hss}\vss}}\medskip}
-\def\place#1#2#3{{\setbox0=\hbox to 0pt{#3 \hss}\ht0=0pt\dp0=0pt
-\hbox to 0pt{\hskip #1\lower #2\box0\hss}}}
-\def\pl@celine{\ifnum \count255>0 \place{\dimen0}{\dimen1}{\copy0}\advance\dimen0 by \wd0
-\advance\dimen1 by -\ht0 \advance\count255 by -1 \pl@celine\fi}
-\def\placeline#1#2#3#4#5{{\setbox0=\hbox{\linechar{#3}{#4}}\ifnum #4<0\setbox0=\hbox to -\wd0{\hss\box0}\fi
-\def\cplace#1#2#3{\place{#1}{#2}{\hss #3}}
-% Let's hide all internal macros