Let us analyse the time complexity this algorithm by studying properties of its \df{recursion tree.}
The tree describes the subproblems processed by the recursive calls. For any vertex~$t$
of the tree, we denote the number of vertices and edges of the corresponding subproblem~$G_t$
-by~$n_t$ and~$m_t$ respectively. If $m_t>0$, the recursion continues: the left son of~$t$
-corresponds to the call on the sampled subgraph~$H$, the right son to the reduced
-graph~$G'$. The root of the recursion tree is obviously the original graph~$G$, the
-leaves are trivial graphs with no edges.
+by~$n_t$ and~$m_t$ respectively.
+If $m_t>0$, the recursion continues: the left son of~$t$ corresponds to the
+call on the sampled subgraph~$H_t$, the right son to the reduced graph~$G^\prime_t$.
+(Similarly, we use letters subscripted with~$t$ for the state of the other variables
+of the algorithm.)
+The root of the recursion tree is obviously the original graph~$G$, the leaves are
+trivial graphs with no edges.
The Bor\o{u}vka steps together with the removal of isolated vertices guarantee that the number
of vertices drops at least by a~factor of four in every recursive call. The size of a~subproblem~$G_t$
-at level~$\ell$ is therefore at most $n/4^\ell$ and the depth of the tree is at most $\lceil\log_4 n\rceil$.
-As there are no more than~$2^\ell$ subproblems at level~$\ell$, the sum of all~$n_t$'s
-on that level is at most $n/2^\ell$, which is at most~$2n$ summed over the whole tree.
+at level~$i$ is therefore at most $n/4^i$ and the depth of the tree is at most $\lceil\log_4 n\rceil$.
+As there are no more than~$2^i$ subproblems at level~$i$, the sum of all~$n_t$'s
+on that level is at most $n/2^i$, which is at most~$2n$ summed over the whole tree.
For every subproblem~$G_t$, the KKT algorithm spends time $\O(m_t+n_t)$ plus the time
We know from Lemma \ref{contiter} that each Bor\o{u}vka step takes time $\O(m_t+n_t)$.\foot{We
add $n_t$ as the graph could be disconnected.}
-The selection of the edges of~$H$ is straightforward.
-Finding the $F$-heavy edges is not, but we have already shown in Theorem \ref{ramverify}
+The selection of the edges of~$H_t$ is straightforward.
+Finding the $F_t$-heavy edges is not, but we have already shown in Theorem \ref{ramverify}
that linear time is sufficient on the RAM.
\thmn{Worst-case complexity of the KKT algorithm}
The KKT algorithm runs in time $\O(\min(n^2,m\log n))$ in the worst case on the RAM.
+The argument for the $\O(n^2)$ bound is similar to the analysis of the plain
+contractive algorithm. As every subproblem~$G_t$ is a~simple graph, the number
+of its edges~$m_t$ is less than~$n_t^2$. By the previous lemma, we spend time
+$\O(n_t^2)$ there. Summing over all subproblems yields $\sum_t \O(n_t^2) =
+\O((\sum_t n_t)^2) = \O(n^2)$.
+In order to prove the $\O(m\log n)$ bound, it is sufficient to show that the total time
+spent on every level of the recursion tree is $\O(m)$. Suppose that $t$~is a~vertex
+of the recursion tree with its left son~$\ell$ and right son~$r$. Some edges of~$G_t$
+are removed in the Bor\o{u}vka steps, let us denote their number by~$b_t$.
+The remaining edges fall either to~$G_\ell = H_t$, or to $G_r = G^\prime_t$, or possibly
+to both.
+We can observe that the intersection $G_\ell\cap G_r$ cannot be large: The edges of~$H_t$ that
+are not in the forest~$F_t$ are $F_t$-heavy, so they do not end up in~$G_r$. Therefore the
+intersection can contain only the edges of~$F_t$. As there are at most $n_t/4$ such edges,
+we have $m_\ell + m_r + b_t \le m_t + n_t/4$.
+On the other hand, the first Bor\o{u}vka step selects at least $n_t/2$ edges,
+so $b_t \ge n_t/2$. The duplication of edges between $G_\ell$ and~$G_r$ is therefore
+compensated by the loss of edges by contraction and $m_\ell + m_r \le m_t$. So the total
+number of edges per level cannot decrease and it remains to apply the previous lemma.
\thmn{Average-case complexity of the KKT algorithm}
+The expected time complexity of the KKT algorithm on the RAM is $\O(m)$.
+\FIXME{High probability result.}
We could also use a~slightly different formulation of the sampling lemma