'setlastlog' => 'UPDATE users SET logtime = now(), lastlog = ? WHERE id = ?',
'rights' => 'SELECT rightId FROM rights WHERE userId = ?',
'newitem' => 'INSERT INTO locations (id, parent) VALUES(?, ?)',
- 'newcomment' => 'INSERT INTO history (location, owner, discussion, nodename, nodenote) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ 'newhistory' => 'INSERT INTO history (location, owner, discussion, nodename, nodenote) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
'history' => 'SELECT history.id, history.discussion, history.time, history.nodename, history.nodenote, history.seen, users.login FROM history LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON history.owner = users.id WHERE history.location = ? ORDER BY history.time',
'admindump' => 'SELECT
locations.id, locations.name, locations.note, locations.mainhistory, musers.login, main.discussion,
LEFT OUTER JOIN history AS main ON locations.mainhistory = main.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS musers ON main.owner = musers.id WHERE history.seen = "0"
ORDER BY locations.id, history.id
- LIMIT 15',#Dumps new comments with their senders and corresponding main comments and names
+ LIMIT 15',#Dumps new discussion submits with their senders and corresponding main history and names
'delete-hist' => 'DELETE FROM history WHERE id = ?',
'mark-checked' => 'UPDATE history SET seen = 1 WHERE id = ?',
'delete-item' => 'DELETE FROM locations WHERE id = ?',
- 'set-maincomment' => 'UPDATE locations SET
+ 'set-mainhist' => 'UPDATE locations SET
mainhistory = ?,
name = ( SELECT nodename FROM history WHERE id = ? ),
note = ( SELECT nodenote FROM history WHERE id = ? )
return( 'exists', undef ) if( defined( $self->item( $addr->get(), 0 ) ) );
eval {
$self->command( 'newitem', [ $addr->get(), $addr->parent()->get() ] );
- $self->command( 'newcomment', [ $addr->get(), $auth->{'authid'}, $data->{'text'}, $data->{'name'}, $data->{'description'} ] );
+ $self->command( 'newhistory', [ $addr->get(), $auth->{'authid'}, $data->{'text'}, $data->{'name'}, $data->{'description'} ] );
if( $@ ) {
return( '', $self->last() );
-sub submitComment( $$$$ ) {
+sub submitHistory( $$$$ ) {
my( $self, $data, $auth, $address ) = @_;
- $self->command( 'newcomment', [ $address->get(), $auth->{'authid'}, $data->{'text'}, $data->{'name'}, $data->{'description'} ], 1 );
+ $self->command( 'newhistory', [ $address->get(), $auth->{'authid'}, $data->{'text'}, $data->{'name'}, $data->{'description'} ], 1 );
return $self->last();
$self->command( 'delete-item', [ $id ] );
-sub setMainComment( $$$ ) {
- my( $self, $location, $comment ) = @_;
- $self->command( 'set-maincomment', [ $comment, $comment, $comment, $location ] );
+sub setMainHistory( $$$ ) {
+ my( $self, $location, $history ) = @_;
+ $self->command( 'set-mainhist', [ $history, $history, $history, $location ] );
sub resetInfo( $$ ) {
sub pushNotifications( $$$$$ ) {
- my( $self, $location, $comment, $priority, $reason ) = @_;
- $self->command( 'notify', [ $comment, 0, $reason, 0, $priority, $location, $location ] );
- $self->command( 'notify', [ $comment, 1, $reason, 1, $priority, $location, $location ] );
+ my( $self, $location, $history, $priority, $reason ) = @_;
+ $self->command( 'notify', [ $history, 0, $reason, 0, $priority, $location, $location ] );
+ $self->command( 'notify', [ $history, 1, $reason, 1, $priority, $location, $location ] );
$self->command( 'newtime-mail', [ $priority, $location, $location ] );
$self->command( 'newtime-xmpp', [ $priority, $location, $location ] );
if( ( defined( $name ) && ( length $name >= 3 ) ) || ( defined( $text ) && ( $text ne '' ) ) ) { #Submited comment
my $addr = PciIds::Address::new( $loc );
- my $comId = $tables->submitComment( { 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'explanation' => $text }, $auth, $addr );
+ my $comId = $tables->submitHistory( { 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'explanation' => $text }, $auth, $addr );
my $main = defined $name && ( $name ne '' );
notify( $tables, $addr->get(), $comId, $main ? 2 : 0, $main ? 2 : 1 );
$tables->markChecked( $comId );
tulog( $authid, "Comment created (admin) $comId $loc ".logEscape( $name )." ".logEscape( $description )." ".logEscape( $text ) );
if( defined( $name ) && ( length $name >= 3 ) ) {
- $tables->setMainComment( $loc, $comId );
+ $tables->setMainHistory( $loc, $comId );
tulog( $authid, "Item main comment changed $loc $comId" );
$action = 'keep';
} #Ignore if it was already deleted by superitem
} elsif( my( $setId ) = ( $action =~ /set-(.*)/ ) ) {
next if( $deleted{$setId} );
- $tables->setMainComment( $loc, $setId );
+ $tables->setMainHistory( $loc, $setId );
notify( $tables, $loc, $setId, 2, 2 );
tulog( $authid, "Item main comment changed $loc $setId" );
markAllChecked( $tables, $i, \%deleted, $authid );