year = "1990"
+@article{ boas:vebt,
author = {Peter van Emde Boas},
title = {Preserving Order in a Forest in Less Than Logarithmic Time
and Linear Space.},
publisher = {Intel Corp.},
xxx = {available online at}
+@article{ hagerup:dd,
+ title={{Deterministic Dictionaries}},
+ author={Hagerup, T. and Miltersen, P.B. and Pagh, R.},
+ journal={J. Algorithms},
+ volume={41},
+ number={1},
+ pages={69--85},
+ year={2001}
+@article{ fredman:sst,
+ title={{Storing a Sparse Table with 0 (1) Worst Case Access Time}},
+ author={Fredman, M.L. and Koml{\'o}s, J. and Szemer{\'e}di, E.},
+ journal={Journal of the ACM (JACM)},
+ volume={31},
+ number={3},
+ pages={538--544},
+ year={1984},
+ publisher={ACM Press New York, NY, USA}
+@book{ motwani:randalg,
+ title={{Randomized Algorithms}},
+ author={Motwani, R. and Raghavan, P.},
+ year={1995},
+ publisher={Cambridge University Press}
+@article{ fw:fusion,
+ title={{Surpassing the information theoretic bound with fusion trees}},
+ author={Fredman, M.L. and Willard, D.E.},
+ journal={Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
+ volume={47},
+ number={3},
+ pages={424--436},
+ year={1993},
+ publisher={Academic Press, Inc. Orlando, FL, USA}
+@article{ han:detsort,
+ title={{Deterministic sorting in O (nlog log n) time and linear space}},
+ author={Han, Y.},
+ journal={Proceedings of the thiry-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing},
+ pages={602--608},
+ year={2002},
+ publisher={ACM Press New York, NY, USA}
+@article{ hanthor:randsort,
+ title={{Integer Sorting in 0 (n sqrt (log log n)) Expected Time and Linear Space}},
+ author={Han, Y. and Thorup, M.},
+ journal={Proceedings of the 43rd Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science},
+ pages={135--144},
+ year={2002},
+ publisher={IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA}
When speaking of the \df{RAM,} we implicitly mean the version with numbers limited
by a~specified word size of $W$~bits, unit cost of operations and memory cells and the instruction
set of the Word-RAM. This corresponds to the usage in recent algorithmic literature,
-although the authors rarely mention the details.
+although the authors rarely mention the details. In some cases, a~non-uniform variant
+of the Word-RAM is considered as well (e.g., in~\cite{hagerup:dd}):
+A~Word-RAM is called \df{weakly non-uniform,} if it is equipped with $\O(1)$-time
+access to a~constant number of word-sized constants, which depend only on the word
+size. These are called \df{native constants} and they are available in fixed memory
+cells when the program starts. (By analogy with the high-level programming languages,
+these constants can be thought of as computed at ``compile time.'')
The \df{Pointer Machine (PM)} also does not have any well established definition. The
of the program, $\O(\log N)$-bit integers suffice.
+There are also \df{randomized} versions of both machines. These are equipped
+with an~additional instruction for generating a~single random bit. The standard
+techniques of design and analysis of randomized algorithms then apply (see for
+example Motwani and Raghavan~\cite{motwani:randalg}).
+\FIXME{Consult sources. Does it make more sense to generate random words at once on the RAM?}
There is one more interesting machine: the \df{Immutable Pointer Machine} (see
the description of LISP machines in \cite{benamram:pm}). It differs from the
+\section{Data structures on the RAM}
+There is a~lot of data structures designed specifically for the RAM, taking
+advantage of both indexing and arithmetic. In many cases, they surpass the known
+lower bounds for the same problem on the~PM and often achieve constant time
+per operation, at least when either the magnitude of the values or the size of
+the data structure are suitably bounded.
+A~classical result of this type are the trees of van Emde Boas~\cite{boas:vebt},
+which represent a~subset of the integers $\{0,\ldots,U-1\}$, allowing insertion,
+deletion and order operations (minimum, maximum, successor etc.) in time $\O(\log\log U)$,
+regardless of the size of the subset. If we plug this structure in the Jarn\'\i{}k's
+algorithm (\ref{jarnik}), replacing the heap, we immediately get an~algorithm
+for finding the MST in integer-weighted graphs in time $\O(m\log\log w_{max})$,
+where $w_{max}$ is the maximum weight. We will show later that it is even
+possible to achieve linear time complexity for arbitrary integer weights.
+A~real breakthrough has been made by Fredman and Willard, who introduced
+the Fusion trees~\cite{fw:fusion} which again perform membership and predecessor
+operation on a~set of integers, but this time with complexity $\O(\log_W n)$
+per operation on a~Word-RAM with $W$-bit words. This of course assumes that
+each element of the set fits in a~single word. As $W$ is at least~$\log n$,
+the operations take $\O(\log n/\log\log n)$ and we are able to sort integers
+in time~$o(n\log n)$. This was a~beginning of a~long sequence of faster and
+faster integer sorting algorithms, culminating with the work by Thorup and Han.
+They have improved the time complexity to $\O(n\log\log n)$ deterministically~\cite{han:detsort}
+and expected $\O(n\sqrt{\log\log n})$ for randomized algorithms~\cite{hanthor:randsort},
+both in linear space.
+Despite the recent progress, the corner-stone of most RAM data structures
+is still the representation of data structures by integers introduced by Fredman
+and Willard and it will also form a~basis for the rest of this chapter.
+\FIXME{Add more history.}
\section{Bits and vectors}