@article { jarnik:ojistem,
- author = "Vojtech Jarn\'\i{}k",
+ author = "Vojt\v{e}ch Jarn\'\i{}k",
title = "{O jist\'em probl\'emu minim\'aln\'\i{}m (About a Certain Minimal Problem)}",
journal = "Pr\'ace mor. p\v{r}\'\i{}rodov\v{e}d. spol. v~Brn\v{e}",
volume = "VI",
\:A~subgraph $H\subseteq G$ is called a \df{spanning subgraph} if $V(H)=V(G)$.
\:A~\df{spanning tree} of $G$ is any its spanning subgraph which is a tree.
\:For any subgraph $H\subseteq G$ we define its \df{weight} $w(H):=\sum_{e\in E(H)} w(e)$.
+ When comparing two weights, we will use the terms \df{lighter} and \df{heavier} in the
+ obvious sense.
\:A~\df{minimum spanning tree (MST)} of~$G$ is a spanning tree~$T$ such that its weight $w(T)$
is the smallest possible of all the spanning trees of~$G$.
\:For a disconnected graph, a \df{(minimum) spanning forest (MSF)} is defined as